The Engineer 1888 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1888 Jan-Jun: Index
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- ABOUCHOFF Steel Works, St. Petersburg, 150- ton Travelling Crane, Messrs. Easton and Anderson, 132, 134
- Achilles Bicycle Co., The, Device for Varying the Rake of the Front Fork applied to the Trailing Wheel of an Ordinary Bicycle, Pigs. 1, 2, 118 Air Brush Manufacturing Co., Air Brush Photographic Exhibition, Crystal Palace, Figs. 7, 8, 9, 10, 182
- Ansaldo and Co.’s Engine Works, Messrs., Genoa, Boiler Making Plant, Messrs. Thomas Shanks and Co., 152
- Ansaldo and Co.’s Engine Works, Messrs., Boiler Shell Drilling Machine, Messrs. Thomas Shanks and Co., 153
- Ansaldo and Co.’s Engine Works, Messrs.,-Genoa, Milling Machine, Messrs. Thomas Shanks and Co.. 154
- Ansaldo and Co.’s Engine Works, Messrs., Genoa, Twist Drill Grinder, Messrs. Thomas Shanks and Co., 154
- BACON, Air., Stationary and Portable Disinfectors, Figs. 6, 7, 376, 377
- Banderali, M., Railway Tire Testing Machine, 3
- Barford and Perkins’ Water Ballast Steam Roller, 510, 511
- Bashforth’s Calculation of Trajectories, Diagrams, 375
- Bauer, Dr. Theodore, Coke Ovens, 47, 48
- Bayonne and Biarritz Railway, Double Storey Carriages, 422, 426
- Beck, Mr. Jas. W., Indicator Diagrams, 173
- “ Beck ” Gas Engine, The, The Beck Gas Engine Co., 368, 369, 390
- Bengal-Nagpur Railway, Compound Locomotive, 506
- Bennett and Co., Messrs. J. F., Geometric Compasses, 127
- Birmingham Cable Tramway, Mr. Joseph Kincaid, Mr. E. Pritchard {Supplement, Jane 22.nd, 1888), 526, 531
- Bloxham, Mr. Hay, Rail Sanding Apparatus, 401
- Boiler, Mr. Alf. P., Test of a Transverse Bridge Girder, 349
- Boomer Portable Baling Pres?, The, Messrs. J. H. Ladd and Co., 534
- Botton’s Screw Stoi)pers, The Metal, Glass, and Stoneware Airtight Vessel Co., 174
- Bourne, Lincolnshire, Geological Strata in Well, 511
- Bournemouth Direct Railway, The, 245
- Bournemouth Direct Railway, Bridge over the Avon, 244
- Bray and Co., Messrs. George, Antipulsator, 98
- Brighton Beach Hotel, New York, Moving the, 310
- Browett, Lindley and Co., Messrs., Vertical Electric Light Engine, 348
- Bull, Mr. John, Tensigraph of Patent Metal, 420
- Burmah-Siam-China Railway, Map of Proposed, 333
- Busley, Herr, On the Furnaces for Burning Liquid Fuel, 107, 149
- Butter Brothers, Messrs., 15-Ton Derrick Crane, 171
- CADETT, Mr., Coating Machine, Messrs. Clarion and Co.’s Photographic Works, 319, 320
- Caledonian Railway, Bogie Passenger Engine, Mr. D. Drummond, 10, 300, 304
- Caledonian Railway, Duplex Whistle, Mr. D. Drummond, 306
- Campbell and Schultz, Messrs., Stamped Steel Mooring and Marking Buoys, 55
- Carlisle Corporation Markets, Roof over the, Mr. A. T. Walmsley {Supplement, March Z^ih and April l^th, 1888)
- Carlisle Markets, 305
- Cavan, Leitrim, and Roscommon Railway, Light Locomotive, Messrs. R. Stephenson and Co., 318, 322
- Chicago, St. Paul, and Kansas City Railway, Fall of the Bridge on the, 326
- Chinese Navy, Torpedo Boat for the, Messrs. Yarrow and Co., 296
- Clark, Mr. D. K., Theory of the Transverse Strength of Beams, 438, 497, 517
- Clarkson’s High-pressure Gas Regulator, Crystal Palace, Fig. 2, 182
- Coates, M. B. J., Attachment for Turning Crosshead Pins, 490
- Cooper, Mr. T., Compound Self-propelling Engine, 341, 315
- Coventry Machinists’ Co., The Spring Frame Fig. 4, 118
- Cowan, Mr., Plate-warming Machine, Messrs. Marion and Co.’s Photographic Works, 319,
- Crompton’s Mill, Oldham, Messrs. A. A., Compound Condensing Engine, 2000-LILP., Messrs. J. and E. Wood, 50, 56
- Crystal Palace Photographic Exhibition, 182, 183, 196
- DALLMEYER, Mr. T. H., Lens Shutter, Figs. 27 28 29 196
- Dallraeyer, Mr. T. H., Photographic Apparatus,
- Crystal Palace, Fig. 6, 182
- Dearlove, Mr. J. H., Tandem Bicycle, Fig. 12,131 Deprez, Registering Dynamometer, 130
- Dewar, Prof., Phosphorescence and Ozone, Apparatus to Illustrated Lecture, 523
- Dietz, M., The Clavi-Harp, 347
- Dordrecht, Revolving Water Filter and Purifier at Messrs. Easton and Anderson’s, 530
- Dover Admiralty Pier Turret, 417
- “ Draper-Hetherington ” Automatic Sprinkler, The, 205
- EASTMAN Co., The, Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace, Figs. 17,18, 19, 20, 183
- Eastwood’s “ Asbestallicon ” Packing, Messrs. Witty and Wyatt, 216
