The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Journal

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Index
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Abbott, J., Cabs, 35
Abbott, O. G. Bottles, 35
Abel, C. D., Beverages. 439
Abel, C. D., Bichromate of Soda, 476
Abel, C. D., Boilers, 419
Abel, C. D., Compression Pumps, 225
Abel, C. D., Cutting Sugar-cane, 419
Abel, C. D., Dyes, 147
Abel, C. D., Dynamo-Electric, 419
Abel, C. D., Electricity, 399
Abel, C. D., Engine Valves, 379
Abel, C. D., Engines, 75
Abel, C. D., Explosives, 15
Abel, C. D., Fatty Matters, 419
Abel, C. D., Floating Lights, 15
Abel, C. D., Gas Furnaces, 167, 303
Abel, C. D., Malting Grain, 476
Abel, C. D., Metallic Salts, 419
Abel, C. D., Motive Power, 283
Abel, C. D., Ovens, 379
Abel, C. D., Oxidising Fabrics, 458
Abel, C. D., Pile Fabrics, 439, 491
Abel, C. D., Separating Tin, 225
Abel, C. D., Ships, 185
Abel, C. D., Transporting Barges, 303
Abel, C. D., Watches and Clocks, 341
Abercromby, R., Dividing, <fcc., Dough, 245
Abrahams, A., Bottle Envelopes, 341
Adam, W., Looms, 458
Adams, A. H., Cup and Screw Hooks, 476
Adams, A. J., Games, 419
Adams, R., Velocipedes, 303
Adamson, T. A., Roller Mills, 167
Addie, J. and A., Ammonia, 283
Adie and Simpson, Electric Currents, 147
Airey, J., Stopping Bottles, 361
Aitchison, C., Engines, 379
Ajax, J. R., Stays, 458
Alabaster and Gatehouse, Telephony, 341
Alabaster and Sims, Aerated Beverages, 75
Albut, A., Urinalsand Washstands, 419
Alexander, E. P., Aerial Railway, 419
Alexander, E. P., Ammonia, 167
Alexander, E. P., Dredging, 167
Alexander, E. P., Folding Cases, 147
Alexander, E. P., Type-composing, 323
Alexander, H. McC , Tools, 245
Alexander and McKosh, Obtaining Products, 94
Alexander, jun., R., Cutting Cheese, 35
Alexander, W., Looms, 15
Allan, W., Cranes and Winches, 379
Allan, W., Lathes, 265
Allan, W., Marine Engines, 323
Alldridge, A. H., Tricycles, 323
Allen, J. F., Tool-holders, 379
Allen, P. R., Arc Electric Lamps, 167
Allen, P. R., Electric Currents, 379
Allen, P. R., Lighting, &c., 458
Allen, P. R., Valves, 75
Allen, R. C. A., Scrubbing Ships, 35
Allen, Wright, and Williams, Starting, <fcc., Engines, 225
Allin, S. G., Electricity, 147
Allison, C. A., Umbrellas, 399
Allison, H. J., Artificial Stone, 439
Allison, II. J., Book-holders, 147
Allison, H. J., Fire-escapes, 439
Allison, H. J., Forks or Tongs, 439
Allison, H. J., Wheels and Bearings, 265
Allison, T., Steam Taps, 265
Allison, J. B., Looms, 265
Allmann, J., Electric Lamps, 303
Allport and Punshon, Coating Wires, 147
Almond, E. W., Stays, 361
Almond, J., Looms, 303
Altman, A. J., Lawn Tennis Racquets, 55
Ambjorn, P., Necktie Fastenings, 303
Ambler, F., Combing, 458
Anders, G., Telephony, 323
Anders, G. L., Telephony, 167
Anders and Henck, jun., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 476
Anders and Henck, jun., Telephony, 476, Anderson and Cormie, Cutting Labels, 361 Anderson, D., Shuttle-boxes, 205
Anderson and Darling, Couplings, 323
Anderson and Darling, Kail way Couplings, 491
Andr£, G., Voltaic Batteries, 439
Andrews, A. 0., Boots and Shoes, 167
Andrews, A. C., Lace Boots, 167
Andrews, J. D. F., Electric Lamps, 55
Andrews, J. D. F., Electricity, 341
Andrews, J. D. F., Storing Electricity, 245
Andrews, J. W., Blind Koller Furniture, 245
Andrews, S., Omnibuses, 303
Andrews, S., Under-carriages, 303
Andrews, S., Wheels, 419
Anson, W. Ordnance. 167
Apple ton and Hors field, Nickel Plating, 439
Archer, jun., T., Holders for Wire Kopes, 205
Archer, T.,. Railway Couplings, 245
zkrentz, R., “ Cosmie,” 341
Armington, P., Engines, 147
Armour, L. H., Treating Colliery Waste, 458
Armstrong and Bostock, Soap, 361
Armstrong. J., Beer, 458
Aron, A., Photographic Albums, 476
Aronson, J. N., Boot Fastenings, 75
Aronson, J. N., Wearing Apparel-Fastenings, 361
Ashbury, Summer, Lees, and Sanderson,
Gas Engines, 361
zYshton, D. R., Cocks, 75
Asthower and Bicheroux, Rolling Mills, 399
zYsthower, F., Casting Metals, 361
Astrop and Ridgway, Fireproof Liquids, 147
Ashworth, G. and E., Furnace Grates, 419
Ashworth, J., Tentering, 419
Ashworth, J., Treating Fabrics, 35
Atkins, G. and E., Gasaliers, 399
Atkinson, F. F., Folding Tables, 3^1
Atkinson, J., Gas Engines, 225
Austin, F. J., Deodorising, 399
zYvis, W. H., Folding Seats, 112
Avis, W. H., Motive Power, 341
Aykroyd, W., Dyeing, 283
Aylward, J., Perambulators, 75
Ayrton and Perry, Dynamo-Electric Machines, 15
Ayrton and Perry, Hauling, 55
Ayrton and Perry, Voltaic Batteries, 245
Baatsch, C. L. A., Lighting, 476
Bacher, G., Extracting Sediments, 303
Bagger, L., Ratchet Wrenches, 341
Bailey, L, Preparing Fibres, 185
Bailey, C. S., Explosives, 94
Bailey, M., Carbons, 323
Bailey, W., Metal Fencing, 185
Bailey, W. H., Turret Clocks, 35.
Baillie-Hamilton, C. R., Parallel Rulers, 265
Baillie-Hamilton, C. R., Rulers, 323
Baird, R., Lubricating, 245
Baker, F. R., Clips for Wheels, 265
Baker, F. R., Glove Fastenings, 476
Baker, J. C., Air Pumps, 476
Baker, T. J., Chimney Tops, 75
Baker and Badcock, Steel Strips, 225
Baldwin, E., Saucepan Handles, 419
Baldwin, T., Gas Engines, 303
Ball, G. T., Window Fastenings, 476
Ballardie, D., Miners’ Safety Lamps, 476
Bamlett, A. C., Harvesting, 419
Banger, A., Musical Instruments, 361
Barff and Wire, Extracts of Meat, 419
Barford, F., Vases, 245
Barker, J. D., Ships of War, 439
Barker, R., Abstracting Gold, 15
Barker, R., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 245
Barlow, C., Ornamenting Pottery, 341
Barlow, C., Spinning, 15
Barlow, H. B., Spinning, 361
Barlow, W. A., Accumulators, 205, 439
Barlow, W. A., Artificial Leather, 361
Barlow, W. A., Chineeing Fabrics, 147
Barlow, W. A., Distilling, 35
Barlow, W. A., Door Locks, 283
Barlow, W. A., Drain Traps, 283
Barlow, W. A., Friction Clutches, 225
Barlow, W. A., Hermetically Sealed
Vessels, 245
Barlow, W. A., Hop Poles, 130
Barlow, W. A., Hydric Bases, 476
Barlow, W. A., Magneto-Electric Machines, 458
Barlow, W. A., Receptacles, 75
Barlow, W. A., Throwing Projectiles, 94
Barnes, E., Spring Hinges, 167
Barnes, F., Railway Couplings, 147
Barnett, E., Cleaning Snow, 476
Barnett, E., Ruling Paper, 35
Barnett, H. T., Secondary Batteries, 147
Barnsdale, 0. W. T., Cigars, &c., 147, 265, 476
Barr, A., Tobacco Pipes, 458
Barraclough, A., Boiling Liquors, 112
Barrett, H. J., Wheels, 130
Barrier and LavernMe, Telephones, 130
Barrow^ E. C., Fastening Buttons, 15
Bartlett, J., Gas Stoves, 379
Baruch, G., Biscuits, 245
Basevi, C. L., Harvesting, 94
Bateman, J., Stoves, 283
Battye, J., Signalling, 341
Bauder, F., Building, 225
Bauer, M., Horseshoes, 35
Bauer, Brouard, and Ancel, Electric Insulation, 341
Bauermeister, H. E. L., Sifting Flour, 491
Bauquic, A., Bricks, &c , 112
Bayle, P. A., Chimney Tops, 361
Bayley, G. W,, Electric Lamps, 439
Bayley, G. W., Electric Switches, 303
Bayliss and Bailey, Metal Fencing, 245
Baynes, D., Cream Separators, 147
Baynes, W. H., Brushes, 35
Beach, W. H., Treating Casks, 283
Beck, W. H., Ice, 265
Beck, W. IL, Hats, 185
Beck. W. H., Furnaces, 130
Beck, W. H., Frosted Glass, 245
Beck, W. H., Fatty Bodies, Extracting, 283
Beck, W. II., Extracting Shuttles, 55
Beck, L, Engines, 130
Beaven, S., Nails and Screws, 245
Beaumont, W. W., Steam Pumps, 112
Beaumont, H. F., Shooting Seats, 35
Beauchamp, F., Velocipedes, 55
Beauchamp, C. S., Fire Apparatus, 91
Beard, A., Furnaces, 94
Beale, J., Velocipedes, Bicycles, 130
Beal, J. E., Cutlery, 55
Beck, W. H., Injectors, 341
Beck, W. IL, Pipe Couplings, 94
Beck, W. IL, Registering, 323
Beck, W. H., Sewing Machines, 419
Beck, W. H., Stoves, 458
Becks, A. T., Recovering Tin, 112
Beddoe, C. G., Skates, 167
Beechey, C. G., Gas Engines, 439
Beecroft, W. and J. H., Sewing Machines, 225
Beeman, J. S., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 75
Beeman, J. S., Electric Currents, 55
Beeman, J. S., Electric Lamp-holders, 55
Beeman, J. S., Electiic Lamps, 55
Beeman, Taylor, and King, Dynamo-Electric Machines, 265
Beeman, Taylor, and King, Electric Batteries, 130
Beeman, Taylor, and King, Electric Meters, 245
Beeman, Taylor, and King, Electric Currents, Governing, 245
Beesley, W. T., Rolling Steel, 94
Belknap, W. H., Umbrellas, 361
Bell, R., Propellers, 15
Bell, W., Furnaces, 15
Bennet, A., Preventing Corrosion, 55
Bennett, J., Pig Iron, 55
Bennett, J. M., Iron and Steel, 55
Bennett, J. T. B., Propelling Velocipedes, 303
Bennett and Rosher, Rolling Stock, 167
Bennett and Walker, Casting Metals, 147
Bennett and Walker, Engines, 491
Bennis, E., Furnaces, 491
Benson, M., Rotary Pumps, 265
Benson, M., Call Apparatus, 2S3
Bentley and Baker, Small-Arms, 283
Benvenuti, F., Fountain Pens, 2S3
Ber, O., Recording Apparatus, 75
Bergh, J. V., den, Artificial Cre mi, 55
Berry, H.. Pressure Valves, 399
Berry, S. IL, Breech-loading Ordnance, 419
Berry, T., Preparing Fibres, 225
Bessemer, Sir H., Loading, &c., Merchandise, 341
Beston, J. T., Coal Vases, 491
Betbeder, F., Magnetic Compasses, 15
Bettger, A., Vehicles, 419
Beverley and Mac Laverty, Protecting Ships, 419
Beverley and Sykes, Engine Governors, 225
Beverage-Standing, Knitting, 167
Beckford-Smith and Smith, Lighting Fuses. 147
Biden, J. A. L. and W. V., Mashing, 439
Biddis, G. A.. Putty, 399
Biddis. G., Water Supply, 323
Bidwell, 8., Telephones, 94
Billing, A. J., Heating Water, 265
Bingham, W. J , Horseshoe Nails, 167
Binko, H., Electric Railways, lb
Binney, F. A., Sledges, 458
Binney. F. A., Ventilating Shafts, 458
Binns, L., Bands, 361
Binswanger, G., Secondary Batteries, 491
Bishop and Girling, Air Pumps, 35
Birdsall, R., Book-binding, 167
Bishop, L. R., Electric Limps, Incandescent, 205
Bixby, S. M., Bottles, 399
Black, J. H., Locks, 75
Blackburn, W. and E., Carding, 35
Blackett, W. W., Finishing Fabrics, 94
Blackhurst, T., Looms. 379
Blackmore, E. C. and T., Brakes, 323
Blair, II., Ventilating, 265
Blair, J., Permanent Way, 167
Blake, J., Valves, 75
Blake borough, R., Valves, 283
Blanchard, V. W., Electricity, 439
Blanchard, V. W., Electro-Magnets, 45S
Blanchard, V. W., Engines, 439
Blechynden, A., Electric Governors. 205
Blenkinsop, G. II., Utilising Heat in Slag, 147
Blezard and Nelson, Looms, 225
Bloomfield ano M’Gurn, Bricks, 130
Blum, J., Spirit Finings, 361
Bly th, J., Electric Meters, 439
Boby and Stevens, Screening Seeds, 439
Boizet, E., Games, 283
Bolton, F. J., Secondary Batteries, 94
Bond, C., Composition for Uniting Sheets of Paper, 419
Bond and Whiteley, Iron and Steel, 283
Bonnefin, F., Collecting Refuse, 15
Bonnefin, F. A., Raising Liquids, 361
Bonneville, H. A., Alcohol, 75
Bonneville, H. A., Alumina, 323
Booth, E., Loom Pickers, 35
Booth, W., Musical Instruments, 399
Bossomaier, A. G., Insulators, 491
Boswell, 8. II. and J. C., Checking Receipts, 399
Botten and Wylde, Separating Liquids, 379 Bottom and Rose, Fastening Handles, 75 Bottomley, Barry, and Lundy, Insulating, 35
Boullon, Probert, and Soward, Electric Lamps, 379
Boult, A., Car Couplings, 491
Boult, A., Caustic Soda, 94
Boult, A., Cutlery, 379, 458
Boult, A. J., Alcohol, 265
Boult, A. J., Bedsteads, 458
Boult, A. J., Brushes and Brooms, 130
Boult, A. J., Button Fastenings, 439
Boult, A. J., Cleaning Wool, 379
Boult, A. J., Closing Boxes, 130
Boult, A. J., Door Checks, 341
Boult, A. J., Door Stops, 303
Boult, A. J., Educational Apparatus, 491
Boult, A. J., Electric Cables, 439
Boult, A. J., Electricity, 439
Boult, A. J., Electro-plating, 361
Boult, A. J., Elevators, 439
Boult, A. J., Engines, 361
Boult, A. J., Furnaces, 361
Boult, A. J , Games, 35
Boult, A. J., Gas Stoves, 167
Boult, A. J., Harness, 185
Boult, A. J., Lanterns, 225
Boult, A. J., Metal Punches, 265
Boult, A. J., Metallising, 75
Boult, A. J., Millstone Balances, 323
Boult, A. J., Nails, 399
Boult, A. J., Nut Locks, 265
Boult, A. J., Opera Glass Holders, 439
Boult, A. J., Picture Frames, 399
Boult, A. J., Projectiles, 205
Boult, A. J., Regulating Speed, 55 Boult, A. J., Rowing Boats, 361 Boult, A. J., Salts, 323
Boult, A. J., Scythe Fastenings, 185
Boult, A. J., Soldering, 341
Boult, A. J., Sulphuric Acid, 283 Boult, A. J., Surveying, 75, 439 Boult, A. J., Transporting Loads, 130 Boult, A. J., Typefounding, 283 Boult, A. J., Wash-stands, 112 Boult, A. J., Wick Trimmers, 323 Boult, A. J., Window Sashes, 303 Boulton and Dickie, Typography, 112 Boulton and Perrett, Engines, 323 Bourke, M., Lowering Boats, 361
Boustead, Neville, and Holt, Railway Signalling, 341
Bouwens and Voss, Roller Mills, 55 Bowick, T. and T. G., Meal Casing, 458 Box, W. W., Gas, 205
Boys, C. V., Driving Belts, 361
Boys, C. V., Electric Meters. 75
Boys, C. V., Engine Power Meters, 75
Boyd, J. and T. A., Moulding and Casting, 341
Bracewell and Pilkington, Spinning, 283 Brackelsberg, E. W.. Type Setting, 130 Bradley and Wood, Combing Wool, 15 Brailsford, T. R., Electric Signalling, 205 Braithwaite, C. C., Railway Couplings, 245 Braithwaite, J. II , Carpets, &c., 75 Brandon, R. H., Electric Signalling, 147 Brandon, R. H., Ordnance, 147 Brandon, R., Tacks, 35
Brandon, R. H., Ventilating, 35
Brandon, R. H., Ventilating Railway Carriages, 185
Brear and Hudson, Points and Signals, 225 Brentnall, J. C., Furnaces, 323, 439 Brereton, E. N., Railway Couplings, 491 Brewster, F. W., Saving Life at Sea, 94 Brewer, E. G., Carding Wool, 75 Brewer, E. G., Electric Arc Lamps, 112 Brewer, E. G., Electro-Magnets, 439 Brewer, E. G., Leather Paring, 245 Brewer, E., Propellers, 75
Brewer, E., Rotary Engines, 94
Brewer, E. G., Secondary Batteries, 112 Brewer, E. G., Treating Fibres, 283 Brewer, E. G., Type Composing, 245 Brice, W. S., Elevators, 233
Brierley, J. F. W. and W. W., Rotary Engines, 35
Brierley, W., Supporting Pantaloons, 147 Briggs, jun., I., Spinning, 283 Bright, W., Cocks, 225
Brindley, J., Clay Press Trays, 55 Briscall, W., Velocipedes, 283 Britain, W., Bicycle Gearing, 283 Broadbent, S. and jun., Electricity, 439 Broadhurst, J., Pottery Kilns, 439
Brockelbank, T. A., Railway Couplings, 225
Brockie, J., Electric Arc Lamps, 225 Brodie, R., Straining Pulp, 439 Bromley, J., Colour Printing, 15 Bromley, Crosse, and James, Cisterns, 35 Brooke, E. B., Treating Enamelled Bricks.
Brooke, T. and J., Stoppering Bottles, 112 Brookes, J., Drawing Compasses, 379 Brooks, J., Bicycle Saddles, 341
G., Horse-rakes, 439
J., Spanners, 147
J. F., Looms, 379, 439
A., Centrifugal Machines, 399
A., Fencing, 341
A., Grinding, 476
A., Heating Water, 35
A., Ovens, 379
A., Oxidising Alcohols, 130
A., Reed Fabrics. 130
Brooks and Baker, Brace Fastenings, 265
Brooks and Spencer, Cranes, 35
Brooks and Tweedale, Shuttles, 491
Brophy, M. M., Heating Water, 147
Brothers, C., Ventilating and Fire-extinguishing, 476
Browett and Lindley, Engine Governors, 361
Brown, A. B., Starting Engines, 130
Brown, E., Velocipedes, 283
Brown, F., Smoke-consuming Furnaces, 283
Brown, G., Horse-rakes, 439
Brown, J., Packing, 112
Brown, J., Spanners, 147
Brown, J. F., Looms, 379, 439
Brown, T., Looms, 361
Brown, T. A., Domestic Vessels, 283
Brown, Barnes, and Bell, Printing Surfaces, 341
Brown and Robertson, Nut-crackers, 245
Brown and Saunders, Telephony and Telegraphy, 225
Browne, W. F., Evaporating Liquids, 35
Browne, W. F., Gas, 35
Brownhill, R. W., Velocipedes, 476
Browning, G., Sewing Machines, 361
Brownrigg, J., Door furniture, 15
Bruce, W., Copying Designs, 55
Bruckner, A., Exhibiting, 458
Bryant, C. E., Holders for Chalk, 112
Brydges, E. A., Centrifugal Machines, 399
Brydges, E.
Brydges, E.
Brydges, E.
Brydges, E.
Brydges, E.
Brydges, E.__,__________
Brydges, E. A., Sheathing Wire Ropes, 476
Brydges, E. A., Stamping Letters, 112
Brydges, E. A., Velocipedes, 323
Buckland, J., Bicycles, 225
Buckley and Hollingworth, Looms, 35
Budenberg, A., Engines, 439
Buell, C. E., Secondary Batteries, 94
Bull, H. C., Boilers, 283
Bull, H. C., Tricycles, 283
Bull, H. C., Wagons, 476
Bulpitt, W. H., Lamps, 130
Bunten and Russell, Permanent Way, 439
Burch and Allen, Furnaces, 35
Burnett, J., Musical Instruments, 225
Burr, E. B., Galvanic Batteries, 185
Burras and Renton, Pressing Fabrics, 185
Burrell, F. J., Engine Governors, 458
Burton and Byrnes, Fusible Plugs, 458
Busche, F. E. A., Lace, 55
Bushell and Haydon, Oil Extracting, 265
Bust, F„ Ventilating Stacks, 147
Butcher, J. J., Gas Engines, 458
Butler, J., Smoke Consuming, 205
Butler, J. W., Hardening Artificial Stone, 458
By water and Bedford, Connecting Tappits, 147
Bywater, Bedford, and Kershaw, Looms, 303
Clark, A. M.
Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M., Clark, A. M., Clark,A. Clark, A.
Cadogan, J., Milling, 35
Callendar, H. L., Glass Stylographs, 265
Campbell, L., Electric Currents, 323
Campbell, L,, Regulating Currents, 94
Candy, F. J., Buckles, 323
Capell, G., Exhaust Fans, 15
Capell, G. M., Drying Grain, 205
Capewell, G., Glove Fastenings, 491
Capra, A., Pianofortes, 458
Carder, T., Drain Traps, 419
Cardew, P., Electric Light, 341
Carey and Hurter, Bisulphide of Soda, 379
Carling, W., Motive Power, 130
Carlton, S., Brakes, 130
Carpenter, T., Globe-holders, 458
Carr, J., Screw Propellers, 15
Carr, J., Tape Ladders, 35
Carter, B. J., Electro-magnetic Engraving, 245
Carter, J. H., Milling, 458
Carus-Wilson, C., Electric Currents, 75
Casero, G. G. B., Treating Grain, 283
Casson, T., Organs, 283
Cathcart, C., Secondary Batteries, 15
Catlow, C., Looms, 15, 147
Catterall and Birch, Taps, 419
Cavargna, J., Retaining Heat, &c., 167
Chadwick and Sugden, Sewing Machines, 476
Chaffin, J., Fixing Glass, 147
Chaillet and Rougnon, Bottles, 491
Chaimsonowitz. E. P., Light, 379
Challinor, J., Loom Pickers, 341
Chambers, C., Boots, 245
Chambers, G., Boots and Shoes, 323
Chambers, J. and F., Moulds for Pipes, 439
Chameroy, B. H., Signalling, 147
Chandler, S , Gas, 265
Chandler, S., jun., and J., Gas, 15
Chapelain, P., Vapourisers, 303
Chapman, J., Pipe Couplings, 491
Chapman, B., Door Fastenings, 361
Charlton and Wright, Engines, 167
Chase, W. H., Driving Belts, 112
Chaster, J., Telephony, 75
Chatwood, 8. and S. R., Metal Plates, 379
Cheesbrough, F., Boilers, 361
Cheesborough, F. J., Secondary Batteries, 205
Chenhall, J. W., Calcining, Regulus, &c., 491
Cherrill, N. K., Electric Incandescent Lamps, 419
Cheswright, C. E. H., Capsules for Bottles, 476
Cheswright, C. E. H., Collapsible Tubes, 476
Cheswright, C. E. H., Stopping Bottles, 75
Cheyne, W., Automatic Apparatus, 55
Chibnail, J. R., Ovens, 147
Child, A. and G., Artificial Hips, 55
Childs, A. W. and G. B., Busts for Costumes, 283
Chipmann, W. W., Iron and Steel, 205
Christy, T., Incubators, 303
Church, G. E., Pigments, 225
Cizzio, C., Engines, 399
Clare, T. D., Armour-plates, 323
Claret, J. J., Mould Candles, 361
ClarK, A., Chronographs, 225
Clark, A , Harness, 147
Clark, A., Purifying Middlings, 55
Clark, A., Safety Apparatus, 55
Clark, A.. M., Bearings, 379
Clark, A. M., Boxes, 379
Clark, A. M., Cleaning Filters, 205
Clark, A. M., Coating Metals, 15
Clark, A. M., Discharging Bilge Water, 185
Clark, A. M., Electric Arc Lamps, 303
Clark, A. M., Electric Lamps, 75
CJlarir a xr i Electric Lamps, Hanging,
Electric Light, 476, 491 Embroidering, 245 Enamelled Glass, 491 Engines, 35 Fabrics, 112
Fastening Mail Bags, 35 Filters, 185
A., ^Safety Apparatus, 55 A. M., Boxes, ^379
— M., * uuuii,, ioo Clark, A. M., Fire-escapes, 205 Clark, A. M., Fire Extinguishing, 94 Clark, A. M., Gas Engines, 225, 491 Clark, A. M., Gas Stoves, 341 Clark, A. M., Gases, 225
Clark, A. M., Grain Dryers, 283
Clark, A. M., Grinding Grain, 75
Claik, A. M., Hat Pegs, 361
Clark, A. M., Knitting, 130
Clark, A. M., Loading and Unloading, 205
Clark, A. M., Metallic Inlaid Work, 458
Clark, A. M., Metal Packings, 419
Clark, A. M., Meters, 130
Clark, A. M., Ordnance, 458
Clark, A. M., Ovens, 35
Clark, A. M., Permanent Way, 15, 94
Clark, A. M., Potash, and Soda, 399
Clark, A. M., Preparing Fibres, 35
Clark, A. M., Producing Designs, 419
Clark, A. M., Purifying Feed Water, 476
Clark, A. M., Raising Sunken Ships, 379
Clark, A. M., Reflectors, 303
Clark, A. M., Rotary Engines, 419
Clark, A. M., Saw Filing, 112
Clark, A. M., Screw Propellers, 439
Clark, A. M., Secondary Batteries, 55
Clark, A. M., Sewing Machines, 458
Clark, A. M., silk Yarns, 303
Clark, A. M., Slide Valves, 112
Clark, A. M., Spinning. 35
Clark, A. M., Stopping Boiler Tubes, 303
Clark, A. M., Tellurians, 379
Clark, A. M., Valves, 15
Clark, A. M., Watch Chains, 147
Clark, A. M., Wheels, 419, 458
Clark, A. M., Wind Motors, 439
Clark, A. M., Yeast, 303
Clark, J. L., Astronomical Instruments,
Clark, T., Cutlery, 130
Clark, W., Axles, 265
Clark, W., Boilers, 265
Clark, W., Dredging, 265
Clark, W., Elevators, 283
Clark, W., Secondary Batteries, 283
Clark, W., Watches, 341
Clarke, A., Harrows, 323
Clarke, C., Velocipedes, 245
Clarke, E., Ring Spinning, 205
Clarke, H., Moulding Tobacco, 167
Clarke, H., Sewing Machines, 303
Clarke and Moore, Tunnels, 476
Clarke, W., Iron, 245
Clarkson, J., Cigarettes, 399
Claus, C. F., Porous Siliceous Materials, 167
Claus, C. F., Printing Ink, 167
Claus, C. F., Purifying Gas, 265
Claus, C. F., Silicate of Zinc, 185
Claus, C. F., White Pigments, 167
Clay, C., Fans, 35
Clay, R., Railway Signalling, 379
Clayton, J., Winding, 361
Clennel, W. C., Treating Animal and Vegetable Substances, 439
Clennett, E., Carriage Windows, 439
Clerk, D., Engines, 323
Clerk and Dowling, Signalling, 323
Coates and Chandler, Paper Bags, 185
Coates, J., Embossed Fabrics, 225
Coates, J., Sulphate of Ammonia, 35
Cobley, T. H., Sewage, 75
Cochrane, C., Iron, 323
Cochrane, J. W., Diaries, 245
Cockburn, D., Safety Valves, 361
Cocker and Ellis, Furnaces, 476
Codd and Rylands, Bottles, 35
Coey and McArthur, Spinning, 185
Cole, A. B., Watches, 476
Cole, D., Opening Bottles, 167
Coleman and Henson, Fog Signalling, 491
Coleman, Morton and Stidolph, Screening
Grain, 439
Coley-Bromfield, J., Gas, 245
Collingridge, A., Olefiant Gas, 55
Collingwood, T., Taps and Cocks, 458
Collins, C., Safety Valves, 15
Collins, T. H., Manhole Doors, 341
Colton, E. G., Images, 75
Combault and Taylor, Buttons, 112
Comings, W. R., Varnishing, 55
Coodby, sen., S., Cutting Tubes, 439
Cook, J. C,, Water Bottles, 75
Cook, J. W., Building, 245
Cook, J. W., Partitions, 15
Cook, T. C. 8., Biscuits, 245
Cook, W., Wagon Hutches, 265
Cooke, G. K., Combined Printing, 439
Cooke, G. K., Printing, &c., Stamp, 419
Cookson, N., Secondary Batteries, 147
Cookson, N. C., Secondary Batteries, 225
Cooper, W. H., Drip Course Bricks, 245
Cooper, W. I., Distilling Coal, 439
Conlong, J., Dyeing and Sizing, 225
Conolly, H., W ater Supply, 15
Conolly and Hubert, Water Supply, 15
Conquest, W., Printing Fabrics, 491
Cope, J. E., Sash Fastenings, 491
Copeland, 8., Sizing Roots, 15
Corbett, S., Cultivating, 205
Corliss, W.. Safes, 94
Cornforth, S., Punching Slates, 147
Cotton, W., Knitting, 491
Cottrill, R. N., Spindle Mountings, 399
Couchman, J. W., Furnaces, 265
Coulson, M., Purifying Boilers, 205
Coulthard, T., Spinning, 283
Court, C., Textile Fabrics, 75
Courtenay, R. H., Electric Lamps, 15
Couste, J. E., Fountain Pens, 439
Cowan, J., Telephony, 112
Cowles, E., Candles, 419
Cowan, T. W., Electric Lamps, 303
Cowper, E. A. and C. E., Hot-Blast Stoves, 491
Cox, S. D., Peat, 15
Coxeter, 8. J, Storing Compressed Gas, 439
Crabtree, R. W., Kitchen Ranges, 147
Crane, R., Grates, 379
Cranston, W. McL, Harvesting, 361
Craston, H., Boots and Shoes, 458
Crause, P. M., Paddle-wheels, 185
Craven and Allan, Spinning, 283
Crawford, W., Moulding Clay, 439
Cree, J., Hats, 35
Cressy, J. T., Bottles, 458
Crisp, A. E., Window Fastenings, 361
Croft, F. J., Screw Propellers, 225
Crofts and Assinder, Suspending Mirrors, 458
Crommelin, Lees, Spain, and Thompson Gas Ovens, 491
Crompton and Kapp, Dynamo-Electric Machines, 303
Crompton, R. E. B., Electric Arc Lamps, 55
Crompton, R. E. B., Electric Currents, 399
Crook, W., Engines, 303
Crookes, W., Electric Lamps, Incandescent
Cropper, S.. Printing, 341
Crosland, W., Paper-cutting, 323
Crossley, D. J., Pile Fabrics, 341
Crossley, F. W., Gas Engines, 245
Crowder, JElectric Incandescent Lamps,
Crowther, W., Distilling Coal, 205
Crozat, C., Carburetting Gas, 167
Crozat, C., Velocipedes, 130
Cruikshank, jun., R., Revolving Chairs. 245
Cullabine, H., Lamps, 130
Culmer, J., Brushes, 323
Cunliife, W., Carbons, 419
Cunnack, R. J., Reducing, &c, Ores, 112
Currie, S. C. C., Blind Fastenings, 245
Currie, 8. C. C., Electro-Magnets, 112
Cutlan, F., Paring Heels, 439
Cutler, 11. A., Ball Vales, 75
Cuttriss, T., Battery Plates, 112
Daggett, C., Buttons,. 91
Dakers, J., Vehicles, 491
Dal by, J. P., Tricycles, 94
Dalby, J. P., Velocipedes, 303
Dalton, G., Breaking Stone, 94
Dalton, G., Bricks, 55
Dalton, G., Crushing Stone, 341
Dance, K. J., Storing, &c., Gram, 399
Danks, J. J., Brushes, 379
Dann, J. T., Meters, 147 .
Dansey and Robinson, Compound Engines, 476
Darby, H., Heating Baths, 147
Dazier-Gide, S. A., Heating Air, 185
Darke, E. T., Animal Vaccine, 283
Darling, J., Illuminating, 323
Darling, J., Needles, 94 .
Darling, J. and J., Measuring Fabrics, o5
Daughters, M. G., Tousing Horsehair, 283
Dauncey, T. C., Pianofortes, 439
Davey, H., Generating, 130
Davey, H., Regulating, 130
Davidson and Miller, Cleaning Gram,
Davidson, R., Boring Boilers, 265
Davies, E., Blocks, 35
Davies, E., Waste Fibres, 341 .
Davies and Eckersley, Washing Fabrics, J4
Davies, H., Fishing Tackle, 167
Davies, J. H., Galvanic Batteries, 15
Davies, Middleton, and White, Colour
Printing, 55
Davies, W. H., Fountain Pens, 491
Davies, A. M., Stopping Bottles, 361
Davies, B. W., Pumping, 303
Davies, G. E., Distilling Coal, 439
Davies, H. T., Registering Receipts, 439
Davies, J., Air Compressing Pumps, 283
Davison and Hallard, Mowing, 439
Davison, T., Steering Engines, 205
Dawson, J., Looms, 167
Dawson, J. E., Printing, 303
Day, C., Carding, 75
Day, Green, Walker, and Carey, Hydraulic
Lifts, 185
Day, S. J. V., Spinning, 185
Death and Ellwood, Sugar Mills, 245
Deeley, E,, Steel, 112
Defty, H., Gas, lb5
Defries, H., Railway Carriage Lamps, 361
Delaney, E. L., Cigarettes, 205
Delettrez, G., Lubricators, 341
Dell, W. B., Dressing Flour, 94
Dell, W. B., Separating Dust from Air, 205
Delmard, M.» Explosives, 439
Dempster, jun., R., Centre Valves, 419
Dempster, J and R., jun., Tar, 35
Deprez, M., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 225
Desfoss6s, E., Motive Power, 130
Deslandes, P. P.» Bottle Stoppers, 458
Desprez, E. M., Suspenoers, 75
Detmold, E., Ink, 15
Dewhirst and Corn th waite, Spinning, o99^
Dewrance and Wimshurst, Governing, 205
Dick, G. A., Metallic Alloys, 439
Dickson, G. J., Locks, 147
Dickson, G. J., Sash Fastenings, 147
Dickson, jun., J., Permanent Way, 130
Diggins and Gliick, Alarm Signalling, 167
Dimmock, J., Kiers, 491
Dinsmore, J., Registering Fares, 439
Dix, A. and T. H , Checking Cords, 75
Dixon, S., Sewing Machines, 491
Dobson, B. A., Lubricating, 112
Dobson, J., Rotary Printing, 303
Dodd and Adam, Looms, 15
Dolby, T., Syringes, 399
Donald, J. T., Lifts, 476
Donne, J. T., Sewing Machines, 453
Donnithorne, T., Dynamo-Magnetic Machines, 205
Douglass, J. N., Burners, 283
Doulton, H., Steps, 439
Dove, L., Steam Valves, 130
Downie, II., Carriage Brakes, 265
Downing, G., Musical Instruments, 55
Downs, J., Capstans, 439
Downs, W., Hooks, 15
Dowrie, T., Ice, 303
Drake, C. A., Pencil Cases, 379
Drake and Muirhcad, Syringing, 15
Draper, J. M. and J. B., Organs, 15
Bransfield and Issett, Spinning, 225
Drayton, J. H., Bottles, 225
Dredge, E., Cutting Cloth, 130
Drew, E., Distilling Coal, 491
Drewitt, J., Door Locks and Handles, 283
Drummond, A., Fastening Glass, 55
Drummond, D , Pipe Couplings, 458
Duffield, J., Spring Packings, 245
Dufrene, H., Paper Pulp, 323
Dunbar, J., Slide Valves, 323
Duncan, J., Sceam Steering, 379
Duncan, R., Lowering Ships’ Boats, 361
Duncan, R., Screw Propellers, 75
Durham, F., Voltaic Batteries, 205
Durham and Ward, Secondary Batteries, 55
Dutton, E. K., Paper Bags, 491
Duxbury, jun,, Y., Tension, &c., Winding, 112
Dyer, J., Butt Hinges, 341
Dyson, E., Doubling, &c., 265
Dyson, E., Gas Engines, 419
Dyson, G. W., Boiler Flues, 419
Earp, T., Cattle Food, 458
Easthope, E., Diving, 185
Eastwood. D., Looms, 476
Eden, F. M., Exhaust Fans, 112
Edge, J., Valves, 130
Edmonds, E., Hair Restorer, 185
Edwards, E., Draught Apparatus, 75
Edwards, E., Bottle Stoppers, 476
Edwards, E., Carding Engines, 283
Edwards, E., Carpet Fastenings, 185
Edwards, E., Carriage Brakes, 341
Edwards, E., Coating Iron, 2u5
Edwards, E., Engine Regulators, 491
Edwards, E , Envelopes, 399
Edwards, E., Filtering, 283
Edwards, E., Indicating Fire, 55
Edwards, E., Photography, 147
Edwards, E , Ploughs, 323
Edwards, E., Propelling Vehicles, 419
Edwards, E., Safety Boats, 491
Edwards, E., Surgical Truss, 419
Edwards, E., Window Frames, 245
Edwards, G. M., Channels, <fcc., 112
Edwards, G. M., Corrugating Metal, 458
Edwards, J., Carriage Door Locks, 361
Edwards, R., Starch, 147
Edwards and St. George, Electric Lamps, 283
Edwards, St. George, and Phillips, Electricity, 283
Edwards, T. J., Sculling Boats, 112
Edwards, W., Tools, 283
Ehrlich, P., Musical Instruments, 112
Ekman, C. D., Colouring Matters, 439
Ekman, Espeut, and Fry, Sugar, 491
Ellery and Gent, Telephones, 341
Elliott, A , Dynamo-Electric Machines, 323
Ellison, A., Railway Tickets, 361
Elphinson, W. B. F., and Baron, and Vincent, and Cottrell, Electric Arc Lamps, 899
Elson and Eastwood, Fuel Economiser, 303
Elwell, P. B., Engine Governors, 283
Elworthy, 11. S., Plating, 205
Emery, A. C., Signalling, 94
Emery, E. V., Venetian Blinds, 15
Emery, F., Photography, 283
Emmens and Barnes, Electrical Installation Fittings, 476
Emmens, S. II., Electric Conductors, 476
Emmens, S. H. Electric Motors, 130
Emmens, S. II., Galvanic Batteries, 185
Emmens and Mason, Galvanic Batteries, 225
Emmens and Munro, Photometers, 491
Engel, F. , Horseshoes, 94
Engel, F. H. F., Centrifugal Separating
Machine, 361
Engel, F., Drying Grain, 75
Engel, F. H. F., Electric Lamps, 458
Engel, F. H. F., Hygrometers. 491
Engel, F. H. F., Propelling Ships, 491
Engel, F. H. F., Treating Submerged
Bodies, 458
English, H. D., Taps and Cocks, 283
English and Sturgeon, Compressed Air, 379
Enright, R., Fountain Pens, 303
Eppenstall, J. E., Spinning, 112
Epstein, L., Lead, 130
Epstein, J. H., Ornamenting Leather, 491
Erskine, J., Chemical Compounds, 35
Erskine, J., Colouring Matters, 15, 35
Erskine, J., Methylquinoline, 94
Erskine, J., Slicing Bread, 55
Emmens, 8. H., Electric Meters, 167
Espeut, W. B., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 167
Espeut, W. B., Glove Fastenings, 167
Espeut, W. B., Rotary Engines, 167
Estcourt, C., Gas, 361
Evans and Bennett, Railway Signalling,
Evans, C. P., Photography, 265
Evans, C. P., Sewing Machines, 265
Evans, C. P., Tram-cars and Omnibuses, 205
Evans, M., Electric Incandescent Lamps, 323
Evans, T. P., Tramways, 341
Evens and Lowenfeld, Preserving Rope
Yarns, 303
Everitt, P., Pocket-cases, 94
Fairbank and Robertshaw, Combing Wool, 35
Fairfax, J. S., Electric Currents, 341
Fairfax, J. S., Magnets, 35
Farquhar and Oldham, Filtering, 167
Farrar, J., Winding, 419
Farwig, J. F., Oil Stoves, 439
Faure, C. A., Alkaline Salts, 491
Fawcett, F. B., Carpets, 491
Fear, E. J. C., Vaporising, 112
Fee, J., Handles for Cutlery, 205
Feldman. A.. Ammonia, 112
Fell, J. B., Engines, 94
Felton, W., Furnaces, 379
Fenn, A. G., Furnaces, 265
Fenwick, G.. Railway Couplings, 225
| Fergusson, A., Electric Lamps, 458
Ferguson, J., Bottles, 130
Ferguson, W. Glazing, 476
Ferranti, C., Globe Galleries, 303
de Ferranti and Thompson, Dynamo-Elec- ' trie Machines, 75 I
Ferranti and Thompson, Dynamo-Blectric j Machines, 147
de Ferranti and Thompson, Electric Arc : Lamps, 75
Ferranti and Thompson, Electric Meters, 265
Ferrie, W., Purifying Gases, 35
Fielden, C., Roller Mills, 311
Field, L., Folding Furniture, 55
Fielding, H., Cutlery, 75
Finch, B., Furnaces, 94
Findlay, J., Furnaces, 283
Firth and Fanand, Pile Fabrics, 265
Fischer, E., Artificial Leather, 225
Fischer, W., Pianofortes, 399
Fisher, 8., Fabrics, 147
Fisher and Spencer, Wheels, 167
Fisher and Walker, Brakes, 94
Fisher and Wolstencroft, Picture, &c., Frames, 379
Fisken and Robson, Cultivating, 419
FitzGerald and Jones, Secondary Batteries, 185
Fleischmann, J., Toys, 147
Fleming, H., Locks, 323
Fletcher, J. M., Billiard Tables, 491
Fletcher, J. M., Electric Lamps, 491
j Fletcher, J. W., Telephony, 112
. Fletcher, R. C., Velocipedes, 341, 491
Fletcher, T., Furnaces, 147
, Foden, E., Traction Engines, 491
Folker, G. A., Hooks and Pegs, 225
Fonnereau and Fielding, Giving Medicine
to Horses, 491
Foot, J. T., Watering Hose, 205
Foot, W., Bricks, 439
Forbes and Hayes, Engines, 94
Forbes, J., Ammoniacal Salts, 205
Forbes, J., Sewing Machines, 55
Ford, J. T., Umbrellas, 458
Ford and Moncur, Stoves, 147
Fordham, W. R., Printing Indexes, 130
Formby, J., Controlling Valves by Electricity, 361
Forster, W., Treating Hops, 15
Foster, F., Bottles, 303
Foster, F., Labelling Bottles, 265
Foster, T., Rotary Motive Power, 205
Fowler and Daniel, Engine Governors, 245
Fox and Qoulthard, Spinning, 75
Fox, J. E., Drying Corn, 458
Fox, St. G. L., Secondary Batteries, 283
Fox, jun., T., Treating Fibres, 458
Fox and Wheeler, Cleaning, &c., Currants, 361
Foxall, T., Colour Boxes, 491
Francis, J. A., Match-box Holders, 379
Francis, J. A., Tickets, 75
Frank, R. E., Lenses, 458
Frank, R. E., Ornamenting Glass, 476
Frankenburg, I , Waterproof Wearing
Apparel, 303
Frankland, E., Electric Storage Batteries, 205
Fraser, W., Wheels, 399
Freeman, J. B., Pigments, 303
French and Monks, Ladder Tapes, 35
Friedlander, W., Wire Fencing, 419
Friedrichs, P. J., Fibres, 147
Frisbie, D., Friction Clutches, 323
Froggatt, W., Bottle Stoppers, 15
Frost, J. W., Shirts, 361
Fry, J., Wheels, 167
Fuller, S. C. L., Carriage Heads, 419
Furlong, A. B., Fastenings for Wearing
Apparel, 112
Furness and Robertshaw, Valves, 361
Galloway and Beckwith, Engines, 112
Gaman, T., Utilising Tidal Power, 55
Gandebein, A., Ventilators, 283
Ganter, J., Clocks, 361
Gandy, M., Sewing Machines, 439
Gardiner, J. H., Incandescent Electric
Lamps, 35
Gardner, D. R., Spring Mattresses, 303
Gardner, H., Evaporating, 112
Gardner, H., Planting Potatoes, 245
Gardner, H., Sewing Machines, 130
Gare, T., Treating Leather, 361
Garin-Moroy, P. I., Looms, 439
Garland, H., Elevators, 361
Garnett, W. T., Permanent Way, 419
Garon, F., Locks, 303
Garratt, J. T., Blow-pipe Lamps, 15
Garrington, R. and B., Hamess, 55
Gartrell, J. H.» Dentistry, 112
Garvie and Wood, Musical Instrument Motors, 323
Gascoigne, J. J., Heels, 35
Gass, A , Sewing Machines, 35
Gaulard and Gibbs, Electricity, 225
Gauntlett, C. W., Flushing, 476
Gavard and Millon, Breech-loading Ordnance, 55
Gedge, W., Excavating 15
Gedee, W. E., Astronomical Instruments, 491
Gedge, W. E., Chains, 439
Gedge, W. E., Dyeing Wool, 399
Gedge, W. E., Excavating, 94
Gedge, W. E., Gas Engines, 323
Gedge, W. E., Preventing Incrustation in Boilers, 112
Gedge, W. E., Reducing Ores, 323
Gedge, W. E., Umbrellas, 361
Gehlsen, H. J., Peeling, 75
Gelder, P. V., Separating Grain, 75
Gentle, G., Bedsteads, 491
George, R. J., Metallic Fencing, 205
George, W. J., Tricycles, 399
Gerken, A., Facilitating References, 94
Gibbons and Robinson, Stop Valves, 439
Gibbs, A., Tricycles, 265
G bbs, R., Ships’ Propellers, 265
Gibson, Baptie, and Squire, Steel Wire, 167
Gibson, C. E., Perambulators, 55
Gibson, J., Printing, 35
Gibson, J. R., Electric Circuits, 55
Gibson and Platt, Bleaching, &c., Fabrics, 379
Gibson, W. C., Bricks, 35
Gilbert, J., Fire-arms, 439
Gill, F., Valves, 379
Gillespie, J., Clay, &c , 75
Gillmore, W., Lamps, Oil, 167
Gillott, J. H., Grinding Lawn Mowers, 379
Gilmour, T. and J., Boilers, 245
Girdwood, W. and W., Engines, Governing, 35
Gjers, J., Ingots, 94
Glaser, F., Cleaning Fats, 323
Glaser, F., Fire-bricks, 55
Glaser, F. C., Barbed Wire, 35
Glaser, F. C., Bichromate of Potash, 476
Glaser, F. C., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 245
Glaser, F. C., Fatty Matters, 323
Glaser, F. C., Musical Instruments, 323
Glaser, F. C., Permanent Way, 476
Glaser, F. C., Preserving Wood, 130
Glaser, F. C., Railway Couplings, 167
Glaser, F. C., Tricycles, 491
Glover, G., Clogs, 167
Glover. J., Soap, 245
Goldschmidt, Hahlo, and Hussy, Rotary Engines and Pumps, 55
Good er, L., Engine Valves, 439
Goolden and Casella, Buildings, 341
Goransson, E. F., Iron and Steel, 341
Gordon and Gray, Dynamo Machines, 83
Gordon, jun., J., Discharging Oil, 94
Gordon, jun., J., Electric Commutators,458
Gorse, A. E., Tenter Hooks, 323
Goss and Savage, Tools. 94
Graddon, J., Electricity, 419
Graham, J. A., Bleaching Fibres, 379
Graham, J. A., Boilers, 379
Graham, J. A.. Coating Iron, 379
Graham and Frost, Shaping, 147
Graham, J. A., Treating Fibres, 379
Graham, J. and T. J., Couplings, 476
Granroth, J., Steering, 185
Grawitz, W. J. 8., Textile Fibres, 94
Gray, A. andT., Regulating Lamps, 75
Grayson, C., Lowering Boats, 94
Greatrex, F., Stoves, 419
Green, C., Telegraphy, 379
Green, D. C., Ventilating Tunnels, 491
1 Green, E., Drain Traps, 323
Green, E., Lids and Covers, 130
Green, T., Clipping Grass Edges, 112
Green, U., Aerial Navigation, 225
Green, W., Soaps, 205
Greene, H. and T. A., Argand Burners, 341
Greene, II. and T. A., Gas Alarms, 341
Greene, H. and T. A., Gas Supply, 341
Greener, W. W., Fire-arms, 245
Greenhill, J. H., Electricity, 265
Greening and Barker, Harvesting, 55
Greening and Collins, Transmitting, 75
Greening, N. and L., Wire Fabrics, 476
Greenaway and Kitt, Engines and Pumps, 341
Greenaway, C. C., Washing, 130
Greenwood and Hoyle, Washing Wool, 303
Greenwood, W., Clipping Horses, 323
Greenwood, W., Placing Wool Yarns, 35
Greig, D. and G., Cultivating, 491
Greig and Leek, Fencing, 439
Gresham, J., Vacuum Brakes, 112
Grierson, H. H., Sugar, 185
Griffiths, T. J. and J., Cages in Mines, 303
Groth, L. A., Architectural Ornaments, 399
Groth, L. A., Boots and Shoes, 491
Groth, L. A., Dividing Fleeces, 341
Groth, L. A., Electric Arc Lamps, 55
Groth, L. A., Electric Lamps, Incandescent, 491
Groth, L. A., Filing Saw Blades, 55
Groth, L. A., Magnesium, 399
Groth, L. A., Manuring, 185
Groth, L. A., Maps, 225
Groth, L. A., Musical Instruments, 205
Groth, L. A., Permanent Way, 112
Groth, L. A., Table Cutlery, 55
Groth, L. A., Fish, Treating, 458
Groth, L. A., Treating Gold Ores, 491
Groth, L. A., Water, 112
Groth, L. A., Window Blinds, 491
Grtinbaum, H. O., Preventing Boat Accidents, 15
Gru son and Handrick, Motive Power, 265
Guattari, E., Door Fastenings, 303
Gubbins, R. R., Emery Wheels, 35
Gubbins, R. R , Pistons, 147
Guerrier, A C., Wheel Tires, 35
Giilcher, R., Electric Conductors, 419
Gulcher, R. J., Looms, 75
Guillaume and L imbert, Sewing Machines, 491 b
Guillc, D., Painting, &c., Fabrics, 112
Gullyes, C. J., Pulley Blocks, 323
Gunn, J., Guard Rails for Boats, 245
Gutensohn, A., Absorbed Paper, 55
Guthrie, G., Wedges, 476
Guttridge, T., Fog Signalling, 361
Guye, A., Alloys of Gold, 225
Hackney and Wailes, Gas Furnaces, 379 lladdan, 11. J., Air Gas, 245
Haddan, 11. J., Antiseptics, 55
Haddan, H. J., Artificial Butter, 147
Haddan, H. J., Artificial Cream, tec., 55 lladdan, H. J., Attaching Handles, 94 Haddan, H. J., Axles, 35
Haddan, H. J., Bakers’ Ovens, 185
Haddan, H. J., Boilers, 225
Haddan, II. J., Bottle Stoppers, 167
Haddan, H. J., Burnishing, 55 lladdan, H. J., Chairs, 439 lladdan, H. J., Coffee, 323
Haddan, II. J., Copying, 185
Haddan, H. J., Cricket Bat Handles, 419
Haddan, H. J., Cutting Helical Grooves, 55
Haddan, II. J., Demonstrating Motion, 94
Haddan, H. J., Door Locks, 185 Haddan, H. J., Drying, &c., 75 Had dan, H. J., Dust-Collecting Flues, 75 lladdan, H. J., Electric Light, 55 Haddan, H. J., Electric Signalling. 491 Hadrian, H. J., Engines, 94 Haddan, H. J., Engraving, 35 lladdan, H. J., Filling Sacks, 458
Haddan, II. J., Fluid Pressure Engines,
Haddan, H. J., Folding Cases, 245 Haddan, H. J., Furnaces, 303 Haddan, H. J., Governors, 75 Haddan, H. J., Grinding Mills, 323 Haddan, H. J., Hydrate of Glucose, 167 Haddan, H. J., Ice, 55
Haddan, H. J., Indicating Speed of Shafts, 205
Haddan, H. J., Lamp Glasses, 323 Haddan, H. J., Lamps, 130
Haddan, II. J., Lids for Cans, 167 Haddan, H. J., Lightning Conductors, 323 lladdan, H. J., Liquid Meters, 94 Haddan, H. J., Lithographic Presses, 419 Haddan, II. J., Locking Devices, 94 ’ Haddan, H. J , Locks, 130
Haddan, H. J., Looms, 94, 323
Haddan, H. J., Lubricating Pistons, 167 Haddan, H. J., Lubricators, 205
Haddan, B. J., Luminous Pigments, 283 Haddan, H. J., Measuring Chains, 458 Haddan, H. J., Musical Instruments, 265 Haddan, H. J., Paper Boxes, 185 Haddan, H. J., Pencil Hoffiers, 491 Haddan, H. J., Ploughs, 439
Haddan, H. J., Points and Switches 112 Haddan, H. J., Preparing Fibres, 283 Haddan, II. J., Propelling and Steering,
Haddan, H. J., Ratchet Braces, 205 Haddan, II. J., Secondary Batteries, 15 147 ’ ’
Haddan, H. J., Separating Fibres, 476 Haddan, H. J., Sewing Machines, 167 Haddan, H. J., Sheet Metal, 55 Haddan, H. J., Signalling, 75 Haddan, H. J., Smoke Flues, 55 Haddan, H. J., Stop Motions, 94 Haddan, H. J., Stop Watches, 245 Haddan, H. J., Stoves, 130 Haddan, H. J , Trusses, 323
Haddan, H. J., Type Dressing, 458 Haddan, H. J., Typography, 130
^225 J ’ Umbrellas and Parasols, Haddan, H. J., Washing, &c., Wool, 476 Haddan, H. J., Weighing, 147 Haddan, H. J., Woo), 112
Hadford, T. J., Electricity, 55 Hager, L., Folding Cutlery, 265 Hague, B., Sewing Machines, 245 Haigh, A., Safety Valves, 458 Haigh, W., Drying Hay, 167 Haigh, W., Printing, 167 Hain, J., Sewing Machines, 245 Flaime, J. M., Railway Brakes, 75 Haley and Savage, Gas Supply, 94 Halket, J. P., Water Supply, 55 Hall, C. E., Treating Small Coal, 323 Hall, H. and T. W., Cutlery Handles, 245 Hall, J., Biscuit Boxes, 379
Hall, J., Bottle Stands, 341 Hall, W., Toy Engines, 361 Hamer, W. and C. W. B., Water Meters, 283 Hammond, H. and E., Breech-loading
Fire-arms, 245
Hammond and Goldenberg, Electric Tamp Carbons, 225
Hammond and Goldenberg, Electro-Hydraulic Meters, 185
Hammond and Goldenberg, Secondary Batteries, 341
Hamper and Harper, Brewing, 265 Hamper and Harper, Fining for Wines, 265 Hampton, T., Removing Ingots, 15 Hancock, D., Valves, 130
Hancock, E., Rollers, 15
Hancock, H., Door Fastenings, 283 Hancock, T., Bolts and Nuts, 399 Hancock, W. E., Microscopes, 491 Hand and Wiberley, Winding, 476 Handford, T. J., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 112, 147
Handford, T. J., Electric Conductors, 147
Handford, T. J., Electric Distribution, 303
Handford, T., Electric Light, 147
Handford, T. J., Electric Meters, 35, 112, 245
Handford, T. J., Electricity, 112, 147
Handford, T. J., Engines, 265
Handford, T. J., Incandescent Electric Lamps, 35, 147
Handford, T. J., Secondary Batteries, 147
Hanewald, C. E., Chimney Caps, 112
Hankey, T. D., Brakes, 303
Hanna and Shillington, Stable Fittings, 303
Hannan, R., Explosives, 303, 476
Hannan and Mills, Explosives, 379
Hannay, J. B., Lubricating, 458
Hannay, J., Preserving Ships’ Bottoms, 458
Hannay, J. B., Preventing Corrosion in Boilers, 458
Hansell, T., Invalid Tables, 55
Harcourt, A. G. V., Cleaning Iron, 458
Harding, A. R. and J. W., Ventilating, 112
Harding, C. W., Compressing Air, 130
Harding, R. T. and T. W., Fluid Meters, 15
Hardingham, G. G. M., Boilers, 323
Hardman, J. H., Carbonising Coal, 205
Hardy, IL, Screw Propellers, 112
Hare, G., Photographic Cameras, 15
Hargreaves, J., Thermo-Dynamic Engines,
Hargreaves and Inglis, Engine Valves, 476
Hargreaves and Robinson, Hydrochloric Acid, 458
Harland, J. W., Sizes, 458
Harland, Wolff, Wilson, and Pirrie, Raising Ships’ Boats, 439
Harland, Wolff, Wilson, and Pirrie, Steering, 265
Harrington, G. F., Propelling Ships, 185 Harris, H., Safes, 283
Harris, R. W., Glass Globes, 35 Harris and Cooper, Spinning, 75 Harrison, C., Treating Fibres, 491 Harrison, F. J., Lifts and Cranes, 205 Harrison, J., Bells, 112
Harrison, W , Hosiery, 147
Hart, H. W., Omnibuses, &c., 35
Hart, J. M., Locks and Latches, 476 Hart, J. M., Registering, 323 Hartcliffe, W., Driving Chains, 91 Hartmann, L., Voltaic Batteries, 185, 419, 458 •
Harvey, H. T., Globe Galleries, 55 Haskins, I. F., Printing, 323, Hastie, J., Steering, 15
Hatchman, W., Perambulators, 458 Hattersley and Greenwood, Looms, 399 Hattersley and Hill, Looms, 75
Haug and Wienand, Electropathic Treatment, 476
Hawgood, H., Stair Coverings, 476 Hawkins, E., Bottles, 303
Hawksworth. S., Surface Coverings, 399 Hayden. H. W., Lamp Burners, 94 Hayes, J., Cocks, 323
Hayward, R. B., Collars, 476
Hayward, R. B., Envelopes, 323, 399 Hayward, R. B., Lithographic Presses, 399
Hazeland, S. S., Boats’ Rowlocks, 167 Headley, A., Soap, 147
Healey, B. D., Asphalte, 130
Healey, B. D., Furnaces, 361
Healey, W., Telegraphy, 75
Heath, W. E., Fire-Arms, 225
Heathman, J. H., Couplings, 75
Hedges, K. W., Electric Lighting, 167
Heimann, S., Peat, 205
Heinisch, J. G., Harness, 303
Hellyer, S. S., Bath Valves, 225
Hely, A. A.. Glass and Metal Plates, 341
Hemming, F. W., Leggings, 491
Henderson, A. C., Boots and Shoes, 341
Henderson, A. C., Folding Bedsteads, 55
Henderson, A. C., Umbrellas and Parasols, 167
Henderson, C. J., Stoves, 94, 379 Henderson, J. L., Voltaic Batteries, 303 Henderson and Kelman, Gases, 476 Henderson and Kelman, Measuring and
Controlling, 476
Henderson and McNeil, Water-Waste Preventing, 147
Hendry and Melville, Floor-Cloths, 225 Henby, W. T., Electric Lamps, 94
Henry, A., Breech-loading Small-arms, 361 Heppenstall, E., Dyeing, 35 Heppenstall, J. E., Spinning, 399 Heppenstall, jun., L., Dyeing, 439 Heppenstall, jun., L., Winding, 419
Hepworth, P. G., Starting Gear for Tramway Cars, 379
Hepworth, P. P., Treating Rags, 323 Hewens, N. T., Lamps, 265 Hewett, E., Horseshoes, 303
Hewitson and Napier, Needles, 94 Hewett, A. G., Dish Covers, 491 Heywood and Spencer, Dyeing, &c
Fibres, 112 ’
Hides, II., Splints, 94
Hill, C., Boiler Bridges, 112
Hill, O. W, F., Electro-Motors, 94
Hills, A. F., Secondary Batteries, 341 Hills, F. C., Secondary Batteries, 245 Hinde, W. J., Fixing Mirrors, 130 Hindle, W. H., Motive Power, 419 Hinksman, C., Pipe Joints, 205
Hinksman, C., Working Tram-cars, 245 Hircock, J , Motive Power, 112 Hirst, J. IL, Tenoning, 55
Hiscock. W., Weighing Letters, 439 Hislop, G., Distilling Coal, 361 Hislop, J., Treating Coal, 341 Hissett, B. J., Tricycles, 419
Hitchins, R. W., Fireproof Ceilings, 439 Hix, J., Bicycles, 419
Hodgetts, R. G., Metallic Bedsteads, 361 Hodgkinson, E. H., Velocipedes, 303 Hodgkinson, T., Digging Potatoes, 341 Hodson, G., Artificial Stone, 15 Hoe, F., Fire-Escapes, 94
Hoe, F., Railway Signalling, 94 Hoff, L., Malt Extractors, 15 Hogg, E., Tilting Casks, 341
Hogg and Gingell, Beverages, 323 Hoghton, H. P., Couplings, 379, 476 Holding, J., Loom Temples, 55 Hollands, E. R., Stoves, 491
Hollier and Asher, Motive Power, 399 Hollingworth, E., Wagons, 112 Hollinrake, S., Looms, 147
Holman and Draper, Hammocks, 75 Holman and Hunt, Washing Gas, 147 Holmes, J., Spinning, 94 Holmes, J. W-, Looms, 303
Holmes, N. J., Electricity to Hair Brushes, 341
Holmes and Emmens, Galvanic Batteries, 205, 303
Holmes and Lindley, Gas, 476 Holt, J., Pile Fabrics, 419 Holt and Crossley, Engines, 75 Homer, J. F., Cruet Frames, 458 Hone, G. J., Elevators, 205
Hooker, J. M., Fireproofing Buildings, 458 Hooper, J., Drying Crops, 55 Hope, J. V., Hollow Ware, 361 Hope, J. V., Moulds, 225
Hope, J. V., Moulds for Hollow Ware, 323 Hope, W. S., Printing, 185
Hope and Dickson, Bearings, 35 Hopewell, J., Door-mats, 147 Hopewell, J., Rocking Chairs, 185
Hopgood and Jenner, Heating Rooms, 491 Hopkins, G. F., Railway Couplings, 2> 5 Hopkinson, J., Distributing Electricity, 94 Hopkinson, J., Electric Railways, 283 Hopkinson, J., Looms, 94
Hopkinson, J. and J., Stop Valves, 15 Hora, E., Tip Vans, 419
Hora, E., Wheels, 323
Horcher, J, S. G. F., Vehicles, 323 Home, W. C., India-rubber, 458 Horne, W. C., Luminous Paper, 439 Horner, W. W., Washing Bottles, 303 Hornsby and Edwards, Engines, 419 Hornsby, Innocent, and Rutter, Harvesting, 283
Horrocks, J. and J., Doubling and Winding, 245
Horry, W., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 476 Horsey and Bell, Velocipedes, 112 Horsley, M., Ships’ Rudders. 245
Horton, E., Gas Lighting, 245
Houghton, E J., Telegraphy, 205 Hovenden, F„ Braces, 323 Howard, J., Tobacco, 399
Howard, R., Combination Arms, 167 Howard and Bousfield, Harrows, 439 Howard and Bousfield, Harvesting, 167 Howard and Bcusfield, Ploughs, 15 Howarth, R., Nuts and Bolts, 399 Hoyer, F., Feeding Paper, 283 Hoyles, H., Stove Grates, 476 Hudson, J., Feeding Calves, 439 Hudson, J., Window Blinds, 205 Hudson, R., Metallic Staircases, 265 Hudson, R., Metallic Wagons, 361 Hughes, E., Wood Paving, 419 Hughes, E. T., Pumps, 147 Hughes, E. T., Sugar, 35
Hughes, G., Rigging of Boats, 245 Hughes, G. H. C., Velocipedes, 341 Hughes, T., Glazing Bar, 55 Hughes, T., Indicating, 130
Hughes and Garwardine, Ink-Holding Pens, 185
Hugon, G. R., Water-Level Indicator, 55
Hulme, S., Washing, &c., Wearing Apparel, 399
Hummel, D., Cutlery, 130
d’Humy, P, R. de F., Electric Lamps, 303 d’Humy, P. R. de F., Galvanic Batteries, 341
d’Humy, P. R. de F., Wires, 112
Hunt, E., Winding, 130
Hunt, W., Taps, 94
Hunt, W. L., Engines, 341
Hunt, W. L., Telegraphy, 439
Hunt and Mitton, Fixing Tubing to Couplings, 419
Hunter, G., Quarrying Slate, 15
Hunter, W. A., Ornamenting Wood, 205 Hunter and Thomas, Raising Sunken
Ships, 147
Hunting, R., Stays, 75
Huntingdon and Koch, Ores, 130
Huntington, A. K., Metallic Alloys, 379 Huppe, V., Bag Frames, 185
Hurdle, G., Window Sashes, 283 Husbands, J., Telephony, 185 Hutchings, J., Tanning, 265 Hutchinson, J. R , Pile Fabrics, 419 Hutchinson, W. N., Pipe Joints, 379 Hyatt, T., Illuminating Gratings, 94
Hyatt, T., Ships, 225
Hymans, H., Vegetable Parchment, 225
Ibbetson, S. K., Mattresses, 458
Illingworth, F., Combing, 361
Illingworth, H., Roving Fibres, 323
Illingworth, H., Spinning, 167
Immisch, M., Electro-motors, 265
Imray, J., Boilers, 130
Irnray, J., Colouring Matters, 439
Imray, J., Cutting Jewellery, 491
Imray, J., Drawing Tires, 94
Imray, J., Electric Light, 265
Imray, J., Electric Power, 94
Imray, J., Excavating, 476
Imray, J., Fire-arms, 130
Imray, J., Furnaces, 130,147
Imray, J., Glycerine, 341
Imray, J., Integrating, 399
Imray, J., Lamps, 245
Imray, J., Leather, 458
Imray, J., Phosphorites, 245
Imray, J., Ploughing, 112
Imray, J., Railway Brakes, 55
Imray, J., Sewing Machines, 130
Imray, J., Steering, 491
Imray, J., Sulphurites, 130
Imray, J., Swimming Appliances, 283
Imray, J., Telegraphy, 361
Imray, J., Telephony, 35
Imray, J., Voltaic Batteries, 35
Imray, J., Water-closets, 225
Imray, O., Cleaning Wool, 94
Imray, 0., Destroying Impurities, 323
Ingleby, J., Fastening Lids, 55
Ingleby, J., Printing Fabrics, 245
Ingleby, J., Stays, 130
Ingram, W. J., Perambulators, 245
Irvine, R,, Anthracene, 205
Irving, J,, Looms, 476
Isaac, F. S., Carbons, 15
Jacob, F., Electric Conductors, 55
Jackson, C., Fabrics, 265
Jackson and Sheekey, Locks, 265
James, E., Breech-loading Small-arms, 185
James, W., Ordnance, 439
Jameson, J., Carbons, 185
Jameson, J., Cokes, 341
Jameson, J., Distilling, 323
Jameson, J,, Electric Lamps, 379
Jameson, J., Purifying Gas, 476
Jameson, J,, Treating Duff Coal, 399
Jameson, J., Vacuum Pumps, 185
Jarmann, J. S., Fire-arms, 458
Jeans, W., Velocipedes, 303
Jebb, J., Cleaning Plants, 55
Jeffries, G. L., Fire-arms, 205
Jefferies, T., Pillars, 75
Jeffs, J., Motive Power. 15
Jelf, L., Folding, <fcc., Boats, 167
Jenkin, F., Transporting Goods, 245
Jenkins, G. T., Side Saddles, 15
Jenkins and Morgan, Safety Lamps, 15
Jensen, P., Balloons, 361
Jensen, P., Boxes, 130
Jensen, P,, Calendering, 491
Jensen, P., Cokes, 341
Jensen, P., Explosive Compounds, 303
Jensen, P., Fixing Swords, 439
Jensen, P., Ordnance, 130
Jensen, P., Paper Cutting, 167
Jensen, P., Paper Pulp, 439
Jensen, P., Perforating Cheques, 112
Jensen, P., Protecting Ships' Funnels, 439
Jensen, P., Purifying Sewage, 419
Jensen, P., Refrigerators, 283
Jensen, P., Tanning, 476
Jervoise, S. C., Fire-grates, 205
Jobson, H. C., Suspending Wires, 130
Joel, H. F., Electric Conductors, 361
Johns, H. W., Steam Packing, 399
Johnson, G., Caustic Soda, 147
Johnson, H., Railway Signalling, 476
Johnson, J., Saggers, 399
Johnson, J. II., Armour-plates, 491
Johnson, J. H., Artificial Stone, 147
Johnson, J. H,, Bank Note Paper, 265
Johnson, J. IL, Batteries, 75
Johnson, J. H., Bichromates, 476
Johnson, J. H., Bricks, 439
Johnson, J. II., Carbons, 205
Johnson, J. H., Cardboard, 35
Johnson, J. H., Centrifugal Machine, 75
Johnson, J. H., Circular Saws, 458
Johnson, J. IL, Cultivating, 130
Johnson, J. II,, Driving Gear, 55
Johnson, J. H., Drying Animal Refuse, 185
Johnson, J. H., Electric Lamps, 15
Jonnson, J. II., Galvanic Batteries, 225
Johnson, J. II., Games, 265
Johnson, J. H., Glass Furnaces, 439
Johnson, J. H., Hats, 491
Johnson, J. II., Hides, 75
Johnson, J. H., Insulating Wires, 147
Johnson, J. H., Keys, 476
Johnson, J. H., Leather, 147
Johnson, J. H., Microphony, 112
Johnson, J. H., Moulding Pipes, 283
Johnson, J. II., Ornamenting Walls, 476
Johnson, J. H., Paper Bags, 419
Johnson, J. H., Pencil Holders, 225
Johnson, J. H., Protecting Trees and
Shrubs, 105
Johnson, J. H., Railway Signalling, 130
Johnson, J. H., Resistance Coils, 245
Johnson, J. H., Sawing Metals, 55
Johnson, J. H., Sewing Machines, 185
Johnson, J. H., Ships, 476
Johnson, J. H., Sugar Cane, 439
Johnson, J. IL, Telegraphy, 94
Johnson, J. H., Telephony, 185, 303
Johnson, J. H., Treating Wood, 323
Johnson, J. H., Vacuum Pumps, 265
Johnson, J. H., Wood Mortising, 167
Johnson, J. H., Zinc Plates. 283
Johnson, J. Y., Propelling Boats, 361
Johnson, J. Y., Refrigerating, 361
Johnson, J. Y., Splitting Willow, 361
Johnson and Martin, Telegraph Poles, 323
Johnson and Talbot, Motive Power, 265
Johnson, W., Railway Couplings, 283
Jones, C., Engines, 205
Jones, C. A., Steps, 147
Jones, D., Heating Baths, 167
Jones, E., Bracelet Fastenings, 361
Jones, E., Electricity, 341
Jones and Helmsley, Boots and Shoes, 491
Jones, J. A., Steel, 458
Jones, J. G.. Rotary Engines, 112
Jones, S., Mill Hoists, 283
Jones, T., Voltaic Batteries, 458
Jones, T. IL, Metal Plates, 303
Jones, W., Trunk Fastenings, 476
Jones and Wild, Grabs, 94
Jordan and Brockliss, Engines, 419
Joseph, B., Gauges, 303
Jowitt and Page, Fabrics, 94
Joy, D. G., Decanting, 361
Joyce, J., Packing Flour, Tea, &c , 205
Joyce, R. J.. Lace, 399
Justice, P. M., Electric Belts, 167
Justice, P. M., Embalming, 75
Justice, P. M., Fire Extinguishing, 130
Justice, P. M., Gaso-Electric Lamps, 458
Justice, P. M., Lubricating, 399
Justice, P. M., Microphones, 75
Justice, P. M., Railway Carriage Door
Fastenings, 341
Justice, P. M., Steel and Iron Ingots, 245
Justice, P. M., Water Supply, 323
Kagenbusch, J. P., Extracting Ores, 303 .
