Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous

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The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.
The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Miscellaneous Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1880 Jul-Dec: Index

View the Indexes to these volumes.

Adelaide Waterworks, 80

Agricultural Returns, 333

Air Refrigeraitng Machine, Messrs. J. and E. Hall, 248, 249

American Census, The, 254

American Locomotive, The Coming, 328

American Locomotives, 251

“ American,” Loss of the, 49

American Patent Law, 180

American Patents, 194, 208, 209

Anchor, Messrs. Barford and Perkins, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 43

Anchor, Messrs. Everitt and Adams, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 42

Anglo-American Brush Electric Light Corporation,

Limited, 456

Angola, 479

“ Anthracite,” The s.s., Diagram from the Engines of, 91

Anvil Block, Casting a Big, 340

Armstrong 6in. and 8in. New Type Guns, 341

Association of Foremen Engineers, The London,


Association of Mining Students, The British :

Causes of Explosions—Atmospheric Changes and

Blown-out Shots, Mr. A. H. Leech, 282

Association of Municipal Engineers and Surveyors :

Visit to the Sewage Works of the Salford Corporation, 382

Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers,

209, 328

Austria, Brewery in, 407, 473

Austrian Brewery Plant, 266, 269, 302, 303, 345, 404,

407, 458, 462

Austrian Express Locomotive, 176, 178

Austrian Ironclad, “ Tegethoff,” The, 465

Balance Beam, Messrs. Davies and Sneade, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 53

Ballooning, 118

Band Saw, Double, Messrs. Worssam and Co., 245

Barrow District, Hematite Iron Mines of the, 100

Barrow Flax and Jute Works, The, 277

Barrow-in-Furness, Docks and Railway Approaches at, 98,137

Barrow Shipbuilding Company’s Works, Barrow-in-Furness, 3

Barrow Works, Steel-compressing Arrangements at the, 100

Basic Process, 360, 387, 402

Battersea, Proposed New Bridge at, 202

Beams, Practical Strength of, 492

Beetroot Sugar Manufactory, Ontario, 217

Bell-founding, 174

Belt Fastener, Messrs. Andrew Badger and Sons, 119

Belts, Problem Concerning, 8, 34, 46

Berlin-Anhalt Railway, Berlin, New Terminus of, (Supplement to The Engineer, October 1st, 1880), 306, 309, 362, 364

Bessemer, Sir H., 264

Bessemer Converters, 234

Birchill’s Ironworks, Sectional Elevation and Plan of

No. 4 Boiler, 1

Birmingham Wire Gauge, 335, 344

Blakeley’s Gun, 21

Block and Interlocking System on Railways, Combination of, 361

Bleamoor Accident, The, 313

Board of Trade Inspections, 84

Board of Trade and Railway Companies, 235

Board of Trade and Recent Railway Accidents, 234

Boat Lowering Apparatus, Captain G. Lawrence, 281

Boat Lowering and Detaching Apparatus, Captain Donovan, 401

Bochum Steel Works, 189, 191

Boiler, M. Jaques Piedboeuf, Dusseldorf Exhibition, 228

Boiler, M. J. Pr6gardieu, Dusseldorf Exhibition, 228

Boiler Explosion at the Birchill’s Hall Ironworks, Walsall, 465

Boiler Explosion at Maidstone, 441, 464, 495, 499

Boiler Explosions, 33, 311, 313, 363

Boiler Flues, Strength of, 351. 363, 492, 461

Boiler Inspection v. Responsibility, 120

Boiler Inspectors, 33

Boiler Insurance, 139

Boiler Parts, Stamped Steel, Messrs. R. Garrett and

Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 41

Boiler Plates, Repairing Cracks in, 496

Boiler Shell Drilling Machine, Mr. W. Bowker, 307

Boilers of the “ Livadia,” 70

Boilers, Marine, 308

Boilers, Practical Care of, 184

Boiler, The “Staffordshire,” Mr. William Whittle, 32f

Boiler Stays, Machine for Fixing, Mr. Allan, 193

Boilers, Steel, 88, 161, 194, 209, 231, 247, 264

Bolckow, Vaughan, and Co., Messrs., Cogging Engines, for Messrs. W. and J. Galloway, 302, 310

Bolckow, Vaughan, and Co., Messrs., Steel Rails, 308

Books Received, 12, 125, 253, 309, 447, 465

Bosnian Railways, 482

Bouch, Sir Thomas, 347

Braced Piers for Bridges, 241

Brake, Automatic, Mr. Parker Smith, 421

Brake, Duplex Automatic Vacuum, Mr. F. W. Eames, 22, 28, 46

Brake, Proposed Automatic Air, 308

Brake Question, The, 105

Brake, Smith’s Vacuum, its Removal from the Midland Main Line Trains, 496

Brake Trials on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 74

Brake, The Westinghouse, 454

Brakes, Continuous, 182, 230, 334, 402, 461

Brakes, Continuous, their Abuse, 363, 402, 418

Brakes, Continuous, their Value, 420

Brakes, Continuous, Railway Companies on, 197

Brakes, Continuous, The Westinghouse and Eames, 474

Bramwell, Mr., on the Perkins System, 87

Brewery, An Australian, The Germania Company, 345, 346

Brewery Exhibition, The, 265

Brewery Plant, Austrian, 266, 269, 302, 303, 345, 404, 407, 458, 162

Brewing in Austria, 207, 266, 269, 302, 303, 345, 346, 347, 407, 473

Brickmaking in Wet Weather, 333

Bridge Building in America, 159

Bridge, North-Eastern Railway, over the Wear, Sunderland, 362, 368

Bridge, Orenburg, over the Volga, 254

Bridge, Swing, Buccleuch Dock, Barrow-in-Furness, 137

Bridge Across the Tees, Railway, 283, 401

Bridge over the Yarra, near Melbourne, 284

Bridges of Long Spans, Iron, J 34

Bridges, Railway, their Strength, 34

Bridges, Swing and Other, 138, 194

Brighton Beach. 105, 138

Brinsmead’s Straw Shakers, 400

British Association, The, Meeting at Swansea, 138, 155, 176

Inaugural Address of the President, Prof. Ramsay, 158

Brodie, Sir Benjamin, 465

Brussels Exhibition, 4

Building Societies and the Parkes Museum, 271

Burner, Gas, Mr. McGeorge, 494

Burnley Waterworks, Reservoir, and Embankments, 353

Bye Products in the Iron Manufacture, 312, 423

Byrne, Mr. Oliver, his Death, 474

Cable Grappling in Deep Water, 141

Cabs on Locomotives, 464

Cabs, Steam, 269

Caisson and Air Lock, Hudson River Tunnel, 327

Canal, Trans-Russian, 155

Cargo Steamers, 85

Cargo Steamship, Grain, Capt. Lowrie, 82

Cartridges, Hydraulic, 308

Cask-making Machine, The Guelph, 265

Cask-washing Apparatus, Herr F. Scheil, 404, 407

Castleford, New Market Hall at, 476, 480, 484, 496

Chatham Dockyard Extension Works, 226, 247

Chemical Lung for the Underground Railway, 246

Chinese Labour, 125

Cincinnati, The Milling Exhibition, 4, 54

Clement and Paravicini, Messrs., Safety Switch, 400

Cleveland Iron, 85

Cleveland Iron Output in 1880, 464

Cleveland Iron Trade, 142

Cleveland Ironmasters’ Returns, 353

Cleveland Water Supply, 482

Coal at the Cape, 313

Coal Industry of the Lower Rhine and Westphalia, 187

Coal Mine Explosions, 264

Coal Mines, Explosions in Fiery, 138

Coal Mining in Saxony and in England, 125

Coal Pit Explosion at Risca, 70

Coal Pit Refuse, 159

Coal on Railways, 234

Coal on Railways, Cost of, 500

Coast Trade of India, 85

Coal Air Machines, Theory of, 216, 246, 286, 308, 335, 345, 363, 402, 418, 461, 474, 496

Colliery Explosions, 84, 247

Collin’s Line, Last Steamship of the, 467

Cologne Cathedral, 182

“ Compensation ” on Railways, 268

Competitive Plans, 460

Condenser, M. Brossard, 192

Contractors and Engineers, 425

Contracts Open:

Railway Bridge across the Tees, 283

Cooling Apparatus, Wort Herr Oscar Kropff, 346

Cooling Air by Compression and Expansion, 324

Cooling and Filtering Plant, Herr A. Neubecker, 347

Co-operation, Productive, 370

Cooper’s Hill College, 336

Cotton-spinning Machinery, Improvements in, 383

Coupling between Engine and Tender, Mr. Haswell, 279

Crane, Self-acting Grab Bucket, Messrs. J. H. Wilson and Co., 279

Crane, Steam, Colville Steel Works, Motherwell, 477

Cultivating Machinery, Steam, at the Carlisle Show, 61

Cultivator, Steam, Mr. Dai by, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 43

Currents Produced by Friction between Conducting Substances and on a New Form of Telephone Receiver, 242

Cyprus, Engineering Notes on, 348

Davos, the Winter Climate of, Paper on, 19

De Bay Propeller, The, 133, 456

De Bay Propeller Gearing, Sectional Elevation of, in the s.s. “ Cora Maria,” 133, 136

Dephosphorisation Process, The, 264

Dephosphorising in the Converter, 173, 189

Diaries, 477

Die Stock, Improved, Messrs. Walker and Williams, 420

Digger, Trial of Darby’s Patent Broadside, 159

Digging Machine, Mr. Darby, 85

Disc, Fusing, Mr. Reese, 259

Discharge of Rivers, Formulae for, 344

Disintegrator, Mr. J. H. Greenhill, Royal Agricultural

Society’s Show, 52

Dock and Harbour Works on the North-East Coast, 12

Dock, New Dry, Poplar, 302

Dock, The Royal Albert, 6, 7, 10

Donovan, Capt., Boat-lowering and Detaching Apparatus, 401

Dortmund, The Union Works, 190

Drags, Carriage, 302

Drainage, Duplicate, 69

Drilling Machine, Messrs. S. and E. Ransome and Co", 384

Dublin and Holyhead, Communication between, 72

Dudley, Town Council of, 138

Du Motay and Rossi, 6-ton Ice Machine, Messrs. C. H.