- Eclipse Corliss Engine, The, The Frick Co., 256, 257
- Edelmann, Dr. M. T., Universal Stand, 510
- Edmeston, Mr. Q. D., Drill Grinding Machine, 336, 337
- Egan Co., of Cinti, The, Swing Cutting-off Saw,265
- "El Destructor, ” “ Scout, ” and ‘ ‘America,’’Messrs. J. and G. Thomson, Glasgow Exhibition, 502
- Ellin, Mr. T. R., Pressed Steel Tools, 389
- “Engineer” Flow Sheet of System for Treating Indian Wheats, 2
- Estrade’s High-speed Locomotive, The Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 200
- Ewing, Prof. J. A., Measunng Earthquakes, 522
- “Expandisc” Steam Trap, The, Mr. Thomas Barraclough, 265
- FIRMINY Steel Works, 50-Ton Steam Crane, M. Guyenet, 96
- Fothergill, Mr. J. R., on Forced Draught, Diagrams Illustrating his System, 274
- Forth Bridge, Fifth Pier and Cantilevers, Sir John Fowler and Mr. B. Baker {Supplemerd^ February ^rd, 1888)
- Fortune, Mr. John, Safety for Rivetters, 185
- Friedliinder, Mr. A., Portable Electric Lamp, 451
- GLASGOW Exhibition, Compound Engine, Messrs. Robey and Co., 361, 364
- Glasgow Exhibition, Naval Architecture at the. Passenger Steamer “Apolo,” River Steamer, “Thooreah,” 397
- Glasgow Exhibition, Naval Architecture in the, S.S. “Alligator” and “Capercailzie,” Messrs. Barclay, Curie, and Co., 459
- Glasgow Exhibition, H.M.S. “Hector,” End View of Engines, 460
- Glasgow Exhibition, H.M.S. “Hector,” 1861, Trunk Air Pump Engines, Messrs. Napier and Sons, 462
- Glasgow Exhibition, Naval Architecture in the, s.s. “Roslin Castle,” Messrs. Barclay, Curio, and Co., 458 • '
- “Grace Darling,” Tlio Steam Yacht, Messrs. Fleming and Ferguson, 216, 220, 237 {SuppU- mentf March lOzZq 1888)
- “ Grace Darling,” Engines and Boilers of, Messrs. Fleming and Ferguson, 237, 238, 240
- Great Northern Railway, Express Locomotive, Mr. Patrick Stirling {Supplement^ June^th^ 1888)
- Great Northern and Great Eastern Railways, Draw Hooks, Mr. J. Crabtree, 293
- Green’s Foot Fly-Press, 389
- Griffin Gas Engine, The, Messrs. Dick, Kerr, and Co., 403, 404, 430, 431, 440
- HADFIELD’S Steel Projectiles after Piercing Steel Armour, 423
- Hansell and Co., Messrs., Steel Tramway Wheels, “Hargreaves” Thermo-Motor, The, Messrs. Adair and Co., 6.5, 72
- Hart, Mr. Thomas G., Stress in Small Arms Diagrams, 342
- Hawks’ Lock-nut and Bolt, 430
- Hayward Tyler and Co., Messrs., Steam Pumn Fire Engines, 111
- Henderson’s Emulsion Washer, Messrs. Marion and Co.’s Photographic Works, 360
- Henneberg, Mr., Disinfector, Figs. H, 12 13 14
- HMS. “Agincourt,” 1865, Engines of, Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, 406
- H.M.S. “Benbow,” Ill-Ton Gun on its Experimental Carriage, 30, 33, 56, 88
- H.M.S. “Warrior,” 1861, Trunk Engines, Messrs. J. Penn and Sons, 357 ,
- Hetherington and Co., Messrs., Double Cold Saw, 315
- Hett’s Turbine Governor, 534
- Hillman, Herbert and Cooper, Messrs., Rear- Driving Safety Bicycle, Fig. 19, 161
- Humber and Co., Messrs., Bicycle, Fig. Iz, 161
- Humber and Co., Messrs., Single Tricycle of the “Cripper” Type, Fig. 20, 161 ,,,01
- Humber and Co., Messrs., Tricycle, Fig. 14, 131
- Hungarian State Railways, Tank Locomotive, The State Railway Works, Budapest {SKpplemenf, February Zrdj 1888), 114
- INDIAN State Railways, Six-coupled Engine, Metre Gauge, 236
- Indian State Railways, 10-Ton Breakdown Travelling Crane, 442, 446
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Collar Bearing Friction Experiments, 370
- Irish, Mr. W. E., Electric Railway System, 284, •285
- Ivatt, Mr. H. A., Speed Table, 356
- J. H. K.,” Vortex Blast Pipes, Diagram, 70
- “J. W.” on Tidal Estuaries and the Bar of the Mersey, Map, 113
- KALAKOUTSKY, General Nicholas, Internal Stresses Occurring in Cast Iron and Steel, Tables I. to VIIL, 41, 224, 298, 477
- Kapp, Mr. Gisbert, Alternate Current Transformers, 112, 141
- Karachi Harbour, 12-Ton Hydraulic Wharf Crane, The Glenfield Co., 264, 265
- King, Major, Great Magnet, 110
- Koch, Dr., Disinfector, Fig. 9, 410
- Kordina’s Vortex Blast Pipes, 46
- Kriegstettin and Solothurn, Dynamos Used to Transmit 30-H.P. from, 291
- LANCASTER, Mr. I., Problem of Flight, Diagrams, 279
- Leach, Mr. W., Rajputana and Malwa Railway, Flexible Stays, 110
- “ Leeds ’ Dynamo, The, Messrs. Greenwood and Batley, 430
- Linley and Biggs, Messrs., Rear-driving Bicycle, Fig. 22, 161
- Lisbonne, Mr. E., Lead Tempering Armour Plates, and other Steel Articles, Figs. 1, 2, 439
