Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,689 pages of information and 247,075 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Journal

From Graces Guide
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.
The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Patent Journal Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1876 Jul-Dec: Index

View the Volumes referred to by this index


Being a Complete List of all Ike Patents applied for or granted during the six months ending December, 1876.

Abbay, R., Blotting Pads, 332

Abel, C. D., Automatic Feeding Apparatus for Boilers, 369

Abel, C. D., Boilers, 264

Abel, C. D., Brushes and Combs, 16

Abel, C. D., Extinguishing Sparks, 281

Abel, C. D., Floating Lights, 419

Abel, C. D., Indicating Speed of Ships, 369

Abel, C. D., Inkstands, 282

Abel, C. D., Motive Power. 246

Abel, C. D., Treating Sewage 435

Abel, C. D., Wrought Metal Plates, 369

Abercrombie, J., Wheels, 264

Adams, A. W., Refrigerating, 282

Adams, J. H., Boilers and Tubes. 435

Adamson, W. B, Cutting and Dressing Stone, 212

Adie, P., Astronomical and Surveying Instruments, 52

Adkins, F., Spades and Shovels, 263

Ahrbecker, H. C., Fluid Meters, 332

Ahronsberg, J., Railway Brakes, 230

Ainley, II., Weaving, 192

Ajax and France, Fastenings for Stays, 386

Aiderman, A. J., Ships’ Cables, 263

Alexander, E. P., Boots and Shoes, 34

Alexander, E. P., Fabrics, 436

Alexander, E. P., Paving, 402

Alexander, E. P., Treating Wool, Silk, &c., 136

Alexander and Lansley, Boilers, 34

Allan, G., Damping Paper, 300

Allcock, T , Chaff-cutting, 34

Allen, A. IL, Smelting, 435

Allen, J. F., Riveting, 212

Allen, T., Boxes for Matches, &c., 136

Alley, 8., Valves, 350

Allin, S. S., Roller Skates, 386

Allix, G., Roller Skates, 34

Anderson, A., Sewing Machines, 435

Anderson, C., Joints for Pipes, 102

Anderson, G., Ventilating, 332

Anderson, R. C., Safety Valves, 452

Anderson, R. C., Valves, 246

Anderson and Thirsk, Grinding, 212

Anderson, W., Gas Furnaces, 34

Andrews, S., Fastenings for Mill Banding.


Andrews, W., Stop Valves, 436

Andrew, W. II., Spades, Shovels, &c.. 34

Ann, II. R., Boxes for Matches, &c., 435

Anson, W.. Small Arms, 402

Apperley, J., Engines, 212

Applegarth, R., Electric Light. 246

Appleyard, T. W. and W. K., Treating Hides, 16

Aragon. J. P. de, Needles, 369

Arding, F., Joints for Pipes 153

Armit, R. IL. Screw Propellers, 263

Armit and Wickens, Ships. 452

Artingstall, F. D., Spring Balances, 436

Ashcroft, J., Markers for Games, 436

Ashenhurst, J. T., Castors, 212

Ashing, E. E., Fastenings for Wearing A] parel, 212

Ash well, J. R., Dyeing Hosiery Goods, 419

Ashworth, G. and R. and E.. Carding, 300

Aspinwall, L. A., Digging, 300

Aspinwall, L. A., Digging Potatoes, 386

Atkinson. G. T., Horseshoes. 386

Atterbury, J. H., Bricks and Tiles, 34

Aubert, A., Screw Propellers, 332

Aulagnier, C. L., Watches, 16

Austin, T., Controlling Exchange of Gold

Coin for Silver, &o., 16

Austin and Smith, Rack for Billiard Cues, 452

A yd on, H., Needles, Gill and Heckle Pins, 452

Bailey, G., Planing, Shaping, &c., 300

Bailey, J. B., Paper Tubes, 300

Bailey, N. 8., Castors for Furniture, 452

Bailey, T., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 192

Baird and McPherson, Lubricating, 85

Bagnall, 8., Doubling. 136

Bagnall and Taylor, Dress and Curtain Holders, 212

Baker, H., Cutting and Chopping Suet, &c., 103

Baker, W., Iron and Steel, 300

Balcon, W., Lamplighter, 349

Baldwin, T., Pressure Gauges, 174

Ball, C. J., Carriage Shafts, 299

Ball, C. J., Finishing Fabrics, 52

Bamlett, A. C., Reaping and Mowing, 263

Banks and Wright, Armour Plating, 102

Barber, F., Furnaces, 16

Barber, L. L., Sewing Machines, 34

Barber, R., Fire-places, 34

Barber and Crocker, Sleighs for Rinks, 192

Barclay and Sellar, Cultivating and Digging, 103

Barcroft, H., Fabrics, 332

Bardsley, J., Cramps for Floors, 102

Barham, H., Glazing Roofs, 369

Barker, E. D., Railway Brakes, 85

Barker, F., Wheels, 436

Barker, W. and T., Carding, 369

Barlow, H. B., Malting, 84

Barlow, H. B., Ventilating Millstone Cases, 436

Barnes, F., Rolling Stock, 264

Barnes, J., Meters, 316

Barnes, Crossland, and Westley, Sizing and Drying, 452

Barr, J., Castors, 435

Barr, J., Ironing Table, 386

Barraclough, J., Looms, 369

Barrett, W. F., Safes, 212

Barron, H. S., Boiler, 369

Barrow, T , Smoke Consuming, &c., 316

Bartlett and Murray, Types, 154

Basire and Howell, Fireplaces and Fuel, 386

Batchelor, H. and T., Working Drawings, 34

Bate, H., Clipping Horses, 16

Bate, H., Velocipedes, 300

Batley, Keats, Green, and Neil, Boots and Shoes, 350

Batten, GrifTm, and Prudencio, Bottles foi Aerated Liquids, 435

Baudoin and Bombart, Stenography, 2}0

Baumgarten, E., Grinding Drills, 85

Baumgarten, F. W. A., Umbrellas ant Parasols, 419

I Baur, J., Steel, 316

Baville and Greenwood, Screw-cutting Machinery, 436

Bawtinhimer, P. M., Digging Potatoes, 16

Baxter, W. H., Weighing and Measuring, 102

Bay, C. S. de, Propellers, 52

Bayer and Jahn, Cleaning Boots, 16

Baylis, C., Corkscrews, 212

Beadle, G., Roller Skates, 85

Beaumont, W. W., Roller Skates, 136

Beart, W. F., Drying Sheds, 435

Beard and Stephenson, Washing, 300

Beale, J., Brakes, 212

Beck, W. EL, Boots and Shoes, 85

Beck, W. H., Furnaces, 16

Becks, A. T., Preventing Corrosion in

Boilers, 281

Beck and Yates, Reefing Sails, 282

Beckett, F. R., Valves, 16

Beddow and Sturmey, Locks, 212, 301

Beer, B., Drawing, Sketching, &c., 349

Bell, F. J., Propelling, 174

Bell, jun., H., Grinding Com, 174

Belleville, J. F., Inexplosive Boilers, 435

Bennett, J., Billiards, 230

Bennett, J. J., Ferules for Umbrellas, <fcc., 230

Bennett, R., Scouring Needles, <fcc., 85

Bennett, jun., R., Finishing Needles, 119

Benson, G., Embroidering and Veining, 34

Benson and Hickton, Jacquarding, 246

Benstead and Greig, Reaping, 68

Bentley, D., Motive rower, 16

Ber, O., Shutting Cocks, 212

Berger, E. A., Games—Cricket Bats, 316

Berry, B , Looms, 212

Bertrom, J., Boxes for Cigar Ashes, 332

Besnard, J. L., Stoppers for Aerated Waters, 53

Betteley, J. H., Nuts and Bolts, 436

Bezer, H., Rinks, 282

Bezer, H , Registering, 246

Bickerdike and Bowdler, Varnish, 136

Bicycles (See also Velocipedes)

Bidder, S. P., Telegraphy, 119

Biemanns, L., Albums, 419

Biggin, J., Treating Hides, 52

Biggs, J. H. W., Evaporating Brine, 386

Biggs, T., Cleaning Boots and Shoes, 436

Binns, L., Ropes, Cords, &c., 349

Binns, R. W. and C. F., Kilns, 369

Birch, W., Squeezing Machines, 316

Bird, F. J., Elevators, 349

Bird, F. J., Opening Tins, 36.1

Bird, F. J.. Valve Motion, 435

Birkett, T., Taps and Cocks, 402

Bishop, C. K. K., Organs, 192

Black, P., Railway Wheels, 369

Black, T., Safety Valves, 332

Blackett, W., Bench Sawing, 85

Blackley, J., Fixing Sashes, 34

Blain, J. C., Rotary Engine, 136

Blake, J., Valves, 402

Blake and Tebbs, Flower, &c , Pots, 402

Blakey, J., Boots, Shoes and Clogs, 419

Blamires, T. H., Taps, Valves and Ventilators, 34

Blamphin, J. N., Perambulators, 174

Bland, M. H., Diving, 68

Blogg, W. G., Locks, 332

Blood, W. B., Tricycles, 386

Bloomfield, J. C., Bricks and Tiles, 212

Blott, W., Rockets, 34

Bluemel, C. A., Graining Wood, 16

Blundell, G. T. and T. W., Pumps, 261

Boddington, H., jun ., Apparatus for Rousing Fermenting Liquors, 230

Bolton, Blackett and Ashwell, Castings, 102

Bomford, E. G. C., Growing Hops, 174

Bond, F. T., Filtering, 68

Bond, F. T , Sulphurous Acid Gas, 452

Bonneville, H. A., Breech-loading Firearms, 386

Bonneville, H A., Indicating Speed, 16

Bonneville, II. A., Musical Instruments, 192

Bonta, J. W., Furnaces, 119

Bonwick, W. P., Velocipedes, 212

Bottomley and Smith, Spinning and Doubling, 369

Boulton, M. P. W., Engines, 263

Boulton, M. P. W., Motive Power, 332

Boutet, T. C., Aero-hydrostatic Engine, 452

Bouton, C. A., Air Brakes, 230, 402

Bowker, W.» Boiler Tube Ferule Extractor, 174

Bowker, W., Blow-off Cocks, 154

Bowker, W., Screwing, Tube-cutting, and Nut-tapping, 68

Bowman, H., Propellers, 386

Bowman, J., Cleaning Rails, 386

Bowman, T. J., Ventilating Bats, 85

Bown, W., Roller Skates, 192

Bown, W.. Sewing Machine Shuttles, 282

Bowra and Zeden, Elastic Materials, 282

Boyes, W., Purifying and Heating Water, 369

Brailsford, T. R., Rail and Tramway Carriages, 212

Braithwaite, W., Actuating Signals, 402

Bradford, T., Washing and Peeling Vegetables, 263

Bradley and Campbell, Combing, 386

B) aidwood, J, II., Tires, &c , 436

Bramall, H., Bessemer Steel, 136

Brauer, E , Friction Gearing, 386

Breffit and Edwards, Stoppers for Bottles, 386

Brewer, E. G., Centrifugal Drying Machines, 436

Brewer, E. G., Electric Light, 246

Brewer, E. G., Fire Engines, 299

Brewer, E. G., Moulding, 34

Brewer, E. G., Organ Pipes, 119

Brewer, E, G., Permanent Way, 332

Brewer, E. G., Printing, 174

Brewer, E. G , Raising and Lowering, 281

Brewer, E. G., Roller Skates, 102

Brewer, E. G., Signalling, 85

Brewer, E. G., Telegraphy, 230

Brewer, E. G , Treating Wool, 16

Brewer, W. and R. T., Ornamenting Leather, 300

Brierley, J. and W. W., Points, 264

Brierley, J. and W., Railway Switches and Points, 212

Brice, W. A., Advertising, 299

Brice, W. A., Disengaging Ships’ Boats, 192

Brice, W. A., Fountain Pens, 263

Brice, W. A., Lowering Ships’ Boats, 264,

Brice, W. A., Photography, 192

Briggs, A. L., Treating Fibres, 316

Briggs, R. B , Waterproofing Leather, 300

Brinsmead, H., Carriages, 34

Briscoe and Ormond, Military Saddles, 16

Brittain. H., Windows for Carriages, 264

Brochocki, Comte T. de D., Concrete, 402

Brock, C., Imitation Malachite, tec., 136

Brocklebank, T. A., Couplings, 102

Brode, L. A., Artificial Stone, 264

Brodribb, W. A., Cleaning and Sweeping

Streets, 349

Brook, L., Cans, &c., 452

Brook and Wilson, Gas, 316

Brooke, E., Blocks for Drains and Sewers, 402

Brookes, A. G., Copying Presses, 102

Brookes, H. J., Metallic Nuts, 349

Brookes, W., Padlocks, 281

Brookes, W., Taking Samples, 16

Brooks, II , Music Stools, 386

Brooks, H., Pianofortes, 264

Brookman, H. W., Convertible Bedsteads, 436

Brooks and Cooper, Anvils, 386

Brooks and Harrison, Spinning and Doubling, 436

Brotherhood, P., Compressing Air, 174

Browett and Harrison, Velocipedes, 264

Brown, E., Bedsteads and Cots, 452

Brown, J. W., Telegraphy, 85

Brown, R., Candlesticks, 52

Brown, W. M., Envelopes, 85

Brown, Dean, ana Orrah, Treating Fibres, 349

Browne, A., Bathing Apparatus, 174

Browne, A., Driving Machinery, 435

Browne, A., Painting Fabrics, 154

Browne, A., Silk, 212

Rrowne, A., Tablets for Memoranda, 192

Browne, A., Varnish, 34

Brown and Woodcock, Spinning. 369

Broy, G., Cutting and iurning, 264

Brueton, H., Pens, 153

Brundage, E. L., Forging Nails, &c., 174

Brunt, J., Motive Power, 264

Brunton, J. D., Tunnelling and Shaftsinking, 34

Buchanan, C., Lithographic Printing, 136

Buchanan, G., Fibres, 300

Buchholz, J. A. A., Hulling and Polishing Grain, 349

Buck and Duck, Preparing Cotton as an Absoibent, 68

Buckett, J and W. T., Engines, 3S6

Buckley and Hildebrandt, Looms and Jacquards, 350

Buckland, C., Screening and Shuting, 85

Budd, G., Umbrellas and Parasols, 282

Budenberg, A., Governors, 119

Bullock, J. E., Attachments to Ploughs, 332 • ’ .

Bullock, J., Wearing Apparel — Shirt

Fronts, <fcc., 452

Burden and Nowell, Meters, 349

Burgess, W. J. and C. T., Reaping and

Mowing, 84

Burn, R., Railway Signals, 452

Bums, W., Cocks and Taps, 230

Burrell, R. G., Engines, 435

Burridge, J., Tiles, 369

Burt, P., Dressing Stone, 282

Burton, C., Shuttles, 136

Bury, D., Looms, 263

Bussey, G. G., Stoppers and Taps, 230

Butchart, J., Fabrics, 174

Butler, G., Furnaces, 332, 452

Butler, J. H., Wrought Iron Axle Pulley for Sashes, 453

Butler. J. O. and A. E. II. B., Grinding and Polishing, 174

Butler, J. O. and A. E. H. B., Rolling Machinery, 386

✓utler, J. S., Aniline Dyes, 436

Butler, J. S , Fibres, 452

Butterworth, Dickinson, and Catlow, Looms, 300

Byrne, F. W., Marking-out Ground, 151

By water, W , Twisting, 264

Cail, R., Piers and Foundations, 452

Galantarients, J A , Rinks, 34

Calder wood, J., Utilising Sulphuric Acid

Tar, 53

Caldwell, G. C., Hydraulic Propellers, 136

Caldwell, J., Ointments and Unguents, 192

Callas, H., Blind Rollers, 85

Callas, H., Flues, 85

Cameron, R. M , Convertible Desks, 369

Cammack, W. and R., Fastenings for

Wearing Apparel, 34

Camroux, M. O., Tobacco Pipes, 332

Cane, R., Portable Bedsteads, Arc., 174

Cardozo, H. G., Stoppering Buttles, &c 192

Carmien, P. J., Castors, 332

Carpenter and Sabell, Vehicles—Dogcarts, 68

Carr£ and Jullien, Refrigerating, 230

Carriere, P.. Chronometrical Governor, 386

Carter, W. A., Incinerating Furnaces, 350

Carter and Warren, Roller Skates, 332

Casstles, J., Moulding, 136

Casswell, J. G., Roller Skates, 436

Cathels, E. S., Purifying Gas, 136

Cattlin, A., Roller Skates, 212

Challis, A. B., Railway Signalling, 212

Chalmers, W., Windows, 119

Chamberlain, F., Bricks and Tiles, 212

Chandler, N., Kettles, 386

Chaninel, E. C., Fastenings for Cravats, 300

Chapitel, C , Breaking and Crushing, 136

Chapman and Carr, Railway Wagons, Pit

Corves, &c., 369

Chapman, L , Planing, 119

Chapman and Watson, Presses, 53

Charpentier, P., Furnaces, 192

Chatwin, J., Gas Burners, 230

Cherry, H , Iron and Steel Chain, 316

Cherry, N. P. and C. E., Gas, 453

Child, 8., Roller Skates, 16

Christian-Duclos, P , Stoppers for Bottles, 402

Christie, D. A., Cutting Chaff, Hay, <fcc., 369

Christie, J. J., Rolling Machinery, 52

Christophe, A.. Fire Escapes. 212

Churchill, F., Water-closet Fittings, 332

Chutter, T. and G. F.. Signalling, 282

Clapham, T. and W., Tunnels, 34

Clare, T. D., Autographic Printing, 212

Clark, A., Raising and Lowering, 386

Clark, A. M., Advertising, 246

Clark, A. M., Artificial Flowers, Foliage, &c., 350

Clark, A. M , Boots and Shoes, 16

Clark, A. M., Brakes and Wheels, 419

Clark, A. M., Coffee, Pulping, 53

Clark, A. M., Colouring Matters and Sugar,

16, 34

Clark, A. M., Combined Calendar and

Timepiece, 16

Clark, A. M., Cutting Leather Edges, 281

Clark, A. M., Cupola Furnaces, 386

Clark, A. M., Dynamo-Electric and Magneto-Electric Machines, 192

Clark, A. M., Electric Light Buoy, 386

Clark, A. M., Evaporating and Incinerating, 34

Clark, A. M., Fastenings for Bags. 16

Clark, A. M., Fastenings for Gloves. 230

Clark, A. M., Feed Apparatus for Nail

making Machines, 436

Clark, A. M., Fire Extinguishing, 369

Clark, A. M., Flock Papers, 281

Clark, A. M., Folding Chairs, 102

Clark, A. M., Hats, 16

Clark, A. M., Heat, 119

Clark, A. M., Horse Collars, 84

Clark, A. M., Gas from Water, 369

Clark. A. M., Gases, 174

Clark, A. M., Gymnastics, 332

Clark, A. M., Keyless Repeating Watches, 84

Clark, A. M., Motive Power, 246

Clark, A. M., Ornamenting Match Boxes, 174

Clark, A. M., Pens, 452

Clark, A. M., Permanent Way, 119, 174.

Clark, A. M., Planing, 212

Clark, A. M , Printing, 16

Clark, A. M., Printing Fabrics 212

Clark, A. M., Printing and Folding Newspapers, 350

Clark, A. M., Purifying Gas, 212

Clark, A. M , Railway Couplings, 436

Clark, A. M., Railway Wheels, 16

Clark, A. M,. Refrigerators, 332

Clark, A. M., Rolling Stock, 435

Clark, A. M., Screw Threads, 52, 282

Clark, A. M‘, Shafts and Poles, 369

Clark, A. M», Soldering Tins, 332

Clark, A. M., Spray Apparatus in Decomposing Water, 350

Clark, A. M., Starting Gear for Vehicles, 212

Clark, A. M., Treating Fibres and Fabrics, I 436

Clark, A. M., Treating Grain, 282, 386

Clark, A. M., Treating Saccharine Syrups,

<fcc., 402

Clark, A. M., Turbines, 16

Clark, A. M., Water Meters 84

Clark, A. M., Waterproofing, 52

Clark, A. M., Washing Barrels, <fcc , 119

Clark, A. M., Washing Minerals, 369

Clark, A. M., Wheels, 386

Clark, A. W., Decorticating, 68

Clark, E., Wearing Apparel, 153

Clark, G., Axles, 212

Clark, J., Coating Metals, 212

Clark, J., Thread, 369

Clark, J. G. and W., Roller Skates, 52

Clark, 8. W., Hand Signal Lamps, 102

Cla»k, W., Cases for Sash Pulleys, 103

Clark, W., Fabrics, 230

Clark, W., Indicator for Engines, 174

Clark, W., Roller Skates, 216

Clark, W., Shearing. 263

Clark, W., Tea and Coffee, 68

Clark, W. C. S., Tell-Tale Clocks, 85

Clarke, F. R., Cutter Blocks. 246

Clarke, J. A.. Cultivating. 246, 281

Clarkson, T. C., Cases for Pontoons, Boats,

&c., 332

Clarkson, J. C., Ordnance 402

Claus and Lowndes, Cleaning, 332

Clayton and Shuttleworth, Adjusting Por

table Machinery, 136

Clayton and Shuttleworth, Traction Engines, 281

Cleminson, J., Axles and Brakes, 119

Clifton, H, T. F., Barrows, Trucks, &c,

402 1

Clough. 8., Shuttles, 34

^°ats> T-> Fire Extinguishers, 485 cook, S„ Sharpening Saws, 85

Wire F' aUd R R tempering Steel

Cockshott, J., Dispensing, 103

Coe, W J Safety Alarms for Boilers, 264 co.e, H J Cleaning Ships’ Bottoms. 263 Coles, J.. Heating Water, 299

Cole J., Magnetic Apparatus for Curative Purposes, 369

Coleby, T., Drying, 85

Coleman and Bird, Couplings. 85

Coleman and Bird, Reaping and Mowing 84 °

Coleman and Bird, Spring Travellers for Sh ps, 246

Coleman, E. J., Engines, 85

Coleman, II. S., Boilers, 453

Collett and Denans, Purifying, &c Liquids, 282

Collett, J. K., Paving, 34

Collins, E., Feeding Bottles, 34

Collins, J., Looms, 419

Collis. F. W., Gas, 16

Coltman, T., Knitted Fabrics, 263

Combe, J., Winding Cops, 34

Comber, W. A., Fire-lighters, 332

Comber, W. A , Pulleys, 174

Connell, J., Cultivating, 282

Connell, W., Printing, 212

Connolly, J. T., Cigar Holders, 34 Conquest, W., Bookbinding, 436 Conquest, W., Paper Folding, 119 Conrad, J. C., Treating Ores, 174 Coode. Sir J., Dredging, 16 Cook, H. W., Motive Power, 16, 452 Cook, S., Looms, 136

Cook, W., Cutting Wood, 332

Cooke, W. H., Pegs for Stringed Instruments, 402

Cooper, F., Piled Fabrics, 436

Cooper, J., Lace, 192

Corbet, J. M., Reels for Fishing Rods, 230 Corbett, J. W., Bricks and Tiles, 332 Cordingley, W., Smoke Consuming, 85 Correa, J. S.. Propellers, 34

Costa, F. J., Venetian Blinds, 369

Cotterill. T., Utilising Waste Products, 16 Cotton, J. R., Pipe Plugs, 34

Coulson, J., Traction Engines, 85 Coulthard, J. T., Safety Valves, 174 Couper and Richardson, Lenses, 84 Courtney, J., Checks and Tickets, 452 Courtot, C. M . Acoustic Signals, 3 <2 Cousin, C., Indicating Leaks in Ships, 52 Cousins and Brown, Railway Points, 212 Cowdery, C., Atmospheric Brakes, 1’9 Cowell, El. A, Hats, 300

Cowper, E. A., Alarms for Safes, 85

Cowper, E. A., Centrifugal Machines, 264 Cowper, E. A., Cutting Coal, 174 Cox, J., Ordnance, 300

Cox, R. E., Feeding Printing Machines, 68 Cox, T. B., Steel Lasting Tticks 34 Coxhead and Steers, Screw Heads, 436 Coxon, J. N., Determining Angles of

Engine Eccentrics, 34

Crabtree, J., Dredging and Excavating, 212

Crabtree, W., Looms, 154

Craig, J., Sewing Machines, 192

Cranston, W. M., Harvesting, 136

Cranston, W. M., Thrashing and Straw Binding, 103

Crawford, W., Bleaching and Dyeing, 300

Crichley and Mason, Chandeliers and Lamps, 34

Crombie, D., Fire-lighters, 435

Crossby, W. K., Roller Skates, 136

Cross, J. P., Sin-eing Fabrics, 369

Crossley, S., Cleaning Cotton, &c., Machinery, 85

Crowley, J. S., Buckles and Keepers, 435"

Croysdale, W., DyeingWoolin Indigo Vats, 369

Cunningham, A., Measuring Tapes, 50

Cunningham, A., Waterproof Garments, 52

Cutlan, J., Sewing Machines, 212

Cutler, D., Solitaires, Studs, &c., 386

Cuyer, E., Raising Sunken Ships, 264

Dack, W. N., Boilers, 386

Dallison, J. K., Skating, 16

Dalston, A. D. T., Sewing Machines, 34

Dalziel, T. B., Heating, 299

Daniel, E. R., Bar Iron, 16

Danischewski, S., Invalids’’Bedsteads, 212

Danischewski, 8., Motive Power, 316

Danks, J. R., Feeding Cut Nail Machines, 230

Dann, J. T., Lighting and Extinguishing, 16

Dann, J. T., Permanent Way, 369

Darlington, J., Percussive Rock Drills, 349

Davey, H., Compound Pumping Engines, 85

Davey, H., Hydraulic Engines, 369

Davidson, D., Boilers 300

Davies, G., Bricks and Tiles, 34

Davies and Higgins. Alarm Signals, 212

Davis and Aitken, Treating Pnosphates of Alumina and Iron, 349

Davis, G. D., Steering, 369

Davis, H. J., Lubricating Skates, &c., 435

Davis, J., Engines, 192

Davis, L., Wearing Apparel — Woollen Shirts, 230

Davis, P, W., Raising Sunken Vessels, 68

Davison, W., Brakes, 452

Davy, C.j Straightening Permanent Way, 436

Dawbarn, C., Window Blinds, 263

Dawson and Allen, Fastenings for Dress, 386

Day, C. A., Printing in Colours, 246

Day, J. A., Attachments for Roller Blinds, &c., 136

Day, St. J. V., Telegraphy, 264

Deacon, G. F., Valves, 16

Deakin, J., Cowls, 34

Dean, J., Fireplaces, Boilers, and Taps, 419

Dearden, J., Spinning and Doubling, 192

Dee, H. W., Cigar, &c., Cases, 85

Deiss and Scaife, Treating India-rubber

Resins, &c., 102

Delair, L., Roller Skates, 34

Demoncheaux E., Embroidering, 68

Denham, C., Cutting Leather, 34

Desgoffe, J. A., Telegraph Posts, 174

Dewar and Crichton, Digging Turnips, 192

Dewar, J., Telegraphy, 102

Dewhurst, H., Fabrics, 402

Dewrance and Mallinson, Cocks, 436

D’Elaisne, G.. Elastic Beds, 192

Dickenson, W., Telegraphy, 16

Dickinson and Cullen, Slide Valves, 369

Dickinson, J., Drilling and Turning, 282

Dickinson, J., Safety Valves, 85

Dickson, A. C., Looms, 369

Dillon, T. A., Raising Sunken Vessels, &c., 136

Distin, H. J., Musical Instruments, 264

Dix, W. J., Stoppering Bottles, &c., 192

Dixon, R., Treating Fibres, 316

Dobson and McCardle, Rotary Colour

Printing Machinery, 85

Dobson and Macqueen, Spinning and Doubling, 369

Dobson, Rushton, and Dobson, Carding, 264

Dodgshun, E. A. and J., and Bryden and Wilkinson, Mixing Fibres, 452

Donaldson and Taylor, Windlasses, 281

Domsthorpe, W., Photography, 386

Dore, Tapley, and Wilson, Sewing Machines, 154

Dorendorff, R., Engine Counters, 34

Double, G , Drilling Braces, 282

Doubleday, H. H., Stoppers for Bottles, &c., 68

Dougall, jun., J. D., Cartridges, 281

Douglas and Grant, Engines, 102

Douglas, W. II,. Solitaires and Studs, 2G3

Downing and Hughes, Evaporating, 332

Downing and Hughes, Paper, 81

Dr3a^e» c > Concrete Building and Tiles,

Draper, O M., Swivels, 16

Dloeod1^ Wearin£ Apparel -Trousers, 281

Dreyfus, C., Dyein.? and Printing, 386

Drouyer, J. M., Mincing. 34

Drummond, D., Railway Brakes, 350

Dryhurst and Woodward, Advertising

Plates and Labels, 154

Drysdale, R., Ornamental Fabrics, 212

Dubern, G., Telegraphy, 102

Duckett, J. D., Water Economising, 192

Duddell and Charlton, Propelling, 23 )

Dufrend, H. A., Fastening Samples to Cards 369

Duncan, J. W., Fire-arms, 34

Duncan and Newlands. Treating Sugar, 34

Duncan and Wilson, W. A. and G. A., Paper Folding, ] 02

Dunn, R., Permanent Way, 85

Dunn, T., Indicating Revolutions, 369

Dupont, A P., Cutting Bone, Ivory, &c., 281

Duthie, J.. Windlasses, 281

Dutton, W. H., Boots and Shoes, 332

Dwyer, E., Lamps, 174

East, T. B., Heating Churns, 435

Eastwood, J., Combing, 85

Edison, T. A., Acoustic Telegraphy, 136

Edwards and Shaw, Metallic Pens, 119

Egerton, H. A., Floating Piers, 212

Ehrhardt, L. H. G., Postage, &c., Stamps, 153

E ce, J., Spinning and Doubling, 34, 369

Elliott and Bayley, Fastenings for Meta Sheets, 212

Elliott and Burnett, Pumping, 452

Ellis, S., Washing and Dyeing Hanks, 119

Elston and Benson, Wrappers for Extracting Oil, 85

Ermen, G. A. and E., Lamps, 419

Erskine, F., Furnaces, 300

Eskrett and Searle, Oil-cake Wrappers, 154

Essery, R. A., Railway Brakes, 68

Ettlinger, W. Concrete Blocks, 349

Evans, J., Wearing Apparel—Braces, 332

Evans, L. E., Fences, ‘299

Evans and Swain, Fireproof Floors and Roofs, 350

Everett, C. H., Seats, 264

Everett, W. E., Treating Copper and Alloys, 452

Everitt, W. E.. Boilers, 192

Ewart, G., Heating by Gas, 16

Eyland, E. S., Roller Skates, 154

Eyles, S., Cans for Paints, &c., 84

Fahie, J. A., Fastening Doors, 300

Fahnehjclm, G., Explosive Compounds, 349

Farmer, J., Paper, Delivering, 34

Farmer, J., Letter-press Printing Machines, 369

Farquhar, A. A.. Rolling Tea, 316

Farran and Welsh, Spinning, 264

Farrell, H. C , Register for Vehicles, &c., 16

Faucher, F., Electric Brake for Horses, 85

Faulkner and Starling, Spindles, 171

Faure, C. A., Boilers, 261

Feather, T., Compressing Air, 192

Fenby, J. B., Easels, 52

Fenenga, W., Plugging Boiler Tubes, 419

Ferguson, H., Boilers, 436

Ferris, H. W., Fixing Shelves, &c., 436

Ferron. C. A., Cylindrical Burners, 16

Fessy, D. W., Boots and Shoes, 332

Field, W., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 452

Fielding, T. J. and J. jun., Railway Brakes, 230

Finch, B., Valve Water-closets, 452

Firman, H. S., Manure, 16

Firmstone, C. E., Axle-boxes, 299

Firth and Boothman, Looms, 174

Firth, J , Boiler Furnaces, 34

Firth, J., Kilns, 34

Firth, T. F., Carpets, 153

Firth and Wolstencroft, Springs, 174

Fisher, W. B., Syringes, Hydrants, &c., 52

Fisk, J. E.. Treating Leather, 119

Fisken, T. R. II, Cultivating by Steam, 84

Fitz-Gerald, D. G,, Electrical Condensers, 246

Fitzmauriee, A., Pumps, 299

Flagler, and Very, Horseshoes, 68

Fletcher, J., Motive Power, 316

Fletcher, J., Buttons, 349

Floyd, J. N., Sliie Valves, 436

Follows and Bate, Bearings and Footsteps,

Forbes, G., Writing. 174

Forrest, C. and A , Drying and Pulverising Blood, 212

Forster, T., Waterproofing, 390

Fos, J., Cigarettes without Tobacco, 85

Foster, J. and C. J., Kilns, 102

Foster, J., Water-closets, &c., 52

Foster, J., Web-printing Machines, 436

Foulds, J , Billiard Cues, 435

Foulis, W., Gas Governors, 264

Fournier, J., Bicycles, 52

Fowke, G. A. F., Pipes, 282

Fox, C., Alloys, 316

Fox, E. A., Pockets, 436

Fox, St. G. L., Lighting and Extinguishing by Electricity, 174

Fox, St. G. L., Rolling Stock and Permanent Way, 52

France, J., Winding and Folding, 349

Frankenburg, J., Buckles and Straps, 435

Franklin, A. C. F., Roller Skates, 174

Franzini, M. M., Wearing Apparel—Fans, 174

Freeston, T. A., Converting Vessels for Iron and Steel, 212

Frey, L, Stopping Looms, 436

Frodsham, H. M., Watches and Clocks, 102

Frost, A. R., Tuning Organs, 136

Frost J., Purifying Sewage and Waste Water, 212

Fryer, A., Utilising Town Refuse, 154

Fulton, D., Engraving Printing Rollers, 452

Fulton, E., Packing, 174

Funke, H., Handles of Knives, 230

Fyfe, A. L , Dress Suspenders, 68

Fy fe, A. L., Fastenings for Girdles, 68

Fyf •, A. L , Scuds, &c , 402

Gabriel and Pickles, Water-closets, 230

Galbraith, T.. Hot-air Baths, 369

Gallic and Sinnatt, Differential Pulley Blocks, 192

Galloway, G. B. E., Roadways. 369

Galloway, W., Miners’ Safety Lamps, 52

Gamgee, J., Ice, 369

Garan, S , Railway Brakes, 452

Gardiner, R., Steering Gear, 34

Gardner, E, V, Explosive Compounds, 136

Gardner, E. V. and J. H., Miners’ Safety Lamps, 136

Gardner, F., Preventing Sea-sickness. 386

Gardner, H., Couplings. 402

Gardner, H., Lamps, 174

Gardner, H., Spinning, 246

Gardner, H., Submarine Telegraphy, 349

Gardner, II., Toy Birds, 369

Gardner. H., Treating Ores, 246

Gar.hier, ^., Wire Fastenings for Bittles,

Garland, H. P., Sewing Machines, 263

Garlick, J., Kilns, 294

Grrrett, J. D , Wheels, 386

Garrood. J C., Velocipedes', 300

Garroway, W. and J., Treating Oils, 282

Garside, C., Rotary Engines and Pumps, 68

Gaston, V. P , Glazing and Enamelling, 174

Gaudchaux-Picard, E., Unweaving and

Combing. 386

Gauntlett, C. W., Boilers, 436

Gedge, W. E , Boots and Shoes, 349

Gedge, W. E., Paving, Building, Permanent Way, &c., 369

Gedge, W. E.. Portable Photographic Apparatus, 350

Gedge, W. E., Portable Railway for Road, 369

Gedge, W. E., Preserving Substances, 350

Gedge, W. E., Railway Wheels, 402

Gedge, W. E., Seats for Vehicles, 281

Gedge, W. E., Spinning, 174

Gedge, W. E., Wagons or- Trucks, 174

Gee, Gibbs, and Garnett, Bottles and Stoppers, 119

Gent, G., Easels. 332

Gent, J. S . Gas Burners, 369

Gent, P., Gas Stoves, 402

Gerhard, F. W., Iron and Steel, 34

Gerland, B. W., Pulverising, 436

Gibbons, R. A , Portland Cement, 435

Gibbs, J. A., Fuel Economising, 174

Gibson, H., Weighing and Tilting Coals, 389

Gidney, J. W., Carburetting Air, 212

Giessner, L., Boots and Shoes, 402

Gilesgate. T. R., Stoppers for Bottles, 52

Gill, C. H , Treating Sugar, 85

Gill, D., Doors, 282

Gillman, J., Monumental Tablets, 263

Gillott, J., Engines and B>iler Fittings, 402

Gittins, E., Kilns, 350

Glaistor, T., Roller Skates, 34

Gledhill, G., Electric Alarms for Looms, 153

Glendining, H., Locks and Latches, 212

Glenn, H., Boots and Shoes, 16

Godfrey and Howson, Gas Furnaces, 261

Goedicke, F. W. E. R., Treating Sewage, 332

Gooder, J. W., Spinning, Doubling, and Twisting. 332

Good, J . Driving Bands. 119

Good and Lawson, Treating Fibres, 85

Goodwin, A., Pumping, 451

Goulding, J., Spinning, 154

Goundry, R., Treating Coffee, 299

Graham, A. McD., Fatty Matters, 453

Graham, J. W. and A., Sawing Stone, 119

Graham, S., Treating Yarns, 246

Grantham and Holt, Cranked Axles, 386

Grason, J.. Self-locking Fastenings, 369

Gray, J. W., Tablecloths, 154

Gray, T. IL, Cleaning Grain, 16

Gray, T. H., Starch, 52

Grayson and Clarke, Gas, 192

Grayson, J, W., Friction Clutches and Pulleys, 34

Greatorex and Hall, Artificial Stone, 349

Green, C. H., Oil Stoves, 102

Green, G., Bridles, 174

Green, H., Distributing Liquid, 332

Green, J., Reaping and Mowing, 68

Green, T., Mowing and Sweeping, 246

Green and Mallot, Electro-Plate, 332

Green and Mallot, Revolving Dishes, &c., 349

Greenhill, J. H., Sieves, Grain, 119

Greenhill, W., Joints and Traps for Pipes, 435

Greenhough, F., Lighting Fires, 282

Greenstreet, T. G., Traps for Drains, 452

Greenwood, J., Sash Fastenings, 84

Greenwood, Davis, and Speakman, Treating Sewage, 281

Greenwood and Taylor, Treating Fibres, 299

Greenwood, W. H., Brakes, 419

Greig and Achilles, Traction Engines, 192

Greig, D., Engines, 316

Greig, D., Locomotive and Tramway Engines, 349

Greig and Ey th, Engine Air Condensers, 34

Greig, G., Cultivating, 282

Grier, W. F., Preserving Substances, 154

Grierson and Philips, Printing, 402

Griffin, E. F., Solitaires. Studs, &c , 332

Griffin, G. F,, Boxes for Matches, 212

Griffin, P , Distilling, 212

Griffin. S. Folding Chair Bedsteads, 436

Griffiths, R , Pumping Water from Ships, 263

Grimmett, C. F., Tubes and Skelps, 264

Grin, G., Life-preserving Dress, 452

Ground, H. N., Mathematical Instruments, 332

Grout, J., Heating Infants’ Food, 350

Grunbaum, H. A. O. E., Storing and Transporting Explosives, 332

Griineberg, C., Extinguishing Fire, 332

Guiterman, S., Bases and Holders, 452

Gruner, A., Umbrellas and Parasols, 212

Grayer, jun., J., Umbrellas and Parasols, 174

Guanziroli, J. L., Hydrometers, Salinometers, &c., 34

' Guerin, E. G., Inkstands, 34

Guthrie, H., Pressing Coal-dust, &c., 299 I

• Guy, D., Chimney Pots, 369

Gwynne, J., Excavators, 52

Haarman, L., Siemens’ Furnace, 264

Hocking and Wilson, Winding, 212

, Hack worth, J. W. and A., Valve Gear, 386

Haddan, H. J., Car Couplings, 369

Haddan, H. J , Coal and Ash Sieves, 350

Haddan, II. J., Dampening Pads, 16

Haddan, H. J., Disintegrating Quartz, &c.,

1 174

Haddan, H. J., Dressing Bristles, <fcc., 154

) Haddan, H. J., Feeding Apparatus for Presses, 386

Haddan, H. J., Grain Separators and

, Scourers, 350

Haddan, H. J., Looms, 212

Haddan, H. J., Lubricators, 350

Haddan, H. J., Magneto-Electric Machines, 350

Haddun, H. J., Permanent Way, 174, 212

Haddan, H. J., Rotary Engines, 319

Haddan, H. J., Signalling, 52

Haddan, H. J., Treating Hides and Leather, 350

r Haddan, H. J., Valves. 174

Haddan, H. J., Watch and Chronometer Escapements, 136

Haddan, H. J., Waterproofing, 136

Haddan, J. L., Dressing Stone, 282

Haddan, J. L., Mining, 212

Haddan, J. L., Pneumatic Despatch, 349

) Haddan, J, L., Pumping, 332

Haddan, J. L., Refrigerating. 300

Hadfield. R., Self-lubricating Wheels, 436

Haigh, W. B, Cutting Wood, 174

Haigb, W. B., Saw Benches, 435

Haffner, J. P., Licks. 281

Halbert, W., Winding, 154

Hall, II , Coverings for Carboys, 282

Hall, W. S., Railway Switches and Points, 212

Hall and Player, Self igniting Signa Lights, 349

H ill and Priestley, Metallic Binds. 192

Hallpike, H. J , studs, Links, &c., 386

Hamar, W., Engine Condensers, 386

Hamar, W., Valves, 386

Hamar, W., Ball Valves, 435

Hammond, J., Screwing Tackle, 419

Hammon 1 and Lecher, Screw Stocks, 85

Hampton, J., Cramps for Flooring, 402

Hancock, J. L., Cleaning Knives, 16

Hancock and Soar, Furnaces for Boilers, 264

Hanctin, J. O , Crushing and Grinding, 68 Handyside, H., Safety Clutches, 136 Handyside, Alley and Carruthers, Wheels, 154

Hansell, R. B., Railway, &c.. Carriages, 174

Hansen, J., French Polishing, 68

Hansmann and Neumann, School Slates, 246 •

Hardecastle, R. A., Indicating Speed, 136

Harding, T. W., Combing. 316

Hare, T., Wearing Apparel—Dress Suspenders, 282

Harescough, J., Lids of Commodes, &c., 52

Harper, A., Wheels, 246

Harper, J., Invalid Tables, 246

Hirrington, J., Artificial Leather, 212

Harrington, J., Fire Escapes, 136

Harrington, J., Games, 153

Harrington, R., Nuts for Screw Bolts, 386

Harris, I. B.» India-rubber Valves, 34

Harris, J , Motive Power, 2'2, 332

Harris, R., Purifying Gas, 261

Harris, R., Ventilating, 452

Harriss-Gastrell, J. P., Buildings, Ships &c., 369

Harrison, C., Roller Skates, 119

Harrison. B, Raising and Lowering, 402

Harrison, C. W., Extinguishing Fires, 299

Harrison, C. W., Preserving Metals, &c. 281

Harrison R., Fastenings for Cuffs, 246

Harrison, R., Railway Coupling-*, 436

Harrison, T. W , Cases for Stationery, 436

Harrison and Evans, Stereotyping Apparatus, 31

Harrold, C , Watch Pendants, 192

Hart, II. W., Fire Extinguishing, 369

Hart, J. M.. Locks for Safes, &c., 34

Harvie, A., Velocipedes, 34

Harvie, W., Limps, 212

Harvey, J., Preserving Substances, 436

Histie, J, Motive Power, 230

Hattersley, T., Roving, 435

Hattersley and Hill, Looms, 16

Hawkins, C. G., Motive Power, 300

Hawkins, jun., and Hawkins, Roller Skates, 119

Hiworth, A. J., Carding, 369

Haydock and Blackburn, Knitting, 264

Haynes, T., Lubricating, 264

Hazlehurst, G. S,, Pumping, 16

Headley and Warden, Agricultural Implements, 402

Healey, B. D., Asphalte, 53

Heald, J., Grinding and Doughing India-rubber for Spreading, 369

Heap, J., Beaming and Sizing, 369

Heap, J., Raising Pile or Nap, 369

Heaps and Wheatley, Cooking, 230

Heaven, A,, Embroidering, 282

Hebblethwait, G. H., Waterproofing, 136

Helliwell, T. W., Fastening Window Sashes, 350

Hellyer, R, W., Stopper for Doors, &c., 316 Hempsted and Walkinson, Valves, 136 Henderson, A. C., Broom-handle Shield, 174

Henderson, A. C., Dredging and Excavating, 230

Henderson, A. C., Feeding Bottles, 300

Henderson, A. C., Revolving Metal Shutters, 246

Henderson, A. C., Winding, 246

Henderson, A. G., Gas Meters, 52

Henderson, J., Egg Stands, 386

Henderson, R., Taps, 332

Henderson, T. H., Self-cleaning Furnaces, 300

Henly, R., Bagatelle, 119

Henry, L., Colouring Matters, 299

Henry, R., Cutting Screws, &c., 85

Hemingway, J.. Engines, 281

Herts, A. C., Pencil Sharpeners, 136

Herts, A. C., Surgical Apparatus, 264

Herts, A. C , Wearing Apparel—Trouser Protectors, 216

Herzog, C. A , Watches, 154

Heydon, J , C iges for Mines, 452

Heyer, H., Holders for Papers, &c., 245

Heyer, H., Ruling, 212

Heymann, M., Measuring and Cutting, 281

Hibell, W., Joining Wire, 369

Higgins and Schofield, Spinning and Doubling, 192

Higginson. A., Engines, 119

Hill, 0„ Ranges and Stoves, 174

Hill, C. G., Pleating, 85

Hill, 8., Fastenings for Windows, 264

Hillman, W., Velocipedes, 154, 452

Hilton, J., Sewing Machines, 299

Hinks, J., Lifts, 350

Hircock, J. T. M., Hoeing and Thinning Turnips, &c , 85

Hird and Calvert, Metallic Window Frames, 264

Hirsch, FI., Heating, 299

Hirschhorn, J., Lamps and Lamp Stoves, 386

Hirst, G., Rolling Machinery, 34

Hjerleid, S., Sulphate of Soda, 34

Hoare and Herts, Folding Tables, 68

Hobson, A. H. G., Indicating Speed, 136

Hodge, W. J., RollerSkates, 282

Hodges, F., Elastic Fabrics, 230

Hodges, R. J., Drili Cramps, 281

Hodges and Butler, Paving Blocks, 369

Hodgson, J., Punching, Stamping, and Peiforating Paper, 386

Hodgson, Broadley, and Lister, Looms, 174

Hoermann, G. E. A., Motive Power, 264

Hoey, D. G., Blast Furnaces, 34, 154, 212

Hoevel, C. E., Koller Skates, 34

Holford and Slee, Valves, 452

Holden, J., Bottles for Acids, &c., 300

Holden, J. and J. E., Carding 212

Holden, J. and J. E . Combing, 230

Holden, J. and J. E., Washing Wool, 212

Holder, J., Reaping, 316

Holding, J., Looms, 369

Hollyer, G., Ornamenting Glass, 192

Holl way, J., Treating Metals, 212

Holmes, A E., Vehicles, 45z

Holmes, N. J., Signals, 386

Holmesand Bryceson, Audible Signals,386

Holmes and Lee, Feeding Furnaces, &c., 85

Holst, N. H., Signals and Points, 34

Holt, H. P., Auxiliary Power Steering Gear, 349

Holt,H. P., Steam Tramway Locomotives, 402

Holt, IL P.» Tramway Cars, 16

Holt and Spiller, Lubricating Roller Skates, 369

Holyoako, W. R., Advertising and Exhibiting, 34

Hook, W. H., Envelopes, 402

Hooper, J. H. S., Saving Life at Sea, 300

Hornsby, Innocent, and Rutter, Reaping and Mowing, 119

Horton, H., Lamp Globes, 263

Hough, E. J., Motive Power, 263

Howard, E., Waste-water Preventer, 436

Howard, R. L., Valve Gear, 369

Howard, Wilson, and Kingdom, Regulating the Flow of Fluids, 332

Howell, E. J., Rolling Stock, 300

Hoyle, Richards, and Heyes, Ceilings, 212

Hubbell, W. L., Covers for Boxes, <fcc., 453

Huddart, J. D. E., Motive Power, 212

Huggett, J. A., Nails, 332

Hughes, E. H., Gauges and Valves, 281

Hughes, H., Governors, 349

Hughes, H., Road Locomotives, 212

Hughes, E. T., Metal Drill, 452

Hughes, E. T., Pin Packages, 136

Hughes, E. T., Revolving Shutters, 452

Hughes, E. T., Treating Fibres, Wood, &c., 34

Hughes, E. W., Roller Skates, 230

Hughes, G. D., Smoke Consuming and

Fuel Economising, 53

Hughes, R. H„ Water Supply, 316

Hum, E., Latch Locks, 263

d’Humy, P. R. de F., Ornamenting Glass,

Pottery, &c., 369

Hunt, B., Boilers, 263

Hunt, B., Elastic Mattresses, 85 .