Kay, T., Heating, 323
Kaye, J., Oil Cans, 323
Keats, J., Boots and Shoes, 419, 45S
Keen, W., Chairs, 399
Keep, W., Metallic Alloys,. 458
Keeton, 8., Railway Couplings, 185
Keighley, G., Looms, 419
Kein, A., Waterproofing Paintings, 147
Kellow, M., Cutting Stone, 35
Kelly, P., Combing, 323
Kelsey, G. S., Bicycle, &c., Handles, 185
Kendrick, T., Metallic Bedsteads, 419
Kennard, H. J , Steel Ingots, 303
Kennedy, J., Fire-escapes, 147
Kennedy, R., Electric Light, 283
Kennedy, W., Translucent Plates, 361
Kent, G., Cleaning Knives, 35
Ken worth, G., Whipping Eggs, 379
Kenyon, H., Medical Compounds, 439
Kenyon, H., Utilising Galvanisers’ Flux, 147
Kerner, M. IL, Electric Alarms, 323
Kerner, M. H., Fountain Pens, 439
Kershaw, A. 8 , Mallets, 75
Kershaw, A. W., Artificial Light, 323
Key and Lowrie, Buckets, 399
Key, W., Cocks and Valves, 323
Keymer and Theak, Neckties, 130
Khotinsky, A., Secondary, &c , Voltaic
Batteries, 245
Khotinsky, A , Secondary Batteries, 283
Kidd, J. H., Anchors, 399
Kiebel, C., Candle Holders, 55
Kilbourn, J. K.. Refrigerating, 341
Kilburn, ,1. F., Securing Hanks, 15
King, A. T., Stoppers, 35
King, G., Bucket Dredgers, 458
King, H. S., Coverings for Railway Trucks, 185
King, J., Detaching Hooks, 15
King, J. T., Casting Metals, 323
King, J. T., Electric Currents, 439
Kingston, F., Hair-pins, 245
Kingzett, C., Secondary Batteries, 130
Kingzett, C. T., Secondary Batteries, 283
Kingzett and Zingler, Antiseptics, 419
Kinipple, W. R., Dredgers, 185
Kinipple, W. R., Dredging, 419
Kinnaird, F. G., Bicycles, 265
Kirk, A. C., Flanging Metal Plates, 185
Kirk, A. C., Ordnance, 130
Kirkaldy, J. and T., Preserving Ships’
Bottoms, 399
Kirkman, Smith, and Entwistle, Fabrics, 112
Kirkpatrick, T. S. G , Separating Orcs, 94
Kissam, A., Rotary Engines, 130
Kitsee, I., Indicating Fire-arms, 112
Klein and Allen, Fire-escapes, 205
Klugh, A. G, Shampooing, 419
Knight, D., Railway Signalling, 35
Knight, J., Water-wheels, 361
Knight, W. E., Umbrellas and Parasols, 205
Knot, J. A., Watches, 283
Knowles, Faulkner, Metcalfe, and Raines,
Hat Linings, 491
Knowles, T., Spinning, 458
Knox, B. M., Winding, 439
Koeber, J. A., Gas-lighting, 458
Kozttim, C., Rope Attachments, 439
Kritch and Garland, Cutting Paper, 419
Kritch, W. C., Printing, 75
Kromschroder, J. F. G., Gas, 476
KUstner, L., Musical Instruments, 112
Kynaston, J. W., Chemicals, 130
Lagrange, R. J., Rings, 112
Laing, W., Electric Meters, 94
Laird, J., Looms, 491
Laird and Wilson, Boots and Shoes, 75
Lake, H. H., Chucks, 15
Lake, H. H., Coloured Photographs, 341
Lake, H. H., Couplings, 476
Lake, H. IL, Dynamo-Electric Machines, 167, 476
Lake, H. H., Electric Lamps, 225, 476
Lake, H. H., Electric Light, 323
Lake, H. IL, Flour. 94
Lake, H. H., Gas, 341
Lake, H. H., Handles for Cutlery, 399
Lake, II. H., Liquid Meters, 419
Lake, H. IL, Ropes, &c., 55
Lake, H. IL, Safety Hooks, 265
Lake, H. IL, Shears, 419
Lake, II. H , Spinning, 94
Lake, H. H., Starch, 185
Lake, II. H., Sugar, 419
Lake, H. H., Tachigraphical Apparatus, 94
Lake, H. H., Telephony, 419
Lake, IL IL, Toys, 419
Lake, H. H., Umbrella Fastenings, 323
Lake, II. FL, Wire, 379
Lake, W., Boots and Shoes, 55
Lake, W., Cigarettes, 55
Lake, W., Coating Wire, 55
Lake, W., Distributing Ink, 55
Lake, W. R., Advertising, 476
Lake, W. R., Aerated Beverages, 225
Lake, W. R., Axles, 112, 147
Lake, W. R., Barrels, 147
Lake, W. R., Bicycle Seats, 283
Lake, W. R., Bisulphide of Carbon Vapour, 361
Lake, W. R., Boilers, 458
Lake, W. R., Bolting Mills, 379
Lake, W. R,, Bone Handies, 35
Lake, W. R., Bottles and Jars, 491
Lake, W. R., Boxes and Safes, 476
Lake, W. R., Braiding, 55
Lake, W. R., Breech-loading Ordnance, 419
Lake, W. R., Bricks, 245
Lake, W. R., Bushing Material, 283
Lake, W. R., Carbonic Acid Gas, 439
Lake, W. R., Chimney Clocks, 283
Lake, W. R., Chucks for Lathes, 399
Lake, W. R., Cigarettes, 112
Lake, W. R., Cleaning Grain, 379
Lake, W. R., Clocks, 94
Lake, W. R., Conduits, 55
Lake, W. R., Confectionery, 458
Lake, W. R., Cutlery, 323
Lake, W. R., Cutting, 147
Lake, W. R., Cutting Glass, 205
Lake, W. R., Driving Mechanism, 185
Lake, W. R., Drying Air, 245
Lake, W. R., Drying Grain, 419
Lake, W. R., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 35, 112, 303
Lake, W. R., Elastic Fabrics, 283
Lake, W. R., Electric Bells, 419
Lake, W. R., Electric Conductors, 439
Lake, W. R., Electric Lamps, 245, 341, 458
Lake, W. R., Electric Light, 147
Lake, W. R , Electric Signalling, 112, 205
Lake, W. R., Electric Time Ball, 361
Lake, W. R., Electrical Energy, 112
Lake, W. R., Electricity, 35, 205
Lake, W. R., Electric Signalling, 361
Lake, W. R., Electrotyping, 265
Lake, W. R., Embroidery, 112
Lake, W. R., Envelopes, 379
Lake, W. R., Fastening Buttons, 439
Lake, W. R., Fire-arms, 112
Lake, W. R., Fire-boxes, 55
Lake, W. R., Flushing Water-closets, 361
Lake, W. R., Folding Chairs, 130
Lake, W. R., Fountain Pens, 379
Lake, W. R., Furnaces, 112
Lake, W. R., Gas Burners, 167
Lake, W. R., Governors, 94
Lake, W. R., Hanging Pictures, 283
Lake, W. R, Hauling Cables, 283
Lake, W. R, Heating Railway Carriages, 167
Lake, W. R, Hides and Skins, 55
Lake, W. R., Hoisting, 147
Lake, W. R., Horseshoes, 35, 283
Lake, W. R., Hot-Water Apparatus, 185
Lake, W. R, Impregnating Ores, 167
Lake, W. R., Indicating Position of Sunken
Ships, 147
Lake, W. R., Lamps, 130
Lake, W. R., Leather, 476
Lake, W. R., Locking, 112
Lake, W. R., Lubricating, 147
Lake, W. R., Lubricating Boxes, 94
Lake, W. R., Match Boxes, 225
Lake, W. R., Mills, 15
Lake, W. R., Millstones, 361
Lake, W. R., Motive Power, 205, 265
Lake, W. R., Motive Power of Waves, 361
Lake, W. R., Musical Instruments, 476, 491
Lake, W. R., Packing, 94
Lake, W. R, Padlocks, 245
Lake, W. R.» Paper Pulp, 245
Lake, W. R, Pencil-cases, 185, 399
Lake, W. R., Permanent Way, 55
Lake, W. R., Pianofortes, 225
Lake, W. R., Playing Cards, 341
Lake, W. R., Pipe-cutting, 458
Lake, W. R., Preserving Wood, 225
Lake, W. R., Pre venting Deposit in Rivers, 225
Lake, W. R., Pumps, 94
Lake, W. R, Refrigerating, 439
Lake, W. R., Rolling Mills, 283
Lake, W. R., Rotary Engines, 205
Lake, W. R., Sawing, 476
Lake, W. R., Scouring Hides, 283
Lake, W. R., Separating Grain, 94
Lake, W. R., Sewing Carpets, 15
Lake, W. R., Sewing Machines, 399
Lake, W. R., Sharpening Saws, 419
Lake, W. R, Shields, 130
Lake, W. R., Ships’ Beiths, 283
Lake, W. R., Slide Valves, 283
Lake, W. R., Spring Mattresses, 147
Lake, W. R., Starch, 167, 205
Lake, W. R., Stopping Machinery, 361
Lake, W. R., Sugar, 245, 341
Lake, W. R., Tanning, 283
Lake, W. R., Telephones, 458
Lake, W. R., Telephony, 476, 491
Lake, W. R., Thrashing, 1.30
Lake, W. R., Toy Saving Banks, 94
Lake, W. R., Treating Middlings, 245
Lake, W. R, Treating Ores, 112, 379
Lake, W. R, Utilising Waste Heat, 205
Lake, W. R,, Water-closets, 491
Lake, W. R., Waterproof Fabrics, 491
Lake, W. R., Wearing Apparel, 439
Lake, W. R., Wheels, 419, 458
Lake, W. R., Wheels and Axles, 225
Lake, W. R., Winding Clocks, 439
Lake, W. R., Winding Fibres, 379
Balance and Bauer, Dynamo-Electric Machines, 245
Lamb and Attenborough, Knitting, 225
Lammers, C. L., Panels, Plates, &c., 458
LaMothe, B. J., Metallic Frames, 283
Lampard and Coppen, Covering Bricks, 265
Lancaster, H , Steam Traps, 112
Lancaster and Slater, Spinning and
Doubling, 205
Landreth and Renis, Ventilating Furnaces,
Lane, J., Beverages, 75
Langbeck, H. W., Marking Inks, 476
Langdon and Fuller, J. C. and G., Porcelain Insulators, 245
Lansdale, R., Railway Couplings, 245
Latham, W. H. and F. C. W., Cutting
Papers, 205
Lawrence, P., Paper Files, 185
Lawrence, W., Starchy Compounds, 205
Lawrence, W. and G., Heating, &c., Fluids.
Lawson and E. de Russett, Ships’ Berths.
Lawson, M., Bedsteads, 341
Lawson and Solman, Soap Lyes, 265
Laycock, W. S., Window Blinds, 55
Layton, T., Gas, &c., Furnaces, 3(J1
Lazenby, J., Registering Votes, 185
Lea, C., Permanent Way, 167
Lea, J., Secondary Batteries, 439
Leadbetterj E., Covering Boilers, 55
Leask, A. R., Electric Lamps, Incandescent, 35
Leask, R. H., Water-closets, 491
Leask and Smith, Carbon Filaments, 15
Leather, J., Ventilating, 75
Leather, J., Ventilating Vehicles, 205
Leather, J. and J. K., Ventilating Ships,
Lee and Stodart, Tricycles, 491
Lee, W., Cutting Fabrics, 379
Leevy, A., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 35
Leffler, C. J. L„ Metallic Alloys, 94
Lehmann, A. J., Shearing and Punching,
Leighs, A. L. S., Iron and Steel, 303
Le Moussu, B. C., Preventing Shocks to Ships, 245
Lendrum, W. M., Engine Brakes, 265
Lenn, IL, Tie Fastenings, 225
Levinstein, I., Colouring Matters, 439]
Lewis and Smythe, Dynamo-Electric Machines, 167
Lewis, W. S., Driving Mechanism, 147
Liardet and Donnithorn, Secondary Bat-taries, 323
Liberty, A. L., Ornamenting Windows, 94
Liddell, Brierley, Hirst, and Hamer, Winding, 341
Lindsay, W. H., Window Sashes, 341
Lineff, A. L., Electric Lamps, 94
Lineff, A. L., Electric Meters, 185
Linsey, J. H., Book Covers, 75
Lippmann, I., Bottle Stoppers, 167
Lister, S., Dressing Fibres, 112
Little, Eastwood, Green, and Fletcher, Combing, 130
Little, G., Tubes, 361
Little, W. G., Sheep Washing, 323
Littlewood, J., Stretching fibres, 379
Llewellin, J., Churns, 265
Liewellin, W. M., Checking, 265
Lloyd, A., Perambulators, 458
Lloyd, G. B., Lamps, 147
Lloyd, H., Phaeton Gig, 167
Lloyd, J. A., Metal Cans, 167
Lloyd, W., Valves, 225
Lloyd, W. J , Tricycles, 15, 185
Lobnitz, H. C., Dredging, 147
Lockerstein, J. F., Washing China Clav
245 ’
Loder, J. IL, Alcoholic Beverages, 55
Loewenberg, IL, Imitation Leather, 419
Lofthouse, P., Signalling, 205
Loizeau, L. L., Breaking Stone, 476
Lokie, J., Spring Mattresses, 245
Lomax, IL, L oms, 245
Longmore, J., Oil, 399
Longsdon, A., Ingots, 15
Lord and Kaberry, Preparing Fibres, 15
Lord, W.. Preparing Fibres, 167
Lorenz, F., Ammonia, 4<6
Lorge, E , Tobacco Pipes, 215
Lorrain, J. G., Cables, 94
Lorrain, J. G., Electric Lamps, 94
Lorrain, J. G., Telephony, 341
Lovering and Martin, Mica Pits, 15
Lowcock and Taylor, Scrapers, 55
Lowe, C., Derivatives, 419
Lowe and Gill, Bisinfecting, 147
Lowe and Lamb, Knitting, 225
Lowne, R. M., Electric Logs, 15
Lowry, G., Bedsteads, 283
LUbben, H., Wind Engines, 167
Lubbock, N., Fermenting, 419
Lucas, J., Bicycle Lamps, 245
Lumley, E., Railway Couplings, 458
Lund, J. A., Synchronising Clocks, 303
Luzeau-Caudrais, L. E., Finishing Fabrics, 476
Lyle, J., Retorts, 491
Lynde, F. G., Filters, 323
Lyte, F. M., Secondary Batteries, 245
Macaulay-Crtjickshank, G., Insulating Wires, 15
Macaulay-Cruikshank, G., Purses, 75, 419
Mc2kuley, J., Elevators, 75
McAllum, C. O., Paper, 185
Mac Blair, W. M., Parallel Vices, 130
McCausland, W., Churns, 147
McConnell, J., Boilers, 112
Macdonald, D. and J , Tobacco, 147
Macdonald, J., Vehicles, 323
Macdonell, A., Filling, &c., Bottles, 303
McDougal], I. S., Disinfecting, 491
McDougall, I. S., Heating Water, 491
MacEachran, D., Sugar, 15
McEvoy and Mathieson, Dynamo-Electric Machines, 419
McEvoy and Mathieson, Telephonic Telegraphy, 225
McFarlane, J., Marine Engines, 361
McGill, D., Stable Fittings, 15
McGillivray, J., Gas Engines, 130
McGregor. J., Ring Spinning, 147
McGuire, Bate, G., Range-Finding, 303
Machell, T., Musical Instruments, 265
McIntyre, R., Gas Supply, 112
Mackay, J., Axles, 147
Mackay, M., Insulating, 35
Mackean, A., Electric Lamps, 341
Mackenzie, J., Electric Lamps, Arc, 167
Mackenzie, J., Voltaic Batteries, 245
Mackenzie, W. J., Sounding, 399
McLaren and Morris, Wheels, 323
Mactear, J., Soda, 419
Macleod, M., Saddle Bars, 75
MacLeod, W. A., Sash Fastenings, 225
McLellan, J. Y., Artificial Light, 265
McNicol, W., Fastening Windows, 245
McPhail, J., Chimney Tops, 245
McRuer, H., Cooking Ranges, 323
Maddin, J., Mats, 167
Madge, C., Gas Furnaces, 323
Major, C., Roofing Dies, 491
Malcolm, C. R. and G., jun., Preparing Fibres, 439
Malet, O. W., Barbed Wire, 399
Mallett, T. T., Ploughs, 35
Mangnall, J., Coating Metallic Surfaces, 361
Mansfield, L. E., Conveying, &c., Grain, 112
Marcueil, L., Lace, 379
Markham, T., Ornamenting Glass, 130
Marlborough and Cunningham, Fastenings, 112
Marriage, T., Oil-cans, 167
Marriage, T. S., Oil, &c., Cans, 458
Marsh and Smith, Tubes, 147
Marshal], E., Tricycles, 225, 491
Marshall, G. S., Venetian Blinds, 225
Marshall, II. J., Carbon, 185
Marshall, H. J., Railway Signalling, 458
Martin, C. P., Sharpening Saws, 15
Martin, E., Ships’ Lamps, 458
Martin, J. H. C., Cleaning Rice, 75
Martin, J. H. C., Decorticating Rice, 379
Martin, L. P., Boilers, 15
Matheson, IL, Boilers, 439
Matthews, R., Dynamc-Electric Machines, 55, 491
Maughan and Waddy, Aerial Navigation, 265
Maxwell, W., Distilling Tar, 112
Mayer, J., Artificial Light, 265
Mayer, J., Spray Producing, 185
Mayhew, H., Electricity, 379
Maynard, C., Electric Light Switches, 399
Maynard and Cooke, Tubular Structures, 476
Maynard, W., Hides, 283
Maynes, J., Engines, 399
Maynes, J., Salt, 399
Mein eike, IL, Raising and Steering, 55
Meiter and Moth, Bat Handles, 15
Mellor, S., Benzol, 419
Melsheimer, R. E., Ships’ Compasses, 323
Melvin, J., Bread, 439
Manage, G. E., Lamps, 439
Mennons, M. A. F., Wire Netting, 245
Merichenski. M., Gaseliers, 225
Messent, P. J., Shipping Coal, 185
Mewburn, J., Copper and Bronze, 379
Mewburn, J. C., Asbestos, 399
Mewburn, J. C., Bleaching, &c., 112, 399
Mewburn, J. C., Diamonds, 419
Mewburn, J. C., Electricity, 15
Mewburn, J. C., Folding Seats, 265
Mewburn, J. C., Gas Engines, 399
Mewburn, J. C., Harness, 323
Mewburn, J. C., Liquid Meters, 341
Mewburn, J. C., Paper Tubes, 341
Mewburn, J. C., Preserving Skins, 55
Mewburn, J. C., Pressing Fabrics, 476
Mewburn, J. C., Type, 130
Mewburn, J. C., Type setting, 205
Mildred, A. S., Couplings, 419
Millar, A., Boxes, 55
Miller, 8., Velocipedes, 265
Millington anLBurton, Spring Slides, 94
Mills, B., Musical Instruments, 55
Mills, B. J. B., Dynamo Machines, 341
Mills, B. J. B., Electric Cables, 341
Mills, B. J. B., Electric Signalling, 225
Mills, B. J. B., Harness, 55
Mills, B. J. B., Lamps, 130
Mills, B. J. B., Motive Power, 303
Mills, B. J. B., Pottery, 112
Mills, B. J. B., Sewing Machines, 491
Mills, B. J. B.. Spinning, 147, 265
Milne and Miller, Electro-motors, 491
Mitchel], J. T., Collectors, 35
Mitchell, J. T., Tension Couplings, 35
Mitting, E. K., Distilling, 130
Mobbs and Moore, Propelling Tram-Cars, 147
Mocrath, J. N., Dredging Rivers, 361
Mocrath, J. N., River Locks, 361
Mocrath, J. N., Ventilating Tunnels, 341
Mole, C., Boots and Shoes, 303
Molesworth-Hepworth, E. N., Permanent
Way, 399
Molesworth-Hepworth, E. N., Points and
Switches, 419
Montgomery, H., Boilers, 476
Morgan-Brown, W., Amber Varnish, 94
Morgan-Brown, W., Bathing, 361
Morgan-Brown, W., Baths, 185
Morgan-Brown, W., Boots and Shoes, 147
Morgan-Brown, W., Button Fastenings, 399
Morgan-Brown, W., Car Wheels, 147
Morgan-Brown, W., Clocks and Watches, 1 QA
Morgan-Brown, W., Electric Light, 225
Morgan-Brown, W., Horseshoes, 361
Morgan-Brown, W., Uniting Amber, 94
Morgan-Brown, W., Wheels and Axles, 24
Morgan, D. J., Tube Stoppers, 439
Morgan, T., Boots and Shoes, 35
Morgan, T., Carding, 225
Morgan, T.? Cast Tubes of Gold, 399
Morgan, T., Wire, <55
Morgan, W., Miners’ Safety Lamps, 476
Mori, F., Electric Batteries, 130
Mori, F., Electric Lamps, 130
Morris, C. W., Boats’ Rowlocks, 458
Morris, H., Ventilators, 94
Morris, J., Frilling, 341
Morris, I. C.; Stair-rods, 35
Morris, W., Rolling Wire Rods, 205
Morrison and Armstrong, Permanent Way, 323
Morrison, J. D., Punching and Ri vetting,
Moseley, W. H., Cocks or Valves, 341
Moseley, F. R., Gas Burners, 283
Moss, G., Velocipedes, 15
Motherwell, W., Moulders’ Nails, 303
Mott, S. D., Electric Meters, 265
Mount, L., Glass Melting, 15
Mowat, J., Pentagraph Engraving, 476
Mo watt, W., Boiler Furnaces, 361
Mueller, H., Vehicles, 205
Muirhead and Collet, Electric Light 379
Muirhead, W., Strainers. 341
Muller, C. F, Confectionery, 323
Muller, E., Incandescent Lamps, 303
Muller, J. A., Water Meters, 361
Mundell and Gordon, Furnaces, 167
Munro, J. M., Electric Currents, 55
Munro and Warwick, Telephony, 94
Murdoch, IL, Measuring Fabrics, &c., 225
Mure, A., Holding Forgings, 147
Mui land and Montgomery, Prenarin0,
Fibres, 323 °
Murphie, T., Driving Gear, 458
Murray, G. W., Dressing Grain, 130
Musgrave, W. M., Engine Governors, 419
Myers and Berry, Spinning, 35
Nadal, J., Fountain Pens, 147
Nasch, 1., Sewing Machine Attachments, 245
Nash, A. J., Ornamenting Glass, 379
Nash, G. H., Globe Holders, 225
Nation, W. B., Washing, 205
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Cooking, 35
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Chloride of Lime, 323
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Dyeing Fibres, 55 458
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Extracting Fatty
Matters, 35 J
Nawrocki, G. AV. von, Hydraulic Engines, 30
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Lint, 303
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Manganese, 225
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Preventing Explosions, 15
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Railway Wheels, 245
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Rinsing, 94
Nawrocki, G. W. von; Shirt Fronts, 75
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Shirts, 112, 225
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Sieves, 439
Nawrocki, G. AV. von, Hyposulphite of Soda, 15
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Taps and Cocks, 361
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Velocipedes, 303
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Ventilating Railway
Carriages, 245 J
Needham, J., Fire-arms, 439
de Necf and Desfosses, Electric Motors, 323
Neil, C., Stocks and Dies, 225
Neilson and Thompson, Treating Carbonaceous Material, 283
Nelson, C., Injectors, 379
Neuray, T., Safety Apparatus, 147
Neville, J., Tennis Balls, 265
Newbold and Thornley, Boilers, 15
Newton, A. V., Fibres, 265
Newton, F., Magic Lantern Lamps, 185
Newton, F. M., Electric Lamps, 94
Newton, H., Elevators, 15
Newton, H., Explosives, 15
Newton, H. E., Electric Light for Railway
Carriages, 167
Newton, H. E., Gas, 361
Newton, II. E., Glass Bottles, 476
Newton, H. E., Signalling, 75
Newton, H. E., Tents, 419
Ney, W., Preventing Noise, 112
Nezeraux, C., Galvanic Batteries, 15
N ickels, B., Washing Sheep, 323
Nicholas, J., Pulverising Sand, 399
Nicuoll, A. E., Bottle Stoppers, 225
Nicholls, R., Deodorising, 130
Nicholls, R., Treating Sewage, 476
Nightingale, W. W., Ventilating, 265
Noad, Blackwell and Bunkell Velocipedes,
Noar, I., Neckties, 35
Nobes, G., Deodorising, 185
Noble, A., Ordnance, 303
Noble, A., Projectiles, 303
Noble, J., Gas, 130
Noel, P. L., Drain Pipes, 55
Nolf, A., Chloride Gas, 225
Noott, F. H., Drain Pipes, 245
Nordenfelt, J., Fire-arms, 303
Nordenfelt, J., Ordnance, 303
Norman and Wortley, Gas Stoves, 147
Northcott, W. IL, Preserving Meat, 167
Norton, J. L., Drying Crops, 35
Norton and Sturgeon, Nozzles, 75
Nowell and Smith, Permanent Way, 393
Nunan, E., Flexible Hose, 361
Nunan, E., Hand Shears, 491
Nute, J. H., Ropes, 341
Odltng, F. J., Gas Engines, 458
Oldershaw, H., Ironing, 47 6
Oliphant and Burr, Galvano-Electric Batteries, 303
Oliver, A., Carriage Brakes, 245
Olsson, A., Corkscrews, 341
Openshaw, A. S., Washing Balls, 185
a Oreli, A., Generating Machine, 75
O Riordan, M. J., Boilers, 205
Orton, J. S., Velocipedes, 94
Or vis, O. D., Furnaces, 458
Osborn, A., Fountain Pens, 419
Osborn and Yates, Winding Paper 379
°476’ P‘ G’’ Substituto for linseed Oil,
Page, G. S., Insulating, 35
Page, G. S., Supports for Conductors, 35
Page and Nun, Piers, 341
Pallweber, J., Watches and Clocks, 458
Palmer, R., Axle-Boxes, 185
Palmer, W., Sawing Wood, 341
Parini, G. C., Propellers, 112
Parker and Elwell, Electric Light, 112
Parker, J., Digging, 458
Parker, T. E., Firegrates, 458
Parkes, A., Insulating Compounds, 379
Parkin, J. B., Bullet-proof Shields, 283
Parnell and Simpson, Alkalies, 283
Parr and Gibson, Brushes, 341
Parr and Gibson, Pianofortes, 205
Parry, J., Garters, 35
Parry, K., Smelting, 35
Parson, H., Surgical Appliances, 323
Parsons and Kitson, Engines, 283
Parton and Shansbie, Opening Bottles, 35
Pass, E. de, Cleaning Intestines, 112
Pass, E. de, Electric Lamps, Arc, 15
Pass, E. de, Fibres, 130
Pass, E. de, Glass Furnaces, 15
Pass, E. de, Match-Boxes, 205
Pass, E. de, Mixing Water with Gas, 283
Pass, E. de, Printing, 55
Pass, E., Steam Jet, 75
Pass, E. de, Tricycles, 458
Paterson, A. S., Screw Nuts, 476
Paterson, H. C., Smoke Consuming, 458
Paterson and Scott, Utilising Shale, 303
Patterson, J., Amalgamating, 476
Patterson, J., Washing Fabrics, 341
Pattie and Robinson, Engines, 185
Pattison, S. E., Electric Gas Lighting, 491
Paul, J., Harvesting, 245
Pawley, R. T., Ships’ Hatches, 399
Peache, J. C., Railway Brakes, 205
Pearce, H., Opening Fanlights, 225
Pearse, J., Saddle Bars, 491
Pedley, W. E., Permanent Way, 399
Pellegrin, L. A. V., Fluid Food, 323
Pemberton and Pearson, Looms, 491
Pembrook and Dingley, Bottle Stands, 419
Pepper, W., Steering, 205, 399
Peres, D., Wire Netting, 55
Perkin and Scott, Economisers, 75
Perkin and Scott, Tools and Cutters, 303
Perkins, T., Heating Railway Carriages, 379
Perrett, E., Filters, 167
Perrott, jun., G., Harvesting Implements, 112
Petri, F., Purifying Sewage, 361
Petrie and Entwistle, Lubricating, 491
Petrie, J. and F., Washing Wool, 15
Peyton and Burley, Moulding, 361
Pfannkuche and Dixon, Lamps, 130
Philippi, L. H., Producing Relievos, 245
Phillips, F. C., Electric Energy, 265
Phillips, J., Filling Bottles, 419
Phillips, J. F., Incandescent Electric
Lamps, 265
Phillips, R. E., Velocipedes, 379
Pickering, J., Points and Switches, 75
Pickering, J. A., Penholders, 94
Pickford, T. N.. Cleaning Tin Plates, 245
Pickin, W., Umbrellas and Parasols, 265
Pickle, J., Railway Brakes, 265
Pickles, D., Clogs, 323
Pickles, J. H., Looms, 265
Pickles, J. H., Winding Linen, 341
Pidgeon, D., Velocipedes, 245
Pidgeon, W. R., Velocipedes, 458
Pielsticker, C. M., Preserving Food, 341
Pielsticker. C. M., Steel Castings, 303
Pieper, C., Refrigerating, 283
Pieper, C., Slide Valves, 476
Pieper, C., Surfacing, 276
Pieper, C., Utilising Iron Slag, 458
Pihlfeldt, O., Tricycles, 476
Pilkington and Forrest, Valves, 419
Pinchbeck. J., Engines, 75
Pitt, S., Brushes, 476
Pitt, S., Cleaning Wheat, 55
Pitt, S., Drain Ploughs, 419
Pitt, S., Drying Salt, 491
Pitt, S., Electric Light, 55
Pitt, S., Furnace Linings, 265
Pitt, S., Gas, 303
Pitt, S., Pitch Chains, 205
Pitt, S., Postal Stamps, 225
Pitt, S., Printing, 379
Pitt, S., Sewing Machines, 341
Pitt, S., Sulphurous Anhydride, 112
Pitt, W., Winches, 476
Place, J., Winding, 379
Plaisted, J., Separating Copper, 323
Plaisted, J., Treating Gold Ores, 491
Pliicker, J. F., Stands, 35
Plunkett, J. W., Boiler Gauges, 205
Plunkett, J. W., Gas, 491
Plush, R., Window Fastenings, 379
Podewills, Baron, Evaporating, 185
Podger and Davey, Ironing, 130
Pohl, M. and O.. Preserving Milk, 399
Polkinghorne, J., Explosive Compounds, 476
Pontifex, F., Closing, &c., Doors, 130
Poore, F. H., Range finders, 303
Porte and Chancellor, Meters, 283
Porter, G., Gas Governors, 458
Porter, G., Signalling, 130
Portway, C., Gas Stoves, 55
Power, M. J., Refrigerating, 303
Pratt, A., Hammocks, 399
Preston, Prestige, Preston, Cornish, and
Simmons, Valves and Cocks, 379
Priestland, C., Rack Pulleys, 35
Prince, F. J., Stopping Cars, 15
Prince, P., Points and Switches, 112
Pritchard, O. G., Electric Lamps, 112
Pritchard, O. G., Electric Light, 283
Proctor, F., Digging, 265, 361, 379
Proctor, J., Mechanical Stokers, 167
Prosser, J., Mixing Wines, 325
Prosser, W., Steel, 458
Puente, S., Advertising, 265
Pullan, A., Bottles, 245
Pulvermacher, 1. L., Electric Force, 55
Pulzer, S., Shoe-horns and Buttonhooks, 341
Purves, D., Crank Shafts, 75
Pyke, T., Glass Bottles, 167
Quatremaine, G., Velocipedes, 283
Quinian, A. W., Valves, 399
Quirk, T. E., Tobacco Pipes, 283
Randall, H. E., Boots and Shoes. 439
Ransome, E. L., Artificial Stone, 75
Raphael, R. W., Tea-urns, 185
Rapieff, J., Galvanic Batteries, 476
R^pp and Herbsch, Receptacles for Disinfectants, 205
Ratcliffe, J., Looms, 283
Rate and Chattaway, Boots and Shoes, 55
Rath, A. I., Life-saving Apparatus, 75
Rawley, J. J., Bottle Stoppers, 225
Rawhngs, H., Filters, 458
Rawlinson, R., Grinding Tools, 75
Read, G., Fishing Tackle, 361
Read, H. F., Parallel Vices, 341
Rebecca, J., Screw Shaft Bearings, 361
Reckenzaun, A., Driving Tram-cars, 361
Reckenzaun, A., Electric Currents, 75
Reckenzaun, A., Electric Propellers, 283
Keddie, A., Roller Mills, 94
Reddie, A., Treating Grain, 94
Reddie, A. W., Engines and Pumps, 205
Reddie, A. W. L., Alarm Bells, 341
Reddie, A. W. L., Bicarbonate of Soda, 283
Reddie, A. W. L., Condensing, 458
Reddie, A. W. L., Heating Water, 476
Reddie, A. W. L., Musical Instruments—
Keyboard, 205
Rcddic, A. W. L., Pneumatic Elevators, 341
Reddie, A. W. L , Railway Couplings, 245
Reddie, A. W. L., Rotary Engines, 147
Reddie, A. W. L., Safety Valves, 225
Redfern, G. F., Boilers, 283
Redfern, G. F., Fastenings, 112
Redfern, G. F., Filtering, 323
Redfern, G. F., Harness, 341
Redfern, G. F., Marking Games, 399
Redfern, G. F., Removing Ink Stains, 265
Redfern, G. F., Treating Solid Matters, 112
Redman, R., Trousers, 112
Rees, J. P., Saddles, 205
Reeve, W. G., Explosive Compounds, 75
Reich, D., Transparent Patterns on Ground Glass, 55
Remmers, Williamson, and Fairweather, Drying, 205
Restler, J. W., Valves, 55
Bettie, J., Drilling Braces, 167
Rettie, J., Fluid Meters, 185
Rettie, J., Velocipedes, 303
Revell, J,, Permanent Way, 75
Rexford, J., Harness, 458
Reynolds, J , Basting Meat, 399
Reynolds, AV. G. W., Stays, 3’23
Richards, L., Permanent Way, 341
Richards, M., Filters, 185
Richardson and Greenwood, Railway
Couplings, 265
Richardson, II., Poles and Nets, 55
Rickarby, A., Propelling Ships, 35
Rickman and Thompson, Ammonia, 55
Riddell, W. M., Drying Fabrics, &c., 130
Riddell, AV. M., Treating Bark, 245
Ridealgh, C., Engines, 439
Rider, I., Water-closets, 491
Rigby, E., Chaff-cutting, 167
Rigby, T. E.» Wheels, 491
Rigden, W. G., Glove Fastenings, 130
Riley, J., Conveying Apparatus, 130
Riley and Orrell, Loom Shuttles, 205
Ripley, F., Spinning, 476
Robert and Gouvernon, Chime Clocks, 185
Roberts, C., Railway Couplings, 439
Roberts, H., Drawing, &c., Wire, 439
Roberts, H., Zinc-coated AVire, 439
Roberts and Moore, Fire-arms, 167
Roberts and Travis, Coating Boilers, 283
Robert, W. H., Seat-shifter, 35
Robertson, A., Condensing Engines, 55
Robertson, A. W., Engine Pumps, 323
Robinson, A. H., Gas, tec., Burners, 458
Robinson, A. H., Lamps, 361
Robinson, C. G., Getting Coal, 167
Robinson, E., Carriage Brakes, 458
Robinson, H., Motive Power, 55
Robinson, J., Grinding AVheels, 94
Robinson, J. and G., Oil Cans, 439
Robinson, J. and T., Furnaces, 167
Robinson, P., Endless Platforms, 225
Roden, H. von, Preserving Milk, 112
Rodyk, A. B., Coating Ships’ Bottoms, 245
Roe, J. T., Tackle Hooks, 245
Rogers, F. M., Arc Lamps, 35
Rogers, J. R., Electricity, 94
Rogers, AV., Fire-arms, 130
Rose, R., Preserving Ships at Sea, 341
Rose, AV., Vent Pegs, 323
Rosenthal, W., Stay, 419
Ross, A. Q., Telephones, 75
Ross, O. C. D., Galvanic Batteries, 225
Rosse, S., Metallic Boxes, 185
Roth, L., Cement, 112
Rothwell, J. P., Washing and Wringing, 379
Rousseau, E. E. H., Motive Power, 130
Routledge, T., Treating Fibres, 491
Rowan and AVilliams, Gas Lighting, 476
Rowden and Doughty, Spirit Salts, 205
Rowley and Vulliainy Cutting AVood, 75
Royle, J. J., Gas Fittings, 458
Ruck, R., Shackles, 15
Rucker and Jackson, Velocipedes, 439
Rushworth, E., Spinning, 361
Russ, B., Gas, 379
Russell, F. A. R., Bundling Letters, 35
Russell, J. R., Boiler Furnaces, 225
Russell, J. R., Hulling Rice, 225
Sachs, A., Waterproof Wearing Apparel, 35
Sage, W., Propelling Boats, 419
Sage, AV. J., Broom Handles, 185
St. Aubin, AV. H., Carriage-door Fastenings, 379
St. George, A. F., Accumulators, 283
Salamon, A. G., Fermented Liquors, 491
Salsbury, H., Lamps, 419
Salway, E R., Harvesting, 55
Sanders, R. D., Saw Machines, 419
Sang, J. F., Excavating, 283
Sansom, J., Signalling, 458
Sara, F., Syphons, 15
Sarney and Alprovidge, Accumulators, 35
Savage, A., Postal AVrappers, 323
Savage, E., Ploughs, 361
Sawrey, Attwood, and Woodburne, Pumps, 245
Sawyer, J., Kiln Furnaces, 491
Scherer, S., Umbrellas, 361
Schlaefli, J. P. A.. Electric Clocks, 35
Schloesser, C. R. F., Tell-tales, 91
Schmidt, F. O., Sewing Machine Shuttles, 379
Scholzig, G., Wire, &c., 476
Schon, C., Furnaces, 167
Schonheyder, W. A. G., Taps, 458
Behoof, B., Paper Holders. 379
Schoth, G. A., Lighting, 379
Schott, G. A. J., Oil Vessels, 265
Schubert, G., Fastening Neckties, 361
Schweitzer, J., Malted Food, 245
Schweitzer and Lawrie, Tell-tales, 35
Seollick, A. J., Compound for Packing
Machinery, 3U3
Scott, H., Locking Bolts, 361
Scott, H., Points and Signals, 130
Scott, H.. Tramways, 303
Scott, I., Ships, 245
Scott, Moncrieff, and Dodds, Water Supply, 361
Scott, R. C., Ships’ Holds, 476
Scott, U., Vehicles, 112
Scourfield, T., Door Fastenings, 399
Scriven, C., Bending Metallic Plates, 458
Scriven, C., Bending, <Vc., Metals, 130
Searle and Ironside, Tailors’ Marking Instruments, 147
Searle, R., Artificial Stone, 15
Seel, J. B., Umbrellas, 303
Sellers, J., Aerated Beverages, 476
Sellers, J. M., Cutting Fabrics, 283
Semper, C., Treating Ferruginous Salts, 245
Sennett, A. R., Electric Currents, 245
Serraillier. A., Electric Arc Lamps, 323
Settle, E. R., Velocipedes, 341
Settle, M., Blasting Coal, 323
Seydell, O., Awnings, 94
Shalders, H. C. B., Carbons, 379
Shanks, J. Valves, 75
Shanks and Lyon, Engines, 147
Shanks, T., Turning Lathe.-2, 225
Sharman, W. H., Pipes, 439
Sharp, P., Guides, 35
Sharp, S. H., Artists’ “ Plaques,” 341
Sharp, T., Pulleys, 265
Sharpe and Palmer, Vertical Boilers, 476
Sharpe, W., Signalling in Trains, 439
Shaw, H., Stonpering Bottles, 112
Shaw, I. B., Decorating Bricks and Tiles
205 ’
Shaw and Milan, Ball Cocks, 245
Shaw and Sydenham, Tricycles, 35
Shedlock, J. J., Gas Burners, 205
Sheldon, E. L., Transporting Live Fish 35
Shelmerdine, A., Doors, 458
Shepherd, Ayrton, and Hallam, Winding,
Shepherd, J., Firegrates, 476
Sherwin, G. E., Driving Pulleys, 303
Shewardand Jones, Permanent Way 439
Shields, S., Clearing Tramway Rails 130
Shinn, J., Breaking Fibres, 361
Shoebotham and James, Links, 75
Shorrock, J. and J. IL, Looms, 130
Sibley, C., Electric Lamps, 112’
Sidersky and Probst, Sulphur, 94
Siemens, C. W., Lamps, 55
Siemens, F., Lamps, 205
Silvermann, L., Sewing Machines 225
Simon, H., Projectiles, 476
Simmons, F., Sewing Machines, 361
Simmons, G. AV., Paper, 130
Simmons, Lowthime, and Tree, Frames, 85
Simmons, T. F., Perambulators, 303
^inroson A.., Cultivators, 75
s impson and Fawcett Wheels, 439
Simpson, M. H., Pipe Couplings, 94
Sinclair, G., Boilers, 130
Singer and Davies, 1 elocipedes, 3bl
Singleton, T., Looms, 94, 323
Sinnock, W., Electrodes 22o
Skelhorn, W., Swivels, 15
SkrivMOW,’ GG.? Electric Batteries, 245 Slack, G. IL, Spring Mattresses, 11.
Slack, H., Grinding, 225
Slater J Bicycle Lamps, ^22
Slater’ T., Electric Currents, 205
Slater’ T., Storing Electricity, 20 j
Sleep W. H., Belt Fastenings, 4o8
Sloan T J., Nails and Screws, 225
SmaRwood and Cooper, Velocipedes 55 Smethurst and Collins, Explosives, 303 Smiles, J. H., Steering, 130
Smith, A., Looms, 458
Smith, A. J , Boilers, 419
Smith A. J., White Lead, 22o
Smith and Coventry, Planing and Milling,
Smith, D. IL and W., Screw Gill Boxes, 147
Smith, D. P., Drying Wool, 303
Smith, D. P., Machine Clips. 303
Smith and Drewitt, Brackets, 470
Smith, E., Chairs, 130
Smith, F„ Bricks, 439
Smith, H., Rope Tramways, 147, 323
Smith and Harrison, Couplings, 7<>
Smith, H. C., Treating Fibres, 361
Smith, H. H. M Tramways, 439
Smith, J. J. C., Covering Wires, 283
Smith, J. P-, Medical Troughs foi Live
Stock, 458
Smith, R., Propellers, 283
Smith, S. R., Producing Light, 94
Smith, T., Railway Couplings, 341
Smith, W„ Floor Cloths, 303
Smith, W., Hydraulic Accumulators, 379
Smith, W., Looms, 245
Smith, W. S., Regulating Currents, 130
Smyth J. F., Stamped, &c., Plates. 419
Snell, C. 8., Electric Arc Lamps, 323
Snell, C. 8., Electric Lamps, 167
Snow, C. A., Nut Locks 245
Snow, C. A., Rolling Mills, 35
Snow, C. A., Stay Fastenings, 26a
Snowden and Ball, Looms, 399
Snowden, G. R., Wagon Couplings 18o Soldcnhoif, R. de, Treating Coal, 20?
Solomon, J., Preventing Chimneys
Smoking, 75
Somoff, J. L., Electric Lamps, 112
Somzbe, L. H., Secondary Batteries, 167
Somzhe, L. H. M., Electricity 75
Sonnenthal, G., Tube Expanding, 112
Southall, C. H., Cleaning Windows, 130 Sowden, I., Pickers for Looms, 22u Sowler and Pattison, Web Printing, o99 Spence and Chaster, Telephony, 419
Spence and Nichol, Nippers for Wire Ropes, 185
Spence, P. and F. M., Alum, &c., 130
Spence, T., Projectiles, 205
Spence, W., Telephone Receivers, 1j
Spencer, J. F., Pumps, 185
Sperrin, J. N., Cocks or Valves, 323
Sperry, E., Dynamo-Electric Machines, lo
Spielmann, I., Gas Lamps, 245
Spong, C. W., Cleaning Knives, 225
Spowage, W., Combs, 55
Sprague, J. D., Pencils, 15
Sprague, J. D., Sash Fastenings, 458
Squire, F., Perforating, 491
Squire, W. H., Pianofortes, 399
Stahlin, C. A., Bottle Stoppers, 361
Stanbury, C H„ Boxes and Trunks, 205 Staniforth, W., Lids of Boxes, 323 Stanley, J., Utilising Deposits, 15
Stanley, W. F., Photographic Cameras, 3a Stasicki, F. K. de. Fire-lighters, 439 Stassen, jun., J., Velocipedes, 147 Stattier, J. G., Electric Lamps, 20o Stead, J. and G. E., Billiard Fabrics, 458 Stearn, C. D., Glass Imitations 15
Steenberg. A.. Centrifugal Machines, 20o {Stenson, T. F., Pumps, 458
Stephan, J., Motive Power, 265
Stephens, J. F., Rules, 379
Sterling, E. J., Coupling Clutches, 94
Stetson, T. D., Harvesting, 245
Steven and Burt, Audible Signalling 476 Stevens, C. R., Heating and Ventilating, 399
Stevens and Major, Hydraulic Lifts 225
Stevens, Major, and Barber, Hydraulic Lifts, 379
Stevens, Major, and Edwards, Lifts, 20o
Stevens, W. Y., Stoves, 245
Stevenson, A., Collecting Dust, 112 Stevenson, J. C , Taps, 167 ,
Stewart, D., Pressing Horns and Hoots, 491
Stewart, H., Drying, 419
Stiles, J. H., Oil Stoves, 225
Stone, R., Railway Couplings, 265
Stott, S., Dress Bodice Forms, 399 _
Stout and Hillcost, Steering Gear, 476
Stoy, J. F., Cans or Boxes, 225
Strangways, H. B. T., Telephones, 283 Strickland, W., Electric Light, 303 _ Stroudley, W., Railway7 Signalling, lu Stuart, M., Guarding Watches, 323 Stuart, P., Stones for Lithography, 399 Stuart, W. G., Working Valves, 205 Sturge, E., Envelopes, 283 Sturm, S., Stoves, 283
Sturtevant, T. L., Grinding Mills, 439 Sugden, S. 8., Hoisting, 379 .
Sugg, W. T., Gas Fires, 491
Sugg, W. T., Gas Lighting, 303
Sugg, W. T., Roasting Coffee, 185
Sullivan, J. H., Reversible Signals, 55
Sully, T. N., Walls, 35
Sutcliffe, F., Sounding, 419
Sutcliffe, H., Metal Cisterns, 419
Sutcliffe, H., Velocipedes, 283
Sutherland, W., Gases, 147
Sutherland, W. S., Glass, 94
Sutherland, W. S., Iron, 130
Swan, A., Incandescent Electric Lamps, 399 V
Swan, I. W., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 245
Swan, J. W. and C., Electric Lamps, 22o Swan and Massicks, Permanent Way, 419 Swann and Batie, Harvesting, 245 Swann, F. G., Looms, 185
Swann, J., Elastic Fabrics, 283
Sweetman, W., Ploughs, 167 __ .
Swift and Reade, Electric Currents, 24a Swift and Reade, Railway Signalling. 419 Swoboda, H., Petroleum Vapours, 361 Sykes and Hinchcliffe, Looms, 323
Sykes, J., Rollers for Grinding, &c., Cards, 205
Sykes, W. and H. J., Horseshoes, 458 Sykes, W. R., Railway Signalling, 476 _ Symington, W. H., Stay Fastenings, 45S Symons, H. Purifying Gas, 245
Tagore, G., Preventing Sea Sickness, 283
Taite, W., Screw Propellers, 36i
Talbot, E., Permanent Way, 245
Tanner, G. G., Busts, 147
Tarratt, H. M., Window Curtains, 341
Tate, C. M., Bouquet Holders, 225
Tatham, R., Feeding Wool, 265
Tatham, R., Secondary Batteries, 303
Tatbam, B., Telegraphy, 283
Taylor, Allen, Evans, and Scott, Type-
Setting, 491
Taylor and Challen, Clutches, 491
Taylor, G., Rolling Stock. 439
Taylor and King, Plates, 75
Taylor, T. II., Copying, 112
Taylor and Wallwork, Hats, 147
Taylor, W. W., Printing, 399
Teague, jun., W., Balance Valves, 303
Teague, W., Feeding Boilers, 303
Teague, W., Ventilating. 303
Teidemann, G., Cocks, 491
Telfer, J., Wicks, 470
Temple and Hobbs, Insulating Wires, 379
Tempter, J., Balloons for Photography, 323
Templeton and Hilson, Sewing Machines, aoo
Terlinden, J. M. X., Motive-Power, 225
Terlinden, J. M. X., Rotary Engines. 147
Terry and Scott, Combing Fibres, 491
Teske, C. A., Telephony, 205
Tetlow and Holding, Fastening Belts, 439
Tetlow and Holding, Looms, 439
Thacker and Green, Tricycles, 476
Theiler. R. M., Telephones, 167
Thew, W. H., Preserving Foods, 361
Thisquen, H., Safety Locks, 75
Thomas and Ennor, Gas, 35
Thomas and Ennor, Valves, 35
Thomas, J., Railway Lamps, 399
Thomas, S. T. Casks, 185
Thomas, T., Miners’ Safety Lamps, 379
Thomas, W., Pianofortes, 476
Thomarson, J. L., Ventilators, 94
Thompson and Booer, Gas Burners, 94
Thompson, C., Looms, 35
Thompson, C. H. and C. W., Indicating
Time, <fcc., 458
Thompson, IIardaker, and Porter, Boilers,
Thompson and Husbands, Telephony, 439
Thompson, J. B., Preventing Extinction of Gas, &c , 55
Thompson, J. R., Horseshoes, 112
Thompson and Kitto, Oysters, 35
Thompson, N., Bottle Stoppers, 185
Thompson, N., Bottle Stoppers, 265
Thompson, R. C., Ships’ Lights, 265
Thompson, S., Fire-proofing, 147
Thompson, 8. P., Electric Currents, 341
Thompson, 8. P., Telephony, 130
Thompson and Starling, Photometric
Apparatus, 476
Thompson, T. H., Ventilating, 458
Thompson, W., Roads, 147
Thompson, W. P., Anti-Friction Beatings,
Thompson, W. P., Boilers and Furnaces, 265
Thompson, W. P., Button Shields, 245 Thompson, W. P., Cleaning Wool, 112
Thompson, W. P., Cutting Metal, 94
Thompson, W. P., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 75
Thompson, W. P., Evaporating, 491
Thompson, W. P., Filtering, 399
Thompson, W. P., Governors, 323
Thompson, W. P., Impregnating Wood, 94
Thompson, W. P., Motive Power, 265
Thompson, W. P., Packing Meat, &c.. 879
Thompson, W. P., Permanent Wav, 491
Thompson, W. P., Rolling Stock, 75
Thompson, W. P., Sewing Machines, 323
Thompson, W. P., Sliding Gates, 112
Thompson, W. P., Soap, 399
Thompson, W. P , Spring Motors, 283
Thompson, W. P., Telephones, 245
Thompson, W. P., Vehicles, 303
Thomson, A., Tables, 476
Thomson, W., Brushes, 439
Thomson, W., Door Fastenings, 112
Thorn, H., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 15
Thornburn, W., Heating, 167
Thorp, T., Gas Lighting, 361
Thresher, H., Driving Gear, 379
Tibbits, W. B., Pumps. 147
Tice, E. A., Wheels, 458
Tidcombe, G., Strainers, 205
Timmis, L, Utilising Tidal Waters, 15 Timmis, I. A., Pressing Asbestos, 476
Tippett, A. M., Permanent Way, 185
Tolson, G. and J. E., Treating Vegetable Matter, 419
Tomkins, A., Velocipedes, 476
Tomlinson, E., Fire-lighting, 147
Tongue, J. G., Marine, &c., Building, 1S5
Tongue, J. G., Ventilating, 35
Topham, J. H., Filtering, 35
Topham, J. H.. Heating Water. 361 Toppan, C., Colouring Matters '47 Torr, C. W., Electricity, 341
Torrey, T., Telephony, 439
Totterdell, M. G., Stays, 379
Toussaint, J., Furnaces, 303
Townsend, J., Preserving Food, 4 )1 Townshend, I. T., Velocipedes, 112
Toy and Stephens, Reducing Tin Stuff, 185
Toye, W. H. R., Ornamenting Glass, die., 205
Toye, W. H. R., Painting, 167
Toynbee, E., Electro-Magnetic Engines, 35 Trafford, W., Sewing Silk, 419
Trapowski, J., Waterproof Wearing Apparel, 303
Tiew, T. V., Cube Fire-lighters, 112
Tribe, A., Secondary Batteries, 419 Trigwell, J. R., Velocipedes, 458 Trimmings, A. A., Lawn-tennis Bats, 205 Trotter, A. P., Distributing Lights, 94 Trotter, J., Revolving Lamps, 283
Trotman, T., Folding Perambulators, 491
Truchot, E., Incrusting, 476
Truman, C., Vehicles, 303
Truman, E. T., Electric Conductors, 439 Tuck, A., Terra-cotta Plaques, 379 Tucker, F E., Preparing Wax, 265 Tullis, J. K., Driving Belts, 35
Turner, S. J. and R., Coffins, 147
Turner, W., Spinning, 361
Tussaud, J. T., Fleshing Hides, 35 Tweedale, E., Spinning 476
Tweedale, E., Winding, 361
Tweddell and Fielding. Rivetting, 265
Tweddell, R. H., Hydraulic Machines, 265 Tydeman, B., Bulking, <tc., Tea, 399 Tylor, J. J., Water Supply, 379
Ulsmann, H., Basic Materials, 147
Ungar, J., Lamps, 379
Unger, J., Revolving Chairs, 245
Urquhart, D., Ammonia, 147
Vallon, W., Bricks, 15
Vandersteenstraaten, P. F., Medical Compounds, 439
Varicas, L., Malt Liquors, 147
Varley, C. F., Electro-magnetic Engines, 323
Varley, F. H., Electricity, 341
Varley and Greenwood, Electricity, 15
Varley and Gregory, Lubricating, 303
Varley, J. J., Bottle-stoppers, 379
Varley and Shearer, Electric Meters, 491
Vaughan, G. E., Brakes, 94
Vaughan, G., Fences, 75
Vaughan, G. E., Dredging, 439
Vaughan, G. E., Grapnels, 85
Vaughan, G. E,, Pressure-gauges, 147
Vaughan, G. E., Telegraph Cables, 35, 861 Vaughan and Walton, Bicycle, Ac,, Stands, 283
Vaux, C., Clarifying Beer, 283 Vavasseur, J., Ordnance, 303, 419 Verity, J., Electric Light, 94 Vermeiren, E., Heating Water 419 Vernon, J., Horseshoes, 15 Villiers, P. de, Electricity, 1S5 Vinall, D., Trunks, 341
Vincent, W., Tipping Carts, 35
A ining, R. W„ Signalling on Trains, 458 v°gt and Figge, Permanent Way, 112 Voice, E. L , Electric Energy 265 Vollmer, H., Bottle Stoppers, 491 Vollmer, JI., Glove Fastenings, 491
Wade, W., Moti v e Power, 303
Waddington, Longbottom, and Ashworth Bore-holes, 147
Waddington and Rowbotham, Roundabouts, 94
Waddington, IV. A., Pianofortes, 94
Wadsworth, J.. Heating, &c., 303
Wagstaff, R., Rotary Engines, 205
Walker, B., Rolling Cylinders, 341
Walker, B., Shearing Metal, 323
Walker, C. C., Purifying Gas, 361
Walker, J., Haulage Clips, 94
Walker, J., Purifying Gas, 112, 439
Wa'ker, J., Velocipedes, 35
Walker and Olli ver, Electric Lamps, 283
Walker, S., Steel Tubes, 419
Walker and Worsey, Locks, 130
Waller, T., Watches, 265
Wallis, A. H., Metal Wagons, 185
Wallis, J., Rolling Stock, 167
Wallwork, R., Cleaning Knives, 15
Wallwork, R., Hats, 94
Walsh, J. E., Joints and Bearers, 458
Walsh, J. E., Permanent Way, 458
Walsh, J. E., Sewing Machines, 130
Walsh, J. L., Starting Tram-cars, 167
Walter, S., Artificial Manure, 361
Walter, S., Tilling, 361
Walters, W. M., Steering Ships, 341
Walton. F., Floorcloths, 476
Ward, J. T., Boilers, 15
Ward, T. H., Cable Chains, 341
Warner, C. B., Waterproofing Fabrics, 399
Warre and Salmon, Winning Coal, 439
Warren, W. R., Medical Batteries, 75
Warwick, J., Sewing Machines, 185
Warwick, T., Bicycles, 265
Wastfield, E. G., Gas Engines, 283
Watkin, H. S., Velocipedes, 379
Watkins, A., Boilers, 341
Watkins, S., Nails, 419
Watkins. S., Nutsand Bolts, 4,9
Watson, D., Purifying Ores, 130
Watson, J. C., Disintegrating Fabrics, 303
Watson, J. F., Hats, 94
Watt, A., Secondary Batteries. 15
Watt, A., Voltaic Batteries, 225
Watts and Gorman, Ice, 112
Watts and Smith, Gas Engines, 225
Wavish and Warner, Incandescent Electric Lamps, 458
Weatherill. TL, Axles and Springs, 361
Webb, F. W., Axle-boxes, 341
Webb and Jenson, Electric Bells, 283
Webb, T. G., Pavement Lights, 35
Webb, T. S., Preventing Corrosion, 55
Webley and Brain, Breech-loading Smallarms, 15
Webster, G. E., Gas Residues, 303
Webster, J., Bismuth Bronze, 265
Weiste, J. D., Bevelling, 439
Wekey, S., Crushing Ores, 225
Weldon, F., Velocipedes, 379
Weldon, W., Chloride of Copper, 419
Weldon. W., Sulphur, 35, 265
Welles, F. R., Electric Lamps, 147
Welles, F. R., Telephony, 147
Welling, G., Suspending Horizontal Bars, 225
Wells, E. P., Pigments, 130
Wells, 8., Glazing Paper, 439
Welton, T., Electricity, 361
Wells and Wallwork, Gas-fittings, 75
Wenger, A., Ornamenting China, 245
Wenham, F. II., Gas Lamps, 167
Werderman, R., Dynamo-machines, 35
Werdermann, R., Electric Light, 112
Wtiry, E., Chimney Funnels, 245
Westfield, B. G., Gas Engines, 283
Westmacott, P. G. B., Tipping Trucks, 399
Weston, G., Cutting Cigars, 341
Wetter, J., Balls, 379
Wetter, J., Drawing, 361
Wetter, J., Filters, 379
Wetter, J., Fire-escapes, 341
Wetter, J., Insulating, 379
Wetter, J., Iron, 361
Wetter, J., Saw Guards, 379
Wetter, J., Shaping, 379
Wetter, J., Shirts, 361
Wetter, J., Stove-pipes, 361
Wetter, J., Tar and Ammonia, 341
Wetter, J., Tiles, 399
Wetter, J., Treating Fabrics, 379
Wetter, J., Valves, 399
Wetter, J., Watchman’s Watches, 341
Wetter, J., Writing, 361
Whalley, R., Musical Instruments, 147
Whalley, W., Sizing, 245
Wharton and Smith, Combing, 225
Wheeler, F., Loading Carts, 245
Wheeler, G., Packing Pipe Joints, 399
Whillier, E., Firegrates, 283
White and Evans, Drain Traps, 55
White, J., Chimney Pots, 458
Whitehead, H. M., Stowing Wool, 265
Whitehead, J. H., Combing, 379, 476
Whitehead, J. S. W., Steel for Corsets, 167
Whitehouse and Peacock, Sash Fastenings, 458
Whiteman, W., Retarding Heat, 361
Whiteman, W. T., Weighing, 361
Whitfield, S. B. and S. I., Metallic Bedsteads, 399
Whitham, F. E., Brewing, 147
Whitley, J., Electricity, 3n3
Whittaker and Claydon, Looms, 112
Whittaker, G., Gas Tngincs, 458
Whyte, J. G., Cooking Ranges, 379
Whytehead, J., Slicing into Strips, 15
Wickes and Beaumont, Tram-cars, 458
Wigfull, H , Bottle Stands, 205
Wigg, C., Carbonate of Soda, 15
Wightman, A., Taps and Valves, 55
Wightman, T., Water Supply, 283
Wild, A. J. T., Bottle Stoppers, 225
Wilde, H., Electricity, 43a
Wilde, TL, Regulating, 130
Wilder, R. J. and H., Agricultural Elevators, 15
Wilding, S. P., Boilers, 341
Wilding, S. P., Cocoa, 399
Wilding, S. P., Refrigerating, 419
Wilf ord, E. P., Measuring Men, 419
Wilkinson, A. J., Lounge, 303
Wilkinson, E., Carding, 341
Willans, J. G., Iron and Steel, 225
Willans and Robinson, Engines, 303
Willard, F. L., Arc Electric Lamps, 361
Willard, F. L., Incandescent Electric Lamps, 15
Williams, A. H., Air Vessels, 147
Williams, B., Cleaning, &c , Tin-plate, 167
Williams, B., Hoists, 55
Williams and Barnes, Looms, 167
Williams and Edwards, Permanent Way, 899
Williams, H. A., Pulleys, 55
Williams, J„ Electricity, 107
Williams, J., Furnaces, 4^6
Williams, J., Safety Valves, 491
Williams, J. and W., School Slates, 323
Williams, S., Nail Moulds, 167
Williams, S., Safety Apparatus, 112
Williams, 8. de la & , Kilns, 341
Williams, jun., T., Weighing, 399
Willoughby, T., Pumps, 225
Wills, A. W., Shaping Metals, 458
Will way, J. 8., Door-mats and Scrapers, 130
Willway, J. 8., Gas Stoves, 245
Wilson, A., Gas, 283
Wilson, A., Permanent Way, Conveying, 75
Wilson, 225
E., Leather - Rolling Machines,
Wilson, G., Fuel, 265
Wilson and J ohnson, Ventilating
Wilson, W. P., Wagons, 439
Wilson, W. V., White Lead, 205
Wimshurst, E., Steering, 476
Wimshurst, E. J., Voltaic Batteries, 303
Winch, C. L., Secondary Batteries, 94
Winch, G. L., Thermometers, 458
Wingfield-Bonnyn, W., Grinding, 147
Winter, C. de, Tubular Elevators, 55
Wirth, F., Acoustic Instruments, 75
Wirth, F., Alkali Salts, 55
Wirth, F., Centrifugal Machines, 147
Wirth, F., Colouring Machines, 167
Wirth, F., Colouring Matters, 55
Wirth, F., Dressing, <fcc , Ores, 35
Wirth, F., Electric Batteries, 341
Wirth, F , Engraving, 476
Wirth, F., Explosives, 35
Wirth, F., Magnesia Salts, 458
Wirth, F., Musical Tops, 283
Wirth, F., Preserving Food, 491
Wirth, F., Printing Ink, 15
Wirth, F., Sewing Machines, 35
Wirth F,, Sulpho-Acids, 112 Wirth, F., Watches, 379
Wise, W. L., Caustic Alkalies, 225
Wise, W. L., Caustic Potash and Soda, 185
Wise, W. L., Heating Fluids, 303
Wise, W. L., Lamps, 265
Wise, W. L., Lubricators, 379
Wise, W. L., Paper Bags, 283
Wise, W. L., Polishing Jewels, 476
Wise, W. L., Rolling Stock, 1S5 Wise, W. L., Safety Lamps, 94 Wiswall and Collier, Weirs, 35 Witte, G., Fire Engines, 439 Wolff, F., Motive Power, 283 Wolff, F., Saving Life at Sea, 399
Wolff, F. W., Musicalr nstruments, 458
Wolff, L., Erasing Pe> il Marks, 399
Wood, E. G., Lime Li at, 283
Wood, J., Coke, 130
Wood, J. H , Distributing Manure, 379
Wood and Richmond, Refrigerating, 458 Wood, S. M. and A., Steel Wire, 130 Wood, 8. W., Cigars, 147
Wood and Whitaker, Lifting Beer, 15 Woodley and Joel, Accumulators, 35 Woodley and Joel, Secondary Batteries, 361
Woodley, R. IL, Metallic Wool, 85 Wormull, A , Plane Splint, 75 Woodrow, J., Opening Fur, 15 Woods, J., Secondary Batteries, 147 Woods, J. E. T., Carbons, 379
Woods, J. E. T., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 147
Woods, J. E. T., Gums, 361
Woodward, H. Casting Metals, 265 Woodward, H., Electrodes, 399 Woodward, H., Thermo-Electric Generators, 399
Woodward, J., Locks and Latches, 476 Wrench, W. G., Propellers. 112 Wright, E. and A., Boots. 265
Wright, J., Permanent Way, 341
Wright, J. F. and G. E., Gas Stoves, 167
Wright and Pethick, Railway Couplings, 361
Wright, S., Casks, 94
Wright, T., Electric Clocks, 185
Wrigley, J., Temples for Looms, 225
Wrigley and Maynes, Checking Receipts, 476
Wrigley and Robertson, Paper, 361
Wrightson and Clark, Driving Piles, 245 Wulff and Moser, Clocks, 439
Wyley and Collins, India-rubber Tires, 15 Wymond, T.. Corkscrews, 15 Wynne, F., Engines, 205
Wynne, W., Electric Lamps, 225
Wynne, W., Gas Lamp Joints, 15
Yates, P., Bottle Taps, 419
Yeates, S. M., Telephony, 55
Young and Belby, Coal, 341
Young and Furniss, Spinning and Doubling, 458
Young, J., Treating Sewage, 94, 265
Young and Neilson, Stays, 283
Young, R.. Mills, 399
Young and Wood, Window Fastenings, 265
Younghusband and Hudson, Railway Couplings, 419
Youngjohns, W., Looms, 303
ZWIERZCHOWSKI, A., Supports, 4:9
gtgplt'cations for betters patent.
Accumulators, W. A. Barlow, 205, 439
Accumulators, A. F. St. George, 283
Accumulators, Sarney and Alprovidge, 35
Accumulators, Woodley and Joel, 35
Accumulators. Hydraulic, W. Smith, 379
Acid, Hycirochloric, Hargreaves and Robinson, 458
Acoustic Instruments, F. Wirth, 75
Advertising, W. R. Lake, 476
Advertising, S Puente, 265 Aerial Navigation, U. Green, 225
Aerial Navigation, Maughan and Waddy, 265
Aerial Railway, E. P. Alexander, 419
Air, Compressed, English and Sturgeon, 379
Air Vessels, A. H. Williams, 147 Alarm Bells, A. W. L. Keddie, 341
Alcohol, H. A. Bonneville, 75 Alcohol, A. J. Boult, 265
Alcoholic Beverages, J. H. Loder, 55 Alcohols, Oxidising, E. A. Brydges, 130 Alkali Salts, F. Wirtb, 55
Alkalies, Parnell and Simpson, 283 Alkalies, Caustic, W. L. Wise, 225 Alloys of Gold, A. Guye, 225
Alloys, Metallic, C. J. L. Leffler, 94
Alum, &c., P. and F. M. Spence, 130 *
Alumina, H. A. Bonneville, 323 Amalgamating, J. Patterson, 476
Amber, Uniting, W. Morgan-Brown, 94 Ammonia, J. and A. Addie, 283
Ammonia, E. P. Alexander, 107 Ammonia, A. Feldmann, 112
Ammonia, F. Lorenz, 476
Ammonia, Hickman and Thompson, 55
Ammonia, D. Urquhart, 147
Ammonia, Sulphate of, J. Coates, 35
Anchors, J. H. Kidd, 399
Anhydride-Sulphurous, S. Pitt, 112
Animal and Vegetable Substances, Treating, W. C. Clennel, 439
Anthracene, R. Irvine, 205
Antiseptics, H. J. Haddan, 55
Antiseptics, Kingzett and Zingler, 419
Armour-plates, T. D. Clare, 323
Armour-plates, J. H. Johnson, 491
Asbestos, J. C. Mewburn, 399 •
Asbestos, Pressing, LA. Timinis, 476
Asphalts, B. D. Healey, 130
Astronomical Instruments, J. L. Clark, 399
Astronomical Instruments, W. E. Gedge, 491
Automatic Apparatus, W. Cheyne, 55
Awnings, 0. Seydel, 94
Axle-boxes, R. Palmer. 185
Axle-boxes, F. W. Webb, 341
Axles, W. Clark, 265
Axles, H. J. lladdan, 35
Axles, W. R. Lake, 112, 147
Axles, J. Mackay, 147
Axles and Springs, II. Weatherill, 361
Bag Frames, V. Huppe, 185
Bags, Paper, W. L. Wise, 283
Balances, Millstone, A. J. Boult, 32
Balls, J. Wetter, 379
Balloons, P. Jensen, 361
Balloons for Photography, J. Templcr, 323 |
Bands, L. Binns, 361
Barges, Transporting, C. D. Abe], 303
Bark, Treating, W. M. Riddell, 245
Barrels, W. R Lake, 147
Basic Materials. H. Ulsmann, 147
Basting Meat, J. Reynolds. 399
Bathing, W. Morgan-Brown, 361
Baths, W. Morgan-Brown, 185
Batteries, J. II. Johnson, 75
Batteries, Electric, Beeman, Taylor and King, 130
Batteries, Electric, F. Mori, 130
Batteries, Electric Storage, E. Frankland, 205
Batteries, Galvanic, E. B. Barr, 185
Batteries, Galvanic, J. H. Davies, 15
Batteries, Galvanic, S. H. Emmens, 185
I Batteries, Galvanic, Emmens and Mason, 225
Batteries, Galvanic, Holmes and Emmens, 205, 303
Batteries, Galvanic, P. R. de F. d’Humy,
Batteries, Galvanic, J. H. Johnson, 225
Batteries, Galvanic, C. Nezeraux, 15
Batteries, Galvanic, J. Rapieff, 476
Batteries, Galvanic, O. C. D. Ross, 225
Batteries, Galvano-Electric, Oliphant and Burr, 303
Batteries, Medical. W. R. Warren, 75
Batteries, Plates of, T. Cuttriss, 112
Batteries, Secondary, H. T. Barnett, 147
Batteries, Secondary, G. Binswanger, 491
Batteries, Secondary, F. J. Bolton. 94
Batteries, Secondary, E. G. Brewer, 112
Bittcries, Secondary, C. S. Buell, 94
Batteries, Secondary, C. Cathcart, 15
Batteries, Secondary, F. J. Cheeseborough,
Batteries, Secondary, A. M. Clark, 55
Batteries, Secondary, W. Clark, 283
Batteries, Secondary, N. Cookson, 147
Batteries, Secondary, N. C. Cookson, 225 Batteries, Secondary, Durham and Ward,
Batteries, Secondary, Fitzgerald and Jones, 185
Batteries, Secondary, St. G. L. Fox, 283
Batteries, Secondary, H. J. Haddan, 15. 147
Batteries, Secondary, Hammond and Goldenberg, 341
Batteries, Secondary, T. J. Handford, 147
Batteries, Secondary, A. F. Hills, 341
Batteries, Secondary, F. C. Hills, 245
Batteries, Secondary, A. Khotinsky, 283
Batteries, Secondary, C. Kingzett, 130
Batteries, Secondary, C. T. Zingzett, 283
B itteries, Secondary, J. Lea, 439
Batteries, Secondary, Liardet and Donni-thorne, 323
Batteries, Secondary, F. M. Lyte, 245
Batteries, secondary, L. H. Somzee, 167
Batteries, Secondary, R. Tatham, 303
Batteries, Secondary, A. Tribe, 419
Batteries, Secondary. A. Watt, 15
Batteries, Secondary, C. L. Winch, 94
Batteries, Secondary, Woodley and Joe], 361
Batteries, Secondary, J. Woods, 147
Batteries, Secondary, &c., Voltaic, A.