- Listowel.and Ballybunion Railway, Details, 178
- Listowel and Ballybunion Railway, Occupation Level Crossings, Mons. Achille Legrand, 176
- Listowel and Ballybunion Railway, Locomotive Engine, Lartigue System, Messrs. The Hunslet Engine Company, 175
- List(wel and Ballybunion Railway, Rolling Stock,
- Little, Mr. Gilbert, on Modern Milling—its Birth and Development, '*‘Flow Sheet” of 800 Sacks per Week Mill, with Pneumatic Break Dividers, 191
- London Lathe and Tool Company, The, 5-Ineh Geometric and General Purpose Lathe, 137, 138
- London Lathe and Tool Company, General Purpose and Finishing Screw-Cutting Lathe, 6.5
- Longridge Gun, The, 382
- Lurie, Mr., Novelty in connection with Reardriving Safety Bicycles, Fig. 10, 131
- Lyons Disinfector, The, Messrs. Manlove, Alliott, and Co., Figs. 1, 2, 3, 450
- MCLAREN, Messrs., Brake Tests, Diagrams taken under Various Conditions of Test, 24 25
- Marion and Co., Messrs., Photographic Apparatus
- Crystal Palace Exhibition, Figs. 3, 4 5 11’
- Marriott and Cooper, Messrs., Tandem Tricvcle Fig. 15, 131 ’
- Maxim Machine Gun, The Latest, 443, 444
- Meredith’s Vertical Boiler, 483, Rear-driving Safety Bicycle, fitted with hiew Spring Frame, Fig. 5 118
- Moscrop Record, The, 23 ’ and »
- Mouw’s Band Saw Guides, Messrs. A. Ransome and Co., 284 „
- Mumford, Mr. A. G., Compound lacht Engines, 7
- NEW York City Water Supply, Section and Perspective View of Quaker Bridge Dam, 75,
- New York, Lake Erie and W. Railway, Remarkable Railway Wreck, 164
- New York Water Supply, Quaker Bridge Dam, 327
- Nicholson, Mr. H., Lead Ladle, 7
- “Nile,’’The Armour-Clad, Hold of the, 500
- Nordenfelt 8-Pounder Field Gun, The, 160
- Nordenfelt Submarine Torpedo Boat, The, 213
- PARIS and Scott, Messrs., New C-Type Dynamo, 6
- Parsey, Mr. William, Graphic Evaluation of the Stresses on the Flanges of Lattice Girders, Diagrams, 412
- Patrick and Co., Messrs., Spring Frame, I’ig. 6, 118
- Pembroke Dockyard, Double Planing Machine,
- Messrs. Hetherington and Co., 297
- Pflugge, D., Disinfector, Fig. 10, 410_
- Picklecombe and Sheerness Forts, 417^
- Pinchbeck, Mr. J., Knife Polisher, 335
- Prinz Dust Collector, The, The Anti-Friction
- Conveyor and Grinding Machinery Company, 381
- QUAKER Bridge Dam and Reservoir — New York Water Supply, Mr. R. S. Church, 75, 76, 77
- Quiggin’s Patent Sight-Feeding Oil Cup, Messrs. R. Shone and Co., 174
- RIGG, Mr. Arthur, High-Speed Revolving Steam Engine, 69
- Ritchie, Mr., Steam Whizzer, 2
- Roberts, HorseHcld’s and Porter’s Hydraulic Mining Press, 463
- Robertson, Mr. William, Graphic Evaluation of the Stresses on the Flanges of Lattice Girders, 211, 215
- Robertson, Mr. William, Lattice Girders, 441
- Rocourt, St. Quentin, Iron Factory Chimney at, M. Broussas, 18
- Rouch and Co., Messrs. W. W., Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace, Fig. 12, 183
- R. A. S. E. Steam Engine Trials, Diagram, 4, 5, 45, 70
- Rushworth, Mr. W. H., Locomotive Feed Water Circulator and Heater, 7
- ST. CATHERINE’S Point Lighthouse, Sir J. N. Douglass, 479
- St. Leonards-on-Sea New Promenade Pier, Mr, R. St. George Moore, 380, 381, 3^
- St. Pancras Goods Station and Depot, The New. 260,273,276
- Schallehn’s Smoke-Consuming Fire Bridge, 34
- Schimmel and Co., MM. Oskar, Disinfector, Fig. 5, 376
- Schonheyder’s Positive Water Meter, 491
- Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co., Messrs., Band Saw Filing Machine, 264
- Shew, Mr. Fox, Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace, Fi^. 13, 14, 183
- Siee Ho Bridge, China Railways, Mr. C, W. Kinder and Mr. Jas. Cleminson, 87
- ^^131^ Multicycle, Fig. 16,
- Skipton and Ilkley Railway, Viaducts and Bridges on the, Mr. John Underwood, 482, 483, 486
- Smith, Mr. R. H., Heat Engines, Diagram, 89
- Smith, Mr, Thomas, Combined Excavator and Steam Crane, 503 Transmission Dynamometer, Joy
- Snyers, M. Raymond, Clutch Pulley, 6
- Southern Mahratta Railway, Erection of a Bridge over the Kristna, 451
- Southern Mabratta Railway, Third-class Bogie Carriages, Sir A. M. Rendel, 85, 86
- Southgate Engineering Co., The, Combined Traction Engine, Crane, and Excavator, 253
- Spanish Railways, Three-ton Locomotive Steam Crane, Messrs. Joseph Booth and Bros., 277
- Spence, Mr. Wm. Geodes, Experimental Forced Draught Boiler, 139
- Spitbead Fort Casemate, with 47-ton Breech- 1 loading Gun and Carriage, 417