Delamater and Co., 144

Durham University College of Physical Science, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 224

Dusseldorf Exhibition, 153, 189, 211, 215, 228, 230

Dusseldorf, Iron and Steel Institute at, 171, 189, 215

Dutch Trials of Competitive Projectiles, 278

Eames, Mr. F. W., Duplex Automatic Vacuum Brake, 22, 28, 46

Earthquake Buildings, 335

Earthquakes in Smyrna, The Late, 308

Earthworks and the Steam Navvy, Mr. H. C. Baldryon, 396

Edinburgh Water Supply, 243

Electric Lamp, Mr. Swan, 401

Electric Light, 51, 332, 442

Electric Light Apparatus at Glasgow, 370. 403

Electric Light, The Jamin, 278

Electric Lighting, 418

Electric Lighting, Mr. Swan on, 325

Electric Light at the Royal Albert Dock, 253

Electric Light for Steamers, 5

Electric Lighting in the City, 403

Electricity on Board War Ships, 407

Electro-Dynamic Paradox, 212

Ely Local Board of Health, Munificent Offer of the, 389, 402

Employers’ Liability Act, Arrangements under the, 333

Engert’s Smoke Preventer, 382

Engine and Boiler, Vertical, Messrs. Ransomes, Sims, and Head, Smithfield Club Show, 455

Engine and Boiler, Vertical, Messrs. Turner, Smith-field Club Show, 455

Engine, Compound Horizontal Condensing, Mr. J. Turnbull, 211, 214

Engine, Compound Horizontal Pumping, Staveley, Mr. C. Markham, 229, 232, 262, 269

Engine, Compound Portable, Messrs. Richard Garrett and Sons, 397

Engine, Cylinder, Inverted, Messrs. Craig and Co., 3

Engine Economy, 403

Engine, Express, on the K.K.P. Empress Elizabeth

Railway, Mr. John Haswell, 200, 201

Engine, 6-H. P. Farmer’s, Messrs. J. and F. Howard, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 61

Engine, High-speed Rotary, Mr. Hodson, Engineering Exhibition, 417

Engine, Horizontal Condensing, Soci6te Anonyme de Marcinelle et Couillet, 343, 350

Engine, Portable, Messrs. Cochran and Co., Royal Agricutural Society’s Show, 39, 41

Engine, Portable, Messrs. R. Garrett and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 40, 44

Engine, The Reading, Royal Agricultural Society’s

Show, 39, 41

Engine Repairs at Sea, 403

Engine, Rotary, Mr. J. L. Dexter, 218

Engine Thrown Down an Embankment, 378

Engineer and Inventor, 325

Engineering, Amateur, 500

Engineering Exhibition, 384, 417

Engineering Society, A New, 396

Engineering Trades and the Employers’ Liability Act, 482

Engines of the “ Anthracite,” 499

Engines at the Carlisle Show, 44

Engines, Cogging, for Messrs. Bolckow and Vaughan, Messrs. W. and J. Galloway, 302, 310

Engines, Compound, 406

Engines, Compound Portable, 71, 397

Engines, Compound, for Steam Launches, Mr. H. Tipping, 140, 145, 156, 165

Engines, Compound, of the s.s. “Lady Tyler,” Messrs.

R. and W. Hawthorn, 382, 386, 417, 424

Engines, Compound, of the “Ville d’Oran” and “ Ville de Bone,” Messrs. Wigham, Richardson, and Co. (Supplement to the Engineer, August 6th, 1880), 101,117

Engines, Compound, Steam Yacht “Wanderer,” 436 440, 444

Engines, Compressed Air, 460

Engines, Horizontal Hauling, Australian Agricultural Company’s Collieries, 119

Engines, Horizontal Hauling, Messrs. Tangye Bros., 101, 103

Engines, Hydraulic Pumping, Zurich Waterworks, Mr. A. Schmid, 165

Engines, Steam Gas, 267

Engines of the Steamships “ Ville d’Oran ” and “ Ville de Bone,” 211

Engines, Traction, at the Smithfield Club Show, 474

Engines, Winding, at the Piges Pit of the Sacre Madame Colliery, Socidtd Anonyme de Marcinelle et Couillet, 193, 196

Excavation of Flood-rock, Hell-gate, 328

Exhibition, The Brussels :

Horizontal Condensing Engine, Socidt6 Anonyme de Marcinelle et Couillet, 343, 350

Exhibition, Dusseldorf :

Piedboeuf Trophy, The, 153, 189, 211, 215, 228, 230,. 280

Exhibition, Engineering, at Islington :

Drilling Machine, Messrs. S. and E. Ransome and Co., 384

Engine, High Speed Rotary, Mr. Hodson, 417

Exhibition of Gas and Electric Light at Glasgow, 344

Exhibition, Glasgow Naval and Marine Engineering, 348

Exhibition, Industrial, at Manchester, 219, 363

Exhibition, The Vienna Industrial, 277

Explosion, Phenomena of, 290

Explosions, The Causes of—Atmospheric Changes and.

Blown-out Shots, 282

Explosions in Coal Mines, 233

Exports to Chili, 328

Filey, Harbour at, 382, 403

Filter—Cloth Stretcher, Mr. S. H. Johnson, 265

Fine Art Foundry Work, 59

Fire-arms, Breech-loading, Mr. James Macnaughton, 400

Fire-bars, Chain, Mr. W. Welch, 72

Fire Escape, A New, 442

Firth, Mr. Mark, 417

Fitzgerald, Mr. Desmond G., Magneto and Dynamoelectric Machines, 284

Floods, Prevention of, 351, 360, 363, 388, 477

Florida Ship Canal, 271

Flues, Boiler, Strength of, 351, 442

Fogs, Purification of London, 289

Forth Bridge, The, 198

Foundations, Sinking Cylindrical, 400

Fuel, Manufacture of Compressed, 246

Fuel, Pressed: its Manufacture at Port Richmond, Philadelphia, 227

Furnaces, British Blast, 252

Furnace Flues, the Strength of, 442

Furness Railway Extensions, 406

Garrett and Sons, Messrs. Richard, Portable Compound Engine. 397

Gas Detection, 19

Gas, Electric, and other Apparatus, Exhibition of, at Glasgow, 246

Gas and Electric Light, Exhibition of, at Glasgow, 344

Gas Explosion at Tottenham Court-road, 141, 161

Gas Explosions, 30, 50

Gas Furnaces, 246

Gas Generating Furnaces, 191

Gasholder at the South Metropolitan Gasworks, 175

Gas, London, 496

Gas Regulator, Mr. Borrodaile, 218, 219

Gasworks, Bye Products in, 30

Gate Closer, An American, 165

Gauge for High Pressures, Standard, Paper on, 115

Gear, Horse, Messrs. Crowley and Co., 192

Gear, Wire Cable, s.s. “Moewe,” 494

Gear, Slow Motion, Mr. Savage, Royal Agricultural, Society’s Show, 43

Geology of Belgium and the North of France, 143

Gilchrist Engineering Scholarships, 199

Glasgow and the Clyde, 361

Glasgow, Electric Light Apparatus at, 370, 403

Glasgow, Exhibition of Gas, Electric, and other Apparatus, 246, 344

Glasgow, Naval and Marine Engineering Exhibition, 348

Government and the London Water Supply, 405

Great Eastern Railway Company’s Paddle Steamer

“ Lady Tyler,” 382, 386, 417, 424

Great Western Railway Company, 180

Gun, American Palliser, 79

Gun, The 100-ton, 308

Gun, The 100-ton : its Trial in the Royal Arsenal, 225

Gun, New 13-pounder Breech-loading, 323

Gun, The Palliser Breech-loading, 361

Gun Question, The, 215

Gunpowder in Coal Mines, 2S5

Guns, The Armstrong 6in. and 8in. New Type, 341

Guns, Breech-loading, in the Spanish Navy, 79

Guns, Increasing Power of, 389

Guns, Relative Merits of, 267

Guns, Steel, 21

Gutehoffnung Works, 173

Harbour Works at Colombo and Madras, 290

Hartlepool Gas and Water Company, 77

Hawthorn, Mr., Death of, 164

Haymaker, Messrs. J. and F. Howard, Smithfield

Club Show, 456

Heating Stove, Herr Lentz, 244

High-speed Ocean Steamships, 331

Higinbotham. Mr. Thomas, 421

Higson, Mr. Peter, Death of, 398

Hoerde Works, 191

Hohenzollern Locomotive Works, Grafenberg. 244

Holyhead Harbour and Docks, Mr. W. Baker and Mr.