Khotinsky, 245
Batteries, Voltaic, G. Andre, 439
Batteries, Voltaic, Ayrton and Perry, 245
Batteries, Voltaic, F. Durham, 205
Batteries, Voltaic, L. Hartmann, 185, 419, 458
Batteries. Voltaic, J. L. Henderson, 303
Batteries, Voltaic, J. Imray, 35
Batteries, Voltaic, T. Jones, 458
Batteries, Voltaic, J. Mackenzie, 245
Batteries, Voltaic, A. Watt, 225
Batteries, Voltaic, E. J. Wimshurst, 303
Bearings, A. M. Clark, 379
Bearings, Hope and Dickson, 35
Bearings, Antifriction, W. P. Thompson, 112
Bearings, Screw-shaft, J. Rebecca, 361
Bedsteads, A. J. Boult, 458
Bedsteads, G. Gentle, 491
Bedsteads, M. Lawson, 341
Bedsteads, G. Lowry, 283
Bedsteads, Folding, A. C. Henderson, 55
Bedsteads, Metallic, R. G. Hodgetts, 361
Bedsteads, Metallic, J. Kendrick, 419
Bedsteads, Metallic, 8. B. and 8. I. Whitfield, 399
Beer, J. Armstrong, 458
Beer, Barrelled, Lifting, Wood and Whitaker. 15
Beer, Clarifying, C. Vaux, 283
Bells, J. Harrison, 112
Belts, Fastening, Tetlow and Holding, 439
Benzol, 8. Mellor, 419
Bevelling, J. D. Wciste, 439
Beverages, C. D. Abel, 439
Beverages, Hogg and Gingell, 323
Beverages, J. Lane, 75
Beverages, Aerated, Alabaster and Sims, 75
Beverages, Aerated, W. R. Lake, 225
Beverages, Aerated, J. Sellers, 476
Bichromates, J. II. Johnson, 476
Billiard Tables, J. M. Fletcher, 491
Biscuit Boxes, J. Hall, 379
Biscuits, G. Baruch, 245
Biscuits, T. C. 8. Cook, 245
Bisulphide of Carbon Vapour, W. R. Lake, 361
Bleaching, &c., J. C. Mewburn, 112 399
Bleaching Fibres, J. A. Graham, 379
Blind Roller Furniture, J. W. Andrews, 245
Blinds, Fastening, S. C. C. Currie, 245
Blinds, Venetian, E. V. Emery, 15
Blinds, Venetian, G. 8. Marshall, 225
Blinds, Window, Xa A. Groth, 491
, Blinds, Window, J. Hudson, 206
| Blind*, Window, W. 8* Laycock,
Blocks, E. Davies, 35
Boat Accidents, Preventing, II. O. Grun-baum, 15
Boats, Folding, <tc., L. Jelf, 167
Boats, Guard Rails for, J. Gunn, 245
Boats, Lowering,. M. Rourke, 361
Boats, Lowering, C. Grayson, 94
Boats, Rigging, G. Hughes, 245
Boats, Rowing, A. J. Boult, 361
Boats’ Rowlocks, 8. 8. Hazeland, 167
Boats’ Rowlocks, C. W. Morris, 458
Boats, Safety, E. Edwards, 491
Boats, Sculling, T. J. Edwards, 112
Boiler Flues, G. W. Dyson, 419
Boiler Tubes, Stopping, A. M. Clark, 303
Boilers, C. D. Abel, 419
Boilers, II. C. Bull, 283
Boilers, F. Chcesbrough, 361
Boilers, W. Clark, 265
Boilers, T. and J. Gilmour, 245
Boilers, J. A. Graham, 379
Boilers, II. J. Haddan, 225
Boilers, G. G. M. Hardingham, 823
Boilers, J. Imray, 130
Boilers, W. R. Lake, 458
Boilers, J. McConnell, 112
Boilers, G. P. Martin, 15
Boilers, H. Matheson, 439
Boilers, H. Montgomery, 476
Boilers, Newbold and Thornley, 15
Boilers, M. J. O’Riordan, 205
Boilers, G. F. Redfern, 283
Boilers, G. Sinclair, 130
Boilers, A. J. Smith, 419
Boilers, Thompson, Hardaker, and Porter, 303
Boilers, J. T. Ward, 15
Boilers, A. Watkins, 341
Boilers, S. P. Wilding, 341
Boilers, Boring, R. Davidson, 265
Boilers, Bridges for, C. Hill, 112
Boilers, Coating, Roberts and Travis, 283
Boilers, Covering, E. Geadbotter, 55
Boilers, Feeding, W. Teague, 303
Boilers and Furnaces, W. P. Thompson, 265
Boilers, Gauges for, J. W. Plunkett, 205
Boilers, Preventing Corrosion in, J. B.
Hannay, 458
Boilers, Preventing Incrustation in, W. E.
Gedge, 112
Boilers, Purifying. M. Coulson, 205
Boilers, Vertical, Sharpe and Palmer, 476
Boiling Liquors, A. Barraclough, 112
Bolts, Locking, H. Scott, 361
Bolts and Nuts, T. Hancock, 399
Bolts and Nuts. R. Howarth, 379
Book-binding, R. Birdsall, 167
Book-holders, H. J. Allison, 147
Boots, C. Chambers, 245
Boots, E. and A. Wright, 265
Boots and Shoes, A. C. Andrews, 167
Boots and Shoes, G. Chambers, 323
Boots and Shoes, II. Craston, 458
Boots and Shoes, L. A. Groth, 491
Boots and Shoes, A. C. Henderson, 341
Boots and Shoes, Jones and Helms ley, 491
Boots and Shoes, J. Keats, 419, 458
Boots and Shoes, Laird and Wilson, 75
Boots and Shoes, W. Lake, 55
Boots and Shoes, C. Mole, 303
Boots and Shoes, T. Morgan, 35
Boots and Shoes, W. Morgan-Brown, 147
Boots and Shoes, H. E. Randall, 439
Boots and Shoes, Rate and Chattaway, 55
Bore Holes, Waddington, Longbottom, and
Ashworth. 147
Bottles, O. G. Abbot, 35
Bottles, S. M. Bixby, 399
Bottles, Chaillet and Rougnon, 491
Bottles, Codd and Rylands, 35
Bottles, J. T. Cressy, 458
Bottles, J. H. Drayton, 225
Bottles, J. Ferguson, 130
Bottles, F. Foster, 303
Bottles, E. Hawkins, 303
Bottles, A. Pullan, 245
Bottles, Envelopes for, A. Abrahams, 341
Bottles, Filling, A. Macdonell, 303
Bottles, Filling. J. Phillips, 419
Bottles, Glass, H. E. Newt<»n, 476
Bottles, Glass, T. Pyke, 167
Bottles, Jars, W. R. Lake, 491
Bottles, Opening, D. Cole, 167
Bottles, Opening, Parton and Stansbio, 35
Bottles, Washing, W. W. Horner, 303
Bottles, Water, J. C. Gook, 75
Boxes, A. M. Clark, 379
Boxes, P. Jensen, 130
Boxes, A. Millar, 55
Boxes, Closing, A. J. Boult, 130
Boxes, Lids of, W. Staniforth, 323
Boxes, Match, W. R. Lake, 225
Boxes, Match, E. de Pass, 205
Boxes, Metallic, 8. Rosse, 185
Boxes, Paper, H. J. Haddan, 185
Boxes and Safes, W. R. Lake, 476
Boxes, Screw Gill, D. U. and W. Smith, 147
Boxes and Trunks, C. H. Stanbury, 205
Braces, F. Hovenden, 323
Brackets, Smith and Drewitt, 476
Braiding, W. R. Lake, 55
Brakes, E. C. and T. Blackmore, 323
Brakes, 8. Carlton, 130
Brakes, Fisher and Walker, 94
Brakes, J. D. Hankey, 303
Brakes, G. E. Vaughan, 94
Brakes, Carriage, E. Edwards, 341
Brakes, Carriage, a. Oliver, 245
Brakes, Carriage, E. Robinson, 458
Brakes, Engine, W. M. Lend rum, 265
Brakes, Railway, H. Downie, 265
Brakes, Railway, J. M. Haime, 75
Brakes, Rad way, J. Imray, 55
Brakes, Railway, J. C. Peache, 205
Brakes, Railway, J. Pickle, 265
Brakes, Vacuum, J. Gresham, 112
Bread, J. Melvin, 439
Breaking 8tone, G. Dalton, 94
Breaking Stone, L. L. Loizeau, 476
Brewing, Hamper and Harper, 265
Brewing, F. E., Whitham, 147
Bricks, <fcc., A Banquie 112
Bricks, Bloomfield and McGurn, 130
Bricks, G. Dalton, 55
Bricks, W. Foot, 439
Bricks, W. C. Gibson, 35
Bricks, J. H Johnson, 439
Bricks, W. R. Lake, 245
Bricks, F. Smith, 439
Bricks, W. Vai on, 15
Bricks, Covering, Lampard and Coppen, 265
Bricks, Drip Course, W. H. Cooper, 245
Bricks, Enamelled, Treating, E, B.
Brooke, 419
Bricks and Tiles Decorating, 1. B. Shaw 205
Bronze, Bismuth, J. Webster, 265
Brushes, W. H. Baynes, 35
Brushes, J. Culmer, 323
Brushes, J. J. Danks, 379
Brushes, Parr and Gibson, 341
Brushes, 8. Pitt, 476
Brushes, W. Thomson, 439
Brushes and Brooms, A. J. Boult, 130
Buckets, Key and Lawrie, 399
Buckles, F. J. Candy, 323
Building, F. Bauder, 225
Building, J. W. Cook, 245
Building, Marine, &c«, J. G. Tongue, 185
Buildings, Gooldcn and Cacella, 841
Bundling Letters, F. A. R, Russell, Burners, J, N, Dougiasn, 285
Burners, Argand, H. and T. A. Greene, 341
Burners, Gas, W. R. Lake, 167
Burners, Gas, F. R. Mosley, 283
Burners, Gas, &c., A. H. Robinson, 458
Burners, Gas, J. J. Shedlock, 205
Burners, Gas, Thompson and Booer, 94
Burners, Lamp, H. W. Hayden, 94
Burnishing, H. J. Haddan, 55
Bushing Material, W. R. Lake, 283
Busts, G. G. Turner, 147
Busts for Costumes, A. W. and G. B.
Childs, 283
Butter, Artificial, H. J. Haddan, 147
Buttons, Combault and Taylor, 112
Buttons, C. Daggett, 94
Buttons, Fastening, W. R. Lake, 439
Buttons, Fastening, W. Morgan-Brown, 399
Buttons, Shields for, W. P. Thompson, 245
Cables, J. G. Lorrain, 94
Cables, Hauling, W. R. Lake 283
Calcining Regulus, &c., J. W. Chenhall, 491
Calendering, P. Jensen, 491
Call Apparatus, M. Benson, 283
Candles, E. Cowles, 419
Candle Holders, C. Kiebel, 55
Candles, Mould, J. J. Claret, 361
Cans or Boxes, J. F. Stoy, 225
Cans, Metal, J. A. Lloyd, 167
Cans, Oil, J. Kaye, 323
Cans, Oil, T. Marriage, 167
Cans, Oil, <fcc., T. S. Marriage, 458
Cans, Oil, J. and G. Robinson, 439
Capstans, J. Downs, 439
Capsules for Bottles, C. E. H. Cheswright, 476
Carbon, H. J. Marshall, 185
Carbon Filaments, Leask and Smith, 15
Carbonaceous Materials, Treating, Neilson
and Thomson, 283
Carbons, M. Bailey, 323
Carbons, W. Cunliffe, 419
Carbons, F. S. Isaac, 15
Carbons, J. Jameson, 185
Carbons, J. H. Johnson, 205
Carbons, H. C. B. Shalders, 379
Carbons, J. E. T. Woods, 379
Cardboard, J. H. Johnson, 35
Carding, W. and E. Blackburn, 35
Carding, C. Day, 75
Carding, T. Morgan, 225
Carding, E. Wilkinson, 341
Carding Wool, E. G. Brewer, 75
Cards, Playing, W. R. Lake, 341
Carpets, &c., J. H. Braithwaite, 75
Carpets, F. B. Fawcett, 491
Carpets, Sewing, W. R. Lake, 15
Cases, Folding, E. P. Alexander, 147
Cases, Folding, H. J. Haddan, 245
Cases, Pocket, P. Everitt, 94
Casing, Meal, T. and T. G. Bowick, 458
Casks, S. T. Thomas, 285
Casks, S. Wright, 94
Casks, Tilting, E. Hogg, 341
Casks, Treating, W. H. Beach. 283
Casting Metals, J. T. King, 323
Cement, L. Roth, 112
Centrifugal Machine, J. H. Johnson, 75
Centrifugal Machines, E. A. Brydges, 399
Centrifugal Machines, A. Steenberg, 265
Centrifugal Machines, F. Wirth, 147
Chains, W. E. Gedge, 439
Chains, Cable, T. H. Ward, 341
Chains, Pitch, S. Pitt, 205
Chairs, H. J. Haddan, 439
Chairs, W. Keen, 399
Chairs, E. Smith, 130
Chairs, Folding, W. R. Lake, 130
Chairs, Revolving, R. Cruikshank, jun., 245
Chairs, Revolving, J. Unger, 245
Chairs, Rocking. J. Hopewell, 185
Channels, &c., G. M. Edwards, 112
Checking, W. M. Llewellin, 265
Checking Cords, A. and T. H. Dix, 75
Checking Receipts, 8. II. and J. C. Boswell, 399
Checking Receipts, Wrigley and Maynes, 476
Chemicals, J. Erskine, 35
Chemicals, J. W. Kynaston, 130
China Clay Washing, J. F. Lockersteen, 245
China, Ornamenting, A. Wenger, 245
Chimney Caps, C. E. Hanewald, 112
Chimney Pots, J. White, 458
Chimney Tops, T. J. Baker, 75
Chimney Tops, P. A. Bayle, 361
Chimney Tops, J. McPhail, 245
Chimneys, Smoking, Preventing, J.
Solomon, 75
Chloride of Copper, W. Weldon, 419
Chloride of Lime, G. W. von Nawrocki, 323
Chronographs, A. Clark, 225
' Chucks, H. H. Lake, 15
Chucks for Lathes, W. R. Lake, 399
Churns, J. Llewellin, 265
Churns, W. McCausland, 147
Cigarettes, O. W. T. Barnsdale, 265
Cigarettes, J. Clarkson, 399
Cigarettes, E. L. Delaney, 205
Cigarettes, W. Lake, 55
Cigarettes, W. R. Lake, 112
Cigars, O. W. T. Barnsdale, 147
Cigars, <fcc., O. W. T. Barnsdale, 476
Cigars, S. W. Wood, 147
Cisterns, Bromley, Crowe, and James, 35
Cisterns, Metal, H. Sutcliffe, 419
Clay, &c., J. Gillespie, 75
Clay Press Trays, J. Brindley, 55
Cleaning Currants, Fox and Wheeler, 361
Cleaning Fats, F. Glaser, 323
Cleaning Grain, W. R. Lake, 379
Cleaning Intestines, E. de Pass, 112
Cleaning Knives, G. Kent, 35
Cleaning Knives, C. W. Spong, 225
Cleaning Knives, R. Wallwork, 15
Cleaning Plants. J. Jebb, 55
Cleaning Rice, J. H. C. Martin, 75
Cleaning Tin Plates, T. N. Pickford, 245
Cleaning Tin Plate, B. Williams, 167
Cleaning Tramway Rails, S. Shields, 130
Cleaning Wheat, S. Pitt, 55
Cleaning Windows, C. H. Southall, 130
Cleaning Wool, O. Imray, 94
Cleaning Wool, W. P. Thompson, 112
Clearing Snow, E. Barnet, 476
Clipping Grass Edges, T. Green, 112
Clipping Horses. W. Greenwood, 323
Clips, Haulage, J. Walker, 94
Clips, Machine, D. P. Smith, 303
Clocks, J. Ganter, 361
Clocks, W. R. Lake, 94
Clocks, Wulff and Moser, 439
Clocks, Chime, Robert, 185
Clocks, Chiming, W. R. Lake, 283
Clocks, Electric, J. P. A. Schlaefli, 35
Clocks, Synchronising, J. A. Lund, 303
Clocks, Turret, W. H. Bailey, 35
Clocks and Watches, W. Morgan-Brow:
Clocks, Winding, W. R. Lake, 439
Clogs, G. Glover, 167
Clogs, D. Pickles, 323
Clutches, Taylor and Challen, 491
Clutches, Couplings, E. J. Sterling, 94
Clutches, Couplings, G. Hislop, 361
Clutches, Friction, W. A. Barlow, 225
Clutches, Friction, D. Frisbie, 323
Coal, Young and Belby, 341
Coal, Blasting, M. Settle, 323
Coal, Carbonising, J. H. Hardman, 205
Coal, Distilling, W. Crother, 205
Coal, Distilling, E. Drew, 491
Coal Getting, C. G. Robinson, 167
Coal Shipping, P. J. Messent, 185
Coal, Treating, J. Hislop, 341
Coal, Treating, R. de Soldenhoff, 205
Coal, Treating Duff, J. Jameson, 399
Coal, Treating Small, C. E. Hall, 323
Coal Vases, J. T. Beston, 491
Coal, Winning, Warr and Salmon, 439
Cocks, D. R. Ashton, 75
Cocks, W. Bright, 225
Cocks, J. Hayes, 323
Cocks, G. Teidemann, 491
Cocks, Ball, Shaw and Mirlan, 245
Cocks and Valves, W. Key, 323
Cocks and Valves, W. H. Moseley, 341
Cocks and Valves, J. N. Sperrin, 323
Cocoa, S. P. Wilding, 399
Coffee, H. J. Haddan, 323
Coffee, Roasting, W. T. Sugg, 185
Cotfins. S. J. and R. Turner, 147
Coils, Resistance, J. H. Johnson, 245
Coke, I. Wood, 130
Cokes, J. Jameson, 341
Cokes, P. Jensen, 341
Collars, R. B. Hayward, 476
Collecting Dust, A. Stevenson, 112
Collecting Refuse, E. Bonnefm, 15
Collectors, J. T. Mitchell, 35
Colliery Waste, Treating, L. H. Armour, 458
Colour Boxes, T. Foxhall, 491
Colouring Machines, F. Wirth, 167
Colouring Matters, C. D. Ekman, 439
Colouring Matters, J. Erskine, 15, 35
Colouring Matters, J. Imray, 439
Colouring Matters, I. Levinstein, 439
Colouring Matters, C. Toppan, 147
Colouring Matters, F. Wirth, 55
Combing, F. Ambler, 458
Combing, F. Ingleworth, 361
Combing, P. Kelly, 323
Combing, Little, Eastwood, Green, and
Fletcher, 130
Combing, Wharton and Smith, 225
Combing, J. H. Whitehead, 379, 476
Combing Fibres, Terry and Scott. 491
Combing Wool, Bradley and Wood, 15
Combing Wool, Fairbank and Robertshaw, 35
Combs, W. Spowage, 55
Compasses, Drawing, J. Brookes, 370
Compasses, Magnetic, F. Betbeder, 15
Compasses, Ships’, R. E. Melsbeimer, 323
Composition for Uniting Sheets of Paper, C. Bond, 419
Compound for Packing Machinery, A. J.
Scollick, 303
Compressing Air, C. W. Harding. 130
Condensing, A. W. L. Reddie, 458
Conduits, W. R. Lake, 55
Confectionery, W. R. Lake, 458
Confectionery, C. F. Muller, 323
Conveying Apparatus, J. Riley, 130
Cooking, G. W. von Nawrocki, 35
Cooking Ranges, J. G. Whyte, 379
Copper and Bronze, J. Mewburn, 379
Copper, Separating, J. Plaisted, 323
Copying, H. J. Haddan, 185
Copying, T. H. Taylor. 112
Copying Designs, W. Bruce, 55
Corkscrews, A. Olsson, 341
Corkscrews, T. Wymond, 15
Corrosion, Preventing, A. Bennet, 55
Corrosion, Preventing, T. S. Webb, 55
“ Cosmie,” R. Arentz, 341
Couplings, Anderson and Darling, 323
Couplings, J. and T. J. Graham, 476
Couplings, J. H. Heathman, 75
Couplings, H. P. Hogton, 379
Couplings, H. P. Hoghton, 476
Couplings, H. H. Lake, 476
Couplings, A. S. Mildred, 419
Couplings, Smith and Harrison, 75
Couplings, Car, A. Boult, 491
Couplings, Fixing Tubing to, Hunt and Mitton, 419
Couplings, Pipe, W. H. Beck, 94
Couplings, Pipe, J. Chapman, 491
Couplings, Pipe, D. Drummond, 458
Couplings, Pipe, M. H. Simpson, 94
Couplings, Railway, Anderson and Darling, 491
Couplings, Railway, T. Archer, 245
Couplings, Railway, F. Barnes, 147
Couplings, Railway, C. C. Braithwaite, 245
Couplings, Railway, E. N. Brereton, 491
Couplings, Railway, T. A. Brockelbank, 225
Couplings, Railway, G. Fenwick, 225
Couplings, Railway, F. C. Glaser, 167
Couplings, Railway, G. F. Hopkins, 205
Couplings, Railway, W. Johnson, 283
Couplings, Railway, S. Keeton, 185
Couplings, Railway, R. Lansdale, 245
Couplings, Railway, E. Lumley, 458
Couplings, Railway, A. W. L. Reddie, 245
Couplings, Railway, Richardson and
Greenwood, 265
Couplings, Railway, C. Roberts, 439
Couplings, Railway, T. Smith. 341
Couplings, Railway, R. Stone, 265
Couplings, Railway, Wright and Pothick, 361
Couplings, Railway, Younghusband and Hudson, 419
Couplings, Tension, J. T. Mitchell, 35
Couplings, Wagon, G. R. Snowden, 185
Coverings, S. Hawksworth, 399
Coverings, Stair, H. Hawgood, 476
Covers, Book, J. H. Linsey, 75
Covers, Dish, A. G. Hewett, 491
Cranes, Brooks and Spencer, 35
Cranes and Winches, W. Allan, 379
Crank Shafts, D. Purves, 75
Cream, Artificial, J. V. den Bergh, 55
Cream, &c., Artificial, H. J. Haddan, 55
Cream Separators, D. Baynes, 147
Cruet Frames, J. F. Homer, 458
Crushing Stone, G. Dalton, 341
Cultivating, S. Corbett. 205
Cultivating, Fisken and Robson, 419
Cultivating, D. and G Greig, 491
Cultivating, J. H. Johnson, 130
Cultivators, A. Simpson, 75
Cutlery, J. E. Beal, 55
Cutlery, A. J. Boult, 379
Cutlery, A. Boult, 458
Cutlery, T. Clark, 130
Cutlery, H. Fielding, 75
Cutlery, D. Hummel, 130
Cutlery, W. R. Lake. 323
Cutlery, Folding, L. Hager, 265
Cutlery, Table, L. A. Groth, 55
Cutting, W. R. Lake, 147
Cutting Chaff, E. Rigby, 167
Cutting Cheese, R. Alexander, jun., 35
Cutting Cigars, G. Weston, 341
Cutting Fabrics, E. Dredge, 130
Cutting Fabrics, J. M. Sellers, 283
Cutting Glass, W. R. Lake, 205
Cutting Helical Grooves, H. J. Haddan, 55
Cutting Jewellery, J. Imray, 491
Cutting Metal, W. P. Thompson, 94
Cutting Paper, W. Crossland, 323
Cutting Paper, P Jensen, 167
Cutting Paper, Kritch and Garland, 419
Cutting Paper, W. H. and F. C. W. Latham, 205
Cutting Stone, M. Kellow, 35
Cutting Tubes, S. Coodby, sen., 439
Cutting Wood, Rowley and Vulliamy, 75
Decanting, D. G. Joy, 361
Decorticating Rice, J. H. 0 Martin, 379
Demonstratin’ Motion, H. J. Haddan, 91
Dentistry, J. II. Gartrell, 112
Deodorising, F. J. Austin, 399
Deodorising, R. Nicholls 130
Deodorising, G. Nobes, 185
Derivatives, 0. Lowe, 419
Designs, Producing, A. M. Clark, 419
Destroying Impurities, O. Imray, 323
Diamonds, J. C. Mewburn, 419
Diaries, J. W. Cochrane, 245
Digging, J. Parker, 4*8
Digging, F. Proctor, 265, 361, 379
Digging Potatoes, T. Hodgkinson, 341
Discharging Bilge Water, A. M. Clark, 185
Disinfectants, Receptacles for, Rapp.and
Herbst, 205
Disinfecting, I. S. Dougall, 491
Disinfecting, Lowe and Gill, 147
Distilling. W. A. Barlow, 35
Distilling, J. Jameson, 323
Distilling, E. K. Mitting, 130
Distilling Coal, W. J. Cooper, 439
Distilling Coal, G. E. Davis, 439
Distilling Tar, W. Maxwell, 112
Diving, E. Easthope, 185
Door Checks, A. J. Boult, 341
Door Furniture, J. Brownrigg, 15
Door-mat, J. Hopewell, 147
Door-mats and Scrapers, J. S. Willway, 130
Door-stops, A. I. Boult, 303
Doors, A. Shelmerdine, 458
Doors, Closing, <fcc., F. Pontifex, 130
Doors, Manhole, T. H. Collins, 341
Doubling, &c., E. Dyson, 265
Doubling and Winding, J. and J. Horrocks, 245
Dough, Dividing, &c.. R. Abercromby, 245
Draught Apparatus, E. Edward, 75
Drawing, J. Wetter, 361
Drawing Tines, J. Imray, 94
Dredgers, W. R. Ki nipple, 185
Dredgers, Bucket, G. King, 458
Dredging, E. P. Alexander, 167
Dredging, W. Clark, 265
Dredging, W. R. Kinipple, 419
Dredging, H. C. Lobnitz, 147
Dredging, G. E. Vaughan, 439
Dredging Rivers, J. N. Moerath, 361
Dressing Flour, W. B. Dell, 94
Dressing Grain, G. W. Murray, 130
Drilling, J. Morris, 341
Drilling Braces, J. Hettie, 167
Driving Belts, C. V. Boys, 361
Driving Belts, W. H. Chase, 112
Driving Belts, J K. Tullis, 35
Driving Chains, W Hartcliffe, 94
Driving Gear, J. H. j rhnson, 55
Driving Gear, T. Mu. phie, 458
Driving Gear, H. Tl. easher, 379
Driving Mechanism, W. R. Lake, 185
Driving Mechanism, W. 8. Lewis, 147
Drying, <tc , H. J. Haddan, 75
Drying, Remmers, Williamson, and Fairweather, 205
Drying, H. Stewart, 419
I hying Air, W. R. Lake, 245
Drying Animal Refuse, J. H. Johnson, 185
Drying Corn, J. E. Fox, 458
Drying Crops, J. Hooper, 55
Drying Crops, J. L. Norton, 35
Drying Fabrics, &c., W. M. Riddell, 130
Drying Grain, A. M. Clark, 283
Drying Grain, F. Engel, 75
Drying Grain, W. R. Lake, 419
Drying Hay, W. Haigh, 167
Drying Wool. D. P. Smith, 3C3
Dust, Separating, from Air, W. B. Dell, 205
Dyeing, W. Aykroyd, 283
Dyeing, E. Heppenstall, 35
Dyeing, L. Heppenstall, jun.. 439
Dyeing Fibres, G. W. von Nawrocki, 55, 458
Dyeing and Sizing, J. Conlong, 225
Dyeing Wool, W. E. Gedge, 399
Dyes, C. D. Abel, 147
Dynamo Electric. C. D. Abel, 419
Dynamo-Electric Machines, Anders and
Henck, jun., 476
Dynamo-Electric Machines, Ayrton and Perry, 15
Dynamo-Electric Machines, R. Barker, 245
Dynamo-Electric Machines, J. S. Beeman, 75
Dynamo-Electric Machines, Beeman, Taylor, and King. 265
Dynamo-Electiic Machines, Crompton and Kapp, B"3
Dynamo-Electric Machines, M. Deprez, 225
Dynamo-Electric Machines, A. Elliott, 32I
Dynamo-Electric Machines, W. B. Espeut, 167
Dynamo Electric Machines, de Ferranti and Thompson, 75, 147
Dynamo-Electric Machines, F. C. Glaser, 245
Dynamo-Electric Machines, T. J. Handford, 147
Dynamo-Electric Machines, W. Horry, 476
Dynamo-Electric Machines, H. H. Lake, 167, 476
Dynamo-Electric Machines, W. R. Lake, o5,112, 303
Dynamo-Electric Machines, Lalancc and Bauer, 245
Dynamo-Electric Machines, A. Ldevy, 35
Dynamo-Electric Machines, Lewis and Smythe, 167
Dynamo-Electric Machines, McEvoy and Mathieson, 419
Dynamo-Electric Machines, R. Matthews, 55, 491
Dynamo-Electric Machines, E. Sperry, 15
Dynamo-Electric Machines, J. W. Swann, 245
Dynamo-Electric Machines, W. P. Thompson, 75
Dynamo-Electric Machines, J. E. T. Woods, 147
Dynamo Machines, Gordon and Gray, 283
Dynamo Machines, T. J. Handford, 112
Dynamo Machines, B. J. B. Mills, 341
Dynamo Machines, R. Werderman, 35
Dynamo-Magnetic Machines, J. Donni-thorn e, 205
Economisers, Perkin and Scott, 75
Educational Apparatus A. J. Boult, 491
Eggs, Whipping, G. Kenworth, 379
Electric Alarms, M. H. Kerner, 323
Electric Batteries, G. G. Skrivanow, 245
Electric Batteries, F. Wirth, 341
Electric Bells, P. M. Justice, 167
Electric Bells, W. R. Lake, 419
Electric Bells, Webb and Jensen, 283
, Electric Cables, A. J. Boult, 439
Electric Circuits, J. R. Gibson, 55
1 Electric Cables, B. J. B. Mills, 341
Electric Clocks, T. Wright, 185
Electric Commutators, J. Gordon, jun.
Electric Conductors, 8. H. Emmens, 476
Electric Conductors, R' Gulcher, 419
Electric Conductors, T. J. Handford, 147
Electric Conductors, F. Jacob, 55
Electric Conductors, H. F. Joel, 361
Electric Conductors, W, R. Lake, 439
Electric Conductors, E. T. Truman, 439
Electric Current, Adie and Simpson, 147
! Electric Currents, P. R. Allen, 379
| Electric Currents, J. S. Beeman, 55
Electric Currents, L. Campbell, 323
Electric Currents, C. Carus-Wilson, 75
Electric Currents, R. E. B. Crompton, 399
Electric Currents, J. S. Fairfax, 341
Electric Currents, J. T. King, 439
Electric Currents, J. M. Munro, 55
Electric Currents, A. Reckenzaun, 75
Electric Currents, A. R. Sennett, 215
Electric Currents, T. Slater, 205
Electric Currents, Swift and Reade, 245
Electric Currents, S. P. Thompson, 341
Electric Currents, Governing, Beeman,
Taylor, and King, 245
Electric Distribution, T. J. Handford, 303
Electric Energy, F. C. Phillips, 265
Electric Energy, E. L. Voice, 265
Electric Force, I. L. Pulvermacher, 55
Electric Governors, A. Blechynden, 205
Electric Lamps, J. Allman, 303
Electric Lamps, J. D. F. Andrews, 55
Electric Lamps, G. W. Bayley, 439
Electric Lamps, J. S. Beeman, 55
Electric Lamps, Boullon, Probert, and So ward, 379
Electric Lamps, A. M. Clark, 75
Electric Lamps, Arc, A. M. Clark, 303
Electric Lamps, R. H. Courtenay, 15
Electric Lamps, T. W. Cowan, 363
Electric Lamps, Edwards and St. George, 283
Electric Lamps, F. H. F. Engel, 458
Electric Lamps, A. Fergusson, 458
Electric Lamps, J. M. Fletcher, 491
Electric Lamps, W T. Henley, 94
Electric Lamps, P. R. de F. d’Humy, 303
Electric Lamps, J. Jameson, 379
Electric Lamps, J. H. Johnson, 15
Electric Lamps, H. II. Lake, 225
Electric Lamps, W. R. Like, 245, 341, 458
Electric Lamps, II. II. Lake, 476
Electric Lamps, A. L. Lineff, 94
Electric Lamps, J. G. Lorrain, 94
Electric Lamps, A. Mackean, 341
Electric Lamps, F. Mori, 130
Electric Lamps, F. M. Newton, 94
Electric Lamps, O. G. Pritchard, 112
Electric Lamps, C. Sibley, 112
Electric Lamps, C. S. Snell, 167
Electric Lamps, J. L. Somoff, 112
Electric Lamps, J. G. Stattier, 205
Electric Lamps, J. W. and C. Swan, 225
Electric Lamps, Walker and Oliver, 283
Electric Lamps, F. R. Welles, 147
Electric Lamps, W. Wynne, 225
Electric Lamps, Are, P. R. Allen, 167
Electric Lamps, Arc, E. G. Brewer, 112
Electric Lamps, Arc, J. Brockie, 225
Electric Lamps, Arc, R. E. B. Crompton, 55
Electric Lamps, Arc, W. B. F. and Baron Elphinstone, and Vincent, and Cottrell, 399
Electric Lamps, Arc, de Ferranti and Thompson, 75
Electric Lamps, Arc, L. A. Groth, 55
Electric Lamps, Arc, J. Mackenzie, 167
Electric Lamps, Arc, E. de Pass, 15
Electric Lamps, Arc, F. M. Rogers, 35
Electric Lamps, Arc, A. Serraillier, 323
Electric Lamps, Arc, C. S. Snell, 323
Electric Lamps, Arc, F. L. Willard, 361
Electric Lamp Carbons, Hammond and Goldenberg, 225
Electric Lamps, Hanging, A. M. Clark, 185
Electric Lamps, Holders for, J. S. Beeman, 55
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, L. R. Bishop, 205
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, N. K. Cherrill, 419
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, W. Crookes 205 .
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, J. Crowder. 225
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, M. Evans 323
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, J. H. Gardiner, 35
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, L. A. Groth, 491
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, T. J. Handford, 35, 147
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, A. R. Leask, 35
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, E. Muller 303
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, J. F. Phillips, 265
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, A. Swan, 399
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, Wavish and Warner, 458
Electric Lamps, Incandescent, F. L Willard, 15
Electric Light, P. Cardew, 341
Electric Light, A. M. Clark, 476, 491
Electric Light, II. J. lladdan, 55
Electric Light, T. Handford, 147
Electric Light, J. Imray, 265
Electric Light, R. Kennedy, 283
Electric Light, W. R. Lake, 147
Electric Light, II. II. Lake, 323
Electric Light, Mairhead and Co]let, 379
Electric Light, Parker and ElweU, 112
Electric Light, S. Pitt, 55
Electric Light, O. G. Fritchard, 283
Electric Light, W. Strickland, 303
Electric Light, J. Verity, 91
Electric Light, K. Werdermann, 112
Electric Light for Railway Carriages, H.
E. Newton, 167
Electric Light Switches, C. Maynard, 399
Electric Lighting, K. W. Hedges, 167
Electric Logs, R. M. Lowne, 15
Electric Insulation, Baure, Brouard, and Ancel, 341
Electric Meters, Beeman, Taylor, and
King, 245 ’
Electric Meters, J. Blyth, 439
Electric Meters, C. V. Boys, 75
Electric Meters, S. H. Emmens, 167
Electric Meters, Ferranti and Thompson,
Electric Meters, T. J. Handford, 35, 112 245
Electric Meters, W. Laing, 94
Electric Meters' A. L. Lineff, 185
Electric Meters, S. D. Mott, 265
Electric Meters, Varley and Shearer, 491
Electric Motors, S. II. Emmens, 130
Electric Motors, De Neef and Desfozds
323 3
Electric Power, J. Imray, 94
Electric Propellers, A. Reckenziun, 283
Electric Railways, II. Binko, 15
Electric Railways, J. Hopkinson, 283
Electric Signalling, T. R. Brailsford, 205
Electric Signalling, R. H. Brandon, 147
Electric Signalling, W, R. Lake, 205
Electric Signalling, B. J B. Mills, 225
Electric Switches, G. W. Bayley 303
Electric Time Ball, W. R. Lake, 361
Electrical Energy, W. R. Lake, 112
Electrical Installation Fittings, Emmens ana Barnes, 476
Electricity, C. D. Abel, 399
Electricity, 8. G. Allin, 147
Electricity, J. D. F. Andrews, 341
Electricity, V. W. Blanchard, 439
Electricity, A. J. Boult, 439
Electricity, S. and 8., jun., Broadbent, 439
Electricity, Gaulard and Gibbs, 225
, G. J. Hone,. 205
, J. Macauley, 75
Agricultural, R. J. and H 15
W. Crook, 303
Electricity, J. Graddon, 419
Electricity, J. H. Greenhill, 265
Electricity, T. J. Handford, 55, 112,147 Electricity, E. Jones, 341 Electricity, W. R. Lake, 35, 205 Electricity, H. Mayhew, 379 Electricity, J. C. Mewburn, 15 Electricity, J. R. Rogers, 84 Electricity, L. H. M. Somzee, 75 Electricity, C. W. Torr, 341 Electricity, F. H. Varley, 341 Electricity, Varley and Greenwood, 15 Electricity, P. de Villiers, 185 Electricity, T. Welton, 361 Electricity, J. Whitley, 303 Electricity, H. Wilde, 439 Electricity, J. Williams, 157
Electricity Applied to Hair Brushes, N. J.
Holmes, 341
Electricity, Controlling Valves by J Formby, 361
Electricity, Distributing, J. Hopkinson, 94
Electricity, Storing, J. D. F. Andrews, 245 ’
Electricity, Storing, T. Slater, 205 Electrodes, W. Sinnock, 225 Electrodes, H. Woodward, 399
Electro-Magnetic Engines, E. Toynbee, 35 Electro Magnets, V. W. Blanchard, 458 Electro Magnets, E. G. Brewer, 439 Electro Magnets, S. C. C. Currie, 112 Electro Meters, O. W. F. Hill, 94 Electro Motors, M. Immisch, 265 Electro Motors, Milne and Miller, 491 Electropathic Treatment, Haug and Wienand, 476
Electro-plating, A. J. Boult, 361 Electrotyping, W. R. Lake, 265 Elevators, A. J. Boult, 439 Elevators, W. S. Brice, 283 Elevators, W. Clark, 283 Elevators, H. Garland, 361 Elevators, " ~ Elevators, Elevators,
Elevators, Grain, H. Newton, 15
Elevators, Pneumatic, A. W. L. Reddie,
Elevators, Tubular, C. de Winter, 55 Embalming, P. M. Justice, 75 Embroidery, A. M. Clark, 245 Embroidery, W. R. Lake, 112 Emery Wheels, R. R. Gubbins, 35 Engines, C. D. Abel, 75 Engines, C. Aitchison, 379 Engines, P. Armington, 117 Engines, I. Beck, 130 Engines, Bennett and Walker, 491 Engines, V. W. Blanchard, 439 Engines, A. J. Boult, 361
Engines, Boulton and Perrett, 323
Engines, A. Budenberg, 439
Engines, Charlton and Wright 167
Engines, C. Cizzio, 399 Engines, A. M. Clark, 35 Engines, D. Clerk, 323 Engines, W. Crook, 303 Engines, J. B. Fell, 94 Engines, Forbes and Hayes, 94 Engines, Galloway and Beckwith, 112 Engines, H. J. Haddan, 94 Engines, T. J. Handford, 265 Engines, Holt and Crossley, 75 Engines, Hornsby and Edwards, 419 Engines, W. L. Hunt, 341 Engines, C. Jones, 205
Engines, Jordan and Brockliss 419
Engines, J. Maynes, 399
Engines, Parsons and Kitson, 283 Engines, Pattie and Robinson, 185 Engines, J. Pinchbeck, 75 Engines, C. Ridealgh, 439 Engines, Shanks and Lyon, 147 Engines, Willans and Robinson, 303 Engines, F. Wynne, 205
Engines, Carding, E. Edwards, 283
Engines, Compound, Dansey and Robinson, 476
Engines, Condensing, A. Robertson. 55 Eg~yUes’ Electro-Magnetic, C. F. Varley, Engines, Fire, G. Witte, 439
Engines, Fluid Pressure, H. J. Haddan 185
Engines, Gas, Ashbury, Sumner, Lees and banderson, 361
Engines, Gas, J. Atkinson, 225 Engines, Gas, T. Baldwin, 303 Engines, Gas. J. J. Batcher, 458 Engines, Gas, A. M. Clark, 225, 491 Engines, Gas, F. W. Crossley, 245 Engines, Gas, E. Dyson, 419 Engines, Gas, W. E. Gedge, 323 Engines, Gas, J. McGillivray, 130 Engines, Gas, J. C. Mewburn 399 Engines, Gas, F. J. Odling, 458 Engines, Gas, E. G. Wasttield, 283 Engines, Gas, Watts and Smith, 225 Engines, Gas, E. G. Westfield, 283 Engines, Gas, G. Whittaker, 458 Engines, Governing, W. W. Girdwood, 35 Engines, Hydraulic, G. W. von Nawrocki, 35 ’
Engines, Marine, W. Allan, 323
Engines, Marine, J. McFarlane, 361 Engines and Pumps, Greenaway and Kitt, o41 ,
Engines and Pumps, A. W. Reddie, 205 Engines and Pumps, Rotary, Goldschmidt, Hahlo and Heussy, 55
Engines, Regulator for, E. Edwards 491 Engines, Rotary, E. B. Brewer 94 Engines, Rotary, J. F. W. and W W Brierley, 35
Engines, Rotary, A M. Clark 419 Engines, Rotary, W. B. Espeut. 167 Engines, Rotary, J. G. Jones, 112 Engines, Rotary, A. Kissam, 130 Engines, Rotary, W. R. Lake, 205 Engines, Rotary, A. W. L. Reddie, 147 Engines, Rotary, J. M. X. Terlinden, 147 Engines, Rotary, R. Wagstaff, 205
WRlUmst^1^’ A'len’ Wright' and Engines, Starting, A. B. Brown, 130 Engines, Steering, T. Davison, 205 Engines, Toy, W. Hall, 361 Engines, Traction, E. Foden, 491 Engines, Wind, H. Ltibben. 167 Engraving, H. J. Haddan, 35 Engraving, F. Wirth, 476
Engraving, Electro-magnetic, B. J. Carter, ^gj-aving, Pentagraph, J. Mowat, 476 Evaporating, Baron Podewils, 185 Evaporating, W. F. Browne, 35 Evaporating, H. Gardner, 112 Evaporating, W. P. Thompson, 491 Envelopes, E. Edwards, 399
Envelopes, R. B. Hayward, 323, 399
Envelopes, W. R. Lake, 379 Envelopes, E. Sturge, 283 Excavating, W. Gedge, 15 Excavating, W. E. Gedge. 94 Excavating, J. Imray, 476 Excavating, J. F. Sang, 283 Exhibiting, A. Bruckner, 458 Explosions, Preventing, G. W von Nawrocki, 15 6 von
Explosive Compounds, P. Jensen, 303 Exyl >sive Compounds, J. Polkinghorne,
Electro-Magnetic, C. F. Varley,
Fluid Pressure, H. J. Haddan,
Explosive Compounds, W. G. Reeve, 75
Explosives, C. D. Abel, 15
Explosives, C. 8. Bailey, 91
Explosives, M. Delmaid, 439
Explosives, Hannan and Hills, 879
Explosives, R. Hannan, 308, 476
Explosives, H. Newton, 15
Explosives, Smetburst and Collins, 303
Explosives, F. 'Wirth, 35
. A. Barlow, 147
Cutting, W. Lee, 379
Disintegrating, J. C. Watson, 303
Elastic, W. R. Lake, 283
Elastic, J. Swann, 283
Embossed, J. C< ates, 225
Finishing, W. W. Blackett, 94
thing, L. E. Luz.-au-Cundrais,
Pile, C.“b. Abel,’439, 491
Pile, D. J. Crossley, 341
Pile, Firth and Farrand, 265
Pile, J. Holt, 419
Pile, J. R. Hutchinson, 419
Pressing, Burras and Renton, 185
Pressing, J. C. Mewburn. 476
Printing, W. Conquest, 491
Printing, J. Ingleuy, 245
Reed, E. A. Brydges, 130
Strctchthg, J. -.jkumvvvvou, o<9
Fabrics, Textile, C. Court, 75
Fabrics, Treating, J. Ashworth, 35
Fabrics, Treating, J. Wetter, 379
Fabrics, Wire, N. and L. Greening, 476
Pahvir.o Washing, J. Patterson, 341
Waterproof, W. R. Lake, 491
, Waterproofing, C. B. Warner, 399
Fanlights, Opening, H. Pearce, 225
Fabrics, A. M. Clark, 112
Fabrics, 8. Fisher. 147
Fabrics, C. Jackson, 265
Fabrics, Jowitt and Page, 94
Fabrics, Kirkman, Smith, and Entwistle 112 ’
Fabiics, Billiard, J. and G. E. Stead, 458
Fabrics, Bleaching, &c., Gibson and Platt
Fabrics, Chineeing. W.
Fabrics, "
Fabrics, Fabrics, Eabrics,
Fabrics, ____(
Fabrics, Finishin;
Fabrics, Oxidising, C. D. Abel, 458
Fabrics, Painting, &c., D. Guille, 112
Fabrics, Pile, C. D. Abel, 439, 491
Fabrics, Fabrics, Fabrics, Fabrics, Fabrics, Fabrics, Fabrics,
Fabrics, -------- ±uu
Fabrics, Stretching, J. Littlewood, 379
TnvHl <-» /i m-----j. w*-
Fabrics, Fabrics, Fabrics,
F _____o
Fans, C. Clay, 35
Fans, Exhaust, G. Capell, 15
Fans, Exhaust, F. M. Eden, 112
Fastenings, Marlborough and Cunningham, 112
Fastenings, G. F. Redfern, 112
Fastenings, Belt, W. II. Sleep, 453
Fastenings, Boot, J N. Aronson, 75
Fastenings, Brace, Brooks and Baker, 265
Fastenings, Bracelet. E Jones, 361
Fastenings, Button. E. C. Barron, 15
Fastenings, Button, A. J. Boult, 439
Fastenings, Carpet, E. Edwards, 185
Fastenings, Carriage Door, W. II. St.
Aubin, 379
Fastenings, Door, R. Chapman, 361
Fastenings, Door. E. Guattari, 303
Fastenings, Door, H. Hancock, 283
Fastenings, Door, T. Scourfield, 399
Fastenings, Door, W. Thomson, 112
Fastenings, Glove, F. R. Baker, 476
Fastenings, Glove, G. Capewell, 491
Fastenings, Glove, W. B. Espeut, 167
Fastenings, Glove, W. G. Rigden, 130
Fastenings, Glove, H. Vollmer, 491
Fastenings, Mail Bags, A. M. Clark, 35
Fastenings, Necktie, P. Ambjorn, 303
Fastenings, Necktie, G. Schubert, 361
Fastenings, Railway Carriage Door, P.
M. Justice, 341
Fastenings, Sash, J. E. Cope, 491
Fastenings, Sash, G. J. Dickson, 147
Fastenings, Sash, W. A. MacLeod, 225
Fastenings, Sash, J. D. Sprague, 458
Fastenings, Sash, Whitehouse and Peacock, 458
Fastenings, Scythe, A. J. Boult, 185
Fastenings, Stay, C. A. Snow, 2t>5
Fastenings, Stay, W. H. Symington, 458
Fastenings, Tie, H. Lenn, 225
Fastenings, Trunk, W. Jones, 476
Fastenings, Umbrella, II. H. Lake, 323
Fastenings, Wearing ‘ son, 361
Fastenings, Wearing
long, 112
Fastenings, Window,
Fastenings, Window,__________,,, ..
Fastenings, Window, R. Plush, 379
Fastenings, Window,
Fatty Bodies, Extracting, W, II. Beck, 283
Fatty Matters, C. D. Abel, 419
Fatty Matters, F. C. Glaser, 323
Fatty Matters, Extracting, G. W. von Nawrocki, 35
Feeding Calves, J. Hudson, 439
Fences, G. Vaughan, 75
Fencing, E. A. Brydges, 341
Fencing, Greig and Leek, 439
Fencing, Metal, W. Bailey, 185
Fencing, Metal, Bayliss and Bailey, 245
Fencing, Metallic. R. J. George, 205
Fencing, Wire, W. Friedlaender, 419
Fermented Liquors, A. G. Salamon, 491
Fermenting, N. Lubbock, 419
Ferruginous Salts, Treating, C. Semper, 245
Fibres, P. J. Friedrichs, 147
Fibres, ‘
Fibres, Fibres, Fibres, cer, 112
Fibres, Preparing, I. Bailey, 185
Fibres, Preparing, T. Berry, 225
Fibres, Preparing, A. M. Clark, 35
Fibres, Preparing, H. J. Haddan, 283
Fibres, Preparing, W. Lord, 167
Fibres, Preparing, Lord and Kaberry, 15
Fibres, Preparing, C. R. and G. Malcolm, jun., 439
Fibres, Preparing, Murland and Montgomery, 323
Fibres, Roving, H. Illingworth, 323
Fibres, Separating, H. J. Haddan, 476
Fibres, Textile, W. J. S. Grawitz, 94
Fibres, Treating, E. G. Brewer, 283
Fibres, Treating, T. Fox, jun., 458
Fibres, Treating, J. A. Graham, 379
Fibres, Treating, C. Harrison, 491
Fibres, Treating, T. Routledge, 491
Fibres, Treating, H. C. Smith, 361
Fibres, Winding, W. R. Lake, 319
Fdes, Paper, P. Lawrence, 185
Filing, Saw, A. M, Clark, 112
Filing Saw Blades, L. A. Groth, 55
Filling Sacks, H. J. Haddan, 458 ,
Finings, Spirit, J. Blum, 361
Finings for Wines, Hamper and Harper 265
Filtering, E. Edwards, 283
Filtering, Farquhar and Oldham, 167
Filtering, G. F. Redfern, 323
Filtering, W. P. Thompson, 399
Filtering, J. H. Topham, 35
Filters, A. M. Clark, 185
Filters, F. G. Lynde, 323
Filters, E. Perrett, 167
Filters, H. Rawlings, 458
Filters, M. Richards, 185
Filters, J. Wetter, 379
Filters, Cleaning, A. M. Clark, 205
Apparel, J. N. Aron-Apparel, A. B. Fur-G. T. Ball, 476 A. E. Crisp, 361 ......, “1
Young and Wood,
A. V. Newton, 265
E. de Pass, 130
Breaking, J. Shinn, 361
Dressing, S. Lister, 112
Dyeing, <fcc., Heywood and Speu-
Firo Apparatus, C, S. Beauchamp, 91
Fire-arms, T. Gilbert, 439
Fire-arms, W. W. Greener, 245
Fire-arms, W. E. Heath, 225
Fire-arms, J. Imray, 13u
Fire-arms, J. S., 453
Fire-arms, G. J. Jeffries, 205
Fire-arms, W. R. Lake, J12
Fire-arms, J. Needham, 439
Fire-arms, T. Nordenfelt, 303
Fire-arms, Foberts and Mooie, 167 hire-arms, W. Rogers, 130
Fire-arms, Combination. R. Howard, 167 1*ire-arms, Breech-loading, H. and E
Hammond. 245
Fire-arms, Breech-loading, H. Thorn, 15
Fire-arms, Indicating, I. Kitsce 112
Fire-boxes, W. R. Lake, 55
Fire-bricks, F. Glaser, 55
Fire-escapes, II. J. Allison, 439
Fire-escapes, A. M. Clark, 205
Fire-escapes, F. Hoe, 94
Fire-es japes, J. Kennedy, 147
Fire-escapes, KL in and Allen, 205
Fire-escapes, J. Wetter, 341
Fire-extinguishing, A. M. Clark, 94
Fire-extinguishing, P. M. Justice, 130
Fire-grates, 8. C. Jervoise, 205
Fire-grates, T. E. Parker, 458
Fire-grates, J. Shepherd, 476
Fire-grates, E. Wil tier, 283
Fire, Indicating, E. Edwards, 55
Fue-lighters, F. K. de stasicki, 439
Fire-lighters, Cube, T. V. Trew, 112
Fire-lighting, Bickford, Smith, and Smith, 147
Fire-lighting, E. Tomlinson, 147
Fire-proof Ceilings, R. W. Hitchins, 439
Fire-proof Liquids, Astrop and Ridgway, 147
Fire-proofing Buildings, J. M. Hooker, 458
Fire-proofing, S. Thompson, 147
Fish, 'transporting Live, E. L. Sheldon, 35
Fish, Treating, L. A. Groth, 458
Fishing Tackle, II Davies, 167
Fishing Tackle, G. Read, 361
Flanging Metal Plates, A. C. Kirk, 185
Fleeces, Dividing, L. A. Groih, 341
Fleshing Hides, J. T. Tussaud, 35
Floorcloths, Hendry and Melville, 225
Floorcloths, W. Smith, 303
Floorcloths, F. Walton, 476
Flour, IT. II. Lake, 94
Flues, Dust-collecting, H. J. Haddan, 75
Flushing. C. W. Gaunrlett, 476
Food, Cattle, T. Earp, 458
Food, Fluid, L. A. V. Pellegrin, 323
Food, Malted, J. Schweitzer, 245
Forks or Tongs, IL J. Allison, 439
Forgings, Holding, A. Mure, 147
Frames, Simmons, Lowthime, and Tree, 35
Frames, Picture, A. J. Boult, 399
Frames, Pictures, &c., Fisher andWolstcn-croft, 379
Fuel, G. Wilson, 265
Fuel Economisers, Elson and Eastwood, 303
Funnels, Chimney, E. W6ry, 245
Fur, Opening, J. Wood row, 15
Furnace Linings, S. Pitt, 265
Furnaces, A. Beard, 94
Furnaces, W. IT. Beck, 130
Furnaces, W. Bell, 15
Furnaces, E. Bennis, 491
Furnaces, A. J. Boult, 361
Furnaces, J. C. Brentnail, 323, 439
Furnaces, Burch and Allen, 35
Furnaces, Cocker and Ellis, 476
Furnaces, J. W. Couch man, 265
Furnaces, W. Felton, 379
Furnaces, A. G. Fenn, 265
Furnaces, B. Kin ch, 94
Furnaces, J. Findlay, 283
Furnaces, T. Fletcher, 147
Furnaces, H. J. Haddan, 303
Furnaces, B. D. Healey, 361
Furnaces, J. Imray, 130, 147
Furnaces, W. R. Lake, 112
Furnaces, Mundell and Gordon, 167
.Furnaces, O. D. Orvis, 458
Furnaces, J. and T. Robinson, 167
Furnaces, C. Schon, 167
Furnaces, J. Toussaint, 303
Furnaces, J. Williams, 476
Furnaces, Boiler, W. Mo watt, 361
Furnaces, Boiler, J. R. Russell, 225
Furniture, Folding, L. Field, 55
Furnaces, Gas, C. Abel, 167
Furnaces, Gas, C. D. Abel, 303
Furnaces, Gas, Hackney and Wailes, 379
Furnaces, Gas, &c., T. Layton, 361
Furnaces, Gas, C Madge. 323
Furnaces, Glass, J. II. Johnson, 439
Furnaces, Glass, E. de Pass, 15
Furnaces, Kiln, J. Sawyer, 491
Furnaces, Smoke-Consuming, F. Brown, 283
Galvanisers’ Flux, Utilising, II. Kenyon, 147
Games, A. J. Adams, 419
Games, E. Boizet, 283
Games, A. Boult, 35
Games, J. IL Johnson, 265
Games, Lawn Tennis Racquets, A. J.
Altman, 55
Games, Mallets, A. S. Kershaw, 75
Games, Marking, G. F. Redfern, 399
Games, Tennis Balls, J. Neville, 265
Games, Tennis Bats, A. A. Trimmings, 205
Gas, W. W. Box, 205
Gas, W. F. Browne, 35
Gas, S., jun., and J. Chandler, 15
Gas, S. Chandler, 265
Gas, J. Coley-Bromfield, 245
Gas, II. Defty, 185
Gas, C. Estcourt, 361
Gas, Holmes and Lindley, 476
Gas, J. F. G. Kromschrdder, 476
Gas, H. H. Lake, 341
Gas, II. E. Newton, 361
Gas, J. Noble, 130
Gas, S. Pitt, 303
Ga«, J. W. Plunkett, 491
Gas, B. Russ, 379
Gas, Thomas and Ennor, 35
Gas, A. Wilson, 283
Gas, Air, H. J. Haddan, 245
Gas Alarms, H. and T. A. Greene, 341
Gas, Carbonic Acid, W. R. Lake. 439
Gas, Carburetting, C. Crozat, 167
Gas, Chloride, A. Nolf, 225
Gas Engines, C. G. Beechey, 439
Gas Fires, W. T. Sugg, 491
Gas Fittings, J. J. Royle, 458
Gas Fittings, Wells and Wallwork-, 75
Gas-lamp Joints, W. Wynne, 15
Gas Lamps, I. Spielmann, 245
Gas Lamps, F. H. Wenham, 167
Gas Lighting, E. Horton,. 245
Gas Lighting, J. A. Koerber, 458
Gas Lighting, Rowan and Williams, 476
Gas Lighting, W. T. Sugg, 303
Gas Lighting, T. Thorp, 3ul
Gas Lighting, Electric, S. E. Pattison, 491
Gas, Mixing Water with, E. de Pass, 283
Gas, Olefiant, A. Collingridge, 55
Gas, &c , Preventing Extinction of, J. B.
Thompson, 55
Ga°, Purifying, C. F. Claus, 265
Gas, Purifying, J. Jameson, 476
Gas, Purifying, H. Symons, 245
Gas, Purifyin C C Walker, 361
Gas, Purifying, J. Walker, 112, 439
Gas Residues, G. E. Webster, 303
Gas, Storing Compressed, 8. J. Coxeter, 439
Gas Stoves, C. Portway, 55
Gas Supply, H. and T. A. Greene, 311
Gas Supply, Haley and Savaae, 94
Gas Supply, R. McIntyre, 112
G is, Washing, Holman and Hunt, 147
Gasdiers, G. and E. Atkins, 399
Gasaliers, M. Merichenski, 225
Gases, A. M. Clark, 225
Gases, Henderson and Keltnan, 476
Gases, W. Sutherland, 147
Gases, Purifying. W. Ferric, 35
Gates, Sliding, W. P. Thompson, 112
Gauges, B. Joseph, 303
Gauges, Pressure, G. E. Vaughan, 147
Generating, II. Davey. 130
Generating Machine, A. d’Oreli, 75
Glass, W. 8. Sutherland, 94
Glass, Enamelled, A. M. Clark, 491
Glass, Fastening, A. Drummond, 55
Glass, Fixing, J. Chaffin, 147
Glass, Frosted, W. H. Beck, 245
Glass Globes, R. W. Harris, 35
Glass, Ground, Transparent Patterns, D.
Reich, 55
Glass Imitations. C. D. Steam, 15
Glass, Melting, L. Mount. 15
Glass, Ornamenting, T. Markham, 130
Glass, Ornamenting, A. J. Nash, 379
Glasses, J,amp, H. J. H.iddau, 323
Glazing, W. Ferguson, 476
Glazing, Bar, T. Hughes, 55
Globe Galleries, H. T. Harvey, 55
I Globes, Galleries for, C. Ferranti, 303
Glucose, Hydrate of, H. J. Haddau, 167
Glycerine. J. Imray, 341
Gold, Abstracting, R. Barker, 15
Governing, Dewrance and Wimshurst, 205
Governors, H. J. Haddan, 75
' Governors, W. R. Lake, 94
Governors, W. P. Thompson, 323
Governors, Engine, Beverley and Sykes, 225
Governors, Engine, Browctt and Lindley, 361
Governors, Engine, F. J. Burrell, 458
Governors, Engine, P. B. Elwell, 283
Governors, Engine, Fowler and Daniel, 245
Governors, Engine, W. M. Musgrave, 419
Governors, Gas, G. Porter, 458
Grabs, Jones and Wild, 94
Grain, Cleaning, Davidson and Miller, 225
Grain, Conveying, &c., L. E. Mansfield, 112
Grain, Drying, G. M. Capell, 205
Grain, Separating, W. R. Lake, 94
Grain, Storing, &c., K. J. Dance, 399
Grain, Treating, G. G. B. Casero, 283
Grain, Treating, A. Reddie, 94
Grapnels, G. E. Vaughan, 35
Grates, Furnace, G. and E. Ashworth, 419
Gratings, Illuminating, T. Hyatt, 94
Grinding, E. A. Brydges, 476
Grinding, H. Slack 225
Grinding, W. Wingfield-Bonnyn, 147
Grinding Grain, A. M. Clark. 75
Grinding Lawn Mowers, T. H. Gillott, 379
Grinding Tools. K. Rawlinson, 75
Grinding Wheels, J. Robinson, 94
Guards, Saw, J. Wetter, 379
Guides, P. Sharp, 35
Gums, J. E. T. Woods, 361
Hair Restorer, E. Edmonds, 185
Hammocks, Holman and Draper, 75
Hammocks, A. Pratt, 3s9
Handles, Attaching, H. J. Haddan, 94
Handles, Bat, Meitcr and Moth, 15
Handles, Bicycle. <fcc., G. 8. Kelsey, 185
Handles, Bone, W. R. Lake, 35
Handles of Brooms, W. J. Sage, 185
Handles, Cricket Bat. H. J. Haddan, 419
Handles, Cutlery, J. Fee, 205
Handles, Cutlery, H. and T. W. Hall, 245
Handles, Cutlery, H. H. Lake, 399
Handles, Fastening, Bottom and Rose, 75
Handles, Saucepan, E. Baldwin, 419
Hanging Pictures, W. R. Lake, 283
Hanks, Securing, J. F. Kilburn, 15
Harness, A. J. Boult, 185
Harness, A. Clark, 147
Harness, R. and B. Garrington, 55
Harness, J. G. Heinisch, 303
Harness, J. C. Mewburn, 323
Harness, B. J. B. Mills, 55
Harness, G. F. Redfern, 341
Harness, J. Rexford, 458
Harrows, A. Clark, 323
Harrows, Howard and Bousfield, 439
Harvesting, A. C. Bamlett, 429
Harvesting, C. L. Basevi, 94
Harvesting, W. Mel. Cranston, 361
Harvesting, T. D. Stetson, 245
Harvesting, Greening and Barker, 55
Harvesting, Hornsby, Innocent, and
Rutter, 283
Harvesting, Howard and Bousfield, 167
Harvesting, J. Paul, 245
Harvesting, E. R. Salwey, 55
Harvesting, Swann and Batie, 245
Harvesting Implements, G. Perrott, jun.,
Hats, W. H. Beck, 185
Hats, J. Cree, 35
Hats, J. H. Johnson. 491
Hats, Taylor and Wallwork, 147
Hats, R. Wallwork, 94
Hats, J. F. Watson, 94
Hats, Linings for, Knowles, Faulkner,
Metcalf, and Raines, 491
Hauling, Ayrton and Perry, 55
Heat, Retaining, J. Cavargna, 167
Heat, Retarding, W. Whiteman, 361
Heat in Slag, Utilising, G. H. Blenkinsop,
Heat, Utilising Waste, W. R. Lake, 205
Heating, T. Kay, 323
Heating, W. Thornburn, 167
Heating, &c., J. Wadsworth, 303
Heating Air, 8. A. Darier-Gide, 185
Heating Baths, H. Darby, 147
Heating Baths, D. Jones, 167
Heating, <fcc., Fluids, W. and G. Lawrence,
Heating Fluids, W. L. Wise, 303
Heating Railway Carriages, W. R. Lake, 167
Heating Railway Carriages, T. Perkins, 379
Heating Rooms, Hongood aud Jenner, 491
Heating Water, A. J. Billing, 265
Heating Water, M. M. Brophy, 147
Heating Water, E. Brydges, 35
Heating Water, I. 8. McDougall, 491
Heating Water, A. W. L. Reddie, 476
Heating Water, J. H. Topham, 361
Heating Water, E. Vermeiren, 419
Heating and Ventilating, C. R. Stevens, 399
Heels, J. J. Gascoigne, 35
Hides, J. H. Johnson, 75
Hides, W. Maynard, 283
Hides, Scouring, W. R. Lake, 283
Hides and Skins, W. R. Lake, 55
Hinges, Butt, J. Dyer, 341
Hinges, Spring, E. Barnes, 167
Hoisting, W. R. Lake, 147
Hoisting, S. S. Sugden, 379
Hoists, B. Williams, 55
Hoists, Mill, S. Jones, 283
Holders, Bouquet, C. M. Tate, 225
Holders for Chalk, C. E. Bryant, 112
Holders, Globe, T. Carpenter, 458
Holders, Globe, G.. H. Nash, 225
Holders, Opera Glass, A. J. Boult, 439
Holders, Tool, J. F. Allen, 379
Hollow Ware, J. V. Hope, 361
Hooks, AV. Downs, 15
Hooks, Cup and Screw, A. II. Adams, 476
Hooks, Detaching, J. King, 15
Hooks and Pegs, G. A. Folker, 225
Hooks, Safety, H. H. Lake, 265
Hooks, Tackle, J. T. Roe, 245
Hooks. Tenter, A E. Gorse, 323
Hops, Treating, AV. Forster, 15
Horsehair, Tousing, M. G. Daughters, 283
Horse Rakes, G. Brown. 439
Horseshoes, M. Bauer, 35
Horseshoes, F. Engel. 94
Horseshoes, E. Hewitt, 303
Horseshoes, AV. R. Lake, 35, 283
Horseshoes, AV. Morgan-Brown, 361
Horseshoes, AV. and H. J. Sykes, 458
Horseshoes, J. R. Thompson, 112
Horseshoes, J. Vernon, 15
Hose, Flexible, E. Hunan, 361
Hose. Watering, J. T. Foot, 205
Hot-Water Apparatus, W. R. Lake, 185
Hulling Rice, J. R. Bussell, 225
Hydraulic Machmes, R. H. Tweddell, 265
Hydric-bases, AV. A. Barlow, 476
Hygrometers, F. H. F. Engel, 491
Ice, W. H. Beck, 265
Ice, T. Dowrie, 303
Ice, H. J. Haddan, 55
Ice, Watts and Gorman, 112
Illuminating, J. Darling, 323
Images, E. G. Colton, 75
Incubators, T. Christy, 3f'3
Inerusting, E. Truchot, 476
India-rubber, W. C. Horne, 458
Indicating, T. Hughes, 130
Indicating Position of Sunken Ships, W.
R. Lake, 147
Indicating Speed of Shafts, H. J. Haddan, 205
Indicating Time, &c., C. H. and C. W. Thompson. 458
Ingots, J. Gjers, 94
Ingots, Producing, A. Longsdon, 15
Ingots, Removing, T. Hampton, 15
Injectors, W. H. Beck, 341
Injectors, C. Nelson, 379
Ink, E. Detmold, 15
Ink, Distributing, AV. Lake, 55
Ink, Marking, H. W. Langbe k, 476
Ink, Printing, C. F. Claus, 167
Ink, Printing, F. Wirth, 15
Ink-stains, Removing, G. F. Redfern, 265
Insulating, Bottomley, Barry, and Lundy, 35
Insulating, M. Mackay, 35
Insulating, G. S. Page, 35
Insulating, J. Wetter, 379
Insulating Compounds, A. Parkes, 379
Insulating Wires, J. H. Johnson, 147
Insulating Wires, G. Macaulay-Cruick-shank, 15
Insulating Wires, Temple and Hobbs, 379
Insulating, A. G. Bossomaier, 491
Insulators, Porcelain, Langdon and J. C. and G. Fuller, 245
Integrating, J. Imray, 399
Iron, AV. Clarke, 245
Iron, C. Cochrane, 321
Iron, W. S. Sutherland, 130
Iron, J. Wetter, 361
Iron, Cleaning, A. G. V. Harcourt, 458
Iron, Coating, E. Edwards, 205
Iron, Coating, J. A Graham, 379
Iron, Pig, J. Bennett, 55
Iron Slag, Utilising, C. Pieper, 458
Iron and Steel, J. M. Bennett, 55
Iron and Steel, Bond and Whiteley, 283
Iron and Steel, AV. W. Chipman, 205
Iron and Steel, E. F. Goransson, 341
Iron and Steel, A. L. S. Leighs, 303
Iron and Steel, J. G. Willans, 225
Ironing, H. Oldershaw, 476
Ironing, Podger and Davey, 130
Joints, Ball, &c., H. J. Haddan, 479
Joints and Bearers, J. E. Walsh, 458
Joints, Pipe, C. Hinksmann, 205
Joints, Pipe, W. N. Hutchinson, 379
Keys, J. H. Johnson, 476
Kiers, J. Dinrmock, 491
Kilns, S. de la G. Williams, 341
Kilns, Pottery, J Broadhurst, 439
Knitting, Bevernage-Standring, 167
Knitting, A. M. Clark, 130
Knitting, W. Cotton, 491
Knitting, Lamb and Attenborough, 225
Knitting, Lowe and Lamb, 225
Labelling Bottles, F. Foster, 265
Labels, Cutting. Anderson and Connie, 361 Lace, F. E. A. Biische, 55 Lace, R. J. Joyce, 399
Lace, L. Marcueil, 379
Ladders, Tape, J. Carr, 35
Ladders, Tape, French and Monks, 35
Lamps, AV. H. Bulpitt, 130
Lamps, H. Cullabine, 130
Lamps, H. J. Haddan, 130
Lamps, N. T. Hewens, 265
Lamps, J. Imray, 245
Lamps, AV. R. Lake, 130
Lamps, G. B. Lloyd, 147
Lamps, G. E. Manage, 439
Lamps, B. J. B., Mills, 130
Lamps, Pfannkuche and Dixon, 130
Lamps, A. H. Robinson, 361
Lamps, H. Salsbury, 419
Lamps, C. W. Siemens, 55
Lamps, F. Siemens. 205
Lamps, J. Ungar, 379
Lamps, AV. L. AVise, 265
Lamps, Bicycle, J. Lucas, 245
Lamps, Bicycle, J. Slater, 323
Lamps, Blow-pipe, J. T. Garratt, 15 Lamps, Gaso-electric, P. M. Justice, 458 Lamps, Magic Lantern, F. Newton, 285 Lamps, Miners’ Safety, D. Ballardie, 476 Lamps, Miners’ Safety, W. Morgan, 4’6
Lamps, Miners’ Safety, T. Thomas, 379 Lamps, Oil, W. Gillmore, 167 Lamps, Railway, J. Thomas, 399
Lamps, Railway Carriage, II. Defries, 361 Lamps, Regulating, A. and T. Gray, 75 Lamps, Revolving, J. Trotter, 283
Lamps, Safety, Jenkins and Morgan, 15
Lamps, Safety, W. L. AVise, 94 Lamps, Ship’s, E. Martin, 458 Lanterns, A. J. Boult, 225 Lathes, AV. Allan, 265
Lathes, Turning, T. Shanks, 225
Lead, L. Epstein, 130
Leather, J. Imray, 458
Leather, J. H. Johnson, 147
Leather, AV. R. Lake, 476
Leather, Artificial, AV. A. Barlow, 361
Leather, Artificial, E. Fischer, 225 °
Leather, Imitation, H. Loewenberg. 419 Leather, Ornamenting, J. H. Epstein, 491 Leather, Paring, E. G. Brewer, 245 Leather-rolling, E. Wilson, 225 Leather-treating, T. Gare, 361 Leggings, F. AV. Hemmings, 491 Lenses, R. E. Frank, 458
Lids and Covers, E. Green, 130
Lids for Cans, H. J. Haddan, 167
Lids, Fastening, J. Ingleby, 55
Lifts, J. T. Donald, 476
Lifts, Stevens, Major, and Edwards, 205
Lifts and Cranes, F. J. Harrison, 205
Lifts, Hydraulic, Day, Green, Walker, and
Carey, 185
Lifts, Hydraulic, Stevens and Major, 225
Lifts, Hydraulic, Stevens, Major, and
Barber, 379
Light, E. P. Chaimsonowitz, 379
Light, Artificial, A. W. Kershaw, 323
Light, Artificial, J. Y. McLellan, 265
Light, Artificial, J. Mayer, 265
Light, Lime, E. G. Wood, 283
Light, Producing, S. R. Smith, 94
Lighting, &.C., P. R. Allen, 458
Lighting, C. L. A. Baatsch, 476
Lighting, G. A. Schoth, 379
Lightning Conductors, H. J. Haddan, 323
Lights, Distributing, A. P. Trotter, 94
Lights, Floating, C. D. Abel, 15
Lights, Pavement, T. G. Webb, 35
Links, Shoebotham and James, 75
Lint, G. W. von Nawrocki, 303
Lithographic Presses, H. J. Haddan, 419
Loading Carts, F. Wheeler, 245
Loading, &c., Merchandise, Sir II. Bessemer, 341
Loading and Unloading, A. M. Clark, 205
Locking, W. R. Lake, 112
Locking Devices, H. J. Haddan, 94
Locks, J. II. Black, 75
Locks, G. J. Dickson, 147
Locks, II. Fleming, 323
Locks, F. Garon, 303
Locks, H. J. Haddan, 130
Locks, Jackson and Seekey, 265
Locks, Walker and Worsey, 130
Locks, Carriage Door, J. Edwards, 361
Locks, Door, W. A. Barlow, 283
Locks, Door, H. J. Haddan, 185
Locks and Handles, Door, J. Drewitt, 283
Locks and Latches, J. M. Hart, 476
Locks and Latches, J. Woodward, 476
Locks, Nut, C. A. Swan, 245
Locks, River, J. N. Moerath, 361
Locks, Safety, H. Thisquen, 75
Looms, W. Adam, 458
Looms, W. Alexander, 15
Looms, J. B. Alliott, 265
J. Almond, 303
T. Blackhurst, 379
Blezard and Nelson, 225
J. F. Brown 379, 439
T. Brown, 361
Buckley and Hollingworth, 35
By water, Bedford, and Kershaw,
Looms, Looms, Looms, Looms, Looms, Looms, Looms, 303
Looms, C. Callow, 15, 147
Looms, J. Dawson, 167
Looms, Dodd and Adam, 15 Looms, D. Eastwood, 476 Looms, P. I. Garin-Moroy, 439 Looms, R. J. Giilcher, 75 Looms, H. J. Haddan, 94, 323 Looms, Hattersley and Greenwood, 399 Looms, Hattersley and Hill, 75 Looms, S. Hollinrake, 147 Looms, J. W, Holmes, 303 Looms, J. Hopkinson, 94 Looms, J. Irving, 476 l ooms, G. Keighley, 419 Looms, J. Laird, 491 Looms, H. Lomas, 245
Looms, Pemberton and Pearson, 491 Looms, J. H. Pickles, 265 Looms, J. Ratcliffe, 283
Looms, J. and J. H. Shorrock, 130 Looms, T. Singleton, 94, 323 Looms, A. Smith, 458 Looms, W. Smith, 245
Looms, Snowden and Ball, 399
Looms, F. G. Swann, 185
Looms, Sykes and Hinchcliffe, 323 Looms, Tetlow and Holding, 439 Looms, C. Thompson, 35
Looms, Whittaker and Claydon, 112 Looms, Williams and Barnes, 167 Looms, W. Youngjchns, 303 Looms, Pickers for, E. Booth, 35 Looms, Pickers for, J, Challinor, 341 Looms, Pickers for, I. Sowden, 225 Looms, Temples for, J. Holding, 55 Looms, Temples for, J. Wrigley, 225 Lounge, A. J. Wilkinson, 303 Lubricating, B. A. Dobson, 112 Lubricating, J. B. Hannay, 458 Lubricating, P. M. Justice, 379 Lubricating, W. R. Lake, 147 Lubricating, Petrie and Entwistle, 491 Lubricating, Varley and Gregory, 303 Lubricating Bosses, W. R. Lake, 94 Lubricating Pistons, H. J. Haddan, 167 Lubricators, R. Baird, 245 Lubricators, G. Delettrez, 341 Lubricators, H. J. Haddan, 205 Lubricators, W. L. Wise, 379
Magnesium, L. A. Groth, 399
Magnets, J. S. Fairfax, 35
Magneto-Electric Machines, W. A. Barlow
Malt Extractors, L. Hoff, 15
Malt Liquors, L. Varicas, 147
Malting Grain, C. D. Abel, 476
Manganese, G. W. von Nawroeki, 225
Manure, Artificial, S Walter, 361
Manure, Distributing, J. H. Wood, 379
Manuring, L. A. Groth, 185
Maps, L. A. Groth, 225
Marking Instruments, Tailors’, Searle and
Ironside, 147
Mashing, J. A. L. and W. V. Biden, 439
Match-box Holders, J. A. Francis, 379
Mats, J. Maddin, 167
Mattresses, S. K. Ibbetson, 458
Mattresses, Spring, D. R. Gardner, 303
Mattresses, Spring, W. R. Lake, 147
Mattresses, Spring, J. Lokie, 245
Mattresses, Spring, G, H. Slack, 112
Measuring Chains, H. J. Haddan, 458
Measuring and Controlling, Henderson and
Kelman, 476
Measuring Fabrics, J. and J. Darling, 55
Measuring Fabrics, R. Murdoch, 225
Measuring Men, E. P. Wilford, 419
Meat Extracts, Barff and Wire, 419
Medicine to Horses, Giving, Fonnercau and
Fielding, 491
Medical Compounds, H. Kenyon, 439
Medical Compounds, P. F. Vandersteen-staaten, 439
Medical Troughs for Live Stock, J. P.