Hunt, B., Garment for Saving Life at Sea, 119

Hunt, B., Packing Pistons. 212

Hunt, B , Preserving food, 230

Hunt, B., Purses, Life Preserving, 332

Hunt, B., Sadirons, 332

Hunt, B , Weaving, 263

Hunter, G., Stone Working, 281

Hunt, J., Envelopes, 102

Hunt, W. D., Wire Fences and Barbs, 386

Hunter, R. H. A., Revolving Hair Biushes, 85

Hunt, T. F., Marking Tennis Court, 264

Hunter, T. S., Batteries and Projectiles, 174

Hunter and Hill, Safety Valves, 230

Hurst, H., Looms, 16

Hutchings, R. J., Cutting Metal Plates, 212

Hutchings, R. J., Tin and Terne Plates, 34, 136

Hutchings, R. J., Treating Acid used in Pickling Metal Plates, 350

Hutton, J., Pistons, 119

Hyatt, T,, Building, 52, 230

Hyatt, T., Respirator and Chest Protector, 419

Hyatt and Rickctt, Wood Screws, 263

Ibbotson, W., Calendering and Glazing, 281

Idle, W. R., Stoppers for Bottles, 192

Illingworth, IL, Treating Wool, 212

Illingworth, R., Boilers, 299

Illingworth and Zeidler, Baskets, 386

Imray, J., Supports for Seats, 102

Ingham, J., Carding, 34

Ireland, jun., J., Furnaces, 34, 452

Irving, J., Carpets, 230

Jack, A., Reaping, 246

Jackson, C., Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, 230

Jackson, J., Carding, 16

Jackson, W., Furnaces, 212

Jackson, W. G., Tipping Cradles, 436

Jackson, W. II. and C., Toast-racks, Cruet

Frames, &c., 436

Jacob, C. M., Capsules for Bottles, 136, 281

Jamieson, A., Grapnels, 369

Janson, J. W., Shaving Hides, 452

Jarves and Ferrari fu Angelo, Heating, 332

Jarvis, J. E., Horseshoes, 419

Jay, R. C , Skates, 34

Jefferey, T., Cutting and Splitting Wood, 350

Jeffries, J. E., Colour Printing, 102

Jennings and Anderson, Oyster Growing, 34

Jennings, H., Boots and Shoes, 435

Jensen, P., Album, &c., Leaves, 68

Jensen, P., Bricks and Tiles, 85

Jensen, P., Cast Metal Pulleys, 369

Jensen, P., Explosive Compounds, 16

Jensen, P., Fire Extinguishing, 16

Jensen, P., Sewing Machines, 369

Jensen, P., Testing Meal, 16

Jensen, P., Treating Fibres, 102

Jensen, P., Treating Nitrated Alkalies, 16

Jensen, P., Type Composing, 386

Jensen, P., Umbrellas and Parasols, 34

Jensen, P., Wearing Apparel—Shirts, 102

Jesson and Duggan, Brushes and Brooms, 136

Jewell, S.» Fire-escapes, 300

Jewitt, W. J., Engines, 435

Johnson and Armitage, jun., Wire Gauze, 192

Johnson, jun., H., Colliery Tubs, 264

Johnson and Johnson, Boat Lowering, 230

Johnson, J. H., Accoutrements, 419

Johnson, J. H., Armour-plating, 369, 402, 435, 452

Johnson, J. H., Boilers, 264, 386

Johnson, J. II., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 402

Johnson, J. H., Carpets and Rugs, 246

Johnson, J. H., Cartridges, 85

Johnson, J. H., Cigarettes, 386

Johnson, J. II., Coating Metals, 102

Johnson, J. H., Cocks, 52

Johnson, J. II., Combing, 16

Johnson, J. II., Couplings for Railways, 8

Johnson, J. II., Electric Light, 192

Johnson, J. II., Filter Presses, 53

Johnson, J. H., Furnaces, 34

Johnson, J. H., Glass Gauges, 369

Johnson, J. H., Hydrogen Gas, 16

Johnson, J. II., Iron and Steel, 264

Johnson, J. H., Knitted Fabrics, 282

Johnson, J. H., Locks, 85

Johnson, J. H., Malting, 452

Johnson, J. H., Manure, 34

Johnson, J. H., Motive Power, 230, 282, 299

Johnson, J. II., Musical Instruments, 300

Johnson, J. H., Nut Blanks, 436

Johnson, J. H., Paper, 386

Johnson, J. H., Photography, 212

Johnson, J. II., Portable Stoves, 282

Johnson, J. II., Preserving Food Safes, 174

Johnson, J. II., Protecting Ships’Bottoms, &c., 316

Johnson, J. II, Railway Brake, 452

Johnson, J. II., Ranges, Stoves, 402

Johnson, J. H., Refining and Condensing Iron or Steel, 85

Johnson, J. II., Rolling Machinery, 174

Johnson, J. H., Shaping and Welding Metal, 31

Johnson, J. II., Sugar, 349

Johnson, J. II., Treating Animal Substances with Hydrocarbons, 350

Johnson, J. H., Treating Iron Residues, 381

Johnson, J. H., Treating Sewage, 281

Johnson, J. H., Ventilating and Heating Vaults, 212

Johnson, J. H., Weighing, 212

Johnson, J. IL, Zinc, 84

Johnson and Phillips, Telegraphy, 246, 281

Johnson, R. L., Door Knocker, 62

Johnson, T., Bricks and Tiles, 85

Johnson, W., Tobacco Pipes, 68

Johnson, W. N., Lavatories, 452

Johnston, T., Golf Clubs, 34

Johnstone, J., Desks and Seats, 16

Joannes, P., Corrugating Wire for Latticework, 34

Jobson, C. J. and A. H. and Johnson, Rolling Stock, 300

Jochumson Niels, Steering, 192

Jones, A. W., Solitaires and Studs, 85

Jones and Cook, Rolling Hoop Iron, 281

Jones, D., Permanent Way, 4o2

Jones, E. A. and J. A., Iron and Steel, 332

Jones, F, W., Indicator for Rooms, 153

Jones, J. G., Indicating Speed, 230

Jones, R. I., Clog Blocks, 85

Jones, P., Blankets, 52

Jowett, J., Window Attachments, 300

Jowett and Rushworth, Stoppers for Bottles, 174

Jowett and Wood, Boiler Furnace Doors, 192

Joy, D., Engines, 452

Judge, J., Signals for Railways, 85

Judge, T., Storing Gunpowder, 136

Judson, E., Explosive Compounds, 402

Justice, P. S., Sewing'Machino Embroidery, 419

Justice, P. S., Spark Arresters, 452

Keats and Greenwood, Boots and Shoes, 212

Keene, S. D., Treating Cotton, 212

Kecy, W. II., Fastenings for Wearing

Apparel, 230

Keighley, J., Fog Signalling, 264

Keim, J., Stretching and Drying Fabrics, 136

Kelen, L. Van du, Gas Stoves, 419

Kelly, E. F., Portable Folding Musical

Instrument, 850

Kelly, P., Combing, 246

Kelly, S. J. J., Designing on Glass, 34

Kelman and Wilson, Cleaning Rails, 212

Kemp, R., Microscopes, 332

Kemsley, W., Protecting Bricks, 34

Kendall, H. J. B., Suspenders for Wearing

Apparel, 85

Kendall and Whiteley, Roller Skates, 435

Kent, A., Tooth Brushes, 34

Kenyon, J. H. and J., Carding, 34

Kernahan, T., Lozenges, 386

Kernaul, M. H., Couplings for Shafts, 34

Kershaw, J. S., Drying and Stretching, 212

Kershaw, W. H., Roofs, 452

Kesseler, C., Safety Wheel, 402

Kelley and Moss, Sewing Machines and

Shuttles, 34

Kierzkowski, C. F. de, Motive Power, 154

Kilburn, R., Washing, 230

Killiches, H., Dynamometers, 52

Kimberley, N. G., Crushing, Pulverising, and Mixing, 402

Kimberley, N. G., Moulding in Stone and

Wood, 436

Kimberley, N. G., Springs, 436

Kimmond, J. C., Rolling Tea Leaves, 369

King, J. T., Chandeliers, &c., 316

King, J. T., Wearing Apparel—Tie Buckles, 299

Kingston, F., Cutting and Bundling Sticks, 174

Kingzett and Zingler, Blood—Albumen for

Dyeing, Printing, &c., 34

Kirby, J. R., Reaping and Mowing, 212

Kirk, A. C., Marine Engines, 192

Kirk, J. W.. Bottles 16

Kirton, R. G., Churning and Sifting, 419

Kitchin, M., Leather, 119

Kitson and Naylor, Coupling and Uncoupling, 419

Knight, E. H , Wrenches, 34

Knight, J. W., Wearing Apparel—Shirt

Fronts, 235

Knott, K., Preserving Substances, 435

Knott, R., Cleaning Knives, 300

Knowles, S., Ageing Fabrics, 386

Knox, E. E., Opening Tins, 34

Knott, S., Substitutes for Umbrellas, 136

Kramme, C. D. E., Suspending Chandeliers, &c., 34

Kritch and Greenwood, Printing, 419

Kuntze, J., Brakes, 246

Lace, J., Valves of Pumps, 402

Lake, W. R., Atmospheric Hammers, 16

Lake, W. R., Axles, 230

Lake, W. R., Bale Ties, 350

Lake, W. R., Boat Lowering, 53

Lake, W. R., Bookbinding, 16

Lake, W. R., Boots and Shoes, 192, 332, 350

Lake, W. R., Boring and Drilling, &c., 452

Lake, W. R., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 316

Lake, W. R., Cartridges, 102

Lake, W. R., Catching Fish and Game, 349

Lake, W. R., Cork Screws, 350

Lake, W. R , Dressing and Cleaning Fibres, 246

Lake, W. R., Driving Chains, 85

Lake, W. R., Electric-Magnetic Engines, /in

Lake, W. R., Elevating, 246

Like, W. R., Fans for Protecting Food, 264

Lake, W. R., Feeding Nailmaking Machines, 402

Lake, W. R., Furnaces for Roasting Ores,


Lake, W. R., Galvanic Batteries, 136

Lake, W. R., Grinding Grain, &c., 34

Lake, W. R., Harvesting, 53, 349, 350

Lake, W. R., Hydraulic Elevating, 212

Lake, W. R , Indicating Names of Stations, 34

Lake, W. R., Indicator, 369

Lake, W. R., Joints for Pipes, 34, 402

Lake, W. R., Lamps and Burners, 52

Lake, W. R., Lanterns and Candlesticks, 136

Lake, W. R., Looms, 369

Lake, W. R., Looms for Knitting, 16

Lake, W. R., Match Splints, 369

Lake, W. R., Metal Tubes, 369

Lake, W. R., Moulds, 34

Lake, W. R, Musical Instruments and

Confectionery, 264

Lake, W. R., OilStoves, 119

Lake, W. R., Paper Bags, 369

Lake, W. R., Paper-cutting, 85

Lake, W. R., Pavements, 349

Lake, W. R., Pistons, 386

Lake, W. R., Postage Stamps, 332

Lake, W. R., Preparing Wood for Varnish, 350

Lake, W. R., Preserving Substances, 85

Lake, W. R., Printing and Paper-cutting, 263

Lake, W. R., Projectiles, 136

Lake, W. R., Railway Carriages and Brakes, 419

Lake, W. R., Raising Heavy Weights, 369

Lake, W. R., Reaping and Harvesting, 68

Lake, W. R., Registering Fares, 212

Lake, W. R., Revolving Cylinder Pistols, 53

Lake, W. R., Rolling, 85

Lake, W. R., Saws, 282

Lake, W. R., Screws, &e., 300, 386, 453

Lake, W. R., Screw Nuts, 300

Lake, W. R„ Seaming Knitted Fabrics, 34

Lake, W. R., Sewing Machines, 52, 281, 300 Lake, W. R., Shovels, 350

Lake, W. R., Smoke-consuming, 192 Lake, W. R., Smoke-consuming Furnaces, 350

Lake, W. R., Spinning, 436

Lake, W. R., Steel, 192

Lake, W. R., Stowing and Unloading, 453 Lake, W. R., Stoves, 332

Lake, W. R., Stitching Leather, 212 Lake, W. R., Teaching Singing, 282 Lake, W. R., Threads and Fabrics, 419 Lake, W. R , Treating Fibres, 136 Lake, W. R., Treating Grain, 282 Lake, W. R., Treating Hides, 174, 419 Lake, W. R., Umbrellas, Parasols’, &c , 452 Lake, W. R., Valves, 452

Lake, W. R., Velocipedes, 154

Lake, W. R„ Ventilating, Heating and Cooling, 436

L^12* W' B ’ Wearing APParel~Shawls, Lancaster, Pilkington, and Peel, Looms.

264 ’

Lane, 8., Oil and Spirit Lamps and Cans 402

Lane, T., Furnaces, 300

Lanfear, W., Band Saws, 453

Lang, J , Mirrors, 212

Lang, W., Red Lead Furnaces, 436 Langston, J. A., Illuminating Clocks, 136 Larard, F., Hinges, 332

Larard, F., Mouldings for Frames, 281 Lascelles, W. H., Joints for Flooring, 136 La Serve, L 8., Lace, 435

Lastelle, F. M. de, Candles, 316

Laurence, G. G., Boat Lowering and Detaching, 34

Lavalette, J. A. A. C. de, Motive Power. 332

Lavie, IL, Boots and Soes, 300

Law, E. G., Double Action Sashes, 349 Lawden and Thomas, Breech-loading Small Arms, 192

Lawrence, W., Refrigerating and Heating,

Lawrence, W., Valves and Cocks, 300 Lawson, J., Woven Fabrics, 212 Laysell, G., Planing, 332

Leaker, A. A., Billiard Table Cushions, 369

Lecomte, E., Pianofortes, 212 Ledger, J., Advertising, 436 Ledger, J., Bobbins, 402 Ledger, J., Cast Steel, 402 Ledger, J., Light Holder, 332 Ledger, J., Registers for Boilers, 174 Ledger, J., Shipbuilding, 316 Lee and Crabtree, Looms, 16 Leeming, J., Looms, 16 Lees, T., Sawing, 316 Lees, W., Engines, 436

Legg, R., Tobacco Cutting, 34

Leigh, R., Hoop Iron, 316

Leighs, A. L. 8., Armour Plating, 153 Leman, W. J., Tobacco, 436

Leonard and Phillips, Fastenings for

Trunks, 369

Leoni, 8., Boilers, 350

Leveaux, E. H , Engines, 103 Leverett, J., Slop Pails, 102 Levesley and Marshall, Metal Handles for

Knives, &c., 85

Levy, D., Driving Belts, 34 Lewis, E., Tobacco Pipes, 300 Lewis, J. S., Umbrellas, 102 Lewis, T., Stoppers for Aerated Liquids.


Lewis, W. G., Velocipedes, 230, 282 Lewtas, J., Heating, Lighting, &c., 85 Liddicott, P., Plate Warmer and Refrigerator, 102 e

Likema and Lawson, Bicycles, 34 Lindemann, G., Tramways, 174 Lindsay, J. B., Storing, &c., Corrosive

Liquids, 369

Linford, C., Gas Engines, 85 Lister, H., Cooling Fabrics, 263

Livsey P J.» Printing on Embossing Spools, 263 h

Llewellyn, W. H., Wheels, 212 Lloyd, T., Ventilating Cowls, 212 Loader, C., Elevating and Stacking, 52 Lockett, A. B Swimming Apparatus, 212 Lockey, J. T., Evaporating Brine, 212 Lockie, G., Food, 230

Lockwood F. A., Treating Hides, 263 Lodge, J., Fabrics, 16

Loeffler and Higgs, Telegraphy, 402 Lomas, R. U Umbrellas and Parasols, 153 L°“ax» H., Needles for Sewing Machines,

Longbottom and Harris, Learning Skating, Longbottom, J., Stoppers for Bottles, 16 Longworth, D., Pneumatic Hammers and Stamps, 85

Looney, R Washing and Wringing, 85 Lord and Kaberry, jun., Cleaning Cotton,

Low, G., Governors and Starting Gear for Engines, 85 6

Lowber, D. C., Bale Ties, 52 Lowe, W., Lamps, 264 Lowry, G., Roller Skates, 332 Lowry, G., Turnstiles, 263 I^deke, J. E. F., Centrifugal Machines,

Lumb, J., Twisting and Doubling, 402 Lund, J. A., Clocks, 332 b Lutticke, G. F., Toys, 332

Ly&c in349°n’ S‘ H‘ J‘> Serews> Bolts, Nuts, Lyle, A., Shaping Sugar, 136

w’ Me(B,cated Sweetmeats, 332 yto HeX‘^’ P°Sing S°lid 8ubstanc<*

McArthur, W., Metal Sheets, 402 Macartney, G., Couplings for Fire Hose,

McAvoy, H. H, Stoves and Furnaces, 52 McCabe and Walker, Looms, 85

McClean, F., Astronomical Instruments, McCorquodale, G. F., Printing, 386 Macdermott and Elliott, Mining, 452 McDiarmid, F Casks and Taps, 386 Macdonald, J. D., Ventilating, 246 McDonald, T., Paring Oil-cake, 419


5?-™lcr' Smoko-ooMuming McEvoy, C. A., Inhaling, 264 McEwen, M., Tobacco, 192 McGee, W., Winding, 34

J-’ Cutting and Sorting Tickets, 00x5 >

5Jc®jU> J-> Furniture for Offices, 332 McGlashan, J., Smoke Consuming. 332 McGregor, A., Reaping and Mowing, 212 Mell wraith, W., Looms, 386 Macintosh and Boggett, Waterproofing, 299 Mclvor, R., Coating Boilers, Pipes, &c., 436 Mackay, J., Roller Skates, 453 McKay, R., Tins, Canisters, &c., 419 McKechnie, A., Steering, 316 McKcndrick and Ball, Distilling, 282 vXTsfe BaU and WatS°D’ PU“P3 and Mackenzie, J., Marine Governors, 332 Mackenzie, J., Weighing, 264 Mackie, Faure and French, Explosives, 85

McLauchlan, D. J., Lozenges, 34 McLaurin, P., Finishing Paper, 102 McLean, T., Cigar Lighters, 402 McLennan, W. Pumps, 103 McLiesh, W., Photography, 230 McManus, H., Gas Governors, 230

McMillan, J., Riveting, 136

McMinnies, J. G., Ball Taps, 34

Macnab, J., Blasting, 174

McNeil, J., Lathes, 31

Macpherson, A., Boat Lowering, 212

Macquay, P., Buckle Tongues, 369

Mactear, J, Furnaces for Chromates, 84 Mactear, J., Soda and Potash, 300

McWhinnie, J., Indicator for Vehicles. 174. 350

Madge, C., Treating Tin and Terne Plate Scrap, 174

Magner, P., Treating Fibres, 316

Magniat, H. L., Joints for Pipes, 230

Mann. T. H., Fastenings for Straps, &c., 34

Mappin, W. S., Roller Skates, 212

March, W., Engines, 299

Marchant, R. M., Pumps and Condensers, 435

Margotti, J., Stoppers for Bottles, 230

Mark and Wilson, Morticing Machines, 34 Marie, R., Penholders, 369

Marler, E. T., Paper Folding, 332

Marler, E. T., Perforating, 386

Marriner and Hoyle, Washing and Drying Wool, &c., 34

Marriott, R. 8., Indicators for Streets, 212

Marsden, J., Billiard, &c , Tables, 369 Marsh, S., Mining and Blasting, 85 Martin, A., Fire Escapes, 230

Martin, J. R., Rotary Pumps, &c., 332

Martin, W., Umbrellas and Parasols, 386 Martineau, G., Cutting and Packing Sugar,

Marty, P., Portable Seats, 52

Marx, W., Easel Album, 452

Maschwitz, C., Opening Tins, 369

Mason, A., Heating, 264

Mason, A., Stoppers or Plugs, 246

Mason, T., Type Casting, 386

Mason, Wolstenholme, and Spencer, Paper Making, 402

Massey, J. E., Ships’ Logs, 192

Mather, Ormesher, J. and W. and Brown, Cleaning Boilers, 332

Mathieson, C. F., Gas, 436

Matthews, W. Brakes for Cranes, &e., 85

Matthews and Davis, Treating the Insides of Casks, 230

Maw, G., Railway Wheels, 153

Maw and Dredge, Pressure Gauges, 246

Mawrocki, G. W. von, Hardening Steel Plates, 34

Mawson, J., Drilling and Boring, 402

Mayor, T., Spinning, 102

Mays, J. A., Lubricating, 85

Mays, J. A., Roller Skates, 192

Mays, J. A., Travelling Tramways, 452

Mearns, Wandless, and Charlton, Horseshoes, 332

Mease, G. D., Furnaces, 264

Mease, G. D., Furnaces for Alkalies, <fcc , 369

Meatyard and Barrell, Safety Apparatus for Trains, 402

Meig, A., Controlling Aim in Fire-arms, 369

Memien, J. C., Beverages, 300

Merry weather and Jakeman, Engines, 281 Merryweather and Jakeman, Steam Locomotives, 402

Messenger, T. G., Valves, 212

Metcalf, A., Spinning, 436

Metcalf, W., Ornamental Fire Screens, 192

Mewburn, J. C., Aerial Toy, 136

Mewburn, J. C., Shuttles, 419

Mewburn, J. C., Throstle Frames for Spinning, 136

Mewburn, J. C., Unloading and Weighing,

Meyer, de, Ruidant, and Mulders, Varnish, 264

Meyer and Wernigh, Towing Steamers, 452

Middleton, E., Miners’ Safety Lamps, 192

Miller, J., Treating Sewage, 174

Mills, A. F., Tuning Pianofortes, 192

Mills, B. J. B., Bricks, &c., 85

Mills, B. J. B., Cutting Sugar, 300

Mills, J’ B’’ Atting Elliptic Springs,

Mills, B. J. B., Folding Seats and Tables, 34

Mills, B. J. B , Horseshoes, 300

Mills, B. J. B., Motive Power, 16

Mills, B. J. B., Permanent Way, 369

Mills, B. J. B., Sheet Metal Pipes and Elbows, 886

Mills, B. J. B., Tank Cans for Oil, &c., 85

Mills, B. J. B., Treating Flour, 192

Mills, B. J. B., Ventilating and Fog Alarm

Apparatus, 299

Mills, J., Illuminating Clock Dials, 212

Mills, T. and R., Boilers, 316

Milner and Newell, Lighting Matches, 174

Mitchell, 0. R., Fishing Gear, 264

Mitchell, J., Mining, 386

Mitchell, J., Springs, 436

Mitchell, J. I., Vehicles, 230

Mitchell, T., Spinning, 402

Mitchell, T. Umbrellas, 246

Monckton, E. H. C., Motive Power, 53 402 ’

Monckton, E. H. C., Permanent Way, 230

Monckton, E. H. C., Medicines, 68

Montague, W., Wearing Apparel-Dress

Suspenders, 316

Montoison, J. L. de, Leather, 402

Monteith, J., Rotary Engines, 52

Monteith, J., Velocipedes, 34

Morce, J. E., Candles, 174

Morgan, E., Treating Milk, 16

Morgan, G. H., Carriages, 369

Morgan, T., Boilers, 212

Morgan, T., Boots and Shoes, 52

Morgan, T., Engines, 174

Morgan, T., Floorcloths, 212

Morgan, T., Watch Keys, 102

Morgan-Brown, W., Automatic Labelling,

Morgan-Brown, W , Boilers, 192

Morgan-Brown, W., Cooking Utensils, 154

Morgan-Brown, W., Ejectors, 350

Morgan-Brown, W., Injector for Boilers 136 '

Morgan-Brown, W., Looms, 264

Morgan-Brown, W., Marine Signals, 332

Morgan-Brown, W., Photography. 85

Morgan-Brown, W„ Projectiles, 85 I

Morgan-Brown, W., Pumps, 281

Morgan-Brown, W., Safety Valves, 419

Morgan-Brown, W., Screws, 332

Morgan-Brown, W., Varnishes, 174

Morgan-Brown, W., Wire Drawing, 85

Mparel,212 I’astenlngs for Wearing Ap-

Mnvvn,’ *TVTB'’ MouldinH and Pressing, 386

?nd Ricliards, Tempering

Sheet Iron Plates, 34

Morton’ T ’ Pat?y Matters- 212, 300 ™ «’/■’ ^Paring Fibres, for Dyeing,

Morton, J., Sewing Machine Attachments,

Mosely, A., Lace, 332

Moser, A., Telescopes, 369

Motherwell, J., pen8, 212

Motion, R., Washing, 402

Motion, R., Windings on Pirns, 436

Moulton, G., Engraving and Milling Cylin drical Surfaces 369

»•. MIt“4 w* “ Mountain, J., Sewing Mac^“®3’I40 Muirhead, jun., J., ^ele°™PJ?8 Mulholland and Porter, Winding, 43o MUller, F. R., Splitting and Chopping, 43a MUller, J., Clasps, 369 Muratori, C., Paving, 246 Murdoch, H. H., Treating Sugar, 246 Murdoch, H. H-, Boilers, 264 Murison, F., Ploughs, 369 Murphy, R., Threading Needles, 40^ Murphy, W. H., Paper, 230 Murray, C. H., Bricks and Tiles, 119 Murray, G. 0., Fire Escapes, 281 Murray and Turnley, Nuts and Bolts, 35U

i Nadin, H. T.» Weighing Small Coal, 386 Nash, T. L., Animal Traps, 174 Nast, W. F., Treating Stable Manure ana

| Paper Making, 85 Nation and Symington, Paraffine, 264 Nawrocki, G. W. von, Armour Plates, 8o

I Nawrocki, G. W. von, Concentrated Sul-I phuric Aeid, 435

I Nawrocki, G. W. von, Iron and Steel, 5-j Nawrocki, G. W. von. Sugar, 435 Neale, M. T., Harvesting, 174

Neer, C., Indicating Power and Speed, 34 Nelson and Glazebrook, Roller Skates, 34 Nelson, W., Combined Pencil and Penholder, 102 ,

Nesbitt, G., Photography, 264 Neumann, G. H., Drilling Rock, 282 Newall, R. S., Grinding, 246 Newall, R. S., Wire Rope, 369 . Newbold, H., Register for Vehicles 34

I Newlands, J. D., J. A. R. and B. L. R., Sulphate of Alumina, 52

Newton, A. V., Air Pumps, 402 Newton, A. V., Liquid Meters, 34 Newton, A. V., Sewing Machines, 264 Newton, W. E.» Destroying Noxious Gases, i 119

I Newton, H. E., Egg Boxes, 386

I Newton, II. E., Hammocks, &c., 34 Newton, H. E., Lamps, 386 Newton, H. E., Marine Engine Governors,

I 34 . v .

Newton, H. E., Measuring Instruments, 386 . z. ,

Newton, H. E., Pictures m Colours, 349 Newton, H. E., Portable Railways and

Rolling Stock, 136

I Newton, H.E., Wearing Apparel—Garters,

I 154

Newton, H. R., Water Supply, 16 Newton, W. E., Paper for Printing, 16

I Newton, W. E., Permanent Way, 264 Nicholson, H., Forks, 85

I Nishigawa and Hill, Refrigorators, 212 I Nixon, C. N., Pinions for wheels, 350 Nokcs’, W., Metal Rods, Tubes, &c., 386 Noll, W., Tapping, 174

I Nordenfelt, T., Electric Railway Signal-I ling, 369

I Normanville, W. de, Ships’ Logs, 34 Norris, G. S.» Cleaning Carpets, 436 Northcote, G. B., Cutting and Edging

I Grass, 102 t e __ ,

Northcote, G. B., Wall Protector for Washing-stands, 85 .

I Nowakowski and Baranowski, Roller I Skates, 34

O'Connor, P., Hinges for Doors, 212

O’Hanlon, W., Counterpanes, 52

Oldfield, J., Driving Bands, 419

Olvcr, W. H., Fastening for Sails, tarpaulins, &c., 34

O’Neil, A., Laying Mains and Pipes, 369

O’Neil, A., Pipe Joints, 369 .

Onion, W., Wearing Apparel—Hosiery, 282

Oosterwyck, J. B. van, Raising Liquids, 1 <4

Oppenheimer, J., Pendulums, 349

On*, J. B., Treating Fabrics, 2S1

Osborn, S., Lubricating, 136

Osler, A. F., Vehicles, 212

Ostlund, C., Fire-lighters, 419

Osmond, J., Vehicles-Dog-carts, &c., 174

Othon, L. P., Motive Power, 174

Othon, L. P., Pumps, 386

Outridge, J. E., Engines, 52

Pace, E., Boxes for Matches, &c., 174

Paddock, W., Governors, 136

Page, II., Telegraphy, 136

Paine, E., Cleaning Ships Bottoms, lo

Palmer and Clark, Cancelling Postage

Stamps, 282

Palmer, T. N., Treating Meat, 419

Parker, A. J., Ruling, 16

Parker, T. L., Treating Tobacco, 300

Parker,R ., Distributing Manure, 230

Parker and Stabler, School Furniture, 263

Parker, W. J., Brakes for Perambulators, 316

Parker and Weston, Direct-acting Pumps and Engines, 34

Parkes, T., Shovels, &c., 230

I Parnail, J , Scale Beams and Weighing. 3o0

Parnell, E. A., Utilising Tin Plate Scraps,

! 136

Parsons, II., Joints for Pipes, 136

Parsons, W., Turning, 34

Partridge, E., Carriage Axle Boxes, 230

Partridge, S., Couplings, 102

Pass, E. de, Cutting and Perforating Paper, &c., 174

Pass, E. de, Motive Power, 350

Passee, T. E., Marine Engines, 174

Passman, T. F., Boilers, 192

Paterson, J,, Turning Keys in Cocks, 433

Pauli, J. M., Railway Brakes, 435

Payne and Steel, Fastenings foi Jewellery, 869

Peacock, B. F., Metal Hoops, 452

Peall, Roy, and Dor ward, Protection of

Hops, Vines, &c., from Parasites, 16

Pearce and Douglas, Studs and Solitaires, 332

Pearce, H., Locks, 34

Pearce, J. K., Chains, 316

Pearn, F. and S., Engines, 282

Pearson, M. H., Sewing Machines, 34

Pearson, W., Graining, 436

Pdand, L. L., Asphaltum, 230

Pecqueux, E. A., Lace, 85

Peebles, D. B., Gas Regulators, 174

Peebles, J., Railway Brakes, 300

Pelatt, W. C., Folding Wrappers, 264

Penning, J. R., Indicating Pressure, 332

Percival, W. H., Folding Seats, 282

Pdrinaud and Marchal, Supplying Silk

Fabrics, 156

Perkins, R W. and F. H., and Williams,

I Furnaces for Fuel, 386

Perks, F., Sewing Machine Shuttles, 212

Perks, F., Sewing Machines, 246

Peris, L. L. M., Combined Table and Step

Chair, 369

Perrin, J., Hats, 369

Perry, A., Kilns, 282 .

Pfleiderer, II. P., Kneading and Mixing, 102

Phelps, G. M., Telegraphy, 212

Philipson, W., Winding Thread, 452

Phillips, J. E., Reaping and Mowing, 246

Pick, I., Wearing Apparel—Pocket with Muff, 212

Pickering, Swift, and Hunter, Oil Wrappers, 369 1

Picot de la Peyrouso, L. A. L. E., Gas 174

Pieper, C., Feeding Boilers, 402

Pieper, C., Governors for Steam Engines <fcc., 84 ■’

Pieper, C., Harvesting, 350

Pieper, C., Locks, 432

Pieper, C., Musical Instruments, 350

Pieper, C., Peeling Barley, 402

Pieper, C., Rotary Motion, 349

Pieper, O.3 Safety Apparatus for Cages 436 ° ’

Pierce, A. E., Winding Hose, 34

Pierce, P., Blowing Fans, 369

Pinkney and Ward, Printing Ink, 435

Piper, C. T. W., Venetian Blinds, 119

Pitt, 8., Ships, 452

Pitt, S., Railway Crossings, 402

Pitt, 8., Treating Copper, 263

Pitt, 8., Wet Treatment of Silicate Orcs of

Copper, 154

Ples&ner, J. M., Taps for Decanters and Buttles, 85

Pocock, A. W., Cutting Mortices in Wood 300

Polo, J. A., Oil, 52

Posselt, E., Selvedges, 452

Potter, A. M., Coal, Loading, 192

Poulson, W., Elevators, 212

Powe 11 and Atkins, Hyposulphite of Soda,

Power, C. T., Winding, 102

Powley, E., Movable Fire-bars, 212

Prangc, F., Tin Plates, 102

Pratchitt, W. and J., Engines, 212

Prestage, F , Tiles, 230

Preston, Prestige and Preston, Pumps, 102

Preston, Prestige and Preston, Water Sun-ply, 102 r

Prichard, E., Fasteners for Windows, 402

Prior, R. M., Electro-plating, 34

Prince, F., Exhibiting, 230

Pritchett, G. E., Clockwork, 452

Proctor, K., Buttons, 246

Protheroe, P., Anchors. 34

Protheroe, P., Telegraphic Communication with Lightships, 53

Pryse, jun., C., Revolving Fire-arms, 402

Pullan, A. T. W. and Bebbington, Engines and Carriages, 349

Pulvermacher, J. L., Electricity, 299

Pumphrey, R. B., Swimming and Diving, 16

Punshon, R,, Permanent Way, 102

Punshon, R., Permanent Way, 230

Pyrke, R. C., Tea and Coffee Urns, 316

Quick, R., Baths to be Heated by Gas, 435

Ragg, A. E., Cutting Grass Edges, &c., 212

Rainford, sen., W., and jun., W., Steam

Cultivating, 192

Ramsay, R., Buffer Hoops, 349

Ramsey and Hann, Safety Apparatus for

Mines, Lifts, Arc., 453

Ramsey, R., Safety Apparatus for Mines and Cages, 212

Rands, C., Alcoholic Liquids, 419

Raper, J., Brushes, 84

Ratcliff, C. W. and F., Carding, 369

Rathbun, L. V., Cleaning Bolting Machinery, 136

Ravenscroft, F., Locking Tiles, 34

Ravet, E., Pressing, Stamping, Perforating, 34

Rawson, J. C., Doubling, 174

Raynor, Harrison and Glendinning, Washing and Churning, 174

Readett, J. R., Cutting Rags, Fodder, &c . 300

Reddaway, F., Looms, 192

Redfern, G. F., Ball Castors, 174

Redfern, G. F., Gas Engines, 230

Redfern, G. F.,Tobacco Pipes, 136

Redwood. T. R., Gas, 34

Rees, H. T , Ornamenting Metal, 34

Reichenheim, R., Treating Hare Skins for

Wearing Apparel, 136

Reid, W, Sewing Machine Shuttles, 436

Bemfry, J. E., Condensing Steam, 85

Remy and Denis, Starch, 230

Rennie, G. B., Steam Ferry Boats, &c., 153

Renouf, T. W. F., Screw Propellers, 16

Renshaw, R., Boilers, 85

Renton. R., Parallel Vices, 453

Reynolds, E„ Centrifugal Machines, 316

Reynolds, jun., T., Wheels, 34

Rhett, R., Volute Spring Motors, 453

Rhodes, B., T. B. and Stoney, Felt, 386

Rhodes, 8. G., Finishing Fabrics, 212

Rice, G. C.. Hat-bands, 281

Rice and Walker, Pumps, 16

Richards, J., Feeding Nail-making Machines, 402

Richards, J. M., Anchors, 316

Richards, J. M., Valve Nozzles for Stoppers, 435

Richards, R. C., Medical, 386

Richards and Tandy, Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, 300

Richards, T, P,, Circular Sawing, 349

Richardson, C,, Pleating, 136

Richardson, G., Boots and Shoes, 452

Richardson, J. T. H., Spittoons, 300

Rickett, T., Screws, 119

Ridgway, W. H., Encaustic Tiles, 349

Ridout, R. H., Galvanometers, 119

Riley, J., Horseshoes, 332

Rimington and Bell, Knitting, 212

Rippingille, E. A., Lamps and Lamp Stoves, 84

Ritchie, E. 8., Mariners’ Compasses, 34

Ritter, W.. Taps and Cocks, 246

Roberts, M. G., Driving Machinery, 52

Roberts, M. J., Safety Valves, 212

Robertson, G., Exhausting Gas, 174

Robertson, J., Pumping Engines, 263

Robertson, T., Steam Carriages, 16

Robinson, C. S, Burners, 246

Robinson and Goldsmith, Permanent Way,

Robinson, J , Pianofortes, &c., 34

Robinson, J., Washers for Nuts, 386

Robinson, R. C., Dies, 369

Roeckner, C. H., Evaporating, 52

Rogers, B. W., Drilling, 192

Rogers, C. E. H., Disinfecting, 264

Rogers, J., Pomatum Boxes, 246

Rogers, J. W., Boat Lowering and Raising,

Rogers, J. H., Cleaning and Dyeing, 369

Rollason, J. G„ Venetian Blind Cord

Holder, 136

Roman, H., Boxes, 386

Rose, T., Button-holing, 282

Rose, L., Bottles and Stoppers for Aerated Beverages, 68

Roswag and Geary, Treating Impure Lead, 435

Rothenheim, S., Fabrics, 246

Rothesay and Stratham. Packing Leathers, 386

Roncon, L. J., Bronzing Copper, &c., 84

Rowan, F. J., Engines and Boilers, 435

Rowbottom, H. M., Keyless Watches, 85

Rowland, T., Roller Skates, 52

Rowles and Rose, Velocipedes, 85

Rowley, T., Waterproof Garments, 452

Rowlinson, W., Armour Plates, 402

Roy, E. A., Ships to Prevent Sea-sickness, 332

Royal. Earl, House Telegraphy, 68

Rubery, J., Telegraph Wire, 68

Rumbold, E., Traps for Drains, 452

Rundell, J. and W. J., Gauges for Boilers, 435

Runkel, M., Keyhole Protector, 386

Russell, J., Steering and Propelling, 136

Russell, J. H., Travelling Bags, 436

Russell, T., Retorts, 401

Ruston, J., Engines, 452

Riithel, A , Valves, 332

Rutherford, J. H., Raising Sunken Vessels, &c., 16

Rutherford and Mitchell, Automatic Grip ping Tongs, 435

Ry dill, G., Dyeing, 452

Rydill, G., Fabrics, 453

Ryland, G. C., Permanent Way, 230

Sachs, J. J., Treating Animal and Vegetable Substances, 369

Sachs, J. J., Treating Fibres, 16

Sacr<5, Perkins, and Smellie, Permanent

Way, 419

Salmond, J., Digging Potatoes, 136

Sambrook, W., Heating Boiler Feedwaters. 369

Sample, J., Governors, 174

Samson, W. H., Steam Cultivating. 192

Samuelson and Manwaring, Harvesting, 263

Sanders, R. D., Brakes, 452 ^rgent W. D Copying Presses 109

S-i A.’ttmi’iX0"®11’*1”0’’ 369 Salicilic Acid, 419

A. a, CkMns lnd

Schlesinger, A.. Railway Brakes 200 ScteWVldr H°rrOcks>452 ScH: K b’ryingP4S33nd 10 qCkG1??> W-> Carding, 212 Schreiber, R., Burners, 230

S- Felted C°VOrs for Bottles,

Scott ?’ p>.T.elegiaphy, Scott f’r nlnF 8unkeu SbiP3. &c„ 316 c0OJ5 ,• Castors, 16 ’

J; Carding, 369 Basting, 419 ocott, jR., Lace, 264 Scot't, N. P. M., Coil Tobacco 360

nd Z„erbe- Packing■ £4 ° Sedgeley,'’jC°NP0Hl?fV'?amente’ 204

435 y ’ Half--Tester Bedsteads, SeFences,Hii9FaSteningS or staPIes for Sellars, J C., Concrete, 300 Seward N ’ TTUsj?al Instruments, 281 oewara, in., Heating, 264

300 ’ A” SGwing ^chine Attachments, cvan,d’ J’’ P're Cocks, 332 Sharo^^H^r^H8'?*111801118- 4°2 Shorn q n’ SUtt}PS Leather, 154 feharp, S. H Treating Hides, 174

.”lng°y UH Me«-


Shore? FbW  ? Machlnes, 452

ouorey, r yy„ Safety Valves, 452 Sh3°8r6aUd’ G‘ L” HeatinS and Ventilating, Shutt, T Boots and Shoes, 349

Rock“d49 yner’ CuttiDg and Dressing Siegris, B. M„ Brakes, 452 Sieh and Schwarz, Gas Regulating 26<? Siemens, C. W„ I^on and Steel 264 Siemens and Hesse, Kilns 332 Sievier J, c. H„ Gas, 369’ Silver, E., Lathes, 369 Simcox, E Taps and Cocks 16 349 Simey, C. R„ Propelling Ships 85

Simons and Brown, Dredgers 402 Simpson, J,, Engines, 419°

Simpson j’ Detan°a8v- and Wds- 246

Stone 212 ’ Dreak1^ and Crushing

Simpscn, R., Brewing, 153 Simpscn W. S„ Fire-arms 174 Singer, G., Velocipedes, 316 Skonfl p'.Swing Mirrors, 452 Slater’ G ’ «C0.“d ?efri8orating, 453 Slater, G„ Springs for Roller BUnds, &c„

Slater, J., Casks, 282

Slater J. W., Treating Sewago 119

&c., 85 Cleaning, Scouring Wool, Smith’ FChairs> 316 Smith’ F \ ’.Refrigerators, 230 Smith’ F-H01TtS f°r Pipe8> 34

  • • H., Lamps, 212

S 332 ’ J-’ Peedln8 PoPers and Furnaces, Smith, J., Pipes, 435 Smith, J., Spinning, 192

Smith, J. N., Axle-boxes and Lubricating, sSith J p” £uttln« T°01 Holders, 84

T £•’ Permanent Way, 369

'i' X” Air I>umPs> 332 gm}th, J. Y., Ventilating. 246

R. C., Ordnance, 16, 85

Smith’t ?;’Protecth>g Ships’ Guns, 34 Smito; T.’j^ffi and Mo'vfrg, 316

w’ 5uid Meters, 103 Smith,’ W.-; Wi^ffinS ^“^-300 iww, H. f., Braces and Fastenings, 16,

Somerville, J., Valves, 52

Souter and Entwisle, Treating Silk Waste and Tow, 52

Southby, A. G., Mashing Machines for Brewers, 386

Souty, L. B., Sliding Picture Frames, 386

Sowden and Stephenson, Looms, 264

Spannagel, C., Hats and Bonnets, 282

Spartali, N. D., Fuel, 85

Spartali, N. D., Propellers, 102

Speirs, A., Tubular Surface Condensers, 386

Spencelayh and Taylor, Steering Gear, 85

Spence, W., Anti-Tartaric Lubricant, 435 Spence, W., Carding, 52

S’’ gleaning Flour Middlings,, 102 Spence, W., Saws, 68

S„tidolPh> Bearing Springs, 34 SP154 ’ F' E’’ Securmg» &c-> Metallic Cases, Squire, A. Stopping Tram Cars, &c., 153 Stamton, W., Heating, 102

Stanfield, F. Pipes and Cigar Holders, 435 Staples, H., Treating Sewage, 212 Star ley, J. and J. K., Velocipedes, 435 Startin, T , Folding Carriage Steps, 369

J’ ‘r ’ JLurifying Gas, 85, 316

Steel, J., Working Continuous Brakes, 402 steel and Smith, Sliver Drawing Cans, 282

F’’ Decorating Mouldings, &c.,

Stevens, M., Chimney Pots and Ventilators, 419

Stevenson, G., Excavating and Depositing Earth, 369 6

Stewart, D;, Balls for Games, 230

Stewart, D., Treating Horn, &c., 436

Stidolph, Delf, and Stidolph, Cleaning and

Sorting Seed, &c., 102

Stiff and Bowen, Screws, 282

Stockman, F., Lay Figures, 386

Stocks, N., Communicating in Trains, 452 Stokes, B. H., Driving Machinery, 369 Stott, H., Ventilating Ships, 212 Stratford, W., Furnace Doors, 230

Strick, J., Flexible Joints, 34

Strong, A. and J., Swimming, 16

Strong, R. F.. Permanent Way, 282

Stuart, C., Fasteners for Brush Handles, 299

Stuart, J., Microscopes, 212

Stubbs and Corrigan, Gassing and Winding Yarns, &c., 34

Stutter, E. H., Threading Shuttles, 282 Sudlow, W. E., Fabrics, 435

Sunderland, H., Crushing and Grinding, 350, 452

Sutcliffe, H. and W., Plumber’s Pipe Hooks, 174

Sutherland, W., Lock Furniture, 402

Swan, J. W., Autographic Printing, 246

Swinburn, J. F., Breech-loading Small Arms, 264

Swindells and Lancaster, Ammonia, 174

Swindells and Lancaster, Chemical Products, 68

Sykes and Whiteley, Spinning and Twisting, 246

Symes, G., Gas, 436

Syre, A., Range Finders, 452

Systermans,O., Protecting RailwayGuards,

Tait, R. T., Tobacco, 16

Talbot, G. O., Safes and Strong Room Doors, 369

Tamin, J. M. O., Atmospheres and Atmospheric Baths, 402

Ta®^er> w-> Cleaning and Purifying Grain, Taylor, A , Drain Pipes, 332

Taylor, F. D., Button Fasteners, 154

Taylor and Ramsden, Spinning and Doubling, 154

Taylor, W., Ventilating, 316

Temple, T., Propellers, 386

Tenney and Hobbs, Children’s Furniture, 119

Tetlow, H., Looms, 282

Tew, F., Wearing. Apparel—Braces, 174

Thackery and Glover, Doubling and Twisting, 16

Thatcher, E., Shive Drawer, 349

Thayer, L. O., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 16

Thellot, J., Treating Petroleum for Candles and Soap, 85

Thierry, P. A., Smoke Consuming Apparatus, 192

Thiodon and Hubbard, Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, 452

Thomas, A. E., Rolling Machinery, 435

Thomas, J., Fuel Economising Boilers and Furnaces, 85

Thomas, J., Lamps, 316

Thomas, J. J., Separating Liquids, 154 Thomas, S. S , Needles, 402;

Thomas, T., Wearing Apparel—Stays, 119 Thomas, W., Railway Brakes, 154

Thomas, W., Wearing Apparel—Crinoline Steel, 174

Thompson and Lampitt, Dressing Flour and Middlings, &c., 85

Thompson, W. P., Boilers, 68

Thompson, W. P., Knitting, 68

Thompson, W. P., Roller Skates, 386

Thompson, W. P., Screw-outting Apparatus, 386

Thompson, W. P., Tapping, Measuring and Registering, 419

Thompson, W. P., Valves, 452

Thomson, E. H., Register for Vehicles, &o.. 212 ’

Thomson and Porteous, Tobacco, 419 Thomson, Sir W., Sounding Water, 230 Thomson, W. H, Grinding, Pulverising and Sifting, 386

Thomson, W. P,, Roller Skates, 230

Thomson, W. R. M., Drying Tea, 154

Thomson, W. R. M., Sewing Machine Attachments, 102

Thorburn, W., Washstands, 349

Thorn, T., Carriages, 85

Thornton, E. A., Sashes and Shutters, 16

Thornton, J., Wedding Rings, 299

Thornton, J., J. A., and Fenton, Spinning, 34

Thorpe and Prince, Condensers, 452

Thorpe and Prince, Direct-acting Steam Pumps, 452

Throop, J. W., Packing Bags, Sacks, Tins, &c,, 386

Throop, J. W., Permanent Way, 230

Tibbs, J., Mill Furnaces, 52

Tilgmann, F., Printing, 153

Tilton, W. P., Purifying Liquids, 300

Timperley and Gillbrand, Printing, 435

Tindell, W. F., Boxes, 299

Tindell, W. F., Paper Boxes, 154

Tinsley, W., Bedsteads for Invalids, 16 Todd, A., Lowering Heavy Weights, 435 Tomkins, T., Bricks, 136

Tomkinson and Adam, Carpets and Rugs. 299

Tomkinson and Adam, Chenille Rugs, 452 Tommasi, F., Engines, 300

Tommasi, F., Treating Cast Steel, 34 Tongue, J. G., Chairs, &c., 174

Tongue, J. G. Colouring Matters, 212

Tongue, J. G., Ice, 436

Tongue, J. G., Jars, Bottles, &c., 386 Tongue, J. G., Pumps, 34

Tongue, J. G., Raising Fallen Crops, 136

Tongue, J. G., Reaping and Mowing, 386

Tongue, J. G., Screw Propellers, 299

Tooley, E. H., Horse Rakes, 300

Torr, C. W., Metal Bedsteads, &c., 402

Tower, B., Indicating Spied of Marine Engines, 350

Townsend, 8., Driving Bands, Picture Cords, <fcc., 369, 452

Tozer, J. H., Permanent Way, 119 Tringuetta, C., Propelling, 136 Tronchon, P. A-, Railway Brakes, 230

Troughton, J., Indicator for Engines, 136 Trow, J., Puddling Iron, &c., 452

'rueman, H. P., Writing by Air or Gas,


fucker, B. W., Dredging Buckets and

Links, 349

Turnbull, A., Safety Valves, 316

L’urnbull, A. T., Voting, 246

Turner, A. D., Heating, 300

Turner, A. D., Sewing Machines, 300

^l2™cr’ Sunken Ships, &c.,

Turner, J., Velocipedes, 369

Turner, F. W., Engines and Boilers, 402

Turpin, M. F. C., Flooring, 300

Turquand, W. M. G., Clipping and Shearing. 53

Tweddell, Platt, and Fielding, Driving

Machines, 264

Tweddell, Platt, and Fielding, Hydraulic

Presses, 174

Twentyman, A. C., Grates, 436

I’ylor, A., Water-closets, 212

Tyior, A., Water Supply, 16

Tylor, A. and J. J., Measuring and Recording, 369

Tyzack, G., Anchors, 332

Underhill and Cartland,Metal Butt Hinges,

Underhill, J., Hinges, 316

Unwin, J., Etching on Glass, 332

Upton, J., Horseshoes, 212

Upton, W., Fasteners for Wearing Apparel, 281

Vaile, G., Lubricating Spindles &c., 85

Valette, C., Printing Cards, 436

Vallon, G. du, Furnaces, 386

Vallon, G. du. Pulley Blocks, 386

Vandendriesche, A. E., Gas Regulator, 349

Vanner, J. E., Winding Silk, 369

Vaughan, A., Padlocks, 246

Vaughan, E. P. H., Binding Grain, 34

Vaughan, H. and T., Locks and Keys, 230

Vernon, J., Toilet Services, 16

Vernon and Stewart, Bottles and Tumblers, 263

Virtue, F., Treating Oil-seeds, &c., 246

Visino, T., Ships’ Logs, 435

Vivian, J., Drilling Rock, 34

Voysey, C., Ships, 246

Wadsworth, J. E, and J,, and Gaggs, Umbrellas and Parasols, 386

Wadsworth, H., Boots, Shoes, and Clogs, 53

Wadsworth, T. L., Sugar Cubing, 369

Wagstaff, R., Chimney Tops and Ventilators, 349

Wahl, B., Destroying Vermin, 369

Wain, J., Spinning and Doubling, 246

Wakefield, J., Dies, 332

Wakeman, H., Flexible Tubing, 436

Waldenstrom and Sumner, Seamless Metal

Tubes, 452

Waldo, C. F., Feeding Attachments for

Presses, 281

Walker, B. P,, Feeding Furnaces, 34

Walker, G., Solitaires, Studs, &c., 369

Walker, H., Needles, 102

Walker, J., Fluid Meter, 349

Walker, J., Looms, 419

Walker, J. A., Fire-arms, 452

Walker, J. A., Projectiles, 436

Walker and Patterson. Refining Sugar, 349

Walker and Patterson, Treating Sugar Residues, 246

Walker, 8., Stoppers for Bottles, 68

Walker, W., Stoppers for Bottles, 34

Walkington and Broscomb, Pencils, 34

Wallace and Claus, Sulphate of Zinc, 102

Wallace, R. W., Salts of Barium and Silver,

Extracting, 136

Wallan, J., Boilers, 452

Wallis, C. W., Paving, 281

Wallis and Hayford, Roller Skates, 212

Walsham, J., Dress-holders, 350

Walton, G., Boots and Shoes, 316

Walton, J., Furnace Dampers, 34

Walton, 8., Locks, 316

Walton, W., Billiard, &c., Markers, 85

Walton, W., Grinding Wire Cards, 264

Walton, W., Marker for Billiards, 212

Warburton, H. G,, Winding, 263

Ward, H., J. and W., Bricks, 452

Ward, J., Ornamenting Tapered Tubes, 419

Ward, T. B., Stretching Frames, 263

Ward, T. H., Cranes, 386

Ware, A. 8., Rein Holder, 350

Warren and Field, Protecting Ships’ Bottoms, 153

Warren, F. P., Cements, 419

Warth, IL, Salt, 332

Warwick, J., Sewing Machine Shuttles, 34

Waters and Smith, Tiles for Roofing, 16

Watkin, H. S. 8., Surveying Instruments, 386

Watson, A. Y,, Coiling Wire Rope, 436

Watson, J., Pumps, 402

Watson, J., Treating Sewage, 369

Watson and Weatherby, Fanning, 102

Watson, W> R., Treating Sugar, 264

Watts, W. J., Manual Screw Propeller, 34

Waugh, J., Gathering Crops, Stones, &c., 119

Waymouth, 8., Railway Signals, 103

Weatherburn, W. W. and R., Extracting

Tubes from Boilers, 68

Webb, F. W., Signals and Points, 16

Webb, T. J.. Ornamenting Glass, 16

Webber, C. E , Heating by Gas, 230

Webster, E., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 246 I

Webster, jun., W., Endosmomic Action, 316

Weightman, A , Stoppers for Bottles, 68

Weintrand and Joyce, Solitaires, 263

Weir, J. B.. Cutting and Dressing Stone, 300

Welch and Scott, Mixing, 16

Weldon, F., Measuring Distances, 369

Weldon, W., Aluminates and Phosphates of

Soda and Sulphur, 230

Weldon, W., Carbonate of Soda, 230

Weldon, W., Carbon Bricks, 230

Weldon, W., Caustic Soda, Potash, and

Sulphur, 212

Weldon, W., Furnaces, 246

Weldon, W,, Lining Furnaces, 212

Weldon, W., Silicates of Aluminates of Soda and Potash, 212

Weldon, W., Sulphides of Soda and Potash, 212, 230, 246, 316

Weldon, W., Treating Soda and Potash, 263

Weldon, W., Treating Sulphates of Soda and Potash, 246

Wells, G, T. J., Soda and Potash, 34

Wells, J., Solid Dies, 212

Wenn and Dashwood, Heating Buildings, &c., 34

Werdermann, R., Electric Lighting, 453

Wesley, W., Boots and Shoes, 246

Westinghouse, G., Governors, Indicators, &c, 369

Westinghouse, G., Lighting Railway Carriages, 386

Westmacott, C. M , Motive Power, 212

Westmacott, P. G. B., Working Metals, 452

Weston, G., Hauling Gear and Bearings, 16

Westwood, A., Smoke-consuming Furnaces, 212

Wetzel, C. H., Fastenings for Boxes, 264

Wheeldon, F. R., Rolling Metal, 263

Wheelhouse, T., Driving Belts, 402

Whitaker, T. and W., Heat and Air Regulator, 174:

Whitaker, O. L. and W. A., Pearson and Entwistle, Spinning, 300

Whitcombe, A., Affixing Adhesive Stamps,

Whitcombe, A., Carriages, 212

Whitcombe, A., Screws, Bolts, Hooks &c., 212

White, R. O. and J. B., Portland Comont, 3SG

White, W., Treating Coffee and Cocoa, 212

White, W., Treating Sewage, 263

Whiteiord, J., Horseshoes, 102

Whitehall, E., Pleating and Ruching, &c., 174

Whitehead, F., Sewing Machines, 369

Whitehead, H. M., Preserving Meat, 452

Whitehead, T. and L. R., Ornamenting Glass, 246

Whitehead, T. and H. W., Drawing Rollers, 349

Whiteley, W., Spinning, 402

Whiteley, W., Spinning and Roving, 34

Whitestone, J., Heating and Lighting, 119

Whitfield, N.,Fuel Economising and Smoke

Consuming, 386

Whittaker, P. H., Signalling, 263

Whittaker, R., Excavating and Loading',

Whitthread, W., Pigments, 16

Whitton, W. B., Pipes, 452

Whitworth, Sir J., Wheels, 102

Whyte and Thallon, Thread, 436

Wicksteed, C., Engines, 282

Wier, M. A., Balancing and Sustaining

Suspended Articles, 386

Wiggins, W., Watches, 369

Wigham, J. R., Audible Signals, 419

Wigzell and Halsey, Engines, 264

Wigzell and Pollet, Drying Wool, 246

Wild and Chadwick, Looms, 349

Wild, R. A., Shuttles, 386

Wilde, E. A., Aluminium and Alloys, 436

Wilde, H., Printing, 230

Wildes and Roettger, Weighing and Shooting Coals, 68

Wilding, J., Washing, 212

Wildy, A. H., Permanent Way, 332

Wilkins, F., Propelling, 52

Wilkins, S. B., Ball Cock Hydrants, 264

Wilkinson, F., Carding, 349

Willans, J. G., Castings, 369

Willans, J. G., Iron and Steel, 246

Willett, G. R , Washing, 174

Willett, G. R., Wringing and Mangling, 452

Williams and Pemberton, Boilers, 61

Williamson, W. S., Blast Furnaces, 386

Williamson, W. S., Treating Slag and Pyrites, 300

Wilson, A., Utilising Waste Heat, 16

Wilson and Battersby, Reaping and Mowing, 52

Wilson, J., Cooking Ranges, 174

Wilson, J. G., Extinguishing Sparks, 281

Wilson, J. H.. Ventilating Furnaces, 299

Wilson, J. C., Safety Valve Apparatus, 349

Wilson, J. G., Indicating Speech, 369

Wilson and Leach, Ejectors, 34

Wilson, M , Velocipedes, 136

Wilson, P. G., Brooches, 192

Wilson, B., Hydraulic Presses, 34, 230

Wilson, R., Screw Propellers, 34

Wilson, R. A , Furnaces, 332

Wilson, T., Metallic Bedsteads, 119

Wilson, W. W., Gauging or Mixing, 246

Wiltshire, W., Fastenings for Railway

Carriage Doors, 34

Winchester and Everest, Roller Blinds, 3G9

Wirth, F., Artificial Ice, 34

Wirth, F., Bleaching, 332

Wirth, F., Braiding, 300

Wirth, F., Drum Screening, 16

Wirth, F., Drying, 435

Wirth, F., Grinding and Mashing, 264

Wirth, F., Lubricating, 85

Wirth, F., Malt, 212

Wirth, F., Packing Rings, 264

Wirth, F., Railway Brakes, 212

Wirth, F., Recovering Sulphur from Gas

Lime, 281

Wirth, F., Bolling Machinery, 119

Wirth, F., silk, <Sjc., Hats, 102

Wirth, F., Table Fountains, 136

Wirth, F., Travelling Bags, 192

Wirth, F., Tunnelling, Mining, &c., 386

Wise, W. L., Boilers, 369

Wise, W. L , Centrifugal Machines, 102

Wise, W. L., Cleaning Lithographic Stones

Wise, W. L., Furnaces, 192

Wise, W. L., Governors, 282

Wise, W. L., Boiler Skates, 119

Wise, W. L., Rolling Machinery,.369

Wise, W. L., Telescopes, 52

Wise, W. L., Wire, 316

Wolff, L., Pencils and Holders, 402

Wolschoff, a. D., Marking Divisions, 192

Wolstenholme, J., Steam Pumps, 332

Wood, C., Treating Slag, 402

Wood, C. F., Portable Rink, 34

Wood, C. F., BollerSkates, 216, 849

Wood, J., Dentistry, 435

Wood, Shakespear and Thompson, Railway Signalling, 192

Wood, W. A., Brakes for Harvesters, 402

Woodall, S., Lubricating, 299

Woodbury, W. B„ Magic Lanterns, 300

Woodhouse, J., Blocks for Building, 84

Worth and Pontifex, Ventilating Water

proof Garments, 369

Wotherspoon, J., Asbestos Paper, 174

Wright, J. T., Musical Instruments, 452

Wrigley, A,, Automatic Railway Signalling, 246

Wrigley, J., Strapsand Bands, 300

Yeo, E , Packing for Pistons, &c, 34

Youard, H. G., Paperhanging, 34

Young, F., Roller Skates, 263

Young, H. B., Marine Engines, 119

Young, J., Deeding Furnaces, 34

I Young,Neilson, and Young, Distilling Bitu

minous Substances, 332

Young, S., Motive Power, 300

Young, W., Carburetting Air, 154

Young, W., Feeding Furnaces, 212

Young, W., Gas, 419

Zaffira, G., Watches and Clocks, 102

Zanni, G., Magneto-Electric Machines, 84

Zanni, G., Magneto-Electricity for Curative

Purposes, 369

Zingler, M., Paints and Inks, 34

Zoller and Scott, Tiles, Slabs, and Flexible

Hose, 34

F., Drying, 435

F., Malt, 212

©rants ot $robisional Iprotrction. SUBJECT MATTER.