F. Stevenson, 83, 86, 91, 102, 107

Hot Blast Stoves, 460

Hudson Railway Tunnel, 227

Hudson River Tunnel, The Accident in the, 106

Hudson River Tunnel, Caisson and Air Lock, 327

Hull and Barnsley Railway and Docks, 50, 118

Hurdles, Rivetless, Messrs. Bayliss, Jones, and

Bayliss 249

Hygiene, Exhibition of, 496

Ice Machine, 6-ton, Du Motay and Rossi, 144

Ice-making Machine, Dusseldorf Exhibition, Herr

Lindes, 211

Impact, The Force of, 403

Indian Railways, 278

Indicator, The, 415

“ Inflexible,” The, 477

Ingot Iron, 179

Institute, City and Guilds of London, for the Advancement of Technical Education, 182

Institute of Engineers, Chesterfield and Derbyshire :

Lead and Lead Mining, Mr. A. H. Stokes, 117

Institute, The Iron and Steel, 92, 152

Coal Industry of the Lower Rhine and Westphalia, Herr Nartop, 189

Dephosphorising in the Converter, Herr Massenez, 155, 173, 189

Dusseldorf Exhibition, The, 153

Gas Generating Furnaces. Herr Lurman, 191

Iron Industry of Germany, 154

Pig Iron Making in Germany, Herr Schlink, 171

Results Obtained with Iron Permanent Way on the

Prussian State Railways, Herr Gruettefien, 155

Visit to the Bochum Works, 191

Visit to the Gutehoffnungshuette Works, 173

Visit to the Hoerde Works, 191

Visit to the Hohenzollern Locomotive Works, Grafenberg, 244

Visit to the Phoenix Works, 173

Visit to the Rhenish Steel Works, 172

Visit to the Union Works, Dortmund, 190

Voting List for the Autumn Meeting at Dusseldorf, 125

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 85, 260, 348, Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. Cowper, 97

Cotton Spinning Machinery Recent Improvements in, Mr. Eli Spencer, 383, 437

Docks and Railway Approaches at Barrow-in-Furness, Mr. Stileman, 98

Gauge for High Pressures, On a Standard, Mr.

George Marie, 115

Hematite Iron Mines of the Barrow District, Mr. J.

L. Shaw, 100

Manufacture of Jute, Mr. Fleming, 113

Steamship “City of Rome,” Mr. Humphreys, 98

Steel Compressing Arrangements at the Barrow Works, 100

Valve Gear, New Reversing and Expansive, Mr.

David Joy, 113

Visit to the Barrow Flax and Jute Works, 277

Visit to Barrow Steel Company’s Mines at Park and Messrs. Kennedy Bros.’ Mines, Roanhead, 116

Visit to North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Company’s Furnaces. 115

Visit to Millom Ironworks and the Hodbarrow

Mines, 117

Institute of Mining Engineers, The American:

Manufacture of Pressed Fuel at Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Mr. E. F. Loiseau, 227

Institution, Birkbeck Literary and Scientific, 271

Institution of Civil Engineers, 484

Awards made during the Session 1879-80, 8

Beams, Practical Strength of, Mr. Benjamin Baker, 485

New List of Members, 38

List of Subjects on which Communications are Invited, 366

Machinery for Steel Making by the Bessemer and the Siemens Processes, Mr. Benjamin Walker, 366

Institution of Civil Engineers in Ireland :

Measurement of Distances in Levelling and Surveying Operations, Mr. Henry V. White, 139

Institution, The Cleveland, 401

Steel Manufacture in Cleveland, Mr. Windsor

Richards, 381, 416

Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 363

Institution, The London :

List of Lectures to be Delivered During the Winter

Session, 328

Insurance of Workmen’s Bill, 29

Ipswich Drainage, 308, 335, 344

“ Iris,” The, and Steel Plates, 481

Iron and Bronze, their Use Amongst the Ancients, Prof. Huntington on, 285

Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Other Districts, 19, 37, 59, 77, 95, 111, 131, 149, 169,187, 205, 223, 239, 257, 270, 292, 315, 335, 354, 371, 389, 407, 428, 447, 466, 485, 501

Iron Industry of Germany, 154

Iron Making in America, 59

Iron Making in India, 216

Iron Trade, the American, 454

Iron, Malleable Cast, M. L. Fourquignon on, 494

Iron, Northern Manufactured, 353

Iron, Pig, in Germany, 171

Iron Shipbuilding on the Dart, 90

Iron Trade, Northern, 88

Iron Trade in 1880, Northern Manufactured, 464

Ironworkers’ Wages, 252

Japan, Education in, 164

Jute, Manufacture of, Paper on, 113

Kirchoff, Prof., on Lightning Rods, 176

Kraft, Mr., Indicator, 415

Krupp, Messrs., Gun Burst on the “ Renown,” 21

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 124,142

Land Subsidence in Cheshire, 456

Launch of the “ Italia,” 252

Launch at South Stockton, 96

Launch, Steam Towing, Messrs. Cochran, 327

Launch of a Steamer at Birkenhead, 271

Leading Articles :