Smith, 458
Metallic Alloys, G. A Dick, 439
Metallic Alloys, A. K. Huntington, 379
Metallic Alloys, W. Keep, 458
Metallic Frames, B. J. La Mothe, 283
Metallic Inlaid Work, A. M. Clark, 458
Metallic Plates, Bending, C. Scriven, 458
Metallic Salts, C. D. Abel, 419
Metallic Surfaces, Coating, J. Mangnall, 361
Metallic Wool, R. H. Woodley, 35
Metallising, A. J. Boult, 75
Metal, Conjugating, G. M. Edwards, 458
Metal Plates, T. H. Jones, 303
Metal, Sheet, H. J. Haddan, 55
Metals, Bending, &c., C. Scriven, 130
Metals, Casting, F. Asthower, 361
Metals, Casting, Bennett and Walker, 147
Metals, Casting, A. M. Clark, 15
Metals, Casting, H. Woodward, 205
Metals, Shaping, A. W. Wills, 458
Meters, A, M. Clark, 130
Meters, J. T. Dann, 147
Meters, R. T. and T. W. Harding, 15
Meters, Porte and Chancellor, 283
Meters, Electro-Hydraulic, Hammond and
Goldenberg, 185
Meters, Engine Power, C. V. Boys, 75
Meters, Fluid, J. Rettie, 185
Meters, Liquid, II. J. Haddan, 94
Meters, Liquid, W. and C. W. B. Hamer, 283
Meters, Liquid, H. H. Lake, 419
Meters, Liquid, J. C. Mewburn, 341
Meters, Water, J. A. Muller, 361
Methylquinoline, J. Erskine, 94
Mica Pits, Lovering and Martin, 15
Microphony, J. H. Johnson, 112
Microscopes, W. E. Hancock, 491
Microphones, P. M. Justice, 75
Middlings, Treating, W. R. Lake, 245
Milling, J. Cadogan, 35
Milling, J. H. Carter, 458
Mills, W. R. Lake, 15
Mills, R. Young, 399
Mills, Bolting, W. R. Lake, 379
Mills, Grinding, H. J. Haddan, 323
Mills, Grinding, T. L. Sturtevant, 439
Mills, Roller, Bouwens and Voss, 55
Mills, Roller, E. Fiechter, 341
Mills, Roller, A. Reddie, 94
Mills, Rolling, W. R. Lake, 283
Mills, Rolling, C. A. Snow. 35
Mills, Sugar, Death and Ell wood, 245
Millstones, W. R. Lake, 361
Mines, Cages in, T. J. and J. Griffiths, 303
Mirrors, Fixing, W. J. Hinde, 130
Mirrors, Suspending, Crofts and Assinder, 458
Mixing Wines, J. Prosser, 323
Motive Power, C. D. Abel, 283
Motive Power, W. H. Avis, 341
Motive Power, W. Carling, 130
Motive Power, E Desfossds, 130
Motive Power, Rotary, T. Foster, 205
Motive Power, Grusan and Handrick, 265
Motive Power, W. H. Hindle, 419
Motive Power, J. Hircock, 112
Motive Power, Hollier and Asher, 399
Motive Power, J. Jeffs, 15
Motive Power, Johnson and Talbot, 265
Motive Power, W. R. Lake, 205 265
Motive Power, B J. B. Mills, 303
Motive Power, H. Robinson, 55
Motive Power, E. E. H. Rousseau, 130
Movive Power, J. Stephan, 265
Motive Power, J. M. X. Terlinden, 225
Motive Power, W. P. Thompson, 265
Motive Power, W. Wade, 303
Motive Power, F. Wolff, 283
Motive Power of Waves, W. R. Lake, 361
Moulding, W. Crawford, 439
Moulding, Peyton and Burley, 361
Moulding and Casting, J. and T. A. Boyd,
Moulds, J. V. Hope, 225
Moulds for Hollowware, J. V. Hope, 323
Moulds, Nail, S. Williams, 167
JM oulds for Pipes, J. and F. Chambers, 439
Mowing, Davison and Hallard, 439
Musical Instruments, A. Banger, 361
Musical Instruments, W. Booth, 399
Musical Instruments, J. Burnet, 225
Musical Instruments, G. Downing, 55
Musical Instruments, P. Ehrlich, 113
Musical Instruments, F. C. Glaser, 3<3
Musical Instruments, L. A. Groth, 205
Musical Instruments, II. J. Haddan, 265
Musical Instruments, L. Kustner, 11 1
Musical Instruments, W. R. Lake, 476, 491
Musical Instruments, T. Machell. 265
Musical Instruments, B. Mills, 55
Musical Instruments, R. Whalley, 147
Musical Instruments, F. W. Wolff, 458
Musical Instruments—Key-board, A. W. L.
Reddie, 205
Musical Instruments, Motors, Garvie and
Nails, A. J. Boult, 399
Nails, 8. Watkins, 419
Nails, Horseshoe, W. J. Bingham, 167
Nails, Moulders’, W. Motherwell, 303
Nails and Screws, 8 Beaver, 245
Nails and Screws, T. J. Sloan, 225
Needles, J. Darling, 94
Needles, Hewitson and Napier, 94
Nippers for Wire Ropes, Spence and Nichol, 185
Noise, Preventing, W. Ney, 112
Nozzles, Norton and Sturgeon, 75
Nut-crackers, Brown and Robertson, 245
Nut Locks, A. J. Boult, 265
Nuts and Bolts, 8. Watkins, 439
Oil, J. Gordon, jun., 94
Oil, J. Longmore, 399
Oil, Extracting, Bushell and Haydon, 265
Oil, Substitute for Linseed, P. G. Oster,
Oil Vessels, G. A. J. Soott, 265
Ordnance, W. Anson, 167
Ordnance, R. H. Brandon, 147
Ordnance, A. M. Clark, 458
Ordnance, W. James, 439
Ordnance, P. Jensen, 130
Ordnance, A. C. Kirk, 130
Ordnance, A. Noble, 303
Ordnance, T. Nordenfelt, 303
Ordnance, J. Vavasseur, 303, 419
Ordnance, Breech-loading, 8. H. Berry, 419
Ordnance, Breech-loading, Gavard and
Millon, 55
Ordnance, Breech-loading, W. R. Lake, 419
Ores, Huntingdon and Koch, 130
Ores, Crushing, 8. Weikey, 925
Ores, Dressing, &c., F, Wirth, 35
Ores, Extracting, J. P. Kagenbuseh, 303
Ores, Impregnating, W. R. Lake, 167
Ores, Purifying, D. Watson, 130
Ores, Reducing, foe., R. J. Cunnack, 112
Ores, Reducing, W. E. Gedve, 323
Ores, Separating, T. S. G. Kirkpatrick, 94
Ores, Treating, W. R. Lake, 112, 379
Ores, Treating Gold, L. A. Groth, 491
Ores, Treating Gold, J. Plaisted, 491
Organs, T. Casson, 283
Organs, J. M. and J. B. Draper, 15
Ornamenting Glass, R. N. Frank, 476
Ornamenting Glass, W. H. R. Toye, 205
Ornamenting Walls, J. H. Johnson, 476
Ornaments, Architectural, L. A. Groth, 399
Ovens, C. D. Abel. 379
Ovens, E. A. Brydges, 379
Ovens, J. R. Chibnail, 147
Ovens, A. M. Clark, 35
Ovens, Bakers’, H. J. Haddan, 185
Ovens, Gas, Crommelin, Lees, Spain, and
Thompson, 491
Oysters, Thompson and Kitto, 35
Packing, J. Brown, 112
Packing, W. R. lake, 94
Packing, Flour, Tea, &c., J. Joyce, 205
Packing Meat, &c., W. P. Thompson, 379
Packings, Metallic, A. M. Clark, 419
Packing Pipe Joints, G. Wheeler, 399
Packings, Spring. J. Duffield, 245
Packing, Steam, H. W. Johns, 399
Padlocks, W. R. Lake, 245
Painting, W. H. B. Toye, 167
Panels, Plates, &c , C. L. Lammers, 458
Paper, C. O. MeAUum, 185
Paper, G. W. Simmons, 130
Paper, Wrigley and Robertson, 361
Paper, Absorbent, A. Gutensohn, 55
Paper Bags, Coates and Chandler, lt5
Paper Bags, E. K. Dutton, 491
Paper Bags, J. H. Johnson, 419
Paper, Bank-note, J. H. Johnson, 265
Paper, Feeding, F. Hoyer, 283
Paper, Glazing, s. Wells, 439
Paper Holders, B. Schoof, 379
Paper, Luminous, W. C. Horne, 439
Paper Pulp, H. Dufrenb, 323
Paper Pulp, P. Jensen, 439
Paper Pulp, W. R. Lake, 245
Paper Tubes, J. C. Mewburn, 341
Parchment, Vegetable, H. Hymans, 225
Paring Heels, F. Cutlan, 439
Partitions, J. W. Cook, 15
Paving, Wood, E. Hughes, 419
Peat, S. D. Cox, 15
Peat, S. Heimann, 205
Peeling, H. J. Gehlsen, 75
Pegs, Hat, A. M. Clark, 361
Pencil-cases, C. A. Drake, 379
Pencil-cases, W. R. Lake, 185
Pencil-cases, W. R. Lake, 399
Pencil Holders, H. J. Haddan, 491
Pencil Holders, J. H. Johnson, 225
Pencil Marks, Erasing, L. Wolff, 399
Pencils, J. D. Sprague, 15
Penholders, J. A. Pickering, 91
Pens, Fountain, F. Benvenuti, 283
Pens, Fountain, J. E. Cousto, 439
Pens, Fountain, W. H. Davies, 491
Pens, Fountain, R. Enright, 303
Pens, Fountain, M. H. Kerner, 439
Pens, Fountain, W. R. Lake, 379
Pens, Fountain, J. Nadal, 147
Pens, Fountain. A. Osborn, 419
Pens, Ink-holding, Hughes and Carwar-dine, 185
Perambulators, J. Aylward, 75
Perambulators, C. E. Gibson, 55
Perambulators, W. Hatchman, 458
Perambulators, W. J. Ingram, 245
Perambulators, A. Lloyd, 458
Perambulators, T. F. Simmons, 303
Perambulators, Folding, T. Trotman, 491
Perforating, F. Squire, 491
Perforating Cheques, P. Jensen, 112
Permanent Way, J. Blair, 167
Permanent Way, Bunten and Russell, 439
Permanent Way, A. M. Clark. 15, 94
Permanent Way, J. Dickson, jun., 130
Permanent Way, W. T. Garnett, 419
Permanent Way, F. C. Glaser, 476
Permanent Way, L. A. Groth, 112
Permanent Way, W. R. Lake, 55
Permanent Way, C. Lea, 167
Permanent Way, E. N. Molesworth-Hep-worth, 399
Permanent Way, Morrison and Armstrong, 323
Permanent Way, Nowell and Smith, 323
Permanent Way, W. E. Pedley, 399
Permanent Way, J. Revell, 75
Permanent Way, L. Richards, 341
Permanent Way, Sheward and Jones, 439
Permanent Way, Swan and Massicks, 419
Permanent Way, E. Talbot, 245
Permanent Way, W. P. Thompson, 491
Permanent Way, A. M. Tippett, 185
Permanent Way, Vogt and Figge, 112
Permanent Way, J. E. Walsh, 458
Permanent Way, Williams and Edwards, 399
Permanent W ay, J. Wright, 341
Permanent Way, Conveying, A. Wilson, 75
Petroleum Vapours, H. Swoboda, 361
Phosphorites, J. Imray, 245
Photographic Albums, A. Aron, 476
Photographic Cameras, G. Hare, 15
Photographic Cameras, W. F. Stanley, 35
Photographs, Coloured, H. H. Lake, 341
Photography, E. Edwards, 147
Photography, F. Emery, 283
Photography, C. P. Evans, 265
Photometers, Emmens and Munro, 491
Photometric Apparatus, Thompson and
Starling, 476
Pianofortes, A. Capra, 458
Pianofortes, T. C. Dauncey, 439
Pianofortes, W. Fischer, 399
Pianofortes, W. R. Lake, 225
Pianofortes, Parr and Gibson, 205
Pianofortes, W. H. Squire, 399
Pianofortes, W. Thoma-, 476
Pianofortes, W. A. Waddington, 94
Piers, Page and Nun, 341
Pigments, G. E. Church, 225
Pigments, J. B. Freeman, 303
Pigments, E. P. Wells. 130
Pigments, Luminous, H. J. Haddan, 283
Pigments, White, C. F. Claus, 167
Piles, Driving, Wrightson and Clark, 245
Pillars, T. Jefferies, 75
Pins, Hair, F. Kingston, 245
' Pipe-cutting, W. R. Lake, 458
| Pipes, W. H. Sharman, 439
Pipes, Drain, P. L. Noel, 55
[ Pipes, Drain F. H. Noott, 245
| Pipes, Moulding, J. H. Johnson, 283
Pipes, Stove, J. Wetter, 361
Pipes, Tobacco, A. Barr, 458
Pipes,Tobacco, E Lorge, 245
i Pipes, Tobacco, T. E. Quirk, 283
Pistons, R. R. Gubbins, 147
I Plaue Splint, A. Wormull, 75
1 Planing and Milling, Smith and Coventry, 476
Plates, Taylor and King, 75
' Plates, Glass and Metal, A. A. Hely, 341
Plates, Metal, S. and S. R. Chatwood, 379
Plates, Stamps, &c., J. F. Smyth, 419
Plates, Translucent, W. Kennedy, 361
Platfoims, Endless, P. Robinson, 225
Plating, H. S. Elsworthy, 205
Plating, Nickel, Appleton and Horsfield, 439
“ Plaques,” Artists’, S. H. Sharp, 341
Ploughing, J. Imray, 112
Ploughs, E. Edwards, 323
Ploughs, H. J. Haddan, 439
Ploughs, Howard and Bousfield, 15
Ploughs, T. T. Mallett. 35
Ploughs, E. Savage, 361
Ploughs, W. Sweetman, 167
Ploughs. Drain, S. Pitt, 419
Plugs, Fusible, Burton and Byrnes, 458
Points and Signals, Brear and Hudson, 225
Points and Signals, H. Scott, 130
Points and Switches, H. J. Haddan, 112
Points and Switches, E. N. Molesworth
Hepworth, 419
Points and Switches, J. Pickering, 75
Points and Switches, P. Prince, 112
Poles, Hop, W. A Barlow, 131
Poles and Nets, H. Richardson, 55
Polishing Jewels, W. L. Wise, 476
Porous Siliceous Materials, 0. F. Claus, 167
Potash, Bichromate of, F. C. Glaser, 476
Potash and Soda, A. M. Clark, 399
Potash and Soda, Caustic, W. L. Wise, 185
Potatoes, Planting, H. Gardner, 245
Pottery, B. J. B. Mills, 112
Pottery, Ornamenting, C. Barlow, 341
Preseiving Food, C. M. Pielsticker, 341
Preserving Food, J. Townsend, 491
Preserving Food, F. Wirth, 491
Preserving Foods, W. H. Thew, 861
Preserving Meat, W, H. Northcott, 167
Preserving Milk, M. and O. Pohl, 899
Preserving Milk, H. von Roden, 112
Preserving Skins, J, C. Mewburn, 55
Preserving Wood, F. C. Glaser, 130
Presses, Liihograplnc, 11. B. Hayward, 399
Pressing Horns and Hoofs, D. Stewart, 491
Printing, S. Cropper, 311
Printing, J. E Dawson, 303
Printing, J. Gibson, 35
Printing, W. Haigh, 167
Printing, J. F. Haskins, 323
Printing, W. S. Hope, 185
Printing, W. C. Kritcb, 75
Printing, E. de Pass, 55
Printing, S. Pitt, 379
Printing, W. W. Taylor, 399
Printing Colour, J. Bromley, 15
Printing Colour, Davies, Middleton, and White, 55
Printing, Combined, G. K. Cooke, 439
Printing Indexes, W. R. Fordham, 130
Printing, Rotary, J. Dobson, 303
Printing, <fcc., Stamp, G. K. Cooke, 419
Printing Surfaces, Brown, Barnes, and
Bell, 341
Printing, Webb, Fowler and Pattison, 399
Products, Obtaining, Alexander and
McKosh, 94
Projectiles, A. J. Boult, 205
Projectiles, A. Noble, 303
Projectiles, H. Simon, 476
Projectiles, T. Spence, 205
Projectiles, Throwing, W. A. Barlow, 94
Propellers, R. Bell, 15
Propellers, E. Brewer, 75
Propellers, G. C. Parini, 112
Propellers, R. Smith, 283
Propellers, W. G. Wrench, 112
Propellers, Screw, J. Carr, 15
Propellers, Screw, A. M. Clark, 439
Propellers, Screw, F. J. Croft, 225
Propellers, Screw, R. Duncan, 75
Propellers, Screw, H. Hardy, 112
Propellers, Screw. W. Taite, 361
Propellers, Ships’, R. Gibbs. 265
Propelling Boats, J. Y. Johnson, 361
Propelling Boats, W. Sage, 419
Propelling Ships, A. Rickarby, 35
Propelling and Steering, H. J. Haddan, 476
Propelling Tramcars, Mobbs and Moore, 147
Propelling Vehicles, E. Edwards, 419
Pulley Blocks, C. J. Gullyes, 323
Pulleys, T. Sharp, 265
Pulleys, H. A. Williams, 55
Pulleys, Driving, G. E. Sherwin, 303
Pulleys, Rack, C. Priestland, 35
Pulverising Sand, J. Nicholas, 399
Pumping, B. W. Davis, 303
Pumps, E. T. Hughes, 147
Pumps, W. R. Lake, 94
Pumps, Sawrey, Attwood, and Woodburne, 245
Pumps, J. F. Spencer, 185
Pumps, T. F. Stenson, 458
Pumps, W. B. Tibbits, 147
Pumps, T. Willoughby, 225
Pumps, Air, J. C. Baker, 476
Pumps, Air, Bishop and Girling, 35
Pumps, Air Compressing, J. Davis, 233
Pumps, Compression, C. D. Abel, 225
Pumps, Engine, A. W. Robertson, 323
Pumps, Rotary, M. Benson, 265
Pumps, Steam, W. W. Beaumont, 112
Pumps, Vacuum, J. Jameson, 185
Pumps, Vacuum, J. H. Johnson, 265
Punches, Metal, A. J. Boult, 265
Punching and Rivetting, J. D. Morrison, 379
Punching Slates, S. Cornforth, 147
Purifying Feed-water, A. M. Clark, 476
Purifying Middlings, A. Clark, 55
Purses, G. Macaulay Cruikshank, 75, 419
Putty, G. A. Biddis, 399
Quarrying Slate, G. Hunter, 15
Rags, Treating, P. P. Hepworth, 323
Raising Liquids, F. A. Bonne fin, 361
Raising and Steering, H. Meineeke, 55
Raising Sunken Ships, A. M. Clark,^379
Raising Sunken Ships, Hunter and
Thomas, 147
Range-finders, F. H. Poore, 303
Range Finding, G. McGuire Bate, 303
Ranges, Cooking, H. McRuer, 323
Ranges, Kitchen, R. W. Crabtree, 147
Ratchet Braces, H. J. Haddan, 205
Receptacles, W. Barlow, 75
Recording Apparatus, O. Ber, 75
References, Facilitating, A. Gerken, 94
Reflectors, A. M. Clark, 303
Refrigerating, J. Y. Johnson, 861
Refrigerating, J. H. Kilbourn, 341
Refrigerating, W. R. Lake, 439
Refrigerating, C. Pieper, 283
Refrigerating, M. J. Power, 303
Refrigerating, S. P. Wilding, 419
Refrigerating, Wood and Richmond, 458
Refrigerators, P. Jensen, 283
Registering, W. H. Beck, 323
Registering, J. M. Hart. 323
Registering Fares, J. Dinsmore, 439
Registering Receipts, H. T. Davis, 439
Registering Votes, J. Lazenby, 185
Regulating, H. Davey, 130
Regulating, H. Wilde, 130
Regulating Currents, L. Campbell, 94
Regulating Currents, W. S. Smith, 130
Regulating Speed, A. Boult, 55
Relievos, Producing, L. H. Philippi, 245
Retorts, J. Lyle, 491
Rings, R. J. La Grange, 112
Rinsing, G. W. von Nawrocki, 94
Rivers, Preventing Deposit in, W. R.
Lake, 225
Rivetting, Tweddell and Fielding, 265
Roads, W. Thompson, 147
Roller Mills, T A. Adamson, 167
Rollers, E. Hancock, 15
Rollers for Grinding Cards, J Sykes, 205
Rolling Cylinders, B. Walker, 341
Rolling Mills, Asthower and Bicheroux, 399
Rolling Stock, Bennett and Rosher, 167
Rolling Stock, G. Taylor, 439
Rolling Stock, W. P. Thompson, 75
Rolling Stock, J. Wallis, 167
Rolling Stock. W. L. Wise, 185
I Rolling Wire Rods, W. Morris, 205
Roofing Dies, C. Major, 491
Rope Attachments, C. Kortiim, 439
Ropes, <fcc., H. H. Lake, 55
Ropes, J. H. Nute, 341
Roundabouts, Waddington and Row-botham, 94
Rulers, C. R. Baillie-Hamilton, 323
Rulers, Parallel, C. R. Baillie-Hamilton, 265
Rules, J. F. Stephens, 379
Ruling, Paper, E. Barnett, 35
Saddle Bars, M. Macleod, 75
Saddle Bars, J. Pearse, 491
Saddles, J. P. Rees, 205
Saddles, Side, G. T. Jenkins, 15
Safes, W. Corliss, 94
Safes, H. Harris, 283
Safety Apparatus, A. M. Clark, 55
Safety Apparatus, T. Netiray, 147
Safety Apparatus, 8. Williams, 112
Saggers, J. Johnson, 890
Salt, J. Maynes, 399
Salt) Drying, S. Pitt, 491
Salts, A. J. Boult, 323
Salts, Alkaline, C. A. Faure, 491
Salts, Ammoniacal, J. Forbes, 205
Salts, Magnesia, F. Wirth, 458
Salts, Spirit, Rowden and Doughty, 205
Sashes, Window, A. J. Boult, 303
Sathes, Window, C. Hurdle, 28 i
Sashes, Window, W. H. Lindsay, 311
Saving Life, A. I. Rath, 75
Saving Life at Sea, F. W. Brewster, 94
Saving Life at Sea, F. Wolff, 399
Saw Machines, R. D. Sanders, 419
Sawing, W. R. Lake, 476
Sawing Metals, J. H. Johnson, 55
Sawing Wood, W. Palmer, 341
Saws, Circular, J. H. Johnson, 458
Saws, Sharpening, W. R. Lake, 419
Saws, Sharpening, C. P. Martin, 15
Scrapers, Lowcock and Taylor, 55
Screening Grain, Coleman, Morton, and Stidolph, 439
Screening Seeds, Boby and Stevens, 439
Screw Nuts, A. S. Paterson, 476
Sea-sickness, Preventing, G. Tagore, 283
Seat Shifter, W. II. Roberts, 35
Seats, Bicycle, W. R, Lake, 283
Seats, Folding, W. H. Avis, 112
Seats, Folding, J. C. Mewburn, 265
Seats, Shooting, B. F. Beaumont, 35
Sediments, Extracting, G. Bacher, 303
Separating, Centrifugal, F. H. 1*’. Engel, 361
Separating Grain, P. V. Geld er, 75
Separating Liquids, Botten and Wylde, 379
Sewage, T. H. Cobley, 75
Sewage, Purifying, P. Jensen, 419
Sewage, Purifying, F. Petri. 361
Sewage, Treating, R. Nicholls, 476
Sewage, Treating, J. Young, 94, 265
Sewing Machines, W. H. Beck, 419
Sewing Machines, W. and J. H. Beecroft, 225
Sewing Machines, G. Browning, 361
Sewing Machines, Chadwick and Sugden, 476
Sewing Maehines, A. M. Clark, 458
Sewing Machines, H. Clarke, 303
Sewing Machines, S. Dixon. 491
Sewing Machines, J. T Donne, 458
Sewing Machines, C. P. Evans, 265
Sewing Machines, J. Forbes, 55
Sewing Machines, M. Gandy, 439
Sewing Machines, H. Gardner, 130
Sewing Machines, A. Gass, 35
Sewing Machines, Guillaume and Lambert, 491
Sewing Machines, H. J. Haddan, 167
Sewing Machines, B. Hague, 245
Sewing Machines, J. Hain, 245
Sewing Machines, J. Imray, 130
Sewing Machines, J. H. Johnson, 185
Sewing Machines, W R. Lake, 399
Sewing Machines, B. J. B. Mills, 491
Sewing Machines, S. Pitt, 341
Sewing Machines, L. Silverman, 225
Sewing Machines, F. Simmons, 361
Sewing Machines, Templeton and Hilson, 323
Sewing Machines, W. P. Thompson, 323
Sewing Machines, J. E. Walsh, 13<»
Sewing Machines, J. Warwick, 185
Sewing Machines, F. Wirth, 35
Sewing Machines, Attachments for, I.
NFacjoh 94 5
Sewing Silk, W. Trafford, 419
Shackles, R. Ruck, 15
Shale, Utilising, Paterson and Scott, 303
Shampooing, A. G. Klugb, 419
Shaping, Graham and Frost, 147
Shaping, J. Wetter, 379
Shearing Metal, B. Walker, 323
Shearing and Punching, A. J. Lehmann, 379
Sheare, H. II. Laks, 419
Shears, Hand, E. Nunan, 491
Shields, W. E. Lake, 130
Shields, Bullet-proof, J. B. Parkin, 283
Ships, C. D. Abel, 185
Ships, T. Hyatt, 225
Ships, J. H. Johnson, 476
Ships, J. Scott, 245
Ships’ Berths, W. R. Lake, 283
Ships’ Berths, Lawson and E. de Russett, 94
Ships’ Boats, Lowering, R. Duncan, 361
Ships’ Boats, Raising, Harland, Wolff, Wilson, and Pirrie, 439
Ships’ Bottoms, Coating, A. B. Rodyk, 245
Ships’ Bottom, Preserving, J. Hannay, 458
Ships’ Bottoms’, Preserving, J. and T. Kirkaldy, 399
Ships’ Funnels, Protecting, P. Jensen, 439
Ships’ Hatches, R. T. Pawley, 399
Ships’ Holds, R. C. Scott, 476
Ships’ Lights, R. C. Thompson, 265
Ships, Preventing Shocks to, B. C. Le Moussa, 245
Ships, Propelling, F. H. F. Engel, 491
Ships, Propelling, G. F. Harrington, 185
Ships, Protecting, Beverley and Mac-Lanerty, 419
Ships’ Rudders, M. Horsley, 245
Ships, Scrubbing, R. C. A. Allen, 35 ships at Sea, Preserving, R. Rose, 341 Ships, Steering, W. M. Walters, 341 Ships of War, J. D. Barker, 439
Shoe-horns and Button-hooks, S. Pulzer, 341
Shuttles, I). Anderson, 205
Shuttles, Brooks and Tweedale, 491
Shuttles, Extracting, W. H. Beck, 55
Shuttles, Loom, Riley and Orrell, 205
Shuttles, Sewing Machine, F. O. Schmidt 379
Sieves, G. W. von Nawrocki, 439
Sifting Flour, H. E. L. Bauermeister, 491
Signalling, J. Batt ye,-341
Signalling, B. H. Chameroy, 147
Signalling, Clerk and Dowling, 323
Signalling, A. C. Emery, 94
Signalling, H. J. Haddan, 75
Signalling, P. Lofthouse, 205
Signalling, H. E. Newton, 75
Signalling, G. Porter, 130
Signalling, J. Sansom, 458
Signalling, Alarm, Diggins and Gluck, 167
Signalling, Audible, Steven and Burt, 476
Signalling, Electric, H. J. Haddan, 491
Signalling, Electric, W. R. Lake, 112, 361
Signalling, Fog, Coleman and Henson, 491
Signalling, Fog, T. Guttridge, 361
Signalling, Railway, Boustead, Neville, and Holt, 341
Signalling, Railway, R. Clay, 379
Signalling, Railway, Evans and Bennett 185
Signalling, Railway, F. Hoe, 94
Signalling, Railway, H Johnson, 476
Signalling, Railway, J. H. Johnson, 130
Signalling, Railway, D. Knight, 35
Signalling, Railway, W, R. Lake, 476
Signalling, Railway, H. J. Marshall, 458
Signalling, Railway, W. Stroudley, 15
Signalling, Railway, Swift and Reade, 419
Signalling in Trains, W. Sharpe, 439
Signalling on Trains, R. W. Vining 458
Signals, Reversible, J. H. Sullivan,*55
Silicate of Zinc, C. F. Claus, lb5
Sizes, J, W. Harland, 458
Sizing, W. Whalley, 245
Sirang Roots, 3. Copeland, 15
Skates, C. G. Beddoe, 167
Slates, School, J. and W. Williams, 323
Sledges, F. A Binney, 458
Slicing Bread, J. Erskine, 55
Slicing into Strips. J. Whytehead, 15
Slides, Spring, Millington and Burton, 94
Small-arms, Bentley and Baker. 283
Small-arms, Breech-loading, A. Henry, 361
Small arms, Breech-loading, E. James, 185
Small-arms, Breech-loading, Webley and
Brain, 15
Smelting, R. Parry, 35
Smoke-consuming, J. Butler, 20 o
Smoke-consuming, H. C. Paterson, 4o8
Smoke Flues, H. J. Haddan, 55
Soap, Armstrong and Bostock, 361
Soap, J. Glover, 245
Soap, A. Head ley, 147
Soap, W. P. Thompson, 399
Soap Lyes, Lawson and Sulman, 265
Soaps, W. Green, 205
Soda, J. Mactear, 419
Soda, Bichromate of, C. D. Abel, 476
Soda, Bicarbonate of, A. W. L. Reddie, 283
Soda, Bisulphide of, Carey and Hurter, 379
Soda, Carbonate of, C. Wigg, 15
Soda, Caustic, A. Boult, 94
Soda, Caustic, G. Johnson, 147
Soda, Hyposulphite of, G. W. von Naw
rocki, 15
Soldering. A. J. Boult, 341
Solid Matters, Treating, G. F. Redfern, 112
Sounding, W. J. Mackenzie, 399
Sounding, F. Sutcliffe, 419
Spanners, J. Brown, 147
Spindle Mountings, B. N. Cottrill, 399
Spinning, C. Bai low, 15
Spinning, H. B. Barrow, 361
Spinning, Bracewell and Pilkington, 283
Spinning, I. Briggs, jun., 283
Spinning, A. M. Clark, 35
Spinning, Coey and McArthur, 185
Spinning, T. Coulthard, 283
Spinning, Craven and Allan, 283
Spinning, S. J. V. Day, 185
Spinning, Dewhirst and Corn th waite, 399
Spinning, Dransfield and Isset, 225
Spinning, J. E. Eppenstall, 112
Spinning, Fox and Coulthard, 75
Spinning, Hairis and Cooper, 75
Spinning, J E. Heppenstull, 399
Spinning, J. Holmes, 94
Spinning, H. Illingworth, 167
Spinning, T. Knowles, «5S
Spinning, H. H. Lake, 94
Spinning, B. J. B. Mills, 147, 265
Spinning, Myers and Berry, 35
Spinning, F. R’pley, 476
Spinning, E. Rushworth, 361
Spinning, D. Skeoch, 419
Spinning, E. 'J weedale, 476
Spinning, W. Turner, 361
Spinning and Doubling, Lancaster and
Slater, 205
Spinning and Doubling, Young and Fnr-niss, 458
Spinning, Ring, E. Clarke, 205
Spinning, Ring, J. McGregor, 147
Splints, H. Hides, 94
Splitting Willow, J. Y. Johnson, 361
Spray, Producing, J. Mayer, 185
Spring Motors, W. P. Thompson, 283
Stable Fittings, Hanna and Shillington,
Stable Fittings, D. McGill, 15
Staircases, Metallic, R. Hudson, 265
Stair-rods, 1. C. Morris, 35
Stamping Letters, E. Brydges, 112
Stamps, Postal, S. Pitt, 225
Stands, J. F. Pl ticker, 35
Stands, Bottle, J. Hall, 341
Stands, Bottle, Pern brook and Dingley, 419
Stands, Bottle, H. Wigfull, 205
Stands, Bicycle, &c., Vaughan and Walton,
Starch, R. Edwards, 147
Starch, II. H. Lake, 185
Starch, W. R. Lake, 167, 205
Starchy Compounds, W. Lawrence, 205
Stays, Young and Neilson, 283
Steam Jet, E. Pass, 75
Steel, E. Deeley, 112
Steel, J. A. Jones, 458
Steel, W. Prosser, 458
Steel Castings, C. M. Pielsticker, 303
Steel for Corsets, J. 8. W. Whitehead, 167
Steel Ingots, H. J. Kennard, 303
Steel and Iron Ingots. P. M. Justice, 245
Steel Rolling, W. T. Beesley, 94
Steel Strips, Baker and Badcock, 225
Steel Wire, Gibson, Baptie, and Squire, 167
Steering, J. Granroth, 185
Steering, Harland, Wolff, Wilson, and
Pirrie, 265
Steering, J. Hastie, 15
Steering, J. Imray, 491
Steering, W. Pepper, 205, 399
Steering, J. 11. Smiles, 130
Steering, E. Wimshurst, 476
Steering Gear, Stout and Hillcost, 476
Steering, Steam, J. Duncan, 379
Steps, H. Doulton, 439
Steps, C. A. Jones, 147
Stocks and Dies, C. Neil, 225
Stokers, Mechanical, J. Proctor, 167
Stone, Artificial, H. J. Allison, 439
Stone, Artificial, G. Hodson, 15
Stone, Artificial, J. H. Johnson, 147
Stone, Artificial, E. L. Ransome, 75
Stone, Artificial, R. Searle, 15
Stone, Artificial, Treating, J. W. Butler,
Stones for Lithography, P. Stuart, 399
Stoppering Bottles, J. Airey, 3hl
Stoppering Bottles, T. and J. Brooke, 112
Stoppering Bottles, H. Shaw, 112
Stop Motion, H. J. Had-tan, 91
Stoppers, A. T. King, 35
Stoppers, Bottle, P. P. Deslandes, 458
Stoppers. Bottle, E. Edwards, 476
Stoppers, Bottle, W. Froggatt, 15
Stoppers, Bottle, H. J. Haddan, 167
Stoppers, Bottle, 1. Lippmann, 167
Stoppers, Bottle, A. E. Nicholl, 225
Stoppers, Bottle, J J. Rowley, 225
Stoppers, Bottle, N. Thompson, 185, 265
Stoppers, Hottie, H. Vollmer, 491
Stoppers, Bottle, A. J. T. Wild, 225
Stopping Bottles, C. E H. Cheswright, 75
Stopping Bottles, A. M. Davies, 361
Stopping Bottles, C. A. Stahlin, 36L
Stopping Bottles, J. J. Varley. 37$)
Stopping Cars, F. J. Prince, 15
Stopping Machinery, W. R. Lake, 361
Stoves, J. Bateman, 283
Stoves, AV. H. Beek, 458
Stoves, Ford and Moncur, 147
Stoves, F. Greatrex, 419
Stoves, H. J. Haddan, 130
Stoves, A. Henderson, 94
Stoves, C. J. Henderson, 379
Stoves, E. R. Hollands, 491
Stoves, S. Slater, 399
Stoves, W. Y. Stevens, 245
Stoves, S. Sturm, 283
Stoves, Gas, J. Bartlett, 379
Stoves, G*s, A. J. Boult, 167
Stoves, Gas, A. M. Clark, 341
Stoves, Gas, Norman and Wortley, 147
Stoves, Gas, J. 8. Willway, 245
Stoves, Gas, J. F. and G.’E. Wright, 167
| Stove Grates, H. Hoyles, 470
I ^j°aiOS’ and C. E. Cowper,
Stoves, Oil, J. F. Farwig, 489
Stoves, Oil, J. H. Stiles, 225
Strainers, W. Muirhead, 341
Strainers, G. Tidcombe, 205
Straining Pulp. R. Brodie, 439
Stylographs, Glass, H. L. Callendar, 265
Submerged Bodies, Treating, F. H. F.
Engel, 458
Sugar, Ekman, Espeut, and Fry, 491
Sugar, H. II. Grierson, 185
Sugar, E. T. Hughes, 35
Sugar, W. R. Lake, 245, 341
Sugar, II. H. Lake, 419
Sugar, I). MacEachran, 15
Sugar-cane, J. II. Johnson, 439
Sugar-cane, Cutting, C. D. Abel, 419
Suipho-acids, F. Wirth, 112
Sulphur, Sidersky and Probst, 94
Sulphur, W. Weldon, 35, 265
Sulphuric Acid, A. J. Boult, 283
Sulphurites, J. Imray, 130
Supports for Conductors, G. S. Page, 35
Supports, A. Zwierzchowski, 419
Surfacing, C. Pieper, 476
Surgical Appliances, H. Parson, 323
Surgical Trusses, E. Edwards, 419
Surveying, A. J. Boult, 75, 439
Suspending Horizontal Bars, G. Welling, 225
Swimming Appliances, J. Imray, 283
Swivels, W. Skelhorn, 15
Swords, Fixing, P. Jensen, 439
Syphons, F. Sara, 15
Syringes, T. Dolby, 399
Syringing, Drake and Muirhead, 15
Tables, A. Thomson. 476
Tables, Folding, F. F. Atkinson, 361 Tables, Invalid, T. Hansell, 55 Tachigraphical Apparatus, H. II. Lake, 91 Tacks, R. Brandon, 35 Tanning, J. Hutchings, 265 Tanning, P. Jensen, 476 Tanning, W. R. Lake, 283
Tappits, Connecting, By water and Bedford, 147
Taps, Catterall and Birch, 419
Taps, W. Hunt, 94
Taps, W. A. G. Schonheyder, 458
Taps, J. C. Stevenson, 167
Taps, Bottle, P. Yates, 419
Taps and Cocks, T. Collingwood, 458
Taps and Cocks, H. D. English, 2S3
Taps and Cocks, G. W. von Nawrocki, 361 Taps, Steam, T. Allison, 265 Taps .and Valves, A. Wightman, 55 Tar, J. and R.. jun., Dempster, 35 Tar and Ammonia, J. Wetter, 341 Tea, Bulking, &c., B. Tydeman, 399 Telegraph Cables, G. E. Vaughan, 35, 361 Telegraph Poles, Johnson and Martin, 323 Telegraphy, C. Green, 379 Telegraphy, W. Healey, 75
Telegraphy, E. J. Houghton, 205
Telegraphy, W. L. Hunt, 439
Telegraphy, J. Imray, 361
Telegraphy, J. II. Johnson. 94
Telegraphy, R. Tatham, 283
Telegraphy, Telephonic, McEvoy and Mathies-m, 225
Telephone Receivers, W. Spence, 15
Telephones, Barrier and Lavernede, 130 Telephones, S. Bidwell, 94 Telephones, W. R. Lake, 458 Telephones, A. L. Ross, 75 Telephones, R. M. Theiler, 167 Telephones, W. P. Thompson, 245 Telephony, Alabaster and Gatehouse, 341 Telejihony, G. Anders, 323 Telephony, G. L. Anders, 167
Telephony, Anders and Ilenck, jun., 476
Telephony, J. Chaster, 75 Telephony, J. Cowan, 112 Telephony, Ellery and Gent, 341 Telephony, J. W. Fletcher, 112 Telephony, J. Husbands, 185 Telephony, J. Imray, 35 Telephony, J. H. Johnson, 185, 303 Telephony, H. H. Lake, 419 Telephony, W. R. Lake, 476, 491 Telephony, J. G. Lorrain, 341 Telephony, Munro and Warwick, 94 Telephony, Spence and Chaster, 419 Telephony, H. B. T. Strangways, 283 Telephony, C. A. Teske, 2o5 Telephony, S. P. Thompson, 130 Telephony, Thompson and Husbands, 4o9 Telephony, T. Torrey, 439 Telephony, F. R. Welles, 147 Telephony, S. M. Yeates, 55
Telephony and Telegraphy, Brown and Saunders, 225
Tell-tales, C. R. F. Schloesser, 94
Tell-tales, Schweitzer and Lawrie, 35 Tellurians, A. M. Clark, 379 Tenoning. <J. H. Hirst, 55 Tentering, J. Ashworth, 419 Tents, H. E. Newton, 419 Terra Cotta Plaques, A. Tuck, 379 Thermo-Dynamic Engines, J. Hargreaves, 94
Thermo-Electric Generators, II. Woodward, 399
Thermometers, G. L. Winch, 458
Thrashing, W. R. Lake, 130 Tickets, J. A. Francis 75 Tickets. Railway, A. Elliscn, 361 Tiles, J. Wetter, 399 Tilling, S. Walter, 361 Tin, Recovering, A. T. Becks, 112 Tin, Separating, C. D. Abel, 225 Tin Stuff, Reducing, Toy and Stephens, Ibo Tipping Carts, W. Vincent, 35
Tipping Trucks, P. G. P. Westmacott, 399 Tires, India-rubber, Wyiey and Celling, 15 Tires, Wheel, A. C. Guerrier, 35 'J obacco, J. Howard. 399 Tobacco, D. and J. Macdonald, 147 Tobacco, Moulding, H. Clarke, 167 Tools, W. Edwards, 283
Tools, II. McC. Alexander, 245
Tools and Cutters, Perkin and Scott, 303 Tools, Garden, Goss and Savage, 94 Toy Saving Banks, W. R. Lake, 94 Toys, J. Fleischmann, 147 Toys, H. H Lake, 419
Toys, Musical, F Wirth, 283
Tramcars, Wicks and Beaumont, 4o8 Tramcars, Driving, A. Reckon zaun, 361 Tramcars and Omnibuses, C. P. Evans, 20 5
Tramcars, Starting, L. Walsh, Tramears, Working, C. Hinksmaii, 245 Tramway Cars, Starting, P. G. Hepworth, 379
Tramways, T. P Evans. 341
Tramways, H. Scott, 303
Tramways, H. H. M. o9n
Tramways, Rope, H. Smith, 14 , Transmitting, Greening and Colhns, < o Transporting Goods, F. Jenkin 24o Transporting Loads, A. J, Boult, 130 Traps, Drain, W. A. Barlow 283 Traps, Drain, T. Carder, 419 Traps, Drain, E. Green, 323
Traps, Drain, White and Evans, oo
Traps, Steam, H. Lancaster. 113 9or Trees, &c., Protecting, J. H. Johnson, 20o Trimmers, Wick, A. J. Boult, 3-3 Trunks, D. Vinall, 841 Trusses, H, J. Haddan, 328 Tube-expanding, G. Sonnenthal, 112 Tube Stoppers, D. J. Morgan, 439
Tubes, G. Little, 361
Tubes, Marsh and Smith, 147
Tubes, Collapsible, C. E. H. Cheswright, 476
Tubes of Gold, Cast, T. Morgan, 399
Tubes, Steel, 8. Walker, 419
Tubular Structures, Maynard and Cooke, 476
Tunnels, Clarke and Moore, 476
Tunnels, Ventilating, D. C. Green, 491
Type, J. C. Mewburn, 130
Type, Composing, E. P. Alexander, 323
Type, Composing, E, G. Brewer, 245
Type, Dressing, H. J. Haddan, 458
Type, Founding, A. J. Boult, 283
Type, Setting, E. W. Brackelsberg, 130
Type, Setting, J. C. Mewburn, 205
Type, Setting, Taylor, Allen, Evans, and
Scott, 491
Typography, Boulton and Dickie, 112
Typography, H. J. Haddan, 130
Umbrellas, C. A. Allison, 399
Umbrellas, W. H. Belknap, 361
Umbrellas, J. T. Ford 458
Umbrellas, W. E. Gedge, 361
Umbrellas, S. Scherer, 361
Umbrellas, J. B. Seel, 303
Umbrellas and Parasols, H. J. Haddan, 225
Umbrellas and Parasols, A. C. Henderson, 167
Umbrellas and Parasols, W. E. Knight, 205
Umbrellas and Parasols, W. Pickin, 265
Urns, Tea and Coffee, R. W. Raphael, 185
Utilising Deposits, J. Stanley, 15
Utilising Tidal Power, T. Gaman, 55
Utilising Tidal Waters, I. Timmis, 15
Vaccine, Animal, E. T. Darke, 283
Valves, P. R. Allen, 75
Valves, J. Blake, 75
Valves, R. Blakeborougb,'283
Valves, A. M. Clark, 15
Valves, J. Edge, 130
Valves, Furness and Robertshaw, 331
Valves, F. Gil), 379
Valves, D. Hancock, 130
Valves, W. Lloyd, 225
Valves, Pilkington and Forest, 419
Valves, A. W. Quinian, 399
Valves, J. W. Restler, 55
Valves, .1. Shanks, 75
Valves, Thomas and Ennor, 35
Valves, J. Wetter, 399
Valves, Balance, W. Teague, jun., 3C3
Valves, Ball, H. A. Cutler, 75
Valves, Bath, S. S. Hellyer, 225
Valves, Centre, R. Dempster, jun., 419
Valves and Cocks, Preston, Preatige, Preston, Cornish, and Simmons, 379
Valves, Engine, C. D. Abel, 379
Valves, Engine, L. Gooder, 439
Valves, Engine, Hargreaves and Inglis, 476
Valves, Pressure. H. Berry, 399
Valves, Safety, D. Cockburn, 361
Valves, Safety, C. Collins, 15
Valves, Safety, A. Haigh, 458
Valves, Safety, A. W. L. Reddie, 225
Valves, Safety, J. Williams, 491
Valves, Slide, A. M. Clark, 112
Valves, Slide, J. Dunbar, 323
Valves, Slide, W. R. Lake. 283
Valves, Slide, C. Pieper, 476
Valves, Steam, L. Dove, 130
Valves, Stop, Gibbons and Robinson, 439
Valves, Stop, J. and J. Hopkinson, 15
Valves, Working, W. G. Stuart, 205
Vans, Tip, E. Hora, 419
Vaporisers, P. Cbapelain, 303
Vaporising, E. J. C. Fear, 112
Varnish. Amber, W. Morgan-Brown, 94
Varnishing. W. R. Comings, 55
Vases, F. Barford, 245
Vegetable Matter, Treating, G. and J. E. Tolson, 419
Vehicles, A. Bottger, 419
Vehicles, J. Dakers, 491
Vehicles, J. S. G, F. Horcher, 323
Vehicles, J. Macdonald, 323
Vehicles, H. Mueller, 205
Vehicles, U. Scott, 112
Vehicles, W. P. Thompson, 303
Vehicles, C. Truman, 303
Vehicles—Cabs, J. Abbott, 35
Vehicles—Omnibuses, S. Andrews, 303
Vehicles—Omnibuses, &c., H. W. Hart, 35 Vehicles—Phaeton Gig, H. Lloyd, 167 Vehicles—Raising Carriage Heads, S. C, L.
Fuller, 419
Vehicles—Under-carriages. S. Andrews, 303
Vehicles—Wagons, H. C. Bull, 476
Velocipedes, R. Adams, 303
Velocipedes, F. Beauchamp, 55
Velocipedes, W. Bristall, 283
Velocipedes, E. Brown, 283
Velocipedes, R. W, Brownhill, 476
Velocipedes, E. Brydges, 323
Velocipedes, C. Clarke, 245
Velocipedes, C. Crozat, 130
Velocipedes, J. P. Dalby, 303
Velocipedes, R. C. Fletcher, 341, 491
Velocipedes, E. H. Hodgkinson, 303
Velocipedes, Horsey and Bell, 112
Velocipedes, G. H. C. Hughes, 341
Velocipedes, W. Jeans, 303
Velocipedes, 8. Miller, 265
Velocipedes, G. Moss, 15
Velocipedes, G. W. von Nawrocki, 303
Velocipedes, Noad, Blackwell, and Bunkell, 379
Velocipedes, J. 8. Orton, 94
Velocipedes, R. E. Phillips, 379
Velocipedes, D. Pidgeon, 245
Velocipedes, G. Quatremaine, 283
Velocipedes, J. Rettie, 303
Velocipedes, Rucker and Jackson, 439
Velocipedes, E. Resettle, 341
Velocipedes, Singer and Davies, 361
Velocipedes, Smallwpod and Cooper, 55
Velocipedes, J. Stassen, jun., 147
Velocipedes, H. Sutcliffe, 283
Velocipedes, A. Tomkins, 476
Velocipedes, I. T. Townshend, 112
Velocipedes, J. R. Trigwell, 458
Velocipedes, J. Walker, 35
Velocipedes, H. S. Watkin, 379
Velocipedes, F. Weldon, 379
Velocipedes—Bicycle Saddles, J. Brooks, 341
Velocipedes—Bicycles, J. Beale, 130
Velocipedes—Bicycles, J. Buckland, 225
Velocipedes—Bicycles, J. Hix. 419
Velocipedes—Bicycles, F. G. Kinnairn. 265
Velocipedes—Bicycles, T. Warwick, 265
Velocipedes, Gearing for, W. Biitain, 283
Velocipedes, Propelling, J. T. B. Bennett, 303
Velocipedes—Tricycles, A. H. Alldridge, 323
Velocipedes—Tricycles, H. C. Bull, 283
Velocipedes—Tricycles, J. F. Dalby, 94
Velocipedes—Tricycles, W. J. George, 399
Velocipedes—Tricycles, A. Gibbs, 265
Velocipedes—Tricycles, F. C. Glaser, 491
Velocipedes—Tricycles, H. J. Hissett, 419
Velocipedes—Tricycles, Lee and iStodart, 491
Velocipedes—Tricycles, W. J. Lloyd, 15,185
Velocipedes—Tricycles, E. Marshall, 225, 491
I Velocipedes—Tricycles, E. de Pass, 458
Velocipedes—Tricycles, O. Pihlfeldt, 476
Velocipedes—Tricycles, Shaw and Sydenham, 35
Velocipedes—Tricycles, Thacker and Green, 476
Vent-pegs, W. Rose, 323
Ventilating, H. Blair, 265
Ventilating, R. EL Brandon, 35
Ventilating, A. R. and J. W. Harding, 112
Ventilating, J. Leather, 75
Ventilating, W. W. Nightingale, 265
Ventilating, W. Teague, 303
Ventilating, T. H. Thompson, 458
Ventilating, J. G. Tongue, 35
Ventilating, Railway Carriages, R. II.
Brandon, 185
Ventilating, Railway Carriages, G. W.
Nawrocki, 245
Ventilating and Fire-extinguishing, Brothers, 476
Ventilating Furnaces, Landreth
Renis, 341
Ventilating Sewers, Wilson and Johnson, 130
Ventilating Shafts, F. A. Binney, 458
Ventilating Ships, J. and J. K. Leather; 245
Ventilating Stacks, F. Bust, 147
Ventilating Tunnels, J. N. Moerath, 341
Ventilating Vehicles, J. Leather, 205
Ventilators, A. Gandebein, 283
Ventilators, H. Morris, 94
Ventilators, J. L. Thomasson, 94
Vessels, Domestic, T. A. Brown, 283
Vessels, Hermetically Sealed, W. A. Bar-low, 245
Vices, Parallel, W. M. MacBrair, 130
Vices, Parallel, H. F. Read, 341
Wagon Hutches, W. Cook, 265
Wagons, E. Hollingworth, 112
Wagons, W. P. Wilson, 439
Wagons, Metal, A. H. Wallis, 185
Wagons, Metallic, R. Hudson, 361
Walls, T. N. Sully, 35
Washing, C. C. Greenway, 130
Washing, W. B. Nation, 205
Washing Balls, A. 8. Openshaw, 185
Washing Fabrics, Davies and Eckersley, 94
Washing Sheep, W. G. Little, 323
Washing Sheep, B. Nickels, 323
Washing, &c., Wearing Apparel, 8. Hulme, 399
Washing Wool, Greenwood and Hoyle, 303
Washing Wool, J. and F. Petrie, 15
Washing and Wringing, J. P. Rothwell, 379
Washstands, A. J. Boult, 112
Washstands and Urinals, A. Albutt, 419
Waste Fibres, Treating, E. Davies, 341
W atch Chains, A. M. Clark, 147
Watches, W. Clark, 341
Watches, A. B. Cole, 476
Watches, J. A. Knott, 283
Watches, T. Waller, 265
Watches, F. Wirth, 379
Watches and Clocks, C. D. Abel, 341
Watches and Clocks, J. Pallweber, 458
Watches, Guarding, M. Stuart, 323
Watches, Stop, H. J. Haddan, 245
Watchman’s Watches, J. Wetter, 341
Water, L. A. Groth, 112
Water-closets, J. Imray, 225
Water-closets, W. R. Lake, 491
Water-closets, R. H. Leask, 491
Water-closets, I. Rider, 491
Water-closets, Flushing, W. R. Lake, 361
Water Level Indicator, G. R. Hugon, 55
Waterproofing Paintings, A. Keim, 147
Water Supply, G. Biddis, 323
Water Supply, H. Conolly, 15
Water Supply, Conolly and Hubert, 15
Water Supply, J. P. Halket, 55
Water Supply, P. M. Justice, 323
Water Supply, Scott, Moncrieff, and Dodds, 361
Water Supply, J. J. Tylor, 379
Water Supply, G. Wightmann, 283
Water Waste, Preventing, Henderson and McNeil, 147
Wax, Preparing, F. E. Tucker, 265
Wearing Apparel, W. R Lake, 439
Wearing Apparel-Artificial Hips, A, and
G. Child, 35
Wearing Apparel—Bodice Forms, 8. Stott, 399
Wearing Apparel—Garters, J. Parry, 35
Wearing Apparel—Hosiery, W. Harrison, 147
Wearing Apparel—Neckties, Keymer and Theak, 139 I
Weaiing Apparel—Neckties, I. Moar, 35
Wearing Apparel—Shirt Fronts, G. W. von Nawrocki, 75
Wearing Apparel—Shirts, J. W. Frost, 361
Wearing Apparel—Shirts, G. W. von Nawrocki, 225
Wearing Apparel—Shirts, J. Wetter, 361
Wearing Apparel-Stays, J. R. Ajax, 458
Wearing Apparel—Stays, E. W. Almond, 361
Wearing Apparel—Stays, R. Hunting, 75
Wearing Apparel—Stays, J. Ingleby, 130
Wearing Appar<l—Shirts, G. W. von Nawrocki 112
Wearing Apparel—Stays, W, G. W. Reynolds, 323
Wearing Apparel—Stays, W. Rosenthal, 419
Wearing Apparel—Stays, M. G. Totterdell, 379
Wearing Apparel—Suspenders, E. M. De-sprez, 75
Wearing Apparel—Trouser Supports, 147
Wearing Apparel—Trousers, R. Redman, 112
Wearing Apparel—Waterproof, I. Franken-burg, 303
Wearing Apparel—Waterproof, A. Sachs, 35
Wearing Apparel—Waterproof, J. Tra-powski, 303
Wedges, G. Guthrie, 476
Weighing, H. J. Haddan, 147
Weighing, W. T. Whiteman, 361
Weighing, T. Williams, jun., 399
Weighing Letters, W. Hiscock, 439
Weirs, Wiswall and Collier, 35
Wheels, S. Andrews, 419
Wheels, H. J. Barrett, 130
Wheels, A. M. Clark, 419, 458
Wheels, Fisher and Spencer, 167
Wheels, W. Fraser, 399
Wheels, J. Fry, 167
Wheels, ”
Wheels, .. 1-ja.n.Czj tUO
Wheels, McLaren and Morris, 323
Wheels. T. E. Rigby, 491
Wheels, Simpson and Fawcett, 439
Wheels, E. A. Tice, 458
Wheels and Axles, W. R. Lake, 225
Wheels and Axles, W. Morgan-Brown, 245
Wheels and Bearings, H. J. Allison, 265
Wheels, Car, W. Morgan-Brown, 147
Wheels, Clips fer, F. R. Baker, 265
Wheels, Paddle, P. M. Crause, 185
Whee's, Railway, G. W. von Nawrocki, 245
Wheels, Water, J. Knight, 361
White Lead, a. J. Smith, 225
White Lead, W. V. Wilson, 205
Wicks, J. Telfer, 476
Winches, W. Pitt, 476
Wind Motors, A, M. Clark, 439
Winding, J. Clayton, 361
Winding, J. Farrar, 419
Winding, Hand and Wibberley, 476
W._Fraser, 399
E. Hora, 323
W. R, Lake, 419, 458
Winding, L. Heppenstall, jun., 419
Winding, E. Hunt, 130
Winding, B. M. Knox, 439
Winding, Liddell, Brierley, Hirst, and
Hamer, 341
Winding, J. Place, 379
Winding, Shepherd, Ayrton, and Hallam, 225
Winding, E. Tweedale, 361
Winding Linen, J. H. Pickles, 341
Winding Paper, Osborn and Yates, 379
Winding, Tension, &c., Y. Duxbury, jun., 112
Window Curtains, II. M. Tarratt, 341
Window Frames, E. Edwards, 245 Windows, Carriage, E. Clennett, 439 Windows, Fastening, W. McNicol, 245 Windows, Ornamenting, A. L. Liberty, 94 Wire, H. H. Lake, 379 Wire, T. Morgan, 55
Wire, &c., O. Schblzig, 476
Wire, Barbed, F. C. Glaser, 35
Wire, Barbed, 0. W. Malet, 399
Wire, Coating, W. Lake, 55
Wire, Drawing, &c., II. Roberts, 439
Wire Netting, M. A. F. Mennons, 245
Wire Netting, D. Peres, 55
Wire Ropes, Holders for, T. Archer, jun., 205
Wire Ropes, Sheathing, E. A. Brydges, 476
Wire, Steel, S. M. and A. Wood, 130
Wire, Zinc Coated, H. Roberts, 439
Wires, P. R. de F. d’Humy, 112
Wires, Coating, Allport and Punshon, 147
Wires, Covering, J. J. C. Smith, 283
Wires, Suspending, H. C. Jobson, 130 Wood, Impregnating, W. P. Thompson, 94 Wood, Mortising, J H. Johnson, 1(57 Wood, Ornamenting, W. A. Hunter, 205 Wood, Preserving, W. R. Lake, 225 Wood, Treating, J. H. Johnson, 323 Wool, H. J. Haddan, 112
Wool, Clearing, A. J. Boult, 379
Wool, Feeding, R. Tatham, 265
Wool, Stowing, H. M. Whitehead, 265 Wool, Washing, &c., H. J. Haddan, 476 Wrappers, Postal, A. Savage, 323 Wrenches, Ratchet, L. Bagger, 341 Writing, J. Wetter, 361
Yarns, Preserving Rope, Evens and Lowenfeld 303
Yarns, Silk, A. M. Clark, 303
Yarns, Wool, Placing, W. Greenwood, 35
Yeast, A. M. Clark, 303
Zinc Plates, J. IL Johnson, 283
abstracts of Sprufications. Issued during the six months ending 31si December t 1882.