Accoutrements, J. H. Johnson, 419

Acid Used in Pickling Metal Plates, Treating, R. J. Hutchings, 350

Adjusting Portable Machinery, Clayton and Shuttleworth, 136

Advertising, W. A. Brice, 299

Advertising, A. M, Clark, 246

Advertising, J. Ledger, 436

Advertising and Exhibiting, W. R. Holy-oake, 34

Advertising Plates and Labels, Dryhurst and Woodward, 154

Aerial Toy, J. C. Mewburn, 136

Agricultural Implements, Headley and

Warden, 402

Air Pumps, J. Y. Smith, 332

Albums, Ij. Biemanns, 419

Album, <fcc., Leaves, P. Jensen, 68

Alcoholic Liquids, C. Rands, 419

Alloys, C. Fox, 316

Aluminates and Phosphates of Soda and

Sulphur, W. Weldon, 230

Aluminium and Alloys, E. A. Wilde, 436

Ammonia, Swindells and Lancaster, 174

Anchors, P. Protheroe, 34

Anchors, J. M. Richards, 316

Anchors, G. Tyzack, 332

Animal and Vegetable Substances with Hydro-Carbons, Treating, J. H. Johnson, 350

Animal and Vegetable Substances, Treating, J. J. Sachs, 369

Annealing Pans, Shand and Heap, 386

Anvils, Brooks and Cooper, 386

Armour Plates, G. W. von Nawrocki, 85

Armour Plates, R. Rowlinson, 402

Armour Plating, Banks and Wright, 102

Armour Plating, J. H. Johnson, 369, 402, 435, 452

Armour Plating, A. L. S. Leighs, 153

Asbestos Paper, J. Wotherspoon, 174

Asphalte, B. D. Healey, 53

Asphaltum, L. L. P6aud, 230

Astronomical Instruments, F. McClean, 299

Astronomical and Surveying Instruments, P. Adie, 52

Atmospheres and Atmospheric Baths, J.

M. O. Tamin, 402

Axle Boxes, C. E, Firmstone, 299

Axle Boxes, Carriage, E. Partridge, 230

Axle Boxes, &c., Lubricating, J. N. Smith, 136

Axle Pulley for Sashes, Wrought Iron, J.

II. Butler, 453

Axles, G. Clark, 212

Axles, W. R. Lake, 230

Axles and Brakes, J. Cleminson, 119

Axles, Cranked, Grantham and Holt, 386

Bagatelle, R. Henly, 119

Balances, Spring, F. D. Artingstall, 436

Balancing and Sustaining Suspended Articles, M. A. Wier, 386

Bale Ties, W. R. Lake, 350

Bale Ties, D. C. Lowber, 52

Ball Valves, W. Hamer, 435

Barrows, Trucks, &c., H. T. F. Clifton, 402

Bases and Holders, S. Guiterman, 452

Baskets, Illingworth and Zeidler, 386

Bathing Apparatus, A. Browne, 174

Bathing Dress, Shephard and Brough, 16

Baths to be Heated by Gas, R. Quick, 435

Baths, Hot Air, T. Galbraith, 369

Batteries, Galvanic, W. R. Lake, 136

Batteries and Projectiles, T. S. Hunter, 174

Beaming and Sizeing, J. Heap, 369

Bearing Springs, Spencer and Stidolph, 34

Bearings and Footsteps, Follows and Bate, 154

Beds, Elastic, G. D. Haisne, 192

Bedsteads, H. W. Brookman, 436

Bedsteads and Cots, E. Brown, 452

Bedsteads, Half Tester, J. N. Sedgley, 435

Bedsteads, Invalids’, S. Danischewski, 212

Bedsteads for Invalids, W. Tinsley, 16

Bedsteads, &c., Metal, C. W. Torr, 402

Bedsteads, Metallic, T. Wilson, 119

Bedsteads, &c., Portable, R. Cane, 174

Beverages, J. C. Meinen, 300

Bicycles, J. Fournier, 52

Bicycles, W. Hillman, 452

Bicycles, Likema and Lawson, 34

Billiard Cues, J. Foulds, 435

Billiard, &c., Markers, W. Walton, 85

Billiard Table Cushions, A. A. Leaker, 369

Billiard, &c., Tables, J. Marsden, 369

Billiards, J. Bennett, 230

Binding Grain, E. P. H. Vaughan, 34

Blankets, P. Jones, 52

Blasting, J. Macnab, 174

Bleaehing, F. Wirth, 332

Bleaching and Dyeing, W. Crawford, 300

Blind Cord Holder, Venetian, J. G. Rolla-son, 136

Blind Rollers, H. Callas, 85

Blinds, Attachments for Roller, J. Day, 136

Blinds, Roller, Winchester and Everest, 369

Blinds, Venetian, F. J. Costa, 369

Blinds, Venetian, C. T. W. Piper, 119

Blocks for Drains and Sewers, E. Brooke, 402

Blood-Albumen for Dyeing and Printing, &c., Kingzett and Zwingler, 34

Blotting Pads, R* Abbay, 332

Blowing Fans, P. Pierce, 369

Boat Lowering, Johnson and Johnson, 230

Boat Lowering, W. R. Lake, 53

Boat Lowering, A, Macpherson, 212

Boat Lowering and Detaching, G. G. Laurence, 34

Boat Lowering and Raising, J. W. Rogers, 230

Boats, Steam Ferry, G. B. Rennie, 153

Bobbins, J. Ledger, 402

Boiler Registers, J. Ledger, 174

Boiler Tube Ferule Extractor, W. Bowker, 174

Boiler Tubes, Plugging, W. Fenengar, 419

Boilers, C. D. Abel, 264

Boilers, Alexander and Lansley, 34

Boilers, H. S. Barron, 369

Boilers, H. S. Coleman, 453

Boilers, W. N. Back, 386

Boilers, D. Davidson, 300

Boilers, W. E. Everitt. 192

Boilers, C. A. Faure, 264

Boilers, H. Ferguson, 436

Boilers, C. W. Gauntlett, 436

Boilers, B. Hunt, 263

Boilers, R. Illingworth, 299

Boilers, J. H. Johnson, 264, 386

Boilers, S. Leoni, 350

Boilers, T. and R. Mills, 316

Boilers, T. Morgan, 212

Boilers, W. Morgan-Brown, 192

Boilers, H. H. Murdoch, 264

Boilers, T. F. Passman, 192

Boilers, R. Renshaw, 85

Boilers, G. W. D. Scott, 174

Boilers, W. P Thompson, 68

Boilers, J. Wallace, 452

Boilers, Williams and Pemberton, 68

Boilers, W. L. Wise, 369

Boilers, Automatic Feed Apparatus for, C. D. Abel, 369

Boilers, Cleaning, Mather, J. and W. Or-mesher, and Brown, 332

Boilers, Extracting Tubes from, W. W. and

R. Weatherbum, 68

Boilers, Feeding, C. Pieper, 402

Boilers and Furnaces, Feeding, S. Smith, 332

Boilers and Furnaces, Fuel Economising, J. Thomas, 85

Boilers, Inexplosive, J. F. Belleville, 435

Boilers, Pipes, &c.. Coating, R. Mclvor, 436

Boilers, Preventing Corrosion in, A. T.

Becks 281

Boilers and Tubes, J. H. Adams, 435

Bookbinding, W. Conquest, 436

Bookbinding, W. R. Lake, 16

Boots and Shoes, E. P. Alexander, 34

Boots and Shoes, Batlcy, Keats, Green and

Neil, 350 „ ,

Boots and Shoes, W. H. Beck, 85

Boots and Shoes, A. M. Clark, 16

Boots and Shoes, W. H. Dutton, 332

Boots and Shoes, D. W. Fessy, 332

Boots and Shoes, W. E. Gedge, 349

Boots and Shoes, L. Giessner, 402

Boots and Shoes, H. Glenn, 16

Boots and Shoes, H. Jennings, 435

Boots and Shoes, Keats and Greenwood, 212

Roots and Shoes, W. R. Lake, 192, 332, 356

Boots and Shoes, H. Lavie, 300

Boots and Shoes, T. Morgan, 52

Boots and Shoes, G. Richardson, 452

Boots and Shoes, T. Shutt, 349

Boots and Shoes, G. Walton, 316

Boots and Shoes, W. Wesley, 246

Boots, Shoes, and Clogs, J. Blakey, 419

Boots, Shoes, and Clogs, H. Wadsworth, 53

Boring and Drilling, W. R« Lake, 452

Bottles, J. W. Kirk, 16

Bottles for Acids, &c., J. Holden, 300

Bottles for Aerated Liquids, Batten, Griffin and Prndencio, 435

Bottles and Jars, Sealing, C. M. Jacob, 136

Bottles and Stoppers, Gee, Gibbs and

Garnett, 119

Bottles and Tumblers, Vernon and Stewart,


Boxes, H. Roman, 386

Boxes, W. F. Tindell, 299

Boxes for Cigar Ashes, J. Bertrom, 332

Boxes for Matches, &c., T. Allen, 136

Boxes for Matches, &c., H. R. Ann, 435

Boxes for Matches, G. F. Griffin, 212

Boxes for Matches, &c., E. Pace, 174

Boxes, Paper, W. F. Tindell, 154

Boxes, Pomatum, J. Rogers, 246

Braces, H. F. Snow, 16, 34

Braiding, F. Wirth, 300

Brake for Horses, Electric, F. Faucher, 85

Brakes, J. Beale, 212

Brakes, W. Davison, 452

Brakes. W. H. Greenwood, 419

Brakes’ J. Kuntze, 246

Brakes, R. D. Sanders, 452

Brakes, B. M. Siegris, 452

Brakes, Air, C. A. Bouton. 230, 402

Brakes, Atmospheric, C. Cowdery, 119

Brakes for Cranes, &c., W. Matthews, 85

Brakes for Harvesters, W. A. Wood, 402

Brakes for Perambulators, W. J. Parker, 316

Brakes and Wheels, A. M. Clark, 419

Brakes, Working Continuous, J. Steel, 402

Brakes, Railway, J. Ahronsberg, 230

Brakes, Railway, E. D. Barker, 85

Brakes, Railway, D. Drummond, 350

Brakes, Railway, R. A. Essery, 68

Brakes, Railway, T. J. and Jjun.,Fielding,


Brakes, Railway, S. Garau, 452

Brakes, Railway, J. H. Johnson, 452

Brakes, Railway, J. M. Pauli, 4B5

Brakes, Railway, J. Peebles, 300

Brakes, Railway. A. Schlesinger, 299

Brakes, Railway, W. Thomas, 154

Brakes, Railway, P. A. Tronchon, 230

Brakes, Railway, F. Wirth, 212

Breaking and Crushing, C. Chapitel, 136

Breaking and Crushing Stone, J. D. Simpson, 212

Brewing, R. Simpson, 153

Bricks, &c., B. J. B. Mills, 85

Bricks, T. Tomkins, 136

Bricks, IL, J. and W. Ward, 452

Bricks, Carbon, W. Weldon, 230

Bricks, Protecting, W. Kemsley, 34

Bricks and Tiles, J. H. Atterbury, 34

Bricks and Tiles, J. C. Bloomfield, 212

Bricks and Tiles, F. Chamberlain, 212

Bricks and Tiles, J. W. Corbett, 332

Bricks and Tiles, G. Davies, 34

Bricks and Tiles, P. Jensen, 85

Bricks and Tiles, T. Johnson, 85

Bricks, Tiles. &c., C. H. Murray, 119

Bridles, G. Green, 174

Bristles, Dressing, H. J. Haddan, 154

Bronzing Copper, &c., L. J. Roucou, 84

Brooches, P. G. Wilson, 192

Broom Handle Shield, A. C. Henderson, 174

Brushes, J. Raper, 84

Brushes and Brooms, H. Jesson and Duggan, 136

Brushes and Combs, C. D. Abel, 16

Buckle Tongues, P. Macquay, 369

Buckles and Keepers. J. S. Crowley, 435

Buckles and Straps, J. Frankenburg, 435

Buffer Hoops, R. Ramsay, 349

Building, Blocks for. J. Woodhouse, 84

Building Materials, T. Hyatt, 52, 230

Buildings, Ships, &c., J. P. Harriss-Gas-trell, 369

Buoy, Electric Light, A. M. Clark, 386

Burners, C. S. Robinson, 246

Burners, R. Schreiber, 230

Burners, Cylindrical, C. A Ferron, 16

Burners. Gas, J. Chatwin, 230

Button Fasteners, F. D. Taylor, 154

Button Holing. T. Rose, 282

Buttons, J. Fletcher, 349

Buttons, K. Proctor, 246

Cages for Mines, J. Heydon, 452

Calendar and Timepiece Combined, A. M.

Clark, 16

Calendering and Glazing, W. Ibbotson, 281

Cancelling Postage Stamps, Palmer and

Clark, 282

Candles, F. M. de Lastelle, 316

Candles, J. E. Morris, 174

Candlesticks. R. Brown, 52

Candles and Soap, Treating Petroleum for,

J. Shellot, 85

Cans, &c., L. Brook, 452

Cans for Oil, &c., Tank, B. J. B. Mills, 85

Cans for Paints, &c., S. Eyles, 84

Capsules for Bottles, C. M. Jacob, 281

Carbonate of Soda, W. Weldon, 230

Carburetting Air, J. W. Gidney, 212

Carburetting Air, W. Young, 154

Carding, G. R. and E. Ashworth, 300

Carding, W. and T. Barker, 369

Carding, Dobson, Rushton, and Dobson, 264

Carding, A. J. Haworth, 369

Carding, J. and J. E. Holden, 212

Carding, J. Ingham, 34

Carding, J. Jackson, 16

Carding, J. H. and J. Kenyon, 34

Carding, C. W. and F. Ratcliff, 369

Carding, W. Scholes, 212

Carding, J. P. Scott, 369

Carding, W. Spence, 52

Carding, F. Wilkinson, 349

Carpets, T. F. Firth, 153

Carpets, J. Irving, 230

Carpets and Rugs, J. H. Johnson, 246

Carpets and Rugs, Tomkinson and Adam

299 ’,

Carriages—(See also Vehicles)

Carriage Shafts, C. J. Ball, 299

Carriage Steps, Folding, T. Startin, 869

Carriages, H. Brinsmead, 34

Carriages, G. H. Morgan, 369

Carriages, T. Thorn, 85

Carriages, A. Whitcombe, 212 Carriages and Brakes, Railway, W. R.

Lake, 419

Carriages, Lighting Railway, G. Westinghouse, 386

Carriages, Rail and Tramway, T. R. Brailsford, 212

Carriages, Railway, &c., R. B. Hansell, 174

Carriages, Steam, T. Robertson, 16 Cartridges, J. D. Dougall, jun , 281 Cartridges, J. H. Johnson, 85 Cartridges, W. R. Lake, 102

Cases for Pontoons, Boats, <fcc.,T. C. Clarkson, 332

Cases for Sash Pulleys, W. Clark, 103 Cases for Stationery, T. W. Harrison, 436 Casks, J. Slater, 282

Casks and Lids, Metal, J. Simpson, 246 Casks and Taps, F. McDiarmid, 386 Casks, Treating the Insides of, Matthew and Davis, 230

Castings, Bolton, Blackett, and Ashwell, 192

Casting, M. Scott, 419 Castings, J. G. Willans, 369 Castors, J. T. Ashenhurst, 212 Castors, J. Barr, 435 Castors, P. J. Carmien, 332 Castors, J. C. Scott, 16 Castors, Ball, G. F Redfern, 174 Castors for Furniture, N. S. Bailey, 452 Catching Fish, Game, &c., W; R. Lake, 349 Caustic Soda, Potash, and Sulphur, W.

Weldon, 212

Ceilings, Hoyle, Richards, and Heyes, 212 Cements, F. P. Warren, 419

Cement, Portland, R. A. Gibbons. 435 Cement, Portland, R. O. and J. B. White,


Centrifugal Machines, E. A. Cowper, 264 Centrifugal M a<-hines, J. E. F. Ludeke, 300 Centrifugal Machines, E. Reynolds, 316 Centrifugal Machines, W. L. Wise, 102 Chaff Cutting, T. Allcock, 34 Chains, J. K. Pearce, 316 Chairs, &c., J. G. Tongue, 174 Chairs, Folding, E. Smith, 316 Chair-Bedsteads, Folding, S. Griffin, 436 Chandeliers, <Src., J. T. King, 316

Chandeliers and Lamps, Crichley and Mason, 34

Chandeliers, &c., Suspending, C. D. E.

Kramme, 34

Checks and Tickets, J. Courtney, 452

Chemical Products, Swindells and Lancaster, 68

Chenile Rugs, Tomkmson and Adam, 452 Cheques, &c., W. A. Simmons, 349 Chimney Pots, D. Guy, 369

Chimney Pots and Ventilators, M. Stevens, 419

Chimney Tops and Ventilators, R. Wagstaff, 349

Churns, Aerating, T. B. East, 435

Churning and Freezing, A. A. Schlesinger, 68

Churning and Sifting, R. G. Kirton, 419 Cigar, <fcc., Cases, H. W. Doe, 85 Cigar- Holders, J. T. Connolly, 34 Cigar Lighters, T. McLean, 402 Cigarettes, J. H. Johnson, 386 Cigarettes without Tobacco, J. Fos, 85 Clasps, J. Muller, 369

Cleaning, Claus and Lowndes, 332

Cleaning Bolting Machinery, L. V. Rathbun, 136

Cleaning Boots, Bayer and Jahn, 16 Cleaning Boots and Shoes, T. Biggs, 436 Cleaning Carpets, G. S. Norris, 436 Cleaning Cotton, S. Crossley, 85

Cleaning Cotton, Lord and Kaberry, jun., 212

Cleaning and Dyeing, J. H. Rogers, 369 Cleaning Knives, J. L. Hancock, 16 Cleaning Knives, R. Knott, 300

Cleaning Lithographic Stones, W. L. Wise, 136

Cleaning and Purifying Grain, W. Tasker, 246

Cleaning Rails, J. Bowman, 386 Cleaning Rails, Kelman and Wilson. 212 Cleaning and Scouring Wool, &c., C. W.

Smith, 85

Cleaning and Sorting Seed, &c , Stidolph, Delf, and Stidolph, 102

Cleaning and Sweeping Streets, W. A. Brodribb, 349

Clipping Horses, H. Bate, 16

Clipping and Shearing, W. M. G. Tur-quand. 53

Clocks, J. A. Lund, 332

Clocks, Illuminating, J. A. Langston, 136 Clocks, Tell-Tale, W. C. S. Clark, 85 Clockwork, G. E. Pritchett, 452.

Clog Blocks, R. J. Jones, 85 Coal Cutting, E. A. Cowper, 174 Coal Loading, A. M. Potter, 192 Cocks, Dewrance and Mallinson, 436 Cocks, Shutting, O. Ber, 212 Cocks, J. H. Johnson, 52 Cocks, Blow-off, W. Bowker, 154 Cocks and Taps. W. Burns, 230 Coffee and Cocoa, Treating, W. White, 212 Coffee Pulping, A. M. Clark, 53 Coffee, Treating, R. Goundry, 299 Coiling Wire Rope, A. Y. Watson, 436 Colouring Matters, A. J4. Clark, 34 Colouring Matters, L. Henry, 299 Colouring Matters, J. G. Tongue, 212 Colouring Matters and Sugar, A. M. Clark, 16

Combing, Bradley and Campbell, 386 Combing, J. Eastwood, 85 Combing, T. W. Harding. 316 Combing, J. and J. E. Holden, 230 Combing, J. H. Johnson, 16 Combing, P. Kelly, 246 Compressing Air, P. Brotherhood, 174 Compressing Air, T. Feather, 192 Concrete—(See also Paving Blocks) Concrete, J. C. Sellars, 300 Concrete, Comte I). Brochocki, 402 Concrete Blocks, W. Ettlinger, 349 Concrete Building and Tiles, C. Drake, 349 Condensers, Thorpe and Prince, 452 Condensers, Electrical, D. G. Fitzgerald, 246 Condensers, Tubular Surface, A. Speirs, 386

Condensing Steam, J. E. Remfry, 85 Controlling Exchange of Gold Coin for

Silver, &e., T. Austin, 16

Converting Vessels for Iron and Steel, T.A. Freeston, 212

Cooking, Heaps and Wheatley, 230 Cooking Utensils, W. Morgan-Brown, 154 Cooling Fabrics, H. Lister, 263

Copper and Alloys, Treating, W. E. Everett, 452

Copper, Treating, S. Pitt, 263 Copying Presses, A. G. Brookes, 102 Copying Presses, W. B. Sargent, 102 Corkscrews, W. R. Lake, 360 Corkscrews, C. Baylis, 212 Corrugating Wire for Lattice Work, P.

, Joannes, 34 Cotton as an Absorbent, Preparing, Buck

and Duck, 68 Cotton, Treating, 8. D. Keene, 212 Counterpanes, W. O'Hanlon, 52 Couplings, T. A. Brocklebank, 102 Couplings, Coleman and Bird,, 85

Couplings, H. Gardner, 402

Couplings, S. Partridge, 102

Couplings for Cars, H. J. Haddan, 369

Couplings for Fire Hose, &c., G. Macartney, 174

Couplings, Railway, A. M. Clark, 436

Couplings, Railway, R. Harrison. 436

Couplings, Railway, J. H. Johnson, 84

Couplings for Shafts, M. H. Kernaul, 34

Coupling and Uncoupling, Kitson and Naylor, 419

Coverings for Carboys, H. Hall, 282

Covers for Boxes, &c., W. L. Hubbell, 453

Cowls, J. Deakin, 34

Cramps for Flooring, J. Hampton, 402

Cranes, T. H. Ward, 386

Crossings, Railway. S. Pitt. 402

Crushing and Grinding. J. O. Hanctin. 68

Crushing and Grinding, II. Sunderland, 300, 452

Crushing, Pulverising and Mixing, N. G. Kimberley, 402

Cultivating, J. A. Clarke, 281

Cultivating. J. Connell. 282

Cultivating, G. Greig, 282

Cultivating and Digging, Barclay and Sellar, 103

Cultivating by Steam, T. R. H. Fisken, 84

Cultivating, Steam, W. Rainford, sen., and jun., 192

Cultivating, Steam, W. H. Samson, 192

Cut-Nail Machines, Feeding, J. R. Danks, 230

Cutter Blocks, F. R. Clarke, 246

Cutting Bone. Ivory, <fcc., A. P. Dupont, 281

Cutting and Bundling Sticks, F. Kingston, 174

Cutting Chaff. Hay. &c., D. A. Christie. 369

Cutting and Chopping Suet, <fcc., H. Baker, 103

Cutting and Dressing Rock, Sides and Rayner. 349

Cutting and Dressing Stone, W. B. Adamson, 212

Cutting and Dressing Stone, J. B. Weir, 300

Cutting and Edging Grass, G. B. North-cote, 102

Cutting Grass Edges, &c., A. E. Ragg, 212

Cutting Leather Edges, A. M. Clark. 281

Cutting Mortices in Wood, A. W. Pocock, 300

Cutting Rags, Fodder, &c., J. R. Readett, 300

Cutting and Splitting Wood, T. Jefferey, 350

Cutting Sugar, B. J. B. Mills, 300

Cutting and Turning, G. Broy, 264

Cutting Wood, W. Cook, 332

Dampening Pads, H. J. Haddan, 16

Decorticating, A. W. Clark, 68

Decorating Mouldings, &c., F. Stevens, 402

Dentistry, J. Wood, 435

Desks, Convertible, R. M. Cameron, 369

Desks and Sears, J. Johnstone, 16

Destroying Noxious Gases, W. E. Newton, 119

Destroying Vermin, B. Wahl, 369

Determining Angles of Engine Eccentrics, J. N. Coxon, 34

Dies, R. C. Robinson, 369

Dies, J. Wakefield, 332

Dies, Solid, J. Wells, 212

Digging, L. A. Aspinwall, 300

Digging Potatoes, L. A. Aspinwall, 386

Digging Potatoes, P. M. Bawtenhimer, 16

Digging Potatoes, J. Salmond. 136

Digging Turnips, Dewar and Crichton, 192

Dishes, &c , Revolving, Green and Mallol, 349

Disinfecting, C. E. H Rogers. 264

Disintegrating Quartz, H. J. Haddan, 174

Dispensing, J. Cockshot, 103

Distilling, P. Griffin, 212

Distilling, McKendrick and Ball, 282

Distilling Bituminous Substances, Young, Neilson and Young. 332 istributing Liquid, H. Green, 332

Diving, M. H. Bland, 68

Door-knocker, R. L. Johnson, 52

Doors, D. Gill, 282

Doors, Boiler Furnace, Jowett and Wood, D192

Doors, Furnace, W. Stratford, 230

Doubling, S. Bagnall, 136

Doubling, J. C. Rawson, 174

Doubling and Twisting, Thackery and Glover, 16

Drawing Rollers, T. and H. W. Whitehead, 349

Drawing, Sketching, &c , B. Beer, 349

Dredgers (Hopper), Simons and Brown, 402 Dredging, Sir J. Coode, 16

Dredging Buckets and Links, B.W. Tucker, 349

Dredging and Excavating, J. Crabtree, 212

Dredging and Excavating, A. C. Henderson, 230

Dress Holders, J. Walsham, 350

Dress Suspenders, A. L. Fyfe, 68

Dressing and Cleaning Fibres, W. R. Lake, 246

Drill Cramps, R. J. Hodges, 281

Drill, Metal, E. T. Hughes, 452

Drilling, B. W. Rogers, 192

Drilling and Boring, J. Mawson, 402

Drilling Braces, G. Double, 282

Drilling Rock, G. H., Neumann, 282

Drilling Rock, J. Vivian, 34

Drilling and Turning, J. Dickinson, 282

Drills, Percussive Rock, J. Darlington, 349

Driving Bands, J. Good, 119

Driving Bands, J. Oldfield, 419

Driving Bands, S. Townsend, 369

Driving Bands, Picture Cords, &c., S. Townsend, 452

Driving Belts, D. Ldvy, 34

Driving Belts, T. Wheelhouse, 402

Driving Chains, W. R. Lake, 85

Driving Machinery, A. Browne, 435

Driving Machinery, M. J. Roberts, 52

Driving Machinery, B. H. Stokes, 369

Driving Machinery, Tweddell, Platt, and Fielding, 264

Drying, T. Coleby, 85

Drying, E. Scholes, 436

Drying, F. Wirth, 435

Drying Machines, Centrifugal,E. G.Brewer, 436

Drying and Pulverising Blood, C. and A. Forrest, 212

Drying Sheds, W. F. Beart, 435

Drying and Stretching, J. S. Kershaw, 212

Drying Tea, W. R. M. Thomson, 154

Drying Wool, Wigzell and Pollet, 246

Dyeing, G. Rydill, 452

Dyeing Hosiery Goods, J. R, Ashwell, 419

Dyeing and Printing, C. Dreyfus, 386 Dyeing Wool in Indigo Vats, W. Croysdale,

Dyes, Aniline, J. S. Butler, 436 Dynamo - Electric and Magneto

Machines, A. M. Clark, 192

Dynamometers, H. Killiches, 52

- Electric

Easel Album, W. Marx, 452

Easels, J. B. Fenby, 52

Easels, G. Gent, 332

Egg Boxes, H. E. Newton, 386

Egg Stands, J. Henderson, 386

Ejectors, W, Morgan-Brown, 3§0

Ejectors. Wilson and Leach, 34

Elastic Materials, Bowra and Zcden 282 Electricity, J. L. Pulvermacher 299 Electric Light, R. Applegarth, 246

Electric Light, E. G. Brewer 2 6 Electro-Plate, Green and Mallol, 33-Electro-Plating', R. M. p™)r> 34 Elevating, W. R. Lake, 246

Elevating, Hydraulic, W. R. Lake. 21-Elevating and Stacking, C. Loader, a. Elevators, F. J. Bird, 349

Elevators, W. Poulson, 212

Embroidery, E. Demoncbeaux, 68

Embroidery, A. Heaven, 282

Embroidery and Veining, G. Benson 34

Endosmomic Action, W. Webster, jun., 316

Engines, J. Apperley, 212

Engines, M. P. W. Boulton, 263

Engines, J. and W. T. Buckett, 386

Engines. R. G. Burrell, 435

Engines, E. J. Coleman, 85

Engines, J. Davis, 192

Engines, Douglas and Grant, 102

Engines, D. Greig, 316

Engines, J. Hemingway, 281

Engines, A. Higginson, 119

Engines, W. J. Jewitt, 435

Engines, D. Joy, 452

Engines, W. Lees, 436

Engines, E. H. Leveaux, 103

Engines, W. March, 299

Engines, Merry weather and Jakeman, 281

Engines, T. Morgan, 174

Engines, J. E. Outridge, 52

Engines, F. and S. Pearn. 282

Engines, W. and J. Pratchett, 212

Engines, J. Ruston, 452

Engines, L. Simon, 212

Engines, J. Simpson, 419

Engines, F. Tommasi, 300

Engines, C. Wicksteed. 282

Engines, Wigzell and Halsey, 264

Engines, Aero-hydrostatic, T. U. Boutet, 452

Engines, Compound Pumping, H. Davey, 85

Engines, Electric-magnetic, W. R. Lake, 419

Engines, Electro-magnetic, G. Schaub, 369

Engines, Gas, C. Linford, 85

Engines, Gas, G. F. Redfern, 230

Engines, Hydraulic, II. Davey, 369

Engines, Locomotive and Tramway, D.

Greig, 3 9

Engines, Marine, A. C. Kirk, 192

Engines, Marine, T. E. Passee, 174

Engines, Marine, H. B. Young, 119

Engines, Motive, C. D. Abel, 246

Engines, Pumping, J. Robertson, 263

Engines, R tary, J. C Blain, 136

Engines, Rotary, H. J. Haddan, 349 Engines, Rotary, J. Monteith, 52

Engines, Traction, Clayton and Shuttleworth, 281

Engines, Traction, J. Coulson, 85

Engines, Traction, Greig and Achilles, 192

Engines and Boilers, F. J. Rowan, 435

Engines and Boilers, F. W. Turner, 402

Engines and Boiler Fittings, J. Gillott, 402

Engines and Pumps, Direct Acting, Parker and Weston, 34

Engines and Pumps, Rotary, C. Garside,468 Engine Air Condensers, Greig and Eytb, 34 Engines and Carriages, A. and T. W,

Pullan and Bebbington, 349

Engine Condensers, W. Ilamar, 386

Engine Counters, R. Dorendorff, 34

Engraving and Milling Cylindrical Surfaces, G. Moulton, 369

Engraving Printing Rollers, D. Fulton, 452

Envelopes, W. Morgan-Brown, 85 Envelopes, W. H. Hook, 402 Envelopes, J. Hunt, 102

Evaporating, Downing and Hughes, 332

Evaporating, C. II. Roeckner, 52

Evaporating Brine, J. H. W. Biggs, 386

Evaporating Brine, J. T. Lockey, 212

Evaporating and Incinerating, A. M. Clark, 34

Excavating and Depositing Earth, G Stevenson. 369

Excavating and Loading, R. Whittaker, 34

Excavators, J. Gwynne, 52

Exhibiting F. Prince, 230

Explosive Compounds, G. Fahnehjelm, 349

Explosive Compounds, E. V. Gardner, 136

Explosive Compounds, P. Jensen, 16 Explosive Compounds, E. Judson, 4t-2 Explosives, Mackie, Faure, and Trench, 85

Fabrics, E. P. Alexander, 436

Fabrics, H. Barcroft, 332

Fabrics, J. Butchart. 174

Fabrics, W. Clark, 230

Fabrics, H. Dewhurst, 402

Fabrics, J. Lodge, 16

Fabrics, S. Rothenheim, 246

Fabrics, G. Rydill, 453

Fabrics, W. E. Sudlow, 435

Fabrics, Ageing, S. Knowles, 386

Fabrics, Elastic, F. Hodges, 230

Fabrics, Finishing, C. J. Ball, 52

Fabrics, Finishing. 8. G. Rhodes, 212

Fabrics, Knitted, T. Coltman, 263

Fabrics, Knitted, J. H. Johnson, 282

Fabrics, Ornamental, R. Drysdale, 212

Fabrics, Piled, F. Cooper, 436

Fabrics, Printing, A. Brown, 154

Fabrics, Printing, A. M. Clark, 212

Fabrics, Seaming, Knitted, W. R. Lake, 34

Fabrics, Singeing, J. P. Cross. 369

Fabrics, Stretching and Drying, J. Keim, 136

Fabrics, Treating, J. B. Orr, 281

Fabrics, Woven, J. Lawson, 212

Fanning, Watson and Weatherby, 102

Fans for Protecting Food, W. R. Lake, 264

Fasteners for Brush Handles, C. Stuart, 299 Fasteners for Windows, E. Prichard, 402 Fastening Doors, J. A. Fahie, 300

Fastening Samples to Cards, H. A. Du-fren6, 369

Fastenings (See also Solitaires)

Fastenings for Bags, A. M. Clark, 16

Fastenings for Bottles, Wire, H. Gardner, 136

Fastenings for Boxes, C. H. Wetzel, 264

Fastenings for Cravats, E. C. Chaninel, 300 Fastenings for Cuffs, R. Harrison, 246 Fastenings for Dress, Dawson and Allen, 386

Fastenings for Girdles, A. L. Fyfe, 68 Fastenings for Gloves, A. M. Clark, 230 Fastenings for Jewellery, Payne and Steel,

2 0, 369 ,

Fastenings for Metal Sheets, Elliott and Bayley, 212

Fastenings for Mill Banding, S. Andrew, 154

Fastenings for Railway Carriage Doors, W. Wiltshire, 34

Fastenings for Sails, Tarpaulins, &c., W.

H. Olver, 34

Fastenings for Sashes, J. Greenwood, 84 Fastenings, Self-locking, J. Grason, 369 Fastenings or Staples for Fences, H. Sellers, 119

Fastenings for Stays, Ajax and France, 886

Fastenings for Straps, &c., T. II. Mann, 34 Fastenings for Trunks, Leonard and Phillips, 369

Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, E. E.

Ashing, 212

Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, W. and R.

Cammack, 34

Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, C. Jack-son, 230

Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, W. H.

Keey, *30

Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, F. Moore, 212

Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, Richards and Tandy, 300

Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, Thisdon and Hubbard. 452

Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, W. Upton, 281

Fastenings for Windows, S. Hill, 264

Fatty Matters, A. McD. Graham, 453

Fatty Matters, Treating, F. G. Morton, 212, 300

Feeding Apparatus for Presses, H. J.

Haddan, 386

Feeding Attachments for Presses, C. F.

Waldo, 281

Feeding Bottles, E. Collins, 34

Feeding Bottles, A. C. Henderson, 300

Felt, B. T. and B. Rhodes and Stoney, 386

Felted Covers for Bottles, &c., S. Schumann, 136

Fences, L. E. Evans, 299

Fences and Barbs, Wire, W. D. Hunt, 386

Fermenting Liquors, Apparatus for Rousing, II Boddington, jun., 230

Fibres, G. Buchanan, 300

Fibres, J. S. Butler, 452

Fibres for Dyeing, &c., Preparing, J. Morton, 85

Fibres and Fabrics, Treating, A. M. Clark, 436

Fibres, Mixing. E. A. and J. Dodgshun and

Bryden and Wilkinson, 452

Fibres, Treating, A. L Briggs, 316

Fibres, Treating, Brown, Dean, and Orrah, 349

Fibres, Treating, R. Dixon, 316

Fibres, Treating, Good and Lawson, 85

Fibres, Treating, Greenwood and Taylor, 299

Fibres, Treating, P. Jensen, 102

Fibres, Treating, W. R. Lake, 136 •

Fibres, Treating, P. Magner, 316

Fibres, Treating, J. J. Sachs, 16

Fibres, Wood, &c., Treating, E. T. Hughes, 34

Filtering, F. T. Bond, 68

Filter Presses, J. H. Johnson, 53

Fire-arms, J. W. Duncan, 34

Fire-arms, W. S. Simpson, 174

Fire-arms, J. A. Walker, 452

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, T Bailey, 192

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, II. A. Bonneville, 386

Fire arms, Breech-loading, W. Field, 452

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, J. H. Johnson, 402

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, W. R. Lake, 316

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, L> O. Thayer, 16

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, E. Webster, 246

Fire-arms, Controlling Aim in, A. Meig, 369

Fire-arms, Revolving, C. Pryse, jun., 402

Fire-arms, Revolving Cylinder, Baron I. de Mouncie, 369

Fire-bars, Movable, E. Powley, 212

Fire-cocks, J. Shand, 332

Fire Engines, E. G. Brewer, 299

Fire Escapes, A. Christophe, 212

Fire Escapes, J. Harrington, 136

Fire Escapes, S. Jewell, 300

Fire Escapes, A. Martin, 230

Fire Escapes, G. O. Murray, 281

Fire Extinguishers, T. Coats, 435

Fire Extinguishing, A. M. Clark, 369

Fire Extinguishing, C. Griineberg, 332

Fire Extinguishing, C. W. Harrison, 299

Fiie Extinguishing, H. W. Hart, 369

Fire Extinguishing, P. Jensen, 16

Fire-lighters, W. A. Comber, 332

Fire-lighters, D. Crombie, 435

IT re-lighters, C. Ostlund, 419

Fire-places, R. Barber, 34

Fire-places, Boilers and Taps, J. Dean, 419

Fire-places and Fuel, Basire and Howell, 386

Fire-screens, Ornamental, W. Metcalf, 192

Fishing Gear, C. R. Mitchell, 264

Fixing Shelves, &c., H. W. Ferris, 436

Floating Lights, C. D. Abel, 419

Floor-cloths, T. Morgan, 212

Flooring, M. F. C. Turpin, 300

Floors, Cramps for, J. Bardsley, 102

Floors and Roofs, Fireproof, Evans and Swain, 350

Flour and Middlings, &c., Dressing, Thompson and Lampitt, 85

Flour, Middlings, Cleaning, W. Spence, 102

Flour, Treating, B. J. B. Mills, 192

Flower, &c., Pots, Blake and Teobs, 402

Flowers, Foliage, <fcc., Artificial, A. M.

Clark. 350

Flues, H. Callas, 85

Folding Chairs, A. M. Clark, 102

Food, G. Lockie, 230

Forging Nails, &c , E. L. Brundage, 174

Forks, H. Nicholson, 85

Fountains, Table, F. Wirth, 136

Frames, Sliding Picture, L. B. Souty, 386

French Polishing, J. Hansen, 68

Friction Clutches and Pulleys, J. W. Gray son, 34

Friction Gearing, E. Brauer, 386

Fuel, N. D. Spartali, 85

Fuel Economising, J. A. Gibbs, 174

Fuel Economising and Smoke Consuming,

N. Whitfield, 386

Furnace Dampers, J. Watton, 34

Furnace, Siemens’ L. Haarmann, 264

Furnaces (See also Smelting)

Furnaces, F. Barber, 16

Furnaces, W. H. Beck, 16

Furnaces, G. Butler, 332, 452

Furnaces, P. Charpentier, 192

Furnaces, F. Erskine, 300

Furnaces, J. Ireland, jun., 34, 452

Furnaces, W. Jackson, 212

Furnaces, J. H. Johnson, 34

Furnaces, T. Lane, 300

Furnaces, G. D. Mease, 264

Furnaces, G. du Vallon, 386

Furnaces, W. Weldon, 246

Furnaces, R. A. Wilson, 332

Furnaces, W. L. Wise, 192

Furnaces for Alkalies, &c., G. D. Mease, 369

Furnaces. Blast, D. G. Hoey, 34, 154, 212

Furnaces, Blast, W. S. Williamson, 386

Furnaces, Boiler, J. W. Bonta, 119 Furnaces for Boilers, J. Firth, 31 Furnaces for Boilers, Hancock and Soar,


Furnaces for Chromates, J. Mactear, 84

Furnaces, Cupola, A. M. Clark, 386

Furnaces, &c., Feeding, Holmes and Lea, 85 ’

Furnaces, Feeding, B. P. Walker, 34

Furnaces, Feeding, J. Young, 34, 212

Furnaces for Fuel, R. W. and F. H. Perkins and Williams, 386

Furnaces, Gas, W. Anderson, 34

Furnaces, Gas, Godfrey and Howson, 264

Furnaces, Incinerating. W. A. Carter, 350

Furnaces, Lining, W. Weldon, 212

Furnaces, Mill, J. Tibbs, 52

Furnaces for Red Lead, W. Lang, 436

Furnaces, for Roasting Ores, W. R. Lake, 85

Furnaces, Self-cleaning, T. II. Henderson, 300

Furnaces, Smoke-consuming, W. R. Lake, 350

Furnaces, Smoke Consuming, Mace and Brewster, 52

Furnaces, Smoke Consuming, A. Westwood, 212

Furnaces, Smokeless, J. W. Bonta, 119

Furnaces, Ventilating, J. H. Wilson, 299

Furniture for Children, Tenney and Hobbs, 119

Furniture for Offices, J. McGill, 332

Furniture, School, Parker and Stabler, 263

Galvanometers, R. H. Ridout, 119

Games, J. Harrington, 153

Games, Balls for, D. Stewart, 230

Games, Cricket Bits, E. A. Berger, 310

Gas, Brook and Wilson, 316

Gas, W. P. and C. E. Cherry, 453

Gas, F. W. Collis, 16

Gas, Grayson and Clarke, 192

Gas, C. F. Mathieson, 436

Gas, L. A. L. E. Picot de la Peyrouse, 174

Gas, T. R. Redwood, 34

Gas, J. C. H. Sbvier, 369

Gas, G. Symes, 436

Gas, W. Young, 419

Gas Burners, J. S. Gent, 369

Gas, Exhausting, G. Robertson, 174

[ Gas Governors, W. Foulis, 264

Gas, Hydrogen, J. H. Johnson, 16

i Gas, Purifying, E. S. Cathels, 136

Gas, Purifying, A. M. Clark, 212

Gas, Purifying, R. Harris, 264

Gas, Purifying, J. Steel, 85, 316

Gas, Regulating, Sieh and Schwarz, 263

Gas Regulator, A. E. Vandendriesche, 349

Gas Regulators, D. B. Peebles, 174

Gas from Water, A. M. Clark, 369

Gases, A. M. Clark, 174

Gassing and Winding Yarns, &c., Stubbs and Corrigan, 34

Gathering Crops, Stones, &c., J. Waugh, 119

Gauges for Boilers, J. and J. W. Rundell,


Gauges, Pressure, J. Baldwin, 174

Gauges, Pressure. Maw and Dredge, 246

Gauges and Valves, E. H. Hughes, 281

Gauging or Mixing, W. W. Wilson, 246

Gauging Water by Electricity, J Sax, 85

Glass, Designing on, S. J. J. Kelly, 34

Glass, Etching on, J. Unwin, 332

Glass Gauges, J. H. Johnson, 369

Glass, Ornamenting, G. Hollyer, 192

Glass, Ornamenting, T. J. Webb, 16

Glazing and Enamelling, V. P. Gaston, 174

Glazing Roofs, H. Barham, 369

Golf Clubs, T. Johnston, 34

Governor, Chronometrical, P. Carriere,


Governors, A. Budenberg, 119

Governors, H. Hughes, 349

Governors, W. Paddock, 136

Governors, J. Sample, 174

Governors, W. L. Wise. 282

Governors, Gas. H. McManus, 230

Governors, Indicators, <fcc., G. Westinghouse, 369

Governors for Marine Engines, H. E. Newton, 34

Governors and Starting Gear for Engines,

G. Low, 85

Governors for Steam Engines, &c., C.

Pieper, 84

Grain, Cleaning. T. H. Gray, 16

Grain Separators and Scourers, H. J. Had-dan, 350

Grain, Treating, A. M. Clark, 282, 386

Grain. Treating, W. R. Lake, 282

Graining, W. Pearson, 436

Grapnels, A. Jamieson, 369

Grates, A. C. Twentyman. 436

Grinding. Anderson and Thirsk, 212

Grinding, R, S. Newall, 246

Grinding Corn, H. Bell, jun., 174

Grinding and Doughing India-rubber for

Spreading, J. Heald, 369

Grinding Drills, E. Baumgarten, 85

Grinding Grain. &c., W. R. Lake, 34

Grinding and Mashing, F. Wirth, 264

Grinding and Polishing, J. O. and A. E. H.

B. Butler, 174

Grinding, Pulverising, and Sifting, W. H.

Thomson. 386

Grinding Wire Cards. W. Walton, 264

Gymnastics, A. M. Clark, 332

Hair Brushes, Revolving, R. H. A. Hunter,

Hammers, Atmospheric, W. R. Lake, 16

Hammers and Stamps, Pneumatic, 85

Hammocks, &c., H. E. Newton, 34

Handles of Knives, H. Funk6, 230

Handles for Knives, &e., Metal, Levesley

and Marshall, sen., 85

Harvesting, W. M. Cranston, 136

Harvesting, W. R. Lake, 53, 349, 350

Harvesting, M. T. Neale, 174

Harvesting. C. Pieper, 350

Harvesting, Samuelson and Manwaring, 263

Hat Bands, G. C. Rice, 281

Hats, A. M. Clark. 16

Hats, H. A. Cowell, 800

Hats, J. Perrin, 369

Hats and Bonnets, J. Spannagel, 282

Hats, Silk, &c., F. Wirth, 102

Hats, Ventilating,!. J. Bowman. 85

Hauling Gear and Bearings, G. Weston, 16

Heat, A. M. Clark, 119

Heat, Exposing Solid Substances, W. A.

Lyttle, 16

Heating Water. J. Coles, 299

Heating, T. B. Dalziel. 299

Heating, H. Hirsch, 299

Heating, Jarves and Ferrari fu Angelo,


Heating, A. Mason, 264

Heating, N. Seward, 264

Heating, W. Stainton, 102

Heating, A. D. Turner, 300

Heating, Boiler Feed-waters, W. Sambrook,


Heating Buildings, &c., Wenn and Dashwood, 34

Heating by Gas, G. Ewart, 16

Heating by Gas, C. E. Webber, 230

Heating Infants’ Food, J. Grout, 350

Heating, Lighting, &c., J. Lewtas, 85

Heating and Lighting, J. Whitestone, 119

Heating and Ventilating, G. L. Shorland,


Hides, Shaving, J. W. Janson, 452

Hides, Treating, J. W. and W. K. Appleyard, 16

Hides, Treating, J. Biggin, 52

Hides, Treating, W. R. Lake, 174, 419

Hides, Treating, F. A. Lockwood, 263

Hides, Treating. S. H. Sharp, 174

Hides and Leather, Treating, H. J. Had-

dan, 350

Hinges, F. Larard, 332

Hinges, J. Underhill, 316

Hinges for Doors, P. O’Connor, 212

Hinges, Metal, Butt, Underhill and Cart

land, 369

Hoeing and Thinning Turnips, &c., J.

M. Hiscock, 85


Holders, Dress and Curtain, Bagnall and

Taylor, 212

Holders for Papers, &e., H. Heyer, 246

Hops, Growing, E. G. C. Bomford, 174

Hops, Vines, <fcc., from Parasites, Protect

ing, Peall, Roy and Dorward, 16

Horn, &c., Treating, D. Stewart, 436

Horse Collars, A. M. Clark, 84

Horse Rakes, E. H Tooley, 300

Horse Shoes, G. T. Atkinson, 386

Horse Shoes, Flagler and Very, 68

Horse Shoes, J. E Jarvis, 419

Horse Shoes, B. J. B. Mills, 300

Horse Shoes, Mearas, Wandless and Charlton, 332

Horse Shoes, J. Riley, 332

Horse Shoos, J. Upton, 212

Horse Shoes, J. Whiteford, 102

Hose, Winding, A. E Pierce, 34

Hulling and Polishing Grain, J. A. A.

Buckholz, 349

Hydrants, Ball-cock, S. B. Wilkins, 264

Hydrometers, Salinometers, &c., J. N.

Guanziroli, 34

Hyposulphite of Soda, Powell and Atkins,


Ice, J. Gamgee, 369

Ice, J. G. Tongue, 436

Ice, Artificial, F. Wirth, 34

Ice and Refrigerating, R, Skene, 453

Illuminating Clock Dials, J. Mills, 212

India-rubber, Resins, &c , Treating, Deiss and Scaife, 102

Indicating Leaks in Ships, C. Cousin, 52

Indicating Names of Stations, W. R. Lake, 34

Indicating Pressure, J. R. Penning, 332

Indicating Revolutions, T. Dunn, 369

Indicating Speed, H. A. Bonneville, 16

Indicating Speed, R. A. Hardcastle, 136

Indicating Speed, A. H. G. Hobson, 136

Indicating Speed, J. G Jones, 230

Indicating Speed, J. G. Wilson, 360

Indicating Speed of Marine Engines, B.

Tower, 350

Indicating Speed and Power, C. Neer, 34

Indicating Speed of Ships, C. D. Abel, 369

Indicator, W. R. Lake, 369

Indicator for Engines, W. Clark, 174

Indicator for Engines, J. Troughton, 136

Indicator and Register for Vehicles, J.

McWhinnie, 174, 350

Indicator for Rooms, F. W. Jones, 153

Indicators for Streets, R. S. Marriott, 212

Inhaling, C. A. McEvoy, 264

Injector for Boilers, W. Morgan-Brown, 136

Inkstands, C. D. Abel, 282

Inkstands, E. G. Gudrin, 34

Iron, Bar, E. R Daniel, 16

Iron, Hoop, R. Leigh, 316

Iron Plates, Tempering Sheet, Morris, Morgan and Richards, 34

Iron Residues, Treating, J. H. Johnson, 281

Iron and Steel, W. Baker, 300

Iron and Steel, F. W. Gerhard, 34

Iron and Steel, J. H. Johnson, 264

Iron and Steel, E. A. and J. A. Jones, 332

Iron and Steel, G. W. von Nawrocki, 52

Iron and Steel, C. W. Siemens, 264

Iron and Steel, J. G. Willans, 246

Iron and Steel Chain, II. Cherry, 316

Iron or Steel Refining and Condensing, J.

II. Johnson, 85

j Ironing Table, J. Barr, 386

Jacquarding, Benson and Hickton, 246

Jars, Bottles. &c., J. G. Tongue, 386

Joints, Flexible, J, Strick, 34

Joints for Flooring, W. H. Lascelles, 136

Joints for Pipes, C. Anderson, 102

Joints for Pipes, F. Arding, 153

Joints for Pipes, W. R. Lake, 34, 402

Joints for Pipes, H. L. Magniat, 230

Joints for Pipes, A. O’Neil, 369

Joints for Pipes, H. Parsons, 136

Joints for Pipes, F. Smith, 34

Joints and Traps for Pipes, W. Greenhill, 435

Kettles, N. Chandler, 386

Keyhole Protector, M. Runkel, 386

Keys in Cocks, Turning, J. Paterson, 436

Kilns, R. W. and C. F. Binns, 369

Kilns, J. Firth, 34

Kilns, J. and C. J. Foster, 102

Kilns, G. Garlick, 264

Kilns, E. Gittins, 350

Kilns, A. Perry, 282

Kilns, Siemens and Hesse, 332

Kneading and Mixing, P. Pfleiderer, 102

Knitting, Haydock and Blackburn, 264

Knitting, Rimington and Bell, 212

Knitting, W. P. Thompson, 68

Labelling, Automatic,W. Morgan-Brown, 16

Lace, J. Cooper, 192

Lace, L. 8. La Serve, 435

Lace, A. Moseley, 332

Lace, E. A. Pecqueux, 85

Lace, R. Scott, 264

Lace (Malheri’s System), E. Simon, 319

Lamps, E. Dwyer, 174

Lamps, G. A. and E. Ermen, 419

Lamps, H. Gardner, 174

Lamps, W. Harvie, 212

Lamps, W. Lowe, 264

Lamps, H. E. Newton, 386

Lamps, F. H. Smith, 212

Lamps, J. Thomas, 316

Lamp Globes, H. Horton, 263

Lamp-lighter, W. Balcon, 349

Lamps, Miners’ Safety, W. Galloway, 52

Lamps, Miners’ Safety, E. V. and J. H.

Gardner, 136

Lamps, Miners’ Safety, E. Middleton, 192

Lamps and Burners, W R. Lake, 52

Lamps and Burners, J. F. Schnell, 16

Lamps and Cans, Oil and Spirits, S. Lane, 402

Lamps and Lamp Stoves, J. Hirschhorn, 386

Lamps and Lamp Stoves, E. A. Rippin-gille, 84

Lanterns and Candlesticks, W. R. Lake, 136

Lasting Tacks. Steel, T. B. Cox, 3

Latch Locks, E. Hum, 263

Lathes, J. McNeil, 34

Lathes, E. Silver, 369

Lathes, T. J. Smith, 16

Lavatories, W, H. Johnson, 452

Lay Figures, F. Stockman, 386

Lead, Treating Impure, Roswag and Geary,

Leather, M. Kitchin, 119

Leather, J. L. de Montoison, 402

Leather, Artificial, J. Harrington, 212

Leather, Cutting, C. Denham, 34

Leather- Cutting, S. H, Sharp, 154

Leather, Ornamenting, W. and R. T.