Agricultural Returns, 333

Amateur Engineering, 500

American, An, on English Railway Travelling, 426

American Locomotives, 216

“ American," Loss of the, 49

American Patent Law, 180

Basic Process, The, 387

Bessemer Converters, 234

Bleamoor Accident, 313

Board of Trade and Recent Railway Accidents, 234

Boiler Explosions, 311

Boiler Flues, Strength of, 351

Boilers of the “ Livadia,” 70

Boilers, Steel, 88, 161

Brake Question, The, 105

Bramwell, Mr., on the Perkins System, 87

Brickmaking in Wet Weather, 333

Brighton Beach, 105

Burnley Waterworks, Reservoir, and Embankment, 353

Bye Products in Gasworks, 30

Bye Products in the Iron Manufacture, 312

Cable Grappling in Deep Water, 141

Cabs on Locomotives, 464

Cleveland Ironmasters’ Returns, 353

Cleveland Iron Output in 1880, 464

Cleveland Iron Trade, 142

Cleveland Water Supply, The, 482

Coal at the Cape, 313

Coal Pit Explosion at Risca, 70

Coal on Railways, 234

Coal, Cost of, on Railways, 500

Cold Air Machines, 216

Contractors and Engineers, 425

Compensation on Railways, 268

Duplicate Drainage, 69

Electric Light, The, 332

Electric Light Apparatus at Glasgow, Trials of, 370

Employers’ Liability Act, Arrangements under the, 333

Engineering Trades and the Employers’ Liability Act, 482

Engines of the “ Anthracite,” 499

Engines, Compound, 406

Engines, Steam Gas, 267

Explosion, the Phenomena of, 290

Explosions in Coal Mines, 233

Floods, Prevention of, 351, 388

Fogs, London, their Purification, 289

Forth Bridge, The, 198

Furnaces, British Blast, 252

Furness Railway Extension, 406

Gas Explosions, 30, 50

Gas Explosion at Tottenham-court-road, 141, 161

Gilchrist Engineering Scholarships, 199

Government and the London Water Supply, 405

Great Western Railway Company, 180

Gun Question, The, 215

Guns, Increasing Power of, 389

Guns, Relative Merits of, 267

Harbour Works at Colombo and Madras, 290

High Speed Ocean Steamships, 331

Hot Blast Stoves, 446

Hudson River Tunnel, Accident in, 106

Hull and Barnsley Railway and Dock Scheme, 50

Ingot Iron, 179

Insurance of Workmen’s Bill, The, 29

“ Iris,” The, and Steel Plates, 481

Ironmaking in India, 216

Iron Trade, Northern, 88

Iron and Steel Institute at Dusseldorf, 215

Ironworkers’ Wages, 252

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 124, 142

Launch of the “ Italia,” 252

Lightning, Mechanical Action of, 11 “ Livadia,” The, 311

Liverpool and Manchester Railway, September 15th, 1830, 197

Locomotive Engines, The Performance of, 291

Locomotives, American, 251

Locomotives, The Earning Power of, 427

Locomotives, English and American, 179

London Gas Supply, Progress of, 11

London and North-Western Railway, 162

London Water Supply, Select Committee on, 123

Machinery Steel, 406

Maidstone Boiler Explosion, 464, 499

Manchester and Sheffield Railway Traffic, 88

Mechanical Power on Tramways, 268

Metropolitan Railway, The, 313

Metropolitan Water Supply, 332

Mines Drainage Scheme, The, 106

Mines, Loss of Life in, 70

Mines Regulation Act for India, Suggested, 162

Mining Legislation in India, 142

Minister of Public Works and the French Railway

Companies, 251

Munificent Offer, 389

Narrow Escapes, Two, 124

Newfoundland, Government Railway in, 142

New Streets and Artisans’ Dwellings, 352

North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, 500

North-Eastern Railway, Rumoured Opposition to, 388

North of England’s Future, The, 291

Northern Manufactured Iron, 353

Northern Manufactured Iron Trade in 1880, 464

Ordnance Committee, The New, 463

Papers and Discussions, 426

Patents, Cheap, 445

Perkins Engine in the United States, The, 446

Post-office and the Telephone, The, 481

Productive Co-operation, 370

Purification of the Metropolitan Railway Tunnels, 162

Railway Accidents, Two, 124

Railway Carriages and Collisions, 370

Railway Companies on Continuous Brakes, 197

Railway Crossings and Continuous Brakes, 369

Railway Half-year, The, 12

Railway Projects next Session, 291

Railways in Course of Construction, 389

Range Finding, 198

Recklessness in Mines, 407

Rivers, Management of, 445

South Yorkshire Coal-fields, 143

Steel Boilers, 88, 161

Steel, Compressed, 123

Steel-making Experiments by the Indian Government, 31

Steel Making in the United States, 464

Steel from Phosphoric Pig, 87

Tay Bridge, The, 124

Tay Bridge Inquiry, The End of the, 29

Tay Bridge, Reconstruction of, 88

Thomas-Gilchrist Process, The, at Eston, 333

Tire Fastenings, 69

Tonnage Rates from Yorkshire to London, 30

Trade Prospects, 233

Tramway Construction, 49

Tramways, 426

University College, London, 30

Wages Movement by Ironworkers, 353

Walsall Boiler Explosion, The, 124, 142, 313

Water Filtration and Softening, 463

What is it ? 180

Legal Intelligence:

The Attorney-General v. Edison Telephone Company, Limited, 422, 442, 478

Letters to the Editor :

Albert Dock, The, B. H. Martindale, 387

Alloying Antimony and Zinc? J. H. W., 179

American Patents, J. Angelo Fahie, 209

American Patents, Wm. P. Thompson, 194

American Patents, W. C. B., 209

Austrian Brewery Plant, Domeier and Co., 387

Basic Process, Wm. Southern, 402

Beam Engines ? Adjusting, Constant Reader, 425

Beam Engines, Adjusting, J. S. M., 363

Belting? Patent, X. Y. Z., 179

Birmingham Wire Gauge, Henry Eades and Co., 344

Birmingham Wire Gauge, H. E., 335

Birmingham Wire Gauge, C. H. Nicholsoi, 344

Letters to the Editor (continued) -

Birmingham Wire Gauge, Tau, 344

Birmingham Wire Gauge, Gastrill Wilkins, 344

Board of Trade Inspections, C. E., 84

Boiler Explosions, J. T. L., 363

Boiler Explosions, R Rough ton, 33

Boiler Flues, Strength of, The Three R.’s, 461

Boiler Flues, Strength of, A Spectre, 363

Boiler Flues, Strength of, Another Spectre, 402

Boiler Inspection v. Responsibility, Uninsured Boiler, 120

Boiler Inspectors, Inspector, 33

Boiler Insurance, R. Charles Longridge, 139

Boiler Plates, Repairing Cracks in, P. Pfleiderer, 496

Books for Young Engineers? Chill, 331

Brake, Proposed New Automatic Air, Bernard

Henry Watson, 308

Brakes, Continuous, Francis Campin, 182

Brakes, Continuous, Frederick S. Haggard, 182, 230

Brakes, Continuous, A. Munyard, 402

Brakes, Continuous, R. D. Sanders, 108, 461

Brakes, Continuous Air, Dux, 334

Btakes, Continuous, Abuse of, Dux, 418

Brakes, Continuous, Abuse of, Viator, 402

Brakes. Continuous, Abuse of, X. X., 363, 418

Brass Wire Gauze? D. W. R. C., 233

Bridge over the Taff, C. A. Thomas, 331

Bridge across the Tees, New Railway, Wilson

Brothers and Co., 425

Brighton Beach, William Swales, 138

Bullen’s High-pressure Ball Cock ? W. J. N., 289

Bye Products in the Iron Manufacture, James Henderson, 423

Carlisle Show ? Priestman Brothers, 69

Cargo Steamers, Edward Jackson, 85

Chain Driving Gear, J. F. K., 351

Chatham Dockyard Extension Works, E. R. Ellington, 247

Chemical Lung for the Underground Railway and other Collections of Foul Air, Richard Neale, 246

Chilled Rolls? S. F., 123

“ City of Rome,” The, John Evelyn Williams, 120

“ City of Rome,” The s.s., T. J., 164

Cleveland Iron, Robert Hutton, 85

Coal Mine Explosions, J. McG., 264

Coast Trade of India, John Oran, 85

Cocoa-nut Oil Machinery? Cocoa, 445

Coke Ovens ? Subscriber, 29

Cold Air Machines, G. R. Bodmer, 418

Cold Air Machines, J. J. Coleman, 335, 402

Cold Air Machines, W. F. C., 246

Cold Air Machines, J. and E. Hall, 286, 335

Cold Air Machines, J. Hodgson, 418, 445

Cold Air Machines, A. C. Kirk, 308

Cold Air Machines, J. B. Lightfoot, 402

Cold Air Machines, Theory of, I. H. H., 496

Cold Air Machines, Theory of, J. Hodgson, 496

Cold Air Machines, Theory of, S. R., 461

Cold Air Machines, Theory of, M. I. E. S., 363

Cold Air Machines, The Tneory of, </>. tt., 345,461,474

Colliery Explosions, M. E., 84

Colliery Explosions, Thomas Story Horn, 247

Compound Portable Engines, Richard Garrett and Sons, 71

Compressed Air Engines—Fallacies and Faults, Chas.

G. Watkins, 460

Compressed Air Locomotives, Inquirer, 8

Compressed Air Locomotives, L. and E. Delettrez, 46

Compressed Fuel, Manufacture of, S. B., 246

Compressed Steel, Memb. I. and S. Inst., 139

Compressing Malt ? R. E. P., 161

Compression of Steel, James Henderson, 496

Copper Paint? T. B., 215

Cotton Pulp for House Decorations ? Inquirer, 161

Cutting Screws, R. K., 387

Cutting Screws, Clifford England, 405

Cycloids ? Problem in, Oval, 425

Darby’s Digging Machine, Sylvanus Eddington, 85

De Bay Propeller, The, W. J. Tanner, 474

De Bay Propeller, The, Truth, 474

Dephosphorisation Process, The, Thomas Hampton, 264

Dock at Poplar, New Dry, Donald Baynes, 331

Drainage of Ipswich, Peter Bruff, 335

Drainage of Ipswich, Reginald E. Middleton, 308, 345

Drainage Problems ? S., 197

Drilling Square Holes, J. H. H., 363

Drying Tar? S. H. G., 405

Duncan’s Patent Water Engine? H. W., 215

Eames Brake ? The, F. W. Eames, 197 •

Earthquake Buildings, Hyde Clarke, 335

Earthquakes in Smyrna, The Late, J. Stab, 308

Electric Light, The, R. E. Crompton, 442

Electric Light Apparatus at Glasgow, Trials cf,

Fritz Cunliffe Owen, 403

Electric Lighting, T. J. Montgomery, 418

Electric Lighting in the City, W. Crompton, 403

Engine Repairs at Sea, L., 403

English and American Patents, W. Silver Hall, 2!?0

Experimental Control Over the Wear and Tear on

Railways, S. T. P., 85

Explosions in Fiery Coal Mines, Working Miner, 138

Floods, Prevention of, Hugh Browne, 363

Force of Impact, P , 403

Formula for the Discharge of Rivers, Charles A.