- Spithead Forts Casemates, 417
- Stanley Exhibition of Cycles, The, 118, 131, 161
- Starley and Sutton, Messrs., Rover Bicycle and Improved Wrench, Figs. 23, 24, 161
- S.S.. “ Circe,” Triple Expansion Engines with Morton s Valve Gear, Messrs. Barclay, Curie, and Co. {Supplement, May IMk, 1888), 388
- S.S. ‘ City of Berlin,” Triple Expansion Engines, Messrs. Laird Bros., 91, 156
- S.S. “Sue'^” Diagrams from the Quadruple Expansion Engines of the, 162
- Stevens and Major’s Hydraulic Passenger Lift, steward, Mr, J. H., Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace, Figs. 1, 2, 182, 183
- Stinton’s Self-centreing Bearing Leveller for Laying Shafting, Messrs. Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co., 277
- Stokes, Mr. Wilfrid, Graphic Evaluation of the Stresses on the Flanges of Lattice Girders, Diagrams, 342, 480
- Stoney, Mr. F. G. M., Hydraulic Sluice Valve Lifting Gear, 205
- Sturgeon Gas Engine, The, Messrs. H. Wallwork and Co., 483, 48^4
- Sturtevant, Mr. Thos. L., Floating Batteries, 89
- Success Cycle Co., The, Frame of their Reardriving Safety Bicycle, Fig, 3, 118
- Suez Canal, Subaqueous Rock Dredger for the, Messrs. Lobnitz and Co., 197, 198
- Sulivan, Mr. A., Staging for Bridge Erection, 451, 452, 466
- Swain, Mr. John, Photo-zincographic Works, The Whirler, A Printing Frame, The Acid Power, The Camera Room, 470
- Swedish and Norwegian Railway, 25-ton Iron Ore Wagon, The Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company {Supp., Api'il 2.7tk), 345
- Swift and Son, Messrs, J., Perspective and Sectional Views of the Photomicographic Cameras, Figs. 30, 31, 196
- Swift and Son, Messrs. J., Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace, Figs. 15, 16, 183
- Swift’s Ferrule Extractor, Messrs. Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co., 389
- Symons and Huygens, MM., Disinfector, Figs, 1, ' 2, 3, 4, 376 I
- TANDEMON Cycle Co., The, Tandem Bicycle, Fig. 13, 131
- Tangye, Messrs., Hydraulic Baling Steam Pump, 296
- Thomson, Mr. Feed-water Heater and Circulator, 78
- Thursfield, Mr. W. E., Disinfector, Fig. 8, 377
- Thursfield, Mr. W. E., Steam Disinfecting Apparatus, Figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, 411
- Tientsin Swing Bridge, China Railways, Mr. C. W. Kinder and Mr. Jas. Cleminson, 90 Timmis’s System of Lighting Railway Carriages by Electricity, 293
- Timms’ Journal-box, The, 297
- Torkham Bridge in India, Launching the, 26
- “ Torrent ” Filter, The, The Pulsometer Engineering Company, 463
- Tower Bridge, The, Sketch, 532
- Turner, Mr. Jno. H., Indicator Diagrams, 214
- Turton, Mr. George, Improved Railway Side Buffer, 43
- Twelvetrees, Mr. Harper, Rotary Washing Machine, 98
- Tylar, Mr., Willesden Waterproof Paper Developing Dish, Fig. 32, 196
- U.S. RAILWAYS, Couplers for Train-heating Pipes, 67, 68
- Urie’s Automatic Printing Machine, Crystal Palace, Figs. 3 and 4, 182
- VAUGHAN and Son, Messrs., Fly-rope Travelling Crane, 315
- Vergara Film Coating Machine, The, 246
- Volk, Mr., Electrically-propelled Dog Cart, 98
- WARD’S Patent Pumps, Messrs. Lee, Howl, and Co., 216
- Watertown Arsenal, 350-ton Testing Machine, Eng., Mr. Albert H. Emery, 54, 55
- Watkins and Co., Messrs., Military Cycle, Fig. 18, 161
- Wells’ Light, The, 69
- West London Cycle Stores, Lever Driven Cycle, Fig. 11, 131
- Westinghouse Air Brake Company, The, Goods Train Brake, 204
- Weston-Super-Mare, Differential Compensating Pumping Engine, Messrs. Hathorne, Davey, and Co. {Supplement, Jamuiry 1888), 27, 33
- Wharfe, Bridge over the River, near Ben Rhydding, Yorkshire, Mr. W. C. Copperthwaite {Supplement,? May 1888)
- Wilkins and Co., Messrs., “Scout” Bicycle, Fig. 21, 161
- Wilkinson and Lister, Messrs., Locomotive Crank Sweep Cutting Machine, 171
- Williamson, Mr., Pneumatic Brake Divider, 192
- Woodcock’s Multiple Punching and Forging Press, 522
- Woodhead, Angois, and Ellis, Messrs., Formation in Two Parts of the Chain Wheel on the Pedal Crank Axle, Fig. 7, 118
- Woodhead, Angois, and Ellis, Messrs., Gear for Applying a Brake to the Driving Wheel from the Transverse Handle Bar, Fig. 8, 119
- Wright’s Colorimeter, “How to Analyse Coal,” Figs. 1 and 2, 326
- “ W? S.,” Indicator Diagrams, 239
- ZALINSKY Pneumatic Dynamite Gun, The, 126
- “ Zephvr,” Petroleum Spirit Steam Jzuinch, 423
Subject Matter.