Brewer, 300

Leather Stitching, W. R. Lake, 212

Leather, Treating, J. E. Fisk, 119

Leather, Waterproofing, R. B. Briggs, 300

Lenses, Couper and Richardson, 84

Lids of Commodes, &c., J. Harescough, 52

Life Preserving Dress, C. Grin, 452

Lifts, J. Hinks, 350

Light, Electric, J. II. Johnson, 192

Light Holder, J. Ledger, 332

Lighting, Electric, R. Werdermann, 453

Lighting and Extinguislting, J. T. Dann,16

Lighting and Extinguishing by Electricity, St. G. L. Fox, 174

Lighting Fires. F. Greenhough. 282

Lighting Matches, Milner and Newell, 174

Locks, Beddow and Sturmey, 212, 300

Locks, W. G. Blogg, 332

Locks, J. P. Haffner, 281

Locks, J. H. Johnson, 85

Locks, H. Pearce, 34

Locks, C. Pieper, 453

Locks. S. Walton, 316

Lock Furniture, W. Sutherland, 402

Locks and Keys, H. and T. Vaughan, 230

Locks and Latches, H. Glendining, 212

Locks for Safes, &c., J. M. Hart, 34 Locomotives, Road, H. Hughes, 212 Locomotives, Steam Tramway, H. P. Holt, 402

Locomotives, Steam, Merryweather and Jakeman, 402

Looms (See also Shuttles)

Looms, J. Barraclough, 369

Looms, D. Bury, 263

Looms, Butterworth, Dickinson, and Cat-low, 300

Looms, J. Collins, 419

Looms, 8. Cook, 136

Looms, W. Crabtree, 154

Looms, A. C. Dickson, 369

Looms, Firth and Boothman, 174

Looms, J. H. Hadden, 212

Looms, Hattersley and Hill, 16

Looms, Hodgson, Broadley, and Lister, 174

Looms, J. Holding, 369

Looms, H. Hurst, 16

Looms, W. R. Lake, 369

Looms, Lancaster, Pilkington, and Peel, 264

Looms, Lee and Crabtree, 16

Looms, J. Leeming, 16

Looms, McCabe and Walker, 85

Looms, W. Mcllwraith, 386

Looms, W. Morgan-Brown, 261

Looms, F. Reddaway, 192

Looms, Schlesinger and Horrocks, 452

Looms, Sowden and Stephenson, 264

Looms, H. Tetlow, 282

Looms, J. Walker, 419

Looms, Wild and Chadwick, 349

Loom’, Electric Alarms for, G. Gledhill, 153

Looms and Jacquards, Buckley and Hildebrandt, 350

Looms for Knitting, W. R. Lake, 16

Looms, Stopping. L. Frey, 436

Lowering Heavy Weights, A. Todd, 435

Lowering Ships’ Boats, W. A. Biice, 261

Lozenges, T. Kernahan, 386

Lozenges, D. J. McLauchlan, 31 Lubricant, Anti-Tartaric, W. Spence, 435 Lubricating, Baird and McPherson, 85 Lubricating, T. Haynes, 264 Lubricating, J. A. Mays, 85 Lubricating, S. Osborn, 136

Lubricating, F. Wirth, 85

Lubricating, S. Woodall, 299

Lubricating Skates, &c , H. T. Davis, 435

Lubricating Spindles, &c., G. Vaile, 85 Lubricators, H. J. Haddan, 350

Magic Lanterns, W. B. Woodbury, 300 Magnetic Apparatus for Curative Purposes,

J. Cole, 369 T

Magneto-Electric Machines, H. J. Haddan, 350 . • o.

Magneto-Electric Machines, G. Zanni, 84 Magneto-Electricity for Curative Purposes,

G. Zanni, 369

Mains and Pipes, Laying, A. O Neil, 369

Malachite, &c., Imitation, C. Brock, 136

Malt, F. Wirth, 212

Malting, H. B. Barlow, 84

Malting, J. H. Johnson, 452

Manure, H. S. Firman, 16

Manure, J. H. Johnson, 34

Manure, Distributing, R. Parker, 230

Manure and Paper Making, Treating Stable, W. F. Nast. 85

Marine Governors, J. Mackenzie, 332

Mariners’ Compasses, E. S. Ritchie, 34

Marker for Billiards, W. Walton, 212

Markers for Games, J. Ashcroft, 436

Marking Divisions, A. D. Wolochoff, 192

Marking out Ground, F. W. Byrne, 154

Marking Tennis Courts, T. F. Hunt, 264

Mashing Machines for Brewers, A. G. Southby, 386

Match Splints, W. R. Lake, 369

Mathematical Instruments, H. N. Ground, 332

Mathematical Instruments, W. Smith, 300

Mattresses. Elastic, B. Hunt, 85

Meal, Testing, P. Jensen, 16

Meal, Treating, T. N. Palmer, 419

Measuring and Cutting, M. Heymann, 281 Measuring Distances, F. Weldon, 369 Measuring Instrument, H. E. Newton, 386

I Measuring and Recording, A. and J. J. Tylor, 369

Measuring Tapes, A. Cunningham, 52 Medical, R. C. Richards, 386

Medicated Sweetmeats, M. Lyons, 832

Medicines, E. H. C. Monckton, 68

Metal Hoops, B. F. Peacock, 452

Metal, Ornamenting, H. T. Bees, 34

Metal Plates, Cutting, R. J. Hutchings, 212

Metal Plates, Wrought, C. D. Abel, 369

Metal, Shaping and Welding, J. H. Johnson, 34

Metal Sheets, W. McArthur, 402

Metal Working, P. G. B- Westmacott, 452 Metallic Bands, Hall and Priestley, 192 Metallic Cases, Securing, &c., F. E. Spiller, 154

Metals, Coating, J. Clark, 212

Metals, Coating, J. H. Johnson, 102

Metals, Treating, J. Holloway, 212

Meters, J. Barnes, 316

Meters, Burden and Nowell, 349

Meters, Fluid, H. C. Ahrbecker, 332

Meters, Fluid, W. Smith, 103

Meters, Fluid, J. Walker, 319

Meters, Gas, A. G. Henderson, 52

Meters, Liquid, A. V. Newton, 34

Meters, Water, A. M. Clark, 84 Microscopes, R. Kemp, 332 Microscopes, J. Stuart, 212 Milk, Treating, E. Morgan, 16 Mincing, J. M. Drouyer, 34 Mining, J. L. Haddan, 212

Mining, Macdermott and Elliott, 452

Mining, J. Mitchell, 386

Mining and Blasting, S. March, 85

Mirrors, J. Lang, 212

Mirrors, Swing, H. Sisson, 452

Mixing, Welch and Scott, 16

Monumental Tablets, J. Gillman, 263 Mortising, Mark and Wilson, 34 Motive Power. C. D. Abel, 246 Motive Power, D. Bentley, 16

Motive Power, M. P. W. Boulton, 332

Motive Power, J. Brunt, 264

Motive Power, A. M. Clark, 246

Motive Power, H. W. Cook, 16, 452

Motive Power, S. Danischewski, 316

Motive Power, J. Fletcher, 316

Motive Power, J. Harris, 282, 332

Motive Power, J. Hastie, 230

Motive Power, C. G. Hawkins, 300

Motive Power, G. E. A. Hermann, 264 Motive Power, E. J. Hough, 263 Motive Power, J. D. E. Huddart, 212 Motive Power, J, H. Johnson, 230, 282, 299

Motive Power, C. F. de Kierzkowski, 154

Motive Power, J. A. A.C. de Lavalette, 332

Motive Power, B. J. B. Mills, 16

Motive Power, E. H. C. Monckton, 53, 402

Motive Power, L. P. Othon, 174

Motive Power, E. de Pass, 350

Motive Power, C. M. Westmacott, 212

Motive Power, 8. Young, 300

Moulding, E. G. Brewer, 34

Moulding, J. Casstles, 136

Moulding and Pressing, J. B. Moore, 386

Mouldings for Frames, F. Larard, 281

Mouldings in Stone and Wood, N. G. Kimberley, 436

Moulds, W. R. Lake, 34

Mowing and Sweeping, T. Green, 246

Music Stools, H. Brooks, 386

Musical Instruments, H. A. Bonneville, 192

Musical Instruments, H. J. Distin, 264

Musical Instruments, J. H. Johnson, 300

Musical Instruments. C. Pieper, 350

Musical Instruments, D. Semple, 281

Musical Instruments, J. T. Wright, 452

Musical Instrument, Portable Folding, E.

F. Kelly, 350

Musical Instruments and Confectionery, W. R. Lake, 264

Nails, J. A. Huggett, 332

Nails and Tacks, B. and J. Mountain, 281

Nail-making Machines, Feed Apparatus for, A. M. Clark, 436

Nail-making Machines, Feeding, W. R. Lake, 402

Nail-making Machines, Feeding, J. Richards, 402

Needles, J. P. de Aragon, 369

Needles, S. S. Thomas, 402

Needles, H. Walker, 102

Needles, Finishing, R. Bennett, jun., 119

Needles, Gill, and Hickle Pins, H. Ay don 452

Needles for Sewing Machines, H. Lomax, 174

Nitrated Alkalies, Treating, P. Jensen, 16

Nozzles for Stoppers, Valved, J. M. Richards, 435

Nut Blanks, J. H. Johnson, 436

Nuts and Bolts, J. H. Betteley, 436

Nuts and Bolts, Murray and Turnley. 350

Nuts, Metallic, H. J. Brookes, 349

Nuts for Screw Bolts, R. Harrington, 386

Oil, J. A. Pols, 52

Oilcake Paring, T. McDonald, 419

Oilcake Wrappers, Eskrett and Searle, 154

Oil Seeds, &c , Treating, F. Virtue, 246

Oil Wrappers, Pickering, Swift, and Hunter, 369

Oils, Treating, W. and J. Garroway, 282

Ointments and Unguents, J. Caldwell, 192

Opening Tins, F. J. Bird, 369

Opening Tins, E. E. Knox, 34

Opening Tins, C. Maschwitz, 369

Ordnance, T. C. Clarkson, 402

Ordnance, J. Cox, 300

Ordnance, R. C. Smith, 16, 85

Ores, Treating, J. C. Conrad, 174

Ores, Treating, H. Gardner, 246

Organ Pipes, E. G. Brewer, 119

Organs, C. K. K. Bishop, 192

Organs, &c., Tuning, A. R. Frdst, 136

Ornamenting Composition, R. Scully, 264

Ornamenting Glass, T. and L. R. White-head. 246

Ornamenting Glass, Pottery, &c., P. R de F. d’Humy, 369

Ornamenting Match Boxes, A. M. Clark, 174

Ornamenting Tapered Tubes, J. Ward, 419

Oyster Growing, Jennings and Anders jn

I 34

Ozokerit, Treating, A. Sauv6e, 349

Packing, E. Fulton, 174

Packing, Scott and Zerbe, 264

Packing, Bags, Sacks, Tins, &c, J. W. Throop, 386

Packing Leathers, Rotheray and Stratham, 386

Packing Pistons, B. Hunt, 212

Packing Pistons, E. Yeo, 34

Packing Rings, F. Wirth, 264

Packing and Storing Butter, &c., W. and

C. McDonnell, 34

Padlocks, W. Brookes, 281

Padlocks, A. Vaughan, 246

Paints and Inks, M. Zingler, 34

Paper, Downing and Hughes, 84

Paper, J. H. Johnson, 386

Paper, W. H. Murphy, 230

Paper Bags, W. R. Lake, 369

Paper Cutting, W. R. Lake, 85

Paper, Damping, G. Allan, 300

Paper Delivering, J. Farmer, 34

Paper Finishing, P. McLaurin, 102

Paper Folding, W. Conquest, 119

Paper Folding, Duncan, W. A., and G A Wilson, 102

Paper Folding, E. T. Marler. 332

Paper Hanging, H. G. Youard, 34

Paper Making, Mason, Wolstenholme, and Spencer, 402

Paper, Perforating and Cutting, &c., E. do Pass, 174

Paper from Stab'e Manure, W. F. Nast, 85

Paper for Printing, W. E. Newton, 16

Paper Tubes, J. B. Bailey, 300

Papers, Flock, A. M. Clark, 281

Paraffine, Nation and Symington, 264

Pavements (See also Roads)

Pavements, W. R. Lake, 349

Paving, E. P. Alexander, 402

Paving, J. K. Collett, 34

Paving, C. Muratori, 246

Paving, C. W. Wallis, 281

Paving Blocks (See also Concrete)

Paving Blocks, Hodges and Buhler, 369

Paving, Building, Permanent Way, W. E.

Gedge, 369

Peeling Barley, C. Pieper, 402

Pegs for Stringed Instruments, W. II. Cooke, 402

Pencil and Penholder, Combined, W. Nelson, 102

Pencil Sharpeners, A. C. Herts, 136

Pencils, Walkington and Broscomb, 34

Pencils and Holders, L. Wolff, 402

Pendulums, J. Oppenheimer, 349

Penholders, R. Marie, 369

Pens, H. Brueton, 153

Pens, A. M. Clark, 452

Pens, J. Motherwell, 212

Pens, Fountain, W. A. Brice, 263

Pens. Metallic, Edwards and Shaw, 119

Perambulators, J. N. Blampbin, 174

Perforating, E. T. Marler, 386

Permanent Way, E G. Brewer, 332

Pei manent Way, A M. Clark, 119, 174

Permanent Way, J. T. Dann, 369

Permanent Way, R. Dunn, 85

Permanent Way, H. J. Haddan, 174, 212

Permanent Way, D. Jones, 402

Permanent Way, B. J. B. Mills, 369

Permanent Way, E. H. C. Monckton, 230

Permanent Way, W. E. Newton, 264

Permanent Way, R. Punshon, 102, 230

Permanent Way, Robinson and Goldsmith, 230

Permanent Way, G. C. Ryland, 230

Permanent Way, Sacrd, Perkins, and Smellie, 419

Permanent Way, J. Scattergood, 174

Permanent Way, J. P. Smith, 3691

Permanent Way, R. F. Strong, 282 Permanent Way, J. W. Throop, 2301

Permanent Way, J. H. Tozer, 119J

Permanent Way, A. H. Wildy, 332

Permanent Way, Straightening, C. Davey, 1 436„

Phosphates of Alumina and Iron, Treating, Davis and Aitken, 349

Photographic Apparatus, Portable, W. lb. J Gedge, 350

Photographic Studios, R. Slingsby, 386

Photography, W. A. Brice, 192

Photography, W. Donis Thorpe, 386

Photography, J. H. Johnson, 2121

Photography, W. McLiesh. 230!

Photography, W. Morgan-Brown, 85

Photography, G. Nesbitt, 264J

Pianofortes, H. Brooks, 264

Pianofortes, J. Robinson, 341

Pianofortes, E. Lecomte. 212

Pianofortes, Tuning, A. F. Mills, 192]

Pictures in Colours, H. E. Newton, 349 Piers, Floating, H. A Egerton, 212i

Piers and Foundations, R. Cail, 452

Pigments, W. Whitthread, 16J

Pile or Nap Raising, J. Heap, 3691

Pin Packages, E. T. Hughes, 136

Pipes, G A. F. Fowke, 2821

Pipes, J. Smith, 435

Pipes. W. B. Whitton, 4521

Pipes and Cigar Holders, F. Stanfield, 435 : Pipes, Drain, 332

Pipes and Elbows, Sheet Metal, B. J. B. :

Mills, 386

Pipes, Tobacco, M. O. Camroux, 332

Pipes, Tobacco, W. Johnson, 68

Pipes, Tobacco, E. Lewis, 300

Pipes, Tobacco, G. F. Redfern, 136

Pipe Hooks, Plumbers’, H. and W. Sutcliffe, 174

Pipe Plugs, J. R. Cotton, 34

Pistols, Revolving Cylinder, W. R. Lake, 53

Pistons, J. Hutton, 119

Pistons, W. R. Lake, 386

Pistons, Cylinder, T. de Mouncie, 192

Planing, L. Chapman, 119

Planing, A. M. Clark, 212

Planing, G. Laysell, 332

Planing. Shaping. Ac., G. Bailey, 3001

Plate Warmer and Refrigerator, P. Liddi-cot, 102

Pleating, C. G. Hill, 85

Pleating, C. Richardson, 136

Pleating and Ruching, &c., E. Whitehall, 174

Ploughs, F. Murison, 369

Plough Attachments, J. E. Bullock, 332

Pneumatic Despatch, J. L. Haddan, 349

Pockets, E. A. Fox, 436

Points (See also Signals)

Points, J. and W. W. Brierley, 261

Points, Railway, Cousins and Brown, 212

Preserving Food, B. Hunt, 230

Preserving Food, J. H. Johnson, 174

Preserving Meat, H. M. Whitehead, 452

Preserving Metals, &c., C. W. Harrison, 281

Preserving Substances, W. E. Gedge, 350

Preserving Substances, W. F. Grier, 154

Preserving Substances, J. Harvey, 436

Preserving Substances, K. Knott, 435

Preserving Substances, W. R. Lake, 85

Presses, Chapman and Watson, 53

Presses, Hydraulic, Tweddell, Platt, and

Fielding, 174

Presses, Hydraulic, R. Wilson, 34, 230

Pressing Coal Dust, &c., H. Guthrie, 299

Pressing, Stamping, Perforating, E. Ravet, 34

Preventing Sea-sickness, F. Gardner, 386

Printing, E. G. Brewer, 174

Printing, A. M. Clark, 16

Printing, W. Connell. 212

Printing, Grierson and Philips, 402

Printing, Kritch and Greenwood, 419

Printing, G. F. McCorquodale, 386

Printing, F. Tilgmann, 153

Printing, Timperley and Gillbrand, 435

Printing, H. Wilde, 230

Printing, Autographic, T. D. Clare, 212

Printing, Autographic, J. W. Swan, 246

Printing Cards, &c., C. Valette, 436

Printing in Colours, C. A. Day, 246

Printing, Colour, J. E. Jeffries, 102

Printing or Embossing Spools, P. J. Livsey, 263

Printing and Folding Newspapers, A. M.

Clark, 350

Printing Ink, Pinkney and Ward, 435

Printing, Letterpress, J. Farmer, 369

Printing, Lithographic, C. Buchanan, 136

Printing Machinery, Rotary Colour, Dobson and McCardle, 85

Printing Machines, Feeding, R. E. Cox, 68 :

Printing Machines, Web, J. Foster, 436

Printing and Paper Cutting, W. R. Lake, 263

Projectiles, W. R. Lake, 136

Projectiles, W. Morgan-Brown, 85

Projectiles, J. A. Walker, 436

Propellers, C. S. de Bay, 52

Propellers, H. Bowman, 386

Propellers, J. S. Correa, 34

Propellers, N. D. Spartali, 102

Propellers, T. Temple, 386

Propeller, Manual Screw, W. J. Watts, 34

Propellers, Hydraulic, G. E. Caldwell, 136

Propellers, Screw, R. H. Armit, 263

Propellers, Screw, A. Aubert, 332

Propellers, Screw, T. W. S. Renouf. 16

Propellers, Screw, J. G. Tongue, 299

Propellers, Screw, R. Wilson, 34

Propelling, F. J. Bell, 174

Propelling, Duddell and Charlton, 230

Propelling, C. Tringuetta, 136

Propelling, F. Wilkins, 52

Propelling Ships, C. R. Simey, 85

Puddling Iron, &c., J. Trow, 452

Pulleys, W. A. Comber, 174

Pulleys, Cast Metal, P. Jensen, 369

Pulley Blocks, G. du Vallon, 386

Pulley Blocks, Differential, Gallie and

Sinnatt, 192

Pulverising, B. W. Gorland, 436

Pumping, Elliott and Burnett, 452

Pumping, A. Goodwin, 453

Pumping, J. L. Haddan, 332

Pumping, G. S. Hazlehurst, 16

Pumping Water from Ships, R. Griffiths, 263

Pumps, G. T. and J. W. Blundell, 264

Pumps, A. Fitzmaurice, 299

Pumps, W. M'Lennan, 103

Pumps, W. Morgan-Brown, 281

Pumps, L. P. Othon, 386

Pumps, Preston, Prestige, and Preston,102

Pumps, Rice and Walker, 16

Pumps, J. G. Tongue, 34

Pumps, J. Watson, 402

Pumps, Air, A V. Newton, 402

Pumps, Direct-acting Steam, Thorpe and

Prince, 452

Pumps, Ac., Rotary, J. R. Martin, 332

Pumps, Steam, J. Wolstenholme, 332

Pumps and Condensers, R. M. Marchant, 435

Pumps and Valves, M'Kendrick, Ball, and Watson, 332

Punching, Stamping, and Perforating Paper, J. Hodgson, 386

Purifying and Heating Water, W, Boyes, 369

Purifying, &e., Liquids, Collett andDenans 282

Purifying Liquids, W. P. Tilton, 300 Purses, Life Preserving, B. Hunt, 332

Rack for Billiard Cues, Austin and Smith 452

Railway Guards, Protecting, O. Systei mans, 85

Railways for Common Roads, Portable W. E. Gedge, 369

Railways and Rolling Stock, Portable, H E. Newton, 136

Raising Fallen Crops, J. G. Tongue, 136

Raising Heavy Weights, W. R. Lake, 369

Raising and Lowering, E. G. Brewer, 281

Raising and Lowering, A. Clark, 386

Raising and Lowering, B. Harrison, 402

Raising Liquids, J. B. van Oosterwyck, 17

Raising Sunken Vessels, E. Cuyer, 261

Raising Sunken Vessels, P. W. Davis, 68

Raising Sunken Vessels, &c., T. A. Dillon 136

Raising Sunken Vessels, &c., J. H. Ruther ford, 16

Raising Sunken Vessels, J. Scott, 316

Raising Sunken Vessels, &c., H. Turner 246

Range Finders, A. Syre, 452

Ranges, J. Shaw, 16

Ranges, Cooking, J. Wilson, 174

Ranges and Stoves, C. Hill, 174

Ranges, Stoves, Sec., J. H. Johnson, 402

Reaping, Benstead and Greig, 68

Reaping, J. Holder, 316

Reaping, A. Jack, 246

Reaping and Harvesting, W. R. Lake, 68

Reaping and Mowing, A. C. Bamlett, 263

Reaping and Mowing, W. J. and C. T Burgess, 84

Reaping and Mowing, Coleman and Bird,8;

Reaping and Mowing, J. Green, 68

Reaping and Mowing, Hornsby, Innocent and Rutter, 119

Reaping and Mowing, J. R. Kirby, 212

Reaping and Mowing, A. McGregor, 212

Reaping and Mowing, J. E. Phillips, 246

Reaping and Mowing, T. Smith, 316

Reaping and Mowing, J. G. Tongue, 386

Reaping and Mowing, Wilson and Bat-tersby, 52

Reels for Fishing Rods, J. M. Corbet, 230

Refrigerating, Carre and Jullien, 230

Refrigerating, A. M. Clark, 332

Refrigerating, A. W. Adams, 282

Refrigerating, J. L. Haddan, 300

Refrigerating and Heating, W. Lawrence, 264

Refrigerators, Nishigawa and Hill, 212

Refrigerators, De Witt C. Smiley, 34

Refrigerators, E B. Smith. 230

Register for Tramway Cars, Small and Marley, 281

Register for Vehicles, <fec., H. C. Farrell, 16

Register for Vehicles, H. Newbold, 34

Register for Vehicles, &c., E. H. Thomson, 212

Registering, H. Bezer, 246

Registering Fares, W. R. Lake, 212

Regulating Flow of Fluids, Howard, Wilson and Kingdom, 332

Regulator, Heat and Air, T, and W. Whitaker, 174

Rein Holder, A. S. Ware, 350

Respirator and Chest Protector, T. Hyatt, 419

Retorts, T. Russell, 402

Rings, Wedding, J. Thornton, 299

Rinks, H. Bezer, 282

Rinks, J. A. Calantarients, 34

Rink, Portable, C. F. Wood, 34

Riveting, J. F. Allen, 212

Riveting, J. McMillan, 136

Roads (See also Pavements')

Roadways, G. B. G. Galloway, 369

Roadways and Flooring, S. Schumann, 85

Rockets, W. Blott, 34

Rods, Tubes, &c., Metal, W. Nokes, 386

| Rolling, W. R. Lake, 85

i Rolling Hoop Iron. Jones and Cook. 281 Rolling Machinery, J. O. and A. E H. B

| Butler, 386

! Rolling Machinery, J. J. Christie, 52

i Rolling Machinery, G. Hirst, 34

i Rolling Machinery, J. H. Johnson, 174

Rolling Machinery, J. Shaw, 264

i Rolling Machinery, A. E. Thomas, 435

Rolling Machinery, F, R. Wheeldon, 263

j Rolling Machinery, F. Wirth, 119

I Rolling Machinery, W. L. Wise, 369

I Rolling Stock, F. Barnes, 264

Rolling Stock, A. M. Clark, 435

| Rolling Stock, C. J. and A. II. Jobson and

l Johnson, 300

Rolling Stock, E. J. Howell, 300

I Rolling Stock and Permanent Way, St. G L. Fox, 52

Rolling Tea, A. A. Farquhar, 316

Rolling Tea Leaves, J. C, Kimmond, 369

Roofs, W. H. Kershaw, 452

Ropes, Cords, &c., L. Binns, 349

Rotary Motion, C. Pieper, 349

Roving, S. Hattersley, 435

Ruling, H. Heyer, 212

Ruling, A. J. Parker, 16

Saddles, Military, Briscoe and Ormond, 16

Sadirons, B. Hunt, 332

Safes, W. F. Barrett, 212

Safes and Strong Room Doors, G, O. Talbot 369

Safe Alarms, E. A. Cowper, 85

Safety Alarms for Boilers, W. J. Coe 264

Safety Apparatus for Cages, C. Pieper, 436

Safety Apparatus for Mines and Cages R

Ramsey, 212

Safety Apparatus for Mines, Lifts. &c

Ramsey and Hann. 453

Safety Clutches, H. Handyside, 136

Sails, Reefing, Beck and Yates, 282

Sahcilic Acid, E. Schering, 419

Salt, H. Warth, 332

Salts of Barium and Silver, Extracting R

W. Wallace, 136 s

Samples, Taking, W. Brookes, 16

Sanitary Pails, J. Leverett, 102

Sashes, Double-action, E. G. Law, 349

Sashes, ^Fastening Window, T. W. Helli-

Sashes, Fixing, J. Blackley, 34

Sashes and Shutters, E. A. Thornton, 16

Saving Life at Sea, J. H. S. Hooper, 300

^ea’ ^arinent f°r> B- Hunt,

Sawing, T. Lees, 316

Sawing Bench, W. Blackett, 85

Sawing, Circular, T. P. Richards, 349

Saws, W. R. Lake, 282

Saws, W. Spence, 68

Saws, Band, W. Lanfear, 453

Saws, Sharpening, S. Cock, 85

Saw Benches, W. B. Haigh, 435

Scale Beams and Weighing, J. Parnail. 350

Scouring Needles, &c., R. Bennett, 85

Screening Drum, F. Wirth, 16

Screening and Shuting, C. Buckland, 85

Screw Cutting Machinery, Baville and

Greenwood, 436

Screw Cutting, R. Henry, 85

S°ke7 349tting andNut'taPPin8> E- Schlen-

ScIew 2^tlnS Apparatus, W, P. Thomp-son3 uqG *

Screwing Tackle, J. Hammond, 419

Screwing, Tube-cutting, and Nut-tapping,

W. Bowker, 68

Screws, &c., W. R. Lake, 300, 386, 453

Screws, W. Morgan-Brown, 332

Screws, T. Rickett, 119

Screws, Stiff and Bowen, 282

Screws, Wood, Hyatt and Rickett, 261

Screws, Bolts, Nuts, &c., S. H. J. Lyding-ton, 349

Screws, Bolts, Hooks, &c., A. Whitcombe, 212

Screw Heads, Coxhead and Steers, 436

Screw Nuts, W. R. Lake, 300

Screw Stocks, Hammond and Lecher, 85

Screw Threads, A. M. Clark, 52, 282 j

Seats, C. H. Everett, 261

Seats, Folding, W. H. Percival, 282

Seats, Portable, P. Marty, 52

Seats and Tables, Folding, B. J. B. Mills, 34

Seats for Vehicles, W. E. Gedge, 281

Selvedges, E. Posselt, 452

Separating Liquids, J. J. Thomas, 154

Sewage, Treating. C. D. Abel, 435

Sewage, Treating, F. W. E. R. Gocdicke, 332

Sewage, Treating Greenwood, Davis, and

Speakman, 281

Sewage, Treating, J. H. Johnson, 281

Sewage, Treating, J. Millar, 174

Sewage, Treating, J. W. Slater, 119

Sewage, Treating. II. Staples, 212

Sewage, Treating, J. Watson, 369

Sewage, Treating, W. White, 263

Sewage, Waste Water Treating, J. Frost, 212

Sewing Machines, A. Anderson, 435

Sewing Machines, L. L. Barber, 34

Sewing Machines, J. Craig, 192 •

Sewing Machines, J. Cutlan, 212

Sewing Machines, A. D. T. Dalston, 34

Sewing Machines, Dore,Tapley, and Wilson, 151

Sewing Machines, H. P. Garland, 263

Sewing Machines, J. Hilton, 299

Sewing Machines, P. Jensen, 369

Sewing Machines, W. R. Lake, 52, 281, 300

Sewing Machines, J. Mountain, 246

Sewing Machines, A. V. Newton, 261

Sewing Machines, M. H. Pearson, 34

Sewing Machines, F. Perks, 246

Sewing Machines, Sheffield, Kalbfliesch, and Fanning, 212

Sewing Machines, A. D. Turner, 300

Sewing Machines, F. Whitehead, 369

Sewing Machines and Shuttles, Ketley and

Moss, 34

Sewing Machine Attachments, J. Morton, 230

Sewing Machine Attachments, A. Shand, 3 0

Sewing Machine Attachments, W. R. M.

Thomson, 102

Sewing Machine Embroiderer, P. S. Justice, 419

Sewing Machine Shuttles, W. Bown, 282

Sewing Machine Shuttles, F. Perks, 212

Sewing Machine Shuttles, W. Reid, 436

Sewing Machine Shuttles, J. Warwick, 34

Shafting, Smith and Coventry, 264

Shafts and Poles, A. M. Clark, 369

Shearing, W. Clark, 263

Shipbuilding, J. Ledger, 316

Ships, S. Pitt, 452

Ships, Armit and Wickens, 452

Ships, C. Voysey, 246

Ships’ Boats, Lowering, W. A. Brice, 192

Ships’ Bottoms, Cleaning, H. J. Cole, 263

Ships’ Bottoms, Cleaning. E. Paine, 16

Ships’ Bottoms, Protecting, Warren and

Field, 153

Ships’ Bottoms, &c., Protecting, J. H.

Johnson, 316

Ships’ Cables, A. J. Aiderman. 263

Ships’ Guns, Protecting, R. C. Smith, 34

Ships’ Logs, J. E. Massey, 192

Ships’ Logs, W. De Normanville, 34

Ships’ Logs, T. Vinino, 435

Ships to Prevent Sea-sickness, E. A. Rev.

332 J

Shive Drawer, E. Thatcher, 349

Shovels, W. R. Lake, 350

Shovels, &c., T. Parkes, 230

Shutters, Revolving, E. T. Hughes, 452

Shutters, Revolving Metal, A. C. Henderson, 246

Shuttles (See also Looms)

Shuttles, C. Burton, 136

Shuttles, S. Clough. 34

Shuttles, J. C. Mewburn, 419

Shuttles, R. A. Wild, 386

Shuttles, Threading, E. H. Stutter, 282

Sieves, Coal and Ash, H. J. Haddan, 350

Sieves. Grain, J. H. Greenhill, 119

Signal Lamps, Hand, S. W. Clark, 162

Signal Lights, Self-igniting, Hall and

Player, 349

Signalling, E. G. Brewer, 85

Signalling. Railway, A. B. Challis, 212

Signalling, T. and G. F. Chutter, 282

Signalling, H. J. Haddan, 52

Signalling, Smith and Harper, 264

Signalling, P. H. Whittaker, 263

Signalling, Automatic Railway, A.Wrigley,

Signalling, Electric Railway, T. Norden-felt, 369

Signalling, Fog. J. Keighley, 264

Signalling, Railway, Wood, Shakespear, and Thompson, 192

Signals, N. J. Holmes, 386

Signals, Acoustic, C. M. Courtot, 332

Signals, Actuating, W. Braithwaite, 402

Signals, Alarm, Davies and Higgins, 212

Signals, Audible, Holmes and Bryceson,

386 ’

Signals, Audible, J. R. Wigham, 419

Signals, Marine, W. Morgan-Brown, 332

Signals and Points, N. H. Holst, 34

Signals and Points, F. W. Webb, 16

Signals, Railway, R. Burn, 452

Signals, Railway, J. Judge, 85

Signals, Railway, S. Waymouth, 103

Silicate Ores of Copper, Wet Treatment of.

S. Pitt, 154

Silicates or Aluminates of Soda and Potash

W. Weldon, 212

Silk, A. Browne, 212

Silk Fabrics, Suppling, Pdrinand and Marchal, 136

Silk Waste and Tow, Treating, Souter and Entwisle, 52

Sizeing and Drying, Barnes, Crossland, and Westley, 452

Skates, R. C. Jay, 34

Skates, Lubricating Roller, Holt and

Spiller, 369

Skates, Roller, S. S. Allin, 386

Skates, Roller, G. Allix, 34

Skates, Roller, G. Beadle, 85

Skates, Roller, W. W. Beaumont, 136

• Skates, Roller, W. Bown, 192

Skates, Roller, E. G. Brewer, 102

Skates, Roller, Carter and Warren, 332

Skates, Roller, J. G. Casswell, 436

I Skates, Roller, A. Cattlin, 212

Skates, Roller, S. Child, 16

Skates, Roller, J. G. and W. Clark, 52

• Skates, Roller, W. Clark, 246

Skates, Roller, W. K. Crossby, 136

• Skates, Roller, L. Delair, 34

Skates, Roller, E. 8. England, 154

Skates,’Roller, A. C. F. Franklin, 174] Skates,’.Roller, T. Glaistor, 34 .

Skates, Roller, E. Harrison, 119]

Skates, Roller, Hawkins, . inn., fand Hawkins, 119

Skates, Roller, W. J. Hodge, 282 Skates. Roller, C. E. Hoevel, 34 Skates, Roller, E. W. Hughes, 230 Skates, Roller, Kendall and Whiteley, 435 >kate*, Roller, G. Lowry, 332 Skates, Roller, J. Mackay, 453 Skates, Roller, W. S. Mappin, 212 Skates, Roller, J. A. Mays, 192

Skates, Roller, Nelson and Glazebrook, 34 Skates, Roller, Nowakowski and Barand-idski, 34

Skates, Roller, T. Rowland, 52 Skates, Roller, W. P. Thompson, 386 Skates, Roller, W. P. Thomson, 233 Skates, Roller, Wallis and Hayford, 212 Skates, Roller, W. L. Wise, 119 Skates, Roller, C. F. Wood, 349, 246 Skates, Roller, F. Young, 263

Skates, School, Hansmann and Neumann, 246

Skating, J. K. Dallison, 16

Skating, Learning, Longbottom and Harris,

Slag, Pyrites, Treating, W. S. Williamson, 300

Slag, Treating, 0. Wood, 402

Sleighs for Rinks, Barber and Crocker, 192

Slide Valves, Dickinson, and Cullen, 369 Slide Valves. J. N. Floyd, 436

Sliver Drawing Cans, Steel and Smith, 282 Small Arms, W. Anson, 402

Small Arms, Breech-loading, Lawden and Thomas, 192

Small Arms, Breech-loading, J. F. Swinburn, 264

Smelting, A. H. Allen, 435

Smoke Consuming, T. Barrow, 316 Smoke Consuming, W. Cordingley, 85 Smoke Consuming, W. R. Lake, 192 Smoke Consuming, J. McGlashan, 332 Smoke Consuming Apparatus, P. A.

Thierry, 192

Smoke Consuming and Fuel Economising, G. D. Hughes, 53

Soda and Potash, J. Mactear, 300 Soda and Potash, G. T. J. Wells, 34 Soda and Potash, Treating, W. Weldon, 263 Soldering Tins, A. M Clark, 332 Solitaires, Weintrand and Joyce, 263 Solitaires, Studs, &c., D. Cutler, 386 Solitaires and Studs, W. H. Douglas 263 Solitaires, Studs, &c., E. F. Griffin, 332 Solitaires and Studs, A. W. Jones, 85 Solitaires, Studs, &c., G. Walker, 369 Sounding Water, Sir W. Thomson, 230 Spades and Shovels, F. Adkins, 263 Spades, Shovels, <fcc., W. H. Andrew, 34 Spark Arresters, C. D. Ab®l, 281 Spark Arresters, P. S. Justice, 452 Spark Arresters, J. G. Wilson, 281 Spindles, Faulkner and Starling, 174 Spinning, Brown and Woodcock, 369 Spinning, Farran and Walsh, 264 Spinning, H. Gardner, 246 Spinning, W. E. Gedge, 174 Spinning, J. Goulding, 154 Spinning, W. R. Lake. 436 Spinning, T. Mayor, 102 Spinning, A. Metcalf, 136 Spinning, T. Mitchell, 402 Spinning, J. Smith, 192

Spinning, J. J. and A. Thornton and Fenton, 34

Spinning, Whitaker O. L. and W. A. Pearson and Entwistle, 300

Spinning, W. Whiteley, 402

Spinning and Doubling, Bottomley and Smith, 369

Spinning and Doubling, Brooks and Harrison, 436

Spinning and Doubling, J. Dearden, 192 Spinning and Doubling, Dobson and Mac-queen, 369

Spinning and Doubling, J. Elce, 34, 369 Spinning and Doubling, Higgins and

Schofield, 192

Spinning and Doubling, Taylor and Rams-den, 154

Spinning and Doubling, J. Wain, 246 Spinning, Doubling and Twisting, J W

Gooder, 332

Spinning and Roving, W. Whiteley, 34 Spinning, Throstle Frames for, J. C. Mewburn, 136

Spinning and Twisting, Sykes and White-ley, 246

Spittoons, J. T. H. Richardson, 300

Splitting, Chopping, &c., F. R. Muller, 436 Spray Apparatus in Decomposing Water

A. M. Clark, 350 ’

Springs, Firth and Wolstencroft, 174 Springs, N. G. Kimberley, 436 Springs, J. Mitchell, 436

Springs for Roller Blinds, G. Slater, 34

Springs, Fitting Elliptic, B. J. B. Mills, 369 f

Spring Travellers for Ships, Coleman and Bird, 246

Squeezing Machines, W. Birch, 316

Stamps, Postage, &c., L. H. G. Ehrhardt 153 1

Stamps, Postage, W. R. Lake, 332 Stamps, Postage, A. Whitcombe, 192 Starch, T. H. Gray, 52 Starch, Remy and Denis, 230

Starting Gear for Vehicles, A. M. Clark, 212

Steel, J. Baur, 316

Steel, W. R. Lake. 192

Steel, Bessemer, H. Bramall, 136 Steel, Cast, J. Ledger, 402

Steel Plates, Hardening, G. W. von Maw-rocki, 34

Steel, Treating Cast, F. Tommasi, 34

Steel Wire, Tempering, B. F. and F Cocker, jun., 281

Steering, G. D. Davis, 369

Steering, A. McKechnie, 316 Steering, Niels Jochumson, 192 Steering Gear, R. Gardiner, 34 Steering Gear, Spencelayh and Taylor, 85 Steering Gear, Auxiliary Power. H P

Holt, 349 1

Steering and Propelling, J. Russell, 136 Stenography, Baudoin and Bombart, 230 Stereotyping, Harrison and Evans, 34 Stone, Artificial, L. A. Brode, 264 Stone, Artificial, Greatorex and Hall, 319 Stone, Dressing, P. Burt, *282 Stone, Dressing, J. L. Haddan, 282 Stone, Sawing, J. W. and A. Graham, 119 Stone Working, G. Hunter, 281

f?r DA00rs’ R W* Hellyer, 316 Stoppers for Aerated Beverages, L. Rose, 68 stoppers for Aerated Liquids, T. Lewis, Stoppers for Aerated Waters, J. L. Besnard

Stoppering Bottles, &c., H. G. Cardozo 192 Stoppers for Bottles, Breffit and Edward?

ooo >

q^ppera a?d Bottles> G. G. Bussey, 230 St402>erS fW Bottles> p- Christian-Duclos, Stopping Bottles, <fcc., W. J. Dix 192

8 day,%8 f°r B°tUea‘ Double- Stoppers for Bottles, TH. Gilesgate, 52 Stoppers for Bottles, W. R. Idle*

Stoppers for Bottles, Jowett and Rush-worth, 174 _ , ,,

Stoppers for Bottles, J. Longbottom, 16 Stoppers for Bottles, J. Mawtti, 230 Stoppers for Bottles, S. Walker, 68 Stoppers for Bottles, W. Walker, v Stoppeis for Bottles, A. Weightman, Gb Stoppers for Flaskj, B. C. Scotty 1 /4 Stoppers or Plugs, A. Mason, 246

Stopping Tram Cars. &c , A. S pure, 153 Stop-valves, W. Andrews, 436

Storing, &c.. Corrosive Liquids, J. 1>-

Lindsay, 369

Storing Gunpowder, T. Judge. 136.

Storing and Transporting Explosives, II.

A. O. E. Grunbaurn, 332

Stoves, W. R. Lake, 332

Stoves and Furnaces, IL L. McAvoy, 52 Stoves, Gas, P. Gent, 402

Stoves, Gas, L. van der Kelen, 419

Stoves, Oil, C. IT. Green, 102 Stoves, Oil, W. R. Lake, 119 Stoves, Portable, J II. Johnson, 282 Stowing and Unloading, W. R. L ike, 453 Sugar, J. H Johnson, 349

Sugar, G. W. von Nawrocki, 435 Sugar Cubing, T. L. Wadsworth. 3G9. Sugar Cutting and Packing, G. Martineau, 174

Sugar Refining, Walker and Patterson, 349 Sugar, Shaping, A. Lyle, 136

Sugar, Treating, Duncan and Newlands, 34 Sugar, Treating, C. H. Gill, 85

Sugar, Treating, II. II. Murdoch, 246

Sugar Residues, Treating, Walker and Patterson, 246

Sugar, Treating, W. R. Watson. 264

Sulphate of Alumina, J. D., J. A. R.» and

B. E. R. Newlands, 52

Sulphate of Soda, R. Hjerleid, 34

Sulphate of Zinc, Wallace and Claus. 102 Sulphates of Sodii and Potash, W. Weldon, 230, 246, 316

Sulphides of Soda and Potash, W. Weldon, 212

Sulphur from Gas Lime, Recovering, F. Wirth. 281

Sulphuric Acid, Concentrated, G. W. von Nawrocki, 435

Sulphurous Acid Gas, F. T. Bond, 452 Supports for Seats, J. Imray, 102 Surgical Apparatus, A. C. Herts, 264 Surveying Instruments, II. S. S. Watkin, 386

Straps and Bands, J. Wrigley, 300 Stretching Frames, T. B. Ward, 263 Studs, &c., A. L. Fyfe, 402

Studs, Links, <fcc., H. J. Hallpike. 386 Studs and Solitaires, Pearce and Douglas, 332

Swimming Apparatus, A. B. Lockett, 212 Swimming, A. and J. Strong, 16 Swimming and Diving, R. B. Pumphrey, 16

Switches and Points, Railway, J. and W. Brierley, 212

Switches and Points, Railway, W. S. 11*11, 212

Swivels, O. M. Draper, 16

Syringes, Hydrants, &c.. W. E. Fisher, 5? Syringes, &c , Treating Saccharine, A. M.

Clark, 402

Table and Step Chair, Combined, L. L. M. Peris, 369

Tables, Folding, Hoare and Herts, 68 Tables, Folding, F. and J. Smith, 452 Tables, Invalid, J. Harper, 246

Tablets for Memoranda, A. Browne, 192 Tables for Sewing Machines, Shepherd,

Rothwell, Hough, and Rothwell, 452 Tablecloths, J W. Gray, 154 Tapping, W. Noll, 174

Tapping and Measuring, Shaw and Blackburn, 435

Tapping, Measuring, and Registeiing, W.

P. Thompson, 419

Taps, R. Henderson, 332

Taps, Ball, J. G. McMinnies, 34

Taps for Decanters and Bottles, J. M.

Plessner, 85

Taps and Cocks, T. Birkett, 402

Taps and Cocks, W. Ritter, 246

Taps and Cocks, E Sim cox, 16, 349

Taps, Valve*5, and Ventilators, T. H.

Blamires, 34

Teaching Singing, W. R. Lake, 282

Tea and Coffee, W. Clark. 6S

Tea and Coffee Urns, R. C. Pyikc, 316

Telegraphic Communication with Lightships, P. Protheroe, 53

Telegraph Posts, J. A. Desgoffe, 174 Telegraph Wire, J. Rubery, 68 Telegraphy, S. P. Bidder, 119 Telegraphy, E. G. Brower, 230 Telegraphy, J. W. Brown, 85 Telegraphy, St. and J. V. Day, 264 Telegraphy, J. Dewar, 102 Telegraphy, W. Dickenson, 16 Telegraphy, G; Dubern, 102 .

Telegraphy, Johnson and Phillips, 246, 2bl Telegraphy, Loeffler and Higgs, 402 Telegraphy, J. Muirhead, jun., 68 Telegraphy, H. Page, 136

Telegraphy, G. M. Phelps, 212

Telegraphy, Royal Earl House, 68 Telegrnphy, II. P. Scott, 119 Telegraphy, Acoustic, T. A. Edison, 13b Telegraphy, Submarine, H. Gardner, 34J Telescopes, A. Moser, 369

Telescopes, W. L. Wise, 52

Thrashing and Binding Straw, W. MCI.

Cranston, 103

Thread, J. Clark, 369

Thread, Whyte and Thallon, 436 Threading Needles, R. Murphy, 402 Threads and Fabrics, W. R. Lake, 41J Tickets, Cutting and Sorting, J. Mcum, 332

Tiles, J. Burridge, 369

Tiles, F. Prestage, 230

Tiles, Encaustic, W. II Ridgway, 349 Tiles, Locking, F. Ravenscroft, 34 Tiles for Roofing, Waters and Smith, lb Tiles, Slabs, and Flexible Hose, Zoller an

Scott, 34

Tilling, J. A. Clarke, 246

Tin Plates, F. Prange, 102

Tins, Canisters, R. McKay, 419 p

Tin and Terne Plate Scrap, Treating, v.

Madge, 174 , _ . „

Tin and Terne Plates, R. J. Hutchings, 136

Tipping Cradles, W. G. Jackson, 436

Tires, &c., J. H. Braidwood, 436

Toast Racks, Cruet Frames, &c., W. H. ana

C. Jackson, 436

Tobacco, W. J Leman, 436

Tobacco, M. McEwen, 192

Tobacco, Thomson and Porteous, 41J

Tobacco, R. T. Tait, 16

Tobacco Coil, W. M. Scott, 369 Tobacco, Cutting, R. Legg, 84 Tobacco, Treating, T. L. Parker, 300 Toilet Services, J. Vernon, 16

Tongs, Automatic Gripping, Rutner and Mitchell, 435

Tool Holders, Cutting, J. P. Smith, 84 Tooth Brushes, A. Kent, 34 Toys, G. F. Lutticke, 332

Toy Birds, H. Gardner, 369

Towing Steamers, Meyer and Werniizh 459 Trains, Communicating in, N. Stocks 452 fl^Apparatus for’ Meatyard and

-LJitri CLLj 4tvx-

Tramways, G. Lindemann, 174 Tramways, A. O. Schenk, 452 Tramways, Travelling, J. A. May 459 Tramway Cars, H. P. Holt 16 ’ Traps, Animal, T. L. Nash,' 174 Traps for Crains, T. G. Greenstreet 459 Traps for Drains, E. Rumbold, 452 Travelling Bags, J. H. Russell, 436 Travelling Bags, F. Wirth, 192 Tricyles, W. B Blood, 336 Tubes, Metal, W. R. Lake, 369

Tubes, Seamless Metal, Waldenstrom and Sumner, 452

Tubes and Skelps, C. F. Grimmett 261 Tubing, Flexible, H. Wakeman, 436 Tubs, Colliery, H. Johnson, jun 264 Tunnelling, Mining, <fcc., F. Wirth 386 T™nel^ng and Shaft Sinking, J, D. Brun-Tunnels, T, and W. Clapham, 34 Turbines, A. M. Clark. 16 Turning, W. Parsons, 34 Turnstiles, G. Lowry, 263 Twisting, W. Eywater, 264

Twisting and Doubling, J. Lumb 402 Types, Bartlett and Murray, 154 ’ Type Casting, T. Mason, 386 Type Composing, P. Jensen, 386

Umbrellas, J. S. Lewis, 102 Umbrellas, T. Mitchell, 246 Umbrellas, S. Simmons, 386 Umbrellas, J. E. and J. Wadswarth and

Gaggs, 386

Umbrellas, <fcc„ Ferules, J. J. Bennett, 230 Umbrellas and Parasols, F. W. A. Baumgarten, 419

Umbrellas and Parasols, G. Budd, 282 Umbrellas and Parasols, A. Gruner, 212 Umbrellas and Parasols, J. Gruye’r, jun.,

Umbrellas and Parasols, P. Jensen 34 Umbrellas and Parasols, W. R. Lake 452 Umbrellas and Parasols, R. U. Lomas 153 Umbrellas and Parasols, W. Martin 386 Umbrellas, Substitutes for, S. Kott’ 136 Unloading and Weighing, J. C. Mewburn 419 ’

Unloading and Combing, E. Gaudchaux-Picard, 386

Utilising Sulphuric Acid Tar, J. Calder-wood, 53

Utilising Tin-plate Scsaps, E. A. Parnell,

Utilising Town Refuse, A. Fryer, 154 Utilising Waste Heat, A. Wilson, 16 Utilising Waste Products, T. Cotterill, 16

Valves, S. Alby, 350

Valves, R. C. Anderson, 246 Valves, F. R. Beckett, 16 Valves, J. Blake, 402 Valves, G. F. Deacon, 16 Valves, H. J. Haddan, 174 Valves, W. Hamar, 386 Valves, Hempsted and Watkinson, 136 Valves, Holford and Slee, 452 Valves, W. R. Lake, 452 Valves, T. G. Messenger, 212 Valves, A. Ruthel, 332 Valves, F. E. Saxby, 16 Valves, J. Somerville, 52 Valves, W. P. Thompson, 452 Valves, India-rubber, T. B. Harris, 34 Valves, Pumps, J. Lace, 402

Valves, Safety, R. C. Anderson, 452 Valves, Safety, T. Black, 332 Valves, Safety, J. T. Coulthard, 174 Valves, Safety, J. Dickinson, 85 Valves, Safety, Hunter and Hill, 230 Valves, Safety, W. Morgan-Brown, 419 Valves, Safety, M. J. Roberts, 212 Valves, Safety, F. W. Shorey, 452 Valves, Safety, A. Turnbull, 316 Valves and Cocks, W. Lawrence, 300 Valve Apparatus, Safety, J. C. Wilson, 349 Valve Gear, J. W. and A. Hackworth, 386 Valve Gear, R. L. Howard, 369 Valve Motion, F. J. Bird, 435

Varnish, Bickerdike and Bowdler, 136 Varnish, A. Browne, 34

Varnish, De Meyer, Riudant, and Mulders, 264 ’

Varnishes, W. Morgan-Brown, 174 Vehicles {See also Carriages) Vehicles, A. E. Holmes, 452 Vehicles, J. I. Mitchell, 230 Vehicles, A. F. Osler, 212

Vehicles, Dog Carts, Carpenter and Sabell,

Vehicles, Dog Carts, &c., J. Osmond, 174 Vehicles, Hansoms, F. Shanks, 402 Velocipedes (See also Bicycles) Velocipedes, H. Bate, 300 Velocipedes, W. P. Berwick, 212 Velocipedes, Browett and Harrison, 264 Velocipedes, J. C. Garrood, 300 Velocipedes, A. Harvie, 34 Velocipedes, W. Hillman, 154 Velocipedes, W. R. Lake, 154 Velocipedes, W. G. Lewis, 230, 282 Velocipedes, J. Monteith, 34 Velocipedes, Rowles and Rose, 85 Velocipedes, G. Singer, 316 Velocipedes, J. and J. K. Starley, 435 Velocipedes, J. Turner, 369 Velocipedes, M. Wilson, 136 Ventilating, G. Anderson, 332 Ventilating, J. D. Denis, 246 Ventilating, R. Harris, 452 Ventilating, J. Y. Smith, 246 Ventilating, W. Taylor, 316 Ventilating Cowls, T. Lloyd, 212 Ventilating and Fog Alarm Apparatus,

B. J. B. Mills, 299

Ventilating, Heating, Cooling, W. R. Lake, 436

Ventilating and Heating Vaults, J. H. Johnson, 212

Ventilating Millstone Cases, H. B. Barlow. 436 ’

Ventilating Ships, H. Stott, 212 Ventilating Waterproof Garments, Worth and Pontifex, 369

Vices, Parallel, R. Renton, 453 Volute Spring Motors, R. Rhett, 453 Voting, A. T. Turnbull, 246

Wagons, Pit Corves, &c., Railway, Chapman and Carr, 369 •

Wagon or Trucks, W. E. Gedge, 174 Washers for Nuts, J. Robinson, 386 Washing, Beard and Stephenson, 300 Washing, R. Kilburn, 230 Washing, R. Motion, 402 Washing, J. Wilding, 212 Washing, G. R. Willett, 174 Washing Barrels, &c., A. M. Clark, 119 Washing and Churning, Raynor, Harrison, and Glendinning, 174

Washing and Drying Wool, Marriner and Hoyle, 34

Washing and Dyeing Hanks, S. Ellis, 119 Washing Minerals, A. M. Clark, 369 Washing and Peeling Vegetables, T. Bradford, 263

Washing Stands, W. Thorbum, 349 Washing Stands, Wall Protector for, G. B.

Horthcpte, 85

Washing and Wringing, R. Looney, 85 Waste Water Preventer, E. Howard, 436 Watches, C. L. Aulagnier, 16 Watches, C. A. Herzog, 154

Watches, W. Wiggins, 369

» atches and Clocks, H. M. Frodsham, 102 Watches and Clocks, G. Zaffira, 102 ivtv8’ Keyless, H. M. Rowbottom, 85 " etches, Keyless Repeating, A. M. Clark,

Watch and Chronometer Escapements, H.