Stevenson, 344

French Brass Wire Gauze, D. W. R. C., 49

Frosted Tin and Galvanised Plates? S. and H., 331, 425

Fur Clipping Machines ? G. E., 29

Furnace Flues, The Strength of, Timid Shipowner, 442

Gas Furnaces, Oxide, 246

Glasgow and the Clyde, James and George Thomson, 387

Gun, The 100-Ton, G. F. L, 308

Harbour at Filey, Proposed, J. Bertie Cator, 403

Harbour at Filey, Proposed, Charles B. Clarke, 403

Hornblower’s Fireproof Floors ? A. C. R., 49

Hot Blast Stoves, D. Whitwell, 460

Hydraulic Cartridges, James Macnab, 308

Hydraulic Lifts at the Royal Hotel, Geo. Waller and Co., 208

Hydraulic Moulding Machines? S. B., 49

Hydrogen Gas Retorts ? Dryer, 69

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Thos. Adams, 123

Involutes, Problem in, A. Long Brown, 387, 405

Involutes, Problem in, Short Division, 405

Involutes, A Problem in, James Tomkins, 369

Involutes, Problem in, T. Voss, 405

Involutes, A Problem in, T. V., 369

Japan, Education in, Robert H. Smith, 164

Joints for Steam Pipes ? T. M. H., 481

Joy’s Valve Gear, A. Verey, 139

Landing Piers ? Light Iron, J. M., 351

Lift, Hydraulic Canal, on the River Weaver, J. Watt Sandeman, 179

Lille Accident, The, C. E. Stretton, 442

“ Livadia,” The, N. A., 402

“ Livadia,” The, A Seaman, 460

Local Boards and Surveyors, C. E., 402

Local Boards and Surveyors, Sigma, 402

Locomotive of the Future, E. L. Pearce, 423

Locomotives, English, in Queensland, Frederick Linthwaite, 461

Long Span Common Road Bridges, J., 331

Lozenge Making Machines? H. J. B., 445

Lubrication of Engines, D. D. Couth, 34

Lubrication Under Sea-water? F. O., 405

Machinery Export Trade, One Who Knows, 247

Marble Quarrying Machinery? J. A. B., 425

Marine Boilers, R. M. T., 308

Measuring High Temperatures? W. F., 11

Mechanical Action of Lightning, J. T. F. F., 85

Mechanical Theory of Heat, G. R. Bodmer, 8, 71,120

Mechanical Theory of Heat, Walter A. Browne, 8

Mechanical Theory of Heat, 0. zr., 33, 84

Mechanical Theory of Heat, S. Tolver Preston, 46, 120

Mechanical Theory of Heat, J. Ramsbottom, 33, 108

Letters to the Editor (continued)—

Mechanical Theory of Heat, S. R., 8, 120

Mechanical Theory of Heat, Clement F. Stretton, 46

Metallic Coffins? A. B., 49

Melting Scrap? A. B. C., 289

Melting Scrap, R. A. S., 311

Melting Scrap, Porous Castings, W. S. P., 331

Mexican Fibre Machines? J., 331

Midland Railway, Hallamshire, 402

Military Shields, Arthur A. Cochrane, 334

Milling Machinery at the Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Carlisle, J. H. Greenhill, 71, 85

Milling Machinery at the Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Carlisle, Philip Triggs, 71

North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co.’s Works, Sunderland, Wm. Allan, 208

North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co.’s Works, Sunderland, J. Jameson, 208

North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co.’s Works, Sunderland, A Mechanical Engineer, 194, 230

Paper-box Machinery ? B. and G., 69

Patent Laws, J. Angelo Fahie, 164, 182

Patents, Cheap, Patentee, 460

Patents, Cheap, Senex, 460

Perkin’s Engine, Chief Engineer, 182

Perkin’s System, C., 120, 139

Petroleum Engines? E. R. T., §7

Plans, Competitive, C. E., 460

Plates ? Strength of Flat, A Student, 363

Porous Castings? W. W., 289

Problem Concerning Belts, C. S. E. C., 46

Problem Concerning Belts, J. E. H., 34

Problem Concerning Belts, S. S., 8

Problem in Physics, J. H. M., 46

Pumping by Gas ? G. B., 11

Railway Accident at Lille, Clement E. Stretton, 194, 208, 247

Railway Accidents, R. Varley, 344

Railway Crossings, J. E. Morris, 164

Railway Crossings, Spielmann and Co , 182

Railway Keys, w. Roberts, 481

Range Finding, E. G. Edwards, 247

Reclamation of Land from the Sea ? Manufacturers, 105

Reese Fusing Disc, The, Jacob Reese, 363

Rigg, The Rev. Arthur, Samuel Worssam, 247

Rock Drilling in China, Claude W. Kinder, 230

“ Rocket,” The, Geo. H. Phipps, 230

Rolled Sheet Brass ? R. H., 141

Schmid’s Hydraulic Pumping Engines, G. Dowell, 182

Screw Propellers, Francis C. Knowles, 418

Ships’ Pumps, A. Beldam, 71

Ships’ Pumps, A. J. Farina, 34, 46

Ships’ Pumps, John and Henry Gwynne, 71

Ships’ Pumps, Jolly Jack, 8

Ships’.Pumps, Jurist, 139

Ships’ Pumps, Reginald E. Middleton, 46, 120

Ships’ Pumps, »M. Silvester, 8, 71, 138

Ships’ Pumps, Stephen H. Terry, 34

Ships’ Pumps, Hayward Tyler and Co., 34,108

Ships’ Pumps, Worth and Mackenzie, 46

Signal Compensators, Jno. Cariss, 32

Silico-ferro Manganese ? W. S., 445

Smith’s Vacuum Brake, Removal of, from all the Midland Main Line Trains, Clement E. Stretton, 496

Snow Ploughs, Osw. Vattley, 334

Stannah’s Stuffing-boxes, J. Stannah, 423

Steam Engine Economy, E. A. Cowper, 403

Steam Engine Economy, Simpson and Co., 403

Steamship “ Anthracite,” The, W. W. Harris, 34

Steam Tram Engines for Bristol, C. W. V., 496

Steam Whistles, Log Chip, 402

Steel Boilers, Bloom, 247

Steel Boilers, D. Greig, 194, 230

Steel Boilers, Ingot, 2 -9, 247

Steel Boilers, Sigma, 264

Steel Boilers, J. W., 209, 247

Steel Finishing Machines ? B. H. E., 311

Steel Pipes? A. L. G., 331

Stern Wheel Steamers on the Magdalene River, John

Tobin, 286

Strength of Railway Bridges, Edmund Olander, 34

Swing Bridges, William Young Black, 138

Swing and other Bridges, W. H. Bidder, 194

Tanning Apparatus and Potato Flour Machinery, 29

Tapioca Machinery? J. S., 387

Tapioca and Indigo Machinery ? D. W. R., 233

Tay Bridge Disaster, B. Baker, 46

Tea-um Cocks? Fitter, 179

Telegraph Cable-making Machinery? S. E., 445

Temnograph, The, Francis Campin, 208, 247

Temnograph, The, R. Rymer Jones, 230

Thomas and Gilchrist Process, Geo. Chaloner, 247

Thomas and Gilchrist Process, Thomas Hampton, 230

Thomas-Gilchrist Process at Eston, David Davy, 344

Toilet Soaps? G. H. and Co., 197

Traction Engines at the Smithfield Club Show, W.

and S. Eddington and Co., 474

Trolley Wheels? C. E., 289

Underhay’s Ball Valves? W. J. N., 351

Valve Gear, William Inglis, 402

Valve Gear, R. M. Ogle, 345

Valves? Safety, S. W. R., 363

Ventilating Fans, T. P. Bowlkes, 344

Walsall Boiler Explosion, J. B. Davis, 33

Warning to Engine Drivers, The Rutherglen Accident, Clement E. Stretton, 32

Walton’s Wheel Scale ? J. K. M., 405

Wennington Junction, Railway Accident at, John Hayes, 164

Weunington Accident, Dux, 182

Westinghouse and Eames Continuous Brakes, Bower and Cotton, 474

Wheatstone’s Telegraph Paper? T. S., 481

Whitworth Scholarships, Adept, 230

Wilson’s Klotz Safety Valves, Martin Atock, 34

Wind Pressures, Anemometer, 84

Wind Pressures, Reginald, E. Middleton, 108

Wire-rope Making Machinery, G. L., 499

Yacht, “ Wanderer,” The, Day, Summers, and Co., 286

Lift, Hydraulic, on the River Weaver at Anderton, Mr. E. L. Williams, and Mr. Edwin Clark, 157, 160, 163, 179

Lifts, Hydraulic, at the Royal Hotel, 192, 208

Lighting Railway Carriages, 479

Lightning, Mechanical Action of, 11, 85

Lightning Rods, Prof. Kirchoff on, 176

Lights for Fishing Vessels, 176

Lille Accident, The, 442

Limasol, New Pier at, 245

Livadia, The, Messrs. John Elder and Co., 24, 31, 45, 48, 53, 70, 165, 247, 311, 340, 402, 460

Liverpool and Manchester Railway, September 15th, 1830, 197

Literature :

Bericht fiber Ausgeftlhrte Versuche an einer 150 pferdigen Compound-Maschine des Kammgarn Spinnerei, Augsburg. By Prof. Schroter and Dr. Hans Bunte, 180

Breweries and Malting: Their Arrangement, Construction, Machinery, and Plant. By G. Scamell and F. Colyer, 414

Clarendon Press Series, Geodesy. Col. A. R. Clarke, 50

Das Schwimmonde-Flottenmatcrial der Seemachte.