Abbott, J., Cabs, 148
Abbott, J., Omnibuses, 247
Abbott, W., Insulating Compounds, 56
Abbott and Moore, Excavating, 363
Abel, C. D., Braces, 401
Abel, C. D., Calendering, 421
Abel, C. D., Cash Counters, 305
Abel, C. D., Cattle Food, 169
Abe), C. D., Centrifugal Apparatus for
Starch Blocks, 248
Abel, C. D., Chimney Tops, 207
Abel, C. D., Chromate of Soda, 17
Abel, C. D., Cleaning Woollen Fabrics, 267
Abel, C. D., Colouring Matters, 228, 285
Abel, C. D., Combing, 188
Abel, C. D., Fire-proof Plates, 344
Abel, C D , Fluid Meters, 208
Abel. C. D., Folding Chairs, 285
Abel, C. D., Galvanic Chains, 285
Abel, C. D., Ice, 267
Abel, C. D., Ovens, 227
Abel, C. D., Pens, 422
Abel, C. D., I ’iano-Organs, 169
Abel, C. D., Pneumatic Brakes, 148
Abel, C. D., Pumps, 248
Abel, C. D., Purifying Middlings, 78
Abel, C. D., Recovering Tin, 228
Abel, C. D., Rose Cutters, 78
Abel, C. D., Safety Apparatus, 380
Abel, C. D., Ships’ Propellers, 17
Abel, C. D., Sorting Potatoes, 440
Abel, C. D., Swimming, 268
Abel, C. D., Tools for Cutting Pipes, 477
Abel, C. D., Treating Fibres. 401
Abel, C. D., Tunnels, 380
Abel, C. D., Vacuum Pumps, 169
Abel, C. D , Ventilating, 267
Abel, C. D., Welding Metals, 188
Accles, J. G., Ordnance, 57
Adair and Smith, Hoists, 170
Adam and Stewart, Cleaning Fabrics, 246
Adams, S. I. and J , Screws, 493
Addenbrooke, G. L., Photography, 380
Addie, J. and J., Ammonia, 247
Addie, J. and J., Furnace Gases, 247, 325
Ager, M., Railway Signalling. 131
Ainsworth, J., Pianofortes, 268
Airy, W., Gas Meters, 207
Aitken, H., Preserving Timber, 96
Aitken, R., Gases, 363
Akeroyd, A., Indicating Length, 324
Akester and Barnes, Dynamo-Electric
Machines, 304
Alcock and Johnson, Lubricating, 131
Alexander, E. P., Advertising, 460
Allan, J., Dyeing Felt, 131
Alien, H. R., Coflins, 342
Allen, H. R., Reaping, 286
Allen, J. J., Paper Feeding, 37
Allender and Crosby, Creaming Milk, 343
Allen, Wright, and Williams, Starting
Engines. 169, 425
Alley, S., Railway Brakes, 57
Allin. A. S., Railway Signals, 114
Alling, J. M., Chucks, 344
Allison, H., Washing Coal, 284
Allix, G., Tube Expanders, 96
Allport, C. J., Asbestos, 266
Allworth. A., Refrigerating, 477
Anders, G. L., Telephony, 266
Anderson, T., Pile Fabries, 477
Anderson and Crossley, Gas Engines, 381
Anderson and Johnson, Grapnels, 492
Anderson and Smith, Electric Telegraphy, 95
Andr6, G. G., Electric Lamps, 36
Andrew, H. H.. Heating Metal, 440
Andrew, J. D. F., Electric Lamps, 326
Andrew, R., Drawing or Preparing Frames, 36
Andrews, E., Peramubulators, 187
Andrews, IL, Button Fasteners, 305
Andrews, J. D. F., Dynamo-electric Machines, 266
Andrews and Parker, Purifying Sewage, 343
Angell, A, T., Syphon Traps, 131
Annandale, J. H., Paper, 304
Antill, B., Dynamo-electric Machines, 420
Anyon and Lund, Pumping, 402
Appleton and Ogden, Umbrella Racks, 410
Appleyard, J., Driving Belts, 326
Archer, A., Carriage Brakes, 459
Archer, J and T. L., Lamp Globes, 477
Archer^ jun., T., Steering Gear, 1S7
Archibald, J., Nose-bags, 247
Aria and Davies, Lamps, 459
Armour, L. IL, Producing Spray, 422
Armstrong, J., Measuring Speed, 343
Armstrong, J. A., Machine Tools, 56
Armstrong, J. T., Treating Rice, 440
Arnold, G., Wire Fabrics, 460
Arnold, M., Incubators, 325
Arnold, S., Labels, 305
Arnold, W., Boilers, 226
- Aronson, J. N., Electric Brushes and
I Combs, 95
Aronson, J. N., Electric Lamps, 91, 186
Arthur, W., Electric Currents, 459
Ascough, J., Antiseptic Beverages, 16
Ash, G. W., Bicycles, 208
Ashley, H. M., Ranges, 169
Ashton, D., Slide Valves, 226
Ashton and Sperryn, Cocks and Valves, 16
Ashwell, A., Door Fastenings, 228
Ashworth, G. and E., Metallic Brushes, 187
Ashworth, J., Tentering Fabrics, 131
Ashworth, M., Heating Feed-water, 170
2\spinall, J., Looms, 441
Asplen, B., Grinding Mills, 268
Asten, J. C., Electric Light, 440
Asthower and Bicheroux, Motive Power, 362
Atherton G., Hats, 57, 304
Atkins, F. and W., Softening Water, 113
Aubin, W. IL S., Locks, 95
Auchinvole, J., Dyeing Fibres, 95, 149
Austin and Jackson, Rivetting, 305
Bahn, E., Shaping Wood, 170
Baier, J., Measuring, 342
Bailey, C., Baths, 247
Bailey, C., Moulding Boxes. 247
Bailey, C. S., Explosives, 187
Bailey, D., Looms, 304
Bailey, Walker, and Crossley, Woven
Fabrics, 326
Baker, E., Crinolettes, 187
Baker, J. C., Ventilating, 56
Baker, J. M. B., Fire-extinguishing, 362
Baldwin, J., Valves, 440
Ball, C. J., Dredging, 186
Banner, E. G., Sewers, 343
Banzie, E. T. de, Artificial Light, 57
Barf ord, Perkins, and Chambers, Rollers,
Barker, C., Signalling, 187
Barker, G., Refrigerating, 207
Barlow, C., Embroidery, 170
Barker, R., Treating Gold Ores, 494
Barlow, C., Trueing Cylinders, 113
Barlow, W. A., Machinery Embroidery, 37
Barlow, S., Fire-bars, 226
Barlow, W. A., Colouring Leather, 228
Barlow, W. A., Electro-Hydrotherapeutic
Treatment, 169
Barlow, W. A., Inhalation Chambers, 149
Barlow, W. A., Lubricators, 440
Barlow, W. A., Ores, 247
Barlow, W. A., Preserving Beverages, 492
Barlow, W. A., Refining Metals, 401
Barlow, W. A., Sewing Machines, 443
Barlow, W. A., Tin. <fcc., 363
Barlow, W., Type Setting, 326
Barnett, S. H.. Furniture Castors, 58
Barnsdale. O. W. T., Packing Tobacco, 76
Barr, J., Cocks and Valves, 38
Barratt, H., Knitting, 38 »
Barrett, H., Stoppers for Bottles, 343
Barrett, H. J., Vehicles, 380
Barrett, J., Opening Doors, 95
Barrett, T. W. W., Ascending Chimneys, 493
Barrier and Lavernbde, Electric Lamps, 493
Bartholomew, W., Flushing Tanks, 400
Barney, W. C., Telephony, 344
Bash and Damsa, Locks and Latches, 57
Bassnett, T., Sounding Instruments, 186
Batchelor, J. G., Marine Governors, 96
Bateman, W. F., Metallic Brushes, 380
Bates, F., Hydro-extractors, 17
Bauman, F., Paper Pulp, 150
Baxter, S., Anchors, 113
Bayliss, T. R., Metallic Cases, 188
Bayzand and Boyle, Umbrellas, 148
Beal, J., Purifying Middlings, 459
Beamish, G. H. T., Breakwaters, 381
Bean and Thompson, Permanent Way, 131
Beanes, E., Treating Grain, 344
Beatty, J. D. J. and J., Bread, 324
Beauchamp, F., Tricycles, 16
Beazley, W., Burning Fuel, 459
Beck, F. P. Aerated Beverages, 381
Beck, W. H , Cigarettes, 168
Beck, W. IL, Gas Engines, 76
Beck, W. H., Looms, 326
Beck, W H., Lye Compositions, 228
Beck, W. IL, Safety Apparatus for Firearms, 56
Beck, W. H., Treating Magmas from Wash
Liquors, 4ul
Beck, W. IL, Umbrellas, 477
Beech. II., Cleaning Knives, 305
Beechey, C. G., Gas Engines, 326
Beesley, W. and J., Boilers, 441
Beeston, J., Tricycles, 208
Beger, C., Levels, 37
Beger, C., Velocipedes, 18
Begg, W., Smoke Preventing, 440
Behrens, E., Copying Presses, 440
Beissbarth, G., Brushes, 95
Bell, E. W., Refining Oils, 441
Belknap, D. P., Shirts, 306
Belmer, E., Capsules for Bottles, 208
Bell, J., Cleaning Coal, 17
Bell, J., Engines, 17
Bell and Harper, Packing, 421
Bell, jun., and Ramsay, Washing Coal, 381
Bennet, J., Spring Hinges, 268
Bennett, A. R., Voltaic Batteries, 169, 421
Bennett, B., Velocipedes, 459
Bennett, IL M., Fire Isolating, 324
Benson, M., Hooks for Piping, 227
Benvenuti, F., Fountain Pens, 228
Benvenuti, F. F., Fountain Inkstands, 228
Benyon, G. W., Pulleys and Wheels, 343
Berens, R. H., Velocipedes, 56
Beresford, J., Liquor Stands, 248
Berly, J. A., Dynamo-Electric Machines,
Beriesford, J., Urinals, 440
Berthet. A., Decorticating Fibres, 207
Bevan. S. H., Tiles, 169
Bibo, J., Preserving Milk, 227
Bickerton, S. and H. N., Gas Engines, 478
Bickley, T. A., Boilers, 206
Bickley, T. A., Joints, &c., 286
Biggs and Beaumont, Secondary Batteries,
Billing, A. J. Heating Water, 362
Billing, E. I., Packing Cases, 266
Bing, B. J., Dentistry, 246
Binko, H., Electric Bells, 380
Binswanger, C., Lighting Lamps, 493
Birch, W., Washing, 131
Bird, J., Looms, 87
Birkby, W. B., Looms, 421
Bishop, R. H. and A. 8., Furniture, 17
Bishop and Down, Cleaning Knives, 805
Bishop and Down, Pianofortes, 459
Bissett, J., Furnaces, 18
Black, A., Furniture, 477
Black, J. H.. Locks, 343
Blackhurst, T., Looms, 381
Bladon, T. E., Ventilators, 440
Blair, P., Compound Packing, 113
Blake, G. P., Agricultural Implements, 18
Bled and Richoux, Revolving Fire arms, 76
Blomeiley, J., Burglar Alarms, 462
Blundell, W., Candlesticks, 477
Bly th, W., Bricks, 402
Blythe, W., Discharging Grain, 285
Boaler, W. J., Permanent Way, 363
Bodden, G., Lubricating, 131
Boden, E., Dyeing Yarns, &c., 131
Body, T., Washing, 441
Bou’gett, W., Cigarettes, 344
Bolle, C., locking Devices, 268
Boldt and Vogel, Capsuling Bottles, 267
Bolton, T., Range-finding, 95
Bomford, E. J. C., Lids of Cans, 207
Bonnefin. F. A., Filtering, 343
Bonneville, H. A., Alcohol, 325, 494
Bonneville, H. A , Beverages, 325
Bonneville, H. A., Coloured Photographs, 76
Bonneville, H A., Cutting and Boring, 96
Bonneville, II. A., Distributing Manure, 248
Bonneville, H. A., Hubs, 494
Bonneville, H. A., Injecting, 170
Bonneville, H. A., Rotary Cutters, 494
Bonneville, H. A., Washing Gases, 96
Bon wick, W. P., Window Fastenings, 267
Boote, R., Pottery, 286
Bothams, J. C., Draining Implements, 76
Borrodaile and Welch, Water Supply, 459
Boucher, F., Biscuits, 77
Boult, A. J., Aerostat, 401
Boult, A. J , Ball Bearings, 96
Boult, A. J., Boilers, 442
Boult, A. J., Calculating, 459
Boult, A. J., Casks, 422
Boult, A. J., Cooking, 362
Boult, A. J., Electric Printing, 114
Boult, A. J., Furnaces, 363
Boult, A. J., Lighting Fires, 226
Boult, A. J., Milling, 188
Boult, A. J., Oysters, 2)9
Boult, A. J., Pipes for Electric Wires, 364
Boult, A. J.. Saggars, 493
Boult, A., Sizing Warps, 363
Boult, A. J., Springs, 342
Boult, A. J , Steelyards, 363
Boult, A. J., Tapestry, 305
Boult, A. J., Umbrella Fastenings, 37
Boult, A. J , Water Meters, 18
Boult, A. J., Wire, 362
Boulton, M., Engines, 491
Boulton, W.j Earthenware, 169
Boulton 8. B., Preserving Timber, 114
Boutet, T. C., Motive Power, 382
Bowen, W , Tip Wagons, 76
Bowen and Jenkins, Furnaces, 363
Bowen and Jenkins, Tin-plates, 492
Bowen and Miller, Deodoriser, 442
Bower, G., Ornamenting Metals, 227
Bowie, Wrigley, and Dossett, Rotary Engines, 305
Bown, W., Glove Fastenings, 422
Boye, L., Hygrometers, 248
Boys, C. V., Electric Meters, 206
Boys. C. V., Secondary Batteries, 422
Bradley, N., Washing, &c., Silks, 96
Braham, W. T., Fire-alarms, 17
Brain, W. B., Electric Currents, 400
Brain, W. B., Secondary Batteries, 363
Bramwell, R., Washing Dishes, 492
Brandon, R. IL, Boilers, 286
Brandon, R. H., Electric Signalling, 494
Brandon, R. H., Fire-boxes, 226
Brandon, R. H., Locomotives, 96
Brandon, R. H., Sewing Machines, 58
Brandon, R. H., Ventilating Furnaces, 306
Brandon, R. H., Voltaic Batteries, 36
Brandon, R. H., Wheels, 248
Brandstaetter, J. S., Filtering Air, 493
Brass, jun., W., Pavement Lights, 304
Bray, G., Lanterns, 248
Brenner, D., Joining Wire, 342
Brewer, E. G., Alcoholic Liquids, 132
Brewer, E. G., Disinfectants, 169
Brewer, E. G., Electric Clocks, 95
Brewer, E. G., Electric Lamps, 36
Brewer, E. G., Fence Wire, 77
Brewer, E. G., Ink-holders, 326
Brewer, E. G., Motive Power, 77
Brewer, E. G., Preserving Meat, 421
Brewer, E. G., Transmitters, 150
Brewer, E. G., Tuyeres, 113
Brewer, F. B., Railway Signalling, 206
Brewer and Meihe, Copying Presses, 285
Brewtnall, A. W., Electric Wire Couplings, 36
Brewster, F. W., Life-saving Garments, 425
Bridges, E. A., Treating Leather Soles, 208 Bridge water, H., Permanent Way, 342
Brierley, F. W. and W. W , Compensating
Apparatus, 268
Brierley, W., Cutlery, 402
Brierley and Mitchell, Safety Valves, 285
Brigg, E., Woven Fabrics, 492
Briggs, T. A., Printing Labels, 114
Briggs, W., A., A., E., and J., Looms, 462
Briggs and Booth, Horseshoe Nails, 268
Bright, Sir C. T., Electric Lamps, 206
Brindle, J., Veneering Walls, 208
Britton, T., Steering Gear, 381
Brock, J., Alkali Manure, 170
Brockie, J., Electric Arc Lamps, 267, 400, 493
Brockie, J., Electric Currents, 266 Brogden and Casper, Kilns, 460 Brooke, T. and J.. Non-conductors, 188
Brooker, W. B., Washing, 17
Brookes, W., Nitro-sulphuric Acid, 460
Brookes, W. H., Fishing Tackle, 363 Brookes and Green, Velocipedes, 492 Brooks and Holden, Ring Spinning, 268 Brossard, A., Supply, &c., Apparatus, 208 Brougham, R., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 441
Brougham, R., Electric Signalling, 441
Brougham, R., Electrolier, 325
Brougham and Ormiston, Electric Lamps, 364
Brown, A. B., Electric Arc Lamps, 421
Brown, A. B., Windlasses, 441
Brown, F., Cooking Stoves, 95
Brown, J., Furnaces, 206
Brown, J., Wire Tramways, 227
Brown, J. B., Fire Extinguishing, 441
Brown, J. W., Ranges, 170
Brown, T., Hoops, 228
Brown, T., Shears, 183
Brown, W. C., Gas, 421
Brown, W. M.,.Telephony, 422
Brown and Saunders, Signalling, 421
Browne, A., Pumps, 402
Browne, A., Stoves, 420
Browning, A. G , Permanent Way, 17
Browning, G., Kilting and Pleating, 56
Brownlee, J., Looms, 442
Brunton, J. D., Dressing, &c., Apparatus, 226
Brydges, E. A , Boilers, 18
Brydges, E. A., Buttons, 363
Brydges, E. A., Rotary Engines, 441
Brydges, E. A., Supports for Mirrors, 77
Brydges, E. A., Tannin, 380
Brydges, E. A., Traps, 440
Brydges, E. A., Wheels, 149
Buchholz, J. A. A., Treating Grain, 207
Buckett, J., Engines, 441
Buckham and Jackson, Horseshoes, 168
Buckley, W., Springs. 421
Budenberg and Timpd, Locks, 401
Bull, H. C., Iron. 401
Buller, E. W., Knobs and Spindles, 16
Bullivant, W. M., Floating Anchors, 95, 305
Bullough. JLooms, 16
Bulow, M., Supporting Ships’ Boats, 285
Bumsted, F. D., Paper Bags, 38
Burch and Evans, Furnaces, 313
Burder, W. C., Boilers, 38
Burdess, A., Keyless Watches, 78
Burdess, A., Propelling Boats, 78
Burdess, A., Roller Bearings, 226
Burdess, A., Tricycles, 170
Burdin, L, Bottle Stoppers, 440
Burdess, R., Parcel Clips, 18
Burgess, W., Vermin Traps, 227
Burley and Morgan, Cleaning, &c., Grain, 77
Burnett, C., Hydraulic Engines, 31
Burnett, M., sen., and C., Coal-getting, 187
Burnside, W. J., Telephony, 421
Buir, W.. Sheet Lead, 401
Buir and Scott, Galvanic Batteries, 77
Burrows and Dawson, Marking. 492
Burslem, G.. Loom Pickers, 304
Burton, J.. Telephones, 37
Burton and Byrnes, Fusible Plugs, 363
Bussey, J., Stoppers, 441
Bussler, ()., Autographic Pen, 304
Button, E., Harrows, 459
Buxton and Ross. Ventilating Valves, 228
Byron, G. G. de L., Safety Mattresses, 284
Caddick, F., Casks, Treating, 440
Callot, E., Railway Signalling, 304
Cameron, D. G., Water-closets, 38
Cameron, J. M., Ochre Pigments, 132
Camp, F. de, Screw Taps, 95
Camp, J., Horseshoes, 227
Campbell and Swainston, Barrels and
Casks, 57
Cardew, G. D., Wearing Apparel, 206
Cardew, Lieut. P., Indicating Speed, 37
Carew, R. R., Treating Dangway Beans, 208
Carey, Gaskell, and Hurter, Purifying Alkalies, 76
Carpenter, J., Opening Windows, 248
Carr, J., Tape Ladders, 305
Carr, W. J., Purifying Lead, 169
Carswell, M., Fishing Bait, 381
Carter, H., Swing Mirrors, 477
Carter, H., Tempering Wire, 149
Carter, J. R., Fountain Pens, 285
Carter, W., Tablets, 169
Carter and Baker, Syphons. 114
Carus-Wilson, C. A., Electiic Currents, 95
Carus-Wilson, C. A., Electric Current
Meters, 36
Carus-Wilson, C. A., Frame for Carrying
Boxes, 58
Casson, R. S., Gas Furnaces, 206
Castelin, F., Covering Boilers, 95
Cathcart, C. II , Secondary Batteries, 441
Chabot, E., Inhaling, 325
Chabrel, E. J., Railway Signalling, 459
Chadburn, W., Telegraphy, 440
Chaffin, J., Glazing, &c., 305
Chailender, J., Gas Globe Galleries, 76
Chambers, J.. Refrigerating, 440
Chambers, J. E., Taps, 267
Chapman. G., Separating Ammonia from
Gases, 76
Chapman, G., Separating Oil, 186
Chapman, J. K., Engine Packing, 77
Charlton and Wright, Utilising 11 eat, 460
Chaster, J. E , Nickel Plating, 113
Cheesbrough, F. J., Nippers, 17
Cheesbrough, F. J., Ordnance, 169
Cheesbrough, F. J , Small-arms, 305
Cheesbrough, F. J., Telegraphy, 266
Cherrill, N., Telephony, 285
Chertemps and Danden, Dynamo-Electric
Machines, 401
Cheswright, C., Capsules, 363
Chevalier, R. M., Venetian Blinds, 227
Child, A. W., Gloveholders. 187
Chisholm, W., Cutting Cheese, 186
Chubb, C. J., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 267
Chubb, G. H. and H. W., Locks, 57
Church, A., Electric Lamps, 420
Church, M., Cleaning Grain, 381
Church, W. C., Valves, 206
Claes, P.» Distilling, 226
Clark, A. M., Balls, 285
Clark, A. M., Bedsteads, 132
Clark, A. M., Bolts, 401
Clark, A. M., Boots and Shoes, 113
Clark, A. M., Bread, 257
Clark, A. M., Caloric Engines, 77
Clark, A. M., Candle CaseS, 114
Clark, A. M., Cleaning Bottles, 96
Clark, A. M., Cleaning Cotton, 362
Clark, A. M., Cleaning Filters, 494
Clark, A. M., Colouring Printing Blocks, 459
Clark, A. M., Condensers, 364
Clark, A. M., Decorticating Rice, 305
Clark, A. M., Disinfectant, 16
Clark, A. M., Dressing Fabrics, 492
Clark, A. M., Drying Wall Paper, 150, 226, 381
Clark, A. M.. Dyeing, 324
Clark, A. M., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 58
Clark, A. M., Electric Batteries, 36
Clark, A. M., Electric Lamps, 266
Clark, A. M., Embroidering, 494
Clark, A. M., Engine Valves, 306
Claik, A. M., Floor Coverings, 77
Clark, A. M., Heating, 324
Clark, A. M., Hides, 460
Clark, A. M., Lifts, 247, 342
Clark, A. M., Loading, 132
Clark, A. M., Locking Nuts, 247
Clark, A. M., Locks, 441
Clark, A. M., Motive Power, 186, 421
Clark, A. M., Permanent Way, 226
Clark, A., Pocket Hangers, 268
Clark, A. M., Pocket Filters, 421
Clark, A. M., Preventing Heat of Axle-boxes, 131
Clark, A. M., Pumping. 129, 226
Clark, A. M., Reaping, 304
Clark, A. M., Recording Moves in Chess.
Clark, A. M., Rivets, 401
Clark, A., Roofs, 113
Clark, A. M., Rotary Engines, 268
Clark, A. M., Rotary Motive Power, 186
Clark, A. M., Safety Beds, 460
Clark, A. M., Shafts and Poles, 113
Clark, A. M., Spinning, 380
Clark, A. M., Spring Mattresses, 149
Clark, A. M., Stoppers, 286
Clark, A. M., Telephony, 226, 266
Clark, A. M., Treating Metals, 226
Clark, A. M., Treating Ores, 421
Clark, A. M., Treating Sewage, 17
Clark, A. M., Trenches, 149
Clark, A. M., Watch Chains, 494
Clark, A. M., Water Wheels for Ships, 343
Clark, E. S., Blasting, 207
Clark, J., Spittoon, 169
Clark, J. H., Curing Gapes in Birds, 460
Clark, R., Fishing Tackle, 381
Clark, S., Sash Fastenings, 285
Clark, W., Axle-boxes. 78
Clark, W., Glycerine, 18
Clark, W., Window Glass, 18
Clarke, E., Mitigating Railway Collisions, 305
Clarke, E.. Ring Spinning, 149
Clarke and Leigh Coiling, 362
Clarke and Leigh, Lighting Gas, 364
Clasper, J. H., Boats’ Rowlocks, 267
Claudet, F., Treating Copper, 17
Clayton, S., Engines. 460
Clegg, H., Driving Gear, ?64
C'egg and Hoyle, Looms, 286
Cliff and Dawes, Furnaces, 170 t
Cliff, W., Feeding Wool, 380
Cliffe, Ainley, and Shaw, Wool, 187
Clifton and Maskelyne, Teaching Harmony, 37
Cochrane, B., Coke Ovens, 247
Cocks. F. J., Tricycles, 493
Cockshott and Goodman, Anchor Chains, Preserving, 149
Cockson, C., Fans, 268
Cofield, J. H., Belt Fastenings, 17
Cohne, S., Electric Accumulators, 150
Colebrook, C. T., Ratchet Braces, 148, 268
Coleman, J., Refrigerating, 77, 208
Coleman, J. J., Ice, 344
Collett, S., Locks, 114
Colley, W. W., Cutting Paper, 248
Collier, 8., Kilns, 170
Collier, S. J., Driving Gear, 402
Collier and Armes, Horseshoes, 226
Collinge, R. S. and E., Looms, 206
Collins, C. W., Safety Valves, 95
Commerell, J. E.. Ships’ Rudders, 343
Common, A. A., Electric Lamps, 208
Conlong, J , Sizing Hanks, 187, 325
Con oily, H., Water-closets, 380
Conquest, W., Printing, 421
Cook, W., Cutting Shafts, 325
Cooke, E. W., Caitridge Receptacles, 149
Cooke, G. K., Embossing, ]69
Cooke, J., Steering Ships, 227, 248
Cooke, T . Perambulator Wheels, 442
Cooke and Mylchreest, Soft Metal Pipes, 56
Cooke and Mylchreest, Ships’ Rudders, 95
Cooper, A. W., Valve Gearing, 422
Cooper, W. S., Furnaces, 422
Cope and Brewer, Rotating Drum, 325
Copeman, E. S., Seats of Ships, 114
Cordingley, A.. Concrete Floors, 324
Cordua, F. W. T. C., Clips, 363
Corneby, C., Revolving Propellers, 169
Corsham, R., Dry-copying, 37
Cottrell, F. W.. Artificial Ivory, 132
Cowan, A., Packing G’ass Plates, 207
Cowan, D., Iron Pots, 149
Cowan, J., Adjustable Chairs, 493
Cowper, E. A., Hot Blast Stoves, 187
Cowper, E. A., Stoves, 493
Cowper and Sop with. Lead. 380
Cox, S. D., Treating Peat, 95
Coxhead, C J., Bolts, 114
Coyle, B., Electric Detectors, 493
Crabtree. T., Tempering Hackle, 248
Cracknell, A., Advertising, 132
Cradock and Gooder, Working Cables, 148
Crampton, T., Excavating, 440
Cran, J., Whistles, 381
Craston, H. and T., Boots and Shoes, 324
Craven and Warburton, Condensers, 208
Crawford and Mellor, Milling, 207
Cregeen, H. S., Drains, Ventilating, 77
Creasy, J. Z., Saving Life, 343
Crisp, C. B . Signalling, 132
Crofton, F. G., Lowering Boats, 401
Crompton, R. E. B., Electric Lamps, 186
Crompton. R. E. B., Galvanic Batteries, 36
Crookes, W., Electric Lamps, 304
Crookes, W., Packing Cases, 228
Cropper, J., Fuel, 401
Cross, B. C., Sash Fastenings, 77
Crosland, W., Paper Cutting, 422
Crossley, Harrison, and Emmott, Electric Currents, 326, 342
Ciossley, Harrison, and Emmott, Electric Signalling, 342
Crossley and Holt, Gas Engines, 57
Crow, N. J., Fastening Tires, 442
Cruikshanks, G. M., Insulating Wires, 422
Cryer, H., Embossed Fabrics, 131
Cryer, J., Spinning and Roving, 148
Culbertson and Brown, Electric Cables, 77
Culmer, J. W., Sugar, 114
Cumine, J. A., Electric Motors, 478
Cunliffe, J., Safety Lamps, 363
Cunningham Vinkeles-Houssart, and May, Tramways, 77
Currie, 8. C. C., Signalling, 2?6
Curtois, L. H., Velocipedes, 493
Curtoys, C., Insulated Supports, 364
Cutler, E., Preserving Designs upon Glass, 305
Cuttriss, T., Preparing Lead, 459
Daelen, V. B., Corrugating, 267
D’Alton, P. W., Cutting, &c., Earthy Materials, 208
Daltry, T. L., Pipe Couplings, 493
Darby, F. S. 8., Bottles and Stoppers, 58
Darling, J., Match-boxes, 227
Darling, J., Measuring Fabrics, 285
Darling, J. and J., Measuring. 285
Darling, J., Oil. &c., Lamps, 18
Daubenspeck, G., Leads, 407, 459
Davey, H., Registering, 268
Davey and Holst, Velocipedes, 478
Davidson, R., Tools, 325
Davidson, S. C., Clarifying Concoctions, 206
Davies, D., Metal Rollers, 422
Davies, E., Utilising Tides, &c., 380
Davies, J. P., Brakes, 381
Davies, P. J., Water-closets, 169
Davies and Higgins, Telegraphy, 324
Davis, F., Cigarettes, 246
Davis, H. J., Fire-Screens, 226
Davis, H. T., Checking, 342
Davis, J., Lubricators, 17
Davison, A. J., Screw Propellers, 459
Davison, J. 8., Stoppers, 248
Davison, T., Indicating Speed, 247
Davy, A.. Permanent Way, 268
Dawes, W., Tricycles, 131
Dawes and Tankard, Tricycles, 459
Dawson, G. J.. Wire Fencing, 442
Dawson, D., Colouring Matters, 325
Dawson, T. G. and J., Printing, 169
Day, J , Pricking-up Apparatus, 492
Day, J., Sewing Machines, 225
Day, Green, and Walker, Cutting Sugar, 38
Deacon and Gaskell, Alkaline Solutions, 18
Defries, D. C., Pendant Lamps, 149
Defries, C., Lamp Fittings, 478
Defries. H., Railway Carriage Lamps, 440
Defty, IL, Generating Heat from Gas, <fcc., 56
Deighton, W., Rolling Mills, 96
Dell, Stewart, and Davies, Treating Grain 207
Delmard, J. J., Carpet Fabrics, 248
Delmard, M., 8 ash Fastenings, 149
Dempster, J., Sulphate of Ammonia, 247
Dempster, R., sen., and J., Gas, 342
Denco and Mason, Malt Extract, 421
Dening, F., Scoring, 326
Dennis, T. H. P., Door Handles, 492
Dennis, W., Fire Extinguishing, 131
Denton and Butler, Flushing Sewers, 362
Des Voeux, F., Drying Coffee, 18
Dewhirst, H., Fixing Bronze, 131
Dewrance, J., Lathes, 186
Dibble, WM Gloves, 324
Dicey, W. T. Y., Distilling, 401 Dick, G. A., Metallic Alloys, 56 Dick and Packer, Gas, 459 Dickinson, J., Crank Shaft, 77 Dickinson and Rossiter, Sizing, 76 Dickson, G. J., Window Fastenings, 494 Dickson, J., jun., Boilers, 77
Dickson, jun., and Murray, Fire-arms, 247 I Dinse, 0., Organs, 17
Dinsmore and Hoyer, Feeding Paper, 17 Dixon, J. A., Colouring Matters, 57, 58, 78, 96, 248, 306, 421, 460
Dixon, J. A., Purifying Anthrachinone, 362
Dobney, J., Motive Power, 247
Dobson, B. A., Spinning, 37
Dobson, J., Carding, 304
Dobson, Gillow, and Davies, Spinning, 150 Dobson and Macqueen, Combing. b7 Dobson and Wood. Opening Fibres, 37 Dodd and Little, Spindles, 266 Dolbear, A. E., Electrical Cables, 342 Dolbear, A. E., Electrical Connections, 342 Dolbear, A. E.. Telephony, 342, 381 Doty, H. H., Preserving Eggs, 402 Doubleday, W. J., Fireplaces, 169
Doulton and Slater, Ornamenting China, 344
Dowling, J., Plaiting, 344
Downing, G., Musical Instruments, 344 Drake, C. A., Holding Stamps, &c., 249 Drake, T., Heating Water, 95
Drake and Muirhead, Gas Engines, 440 Dredge and Cordner. Signalling, 227 Drew, T, H., Lockwashers, 114
Drysdale, J. W. W., Measuring and Weighing Dough, 57
Dubois, J. B., Ornamenting, 459 Duffy, T., Heating Fluids, 113 Dutrenb, II. A., Gas Engines, 440 Duggan, F. J., Stoves, 459 Duncan, F. M,, Revolving Buoys, 77 Duncan, G. A. P. IL, Marine Engines, 228 Duncan, W. II., Guarding Ships, 246 Dunn and Gleat, Gas Exhauster, 38 Dutton, E K., Hats, 227
Dyer, T., Manhole Covers, 440 Dyer, W. C., Organs, 306
I Eadon and Yeomans, Steel, 77 Eames, F. W., Air Brakes, 401, 460 Eames, R. C. Horseshoes, 459 Basson, E. M., Teaching Music, 459 Ebel, J., Telegraphy, 325
Eckardt, J. C., Friction Couplings, 36
Eden, C. H., Buckles, 56
Edge, W., Liquor Frames, 187
Edmondson, C. I. and F., Gas Meters, 56
Edwards, C., Bicycle Saddles, 228
Edwards, E., Air Pumps, 343
Edwards, E., Candle Holders, 493
Edwards, E., Engines, 440
Edwards, E., Rolling Mills, 95
Edwards, E., Manure, 131
Edwards, E. B., Roofing, 324
Edwards, E., Slide Valves, 421
Egells and Cux, Pumps, 493
Ekman, C, D., Treating Fibres, 207
Eldred, II. IL, Telephony, 226
Ellis, A., Paper Files, 362
Eli, A J., Preparing Music Sheets, 285
Elkington, J., Harrows, 17
Elliott, R., Weldless Tubes, 247, 324
Ellis, F. R., Cranes, 148
Ellis, J., Steel, 228
Ellis, J. D.. Armour-plates, 285
Ellson, J. D., Velocipedes, 206
Emery, J., Slide Valves, 493
Emery, S. V., Producing Transparent Designs, 58
Emmens, 8. H., Electricity, 493
Emmens, 8. IL, Incandescent Lamps, 493
Emmens, S. H., Secondary Batteries, 493
Emmett, C., Gas Engines, 186
Empsall, S , Safety Appliances for Hoists, 16
Engel, F. H. F., Advertising, 422
Engel, F. H. F., Boilers, 492
Engel, F. H. F., Centrifugal Separating Machines, 422
Engel, F. H. F., Flour, 342
Engel, F. H. F., Lifting Jacks 325
Engel, F. II. F., Gas Supply, 78
Engel, F. H. F., Parquet Flooring, 380
Engel, F. H. F., Presses, 150
Engel, F. H. F., Reflectors, 247
Engel, F. H. F., Stoves, 150
Engel, F. H. F., Testing Butter, 285
Engel, F. H. F., Thimbles, 248
Engert, A. C., Stoves, 131
English, T., Expansion Gear, 343
English, T., Tunnelling, 37
Errington, C. FL, Keyless Watches, 77
Erskine,.)., Colouring Matters, 420, 460, 494
Eskrett, J., and Co., Capstans for Fishing
Vessels, 78
Evans, E., Connecting Boats to Ships, 246
Evans, M., Gauging Wire, 325
Evans, R., Ships’ Compasses, 168
Everard, J., Raising Blinds, 247
Everitt, P., Cigarettes, 380
Everitt, P., Forges, 304
Everitt, P., Transporting Passengers, 226
Everitt, W. E., Metallic Tubes, 493
Ewens, P., Cutting Files, 493
Fair, E., Boiler Furnaces, 77
Fanshawe and Griffith, Motive Power, 227
Fanshawe and Wild, Bottles, 131
Farmer, J., Rolling Bars, 478
Farmer, M., Copying, 380
Farrar and Bowman, Spindles, 37
Ease, B. W., Bracelets, 77
Fauler, H., Pumps, 37
Faure, C., Electric Meters, 227
Feeney, V. L, Musical Instruments, 3r5
Fenby, J. B., Optical Apparatus, 114
Ferguson, J., Cases for Liquids, 227
Ferrie, W., Smelting Furnaces, 247
Fewster, W., Saving Life at Sea, 170
Fiechter, E., Filtering, 400
Field, F., Lubricants, 344
Fielden and Harrison, Looms, 325
Fielding, J., Gas Engines, 284
Fielding, J., Punching, 326
Figge, A., Water Wheels, 478
Finch, B., Chimney Flues, 343
Fischer, M., Penholders, 459
Fischer, W,, Pianofortes, 380
Fisher, A. A., Sewing Machines, 218
Fisher, C., Syphons, 343
Fisher, E., Manure, 362
Fisher, I., Drying Grain, 363
Fisher, J. A., Wire Gauge, 206
Fisher, W., Current Director, 381
Fison, W. u, Perforated Tiles, 362
Fitzgerald, D. J., Secondary Batteries, 57
Fitz-Gerald, D. G., Voltaic Batteries, 421
Fitz - Gerald, Biggs and Beaumont,
Secondary Batteries, 37, 113
Fleming, J., Insulating, 493
Fletcher, A. M., Spinning, 188
Fletcher, T., Gas Blow-pipes, 56
Fletcher, F., Gas Burners, 440
Fletcher, T., Plastic Fire-proof Compositions, 76
Fleury, F. G., Taps and Cocks, 380
Floyd and Kirkland, Dynamo-Electric
Machines. 477
Floyd and Probert, Electric Lamp, 477
Pokes, H., Sweeping Chimneys, 421
Foley, J., Regulating Tension, 169
Forbes and Hamilton, Brewing, 440
Forder, A., Vehicles, Two-wheeled, 76
Fordham, J. I., Whitewash, 114
Ford red, J., Treating Grain for Brewing, 56
Formby, J., Thermometers, 343
Forshaw, T., Tricycles, 380
Forsyth, J., Treating Felt Fabrics, 247
Fosbery, G. V., Opening Doors, 187
Fosbery, G. V., Pumps, 305
Foster, A., Squeeges, 477
Foster, G. W., Telephones, 38
Foster, J. K. J., Fire Extinguishing, 22S
Fox, C. J., Sectional Docks, 187
Fox, C. J., Cutting Tobacco, 148
Fox, F. W., Spinning and Twisting, 17
Fox, J., Boilers, 420
Fox, J. C. B., Vermin Traps, 38
Fox, S., Corrugated Tubes, 149
Fox, S.. Metallic Tubes, 382, 401
Fox and Whitley, Steel, 3S2
Foxcroft and Titley, Lamp Burners, 17
Francis, C. W., Bicycles, 131
Francis, F. R., Electric Signalling, 36
Franklin, A. W., Lawn Tennis, 114
Fraser, 1). P. and N., Shoes, 440
Fraser, F., Lining Chimneys, 208
Frazer, A. G., Treating Maize, 247
Free, R., Steeping Tanks. 343
Frieake and McCormick, Tube Beaders, 344-
Fritzner, N., Bottle Stoppers, 57
Froggatt, W., Bottle Stoppers, 382
Frost, W. S., Locks, 248
Fry, S., Velocipede Saddles, 268
Fulda, S., Preparing Fabrics, 420
Gaddes, T., Railway Signalling, 304
Galbraith W., Nickel, Extracting, 38
Garau, D. 8., Electric Signalling in Trains, 95
Gardiner and Trench, Blasting, 57
Gardner, C. S. B.. Tin Plates, 344
Gardner, D. T., Treating Skins, 441
Gardner, E. V., Pigments, 227
Gardner, H., Pumps, 285
Gardner, H., Substitute for Coffee, 58
Gardner, 8., Ratchet Braces, 267
Gar vie, R. G., Spreading Sand, &c., 95
Garvie and Skinner, Spreading Manure, 343
Gatehouse, T E., Electric Lamps, 362
Gatehouse and Kempe, Electric Lamps, 425
Gates, J. S., Provision Cans, 227 *
Gatty, F. A., Dyeing, 170
Gathmann, L., Grinding Mills, 325
Gatty, F. A., Dyeing Yarns, 207
Gavett, J., Horseshoes, 226
Gedge, W. E., Boots and Shoes, 286
Gedge, W. E'., Excavating, 494
Gedge, W. E., Motive Power, 77
Gedge, W. E., Preserving Leather, 493
Gedge, W. E., Seggars, 440
Geissler, G., Looms, 76
Geld er, P. V., Dust Collectors, 207
Gentles, W., Sulphate of Alumina, 227
Geofroy-Gomez, P, Gas Stoves, 247
George, R., Stoves, 207
George, T., Opening Meat Tins, 440
Gerson, G. IL, Sewage, Utilising, 227
Gibb, A., Marine Boilers, 187
Gibbs and Spooner, Metallic Handles, 440
Gibson and Pope, Bilge Barrels, 36
Gilbert, T., Sights, Fire-arms, 460
Gilchrist and Thomas, Nickel, 381
Gill, D., Water-closets, 38
Gillingham, J., Fireplaces, 95
Gilmour, M., Locks, 380
Gimingham. C., Air Pumps, 493
Girdwood, W. W., Engine Governors, 561
Gjers, J.. Steel, 304
Glaser, F. C., Brakes, 421
Giaser, F. C., Cooling Paper, 246
Glaser, F. C., Engines, 440
Glaser, F. C., Permanent Way, 478
Glaser, F. C., Pianofortes, 9G
Glaser, F. C , Saws, 149
Glaser, F. C., Separating Ores, 17
Glaser, F. C., Soap, 381
Glaser, F. C., Treating Fabrics, 478
Glasier and Briggs, Sewing Machines, 3S2
Glover, J. W., Tip Wagons, 131
Goalen, W., Railway Signalling, 460
Godfrey, A., Printing, 77
Godfrey and Brittain, Spanners, 56
Godsal, P. T., Fire-arms, 305
Goldthorpe, A., Purifying Water, 442
Gotland, G., Spinning, 441
Gomant, L. C., Bellows Forges, 149
Goutard, A., Drying and Boiling, 148
Goodes, A. G., Cigarette Papers, 169, 362
Goodfellow and Matthew, Engine Governors, 227
Goodwin, J., Grinding Flint, 442
Goold, R. D’A., Circuits, 380
Gordon, J., Fire-escapes, 492
Gordon, jun., J., Axles, 493
Gordon, J. E. II., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 76
Gore and Morris, Feeding Stoves, 285
Gorham, J. M., Foot Skates, 306
Gorse, A. E., Bicycles, 380
Goslin, S. B., Draw-off Cocks, 285
Gough, A., Signals, 207
Gough, A., Working Signals, 77, 95
Gowans, L. F., Extracting Ores, 149
Gracey, J., Cutting Cloth, 37
Grafton, H., Tip Wagons, 77
Graham, A., Electric Lamp, 324
Graham, D., Electric Lamp Holders, 95
Graham, J., Sewing Machines, 76
Graham and Smith, Electric Lamps, 362
Grainger, H. T., Permanent Way, 228
Grant, W., Umbrellas, 96
Grason, T., Horsehoes, 248
Gray, J. M., Cleaning Stone Stairs, 459
Gray, J. M., Signallingat Sea, 113
Green, C., Beater Bars, 344
Green, H., Chemical Substances for Gas*
&c., Pipes, 18
Green, J.. Looms, 343
Greener, W. W., Explosives, 246
Greenhouse, H., Fireplaces, 493
Gieenwood, J., Elastic Couplings, 477
Greenwood, J., Tea Packing Papers 169
Greenwood, L., Looms, 325
Greeven, E. H., Engines, 422
Greig, R. G., Stoves, 149
Greig and Eyth, Brasses, 147
Eyth, Engine Governors, 246
Giifhn, G. F., Metallic Boxes, 325
Griffith, jun., C. J., Engines, 381
Griffin, J., Gas Engines, 148
Griffiths, A. H., Velocipedes, 402
Griffiths, R., Screw Propellers, 149
Grimmett and Cook, Cornice Poles, 381 and Cook, Curtain Fastenings,
Grim mo, J. F., Flower Stands, 343
Griniston, G. S.. Gas Burners, 267
Grimshaw, J. and J, Cutting &c., Wire
Nails, 78
Grindrod, J. T., Canoes, 493
Gros and Salbreux, Hat—Umbrellas, 479
Groth, L. A., Automatic Alarms, 401
Groth, L. A., Automatic Obturator, 401
Groth, L. A., Boots and Shoes, 247
Groth, L. A., Cutting Leaves of Books, 76
Groth, L. A., Drawing Apparatus, 493
G ' \ L. A., Dynamo-Electric Machines,
114 ’
Giovta, L. A., Forges, 362
Groth, L. A., Knitting, 77
Groth, L. A., Looms, 362
Groth, L. A., Mashing Ma’t, 96
Groth, L. A., Rendering Fabrics Fireproof, 420
Groth, L. A., Softening Yarn, 76
Groth, L. A., Surgical Apparatus, 187
Groth, L. A , Trouser Protectors, 301
Groth, L. A.. Vacuum Pumps. 76
Grout, W. II. J., Velocipedes, 16
Grout and Jones, Secondary Batteries, 76
Griinbaum. H. O. A. E., Preventing Collisions, 401
Grtitter, G., Measuring, 382
Gunbins and Thiimling, Horological Candlesticks, 440
Gael ton, B., Artificial Marble. 442
Guillaume and Lambert, Sewing Machines, 381
Gurd, W. J., Rotary Engines, 381, 400
Gutensohn, A., Cocks, 286
Guthrie, II., Engines, 493
Gye, L., Fire-arms, 400
Hacking and Grube. Looms, 227
Hackworth, J. W., Valves, 148
Haddan, H. J., Acetic zlcid, 169
Haddan, H. J., Alcoholic Liquids, 169
Haddan, II. J., Asbestos Fabrics, 96
Haddan, H. J.. Balances, 494
Haddan, H. J., Boilers, 305
Haddan, H. J., Boxes, 442
Haddan, H. J., Bricks, 131, 226
Haddan, H. J., Candles, 77, 114
Haddan, H. J., Car Couplings, 132
Haddan, H. J., Closet Valves, 247
Haddan, H. J., Combing, 114
Haddan, H. J., Cutting Paper, 441
Haddan, II. J., Electro Magnets Applied to
Organs, &c., 37
Haddan, H. J., Engine Governors, 402
Haddan, II. J , Drying and Cooling, 402
Haddan, H. J., Drying Clothes, 17
Haddan, H. J., Electric Accumulators, 148
Haddan, H. J., Electric Calls, 77
Haddan, H. J., Engine Indicators, 304
Haddan, H. J., Engines, 270
Haddan, H. J., Engraving, 494
Haddan, H. J., Filling Sacks, 460
Haddan, H. J., Fishing Nets, 442
Haddan, H. J., Fuel, 132
Haddan, H. J., Galvanic Batteries, 148
Haddan, H. J., Gear Cutting, 440
Haddan, H. J., Gum, <fec., Bottles, 76
Haddan, II. J., Guides for Saws, 364
Haddan, H, J., Harness, 498
Haddan, H. J., Hats, 305, 442
Haddan, H. J., Holding Coins, &c., 149
Haddan, H. J., Ice, 402
Haddan, H. J , Iron, 16
Haddan, H. J., Joints, 207
Haddan, H. J., Lubricators, 18
Haddan, H. J., Memorial Plates for Tombs, 459
Haddan, H. J., Mosaics, 440
Haddan, H. J., Musical Instruments, 226
Haddan, H. J., Nut Locks, 422
Haddan, H. J., Oyster Knives, 114 lladdan, H. J., Packing, 207, 267
Haddan, H. J., Paper Bags, 442
Haddan, II. J., Penholders, 247, 421
Haddan, II. J , Phonographs, 150
Haddan, II. J., Pistons, 494
Haddan, H. J., Pumps, 57
Haddan, H. J., Pictures on Stone, Producing, 492
lladdan, H. J., Plastic Compounds, 421
Haddan, H. J., Purifying Grain, 186
Haddan, H. J., Purifying Liquids, 226
Haddan, II. J., Railway Signalling, 380
Haddan, H. J., Reflectors, 247
Haddan, II. J., Saving Life at Sea, 325
Had»lan, H. J., Separating Ores, 441 lladdan, II. J., Sewing Buttons, 150 Haddan, H. J., Skates, 95, 131
Haddan, H. J., Smelting Furnaces, 441
Haddan, H. J., Spring Motors, 478
Haddan, H. J., Springs, 187
Haddan, II. J., Substitute for Cardboard, 57
Haddan, H. J., Telephony, 149. 169
Haddan, H. J., Testing Wine, 76
Haddan, H. J., Thermometers, 440
Haddan, H. J., Tools, 114
Haddan, H. J., Treating Milk, 402
Haddan, H. J., Treating Refuse, 477
Haddan, H. J., Umbrellas, 149
Haddan, H. J., Ventilators, 267
Haddan, H. J., Water-wheels, 440
Haddan, H. J., Winding, 226
Hadfield, R., Corves, 380
Hadfield, R., Tipping Frames, 380
Hadfield, R., Wheels, 459
Hadfield, J., Animal Charcoal, 17
Hagen, E , Gas Burners, 442
Haigh and Nuttall, Gas Engines, 226
Hale, J. M., Drain Traps, 478
Hall, H., Spinning and Doubling, 477
Hall, J. and W., Cutting Holes, 326
Hall, T. L., Hoists, 304
Hall and Walmsley, Looms, 246
Haller, J. G. A., Stamping Letters, 208
Hallett, E. O., Rocking Cars, 150
Halpin, D., Slide Valves, 364
Haltwasser, H., Ornamenting Capsules, 326
Hamand, A. S., Permanent Way, 149
Hambruch, G., Indicators, 493
Hamilton, J., Looms, 441
Hamilton, J. B., Reed Organs, 95, 246
Hampton and Gray, Reservoir Penholders, 16
Hancock, E., Etching, 268
Hand ford, T. J., Boots, 441
Handford, T. J., Dynamo Machine, 286, 324, 342, 362, 441, 493
Handford, T. J., Electric Batteries, 422
Handford, T. J., Electric Cables, 266 Handford, T. J., Electric Lights, 441 Handford. T. J., Electric Railways, 402
Handford, T. J., Lighting Railway Carriages, 493
Handford, T. J., Regulating Electric Currents, 285
Hansell, R., Steel Springs, 131
Harbottle and McLeod Percy, Getting Coal, 325
Harcourt, A. G. V., Gas Meters, 267
Hardacre, J., Stretching Grippers, 247 Hardacre, J., Looms, 37
Hardcastle, M., Labelled Bottles and Jars, 16
Harder, A., Clocks, 477
Harding, J., Combing, 441
Harding, T. R. and T. W., Steel Pinned
Covering, 477
Harding and Watkins, Compressing, 325 Hardinge, J., Clutch Ratchets, 36 Harman, H. J., Fusible Plugs, 18 Harrington, J., Tricycles, 78, 246 Harrington, R., Velocipedes, 207, 477 Harrington, R., Nuts for Screw Bolts, 227
Harris, E. J., Window Sashes, 17
Harris, T. H., Stretchers, 421
Harrison, A. W., Valves, 304
Harrison, J., Reaping, 247
Harrison, J. G., 'iricycles, 421
Harrison, T. H., Elastic Fabrics, 226, 247
Harrisson, J., Railway Signals, 381
Harrop, J. J., Brewing, 441
Hart, G. W., Range-finder, 168
Hart, H. W., Omnibuses, 131
Hart, J. M., Locks, 442
Hartung, H., Kitchen Utensils, 187
Harvey and Paddock, Tricycles, 460 Haskins, J. F., Printing 459
Haughton W^ Open Fireplaces, 130 Hawkes, G., Electric Lighting, 168 Hawksley and Wild, Boilers, 188 Havo^p’ Carr*aoe Windows, 268 Hajes, E., Screw Steamships, 76 Hayes, J., Feed Apparatus, 110 HavnesJTT WhOtV^g A6rated Waters, 324 iiaynes, J., Wheel Tires, 326
Haynes, W. T., Boots, 150
boxe0^^^16’ W” iSWeUs f0r Shuttle-HXesd’4M 11 ’ Overmaanes of Chimney-Hazlehurst G. S., Salt-cake, &c„ 187 Heald, J., Brake Blocks, 188 Healey, B. D., Water Meters, 494 Heap and Rettie, Spoons, 324 Hearington, A. H., Heat and Light, 492 Heckmann and Hausbrand, Lyes, 402
226mann and Uuflman> TaP3 aud Valves, Helliwell, T., Metal Roofs, 342 Helliwell, T. W„ Water-closet Basins 459 Hellyer, S. S., Water-closets, 267 Helwig and Dewdney, Sewing Machine
Attachments, 76
Hely, A. A., Copying, 57 Hemmich, T., Roller Bearings, 150 Henderson, A. <!., Bleaching, 382 Henderson, A. C., Dressing Stuffs, 305 Henderson, A. C., Hand Stamps, 114 Henderson, A. C., Moulding, 131 Henderson, a. C., Tanning, 343 Henderson, A. C., Umbrella Fastenings, 131 Henderson, A. C., Umbrellas, 285 494 Henderson, A, C., Whalebone, 477
Henley, W. T., Cable Cores, 186 Henley, W. T., Electric Currents, 148 Henson, I., Barns, 440
Henson and Hall, Harness, 441 Heppell, T., Screw Propellers, 247 Hep worth, J. W., Dyeing, 344 Heraud and Harrison, Felt Hats, 493 Hett, C. L., Pipe Couplings, 459 Hewitt, J., Glassware, 95
Hewitt, J., Rivet Pegs for Boots and Shoes, 37
Hey, J. G , Band Twines, 363
Hibbs, C., Wall Coverings, 247 Hickisson, J., Advertising, 407, 459 Hickisson, J. Umbrellas, 363 Hides, H., Surgical Splints, 422 Higgin, J. and A. J., Galvanic Batteries, 186 Hili, J., Sewing Machines, 207 Hill and Brown, Winding, 460
Hill and Clark, Disengaging Ships’ Boats, 38
Hilllman, W., Velocipedes, 132
Hindle and Greenwood, Beaming Yarn, 170 Hindle and Greenwood, Looms, 170, 363 Hinks, Hooper, and Baker, Cravat Fastenings, 150
Hinks, Hooper, and Baker, Glove Fastenings, 57
Hinks, Hooper, and Moore, Glove Fastenings, 492
Hirst, J., Stamp-box Charm, 363 Hodgkinson, J., Furnaces, 344 Hodgkinson, J. and J., Looms, 344 Hodgson, J. R., Saving Life, 477 Hodgson, R., Raising Sunken Ships, 76 Hodgson and Broadley, Looms, 363 Hodgson, J., Coiled Wire, 76 Holbech, W. B., Brakes, 206
Holcroft and Grundy, Metallic Packing, 286 Holden, A., Carding Engines, 342 Holding and Dutton, Loom Pickers, 37 Holland, H. W„ Fire-arms, 325
Holliday, J. N., Steering, 17 Hollingworth, E., Looms, 78 Hollingworth, J., Looms, 226 Hollingworth, W., Sewing Apparatus, 305 Holmes, F., Fire-lighters, 113, 131 Holmes, N. J., Bleaching Fibres, 305 Holms, W., Spinning, 4U1
Holroyd, J., Tanks, 150
Holroyd, J., Trough Closets, 150
Holroyde, W. J., Corkscrews, 343 Holt, B. W., Horse-beds, 132 Holt, IL, Crushing Seeds, 382 Holt, J., Engines, 304
Homan, E., Fireproof Floors, 36 Holzrpfel,W. C. D., Coating Ships’Bottoms, 228
Hood, jun., J., Mincing, 363
Hooker, W. D., Pumping Engines, 132 Hope, J. V., Elevators, 441, 443 Hope, J. V., Rings and Hooks, 17 Hopkinson, J., Electricity, 114 Hopkinson, J., Pistons, 76 Hopwood, J. Slide Valves, 442 Hopwood, J., Valves, 305-
Hornsby and Edwards, Wagons, 286 Hornsby and Trolley, Ploughs, 149 Horsepool, E., Fasteners, 363 Horsey. J. G., Brooms, 362
Horsfall, A. IL, Ornamenting Ribbons, 460 Horsfall, E., Doubling and Twisting, 18 Hoskins, E., Wire Mattresses, 421 Howarth, R.. Filtering Materialfor Mills, 57 Howell, E. S. and E., Urinals, 324 Howell, Clancy, and Walker, Cask Tilters, 421
Howes and Burley, Lamps, 149 Howie, J. B., Motive Power, 227 Ho wit, W., Explosives, 268 Howson, J., Spinning, 342 Hoyne and Loved ee, Stoves, 132 Hudson, J. C., Hose Couplings, 284 Hudson, 8., Bootsand Shoes, 246 Hughes, Sir W. W., Fire Grates, 113 Hughes, Sir W. W., Furnaces, 364 Hughes and Carwardine, Penholders, 305 Hulse, W. W., Cutting Metals, 113, 344 Hulseberg, C., Boilers, 306
Humble and Walker, Couplings, 208 Humpage, J., Velocipedes, 247 Humphrys, J., Secondary Batteries, 169 Hund, M. O.. Hand Screens, 459 Hunt, E. Vacuum Apparatus, 206 Hunt, S. L., Cleaning Streets, 113 Hunt and Fairfax, Sewing Machines, 17 Huppe and Bender, Locks, 113 Hurdle and Davie, Window Sashes, 440 Hurt and Strathcrn, Feeding Boilers, 113 Husbands, J. D., Telephony, 324 Husberg, N. K., Velocipedes, 18 Hutcheson and Dobbie, Colouring Fabrics, 246
Hutchings, G., Labelling Tins, 268
Hutchinson, W., Heating, 76
Hutchinson, W. B., Gas Engines, 492 Hutchinson, W. N., Torpedoes, 380 Hutton, D. B., Screw Propellers, 58 Hutton, T. R., Shearing, 37
Imray, J., Boilers, 306, 440
Imray, J., Capsules for Bottles, 17
Imray, J., Decorating Papers, 170
Imray, J., Dress Suspenders, 37
Imray, J., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 326
Imray, J., Electric Accumulators, 37
Imray, J., Electrical Insulation, 400
Imray, J , Fabrics, 286
Jmray, J., Fireproof Apparatus, 187
Imray, J., Floating Lights, 188
Imray, J., Fuel Blocks, 77
Imray, J., Heating Carriages, 478
Imray, J., Nail Machines, 37
Imray, J., Preserving Meat, 324
Imray, J., Telegraph Printing, 206, 494
Imray, J., Sewing Machine Attachments, 56 ’
Imray, J., Telegraph, <fcc., Conductors, 57
Imray, J., Tubular Boilers. 306
Imray, J , Vessels for Holding Fluids, 16
Imray, J., White Light, 96
Ingham, S , Spinning, 76
Irish, W.. Points and Switches, 286
Ingram, M., Water-waste Preventing, 186
Ingleby, J., Lid Fastenings, 494
Inskip and Mackenzie, Coppers, &c , 285
Irvine, A. K., Ambulance Stretchers, 77
Isaacs, 8., Bedsteads, 493
Ivey and Craddock, Brakes, 326
Ivory, T., Heating and Cooking by Gas, 18
Jackson, J., Concrete, 132
Jackson, W., Iron and Stee1, 114
Jackson, W. 8. R., Purifying Gases, 207
Jacobsen, E. and R , Bleaching, 381
Jaeger, G. J., Textile Fabrics, 442
Jaffrey, J., Fire-grates, 226
Jahns, R., India-rubber Springs, 382
James, B. L., Tobacco Pouches, 459
James and Wardrop, Engines, 114
Jameson, J., Coke, 422
Jameson, J., Electric Lamps. 364
Jamieson, A , Mixing Concrete, 247
Jaques, J., Buoys, 363
Jaques, J , Tent Pegs, 325
Jarman, A., Dynamo-Eicctric Machines,
Jarman, A. J., Electric Lamps, 188
Jeffery, AV., Electric Lamps, 363
Jeffs, J., Motive Power, 113
Jenkin, F., Transporting Goods, 402
Jenkins, G., Slipping, 187
Jenner, J., Saddles, 363
Jensen, P., Boilers, 170
Jensen, P., Electric Safety Apparatus, 442
Jensen, P., Rendering Fabrics Uninflam
mable, 114
Jensen, P., Surveying, 381
Jensen, P., Telegraphy, 131
Jensen and King, Valve Gear, 206
Joel, H. F., Magneto-electric Machines, 36
Johns, T. H., Galvanising Sheet Iron, 381
Johnson, jun., B., Cores, 247
Johnson, C., Ornamenting Tin-plates, 477
Johnson, D., Air Pumps, 459
Johnson, E IL, Telephony, 37
Johnson, J. H., Band Saws, 77
Johnson, J. II., Bearings, 364
Johnson, J. H., Braces, 324
Johnson, J. H., Building, 325
Johnson, J. H., Candlesticks, 228
Johnson, J. H., Converters, 131
Johnson, J H., Cyanides, 77
Johnson, J. IL, Drying Sewage, 267
Johnson, J. H., Drying Tea, 186
Johnson, J. H., Dyes, ;-06
Johnson, J. H.,Dynamo-Electric Machines,
421 ’
Johnson, J. IL, Pipes for Electric Con
ductors, 78
Johnson, J. IL, Electric Lamps, 286, 459
Johnson, J. IL, Fireplaces, 114
Johnson, J. H., Furnaces, lt.9, 227, 284 326
Johnson, J. H., Gas Engines, 207 ’
Johnson, J. H., Gelatine and Glue 57
Johnson, J. H., Grabs, 149
Johnson, J. IL, Horseshoes, 401
Johnson, J. H., Locomotives, 442
Johnson, J. IL, Magneto-electric Machines,
Johnson, J. H., Looms, 247
Johnson, J. H , Microphones, 441, 447
Johnson, J. H., Ovens, 113
Johnson, J H., Pens. 76
Johnson, J. H., Pile Fabrics, 17
Johnson, J. H., Printing, 494
Johnson, J. IL, Propelling Torpedoes, 227
Johnson, J. IL, Secondary Batteries, 324
Johnson, J. IL, Sewing Machines, 306
Johnson, J. H., Sugar, 77, 326, 382
Johnson, J. H., Telephones, 363
Johnson, J. H., Treating Animal Refuse, xol
Johnson, J. H., Vessels, 364
Johnson, S. H., Filter Presses, 285
Johnson, W., Door Latches, 364
Propellers, Preserving',
Johnston, T. R., Engraving, 477
Jones, D. R., Saving Life, 461
Jones, E., Coffee Jugs, 305
Jones, E., Purifying Gas, 227
Jones, J., Boilers, 131
Jones, J. P , Nail Cutters, 343
Jones, O , Ordnance, 187
Jones, 8., Boilers, 477
Jones, T., Designs, 113
Jones, T., Ladders, 344
Jones, W., Slide Valves, 305
Jones, W. IL, Cleaning Knives, 188
Jones and MacLeod, Valves, 343
Jones and Wild, Boring Rock. 77
Jordan and Egestorff, Wood Pulp, 285
Jousselin, A. L., Electric Incandescent
Lights, 477
Joyce, J. W., Slide Valves, 407
Joyce, R. J. 8., Lace, 37
Justice, P. M., Boots, 130
Justice, P. M., Calendars,*228
Justice, P. M., Determining Position of
Ships, 494
Justice, P. M., Electric Light, 421
Justice, P. M., Lifts, 268
Justice, P. M., Plaster, 306
Justice, P. M., Refrigerators, 78
Justice, P. M., Ships’ Compasses, 49
Justice, P. M., Telegraphy, 325
Kagenbusch, J., Extracting Metals, 268
Kaulbach, E., Furnaces, 18
Kay, W. E., Fountain Pens, 3C5
Kaye, J., Collecting, &c.. Money, 150
Kearsley and Whitworth, Making un
Straw, 227
Keates, W., Refrigerating, 420
Keats, J., Boots, 441
Keith, C., Labels, 477
Keith, C. 11., Travelling Buildings, 227
Keith, J., Boilers, 422
Kelly, H., Drains and Gullies, 493
Kelly, S. J. J., Ornamenting Surfaces, 460
Kendall, J. A., Gas, 344
Kendrick, F. 8., Velocipede Lamps, 77
Kennedy, A., Capstans, 477
Kennedy, R., Electric Lamps, 112, 325, 478
Kennedy, R., Electric Machine, 420
Kennedy, R., Secondary Batteries, 114
Kent, G., Chimney Tops, 326
Kenworthy, Beard, and Whitehead,
Stripping Cylinders, 96
Kenyon and Deakin, Looms, 57
Kenyon, J. W., Low-water Alarms, 440
Kerr and Haworth, Printing Fabrics, 16
Kershaw, A. W., Ventilators, 442
Kessell, C. H. and C., Table Fountains, 149
Kiddier, J. and H., Looped Fabrics, 402
Kinder, A., Brewing, 16
Kinder, T. B., Treating Grain for Brewing, 95
King, H. and H, Pile Fabrics, 440
King, J. T., Nut Locks, 268
King, J. T., Water-spouts, 493
King, T., Hoisting, 132
King, W., Vehicles, 401
King and Brown. Electric Lamps, 37
Kingsford, C., Boilers, 304
Kingston, F., Administering Fluids, 313
Kingston, F., Stair-rod Fastenings, 421
Kirk, P., Rolling Mills. 247
Kirkman, jun., R., Mt)wing, 493
Kitsee, J., Indicating Fire Dampin Mines, 422
Kivell, H. N., Brakes, 304
Klein. P. H., Artificial Flowers, 56
Knight, E. M., Cleaning Knives, 57, 131
Knight, H., Stays, 343
Knight, H.. White Pigments, 228
Knott, J., Umbrellas, 246
Knowles, T., Looms, 325
Knowles, W., Governors, 150
Knowling, G., Steering, 36
Knox, B. M., Winding, 206, 492
Knox, G AV., Wheel Tires, 421
Koch and Schulher, Insecticide, 17
Kopp, F. L. B., Hair Clasps, 267
Korth, AV., Grinding Grain, 402
Kromschrdder, J. T. G., Gas, 56
Kunkier, F., Condensed Milk, 363
Kynoch, G., Explosives, 58
Labottiere, A. G., Throwing Dice, 76
Lafarfue, A., Motive Power, 57
Lafargue, A., Velocipedes, 57
Lake, A. AV., Electric Calls, 77
Lake, A. AV., Navigating Fluids, 305
Lake, H. H., Blacking, 18
Lake, H. H., Bridges, 114
Lake, H. H., Clocks, 422
Lake, H. H., Coffer-dams, 207
Lake, H. H , Combing Wool, 441
Lake, H. H., Crimping, 343
Lake, H. H., Cutlery, 169
Lake, H. H., Destroying Insects, 113
Lake, H. H., Electric Accumulators, 149, 493
Lake, H. H., Electric Batteries, 248
Lake, H. H., Extracting Metals, 96
Lake, H. H., Fire-arms, 441
Lake, II. H., Furnaces, 305
Lake, H. H., Glass, 17
Lake, H. H., Harness, 440
Lake, H. II., Linear Measuring, 441
Lake, H. II., Looms, 227
Lake, II. IL, Musical Instruments, 325
Lake, H. H., Oxide of Lead, 188
Lake, II. II., Pictures, 206.
Lake, H. II., Preserving Meat, &c., 76
Lake, H. H., Protecting AVood from Fire 208
Lake, II. IL, Railway Brakes, 246
Lake, H. II , Sewing Machines, 149
Lake, H. H., Ships, 268
Lake, H. H , Starch, 130
Lake, II. IL, Sugar, 285, 305
Lake, H. H., Syphon Bottles, 341
Lake, II. H., Telegraphy, 325
Lake, H. II., Twisting and Spinning, 57
Lake, H. IL, AVorking Cut-off Valves, 95
Lake, AV. R., Aerial Navigation, 113
Lake, W. R , Alarm Clocks, 218
Lake, W. R., Ammunition Boxes, 268
Lake, W. R., Anaesthetics, 363
Lake, AV. R., Barrels, 131
Lake, W. R., Billiard, &c., Tables, 96
Lake, AV. R., Blinds, 3 )5
Lake, AV. R., Boots and Shoes, 57,304, 362
Lake, AV. R., Brakes, 96
Lake, AV. R., Breaking Stone, 342
Lake, AV. R., Burnishing, 95
Lake, AV. R., Bushing Material, 422
Lake, AV. R., Carbon Conductors, 400
Lake, AV. R., Ceilings, 493
Lake, AV. R., Cesspools 56
Lake, AV. R., Coating AVire, 314
Lake, W. R., Cocks and Taps, 95
Lake, W. R., Coffee Pots, 170
Lai e, AV. R., Couplings, 306
Lake, AV. R., Decorticating Fibres, 459
Lake, AV. R., Draining Land, 131
Lake, AV. R., Drilling Rocks, 268
Lake, AV. R., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 168, 248, 306, 400, 407
Lake, AV. R., Elastic Gores and Gussets of Wearing Apparel, 95
Lake, AV. R., Electric Cables, 206
Lake, AV. R., Electric Accumulators, 20
Lake, AV. R., Electric Batteries, 57, 422
Lake, AV. R., Electric Commutators, 36 Lake, AV. R., Electric Conductors, 267 Lake, AV. R., Electric Currents, 96,168, 305, 363, 492
Lake, W. R., Electric Lamps, 58, 268, 306, 400, 422
Lake, AV. R , Electric Light, 168, 324
Lake, AV. R., Electric Machines, 492
Lake, AV. R., Electricity, 36, 37
Lake, W. R., Engines, 247, 362
Lake, AV. R., Fastening Stoppers, 207
Lake, AV. R., Fastenings for Boots and Shoes, 96
Lake, W. R., Fastenings for Wearing Apparel, 96
Lake, AV. R., Finger Rings, 187
Lake, W. R., Fire-arms, 18, 186
Lake, AV. R., Fire-boxes, 382
Lake, AV. R., Fire escapes, 380
Lake, AV. R., Fire-extinguishing, 113, 206
Lake, AV. R., Folding, &c., 305
Lake, AV. IL, Folding Chairs, 494
Lake, AV. R., Fountain Pens, 401
Lake, AV. IL, Galvanic Batteries, 76
Lake, AV. R., Gas, 268
Lake, AV. R., Glove Fastenings, 477
Lake, AV. IL, Grape Sugar, 113
Lake, AV. R., Heating Zinc Furnaces, 96
Lake, AV. R., Hydro-chlorate of Alumina, 422
Lake, AV. R., Insulating Conductors, 94
Lake, AV. R , Iron and Steel, 95
Lake, AV. R., Jewellery Boxes, 77
Lake, W. R., Malleable Iron, 16
Lake, AV. R , Lace, 37
Lake, AV.' R., Lamp AVicks 227
Lake, AV. R , Lamps, 425, 443
Lake, AV. R., Lighting, 149
Lake, AV. R., Locomotives, 96
Lake, AV. R., Looms, 188
Lake, AV. R., Metallic Shingles, 344
Lake, W. IL, Mills, 380
Lake, AV. R., Motive Power, 267, 362
Lake, W. IL, Mowing, 228
Lake, AV. R., Music Rolls for Mechanical Musical Instruments, 95
Lake, W. IL, Musical Instruments, 304
Lake, AV. R., Numbering Machines, 113
Lake, AV. R., Opening Fibres, 247
Lake, AV. R., Ordnance, 149
Lake, W. R., Packing, 187
Lake, AV. R., Paint Cases, 228
Lake, AV. R., Pianofortes, 380
Lake, AV. R., Pencil-cases, 494
Lake, AV. IL, Printing, 96, 207, 402, 460, 477
Lake, AV. R , Pulleys, 477
Lake, AV. R., Reeds, 207
Lake, AV. R., Refrigerators, 188
Lake. AV. R., Roving, 170 >
Lake, W. R., Ruffling, &c., 305
Lake, W. R., Saddles, 206
Lake, AV. R., Safety Pins, 18
Lake, AV. R., Separating Metals, 421
Lake, AV. R., Sewing Machines, 57, 148, 305, 402, 493
Lake, AV. Rt) Shaft Couplings, 208
Lake, AV. R., Shingles, 363
Lake, AV. R., Ships’ Berths, 382
Lake, AV. R., Ships’ Cargoes, Steadying, 304
Lake, W. R., Soldering Metal Cans, &c., 58
Lake, W. R., Spinning, 150, 170, 421
Lake, W. R., Spools, 188
Lake, W. R , Spring Motor Apparatus, 187
Lake, W. R., Staples, 246, 268
Lake, W. R., Stereotyping, 421
Lake, W. R., Sugar, 113, 132, 268, 441
Lake, W. R., Tables, 96
Lake, W. R., Tanning, 246
Lake, W. R., Telegraphy, 77, 207, 400
Lake, W. R., Telephony, 77
Lake, W. R., Terrets, 169
Lake, W. R., Tooth Brushes, 382
Lake, W. R., Towing Ships, 113
Lake, W. R., Toys, 364
Lake, W, R., Treating Maize, 149
Lake, W. R., Treating Starch and Sugar, 494
Lake, W. R., Treating Hides, 382
Lake, W. R., TreatingOres, 494
Lake, W. R., Valve Cocks, 227
Lake, W. R., Washing Wool, 206, 247
Lake, W. R., Waterproof Fabrics, 364
Lake, W. R., Wheel Gearing, 247
Lake, W. R., Wheels and Axle Boxes, 18
Lake, W. R., Window Sashes, 169
Lake, W. R., Wire, 113
Lake, W. R., Wool Combing, 267
Lake, W. R., Writing Pads, 131
Lakeman, E. G., Ploughs, 246
Lakeman, E. G., Stoves, 113
Lakeman and Jelly, Fire-Escapes, 326
Lalande, F. de, Electric Piles, 344
Lamb, J. M., Ventilators, 228
Lambert, T., Screw Propellers, 247, 421
Lamont, R., Spring Balances, 58
Lancaster and Slater, Spinning and
Doubling, 16
Lander, S. T., Moving Targets, 149
Lane-Fox, St. G. L, Electric Current
Meters, 78
Lane-Fox, St. G. L., Electric Lamps, 400
Langdon, W. E., Fog Signals, 493
Langdon, W. E., Railway Signalling, 226
i Lascelles, W. H., Earth Closets, 248
Lath ram, E., Bolt Fastenings, 228
Laurie, R., Strainers, 305
Lawley, W., Photographic Cameras, 77
Lawrence, G., Refrigerators, 207
Lawson, J. R., Fabries, 150
Lawrence, J. and A., Indicators, 363
Lawson and Sirech, Checking Tickets, 380
Lay bourne, R., Electric Light for Railway
Carriages, 37
Laycock and Clapham, Gas, 56
Lea, H., Electric Lamps, 460
Lea, J., Electric Arc Lamps, 421
Leask, A. R., Electric Lamps, 401
Lebacq, F., Hanging Berths, 3(14
Leclere, C. J., Cork Branding, 148
Lee, jun., R., Gate Fastenings, 207
Leefe, A., Lamps, 402
Leeming, J. and F., and Wilkinson, Looms, 325 ’ ’
Lees, IL, Alarms, 150
Leggott and Marsh, Stoves, 208
Lehmann, A. J., Motive Power, 149
Leighs, A. L. 8., Torpedo Boats, Casings for, 420
Leroy, C., Preventing Railway Accidents,
Lersner, H., Revolving Hair Brushes, 301
Lever, C., Electric Light, 459
Levey and Lumley, Magneto - Electric
Machines, 286
Levy and Lowe, Tell-Tales, 247
Lewis, J., Boots and Shoes, 57
Lewis, J., Gas Burners, 342
Lewis, J., Insulating Apparatus, 285
Lewis and Massey, Preventing Overwind
ing, 343
Lewthwaite, J„ Rollers, 343
Ley, W. V., Metallic Packing, 344
Leyland, J., Spinning, 18
Liardet, J. E., Electricity in Trains, 57
Liardet, J. E., Storing Electricity, 57, 131
Liardet and Donnithorne, Hydraulic
Motors, 17
Liepman and Looker, Carbons, 285
Lietzmann and Borchardt, Wire Rope
Couplings, 326
Lighbody, W., Lamp-burners, 400
Lightfoot, T. B., Refrigerating, 226
Lightoiler and Longshaw, Treating Yarn, 95
Liley, J. and F. S., Umbrellas, 422
Lilley, G. C.. Registering Distances, 460
Lilley and Morris, Fuel, 381
Lindley, J., Hoists, 149
Lindsay, W. M., Letter Boxes, 16
Lipscombe, H. R., Purifying Water, 207
Lish. J. J., Fire Blowers, 304
Lishmann, T., Iron and Steel, 441
Lister and Reixach, Looms, 169
Lithgow, W. T., Propelling Ships, 325
Litt, W. E., Boots and Shoes, 380
Little, G., Electro-magnets, 206
Little and Nickels, Coating Compositions,
Liveing and Boys, Electric Light, 114
Livesey, H., Looms, 149
Livesey, Whitehall, and Becconsall, Rail
way Signalling, 362
Livet, F., Funnels, 492
Llewellin, W. B., Checking Apparatus, 493
Liewellin, W. M., Checking Apparatus, 381
Lloyd, G. H., Boilers, 113
Lloyd, W. J.. Revolving Stands, 227
Loads, H„ Boots and Shoes, 150
Lockwood, F., Scouring Leather, 248
Lockwood, W., Spring Spring Packing, 18
Loder, J. IL, Beverages, 460
Loder, J. II., Colouring Matters, 477
Lodjda, I., Wearing Apparel, Cloaks and
Dresses, 206
Loewenthal and Willoughby, Fire-arms, 362
Lohf, G., Tube Expanders, 381
Long and Aplin, Brewing, 325
Longmore, J., Utilising Residues, 492
Lorenz, W., Cutting Machines for Cartridge
Cases, 56
Lorge, E., Tobacco Pipes, 363
Lorrain, J. G., Electric Lamps, 95
Lotz, W. F., Binding Paper, 113
Low, G., Drawing Board, 169
Loveday, T., Harness, 57
Lowe, A. H., Packing Cases, 459
Lowrie and Row, Disengaging Shins’
Boats, 38 r
Lox ton, E. L., Paste, 325
Lucas, J., Lamps, 343
Lumley, H., Steering, 150
Lumb, J., Lubricators, 228
Lund, L. A. W., Buttons, 206
Luther, W. H., Baths, 382
Lynam, Boilers, P. J., 16
Lynde, E. A., Cutlery, 96
Lyon, H., Checking, 363
Lyon, T. S., Brackets, 169
Lyon, W., Governors, 248
Lyte, F. M., Absorbing Furnace Gases, 56
Lyte, F. M., Peroxide, 381
Lyte, F. M., Refining Alcohol, 421
Macaulay-Cruikshank, G., Filters 188
Macaulay-Cruikshank, G., Raising Water,
Maccall, T., Hot-air Baths, 363
McCammon, J., Engine Brakes, 227
McClaren, J. F., Sewing Machines, 170
McCulloch and Cook, Hutches, 422
MacDonald and Bolanachi, Smoke Consum
ing, 113
McDougall, A., Treating Solutions, 132
Macdougald, G. D., Velocipedes, 493
McDougall, J. 8., Preventing Explosions in Mines, 186
McEvoy, C. A., Sounding, 186
McEvoy, C. A., Submarine Telephony, 58
McGill, W., Urinals, 477
Macgregor and Redfern, Reaping, 324
McIntosh, H. B., Rigging, 37
McIntyre, L., Boilers, 37
Mackay, J., Wheels and Axles, 286
McKenny, J., Hook Fastenings, 150
Mackenzie, W. J., Electric Lamps, 284
Mackie, A., Electric Light, 113
Mackie, Start, and Scattergood, Knitted
Fabrics, 305
McLaren and Sherratt, Signalling, 477
McLaughlin, W. H., Masking Tiste of Medicine, 382
McLean, A., Slabs or Panels, 226
McLennan and Owen, Preventing, &c., Fires, 247
Macmeikan, J. A., Door Handles. 169
McNaught, J. and W., Scouring Wool, 284
McNichol and Holling worth. Looms. 402
Macpherson, F., Bagsfor Taking Prisoners, 76
Mactear, J., Soda, 286
Macvay and Sykes, Stoppering Bottles, 2S5
Main, J. M., Locking Devices, 343
Maitland, H. F., Engines, 442
Major, C., Roofing Tiles, 401
Mandelberg and Rothband, Waterproof
Capes, 342
Mansfield, E., Cleaning Wool, 441
Mantle, A. W., Thrashing, 363
Manuel, V., Preservers, 442
Mappie, J. L., Matches, 17
Mara and Winson, Marking Billiards, 401
March, W., Tip Wagons, 343
Margetson and Hek, Omnibuses, 267
Markie, J., Metal Lasts, 325
Marks, W. H., Steamships, 56
Marquez, J. A., Printing, 36
Marsden, B., Strap Fastenings, 493
Marsden, H. M., Cutlery, 186
Marsden and Cross, Brushes, 363
Marshall, T., Cleansing Tubes, 305
Marston, J., Two-wheeled Vehicles, 78
Mart and Bradley, Presses, 208
Martin, C., Anchors, 460
Martin, E. C., Boats’ Rowlocks, 57
Maskrey, A. J., Tin-plate, 247
Mather, G. R., Engines, 363
Mathieson, H., Drying, 342
Mathieson, H., Drying Printing, 342
Mathieson, H., Transferring Designs, 342
Mathison. J., Door Locks, 380
Matthews, R., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 305
Mauris, C , Galvanic Batteries, 57
Mauser, P., Rifling Fire-arms, 113
Mauser, P., Repeating Fire-arms, 442
Maxted, C. H., Spinning, 227
Maxwell-Lyte, F., Secondary Batteries, 362
May, W., Working Ferries, 267
Mayer, C., Boots and Shoes, 132
Mayers, J., Signalling, 206
Maynard, R , Engines, 443
Maynes, J., Nails, 247, 304
Meakin, W., Sash Pulleys, 247
Meeze, Salamon, and Phillips, Velocipedes,
Megow and Markel, Water-wheels, 442
Meldola, R., Colouring Matters, 494
Mellor, A., Furnaces, 285
Menge and Krause, Painting, 364
Merichenski, M., Cutlery, 441
Merrall, J. W., Ring Spinning, 17
Mewburn, J., Crushing Rock, 132
Mewburn, J. C., Cables, 284
Mewburn, J. C., Cocks, 493
Mewburn, J. C., Copper, 401
Mewburn, J. C., Cranes and Hoists, 226
Mewbum, J. C., Harness, 363
Mewbum, J. C., Permanent Way, 286
Mewburn. J. C., Protecting Wires, 284
Mewburn, J. C., Soap, 95
Mewburn, J. C., Water-closets, 228
Mewburn, J. C., Water Gas, 421
Meyer, H. E., Smoking Tobacco, 169 Meyer, H. R., Electric Conductors, 168 Milbourne, J. P., Hooks and Hangers, 95
Miles, J. H., Door, &c., Frames, 208
Miles, J. H., Perambulators, 132
Mill, A., Washing, 18
Millar, A., Electric Currents, 36, 477
Millar, A., Scaleboard, 380
Millard, J. C., Cocks or Valves, 76
Miller, H. F. D., Lamps, 325, 459
Mills, B. J. B., Electric Lamps, 226
Mills, B. J. B., Fire-arm'’, 95
Mills, B. J. B., Heating Water, 95
Mills, B. J. B., Knitting, 95
Mills, B. J. B., Lubricators, 494
Mills, B. J. B., Malting, 441
Mills, B. J. B., Pumping, 362
Mills, B. J. B., Rotary Engines, 77
Mills, B. J. B , Spinning, 494
Mills, H. F., Medical Compounds, 78
Milne, J., Fire lighters, 58
Minebin and Despeissis, Preventing Accidents, 268
Minibre, J., Umbrellas, 343
Mitchell, C. R., Hauling Winches, 95
Mitchell, J., Cooking, 267
Mitchell, J., Ornamenting Windows, 188
Mitchell, J., Washing, 440
Mitchell, T. A., Travelling Bags, 400
Mobbs, 1)., Gas Engines. 477
Mockford, W. G. S., Motive Power, 186
Mohan and Girvin, Seats, 421
Molloy, G., Secondary Batteries, 362
Molloy, P., Lamps and Burners, 267
Mond, L., Cyanogen Compounds, 187 Mond, L., Peroxides, 381
Moore, J. H., Pipe Joints, 206
Moreland, jun., R., Stillions, 131
Morgan, T., Cocks, 207
Morgan, T., Engines, 113, 168
Morgan. T., Magnetic Motors, 226
Morgan, W., Tricycles, 401
Morgan, W. T., Sensitive Paper. 57 Morgan-Brown, W., Furnaces, 207 Morgan-Brown, W., Pens, 401
Morgan-Brown, W., Treating Hides, 113
Morgan-Brown, W., Whalebone, 130 Morley, C. W., Gas Burners, 440 Morley and Jagger, Spinning, 76 Morris, C., Pipes, 246
Morris, H., Railway Signalling, 400
Morris, J., Aluminium, 285
Morris, J., Registering, 478
Morris, W., Turntables, 187
Morton, A., Engines, 362
Morton, R. G.. Thrashing, 95
Morton and Robinson, Refrigerators, 228
Morton and Williams, Gas, 306
Moseley, C., Telephones, 36
Moss, G., Velocipedes, 132
Moss, J. M., Transferring Designs, 169
Mouland, J. E., Steamships. 304
Mountford, C. J., Asbestos Pigments, 13
Mountford, C. J., Fire-proof Bricks, 285
Mountford, C. J., Pigments, 132
Mousby, F., Exhibiting Trade Marks, 16
Moxon, E., Barges, 113
Moxon, E., Fog Signalling, 207
Mucklow and Spurge, Photometers, 38
Mugnier, J., Colouring Matters, 422
Muir, A., Cutting, 187
Muir, W., Motive Power, 407
Muirhead, A., Electrical Circuits. 382
Muller, T. N., Steel, 460
Mullings and Whiteley, Washing Wool, 441 Munro, J. , Electric Light,400
Murat and Molet, Opening Bottles, 477
Murray, G., Planting Potatoes, 246
Musgrave, 8., Mordanting, 422
Myers, F., Nailing, 187
Myers, F., Trimming Wood, 187
von, Coffee, 441
von, Corkscrews, 188
von, Dyeing Yarns, 227 von, Electric Apparatus,
von, Fireplaces, 206
T .J iWHUl 1U.111O) HO
E., Couplings, 149
E., Dynamic Cooling, 187
Electric Currents, 304, 362 Electric Lamps, 56 Explosives, 170 Filter Presses, 247 Motive Power, 17 Secondary Batteries, 37 Valve Cases, 247
Velocipedes, 421
Nairn, M. B., Floor Cloth, 113 Naish, C , Hats, 440
Nalder, T. and W., Thrashing, 325
Napier and Paterson, Coating Boilers, 77 Nash, T., Fire Bars, 247
Natt, J., Fog Signalling, 325
Nash and Brewer, Hoops, 421
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Buttons, 380
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Carriage Coverings, 492
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Children’s Chairs, 478
Nawrocki, G. W. Nawrocki, G. W. Nawrocki, G. W. Nawrocki, G. W.