J. Haddan, 136

Watch Keys, T. Morgan, 102

Watch Pendants, C. Harrold, 192 Water-closets, &c., J. Foster, 52 Water-closets, Gabriel and Pickles 230 Water-closets, A. Tylor, 212 Water-closets, Valve, B. Finch, 452 Water-closet Fittings, F. Churchill, 332 Water, Economising, J. D. Duckett, 192 Waterproof Garments, A. Cunningham, 52 Waterproof Garments, T. Rowley 452 Waterproofing, A. M. Clark, 52 ’ Waterproofing, T. Foster, 300 Waterproofing, H. J. Haddan, 136 Waterproofing, G. H. Hebblethwait, 136 Waterproofing, Macintosh and Boggett, 299

Water Supply, R. H. Hughes, 316^ Water Supply, H. R. Newton, 16 Water Supply, Preston, Prestige, and Preston, 102

Water Supply, A. Tylor, 16

Wearing Apparel, E. Clark, 153

Wearing Apparel—Braces, J. Evans, 332 Wearing Apparel—Braces, F. Tew, 174 Wearing Apparel—Crinoline Steel, W. Thomas, 174

Wearing Apparel—Dress Suspenders, T. Hare, 282

Wearing Apparel—Dress Suspenders, W. Montague, 316

Wearing Apparel-Fans, M. M. Franzini 174

Wearing Apparel—Garters, H. E. Newton. 154

Wearing Apparel- Hosiery, W. Onion, 282 Wearing Apparel—Pocket with Muff, I.

Pick, 212

Wearing Apparel—Shawls, W. R. Lake, 212 Wearing Apparel—Shirt Fronts, &c„ J.

Bullock, 452

Wearing Apparel—Shirt Fronts, J. W. Knight, 230

Wearing Apparel—Shirts, P. Jensen, 102 Wearing Apparel—Stays, T. Thomas, 119 Wearing Apparel—Suspenders for, H.'J. B.

Kendall, 85

Wearing Apparel—Tie Buckles, J. T. King, 299

Wearing Apparel—Treating Hare Skins for, R. Reichenheim, 136

Wearing Apparel—Trouser Protectors, A.

C. Herts, 246

Wearing Apparel—Trousers, F. Dredge, 281 Wearing Apparel—Woollen Shirts, L. Davis, 230

Weaving, H. Ainley, 192 Weaving, B. Berry, 212 Weaving, B. Hunt, 263 Weighing, J. H. Johnson, 212 Weighing, J. Mackenzie, 264 Weighing and Measuring, W. H. Baxter, 102

Weighing and Shooting Coals, Wildes and Roettger, 68

Weighing Small Coal, H. T, Nadin, 386

Weighing and Tilting Coals, H. Gibson, 386 Wheels, J. Abercrombie, 264

Wheels, F. Barker, 436

Wheels, A. M. Clark, 386

Wheels, J. D. Garrett, 386

Wheels, Handyside, Alley and Carruthers, 154

Wheels, A. Harper, 246

Wheels, W. H. Llewellyn, 212 Wheels, T. Reynolds, jun., 34 Wheels, Sir J. Whitworth, 102 Wheels, Pinions for, C, N. Nixon, 300 Wheels, Railway, P. Black, 369 Wheels, Railway, A. M. Clark, 16 Wheels, Railway, W. E. Gedge, 402 Wheels, Railway, G Maw, 153 Wheels, Safety, C. Kesseler, 402 Wheel, Self-lubricating, R. Hadfield, 436 Winding, Hacking and Wilson, 212 Winding, W. Halbert, 154

Winding, A. C. Henderson, 246

Winding, W. McGee, 34

Winding, Mulholland and Porter, 435 Winding, C. T. Powers, 102 Winding, H. G. Warburton, 263 Winding Cops, J. Combe, 34 Winding and Folding, J. France, 349 Winding on Pirns, R. Motion, 436 Winding Silk, J. E. Vanner, 369 Winding Thread, W. Philipson, 452 Windlasses, Donaldson and Taylor, 281 Windlasses, J. Duthie, 281

Windows, W. Chalmers, 119

Windows for Carriages, H. Brittain, 264 Window Attachments, J. Jowett, 300 Window Blinds, C. Dawbarn, 263

Window Frames, Metallic, Hird and Calvert, 264

Wire, W. L. Wise, 316

Wire Drawing, W. Morgan-Brown, 85

Wire Gauze, Johnson and Armitage, jun., 192

Wire, Joining, W. Hibell, 369

Wire Netting, W. Smith, 34

Wire Rope, R. S. Newall, 369

Wood Cutting, W. B. Haigh, 174

Wood Graining, C. A. Bluemel, 16

Wood for Varnish, Preparing, W, R. Lake, 350

Wool, Silk, &c., Treating, E. P. Alexander, 136

Wool, Treating, E. G. Brewer, 16

Wool, Treating, H. Illingworth, 212 Wool, Washing, J. and J. E. Holden, 212 Working Drawings, H. and T. Batchelor, 34 Wrappers for Extracting Oil, Elston and

Benson, 85

Wrappers, Folding. W. C. Pellatt, 264 Wrenches, E. H. Knight, 34

Wringing and Mangling, G. R. Willett, 452 Writing, G. Forbes, 174

Writing by Air or Gas, H. P. Trueman, 52

Yarns, Treating, S. Graham, 246

Zinc, J. H. Johnson, 84

Stbstracta ot Spetificatfons. LIST OF NAMES.

Abbott, S., Railway Couplings, 175

Abel, C. D., Flanging Boiler Heads, &c.,155

Abraham, B., Railway Signals, 247

Ackroyd, jun., G., Combing, 105

Adair, W., Pumps, 155

Adams, J., Roller Skates, 388

Adams and Livesay, Rolling Stock, 53

Adams, W. F., Boat Lowering, 404

Adorno, J. N., Watches and Clocks, 86

Agar, H., Fire Escapes, 154

Agate, J„ Registering Tills, 302

Ager, G., Heating, 421

Ager, N., Locks, 193

Ahronsberg, J., Steering, 438

Aitken, T. Driving Belts, 265

Aked and Barker, Spinning and Twisting, 214

Alexander, E. P., Boat Detaching, 104

Alexander, E. P., Dredging, 213

Alexander, E. P., Gas Engines, 35

Alexander, E. P.,‘Heating and Ventilating, 36

Alexander, E. P., Pocket Alarums, 317

Alexander, E. P., Safety Couplings, 247

Alford, W. H., Jewellery, 403

Allan, jun., A., Gauges, 387

Allan and Brown, Telegraphy, 437

Allen, C., Stoppers for Bottles with I

Aerated Water, 247 i

Allen and Pullman, Railway Wheels, 103

Allen, T., Cisterns, 419  !

Allen, T. P., Metal Tubes, 87

Allix, Barrett, and Elers, Roller Skates, 438 ;

Allport, 8. B., Gun Wads, 231

Allwood, A. R., Sewing Machine Needles, 35

Almgill, T., Measuring Liquids, 438

Anderson, A., Sewing Machine Shuttles, 35

Anderson and Ash, Telegraphy, 87

Anderson, J., Valves, 17

Anderson, W., Bilge Pumps, 317

Andrew, W. H., Spades, Shovels, &c., 120

Andrew, W. H., Springs, 403

Andrew, Burrowes and Attkins, Patterns, 86

Andrews, A. C., Waxed Thread Sewing Machines, 127

Andrews, A. 8., Reaping and Mowing, 403

Andrews, D. A., Nail Making, 437

Anidjah, L;, Couches, 403

Any on, W,( Roller Skates, 403

Applegarth, F,, Weirs and Sluices, 387

Archer, T., Crushing, 213

Armit, R. H., Indicator for Ships, 387

Armstrong, A., Safety Cages, 35

Armstrong, Dean, and Holden, Bogie

Engines, 69

Aronson, J. N., Rink Chair, 437

Asbury, C., Boilers, 120

Asbury, C., Rinks, 121

Ashmore, C. T., Baking Powders, 317

Aspinall, A. J., Sliding Boxes, 193

Astley and Davies, Knitting, 387

Aston, J., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 231

Atherton, J., Glass, 301

Atkinson and Temple, Communicating in

Trains, 213

Avery, W. B., Weighing Machines, 436

Badcock, J., Wearing Apparel—Dress Improvers, 120, 123

Baggeley, H., Crucibles, Retorts, &c., 155

Baillie, R., Cranes, 53

Bainbridge, E., Axle-bearings of Coal Tubs, 17

Bairnsfather and Harper, Railway Signalling, 87

Baker, J. M., Horse Hoes, 351

Bakers, L., Roller Skates, 37

Bakewell, A,. Armour-plating, 283

Baldwin, T., Crushing and Pulverising, 247

Banes, E., Sulphurous Acid Gas, 437

Banks. C„ Taps, 266

Banks, J. R-, Railway Wheels, 403

Bannehr and Varley, Treating Sewage, 437

Barbundy, G., Food for Cattle and Horses, 454

Barber, T. W., Pipe Organs, 87

Barbour, D., Fabrics, 404

Barbour, J , Lubricating Cups, 436

Barbour, J., Rope, &c., 121

Barclay, W., Tramways, 104

Barff, F. S., Preserving Substances, 247

Barff, F. S., Protecting Iron Surfaces, 282

Barker, B., Tramways, 371

Barlow, C., Fire Extinguishing, 155

Barlow and Davis, Registering Distance, 437

Barlow, P. W., and P. W., jun., Laying and Riveting Tubes, 231

Barnard, B., Opening Sliding Windows, &c., 35

Barnes, F. W., Hydraulic Weighing, 122

Barnet, J., Iron, 316

Barnet and Nelson, Roller Skates, 387

Barnett, J., Furnaces, 316

Barotsley and Hargreaves, Taps, 453

Barrett and Hargreaves, Meters, 155

Barrett, J., Carts, 86

Barrie and Samson, Stoppers for Aerated Water Bottles, 175

Bartholomew, C., Diving Apparatus, 122

Barton, J., Copying Presses, 87

Bate, C. M., Roller Skates, 193, 317

Batley, W. S.. Bricks, Tiles, &c., 283

Batt, H., Scaffolding, 213 ,

Battinson, J. G., and Whitehead, Combing, 402

Batty, M. and W., Automatic Signals, 437

Baur, J., Steel, 154, 155

Baxendale and Heald, Draw Bars, 248

Baxter, E. H. Bells, 175

Baxter and Greaves, Solitaires, 301

Bayly, M., Roller Skates, 87

Beall, T., Bolt Fastenings, 403

Beaumont, F. E. B., Engines, 87

Beaumont and Foster, Percussive Rock Drills, 387 „ „ .

Beaumont and Pilkington, Roller Skates, 236 317

Beckitt, G., Wheels, 300

Bedford, J., Cleaning, Bolting, and Separating, 104

Bedwell, F. Le B., Connecting Telegraphy with Ships. 154

Beedell, E. C., Calendars for Merchants, &c., 231

Beoley and Muir, Metal Plates, 137

Beldam, A., Packing, 476

BSlicard, J., Cutting Pile Fabrics, 437

Bellotti and De Choch, Mending Shafts,

Axles, &c., 265

Bennett, F. G., Roller Skates, 371

Benson, M., Telegraphy, 86

Benson, M., Valves, 214

Benson, M., Spinning and Doubling, 453

Benstead, T., Reaping, 104

Bentham, H. W., Clipping and Shearing,

Beresford and Mullin, Spinning, 387

Bernard, J., Carts and Wagons, 422

Berry, Emsley, and Smith, Spinning, 137

Berry, T., Warping, 231

Bertram, L. B., Roller Skates, 351

Bessemer, H., Reflectors, Lenses, &c., 87

Best, S. C., Switches and Points, 421

Betzold, G., Colouring Matters, 247

Bevington, T., Gloves, 403

Bevis, W., Roller Skates, 176

Bew, W., Piled Fabrics, 214

Bezer, H., Roller Skates, 388

Bezer, H., Turnstiles, 137 .

Bickerton and Wormaid, Dissolving Snow, 8*5

Biddell, G. A., Engines, 214

! Billet, A., Printing Telegraphs, 371

I Bing, L., Harness, 421

Bingham, T. R. D., Paddle-wheels, 87

Binks H B . Bottles, 388

Btotley? J T., Watch and Clock Cases, 372

Bishop, W., Cleaning and Dyeing, 333

Bisset, T. S., Digging Potatoes, 42-

Black, T., Boilers, 421

Black, T., Engines, 436

Black, T., Ships’ Cabins, 317

Blackburn, T., Driving Bands, 213

Blackie and Robertson, Cisterns and

Valves, 437

Blair, J. and A., Clipping Lappets, 104

Blake, A., Brewing, 436

Blakey, J., Boots and Shoos, 421

Blewitt, R. J., Coating Metals, 17

Blewitt, R. J., Gas, 283

Bliss, W. H., Roller Skates, 420

Blunn, H. A., Furnaces for Glass, 437

Bohne, C., Mathematical Instruments, 105

Boisseau, P. F., Cleaning Ships’ Bottoms,

Piers, &c., 176

Bolt, J., Stoppers for Bottles, 105

Bolt and Weeder, Stoppers for Bottles, 283

Bolton, F., Weighing and Measuring

Liquids, 53 *

Bomford and King, Reaping Machines, 318

Bondi, C., Signalling and Telegraphing, 105

Bone, G., Boilers, 318

Bonneville, H. A., Electro-Dynamic Apparatus, 214

Bonneville, H. A., Enamelling Walls, 437

Bonneville, H. A., Heating Railway Carriages, 17, 86

Bonneville, H. A., Rolling and Cutting Endless Paper, 419

Bonneville, H. A., Zinc. 193

Booth and Holcroft. Furnaces, 316

Bordone, J. P. T., Boilers, 86

Borzecki, C., Perpetual Motion, 104

Bosworth, J. A., Bricks, 371

Boulcott, J. R., Diving, 86

Boulton, A., Tacks and Nails, 371

Boulton, M. P. W., Heat, 318

Boursot, A., Roller Skates, 213

Bouscaren, L. F. G.. Treating Sugar, 453

Bousfield, G. T., Pianoforte Hand Rests,


Bousfield, G. T., Preserving Wood Posts, 155

Bousfield, G. T., Sawing, 422

Bowen, T., Sulphuric Acid, 421

Bowman and Macadam, Sash-bars for

Greenhouses, &c., 421

Bowron, J., Wheels, 121

Boyce, C. Anchors, 454

Boyle, R., Boiler Furnaces for Ships, 87

Bradley, E. and H., Fuel Economising

and Smoke Consuming, 333

Bradshaw, C. W , Rinks, 214

Bray, G., Gas Burners, 284

Bray, G., Turning and Shaping Wood, 351

Bray and Groom, Gas, 193

Breffit and Edwards, Stoppers for Bottles,


Breffit and Neville, Stoppers for Bottles, 265

Bresson, A., Railway River Bridge, 453

Brewer, E. G., Bricks and Tiles, 69

Brewer, E. G., Cases for Toilet Articles,


Brewer, E. G., Closing Casks, 438

Brewer, E. G., Cutting Materials, 248

Brewer, E. G., Depositing and Picking up

Mail Bags, 248

Brewer, E. G., Preserving Food, 105

Brewer, E. G , Pumps, 265

Brewer, E. G., Roller Skates, 403

Brewer, E. G., Sewing Hosiery, 120

Brewer, E. G., Ships and Propellers, 104

Brewer, E. G., Umbrellas and Parasols, 436

Briere, J., Feeding Bottles, 283

Brierley, J., F. W., and W. W., Railway

Signals, 317

Brierley and McCraith, Bottles and Stoppers, 370

Brinjes, J. F., Pumping, 122

Britten, J., Tell Tales, 69

Broad and Claxton, Envelopes and Wrappers. 388

Broadbent, R. and H , Breakingand Crushing, 403

Broadhead, J., Jacquarding, 156

Brodie, D., Mashing Grain, &c., 176

Brookes, W., Sewing Machines, 302

Brotherhood, P., Engines, 87

Brown, A. B., Stone Getting, 193

Brown, B., Roller Skates, 283

Brown and Beard, Wheels, 69

Brown, Dean, and Orrah, Cutting Fabrics,


Brown, E and F., Harness, 453

Brown, H. H., Cleaning and Polishing

Boots, &c., 437

Brown, J. C., Ships’ Logs, 301

Brown, J. W., Ranges, 194

Brown, O., Communicating in Trains, 351

Brown, S. O-, Roller Skates, 122,175

Brown, T., Packing, 17

Brown and Vaughan, Tubes, 231

Browne, A., Steel, 105

Browne, A., Water-proofing and Preserv

ing Materials, 104

Browning, J., Harmoniums, 138

Browning, G., Sewing Machines, 53

Bruce, G. B,, Viaducts, 175

Brunton, J. D. and G., Tunnelling, 388

Buchanan, J., Motive Power, 137

Buckingham, J., Ploughs, 421

Buck, T., Bricks and Tiles, 154

Buckley and Hildebrandt, Looms, 421

Budenberg, A., Emery Wheel, 121

Budenberg, A., Gauges, 193

Bullivant, W. M., Towing, 421

Bullough, J., Looms, 175

Bullough, W. H., Taps and Valves, 403

Bullows, A., Buckles, Rings, &c., 420

Btlnger, A., Street Locomotives, 87

Burdekin, G., Furnaces, 231

Burdett, A. and J., Compressing Air, 175

Burford, J., Hot-water Dishes, 421

Burford, J., Portmanteau, 421

Burgess, H. A., Roller Skates, 213

Burgh, N. P., Engines and Expansion

Valves, 404

Burke, Burke, and Browne, Switches and

Points, 317

Burke, M., Roller Skates, 370, 475

Burnier, A., Artificial Flowers, 87

Burstow, E , Roller Skates, 421

Burt, J. G. K., Heating, 35

Burton, E. G.,Telegraphy, 318

Burton and Greig, Cultivating, 69

Bury, J., Cowls, 370

Bussey, G. G., Roller Skates, 156, 387

Butler. J. J., Indicating Speed, 316

Butt, W., Bottles and Stoppers, 437

Button, D., Bricks and Tiles, 301

Byford, A. T., Copying, 301

Byron, R. G. de L., Motive Power, 301

Caines and Mitchell, Suspenders for Wear

ing Apparel, 105

Caldwell, A., Meters, 302

Cambridge, E., Roller Skates, 302

Cameron, M. M. C., Flower Basket, 231

Cammack and Walker, Heating, Evaporating, and Concentrating, 403

Cammack and Walker, Sulphates of Soda

and Potash, 283

Campbell, D, M., Ships, 35

Capon and Boughtwood, Securing Wine

Cases, 103

Cariss, J., Railway Signalling, 155

Carmont, W. H., Iron Bars, 403

Carpenter, J., Skates, 371

Carpenter, W. T., Gas, 371

Carr and Urwin, Bricks, 371

Carter and Tomkins, Roller Skates, 316

Carter, W. H., Preserving Substances, 371

Carter, W. O., Quarrying, 234

Casson, R. S., Furnaces, 121

Casting Lead on Shipboard

Chains, 104

Charging Gas Retorts, 453

Chronometers, 453

Clipping Boiler Plates, 122

Compensation Balances, 317

Compressing Air, 137

Crushing, 156

Driving Bands, Cables, &c.,

Dynamo-Electric Machines

Castilberg, J. A. B. von, Imitation Marble and Wood, 248

Cauty, H. E., Poultices, 301

Chadburn, W., Skates, 122

Chadwick and Giggle, Lubricating, 454

Chadwick, J., Covering, Drawing Rollers 69

Chadwick, J., Dyeing and Printing, 247 Chadwick and Sugden, Sewing Machines 231

Chaloner, W. J. and T., Valves, 317 Chamberlain, F., Bricks and Tiles, 283 Chambers, J. E., Cleaning Knives, 284

Chandler, 8. jun., and J., Permanent Way, 387

Chapman, G., Roller Skates, 266 Chapman, J. G , Sugar Cane Mills, 54 Chapman and de Russett, Ships, 105

Charageat, E„ Umbrellas and Parasols, 302 Cherry, W. P., and C. E., Railway Signals,

Cherry, W. P., and C. E., Stoppers for Bottles, 105

Cheshire, J., Roller Skates, 120, 494

Chesterman, W., Band Chains, 231

Childs, A. B., Cleaning Grain, 69

Chisholm and Clegg, Spinning and Doubling, 454

Choules, T., Cleaning and Polishing, 103

Christy, T., Roller Skates, 193

Chubb, G. H., Safes, 156

Churchill, C., Washer for Bolts and Nuts, 121

Clabrough, J. P., Gun Barrels, 352

Clamond, C., Rinks, 284

Clare and Campbell, Game, 333

Clark, A. M., Air and Waterproof Fabrics,

Clark, A. M., Cakes, 388 Clark, A. M., " “ 248

Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M , Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M.,


Clark, A. M., 155

Clark, A. M., Expanding Hoop, 387

Clark, A. M., Feeding Bottles, 371

Clark, A. M., Food for Cattle, 333

Clark, A. M., Forging, 350

Clark, A. M , Fountain Pens, 175

Clark, A. M., Furnaces, 282, 387

Clark, A. M., Grinding Grain, 121

Clark, A. M., Hardening Wood, 138

Clark, A. M., Heating Feed-waters, 403

Clark, A. M., Heat and Light. 155

Clark, A. M„ Hydraulic Elevating, 316

Clark, A. M„ Knife for Hay, Peat, and Ditching, 333

Clark, A. M., Military Trimmings, 333

Clark, A. M., Motive Power, 193, 231

Clark, A. M., Navigating Instruments, 437

Clark, A. M., Photography, 316

Clark, A. M., Pig Iron, 301

Clark, A. M , Pins, 437

Clark, A. M., Printing, 231

Clark, A. M , Rafts, 283

Clark, A. M., Rendering Wood and Water Fireproof, 154

Clark, A. M., Retorts, 421

Clark, A. M., Rowlocks, 155

Clark, A. M., Screw Wrenches, 333

Clark, A. M., Sounding Apparatus, 404

Clark, A. M., Steel, 316

Clark, A. M., Submarine Telegraphs, 333

Clark, A. M., Switches and Points, 86

Clark, A. M., Table Fountains, 69

Clark, A. M., Traps and Gratings, 86

Clark, A, M., Treating Hides, 103

Clark, A. M., Tube Stopper for Boilers, 86 Clark, A. M., Veneers, 387

Clark, C. H., Protecting the Wrist and

Arms, 217

Clark, E., Abdominal Belts, 437

Clark, G., Roller Skates, 283, 350, 439

Clark, G., Skates, 17

Clark, G., Skating Rinks, 106

Clark, p., Spark Arresters, 404

Clark, W., Indicators, 213

Clark, W., Switch and Signal Apparatus, 454

Clark, W. and J., Drilling, 138

Clark, W. J., Boilers, 81

Clarke, F., Vehicles, Wagonettes, 351

Clarke, T., Permanent Way, 370

Clavier, A., Tanning, 121

Claxton, C. andC., Stoppers for Bottles, 247

Clayton, J., Games, 213

Clayton, J., Bricks and Tiles, 155 Clayton and Richmond, Looms, 35 Cleaver, F. J., Soap, Pomade, &c., 35

Cliff, W. D., and W., Ornamental Bricks, 155

Clough, J., Combing, 387, 402

Clubb, J., Examining Casks, &c., 317

Coats, J., Doubling and Twisting Thread, 193

Cobley and Dixon, Smelting, 371

Cocker, jun , S., Permanent Way, 420

Cocking, T. S., Pills, 283

Cockshott, J., Dispensing, 155

Codd, H., Opening Bottles, 105

Coe, W. J., Spring Safety Valves, 35

Coggins, Baxter, and Greaves, Crochet Hooks, 283

Colborne and St George, Motive Power, 318

Cole, J. C., Breaking and Crushing Stone, 194

Cole, H. J,, Syphon Taps, 388

Cole, J. and J., Engines, 86

Cole, J. and J., Rinks, 155

Colo, J. and J., jun., Roller Skates, 266

Colechin, W. G., Railway Signals, 175

Collet and Denans, Meters, 420

Collette, G. E., Castors, 53

Colley, E. E., Treating Paper for Printing, 422

Collier, G., Painting Laths, 213

Collingridge, A., Roller Skates, 370

Collins, J., Malleable Iron and Steel, 121

Collot, H., Solitaires, 350

Colls, F. W., Gas, 35

Collyer, F., Hair Brushing Apparatus, 302

Conder, F. R., Pumps, 371

Condy, H. B., Disinfecting, 214

Coniam, T. T., Reaping, 422

Conisbee, W., Printing, 283

Conlong, J., Valves, 351

Conquest, W., Folding Paper, 193

Conquest, W., Printing, 155

Conway, G., Roller Skates, 317

Cook, T., Compressing Chlorides of Soda and Potassa, 351

Cooke and Mylchreest, Boilers, 69

Cookson, N. C., White Lead, 232, 217

Cooper, A., Counter Irritants, 371

Cooper, S. A., Fixing Glass, 87

Cooper, W., Boilers, 403

Cooper and Wanklyn, Distilling, 334

Coppin, W., Diving Dresses, 371

Corani, E., Adjusting the Height of Seats, 302

Corani, E., Boot-blacking Stool, 333

Corbett, C. and E., Permanent Way, 333

Cornell, A., Roller Skates, 388

Corns, E. W., Fastenings for Scarves, 121

Cort, J., Valves, 17

G., Skates, 17

Cory, E., Roller Skates, 317

Cotton, Sir A., Rotary Engines 404 Courtaud, C . Lift Mounting, 301

Cousins and Brown, Points and Switches, 317

Coulthard, J. W., Heating, 403

Cowan, J , Heating Boders, 283

Cowell, F. A., Bricks, 54

Cowell, F. A., Kilns 54

Cowles, E , Mixing and Stirring, 104

Cowley, W., Carbonic Acid, 137

Crabtree, S. T. and J., lurnaces. 175

Craig. J., Joints and Sockets, 388

Cramer, P., Excavators, 231

Cranston, W. M., Reaping and Mowing, 243

Craven, T. E., Mortising, 137

Crespin, A., Ventilators, 232

Cronbach, S., Register for Vehicles, 403

Crookes, T., Pocket Knives, 248

Crosse, R., Roller Skates, 422

Crossley and Bridgett, Direct - acting Pumps, 301

Crossley, F. W., Gas Engines. 105

Cryer and Morris, Spinning, 86

Culross and Edwardson, Printing, 438

Cunningham, W., Condensing Steam, 69

Curren, J., Electric Indicators, 213

Curtis and Wellington, Pulverising, 338 Curzon, Page, and Powis, Roofs, 121

Dailloux, C. E., Boot and Shoe Heels, 283 Dale, W. J., Convertible Desks, Tables, &c., 175

Dalo, G., Representing Velocity and Stoppage of Engines, 213

Dalton, G., Crushing Brittle Substances, 248

Dann, W J., Hosiery, 104

Dansey, H., Marine Boilers, 69

Darkin, F.. Electric Battery, 103

Davie, J., Engines and Surface Condensers, 69

Davies and Chambers, Roller Skates, 231

Davies, P. J., Valves, 350

Davis, J., Steering, 283

Davis and Fieldhouse, Sinking Pits, 214

Davis and Thomas, Lamps, 438

Davis and Tydeman, Roller Skates, 231

Davison, R., Treating Cotton Seed, 402

Davison, W R., Fire Bars, 176

Dawes, W., Stamping or Endorsing, 421

Deacon, H., Sulphuric Acid, 35

Dean, C. S., Boiler- Flues and Tubes, 316

Dee, L., Cigar and Fusee Cases, 231

D’Esplaviz, H. F 8., Artificial Manures, 451

Degener, F. L., Mixing, 37

D'Humy P. R. de, Glass, Clay, &c., Arti-cles 193

Delatre, F. M., Boats, 453

Dellagana, J., Electrotyping Shells of Engravings. &c., 420

Dembion, F. J., Steering, 121

Dence, J.. Safety Apparatus for Lifts, 214

Denne, W. C., Sewing Machines, 120

Dennison, J. W., Earthenware Pipes, 265

J lennison, J. W., Paving, 334

Denton, J. B., Filtering, 454

Deschamps, D. L., Cutting Threads of Lace, &c., M ichine 151

Dick, J. M., Drying, 421

Dickinson, H., Ornamenting Wood Surfaces, 370

Dimelow, J., Cut-nail Machines, 251

Dingley and Ackers, Coal Getting, 35

Distin, H. J., Substitute for Castanets 248

Dit ;hfield, J., troubling and Measuring, 351

Dobson and Cook, Springs for Railway Carriages, 175

Dobson, Cages and Hoists, 333

Dodson, W., Pianofortes 105

Daisy and Sarrazin. Bootjacks, 301

Dolby, T. G. F., Screw-caps, 105

Domereq, E., Iron Bedsteads, 232

Domereq, E., P dis, 232

Donisthorpe and Clarke, Crimped Hair, 35

Donnaven, J. N., Roller Skates, 422

Dooley, J. E., Taps, 193

Douglas, W. R., Boat Lowering, 388

Dowding, J., Paving, 388, 438

Draffin, J., Railway Signalling, 433

Dresser, F., Cements, 53

Dubern, G., Telegraphy, 371

Dubois, J. L-, Taps, 155

Duckham, F. E„ Discharging Mud, <fcc., 54

Ducournau, J., Cements and Limes, 69

Duddell. G., Roller Skates, 104

DufremS, H. A., Sewing Machines, 453

Dummer, W,, Waterproofing, 317

Dunbar, J , Bush Keys, 214

Dunbar, J., Excavating, 86

Duncan, G., Finishing Printed Paper, 213

Duncan, J. W., Fire-arms, 87

Dunean, T., Driving Belts, 193

Duthie, R , Drawing out Ships’ Lines, 494

Dyer, H., Paper, 213

Dyson, E., Paving Blocks, 104

Eagles, W., Fire Extinguishing, 403

Edgcome, T. L. B., Cleaning Bottles, 231

Edgcome, T. L. B., Cleansing and Drying Bottles, 231

Edwards, A., Cleaning and Polishing Boots, &c , 454

Edwards, E., Roller Skates, 338

Edwards, Hammond, and Edwards, Roller Skates, 453

Edwards, J., Railway Signals, 283

Egerton, H. A., Ships, 87

Elce, J , Preparing Fibres, 105

Eldridge, G., Roller Skates, 300

Ellerbeck and Syers, Motive Power, 17

Ellington, E. B., Raising and Lowering, 53 Elliott and Burnett, Valves, 265, 420

Ellis, F. R., Expansion Joint for Tubular Fire-bars, 17

Ellis, G. H., Portable Skating Rinks, 121

Elrick, C. G., Hair Pins, 436

Emsley and Smith, Doubling and Twisting, 317

Emsley and Smith, Winding Yarns, 106

Ermatinger, J. H., Preserving Eggs, 155 Erskine, Smoke-Consuming Furnaces,

Evans, H., Substitute for Sandbags, 101

Eyre, H. 8., Screw Propellers, 265, 317

Eyland, 8., Roller Skates, 247

Eyles, W. H. and G., Railway Brakes, 248

Fahie, J. A. Telegraphy, 155

Farini, G. A., Theatrical and Gymnastic, 69 Fawerkamp, B., Desk Benches 176

Fenby and Greenwood, Cut Nail Machinery, 214

Fereday, W W., Treating Sewage, 104

Fenton, W., Treating Fibres, 436

Fidler, T. C., Boilers, 53

Fielding, J., Portable Punching Machines, 403

Findell, W. F., Boxes, 371

Findlay, R., Safety Valves, 421

Firth, B., Washing, 421

Firth, J., Dyeing, 231

Fisken, W., Cultivating, 87

Fisslthaler, J., Calendars, 137

Fitzpatrick, B., Corkscrew, 437

Fixsen, B., India-rubber, 436

Fleming, J., Vulcanised India-rubber Types or Stamps, 404

Fleming and Standeven, Bottles and Stoppers, 351

Fletcher, J., Nuts, Bolts, Rivets, &c., 387

Fletcher and Thom, Roller Skates, 420

Flewry, F. G., Ships’ Logs, 248

Fogo, J., Topping Turnips, 103

Ford, A., Rinks, 317

Ford, O., Treating Clay, 371

Ford, W. C., Feeding Furnaces, 255

Foss, J. F., Carding, 333

Foster, W., Registering and Checking Payments, 351

Foucard, C., Railway Brakes, 17

Fox, C., Fastenings for Sashes, 437

Fox, H. B., Stopping Bottles, 421

Francis, J., Annealing Pots, 437

Franklin, A. C., Refrigerating, 163

Franklin, A. C. F., Roller Skates, 175, 421

Franklin, A. C. F., Wheels, 105

Franklin, A. W., Dress Suspenders, 371

Fraser, J., Sewing Machines, 87

Free, R., Kilns, 193

Frew, J., Supplying Water to the Fires of Furnaces, 420

Friedeberg, M., Lace, 371

Friedmann, A., Girders, Pillars, &c., 301

Iriend, G., Roller Skates, 193

g|“d’ Tacksfur Securing Papers, &c.,

Frith, S , Knitting, 205

Fiitzner, N., Stoppers for Bottles, 404

Fryer, A., Treating Sewage, 193

F ryer and Alliot, Vacuum Pans, 53

Fulton, W., Washing Bottles, 437

Galloway, C. J., Boilers, 105

Gamble, R., Portable Tents, 301 Gamboni, P., Motive Power, 35 Gamgee, J., Ice, 86, 155

Gamgee, J„ Skating Rinks, 54

Gardiner, D., Tubes, 421

Gardner, H., Fire-armsand Projectiles, 36 Gardner, R., Crushing arid Breaking, 454 Garland, H. P., Sacks, 137

Garner, W., Brush Handles, *c , 138 Garnett, W. T.. Permanent Way, 104 Garrad, W., Coffin Furniture, 193

G Trains T>0 P°pe’ Communicating in Garside, C., Rotary Engines, 351 Cr iiton, W., Brewing, 371

Ga^ill, P., Washing Bottles, 103

Gastrell, J H. P., Roller Skates, 388 travin, A., Railway Brakes, 454 Geary, F., Rinks, 231

Geary, H., Furnaces for Boilers, 104

Gedge, W. E., Envelopes, 422

rv,C!ge’ tv ^replaces for Boilers, 402 Gedge, W. E., Locks, 266

Gedge, W. E., Railway Signalling, 104 Gedge> W. E., Sewing and Embroidering,

Gedge, W. E., Spiral Pump, 436

Gedge, W. E , Writing Machine, 419 Geoghegan, W. J, Roller Skates, 302 Gffibonq n Pa JnA”, stopping Bottles, 438 Gibbons R. A , Casks, 387 Gibbs W. A., Drying, 387

Guardi, G., Heating and Lighting, 247

Gilbert, W.H., Distilling, 438

Gill, C. H., Beer, 283

Gillett, J., Pumps, 248

Gillies, J., Bottling Aerated Liquors, 104 Gillman and Spencer, Bottling, 371 Girdlestone, J. W., DryClosets, &c., 451 Glover, F., Fulling Fabrics, 437 Goddard, E., Wheels, 283

Godefroy, L., Printing Fabrics, 316

Godfrey and Howson, Gas Furnaces, 54 Goldschmidt, Horkheimer, and Farran

Cutting Piled Fabrics, 68 ’

Goodair and Whiteside, Looms, 247 Goodrick, J., Web Halter Heads, 451 Gti’eds71283 G’ J’’ Weariug Apparel-Neck-Goodyear, H B.. Boots and Shoes, 282

Bootear404 ’ SCWing MaChines for Gossell, O., Furnaces, 351

Gowans, J., Numbering, Stamping, and Embossing, 317 r

rrntie T sTt0PPera for Bottles, 35 Gray, J H., Loom*, 69 Gray, J. W., Skates, 155

Grayson and Clarke, Gas 437

Grayson and Hardisty, Bearings 138 Greathead, J. H., Nuts and Bolts, 155 Greathead, J H., Roller Skates, 87

Greaves, T. W., Ornamenting with Glass,

Green, C. E and R , Breech-Ioadin^ Firearms, 438 -cue

Green, C. H , Bricks, 265

Green y Skates> 387, 453

p ®en> G-, Bats for Potters, 137

O ™ w straining and Sifting, 233

Green, W., Hats and Caps, 454

Greig and Eyth, Ploughs, 283

?r?®n> B. G , Shovels, 372

Griffin, T., Hermetically Sealing Tin Cases,

Griffith^’ C°.llecti"g and Registering, 331

o’ F’ ^nealing Pots, 231

GrSome T r eTng Plates> 282

unsoorne, J G., Signalling, 317 Groom, IL, Tins, Cases &e., 87

Gros, G., Steel for Striking Fire 35 Groves, J„ Sawing, 156 ’

Grubb, C. R. E., Cigar Lights, 86

Sh“pS“’< ’ W‘rios “ ““ B“»«‘

Gubbins, R. R., Blower s, 87

Gubbins, R. R., Rotary Fans, 420

GuggenbhUller, G. F C de Br»L-»<>  »

Horse Detaching 248 ’ k®9 and

Guggenbhtlller, G. F C de Ronm

Brakes, 248 ’ de’ BailW

Guthrie, A., Engines, 281 Gutt’HTp,Cle<aUingKnives- 265

Gwynne, J. Centrifugal Pumps, 247

Haddan’ H t” £indi?& Grain, 387

ties 387H’ J'’ Dressillg ra“PicoandBris-HaSdh H T ’ TLilhtiDg Conveyances, 437

Haddan, H. J., Paper Boxes, 282

Haddan H j" ^^Chronometers, 175 u ,,an' R- J-> ashing, tot

J-’ Wriuging, 302

MS, VsSMf « aSl: i'• Hall’ W’t ^^^^Buplement,8387 1wlstT1?g and doubling, 194

H?1Sw”'th "d Mw.' rmi'ylus Oa, 283

?re1' ““ Hammond, H. W„ Roller Skates 213 Handley and Draper Fastenings’ 2S1 Hanna. D. Sewing Machines Hanna, H, B., Ships of War, 333 Hannan, J,, Bottles, 420

pSusU?5’ Buffing and CouPW Ap-Hansmann, J., Artificial School Slates, 403

and Slide

Hanson, J., Treating Sewage, 121 Harbeck, C. F., Sewing Machines, 438 Harding, H., Concrete, 104

Harding and Melbourne, Rolling Leather, -231

Hardinge, H. A , Skates, 318

Hargreaves and Blakey, Washing and Wringing, 105

Hargreaves, J., Sulphates, 438

Harling, W., Railway Signalling, 105 Harlow, B.. Pipes, Elbows, &c., 54 Harper, R. R., Roller Skates, 283 Harrington, J., Bottle Stands, 283 Harrington, J., Leather, 137

Harrington, J., Roller Skates, 156, 437 Harrington, J , Spring Hinges, 437 Harris, J. B., India-rubber Tires, 352 Harris, J., Transport, 421 Harris, P., Boots and Shoes, 69

Harris, P., Protecting Neck and Chestfrom Cold, 69

Harris and Redford, Artificial Fuel, 86 Harrison, C , Skates, 69

Harrison, C. W , Magnetism, 175 Harrow, H, Flower, &c., Bags, 421 Hart, J. L., Gas Meters, 421

Hart’ey and Sugden, Lawn Mowers, 105 Hartwell, W , Governors, 454

Harwood, J., Sewing Machine Shuttles, 438 Haslam and Marshall, Looms, 454 Hattersley and Pickles, Looms, 104 Hatton, J. G., Packing, 154 Hautermann, H. G., Cylinders

Valve Chests, 265

Hawkins, H., Gas. 120

Haycraft, G., Ammunition of Ordnance, 176

Hayne, H. J., Tubes and Flues, 284 Hazlehurst, G. S., Pumping, 105 Head, J. S., Engines, 302

Healey, B., Evaporating, 454

Heath, D., Wa-hing, 454

Heaton, E., Punching and Perforating Metal Plates, 437

Hebblethwaite, G. H., Fabric, 17 Hedderwick, P. D., Roller Skates, 35 Helwig and Cox, Opening Tine, &c., C9 Hemsley, W., Roller Skates, 371

Henderson, A. L., Ceramic Photographs,

Henderson, R., Mathematical Instruments, 35

| Henman, W., Sashes, 175

1 Hennah, T H., Roller Skates. 103 Hepburn, R. H., Buffers, 122 Heppel, R. T., Envelopes, 421 Hepper, jun., R., Agricultur d, 371 Herbert, H. J., Advertising, 155

Heron and Kenyon, Blast Furnaces, 421 Herzen, A., Treating Hides, 218 Hessel, C., Rinks, 214

Hetherington, J. M., Combing. 121 Heuer, F. W., Printing on Glass, 421 Hewitt, T., Railway Couplings, 283 Hewitt and Toy, Punching and Pressing, 438

Heywood, II. J., Horseshoes, 121

Hickman, T. H., Fettling Puddling Furnaces, 265

Hicks. J. J., Thermometers, 231

Hill, F. B., Pumps, 87

Hill, F. L., Tobacco Pipes, 176

Hill and Nishigawa, Engines, 371

Hille, F., Treating Sewage, 387 Hillman, W., Roller Skates, 351

Hinks, J. J., and Ford, Lamps for Volatile Oils, 420

Hirch, H., Screw Propellers, 70 Hirch, IL, Ships, 104

Hirst, J., Washing, Wringing, <fcc., Machines, 454

Hjerleid, S., Screw Coal Feeder, 352 Hoch. J. G. II., Clocks, 265

Hockin, J., jun., Pumps, 371

Hodson, R., Kotary Engines. 69

^231^' ^‘°a<^ an^ Eo°t'waya> Steps, &c.,

Hoeftmann, O., Lighting Gas, 302 Holding, J., Looms, 402 Holgate, J., Looms. 121

Hollingworth, J., Spinning, 403

Hollingwoith, J. and J.. Looms, 333

Holloway, G., Paper, 103

Holloway, J., Metals and Alloys, 402

Holmes and Hopkinson, Roller Skates, 247 Holmes, J. W., Heating and Cooking by

Holroyd, E. A., Fishing Rods, 438

Holt, C. H., Boilers, 302

Holt, H. P., Compressed Air Engines, 17

Holt, H. P., Engines, 333

Holt, H. P., Tramways, 420

Holt, H. T., Valves, 214

Holt, J., Raising Weights, 371

Holt, Sutcliffe, and Fisher, Winding, 419 Holthausen, F., Lowering Apparatus, 86 Hooker, J., Mixing Cocoa, &c., with Milk, 420

Hooker, J.. Preserving Milk, 420

Hooker and Wright, Pole Chains, 371

Hook man, G., Metal Chains for Hanging Pictures, 370 5 &

Hopps, W., Oil Cake, 333

Horrocks, J., Bfilers, 351

Howard and Bousfield, Agricultural Implements, 388

Howard and Bousfield, Harvesting, 420

Howard, J., Taps, <&c., 265

Howard, W., Ink Erasers, 87

Howarth, J., Calendering, Mangling, &c. 454 ’’

Howard, T., Taps, 105

Howell, R., Self-feeding Pen-holders, 318

Howitt, W., Roller Skates, 120, 283

Huddard. J. D. E , Motive Power, 247

Hudson, G., Tricycles, 351

Hughes, E. T , Alloys, 69

Hughes, E. T , Boilers, 420

Hughes, E T., Carving Forks, 86

H453GS’ E' T’’ Extill2uishin& Gaslights,

Hughes, E. T., Needle Machines, 265

Hughes, E. T., Spinning 156

Hughes, E. W., Roller Skates, 247

Hughes, G. 8., Raising and Lowering, 214 Hughes, H., Road Locomotives, 155 317

Hughes, N. H., Roller Skates, 421 ’ Humberstone, W., Printing, 301 Hunt, B., Jacquarding, 214

Hunt, B., Tanning, 453

Hunt, B., Treating Bark, 87

Hunt, B.. Wringing and Mangling, 420

Hunt, W. L., Theatrical and Gymnastic, 33 Hunter, T. 8., Battery, 193

Huntingdon and Cadman, Marbled Papers, Hutcheson, J., Fire Extinguishing, 403 Hutchings, R. J., Treating Metal Plates, Hutchinson, H., Hydro-Metallurgy, 87 Hyatt, T., Building, 371

Imray J., Fire Extinguishing, 135 Imray, J., Preserving Meat, 35 Ingham and Hill, Retorts. 247

Ingham and Holt, Steaming Fabries, 122 Ireland, W., Indicating Speed, 387

Isherwood, C. E. R , Self-acting Dampers, Oil J

Jablochkoff, P., Electro-Magnet, 265 Jackson and Asquith, Fabrics, 105 Jackson. J., Bicyles, 104

Jackson, Kay, Dearnley, and Stafford, Looms, 54

Jackson, R., Merr -go-Rounds, 155

Jackson, S., Mirrors, 175

Jackson, W. L., Leather Rolling, 193

Jackson, W. L., Treating Leather, 437, 403

Jannett, J. M., Ball Cock, 351

Janse, L., Compass, 122

Japy, E., Cocks, 333

Jefferey, E. A., Railway Wheels, 214

Jeffereys, J. C. W., Fastenings for Jewellery, 231

Jeffe>eys, J. C. W., Fastenings for Scarves, 403

Jeffries, G., Top Levers for Breech-loading Fire-arms, 35

Jenkin, F. Meters, 265

Jennison, J,, Tilting Apparatus, 155

Jensen, P„ Boilers, 387

Jensen, P., Fire Alarms, 454

Jensen, P., Fireplaces, 87

Jensen, P., Fluid Meters, 86

Jensen, P., Galvanic Batteries, 438

Jensen, P., Meters, 265

Jensen, P., Stoppers for Bottles, 120

Jensen, P., Telegraphy, 265

Jensen, P., Type Composing, 193

Jenne, J W.. Artificial Leather, 388

Jewiti, H., Desks, 54

Joannes, P., Trellis Work, 175

Jobson, J., Stoves, Fireplaces. 193

Johns, T. H., Raising and Tapping Beer, &c„ 103

Johnson, E., Horse, &c , Shoes. 104

Johnson, E. G.. Pencil Cases, &c., 388

Johnson, G. H. and T., Colliery Tubs, 350

Johnson, J. H., Air Brakes and Ejectors, 404

Johnson, J. II , Artificial Fuel. 265

Johnson, J. II , Poring, 155

Johnson, J. IL, Colouring Matters, 351

Johnson, J. H., Engine Indicators, 53

Johnson, J. H., Engines, 420

Johnson, J. H., Filtering, 122

Johnson, J. H., Fire-arms, 438

Johnson, J. H., Governors, 420

Johnson, J. II., Heating Railway Carriages, 103

Johnson, J. H., Injectors, 387

Johnson, J. H., Joints for Pipes, 104

Johnson, J. H., Lubricating Packing, 175

Johnson, J. II., Motive Power, 176

Johnson, J. H., Musical Instruments, 371

Johnson, J. H., Presses, 104

Johnson, J. H , Printing Metal, 247

Johnson, J. H., Railways and Rolling

Stock, 437

Johnson, J. H., Rotary Puddling, 54

Johnson, J. H , Sewing Machines, 105

Johnson, J. H., Sizing and Dressing

Threads. 437

Johnson, J. IL, Spinning, 402

Johnson, J. II., Steel, 316

Johnson, J. H., Stereotype Plates, 105

Johnson, J S., Roller Skates, 421

Johnson, S., Indicating Distances, 193

Johnson, S, Washing and Disintegrating

Clay, 175

Johnson, S. H., Ferro cyanides, 121

Jones, H. E., Meters, 317

Jones, H. L., Disinfecting, 421

Jones, J. G., Boring, Drilling, &c., 265

Jones, M. P„ Roller Skates, 283

Jones and Ellis. Slate Dressing, 388

Jones, W., Sewing Machines, 317

Jordan, L., Pumps and Beer Engines, 175

Just and Downton, Water-closets, 70

Justice. P. S., Cases, &c., for Sewing Machines, 317

Justice, P. S., Engines, 121

Kaufmann, A. F., Starting Cars, &c , 120

Kay, T.. Tills, 387

Kaye, W., Engines, 300

Keddy, T., Cutting Hay and Straw, 87

Keel, G., Locomotion on Foot, 86

Keel and Pringle, Roller Skates, 404

Keighley, E.. Singeing, 388

Keith, J., Boiler and Furnace, 86

Keel, G., Roller Skates, 333

Kelway, C. E , Indicator for Ships, 402

Kempe, M. and A., Raising Nap on Fabrics, 69

Kendal, G., Stoppers for Bottles, 301

Kendall, W., Screwing, 265

Kennedy, T. S., Drilling, 155

Kenyon, H., Oxide and Chloride of Zinc, 350

Kenyon, J. H. and J., Fire Extinguishing,

Kenyon, W., Railway Signalling, 122

Kerr, H., Envelopes, 194

Kerr, J. D., Hatchways, 422

Kershaw, J., Looms, 175, 455

Kershaw, P., Railway Brakes, 193

Kesterton, H., Roller Skates, 437

Key worth, G. A., Disinfecting, 372

Kidd, J., Gas, 231

Kidd, J., Gas Furnaces, 316

Kidd, J. H., Treating Sewace, 120

Kilbee, W., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 155

Kilner, W. J., Electricity, 265

Kincaid, J.. Permanent Way, 104

Kinder and La Tour, Treating Fibres, 193

King, E., Treating Seed Corn, &c , 218

King, E. C., Roller Spates, 317

King, G., Cut Nails and Tacks, 213

King, J. T., Cutlery, 316

King, J. T., Lock Washers, 54

King, W.. Tenoning, 404

Kingsford. C , Artificial Fuel Blocks, 175

Kingzett and Kingler, Antiseptics an<

Disinfectants, 122

Kinipple, W. R.. Dredgers, 248

Kirk, P., Rolling Machinery, 175

Kislingbury and Bigg, Roller Skates, 437

Kite, J. and J., Roller Skates, 175

Kitson, W. H., Railway Wheels, 155

Knell, W., Screwdrivers, 86

Knight, E. M., Bottles, 370

Knight, E. M., Washing, 421

Knight, H., Pigments, 104

Kuight, J. M., Water Supply, 420

Knott, G. S., Carting Mud, 248

Knowles, jun., G., Spinning, 388

Knox, B. J., Roller Skates, 214

Korting, E., Pumps, 333

Kottgen, F. W., Pumping, 176

Krocker, B., Equilibrium Valves, 193

Kunkier. E., Varnishes, 231

Kunstaiter, J. J. Roller Skates, 87

Lacey, H.. Ventilating, 387

La Fors, H., Wheels and Axles, 53

Laidlaw, D., Lighting Railway Carriages. 155, 421

Lake, W. R., Binding Grain, &c., 404

Lake, W. R., Boots and Shoes, 333

Lake, W. R., Bread, 122

Lake, W. R., Candles and Lamps foi

Hygienic Purposes, 175

Lake, W. R., Cigars, 87

Lake, W. R., Condensing Steam, 454

Lake, W. " r’“- "

Lake, W.

Lake, W.

Lake, W.

Lake, W.

Lake, W. _ ..,______ — —UXV JLWVg

for Marine Engines, 122

Lake. W. R., Embroidery, Knitting, 437

Lake, W. R., Enamelling Iron, 36

Lake, W. R., Eye Cups, 103

R., Crushing, 301

R., Crushing and Grinding, 402

R., Cutting Precious Stones, 248

R., Distillery Mash, 137

R., Dredging, 438

R., Electro-Magnetic Regulator;

R., Fastenings for Gloves, 247

R., Fixed Nozzle Injectors, 121

IL, Galvanic Batteries, 193

R., Gas, 121

R., Gases, 370

R., Harvesting, 421, 438

R., II rseshoes, 156, 230

R , Iron and Steel, 155, 420

R., Journal Box Bearings, 69

R., Kilns, 300

R., Knitting, 317

R., l amps, 155

R., Leather, 301

R., Lighting, 248

R., Lubricating, 104. 176

R., Switches and Points, 301

R., Tools for Boiler Tubes, 403

R., Treating Grain, 301

R., Treating Pasteboard, 404

R., Veneers, 302

R., Ventilating, 317

R., Wearing Apparel—Neckties,

Lake, W. R., Fastenings for Braces, 419

Lake, W. ~ ~ ~-----

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Lake, W. R., Machine Guns, 28 <, 436

Lake, W. R., Magneto-Electro Machines, 404

Lake, W. R., Miners’ Picks, 301

Lake, W.

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Lake, W.

L ike, W.

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Lake, W.

Lake, W.

arms, 156

Lake, W. R., Screw Nuts, 247

Lake, W. R., Screws and Screw Drivers, 383, 437

Lake, W. R., Sewing Machines, 103, 317

Lake, W. R., Sewing Machines for Straw

Braid-work, 351

Lake, W. R., Signals and Alarms, 176

Lake, W. R., Smelting, 247

Lake, W. R., Spikes, 86

Lake, W. R., Spittoons, 404

Lake, W. R., Stamps and Labels, 419

Lake, W. R., Steel, 420

Lake, W. R., Straightening and Bending

Tubes, Rails, &c., 404

Lake, W. ~ ~ .

Lake, W.

Lake, W.

Lake, W.

Lake, W.

Like, W.

Lake, W.