- AIR Brush, Crystal Palace Photographic Exhibition, Air Brush Manufacturing Company, Figs. 7, 8, 9, 10, 182
- Antipulsator, Messrs. George Bray and Co., 98
- Armour-clad, “Nile,” Hold of the, 500 “Asbestallicon” Packing, Eastwood’s, Messrs. Witty and Wyatt, 216
- Automatic Printing Machine, Urie’s, Crystal Palace Photographic Exhibition, Figs. 3, 4, 182
- BAND Saw Filing Machine, Messrs. Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co., 264
- Band Saw Guides, Mouw’s, Messrs. A. Ransome and Co., 284
- Beams, Theory of the Transverse Strength of, Mr. D. K. Clark, 438, 497, 517
- Bearing Leveller for Laying Shafting, Stinton’s Self-centreing, Messrs. Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co., 277
- Bicycle, Messrs. Humber and Co., Fig. 17, 161
- Bicycle and Improved Wrench, Rover, Messrs.Starley and Sutton, Figs. 23, 24, 161
- Bicycle, Rear-driving, Messrs. Linley and Biggs, Fig. 22, 161
- Bicycle, Rear-driving Safety, Messrs. Hillman, Herbert, and Cooper, Fig. 19, 161
- Bicycle, “ Scout,” Messrs. Wilkins and Co., Fig. 21, 161
- Bicycles, Novelty in connection with R. D. Safety, Mr. Lurie, Fig. 10, 131
- Boiler, Experimental Forced Draught, Mr. Wm. Geddes, 139
- Boiler-making Plant, Messrs. Ansaldo and Co.’s Works, Genoa, Messrs. Thos. Shanks and Co., 152
- Boiler, Meredith’s Vertical, 483
- Boiler Shell Drilling Machine, Messrs. Ansaldo and Co.’s Engine Works, Genoa, Messrs. Thos. Shanks and Co., 153
- Brake, Goods Train, The Westinghouse Air Brake Company, 204
- Brake Tests, Messrs. McLaren, Diagrams taken under various Conditions of Test, 24, 25
- Bridge over the Avon, Bournemouth Direct Railway, 244
- Bridge on the Chicago, St. Paul, and Kansas City Railway, Fall of the, 326
- Bridge, Forth, Sir John Fowler and Mr. B. Baker, Fifth Pier and Cantilevers {Supplement;February 3rd), 1888)
- Bridge in India, Launching the Torkham, 26
- Bridge over the Kristna, Southern Mahratta Railway, 451
- Bridge over the River Wharfe, near Ben Rhyd- ding, Yorkshire, Mr. W. C. Copperthwaite* {Supplement, May 25th, 1888)
- Bridge, Siee Ho, China Railways, Mr. C. W. Kinder and Mr. Jas. Cleminson, 87
- Bridge, Tientsin, Swing, China Railways, Mr. C.W. Kinder and Mr. Jas. Cleminson, 90, 156
- Bridge, The Tower, Sketch, 532
- Bridge Girder, Test of a Transverse, Mr. Alf. P. Boiler, 349
- CABLE Tramway, Birmingham, Mr. Joseph Kincaid and Mr. E. Pritchard {Supplement, June 22nd, 1888), 526, 531
- Calculation of Trajectories, Diagrams, 375
- Calorimeter, Wright’s, “How to Analyse C&al,” Figs. 1, 2, 326
- Clavi-harp, The, M. Dietz, 347
- Clutch Pulley, M. Raymond Snyers, 6
- Coast Defences of the United Kingdom, 417
- Coating Machine, Mr. Cadett’s, Messrs. Marion and Co.’s Photographic Works, 319, 320
- Coke Ovens, Dr. Theodor Bauer, 47, 48
- Compasses, Geometric, Messrs. J. F. Bennett and Co., 127
- Couplers for Train-heating Pipes, United States Railways, 67, 68
- Crane, Fifteen-ton Derrick, Messrs. Butter Bros., 171
- Crane, Fifty-ton Steam, Firminy Steel Works, M. Guyenet, 96
- Crane, Fly-Rope Travelling, Messrs. Vaughan and Son, 315
- Crane, 150-Ton Travelling, Abouchoff Steel Works, St. Petersburg, Messrs. Easton and Anderson, 132
- Crane, Ten-Ton Breakdown Travelling, Indian State Railways, 442, 446
- Crane, Three-Ton Locomotive Steam, Spanish Railways, Messrs. Joseph Booth and Brothers, 277
- Crane, Twelve-Ton Hydraulic Wharf, Karachi Harbour, The Glenfield Co., 264, 265
- Cycle, Military, Messrs. Watkins and Co., Fig. 18, 161
- Cycles, The Stanley Exhibition of, 118, 131, 161
- DAM, Quaker Bridge, New York Water Supply, 327
- Disinfector, Mr. Henneberg, Figs. 11, 12, 13, 14, 410
- Disinfector, Dr. Koch, Fig. 9, 410
- Disinfector, Dr. Pflugge, Fig. 10, 410
- Disinfector, MM. Oskar Schimmel and Co., Fig. 5, 376
- Disinfector, MM. Symons and Huygens, Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 376