Nawrocki, G. W. wu, mepiaces, zuo Nawrocki, G. W. von, Grinding Stones, !
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Irons, 442 Nawrocki, G. W. von, Pistons, 402 Nawrocki, G. W. von, Set-squares, 226 Nawrocki, G. W. von, Steamship Screws, 460
Nawrocki, G. W. von. Tables, 492 Naylor, W., Projectiles, 344 Neilson, G., Ammonia, 150 Neville, G. F., Games of Skill, 169 Newell and Tollett, Letter-boxes, 477 Newsum, G., Lithography, 131 Newton, A. V., Roller Mills, 113 Newton, H. E., Couplings, 149 Newton, H. Newton, H. Newton, H. Newton, H. Newton, H. Newtou, H. Newton, H. Newton, H.
Newton, H. ._____c----,
Newell and Toilet, Letter-boxes, 368 Nezereaux, C. P., Galvanic Batteries, 382 Nicholl, J., Heating Conservatories, 17 Nicholls, II. M., Folding Paper, 247 Nicholls, T. and W. J., Catheters, 56, 441 Nicholson and Mather, Harvesting, 94 Nicoll, D., Packing Cases, 381 Nief, J., Boots and Shoes, 285 Niel.P., Gas Engines, 268 Nightingale, W. W., Ice, 402 Nisbet, J., Engines, 247
Noad, J., Printing Blocks, 380
Noad and Salomon, Ornamental Surfaces, 440
Nock, J., Anchors, 95 Nolan, J. P., Measuring Distance, 325 Nordenfelt, T., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 76
Nordenfelt, *., iujuuuUUO) Z<v I Norman, J. J., Horseshoes, 285 Nottingham, J., Artificial Stone, 188 Nottingham, J. R., Locks, 132
Nussey and Leachman, Heating Water, 150
T., Ordnance, 76, 324
T., Projectiles, 267
Oldmeadow, J., Saddle Bars, 306
O’Neill, J., Looms, 38
Openshaw and Rothwell, Ribbed Fabrics, 207
Orme, D. and F. II., Mule Counters, 57
Orth, H., Hats, 188
Orton, J., Boring, 381
Osmond, J., Holding Tennis Nets, 305
Oswald, T. R., Twin Screw Ships, 208
Otway, G., Cutting Clay, 188
Outram, E., Drying, 38
Outram, E., Pianofortes, 267
Ovenden, T. W., Horseshoes, 169
Pain and Gritton, jun., Lamps, 207
Palliser, E., Projectiles, 381
Palmer, J. H., Pumping, 76
Parini, G. C.. Propellers, 207
Parker, F. W., Packing Lace, &c., 38
Parker, J., Bricks, 267
Parker, J., Labels, 381
Parkinson, J., Boilers, 187
Parkinson, W. C., Gas Meters, 459
Parlour, J. T., Registering Receipts, 131
Parrot, J., Heating, 132
Parsonage, T., Bevelling Glass, 381
Parsonage, C., Stereotyping, 246
Parzelski, K., Electric Currents, 459
Pass, E. de, Electric Lamps, 186
Pass, E. de, Feeding Boilers, 95
Pass, E. de, Feed-water, 95
Pass, E. de, Syringes, 441
Pass, E de, Treating Oils, 422
Paterson, H. C., Smoke-consuming, 493
Patin, L. V., Boots and Shoes, 493
Paulson, W., Winding Engines, 170
Payne, A., Sharpening Razors, 460
Payne, G., Distilling Glycerine, 149
Payne, G., Soap, 96
Payne, H., Looms, 267
Pear, A. H., Revolving Cutter, 227
Pearsall, H. D., Drilling Rock, 380
Pearson, R., Drain Traps, 304
Peck, E., Rotary Engines and Pumps, 478
Pellatt, W. C., Delivering Paper, 207
Pendred, H. W., Boilers, 149
Pengelly and Day, Velocipedes, 362
Penman, W., Chains, 286
Penn, J., Engines, 400
Pepper, W., Steering, 304
Perkins, Wimpenny, and Evans, Spinning, 247, 462
Perks, G., Wheels, 170
Perry, A., Malting, 325
Perry, A. H., Railway Signalling, 284
Perry, D., Mineral Phosphates, 131
Perry, J., Electricity, 114
Peters, G. D., Increasing Heat of Fuel, 186
Peterson, K. F. C., Corking Bottles, 168
Petit, F., Keys, 401
Petitpierre, D., Watchmakers’ Tools, 208
Petri, F., Purifying Sewage, 56
Peyton, E., Furniture, 18
Pfannkuche and Dunston, Electrical
Resistances, 113
Pfleiderer, P., Motive Power, 421
Phillippi, L., Copying Engravings, 131
Phillips, A., Velocipedes, 493
Phillips, E. P., Spring Hinges, 304
Phillips, S. E., Electric Currents, 342
Phillips, W. H., Fire-extinguishing, 17
Philpott, W. T., Drafting Patterns, 325
Pickering, J. and J. T., Hoists, 95
Pick well, R., Recording Instruments, 149
Picket, R. P., Ice, 343
Pielsticker, C. M., Distilling, 381
Pieper, Cl, Axles, 18
Pieper, C., Drains and Gullies, 132
Pieper, C., Preserving Fish, 131
Piercy, G. J., Marking Ground, 401
Pirn and Sands, Looms, 131
Pirn and Sands, Shuttle-boxes, 131
Pinder, S. J., Biscuit-boxes, 17
Pinder, T. H., Fire-escapes, 421
Pitkin, J., Secondary Batteries, 57, 493
Pitt, G., Ornamented Fabrics, 17
Pitt, J. W., Hinges, 226
| Pitt, S., Brakes, 306
Pitt, 8., Carbonate of Soda, 442
Pitt, S., Clarifying Syrup, 325
Pitt, 8., Electric Light, 402
Pitt, S., Lamps, 208
Pitt, 8., Purifying Metals, 17
Pitt, S., Slag, 150
Pitt, S., Telegraphy, 113, 304
Hitt, 8., Treating Grain, 382
Pitt, 8., Vehicles, 306
Plant, W. and J., Plates, 459
Plessner, J. M. Copying Presses, 169
Plot, D., Dynamo-electric Machines, 3S1
Plunkett, J. W., Safety Taps for Gas, 208
Podewils, A., Baron of, Evaporating, 494
Poidevin, T. le, Bricks, 268
Pool, F., Water-motive Power, 286
Pope, R., Feeding Sawing Machines, 227
[ Porteous, A. N., Gas Engines, 441
Porter, W., Testing, 441
Post, J., Weighing, 37
Potter and Rice, Treating Sealskins, 77
Pover, J., Composition for Boilers, 207
Powell, L, S., Dynamo-electric Machines, 77
Powell, L. S., Electric Lamps, 78
| Power, E. J., Sifting Grain, 113
Preece and James, Electric Light for
I Trains, 131
l Prentice, R,, Disintegrating, 492
Preston, J., Perambulators, 382
Pratt, J. E., Silvering Glass, 187
Price, A. P., Aerated Beverages, 16
Price, W. H.., Pulleys, 16
Priestley, T., Knitting, 324
Priestman, E., Cranes, &c., 364
Priestman, W. D., Cranes, 18
Priestman and Ackroyd, Looms, 342
Prim, G., Nitrous Vapours, 477
Pritchard, O. G., Electric Lights, 479
Pritshett, J. W., Glove Fastenings, 363
Prosser, J., Fermented Beverages, 493
Pryor, M. R., Cultivating, 421
Pullin and Bonser, Clearing Gas and Water
Mains, 401
Pulvermacher, I. L., Storing Electricity, 305
Pursell, J., Propelling, 16
Pym, G. H., Forges, 112
Qualter, J., Roller Mills, 226
Quick, J. and J., jun., Locomotives, 77
Radcliffe, J., Electric Signalling, 186
Raison, H. 8., Electro-motors, 168
Ralph and Underhill, Marking Tennis
Courts, 286
Rammell, T. W., Pneumatic Railways, 58
Randall, J. W., Furniture, 227
Randle, W., Cases of Socket Bolts, 227
Randle, W., Socket Slides, 382
Rankin, J. F. and M., Engines, 421
Rapieff, J., Boilers, 228
Rapieff, J., Electric Lamps, 267
Rapieff, J., Incandescent Lamps, 477
Rapieff, J., Telephony, 285
Ratcliffe, D. R., Safes, 148
Rawes, F. B., -Sulphur, 362
Rawson, J., Water Supply, 324
Raynes and Healey, Kilns, 248
Reckenzaun, A., Producing Light, 305
Reddick, G. C., Brace Ends, 76
Reddie, A., Ventilators, 401
Redilie, A. W. P., Cheques, 77
Reddie, A. W., Reducing Grain, 206
Reddie, A. W. L., Grinding Wire Cards, 58
Reddie, A. W., Ships, 169
Reddie, A. W., Wire Bands, 460
Reddie, A. W. L., Filtering, 363
Reddie, A. W. L., Gas, 325
Reddie, A. W. L., Pulleys, 478
Reddie, A. W. L., Refrigerating, 364
Reddie, A. W. L., Screw Propellers, 440
Reddie, A. W. L., Stay Fastenings, 407
Reddie, A. W. L., Valve Gear, 304
Bedfern, G., Railway Brakes, 304
Redfern, G. F., Safety Pins, 459
Redfern, G. F., Propelling Vehicles, 304
Redfern, G. F., Soap Sheets, 402
Redgate, J., Furnaces, 18
Rcdmayne, J., Fireplaces, 207
Reed, J. L.. Saddle-bars, 248
Reid, H., Moulding Cement, 131
Reid and Johnson, Explosives, 208
Reid, P., Pump Valve, 148
Reid, T., Distributing Manure, 421
Reisert, H., Lubricating, 78
Reissig, W., Indelible Ink, 227
Remfrey, J., Clearing Tram-rails, 401
Remmers, Williamson, and Fairweather,
Drying Sewage, 400
Render, F., Bricks, 363
Rest, W., Tobacco Pipes, 420
Rettie, J., Engine Governors, 206
Rettie, J., Scaffolding, 342
Reusch, H., Armour Plates, 343
Reuter, C., Weighing, 380
Revel, J., Canal Locks, 169
Reynolds, E. D , Points and Switches, 16
Reynolds, J., Bedsteads, 344
Rhode, J., Gas Engines, 17
Rhodes, O. Y., Fireproof Wearing Apparel, 305
Ricci, R. M, S. de, Ordnance, 381
Richard, J. E., Sewing Machines, 131
Richards, G., Planing Metals, 477
Richards, G., Testing Plates, 114
Richards, J. R., Shuttles, 131, 169
Richards, R., Ships, 149
Richardson, E , Wire, 306
Richardson, F. , India-rubber Boots and
Shoes, 37
Richardson, J., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 95
Richardson, J., Engine Governors, 304
Richardson, J. W., Engines, 402
Richardson, T., Gas Burners, 132
Richardson. W. W., Dyeing, 170
Riche, A., Permanent Way, 326
Riche, A., Rolling Steel, 314
Richford, E. M., Hand Stamps, 57
Rickaby, A. A., Piston Packing Rings, 420
Rid al, J., Pruning, 324
Ridge, J., Bottle Stands, 228
Ridgway, A., Turf Edges, Cutting, 422
Ridley, J., Shirts, 113
Riegelmann, A., Anti-corrosive Wrappings, 188
Rigby and Banks, Small-arms, 306
Riggs, T. A., Bricks, &c., 421
Ripley, R. S., Reducing, &c., Metals, 402
Ripley and Briggs, Spinning, 247, 343
Ripley and Scholes, Feeding Boilers, 285
Rippingille, E. A., Gas Stoves, 76
Rivers, E. G., Liquid Meters, 459
Rixon, G., Bicycles, 401
Roberton, J., Pottery Ware, 16
Roberts, B., Tricycles, 207
Roberts, G. C., Refrigerators, 77
Roberts, W., Forges, 325
Robertson, E. J., Boats’ Rowlocks, 381
Robinson, A. E , Absorbing Powders, 478
Robinson, F., Distributing Manure, 246
Robinson, F., Taps, 363
Robinson, J., Oil Vessels, 440
Robinson, M., Roasting Coffee, 113
Robinson, T. N., Sawing Wood, 170
Robinson, W. J. J., Diminishing Vibrations of Sound in Lamps, 96
Robson, G., Steering Engines, 492
Robson, T. N., Picks, &c., 17
Rock, E. G., Fencing Wire, 478
Rock, W. S., Tricycles, 187
Roden, II. von, Preserving Milk, 57
Roeckner, C. Clarifying Liquids, 77
Rogers, J., Motive Power, 239
Rogers, J. B., Dynamo Machines, 343, 401
Rogers, J. B., Electric Currents, 208, 440
Rogers, J. B., Electric Lamps, 325
Rogers, T., Boiler Valves, 113
Rollason, A., Looms, 343
Rollason, J. G., Brooches, 440
Rose, A. W., Telephony, 57, 325
Rose, A. W., Telephones, 325
Rose, W., Taps, 170
Ross, jun., J., Preserving Fish, 363
Ross, O. C. de, Galvanic Batteries, 57
Ross and Buxton, Water Filters, 246
Rothwell, E. and W. A., Looms, 170
Rouse, E., Filling Vessels with Liquids, 77
Rouse, J. C., Looms, 363
Rousseau, E. A. IL, Motive Power, 494
Roussel, his, J., Spinning, 131
Rowan, F. J., Rivetting and Rolling, 284
Rowan, T., Electric Lamps, 206
Rowan, T., Treating Coal, 209
Rowan, T., Ventilating, 149, 401
Rowan, T., Warming and Ventilating, 56
Rowan. W. R., Engines, 363
Rowbottom, J., Driving Ropes, 363
Rowell, II., Fences and Gates, 57
Rowland, J., Cutting Holes, 342
Royle, J. J., Gas Fittings, 57
Royle, J. J., Lubricating, 248
Rubens, C., Urinals, 380
Rucker, jun., M. D., Velocipedes, 131
Russ, B.. Gas, 477
Rycroft, J., Beds, 362
Ryder and Fielding, Grinding, 364
Rydill, G., Fabrics, 459
Rylands, D., Bottles, 362
Sachs, J. J., Printing Surfaces, 305
St. Aubin, W. H., Perambulators. 286
St. George, A. F.. Electric Signalling, 284
Salmon, Smith, and Hamilton, Printing, 18
Salomons, D., Electric Lamps, 363
Salisbury, J., Stay Fastenings, 131
Salsbury, H., Suspension Lamps, 187
Samuel, A., Refrigerators, 187
Samuelson and Manwaring, Harvesting, 344
Sauli and Brooks, Spring Clips, 305
Saunders, E., Respirators, 37
Saunders, J. W., Fastenings, 363
Saunders, W., Cleaning Floors, 37
Sauv6e, A., Pyrometers, 459
Sawdon, B., Naphtha Lamp Burners, 440
Savage, F., Roundabouts, 38
Say, 8. A., Adjusting Doors, 58
Scantlebury, W., Bicycles, 381
Scheibler, C., Sugar, 186, 246, 285, 460
Schenson, E., Scutching Fibres, 56
Schlieffen, C. W. von, Stoppers, 363
Schofield, J., Furnace Grates, 95
Schon, C., Glass, 286
Schroer, R., Photography, 169
Schroll, A., Protecting India-rubber, 402
Schumann, S., Covering Boilers, 56
Schwartzkoppf, G., Permanent Way, 226
Scott, A., Feeding Hurdles, 113
Scott, A., Ingress to Theatres, 343
Scott, B. C., Letter Forms, 492
Scott, C., Spray Producing, 380
Scott, F. McC., Casks, 17
Scott, G., Alloys of Manganese, 208
Scott, G. L., Wheels, 57
Scott, H., Phosphatic Substances, 150
Scott, Capt. L. K., Telescopic Signals for
Fire-arms, 36
Scott, R. J., Utilising Waves, 380
Scott, W. M., Small-arms, 305, 306
Scott and Baker, Breech-loading Fire-arms, 188
Scott and Kenyon, Lubricants, 187
Scott, A., jun., Scott, J. D., and Ogilvie, Sugar, 459
Scriven, C., Cutting Holes, 248
Seaton, W., Permanent Way, 76
Seefels, O., Roof Tiling, 206
Selley, W., Ash-guards, 421
Sellon, J. S., Electric Lamps, 206
Sellon, J. S., Secondary Batteries, 77, 150
Sennett, A. R., Electric Light, 94
Setter and Dyer, Filing Letters, 217
Settle, E. R., Velocipedes, 207
Sewell, Hulton, and Bethell, Looms, 381
Sharman, J. L., Lasts, 207
Sharp, H., Boilers, 37
Sharpe, T. G.. Gas Taps, 76
Sharpley, C. P., Seat, &c., Protectors, 268
Shaw, J., Drying Wool, 207
Shaw, J., Steam Traps, 421
Shaw and Nordlinger, Felt Leathers, 380
Sheehan, T., Preventing Explosions, 493
Shelley, T., Glazing, 132
Shields, J., Harbours, 286
Shill, R. E., Crushing, 187
Shippey and Punshon, Insulating Wires, 492
Ship way, J., Distributing Sewage, 441
Shorland, G. L.» Fireplaces, 363
Shorrock, J., Looms, 248
Siemens, C. W., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 266
Siemens, C. W., Explosive Compounds, 440
Siemens, C. W., Gas Engines, 37
Siemens, C. W., Lamps, 149
Siemens, C. W., Telephony, 168
Siemens, F., Gas Burners, 132
Simmonds, R., Artificial Light, 16
Simmons, W., Hearthstones, 325
Simmons and Tullidge, Ropes, 207
Simon, H., Sewing Machines, 421
Simon, R., Lubricating, 170
Simons, G., Match Boxes, 247
Simons, R. H., Electricity, 478
Simpson, B. C., Lamps, 363
Simpson, J., Treating Alkaline Lime Mud, 76
Sinclair, W., Penholders, 459
Singer and Lea, Velocipedes, 285
Singleton, T., Looms. 3'J4
Singleton, T., Paper Wrappers, 267
Skaife, W., Lamps, 304
Skene, R., Gas Engines, 364
Skene, R., Rotary Air Pumps, 285
Skinner, S., Engines, 421
Skipper, W. H., Divers’ Dresses, 344
Skrivanoff, G., Electrical Batteries, 206
Slagg, C., Drain Pipes, 326
Slagg, C., Protecting Pipes, 208
Slater and Brophy, Gas Cooking, 206
Slater and Hancock, Pottery, 186
Slater and Pollock, Supporting Buildings,
Smales, J. M., Liquid Meters, 380
Smellie, H., Springs, 169
Smillie, R. D., Telephony, 421
Smith, A., Carbons, 342
Smith, A., Window Sashes, 402
Smith, C., Water- Motors, 169
Smith, E., Chairs, 325
Smith, E., Mats, 304
Smith, F. J., Doubling and Twisting, 382
Smith, G., Earthenware Pipes, 150, 286
Smith, H. J., Separating Solid and Liquid
Bodies, 286
Smith, J., Chain Clips, 306
Smith, J., Wood Sawing, 187
Smith, J. G., Tricycles, 207
Smith, J. W., Spinning, 56
Smith, R. J., Controlling Action of Marine
Engines, 77
Smith, T., Grinding Plates, 343
Smith, W., Excavating. 326
Smith, W., Insulating Wires, 77
Smith, W., Shears, 131
Smith, W. H. E. and J., Looms, 38
Smith and Learoyd, Artificial Light, 247
Smith and Robertson, Fibres, 459
Smith and Taylor, Signalling, 460
Smythies, J. K., Flying Engines, 113
Snow, C. A., Ploughs, 382
Soldenhoff, R. de, Coke Ovens, 440
Sombart, C. M., Filling Bottles, 492
Sombart, C. M., Gas Engines, 441
Soper, W., Velocipedes, 149
Sothcott, J., Smoking Chairs, 130
Sowler and Ward, Plates, 169
Spagnoletti, C., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 267
Spagnoletti, C., Railway Signalling, 168
Sparre, P. A. C. do. Fire-extinguishing, 380
Spartali, N. D., Cabs, 493
Spear, J., Pencil Cases, 422
Speight, R. and T., Winding, 95
Spence, J., Winding, 380
Spence, P., Gases, 362
Spence, P. and F. M., Alum, 78
Spence, P. and F. M., Filtering, 16, 460
Spence, W., Motive Power, 227
Spence, W., Pigments, 18
Spence and Desvignes, Purifying Gas, 17
Spence and Watt, Caustic Soda, 380
Spencer, T., Explosives, 401
Spencer, Consterdine, and Greenwood,
Weighing, 149
Spencer, Consterdine, and Kimberley, Crushing Ores, 148
Spong, J. O., Appliances for Boots, 16
Spong, J. O., Musical Instruments, 56
Spowage, W., Combing, 382
| Sprague, J. D., Pencils, 305
Sprague, J. D., Stencils, 305
Springer, W., Separating Cellulose, 344
Springmiihl, F., Concentrating Milk, 207
Springmiihl. F., Grape Juice, 207
Squire, A., Pianofortes, 342
Stainer, J., Cranes and Hoists, 208
Stanford, E. C. C., Non-conductors, 442
Stansfield, J., Looms, 342
Stanton, F. and E., Embroidery, 477
Steil, W. H., Belt Fastenings, 37
Steinbock, M., Ironing Neckties, 114
Steitz, F., Holders, 460
Stellman, M., Braces, 326
Stevens and Major, Lifts, 95, 421
Stevenson, A., Roller Mills, 17
Stevenson, G„ Boilers, 380
Stevenson, H., Boxes, 150
Stevenson, J. C., Pressure Valves, 441
Stewart, J. Vernon-Newton, Horseshoes,168
Stierlin, A., Damping Paper, 187
Stocks, J. and B., Preparing Hides, 460
Storey, A., Trenching Tools, 131
Stormer, H. C. F., Soda, 228
Stroudley, W., Railway Signalling, 305
Strype, W. G., Filter Presses, 286
Stringfellow, W., Revolving Fire-arms, 77
Stuart, J. M., Electric Currents, 477
Stuart, J. M., Electric Lamps, 477
Stuart, J. M., Vehicles, 16
Stuart and Elliott, Treating Ores, 443
Stubbs, J. T., Safety Valves. 113
Stubbs and Corrigan, Winding. 95, 228
Stutchbury, H. R., Binding Documents,187
Sturm, S., Chimney Flues, 37
Stutafford, J., Musical Instruments, 285
Sugden and Binns, Welded Boilers, 207
Sugg, W. T., Gas Burners, 113
Summerfield, D., Locks, 306
Summers, J. W., Nails, 95
Summers, T. C., Water-closets, 460
Sumner, H., Gas Engines, 342
Sumner, W. Spinning and Doubling, 56
Sutcliffe, E. C., Taps, 422
Sutcliffe, H., Water-closets, 247
Sutcliffe, T., Looms, 150
Swan, J. W., Electric Meters, 58
Swan, J. W., Secondary Batteries, 58, 284
Swan, J.|W., Sockets for Electric Lamps, 113
Sweet, A., Valves, 459
Sweetland, W., Organs, 38
Sweetland, W. F., Condensed Milk, 342
Swift, L,, Filtering, 420
Swift, L., Rotary Pumps, 148
Sykes, P. P., Railway Signalling, 248
Sykes, R. E., Spinning, 343
Sykes, T.. Economisers, 401
Sykes and Abbott, Teaching Reading, 131
Talbot, C. N., Telegraphy, 284
Tams, J., Drinking Vessels, 363
Tansley, J. J., Brakes, 169
Taunton and Aston, Bedsteads, 304
Taylor, C. M., Bottles, 326
Taylor, H. F., Heating Metal Plates, 440
Taylor, H. and G., Cutlery, 494
Taylor, J , Screw Propellers, 57
Taylor, J., Wheels, 342
Taylor, J. D., Drain Traps, 76
Taylor, J. and G. J., Boots, 363
Taylor, P., Back-sight for Fire-arms, 114
Taylor, and Brierley. Looms, 304
Taylor and Leyshon, Coating Metal Plates 442
Taylor and Wethered, Velocipedes, 380
Teague, W., Air Economisers, 380
Teague, W., Valves, 326
Teer, J., Fire-grates, 17
Templeman and Carmichael, Fire-lighters, 477
Teodorexo, T., Ships, 169
Terry, 8. H., Water-closets, 150
Thallon, J., Stairs, 477
Theiler, R. and M., Telephony, 208, 285, 326
Thom, J., Door Handles, 342
Thomas P., Bleaching Fibres, 207
Thomas, J., Building, 17
Thomas, 8. G., Bessemer Converters, 364
Thomas, W. R., School Desks, 492
Thompson, D. and W. H., Gas Kilns, 148
Thompson, J, C., Grapple Buckets and
Forks, 58
Thompson, R., Purifying &c., Iron, 246
Thompson, R. B., Spinning, 286
Thompson, 8., Telephony, 266
Thompson, W., Gas Burners, 148
Thompson, W. P,, Bath Sprays, 381
Thompson, W P., Cable Rails, 422
Thompson. W. P., Cleaning Window Chairs, 381
Thompson, W. P., Cutting-out, 56
Thompson, W. P., Electric Circuits, 325
Thompson, W. P., Electric Light, 150
Thompson, W. P., Electro-magnets, 324
. Thompson, W. P., Files, 381
Thompson, W. P , Fire-escapes, 364
Thompson, W. P., Mining Coal, 130
Thompson, W. P., Musical Instruments, 77
Thompson, W. P., Odometers, 76
Thompson, W. P,, Reaping, 267
Thompson, W. P., Refrigerating, 460
Thompson, W. P., Roller Mills, 38
Thompson, W. P., Rolls for Mills, 421
Thompson, W. P., Rolling Pamphlet Covers, 227
Thompson, W. P., Rotary Engines, 460
Thompson, W. P., Tricycles, 76
Thompson, W. P., Ventilating Steamships, 168
Thompson, W. P., Signalling, 169
Thompson, W. P., Slate, <fcc., 459
Thompson, W. P., Sliding Gates, 494
Thompson, W. P., Wir 1 Musical Instruments, 77, 95, 113
Thompson, W. P., Writing Instruments, 186
Thompson and Booer, Ovens, 226
Thomson, B. L., Protecting Roofs, 170
Thomson, J., Motive Power, 324
Thomson, J. EL, Slide Rules, 76
Thomson, W., Lawn Tennis Markers, 169
Thorn, H.. Breech-loading Fire-arms, 132
Thorny croft, J. I., Boilers, 442
Thorp, T., Gas Lighting, 326
Thorp. T., Gas Supply, 441
Thurlow and Sykes, Water Gauges, 401
Tibbits, W. B., Motive Power, 130
Tidcombe, jun., G., Engines, 363
Tidcombe, jun., G., Strainers, 477
Tighe, C., Shirts, 226
Tillett, B., Separating Metallic Bodies, 380
Timmie, J. A., Brake Blocks, 16
Tobin, J.. Pistons, 325
Todd, J. T., Roadways. &c., 305
Todd, J. T., Water Brushes, 325
Tongue, J., Caustic Barium, 324
Tonkin, W. W., Engines, 36
Toppan. C., Bleaching, 494
Toppan, C., Treating Bye, 494
Touaillon, C., Rings, 113
Tottem and Gloag, Lace Printing, 113
To well, J. W., Helmets, 326
Towns, T. C., Carriage Heads, 326
Townsend. J. F., Tricycles, 17
Tranter, W., Breech-loading Small-arms, 38, 402
Trewby. G. C., Gas, 305
Tribe, A., Secondary Batteries, 364, 477
Trossin, O., Smoke-consuming Furnaces,77
Trotter, J., Preventing Incrustation of Boilers, 226
Trulock, S. R. and W., Small-arms, 169
Truman, C., Driving Machinery, 492
Truman, E., Governors, 363
Tuer and Clemison, Indicating Ships’ Positions, 460
Tuer and Cleminson, Railway Signalling, 460
Tuffnell, J.. Lace Fabrics, 422
Turnbull. W. H., Draw-bars, 342
Turner, C., Looms, 148
Turner, F. W., Gas Engines, 169
Turner, J., Stopping Tubes, 187
Turner, Price, and Oliver, Horseshoes, 170
Turner-Ross, E., Boots and Shoes, 206
Turnock, J. R., Pickling Metal Plates, 401
Turpin, E., Explosive Compounds, 344
Turton and Brunlees, Connecting Links, 441
Tushaw, J., Punching Holes, 228
Tyer, E., Signalling, 364
Tyler, H. E., Copying, 148
Tyler, J. J., Marine Governors, 459
Ullner, C. H. von, Chimney Tops, 478
Urquhart, J. W.. Lighting, 363
Urwick, H., Gloves. 364
Urwin, J., Boring Rock, 477
Valpy, F., Fastening Neckties, 227
Vanderkerken and Mans, Horseshoes, 460
Various, L., Brewing, 494
Varicas, L., Dust Collectors, 96
Varicas, L., Electric Conductors, 306
Varicas, L., Soap, 18
Varley, C., Electro-magnetic Engines, 477
Varley, C. F., Diving Rods, 37
Varley, C. F. and E. H. Cymaphens, 186
Varley, C. F., Electric Lamps, 76
Varley, J. J., Filling Bottles, 401
Varley, S. A., Electric Currents, Collecting, &c., 78
Varley and Greenwood, Electric Currents Measuring, 477
Varley and Judd, Electric Railways, 187
Vaughan, G., Distilling, 132
Vaughan, G., Magazines for Explosives,
Vaughan, G. F., Repeating Mechanism,
Vaughan, G. E., Surgical Supports, 248
Vavasseur, J., Projectiles, 364
Verey, A., Boilers, 22i
Verity, B., Gas Burners, 246
Verity and Banks, Ventilating Windows, 207
Vernon Newton Stuart, J., Horseshoes, 168
Versmann, F., Dry Closets, 478
Verkouterin, M. L, Boxes, 381
Vickers, E., Hats, 459
Vickers, R. and R., Looms, 16
Vickers. T., Camera Shutters, 246
Vickery, H., Tip Wagons, 57
Villiers, P. de, Alloying Metals, 96, 130
Vinning, M., Fire-extinguishing, 380
Voeux, F. des, Mincing, 305
Vceux, F. des, Telegraphy. 267
Voice, E. L., Electric Currents, 420
Voice, E. L., Electric Lamps, 478
Voice. E. L., Ornamenting, 149
Volk, M., Annunciator, 284
Voltmer, P. T. J., Artificial Milk, 78
Wade, E. II., Moreen Fabrics, 344
Wade, J., Looms, 363
Wagner, A. V., Pressing, 206
Wagner, W., Teaching Music, 95
Wailes, J. W., Excavating, 326
Wain, J., Spinning, 344
Wakefield. W., Brakes, 149
Walden, W. J., Glove Fastenings, 440
Walenn, W., Electro-depositing Copper, 380
Walker, B. and F. W., Hydraulic Engines, 381
Walker, J., Purifying Gas, 17, 169, 363
Walker, J., Spinning, 77
Walker, J. S. T. A. and E. R., Air Engines, 363
Walker, S., Copper Tubes, 326
Walker, T., Brace Fastenings, 150
Walker, T., Steering Ships, 267
Walker, W., Artificial Stone, 402
Walker and Simpson, Lead Pipes, 362
Walker and Simpson, Sash Fastenings, 441
Wall, H. D. B., Metal Drums, 362
Wall, R. T., Photography, 246
Wallace, N. W., Trench Spades, 149
Wallace, T., Rivetting, 38
Wallis, J., Musical Notes, Recording, 95
Wallwork, R., Cigarettes, 187
Wallwork, R., Hats, 18
Wallwork, R., Felting Hats, 285
Walworth, J., Drying Grain, 305
Walters, J., Protecting Graves, 324
Walters, J. F., Cleaning Knives, 17
Walters and Roseman, Music Stands, 38
Ward, T. H., Pulley Blocks, 37
Ward, T. H., Velocipedes, 285
Wardle, C. W., Feeding Boilers, 305
Wardrop, A., Stays, 208
Warner, C. B., Waterproofing Fabrics. 77
Warren, VV. R., Medical Batteries, 402
Wastfield, E. S., Gas Engines, 226
Waters, 8., Electric Lamps, 362
Watling and Chaston, Tip Wagons, 96
Watson, D., Purifying Ores, 325
Watson, G. H., Boiler Furnaces, 149
Watson, T., Lubricating, 58
Watson, T., Lubricating Spindles, 78
Watson, W., Gas Engines, 58, 226, 493
Watson, jun., W., Purifying Gas, 325
Watt, A., Polishing Rods, 132
Watts, J. W., Knitting, 247
Watts, J. W., Mattresses, 478
Watts, W. T., Spinning, 326
Watts, W. W., Spile Holes, 343
Watts and Swindells, Furnaces. 286
Wautliier, J., Electric Lamos, 324
Wearden, R. E., Washing, 362’
Weaver, R.. Water-closets, 227
Webb, T., Fruit Syrup, 493
Webb, T. G., Glass Goblets, 227
Webley, T. W., Small-arms, 326
Webster, F., Ships’ Logs, 285
Webster, G. E.. Gas Governors, 227
Webster and Clegg, Steaming Fabrics, 57
^208 Signalling,
Webster and Williams, Magic Lanterns, 95 Weissenbach, W., Reducing Valves. 285 Welch and Spittle, Door Handles, 441 Weldon, W., Sulphuric Acid. 401
Weldon, W., Soda, 96
Weldon, W., Sulphide of Sodium, 401
Welles, F. R., Electric Lamps, 494
Welles, F. R., Telephony, 494
Wellin, C., Sifting, 441
Welton, T., Bedsteads, &c., 492
Wenham, F. IL, Gas Lighting, 362
Werdermann, R., Electric Light, 362, 493
Westgarth, J., Wire, 401
Westley, J., Blinds, 149
Westley, J., Hose Couplings, 285
West, II. J., Bottle Stoppers, 380
Weston, T., Door Handles, 228
Weston, J., Gas, 131
Westwood and Baillie, Stamping Holes, 442 Wetbered, E. R , Latches and Locks, 187 Wethered, E. R., Window Fastenings, 131 Wetherilt, J., Blinds, 285
Wetter, J., Air Brakes, 401
Wetter, J., Boots, 382
Wetter, J., Brushes, 248
Wetter, J., Colouring Matters, 381
Wetter, J., Electric Lamps, 326
Wetter, J., Liquid Meters, 401
Wetter, J., Vehicles, 382
Wetton, J., Chimney-pot, 114
Wcygang, C., Artificial Parchment, 114
Whalley, G., Ladders, 17
Wharton, A. L.. Fog Signalling, 441
Wharton and Farrar, Combing, 304
Wheaton, F., Preparing Fibres, 304
Wheeler, F., Weighing. 206
Wheeler, J. J., Road Curbs, 380
Wheelhouse, T., Driving Belts, 380
Whetstone, T., Exhibiting, 170
Whettern, W. H., Windlass, 477
White, J., Signalling, 208
White, J., Velocipedes, 401
White and Asbury, Velocipedes, 113
Whitehouse, E. I. H. E., and J., Washers, 380
Whitehouse, H., Velocipedes, 442
Whitehouse, H. S., Supporting Apparatus, 342
Whiteley, J. C. and W., Drying Wool, 267
Whiteley. W., Stop Valves, 325
Whiteman, W., Steel, 132
Whiceman, W T., Electric Lamps, 421
Whiteman, W. T., Preventing Passage of Heat, 492
Whiteman, W. T., Water Supply, 421
Whitlock and Smale, Mixing Liquids, 132
Whittail, A., Water Velocipedes, 285
Whittingham, T., Fog Signalling, 441
Whitwell, W., Furnaces, 56
Wigg, C., Chlorine, 305
Wigham, J.. Illuminating Lighthouses, 228
Wigner, G W., Gas Fires, 207
Wild, A. J. T., Checking Receipts, 56
Wilde, G., Tuning Pegs, 325
Wilde, H., Electric Light, 477
Wilde and Beech, Hats, 460
Wilder, R. J. and H., Harrows, 363, 478
Wildes, G. H. Locks, 363
Wilding, S., Buttons, 131
Wilding, S., Motive Power, 324
Wilding, S. P., Damper Regulator, 285
Wilding, S. P., Fire-arms, 421
Wilkins, E., Window Sashes, 187
Wilkins, S. B., Fire-proof Doors, 441
Wilkins. W., Life Preservers, 248
Wilkinson, A., Pianofortes, 459
Wilkinson and McGonnell, Detaching Ships’ Boats, 247
Willans, J. G., Decomposing Salt, &c.. 56
Willeringhaus, W., Brushes, 113
Willeringhaus, W., Buttons, 132
Willeringhaus, W., Exhibiting Buttons, 246
Williams, H., Gas and Air Engines, 76
Williams, J., Electricity, 324
Williams, J., Fire-arms, 441
Williams, J. F., Sliding Windows, 226
Williams, J. S.. Boilers, 207
Williams, J. 8., Electricity, 284, 400
Williams, J. S., Heating Metals, 96
Williams, jun., T., Weighing, 207 ■Williams, W. L., Actuating Capstans, 324 Williams, W. R. and C. A., Ships’ Com
passes, 343
Williams and Sim nett, Furnaces, <fcc., 246
Willis, J., Umbrellas, 343
Willmot and Leehmann, Gas Burners, 325
Wills, J., Thrust Bearings, 342
Willshaw, M., Ventilating, 440
Willway, J. 8., Door-mat and Scraper, 226
Wilson, A., Armour-plates, 442
Wilson, A. B., Flour Mills. 478
Wilson, G., Fastening Scaffold-poles, 268 Wilson, G., Motive Power, 400. 401
Wilson, H., Blowing Fluids, 226
Wilson, J. J., Compass Correctors, 267
Wilson, M., Match-boxes, 57
Wilson, N., Sewing Machines, 77
Wilson and Clegg, Washing and Wringing, 207
Winby, F. C., Permanent Way, 228, 443
Windus, W., Sulphuric Acid, 169
Winfield, J., Fire-grates, 208
Winterross, C. E., Bathing, 95
Wintour, T., Ventilating, 246
Wirth, F., Colouring Matters, 18
Wirth, F., Cutting Blocks, 380
Wirth, F., Disintegrators, 363
Wirth, F., Gas Lighting, 38
Wirth, F., Glove Fastenings, 113
Wirth, F., Gold and Silver Fibres, 478
Wirth, F., Imitating Niello, 285
Wirth, F., Lathes, 187
Wirth, F., Medicine Bottles, 58
Wirth, F., Mills, 95
Wirth, F., Moulding, 267
Wirth, F., Photography, 459
Wirth, F., Pigments, 168
Wirth, F., Purses, 493
Wirth, F., Reducing Metals, 248
Wirth, F., Refrigerating and Heating Fluids, 17
Wirth, F., Rolling Metal, 114
Wirth, F., Spring Mattresses, 187
Wirth, F., Stoves, 267
Wirth, F., Treating Fibres, 188
Wirth, F., Wire Fabrics, 132
Wise, W., Raising Ships, 422
Wise, W. L., Boilers, 18
Wise, W. L., Furnaces and Grates, 38
Wise, W. L., Grinding, 37
Witham, J., Cutting Screw Threads, 268
Withers, S., Gas Engines. 170
Witt, G. P., Rice. 305
Witt, W. C., de, Testing Gauges, 247
Witt and Kochlin, Colouring Matters, 17
Witton, H., Pianofortes, 325
Wolff, F., Folding Paper, 267
Wolff, F., Weighing, 131
Wood, C. B., Alarms, 305
Wood, C. H., Cutlery, 208
Wood, F. E., Aerated Liquors, 187
Wood, J. W., Fig Coffee, 96
Wood, 8., Cardboard Boxes, 131
Wood, T., Glass Bottles, 170
Wood, W. H., Boiler Tubes, 285
Wood and Greenwood, Furnaces, 203
Woodbridge, H. G. and W., Traction Engines, 401
Woodhouse and Rawson, Electric Light, QUO
Woodruff and Barson, Springs, 149
Woods, G. and E., Iron Wire, 131
Woodward, A. T., Insulating Wires, 36
Woodward, C., Engines, 493
Woodward, H., Cleaning Knives, 460
Woodward, H., Secondary Batteries, 443
Woodward, T., Fire-arms, 493
Woollacott, F. W.. Roundabouts, 206
Wooliscroft, G., Drying Bricks, 169
Wordsworth and Lindlay, Gas Engines, 246
Wordsworth and Wolstenholme, Raising Acids, 343
Worrall and Kershaw, Drying Fabrics, 421
Worssam, 8., G is Engines, 459
Worthington, J. C., Horseshoes, 132
Wright, E., Connecting Apparatus, 477
Wright, E. and O., Anvils, 226
Wright, R., Fire-grates, 305
Wright, J. P., Folding Boats, 285
Wright, M., Spinning, 95
Wright, 8., Barrels, 170
Wright, S., Casks, 170, 477
Wright, W., Flush Cisterns, 169
Wright and Mackie, Electric Lamps, 304, 325
Wright and Mackie Shaping Heated Glass 285
Wright and Mackie, Vacuum Pumps, 268
Wylam, E., Candle Shades, 95
Wylde, R. H., Atmospheric Burners, 304
Wymer, C. R., Furnaces, 401
Wyngart, F. V., Mills, 380
Wynne, G. F., Drilling Rock, 247
Wynne, W. W., Bridges, 402
Yarrow, A F., Boilers, 442
Yates, R. P., Tools, 402
Yelloly and Elwes, Skates, 148
Young, A. A., Safety Mattresses, 78
Young, A. Y., Ships’ Berths, 132
Young, B., Glycerine, 381
Young, C. D., Ice, 344
Young, IL B., Engines, 494
Young, J., Bleaching, 208
Young, T. G., Bleaching Fibres, 363
Young and Beilby, Ammonia, 343
Young and Hatton, Electric Lamps, 381
'A ENDER, C., Dog Collar Locks, 77
Zingler, M., Substitute for Gutta-percha, 305
SCIistracts of Specifications. issued duri'/ig the six months ending 31st December, 1882.
Absorbing Powders, A. E. Robinson, 478
Acid, Acetic, H. J. Haddan, 169
Acids, Raising, Wordsworth and Wolstenholme, 343
Advertising, E. P. Alexander, 460
Advertising, A.. Cracknell, 132
Advertising, F. H F. Engel, 422
Advertising, J. Hickisson, 459
Aerated Liquors, Opening, F. E. Wood, 187
Aerial Navigation, W. R. Lake, 113
Aerostat, A. J. Boult, 401
Agricultural Lamps, G. P. Blake, 18
Air Economiser, W. Teague, jun., 380
Air- Pumps, E. Edwards, 343
Air Pumps, D. Johnson, 459
Alarms, C. B. Wood, 305
Alarms, Automatic, L. A. Groth, 401
Alarms, Low Water, J. W. Kenyon, 440
Alarums, H. Lees, 150
Alcohol, H. A. Bonneville, 325, 494
Alcohol, Refining, F. M. Lyte, 421
Alcoholic Liquids, E. G. Brewer, 132
Alcoholic Liquids, H. J. Haddan, 169
Alkalies, Putifying, Carey, Gaskell, and
Hurter, 76
Alkaline Lime Mud, Treating, J. Simpson, 76
Alkaline Solutions, Deacon and Gaskell, 18
Alloying Metals, P. de Villiers, 96, 130
Alum, P. and F. M. Spence, 78
Alumina, Hydro-chlorate of, W. R. Lake
Aluminium, J. Morris, 285
Ammonia, J. and J. Addie, 247
Ammonia, G. Neilson, 150
Ammonia, Young and Beilby, 343
Ammonia, Separating, from Gases, G.
Chapman, 76
Ammonia, Sulphate of, J. Dempster, 247
Anesthetics, W. R. Lake, 363
Anchor Chains, Preserving, Cockshott and
Goodman, 149
Anchors, S. Baxter. 113
Anchors, W. M. Bullivant, 305
Anchors, C. Martin, 460
Anchors, J. Nock, 95
Anchors, Floating, W. M. Bullivant, 95, 305
Animal Refuse, Treating, J. H. Johnson, 131
Annunciator, M. Volk, 284
Anthrachinone, Purifying, J. A. Dixon, 362
Anvils, E. and O. Wright, 226
Armour-plates, J. D. Ellis, 285
Armour-plates, H. Reusch, 343
Armour-plates, A. Wilson, 442
Asbestos, C. J. Allport, 266
Ash-guards, W. Selley, 421
Axle-boxes, W. Clark, 78
Axle-boxes, Preventing Heat of, A. M.
Clark, 131
Axles, J. Gordon, jun., 493
Axles, C. Pieper, 18
Bags, Nose, J. Archibald, 247
Bags, Paper, F. D. Bumsted, 38
Bags, Travelling, T. A. Mitchell, 400
Bags for Taking Prisoners, F. Macpherson, 76
Balances, H. J. Haddan, 494
Balls, A. M. Clark, 285
Band Twines, J. G. Hey, 363
Bands, Wire, A. W. Reddie, 460
Barges, E. Moxon, 113
Barns, I. Henson, 440
Barrels, W. R. Lake. 131
Barrels, S. Wright, 170
Barrels, Bilge, Gibson and Pope, 36
Barrels and Casks, Campbell and Srvains-ton, 57
Bars, Beater, C. Green, 343
Bars, Rolling, J. Farmer, 478
Bathing, C. E. Winterross, 95
Baths, C. Bailey, 247
Baths, W. H. Luther, 382
Baths, Hot-air, T. Maccall, 363
Batteries, J. and A. J. Higgiu, 186
Batteries, Electric, T. J. Handford, 422
Batteries. Electric, H. H. Lake, 248
Batteries, Electric, W. B. Lake. 57
Batteries, Galvanic, Burr and Scott, 77
Batteries, Galvanic, R. E. B. Crompton, 36
Batteries, Galvanic, H. J. Haddan, 148
Batteries, Galvanic, W. B. Lake, 76
Batteries, Galvanic, C. Mauris, 57
Batteries, Galvanic, C. P. Ndzeraux, 382
Batteries, Galvanic, O. C. de Boss, 57
Batteries, Medical, W. B. Warren, 402
Batteries, Secondary, Biggs and Beaumont, 36
Batteries, Secondary, C. V. Boys, 422
Batteries, Secondary, W. B. Brain, 363
Batteries, Secondary, C. II. Cathcart, 441
Batteries, Secondary, S. H. Emmens, 493
Batteries, Secondary, D. G. FitzGerald, 57
Batteries, Secondary, Fitzgerald, Biggs, and Beaumont, 37, 113
Batteries, Secondary, Grout and Johnson, 76
Batteries, Secondary, J.
Batteries, Secondary, J.
Humphrys, 169
H. Johnson, 324,
Batteries, Secondary, B. Kennedy, 114
Batteries, Secondary, F. Maxwell-Lyte, 362
Batteries, Secondary, G. Molloy, 362
Batteries, Secondary, A. Muirhead, 443
Batteries, Secondary, H. E. Newton, 37
Batteries, Secondary, J. Pitkin, 57, 493
Batteries, Secondary, J. S. Sellon, 77, 150
Batteries, Secondary, J. W. Swan, 58, 284
Batteries, Secondary, A. Tribe, 364, 477
Batteries, Secondary, H. Woodward, 443
Batteries, Voltaic, A. B. Bennett, 169, 421
Batteries, Voltaic, B. II. Brandon, 36
Batteries, Voltaic, D. G. FitzGerald, 421
Beans, Treating Dangway, B. B. Carew, 208
Bearings, J. H. Johnson, 364
Bearings, Ball, A. Boult, 96
Bearings, Boiler, A. Burdess, 226
Bearings, Boiler, T. Hemwich, 150
Bearings, Thrust, J. Wills, 342
Beating Apparatus. W. B. Lake, 110
Beas, J. Ry croft, 362
Beds Safety, A. M. Clark, 460
Bedsteads, A. M. Clark, 132
Bedsteads, S. Isaacs, 493
Bedsteads, J. Beynolds, 344
Bedsteads, Taunton and Aston, 30-1
Bedsteads, &c., T. Welton, 492
Bells Electric, H. Binko, 380
Bevelling Glass, T. Parsonage, 381
Beverages, H. A. Bonneville, 325
Beverages, J. H. Loder, 460
Beverages, Aerated, F. p. Beck, 381
Beverages, Aerated, A. P. Price, 16
Beverages, Antiseptic-, J. Ascouoh 16
Beverages, Fermented, J. Prosser.’ 493
Beverages, Preserving, W. A Barlow ago Billiard, &c., Tables. 96 *arl<>w, 492 ^ndmg Documents, H. B. Stutchbury 187 Bmding Paper, W. F. Lotz, 113 7
Birds, Curing Gapes in, J. H Clark 4(>o Biscuits, F. Boucher 77 '-4ark, 460
Blacking, H. H. Lake, 18
Blasting, E. 8. Clark, 207
Blasting, Gardiner and Trench, 57
Bleaching, A. C. Henderson, 382
leaching, E. and B. Jacobsen, 381
Bleaching, C. Toppan, 494
Bleaching, J, Young, 363
Blinds, W. R. Lake, 305
Blinds, J. Westley, 149
Blinds, J. Wetherilt, 285
Blinds, Raising, J. Everard, 247
Blinds, Venetian, R. M. Chevalier 227 Blowing Fluids, H. Wilson, 226 ’ ™ Boats, Folcing, J. p. Wright, 285
Boats, Bowlocks, J. H. Clasper, 267
Boats, Rowlocks, E. C. Martin, 57
Boats Bowlocks, E. J. Robertson, 381
B 246 t0 bhlPS’ ConnectinS, B. J. Evans,
Boilers, W. Arnold, 226
Boilers, W. and J. Beesley, 441
Boilers, T. A. Bickley, 206
Boilers, A. J. Boult, 442
Boilers, B. Brandon, 286
Boilers, E. A. Brydges, 18
Boilers, W. C. Burder, 38
Boilers, J. Dickson, jun 77
Boilers, F. H. F. Engel, 492
Boilers, J. Fox, 421
Boilers, H. J. Haddan, 305
Boilers, Hawksley and Wild, 188
Boilers, C. Hulseberg, 306
Boilers, J. Imray, 306, 440
Boilers, P. Jensen, 170
Boilers, J. Jones, 131
Boilers, 8. Jones, 477
Boilers, J. Keith, 422
Boilers, C. Kingsford, 304
Boilers, G. H. Lloyd, 113
Boilers, P. J. Lyuam, 16
Boilers, L. McIntyre, 37
Boilers, J. Parkinson, 187
Boilers, H. W. Pendred, 149
Boilers, J. Bapieff, 228
Boilers, H. Sharpe, 37
Boilers, G. Stevenson, 380
Boilers, Sugden and Binns, 207
Boilers, J. I. Thornycroft, 442
Boilers, A. Verey, 227
Boilers, J. 8. Williams, 207
Boilers, W. L. Wise, 18
Boilers, A. F. Yarrow, 442
Boiled’ n°ating’ Napier and Paterson, 77 Boilers, Covering, F. Castelin, 95
Boilers, Covering, 8. Schumann, 56
1’ Seedlng> Hurt and Strathern, 113 Boi ers, Feeding, E. do Pass, 95
Boi pr«’ £eedh,g- and Scholes, 285 ra ’ £eedlng- c- w- Wardle, 305 Boilers, Marine, A. Gibb, 187
Bolts, C. J. Coxhead, 114
Boots W r °£ 8°Cket’ W‘ EandIe> 227
Boots, W. 1. Haynes, 150
Boots, P. M. Justice, 130
Boots, J. and G. J. Taylor, 363
Boots, J. Wetter, 382
Boots, Appliances for, J. O. Spong, 16
Boots and Shoes, A. M. Clark, 113
K aUd1 «uOeS’ IL aud T- Craston, 324
Boots and Shoes, D. P. and N Fraser 140 Rn°JS “a «K°eS> W> K Gcd&«.' 286 ’
Boots and Shoes, L. Groth, 247
Roni an^ u‘?°es’ T- J- Handford, 441
Booto and Shoes, S. Hudson, 246
Boots and Shoes, J. Keats, 441
Boots and Shoes, W. R. Lake, 57 304 362
Boots and Shoes, J. Lewis, 57 ’ ’
Boots and Shoes, W. E. Litt, 380
Boots and Shoes, H. Loads, 150
Boots and Shoes, C. Mayer, 132
Boots and Shoes, J. Nief, 285
Boots and Shoes, L. V. Patin, 493
Boots and Shoes, E. Turner-Ross, 206
Boots and Shoes, India-rubber, F. Richard-sou, 37
Boots and Shoes, Rivet Pegs for, J. Hewitt, •J I 9
Boring, J. Orton, 387
Boring Rock, Jones and Wild, 77
Boring Rock, J. Urwin, 477
Bottles, Fanshawe, and Wild, 131
Bottles, D. Rylands, 362
Bottles, C. M. Taylor, 326
— . XXAC4.OC/X j ttZll
W. Wakefield, 149
Ivey and Craddock, 326
S. Pitt, 306
Air, F. W. Eames, 401, 460
Air, J. Wetter, 401
Carriage, A. Archer, 459
Pneumatic, C. D. Abel, 148
Railway, S. Alley, 57
Railway, G. Redfern, 304
Bottles, Filling, C. M. Sombart, 492 Bottles, Filling, J. J. Varley, 401 Bottle-, Glass, T. Wood, 170
Bottles, Gum, <fcc., H. J. Haddan, 76 Bottles, Medicine, F. Wirth, 58
Bottles, Opening, Muret and Motet, 477 Bottles, Syphon, H. H. Lake, 344
Bottles and Jars, Labelled, M. Hardcastle, 16
Bottles and Stoppers, F. S. S. Darby, 58 Bottling Aerated Waters, J. T. Hayes, 324 Boxes, H. J. Haddan, 442 Boxes, H. Stevenson, 150 Boxes, M. 1. Verkouterin, 381 Boxes, Ammunition, W. R. Lake, 268 Boxes, Biscuit, S. J. Pinder, 17 Boxes, Cardboard, S. Wood, 131 Boxes, Jewellery, W. R. Lake, 77 Boxes, Letter, W. M. Lindsay, 16 Boxes, Letter, Newell and Tollett, 477 Boxes, Match, J. Darling, 227 Boxes, Match, G. Simons, 247 Boxes, Match, M. Wilson. 57 Boxes, Metallic, G. F. Griffin, 325 Brace Ends, G. C. Reddick, 76 Bracelets, B. W. Fase, 77 .
Braces, J. H. Johnson, 324 Braces, M. Stellman, 326 Braces, Ratchet, C. T. Colebrook, 268 Brackets, T. S. Lyon, 169 Brake Blocks, J. Heald, 188 Brake Blocks, J. A. Timmis, 16 Brakes, P. J. Davies, 3sl Brakes, W. B. Holbech, 206 Brakes, H. N. Kivell, 304 Brakes, W. R. Lake, 96 Brakes, J. J. Tansley, 169 Brakes, F. C. Glaser, 421 Brakes, Brakes, Brakes, Brakes, Brakes, Brakes, Brakes, Brakes,
Brakes, ________ —j, vx. ilUUlUl XIJ OV't
Brakes, Railway, H. H. Lake, 246 Branding Cork, C. J. Leclere, 148 Bread, J. D. J. and J. Beatty, 324 Bread, A. M Clark, 207 Breaking Stone, W. R. Lake, 342 Breakwater, G. H. T. Beamish, 381 Brewing, Forbes and Hamilton, 440 Brewing, J. J. Harrop, 441 Brewing, A. Kinder, 16 Brewing, Long and Aplin, 325 Brewing, L. Varicas, 494 Bncks, W. Bly th, 402 Bricks, H. J. Haddan, 131, 226 Bricks, J. Parker, 267 Bricks, T. le Poideven, 268 Bricks, S'. Render, 363 Bricks, &c., T. A. Riggs, 421 Bricks, Drying, G. Wooliscroft, 169 Bricks, Fireproof, C. J. Mountford, 285 Bricks and Tiles, Perforated, W, L. Fison, 362
Bridges, TL H. Lake, 114 Bridges, W. W. Wynne, 402 Bronze, Fixing, H. Dewhirst, 131 Brooches, J. Q. Rollason, 440 Brooms, J. G. Horsey, 362 Brushes, G. Beissbarth, 95 Brushes, Marsden and Cross, 363 Brushes, J. Wetter. 248 Brushes, Brushes,
Brushes,_____, ......
Brushes, Water, J. T. Todd, 323 Buckles, C. H. Eden, 56 Building, J. H. Johnson, 325 Building, J. Thomas, 17 Buildings, Supporting, Slater and Pollock, 247
Buildings, Travelling, C. H. Keith, 227 Buoys, J. Jaques, 363
Buoys, Revolving, F. M. Duncan, 77 Burners, Atmospheric, R. H. Wylde, 301 Burners, Gas, T. Fletcher, 440 "--------- Gas, G. S. Grimston, 267
Gas, E. Hagen, 442 Gas, J. Imray, 443 Gas, J. Lewis, 343 Gas, C. W. Morley, 440 Gas, T. Richardson, 132 Gas, F. Siemens, 1’32 -L.oo, ..3 Gas, W. Thompson, 148 Gas, B. Verity, 246 Gas, Willmot and Leehman, 325
G. Beissbarth, 95
” ‘ _____,
J. Wetter, 248
Metallic, G. and E. Ashworth, 187
Metallic, W. F. Bateman, 380
Brushes, Revo! ving Hair, H. Lersner, 304
Rrnshoo, Tooth, W. R. Lake, 382
v. in. jjuncan, 77
Burners, Atmospheric, R. H. Wylde, 301 Rnrnorc flnu rn ---- • • ~
Burners, Burners, Burners, Burners, Burners, Burners, Burners,____, _____
Burners, Gas, W. T. Sugg, 113
Burners, "r "" Burners,
Burners, ______, ..—CVJUM. AUUCXXtUail, OZi)
Burners, Lamp, Foxcroft and Titley, 17
Burners, Lamp, W. Lighbody and Rowatt, 400
Burners, Naphtha Lamp, B. Sawdon, 440
Burnishing, W. R. Lake, 95
Bushing Material, W R. Lake, 422
Butter, Testing, F. H. F. Engel, 285
Buttons, E. A. Brydges, 363
Buttons, L. A. W. Lund, 206
Buttons, G. W. von Nawrocki, 380
Buttons, 8. Wilding, 131
Buttons, W. Willennghaus, 113, 132
Buttons, Exhibiting, W. Willeringhaus, 246
Buttons, Sewing, H. J. Haddan, 150
Cable Rails, W. P. Thompson, 422
Cables, J. C. Mewburn, 284
Cables, Core, W. T. Henley, 186
Cables, Working. Cradock and Gooder, 148
Calculating, A. J. Boult, 459
Calendars, P, M. Justice, 228
Calendering, C. D. Abel, 421
Camera Shutters, T. Vickers, 246
Candle Holders, E. Edwards, 493
Candle Shades, E. Wylam, 95
Candles, H. J. Haddan, 77, 114
Candlesticks, W. Blundell, 477
Candlesticks, J. H. Johnson, 228
Candlesticks, H. R. Stutchbury, 187
Candlesticks, Horological, Gubbins and
Thtimling, 440
Canoes, J. T. Grindrod, 493
Cans, Lids of, E. G. C. Bomford, 207
Cans, Provision, J. S. Gates, 227
Capstans, J. and C. Eskriett, 78
| Capstans, A. Kennedy, 477
Capstans, Actuating, W. L. Williams, 324
Capsules, C. Cheswright, 363
Capsules for Bottles, E. Belmer, 208
Capsules for Bottles, J. Imray, 17
Capsules, Ornamenting, H. Haltwasser, 326
Capsuling Bottles, Boldt and Vogel, 267
Carbon, A. Graham, 324
Carbon Conductors, W. R. Lake, 400
Carbons, Liepman and Looker, 285
Carbons, A. Smith, 342
Cardboard, Substitute for, J. H. Haddan, 57
Carding, J. Dobson, 304
Cars, Rocking, E. O. Hallett, 150
Cases, Candle, A. M. Clark, 114
Cases for Liquids, J. Ferguson, 227
Cases for Paint, W. R. Lake, 22S
Cask Tilters, Howell, Clancy, and Walker, 421
Casks, A. J. Boult, 422
Casks, Treating, E. Caddick, 440
Casks, IL McC. Scott, 17
Casks, S. Wright, 170, 477
Castors, Furniture, S. H. Barnett, 58
Catheters, T. and W. J. Nicholls, 56, 441
Caustic, Boium, J. Tongue, 324
Ceilings, W. R. Lake, 493
Cellulose, Separating, W. Springer, 344
Centrifugal Apparatus for Starch, C. D.
Abel, 248
Cesspools, W. R. Lake, 56
Chains, W. Penman, 286
Chains, Galvanic C. D. Abel, 285
Chains, Watch, A. M. Clark, 491
Chairs, E Smith, 325
Chairs, Adjustable, J. Cowan, 493
Chairs, Children’s, G. W. von Nawrocki, 478
Chairs, Folding, C. D Abel, 285
Chairs, Folding, W. R. Lake, 494
Chairs, Smoking. J. both cot t, 130
Charcoal, Animal, T. Hadfield, 17
Checking, H. T. Davis, 342
Checking, H. Lyon, 363
Checking Apparatus, W. B. Llewellin, 381,
Checking Receipts, A. J. T. Wild, 56
Checking Tickets, Lawson and Sirech, 380
Chemical Substances for Gas, &c., Pipes,
H. Green, 18
Cheques, A. W. P. Reddie, 77
Chimney Flues, B. Finch, 3i3
Chimney Flues, S. Sturm, 37
Chimney Piece*, Overman tits of, G. H.
Haywood, 493
Chimney Pots, J. Wetton, 114
Chimney Tops, C. D. Abel, 207
Chimney Tops, G. Kent, 326
Chimney Tops, C. H. von Ullmer, 478
Chimneys, Ascending, T. W. W. Barrett,
Chimneys, Lining", F. Fraser, 208
Chimneys, Sweeping, H. Fokes, 421
China, Ornamenting, Doulton and Slater,
Chloiine, C. Wigg, 305
Chucks, J. M. Alling, 314
Cigarette Papers, A. G. Goodes, 1C9, 362
Cigarettes, W. H. Beck, 168
Cigarettes, W. Boggett. 344
Cigarettes, F. Davis, 246
Cigarettes, P. Everitt, 380
Cigarettes, R. Wallwork, 187
Circuits, F. D’A. Goold, 380
Cisterns, Flush, W. Wright, 169
Clarifying Concoctions, S. C. Davidson, 206
Clarifying Liquids, C. N. Roeckner, 77
Clarifying Syrup, S. P. Pitt, 325
Clasps, Hair, L. F. R. Kopp, 267
Cleaning Bottles, A. M. Clark, 96
Cleaning Cotton, A. M. Clark, 363
Cleaning Floors, W. Saunders, 37
Cleaning Grain, M. Church, 381
Cleaning Knives, H Beech, 305
Cleaning Knives, Bishop and Down, 305
Cleaning Knives, W. H. Jones, 188
Cleaning Knives, E. M. Knight, 57, 131
Cleaning Knives, C. Spong, 425
Cleaning Knives, J. F. Walters, 17
Cleaning Knives, H. Woodward, 460
Cleaning Stone Stairs, J. M. Gray, 459
Cleaning Streets, S. L. Hunt, 113
Cleaning Tram Rails, J. Remfry, 401
Cleaning Windows, Chairs tor, W. P.
Thompson, 381
Clips, F. W. T. C. Cordua, 363
Clips, Chain, J. Smith, 306
Clips, Parcel, R. Burgess, 18
Clips, Spring, Sauli and Brooks, 305
Clocks, A. Harder, 477
Clocks, H. H. Lake, 332, 422
Clocks, Alarm, W. R. Lake, 218
Closets, Trough, J. Holroyd, 150
Clutch, Ratchets, J. Hardinge, 36
Coal, Cleaning, J. Bell, 17
Coal, Getting, M., sen., and C. Burnett, 187
C 'al, Getting, Harbottlcand M‘Leod Percy, 325
Coal, Mining, W. P. Thompson, 130
Coal, Treating, T, Rowan, 207
Coal, Washing, H. Allison, 284
Coal, Washing, Bell, jun., and Ramsay, 381
Coating Compositions, Little and Nickels, 96
Cocks, Gutensohn, 286
Cocks, J. C. Mewburn, 493
Cocks, T. Morgan, 207
Cocks, Draw-off, S. B. Goslin, 285
Cocks and Taps, W. R. Lake, 95
Cocks and Valves, Ashton and Sperryn, 16
Cocks and Valves, J. Barr, 38
Cocks, Valve, W. R. Lake, 227
Cocks and Valves, JM C. Millard, 76
Coffee, G. W. von Nawrocki, 441
Coffee, Artificial, J. W. Wood, 96
Coffee, Drying, F. des Voeux, 18
Coffee, Mixing, E. Humphrry, 425
Coffee, Substitute for, H. Gardner, 58
Coffee-pots, W. R. Lake, 170
Cofferdams, H. H. Lake, 207
Coffins, H. R. Allen, 342
Coiling, Clarke and Leigh, 362
Coiling Wire, H. H. Lake, 388
Coke, J. Jameson, 422
Coke Ovens, R. de Solenhoff, 440
Collecting Dust, L. Varicas, 96
Colouring Matters, C. D. Abel, 228, 285
Colouring Matters, D. Dawson, 325
Colouring Matters, J. A. Dixon, 57, 58,
78, 96, 248, 306, 421. 460
Colouring Matters, J. Erskine, 420, 460, 494
Colouring Materials, J. H. Loder, 477
Colouring Matters, R. Meldola, 494
Colouring Matters, J. Mugnier, 422
Colouring Matters, F. Wirth, 18
Colouring Matters, Witt and Kochlin, 17
Colouring Matters, J. Wetter, 381
Colouring Printing Blocks, A. M. Clark,
Combing, C. D. Abel, 188
Combing, Dobson and Macqueen, 37
Combing, H. J. Haddan, 114
Combing, J. Harding, 441
Combing, W. Spowage, 382
Combing, 'Wharton and Farrar. 301
Combing Wool, H. H. Lake, 441
Combing Wool, W. R. Lake, 267
Compass Correctors. J. J. Wilson, 267
Compasses, Ships’, R. Evans, 168
Compasses, Ships’, W. R. and C. A. Williams, 343
Compensating Apparatus, F. W. and W.