Lamb, E. B., Roller Skates, 54

Lamb, J. M., Skates, 265

Landau, M. J., Heating, Ventilating, Cooking. 104

Lane. T., Fireplaces, 454

Lane, T., Fuel, 388

Lange, C., Fastenings for Bags, &c., 283

Langley and Cocker, Permanent Way of Tramways, 231

Langley, T., Permanent Way of Tramways, 155

Lanyon, J., Water-closets. 154

Lansley, E. A. and D. T., Boilers, 317

Law, IL, Valves, &c., 105

Laws and McLennan, Fire Extinguishing 218

Lirard, F., Hinges, 420

Laroque, E. de, Artificial Marble, Stone, &c.. 300

Lawrence, E., Brakes, 69

Lawrence, E., Cutting, Engraving, Carving, &c., 53

Lawrence, E., Permanent Way, 59

Lawrence, II., Rollers, Drums, and Sheaves, 175

Lawrence, P., Stoves, 370

Lawrie, T., Pavements, 103

Lawther, A. B., Cutting Linseed Cake, 137

Lawther, A. B., Oil, 137

Laycock, J. and F., Fulling and Milling 248

Leach, C. T., Roller Sk ttes, 454

Leaker, A. A., Billiard Tables, 454

Leber, J., Binding Hat and Bonnet Shapes, 86

Le Breton, E. M. J., Hydraulic Motive Power, 87

Ledger, J., Separating Stamps, 69

Lee, E., Boots and Shoes, 301

Lee, W., Tell-tales for Vehicles, 175

Leeming and White, Looms, 103

Lefebvre, B., Traction Engines, 121

Legge, J., Furnaces, 438

Leigh, R., Ceilings, 421

Lemonnier and Malhbre. Lace, 302

Les ware, J. J., Roller Skates, 194

Levinstein, I., Colouring Matters, 121

Levy, J., Umbrellas and Parasols, 283

Levy, L. G , Engines, 137

Lewis, J., Stopping Bottles, 137

Lewis and Jones, Roller Skates, 283

Lewis, S. 8., Soap, 333

Ley, F., Permanent Way, 352

Liddicot, P., Plate Warmer and Refrigerator, 121

Lightfoot, T. B., Stirring Vats, &c., 421

Lilley, Adams, Browne, and Boby, Hydraulic Lifts, 301

Lili and Innes, Castors. 421

Limousin, S., Medicinal Capsules, 122

Linde, C., Refrigerating, 402

Lindemann, G., Tramways, 193

Lipscombe, F._ Furnaces, 86

Lister, 8. C.. Combing, 387

Liston, J., Pipes, 333

Little, Disinfecting Fluid for Sheep,

Lloyd, A., Fastenings for Windows, 387

Lloyd, A., Food and Drink, 454

Lloyd, Faulkner, and Lloyd, Tubes, 333

Lloyd, G., Washing Machines, 121

Lloyd, H., Fences, 372

Lloyd. H. J., Packing Tobacco for Sale. 176

Lobb, N. W., Food, 317

Lock, J. H., Rink*, 247

Lockwood, W., Buffers and Bearing Springs,

Loe, W. C.» Roller Skates, 438

Loeser, I., Destroying Vermin, 53

Lofts, E., Tell-tales, 422

Lord, A., Looms, 403

Lotz., W. F., Lamps, 87

Lotz, W. F., Lanterns. 193

Louttet, K. Me. L. P., Gas 403

Love, W. and G., Bricks, 248

Lovelock, J. F., Mincing, 213

Low, H., Rinks, 265

Low, H., Roller Skates. 265

Lowber, D. C., Disinfecting and Packing

Manures, 436

Lowe, E., Locks and Catches, 404

Lowndes and Wilkinson, Driving Bolts,

Lowne and Hicks. Counting Coins, 301

Lowne, R. M., Anemometers, 333

o?r^’ G., Radial Arm and Slot Dxilling, o7, 175

Lowry, G., Roller Skates, 351, 199, 282

Lubez, A. V. Le, Grinding Pepper Box, 213

Lulham, E. W., Combined Roller Skate

and Boot, 122

Lurnb and Haigh, Lubricating, 388

J* J*’ ^ns f°r Preserving Food, o51

Lutwyche, S. G„ Saddles, 68

Lynch. J. B,, Swivels, 105

R., Mirrors, 138

R., Nickel and its Alloys, 351

R., Ordnance, 194

R., Paper Cutting and Folding,

R., Parchment, 63

. R., Preserving Materials, 404

. R., Press, 86

. R., Puddling Furnaces, 351

R., Railway Brakes, 403

, R., Railway Couplings, 420

, R., Refr geiating, 101

, R., Registering Fares, 282

'. R., Revolving Cylinder Fire-

McArthur, W., Steam Cranes, 122

Macaulay, H., Roller Skates, 176

Macdonald, A., Spinning, 3 6

Macdonald, J., Rockets, 437

Me Donell, E., Desk and Cabinet, 155

McDowall, D., Sawing, 438

McDougall, T. 8., Furnaces, 301

Mace, C., Condensers, 137

McEvoy, B., Pulleys, 151

McEvoy, C. A., Lighting Gas, 265

McFarlane and McPherson, Leno Curtains, 387

McGee, AV., Winding Thread, 17, 155

McGill, D., Railway Couplings, 194

Mclnnes. J., Continuous Bra'<e$, 387

Macintosh and Boggett, Air-Proofing, 283

Mackintosh, J., Raising Sunken Vessels, 370

Mick ay, F. N., Ice, 371

Mackay, F. N., Rinks, 243

McKean and McGrath, Combing, 401

Mackenzie, F. AV., Drying Tea, 193

Mackie. J., Thinning Plants, 175

Mackie, R., Scotch Bonnets, 302

McLaren, A.. Valves, 318

Maclean, C. AL, Roller Skates, 351

MacLellan, G., Packing, 454

McLintoch and Brown, Roller Skates, 193

McManu**, H., Loom Pickers, 213

Malen, E., Air-com pressing, 388

Magaud-Charfe, J., Corks, 371

Magnus, G., Billiard Balls, 193

Major, AV., Pre venting Priming in Boilers,

Makin and Marcroft, Sample Bigs, 265

Malcolm, R. A., Tubes, 248

Malcolmson, II , Roller Skates, 437

Malfroy, A., Meters, Liquid, 317

Malings, J., Cricket Balls, 371

Manley, AV. G. N., Ambulance Wheel Litter, 7A

Mappin, AV. S., Roller Skates, 87

March, G., Spinning, 155

March, T. C., Fabrics, 284

Marchant, G. M., Taps or Stop-cocks, 1C5

Mardon, H., Printing, 317

Margotti, J., Stoppers for Bottles, 316

Markland, AV., Looms, 403

Marriott, AV., Purifying Coal Gas, 103

Maish, T. J., and Fell, Lubricating Spindles, 438

Marsh, AV. R., Cleaning and Polishing Grain, 121

Marshall, G. II., Punkahs. 387

Marshall, J., Thrashing, 331

Marshall N., Roller Skates, 387

Martin, A., Clipping and Shearing, 53

Martin, A., Roller Skates. 403

Martin, J., Flower Pots, Fern Shades, &c., 69

Martin, J., Umbrellas and Paras As, 247

Martin, J. C., White Lead, 121

Martin, J. K., Bobbins and Reels, 120

Martin. 8., Urinals, 421

Marx, AV., Locking Desks or Eisels, 454

Mason, C.. Valves for Steam Pumps, 176

Mason and AVellett, Tea Kettles. 422

Mason, R. F., Refrigerating, 318

Massicks and Crooke, Slide Valves, 231

Mather, W., Steaming and Ageing Fabrics, t>O<l

Mather, AV., Steaming Fabrics, 121

Mathers, J., Pneumatic Transport, 351

Matthews, J., Road Locomo'ives, 122

Matthews, J. M., Locks and Fastenings, 104

Maw and Hartley, Screw Presses, 371

Mawby, T., Looped Fabrics, 437

Maxwell-Lyte, F., Torpedoes, 437

May, C. N., Boilers. 351

May, T. P., Earth-closets, 316

Mayer, E., Repairing Shafts, Poles, &c., 370

Mayer, E. L., Cobalt and Nickel, 283

Mays, J. A., Roller Skates, 302, 387

Mays, J. A., Skates, 4 )3, 451

Mays, J. A., AVheels, 193

Mcadowcroft and Graves, Safety Apparatus for Building and Cleaning, 437

Melhuish, R. AL, Button-holing, 154

MePanby. AV., Lighthouses, 316

Mellor, H. M., Circular Knitting, 316

Messenger and Churchward, Engines, 120

Mewburn, J C., Miners’Safety Lamps, 122

Mewburn, J. C., Spinning and Twisting, 175

Meyer, C. H.. Lamps for Ship Lights, 284

Meyer and AVernigh, Towing, 265

Meynell, G. C., Cart and Trolly, 248

Michaelson, AL, Artificial Grinding Stone, 301

Michell, F. B., Stopping and Filling Bottles, 301

Middlehurst, J., Clay Pipes, 370

Midgley, D., Boilers, 155

Milburn and Jackson, Decomposing Vapours, 17

Milburn and Jackson, Treating Sewage, 350

Millar, R., Tramway Cars, 53

Millar, R. J., Spring Rollers, 454

Miller, A., Pumping, 317

Miller, J., Designing on Pottery, 122

Miller and Robb. Bolts, 231

Mills, B. J. B., Boots and Shoes, 4 4

Mills, B. J. B., Casting, 283

Mills, B. J. B., Cigars, 122

Mills, B. J. B., Pipes for Smoking, 404

Mills, B. J. B., Rods, Bars, Gliders, &c., 138

Mills, B. J. B., Sewing Machines, 104, 137

Mills, D., Boots and Shoes, 334

Mills, R., Hydraulic Cranes, 371

Mills, T., Fire Extinguishing, 372

Mirfield and Scott, Combing, 175

Mirfin, AV. H., Boilers, 438

Mitchell, C. P.. Treating Fibres, 403

Mitchell, N. AV., Hat and Bonnet Shapes, 437

Mitchell, T., Steam Pipe and Coupling, 403

Molesworth, J. E., Disinfecting by Electricity, 265

Moleux, A., Illuminating Projectiles or Rockets, 175

Monck, F. AV., Copying, 317

Monjot, J , Looms, 387

Moore, De La Al., Boilers, 334

Moore, H., Anti-friction Rollers, Cyl’nders, &c., 193

Moore, J., Heating, 104

Moore, J., Retorts 121

Morewood, E., Coating Metals, 422

Morfit, C., Food, 283

Morgan-B own, AV., Breech-loading Firearms, 421

Morgan-Brown, AV., Cop Tubes, 137

Morgan-Brown, AV., Engines, 404

Morgan-Brown, AV., Filtering, 35

Morgan-Brown, W., Filtering Reservoirs, 35

Aloigan-Brown, AV., Indexing, 104

Morgan Brown, AV., Lamp Bunnrs, 283

Morgan-Brown, AV , Metallic Cartridges, 36

Morgan-Brown, AV., Metallurgical Furnaces, 122

Morgan-Brown, W., Ornamental Fabiics, 421

Morgan-Brown, AV., Pitying Cards, 387

Morgan-Brown, AV., Raising and Lowering, 86

Morgan-Brown, AV., Seams and Gorings of Elastic, 371

Morgan-Brown, AV., Sewing Knitted Goods, 231

Morgan-Brown, AV., Sewing Machines, 333

mZI"""1' W- Treating Wood, 351

Brgace; ST”’ W” W°ariDg Apparel— Morgan, R , Smoke Consuming Furnaces, 0 5 ’

Morgm, T., Safety Apparatus for Bailors, oo ’

Morgan, W., Bootsand Shoes, 403

Morgan, W_, Tools, 154

Morison, J. A. R., Roller Skates, 420

Morison, J A, R., Skating Rinks, 137

Morrell, W. N„ Axles, 437

Morris, B. E , Screw Base, 137

Morri*, E. L., Targets, 403

Morris, J., Tiles, 301

Morris, Morg m, and Richards, Annealing

and Tempering Iron Plates, 86

Morris, W., Pipes and Joints, 420

Morris and Westley, Injectors, $17 ?JorFi5°n’ A F-> Pipes and Gutters, 87 Mort, W. Refrigerating and Purifying, 351 Morton, J. W., Washing, 121

Morton, R.. Whipping and Churning, 371

Moseley, C., Inflammable Oils, 403

Moseley, C., Waterproof Packing, 403

Mose-cy, AV., Signalling, 317

Mot tie, L., Treating Tobacco, 120

Mountain, and J. B , Cut Nails,Sprigs, &c , 438

Muller, F., Keyless Watches, 35

Muller, J. A., Gas and Fuel from Rice

Husks, 438

Muller, M, L., Type Composing, 421

MuUiner, F., Tires, 155

Mullord, A., Satining Paper, <fcc., 69

Munro, A., Cutting, Shaping, Polishing, &c., 105

Munslow, AV., Washing and Churning, 438

Muratori, C., Paint, 333

Murdoch, Ault, and Knowles, Preventing

Incrustation in Boilers, 137

Murdoch, H. II, Fuel, 282

Murdoch, II. H., Sugar Refining, 121

Murdoch, H. II., AVinnowing and Sorting,

Murgatroyd, jun., Rothwell, Battinson, and

Sutcliffe, Looms, 454

Nash, W. T. and E., Roller Skates, 193 Neale, J., Sulphuric Acid, 318

Negretti and Zambra, Hydrometers, 454

T Neu pert, E., Buttons, 122

Neville, S., Cruet, &c., Frames, 105

Neville, AV. H., Treating Cinders, 352

Newsome, W., Railway Signalling, 155

Newton, A. V., Assorting Coin, 387 Newton, A V., Boilers, 137 Newton, A. V , Bricks, 301

. Newton, A. V., Centrifugal Pumps, 176 Newton, A. V., Cop Tubes, 120

Newton, A. V., Feeding Printing Presses, 86

Newton, A. V., Liquid Meters, 120

Newton, A. V., Needles, 138

Newton, A. V., Type Writers, 122

Newton, A. V , Valves. 420

Newton, E., Frame Saws, 419

Newton, G., Lubricant, 265

Newton, H. E., Boilers, 120

, Newton, H. E., Colouring Matters, 317 Newton, H E., Furnaces, 36 Newton, H. E., Infusions, 333 Newton, H. E., Lo >ms, 105

Newton. H. E., Printers’ Galleys, 453

1 Newton, H. E., Projectiles, 214

Newton, II. E., Pulverising and Amalgamating. 403

Newton, H. E., Ships, 302

I^ewton, II. E., Threads, 436

Newton, H. E., Treating Animal Charcoal, ) 401

Newton, II. E., Treating Fibres, 213

Newton, H. R., Water Supply, 419 Newton. AV. E., Printing, 17, 53 Nicoll, D., Gelatine Capsules, 283

3 Nicholls, R., Measuring the Human Foot, 851

Nickoil, J. J., Hooks, 387

Niebuhr, J. F. AV., Gas, 231

Nishigawa, T. M., Ice, 265

Nixon, T., Pentagraph Engraving, 154

2 Noad, J., AVood Fibre and Pulp, 437

» Nolet, P., Telegraphy, 351

Norcombe. E. S., Needles for Sewing Machines, 334

Nordenfelt, T., Gun Carriages, 283

Nordenfelt, T., Sewing Machine Shuttles,

, 283

North, J., Steam Pumps, 36

, Northcote, G. B.. Cartridges, 334 Northcroft. G.. Floors and Roofs, 436 Nunn. J., Skates, 70

Nussey and Beaumont, Looms, 437

- Nussey and Leachman, Pressing Fabrics, 121

0 Nuttall, F. D., Tank Furnaces, 387

Oats. R. C., Reaping and Mowing, 453 O’Callaghan, E., Building, 283 Oldham and Sharpies. Looms, 438 Off ord. J., Carriage Heads, 302

O’Lawlor and Calvo, Telegraphy, 371

Oliver, E., Disinfectants. 419

Oliver and Owen, Engines, 105

O'Neill, S., Looms, 421

, Oppenheimer, D., Pipes for Smoking, 122 Osmond, J., Vehicles—Dog Carts, 301 Owen, J. H., Roller Skates, 403

Owens, H. T., Miners’ Safety Lamps, 70 Oxley, J., Permanent Way, 351

Paget, A., Tipping Basins, 387

Paget, H. S., Cleaning, Sweeping, and Painting, 103

5, Palmer, H. T., Spinning and Doubling. 387 Palmer, J., Fastenings for AV ndows, 213

3 Palmer, J., Tanning, 402

  • ■ Palmer, J. D., Burners, 121

Palmer, J. H., Roller Skates, 87

r Palmer, R., AVhite Lead, 101

Palmer, T. N., Kilns, 121

Parker, R., Manure Distributing, 247

Parker, R., Ventilating, &c., Sewers, 53

Parker and AValker, L >oms, 105

»» Parkes, A., Treating Nickel. 193 Parkes, J., Candlesticks, ( 9 Parkinson, J., Ores, 69

Parmiter, J., Steam Ploughing, 438

Parsons, P. M., Metallic Alloys, 175

Pass, E. de, Boilers, 436

Pass, E. de, Breech-loading Fire-arms, 104

Pass, E. de, Drilling Rock, & •., 155

Pass, E. de, Electro Engraving, 372

Pass, E. de, Governors, 248

Pastorelli, F. J., Indicating Speed, 420

', Patterson, J., Stamping, 213

Payne, A., Building, 4 03

Payne, E. and F. C., Cartridge for Charging Tobacco Pipes, 35

i, Pay ton and Holmes, Engines, 101 Peacock. J. C., Ovens. 156

•- Pearu, F. and S., Fire Extinguishing, 454 Pearn, F. and S., Steam Pumps, 437

i, Pearson, M. II., Sewing Machines, 194 Pearson, T. T. andD. T., Quilts and Padded Articles, 35

5 Pedder, J. N., Heating Irons, &c., 69 Pellatt, AV. C., Covering Tablets with

•f Metal, Paper, &c., 387

Pemberton and Gibson, Tobacco, 420

}, Pengclly, A., Bearings, 10 Penn, J., Engines, 138

3 Penny, T., Ticketing and Exhibiting, 104

Penrice, H. N., Tunnelling, Rock Boring, &c., 265

Penrose, F. C , Mathematical Instruments, 403

Periam, E. T., Screw Bolts, 388

Perkes, T., Breech-loading Small Firearms, 105

Perkins, W.< Railway Carriage Lamps, 421 Perrier, J. W. C., Kelp, 86

Person, L , Locks for Bags, 370

Petingale, J. L., Mixtures for Digestive Purposes, 70

Phillips, J. F , Reaping and Mowing, 283

Phillip<, T., Fixing Telegraph. Posts, 454 Phillips, J., Mortising, 175

Phillips, J., Stopping and Starting Tramway Cars, 121

Pichler and Gardner, Raising and Lowering, 86

Pichler, S P., Automatons, 104

Pickering, J., Lubricators, 387

Picking, Hopkins, Haden, and Beyfus, Raising Sunken Vessels, 154

Pickles, W. H. and J., Spinning, 453

Pielsticker, U M., Refining Ozokerit, 265

Pieper, C., Carding, 451

Pieper, C., Copying, 438

Pieper, C., Expansion Gear, 248

Pieper, C., Indirect Acting Governors, 333

Pieper, C., Printing, 371

Pieper, C., Thrashing, 265

Pieper, C., Trusses, 421

Piers, E. F., Railway Signalling, 193 Pigott, G , Lace, 231

Pike, J., Register for Vehicles, 333 Pilkington, W., Flexible Rods, 213 Pilbrow, J., Roller Skates, 120 Pinder, W. H , Roller Skates, 437

Piper, J. E., Treating Milk, 454

Platt, T., Lubricating Spindles, 231

Plush, R. H., Pumps, 301

Pollard and Bramwell, Doubling, 438

Pollock, T., Leno and Muslin Curtains, 371 Poole, W., Milk Cans, 387

Pooleyand Wood, Weighing, 104

Pope, A. , Engines 351

Pope, W. A., Railway Signals, 248

Porter, jun., G., Glass Shades and Reflectors, 351

Porter, J. H., Filtering, 422

Pottier, C., Hot Air Apparatus, 421

Potts, B. L. F., Gloves, 155

Powell, W., Breech-loading Small Arms, 175

Pradier, M. A., Fastenings, 35

Pratt, G., Buckles, 453

Pratt, J. E., Glass for Silvering, 370

Pratt, J. E., Silvering Mirrors, Plate, &c , 370

Prentice, M., Concentrating Sulphuric Acid Solutions, 53

Prentice, M., Platinum Vessels, 53

Preston, E., Roller Skates, 301

Price, A. P., Roller Skates, 387

Price, H. H , Iron Soles with Springs, 137 Price, H., Spring Mattresses, 213

Price and Harris, Breech-loading Firearms, 371

Priestland, T , Hinges, 383

Piiestley, J. W., Heating and Cooking, f47

Prieswerk. L., Propelling, 17

Pritt, R., Cleaning Grain, 86

Procope, N. Harmoniums, Organs, <fcc.,213 Protheroe, P., Raising Sunken Vessels, 316 Prust and Brown, Boots and Shoes, 421 Pullar, Goslin, and Wilks, Diving Apparatus, 155

Purchase, J. .Fibres, 351

Putnam, H. W., Bale Ties, 351

Quin, R., Opening and Closing, 54

Quin, R., Tumblers, -213

Ramsay, H M., Filters, 69

Ravenscroft. J., Securing Tiles, 387

Rayner, Harrison, and Glendenning, Washing, 105

Razkazoff, L., Ordnance, 155

Redfern, G. F., Screw Nuts, Washers, &c., 317

Redwood, C., Purifying Middlings, 265

Rees and Gledhill, Boilers and Furnaces, 248 . „ „„

Reeves, A., Advertising Frames, 137

Reeves and Beattie, Excavating and Elevating, 437

Reidy. J., Pickaxes, 350

Reid, R., Smoothing Irons, 388

Reimer, C., Aldehydes from Phenols, 370

Rennes, D. W. Van, Pump and Engine, 371 Rennie, G. B., Steam Fenies, 419

Renette, J. F. G., Breech-loading Fire Arms, 351

Reynolds, T., Fire Extinguishing, 193

Rhodes and Stoney, Looms, 248

R chards. J , Casks. 371

Richards, J., Grooving Wood, 154

Richards, J., Sawing, 137

Richards and Heyes, Ceilings, 454

Richardson, J. T. H., Wine Glasses. 403

Richardson, T. E., Roller Skates, 86 Riche, E. Le. Roller Skates, 437

Rickett, T., Hydraulic Drawbenches, 351

Rickett, T., Solitaires, 247

Rickett. T., Tube Drawing, 402

Riggs, H. M., Brakes, 334

Riley, J., Soda Ash, &c., 387

Riley, J., Travelling Combustion Furnaces, 86 „ , .

Rimington, J. McN. f Sewing Machine Shuttles, 403

Ritchie and Hawkins, Doors and Windows, 403

Roberton, C. G., Roller Skates, 103

Roberts, A., Indicator for Furnaces, 214

Roberts, M. J., Axles, 401

Roberts, M J., Permanent Way, 387

Roberts, M. J., Safety Valves, 333

Roberts, T. W., Ventilating Mines, 371 Roberts, W. H., Mariners’ Compass, 317 Robins, W. B., Lamps. 69

Robinson, A. K., Ranges, 371

Robinson, J., Communicating in Trains, 265

Robinson, J., Tube Stoppers, 437

Robinson, R., Knobs and Spindles, 247

Robottom, A., Soap, 103

Robson, A., Scaffolding, 231

Robson, H. R., Boilers, 104

Roby, G., Storing Gunpowder,

Rodger, A. W., Scotch Bonnets. 282

Rodger, W., Railway Couplngs anu Brakes, 422

Rogers and Anderson, Cork Beds, 120

Rogers, B. W., Screw-worming Tools, E01

Rooke, J., Roller Skates, 351

Rose. T., Rinks, 213

Ross, D., Topping and Tailing T irnips, So Ross, J. A. G., Motive Power, 404

Ross, O. C. D., Refrigerating, 211

Rowan, J.. Sugar. 18

Rowbottom, A., Soap, 103

Rowe, J. N., Fuel, 420

Rowe, T., Hinges, 17

Rowley, J., Wood Cutting and Splitting, 265 . , „

Rowley, R., Looped Fabrics, 138

Ruck, J. Smelting, 193

Rule, T., Bottles, 371

Runkel, M., Indicator for Cab Fares, 454

Runnett and Finch, Tacks and Nails, 351 Russell, J., Steering Ships, 420

Russell, T., Boilers, 437J

Rutherford, J. H„ Raising Sunken Vessels, Rydill, G., Fibres, 300

Rve’w^f UA,isT Wasto Heat, 300 «ye, W. M„ Cylinders, 301

Ryland, J. L., Jars, Bottles, &c., 36

Samain, P., Rotary Engines, 419 netw^' aud Wad<Re. Perma-ia™1'1,’ J > Screw Propellers, 101

amuelson and Mainwaring, Harvesting, Sanderson, J. G. E„ Motive Power 86 Sandon, E. F„ Chaff-cutting 105 Sanson R B„ R„ller skatef

naP °r B',t,1° CaP> 35 Saunders, C., Fountain Pens 35 Saunders, R., Anchoring, 351 G--B-. Gas Scrubber, 317 oawkins, J. N_, Heating, 283 ScharrnST J«N-’ BegS Or Hooks, 283 ocnair, J., Spinning, 194 Scholes and Chaffer, Looms, 302 Schram, J. R., Boring Rocks, 105 Scott HmYnD WMker’ Indi«ators, 451 ocott, h x. D., Manures, 137

a^s 213and Breechd°ading Small-Scott and Ogilvie, Purifying Sugar 317 Scott, W., Roller Skates 387 g ’ Scratton, G., Pumping, 404 Sedley J., Twin Ships, 120 SeUer^’rM’* Mofcive Power, 3S8 feeders, J. Looms, 43s

Sellers J. C., Artificial Stone, 370

S^gent and Valkenhuizen, Spheric Castor, Shakespear, J. D., Miners’ Safety Lamps, Sh*™ V-’™Ortable Sfceam Cranes, 214 Shaip, H., Pipes, Paving Blocks, <fcc 387 ShawFBd Tubs,hi37aVing at Sea’ 156 Shaw and Baxter, Packing, 403 Shaw, J., Engines, 106, 334 g{lawf, J., Velocipedes, 35 ou?, ’ G- F', Syringes, 231 Shddonand Stiff, Rollerskates, 194 Shepherd and Maxwell, Tell-tales, 194 Sheppard, C., Washing Coal, 351 ShmryTiCpCnBleV01v,iDg Shutters, 282 bnm, K. JE., Boilers, 137

Shore and Chubb, Furnaces, 283 ^'jdall1d’ Conveying Sounds, 420 Shorroek and Lewis, Looms, 317 Shorrock, W., Looms, 87 SlingRropJesK423aging Wag°nS Mth HauV Silver, J., Boots and Shoes, 422 Simons, W., Steam Ferries 317


I Simpson and Cross, Fabrics. 351 Simpson, H., Fastenings, 317

i Simpson, H Travelling Bags, 105 403

i Sival, D., Regulator, 175

Skidmore, P., Roller Skates, 17 Skilhcorn, J. E., Raising and Lowering,

Sloane and Frost, Fastenings for Windows,

| S“o46’ Crickmay> and Farthing, Building, Small, J. H., Tramway Cars, 175

I b*Trains LaW’ Communicating in Smelhe, T. IL, Steering by Steam, 213 j ““ethurst, Shaw and Shaw, Piessino-I Fabrics, 265

A’ R' anh H. A., Railway Wheels,

Smith, B., Signalling by Electricity, 103 Smith and Bailey, Combing, 370 Smith, C. 8., Dry Closets, 301 Smith, E. T., Roller Skates, 283 Smith, F. H., Lamp Wicks, 193 Smith, G., Looms, 436

Smith, H.. Millstone Casings, 317

Smith, J., Railway Signals and Points, 371 Smith, J. N., Axle Boxes, 103

Smith. J. P„ Buckled Plates, 454

. Smith, J. Y., Ejectors, 420  !

Smith, M., Horseshoes, 266

Smith, R., Keys, 371

Smith and Harrison, Utilising Scrap Steel ' 438 1 :

I S14371 aUd Nasb’ Tin and Terne Plates, j Smith, R C , Charging Ordnance, 138 Smith and Stanley, Roller Skates, 334 Smith, 1., Water-closets, 121 Smith, T. E. and J., Combing 105

rrF’ J’’ Maslling Maize, &c., 422 Smith, T. JRegulating Calendar Watches, I/O

Smith, T. J., Telegraphy, 387

Smith, W., Dry Gas Meters, 301 Smith, W., Governors, 317

> Telegraph Wires, 53 Smith, W. A., Sodium, Potassium, Z nc lo4 ’

S1370h’ Whit°’ and E1Ii0t’ Stable Fittings, Snow, J. J., Transport, 156 Solvay, E , Carbonate of Soda, 301 Somerville and Ruthven, Tramways, 454 Southby, A. G., Alkali, 1 2 Southgate and Woodward, Breech-loading lire Arms. 105, 213 6

Southwood, W., Cut Nails, 104 Souttar, R., Tramways, 370 Sowerbutts, A., Aerated Liquids, 283 Spaekman, J. A , Lamps or Lanterns. 105 SPLyl1 WaMed ^QU8hton’ Treating Caustic Speller, H., Billiard Cues, 351 Spence, P., Sulphate of Potash, 122 Spicer, G. IL, Candles, 454

Spiers, L. C., Fastenings for Scarfs, &c., 155 fepong, J. O., Horseshues, 122 Spour, W., Racket Braces, 333

Squire, W. S., Sulphate of Soda, 437 Stanhope, Hon. W. E. C„ Roller Skates, 265 btannah, J., Donkey Engines and Pumps, 437

Stanwix R Grinding and Polishing, 438 Starke, M. A , Expansion Gear, 265 Stavers, G., Steering, 403

Steel, J., Retoits, 54

Steel and Mcinnes, Engines 403 Steele, E„ Pitch Chain, 35 ’ Stenner, J., Agricultural Drills, 388 Stevens, C. R., Roller Ssates, 370 Stevens, J. J. F., Railway Signals, 283 Stephenson, A Rinks, 351 Mephenson, J., Fire-bars, 388

S' evensoil, G , Motive Power, Air Compressing, Rock Boring, 283

Stevenson, T., Pipes for Drains, 387 Stevenson, W., Building Blocks, 419 Stewart, C., Communicating in Trains 420 rit403art’ D’’ Treating Horns and Hoofs, Stewart, J., Securing Nuts, 87

Mewart, R., Boiler, &c., Coverings, 247 stierlin, G., Hinges, 283 ^}e£Bn> Go Springs for Doors, 283 Stirling, u. E., Roller Skates, 283

Stockwell! n! P'’8Sewi’n®MfOK-Bottles’ 301 Stoke, G. E„ RinksS Machlnes> 137 Stone T. c-> Kilns, 69

Stoneham, J. T Buttons, 87

rong, J. and A-> Furnaces and Boilers, Strong, M H , Gas, 282

Stu .rt, C. Taps and Valves, 300 Sturgeon, J , Cylinders, 214

Stutter and Hicks, Bain Gauges 231

SuggerwStTUbfeVB d CorWlooms, 372 Sugg W T ’ Pnlr u“ and Fittings, 301 Sugg W T ’ s£rlC ^ght Ga* Metern, 301 Sumner w’ etat ? Gas Meters, 69

crustattonfaB^rs^ Bemoving Ia‘ SwiUerX Stirru^Tsi 371 'rattersallP-TF'cRa-er Skates, 317

Tnv er’ £’Jloor Cloth, 371 S±’e i;'Rre LigAteis> «3 i ayior, E., Stoves, 53

ten?; 193 Wa8hing’ bating, and

T W" 2H, 38a7mSden’ Spinning and Doub-Tee, H., Tell Tales, 438 t:s :,“d gxis,%“d j- «« Ta^Pi6’ T'’ Bailway Brakes, 137 Temp e“jn,L ”liKiTe Lighters- 137

301 ’ ' L- ■’ LoadW, Stacking, &c., Thacker, 8., Gas Engines, 104 Thackeray and Glover, Doubling- 247 Them rayBE” Fluted Boilers 69’ 7 TheUier, R. and M„ Register for Vehicles, Thniller,^and M- Telegraphy, 247 Thom and Constable, Topping and Tail,™

, Turnips, &c., 137 11 g ana J allmg

Th°ma3’ ?' M Boiler Skates, 175

lieX’, 17?Ve,ghing Machillery for Col-ThnmM’ P- A--Boiler Skates, 388

and FIuesd 388bS°n’ ChimWs

Thomas, 8. J., Furnaces, 266

Thomas, S. J., Ores, 282

Thomas, W., Fabrics, 454

Thompson, A. C. G„ Treating Fibres 248 Thompson, J„ Mashing Maltf&c 17’

a°dsP83°34 a“d W ) P°Sts and Sta“d-

T omson’ W w’ Co^s^372

inomson, W., Weighing, 247

ThnmpS'’n’^'r P’’ Indicator for Boilers 211

Thornton, E A., Window-sashes 247 | nTnngO383, 45J5 A’ aUd Fe“to". Spin-Thorpe°J ']?d'r?allon> C^pets, &c„ 436

Jidcombe and Heaton, Paper 175 Tiemann Dr. f., Vaniline, 421 5 Timberlake, H. J., Velocipedes 213

i lunewell A. T., Skating Rink Floort 137 j limmwa. E„ Furnaces, 351 l* 137

Titley, T., Screw Jacks, 317

I Tongue J c’ £!°thes Horses, 17 xongue, J. G., Fibres, 70

' Tongue,’ J G ’ FountalnT^^' 387

Toussaint, C., Bleaching Cotton 175 Townsend, J., Furnaces, 175 ’ lownsend, 8., Umbrellasand Parasols, 122,

Tramier’ L-’Jpi?nin?. Twisting. &c„ 87

1 arnicr L. II., lanning, 265

J’ I • Heating Buildings, 104 Trentanove, M., Railway Brakes 151 Tu'Jker6 BawdnaHala’ propelling, 214 Tucker H r” Prtd?J”g Buokets, 86 ing^ 387 ’ C ’ &a8h HaD5rin* aad Support-

Tucker and Hodson, Kilns, 175

Tucker, W., Plaiting, 265

lurey, J., Fire arms, 176

Turner, and Wilson, Hair Dressing in

Turner, E„ Lighting Gas, 371

Tn™r’£‘ Boiler Skates, . 72

Tn^i ’ n ’ y?re arins’ Cartridges, &P 283 Turton, G„ Buffers and Coupiin17” Turton and Latham, Portable Engines 402 lydeman, B., Roller Skates, 282 ’ °

Tver w’ Gommun'cating in Trains, 103

Iy er, E., Pneumatic Brakes, 387

Tylor, A., Water-closets. 419

Tylor, A. and J. J., Subma.ine Operations,

Usher, W. II., Roller Skates, 351

Vance° JVeH W-’ °>r Holder 5i vance, J. H., Lubricating Wool 193 Va SiTA^’ R°Tlai“’ Ghina- *^ 438 \augnan, E. R., Pumps, 69

Vo,"g?sa’ J?- P- 11 - Braces, 316

Interceptor,S’pi11" 1?'r9 Ala,m and Gas

Vinfuon5 E' B U- Beaping a“d narvest-Vaughan, E. P. H, Sugar Refining 371

Vaughan, E. P. A.,’Safety Brakes 21

.ivasour, W. E., Motive Power, 284

VerdMec ^r’ J ’ Telegraphy, 301

veidie, C., Iron and Steel, 155

Vickers, E. C., Boots, Shoos, and Leggings,

Vickers and Freestone, Boots and Shoes ina Vickers and Smith, Self-stoking FuniacesJ Vi&BETTfneagS- 388 ’ uueis> B. e., Roller Skates, 247

Waddington and Garside, Furnaces, 301 Wadman, C., Chairs, 437 Walduck, H. J., Kilns, 265

Walker, A. B., Heating, Cooling, Distilling, <fcc., 231

Walker, E., Windlasses, 17

Walker, G. A., Trimming Hedges, 247 Walker, H., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 231 Walker, H., Fastenings for Links, Studs, &c., 370

Walker, IL, Scissors, Shears, &c., 454 Walker and Hakes, Roller Skates, 231 Walker, J., Locks and Latches, 247 Walker, A., Level Surfaces, 137 Walker, J. A., Ships, 421

Walker and Morton, Fastenings for Braces,

Walker, 8., Stoppers for Bottles, 438 Walker, T. and J., Cemented Leather, 370 ^42^Cr’ A^aruru Apparatus f°r Ship®,

Walker, W., Roller Skates, 438

Walker, W. T., Gas Scrubbers, 70

Wallace, R. W., Fire-resisting Compound, 454

Wallace and Tucker, Ear Trumpets, 420 Wallington, A., Rinks, 403, 421 Walsh, J. H., Roller Skates, 318 Walsh, J, H., Velocipedes, 122 Walton, F., Floorcloth, 155

Walton, J. T., Permanent Way, 282 Walworth, J,, Middlings, 265

Ward, II. J. and W., Brick-making, 104 Ward, J. C., Musical Instruments, 453 Ward, J. C., Pianofortes, 453

Ward, J., Looms, 387

Warde, R. A., Handlesfor Doors, Windows, &c., 301

Warner, W. J., Pipesand Pipe Joints, 248 Warrington and Harwood, Valves, 69 Warwick, T., Umbrellas and Parasols, 213 Wassail, C., Stamped Butt Hinges, 421 Waterhouse, W. D., Heating, 155 Waters, T. J., Wood Screws, 333 Watkins, J., Roller Skates, 69, 404 Watkinson and Stafford, Stopping Bottles,

Watson, J., Umbrellas, Parasols, <fcc., 175 Watson, M., Lubricating, 282

Watteeuw, C. A., Rotary Engines, 352 Watts, J., Rinks, 371

Weatherdon and Coles, Roller Skates, 302 • Weathers, G., Electric Light, 213 Weatherhogg, G. W., Engines, 105 Webb, C. B. 8., Taps and Valves, 122 Webb, C. J. and R. T., Towelling, 265 Webb, F. W., Signals and Points, 120 Webb, T. G., Feeding Furnaces, 213 Webb, W., Casting, 104

Webster, G. E., Hosiery, 103

Webster, J., Clinical Thermometers, 69 Weems, W., Heating and Ventilating, 265 Weir, J. G., Railway Signalling, 213 Weir, M. A., Motive Power, 421 Wekey, 8., Roller Skates, 454

Wekey, S., Washing, 351

Wells, A. C., Roller Skates, 421

Wells, N., Mariners’ Compasses, 333 Werdermann, R., Railway Brakes, 154 Werdermann, R., Smelting, 388 Werdermann, R., Wheels, 121 Wernekinck, E., Motive Power, 86 Westley, W. and T., Looms, 193 Westman, H., Wooden Structures, 266 Weston, B. 8., Roller Skates, 137, 317 Weyde, H. V., Photography, 437 Weyhe, W., Pumping, 155

Wheatley, S. V., Roller Skates, 105

Wheeler and Pearson, Direct-acting Pumps, 284

Whieldon, W., Bricks, 231

Whight, G., Steam Whistles, 213

White, J., Lamps, 103

White and Stevenson, Roller Skates, 213 White, T. J. and M., Winding, 352

White, W., Sulphides of Lead, Zinc, &c„ 86 Whitehead and Best, Carding, 421 Whitehead, H. W., Combing, &c., 154 Whitehead, W. E., Treating Fibres 87 Whitehouse, E. O. W., RoUer Skates, 214 Whittie and Newman, Coating Metals, 283 Whitwell, T., Bricks, 265

Whyte, G., Railway Couplings, 105 Wigham, J. R., Audible Signals, 403 Wigham, J. R., Signals, 437 Wild, L., Extinguishing Fires, 121 Wilde, H., Printing Calico, &c„ 86 Wildy, W. L., Valves, 404

Wilkins, T., Looped Fabrics, 155 Wilkinson, H. M., Ink, 86

Williams, J., Bottles for Aerated Liquids,

Williams, J., Stoppers for Bottles, 301 Williams and others, Utilising Waste Iron

Annealing Pots, 318

^Ships 8 352 H’’ Preventin& Explosions in William’s, T. IL, Pulley Blocks, 437 W*Rjams> W. H., Ornamenting Wood, 121 Williams, W. J., Phosphates, 121 Willis, J., Umbrellas and Parasols, 86 Wilson and Battersby, Horse Rakes, 138 Wilson, C„ Receptacles for Fly Papers, 248 Wilson, E., Valves, 351

Wilson, H., Ventilating Gulley and Trap, 105 Wilson, J., Boilers, 265 ’

Wilson, J. G., Railway Couplings, 350 Wilson, J. J., Water Supply, 105

Wv®°n’i Raising and Weighing

vessels, 137 °

WRson, S’ Testing Petroleum, 104 Wilson, T. E., Heating and Drying, 194 Wimpenny, T., Bellows, 419

Winchester and Everest, Ordnance and Projectiles, 420

Winter, T, and R., Signalling, 121 Wirth, F , Fabrics, 175

Wirth, F., Gas Engines, 403 Wirth, F., Locomotives, 154 Wirth, F., Pianos, 333

W&ch’175 Pumping> R^PeUing, Kneading,

Wirth, F., Spinning, 301

Wise, W. R-> Bleached Ozokerit, 120 Wise, W. L., Horseshoes, 316

W?se> ™ J'-’ Hydro-gas Injectors, 422 W*se« W. L’’ Llfting -lacks, 333

Wise, W. L., Musical Instruments, 214 Wojewodsky, L. von, Vehicles, 69 Wolff and Betlcy, Aniline Dyes, 137 W°in and Betley, Colouring Matters, 103 Wood, C., Bricks, 265

Wood, C. F., Roller Skates, 284 437 Wood and Cross, Roller Skates, 317 Wood, E., Engines, 247

Wood, J., Hats, 403

Wood, J., Railway Couplings, 370

Wood and Shakespear, Railway Signalling,

Wood, T., Treating Fruit, 137 Woodall, 8., Colliery Tubs, 301 Woodhead, J., Carriages, 155 Wooding and Palmer, Roller Skates, 247 Woodward, T., Breech-loading Small Arms 214 ’

Woolfe, II., Washing, 333

Woollatt, D., Hay, 420

Woolrich, A., Wearing Apparel—Trousers,

Worssam, S. W., Sawing, 372

Worthington, W., Fog Signals, 265 Worthington, W„ Working Fog Signals, 193 Wotherspoon, J., Asbestos Paper, 391

Wragg, W. H., Cutlery, 87, 421

Wray? C. and L., Electrical Apparatus, 801

Wright, C., Smelting, 214

Wright, D. P., Portable Cooking and Heating Apparatus, 154

Wright, F. H., Combing, 104

Wright, L. T., Treating Foul Gas, Lime, &c., 301 . . ...

Wright, Smith, and Butler, Casting, 421

Wright, W., Boilers and Furnaces, 68

Wright, W., Joints for Pipes, 454

Wright, W.. Roller Skates, 53

Wrigley, T., Spinning and Doubling, 53, 122

Wulferode, W., Lamps, 231

Wyatt and Purvis, Tube Cutter, 403

Yates and Brierley, Looms, 86

Yates, J., Treating Steel Castings, 301

Yeo. E., Treating Yarns, 403

Youard, H. G., Cutting and Pasting Paper,

I 35

Young, D., Exhibiting and Copying Pictures, 175 .

Young, R. M., Sewing Machines, 387

Zaffira, G., Watches, Clocks, <fcc., 193

Zingler, M., Sizeing and Waterproofing, 120

Zuccato, E. de, Copying, 155, 333

Abstracts of ^petifications. SUBJECT MATTER.

Abdominal Belts, E. Clark, 437

Adjusting the Height of Seats, E. Corani,


Advertising, H. J. Herbert, 155

Advertising Frames, A. Reeves, 137

Aerated Liquids, A. Sowerbutts, 283

Agricultural, R. Hepper, jun., 371

Agricultural Implement, R. Hall, 387

Agricultural Implements, Howard and

Bousfield, 388

Air Compressing, E. Maden, 388

Air Pistols, Sweet, Sheldon, and Squire, 103

Airproofing, Macintosh and Boggett, 283

Alarum Apparatusfor Ships, W. Walker, 420

Aldehydes from Phenols, C. Reimer, 370

Alkali, A. G. Southby, 122

Alloys, E. T. Hughes, 69

Alloys, Metallic, P. M. Parsons, 175

Ambulance Wheel Litter, W. G. N. Manley,


Ammunition of Ordnance, G. Haycraft, 176

Anchoring, R. Saunders, 351

Anchors, C. Boyce, 454

Anchors, A. Swinburne, 419

Anemometers, R. M. Lowne, 333

Aniline Dyes, Wolff and Betley, 137

Annealing Pots, J. Francis, 437

Annealing Pots, L. Griffiths, 231

Annealing and Tempering Iron Plates,

Morris, Morgan, and Richards, 86

Antiseptics and Disinfectants, Kingzett and

Kingler, 122

Armour Plating, A. Bakewell, 283

Asbestos Paper, J. Wotherspoon, 301

Assorting Coin, A. V. Newton, 387

Automatons, S. P. Pickier, 104

Axle Bearings of Coal Tubs, E. Bainbridge,


Axle-boxes, J. N. Smith, 103

Axles, W. N. Morrell, 437

Axles, M. J. Roberts, 404

Baking Powders, C. T. Ashmore, 318

Bale Ties, H. W. Putnam, 351

Ball Cocks, J. Jannet, 351

Band Chains, W. Chesterman, 231

Bark Treating, B. Hunt, 87

Bath Towel and Dressing Gown Combined,

A. J. Hamilton, 121

Bath Tubs, Portable, J. G. Tongue, 437

Bats for Potters, T. G. Green, 137

Batteries, Galvanic, P. Jensen, 438

Batteries, Galvanic, W. R. Lake, 193

Battery, T. S. Hunter, 193

Battery, Electric, F. Darkin, 103

Bearings, Grayson and Ardisty, 138

Bearings, A. Pengelly, 104

Bedsteads, Iron, E. Domereq, 232

Beer, C. H. Gill, 283

Bellows, T. Wimpenny, 419

Bells, E. H. Baxter, 175

Bicycles, J. Jackson, 104

Billiard Balls, G. Magnus, 193

Billiard Cues, H. Speller, 351

Billiard Tables, A. A. Leaker, 454

Binding Grain, H. J. Haddan, 387

Binding Grain, &c., W. R. Lake, 404

Binding Hat and Bonnet Shapes, J. Leber, 86

Bleaching Cotton, C. Toussaint, 175

Blowers, R. R. Gubbins, 87

Boat Detaching, E. P. Alexander, 104

Boat Lowering, W. F. Adams, 404

Boat Lowering, A. B. Cruickshank, 476

Boat Lowering, W. R. Douglas, 388

Boats, F. M. Delatre, 453

Bobbins and Reels, J. K. Martin, 120

Boiler, &c., Coverings, R. Stewart, 247

Boiler Flues and Tubes, C. S. Dean, 316

Boiler and Furnace, J. Keith, 86

Boiler Plates, Clipping, A. M. Clarke, 122

Boilers, C. Asbury, 120

Boilers, T. Black, 421

Boilers, G. Bone, 318

Boilers, J. P. and T. Bordone, 86

Boilers, W. J. Clark, 87

Boilers, W. Cooper, 403

Boilers, Cooke and Mylchreest, 69

Boilers, T. C. Fidler, 53

Boilers, C. J. Galloway, 105

Boilers, C. H. Holt, 302

Boilers, J. Horrocks, 351

Boilers, E. T. Hughes, 420

Boilers, P. Jensen, 387

Boilers, E. A. and D. T. Lausley, 317

Boilers, C. M. May, 351

Boilers, W. H. Mirfin, 438

Boilers, M. De la Moore, 334

Boilers, A. V. Newton, 137

Boilers, Hi E. Newton, 120

Boilers, E. de Pass, 436

Boilers, H. A. Potter, 421

Boilers, H. R. Robson, 104

Boilers, T. Russell, 437

Boilers, R. E. Shill, 137

Boilers, J. Wilson, 265

Boilers, Feeding, Hamer, Metcalf, and

Davies, 213

Boilers and Furnaces, Rees and Gledhill, 248

Boilers and Furnaces, W. Wright, 68

Boilers, Marine, H. Dansey, 69

Boilers, Preventing Incrustation in, Murdoch, Ault, and Knowles, 137

Boilers, Preventing Incrustation in, W. P.

Thompson, 301

Boilers, Preventing Priming in, W. Major, 35

Boilers, Removing Incrustation in, Swindells and Lancaster, 283

Boilers, Safety Apparatus for, T. Morgan, 86

Bolt Fastenings, T. Beale, 403

Bolts, Miller and Robb, 231

Bolts, Screw, E. T. Periam, 388

Boot Blacking Stool, E orani, 833

Bootjacks, Doisy and Sarrazin, 301

Boot and Shoe Cleaning, W. K. Kent 69

Boot and Shoe Heels, C. E. Dailloux, 283

Boots and Shoes, J. Blakey, 421

Boots and Shoes, II. B. Goodyear 282

Boots and Shoes, P. Harris, 69 ’

Boots and Shoes, W. R. Lake, 217 333

Boots and Shoes, E. Lee, 301’

Boots and Shoes, B. J. B. Mills, 334

Boots and Shoes, W. Morgan, 403

Boots and Shoos, Prust and Browne 421

Boots and Shoes, I. Silver, 422’

Boots and Shoes, Vickers and Freestone 104

Boots, Shoes, and Leggings, E. C. Vickers


Boring, J. H. Johnson, 155

Boring and Drilling, J. G. Jones, 265

Boring Rocks, J. R. Schram, 105

Bottle Stands, J. Harrington, 283

Bottles, H< B. Blnks, 388

Bottles, J. Hannan, 420

Bottles, E. M. Knight, 370

Bottles, T. Rule, 371

Bottles f°r Aerated Li1uids> J- Williams,

Bottles, Cleaning, T. L. B. Edgcome, 231

Bottles, Cleaning and Drying, T. L. B. Edgcome, 231

Bottles and Stoppers, Brierley and M'Craith, 370

Bottles and Stoppers, W. Butt, 437

Bottles and Stoppers, Fleming and Standeven, 351

Bottling, Gellman and Spencer, 371

Bottling, Sutcliffe and Fewings, 103

Bottling Aerated Liquors, J. Gillies, 104

Boxes, W. F. Findell, 371

Boxes, Sliding, A. J. Aspinall, 193

Brace Fittings, H. Halliday, 53

Braces, E. P. H. Vaughan, 316

Brakes, E. Lawrence, 69

Brakes, H. M. Riggs, 334

Brakes, Continuous, J. M Innes, 387

Brakes and Ejectors, Air, J. H. Johnson.


Brakes and Horse Detaching, G. F. C. de “ Guggenbhtlller, 248

Brakes, Pneumatic, E. Tyer, 387

Brakes, Railway, W. H. and G. Eyles, 248

Brakes, Railway, C. Foucard, 17

Brakes, Railway, A. Gavin, 454

Brakes, Railway, G. F. C. de Guggen-bhttller, 248

Brakes, P. Kershaw, 193

Brakes, Railway, W. R. Lake, 403

Brakes, Railway, T. Temple, 137

Brakes, Railway, W. Trentanove, 154

Brakes, Safety, E. P. H. Vaughan, 121

Bread, W. R. Lake, 122

Breaking and Crushing Stone, J. C. Cole, 194

Breaking and Crushing, R. and H. Broadbent, 403

Brewing, A. Blake, 436

Brewing, W. Garton, 371

Brick-making, H. J. and W. Ward, 104

Bricks, J. A. Bosworth, ,371

Bricks, Carr and Urwin, 371

Bricks, F. A. Cowell, 54

Bricks, C. H. Green, 265

Bricks, W. and G. Love, 248

Bricks, A. V. Newton, 301

Bricks, J. T. and J. Swinney, 371

Bricks, W. Whieldon, 231

Bricks, T. Whitwell, 265

Bricks, C. Wood, 265

Bricks, Ornamental, W. D. and W. Cliff 155 ’

Bricks and Tiles, W, S. Batley, 283

Bricks and Tiles, T. Buck, 154

Bricks and Tiles, E. G. Brewer 69

Bricks and Tiles, D. Button, 3oi

Bricks and Tiles, F. Chamberlain, 283

Bricks and Tiles, J. Clayton, 155

Bridge, Railway River, A. Bresson, 453

Brush Handles, &c., W. Gamer 138

Brush Handles, K. S. Sutherland, 35

Buckled Plates, J. P. Smith, 454

Buckles, Rings, &c., A. Bullows, 420

Buckles, G. Pratt, 453

Buffers, R. H. Hepburn, 122

Buffers, G. Temple, 193

I Buffers and Bearing Springs, W. Lock-

| wood, 370

Buffers and Couplings, G. Turton, 17

Buffers and Coupling Apparatus, R, B.