- Disinfector, Mr. W. E. Thursfield, Fig. 8, 377
- Disinfector, The Lyons, Messrs. Manlove, Alliott, and Co., Figs. 1, 2, 3, 450
- Disinfector, Stationary and Portable, Mr. Bacon, Figs. 6, 7, 376, 377
- Disinfector, Steam, Mr. W. E. Thursfield, Figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, 411
- Draw Hooks, Great Northern and Great Eastern Railways, Mr. J. Crabtree, 293
- Dredger for the Suez Canal, Subaqueous Rock, Messrs. Lobnitz and Co., 197, 198
- Drill Grinding Machine, Mr. G. D. Edmeston, 336, 337
- Dust Collector, The Prinz, The Anti-Friction Con veyor and Grinding Machinery Co., 381
- Dynamo, The “ Leeds,” Messrs. Greenwood and Batley, 430
- Dynamo, New C-Type, Messrs. Paris and Scott, 6
- Dynamometer, Deprez Registering, 130
- Dynamos Used to Transmit 30-II.P. from Kriegstettin to Solothurn, 291
- ECONOMY of Low-Pressure Steam, Facsimile Diagrams, 127
- Electric Lamp, Portable, Mr. A. Friedlander, 451
- Electric Light Engine, Vertical, Messrs. Browett, Lindley and Co., 348
- Electric Railway System, Mr. W. E. Irish, 284, 285
- Electrically Propelled Dog Cart, Mr. Volk, 98
- Emulsion Washer, Henderson’s, Messrs. Marion and Co.’s Photographic Works, 360
- Engine, Bogie Passenger, Caledonian Railway, Mr. D. Drummond, 10, 300, 304
- Engine, Compound, Glasgow Exhibition, Messrs. Robey and Co., 361, 364
- Engine, Compound Condensing, 2000-H.P., at Messrs. A. and A. Crompton’s Mill, Oldham, Messrs. J. and E. Wood, 56
- Engine, Compound Self-Propelling, Mr. T. Cooper, 341, 345
- Engine, Eclipse Corliss, The Frick Co., 256, 257
- Engine, High-Speed Revolving Steam, Mr. Arthur Rigg, 69
- Engine, Six-Coupled, Metre Gauge, Indian State Railway, 336
- Engines of H.M.S. “Agincourt,” Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, 406
- Engines and Boiler of the Steam Yacht “Grace Darling,” Messrs. Fleming and Ferguson, 237, 238, 240
- Engines, Compound Yacht, Mr. A. G. Mumford, 7
- Engines, End View of, H.M.S. “ Hector,” Glasgow Exhibition, Messrs. Napier and Sons, 460
- Engines, Heat, Mr. R. H. Smith, 89
- Engines of the s.s. “Suez,” Diagrams from the Quadruple Expansion, 162
- Engines, Triple Expansion, s.s. “City of Berlin,” Messrs. Laird Bros., 91
- Engines, Triple Expansion, with Morton’s Valve Gear, Messrs. Barclay, Curie, and Co. {Supplement, May ll<7q 1888), 388
- Engines, Trunk, H.M.S. “Warrior,” 1861, Messrs. J. Penn and Sons, 357
- Engines, Trunk Air Pump, H.M.S. “Hector,” 1861, Glasgow Exhibition, Messrs. Napier and Sons, 462
- Excavator and Steam Crane, Combined, Mr. Thos. Smith, 503
- Exploded Traction Engine, An, 111
- FEED- WATER Heater and Circulator, Mr. Thomson, 78
- Ferrule Extractor, Swift’s, 389
- Filter, The “Torrent,” The Pulsometer Engineering Co., 463
- Fire-Bridge, Schallehn’s Smoke-Consuming, 34
- Fire Engines, Steam Pump, Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co., Ill
- Flexible Stays, Rajputana and Malwa Railway, Mr. W. Leach, 110
- Floating Batteries, Mr. Thos. L. Sturtevant, 89
- Flow Sheet of System for Treating Indian Wheats, THE ENGINEER, 2
- Foot Fly Press, Green’s, 389
- Forced Draught, Mr. J. R. Fothergill on, Diagrams illustrating his System, 274
- Friction Experiments, Collar Bearing, 370
- Furnaces for Burning Liquid Fuel, Herr Busley on, 107, 149
- Furnaces for Burning Liquid Fuel, 193, 233, 313
- GAS Engine, The “Beck,” The Beck Gas Engine Company, 368, 369, 390
- Gas Engine, The Griffin, Messrs. Dick, Kerr, and Co., 403, 404, 430, 431, 440
- Gas Engine, The Sturgeon, Messrs. H. Wall work and Co., 483, 484
- Gas Regulator, Clarkson’s High-pressure, Crystal Palace Photographic Exhibition, Fig, 2, 182
- Geological Strata in Well, Bourne, Lincolnshire 511
- Goods Station and Depot, The New St. Pancras, 260, 273, 276
- Graphic Evaluation of the Stresses on the Flanges of Lattice Girders, Diagrams, Mr. Wm. Parsey, 412