J. F. Kronenfels, 314

Der Bodensee und die Ticferlegung seiner Hoch-wasserstande. Max Hon sell, 199

Easy Lessons in Heat. By C. A. Martineau, 482

Easy Lessons in Light, By Mr. W. Awdrey, 482

Education of Engineers. Henry Dyer, 143

Electric Light for Industrial Uses. R. E. Crompton, 253

Electric Light: Its Production and Use, &c. By J. W. Urquhart. Edited by F. C. Webb, 268

Experiments on the strength of Wrought Iron and Chain Cables. By Commander L. A. Beardslee, 31

Irrigation Works of India, and their Financial Results. By Robert B. Buckley, 427

Literature (continued)—

Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1880. No. 1, 234

Lightning Conductors : Their History, Nature, and Mode of Application. By G. R. Anderson, 446

Manual of the Alkali Trade, including the Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Soda, and Bleaching Powder. John Lomas, 106

Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokio, Japan. Vol. II., on Mining and Mines in Japan. C. Netto, 143

Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. LIX., 12

Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, with other Selected and Abstracted Papers. Vol. LX., 163

Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. LXI., 333

Miscellaneous Scientific Papers. W. J. Macquorn Rankine, 500

The Moulder and Founder’s Pocket Guide. By F. Overman, 482

Physical Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism.

J. E. H. Gordon, 124

Practical Treatise on Wheels, Worms, Screws, &c.

E. Holden, 482

Practical Weights of Angle, Tee, Bulb, Round, Square, and Flat Iron and Steel, and other Information for the Use of Naval Architects and Shipbuilders. C. H. Jordan, 482

Professional Corps Papers of the Royal Engineers,

Report of the Chief Engineer of Canals, Ottawa, 313

Report and Documents in Reference to the Canadian Pacific Railway, Sandford Fleming, 253

Resultate aus der Theorie des Bruckenbaus. By R. Kohrn, 292

The River Tyne: Its History and Resources. By the late James Guthrie, 314

Stationary Engine Driving : A Practical Manual for Engineers. By Michael Reynolds, 465

Theory of Solid and Braced Elastic Arches, applied to Arch Bridges and Roofs in Iron, Wood, Concrete, or other Material, Graphical Analysis, Wm. Cain, 88

Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland, Vol. XII., 353

Transactions of the Society of Engineers for 1879, 216

Treatise on Chemistry, Vol. II., Metals, Parti, and Part II., H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer, 370, 389

War Ships and Navies of the World, By J. W. King, 291

Local Boards and Surveyors, 389, 402

Locomotive, American, for England, 303

Locomotive, Austrian Express, 176, 178

Locomotive, the Coming American, 328

Locomotive, Consolidation, Philadelphia and Reading

Railway, Baldwin Locomotive Works, 282, 288

Locomotive Construction, "Weight in, 379

Locomotive of the Future, 423

Locomotive Engines, Performance of, 291

Locomotives, Links in the History of, 217

Locomotive Match, International,' 486

Locomotive, Tank, Mr. W. G. Bagnall, 365

Locomotive, Tank, Hohenzollcrn Works Company,

Locomotives, American, 216, 251

Locomotives, Compressed Air, 8, 46

Locomotives, Earning Power of. 427

Locomotives, English and American, 179, 202, 212, 241

Locomotives for Light Railways, Construction and

Working of, 483

Locomotives in Queensland, English, 461

Locomotives, Standard English, 389

London Gas, 479, 496

London Gas Supply, Progress of, 11

London and North-Western Railway, 162

London and North-Western Railway Company, Coffeehouse, Plan of the, 396

London Sewage, Utilisation of, 150

London Water Supply, 82, 243, 316, 322, 434

London Water Supply and the Government, 405

London Water Supply, Select Committee on,;123

Lowrie, Captain, Grain Cai’go Steamship, 82

Lubrication of Engines, 34

Lubricator, Mr. Patrick, 165

Machinery, Export Trade, 247

Machinery, Steel, 406

Macnaughton, Mr. James, Breech-load ing|| Fire-arms,

Magneto-Dynamo Electric Machines, Mr. Desmond G.

FitzGerald, 284

Maidstone, Boiler Explosion at, 441, 464, 495, 499

Main Sewering and Water Supply, Type Drawings for,

Mr. Robt. Rawlinson, 25, 31, 32

Manchester, Industrial Exhibition, 219. 363

Manchester and Shefiield Railway Traffic, 88

Manhole Covers and Ventilators, Mr. W. Batten, 343

Map of the World, New, 159

Mechanical Theory of Heat, 8, 32, 46, 71, 84, 108, 120

Melbourne Harbour, Proposed Works at, 459

Metropolitan Railway, The, 313

Metropolitan Water Supply, 316, 322

Midland Railway, The, 402

Midland Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, 176

Mill Roller, Messrs. Bucholz, 90

Mill Roller, Messrs. Mechwart, 90

Milling Exhibition, The Cincinnati, 4, 54

Milling Machinery at the Carlisle Show, 52, 71, 90

Millom Ironworks and the Hodbarrow Mines, 117

Millstone Dress, Messrs. Davies and Smeade, Royal

Agricultural Society’s Show, 53

Mines Drainage Scheme, 106

Mines, Loss of Life in, 70

Mines, Prevention of Explosions in, 454

Mines, Recklessness in, 407

Mines Regulation Act for India, 162

Mining Legislation in India, 142

Minister of Public Works and the French Railway Companies, 251 J

M!?1Coell«aJlea’ 9’ 23’ 47> 67’ 81> 104> 121> 135, 166,177, 195, 213’ 2A1’ 287’ 305» 329’ 349> 367> 399, 419,

443, 457, 475, 497

Mortality of Health Resorts, 242

Motherwell, Colville Steel Works, Steam Crane, 477

Motor, A New, 6

Narrow Escapes, Two, 124

Naval Engineer Appointments, 19, 27, 59, 85. 112, 132, 145, 211, 254, 293, 309, 325, 407, 434, 442, 479, 496

Naval Marine and Engineering Exhibition at Glasgow, <548

“ Nelson,” The, 225

Newfoundland, Government Railway in, 142

North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, 500

North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company's Works,

Sunderland, 151, 193, 194, 208

North-Eastern Railway, Rumoured Opposition to, 388

North-Eastern Railway Bridge over the Wear, Sunderland, 362, 368

N?o?England> 20, 37, 60, 78, 95, 112, 131, 149, 169.

188, 205, 224. 240, 258, 271, 293, 316, 336, 354, 371, 409, 428, 448, 466, 486, 502

North of England’s Future, 291

North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Company’s Furnaces, llu

North-Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railways, 62

Memoranda, 9’ 23> 47» 67’ 81, 104, 121, 135, qo-’ son’ ?3J’ 250’ 261» 287> 305> 329> 349> 367> 38a, 398, 419, 443, 457, 475, 497

m 38’ 60’ 78’ 95’ I12> 132» 150»

300 Ins' 271> 293» 316» 336> 364> 372>

390, 408, 428, 448. 466, 486, 502

Notes from Lancashire, 19, 37, 59, 77. 95 m 131 149 169, 187, 205, 223, 239, 257, 270, 292:315 335 354 371 390, 408, 429, 447, 466, 486, 502 ’ ’ ’ 7 ’

Notices to Correspondents, 11, 29, 49, 69, 87, 105, 123.

141, 161, 179, 197, 215, 233, 251, 267, 289, 311, 331, 351.

^369, 387, 405, 425, 445, 463, 481, 499

Nottingham Corporation Sewage Farm, 309

Nut and Bolt Company, The Patent, 125

Nuts, Hot-pressed and Cold-punched, 301

Obituary :

Bouch, Sir Thomas, 347

Brodie, Sir Benjamin, 465

Byrne, Mr. Oliver, 474

Firth, Mr. Mark, 417

Hawthorn, Mr. Thomas, 104

Higinbotham, Mr. Thomas, 421

Higson, Mr. Peter, 398

Olrick, Mr. Lewis, 155

Rigg, The Rev. Arthur, 201, 235

Yapp, Mr. G. W., 414

Ohio River Bridge at Beaver, Pennsylvania, 491, 498

Oilcan, An Illuminating, 285

Oleojector, Messrs. W. H. Bailey and Co., 281

Olrick, Mr. Lewis, Death of, 155

Ordnance, Application of Steel to its Construction, 21

Ordnance Committee, New, 463

Ordnance, Our Heavy, 398

Ordnance, Steel Applied to the Construction of, 79

Ore Separator, Mr. Edison, 6, 91

Orenburg Bridge over the Volga, 254

Ozone, Liquefaction of, and its Colour in the Gaseous State, 484

Ozone in Nature, Paper on, 19

Pacific Steam Navigation Company. Steam Towing Launch, 327

Palliser, Sir W., Breech-loading Gun, 361

Papers and Discussions, 426

Patent Laws, 164, 182

Patent-office, The, 159, 461

Patents, Cheap, 460

Patents, Cheap, their National Value, 442, 445

Patents, English and American, 230

Patents and Trade Marks, Foreign, 209

Pelzer, Herr, Ventilating Fan, 153

Perkins Engine, The, 182

Perkins Engine in the United States, The, 446

Perkins System, The, 120, 139

Permanent Way, Great Eastern Railway, Mr. Travis, 183

Permanent Way, Iron, on the Prussian State Railways, &c., 165

Phonological Observation of the Year 1880, 493

Phipson, Dr., Electric Light, 285

Phoanix Works, 173

Photophone, The, 235, 285, 307, 400

Physics, Problem in, 46

Piedboeuf Trophy, Dusseldorf Exhibition, 280

Piers, Braced, for Bridges, 2, 89, 181

Pipe Couplings, 72

Planing Machines, Double Tool-box for, Messrs. J. and

J. Kershaw, 420

Plate, Spring, How to Weld a Broken One, 249

Plates, Wilson’s.Compound Armour, at Shoeburyness,

Plating Company, of Bishopton-lane Works, Stockton-on-Tees, 414

Plough, Mr. Fisken, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 42

Plough, Messrs. J. and F. Howard, Smithfield Club Show, 456

Ploughing Engine, Messrs. Everett and Adams, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 44

Ploughing Engine, 8-H.P., Double Drum, Messrs.