Hansell, 155

Building, T. Hyatt, 371

Building, E. O’Callaghan, 283

Building, A. Payne, 403

B 404iUg’ Smale’ Brickmay, and Farthing,

Building Blocks, W. Stevenson, 419

Burners, J. D. Palmer, 121

Bush-keys, J. Dunbar, 214

Button-holing, R. M. Melhuish, 154

Buttons, E. Neupert, 122

Buttons, J. T. Stoneham, 87

Cages and Hoists, T. Dobson, 333

Cages, Safety, A. Armstrong, 35

Cakes, A. Clark, 388 I

Calendars, J. Fisslthaler, 137 I

Calendars for Merchants, E. C. Beedell, 231

Calendering, Mangling, &c., J. Howarth,

Candles, G. H. Spicer, 454

Candles and Lamps for Hygienic Pur-poses, W. R. Lake, 175

Candlesticks, J. Parkes, 69

Capsules, Gelatine, D. Nicoll, 283

Capsules, Medicinal, S. Limousin, 122

Carbonates of Soda, E. Solvay 301

Carbonic Acid, W, Cowley, 137

Carding, J. F. Foss, 333

Carding, C. Pieper, 453

Carding, J. Tattersail, 17

Carding, Whitehead and Best, 421

Carpets, &c., Thornton and Thallon, 436

Carriage Heads, J. Offord, 302

Carnages, J. Woodhead, 155

Ca^le8T7 Railway> H- A- Bonne-

Cartridge for Charging Tobacco Pipes, E and F. C. Payne, 35 1 ’

Cartridges, G. B. Northcote, 334

Cartridges, Metallic, W. Morgan-Brown, 36

Cart and Trolly, G. C. Meynell, 348

Carting Mud, G. S. Knott, 248

Carts, J, Barrett, 86

Carts and Wagons, J. Bernard, 422

Carving Forks, E. T. Hughes, 86

Causes for Sowing Machines, P. S. Justice,

cSkVn Articles> E’ G- Brewer, 193

Casks, R. A. Gibbons, 387

Casks, J. Richards, 371

Casks, Closing, E. G. Brewer, 438

Castanets, Substitutes for, H. J. Distin, 248

Casting, B. J. B. Mills, 283

Casting, W. Webb, 104

Casting Wright, Smith, and Butler, 421

Ca2s4gng Lead on shiP Board, A. M. Clark,

Castors, G. E. Collette, 53

Castors, Lili and Innes, 421

C4OQtlc Lye Waste, Spalding and Laughton,

Ceilings, R. Leigh, 421

Ceilings, Richards and Heyes, 454

Cements, F. Dresser, 53

Cements and Limes, J. Ducournau, 69

Uhaff-eutting, E. F. Sanden, 105

Chains, A. M. Clark, 104

Chairs, C. Wadman, 437

Charcoal, Treating Animal, H. E. Newton 404

Chlorides of Soda and Potassa, Compressing, T. Cook, 351 1

Chronometers, A. M. Clark, 453 Chronometers, Solar, H. J. Haddan 175 Cigar and Fusee Cases, L. Dee, 231 ’ Cigar Holders, E. J. Van de Velde, 54 Cigar Lights, C. R. E. Grubb, 86 Cigars, W. R. Lake, 87 Cigars, B. J. B. Mills, 122

Cinders, Treating, W. H. Neville, 352 Cisterns, T. Allen, 419

Cisterns and Valves, Blackie and Robertson, 437

Clay, Treating, C. Ford, 371

G1fordinw4BOltiUg’ aUd Separatin£> J- Bed-Cleaning Chimneys and Flues, Thomas and Robson, 388

Cleaning and Dyeing, W. Bishop, 333 Cleaning Knives, J. E. Chambers, 284 Cleaning Knives, C. T. Guthrie, 265 Cleaning and Polishing, T. Choules, 103 Cleaning and Polishing Boots, &c.. H. H

Brown, 437

Cleaning and Polishing Boots, &c.. A Edwards, 454

Cleaning and Polishing Grain, W. R, Marsh,

Cleaning, Sweeping, and Painting, H. S. Paget, 103

Clipping Lappets, J. and A. Blair, 104

C1403inff aUd Shearing, W- Bentham, Clipping and Shearing, A. Martin, 53 Clocks, J. G. H. Hoch, 265

Clothes Horses, J. G. Tongue, 17 Coal, Getting, Dingley and Ackers, 35 Coal, Washing, C. Sheppard, 351 Cobalt and Nickel, E. L. Mayer, 283 Cocks, E. Japy, 333

Coffin Furniture, W. Garard, 193

Collecting and Registering, W. Griffin, 334 Colliery Tubs, G. H. and T. Johnson, 350 Colliery Tubs, S. Woodall, 301

Colouring Matters {See also Dyeing and Printing)

Colouring Matters, G. Betzold, 247 Colouring Matters, J. H. Johnson, 351 Colouring Matters, I. Levinstein, 121 Colouring Matters, H. E. Newton, 317 Colouring Matters, Simpson, Brooke, and

Royle, 454

Colouring Matters, Wolff and Betley, 103 Combing, G. Ackroyd, jun., 105

Combing, I. G. Battinson and Whitehead, 402

Combing, J. Clough, 387

Combing, J. W. Clough, 402

Combing, J. M. Hetherington, 121

Combing, S. C. Lister, 387

Combing, M'Kean and M'Grath, 404 Combing, Mir field and Scott, 175 Combing, T. E. and J. Smith, 105 Combing, Smith and Bailey, 370 Combing, H. W. Whitehead, 154 Combing, F. H. Wright, 101 Compass, L. Janse, 122

Compensatien Balances, A. M. Clark, 317 Compressing Air, A. and J. Burdett, 175 Compressing Air, A. M. Clark, 137 Concrete, H. Harding, 104 Condensers, C. Mace, 137

Condensing Steam, W. Cunningham, 69 Condensing Steam, W. R. Lake, 454 Conveying Sounds, G. L. Shorland, 420 Cooking and Heating Apparatus, Portable,

D. P. Wright, 154, 421

Cop Tubes, W. Morgan-Brown, 137 Copying, A. T. Byford, 301 Copying, F. W. Monck, 317 Copying, E. de Zuccato, 155, 333 Copying and Multiplying, O. Pieper, 438 Copying Presses, J. Barton, 87 Cork Beds, Rogers and Anderson, 120 Corks, J. Magand-Charfe, 371 Corkscrews, B. Fitzpatrick, 437 Cotton Seed, Treating, R. Davison, 402 Couches, L. Anidjah, 403

Counter Irritants, A. Cooper, 371

Counting Coins, Lowne and Hicks, 301 C°4^2ling8 and Brakes’ Railway» W. Rodger, Couplings, Railway, S. Abbot, 175 Couplings, Railway, T. Hewitt, 283 Couplings, Railway, W. R. Lake, 420 Couplings, Railway, D. McGill, 194 Couplings, Railway, G. Whyte, 105 Couplings, Railway, J. G. Wilson, 350 Couplings, Railway, J. Wood, 370 Couplings, Safety, E. P. Alexander, 247 Couplings for Shafting, A. Thomson, 104

Cohering Tablets with Metal, Paper, Ac.,

• ' • A/, j. Clldbu. OO(

Cowls, J. Bury, 370

Cranes, R. Baillie, 53

Cranes, Hydraulic, R. Mills, 371

Cranes, Portable Steam, J. Shanks 214 Cranes, Steam, W. McArthur 122 Cricket Balls, J. Malings, 371

Crimped Hair, Donisthorpe and Clarke, 35 Crochet Hooks, Coggins, Baxter, and

Greaves, 283

Crucibles, Retorts, Ac., H. Baggelev, 155 Cruet, &c., Frames, 8. Neville, 105 Crushing. T. Archer, 213 Crushing, A. M. Clark, 156 Crushing, W. R. Lake, 301

Crushing and Breaking, R. Gardner, 454 Crushing, Breaking, &c., C. E. Hall, 420 Crushing and Grinding, W. R. Lake, 402 Crushing and Grinding, H. Sunderland, 422 Crushing and Pulverising, T. Baldwin, 248 Cultivating, Burton and Greig, 69 Cultivating, W. Fisken, 87

Cutlery, J. T. King, 317

Cutlery, W. H. Wragg, 87, 421

Cut-nail Machinery, Fenby and Greenwood, Z14'

Cut-nail Machines, J. Dimelow, 351

Cut Nails, W. Southwood, 104

Cut Nails, Sprigs, Ac., B. and J. Mountain,


Cut Nalls and Tacks, G. King, 213

Cutting, Engraving, Carving, E. Lawrence,


Cutting Hay and Straw, T. Keddv 81 Cutting Materials, E. G. Brewer, 248 Cutting Precious Stones, W. R. Lake, 248 Cutting, Shaping, Polishing, &c., A. Munro,

Cylinders, W. M. Rye, 301

Cylinders, J. Sturgeon, 214

Cylinders and Slide Valve Chests, H G Hautermann, 265

Dampers, Self-acting, C. E. R. Isherwood, Oil. '

DecompoBing Vapours, Milburn and Jack-Bull, j. {

DT&“2d18Picti»<' "P H Designing on Pottery, J. Miller 199 Desk Benches, B. Fawerkamp,’176 Desk and Cabinet, E. McDonell 155 Desks, H. Jewitt, 54 ’

Desks, Tables, Ac., Convertible, W. J. Dale,

Destroying Vermin, I. Looser, 53 Digging Potatoes, T, 8. Bisset, 422

Discharging Mud, &c., F* B. Duckham, 54

Disinfectants, E. Oliver, 419

Disinfecting, H. B. Condy, 214

Disinfecting, H. L. Jones, 421

Disinfecting, G. A. Key worth, 372

Disinfecting by Electricity, J. E. Molcs-worth, 265 ,

Disinfecting Fluid for Sheep, W. Little, 1-0

Disinfecting and Packing Manures, D. C.

Lowber, 436

Disintegrators, Strick and Evans, 213

Dispensing, J. Cockshott, 155

Dissolving Snow, Bicker ton and Wormaid, 85

Distilling, Cooper, and Wanklyn, 334

Distilling, W. II. Gilbert, 438

Distillery Mash, W. R. Lake, 137

Diving, J. R. Boulcott, 86

Diving Apparatus, C. Bartholomew, 122

Diving Apparatus, Pullar, Goslin, and

Wilks, 155

Diving Dresses, W. Coppin, 371

Doors and Windows, Ritchie and Hawkins, 403

Doubling, Pollard and Bramwell, 438

Doubling, Thackeray and Glover, 247

Doubling and Measuring, J. Ditchfield, 351

Doubling and Twisting, Emsley and Smith, 317

Doubling and Twisting Thread, J. Coats, 193

Draught and Dust Excluder, J. Hall, 888

Draw Bars, Baxendale and Heald, 248

Draw Benches, Hydraulic, T. Rickett, 351

Drawing Rollers, Covering, J. Chadwick, 69

Dredgers, W. R. Kirdpple, 248

Dredging, E. P. Alexander, 213

Dredging, W. R. Lake, 438

Dredging Buckets, B. W. Tucker, 86

Dress Suspenders, A. W. Franklin, 371

Drilling, T. 8. Kenneday, 155

Drilling, Radial Arm and Slot, G. Lowry, 87, 175

Drilling Rock, &c., E. de Pass, 155

Drills, Agricultural, J. Stenncr, 388

Drills, Percussive Rock, Beaumont and Foster, 387

Driving Bands, T. Blackburn, 213

Driving Bands, Cables, &c , A. M. Clark,387

Driving Belts, T. Aitken, 265

Driving Belts, T. Duncan, 193

Driving Belts, Lowndes and Wilkinson, 26

Dry Closets, &c., J. W. Girdlestone, 451

Dry Closets, C. 8. Smith, 301

Drying, J. M. Dick, 421

Drying, W. A. Gibbs, 387

Drying Tea, F. W. Mackenzie, 193

Dyeing, J. Firth, 231

Dyeing and Printing (See also Colouring Matters)

Dyeing and Printing, J. Chadwick, 247

Dynamo-Electric Machines, A. M. Clark 155

Earth Closets, T. P. May, 316

Ear Trumpets, Wallace and Tucker, 420

Ejectors, J. Y. Smith, 420

Electrical Apparatus, C. and L. Wray, 301•

Electricity, W. J. Kilner, 265

Electro-Dynamic Apparatus, H. A. Bonneville, 214

Electro-Engraving, E. de Pass, 372

Electro-Magnet, P. Jablochkoff, 265

Electrotyping Shells of Engravings, &c,,

J. Dellagana, 420

Elevating, Hydraulic, A. M. Clark, 316

Embroidery, Knitting, W. R. Lake, 437 Emery Paper, W. Tatum, 121

Emery Wheel, A. Budenberg, 121

Enamelling Walls, H. A. Bonneville, 437

Engaging Wagons with Hauling Ropes, G.

Gilmour, 420

Engine, Hydraulic, J. G. Tongue, 421

Engines, F. E. B. Beaumont, 87

Engines, G. A. Biddell, 214

Engines, T. Black, 436

Engines, P. Brotherhood, 87

Engines, J, and J. Cole, 86

Engines, A. Guthrie, 283

Engines, J. Head, 302

Engines, H. P. Holt, 333

Engines, Hill and Nishigawa, 371

Engines, J. H. Johnson, 420

Engines, P. 8. Justice, 121

Engines, W. Kaye, 300

Engines, L. G. Levy, 137

Engines, Messenger and Churchward, 120

Engines, W. Morgan-Brown, 404

Engines, Oliver and Owen, 105

Engines, Payton and Holmes, 184

Engines, J. Penn, 138

Engines, A. Pope, 351

Engines, J. Shaw, 106, 334

Engines, Steel and Mclnnes, 403

Engines, Temple and W. and J. Clark, 454

Engines, G. W. Weatherhogg, J05

Engines, E. Wood, 247 *

Engines, Bogie, Armstrong, Dean, and Holden, 69

Engines, Compressed Air, H. P. Holt, 17

Engines and Expansion Valves, N. P.

Burgh, 404

Engines, Gas, E. P. Alexander, 35

Engines, Gas, F. W. Crossley, 105

Engines, Gas, S. Thacker, 104

Engines, Gas, F. Wirth, 403

Engines, Portable, Turton and Latham, 40

Engines and Pumps, Donkey, J. Stannah 437

Engines, Rotary, Sir A. Cotton, 404

Engines, Rotary, C. Garside, 351

Engines, Rotary, R. Hodgson, 69

Engines, Rotary, P. Samain, 419

Engines, Rotary, C. A. Watteeuw, 352

Engines and Surface Condensers, J. Davie, 69

Engines, Traction, B. Lefebvre, 121

Engraving, Pentagraph, T. Nixon, 154

Envelopes, W. E. Gcdgo, 422

Envelopes, R. T. Heppel, 421

Envelopes, H. Kerr, 194

Envelopes and Wrappers, Broad and Claxton, 388

Evaporating, B. Healey, 454

Examining Casks, <fcc., J. Clubb, 317

Excavating, J. Dunbar, 86

Excavating and Elevating, Reeves and

Beattie, 437

Excavators, P. Cramer, 231

Exhibiting and Copying Pictures, D Young, 175

Expanding Hoop, A. M. Clarke, 1387

Expansion Gear, C. Pieper, 248

Expansion Gear, M. A. Starke, 265

Expansion Joint for Tubular Fire Bars, F*

R. Ellis, 17

Eye Cups, W. R* Lake, 103

Fabric, G. H. Hebblethwaite, 17

Fabrics, D. Barber, 404

Fabrics, Jackson and Asquith, 105

Fabrics, T. C. March, 284

Fabrics, Simpson and Cross, 351

Fabrics, W. Thomas, 454

Fabrics, F. Wirth, 175

Fabrics, Air and Waterproof, A. M. Clark, 851

Fabrics, Cutting, Brown, Dean* and Orrah, 318

Fabrics, Cutting Pile, J. Bdlicard, 437

Fabrics, Cutting Piled, Goldschmid, Ilort-chelmer, and Farran, 68

Fabrics, Fulling, F. Glover, 437

Fabrics, Looped, S. Mawby, 437

Fabrics, Looped, R. Rowley, 138

Fabrics, Looped, T. Wilkins, 155

Fabrics, Ornamental, W. Morgan-Brown, 421

Fabrics, Piled, W. Bew, 214

Fabrics, Pressing, Nussey and Leachman, 121

Fabrics, Pressing, Smethurst, Shaw, and Shaw, 265

Fabrics, Printing, L. Godefroy. 316

Fabrics, Raising Nap on, W. and A. Kempe, 69

Fabrics, Steaming and Ageing, W. Mather, 334

Fabrics, Steaming, Ingham and Holt, 122

Fabrics, Steaming, W. Mather, 121

Fans, Rotary, R. R. Gubbins, 420

Fastenings, Handley and Draper, 283

Fastenings, M. A. Radier, 35

Fastenings, H. Simpson, 317

Fastenings for Braces, W R. Lake. 419

Fastenings for Braces, Walker and Morton, 121

Fastenings for Gloves, W. R. Lake, 247 Fastenings for Jewellery, &c., J. C. W.

Jeffereys, 231

Fastenings for Links, Studs, &c., II. Walker, 370

Fastenings for Sashes, C. Fox, 437 Fastenings for Sashes, N. Thompson, 403 Fastenings for Scarves, E. W. Corns, 121 Fastenings for Scarves, J. C. W. Jeffreys, 403

Fastenings for Scarves, &c., L. C. Spiers, 155 Fastenings for Windows, A. Lloyd, 387 Fastenings for Windows, J. Palmer, 213 Fastenings for Windows, Sloane and Frost, 283

Feeding Bottles, J. Briere, 283 Feeding Bottles, A. M. Clark, 371 Fences, H. Lloyd,-372 Ferries, Steam, G. B. Rennie, 419 Ferries, Steam, W. Simons, 317 Ferro-Cyanides, S. H. Johnson, 121 Fibres, J. Purchase, 351 Fibres, G. Rydell, 300 Fibres, J. G. Tongue, 70 Fibres, Preparing, J. Elce, 105 Fibres, Treating, W. Fenton, 436 Fibres, Treating, Kinder and La Tour, 193 Fibres, Treating, C. P. Mitchell, 403 Fibres, Treating. H. E. Newton, 248 Fibres, Treating, A. C. G. Thompson, 248 Fibres, Treating, W. E. Whitehead, 87 Filtering, J. B. Denton, 454 Filtering, J. H. Johnson, 122 Filtering, W. Morgan-Brown, 35 Filtering, J. H. Porter, 422

Filtering Reservoir, W. Morgan-Brown, 35 Filters, H. M. Ramsay, 69 Fire Alarms, P. Jensen, 454

Fire Alarms and Gas Interceptor, E. P. H. Vaughan, 121

Fire-arms, J. W. Duncan, 87 Fire-arms, J. Turey, 176 Fire-arms, J. H. Johnson. 438 Fire-arms, Breech-loading, J. Aston, 231 Fire-arms, Breech-loading, C. E. and R.

Green, 438

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, W. Kilbee, 155 Fire-arms, Breech-loading, W. Morgan-

Brown, 421

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, E. De Pass, 104 Fire-arms, Breech-loading, Price and Harris, 371

Fire-arms,Breech-loading, J. F. G. Renette, 351 . x

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, Southgate and Woodward, 105, 213

Fire-arms, Breech loading, H. Walker, 231 Fire-arms, Breech-loading, Small, T.

jPdrkcS 105

Fire-arms, Cartridges, &c., T. Turner, 283 Fire-arms and Projectiles, H. Gai dner, 36 Fire-arms, Revolving Cylinder, W. R.

Lake, 156

Fire-arms, Top Levers for Breech-loading, G. Jeffries, 35

Fire-bars, W. R. Davison, 176 Fire-bars, J. Stephenson, 388 Fire-escapes, II. Agar, 154 Fire Extinguishers, J. Hall, 69 Fire Extinguishing, C. Barlow, 155 Fire Extinguishing, W. Eagles, 403 Fire Extinguishing, J. Hutcheson, 403 Fire Extinguishing, J. Imray, 105 Fire Extinguishing, J. H. and J. Kenyon, 371

Fire Extinguishing, Lawes and McLennan, 248

Fire Extinguishing, T. Mills, 372 Fire Extinguishing, F. and 8. Pearn, 454 Fire Extinguishing, T. Reynolds, 193 Fire Extinguishing, J. G. Tongue, 387 Fire Extinguishing, L. Wild, 121 Fire-lighters, C. E. Taylor, 403 Fire-lighters, J. Templeman, 137 Fireplaces, P. Jensen, 87 Fireplaces, T. Lane, 454 Fireplaces for Boilers, W. E. Gedge, 40-Fire-resisting Compound, R. W. Wallace, 454

Fishing Rods, E. A. Holroyd, 438 Flanging, C. D. Abel, 155 Floorcloth, C. Tayler, 371 Floorcloth, F. Walton, 155 Floors and Roofs, G. Northcroft, 436 Flower Basket, M. M. C. Cameron. 231 Flower and Fruit Bags, II. Harrow, 421 Flower Pots and Fern Stands, J. Martin, 69 Flowers, Artificial, A. Burnier. 87 Flypapers, Receptacle for, C. Wilson, 248 Food, N. W. Lobb, 317 Food, C. Morfit, 283 Food for Cattle, A. M. Clark, 333

Food for Cattle and Horses, G. Barbundy, 454

Food and Drink, A. Lloyd, 454 Forging, A. M. Clark, 350 Fountain Pens, A. M. Clark, 175 Fountains, Table, A. M Clark, 69 Fruit. Treating, T. Wood, 137 Fuel, T. Lane. 388 Fuel. H. II. Murdoch, 282 Fuel, J. N. Rowe, 420 Fuel, Artificial, W. Haggett, 213 Fuel, Artificial, F. J. Hamel, 87, 454 Fuel, Artificial, Harris and Redford, 86 Fuel, Artificial, J. II. Johnson, 265 Fuel Blocks, Artificial, C. Kingsford, 175 Fuel Economising and Smoke Consuming, E. and II. Bradley and Sunderland, 333 Fullingand Milling, J. and F. Laycock, 248 Furnaces, Booth and Holcroft, 316 Furnaces, G. Burdekin, 231 Furnaces, R. S. Casson, 121 Furnaces, A. M. Clarke, 282, 387 Furnaces, 8. T. and J. Crabtree, 175 Furnaces, A. Gossell, 351 Furnaces, J. Legge, 438 Furnaces, F. Lipscombe, 86 Furnaces, J. S. McDougall, 301 Furnaces, II. E. Newton, 36 Furnaces, Shore and .Chubb, 283 Furnaces, S. J. Thomas, 266; Furnaces, E. Timmins, 351 Furnaces, J. Townsend, 175 Furnaces, Waddington and Garside, 301 Furnaces, Blast, Heron and Kenyon, 421 Furnaces for Boilers, H. Geary 104 Furnaces and Boilers, J. and A, Strong, 3al

Furnaces, Cupola, H. Ford, 265 h urnaces, Feeding, T. G. Webb, 213 Furnaces, Fettling, Puddling, T. H. Hick-man, 265

Furnaces, Gas, Godfrey and Howson, 54

Furnaces, Gas, J. Kidd, 316

F urnaces for Glass, H. A. Blunn, 437

  • lj™aCeS’ Metallurgical, W. Morgan-Brown, Furnaces, Puddling, W. R. Lake, 351

J1 urnaces, Self-stoking, Vickers and Smith, 69

Furnaces, Ship Boiler, R. Boyle, 87

Furnaces, Smoke Consuming, F. Erskine, 438

Furnaces, Smoke Consuming, R. Morgan, 53

1* urnaces, Supplying Water to the Fires of, J. Frew, 420

Furnaces, Tank, F. D. Nuttall, 387

Furnaces, Travelling Combustion, J. Riley, 86

Game, Clare and Campbell, 333

Games, J. Clayton, 213

Gas, R. J. Blewitt, 283

Gas, Bray and Groom, 193

Gas, W. T. Carpenter, 371

Gas, F. W. Colls, 35

Gas, Grayson and Clark, 437

Gas, H. Hawkins, 120

Gas, J. Kidd, 231

Gas, W. R. Lake, 121, 302

Gas, R. M‘L. P. Louttet, 403

Gas, J. F. W. Niebuhr, 231

Gas, M. H. Strong, 282

Gas Burners and Fittings, W. T. Sugg, 301

Gas Burners, G. Bray, 284

Gas and Fuel from Rice Husks, J\ A. Muller, 438

Gas Lights, Extinguishing, E. T. Hughes, 453

Gas, Lime, &c., Treating Foul, L. T. Wright,

Gas, Purifying, Hallsworth and Bailes, 283 Gas, Purifying Coal, W. Marriott, 103 Gas Scrubber, G. E. Saville, 317

Gas Scrubbers, W. T. Walker, 70

Gases, W. R. Lake, 370

Gates for Railway Crossings, A> M. Clark, 137

Gauges, A. Allan, jun , 387

Gauges, A. Budenberg, 193

Girders, Pillars, &c , A. Friedmann, 301

Glass, J. Atherton, 301

Glass, Clay, &c., Articles, P. R. de D’Humv, 193

Glass, Fixing, 8. A. Cooper, 87

Glass Shades and Reflectors, G. Porter jun., 351

Glass for Silvering, J. E. Pratt, 370

Gloves, T. Bevington, 403

Gloves, B. L. F. Potts, 155

Governors, W. Hartwell, 454

Governors, J. H. Johnson, 420

Governors, E. de Pass, 248

Governors, W. Smith, 317

Governors, Indirect-Acting, C. Pieper, 333

Grain, Cleaning, A. B. Childs, 69

Grain, Cleaning, R. Pritt, 86

Grain, Treating, W. R. Lake, 301

Grinding Grain, A. M. Clark, 121

Grinding and Polishing, R. Stanwix, 438

Grooving Wood, J. Richards, 154

Gun Barrels, J. P. Clabrough, 352

Gun Carriages, T. Nordenfelt, 283

Gunpowder Packing, W. Ticehurst, 371

Gun Wads, S. B. Allport, 231

Guns, Machine, W. R. Lake, 283,436

Hair Brushing Apparatus, F. Collyer, 302

Hair Dressing, Turner and Wilson, 161

Hair Pins, C. G. Ulrick, 436

Handles for Doors, Windows, R. A. Warde, 301

Harmoniums, J. Browning, 138

Harmoniums, Organs, &c., M. Procope, 213

Harness, L. Bing, 421

Harness, E. and F. Brown, 453

Harvesting, Howard and Bousfield, 420

Harvesting, W. R. Lake, 421, 438

Harvesting, Samuelson and Manwaring, 231

Hatchways, J. D. Kerr, 422

Hat and Bonnet Shapes, N. W. Mitchell, 437

Hat and Bonnet Shapes, Wiring, H. Grun-baum, 53

Hats, J. Wood, 403

Hats and Caps, W. Green, 454

Hay, D. Woollatt, 420

Heat, M. P. W. Boulton, 318

Heat and Light, A. M. Clark, 155

Heating, G. Ager, 421

Heating, J. G. K. Burt, 35

Heating, J. W. Coulthard, 403

Heating, J. Moore, 104

Heating, J. N. Sawkins, 283

Heating, W. D. Waterhouse, 155

Heating Boilers, J. Cowan, 283

Heating Buildings, J. T. Trench, 104 Heating and Cooking, J. W. Priestley, 247 | Heating and Cooking by Gas, J. M. Holmes, 388

Heating, Cooling, and Distilling, &c., A. B. Walker, 231

Heating and Drying, T. E. Wilson, 194

Heating, Evaporating, and Concentrating, Cammack and Walker, 403

Heating Feed-waters, A. M. Clark, 403

Heating Irons, &c., J. N. Redder, 69

Heating and Lighting, G. Gilardi, 247

Heating Railway Carriages, J. H. Johnson, 103

Heating and Ventilating, E. P. Alexander, 36

Heating and Ventilating, W. Weems, 265

Heating, Ventilating, Cooking, M. J, Landau, 104

Hides, Treating (See also Tanning)

Hides, Treating, A. M. Clark, 103

Hides, Treating, A. Herzen, 248

Hinges, F. Larard, 420

Hinges, T. Rowe, 17

Hinges, G. Stierlin, 283

Hinges, Spring, J. Harrington, 437

Hinges, Stamped Butt, C. Wassail, 421

Hooks, J. J. Nickoll, 387

Horns and Hoofs, Treating, D. Stewart, 408

Horsehoes, J. M. Baker, 351

Horse Rakes, Wilson and Battersby, 138

Horseshoes, H. J. Heywood, 121

Horseshoes, W. R. Lake, 156, 231

Horseshoes, E. Johnson, 104

Horseshoes, M. Smith, 266

Horseshoes, J. O. Spong, 122

Horseshoes, W. L. Wise, 316

Hosiery, W. J. Dann, 104

Hosiery, G. E. Webster, 103

Hot Air Apparatus, C. Pottier, 421

Hot Water Dishes, J. Burford, 421

Hydro-Gas Injector, W. L. Wise, 422

Hydro-Metallurgy, H. Hutchinson, 87 Hydrometers, Negretti and Zambra, 454

Ice, J. Gamgee, 86,155

Ice, F. N. Mackay, 371

Ice, T. M. Nishigawa, 265

Illuminating Projectiles or Rockets, A.

Moleux, 175

Indexing, W. Morgan-Brown, 104

India-rubber, B. Fixsen, 436

Indicating Distances, S. Johnson, 193

Indicating Speed, J. and J. Butler, 316

Indicating Speed, W. Ireland, 387

Indicating Speed, F. J. Pastorelli, 420

Indicator for Boilers, W. P. Thompson, 231

Indicator for Furnaces, A. Roberts, 214

Indicator for Ships, R. H. Armit, 387

Indicator for Ships, C. E. Kelway, 402

Indicators, W. Clark, 213

Indicators, Schramm and Walker, 454

Indicators for Boilers, Stotliert and Curtin, 193 ’

Indicators for Cab Fares, M. Runkel, 454

Indicators, Electric, J. Curren, 213

Indicators, Engine, J. H. Johnson, 53

Infusions, H. E. Newton, 333

Injectors, J. H. Johnson, 387

Injectors, Morris and Westley, 317

Injectors, Fixed Nozzle, W. R. Lake, 121

Ink, H. M. Wilkinson, 86

Ink Erasers, W. Howard, 87 lion, J. Barnet, 316

Iron Bars, W. H. Carmont, 403

1 Iron, Enamelling, W. R. Lake, 36

Iron, Pig, A. M. Clark, 301

Iron Soles with Springs, H. H. Price, 137

Iron and Steel, W. R. Lake, 155, 420

Iron and Steel, C. Verdie, 155

Iron and Steel, Malleable, J. Collins, 121

Iron Surfaces, Protecting, F. S. Barff, 282

Irons, Smoothing, R. Reid, 388

Jacquarding, J. Broadhead, 156

Jacquarding, B. Hunt, 214

Jars, Bottles, &c., J. L, Ryland, 36

Jewellery, W. Jackson, 403

J oints and Sockets, J. Craig, 388

Joints for Pipes, J. H. Johnson, 104

Joints for Pipes, W. Wright, 454

Journal Box Bearings, W. R. Lake, 69

Kelp, J. W. C. Perrier, 86

Keyless Watches, F. Mtlller, 35

Keys, R. Smith, 371

Kilns, F. A. Cowell, 54

Kilns, R. Free, 193

Kilns, W. R. Lake, 300

Kilns, T. N. Palmer, 121

Kilns, T. C. Stone, 69

Kilns, Tucker and Hodson, 175

Kilns, H. J. Walduck, 265

Knife for Hay, Peat, and Ditching, A. M.

Clark, 333

Knitting, Astley and Davies, 387

Knitting, S. Frith, 265

Knitting, W. R. Lake, 317

Knitting, Circular, H. M. Mellor, 316

Knives, Pocket, T. Crookes, 248

Knobs and Spindles, R, Robinson, 247

Lace, M. Friedeberg, 371

Lace, Lemonnier and Malhbre, 302

Lace, G. Pigott, 231

Lace Machine, &c., Cutting Threads of, O.

L. Deschamps, 154

Lamp Burners, W. Morgan-Brown, 283

Lamp Wicks, F. H. Smith, 193

Lamps, Davis and Thomas, 438

Lamps, W. F. Lotz, 87

Lamps, W. R. Lake, 155

Lamps, W. B. Robins, 69

Lamps, J. G. Tongue, 154

Lamps, J. White, 103

Lamps, W. Wulferode, 231

Lamps, Fountain, J. G. Tongue, 438

Lamps or Lanterns, J. A. Spackman, 105

Lamps, Miners’ Safety, J. C. Mewburn, 122

Lamps, Miners’ Safety, H. T. Owens, 70

Lamps, Miners’ Safety, J. D. Shakespear, 403

Lamps, Railway Carriage, W. Perkins, 421

Lamps for Ship Lights, C. H. Meyer, 284

Lamps for Volatile Oils, J. J. Hinks and

Ford, 420

Lanterns, W. F. Lotz, 193

Lathes, Sweet, Sheldon, and Squire, 121

Lawn Mowers, Hartley and Sugden, 105

Leather, J. Harrington, 137

Leather, W. R. Lake, 301

Leather, Artificial, J. W. Jeune, 388

Leather, Cemented, T. and J. Walker, 370

Leather, Rolling, Harding and Melbourne, 231

Leather Rolling, W. L. Jackson, 193

Leather, Textile, J. G. Tongue, 403

Leather, Treating, W. L. Jackson, 403, 437

Leno Curtains, McFarlane and McPherson, 387

Leno and Muslin Curtains, T. Pollock, 371

Level Surfaces, A. Walker, 137

Lift, Mounting, C. Courtand, 301

Lifting Jacks, W. L. Wise, 333

Lifts, Hydraulic, Lilley, Adams, Browne, and Boby, 801

Light, Electric, G. Weathers, 213

Lighthouses, W. Mellanby, 316

Lighting, W. R. Lake, 248

Lighting Conveyances, H. J. Haddan, 437

Lighting Gas, O. Hoeftman, 302

Lighting Gas, C. A. McEvoy, 265

Lighting Gas, E. Turner, 371

Lighting Railway Carriages, D. Laidlaw, 155, 421

Linseed Cake, Cutting, A. B. Lawther, 137

Loading, Stacking, &c., J. L. B. Templer, 301

Lock Washers, J. T. King, 54

Locking Desks or Easels, W. Marx, 454

Locks, N. Ager, 193

Locks, W. E. Gedge, 266

Locks for Bags, L. Person, 370

Locks and Bolts, E. H. Thomson, 137

Locks and Catches, E. Lowe, 404

Locks and Fastenings, J. M. Matthews, 104

Locks and Latches, J. Walker, 247

Locomotion on Foot, G. Keel, 86

Locomotives, F. Wirth, 154

Locomotives, Road, J. Matthews, 122

Locomotives, Road, T. Hughes, 155, 317

Locomotives, Street, A. Bunger, 87

Looms, Buckley and Hildebrandt, 421

Looms, J. Bullough, 175

Looms, Clayton and Richmond, 35

Looms, Goodair and Whiteside, 247

Looms, J. H. Gray, 69

Looms, Haslam and Marshall, 454

Looms, Hattersley and Pickles, 104

Looms, J. Holding, 346, 402

Looms, J. Holgate, 121

Looms, J. and J. Hollingworth, 333

Looms, Jackson, Kay, Dearnley, and Stafford, 54

Looms, J. Kershaw, 175, 455

Looms, Leeming and White, 103

Looms, A. Lord, 403

Loom Pickers, H. McManus, 213

Looms, W. Markland, 403

Looms, J. Mon jot, 387

Looms, Murgatroyd, jun., Rothwell, Bat-tinson, and Sutcliffe, 454

Looms, H. E. Newton, 105

Looms, Nussey and Beaumont, 437

Looms, Oldham and Sharpies, 438

Looms, S. O Neill, 421

Looms, Parker and Walker, 105

Looms, Rhodes and Stoney, 248

Looms, Scholes and Chaffer, .302

Looms, J. Sellers, 438

Looms, W Shorrock, 87

Looms, Shorrock and Lewis, 317

Looms, G. Smith, 436

Looms, Stutter, Stubbs, and Corrigan, 372

Looms, J, Ward, 387

Looms, W. and T. Westley, 193

Looms, Yates and Brierley, 86

Lowering Apparatus, F. Holthausen, 86

Lubricant, G. Newton, 265

Lubricating, Chadwick and Giggle, 454

Lubricating, W. R. Lake, 104, 176

Lubricating, Lumb and Haigh, 388

Lubricating, M. Watson, 282

Lubricating Cups, J. Barbour, 436

Lubricating Oil Cups, H. J, Haddan, 103

Lubricating Packing, J. H. Johnson, 175

Lubricating Spindles, T. J. Marsh and

Fell, 438

Lubricating Spindles, T. Platt, 231

Lubricating Wool, J. H. Vance, 193

Lubricators, J. Pickering, 387

Lubricators, Automatic, R. Hadfield, 283

Magnetism, C. W. Harrison, 175

Magneto-Electro Machine, W. R. Lake, 404

Manure, Artificial, H. F. S. d’Esplaviz, 454

Manure, Distributing, R. Parker, 247

Manures, H. Y. D. Scott, 137

Marble, Stone, &c., Artifieial, E. deLaroque, 300

Marble and Wood, Imitation, J. A. B. Von Castilberg, 248

Mariners’ Compasses, W. H. Roberts, 317

Mariners’ Compass, Sir W. Thomson, 372

Mariners’ Compasses, N. Wells, 333

Marking Goods, A. M. Torrance, 176

Mashing Grain, D. Brodie, 176

Mashing Maize, &c., T. J. Smith, 422

Mashing Malt, &c., J. Thompson, 17 Mathematical Instruments, C. Bohne, 105 Mathematical Instruments, R. Henderson, 35

Mathematical Instruments, F. C. Penrose, 403

Mattresses, Spring, H. Price, 213

Measuring the Human Foot, R. Nicholls, 351

Measuring Liquids, T. Almgill, 438

Merry-go-Rounds, R. Jackson, 155

Metal Chains for Hanging Pictures, G. Hookman, 370

Metal Plates, Beeley and Muir, 137

Metal Plates, Cleansing, L. Griffiths, 282

Metal Plates, Treating, R. J. Hutchings, 334

Metal, Printing, J. H. Johnson, 247

Metals and Alloys, J. Holloway, 402

Metals, Coating, R. J. Blewitt, 17

Metals, Coating, E. Morewood, 422

Metals, Coating, Whittle and Newman, 283

Meters, Barrett ana Hargreaves, 155

Meters, A. Caldwell, 3"2

Meters, Collet and Denans, 420

Meters, P. Jensen, 265

Meters, H. E. Jones, 317

Meters, Dry Gas, W. Smith, 301

Meters, Fluid, P. Jensen, 86

Meters, Gas, J. L. Hart, 421

Meters, Liquid, A. Malfroy, 317

Meters, Liquid, A. V. Newton, 120

Meters, Public Light Gas, W. T. Sugg, 301

Meters, Station Gas, W. T. Sugg, 69

Meters, Wet Gas, Urquhart and Andrews, 104

Middlings, J. Walworth, 265

Middlings, Purifying, C. Redwood, 265

Military Trimmings, A. M. Clark, 333

Milk Cans, W. Poole. 387

Milk Treating, J. E. Piper, 454

Millstone Casings, H. Smith, 317

Mincing, J. F. Lovelock, 213

Mining (See also Quarrying)

Mining, H. J. Haddan, 436

Mirrors, S. Jackson, 175

Mirrors, W. R. Lake, 138

Mixing, F. L. Degener, 87

Mixing Cocoa, <fcc., with Milk, J. Hooker, 420

, Mixing and Stirring, E. Cowles, 104

Mixtures for Digestive Purposes, J. L.

Petingale, 70

Mortising, T. E. Craven, 137

Mortising, J. Phillips, 175

Motive Power, J. Buchanan, 137

Motive Power, R. G. de L. Byron, 301

Motive Power, A. M. Clark, 193, 231

Motive Power, Colborne and St. George, 318

Motive Power, Ellerbeck and Syers, 17

Motive Power, P. Gamboni, 85

Motive Power, J. D. E. Huddart, 247

Motive Power, J. H. Johnson, 176

Motive Power, J. A. G. Ross, 404

Motive Power, J. G. E. Sanderson, 86

Motive Power, F. F. Seeland, 388

Motive Power. W. W. E. Vavasour, 284

Motive Power, M. A. Weir, 421

Motive Power, E. Wernekinck,86

Motive Power, Air Compressing, and Rockboring, G. Stevenson, 283

Motive Power, Hydraulic, E. M. J. Le Breton, 87

Musical Instruments (See also Harmoniums, Organs, &c.)

Musical Instruments, J. H. Johnson, 371

Musical Instruments, J. C. Ward, 453

Nail-making, D. A. Andrews, 437

Navigating Instruments, A. M. Clark, 437 Needle Machines, E. T. Hughes, 265 Needles (See also Sewing Machines) Needles, A. V. Newton, 138

Needles, Sewing Machines, A. R. Allwood, 35

Needles for Sewing Machines, E. S. Nor-combe, 334

Nickel and its Alloys, W. R. Lake, 351

Nickel, Treating, A. Parkes, 193

Nuts and Bolts, J. H. Greathead, 155

Nuts, Bolts, Rivets, &c., J. Fletcher, 387

Nuts, Securing, J. Stewart, 87

Numbering, Stamping, and Embossing, J. Gowans, 317

Oil, A. B. Lawther, 137

Oil Cake, W. Hopps, 333

Oils, Inflammable, C. Moseley, 403

Opening Bottles, H. Codd, 105

Opening and Closing, R. Quin, 54

Opening Tins, &c., Helwig and Cox, 69 Ordnance W. R. Lake, 194

Ordnance, L. Razkazoff, 155

Ordnance, Charging, R. C. Smith, 138

Ordnance and Projectiles, Winchester and

Everest, 420

Ores, J. Parkinson, 69

Ores, S. J. Thomas, 232

Ornamenting with Glass, T. W. Greaves, 301

Ornamenting Wood, W. H. Williams, 121

Ornamenting Wood Surfaces, H. Dickinson, 370

Ovens, J. Peacock, 156

Oxide and Chloride of Zinc, H. Kenyon, 350

Ozokerit, Bleached, W. L. Wise, 120

Ozokerit, Refining, C. M. Pielsticker, 265

Packing, T. Brown, 17

Packing, J. G. Hatton, 154

Packing, G. MacLellan, 454

Packing, Shaw and Baxter, 403

Packing Tobacco for Sale, H. J. Lloyd, 176

Packing, Waterproof, C. Moseley, 403

Paddle-wheels (See also Propellers) Paddle-wheels, T. R. D. Bingham, 87 Pails, E. Domereq, 232

Paint, C. Muratori, 333

Painting Laths, G. Collier, 213

Paper, H. Dyer, 213

Paper, G. Holloway, 103

Paper, Tidcombe and Heaton, 175

Paper Boxes, H. J. Haddan, 282

Paper Cutting and Folding, W. R. Lake, 437

Paper Cutting and Pasting, H. G. Youard, 35

Paper, Finishing Printed, G. Duncan, Paper, Folding, W. Conquest, 193 Papers, Marbled, Huntingdon and Cadman, 193

Paper for Printing, Treating, E. E. Collev, 422

Paper, Rolling and Cutting, H. A. Bonneville, 419

Parchment, Vegetable, W. R. Lake, 69 Pasteboard, Treating, W. R. Lake, 404 Patterns, Andrew, Burrowes, and Attkins, 87

Pavements, T. Lawrie, 103

Paving, J. W. Dennison, 334 Paving, J. Dowding, 388, 438 Paving Blocks, E. Dyson, 104 Pegs or Hooks, J. N. Sawkins, 28* Pencil-cases, <fcc., E. G. Johnson, 388 Penholders, Self-feeding, R. Howell, 318

Pens, Fountain, C. Saunders, 35

Pepper Box, Grinding, A. V. le Luberz. 213

Permanent Way, S. and J. Chandler, jun., 387

Permanent Way, T. Clarke, 370

Permanent Way, S Cocker, jun., 420 Permanent Way, E. and E. Corbett, 334 Permanent Way, W. T. Garnett, 104 Permanent Way, J. Kincaid, 104 Permanent Way, E. Lawrence, 69 Permanent Way, F. Ley, 352 Permanent Way, J. Oxley, 351

Permanent Way, M. J. Roberts, 387

Permanent Way, Sample, Grantham, and Waddle, 284

Permanent Way, J. T. Walton, 282

Permanent Way of Tramways, T. Langley, 155

Permanent Way of Tramways, Langley and Cocker, 231

Perpetual Motion, C. Borzecki, 104 Phosphates, W. J. Williams, 121 Photographs, Ceramic, A. L. Henderson, 333

Photography, A. Ml. Clark, 316

Photography, H. V. Weyde, 437

Pianoforte Hand Rests, G. T. Bousfield, 333

Pianofortes, W; Dodson, 105

Pianofortes, J. C. Ward, 453

Pianos, F. Wirth, 333

Pick-axes, J. Reidy, 350

Picks, Miners’, W. R. Lake, 301

Pigments, H. Knight, 104

Pills, T. 8. Cocking, 283

Pins, A. M. Clark, 437

Pipe, Coupling Steam, T. Mitchell, 403

Pipe Organs, T. W. Barber, 87

Pipes, J. Liston, 333

Pipes for Drains, T. Stevenson, 387

Pipes, Earthenware, J. W. Dennison, 265 Pipes, Elbows, &c., B. Harlow, 54 Pipes and Gutters, A. F. Morrison, 87 Pipes and Joints, W. Morris, 420 Pipes, Paving Blocks, II. Sharp, 387

Pipes and Pipe Joints, W. J. Warner, 247 Pipes for Smoking, J. Middlehurst, 370 Pipes for Smoking, B. J. B. Mills, 404 Pipes for Smoking, D. Oppenheimer, 122 Pipes, Tobacco, F. L. Hill, 176 Pitch, Chain, E. Steele, 35

Plaiting, W. Tucker, 265

Plate Warmer and Refrigerator, P. Liddi-cot, 121

Platinum Vessels, M. Prentice, 53 playing Cards, W. Morgan-Brown, 387 ploughing, Steam, J. Parmiter, 488 Ploughs, J. Buckingham, 421 Ploughs, Greig and Eytt, 283 Pocket Alarums, E. P. Alexander, 817 Points and Switches, Cousins and Browa, 317

Pole Chains, Hooker and Wright, 371

Porcelain, China, &c., H. Vatcher, 438 Portmanteau, J. Burford, 421

Posts, Preserving Wood, G. T. Bousnela 155

Posts and Standards, J. S. and W. Thompson, 334

Poultices, H. E. Cauty, 301

Preserving Eggs, J. H. Ermatinger, 155

Preserving Food, E. G. Brewer, 105

Preserving Materials, W. R. Lake, 404

Preserving Meat, J. Imray, 35

Preserving Milk, J. Hooker, 420 Preserving Substances, F. S. Barff, 247 Preserving Substances, W. H. Carter, 371 Press, W. R. Lake, 86

Presses, J. H. Johnson, 104

Pressing and Moulding, H. Guthrie, 103

Printers’ Galleys, H. E. Newton, 453

Printing, A. M. Clark, 231

Printing, W. Conisbee, 283

Printing, W. Conquest, 155

Printing, Culross and Edwardson, 438

Printing, W. Humberstone, 301

Printing, H. Mardon, 317

Printing, W. E. Newton, 17, 53

Printing, C. Pieper, 371

Printing Calico, &c., H. Wilde, 86

Printing on Glass, &c., F. W. Heuer, 421

Printing Presses, Feeding, A. V. Newton, 86

Printing Telegraphs, A. Billet, 3/1 Projectiles, H. E. Newton, 214 Propellers {See also Paddle-wheels) Propellers, Screw, H. S. Eyre, 265, 31 Propellers, Screw, II. Hirsch, 70 Propellers, Screw, J. Sample, 104 Propelling, L. Prieswerk, 17

Propelling, Tringnetta and Damala, 214 Protecting Neck and Chest from Cold, P.

Harris, 69

Protecting the Wrist and Arms, C. H.

Clark, 247 ,

Puddling, Rotary, J. II. Johnson, 54 Pulley Blocks, T. H. Williams, 437 Pulleys, B. McEvoy, 154

Pulverising, Curtis and Wellington, 388 Pulverising and Amalgamating, H. E.

Newton, 403

Pump, E. G. Brewer, 265

Pump, E. R. Vaughan, 69

Pump and Engine, D. W. Van Rennes, 371 Pumps, Spiral, W. E. Gedge, 436 Pumping, J. F. Brinjcs, 122

Pumping, G. S. Hazlehurst, 105

Pumping, F. W. Kottgen, 176

Pumping, A. Miller, 317

Pumping, G. Scratton, 404

Pumping, W. Weyhe, 155

Pumping, Propelling, Kneading, F. Wirth 175

Pumps, W. Adair, 155

Pumps, F. R. Conder, 371

Pumps, J. Gillett, 248

Pumps, F. B. Hill, 87

Pumps, J. Hockin, jun., 3/1 Pn m ps, E. Korting, 333 Pumps, F. and S. Pearn, 43/ Pumps, R. H. Plush, 301

Pumps and Beer Engines, L. Jordan, 175

Pumps, Bilge, W. Anderson, 317

Pumps, Centrifugal, J. GWynne, 247 Pumps, Centrifugal, A. V. Newton, 170

Pumps, Direct-acting, Crossley and Pmnps^Direct acting, Wheeler and Pearson, 281

Pumps, Steam, J. North, 36

Punching Machines, Portable, J. Fielding,

Punching and Perforating- E-Heaton 437 Punching and Pressing, Hewitt and J y, 438

Punkahs, G. H. Marshall, 387

Quarrying (See also Mining)

Quarrying, W. O Carter, 33 T

Quilts and Padded Articles, T. 1. ana u. x.

Pearson, 35

Rifts, A. M. Clark, 283 0Q1

Run Gauges, Stutter and Hicks, 231 Railway Brakes, R. Werdermann, la4 Railways and Rolling Stock, J. H. John RiWng4lnd Lowering (to 53

R using and Lowering, E. B

Riisin^ and Lowering, G 8. Hughes, zii Raising and Lowering, W. Morgin Brown,

Raising and Lowering, Pichler and G.ird-Ra°sing an 1 Lowering, J. E Skillicorn, 137 Raising Sunken Vessels, J. Macintosh, 370 Raising Sunken Vessels, ricking, Hop

kins, Haden, and Beyfus, 154

Raisin-* Sunken Vessels, R. Protheroe, 316 Raising Sunken Vessels, LU. Rutherford,

Raising and Tapping Bear, T. II•

Raising and Weighing Vessels, J. W. Wil son, 137

Raising Weights, J. Holt, 371

Ranges, J. W. Brown, 194

"Rinsres A K Robinson, 3/1 ftS Bmces, W. Spour 333

T. U-'nsteAU. 104

Reaping, Bomford and King, 318

Reaping and Mowing, R. L. Oats 451

Reaning and Mowing, J. F. Phillips, 283 Reflectors, Lenses & H Bessemer, 87 Refrigerating. A. C- franklin Refrigerating, W. R. Lake, 104, 303

Register for Vehicles, R. and M. Theilei, Registering and Checking Payments, W. Registering distances, Barlow and Davis, 437

Registering Fares, W. R. Lake 282

Registering Tills, J. Agate, 30-

Regulator, D. Sival 175

Regulators for Murine Engines, Electromagnetic, W. R. Lake, 122

Repairing Shafts, Poles, &c, E. Mayer, 370 Representing Velocity and Stoppage of

Engines, G. Dalo, 213

Retort Lids, &c., Gwynne and Collinson, 370

Retorts, A. M. Clark, 421

Retorts, Ingham and Hill, -47

Retorts, J. Moore, 121

Retorts, J. Steel, 54

Retorts, Charging Gas, A. M. Clark 453

Rink Chair, J. N. Aronson, 437

Rinks, C. Asbury, 121

Rinks, C. W. Bradshaw, 214

Rinks, C Diamond, 284

Rinks, J. and J. Cole, loo

Rinks, A. Ford, 317

Rinks, F. Geary, 231

Rinks, C. Hessel, 214

Rinks, J- H. Lock, 217

Rinks, H. Low, 265

Rinks, F. N. Mackay, 248

Rinks, T. Rose, 213

Rinks, A. Stephenson, 351

Rinks, G. E. Stokes, 155

Rinks, G. A. Topham, 247

Rinks, A. Wallington, 403, 421

Rinks, J. Watts, 371 w „

Road and Footway Steps, &c., C. W. Hoe, 231

Rockets, J. Macdonald, 437

Rods, Bars, Girders &c , B. J. B. Mills, 138 Rods, Flexible, W. Pilkington 213

Rollers, Cylinders, &c., Anti-friction, H.

Moore, 193

Rollers, Drums, and Sheaves, H. Lawrence, 175

Rollers, Fluted, E. Thackray, 69

Rollers, Spring, R. J Millar, 454

Rolling Machinery, P. Kirk, 175

Rolling Stock. Adams and Livesay, 53 Roofs. Curzon, Page, and Powis, 121 Rope, &c„ J. Barbour, 121 Rowlocks, A. M. Clark, 155

Sacks, H. P. Garland, 137

Saddles, S G Lutwyche, 68

Safes, G. H Chubb, 156

Safes, R. Hadfield. 283

Safety Apparatus for Building and Cleaning, Meadowcroft and Graves, 437

Safety Apparatus for Lifts. J. Dance, 214 Sample Bags, Makin and Marcroft, 26a Sandbags, Substitute for, H. Evans, 104 Sash Bars for Greenhouses, &c , Bowman

and Macadam, 421

Sash Hanging and Supporting, H. 1. Tucker, 387

Sashes, W. Henman, 175

Sashes, E. A. Thornton, 247

Satining Paper, &c., A. Mullord, 69

Saving Life at Sea, Sharp and Smith, lot Sawing, G. T. Bousfleld, 422

Sawing, J. Groves, 156

Sawing, D. McDowell 438

Sawing, J. Richards, 137

Sawing, S. W. Worssam, 372

Saws, Frame, E Newton, 439

Scaffolding, H. Batt, 213

Scaffolding, A. Robson, 231

Scissors, Shears, &c., H. Walter, 454

Scotch Bonnets, R. Mackie, 302

Scotch Bonnets, A. W. Rodger, 282

Screening and Separating, J. D. Thorpe, 421

Screw Base, E E. Morris, 137

Screw Caps, T. G F Dolby, 10a

Screw Coal Feeder,^ S. Hjerleid, 352 Screwdrivers, W. Knell, 86 Screwjacks, T Titley, 317

Hcrcw Nuts W. R- TjAko, 24/

Screw Nuts, Washers, &c., G. F. Redfern, 317

Screw Presses, Maw and Hartley, 371 Screw Worming Tools, B. W. Rogers, 301 Screw Wrenches, A. M. Clark, 333 Screwing, W. Kendall, 265

Screws and Screw-drivers, W. R. Lase, iz. Screws, Wood, T. J. Waters, 333

Securing Wine Cases, Capon and Boughwood, 103

S»ed Corn, &c., Treating, E. King, 248

Seams and Gorings of Elastic, W. Morgan-Brown, 371

Separating Machine, J. and B. Sainty and Hiscox, 333

Sewage, Treating, Bannehrand Varley, 437

Sewage, Treating, W. W. Fereday, 104

Sewage, Treating, A. Fryer, 193

Sewage, Treating, J. Hanson, 121

Sewage, Treating, F. Hille. 387

Sewage, Treating, J. H Kidd, 120

Sewage, Treating, Milburn and Jackson, 32, 350

Sewers, Ventilating, <fcc , R. Parker, 53

Sewing Machines (See also Needles)

Sewing and Embroidering, VV. E. Gedge,

Sewing Hosiery, E. G Brewer, 120

Sewing Knitted Goods, W. Morgan-Brown

231 ’

Sewing Machine Shuttles, A. Anderson, 35 Sewing Machine Shuttles. J. Harwood. 438 Sewing Machine Shuttles, J. M. and N.

Rimington, 403

Sewing Machine Shuttles, T. Nordenfelt,

283 ’

Sewing Machines, W. Brookes, 301

Sewing Machines, G. Browning, 53

Sewing Machines, Chadwick and Sugden, 231

Sewing Machines, W. C. Denne. 120

Sewing Machines, H. A. Dnfrend, 453

Sewing Machines, J. Fraser, 87

Sewing Machines, D. Hanna, 403

Sewing Machines, C. F. Harbeck, 438

Sewing Machines, J. H. Johnson, 105

Sewing Machines, W. Jones, 317

Sewing Machines, W. R. Lake, 103, 317

Sewing Machines, B. J. B. Mills, 104, 137

Sewing Machines, W. Morgan-Brown, 333

Sewing Machines, M. H. Pearson, 194

Sewing Machines, N. P. Stockwell, 137

Sewing Machines, R. M. Young, 387

Sewing Machines for Boots, H. B. Gjod-year. 404

Sewing Machines for Straw Bonnet Work.

W. R. Lake, 351

Sewing Machines, Waxed Thread, A. C.

Andrews, 121

Shafts, Axles, &c., Mending, Bellotti and De Choch, 265

Ships, D. M. Campbell, 35

Ships, Chapman and de Russett, 105

Ships, H. A. Egerton, 87

Ships, H. Hirsch, 104

Ships, H. E. Newton, 302

Ships, J. A. Walker, 421

Ships’ Bottoms, Piers, &c., Cleaning, P. F.