W. Brierley, 268
Composition for Boilers, J. Pover, 207
Compressing, Harding and Watkins, 325
Concrete, J. Jackson, 132
Concrete Floors, A. Cording!ey, 324
Concrete, Mixing, A. Jamieson, 247
Condensers, A. M. Clark, 364
Condensers, Craven and Warburton, 208
Connecting Apparatus, E. Wright, 477
Connecting Links, Turton and Brunlees,
Converters, J. H. Johnson, 131
Cooking, A. J. Boult, 362
Cooking, J. Mitchell, 267
Copper, J. C. Mewburn, 401
Copper, Treating, F. Claud et, 17
Coppers, &c., Inskip and Mackenzie, 285
Copying, M. Farmer, 380
Copying, A. A. Hely, 57
Copying, H. E. Tyler, 148
Copying, Dry, R. Corsham, 37
Copying Engravings, L. Phillippi, 131
Copying Presses, E. Behrens, 440
Copying Presses, Brewer and Meihe, 285
Copying Presses, J. M. Plessner, 169
Cores, B. Johnson, jun., 247
Corkscrews, W. J. Holroyde, 343
Corkscrews, G. W. von Nawrocki, 188
Corrugating, V. B. Daelen, 267
Corves, R. Hadfield 380
Counters, Cash, C. D. Abel, 305
Couplings, Humble and Walker, 208
Couplings, W. R, Lake, 306
Couplings, H. E. Newton, 149
Couplings, Car, H. J. Haddan, 132
Couplings, Elastic, J. Greenwood, 477
Couplings, Friction, J. C. Eckardt, 36
Couplings, Hose, J. C. Hudson, 284
Couplings, Hose, J. Westley, 285
Couplings, Pipe, C. L. Hett, 459
Couplings, Pipe, T. L. Daltry, 493
Couplings, Shaft, W. R. Lake, 208
Couplings, Wire Rope, Lietzmann an<
Borchardt, 326
Coverings, Carriage, G. W. von Nawrocki 492
Coverings, Sleel Pinned, T. R. and T W Harding, 477
Coverings, Wall, C. Hibbs, 247
Covers, Manhole, F. Dyer, 440
Cranes, F. R. Ellis, 148
Cranes, E. Priestman, 364
Cranes, W. D. Priestman, 18
Cranes and Hoists, J. C. Mewburn, 226
Cranes and Hoists, J. Stainer, 208
Crank Shafts, J. Dickinson, 77
Crimping, II. H. Lake, 343
Crushing, R. E. Shill, 187
Crushing Rock, J. Mewburn, 132
Crushing Seeds, H. Holt, 382
Cultivating, M. R. Pryor, 421 •
Current Director, W. Eisher 381
Cutlery, W. Brierley, 402 ’
Cutlery, H. H. Lake, 169
Cutlery, E. A. Lynde, 9.4
Cutlery, H. M. Marsden, 183
Cutlery, M. Merichenski, 441
Cutlery, H. and G. Taylor, 494
Cutlery, C. H. Wood, 208
Cutter, Revolving, A. H. Pear 227
Cutters, Nail, J. P. Jones, 343
Cutters, Rose, C. D. Abel, 78
Cutters, Rotary, H. A. Bonneville, 494
Cutting, A. Muir. 187
Cutting Blocks, F. Wirth, 380
Cutting and Boring, H. A. Bonneville, 96
Cutting Clay, G. Otway, 188
Cutting Cheese, W. Chisholm, 186
Cutting Cloth, J. Gracey, 37
Cutting, &c., Earthy Materials, P W
D’Alton, 208
Cutting Files, P. Ewens, 493
Cutting Gear, H. J. Haddan, 440
Cutting Holes, J. and W. Hal), 326
Cutting Holes, J. Rowland, 342
Cutting Holes, C. Scriven, 248
Cutting Leaves of Books, L. A. Groth, 76
Cutting Machines for Cartridge Cases, W.
Lorenz, 56
Cutting Out, W. P. Thompson, 56
Cutting Metals, W, W. Hulse, 113, 344
Cutting Paper, W. W. Colley, 248
Cutting Paper, H. J. Haddan, 441
Cutting Paper, W. Crosland, 422
Cutting Screw Threads, J. Witham, 268
Cutting Shafts, W. Cook, 325
Cutting Sugar, Day, Green, and Walker,
38 ’
Cutting Tobacco, C. J. Fox 148
Cutting Turf Edges, A. Ridgway, 422
Cyanides, J. H. Johnson, 77
Cyanogen Compounds, L. Mond, 187
Cylinders, Stripping, 'Kenworthy, Beard,
and Whitehead, 96
Cylinders, Trueing, C. Barlow, 113
Cymaphens, C. I*. and E. H. Varley, 186
Dentistry, B. J. Bing, 216
Deodoriser, Bowen and Miller 442 Designs, T. Jones, 113
Designs, Transferring, H. Mathieson, 342 Designs, Transferring, J. M. Moss, 169 Designs, transparent, Producing, S V
Emery, 58 s’
Desks, School, W. R. Thomas, 492 Destroying Insects, H. H. Lake, 113 Dice Boxes, A. G. Labottiere, 76 Disinfectants, E. G. Brewer, 169 Disinfectants, A. M. Clark, 16 Disintegrating, R. Prentice, 492 • Disintegrators, F. Wirth, 363 Distilling, P. Claes, 226
Distilling, W, T. Y. Dicey, 401
Pielsticker, 381
Distilling, G. Vaughan, 132
Distilling Glycerine, G. Payne 149 Divers Dresses, W. H. Skipper, 344 Docks, Sectional, C. J. Fox 187 Doors, Adjusting, S. A. Say, 58 Doors, Fireproof, S. B. Wilkins 441 Doors, Opening, J. Barrett, 95 ’ Doors Opening, G. V. Fosbery, 187 Doubling and Twisting, E. Horsfall, 18 Doubling and Twisting, F. J. Smith, 382 Drafting Patterns, W. T. Philpott, 325 Draining Implements, J. C. Bothams 76 Draining Land, W. R. Lake 131 ’
Drains, Flushing, R R. McKee, 462 Drains and Gullies, H. Kelly 493 Drains and Gullies, C. Pieper 132 Draw-bars, W. H. Turnbull, 342 Drawing Apparatus, L. A. Groth 493 Drawing Boards, G. Low, 169
Drawing or Preparing Frames, R. Andrew oo '
Dredging, C. J. Ball, 186
Dressing, &c., Apparatus, J. D. Brunton
Dressing Stuffs, A. C. Henderson, 305 Drilling Rock, H, D. Pearsall, 380 Drilling Rock, G. F. Wynne 247 Drilling Rocks, W. R. Lake’ 268 Driving Belts, J. Appleyard, 326 Driving Belts, T. Wheelhouse, 380 Driving Gear, H. Clegg, 364 Driving Gear, 8. J. Collier, 402 Driving Machinery, C. Truman, 492 Driving Ropes, J. Rowbottom 363 Drums, Metal, H. D. B. Wall, 362 Drums, Rotating, Cope and Brewer, 325 Dry Closets, F. Versmann, 478 ’
Drying, E. Outram, 38
Drying and Boiling, A. Gontard, 148
Drying Clothes, H. J. Haddan, 17
Drying and Cooling, H. J. Haddan, 402
Drying Gram, I. Fisher, 363
Drying Grain, J. Walworth, 305
Diying Wall Paper, A. M. Clark, 150, 226 ool ’ ’
Drying Wool, J. C. and W. Whiteley 267 Dust Collectors, P. V. Gelder 207 Dust Collectors, L. Varicas, 96 Dyeing, A. M. Clark, 324
Dyeing, J. W. Hepworth, 344
Dyeing, W. W. Richardson, 170
Dyeing Felt, J. Allan, 131
Dyeing Fibres, J. Auchinvole, 95 140 Dyes, J. H. Johnson 306 ’
Dyeing Yarns, &c., E. Boden, 131 Dyeing Yarns, F. A. Gatty, 170 207 Dyeing Yarns, G. W. von Nawrocki 227 Dynamic Cooling, H. E. Newton 187 Dynamo Machines, T. J. Handford, 286 394 342,362,441, 493 ’ ’
Dynamo Machines, J. B. Rogers, 343 401 Dynamo-electric Machines, Akester and Barnes, 304
Dynamo - electric Machines, J. D Andrews, 266
Dynamo-electric Machines, B. An till, 420
Dynamo-electric Machines, J. A. Beriy, 382
Dynamo-electric Machines, R. Brougham, 441
Dynamo-elcctric Machines, Chertemps and Danden, 401
Dynamo-electric Machines, C. J. Chubb 267
Dynamo-electric Machines, A. M. Clark, 58
Dynamo-electric Machines, Floyd and Kirkland, 477
Dynamo-electric Machines, J. E. H. Gordon, 76
Dynamo-electric Machines, L. A- Groth, 114
Dynamo-electric Machines, J. Imray, 326
Dynamo-electric Machines, A. Jarman, 494
Dynamo-electric Machines, P. Jensen, 479
Dynamo-electric Machines, J. H. Johnson, 421
Dynamo electric Machines, W. B. Lake, 168, 248, 257, 3.6, 400
Dynamo-electric Machines, R. Matthews, 395
Dynamo-electric Machines, D. Plot, 381
Dynamo-electric Machines, L. 8. Powell, 77
Dynamo-electric Machines, J. Richardson, 95
Dynamo-clectric Machines, C. W. Siemens, 266
Dynamo-electric Machines, C. E. Spag-noletti, 267
Dynamo-electric Machines, R. Werderman, 493
Earth Closets, W. II. Lascelles, 248
“ Economisers,” T. Sykes, 401
Elastic Wedges, A. E. Seuc, 425
Electric Accumulators, S. Cohne, 150
Electric Accumulators, IL J. Haddan, 148
Electric Accumulators, J. Imray, 37
Electric Accumulators, H. H. Lake, 149, 493
Electric Accumulators, W. R. Lake, 207
Electric Apparatus, G. W. von Nawrocki, 380
Electric Batteries, A. M. Clark, 36
Electric Batteries, W. R. Lake, 422
Electric Batteries, G. Bkrivanoff, 206
Electric Brushes and Combs, J. N. Aronson, 95
Electric Cables, Culbertson and Brown, 77
Electric Cables, A. E. Dolbear, 342
Electric Cables, T. Handford, 266
Electric Cables, W. R. Lake, 206
Electric Cables, H. J. Haddan, 77
Electric Calls, A. W. Lake, 77
Electric Circuits, A. Muirhead, 382
Electric Circuits, W. P. Thompson, 325
Electric Clocks, E. G. Brewer, 95
Electric Commutators, W. R. Lake, 36
Electric Conductors, W. R. Lake, 206
Electric Conductors, H. R. Meyer, 168
Electric Conductors, L. Varicas, 306
Electric Conductors, Pipes for, J. H. Johnson, 78
Electric Connections, A. E. Dolbear, 342
Electric Currents, W. Arthur, 459
Electric Currents, W. B. Brain. 400
Electric Currents, J. Brockie, 266
Electric Currents, Crossley, Harrison and Emmott, 326
Electric Currents, Regulating, T. Handford, 285
Electric Currents, W. T. Henley, 148
Electric Currents, W. R. Lake, 96, 168, 305, 363, 492
Electric Currents, A. Millar, 36, 477
Electric Currents, H. E. Newton, 304, 362
Electric Currents, K. Paizelski, 459
Electric Currents, S. E. Phillips, 342
Electric Currents, J. B. Rogers, 208, 440
Electric Currents, J. M. Stuait, 477
Electric Currents, E. L. Voice, 420
Electric Currents, Collecting, Ac., 8. A.
Varley, 78
Electric Currents, Measuring, Varley and Greenwood, 477
Electric Detectors, B. Coyle, 493
Electric Insulation, J. Imray, 400
Electric Lamps, G. G. Andrd, 36
Electric Lamps, J. D. F. Andrews, 326
Electric Lamps, J. N. Aronson, 186
Electric Lamps, Barrier and Laverrcde, 493
Electric Limps, E. G. Brewer, 36
Electric Lamps, Sir C. T. Bright, 206
Electric Lamps, J. Brockie, 267, 400, 493
Electric Lamps, Brougham and Ormiston, 364
Electric Lamps, A. B. Brown, 421
Electric Lamps, A. Church, 420
Electric Lamps, A. M. Clark, 266
Electric Lamps, A. A. Common, 208
Electric Lamps, R. E. B. Crompton, 186
Electric Lamp-, W. Crookes, 304
Electric Lamps, S. H. Emm ens, 493
Electric Lamps, Floyd and Prcbert, 477
Electric Lamps, Gatehouse and Kempe, 362
Electric Lamps, Graham and Smith, 362
Electric Lamps, J. Jameson, 364
Electric Lamps, A. J. Jarman, 188
Electric Lamps, W. Jeffery, 363
Electric Lamps, J. H. Johnson, 286, 459
Electric Lamps, R. Kennedy, 112, 325, 478
Electric Lamps, King and Brown, 37
Electric Lamps, W. R. Lake, 58, 268, 306, 400, 422
Electric Lamps, St. G. Lane Fox, 400
Electric Lamps, J. Lea, 421, 460
Electric Lamps, A. R. Leask, 401
Electric Lamps, J. G. Lorrain, 95
Electric Lamps, W. J. Mackenzie, 284
Electric Lamps, B. J. B. Mills, 226
Electric Lamps, H. E. Newton, 56
Electric Lamps, E. de Pass, 186
Electric Lamps, L. 8. Powell, 78
Electric Lamps, J. Rapieff, 267, 477
Electric Lamps, J. B. Rogers, 325
Electric Lamps, T. Rowan, 206
Electric Lamps, D. Salomons, 363
Electric Lamps, J. 8. Sellon, 206
Electric Lamps, J. M. Stuart, 477
Electric Lamps, C. F. Varley, 76
Electric Lamps, E. L. Voice, 478
Electric Lamps, S. Waters, 362
Electric Lamps, J. Wauthier, 324
Electric Lamps, F. R. Welles, 494
Electric Lamps, J. Wetter, 326
Electric Lamps, W. T. Whiteman, 421
Electric Lamps, Wright and Mackie, 304, 325
Electric Lamps, Young and Hatton, 381
Electric Light, J. C. Asten, 440
Electric Light, T. Handford, 441
Electric Light, G. Hawkes, 168
Electric Light, A. L. Jousselin, 477
Electric Light, P. M. Justice, 421
Electric Light, W. R. Lake. 168, 324
Electric Light, C. Lever, 459
Electric Light, Liveing and Boys, 114
Electric Light, A. Mackie, 113
Electric Light, J. Munro, 400
Electric Light, 8. Pitt, 402
Electric Light, Preece and James, 131
Electric Light, A. R. Sennett, 94
Electric Light, W. P. Thompson, 150
Electric Light, R. Werdermann, 362
Electric Light, H. Wilde, 477
Electric Light, Woodhouse and Rawson, 362
Electric Light for Railway Carriages, R.
Laybourne, 37
Electric Machines, R. Kennedy, 420
Electric Machines, W. R. Lake, 492
i Electric Meters, C. V. Boys, 200
| Electric Meters, 0. A. Caru«-Wilson, 33 Electric Meters, C. Faure, 227 Electric Meters, St. G. Lane-Fox, 78 Electric Motors. J. A. Gamine, 478 Electric Piles, F. de Lalande, 344 Electric Printing, A. J. Boult, 114 Electric Railways, T. J Hanaford, 402 Electric Radway, Varley and Judd, 187 Electrical Resistances, Pfannkuche and
Dunston, 113
Electric Safety Apparatus, P. Jensen, 442
Electric Signalling, Crossley, Harrison, and Emmott, 342
Electric Signalling, R. H. Brandon, 491
Electric Signalling. F. R. Francis, 30 Electric Signalling, J. Radcliffe, 186 Electric Wire Couplings, A. W. Brewtnall, 36
Electricity, C. A. Carus-Wilson, 95
Electricity, S. H. Emmens, 493
Electricity, J. Hopkinson, 114
Electricity, W. R. Lake, 36, 37
Electricity, A. Miller, 36
Electricity, J. Perry, 114
Electricity, R. H. Simons, 478
Electricity. J. Williams, 284, 324, 4,'O
Electricity, Storing, J. F. Liardet, 57, 131
Electricity, Storing, I. L. Pulvermacher, 304
Electricity in Trains, J. E. Liardet, 57
Electro-depositing Copper, W. H. Walenn, 380
Electro-hydrotherapeutic Treatment, W. A.
Barlow, 169
Electro-magnets, G. Little, 206
Electro-magnets, W. P. Thompson, 324
Electro-motors, H. S. Raison. 168
Electrolier, R. Brougham, 325
Electroliers, A. W. Brewtnall, 479
Elevators, J. V. Hope, 441
Embossing, G. K. Cooke, 169
Embroidery, C. Barlow, 170
Embroidery Machine, C. A. Barlow, 37
Embroderiug, A. M. Clark, 494
Embroidery, W. E. Gedge, 407
Embroidery, F. and E. Stanton, 477
Engines, J. Bell, 17
Engines, M. Boulton, 401
Engines, J. Buckett, 441
Engines, 8. Clayton, 460
Engines, G. A. P. H. Duncan, 228
Engines, E. Edwards, 440
Engines, F. C. Glaser, 440
Engines, E. H. Greeven, 422
Engines, C. J. Griffith, jun., 381
Engines, H. Guthrie, 493
Engines, H. J. Haddan, 170
Engines, J. Holt, 304
Engines, James and Wardrop, 114
Engines, W. R. Lake, 247, 362
Engines, H. F. Maitland, 442
Engines, G. R. Mather, 363
Engines, R. Maynard, 443
Engines, T. Morgan, 113, 168
Engines, A. Morton, 362
Engines, J. Nisbet, 247
Engines, J. Penn, 400
Engines, J. F. and M. Rankin, 421
Engines, J. W. Richardson, 4u2
Engines, W. R. Rowan, 363
Engines, 8. Skinner, 421
Engines, G. Tidcombe, jun., 363
Engines, W. W. Tonkin, 36
Engines, C. Woodward, 493
Engines, H. B. Young, 494
Engines, Air, J. S. T. A. and E. R. Walker, 363
Engines, Brakes of, J. M. Cammon, 227
Engines, Caloric, A. M. Clark, 77
Engines, Carding, A. Holden, 342
Engines, Electro-magnetic, C. Varley, 477
Engines, Flying, J. K. Smytbies, 113
Engines, Gas, Anderson and Crossley, 381
Engines, Gas, W. H. Beck, 76
Engines, Gas, C. G. Beechey, 326
Engines, Gas, S. and H. N. Bickerton, 478 •
Engines, Gas, Crossley and Holt, 57
Engines, Gas, Drake and Muirhead, 440
Engines, Gas, H. A. Dufrenb, 440
Engines, Gas, C. Emmett, 186
Engines, Gas, J. Fielding, 284
Engines, Gas, S. Griffin, 148
Engines, Gas, Haigh and Nuttall, 226
Engines, Gas, W. B. Hutchinson, 492
Engines, Gas, J. H. Johnson, 207
Engines, Gas, O. Mobbs, 477
Engines, Gas, P. Niel, 268
Engines, Gas, A. N. Porteous, 441
Engines, Gas, J. Rhode, 17
Engines, Gas, C. W. Siemens, 37
Engines, Gas, R. Skene, 364
Engines, Gas, C. M. Sombart, 441
Engines, Gas, H. Sumner, 342
Engines, Gas, F. W. Turner, 169
Engines, Gas, E. S. Wastfield, 226
Engines, Gas, W. Watson, 58, 226, 493
Engines, Gas, S. Withers, 170
Engines, Gas, Wordsworth and Lindley, 246
Engines, Gas, S. Worssam, 459
Engines, Gas and Air, IT. Williams, 76
Engines, Hydraulic, C. Burnett,‘,131
Engines, Hydraulic, Liardet and Donni-thorne, 17
Engines, Hydraulic, B. and F. W. Walker, 381
Engines, Indicators for, H. J. Haddan, 304 Engines, Marine, Controlling Action of, R.
J. Smith, 77
Engines, Pumping, W. D. Hooker, 132
Engines and Pumps, Rotary, E. Peck, 478
Engines, Rotary, Bowie, Wrigley, and
Dossett, 305
Engines, Rotary, E. A. Brydges, 441
Engines, Rotary, A. M. Clark, 268
Engines, Rotary, W. J. Gurd, 381, 400
Engines, Rotary, B. J. B. Mills, 77
Engines, Rotary, W. P. Thompson, 460
Engines, Starting, Allen, Wright, and Williams, 169
Engines, Steering, G. Robson, 492
Engines, Traction, H. G. and W. Woodbridge, 401
Engines, Winding, W. Paulson,170
Engraving, H. J. Haddan, 494
Engraving, T. R. Johnston, 477
Etching, E. Hancock, 268
Evaporating, Baron, A., of Podewils, 494
Excavating, Abbott and Moore, 363
Excavating, T. Crapapton, 440
Excavating, W. E. Gedge, 494
Excavating, W. Smith, 326
Excavating, J. W. Wailes, 326
Exhibiting, T. Whetstone, 170
Exhibiting Trade Marks, F. Mously, 16
Explosions, Preventing, T. Sheehan, 493
Explosive Compounds, C. W. Siemens, 440
Explosive Compounds, E. Turpin, 344’
Explosive Magazines, G. Vaughan, 422 Explosives, C. S. Bailey, 187
Explosives, W. W. Greener, 246
Explosives, W. Howit, 268
Explosives, G. Kynoch, 58
Explosives, H. E. Newton, 170
Explosives, Reid and Johnson, 208
Explosives, T. Spencer, 401
Fabrics, J. Imray, 286
Fabrics, J. R. Lawson, 150
Fabrics, G. Rydill, 459
Fabrics, Asbestos, H. J. Haddan, 96
Fabrics, Carpet, J. J. Delmar, 248
Fabrics, Cleaning Woollen, C. D. Abel, 267
Fabrics, Cleaning, Adam and Stewart, 246
Fabrics, Colouring, Hutcheson and Bobbie, 246
Fabrics, Dyeing, Worrall and Kershaw, 421
Fabrics, Dressing. A. M Clark, 492
Fabrics, Elastic, T. H. Harrison, 226, 247
Fabrics, Embossed, H. Cryer, 131
Fabrics, Felt, J. Forsyth, 247
Fabrics, Finishing, E. Edwards, 443
Fabrics, Fireproofing, L. A. Groth, 420
Fabrics, Fireproofing, P. Jensen, 114
Fabrics, Knitted, Mackie, Start, and
Scattergood, 305
Fabrics, Lace, J. Tuffnell, 422
Fabrics, Looped, J. and H. Kiddier, 402
Fabrics, Moreen, E. H. Wade, 344
Fabrics, Ornamented, G. Pitt, 17
Fabrics, Pile, T. Anderson, 477
Fabrics, Pile, J. H. Johnson, 17
Fabrics, Pile, H. and H. King, 440
Fabrics, Preparing, S. Fulda, 420
Fabrics, Printing, Kerr and Haworth, 16
Fabrics, Ribbed, Openshaw and Rothwell, 207
Fabrics, Steaming, Webster and Clegg, 57
Fabrics, Tentering, J. Ashworth, 131
Fabrics, Textile, G. J. Jaeger, 442
Fabrics, Treating, F. Glaser, 478
Fabrics, Treating Dyed, C. Toppan, 494
Fabrics, Waterproof, W. R. Lake, 364
Fabrics, Wire, G. Arnold, 460
Fabrics, Wire, F. Wirth, 132
Fabrics, Woven, Bailey, Walker, and Crossley, 326
Fabrics, Woven, E. Brigg, 492
Fans, C. Cookson, 268
Fasteners, Button, H. Andrews, 305
Fasteners, E. Horsepool, 363
Fastenings, J. W. Saunders, 363
Fastenings, Belt, J. H. Cofield, 17
Fastenings, Boot and Shoe, J. W. Saunders, 362
Fastenings, W. H. Steil, 37
Fastenings, Bolt, E. Latham, 228
Fastenings, Boot and Shoe, W, R. Lake, 96
Fastenings, Brace, T. Walker, 150
Fastenings, Cravat, Sinks, Hooper, and Baker, 150
Fastenings, Curtain, Grimmett, and Cook, 363
Fastenings, Door, A. Ashwell, 228
Fastenings, Door, Railway, P. M. Justice, 441
Fastenings, Gate, R. Lee, jun., 207
Fastenings, Glove, W. Bown, 422
Fastenings, Glove, Hinks, Hooper, and Baker, 57
Fastenings, Glove, Hinks, Hooper, and Moore, 492
Fastenings, Glove, W. R. Lake, 477
Fastenings, Glove, J. W. Pritchett, 363
Fastenings, Glove, W. J. Walden, 440
Fastenings, Glove, F. Wirth, 113
Fastenings, Hook, J. McKenny, 159
Fastenings, Lid, J. Ingleby, 494
Fastenings, Necktie, F. Valpy, 227
Fastenings, Sash, S. Clark, 285
Fastenings, Sash, B. C. Cross, 77
Fastenings, Sash, M. Delmard, 149
Fastenings, Sash, Walker and Simpson, 441
Fastening Scaffold Poles, G. Wilson, 268
Fastenings, Stair Rod, F. Kingston, 421
Fastenings, Stay, J. Salisbury, 131
Fastenings, Strap, B. Marsden, 493
Fastenings, Tire, N. J. Crow, 442
Fastenings, Umbrella, A. C. Henderson, 131
Fastenings, Window, W. P. Bon wick, 267
Fastenings, Window, G. J. Dickson, 494
Fastenings, Window, E. R. Wethered, 131
Feeding Hurdles, A. Scott, 113
Fences and Gates, D. Rowell, 57
Fencing, Wire, C. J. Dawson, 442
Fencing, Wire, E. G Rock, 478
Ferries, Working, W. May, 267
Fibres, Smith and Robertson, 459
Fibres, Bleaching, N. J. Holmes, 305
Fibres, Bleaching, P. Thomas, 2o7
Fibres, Bleaching, T. G. Young, 208
Fibres, Decorticating, A. Blrthet, 207
Fibres, Decorticating, W. R. Lake, 459
Fibres, Gold and Silver, F. Wirth, 478
Fibres, Opening, Dobson and Wood, 37
Fibres, Opening, W. R. Lake, 247
Fibres, Preparing, F, Wheaton, 304
Fibres, Treating, C. D. Abel, 401
Fibres, Treating, C. Ekman, 207
Fibres, Treating, F. Wirth, 188
Fig Coffee, J. W. Wood, 96
Files, W. P. Thompson, 381
Files, Paper, A. Ellis,-362
Filing Letters, Setter and Dyer, 247
Filling Sacks, H. J. Haddan, 460
Filing Vessels with Liquids, E. Rowse, 77
Filtering, F. A. Bonnefin, 343
Filtering, E. Fiechter, 400
Filtering, A. W. L. Reddie, 363
Filtering, P. and F. M. Spence, 16, 460
Filtering, L. Swift, 420
Filtering Air, J. S. Brandstaetter, 493
Filtering Material, R. Howarth, 57
Filter Presses, S. H. Johnson, 285
Filter Presses, H. Newton, 247
Filter Presses, W. G. Strype, 286
Filters, G. Macaulay-Cruikshank, 188
Filters, Ross and Buxton, 246
Filters, Cleaning, A. M. Clark, 494
Filters, Pocket, A. M. Clark, 421
Fire-alarms, W. T. Braham, 17
Fire-arms, Dickson, jun., and Murray, 247
Fire-arms, P. T. Godsal, 305
Fire-arms, L. Gye, 400, 443
Fire-arms, H. W. Holland, 325
Fire-arms, H. H. Lake, 441
Fire-arms, W. R. Lake, 18, 186
Fire-arms, Loewenthal and Willoughby, 362
Fire-arms, B. J. B. Mills, 95
Fire-arms, 8. P. Wilding, 421
Fire-arms, J. Williams, 441
Fire-arms, T. Woodward, 493
Fire-arms, Back-sights for, P. Taylor, 114
Fire-arms, Breech-loading, T. Nordenfelt, 76
Fire-arms, Breech-loading, Scott and Baker, 188
Fire-arms, Breech-loading, H. Thorn, 132
Fire-arms, Repeating, P. Mauser, 442
Fire-arms, Revolving, Bled and Richoux, 76
Fire-arms, Revolving, W. Stringfellow, 77
Fire-arms, Rifling, P. Manser, 113
Fire-arms, Safety Apparatus for, W. H.
Beck, 57
Fire-arms, Sights for, T. Gilbert, 460
Fire-bars, 8. Barlow, 226
Fire-bars, T. Nash, 247
Fire-blowers, J. J. Lish, 304
Fire-boxes, R. Brandon, 226
Fire-boxes, W. R. Lake, 382
Fire-escapes, J. Gordon, 492
Fire-escapes, W. R. Lake, 380
Fire-escapes, Lakeman and Jelly, 326
Fire-escapes, T. H. Pinder, 421
Fire-escapes, W. P. Thompson, 364
Fire-extinguishing, J. M. B. Baker, 362
Fire-extinguishing, J. R. Brown, 441
Fire-extinguishing, W. Dennis, 131
Fire-extinguishing, J. K. J. Foster, 228
Fire-extinguishing, W. R. Lake, 113, 206
Fire-extinguishing, W. H. Phillips, 17
Fire-extinguishing, P. A. C. de Sparre, 380
Fire-extinguishing, M. Vinning, 380
Fire-grates, Sir W. W. Hughes, 113
Fire-grates, J. Jaffrey, 226
Fire-grates, J. Teer, 17
Fire-grates, J. Winfield, 208
Fire-grates, R. Wright, 305
Fire, Isolating. H. M. Bennet, 324
Fire-lighters, F. Holmes, 113, 131
Fire-lighters, J. Milne, 58
Fire-lighters, Templeman and Carmichael, 477
Fire-lighting, A. J. Boult, 226
Fireplaces, W. J. Doubleday, 169
^Fireplaces, J. Gillingham, 95
^fireplaces, H. Greenhouse, 493
Fireplaces, W. Haughton, 130
Fireplaces, J. H. Johnson, 114
Fireplaces, G. W. von Nawrocki, 206
Fireplaces, T. Redmayne, 207
Fireplaces, G. L. Shorland, 363
Fire-screens, H. J. Davis, 226
Fire-preventing, &c., McLennan and Owen, 217
Fire-proof Apparatus, J. Imray, 187
Fire proof Dress, O. Y. Rhodes, 305
Fire-proof Plastic Composition, T. Fletcher, 76
Fishing Bait, M. Carswell, 381
Fishing Nets, H. J. Haddan, 442
Fishing Tackle, W. H. Brookes, 363
Fishing Tackle, R. Clark, 381
Floor-cloth, A. M. Clark, 77
Floor-cloth. M. B. Nairn, 113
Flooring, Parquet, F. H. F. Engel, 380
Floors, Fireproof, E. Homan, 36
Flour, F. Engel, 342
Flowers, Artificial, P. H. Klein, 56
Fluids, Administering, F. Kingston, 343
Fluids, Vessels for Holding, J. Imray, 16
Food, Cattle, C. D. Abel, 169
Folding, &c., W. R. Lake, 305
Forges, P. Everitt, 304
Forges, L. A. Groth, 362
Forges, G. H. Pym, 112
Forges, W. Roberts, 325
Forges, Bellows, L. C. Gomant, 149
Forms, Letter, B. C. Scott, 492
Fountains, Table, C. H. and C. Kessell, 149
Frames for Carrying Boxes, C. A. Carus-
Wilson, 58
Frames, Door, &c., J. II. Miles, 208
Frames, Liquor, W. Edge, 187
Fruit Syrup, T. Webb, 493
Fuel, J. Cropper, 401
Fuel, H. J. Haddan, 132
Fuel, Lilley and Morris, 381
Fuel Blocks, J. Imray, 77
Fuel, Burning, W. Beazley, 459
Fuel, Increasing Heat of, G. D. Peters, 186
Funnels, F. Livet, 492
Furnaces, M. Ashworth, 91
Furnaces, J. Bissett, 18
Furnaces, A. J. Boult, 363
Furnaces, Bowen and Jenkins, 363
Furnaces, J. Brown, 206
Furnaces, Burch and Evans, 343
Furnaces, Cliff and Dawes, 170
Furnaces, W. 8. Cooper, 422
Furnaces, J. Hodgkinson, 344
Furnaces, Sir W. W. Hughes, 364
Furnaces, J. H. Johnson, 169, 227, 284, 326, 368
Furnaces, E. Kaulbach, 18
Furnaces, H. H. Lake, 305
Furnaces, A. Mellor, 285
Furnaces, W. Morgan-Brown, 207
Furnaces, J. Redgate. 18
Furnaces, Watts and Swindells, 286
Furnaces, W. Whitwell, 56
Furnaces, &c., Williams and Simnett, 246
Furnaces, Wood and Greenwood, 208
Furnaces, C. R. Wymer, 401
Furnaces, Boiler, E. Fair. 77
Furnaces, Boiler, G. H. Watson, 149
Furnaces, Gas, R. S. Casson, 206
Furnace Grates, J. Schofield, 95
Furnaces and Grates, W. L. Wise, 38
Furnaces, Smelting, W. Ferrie, 247
Furnaces, Smelting, H. J. Haddan, 441
Furnaces, Smoke Consuming, O. Trossin, 77
Furnaces, Ventilating, R. H. Brandon, 306
Furniture, A. Black, 477
Furniture, R. H. and A. S. Bishop, 17
Furniture, E. Peyton, 18
Furniture, J. W. Randall, 227
Games—Holding Tennis Nets, J. Osmond, 305
Games—Marking Billiards, Mara and Winson, 401
Games—Marking Lawn Tennis Courts, Ralph and Underhill, 286
Games—Marking Lawn Tennis Courts, W, Thomson, 169
Games—Lawn Tennis, A. W. Franklin, 114
Games of Skill, G. F. Neville, 169
Gas, W. C. Brown, 421
Gas, R., sen., and J. Dempster, 342
Gas, Dick and Packer, 459
Gas, J. A. Kendall, 344
Gas, J. F. G. Kromschroder, 56
Gas, W. R. Lake, 268, 443
Gas, Laycock and Clapham, 56
Gas, Morton and Williams, 306
Gas, A. W. L. Reddie, 325
Gas, B. Russ, 477
Gas, G. C. Trewby, 305
Gas, J. Weston, 131
Gas Blow Pipes, T. Fletcher, 56
Gas Cooking, Slater and Brophy, 206
Gas Exhauster, Dunn and Sleat, 38
Gas Fires, G. W. Wigner, 207
Gas Fittings, J. J. Royle, 57
Gas Globe Galleries, J Challender, 76
Gas Lighting, Clarke and Leigh, 304
Gas Lighting, T. Thorp, 326
Gas Lighting, F. II. Wenham, 362
Gas Lighting, F. Wirth, 38
Gas Meters, C. I. and F. Edmondson, 56
Gas, Purifying, E. Jones, 237
Gas, Purifying, Spence and Desvignes, 17
Gas, Purifying, J. Walker, 17, 169, 363
Gas, Purifying, W. Watson, jun., 325
Gas Supply, F. H. F. Engel, 78
Gas Supply, Thorp and Marsh, 441
Gas, Water. J. C. Mewburn, 421
Gas and Water Mains, Draining, Pullin
and Bonser, 401
Gases, R. Aitken, 363
Gases, P. Spence, 362
Gases, Furnace, J. and J. Addie, 247, 325
Gases, Furnace, Absorbing, F. M. Lyte, 56
Gases, Purifying, W. 8. R. Jackson, 207
Gases, Washing, H. A. Bonneville, 96
Gates, Sliding, W. E Gedge, 494
Gauges, Water, Thurlow and Sykes, 401
Gear, Expansion, T. English, 343
Gearing, Valve, A. W. Cooper, 422
Gearing, Wheel, W. R. Lake. 247
Gelatine and Glue, J. H. Johnson, 57
Glass, H. H. Lake, 17
Glass, C. Schon, 286
Glass, Designs Upon, C. Cutler, 305
Glass Goblets, T. G. Webb, 227
Glass, Shaping Heated, Wright and Mackie 285
Glass, Silvering, J. E. Pratt, 187
Glass, Window, W. Clark, 18
Glassware, J. Hewitt, 95
Glazing, &c., J. Chaffin, 305
Glazing, T. Shelley, 132
Globes, Lamp, J. and T. L. Archer, 477
Gloves, W. Dibble, 324
Gloves, H. Urwick, 364
Glucose, Cameron and Anderson, 443
Glycerine, W. Clark, 18
Glycerine, B. Young, 381
Governors, W. Knowles, 150
Governors, W. Lyon, 248
Governors, E. Truman, 363
Governors, Engine, W. W. Girdwood, 56
Governors, Engine, Goodfellow and Mathews, 227
Governors, Engine, Greig and Eyth, 246
Governors, Engine, H. J. Haddan, 402
Governors, Engine, J. Rettie, 206
Governors, Engine, J. Richardson, 3C4
Governors, Gas, G. E. Webster, 227
Governors, Marine, J. G. Batchelor, 96
Governors, Marine, J. J. Tyler, 459
Grabs, J H. Johnson, 149
Grain, Cleaning, &c., Burley and Morgan, 77
Grain, Discharging, W. Blythe, 285
Grain, Grinding, W. Korth, 402
Grain, Purifying, H, J. Haddan, 186
Grain, Reducing, A. W. L. Reddie, 206
Grain, Treating, E. Beanes, 344
Grain, Treating, J. A. A. Buckholz, 207
Grain, Treating, Dell, Stewart, and Davies, 207
Grain, Treating, T. B. Kinder, 95
Grain, Treating, S. Pitt, 382
Grain, Treating for Brewing, J. Fordred, KK
Grape Juice, F. Springmtihl, 207
Grapnels, Anderson and Johnson, 492
Grapple Buckets and Forks, J. C. Thompson, 58
Grinding, Ryder and Fielding, 364
Grinding, W. L. Wise, 37
Grinding Flint, J. Goodwin, 442
Grinding Mills, L. Gathmann, 325
Grinding Plates, T. Smith, 343
Grinding Stones, G. Nawrocki, 306
Grinding Wire Cards, A. W. L. Reddie, 58
Guides for Saws, H. J. Haddan, 364
Gutta Perch a, Substitute for, M. Zingler, 305
Handles, Door, J. A. Macmeikan, 169
Handles, Door, T. H. P. Dennis, 492
Handles, Door, J Thom, 342
Handles, Door, Welch and Spittle, 441
Handles, Door, T. Weston, 228
Handles, Metallic, Gibbs and Spooner, 440
Hangers, Pocket, A. M. Clark, 268
Harbours, J. Shields, 286
Harness, H. J. Haddan, 493
Harness, Henson and Hall, 441
Harness, H. H. Lake, 440
Harness, T. Loveday, 57
Harness, J. C. Mewburn, 363
Harrows, E. Button, 459
Harrows, J. Elkington, 17
Harrows, R. J. and H. Wilder, 363, 478
Harvesting, Nicholson and Mather, 94
Harvesting, Samuelson and Manwaring, 344
Hats, G. Atherton, 57, 304
Hats, E. K. Dutton, 228
Hats, H. J. Haddan, 305, 442
Hats, Felt, Hdraud and Harrison, 493
Hats, C. Naish, 440
Hats, H, Orth, 188
Hats, E. Vickers, 459
Hats, R. Wallwork, 18
Hats, Wilde and Beech, 460
Hats, Felting, R. Wallwork, 285
Hearthstone, W. Simmons, 325
Heat, Generating from Gas, &c., H. Defty, 56
Heat and Light, A. H. Hearington, 492
Heat, Preventing Passage of, W. T. White-man, 492
Heat, Utilising, Charlton and Wright, 460
Heating, A. M. Clark, 324
Heating, W. Hutchinson, 76
Heating, J. Parrot, 132
Heating Carriages, J. Imray, 478
Heating and Cooking by Gas, T. Ivory, 18
Heating Conservatories, J. Nicholl, 17
Heating Feed Water, M. Ashworth, 270
Heating Fluids, T. Duffy, 113
Heating Zinc Furnaces, W. R. Lake, 96
Heating and Ventilating, T. Rowan, 56
Heating Water, A. J. BUling, 362
Heating Water, T. Drake, 95
Heating Water, B. J. B. Mills, 95
Heating Water, Nussey and Leachman, 150
Helmets, J. W. Towell, 326
Hides, A. M. Clark, 460
Hides, Preparing, J. and B. Stocks, 460
Hides, Treating, W. R. Lake, 382
Hides, Treating, W. Morgan-Brown, 113
Hinges, J. W. Pitt, 226
Hinges, Spring, J. Bennet, 268
Hinges, Spring, E. P. Phillips, 304
Hoisting, T. King, 132
Hoists, Adair and Smith, 170
Hoists, T. L. Hall, 304
Hoists, J. Lindley, 149
Hoists, J. and J. T. Pickering, 96
Hoists, Safety Appliances for, S. Empsall, 16
Holders, F. Steitz, 460
Holders,Electric Lamp, D. Graham, 95
Holders, Glove, A. W. Child, 187
Holding Coins, &c., H. J. Haddan, 149
Holding Stamps, &c., C. A. Drake, 149
Hooks and Hangers, J. I’. Millbourne, 95
Hooks, Piping, M. Benson, 227
Hoops, T. Brown, 228
Hoops, Nash and Brewer, 421
Horse-beds, B. W. Holt, 132
Horseshoes, Buckham and Jackson, 168
Horseshoes, J. Camp, 227
Horseshoes, Collier and Armes, 226
Horseshoes, R. C. Eames, 459
Horseshoes, J. Gavett, 226
Horseshoes, T. Grason, 248
Horseshoes, T. H. Heard, 425
Horseshoes, J. H. Johnson, 401
Horseshoes, J. J. Norman, 285
Horseshoes, T. W. Ovenden, 169
Horseshoes, Turner, Price, and Oliver, 170
Horseshoes, Vanderkerken and Mans, 460
Horseshoes, J. Vernon Newton Stewart,168
Horseshoes, J. C. Worthington, 131
Hubs, H. A. Bonneville, 494
Hutches McCulloch and Cook, 422 Hydro-Extractors, F. Bates, 17 Hygrometers, L. Boye, 248
Ice, C. D. Abel, 267
Ice, J. J. Coleman, 344
Ice, H, J. Haddan, 402
Ice, W. W. Nightingale, 402
Ice, R. P. Picket, 343
Ice, C. D. Young, 344
Incubators, M. Arnold, 325
India-rubber, A. Schroll, 402
Indicating Fire-damp in Mines, J. Kitsee, 422
Indicating length, A. Akeroyd, 324
Indicating Speed, Lieut. P. Carden, 37
Indicating Speed, T. Davison, 247
Indicators, G. Hambruch, 493
Indicators, J. and A. Lawrence, 363
Ingress to Theatres, A. Scott, 343
Inhaling, E. Chabot, 325
Inhalation Chambers, W. A. Barlow, 149
Injecting, H. A Bonneville, 170
Ink, Indelible, W. Reissig, 227
Inkholders, E. G. Brewer, 326
Inkstands, Fountain, F. F. Benvenuti, 228
Insecticide, Koch and Schiller, 17
Insulating, G. Cruikshank, 422
Insulating, J. Fleming, 493
Insulating, W. R. Lake. 91
Insulating Apparatus, J. Lewis, 283
Insulating Compounds, W. Abbott, 56
Insulating Wires, W. Smith, 77
Insulating Wires, A. T. Woodward, 36
Iron, H. C. Bull. 401
Iron, IL J. Haddan, 16
Iron, Galvanising Sheet, T. II. Johns, 381
Iron, Malleable, W. R. Lake, 16
Iron Pots, D. Cowan, 149
Iron, Purifying, &c., R. Thompson, 246
Iron and Steel, W. Jackson, 114
Iron and Steel, W. R. Lake, 95
Iron and Steel, T. Lishmann, 441
Ironing Neckties, M Steinbeck, 114
Irons, G. W. von Nawrocki, 442
Ivory, Artificial, F. W. Cottrell, 132
Joints, <fcc.. T. A. Bickley, 286
Joints, H. J. Haddan, 207
Joints, Pipe, J. H. Moore, 206
Jugs, Coffee, E. Jones, 305
Keys, F. Petit, 401
Kilns, Brogden and Casper, 460
Kilns, S. Collier, 170
Kilns, Raynes and Healey, 248
Kilns, Gas, D and W. H. Thompson, 148
Kilting and Pleating, G. Browning, 56
Kitchen Utensils, H. Hartung, 187
Knitting, H. Barratt, 380
Knitting, L. A. Groth, 77
Knitting, B J. B. Mills, 95
Knitting, T. Priestley, 324
Knitting, J. W. Watts, 247
Labelling Tins, G. Hutchings, 268
Labels, S. Arnold, 305
Labels, C. Keith, 477
Labels, J. Parker, 381
Lace, R. J. S. Joyce, 37
Lace, W. R. Lake, 37
Lace, Printing, Tottem and Gloag, 113
Ladders, T. Jones, 344
Ladders, G. Whalley, 17
Lamp Fittings, C. Defries, 478
Lamps, Aria and Davies. 459
Lamps, Howes and Burley, 149
Lamps, A. Leefe, 402
Lamps, J. Lucas, 343
Lamps, H. F. D. Miller, 325, 459
Lamps, Pain and Gritton, jun., 207
Lamps, 8. Pitt, 208
Lamps, W. J. J Robinson, 96
Lamps, C. W. Siemens, 149
Lamps, B. C. Simpson, 363
Lamps, W. Skaife, 304
Lamps and Burners, P. Molloy, 267
Lamps, Oil, <fcc., J. Darling. 18
Lamps, Pendant, D. C. Defries, 149
Lamps, Railway Carriage, H. Defries, 440
Lamps, Safety, J. Cunliffe, 363
Lamps, Suspension, H. Salsbury, 187
Lamps, Velocipede, F. S. Kendrick, 77
Lamps, Wicks for, W. R. Lake, 227
Lanterns, G. Bray, 248
Lasts, J. L. Sharman, 207
Lasts, Metal, J. Markie, 325
Latches, W. Johnson, 364
Latches and Locks, E. R. Wethered, 187
Lathes, J. Dewrance, 186
Lathes, F. Wirth, 187
Lead, Cowper and Sopwith, 380
Lead, Preparing, T. Cuttriss, 459
Lead Purifying, W. J. Carr, 169
Lead, Sheet, W. Burr, 401
Leads, G. Dauben speck, 459
Leather, Colouring, W. A. Barlow, 228
Leather, Preserving, W. E. Gedge, 493
Leather Soles, Treating, E. A. Bridges, 208
Leather, Scouring, F. Lockwood, 248
Leathers, Felt, Shaw and Nordlinger, 380
Levels, C. Beger, 37
Lifting Jacks, F. Engel, 325
Lifts, A. M. Clark, 247, 342
Lifts, P. M. Justice, 268
Lifts, Stevens and Major, 95, 421
Light, Artificial, R. Simmonds, 16
Lights, Artificial, Smith and Learoyd, 247
Light, Artificial, E. T. de Banzie, 57
Light, Producing, A. Reckenzaun, 305
Light, White, J. Imray, 96
Lighthouses, Illuminating. J. Wigham, 228
Lighting, W. R. Lake, 149
Lighting, J. W. Urquhart, 363
Lighting Lamps, C. Binswanger, 493
Lighting Railway Carriages, T. J. Handford, 493
Lights, Floating, J. Imray, 188
Lights, Pavement, W. Brass, jun., 304
Lithography, G. Newsum, 131
Loading, A. M. Clark, 132, 441
Locks, Nut, H. J. Haddan, 422
Locks, Nut, J. T. King, 268
Locks, Nut, W. R. Lake, 183
Locking Devices, C. Bolle, 268
Locking Devices, J. M. Main, 343
Locks, W. H. S. Aubin, 95
Locks, J. H. Black, 343
Locks, Budenberg and TimpO, 401
Locks, G. H. and H. W. Chubb, 57
Locks, S. Collett, 114
Locks, W. S. Frost, 248
Locks, M. Gilmour, 382
Locks, J. M. Hart, 442
Locks, Huppe and Bender, 113
Locks, J. R. Nottingham, 132
Locks, D. Summerfield, 306
Locks, G. H. Wildes, 363
Locks, Canal, J. Revel, 169
Locks. Dog Collar, C. Tender, 77
Locks, Door, J. Mathison, 380
Locks and Latches, Bash and Damsa, o7
Lockwashers, T. H. Drew, 114
Locomotives, R. Brandon, 96
Locomotives, J. H. Johnson, 442
Locomotives, W. R. Lake, 96
Locomotive, Tramway, J. and J., jun.,
Quick, 77
Looms, J. Aspinall, 416
Looms, D. Bailey, 304
Looms, W. H. Beck, 326
Looms, J Bird, 37
Looms, W. B. Birkby, 421
Looms, T. Blackhurst, 381
Looms, J. Brownlee, 442
Looms, J. Bullough, 16
Looms, Clegg and Hoyle, 286
Looms, 11. S. and E. Collinge, 206
Looms, Fielden and Harrison, 325
Looms, G. Geissler, 76
Looms, J. Green, 343
Looms, L. Greenwood, 325
Looms, L. A. Groth, 362
Looms, D. A. Guille, 425
Looms, Hacking and Grube, 227
Looms, Hall and Walmsley, 246
Looms, J. Hamilton, 441
Looms, J. Hardaker, 37
Looms, Hindle and Greenwood, 170, obd
Looms. J. and J. Hodgkinson, 344
Looms, Hodgson and Broadley, 363
Looms, B. H oiling worth, 78
Looms, J. Hollingworth, 226
Looms, J. H. Johnson, 247
Looms, Kenyon and Deain, 57
Looms, T. Knowles, 325, 462
Looms, H. H. Lake, 227
Looms, W. R. Lake, 188
Looms, J. and F. Leeming and Wilkinson, 325
Looms, Lister and Reixach, 169
Looms, H. Livesey, 149
Looms, McNichol and Hollingworth, 402
Looms, J. O’Neill, 38
Looms, H. Payne, 267
Looms, Pirn and Sands, 131
Looms, Priestman and Ackroyd, 342
Looms, A. Rollason, 343
Looms, E. and W. A. Rothwell, 170
Looms, J. C. Rouse, 363
Looms, Sewell, Hulton, and Bethell, 381
Looms, J. Shorrock, 248
Looms, T. Singleton, 304
Looms, W. H. E. and J. Smith, 38
Looms, J. Stansfield, 342
Looms, T. Sutcliffe, 150
Looms, Taylor and Brierley, 304
Looms, C. Turner, 148
Looms, R. and R. Vickers, 16
Looms, J. Wade, 363
Looms, Pickers for, G. Burslem, 304
Looms, Pickers for, Holting and Duttop, 37
Lowering Boats, F. G. Grofton, 401
Lubricants, F. Field, 344
Lubricants, B. J. B. Mills, 494
Lubricating, Alcock and Johnson, 131
Lubricating, W. A. Barlow, 440
Lubricating, G. Bodden, 131
Lubricating, J. Davis, 17
Lubricating, H. J. Haddan, 18
Lubricating, J. Lumb, 228
Lubricating, H. Reisert, 78
Lubricating, J. J. Royle, 218
Lubricating, Scott and Kenyon, 187
Lubricating. R. Simon, 170
Lubricating Spindles, T. Watson, 78
Lubricating, T. Watson, 58
Lye Compositions, W. H. Beck, 228
Lyes, Beckmann and Haus brand, 402
Magic Lanterns, Webster and Williams, 95
Magneto-Electric Machines, H. J. Joel, 36
Magneto-Electric Machines, J. H. Johnson, 58
Magnetic Motor, T. Morgan, 226
Magneto-Electric Machines, Levey and Lumley, 286
MaDe, Treating, A. G. Frazer, 247
Maize, Treating, W. R. Lake, 149
Malt Extract, Deuce and Mason, 421
Malt, Mashing, L. Groth, 96
Malting, B. J. B. Mills, 441
Malting, A. Perry, 325
Manganese, Alloys, G. Scott, 208
Manure, J. Brock, 170
Manure, E. Edwards, 131
Manure, E. Fisher, 362
Manure, Distributing, H. A. Bonneville, 248
Manure, Distributing, T. Reid, 421
Manure, Distributing, F. Robinson, 246
Manure, Spreading, Garvie and Skinner, 343
Marble, Artificial, R. Guelton, 442
Marking, Burrows and Dawson, 492
Marking Ground, G. J. Piercy, 401
Matches, J. L. Mappie, 17
Mats, E. Smith, 304
Mas and Scrapers, J. S. Will way, 226
Mattresses, J. W. Watts, 478
Mattresses, Safety, G. G. de L. Byron, 284
Mattresses, Safety, A. A. Young, 78
Mattresses, Spring, A. Clark, 149
Mattresses, Spring, F. Wirth, 187
Mattresses, Wire, E. Hoskins, 421
Measuring Distances, J. P. Nolan, 325
Measuring, Linear, H. H. Lake, 441
Measuring, J. Baier, 342
Measuring, J. Darling. 285
Measuring, J. and J. Darling, 287
Measuring, G. Grtitter, 382
Measuring and Weighing Dough, J. W. W.
Drysdale, 57
Measuring Speed, J. Armstrong, 343
Medicine, Disguising, W. H. McLaughlin, 382
Medical Compounds, H. F. Mills, 78
Memorial Plates for Tombs, H. J. Haddan, 459
Metal Cans, &c., Soldering, W. R. Lake, 58
Metal, Heating, H. H. Andrew, 440
Metal Plates, Coating, Taylor and Leyshon, 442
Metal Plates, Heating, H. F. Taylor, 440
Metal Plates, Pickling, J. R. Turnock, 401
Metal, Rolling, F. Wirth, 114
Metallic Alloys, G. A. Dick, 56
Metallic Bodies, Separating, B. Tillett, 380
Metallic Cases, T. R. Bayliss, 188
Metallic Packing, W. V. Ley, 344
Metallic Shingles, W. R. Lake, 344
Metals, Extracting, J. Kagenbusch, 268
Metals, Extracting, H. H. Lake, 96
Metals, Heating, J. S. Williams, 96
Metals, Ornamenting, G. Bower, 227
Metals, Planing, G. Richards, 477
Metals, Purifying, S. Pitt, 17
Metals, &c., Reducing, R. S. Ripley, 402
Metals, Reducing, F. Wirth, 248
Metals, Refining, W. A. Barlow, 401
Metals, Separating, W. R. Lake, 421
Metals, Treating, A. M. Clark, 226
Metals, Welding, C. D. Abel, 188
Meters, Electric, J. W. Swan, 58
Meters, Fluid, C. D. Abel, 208, 407
Meters, <-Jas, W. Airy, 207
Meters, Gas, V. Harcourt, 267
Meters, Gas, W. C. Parkinson, 459
Meters, Liquid, E. G. Rivers, 459
Meters, Liquid, J. M. Smales, 380
Meters, Liquid, J. Wetter, 401
Meters, Water, A. J. Boult, 18
Meters, Water, B. D. Healey, 494
Microphony, J. H. Johnson, 441, 477
Middlings, Purifying, J. Beal, 459
Milk, Artificial, P. T. J. Voltmer, 78
Milk, Concentrating, F. Springmiihl, 207
Milk, Condensed, E. Kunkier, 363
Milk, Condensed, W. F. Sweetland, 342
Milk, Creaming, Allender and Crossby, 343
Milk, Treating, H. J. Haddan, 402
Milling, A. J. Boult, 188
Milling, Crawford and Miller, 207
Mills, W. R. Lake, 380
Mills, F. Wirth, 95
Mills, F. V. Wyngaert, 380
Mills, Flour, A. B. Wilson, 478
Mills, Grinding, B. Asplen, 268
Mills, Roller, A. V. Newton, 113
Mills, Roller, J. Qualter, 226
Mills, R-filer, A. Stevenson, 17
Mills, Roller, W. P. Thompson, 38
Mills, Rolling, W. Deighton, 96
Mills, Rolling, E. Edwards, 95
Mills, Rolling, P. Kirk, 247
Mincing, J. Hood, jun., 363
Mincing, F. des Voeux, 305
Mirrors, Swing, H. Carter, 477
Mixing Liquids, Whitlock and Smale, 132
Money, Collecting, &c., J. Kaye, 150
Mordanting, S. Musgrave, 422
Mosaics, H J. Haddan, 440
Motive Power, Asthfiwer and Bicheroux, 362
Motive Power, T. C. Boutet, 382
Motive Pow^r, E. G Brewer, 77
Motive Power, A. M. Clark, 186, 421
Motive Power, J. Dobney, 247
Motive Power, Fanshawe and Griffith, 227
Motive Power, W E. Gedge, 77
Motive Power, J. B. Howie, 227
Motive Power, J. Jeff, 113
Motive Power, A. Lafargue, 57
Motive Power, W. R. Lake, 267, 362
Motive Power, A. J. Lehmann, 149
Motive Power, W. G. 8 Mockford, 186
Motive Power, H. E. Newton, 17
Motive Power, P. Pfleiderer, 421
Motive Power, Water, F. Pool, 286
Motive Power, J. Rogers, 239
Motive Power, E. A. H. Rousseaux, 494
Motive Power, W. Spence, 227
Motive Power, J. Thomson, 324
Motive Power, W. B. Tibbits, 130
Motive Power, S. Wilding, 324
Motive Power, A. Wilson, 400, 401
Moulding, A. Henderson, 131
Moulding, F. Wirth, 267
Moulding Boxes, C. Bailey, 247
Moulding Cement, H. Reid, 131
Moulds, Type, E. A. Brydges, 325
Mowing, R. Kirkman, jun., 493
Mowing, W. R. Lake, 228
Mules, Counters for, D. and F. H. Orme, 57
Musical Instruments, G. Downing, 344
Musical Instruments, V. I. Feeney, 305
Musical Instruments, H. J. Haddan, 226
Musical Instruments, H. H. Lake, 325
Musical Instruments, W. R. Lake, 304
Musical Instruments, J. O. Spong, 56
Musical Instruments, J. Stuttaford, 285
Musical Instruments, Wind, W. P. Thompson, 77, 95, 113
Musical Notes, Recording, J. Wallis, 95
Musical Sheets, Preparing, A. J. Eli, 285
Music Rolls for Mechanical Musical Instru
ments, W. R. Lake, 95
Music Stands, Walters and Rosoman, 38
Music, Teaching, E. M. Easson, 459
Nailing, F. Myers, 187
Nail Machines, J. Imray, 37
Nails, J. Maynes, 247
Nails, J. W. Summers, 95
Nails, Cut, J. Maynes, 304
Nails, Cut Wire and Wrought, J. and J.
Grimshaw, 78
Nails, Horseshoe, Briggs and Booth, 268
Navigating Fluids, A. W. Lake, 305
Nickel, Gilchrist and Thomas, 381
Nickel, Extracting, W. Galbraith, 38
Nickel Plating, J. E. Chaster, 113
Niello, Imitating, F. Wirth, 285
Nippers, F. J. Cheesbrough, 17
Nitro-Sulphuric Acid, W. Brookes, 460
Nitrous Vapours, G. Prim, 477
Non-conductors, T. and J. Brooke, 188
Non-conductors, E. C. C. Stanford, 442
Numbering Machines, W. R. Lake, 113
Nuts, Locking, A. M. Clark, 247
Nuts for Screw Bolts, R. Harrington, 227
Obturator, Automatic, L. A. Groth, 401
Odometers, W. P. Thompson, 76
Oil Separating, G. Chapman, 186
Oil Vessels, J. Robinson, 440
Oils, Refining, E. W. Bell, 441
Oils, Treating, E. de Pass, 422
Optical Apparatus, J. B. Fenby, 114
Ordnance, J. G. Accles, 57
Ordnance, F. J. Cheesbrough, 169
Ordnance, O. Jones, 187
Ordnance, W. R. Lake, 149
Ordnance, T. Nordenfelt, 76, 324
Ordnance, R. S. M. de Ricca, 381
Ores, W. Barlow, 247
Ores, Crushing, Spencer, Consterdine, and
Kimberley, 148
Ores, Extracting, L. F. Gowans, 149
Ores, Purifying, D. Watson, 325
Ores, Separating, F. C. Glaser, 17
Ores, Separating, H. J. Haddan, 441
Ores, Treating, A. M. Clark, 421
Ores, Treating, W. R. Lake, 494
Ores, Treating Gold, H. Barker, 494
Organs, O. Dinse, 17
Organs, W. C. Dyer, 306
Organs, W. Sweetland, 38
Organs, Electro-Magnets Applied to, H. J.
Haddan, 37
Organs, Reed, J. B. Hamilton, 95, 246
Organs, Piano, C. D. Abel, 169
Ornamental Surfaces, Noad and Salomon, 440
Ornamenting, J. B. Dubois, 459
Ornamenting Ribbons, A. H. Horsfall, 46$
Ornamenting Surfaces, S. J. J. Kelly, 460
Ornamenting Walls, E. L. Voice, 149
Ornamenting Windows, J. Mitchell, 188
Ovens, C. D. Abel, 227
Ovens, J. H. Johnson, 113
Ovens, Thomson and Booer, 226
Ovens, Coke, B. Cochrane, 247
Ovens, Coke, R. de Soldenhoff, 440
Overwinding, Preventing, Lewis and
Massey, 343
Oxide of Lead, H. H. Lake, 188
Oyster Knives, H. J. Haddan, 114
Packing, Bell and Harper, 421
Packing, H. J. Haddan, 207, 267
Packing, W. R. Lake, 187
Packing Cases, E. I. Billing, 266
Packing Cases, W. Crookes, 228
Packing Cases, A. H. Lowe, 459
Packing Cases, D. Nicoll, 381
Packing C >mpound, P. Blair, 113
Packing, Engine, J. H. Chapman, 77
Packing Glass Plates, A. Cowan, 207
Packing Lace, &c., F. W. Parker, 38
Pticking, Metallic, Holcroft and Grundy, 286
Packing, Spring, W. Lockwood, 18
Painting, Menge and Krause, 364
Paper, J. H. Annandale, 304
Paper Bags, H. J. Haddan, 442
Paper, Cooling, F. C. Glaser, 246
Paper, D imping, A. Stierlin, 187
Papers, Decorating, J. Imray, 170
Paper, Delivering, W. C. Pellatt, 207
Paper, Feeding, J J. Allen, 37
Paper, Feeding, Dinsmore and Hoyer, 17
Paper, Folding, H. M. Nicholls, 247
Paper, Folding, F. Wolff, 267
Paper, Packing. J. Greenwood, 169
Paper. Sensitive, W. T. Morgan, 57
Paperhanging, A. M. Clark, 129
Paper Pulp, F. Baumann, 150
Parchment, Artificial, C. Weygang, 114
Paste, E. L. Loxton, 325
Peat, Treating, S. D. Cox, 95
Pegs, Tent, J. Jaques, 325
Pegs, Tuning, G. Wilde, 325
Pencil Cases, W. R. Lake, 494
Pencil Cases, J. Spear, 4 2
Pencils, J. D. Sprague, 305
Penholders, M Benson, 228
Penholders, M. Fischer, 459
Penholders, H. J. Haddan, 247, 421
Penholders, Hughes and Carwardine, 305
Penholders, Reservoir, narnpcon. and
Gray. 16
Penholders, W. Sinclair, 459
Pens, C. D. Abel, 422
Pens, J. H. Johnson, 76
Pens, W. Morgan-Brown, 401
Pens, Autographic, O. Bussler, 305
Pens, Fountain, J. R. Carter, 285
Pens, Fountain, W. E. Kay, 305
Pens, Fountain, W. R. Luke, 401
Perambulators, E. Andrews, 187
Perambulators, W. H. St. Aubin, 286
Perambulators, J. H. Miles, 132
Perambulators, J. Preston, 382
Permanent Way, Bean and Th mpson, 131
Permanent Way, W. J. Boaler, 363
Permanent Way, H. Bridgewater, 342
Permanent Way, A. G. Browning, 17
Permanent Way, A. M. Clark, 226
Permanent Way, A. Davy, 268
Permanent Way, F. C. Glaser, 478
Permanent Way, H. T. Grainger, 228
Permanent Way, A. S. Hamand, 149
Permanent Way, J. C. Mewburn, 286
Permanent Way, A. Riche, 326
Permanent Way, G. Schwartzkoppf, 226
Permanent Way, W. Seaton, 7 6
Permanent Way, F. C. Winby, 228
Peroxide, F M. Lyte, 381
Peroxides, L. Mond, 381
Phonographs, H. J. Haddan, 150
Phosphates, Mineral, D. Perry, 131
Photographic Cameras, W. Lawley, 77
Photographs, Coloured, H. A. Bonneville, 76
Photography, G. L. Addenbrooke, 380
Photography, R. Schroer, 169
Phosphatic Substances, H. Scott, 150
Photography, R. T Wall, 246
Photography, F. Wirth, 4 59
Photometers, Mucklow and Spurge, 38
Pianofortes, J. Ainsworth. 268
Pianofortes, Bishop and Down, 459
Pianofortes, W. Fischer, 380
Pianofortes, F C. Glaser, 96
Pianofortes, W. R. Lake, 380
Pianofortes, E. Outran), 267
Pianofortes, A. Squire, 342
Pianofortes, A. Wilkinson, 459
Pianofortes, H Witton, 325
Picks, J. N. Robson, 17
Pictures, H. H. Lake, 206
Pictures on Stone, Producing, H. J.
Haddan, 492
Pigments, E. V. Gardner, 227
Pigments, H. Knight, 228
Pigments, C. Mountford, 132
Pigments, W. Spence, 18
Pigments, F. Wirth, 168
Pigments, Asbestos, C. J. Mountford, 132, 247
Pigments Ochre, J. M. Cameron, 132
Pins, Safety, W. R. Lake, 18
Pins, Safety, G. F. Redfern, 459
Pipes for Electric Wires, A. J. Boult, 364
Pipes, Drain, C. Slagg, 326
Pipes, Earthenware, G. Smith, 150, 286
Pipes, Lead, Walker and Simpson, 362
Pipes, Protecting, C. Slagg, 208
Pipes, Soft Metal, Cooke and Mylehreest, 56
Pipes, Tobacco, E. Lorge, 363
Pipes, Tob icco, C. Morris, 246
Pipes, Tobacco, W. Rest, 420
Piston Packing Rings, A. A. Rickaby, 420
Pistons, H. J. Haddan, 494
Pistons, J. Hopkinson, 76
Pistons, G. W von Nawrocki, 402
Pistons. J. Tobin, 325
Plastic Compounds, H. J. Haddan, 421
Plaiting, J. Dowling, 344
Plaster, P. M. Justice, 306
Plates, W. R. and J. Plant., 459
Plates, Sowler and Ward, 169
Plates, Fire-proof, C. D. Abel, 344
Plates, Testing, G. Richards, 114
Ploughs, Hornsby and Trolley, 149
Ploughs, E. G. Lakeman, 246
Ploughs, C. A. Snow, 382
Plugs, Fusible, Burton and Byrnes, 363
Plugs, Fusible, IL J. Harman, 18
Points and Switches, W. Irish, 286
Points and Switches, E. D. Reynolds, 16
Poles, Cornice, Grimmett and Cook, 381
Polishing Rods, A. Watt, 132
Potatoes, Planting, G. Murray, 246
Potatoes, Sorting, C. D. Abel, 440
Pottery, R. Boote, 286
Pottery, W. Boulton, 169
Pottery, J. Roberton, 16
Pottery, Slater and Hancock, 186
Presses, F. H. Engel, 150
Presses, Mart and Bradley, 208
Presai: g, A. V. Wagner, 206
Preservers, Fruit, V. Manuel, 442
Preservers, Life, W. Wilkins, 248
Preserving Eggs, H. H. Doty, 402
Preserving Fish, C. Pieper, 131
Preserving Fish, J. Ross, jun., 363
Preserving Meat, E. G. Brewer, 421
Preserving Meat, J. Imray, 324
Preserving Meat &c., H. H. Lake, 76
Preserving Mdk, J. Bibo, 227
Preserving Milk, H. von Roden, 57
Preserving 'limber, H. Aitken, 96
Preserving Timber, 8. B. Boulton, 114
Preventing Accidents, Minchin and Des-peissis, 268
Preventing Collisions, H. O. A. E. Giiin-baum, 401
Preventing Explosions in Mines, J. S. McDougall, lb6
Preventing Railway Accidents, C. Leroy, 284
Picking-up Apparatus, J. Day, 492
Printing, W. Conquest, 421
Printing, T. G. and J. Dawson, 169
Printing, A. Godfrey, 77
Printing, J. F. Haskins, 459
Printing, J. Imray, 206, 494
Printing, J. II Johnson, 494
Printing, W. R. Lake, 96, 207, 402, 460, 477
Printing, J. A. Marquez, 36
Printing, Salmon, Smith, and Hamilton, 18
Printing Blocks, J. Noad, 380
Printing, Drying, H. Mathieson, 342
Printing Labels, T. A. Briggs, 114
Printing Surfaces, J. J. Sachs, 805
Projectiles, W. Naylor, 344
Projectiles, T. Nordenfelt, 267
Projectiles, E. Pall ver, 381
Projectiles, J. Vavasseur, 364
Propellers, G. C. Parini, 207
Propellers, Revolving, C. Corneby, 169
Propellers, Screw, A. J. Davison, 459
Propellers, Screw, R. Griffiths, 149
Propellers, Screw, T. Heppell, 247
Propellers, Screw, D. Johnston, 440
Propellers, Screw, T. Lambert, 247, 421
Propellers, Screw, D. B. Hutton, 58
Propellers, Screw, A. W. L. Reddie, 440
Propellers, Screw, J. Taylor, 57
Propellers, Ships’, C. D. Abel, 17
Propelling, J. Pursell, 16
Propelling Boats, A. Burdess, 78
Protecting Graves, J. Walters, 324
Protectors, Seat, &c., C. P. Sharpley, 268
Pruning, J. Ridal 324
Pulley Blocks, T H. Ward, 37
Pulleys, G. W. Benyon, 343
Pulleys, W. R. Lake, 477
Pulleys, W. H. Price, 16
Pulleys, A. W. L. Reddie, 478
Pulleys, Sash, W. Meakin, 247
Pumping, Anyon and Lund, 492
Pumping, A. M. Clark, 225
Pumping, B. J. B. Mills, 3t2
Pumping, J. H. Palmer, 76
Pumps, C. D. Abel, 248
Pumps, A. Browne, 402
Pumps, Egells and Cux, 493
Pumps, H. Fauler, 37
Pumps, G. V. Fosbery, 805
Pumps, H. Gardner, 285
Pump°, H. J. Haddan, 57
Pumps, Air, C. Gimingham, 493
Pumps, Rotary, R. Skene, 285
Pumps, Rotary, L. Swift, 148
Pumps, Vacuum, C. D. Abel, 169
Pumps, Vacuum, L. A. Groth, 76
Pumps, Vacuum, Wright and Mackie, 268 Punching, J. Fielding, 326
Punching Holes, J. Tushaw, 228
Purifying Liquids, H. J. Haddan, 226 Purifying Middlings, C. D. Abel 78 Purifying Water, H. R. Lipscombe, 207 Purses, S. Cooke, 425 Purses, F. Wirth, 493
Pyrometers, A. Sauv6e, 459
Railway Collisions, Mitigating, E.Clarke, 305
Railways, Pneumatic, T W. Rammell, 58, Raising Water, G. Macaulay Cruikshank, 344
Rang, finder, G. W. Hart, 168
Ran.e Finding, T. Bolton, 95
Ranges, H. M Ashley, i 69 Ranges, J. W. Brown, 170 Ratchet Braces, C. T, Colebrook, 148 Ratchet Braces, 8. Gardner, 267 Batches, Clutch, J. Hardinge, 36 Reaping, H. R. Allen, 286 Reaping, A. M. Clark, 304 Reaping, J. Harrison, 247
Reaping, Macgregor and Redfeam, 324 Reaping, W. P. Thompson, 267 Receptacles, Cartridges, E. W. Cooke, 149 Recording Instruments, R. Pickwell, 149 Recording Moves in Chess, A. M. Clark, 169 Reeds, W. R. Lake, 207 Reflectors, F. H. Engel, 247 Reflectors, H. J. Haddan, 247 Refrigerating, A. Allworth, 477 Refrigerating, G. Barker, 207 Refrigerating, J. Chambers, 440 Refrigerating, J. Coleman, 77, 203 Refrigerating, P. Justice, 78 Refrigerating, W. Keates, 420 Refrigerating, W. R. Lake, 188 Refrigerating, G. Lawrence, 207 Refrigerating, T. B. Lightfoot, 226 Refrigerating, Morton and Robinson, 228 Refrigerating, A. W. L. Reddie, 364 Refrigerating, G. C. Roberts, 77 Refrigerating, A. Samuel, 187 Refrigerating, W. P. 'Ihompson, 460
Refrigerating and Heating Fluids, F.