Fowler and Co., 62, 68

Ploughing, Roundabout System of, Messrs. Fowler and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 62

‘‘Polyphemus,” The, 225

Post-office and the Telephone, 481

Postal Directory of Carlisle, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, 13

Potato Planter, Messrs. Murray and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 61, 73

Presentation to a Railway Engineer, 199

Press, Relief Colour Stamping, Messrs. Joseph Richmond and Co., 302, 314

Prices Current of Metals, Oils, and Timber, 20, 38, 60 78, 95, 132, 150, 170, 206, 224, 240, 258, 300, 322, 340^ 360, 378, 396, 414, 434, 454, 472, 490, 508

Printing Machinery, Exhibition of, 74

Projectiles, Competitive, Dutch Trials of, 278

Propeller, The De Bay, 456, 474

Propellers, Screw, 418

Pumping Gear, New Hollingwood Pit, Staveley, 262, 263, 269

Pumping Machinery for Rural Waterworks, 174

Purification of the Metropolitan Railway Tunnels, 162

Pwllheli Sewerage, 19

Railway Accident in France, 407

Railway Accident at Lille, 194, 208, 247

Railway Accidents, 27, 124, 344, 378

Railway Carriages and Collisions, 370

Railway Communication between Naples and Rome, 363

Railway Companies and the Board of Trade, 235

Railway Crossings, 164

Railway Crossings and Continuous Brakes, 369

Railway Driver, The Oldest, 398

Railway, Ekaterinburg and Tiumen Branch of the

Siberian, 292

Railway Gauges in the United States, 90

Railway Half-year, The, 12

Railway Lines in Prussia, for the Construction of New, 486

Railway Matters, 9, 23, 47, 67, 81,104, 121, 135, 166,177, 195, 213, 231, 250, 261, 287, 305, 329, 349, 367, 385. 399,419,443, 457, 475,497 . ’ ’ ’

Railway, The Metropolitan, 313

Railway, The Midland, 402

Railway Progress in the United States, 414

Railway Projects next Session, 291

Railway Traffic in America, 482

Railway Travelling, An American on English, 426

Railway, An Underground, for New York, 303

Railway, Water Power, 304

Rails on Curves, On the Super-elevation of, 491

Railways in Course of Construction, 389

Railways, Eastern, 508

Railways, Experimental Control over the Wear and

Tear on, 85

Railways in India, 278

Railways, Rating of, 39813

Rainfall in South Africa, 399

Range-finder at Woolwich, Capt. Roberta’, 400

Range Finding, 198, 247

Ratchet Brace, Mr. Brown, 6

Rating of Railways, 398

Reaper Trials, Scotch, 202

Reaping Machine, Invention of the, 293

Reaping Machine, Sheaf-binding, Messrs* Samuelson and Co., 435

Reaping Machines, 176

Reese Fusing Disc, The, 363

Rhine, Navigation on, by Electric Light. 454

Rigg, The Rev. Arthur, his death, 201, 235. 247

Rivers, Management of, 445

Roberts, Capt., Range Finder at Woolwich, 400

Rock Drilling in China, 230

“ 1829, Messrs« & and R. Stephenson,


Roller, 12|-ton Steam Road, Messrs. Thomas Green and Sons, 245

Rolling Mills, California 229

Royal Agricultural Society’s ShoWj Carlisle, 52,

Anchors, Barford and Perkins, Messrs.. 43

Anchors, Everitt and Adams, Messrs.. 42

Balance Beam, Davies and Smeade, Messrs., 53

Stamped Steel, Garrett and Sons,

Messrs., 41

Cultivator, Steam, Darby, Mn, 43

Disintegrator, Greonhill, Mr. J. Ho 52

Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Carlisle (con tinued)—

Engine, Compound Portable, Garrett and Sons, A1gssi’8« R. ^10 4

Engine, 6-H.P. ’Farmer’s, Howard, Messrs. J. and

F 61

Engine, Portable, Messrs. Cochran and Co., 39,.41

Engine, The “Reading,” Reading Ironworks Company, 39, 41

Gear, Slow Motion, Savage, Mr. ,43

Guide Plan of the Implement Yard. (Supplement to

The Engineer, July 9th, 1880.)

Horse Gear, Crowley and Co., Messrs., 192

Milling Machinery, 52, 85, 90

Millstone Dress, Davies and Smeade, Messrs., 53

Plough, Fisken, Mr., 42

Ploughing Engine, Everett and Adams, Messrs., 44

Ploughing Engine, 8-H.P., Double Drum, Fowler and Co., Messrs., 62, 68

Ploughing, Roundabout System of, Fowler and Co., Messrs., 62

Potato Planter, Murray and Co., Messrs., 61, 73

Shaft Coupling, Frictional, Butler’s, 73

Spark Arrester, Graham, Mr., 41

Steam Cultivating Machinery, 61

Thrashing Machine, Iron Framed, Robey and Co., Messrs., 73

Royal Albert Dock, Electric Light at, 253

Royal Hotel, Blackfriars, 192, 208

Royal School of Mines :

List of Awards, 51

Rutherglen Accident, The, A Warning to Engine Drivers, 32

St. Gothard Railway, The, 366

St. Gothard Tunnel, 194

Saw Guard, Safety, Mr. Dale, 229

Saw Mill, American, London and South-Western Railway Works, Nine Elms, 183

Schiele Ventilator, The, 309

Schmid’s Hydraulic Pumping Engine, 182

School of Art Wood Carving, 249

Seaham Colliery Explosion, 434

Second-class Passenger Traffic, Decline in, 309

Semaphore Adelaide Waterworks, The, 326, 328, 330

Sewage in England, The Glasgow Town Council on its

Treatment, 304

Sewage Farm, Nottingham Corporation, 309

Shaft-Coupling, Frictional, Mr. Butler, 73

Shears, Heavy, 301

Sheffield District, The, 19, 37, 59, 77, 95, 111, 132, 149, 169, 187, 205, 223, 239, 257, 271, 293, 315, 336, 354, 372, 390, 408, 428, 447, 466

Sheffield Trade in 1880, 493

Shields, Military, 334

Shipbuilding, Mr. H. H. Parkinson on, 434

Ships’ Pumps, 8, 33, 34, 46. 71, 108, 120, 138

Ships’ Pumps, Messrs. J. and H. Gwynne, 91

Shoeburyness, Wilson’s Compound Plates at, 79

Signal Compensators, 32

Smith, The Steam Boiler, Messrs. Campbells and Hunter, 229

Smithfield Club Show, 381, 435

Engine and Boiler, Vertical, Messrs. Ransomes, Sims, and Head, 455

Engine and Boiler, Vertical, Messrs. Turner and Co., 455

Hay-maker, Messrs. J. and F. Howard, 456

Plough, Messrs. J. and F. Howard, 456

Reaping Machine, Sheaf-binding, Messrs. Samuelson and Co., 435

Smoke Preventer, Mr. Engert, 382

Snow Ploughs, 334

Soap-making Machinery, 280

Social Science Congress, Edinburgh, 164

Society of Arts :

List of Papers to be Read before Christmas, 328

Society, The Chemical :

Ancient Alum Well at Harrogate, Mr. R. H. Davis, I 399

Society, Civil and Mechanical Engineers’, 442

Society of Edinburgh, The Royal :

On Currents Produced by Friction between Conducting Substances and on a Form of Telephone Receiver. Mr. James Blyth, 242

Society of Engineers, 27, 51, 184, 421, 456

Engineering Notes on Cyprus, Mr. Charles J. Alford, 348

Modern Steel as a Structural Material, Mr. W. W. Beaumont, 259

National Value of Cheap Patents, Mr. Frank W.

Grierson, 442

Visit to Chatham Dockyard, 225

Visit to Metropolitan Gasworks, 5

Visit to South-Western Railway Works, Nine Elms, 134, 165

Visit to Messrs. Saxby and Farmer’s Signal Works, 62

Society, The Geological:

Serpentine and Associated Rocks of Anglesey, Prof.

T. G. Bonney, 399

Society, King’s College Engineering :

Inaugural Address, Prof. Huntington, 284

Shipbuilding On, Mr. H. H. Parkinson, 434

Sinking Cylindrical Foundations, Mr. Ellis, 400

Society, The Leeds Civil and Mechanical Engineers’, 454, 486

Society, Liverpool Engineering :

Combination of the Block and Interlocking System on Railways, Mr. IT. A. Dibbin, 361

Earthworks and the Steam Navvy, Mr. H. C. Baldry, 396

Society, Manchester Scientific and Mechanical, 309

Society, The Meteorological:

Average Height of the Barometer in London, Mr.