Boisseau, 176

Ships’ Cabins, T. Black, 317

Ships’ Logs, J. C. Brown, 301

Ships’ Logs, F. G. Flewry, 248

Ships, Preventing Explosions in, R. H.

Williams, 353

Ships and Propellers, E. G. Brewer, 104

Ships, Twin, J. Sedley, 12J

Ships of War, H. B. Hanna, 333

Shovels, D. Y. Griffin, 372

Shutters, Revolving, C. O. Sherry, 282

Signalling, J. S. Grisborne, 317

Signalling, W. Moseley, 317

Signalling, T. and R. Winter, 121

Signalling by Electricity, B. Smith, 103

Signalling, Railway, Bairnsfather and

Harper, 87

Signalling, Railway, J. Cariss, 155

Signalling, Railway, J. Draffin, 438

Signalling, Railway, W. E Gedge 104

Signalling, Railway, W. Harling, 105

Signalling, Railway, W. Kenyon, 122

Signalling, Railway, W. Newsome, 155

Signalling, Railway, E. F. Piers, 193

Signalling, Railway, W. and R. Thompson,

Signalling, Railway, J. G. Weir, 213 bi°”kHing, Railway> Wood and Shakespear,

Signalling and Telegraphing, C. Bondi 105

Signals (See also Rockets)

Signals, J. R. Wigham, 437

Signals and Alarms. W. R. Lake, 176

Signals, Audible, J. R. Wigham. 403

Signals, Automatic, M. and W. Batty, 437

Signals, Fog, W. Worthington, 193

Signals and Points, F. W. Webb, 120

Signals and Points, Railway, J. Smith, 371

Signals, Railway, B. Abraham, 247

Signals, Railway, J. F. W. and W W

Brierley, 317

Signals, Railway, W. P. and C. E. Cherry 193

Signals, Railway, W. G. Colechin, 175

Signals, Railway, J. Edwards, 283

Signals, Railway, W. A. Pope, 243

Signals, Railway, J. J. F. Stevens, 283

765 Working Ko?> W- Worthington

Silvering Mirrors, Plates, &c., J. E. Pratt,

Singeing, E. Keighley, 388

Sinking Pits, Davis and Fieldhouse, 214

Sizing and Dressing Threads, J. H. John

son, 437

Sizing and Waterproofing, M. Zinglar, 120

Skate and Boot, Combined Roller, E W

Lulham, 122

Skates, J. Carpenter, 371

Skates, W. Chadburn 122

Skates, G. Clark, 17

Skates, J. W. Gray, 155

Skates, H. A. Hardinge, 318

Skates, C. Harrison, 69

Skates, J. M. Lamb, 265

Skates, J. A. Mays, 403, 454

Skates, J. Nunn, 70

Skates, W. P. Thompson, 370

Skates, J. Watkins. 69

Skates, Roller, J. Adams, 388

yhates. Roller, Allix, B.irrett, and Elers,

Skates, Roller, W. Anvon, 403

Skates, Roller, L. Bakers, 86

Skates, Roller, Barnet and Nelson, 387

Skates, Roller, C. M. Bate, 193, 317

Skates, Roller, M Bayly, 87

8k234S317Oller’ Beiumoutand Pilkington,

Skates, Roller, F. G. Bmnett, 371

Skates, Roller, L. B. Bertram, 351

Skates, Roller, W. Bevis, 176

Skates, Roller, H. Bezer, 388

Skates, Roller, W. H. Bliss, 420

Skates, Roller, A. Boursot, 213

Skates, Roller, E. G. Brewei’ 403

Skates, Roller, B. Brown, 283

Skates, Roller, S. O Brown, 122, 175

Skates, Roller, H. A. Burgess, 213

Skates, Roller, M. Burke, 370

Skates, Roller, E. Burstow, 421

Skates, Roller, G. G. Bussey, 156, 387

Skates, Roller, E. Cambridge, 302

n°Her’ £arter and Tomkins, 316

Skates, Roller, G. Chapman, 266

Skates, Roller, J. Cheshire, 120

Skates, Roller, T. Christy, 193

Skates, Roller, G. Clark, 2S3, 350

Skates, Roller, J. and J. Cole, jun., 266

Skates, Roller, A. Collingridge 370

Skates, Roller, G. Conway, 317’

Skates, Roller, A. Cornell, 388

Skates, Roller, E. Cory, 317

Skates, Roller, R. Crosse, 422

Skates, Roller, Davies and Chambers 231

Skates, Roller, Davis and Tydeman, 231

Skates, Roller, J. N. Donnaven, 422

Skates, Roller, G. Duddell, 101

Skates, Roller, E. Edwards, 3 <3

Skates, Roller, Edwards, Hammond, and Edwards. 453

Skates, Roller, G. Eldridge, 300

Skates, Roller, S. Eyland, 247

Skates, Roller, Fletcher and Thorn, 420

Skates, Roller, A. C. F. Franklin, 175, 421

Skates, Roller, G Friend, 193

Skates, Roller, XV. Gardener, 351

Skates, Roller, J. P H. Gastreil, 383

Skates, Roller, W. J. Geoghegan, 302

Skates, Roller, J. H. Greathead, 87

Skates, Roller, Green and Sykes, 387, 453

Skates, Roller, J. and XV. Hall, 388

Skates, Roller, Ham bling and Bowles, 265

Skates, Roller, H. W. Hammond, 213

Skates, Roller, R. R. Harper, 283

Skates, Roller, J. Harrington, 156, 437

Skates, Roller, J. P. Harriss-Gasstrell, 316

Skates, Roller, P. D. Hedder wick, 35

Skates, Roller, XV. Hemsley, 371

Skates, Roller, T. H. Hennah, 103

Skates, Roller, W. Hillman, 351

Skates, Roller, Holmes and Hopkinson, 247

Skates, Roller, XV. Howitt, 12 >, 283

Skates, Roller, E. XV. Hughes, 247

Skates, Roller, N. H Hughes, 421

Skates, Roller, J. 8. Johnson, 421

Skates, Roller, M. P. Jones 283

Skates, Roller, G. Keel. 333

Skates, Roller, Keel and Pringle, 404

Skates, Roller, H. Kes ter ton, 437

Skates, Roller, E. C. King, 317

Skates, Roller, Kislingbury and Bigg, 437

Skates, Roller, J. and J. Kite, 175

Skates, Roller, B. J. Knox, 214

Skates, Roller, J. J. Kunstaiter, 87, 475

Skates, Roller, E. B Lamb. 54

Skates, Roller, C. T. Leach, 451

Skates, Roller, J. J. Leswa^e, 194

Skates, Roller, Lewis and Jones, 283

Skates, Roller, H. Low, 265

Skates, Roller, W. C. Loe, 438

Skates, Roller, G. Lowry, 351

Skates, Roller, H. Macaulay, 176

Skates, Roller, C. M. Maclean, 351

Skates, Roller, McLintock and Brown, 193

Skates, Roller, H. Malcolmson, 437

Skates, Roller, XV. S Mappin, 87

Skates, Roller, N. Marshall, 387

Skates, Roller, A. Martin, 4<*3

Skates, Roller, J. A. May, 302, 387

Skates, Roller, J. A. R. Morison, 420

Skates, Roller, W. E. and T. Nash, 193

Skates, Roller, J. H. Owen, 403

Skates, Roller, J. H. Palmer, 87

Skates, Boiler, J. Pilbrow, 120

Skates, Roller, W. H. Pinder, 437

Skates, Roller, E. Preston, 801

Skates, Roller, A. P. Price, 387

Skates, Roller, T. E. Richardson, 86

Skates, Roller, E. Le Riche, 437

Skates, Roller, C. G. Roberton, 103

Skates, Koller, J. Rooke, 351

Skates Roller, R B Sanson, 404

Skates, Roller, XV. Scott, 387

Skates, Roller, Sheldon and Stiff, 194

Skates, Roller, P. Skidmore, 17

Skates, Roller, E. T. Smith, 283

Skates, Roller, Smith and Starley, 334

Skates, Roller, Hon. W. E. C. Stanhope, 265

Skates, Roller C. R. Stevens, 370

Skates, Roller, C. E. Stirling 283

Skates, Roller, P. F. Tarbutt, 317

Skates, Roller, H. M. Thomas, 175

Skates, Roller, P. A. Thomas, 388

Skates, Roller, G. E. Turner, 372

Skates, Roller, B. Tydeman, 282

Skates, Roller, A. Underhill, 404

Skates, Roller, XV. and H. Usher, 351

Skates, Roller, R. E. Villiers, 2 47

Skates, Roller, XValker and Hakes, 231

Skates, Roller, W. Walker, 438

Skates, Roller, W. J. XValker, 248

Skates, Roller, J. H. Walsh, 318

Skates, Roller, J. Watkins, 404

Skates, Roller, XVeatherdon aud Coles, 302

Skates, Roller, S. XVekey, 45 4

Skates, Roller, A. C. XVells, 421

Skates, Roller, B. S. Weston, 137, 317

Skates, Roller, T. V. Wheatley, 105

Skates, Roller, E. O. XV. Whitehouse, 214 es> Roller, White and Stevenson, 213

Skates, Roller, C. F. XVood, 284 437

Skates, Roller, XVood and Cross, 317

Skates, Roller, Wood and Shakespear, 370

Skates, Roller, Wooding and Palmer, 217

Skates, Roller, J. Wright, 53, 155

Skating Rink Floors, A. T. Timewell, 137

Skating Riifks, G. Clark, 105

Skating Rinks, J. Gamgee, 54

Skating Rinks, J. A. R. Morison, 137

Skating Rinks, Portable, G. H. Ellis, 121

Slates, Artificial School, J. Hausmann, 403

Slate Dressing, Jones and Ellis, 388

~“^e Valves, Massicks and Crooke, 231

Slide Valves, A. Strong, 403

Sliding XVindows, &c., Opening, B Barnard, 35

Small Arms, Breech-loading, Johnson and Wayne, 194

Small Arms, Breech-loading, W. Powell 175

Small Arms, Breech-loading, M. and’ M Scott, 213

Small Arms, Breech-loading, T. Woodward 214 ’

Smelting, Cubley and Dixon, 371

Smelting, XV. R. Lake, 247

Smelting, J. Ruck, 191

Smelting, R. XVerdermann, 388

Smelting C. Wright, 211

Soap, S. S. Lewis, 333

Soap, A. Rowbottom, 103

Soap, Pomade, &c., F. J. Cleaver, 35

Soda, Ash, &c., J. Riley, 387

Sodium, Potassium, Zinc, W. A. Smith, -LOx

Solitaires, Baxter and Greaves, 301

Solitaires, H. Collot, 350

Solitaires, T. Rickett, 247

Sounding Apparatus, A. M. Clark 404

Spades, Shovels, W4 H. Andrew 120

Spark Arresters, P. Clark, 401

Spheric Castor, Sergent and Valkenhenzen 155 ’

Spikes, W. R. Lake, 86

Spinning, Beresford and Mullen, 387

Spinning, Berry, Emsley, and Smith, 137

Spinning, Cryer and Morris, 86

Spinning, J. Hollingworth, 403

Spinning, E. T. Hughes, 156

Spinning, J. H. Johnson, 402

Spinning, G. Knowles, jun., 388

Spinning, A. Macdonald, 316

Spinning, G. March, 155

Spinning, W. H. and J. Pickles, 453

Spinning, J Scharr, 194

Spinning, J. J. and A. Thornton and Fenton, 388

Spinning, F. Wirth. 301

Spinning and Doubling, XV. Benson, 453

Spinning and Doubling, Chesholm and Clegg, 454

Spinning and Doubling, H. T. Palmer 387

Spinning and Doubling, W. Sumner, 283

Spinning and Doubling, Taylor and Ramsden, 247, 387

Spinning and Doubling, T. Wrigley, 53, 122 Spinning, Doubling, and Twisting, T. Uns-worth, 351

Spinning and Twisting, Aked and Barker, 214

Spinning and Twisting, J. C. Mewburn, 175

Spinning, Twisting, W. Trafford, 87

Spittoons, W. R. Lake, 404

Springs, W. H. Andrew, 403

Springs for Doors, G. Stierlin, 283

Springs for Railway Carriages, Dobson and Cook, 175

Stable Fittings, Smith, White, and Elliot, 370

Staining and Ornamenting, W. Sutherland, 370

Stamping, J. Patterson, 213

Stamping or Endorsing, W. Dawes, 421 Stamps and Labels, W. R. Lake, 419 Stamps, Separating, J. Ledger, 69 Starting Cars, &c., A. F. Kaufmann, 120 Steam Trap (See also Valves) Steel, J. Baur, 151, 156

Steel, A. Browne, 105

Steel, A. M Clark, 316

Steel, J. II. Johnson 316

Steel, W. R. Lake, 420

Steel Castings, J. Yates, 301

Steel for Striking Fire, G. Gros, 35

Steering, I. Ahronsberg, 438

Steering, J. Davis, 283

Steering, F. J. Dembion, 121

Steering, J. Russell, 420

Steering, G. Stavers. 403

Steering by Steam, T. H. Smellie, 213 Stereotype Plates, J. H. Johnson, 105 Stirring Vats. &c., T. B. Lightfoot, 421 Stirrups, L. Switzer, 137

Stone, Artificial, J. C. Sellers, 370

Stone, Artificial Grinding, M. Michaelson, 301

Stone, <fcc., Dressing, Urquhart and Lindsay, 420

Stone Getting, A B. Brown, 193

Stoppers for Aerated Water Bottles, Barrie and Samson, 175

Stoppers for Bottles, J. Bolt, 105

Stoppers for Bottles, B >lt and Weeder, 283 Stoppers for Bottles, Breffit and Edwards, 302

Stoppersfor Bottles, Breffit and Neville, 265 Stoppers for Bottles, W. P. and C. E.

Cherry, 105

Stoppers for Bottles, C. and C. Claxton, 247 Stoppers for Bottles, N. Fritzner, 404 Stoppers for Bottles, H. Grauel, 35 ■ Stoppers for Bottles, P. Jensen, 120 Stoppers for Bottles, G. Kendal, 301 Stoppers for Bottles, J. Margotti, 316 Stoppers for Bottles, W. H. and F. Sinnatt

and Lingard, 403

Stoppers for Bottles, E. H. Stockwell, 301 Stoppers for Bottles, S. Walker, 438 Stoppers for Bottles, J. Williams, 301 Stoppers for Bottles with Aerated Water,

C. Allen, 247

Stopping Bottles, II. B. Fox, 421

Stopping Bottles, E. F. J. A. Gervais, 438 Stopping Bottles, Watkinson and Stafford, 453

Stopping Bottles, J. Lewis, 137

Stopping and Filling Bottles, T. B. Michell, 301

Storing Gunpowder, G. Roby, 86

Stoves, P. Lawrence, 370

Stoves, E Taylor, 53

Stoves, Fireplaces, J. Jobson, 193

Straining and Sifting, T. G. Green, 283

Submarine Operations, A. and J. J, Tylor, 247

Sugar, T. Rowan, 18

Sugar-cane Mills, J. G. Chapman, 54

Sugar, Purifying, Scott and Ogilvie, 317 Sugar, Refining, H. H. Murdoch, 121 Sugar, Refining, E. P. H. Vaughan, 371 Sugar, Treating, L. F. G. Bouscaren, 453 Sulphate of Potash, P. Spence, 122 Sulphate of Soda, W. S. Squire, 437 Sulphates, J. Hargreaves, 438

Sulphates of Soda and Potash, Cammack and Walker, 283

Sulphides of Lead, Zinc, &c., W. White, 86 Sulphuric Acid, T. Bowen, 421

Sulphuric Acid, H. Deacon, 35

Sulphuric Acid, J. Neale, 318

Sulphuric Acid Solutions, Concentrating, M. Prentice, 53

Sulphuric Acid Gas, E. Banes, 437

Switch and Signal Apparatus, W. Clark, 454

Switches and Points, T. C. Best, 421

Switches and Points, Burke, Burke, and Browne, 317

Switches and Points, A. M. Clark, 86 Switches and Points, W. R. Lake, 301 Swivels, J. B. Lynch, 105

Syphon Taps, H. J. Cole, 383

Syringes, G. F. Sheath, 231

Tacks and Nails, A. Boulton, 371

Tacks and Nails, Runnett and Finch, 351

Tacks for Securing Papers. G. Friend, z31

Tampico and Bristles, Dressing, H. J.

Haddan, 387

Tanning (See also Hides, Treating)

Tanning, A. Clavier, 121

Tanning, B. Hunt, 453

Tanning, J. Palmer, 402

Tanning, L. H. Tramier, 265

Tap or Bottle Cap W. Saul, 35

Taps, C. Banks, 266

Taps, Barotsley and Hargreaves, 453

Taps, J. E. Dooley, 193

Taps, J. L. Dubois, 155

Taps, T, Howarth, 165

Taps, &c., J. Howard, 265

Taps and. Valves, W. H. Bullough, 403

Taps and Valves, C. Stuart, 300

Taps and Valves, C. B. S. Webb, 122

Targets, E. L. Morris, 403

Teakettles, Mason and Wellett, 422

Telegraph Posts, Fixing, F. Phillips, 454

Telegraph Wires, W. Smith, 53

Telegraphs, Submarine, A. M. Clark, 333

Telegraphy, Allan and Brown, 437

Telegraphy, Anderson and Ash, 87

Telegraphy, M. Benson, 86

Telegraphy, E G. Burton, 318

Telegraphy, G. Dubern, 371

Telegraphy, J. A. Fahie, 155

Telegraphy, P. Jensen, 265

Telegraphy, P. Nolet, 351

Telegraphy, O’Lawlor and Calvo, 371

Telegraphy, T. J. Smith, 387

Telegraphy, R. 8. Symington, 421

Telegraphy, R. and M. Theiler, 247

Telegraphy, Thomson and Jenkin, 317

Telegraphy, W. J. Venables, 301

Telegraphy with Ships, &c., Connecting,

F. Le B. Bedwell, 154

Tell-tales, J. Britten, 69

Tell-tales, Shepherd and Maxwell, 194

Tell-tales, E. Lofts, 422

Tell-tales, H. Tee, 438

Tell-tales for Vehicles, W. Lee, 175

Tenoning, W. King, 404

Tents, Portable, R. Gamble. 301

Testing Petroleum, R. P. Wilson, 104

Theatrical and Gymnastic, G. A. Farini, 69

Theatrical and Gymnastic, W. L. Hunt, 54

Thermometers, J. J. Hicks, 231

Thermometers, Clinical, J. Webster, 69

Thinning Plants, J. Mackie, 175

Thrashing, J. Marshall, 334


351 and

Thrashing, C. Pieper, 265

Threads, H. E. Newton, 436

Ticketing and Exhibiting, T. Penny, 104

Tiles, J. Morris, 301

Tiles, Securing, J. Ravenscroft, 387

Tills, T. Kay, 387

Tilting Apparatus, J. Jennison, 155

Tin Cases, Hermetically Sealing, T. Griffin, 105

Tin and Terne Plates, Smith and Nash, 437

Tins, Cases, &c., H. Groom, 87

Tins for Preserving Pood, J. J, Lundy, 351

Tipping Basins, A. Paget, 3s7

Tipping Trucks, 1). Thomson, 86

Tires, F. Mulliner, 155

Tires, India-rubber, J. B. Harris, 352

Tobacco, Pemberton and Gibson. 420

Tobacco, Treating, L. Mottie, 120

Tools, W. Morgans, 154

Tools for Boiler Tubes, W. R. Lake, 403

Topping and Tailing Turnips, D. Ross, 86

Topping and Tailing Turnips, Thom and

Constable, 137

Topping Turnips, J. Fogo, 103

Torpedoes, F. Maxwell-Lyte. 437

Towelling, C. J. and R. T. Webb, 265

Towing, W. M. Bullivant, 421

Towing, Meyer and Wernigh, 265

Trains, Communicating in, Atkinson

Temple, 213

Trains, Communicating in, O. Brown,

Trains, Communicating in, Garrett

Pope, 120

Trains, Communicating in, J. Robinson, 265

Trains, Communicating in, Smeeton and Law, 60

Trains, Communicating in, C. Stewart, 420

Trains, Communicating in, E. Tyer, 193

Tramways, W. Birclay 104

Tramways, B. Barker, 371

Tramways, H. P. Holt, 420

Tramways, G. Lindeman, 193

Tramways, Somerville and Ruthven, 454

Tramways, R. Souttar, 370

Tramway Cars, R. Millar, 53

Tramway Cars, J. H. Small, 175

Tramway Cars, Stopping and Starting, J.

Phillips, 121

Transport, J. Harris, 421

Transport, J. J. Snow, 156

Transport, Pneumatic, J. Mathers, 351

Traps and Gratings, A. M. Clark, 86

Travelling Bags, H, Simpson, 105, 403

Travelling Bags, T. Vickers, 383

Trellis Work, P. Joannes, 175

Tricycles, G. Hudson, 351

Trimming Hedges, G. A. Walker, 247

Trusses, C. Pieper, 421

Tube Cutter, Wyatt and Purvis, 403

Tube Drawing, T. Rickett, 402

Tube Stopper for Boilers, A. M. Clark, 86

Tube Stoppers, J, Robinson, 437

Tubes, Brown and Vaughan, 231

Tubes, D. Gardiner, 421

Tubes, Lloyd, Faulkner, and Lloyd, 333

Tubes, R. A. Malcolm, 248

Tubes, Cop, A. V. Newton, 120

Tubes and Flues, H. J. Hayne, 284

Tubes, Laying and Uniting, P. W. and

P. W., jun., Barlow, 231

Tubes, Metal, T. P. Allen, 87

Tubes, Metal, Samner and Waldenstrom, 105

Tubes, Rails, &c., Straightening, Bending, &c„ W. R. Lake, 404

Tubs, B. Shaw, 137

Tumblers, R. Quin, 213

Tunnelling, J. D. and G. Brunton, 388

Tunnelling, Rock-boring, &c., H. N. Penrice, 265

Turning and Shaping Wood, G. Bray, 351

Turnstiles, H. Bezer, 137

Twisting and Doubling, W. Hall, 194

Type, Composing, P. Jensen, 193

Type, Composing, M. L. Muller, 421

Type Writers’, A. V. Newton, 122

Types or Stamps, Vulcanised India-rubber,

J. Fleming, 404

Umbrellas and Parasols, E. G. Brewer, 436

Umbrellas and Parasols, E. Charageat, 302

Umbrellas and Parasols J. Levy, 283

Umbrellas and Parasols, J. Martin, 247

Umbrellasand Parasols, S. Townsend, 122


Umbrellas and Parasols, T. Warwick, 213

Umbrellas and Parasols, J. Watson, 175

Umbrellas and Parasols, J. Willis, 86

Urinals, 8. Martin, 421

Utilising Old Iron, W. Stonehewer, 231

Utilising Waste Heat, G. Rydill, 300

Utilising Waste Iron Annealing Pots,

Williams and Others, 318

Utilising Waste Steel, Foster, Smith, and

Harrison, 438

Vacuum Pans, Fryer and Alliot, 53

Valves, J. Anderson, 17

Valves, M. Benson, 214

Valves, W. J. and T. Chaloner, 317

Valves, J. Conlong, 351

Valves, J. Cort, 17

Valves, P. J. Davies, 350

Valves, Elliott and Burnett, 266, 420

Valves, H. P. Holt, 214

Valves, &c., H. Law, 105

Valves, A, McLaren, 318

Valves, A. V, Newton, 420

Valves, Warrington and Harwood, 69

Valves, W. L. Wildy, 404

Valves, E. Wilson, 351

Valves, Equilibrium, B. Krocker, 193

Valves, Safety, R. Findlay, 421

Valves, Safety, M. J. Roberts, 333

Valves, Spring Safety, W. J. Coe, 35

Valves for Steam Pumps, C. Mason, 176

Vanilline, Dr. F. Tiemann, 421

Varnishes, E. Kunkier, 231

Vehicles, L. von Wojewodsky, 69

Vehicles—Dog Carts, 301

Vehicles, Wagonettes, F. Clarke, 351

Velocipedes, J. Shaw, 35

Velocipedes, H. J. Timberlake, 213

Velocipedes, J. H. Walsh, 122

Veneers, A. M. Clark, 387

Veneers, W. R. Lake, 302

Ventilating, H. Lacy, 387

Ventilating, W. R. Lake, 317

Ventilating Gulley and Trap, H. Wilson, 105

Ventilating Mines, T. W. Roberts, 371

Ventilators, A. Crespin, 232

Viaducts, G. B. Bruce, 175

Warping, T. Berry, 231

Washer for Bolts and Nuts, C. Churchill, 121

Washing, B. Firth, 421

Washing, H. J. Haddan, 302

Washing, D. Heath, 454

Washing, E. M. Knight, 421

Washing, G., Lloyd, 121

Washing, J. W, Morton, 121

Washing, Rayner, Harrison, and Glen-denny, 105

Washing, S. Wekey, 351

Washing, H. Woolfe, 333

Washing Bottles, W. Fulton, 437

Washing Bottles, P. Gaskell, 103

Washing and Churning, W. Munslow, 438

Washing and Disintegrating Clay, S»

Johnson, 175

Washing, Separating, and Sizing, H. E.

Taylor, 193

Washing and Wringing, Hargreaves and I Blakey, 105

Washing and Wringing Machines, J. Hirst, 454

Watch and Clock Cases J. L. Bintley, 372 '

Watches and Clocks, J. N. Adorno, 86

Watches, Ciceks, &c., G. Zaffira, 193

Watches, Regulating Calendar,!. J. Smith, 175

Water-closets, Just and Downton, 70

Water-closets, J. Lanyon, 154

Water-closets, T. Smith, 121

Water-closets, A. Tylor, 419

Waterproofing, W. Dummer, 317

Waterproofing and Preserving Materials,

A, Browne, 104

Water Supply, J. M. Knight, 420

Water Supply, H. R. Newton, 419

Water Supply, J. J. Wilson, 105

Wearing Apparel— Braces, W. Morgan-

Brown, 351

Wearing Apparel—Dress Improvers, J.

Badcock, 120, 132

Wearing Apparel—Neckties, G. J. Goodwin, 283

Wearing Apparel—Neckties, W. R. Lake, 193

Wearing Apparel—Suspenders for, Caines and Mitchell, 105

Wearing Apparel—Trousers, A. Woolrich, 104

Web Halter Heads, J. Goodrick, 454

Weighing, Pooley and Wood, 104

Weighing, W. Thomson, 247

Weighing, Hydraulic, F. W. Barnes, 122

Weighing Machinery for Collieries, J.

Thomas, 175

Weighing Machines, W. B. Avery, 436

Weighing and Measuring Liquids, F.

Bolton, 53

Weirs and Sluices, F. Applegath, 387

Wheels, G. Beckitt, 300

Wheels, J. Bowron, 121

Wheels, Brown and Beard, 69

Wheels, A. C. F., Franklin, 105

Wheels, E. Goddard, 283

Wheels, J. A. Mays, 193

Wheels, J, Tough, 86

Wheels, R. Werdermann, 121

Wheels and Axles, H. La Fors, 53

Wheels, Railway, Allen and Pullman, 103

Wheels, Railway, J. R. Banks, 403

Wheels, Railway, E. A. Jeffereys, 214

Wheels, Railway, W. H. Kitson, 155

Wheels, Railway, A. L. and H. A. Smith, 193

Whipping and Churning, R. Morton, 371

Whistles, Steam, G. Whight, 213

White Lead, N. C. Cookson, 217, 232

White Lead, J. C. Martin, 121

White Lead, R. Palmer, 104

Winding, T. F. and M. White, 352

Winding Thread, W. McGee, 17, 155

Winding Thread, Holt,Sutcliffe, and Fisher, 419

Winding Yarns, Ensley and Smith, 106

Windlasses, E. Walker, 17

Wine Glasses, J. T. H. Richardson, 403

Winnowing and Sorting,H. H. Murdoch, 104

Wood Cutting and Splitting, J. Rowley, 265

Wood Fibre and Pulp, J. Noad, 437

Wood Hardening, A. M. Clark, 138

Wood Treating, W. Morgan-Brown, 351 _

Wood, Water, and Fire-proof, Rendering, A. M. Clark, 154

Wooden Structures, H. Westman, 266

Wringing, H. J. Haddan, 302

■Wringing and Mangling, B. Hunt, 420

Writing Machine, W. E. Gedge, 419

Yarns, Treating, E. Yeo, 403

Zinc, H. A. Bonneville, 193

patents on totjfrtj tfje Stamp SButp of £100 ijas tietn paiO. The figures refer to the numbers of the 'patent, not to pages.

Abel, C. D., Metallic Tiles, 3086

Abel, C. D., Ploughs, 3687

Abel, C. D., Refining Lead, 3292

Abel, C. D., Type Composing, 2031

Archibald, S. A., Carding, &c., 2793

Ashbury, C., Boilers, 3305

Ashbury, J., Screw Wrenches, 3709

Barker, D., Artificial Fuel, 2413

Barker, J., Coffered Spades and Shovels, 2275

Barlow, H. B., Sizing Yarn, 148

Baur, J., Steel, 2501

Bessemer, H., Fusion of Metals, 2397

Blackburn. W., Support for Benches, 1961

Boyd, J., Winding, 3507

Bridgewater, H., Permanent Way, 2599

Briggs, T.. Packing, &c., 3107

Brookes, W., Elecro-deposition of Nickel, 3125

Brown, W., Rolling Machinery, 2342

Butler, Nichols, and Heslop, Wheels, 3639

Chandler, J., Water Economising, 2933

Childs, A. B., Cleaning Wheat, 3357

Childs, J., Bread and Biscuits, 3540

Ching, C., Boilers, 3310

Ciarbour and Teale, Mining Lamps, 3289

Clark, A. M., Revolving Battery Gun, 3341

Clark, A. M., Ships, &c., 2631

Clark, W. S., Poots and Shoes, 2615

Cope, Hignett, and Lauder, Tobacco, 2961

Ci ampton, T. R., Furnaces, 3504

Crease, J. F., Roman Cements, &c., 3057

Crease, J. F., Tank Filters. 3470

Crosland, J. S., Engines, &c., 2083

Dixon, S., Skirts, &c., 3740

Duckham, F. E., Weighing, 3644

Edmondson, W. J. and F., and Cuncllffe, Engraving Cylinders, 3343

Edwards, E., Photo-Mechanical Printing, 3543

Ensor, jun.. E , Kilns, 3467

Eskrett and Searle, Envelopes, 2706

Espeut, W. B., Centrifugal Washing Machines, 3158

Evans and King, Feeding Wool, &c., 3600

Fairlie, R. F., Locomotive Engines and Carriages, 2457

Ferrie, W., Furnaces, 3639

Fletcher, J., J. jun., and W., Mortar Mills, 3419

Fox and Reffitt, Polishing Wood, 3444

Fraser, G. C , Drying, 3691

Frearson, J., Forges, 2929

Gardner, W., Tools, 3192

Gribb and Gelstharp, Furnaces, 3074

Gillies, J., Shields for the Bungholes of Casks, 2653

Ginder, E., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 2267

Girard, L., D., Railways, &c., 2506

Girdlestone, H. J. and J. W., Dry

Closets, &c., 3742

Girdwocd, W. W., Self-lubricating Metallic Elastic Packing, 3136

Gledhill P., Cutting Coal, 3759

Glover, W., Looms, 2576

Goux, P. N., Manure, 566

Greaves, S. H„ Knives, Forks. &c., 2596

Greenwood and Keats, Boots and Shoes, 2955

Gregg, W. P., Roller Skates, 2917

Hattersley and Hill, Looms, 2960 Henderson, A. C., Shearing, 3476 Higgins i nd Whii worth. Spinning, 2179

Hornsby and Philips, Reaping and Mowing, 3471

Horsfall, W., Screws, Spikes, &c., 2882

Howard and Bousfield, Cutting Crops, 3437 Hughes, E. T., Wearing Apparel, 3684 Hutchinson, S., Striking-out Leather, 2389

Ibbetson, A. B., Metal Tubes, 2366

James, T., Sewing Machines, 2065 Jenkins, F., Telegraph Cables, 3236 Jones, J. G., Breaking Down Coal, 3298 Jones, W. J., Boilers, 2931

Kirk, A. C., Abstracting Heat, 2211

Koch, P., Untapped Nuts, 3593

Laycock, W. S., Weaving Fabrics, 2584

Lewis, J., Extracting Copper from its Ores, 2425

Lister, S. C,, Pile Fabrics, 2549

Livesey, J., Tramways, 3687

McFarland, G. B., Rotary Engine, 3446 Mackie, S. J., Propelling, 3312 May, W. C , Printing Ink, Ac., 2946 Mege, H., Fatty Matters, 2157

Minns, H. R., Locking Doors of Safes, 2759 Mole, F. M„ Matchetts and Cutlasses, 2216 Moncrieff, A., Absorbing and Utilising the

Force of Recoil Ordnance, 2539

Mcor and Head, Lowering Weights, 3157 Muir ard Mcllvham, Looms, 2<>68

Murdoch, H. H., Propelling Canal Boats, 2064

Newton, A. V., Fabrics, 3040

Newton, H. E., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 2159

Newton, W. E., Centrifugal Pumps, 2414 Newton, AV. E., Folding Paper, 3582 Newton, AV. E., Nails, <fcc., 2569

Nickerson, Raising and Stacking Straw, 2360

Nussey and Leachman, AVoollen Fabrics, 2585

O’Brien, E., Self-Feeding Balance, 2806

Oppenheimer, J., Fixing Telegraph Posts, 3308

Parham, W.. Building, 3457

Perkin, W. H., Colouring Matter, 3318 Pulvermacher, I. L., Electric Chains, 2062

Ranscme, Deas, and Rapier, Tramways 3575

Raper, Pearson, and Mills, Looms, 3024 Rendel, G. AV., Gun Carriages, 2796 Richards, W., Breech-loading Fire-arms and Cartridges, 2427

Richardson. W. H,. Crystal Measures, 3777 Robertson, J., Shaping Metals, 3677 Rowan and Horton, Steam Engines, 3253

Shand, J., Fire Engines, 2582

Shaw, G., Stoves and Furnaces, 2694

Sillar, W. C. and R. G., and Wigner, Deodorising, &c., Sewage, 1954

Simpson. S., Drawing Fine Wire, 2666

Smiles, J., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 3665 Smith, S., Common Road Carriages, 2424 Spagnoletti, C. E., Signalling, 3038 Spence, W., Soda Crystals, 3472

Spencer, J. H., Compound for Lubricating, 3145

Stroh, J. M. A., Electro-magnetic Clocks, 3028

Sumner and Waldenstrom, Boring Copper, 3726

Sutherland, W. S., Welding Plates, Tubes, &c., 2487

Tatham, W., Breaking Hard Waste, 3496 Taylor, T. F., Metal Tubes, 2294

Villepigne, F. F., Rock Boring, 2878

Way, J. T., Soap, 2328

Webb, F. W., Engines, 3403

Wheatley, T. and W., Fastenings, 2713 Wigzell and Pollit, Engines, 2898

Williams, W., Subaqueous, &c., Communicating, 3591

Willirmson, sen., W. B., Fastenings, 3710 Willis, J., Sunshades, 3571

Wilsrn. P., Locks and Latches, 3257 Wise, W. L., Horseshoes, 1C33 Woodward, J., Bricks, 3716 Woodward, L., Knitting, 3674

Worral and Kershaw, Folding Piece Goods' 2792

patents on toljici) tlje Stamp ®utp of £50 tjas ieenpaiti. The figures ref er to the numbers of the patents, not to pages.

Abel, C. D., Brakes, 3840

Abe], C. D., Soda and Potash, 2838

Adams, T., Valves, 3435

Alexander, D., Gullies, 3576

Anthony, jun., B. B., Advertising Tables, 2697

Armitage, E., Measuring and Drafting, 2665

Ashford, T., Cut Nails, 4063

Ashton, AV., Perambulators, 2539 Ashworth, J., Engines, 3719 Ayre, A. S., Oil Seeds, 3409

Baerlein, M., Treating Yarn, 4014

Banks, J. H., Printing Surfaces, &c., 2468 Bartlett, J., Type, 4145

Barlow, H. B., Embroidering, 4278 Barrow, T. Fog Signals, 4220 Baxter, M., Seed Drills, 4059 Baxter, W. H., Weighing, &c., 2421 Beanland, J. E., Quadrants, 3930 Beart, W. F., Kilns, 3604 Beckett, AV. H., Valves, 4285

Beesley, L., AV., and J., Punching Metals, 3498

Bell, jun., J., Railway Points, 2764

Pell, jun., J., and R.,,1 tilising Waste Heat, 3910

Bell, J., AV ashing Machine, 3033

Betts, W., Capsules, 2611

Bezer, H., Registering Fares, 3160 Bishop, T. B., Sewing Machines, 2555] Boaz, W., Stopping Tubes, 3171 Bonneville, H. A., Sowing Potatoes, 2948 Boomer, G. B., Screw Press, 3003

Boulton, M. P. W., Propelling Vessels, 3536 Bourry, E. A., Steam Boilers, 3046 Boyman, R. B., Rotary Engines, 3515 Brachigny and Deschamps, Motive Power, 2782

Bradford, T., Washing, &c., 3481

Brain, W. B., Producing Explosives, 2984 Brin, J. L., Artificial Butter, 3477

Britten, B., Glass, 3750

Brocklebank, T. A., Couplings, 3876 Brown, A., Ferro Manganese, &c., 2335 Brown, A., Screwing Soles, 4080

Browne, A., Heating, 3s76

Brownhill, R. W., Weighing Railway Trucks, ire., 2605

Buchholz, J. A. A., Treating Com, &c., 3068

Bullough, J., Sizing Yarns, 3648

Calvert, W., Silver Cans, 2983

Canning and Mayer, Telegraphy, 2554 Capanema, G. S. de, Insulators, 4171 Chatwood, S., Locks, 3550

Chelot, L., Nails, 3897

Clark, A. M., Artificial Fuel, 3419

Clark, A. M., Travelling Street Sidewalks, 2993

Clark and Standfield, Hydraulic Apparatus, 2498

Clarke and Turner, Packing for Glands, 2726

Coates, G., Preparing Warps, 3686

Codd and Foster, Stopping Bottles, 4268

Combe, J., Winding Cops, 2289

Concher, J., Beater Bars, 2674

Cook and Hibbert, Turbines, 2570

Cooper, Clarke, Donisthorpe, and Corah, Knitting, 3113

Cornforth, J., Cut Nails, 4057

Cottrell, W. C., Elevators, 2466

Cramp, C. C., Steam Car, 2341

Crampton, T. R., Iron and Steel, 3687

Crookes. W., Treating Nitrogenous Matters, 2790

Cunningham, W., Carding, 3962

Banks, S., Heating Furnaces, 3566

Darlow and Fairfax, Magneto Appliances, 3736

Davies and Dawson, Feed-water Heater, 4064

Davies and Higgins, Telegraphy, 2576 Davies, W., Fixing Blind Pulleys, 2345 Davis, J., Lubricators, 3995

Dawes, W., Musical Instruments, 3337 Dawson and Slater, Dyeing, 4043

Deacon, G. F., Measuring Flow of Water, 4264

Deacon, H., Alkali, 3092, 3336

Dean, J., Fireplaces, 2731

Dean, jun., W., Graining Wood, 3587 Dering, G. E., Permanent Way, 4228 Des ha yes, A. V., Embroidering, 3073 D'Humy, P. R. de F., Inkstands, 2457 Diver, E., Obstetric Apparatus, 3892 Dixon, J. A., Treating Copper Pyrites, 2981 Dodd. J., Mules for Spinning, 3019 Duty, G., Water Supply, 4128

Edwards, J., Stopper, 4114

Eggin ton, J. W., Lanterns, 4240

Ellis, J., Arranging Dwellings, 3311

Elsley, T., Opening Casements, 3241

Elwell, J., Sheep Cribs and Racks, 3831

Ermen, H. E., Cotton, 3386

Etzcnsberger, R. U., Infusions, 2448 Evans, W. R., Repeating Fire-arms, 2261 Everickx, C. J., Folding Chairs, &c., 3001

Fairbank, J., Nuts, 3440

Farron, S., Cocks, 2569

Fawcett, T. C., Bricks, 4045

Featherstonhaugh, J. F. W., Lard, &c., 3289

Fenton, J., Gunpowder, 4148

Field, E., Heating Liquids, 2254

Fisken, W., Steam Cultivating, 3262

Forder, F., Cars. 3563

Fox, T. and C. H., Dveing Piece Goods, 2703

Freestone and Humphris, Treating Spent Oxide of Iron, 2729

Fuller, B. F., Automatic Paper Feeder, 3974

Galloway, G. B., Economising Fuel, 3369

Gardner, H., Horseshoes, 3824

Gillman and Spencer. Beer, 3056

Glover, W., Looms, 4115,

Goodall, J. M., Envelope Folding, 2741

Goodall, R., Clarifying Water, 2791

Gould, 8., Washing, 3880

Grange, G., Use of Paper Substituted for Cardboard, 2950

Gray, J. W., Decorticating, 3098

Gray, M., Telegraphy, 3862

Green and Barrow, Gas Burners, 2889 Green, J., Blast Furnaces, 2762

Greener, W. W., Breech-loading Guns, 3084 Greenwood and Dennell, Piercing Leather, 2774

Griffiths, R., Steamships, 3817

Griswold, H. J., Knitting, 3257

Guthrie, R., Paraffine Oils, &c., 3303

Haddan, J. C., Closing Envelopes, 2900 Hamer, W., Salt, 3682

Hammond, H. W., Driving Piles, 2686

Hampton, J., Condensing Steam, &c., 2699 Hancock, J., Lace, 2672

Harding, T. R. and T. W., Pointing Wire, 2499

Harrington, G. F., Propellers, 3341

Harris, C., Paper Bags, 2804

Harris, F., Propellers for Ships, 2645

Harris and Judson, Sewing Machines, 304 Harrison, J., Preserving Food, 3760 Harvey and Pryer, Ballast, 3315

Haseltine, G., Horseshoe Nails, 3737

Haseltine, G., Looms, 3700, 4051

Haseltine, G., Lubricators, 3258

Haseltine, G., Opening, &c., Cotton, 3047

Haseltine, G., Railway Brakes, 3652 Haseltine, G., Rotary Engines, 3344 Haseltine, G., Signals, 3290

Hatton, E. H. and G., Binding Cords, 2884 Henderson, C. J., Heating Churches, 4111 Hide, C., Protecting, &c., Walls and Buildings, 2308

Higgins and Schofield, Spinning and Doubling. 2961

Hill, A. and W., Umbrellas, 3778

Hill, L., Regulating Speed, 2710

Hinton, F., Peat, 2714

Hodson, G., Looms. 2818

Hoflmark, B , Gunpowder, 3731

Holland, W., Stretchers, 3547

Holland, W., Umbrellas, 3466

Holmes, F. H., Fog Signals, 2917

Hornblower, L., Fireproof Buildings, 8714

Howard, 8., Straw Hats and Bonnets, 2662

Howden, J., Town g, 3278

Hoyois, A , Engines, 2490

Hughes, E. T., Panelling and Moulding, 2756

Hughes, E. T., Treating Wood, 3437

Hunt, B., Iodine, 3717

Hunt, B., Preserving Food, 2582

Hunt, J., Cutting Meat, 3524

Hunt, W., Sulphate of Soda and Potash, 2944

Hutchinson, R., Oils, 3287

Hutton, D., Dredging, 3239

Hyatt, T., Engineering, 3381

Hyatt, T., Illuminating Roofs, 2788

Imray, J., Discharging Coal, 2669

Jensen, P., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 13 Johnson, J. H., Blowing Machines, 4292 Johnson, J. H., Cutting Machines, 2932 Johnson, J. H., Cutting, &c., Stone, 4102 Johnson, J. H., Injectors, 2461 Johnson, J. H., Lamps, 3212

Johnson, J. H., Puddling Furnaces, 2819 Johnson, J. H., Puddling Iron, 2982 Johnson, J. H., Railway Switches, 3133 Johnson, J. H , Steel, 2487

Johnson, J. H., Sulphur, 19

Johnson, J. H., Treating Wool, 4027

Johnson, R. W., Artificial, 3208

Jones, J. G., Cutting Coal, 3637

Jones, E. B., S. A., and J. A., Iron and Steel, 3378

Jones, W., Sewing Fabrics, 3982

Jordan, C», Permanent Way, 3606

Jurgenson, C., Seed-gathering Machine, 2972

Keighleyand Netherwood, Cutting Woollen Cords, 3398

Kesterton, H., Boilers, 2497

Kimball and Morton, Sewing Machines, 2227

King, F J., Separating Zinc, 2574

Knight, J. H., Steam Digging, 3797 Koch, P. P. E. M., Preserving Meat, 4083 Kyle, J., Ice, 2410

Lake, W. R., Boots and Shoes, 3565

Lake, W. R., Boring Rock, 3901

Lake, W. R., Driving Nails in Boots, 3475

Lake, W. R., Horseshoes, 4210

Lake, W. R., Nails, 3470

Lake, W. R., Separating Rice. 2767

Lake, W. R., Spinning Wool, 2496

Lambert, F., Grapnels, 4100

Lambert, J. M., Leather Hose, 2549 Lee, A., Grinding of Saws, 3468 Leffler, C. J. L., Rolling Metals, 2590 Leveaux, E. H., Driving Carriages, 3123 Lloyd, F„ Fire-grates, 3925

Liernur, C. T., Utilising Sewage, 3168

Lilly, W. E., Box for Ho’ding Reels, 2952 Loomis, K. H., Bolts, 3342

Luke, R., Points, 2268

Maass and Flos, Packing, 3389

McFarlane, T. D., Washing, 4251 McGlashan, Softening Jute, 3465 McGregor, J., Glazing and Polishing Saws, 2939

Macgregor, P. C., Yarns, 3853

Mackay, M , Composition for Insides of Paobo 0^1 Q

Mallison, J., Bleaching, 3993

Malone, T 8., Stools, &c., 3811

Marcden and Collins, Treating Sewage, | 2317

Martin, A., Ornamenting Wood, 2704 Mason and Alcock, Kiers, 2997 Matthieson, J., Firing Torpedoes, 2588 Maxwell, J., Locks, 4084

Mein, W., Governors, 3868

Mellin g, J. W., Safety Valves, 3622

Mewburn, J. C., Lighting Railway Carriages, 3101

Mignot, J. S., Twilled Fabrics, 3096 Mills, B. J. B., Iron and Steel, 3589 Mills, B. J. B., Shaftings, 2810 Moore, B. T.. Current Meters, 3939 Moore, K, Washing Wool, 4107 Moore, W., Iron and Steel, 3801 Moreau, E., hewing Machines, 3614

Morewood and Kogers, Applying Tin, 3126, 3126

Morewood and Rogers, Coating Metal Plates, 4242

Morris, E. R., Measuring, 3948

Morris, J., Covers of Sanitary Pans, 3595 Moseley, W., Electrical Signals, £969

Muir and Caldwell, Steam Steering Engines, 2381

Murdoch, H. H., Cleaning Corn, &c., 2547 Musgrove and Shillington, Stoves, 2749

Naylor and Jagger, Looms, 4173 Neale, J , Telegraphy, 4143 Newton, A. V., Aluminium, 4204 Newton, A. V., Bridges and Roofs, 3591 Newton, A. V., Propellers, &c., 2271 Newton, W. E., Bridges, 3002

Newton, W. E., Electro-Magnets, 2461

Newton, W. E., Foundation of Bridges, 2978 n.

Newton, W. E., Grinding and Polishing Metals, 2720

Newton, W. E., Signalling by Night, 3970

Newton, W. E., Steam Boilers and Condensers, 2962

Nickoil, J. J., Coloured Lenses, 4106

Noad, J., Fire-lighters, 2921

Nott, T., Shafts, 3265

Nuttall, F. D., Gas Furnaces, 3628

Oldroyd, J. and M., jun., Woodcock and Coulter, Dyeing, 4157

1 Oppenheimer, L , Tiles, 3971

Osborn and Alley, Screw Propellers, 3379

Pace, E., Cutting Splints. 3272 Parker and Wade, Gas, 3868 Partridge, J., Venetian Blinds, 3199 Paterson and Ritchie, Capsules, 3298 Paul, A., Steering, 2651

Payne and Ping, Lace, 3134

Pearson, M., Looms, 2727

Pcrrett, E., Swimming Baths, 4249 Phillips, E. G., Fire-lighters, 2998 Phipps, T. L., Clipping Horses, &c., 2970 Pignel, H., Permanent Way, 4176 Plant and Green, Buttons, 3523

Potts, jun., J., Permanent Way, 4081

Price, J., Burning Fuel, 3462 Pulveimacher, 1. L., Electricity, 3519

Rahtjen, H., Anti-Fouling, &c.. 3920

Rainforth, W. and W., jun., Manure and Seed Drills, 3660

Ransome, J. E., Ploughs, 2659

Raworth, J. S., Winding, 3411

Rawson, Sillar, Slater, and Wilson,Treating Putrescent Matter, 2662

Rendel, G. W., Ordnance, 3882

Rice, J.. Beer Vessels, 3216

Richardson, J., Engines, 4136

Richardson, J., Vertical Boilers, 4153 Richmond, W., Chaff-cutters, 2551 Ritchie, C., Utilising Heat, 3227 Robertson J., Compressing Air, 3445 Robertson, Orchar, Muir, and Mcllwham,

Winding, 3427

Robinson, E. 8., Paper Bags, 2973

Robinson and Smith, Cutting Bungs, 3165

Rogers, H., Cut Nails, 2945

Rogers, J. E., Working Valves, 3158 Roman, IL, Automaton Box, 4177 Rome, J., Slide Valves, 2250 Ross, W., Water-closets, 3807 Roturier, J., Lifebuoy, 3057 Rowan, T., Fabrics, &c., 2507

St. John, W. II., Purifying Gas, 2527

Sanderson, W. A. and R., and J., Steam Boilers, 3546

Scott, G. A., Brushes, 2831

Sheehan, T., Steelifying Iron, 3202 Shorrock, J. L., Mixing Oils, 3332 Siemens, C. W., Iron and Steel, 4075 Silber, A. M., Burners, 2627 Silber and Farquhar Lamps, 291 Silver, T.. Burners, 3180

Sinclair, G., Boilers, 3693 Singleton, T., Yarns, 4244 Sirtaine, G., Cleaning Wool, 2485 Smith and Coventry, Screwing, 3878 Smith, E., Removing Sulphur, 3573 Smith and Field, Hydrocarbons, 3942 Smith, H., Candle Holders, 3906 Smith, T. J., Surfacing Cylinders, 3933 Smith, W., Looms, 3764

Smith, W., Switches, 3213

Southwood and Matthews, Propelling Ships, 4002

Spagnoletti, C. E., Railway Signals, 2401 Spence, P., Treating Phosphates of Iron, 3071

Spencer, C. M., Screws, 3757

Spice, R. P. Gas, 4178

Spratt, H. W., Voting by Ballot, 3793 Sprengel, IL, Sulphuric Acid, 3189 Stanford. W. H. C., Pipe Joints, 4039 Stanley. J. M., Injecting, 3154

Stapleton, G., Communicating in Trains, 2402

Stearns, J. B., Electric Telegraph, 2870 Stearns, J. B., Telegraphing, 3879 Steel, J., Actuating Brakes, 4110

Stevens, W., Heels for Boots and Shoes, 3155

Stevenson, Ree, and Dunlop, Cutting Coal, 3248

Stewart on and Anderson, Knitting, 2735 Sturgeon, J., Compressing Air, 2279 Surmon, H. J., Gas, 3327

Sutcliffe, R., Heating, 3132

Tall, J. M., Concrete Walls, 2733

Tasker, W., Couplings, 3980

Tatham, W., Calender Rollers, 4097

Tatham, J., Carding, 3743

Tatham, J., Feeding Wool, &c., 3668 Thomson, B. J., Sheathing, 3957 Thomson, J. B , Furnaces, 3849

Threlfall, Hamer, and Bond, Scouring, &c., 30

Thornycroft, J. I., Screw Propellers, 3551 Tongue, J. G., Bolts, 3520

Tongue, W., Combing, 3304

Trafford. W., Treating Silk. 4137

Turner, F. VV., Motors, 4088

Turner, L., Looms, 3786

Turner, W., Spinning Wool, Silk, &c., 2533 Tweedy and Simpkin, Locking, 3996 Twibill, J., Boilers, 3791

Underhay and Carter, Waste Water Preventer, 3916

Varley, F. H., Telegraphy, 232 Verity, W. and B., Boilers, 4096 Voisin, E., Cupolas, 3252

Walker and Cole, Picking Coals, 3276 Walker, W. T., Purifying Gas, 4163

Walker, W., Regulating the Temperature of Liquids, 3017

Walker, W.. Treating Hemp, 287

Walker, W., Treating Peat, 4048

Wall and Peen, Puddling Furnaces, 3776 Waitersand Rees, Pickling Plates, 3497 Wanzer, R. M., Sewing Machines, 2367 Warren, C., Fire-grates, 3765

Weems, W., Lighting, 3457

Weldon, W., Carbonate of Soda, 3805 Wetherhill, J., Drying Malt,&c., 2682

Western and Hamilton, Band Saws, 3203 West, J., Gas, 3225

West, J. F., Trellis, 4010

Westmacott, P. G. B., Capstans, 60 Westrup, H. J., Rudders, 39

Westwood, J., Fireproof Floors, 3560 Whalley, J., Hulling, &c.. 222 W bight, G , Grate Bars, 2433 Whight, G., Permanent Way, 2432 Whitgreave, J. R., Ships, &c., 2501 Whitthread, W., Disinfecting, 3169 Wiley, W. E., Fastenings for Shirt Studs, 3730

Williams, C., Propellers, 3856

Williams, S., Box Irons, 3C44

Wilson, Burch, and Battersby, Reaping and Mowing, 2687

Wilson and Burch, Reaping and Mowing, 2392

Wilson, R., Engines, 3883

Wirth, F., Carbonic Acid, 3194

Mirth, F., Circulating Lubricators, 2991 Wirth, F., Cold-producing Engine, 3142 Wise, W. L., Horseshces, 1133 Wood, C., Mortar, 3255

Wood, J., Embroidering, 3026

Worrall, J., Cut Pile Fabrics, 3969

Worrall, J., Dyeing Cloth, 2365

Yeomans, W. H., Needle-cases, 3935 Young, E., Bonding Roll Ties, 3623 Young, F., Carrying Ships’ Boats, 4050 Young, J., Muriatic Acid, 3654

See Also


Sources of Information