Wirth, 17
Refuse, Treating, H. J. Haddan, 477 Registering, II. Davey, 268 Registering, J. Morris, 478
Registering Distances, G. C. Lilley, 460 Registering Receipts, J T. Parlour, 131 Regulating Tension, J. Foley, 169 Regulator, Damper, 8. P. Wilding, 285 Repeating Mechanism, G. E. Vaughan, 227 Respirators, E. Saunders, 37
Residues, Utilising, J. Longmore, 492 Rice, G. P. Witt, 305
Rice, Decoiticating, A. M. Clark, 305 Rice, Treating, J. T. Armstrong, 440 Rings, C. Touaillon, 113
Ring*, Finger, W. R. Lake, 187 Kings and Houks, J. V. Hop -, 17 Rivetting, Austin and Jackson, 305 Rivettii'g, A. M. Clark, 401 Rivetting, i. Wallace, 38
Ri vetting and Rolling, F. J. Rowan, 284 Road Curbs, J. J. Wneeler, 380 Roadwciys, J. T. Todd, 305
Roasting Coffee, M. Robinson, 113 Rods, Divining, C. F. Varley. 37 Rollers, Barford, Perkins, and Chambers, 207
Rollers, J. Lewthwaite, 343
Rollers, Metal, D. Davies, 422
Rolling Metal, F. Wirth, 114 Bolling Mills, E. Edwards, 95
Rolling Pamphlet Covers, W. P. Thompson, 227
Rolls for Mills, W. P. Thompson, 421
Roof Tiling, O. Seefe s, 206 Roofing, E. B. Edwards, 324 Roofing Tiles, C. Major, 401 Roofs, A. M. Clark, 113 Roofs, Metal, T. Hulliwell, 342
Roofs, Protecting, B. L. Ihomson, 170 Hopes, Simmons and Tullidge, 2u7 Roundabouts, F. Savage, ; 8 Roundabouts, F. W. Woolloeott, 206 Roving, J. Cryer, 148 Roving, W. R. Lake, 170 Ruffling, &c., W. R Laue, 305 Rules, Slide, J. H. Thompson, 76
SADDLE-bars, J. Old meadow. 366
Saddle-bars, J. L. Reed, 248
Saddles, J. Jenner, 363
Saddles, W. R. Lake, 206
Saddles, Bicycle, E. Edwards, 228
Safes, D. R. Ratcliffe, 148
Safety Apparatus, C. D. Abe1, 380
Safety Apparatus for Gas Burners, J. W.
Plunkett, 208
Saggars, A. J. Boult, 493
Saggars, W. E. Gedge, 440
Salt, &c., Decomposing, J. G. Willans, 58
Salt-cake, &c., G. S. Hazlehurst, 187
Sashes, Window, Hurdle and Davie, 440
Sashes, Window, W. R. Lake, 169
i Sashes, Window, E J. Harris, 17
Sashes, Window, A. Smith, 402
I Sashes, Window, E. Wilkins, 187
, Saving Life, J. F. Cressy, 343
Saving Life, J. R. Hodgson, 477
I Saving Life, D. R. Jones, 401
Saving Life at Sea, F. W. Brewster. 425
I Saving Life at Sea, W. Fewster, 170
I Saving Life at Sea, II J. Hadd -u, 325
Sawing Machines, Feeding, R. Pope, 227
Sawing Wood, T. N. Robinson, 17u
t Sawing Wood, J. Smith, 187
Saws, F. C. Glaser, 149
SawvS, Band, J. H. Johnson, 77
Scaffolding, J. Rettie, 342
Scaleboard, A. Millar, 380
Scoring, F. Dening, 326
Screens, Hand, M. O. Hund, 459
Screws, S. I. and J. Adams, 493
Screw Steamshij^s, G. W. von Nawrocki, 460
Scutching Fibres, E. Schenson, 56
Sealskins, Potter and Rice, 77
Separating Machines, Centrifugal, F. II. F.
Engel, 422
Separating Solid and Liquid Bodies, II. J.
Smith, 286
Seats, Mohan and Girvin, 421
Set Squares, G. W. von Nawrocki, 226
Sewage, Distributing, J. Ship way, 441
Sewage, Drying, J. 11. Johnson, 267
Sewage Drying, Kemmers, Williamson, and Fairweather, 400
Sewage, Purifying, Andrews and Parker, 343
Sewage, Purifying, F. Petri, 56
Sewage, Treating, A. M. Clark, 17
Sewage, Utilising, G. H. Gerson, 227
Sewers, E. G. Banner, 343
Sewers, Flushing, Denton and Butler, 363
Sewing Apparatus, W. Hollingworth, 305
Sewing Machine Attachments, Helwig and
Dewdney, 76
Sewing Machines, R. H. Brandon, 58
Sewing Machines, J. Day, 225
Sewing Machine.®, A. A. Fisher, 248
Sewing Machines, Glasierand Briggs, 382
Sewing Machines, J. Graham, 76
Sewing Machines, Guillaume and Lambert, 381
Sewing Machines, J. Hill, 207
Sewing Machines, Hunt and Fairfax, 17
Sewing Machines, J. H. Johnson, 306, 402
Sewing Machines, H. H. Lake, 149
Sewing Machines, W. R. Lake, 57, 148, 305, 493
Sewing Machines, J. F. McLaren, 170
Sewing Machines, J. E Richards, 131
Sewing Machines, H. Simon, 422
Sewing Machines, Attachments for, J. Imray, 56
Shafts and Poles, A. M. Clark, 113
Sharpening Raz >rs, A. Payne, 400
Shearing, T. R. Hutton, 37
Shears, T. Brown, 285
Shears, W. Smith, 131
Shingles, W. R. Lake, 363
Ship-, H. H. Lake, 268
Ships, A. W. Reddie, 1'59
Ships, R. Richards, 149
Ships, T. Teodoresco, 169
Ships’ Berths, W. R. Lake, 382
Ships’ Berths, A. Y. Young, 132
Ships’ Berths, Hanging, A. F. Lebacq, 304
Ships’ Boats Detaching, Wilkinson and
McGonnell, 247
Ships’ Boats, Disengaging, Hill and Clark, 38
Ships’ Boats, Disengaging, Lowrie and Rowe, 38
Ships’ Boats, Supporting, M. Billow, 285
Ships’ Bottoms, Covering, W. C. D. Holzapfel, 228
Ships’ Cargoes, Steadying, W. R. Lake, 304
Ships, Determining Position of, P. M. Justice, 494
Ships, Guarding, W. H. Duncan, 246
Ships’ Logs, F. Webster, 285
Ships’ Positions, Indicating, Tuer and Cleminson, 460
Ships, Propelling, W. T. Lithgow, 325
Ships, Raising, W. Wise, 422
Ships. Raising Sunken, R. Hodgson, 76
Ships’ Rigging, H. B. McIntosh, 37
Ships’ Rudders, J. E. Commerell, 343
Ships’ Rudders, Cooke and Mylchreest, 95
Ships, Screw Steam, E. Hayes, 76
Ships’ Seats, E. 8. Copeman, 114
Ships, Steam, W. H. Marks, 56
Ships, Steam, J. E. Mouland, 304
Ships, Towing, W. R. Lake, 113
Ships, Twin-Screw, T. R. Oswald, 208
Ships, Water Wheels for, A. M. Clark, 343
Shuttle Boxes, Pirn and Sands, 131
Shuttle Boxes, Swells for, W. Hrythorn-thwaite, 207
Shuttles, J. R. Richards, 131, 169
Sifting, C. Wellin, 441
Sifting Grain, E. J. Power, 113
Signalling, C. Barker, 187
Signalling, Brown and Saunders, 421
Signalling, C. B. Crisp, 132
Signalling, S. C. C. Currie, 226
Signalling, Dredge and Cordner, 227
Signalling, J. M. Gray. 113
Signalling, H. J. Haddan, 380
Signalling, McLaren and Sherratt, 477
Signalling, J. Mayers, 206
Signalling, Smith and Taylor, 460
Signalling, W. P. Thompson, 169
Signalling, E. Tyer, 364
Signalling, Webster, Hill, and Greenwood, 208
Signalling, J. White, 208
Signalling, Electric, R. Brougham, 441
Signalling, Electric, A. F. St. George, 284
Signalling, Electric, in Trains, D. 8. Garau, 95
Signalling, Fog, W. E. Langdon, 493
Signalling, Fog, E. Moxon, 207
Signalling, Fog, J. Natt, 325
Signalling, Fog, A. L. Wharton, 441
Signalling, Fog, T. Whittingham, 441
Signalling, Railway, M. Ager, 131
Signalling, Railway, A. S. Allin, 114
Signalling, Railway, F. B. Brewer, 206
Signalling, Railway, E. Callot, 304
Signalling, Railway, E. J. Chabrel, 459
Signalling, Railway, T. Gaddes, 304
Signalling, Railway, W. Goalen, 168, 460
Signalling, Railway, W. E. Langdon, 226
Signalling, Railway, Livesey, Whitehall, and Becconsall, 362
Signalling, Railway, H. Morris, 400
Signalling, Railway, A. H. Perry, 284
Signalling, Railway, W. Stroudley, 305
Signalling, Railway, P. P. Sykes, 248
Signalling, Railway, Tuer and Cleminson, 460
Signals, A. Gough, 77, 95, 207
Signals, Railway, J. Harrisson, 381
Sizing, Dickinson and Rosetter, 76
Sizing Hanks. J. Conlong, 187, 325
Sizing, &c., Hanks, Conlong and Robertshaw, 110
Sizing Warps, A. Boult, 363
Skates, H. J. Haddan, 95, 131
Skates, Yelloby and Elwes, 148
Skates, Foot, J. M. Gorham, 306
Skins, Treating, D. T. Gardner, 441
Slabs or Panels, A. Mcl.ean, 226
Slag, S. Pitt, 150
Slate, &c., W. P. Thompson, 459
Slipping, G. Jenkins, 187
Small-arms, F. J. Cheesbrougb, 305
Small-arms, Rigby and Banks, 306
Small-arms, W. M. Scott, 305, 306
Small-arms, 8. R. and W. Trulock, 1
Small-arms, T. W. Webley, 326
Small-arms, Breech loading, W. Tranter,
38, 402
Smoke Consuming, MacDonald and Bola-naehi, 113
Smoke, Consuming, H. C. Paterson, 493
Smoke, Preventing, W. Begg, 440
Soap, F. C. Glaser, 381
Soap, J. C. Mewburn, 95
Soap, G. Payne, 96
Soap, L. Varicas, 18
Soap Sheets, G. F. Redfern, 402
Socket Slides. W. Randle, 382
Sockets for Electric Lamps, J. W. Swan
W. Weldon, 96
Soda, J. Mactear, 286
Soda, H. C. F. Sto finer, 228
Soda, W. Weldon, 96
Soda, Carbonate of, S. Pitt, 442
Soda, Caustic, Spence and Watt, 380
Soda, Chromate of, C. D. Abel, 17
Solutions, Treating, McDougall, 132
Sounding, C. A. McEvoy, 186
Sounding Instruments, T. Bassnett, 186
Spanners, Godfrey and Brittain, 56
Spill Holes, W. W. Watts, 343
Spindles, Dodd and Little, 266
Spindles, Fairar and B<wman. 37
Spindles and Knobs, E. W. Buller, 16
Spinning, Brooks and Holden, 268
Spinning, A. Clark, 380
Spinning, E. Clarke, 149
Spinning, J. Cryer, 148
Spinning, B. A. Dobson, 37
Spinning, Dobsoa, Gillow, and Davies, 150
Spinning, A. M. Fletcher, 188
Spinning, G. Gotland, 441
Spinning, W. Holms, 401
Spinning, J. Howson, 342
Spinning, S. Ingham, 76
Spinning, W. R. Lake, 150, 170, 421
Spinning, J. L°yland, 18
I Spinning, C. H. Maxted, 227 Spinning, B J. B. Mills, 494 Spinning, Morley and Jagger, 76 Spinning, Perkins, Wimpenny, and Evans, 247, 462
Spinning, Ripley and Briggs, 247, 343
Spinning, J Roussel fils, 131
Spinning, J. W. Smith, 56
Spinning, R. E. Sykes, 343
Spinning R. B. Thompson, 286
Spinning, J. Wain, 344
Spinning, J. Walker, 77
Spinning, W. T. Watts, 326
. Spinning, M Wright, 95
Spinning and Doubling, H. Hall, 477
Spinning and Doubling, Lancaster and Slater, 16
Spinning and Doubling, W. Sumner, 56
Spinning Ring, J. W. Mei rail, 17
Spinning and Twisting, F. W. Fox, 17
Spittoon, J. Clark, 169
Spools, W. R. Lake, 188
Spoons, Heap and Revtie, 324
Spray, Producing, L. H Armour, 422
Spray, Producing, C. Scott, 380
Sprays, Bath, W. P. Thompson, 381 Spreading Sand, &c., R. G. Garvie, 95
t Spring Balances, R. Lamont, 58
i Spring Motor Apparatus, W. R. Lake, 187
Springs, A. J. Boult, 342
Springs, W. Buckley, 421
Springs, H. J. Haddan, 187, 478
[ Springs, H. Smellie, 169
Springs, F. Wirth, 187
Springs, Woodruff and Barson, 149
. Springs, India-rubber, R. Jahns, 3fc2
1 Springs, Steel. R. Hansell, 131
t Squeeges, A. Foster, 477
. Stairs, J. Thallon, 477
Stamp-Box Charm, J. Hirst, 363
Stamping Holes in Metal Plates, West wood and Baillie, 442
[ Stamping Letters, J. G. A. Haller, 218 Stamps, Hand, A. C. Henderson, lt4 Stamps, Hand, E. M. Richford, 57 Stands, Bottle, J. Ridge, 228 Stands, Flower, J. F. Grimmo, 343 Stands, Liquor, J. Beresford 248 Stands, Revolving, W. J. Lloyd, 2-7
i Staples, Clenching, W. R. Lake, 246, 268 Starch, H. H. Lake, 130
Starch and Sugar, Treating, W. R. Lake,
I 494
Steel, Eadon and Yeomans, 77
Steel, J. Ellis, 2 '8
Steel, Fox and Whitley, 382
Steel, J. Gjers. 304
Steel, T. N Muller, 460
. Steel, W. Whiteman, 132
Steel, Rolling, A. Riche, 344
Steelyards, A. J. Boult, 363 Steering, J. Coo^e, 227, 248 Steering, J. N. Holliday, 17 Steering, G. Knowling. 36 Steering, H. Lumley, 150 Steering, W. Pepper, 304 Steering Gear, T. Archer, jun., 187 Steering Gear. T. Britton, 381
Steering Quadrants, Cook and Prosser, 425 Steering Miips, T. Walker, 267 Stencils, J. D. Sprague, 305
Stereotyping, W. R. Lake, 421
Stereotyping, C. Parsonage, 246 Stillions, R. Moreland, jun., 131 Stone, Artificial, J. Nottingham, 18S Stone, Artificial, W. Walker, 402 Stoppers, J. Bussey, 441 Stoppers, A. M. Claik, 286 Stoppers, J. S Davison, 248 Stoppers, C. W. von Schlieffen, 363 Stoppers, Bottle, H. Barrett, 343 Stoppers, Bottle, I. Burdin, 440 Stoppers, Fastening, W. R. Lake, 207 Stoppers, Buttle, N. Fritzner, 57 Stoppers, Bottle, W. Froggatt, 382 Stoppers, Bottle, Macvay and Sykes, 285 Stoppers, Bottle, K. F. C. Peterson, 168 Stoppers, Bottle, H. J. West, 380 Stoves, A. Browne, 420 Stoves, E. J. Duggan, 459 Stoves, F. H. Engel, 150 Stoves, A. C. Engert, 131 Sroves, R. George. 207 Stoves, R. G. Greig, 149
Stoves, Hoyne and Loved ee, 132
Stoves, E G. Lakeman, 113
Stoves, Leggott and Marsh, 208
Stoves, F. Wirth, 267
Stoves, Cooking, F. Brown, 95
Stoves, Feeding, Gore and Morris, 285 Stoves, Gas, P. Geofroy-Gomez, 247 Stoves, Gas, E. A. Rippingille, 76 Stoves, Hot Blast, E. A. Cowper, 187, 493 Strainers, R. Laurie, 305
Strainers. G. Tidcombe, jun., 477
Straw, Making-up, Kearsley and Whit-| worth, 227
Stretchers, T. H. Harris, 421
Stretchers, Ambulance, A. K. Irvine, 77 Stretching, Grippers for, J. Mardacre, 247 Sugar, J. W. Culmer, 114
Sugar, J. H. Johnson, 77, 326, 382
Sugar, H. H. Lake, 285, 305
Sugar, W. R. Lake, 113, 132, 268, 441 Sugar, C. Scheibler, 186, 246, 285, 460 Sugar, A., jun., and J. D. Scott, and Ogilvie, 459
Sulphate of Alumina, W. Gentles, 227
Sulphide of Sodium, W. Weldon, 401 Sulphur, F. B. Rawes, 362 Sulphuric Acid, W. Wel ion, 401 Sulphuric Acid, W. Windus, 169
Supply, &c., Apparatus, A. Brossard, 208 Supporting Apparatus, H. S. Whitehouse, 342
Supports, Insulated, C. Cur toys, 364 Supports, Mirror, E A. Brydges, 77 Surgical Apparatus, L. A. Groth, IbT Surgical Splints, H. Hides, 422 Surgical Supports, G. E. Vaughan, 248 Surveying, P. Jensen, 381 Swimming, C. D. Abel, 268 Syphons, Carter and Baker, 111 Syphons, C. Fisher, 343 Syringes, E. de Pass, 441
Tables, W. R. Lake, 96
Tables, G. W. von Nawiocki, 492
Tablets, W. Carter, 169
Tanks, J. Holroyd, 150
Tannin, E. A. brydges, 380
Tanning, A. C. Henderson, 311
Tanning, W R. Lake, 246
Tanks, Flushing, W. Bartholomew, 400
Tanks, Steeping, R. Free, 313
Tape Ladders, J. Carr, 3< 5
Tapestry, A. J. Boult, 305
Taps, J. E. Chambers, 267
Taps, F. Robinson, 363
Taps, W. Rose, 170
Taps, E. C. Sutcliffe, 422
Taps and Cocks, F. G. Fleury, 280
Taps, Gas, T. G. Sharpe, 76
Taps, Screw, F. de Camp, 95
Taps and Valves, Heidmann and Hoffman, 226
Targets, Moving, 8. T. Lander, 149
Tea, Drying, J. H. Johnson, 186
Teaching Harmony, Clifton and Maskc-lyne, 37
Teaching Music, W. Wagner, 95
Teaching Reading, Sykes and Abbott, 131
Telegraph, &c., Conductors, J. Imray, 57
Telegraph Printing, J. Imray, 206 Telegraphy, Anderson and Smith, 35 Telegraphy, W. Chadburn, 440 Telegraphy, F. J. Cheesbrough, 266 Telegraphy, Davies and Higgins, 324 Telegrtphy, J. Ebel, 325 Telegraphy, P. Jensen, 131 Telegraphy, P. M. Justice, 325 Telegraphy, H. H. Lake, 325 Telegraphy, W. R. Lake, 77, 207, 401 Telegraphy, S. Pitt, 113, 304 Telegraphy, C. N Talbot, 284 Telegraphy, F. des Voeux, 267 Telephony, G. L. Anders, 266 Telephony, W C. Barney, 344 Telephony, W. M. Brown, 422 Telephony, W. J. Burnside, 421 Telephony, J. Barton, 37 Telephony, N. Cherrill, 285 Telephony, A. M. Clark, 226, 266 Telephony, A. Dolbear, 342, 381 Telephony, H. H. Eldred, 226 Telephony, G. W. Foster, 38 Telephony, H. J. Haddan, 150. 169 Telephony, J. D. Husbands, 324, 470 Telephony, E. H. Johnson, 37 Telephony, J. H Johnson, 363 Telephony, W. R. Lake, 77 Telephony, C. Moseley, 36 Telephony, J. Rapieff, 285 Telephony, A. W. Rjse, 57, 325 Telephony, C. w. Siemens, 168 Telephony, R. D. Smiliie, 421
Telephony, R. and M. Tueiler, 208, 285, 326 Telephony, S. Thompson, 266 Telephony, F. R. Welles, 494 Telephony, Submarine, C. A. McEvoy, 58 Telescopic Sight for Fire-arms, Capt. L,
K. Scott, 36
Tell-tales, Levy and Lowe, 247 Tempering Hackle, T. Crabtree, 248 Terruts, W. R, 169 Testing, W. Porter, 441 Testing G tuges. W. C. de Witt, 247 Testing Wine, H. J. Haddan, 76 Thermometers, J. Formby, 343 Thermometers, H. J. Haddan, 440 Thimbles, F. IL F. Engel, 248 Thrashing A. W. Mantle, 363 Thrashing, R. G. Morton, 95 Thrashing, T and W. Nalder, 325 Tiles—see also Bricks and Tiles Tiles, 8. H. Bevan, 169 Tin, &c., W. A. Barlow, 363 Tin-plate, A. J. Maskrey, 247 Tin-plates, Bowen and Jenkins, 492 Tin-plates, C. S. B. Gardner, 344 Tin-plates, Ornamenting, C. Johnson, 477 Tin, Recovering, C. I’. Abel, 228 Tins, Opening Meat, T. George, 440 Tip Vans, W Bowen. 76 Tip Wagons, H. Grafton, 77 Tip Wagons, W. March, 343 Tipping Frames, R. Hadfield, 380 Tobacco Packing, O. W. T. Barnsdale, 76 Tobacco Pouches, B. L. James, 459 Tobacco, Smoking, H. E. Meyer, 169 Tools, R. Davidson, 325 Tools, H. J. Haddan, 114 Tools, R. P. Yates, 4G 2
Tools fur Cutting Pipes, C. D. Abel, 477 Tools, Machine, J. A. Armstrong, 56 Tools, Trenching, A. Storey, 13 l Tools, Watchmakers’, D. Pctitpierre, 208 Torpedo Boats, Casings for, A. L. S. Leigh,,
Torpedoes, W. N. Hutchinson, 380 Torpedoes, Propelling, J. II. Johnson, 227 Toys, W. R. Lake, 364
Tramways, Cunningham, Vinkeles, Hous-sart and May, 77
Tramways, Wire, J. Brown, 227 'Transmitters, S. P. Thompson, 71 Transmitters, E. Brewer, 150 Transporting Goods, F. Jenkin, 402 Transporting Passengers, P. Everitt, 226 Traps, E. A. Biydges, 4,0 Traps, Drain, J. M. Hale, 478 Traps, Drain, R. Pearson, 304 Traps, Drain, J. D. Taylor, 76 Traps, Steam, J. Shaw, 421 Traps, Syphon, A. T. An6ell, 131 Traps, Vermin, W. Burgees, z27 Traps, Vermin, J. C. B. Fox. 38 Trench Spades, N. W. Wallace, 149 Trenches, A. M. Clark, 149 Trimming, Wood, F. Myers, 187 Tube-beaders, Frieakeaud McCormick, 344 Tube-expanders, G. Allix, 96 Tube-expanders, G. Lohf, 381 Tubes, boiler, W. H. Wood, 285 Tubes, Cleansing, T. Marshall, 305 Tubes, Copper, S. Walker, 326 Tubes, Corrugated, S. Fox, 49, 401 Tubes, Metallic, W. E. Everitt, 493 Tubes, Metallic, 8. Fox, 382 Tubes, Stopping, J. Turner, 187 Tubes, Weldless, R. Elliott, 247, 324 Tunnelling, T. English, 37 Tunnels, C. D. Abel, 380 Turntables, W. Morris, 187 Tuyeres, E. G. Brewer, 113 Type-setting, W. Barlow, 326
Umbrellas, Bayzand and Boyle, 118
Umbrellas, W. II. Beck, 477
Umbrellas, W. Grant. 96
Umbrellas, H. J. Haddan, 149
Umbrellas, A. Henderson, 285, 494
Umbrellas, J Hickisson, 363
Umbrellas, J. Knott, 246
Umbrellas, J. and F. S. Liley, 422
Umbrellas, J. Minibre, 343
Umbrellas, J. Willis, 343
Umbrellas, Fastenings for, A J. Boult, 37
Umbrellas, Racks for, Appleton and
Urinals, J. Beresford, 440
Urinals, E S and E. Howell, 324
Urinals, W. McGill, 4?7
Urinals, C. Kubens, 380
Utilising Tides, <fcc., E. Davies, 380
Vacuum Apparatus, E. Hunt, 206
Valve Cases, IL Newton, 247
Valve Gear, Jensen and King, 206
Valve Gear, A. W. L. Reddie, 304
Valves, J. Baldwin, 440
Valves, W. C. Church, 206
Valves, A. M. Clark, 306
Valves, J. W. Hackworth, 148
Valves, A. W. Harrison, 304
Valves, J. Hopwood, 305
Valves, Jones and MacLeod, 343
Valves, H. H. Lake, 95
Valves, A. Sweet, 459
Valves, W. Teague, 326
Valves, Boiler, T. Rogers, 113
Valves, Closet, H. J. Haddan, 247
Valves, Pressure, J. C. S evenson, 441
Valves, Pump, P. Reid, 148
Valves, Reducing, W. Weissenbach, 285
Valves, Safety, Brierley and Mitchell, 285
Valves, Safety, C. W. Collins, 95
Valves, Safety, J. T. Stubbs, 113
Valves, Slide, D. Ashton, 226
Valves, Slide, E. Edwards, 421
Valves, Slide, J. Emery, 493
Valves, Slide, W. Jones, 305
Valves, Slide, D. Halpin, 364
Valves, Slide, J. Hopwood, 442
Valves, Stop, W. Whiteley, 325
Valves, Ventilating, Buxton and Ross, 228
Valves, Working Cut-off, II. H. Lake, 95
Vehicles, H. J. Barrett, 38i>
Vehicles, W. King. 401
Vehicles, S. Pitt, 306
Vehicles, J. M. Stuart, 16
Vehicles, J. Wetter, 382
Vehicles—Cabs, J. Abbott, 148
Vehicles—Cabs, N. D. Spartali, 493
Vehicles, Heads of, T. C. Towns, 326
Vehicles—Omnibuses, J. Abbott, 247
Vehicles—Omnibuses, H. W. Hart 131
Vehicles—Omnibuses, Margetson and Hek, 267
Vehicles, Propelling, G. F. Redfern, 301
Vehicles, Two-wheeled, A. Forder, 76
Vehicles, Two-wheeled, J. Marston, 78
Velocipedes, C. Beger, 18
Velocipedes, B. Bennett, 459
Velocipedes, R. H. Berens, 56
Velocipedes, Brookes and Green, 492
Velocipedes, L. H. Curtois, 493
Velocipedes, Davey and Holst, 478
Velocipedes, J. D. Ellsmi, 206
Velocipedes, A II. Griffiths, 4 02
Velocipedes, W. H. J. Grout, 16
Velocipedes, R. Harrington, 207
Velocipedes, Harrington and Fuller, 477
Velocipedes, W. C. Hillman. 132
Velocipedes, J. Humpage, 247
Velocipedes, N. K. Husberg, 18
Velocipedes, A. Lafargue, 57
Velocipedes, G D. Macdougald, 493
Velocipedes, Meeze, Salamon, and Phillips, 206
Velocipedes, G. Moss, 132
Velocipedes, H Newton, 421
Velocipedes, Pengelly and Day, 362
Velocipedes, A. Phillips, 493
Velocipedes, G. Rixon, 401
Velocipedes, M. D. Rucker, jun., 131
Velocipedes, E. R. Settle, 207
Velocipedes, Singer and Lea, 285
Velocipedes, W. Soper, 149
Velocipedes, Taylor and Wethered, 380
Velocipedes, T. II. Ward, 285
Velocipedes, J. White, 401
Velocipedes, H. Whitehouse, 442
Velocipedes, White and Asbury, 113
Velocipedes—Bicycles, G. W. Ash, 208
Velocipedes—Bicycles, C. W. Francis, 131
Velocipedes—Bicycles, J. W Golding, 187
Velocipedes—Bicycles, A. E. Gorse, 380
Velocipedes—Bicycles, H. F. D Miller, 351
Velocipedes—Bicycles, W. Scantlebury, 381
Velocipedes, Saddles for, S. Fry, 268
Velocipedes—Tricycles, F. Beauchamp, 16
Velocipedes—Tricycles, J. Beeston, 208
Velocipedes—Tricycles, A. Burdess, 170
Velocipedes—Tricycles, F. J. Cocks, 493
Velocipedes—Tricycles, W. Dawes, 131
Velocipedes—Tricycles, Dawes and Tankard, 459
Velocipedes—Tricycles, T. Forshaw, 380
Velocipedes—Tricycles, J. Harrington, 78, 246
Velocipedes -Tricycles, J. G. Harrison, 421
Velocipedes—Tricycles, Harvey and Paddock, 460
Velocipedes—Tricycles, W. Morgan, 401
Velocipedes—Tricycles, B. Roberts, 207
Velocipedes—Tricycles, W. 8. Rock, 187
Velocipedes—Tricycles, J. G. Smith, 207
Velocipedes - Tricycles, W. P. Thompson, 76
Velocipedes—Tricycles, J. F. Townsend, 17
Velocipedes. Water, A. Whittali, 285
Veneering Walls, T. Brindle, 208
Ventilating, C. D. Abel, 267
Ventilating, J. C. Baker, 56
Ventilating, T. E. Bladon, 440
Ventilating/, H. J. Haddan, 267
Ventilating, A. W. Kershaw, 442
Ventilating, J. M. Lamb, 228
Ventilating, A. Reddie, 401
Ventilating, T. Rowan, 149, 401
Ventilating, M. Willshaw, 440
Ventilating, T. Wintour, 246
Ventilating Drains, II. 8. Cregeen, 77
Ventilating Steamships, W. P. Thompson, 168
Ventilating Windows, Verity and Banks, 207
Vessels, Armoured, J. II. Johnson, 364
Vessels, Drinking, J. Tams, 363
Wagons, Hornsby and Edwards, 286
Wagons, Tip, J. W. Glover, 131
Wagons, Tip, H. Vickery, 57
Wagons. Tip, Watling and Chaston, 96
Wash Liquors, Treating Magmas from, W.
H. BecK. 401
Washers, E. I. IL E. and J. Whitehouse, 380
Washing, W. Birch, 131
Washing, T. Body, 441
Washing, W. B. Brooker, 17
Washing, A. Mill, 18
Washing, J. Mitchell, 440
Washing, R. E. Wearden, 362
Washing Dishes, R. Bramwell, 492
Washing, &c.. Silks, N. Bradley, 96
Washing Wool, W. R. Lake, 206
Washing and Wringing, Wilson and Clegg, 207
Watches, Keyless, A. Burdess, 78
Watches, Keyless, C. H. Erring ton, 77
Water-closet Basins, T. W. Helliwell, 459
Water-closets, D. G. Cameron, 38
Water-closets, H. Conolly, 380
Water-closets, P. J. Davies, 169
Water-closets, D. Gill, 38
Water-closets, 8. 8. Hellyer, 267
Water-closets, J. Mewburn, 228
Water-closets, T. C. Summers, 460
W'ater-closets, II. Sutcliffe, 247
Water-closets, 8. II. Terry, 150
Water-closets, R. Weaver, 227
Water-closets, Flushing, J. Harsant, 479
Water Motors, C. Smith, 169
Waterproofing Fabrics, C. B. Warner, 77
Water, Purifying, A. Goldthorpe, 442
Water, Softening, F. and W. Atkins, 113
Waterspouts, J. T. King, 493
Water Supply, Borrodaile and Welch, 459
Water Supply, J. Rawson, 324
Water Supply, W. T. Whiteman, 421
Water Waste, Preventing, M. Ingram, 186
Water-wheels, A. Figge, 478
Water-wheels, H. J. Haddan, 440
Waves, Utilising, R. J. Scott, 380
Wearing Apparel, G. D. Cardew, 206
Wearing Apparel—Braces, C. D. Abel, 401
Wearing Apparel—Cloaks and Dresses, I.
Lodjda, 2b6
Wearing Apparel—Crinolettes, E. Baker, 187
Wearing Apparel—Dress Suspenders, J. Imray, 37
Wearing Apparel, Elastic Gores and Gussets of, W. R. Lake, 95
Wearing Apparel—Shirts, D. P. Belknap, 306
Wearing Apparel—Shirts, J. Ridley, 113
Wearing Apparel—Shirts, C. Tighe, 226
Wearing Apparel—Stays, H. Knight, 343
Wearing Apparel—Stays, A. Wardrop, 208
Wearing Apparel—Trouser Protectors, L.
Groth, 304
Wearing Apparel—Waterproof Capes, Man-del berg and Rothland, 343
Weighing, J. Post, 37
Weighing, C. Reuther, 380
Weighing, Spencer, Constcrdine, and
Greenwood, 149
Weighing, F. Wheeler, 206
Weighing, T. Williams, jun., 207
Weighing, F. Wolff, 131
Whalebone, A. C. Henderson, 477
Whalebone, W. Morgan-Brown, 130
Brandon, 248
Wheels, E. A. Brydges. 149
Wheels, R. Hadfield, 459
Wheels, G. Perks, 170
Wheels, G. L. Scott, 57
Wheels, J. Taylor, 342
Wheels and Axle-boxes, W. R. T.ake 18
Wheels and Axles, J. Mackay, 286
Wheels, Perambulator, T. Cooke, 442
Wheels, Tires of J. Haynes, 326
Wheels, Tires of, G. W. Knox, 421
Wheels, Water, Megow and Market, 442
Whistles, J. Oran, 381
Whitewash, J. I. Fordham, 114
Winches, Hauling, C. R. Mitchell, 95
Winding, H J. Haddan, 226
Winding, Hill and Brown, 460
Winding, B. M. Knox, 206, 492
Winding, R. and T. Speight, 95
Winding, J. Spence, 380
Winding, W. T. Stubbs, 95
Winding, Stubbs and Conigan, 228
Windlasses, A. B, Brown, 441
Windlasses, W. H. Whettern, 477
Windows, Carriage, G. Haycraft, 268
Windows, Opening, J. Carpenter, 248
Windows, Sliding, J. F. Williams, 226
Wire, A. J. Boult, 362
Wire, W. R. Lake, 113, 344
Wire, E. Richardson, 306
Wire, J. Westgarth, 401
Wire, Coiled, J. Hodson, 76
Wire Fence, E. G. Brewer, 77
Wire, Gauging, M. Evans, 325
Wire Gauze, J. A. Fisher, 206
Wire, Iron, G. and E. Woods, 131
Wire, Joining, D. Brenner, 342
Wires, Protecting, J. C. Mewb’irn, 284
Wire, Tempering, H. Carter, 149
Wires, Insulating, Shippey and Punshon, 492
Wood from Fire, Protecting, H. H. Lake, 208
Wood Pulp, Jordan and Egestorff, 285
Wood, Shaping, E. Bahn, 170
Wool, Cliff. Ainley and Shaw, 187
Wool, Cleaning, E. Mansfield, 441
Wool, Drying, J. Shaw, 207
Wool, Feeding, W. Chile, 380
Wool, Scouring, J. and W. McKaught, 284
Wool, Washing, W. R. Lake, 206, 247
Wool, Washing, Mullings and Whiteley, 441
Wrappers, Paper, T. Singleton, 267
Wrappings, Anti-Corrosive, A. Riegelmann, 188
Writing Instruments, W. P. Thompson, 186
Writing Pads, W. R. Lake, 131
Yarn, Beaming, Hindle and Greenwood, 170
Yarn, Softening, L. A. Groth, 76
Yarn, Treating, Lightoiler and Longshaw,
IPattnts on toJjfrt) tije Stamp IButp of £100 tjas been paiil. The figures refer to the numbers of the patents, not to pages.
Alexander, E. P, Gas Motive-power
Engines, 4342
Anderson, G., Illuminating Gas, 2843
Annett, J. E., Locking Railway Pointsand Signals, 3497
Anthony and Taylor, Printing Machines, 3056
Baerlein, M., Mordanting, <fcc., Yarns,2866
Banner, E. G., House Traps, 2401
Barber, J., Preparing Hemp, 3422
Barclay, R., Printing Metal Plates. 2590
Barker, J. J. and T., Warehouse Hoists,41.'9
Barnett, F., Bridges, 3620
Barrow, J., Applying India-rubber to
Fabrics, 3675
Blanche, A. H., Singeing Woven Fabrics, 4009
Brown, C., Musical Instruments having
Keyboards, 3719
Bullough and Smalley, Stopping Motions for Machinery, 3002
Butler, J. O. and A. E. H. B., Machinery for Rolling Iron, 3471
Chatwood, S., Safes, &c., 3626
Chesterman, W., Printing Measuring Tapes, 3715
Clark, A. M., Gates for Railway Crossings, 305
Clark, A. M., Preparing Cotton, 3229
Clark, A. M., Winding Apparatus, 2478
Cleaver, F. J., Soaps, Pomades, tic., 4335
Cleland, W.. Making Gas from Coal, 3704
Conquest, W., Cutting or Folding Paper, 3105
Cousins. C., Drums of Rotary Screens, 3049
Crosby, W., Making Lozenges, 3644
Darke, E. T., Indicators for Engines. 3702
Deacon, H., Exposing Porous Materials, &c., to Mutual Reactions, 3920
Duckham, F. E., Discharging Mud from Dredgers, 4400
Dunbar and Ruston, Excavating Machines, 4480
Edison T. A., Autographic Printing, 3762
Ellis, F. R., Expansion Joint for Tubular
Fire-bars, 4309
Evans, J. O., Weaving, 2674
Field, R.. Syphons, 3747
Fletcher, T., Bleaching Cotton, 3954
Fuller, J. C. and G., Galvanic Battery, 3340
Galloway, W., Sinking Pit Shafts, 3740 Galloway and Beckwith, Fixing of Taper and Flanged Tubes for Boilers, 2881
Gamgee, J., Formation of Skating Rinks, 4412
Golding, R., Clay Tobacco Pipes, 2823
Goldsmith, G., Gas Meters, 2639
Gravel, H., Stoppers for Bottles, 4352
Griffiths and Thompson, Combining
Metallic Sulphides, 2460
Hadfield, G., Treating Drying Oils, 3521 Hanson, J., Treating Sewage, 2675
Harding, T. R. and T. W., Pins, 4178 Hayward and Hoyland,Umbrellas, &c.,3941 Hazelhurst, G. 8., Pumping Liquids, 150 Henley, W. T., Submarine Telegraphic
Cables, 4115
Hewitt and Keys, Shaping Staves, 2726
Hodson, R., Rotary Engines, 4158
Holmes, F. H., Fog Signals, 3426
Holmes, N. J.. Audible Alarm Signals, 2806
Holmes and Walker, Feeding Fuel into Furnaces, 4039
Howard and Bousfield, Horse Rakes, 2363 Hudson, R., Wagons, 3677
Inglefield and Lenox, Anchors, 3908
Johnson, J. H., Sewing Boots, 3280 Johnson, J. H., Wadding, <fcc., 2 23 Jones, J. M., Treating Hides, 3679 Jones, T. H., Coating Metallic Sheets, 3468
Lake, W. R., Making Plumbers’ Traps, 4026
Lake, W. R. ? Measuring Cloth, 2661
Lake, W. K., Pantograph Engraving Machines, 4524
Lake, W. R., Utilising Compressed Air, 3498
Lark man and Diprose, Coffins, 2788
Longsdon, A., Railway Wheels, 3149
Longsdon, A., Working Guns, 3132
Lowe and Lamb, Knitting Machinery, 4260
Lowe, Renton, and Johnson, Cutting Flocks, 2379
Lucas, F. R., Submarine Cables, 2633
McColl, H., Rivetting, &c., 3814
Macdonell, A., Filling, &c., Bottles, 2551
McDougall, I. S., Furnaces, 3256
McEvoy, C. A., Firing, &c., Torpedoes, 2786
McGrah, T., Sewing Machines, 3380
McGregor, D., Instrument for Directly
Verifying Compass Indications. 31*91
MacLellan and Smith, Railway Sleeper Chairs, 3990
Macvitie, W., Attaching Door Knobs to their Spindles, 3676
Maynard, H. N., Tubular Structures, 3557
Meakin, J. F., Sash Pulleys, 4164
Mills, D., Boots and Shoes, 4279
Milner, E., White Lead, 4053
Mil ward, V., Machinery for Polishing Needles, 3725
Morgan-Brown, W., Attaching Heels to Boots and Shoes, 2889
Morgan-Brown, W., Magazine Fire-arms, 4220
Muir, T., Meal and Flour, 2560
Muirhead, jun., J., Electric Telegraphs, 3374
Napier, J. M., Speed Indicators, 4125
Neuhaus and Hodgkin, Steam Pumps, 3867
Newton, H. E., Explosive Compounds, 4179
Newton, H. E., Heating Furnaces, &c., 3771
Normandy, A. L., Distilling, 2581
Oldershaw, H. A., Fitting Gussets, &c., of Boots and Shoes, 2923
Parker, R., Ventilating Apparatus, 4378
Paterson and Brothers, Obtaining Salts of
Ammonia, 2880
Pfleiderer, P., Kneading Machines, 4116
Pictet, R. P., Producing Cold, 2727
Prentice, M., Concentrating Sulphuric
Acid, &c., 4391
Rawson and Slater, Deodorising and Purifying Sewage, 13
Rawson and Slater, Treating Sewage, 3703 Rippingille, E. A., Lamp Stoves, 4137 Russell, H. J. M., Ticket Holder, 2870
Scott, J. C., Moulding, &c., Toothed Whee’s, 3204
Scott, U., Railway and other Carriages, 4297
Scott. W. M., Breech-loading Small-arms, 3223
Singleton, T., Looms for Weaving, 4315
Smith, J. Y., Railway Brake Apparatus, 3125
Smith and Coventry, Lathes, 4047
Stanley, H. F., Refrigerating Apparatus, 3907
Stroudley and Rusbridge, Signalling, 2434
Squire, W. S., Nordhausen Oil of Vitriol, 3278
Tenwick, J., Malleable Cast Iron, 3090
Thompson, W. and R., Railway Signalling
Apparatus, 1625
Thompson and Ladelle, Making Lime, 3535
Thomson and Conolly, Protecting Ships, &c., 3138
Timmis, I. A., Springs for Railway Vehicles, 3325
Titley, T., Pressing Bricks, 2658
Tongue, J. G., Air Engines, 3404
Turton, G., Buffer, &c., Apparatus, 4310
Twibill, J., Steam Boilers, 3728
Underwood, C. H., Treating Indigo, 4208
Vicars, T., sen., and T., jun., and Smith, Self-stoking Furnaces, 4443
Waithmann, A., Twine or Cord, 3109
Walker, E., Windlasses, 4322
Walker, R , Applying Petroleum, &c., for Generating Steam, 4241
Ward, F. D., Making Protective Paper, 3770
Webster, W., Sewing Machines, 4146
Westinghouse, jun., G., Pneumatic Brake, 2405
Whitaker, J. Chaff-cutting, 2676
White, W., Distributing Gas, 3838
Whiteley, J., Fabrics Produced by Lace
Machinery, 2981
Wilde, H., Metal Rollers, 4515
Willis, J. Umbrellas and Sunshades, 4493
Woodburne, H., Revolving Shutters, 2752
Yates and Brierley, Looms for Weaving, 4488
Young, W., Obtaining Hydrocarbon Vapours from Gases, 3137
(patents on bJljtrtj tlje Stamp SJutj of £50 Ijas been paid. The figures refer to the numbers of the patent, not to pages.
Abbott and Dymock, Making Clay Tobacco Pipes, 8517
Abel, C. I)., Gas Motor Engines, 3245
Abel, C. D., Liquoring Lump Sugar, 3488
Abel, C. D., Overhead Sewing, 3226
Ackroyd and Best, Cleaning Lamps, 3n89 Adams and Cleminson, Locomotives, 2689 Adcock and Hassall, Moulding Socketted
Pipes, 3149
Aitken, T., Drying Felts, 2935
Alexander. E. P., Separating Cream from Milk, 5271
Alexander and McCosh, Utilising Gases of Blast Furnaces, 4117
Allday, jun., W„ Portable Fan Forges, 4663
Anderson, J., Moulding Machines, 3901
Appleby, C. J., Driving, <fcc., Revolving Shafts, 5226
Armstrong, R. W., Trap for Urinals, Pans, <fcc., 3644
Armstrong, Sir IV. G., Shrapnel Shell, 4069
Arnoldi, J. R., Gauges, 3159
Ashworth, G. and E., Carding Engines, 2916
Aspinall, J. A. F., Brakes, ftc., 3788
Aspinall, A. J., Checking, <fec., Fares, 105
Ashworth, H. and T., Spinning, &c., Cotton, 4081
Baker, J. and J. A., Mixing Machines, 2648
Baldwin, C. W., Hydraulic Lifts, 4105 Banner, E. G.. Water-closets, 5039 Barbour, J., Segment Wheels, 4624
Barnard, G., Separating Solid Matter from
Sewage, 4479
Barrett, H., Bottles and Stoppers, 3935
Barrett, H., Stopping Bottles, 4184
Bayliss, Thomas, and Slaughter, Tricycles, &c.,4842
Beesley, F., Break-down Guns, 31
Bennett, R. D., Washing Machines, 3056
Bennie, E., Furnaces for Steam Boilers, 3443
Benson, G., Sewing Machines, 4767
Betjemann, G. W., Stands for Decanters, <fcc., 5059
Betjemann, J., Locks, 3106
Betts, J. Y., Preparing Food for Cattle, 3295
I. Bird, jun., W. W., Stoppers for Buttles,
| 3119
Blake, I., Ships’, &c., Lamps, 3399
Boase and Miller, Cooling Water, &c., 3902
Bolton, F., Drawing, Measuring, and Raising Beer, 4567
Bolton and Wanklyn, Artificial Manures, 4781
Bottomley, J., Balling Fibrous Materials, 5200
Boult, A. J., Making Magnesia, 4253
Boyd, D. O., Stoves and Fire-grates, 4597
Boyd, J., Winding, &c., Yarn, 2953
Bramhall and Blaydes, Hafting of Cutlery, 4063
Bray, G., Street Lamps, 3347
Bremner, G. W., Obtaining Gum from Phosphates of Alumina. 3579
Brereton, W. W. and J. W., Tricycle, 3756
Brockie, J., Electric Lamps, 3771
Brooks, E.. Furnaces, 2882
Brookes, H. J., Spider Wheels, 4840
Brophy, J. A., Band Sawing Machinery, 3797
Brown and Esplen, Coupling, &c., Railway Vehicles, 3740
Browning, G., Forming Button-holes, <fcc., 4730
Bruce, M’Cowan, and Haddow, Treating Dextrine Maltose, 3230
Buchan, W. P., Water-closets, &c., 5272
Budenburg, A., Pyrometers, 3060
Bull, E., Door Spring, 4094
Calliburces, P., Concentrating Liquids by Evaporation, 3971
Campbell, J. S., Curing Apparatus, 2973
Campion, sen., W., Close or Open Fabrics, 4736
Carey, Gaskell, jun., and Hurter, Purifying Alkaline Solutions, 2939
Cassels, J., Lubricators, 5309
Caux, J. W. de, Deep Sea Fishing, 3438
Cave, A. M., Stays or Corsets, 3617
Chadwick and Kynaston, Sulphate of Alumina, 4078
Chambers, A. M., Ovens, 5122
Champney, G. F., Dies. 3225
Chessbrough, F. J., Electric Lamps, 3587
Cheswright, C., Boxes for Tobacco, &c., 3696
Cheswright, C., Capsules for Bottles. 4832
Chisholm, J., Self-acting Mules, 2845
Churchill, J. D., Regulating Supply of Steam, 4977
Clare, J., Dyeing Cotton Fabrics, 4632
Clark, A. M., Air-injecting Nozzles for Ventilating, 4536
Clark, A. M., Combing Fibrous Materials, 3889
Clark, A. M., Cutting Barbs on Fence Wire, 4711
Clark, A. M., Cutting Veneers, 3169
Clark, A. M., Electric Lamps, 3697
Clark, A. M., Electrical Signalling Apparatus, 3843
Clark, A. M., Extending Tables, 4823
Clark, A. M., Fence Wire, 3150
Clark, A. M., Fishways, 3566
Clark, A. M., Heilmann Combing Machine, 4375
Clark, A. M., Making Iron, 4141
Clark, A. M., Pipe Joints, 2962
Clark, A. M., Preserving Meat, 4634
Clark, A. M., Sewing Machines, 3494
Clark, A. M., Ships’ Lights, 2943
Clark, F. A., Metal Pipes and Rods, 5174
Clark, W., Sharpening Machines, 3138
Clark and Standfield, Constructing Piers, 4470
Clark, W., Steering, 3191
Cockcroft, T., Packing Cases, 4729
Codd, IL, Stopping Bottles, 3869
Coltman and Frerichs, Warp Fabrics, 4757
Comerford, J., Mounting, &c., Millstones on their Spindles, 52
Conquest, W., Making-up Sheets of Printed Paper into Pamphlets, 3306
Conquest, W., Paper Folding Apparatus, 5023
Cook, sen., and jun., Sizing, &c., Healds, 4239
Coombe, V., Sail Hanks, 4350
Cooper, C., Drying Bricks, 4199
Cotton, W., Knitting Machines, 5217
Cowburn, T., Boots and Shoes, 2786
Cox, J. B., Gas Regulators, 3747
Cranston, W. Mcl., Binding Cut Crops into Sheaves, 4076
Cranston, W. Mcl., Reaping Machines, 2650 Croft and Lomax, Railway Signalling, 4965 Crompton, R. E. B., Regulating Mechanism for Electric Lamps, 3509
CwWr y’ nH ’ HorS0 Gelr for Obtaining
Motive Power, 3536 6
Culpin, T., Reaping Machines, 4855
Dack, W. N., Flour, 3013
Dalton, G., Breaking, &c_, Stone, 3461
Dalton and Kenworthy, Propelling Carnages, 3467 8
Darke, E. T., Indicators, 4888
Davis, A., Air Compressing Engines, 3913
Davison, T., Steam Hoisting', 4241
Day, C. A.. Puddling Furna°e«, 3478
Dixon, G. H., Securing the Wheels of Pit
Corves, 4102
Dixon, J. rl , Colouring Matters, 4762. 5003
C^on, T., Travelling in Jib Cranes, 4530
Dobell, E., Solitaires, 5020
Doubleday, H. H., Mining Machines, 4186
Dunn, A., Earthenware, &c., Drinking
Vessels, 3966 “
Duxbury, J., Marking Woven Goods, 4998
Ebsrhard, J., Adhesive Material, 3638
A'’ Develt>Pinff Electric Cur-J Wil US, 00
Edison, T. A., Electric Lamps, 5127
Edmonds, E,, Gas Motor, 4S20
E3565e’ W’’ Dynamo-Electric Machines,
Emmett’^' v’|DttinP &C” StamPs. 4318 nmmott, 1., Velvets, <fcc., 4413
E3989 F’ H’ F” Veueer Cutting Machines,
Etfenne’ v1’^' ’ir^T’ Gauge halves, 4644
Water:cTosfts,D3590 eCtWg ApparatUS for Evans and Spencer, Axles and Shafts, 5198
Fairburn, E., Carding Wool, &c„ 5169
I airholme, C., Friction Brake, 3282
- •»
I13663er’ L ’ £eparating> &c-. Middlings,
| K 48648’ H' G’’ Registeriu? Apparatus, Fleuss, H A., Appliance for Enabling Per-
sons to Remain under Water, 4137
Foster, J. and. C. J., Kilns 4124
Fraser- J- v’E cles Propelled by
Manual Power, 4458 1 "
Fryer, A., Sugar, &c., Machinery, 5129
GtX°U4796T- E” El6CtriC Lightfa* APPa-G 289(7 W‘ B’’ Sewi,lg and Embroidering, Gedge, W E Tawing of Skins, 3811 Gedge, W. E., Teaching Music, 3100 Geoghegan, 8., Driving Mechanism of
Locomotive Engines, 3296
Sewage, 38^G- C” FHteri^ and Drying
Oillett, J., Steam Engines, 5005
Gillett, J., Unloading Grain, &c., 5006
G aser, F. C., Rolling Mills, 4808
Glaser, F. C., Tramways, 5299
Glover, E. S., Books, &c., for Holding Pictures. 3824 no
Glover, H Burning of Sulphur, 3774 Goodwin, W F., Steam Boilers, 4674 Gothard, J., Preparing Coke, 4591
Gowans, J., Streets, &c., 5257
Le Grand and Sutcliffe, Driving Metal Tubes, &c., into the Earth, 4322^
G’7^MM1’aSuPplying Plastic Compounds to Moulding, 5056
Green and Savage, Pianofortes, 4075
Prim ’ ?Tet°its for Coal Gas> 3848 o J?Register Stoves, 4913 Griswold, H. J., Stockings, 2669 Groth, L. A Ships’ Berths, 3603 Grover, J. W., Permanent Way of Rail-ways, 3556
Grubb, C. R. E., Metallic Boxes, &c., 3352 G5075berg’ Dr’ H-’ DlstiuW Apparatus,
Gubbins, R. R„ Portable Wheel, 4465
J'> Lead Pigment, 3234 Haddan, H. J., Shawl Straps, 4429 H404d5an’ H’ J’’ Steam Engine Indicators, HSurfac’es/8174 Vitre0US’ &0"
HTrae^nt51S07 and Road Car
Hallidie, A. 8., Wire Rope Tramways, 466C Halpin, D., Lock Nuts. 5054 J ’ Hamblet, J., Dies or Moulds, 2636 Hamilton, E. L., Treating Hair, 4144 4145 HT“re°sCk4143nd 3alamon’ Elastic Wheel HrI&ho4OCraDSt°n’ WindiDg’ &C” Am-Hargreayes, J., Sulphate of Soda, 2809
B™X"’3849 ’ BPri“gS f°r SeatS Of HXT’^-bX^ghtiDg’ 3875 cS, 4578WaShing and Wringin^ Ma-Hastie, J., Hydraulic Motive Power and
Pumpmg Apparatus, 4367 Hawksley, G., Paper and Ropes, 3287 Hayes, J., Emery Rollers, 4873
C. E., Gas Governors, 4901 Heath, G. W., Ball Castors, 5176 Heaton, G., Handles of Trowels, 4521 rents 4589 P” Generating Cur-
B- H > Buffer’ &c” Apparatus, Heron, T., Gas Burners, 4414 Hewitt, C., Raising, &c., Casks, 4982 2846°°d and Holland- Polishing Yarn, Higginson, A., Steam Steering Gear 3320 HBoS ^88S7USPeading aad JJGlman, W., Velocipedes, 3027 Hodgkinson, H., Pumps, 2992 Hodgkinson, J., Mechanical Stokers, 3042 8&’, 4?70 Interlockin* Po^s and Holcroft, T., Cast Iron Hollow Ware, 5278 Holliday, T., Aniline Black, 2958 6
Holman, S., Gas, 2685
Holmes A B., Portable Forges, &c 5<>7o Holroyd, T., Trough Close's 2915 ’ 79 Hopkmson J., Transmitting Power hv Electricity, 4653 s e
Horracks, J. and J., Doubling, &c., Yarns
Hotchkiss’ B ’ Re™lvin^ Cannon, 4454 riotcniuss, B. B., Shrapnel Shells 4179 Howard, J., Ploughs, 5(33 ’ 72
Howorth,W. H„ Measuring Liquids, &c. Hughes, E T., Stone Crushers 37]« Hunt, E , Musical Instruments, 5331
I’Anson, Hudson, and Rowe, Preventing Overwinding of Cages in Mfne Shafts^
Illsto^G^fe?'’ ,Washing Wool, 4552 Liston, G., Bicycles, &c., 4606 mray, ., Construction of Ceilings, 3798
Imray, J., Crushing, &c., Substances, 4747
Imray, J.,DippingAzimuth Compasses, 5045
Imray, J., Gaiters, 4944
Imray, J., Hydrocyanic Acids, 3844
James, G.F., Rope, &c., Making Machinery, 4732
James and Jackson, Pulleys or Drums, 4822
Jarvie and Miller, Apparatus for Extinguishing Fire, 3648
Jefferies, J. E., Producing Printed, &c., Matter, 3391
Jeffries, J. R., Valve Gear, 3172
Jennings, G., Urinals, &c., 4259
Joel, H. F., Magneto-Electric Machines, 5157
Johnson, IL, Operating Railway Signals, 5297
Johnson, J. H., Centrifugal Machines, 4795
Johnson, J. H., Colouring Matters for Dyeing, 5305
Johnson, J. H., Expressing Liquids from Substances, 3992
Johnson, J. H., Interchanging the Temperature of Fluids, 4563
Johnson, J. H., Pencil, &c.. Holders, 5165 Johnson, J. H., Thrashing Machines, 5137 Johnston, D., Water or Fluid Meter, 4514 Jones, T., Rick Covers, 4520
Kaye, J., Lids for Feeding Holes of Oil Cans, 3765
Keats, A., Sewing Machines, 5252
Keith, C., Making Eyletted Luggage Labels, 4677
Keith, J., Sectional Boiler, 2709
Kent, G., Ice Safes or Refrigerators, 3570 Kerr, J., Permanent Way, 4205
Kesseler, C., Enamelling Castings, 3069 Kesseler, C., Hames, 3173
Kesseler, C., Loops for Hanging, 3094 Kesseler, C., Producing Vinegar, 4038 King, H. J. II., Motor Governors, 5274 King, J. T.. Rock and Ore Crushers, 4804 Kinipple, W. R., Dredger Buckets, 2715 Kirby, H. T., Tricycles, <fcc., 5043
Kirk, A. C., Hydraulic Rivetting Apparatus, 3689
Kirkham and Hersey, Manufacture of Gas, 4798
Kitson, J. H., Working Valves, &c., of Motive Power Engines, 4512
Lake, H. IL, Counter Stays, 4211
Lake, H. H., Gunpowder, 5013
Lake, H. IL, Lathes for Turning Wood, 3651
Lake, H. H., Machine Guns, 5161
Laxe, W. R., Barbed Wire, 3832
Lake, W. R., Clack Valves, 3224
Lake, W. R., Cleansing Meshes, 2678
Lake, W. R., Colouring Fibrous Materials, 4299
Lake, W. R., Crushing, &c., Phosphates, 4494
L*ke, W. R., Cutting Machinery, 5173
Lake, W. R., Enabling Deaf Persons to
Distinguish Sounds, 3153
Lake, W. R., Files, 3075
Lake, W. R., Generating, &c., Electricity, 4400
Lake, W. R., Harvesting Machines, 2683, 5204
Lake, W. R., Heating Carriages, 4180
Lake, W. R., Horse-Collars, 3519
Lake, W. R., Nails, 4330
Lake, W. R , Oakum and Yarn, 4415
Lake, W. R., Producing Motive Power from Bisulphide of Carbon, 3836
Lake, W. R., Rivetting, &c., Metal Plates, 3888
Lake, W. R., Sawing Machinery, 4516
Lake, W. R., Scaffolding, 2684
Lake, W. R., Telephonic Apparatus, 5114
Lake, W. R., Torpedo Boats, 4878
Lake, W. R., Treating Wheat, 3038
Lake, W. R., White Lead, 3938, 4918
Lake and Taylor, Subaqueous Structures,
Piers for. 3325
Lambert, E. T.. Cocks, 2819
Latham and Way, Regulating Apparatus, 2928
Lawson, Hodgetts, and Lea, Bedsteads, 3220
Leavitt, J., Post-Marking, 4071
Lecky and Smith, Soles, 1010
Lemaire, J. T., &c., Mechanical Loader, 4001
Levy, C., Pockets for Wearing Apparel, 4642
L’Heureux, A. D., Engraving upon Metal, 3678
Liardet, J. E., Propellers for Ships, 4574
Lindsay, R. B., Ashes, Lifters, 4080
Lister, S. C., Combing, &c., Fibrous Materials, 5019
Little and East wood, Combing Fibres, 4545
Livesey, P. J., Applying Tickets to the Ends of Threads and other Spools, 5147
Livesey and Greenwood, Supporting
Window Sashes, &c , 3701
Livesey and Kid, Enriching Gas, 2682
Lomax, II., Looms for Weaving, 3268.
Lyster, G. F., Discharging Grain from
Ships, 4845
Mac Arthur, J. S., Constructing Sheet Metal Cans, 4393
Macay, J. F. N., Producing Coleothar, &c., 4218
Macbeth and Beeley, Supplying Fuel to Fires, 3687
McCarter and Cooper, Constructing Steamships, &c, 4670
McClure, J., Measuring Cloth, 4731 McDonnell and Forster, Boots, 2666 MacEachran, D., Sugar, &c., Syrups, 4761 Mackay, F. N., Making Ice. 2883 MacKay, F. N., Pumps, 4077
MacKenzie, J., Cutting Screws upon Wrought Iron Pipes, &c., 3520
McKidd, J., Scraping Down Weeds, 2869 Mackie, S. J., Electrical Firing, 3659 Maclenaham, J., Pencil Cases, 3154 MacNaughton, J., Breech-Loading Fire-
Arms, 2848
Mactear, J., Furnaces, 4870
Macvitie, W., Sash Fastenings, 4289
Manbrd, jun., A., Treating Solid Residues after the Extraction of Starch from Indian Corn, 3996
Mann, E. E., Signal Buoys, 5153 Markham, C., Supporting Rails, 2759 Marsden, G. A., Coloured Tiles, 2737 Marsh, C. W. E., Railway Switches, 4256 Marx, F. and L., Dressing, &c., Bags, 3192 Massey, B., Fire Engines, 3401
Massey, S. Steam, &c., Power Hammers, 3548
Mather, W., Printing Textile Fabrics, 4323 Melling, T., Pistons, &c., 2792
Menzies, W. Caustic Soda, 3804
Menzies, W. J., Grinding, &c., Caustic Alkalies, 4274
Milburn and Haydon, Chucking, &c.. Pipes, 3131
Mills, B. J. B., Dyeing Silk, 2872
Mills and Haley, Gas Motor Engines, 5052 Milton, C., Radiographs, 3251
Milward, V., Polishing Needles, 4664 Mitchell and Cocks, Cable Holders, 3035 Morgan-Brown, W., Apparatus for Classifying, &c., Papers, 4450
Morgan-Brown, W., Axles, 5285
Morgan-Brown, W., Knitting Machines, 2411
Morgan-Brown, W., Looms, 2746
Munn, R., Ventilators, 2843
Murdock, W., Valves for Controlling Steam, 4379
Nash, W. F., Extracting A mm oniacal Salts from Animal Excrement, 4402
Nash, W. F., Making Paper, 4397
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Cupola Furnaces, 3654
Nawrocki, G. W. von, Turning of Three or
More Solid Objects, 4480
Nail, C., Parallel Vices, &c., 2851
Newton, H. E., Concentrating Acids, 4104
Newton, H. E., Exhausting Apparatus, 3078
Newton, H. E., Generating Steam, 2880
Newton, H. E., Manufacturing Buttons, 4793
Nicholls, 8., Permanent Way, 2806
Oldham, A., Piston and Pump Buckets, 4829
Oliver, H., Printing Woven Fabrics, 3516 O’Neill, S., Looms for Weaving, 3810 Openshaw, J. H., Cotton Cords, 4487 Orange, G. F., China Clay, 4986
Ovens, W. and T. C., Mincing Meat, 2954 Owen, C. F.; Perambulators, 3090
Paget, A., Self-acting Stop Gear, 4947 Parlour, J. T., Steam Navvies, 4216 Parnail, J., Weighing Apparatus, 4721 Pass, E. de, Typographical Composition, 3770
Pease and Lupton, Privies, 4768
Peters, G. D., Spring Rollers for Blinds, 3800
Phillips, II. F., Breech-loading Snap Guns, 4809
Pickles, Smith, and Slater, Looms for Weaving, 3900
Pickles, Smithson, and Pickles, Cutting, &c., Wood, 4783
Pieper, C., Luck-stitch Sewing Machine, 3408
Pilkington, W. W., Annealing Plate Glass, 26
Pilkington, W. W., Grinding Glass, 4041 Pitt, G., Dental Engines, 3262
Pitt, G., Lights for Signalling, 3425
Pitt, S., Dentist’s Chairs, 3052
Pitt, 3., Hydro Carbons, 2860
Pitt, S., Sewing Machines, 3979
Pitt, S., Signalling, 2674
Planche, H., Paper Bags, 3036
Platts and Wood, Fusible Boiler Plugs, 4605
Pollcck, A., Treating Yarns, 5000
Poulson, W., Elevating and Transporting Grain, 3506
Powell, R., Sulphite of Lime, 5109
Power, E., Grain Elevators, 4357
Pzillas, R., Compressing Sugar in Loaves, &c., 3633
Reade, F. T., Purifying Iron, 4053
Reddie, A. W. L., Tablets for Erasing Writing, 3926
Reeves, H., Manufacture of Gas, 3827
Rhodes and Barber, Salvers, Trays, &c., 5215
Richards, W. H., Brass-headed Nails, 2751 Richardson, F., Heels for Boots and Shoes, 3873
Richardson, II., Bats, 4837
Ridgway, A., Cutting Hedges, 4626
Rigg, A., Governors for Prime Movers, 3521 Robinson, W., Electric Signalling, 3479 Robson, I., Gas Engines, 4501
Ross, A. L., Charging, &c., Retorts, 5208 Rossiter, T. R., Sewing Machines, 3720 Rowcliff e, J. B., Metallic Bed steads, 2680 Royle, J. J., Lubricating Cylinders, 4909 Rubens, C., Corset, &c., 4311
Rushton and Dobson,. Preparing Cotton Fibres, 5012
Russell, G., Portable Steam Cranes, 4912 Russell, G., Steam Generators, 3142 Rymer-Jones, A. M., Recording Level, 4739
Salomon, N., Mounting Saddles of Bicycles, 5268
Sauv6e, A., Printing Machines, 4907
Scharr, J., Bleaching, &c., Apparatus, 4052 Scott and Edelston, Woven Fabrics, 3300 Scribner, C. E., Facilitating Conversation by Telephone, 4903
Service, F., Loading Ships, &c., 3589
Sharp, J., Locomotive Enginesand Tenders, 3558
Sharp, L., Hair Clippers, 2804
Shaw, H. J., Locomotive, &c., Engines, 4581 Shields, J., Protection of Harbours, 3490 Siemens, C. W., Dynamo-electric Machines, 4534
Siemens, C. W., Iron and Steel, 5150
Siemens, C. W., Moulding Glass Articles, 4763
Siemens, F., Annealed and Glass Articles, 5135
Siemens, F., Burners for Gas, &c., Lamps, 3555
Simon, H., Forge Hammers, 3025
Simon, H., Melting and Casting Glass, 3271 Simon, R., Weighing, 2635
bisson, D. H., Propelling Ships or Vessels, 3623
Skinner, S., Tenoning Machine, 11
Smeaton, W. M., Moulding Traps for Water-closets, 3952
Smethurst, W., Safety Lamps, 4981 Smith, C., Coverings for Walls, 4435 Smith, G., Making Gas, 4290
Smith, J., Washing Woven Fabrics, 3440 Smith, W. T., Stereotype Plates, 4321
Smith and Coventry, Sharpening Drills, 2921
Snowden, S., Propelling Vessels, 2667 Soper, W., Breech-loading Fire-arms, 8480 Spong, J. O., Knife-cleaning, die., Apparatus, 4313
Staniforth, W., Boxes for Biscuits, &c., 4244
Standy, W., Fastening Hoops, 4325
Stanley, J. M., Boiler, &c., Fireplaces, 4752 Stephen, J. A., Separating Matteis, 2661 Stevenson and Price, Steam Engines, 97 Stewart and Wotherspoon, Draw Benches, <fcc., 4022
Stocker, T., Getting, &c., China Clay, 4715 Storer, J., Fountains, 4411
Storey and Kenyon, Indicators for Prime Movers, 4996
Sugg, W. T., Coupling for Gas, &c., Pipes, 3826
Sugg, W. T., Gas Lamps, 5267 .
Sutcliffe and Greenwood, Spinning, &c., Fibres, 3212
Swan, J. W., Electric Lamps, 18, 250
Tatiiam, J., Spinning, &c., Cotton, 4185
Tatham and Heap, Constructing Cylinders for Breaking up Fibrous Materials, 4362
Taylor, W. I., Tires for Cabs, &c., 3986
Taylor and Bianchi, Nails, Rivets, &c., 3601
Taylor and Challen, Shaft Bracket with Bearing, 676
Teale, W. E., Lamps for Mining, 4217
Tellier, C., Ships or Vessels, 3354
Templeton, J. S., Ornamental Pile Fabrics, 4079
Thomas, H. M., Globes, &c., of Liquid Aerating Machines, 4095
Thomas, J. T. C., Heating Apparatus, 5103
Thomas, P. A., Jointing Metal Panel Plates, 5095
Thomas, S. G., Manufacture of Steel, 3531
Thomas, S. G., Phosphates, 3196
Thomas, S. G., Steel, Iron, &c., 5302
Thompson, J., Feeding Bottles, 4974
Thompson, W. P., Filling Match-Boxes, 4861
Thompson, W. P., Lawn-Mowing Machines, 3441
Thompson, W. P., Microphonic Apparatus, 3476
Thompson, W. P., Window Frames, 3785 Thompson and Williamson, Purifying Corn, &c., 4467
Tomlin, C. 8., Horseshoes, 4508
Tongue, J. G., Fire-Warming Apparatus, 3599
Tower, B., Indicating-Speed Apparatus, 5205 ,
Tower, B., Rotary Engines and Pumps, 3953
Trabue, W., Magazine Fire-Arms, 5240 Tranter, W., Fire-Alarms, 2855
Trewby and Fenner, Distilling Coal Tar, 3613
Tully, W., Securing Tubes in Plates, 4273 Turner, J., Making Hats, &c., 3682, Turner, J., Treating Excreta, &c., 3594 Turton, C., Coupling Buffers, 3113 Tydeman, B., Filling, &c., Seed Casks, 2
Valentine, J. H., Volatilising Cresylic Acid, 2645
Varicas, L., Locking Mechanism for Safes, 4686
Vaughan, G. E., Gleaning, &c., Machines, 5089
Wallace, J., Draw Gear of Railway Rolling Stock, 4370
Walton, F., Floor Cloths, &c., 5118
Warburton and Crossley, Telegraphy, 2654 Ward, H., Boots and Shoes, 4604
Ward well, jun., S. W., Sewing Machines, 3229
Warman and Bremner, Fire-grates, 4630
Warren, F. P., Lubricants, 4021
Watling, J., Spring Tip Vans, 2886
Wavish, J., Locomotive Boilers, 2448
Webb, F. W., Permanent Way of Railways, 3549
Webster, J., Producing Aluminium Bronze, 4436
Weir, G. and J., Steam Engines, 4351
Weldon, W., Sulphur, 3194
Westaway, J., Reflectors, 2798
White, A., Telephones, 3794
White, T., Wire Sewing Machines, 3533
White, W., Regulating Water, 3057
White, W. G., Colour Printing, 3047
Whitehead, R., Valve for Single-acting Engines, 4412
Whitley, J., Steel Boilers, 3742
Whittle, W.. Steam Engines, 4681
Wildt, H., Matches, 4373
Wilkinson, A., Compounds for Insulating Telegraph Wires, 3472
Willans, J. G., Heating, &c., Iron, 4439
Williams, J. S., Point Rails for Railways, 5214
Williams, J. S., Operating, &c., Railway Switches, 5270
Williams, J. S., Posts for Railway Signals, &c., 2940, 5254
Williams, J. S., Railway Crossings, 2785 Wilmsmann, W., Annealing Ovens, 4963 Wilson, D., Portable Cooking Ranges, 5007
Wilson, G , Propelling Vessels, 4733
Wilson, T. and G., Pumps, 2922
Wilson, W. P., Lids for Gas Retorts, 2662
Winder, R., Type Composing, &c., Machinery, 4856
Wirth, F., Moulding Machines, 3227
Wise, W. L., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 5085
Wise, W. L., Permanent Way, 3658
Wise, W. L., Sugar Cane, 3003
Wood, A., Opening Carriage Heads, 5210
Wood, J. and R., Straining Pulp, 3448
Woodbury, W. B., Producing Designs upon Metal Surfaces, 3760
Woolley, W. B., Hydrocarbon Stoves, 3904
Worrall, J., Covering Selvages of Finished Fabrics, 4744
Worrall, J., Making Pile Fabrics, 4678
See Also
Sources of Information