Henry Storks Eaton, 19

Balloon Ascent from Lewes in a Whirlwind, Capt. James Templer and H. Elsdale, 19

Meteorological Observations Made at Stanley, Falkland Islands, 1875-1877, by Wm. Marriott, 19

New Thermograph, Wm. David Bowkett, 19

Note on a Waterspout Observed at Morunt Cays, Jamaica. Lieut. Alfred Carpenter, 19

Ozone in Nature, its Relations, Sources, and Influences, Mr. J. Mulvany, 19

Phonological Observation of the year 1880, Report on, Rev. T. A. Preston, 493

Rainfall in South Africa, John G. Gamble, 399

Relative Frequency of Given Heights of tho Barometer Readings at the Kew Observatory, 1870-1879, G. M. Whipple, 493

Table of Relative Humidity, Edward E. Dymond, 399

Variations of Relative Humidity and Thermometric Dryness of the Air with Changes of Barometric Pressure at the Kew Observatory, G. M. Whipple,

Winter Climate of Davos, C. T. Williams, 19

Society of Mining Students, The British :

The Schiele Ventilator, Mr. A. Merfyn, 309

Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne Literary and Philo

sophical :

Electric Lighting, Mr. J. W. Swan, 325

Society, The Royal :

List of Officers and Council for 1881, 362

Society of Telegraph Engineers :

Electric Light, On the Subdivision of, Mr. Swan 401

Societies of Glasgow and Edinburgh, The Geological

South Kensington Museum, 13, 38, 59, 117, 138 159 188, 206, 224, 271, 293, 308, 328, 360, 396, 414* 421’ 454, 467, 484, 508 ’ *

South-Western Railway, The, 308

South Yorkshire Coal-fields, 143

Spanner, Adjustable, Messrs. Pattinson Brothers 82

Spark Arrester, Mr. Graham, Royal Agricultural

Society s Show, 41

Specification of a Dinner, 59

Speck, Mr. J. S., Presentation to, 199

Spinning Machinery, Cotton, 437

Stanton Ironworks, Duke of Sunderland at. 407

Steam, Cyclical Use of, 342

Steamship “ Anthracite,” The, 34

Steamship “ City of Rome,” The, Barrow Shipbuilding

Company, 98, 99, 120, 127, 164

Steam Whistles, 402

Steamer, Modem Lake Freight, 244

Steamers, Stem-wheel, on the Magdelene River, 286

Steel, its Application to the Construction of Ordnance,

21, 79

Steel Boilers, 88, 161, 194, 209, 231, 247, 264

Steel, Compressed, 123, 139

Steel, Compression of, 496

Steel Making by the Bessemer and the Siemens Process, Machinery for, 366

Steel Making in China, 456

Steel Making in the United States, 464

Steel Making Experiments by the Indian Government, 31

Steel Manufacture in Cleveland, 379, 416

Steel, Modern, as a Structural Material, 259

Steel from Phosphoric Pig, 87

Steel Works, Rhenish, 172

Steering Gear, Steam, Mr. Simey, 236

Stevens’ Battery, The, 242

Stoker, Mechanical, Mr. McDougall, 137

Stone Grinding and Polishing Machine, Messrs.

Salmon and Crossland, 307

Stoves, Hot Blast, 446

Straw Shakers, Brinsmead’s, 400

Streets and Artisans’ Dwellings, New, 352

Stuffing-boxes, Mr. J. Stannah, 423

Sunderland, North-East Marine Engineering Company’s Works, 151, 193, 194, 208

Sun’s Rays, Utilisation of, 125

Surveying, Underground Instrument for, 494

Swan’s Electric Lamp, 401

Switch, Safety, Messrs. Clement and Paravicini, 400

Taking-off Apparatus, Mr. M. Smith, 420

Talybout Bridge, Carnarvon, 194

Target, Dutch, 278

Tay Bridge : Condition of its Remains, 34

Tay Bridge Disaster, 46

Tay Bridge Inquiry, End of the, 29

Tay Bridge, The New, 474

Tay Bridge, Official Report on, 27

Tay Bridge, Piers of the, 271

Tay Bridge, Raising of its Fallen Girders, 120, 124

Tay Bridge, Reconstruction of the, 88

Tay Bridge, Mr. Rothery’s Report on, 26, 55, 66, 91

Technical Museum and Libraries, 414

Tees Bridge, 283

Tees, New Railway Bridge across the, 401

Telegraph Machine, A New, Mr. Royal E. House, 280 Telephone: Its Application to the Measurement of the Torsion of Driving Shafts and of the Work done by Machines, 143

Temnograph, The, 247


Arnold Local Board of Health Sewerage Works, 230 Bala Bridge, Construction of a Service Reservoir,

Mr. T. Roberts, 139

Barmouth, 285

Croydon, Royal Oak Brewery, 254

Leamington Waterworks, Mr. E. M. Richards, 120 Nevin Main Sewerage Works, Mr. T. Roberts, 51 Tunbridge Wells, Bridge over the South-Eastern

Railway, Mr. W. Brentnall, 120

Terminus of the Berlin-Anhalt Railway, Berlin, Mr Franz Schwechten, 306, 309, 362, 364

Testing Machinery, 78

Thomas and Gilchrist Process, The, 230, 247

Thomas-Gilchrist Process at Eston, The, 333, 344

Thrashing Machine, Iron-framed, Messrs. Robey and

Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 73

Thunderer Gun, The Parliamentary Report on, 286

Tipping, Mr. Henry, Steam Yacht, 283

Tire Fastenings, 63, 66, 69

Tire Fastenings, Experiments on, 13, 15, 63, 66, 69

Tonnage Rates from Yorkshire to London, 30

Tool-box, Double, for Planing Machines, Messrs. J and J. Kershaw, 420

Torpedo Boat, A New, 80

Torpedo Boats, Sea-going, 417

To^pcdc^-Boats, an<^ discharging Torpedoes

Torpedo Vessel, “ Fulminante,” for the Portuguese Government, Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, 82

Trade Prospects, 233

Tram-car Wheels, Loose, 125

Tram Engines, Steam, for Bristol, 496

Tramway Companies, The Rating of, 260

Tramway Construction, 49

Tramway and other Traffic, 365

Tramway Rail, Mr. Hughes, 192

Tramways, 426

Tramways, Mechanical Power on, 268

Tree Feller, Hand Power, Messrs. S. Worssam and Co. 175

Trial Trip of the “Albert Victor,” 5

Trial Trip of the ss. “ Julia,” 13

Trial Trip of the ss. “ Ascanius,” 389

Trial Trip of a Tyne-built Steamer, 281

Tunnel, Channel, 434

“ Tyne,” the ss., Raising of, 72

United States Government Test Requirements for Boiler Iron, 159

University College, London, 30

Valve, Ball, Mr. D. Young, 494

Valve Gear, 345, 402

Valve Gear, New Reversing and Expansive, Paper on, 1 JLo

Valves, Wilson’s Klotz Safety, 34

Vavasseur and Co., Messrs. G., 13’5 tons Gun, 21

Ventilating Fan, Herr Pelzer, 153

Ventilating Fans, 344

Ventilator, The Schiele, 309

Vienna Industrial Exhibition, 277

Viking’s Ship, A, 16

“ Ville d’Oran,” The ss., 117, 122

Ville d'Oran” and “Ville de Bone,” Compound lO^llT ^essrs* Wigham, Richardson, and Co., Visits to the Provinces, North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company’s Works, Sunderland, 151, 193,

Wages Movement by Ironworkers, 353

Wales and Adjoining Counties, 20, 38, 60, 78, 95, 132, 150, 170, 188, 206, 224, 240, 258, 271, 293, 316, 336, 356, 372, 390, 408, 429, 448, 467, 486, 503

Walsall Boiler Explosion, 124, 133, 142, 813

“ Wanderer,” s. Yacht, Compound Engines of, 436, 440, 444

Water Filtration and Softening, 463

Water Supply, Metropolitan, 316, 322

Water Supply of the Metropolis, 434

Water Tower at the Semaphore, near Adelaide, Australia, Mr. Oswald Brown, 326, 328, 330

Waterworks, Adelaide, 80

Waterworks, Rural, 174

Weighing Grain, Apparatus for, Herr A. Kaiser, 404,

Wenpington Railway Accident, 159< 164,182

What is it? 180 ’

Wheels, Car, Chilled, 209

Whitworth Scholarships, The, 230

Wicklow Harbour. 199

Wigan Tramways, Opening of, 119

Wilson’s Klotz Safety Valves, 34

Winch, Steam, Messrs. J. Taylor and Co., 843

Wind Pressures, 84, 108

Windlass, Spring, Mr. J. E, Liardet, 421

Women m Metalliferous Mines, 125

Wood Pavement, 381

Wreckage on the English and German Coasts, 486'

Yacht « Wanderer,” The, 286

See Also


Sources of Information