- Graphic Evaluation of the Stresses on the Flanges of Lattice Girders, Mr. Wilfrid Stokes, 480
- Gun, The Latest Maxim Machine, 443, 444
- Gun, The Longridge, 382
- Gun, The Nordenfelt Eight-pounder Field, 160
- Gun, The Zalinsky Pneumatic Dynamite, 126
- HYDRAULIC Mining Press, Roberts-Horsofield and Porter’s, 463
- Hydraulic Passenger Lift, Stevens and Major’s, 402
- Hydraulic Sluice Valve Lifting Gear, Mr, F. G. M. Stoney, 205
- INDICATOR'Diagrams, Mr. Jas. Beck, 173
- Indicator Diagrams, “ W. S.,” 239
- Indicator Diagrams, Mr. Jno. H. Turner, 214
- Iron Factory Chimney, Rocourt, St. Quentin, M. Broussas, 18
- JOURNAL BOX, The Timms, 297
- KNIFE Polisher, Mr. J. Pinchbeck, 335
- LATHE, General Purpose and Finishing Screwcutting, The London Lathe and Tool Co., 65
- Lathe, Five-inch Geometric and General Purpose, The London Lathe and Tool Co., 137, 138
- Lattice Girders, Mr. Wm. Robertson, 441
- Lead Ladle, Mr. H. Nicholson, 7
- Lead and Tempering Armour-plates and other Steel Articles, M. E. Lisbonne, Figs. 1 and 2, 439
- Light, The Wells, 69
- Lighthouse, St. Catherine’s Point, Sir J. N. Douglass, 479 .
- Lighting Railway Carriages by Electricity, Tim- mis’ System of, 293
- Lock Nut and Bolt, Hawks’, 430
- Locomotive, Compound, Bengal-Nagpur Railway, 506
- Locomotive Coupling and Connecting Rods, 418, 419, 499
- Locomotive Crank Sweep Cutting Machine, Messrs. Wilkinson and Lister, 171
- Locomotive Engine, Lartigue System, Listowel and Ballybunion Railway, Messrs, the Hunslet Engine Co., 175
- Locomotive, Estrade’s High-speed, The Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 200
- Locomotive, Express, Great Northern Railway, Mr. Patrick Stirling {Supplement, June 3th, 1888) Locomotive Feed-water Circulator and Heater, Mr. W. H. Rushworth, 7
- Locomotive, Light, Cavan, Leitrim, and Roscommon Railway, Messrs. R. Stephenson and Co., 318, 322
- MAGNET, Great, Major King, 110
- Markets, Carlisle, 305
- Measuring Earthquakes, Professor J. A. Ewing, 522
- Milling Machine, Messrs. Ansaldo and Co.’s Engine Works, Genoa, Messrs. Thos. Shanks and Co., 154
- Modern Milling—its Birth and Development, “Flow” Sheet of 800 Sacks per Week Mill with Pneumatic Break Dividers, 191
- Moving the Brighton Beach Hotel, New York, 310
- NAVAL Architecture, Glasgow Exhibition, Passenger Steamer “Apolo,” River Steamer “ Thooreah,” 397
- Naval Architecture in the Glasgow Exhibition, s.s. “Roslin Castle,” “Alligator,” and “Capercailzie,” Messrs. Barclay, Curie, and Co., 458
- OIL Cup, Wiggin’s Patent Sight Feeding, Messrs. R. Shone and Co., 174
- Ill-Ton Gun, H.M.S. “Benbow,” on its Experimental Carriage, 30, 33, 56, 88
- PETROLEUM Spirit Engines, 490
- Petroleum Spirit Steam Launch “Zephyr,” 423
- Phosphorescence and Ozone, Apparatus to Illustrate Professor Dewar’s Lecture on, at the Royal Institution, 523
- Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace Exhibition, Mr. J. H. Dallmeyer, Fig. 6, 182
- Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace Exhibition, The Eastman Co., Figs. 17, 18, 19, and 20, 183
- Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace Exhibition, Messrs. Marion and Co., Figs. 3, 4, 5, and 11, 182, 318, 319
- Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace Exhibi tion, Messrs. W. W. Rouch and Co., Fig. 12, 183
- Photographic Apoaratus, Mr. Fox Shew, Figs. 13 and 14, 183
- Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace Exhibition, Mr. J. H. Steward, Figs. 1, 2, 182, 183
- Photographic Apparatus, Crystal Palace Exhibition. Messrs. J. Swift and Son, Figs. 15, 16, 183
- Photographic Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 182, 183, 196
- Photographic Plates, Flexible Substitutes for, The Vergara Film Coating Machine, 246
- Photographic Works, Messrs. Marion and Co., 359, 360
- Photo zincographic Works, Mr. John Swain, 470
- Pier, New Promenade, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Mr. R. St. George Moore, 380, 381, 384
- Planing Machine, Double, Pembroke Dockyard, Messrs. Hetherington and Co., 297
- Plate-warming Machine, Mr. Cowan’s, Messrs. Marion and Co.’s Photographic Woiks, 319
- Pneumatic Brake Divider, Mr. Williamson, 192
- Press, The Boomer Portable Baling, Messrs. J. H. Ladd and Co., 534
- Press, Wood cock’s Multiple Punching and Forging, 522
- Problem of Flight, Diagrams, Mr. I. Lancaster, 279
- Pump, Hydraulic Baling Steam, Messrs. Tangye, 296
- Pumping Engine, Differential Compensating, Weston-super-Mare, Messrs. Hathorn, Davey, and Co. {Supplement, January 13th), 27, 33
- Pumps, Ward’s Patent, Messrs. Lee, Howl, and Co., 216
- QUAKER Bridge Dam and Reservoir, Mr. R. S. Church, 75, 76, 77
- Quaker Bridge Dam, Section and Perspective View of, New York City Water Supply, 75, 76, 77
- RAIL Sanding Apparatus, Mr. Hay Bloxham, 401
- Railway, The Bournemouth Direct, 245
- Railway, Listowel and Ballybunion, Details, 178
- Railway, Listowel and Ballybunion, Occupation Level Crossings, Mons. Achille Legrand, 176
- Railway, Map of Proposed Burmah-Siam-China. 333
- Railway Side Buffer, Improved, 'Mr. George Turton, 43
- Railway Tire Testing Machine, Mr. Banderali, 3
- Railway Wreck, Remarkable, 164
- Record, The Moscrop. 23 ?
- Rivetters, Safety for, Mr. John Fortune, 185
- Roller Bearings for Tramcars, 337
- Roller, Water Ballast Steam, Barford and Perkins’, 510, 511
- Rolling Stock of the Bayonne and Biarritz Railway, 422, 426
- Rolling Stock, Listowel and Ballybunion Railway, 174
- Roof over the Carlisle Corporation Markets, M r. A. T. Walmisley {Supplement, March 30th and April 13th, 1888).
- SAW, Double Cold, Messrs. Hetherington and Co., 315
- Screw Stoppers, Botton’s, 174
- Speed Table, Mr. H. A. Ivatt, 356
- Sprinkler, The “ Draper - Hetherington ” Automatic, 205
- Staging for Bridge Erection, Mr. A. Sulivan, 4.) 1, 452, 466
- Stamped Steel Mooring and Marking Buoys, Messrs. Campbell and Schultz, 55
- Stand, Universal, Dr. M. T. Edelmann, 510
- Steam Engine Trials, R.A.S.E., Diagrams, 4, 5, 45 70
- S.S. ’“El Destructor,” “Scout,” and “ America,” Messrs. J. and G. Thomson, Glasgow Exhibition, 502
- Steam Trap, The “Expandisc,” Mr. Thos. Barra- clough, 265
- Steam Whizzer, Mr. Ritchie, 2
- Steam Yacht “Grace Darling,” The, Messrs. Fleming and Ferguson (Supplement, March 16t/i 1888), 216, 220, 237
- Steel Projectiles after Piercing Steel Armour Hadfield’s, 423
- Steel Tools, Pressed, Mr. T. R. Ellin, 389
- Stress in Small Arms, Mr. Thos. G. Hart, Diagrams, 342
- Stresses Occurring in Cast Iron and Steel, Internal, Gen. N. Kalakoutsky, Tables I. to VIII., 41, 2-4, 298 477
- Stresses on the Flanges of Lattice Girders, Graphic Evaluation of, Mr. Wm. Robertson, 211 212
- Stresses on the Flanges of Lattice Girders, Graphic Evaluation of, Mr. Wilfred Stokes, 342
- Swing Cutting-off Saw, The Egan Company of Cinti, 265
- TANK Locomotive, Hungarian State Railways, The State Railway Works, Budapest {Supplement, February 3rd, 1888), 114
- Tensigraph of Mr. Bull’s Patent Metal, 420
- Testing Machine, 350 Tons, Watertown Arsenal, Mr. Albert H. Emery, 54, 55
- Thermo - Motor, The “ Hargreaves,” Messrs. Adair and Co., 65, 72
- Third-class Bogie Carriages Southern Mahratta Railway, Sir A. M. Rendel, 85, 86
- Tidal Estuaries and the Bar of the Mersey, Map, J. W., 113
- Torpedo Boat for the Chinese Navy, Messrs. Yarrow and Co., 296
- Torpedo Boat, The Nordenfelt Submarine, 213
- Traction Engine, Crane, and Excavator, Combined, The Southgate Engineering Co., 253
- Tramway Rails, 337
- Transformers, Alternate Current, Mr. Gisbert Kapp, On, 112, 141
- Transmission Dynamometer, Prof. R. H. Smith, 389
- Tricycle of the “ Clipper ” Type, Single, Messrs. Humber and Co., Fig. 20, 161
- Turbine Governor, Hett’s, 534
- Turning Crosshead Pins, Attachment for, Mr. B. J. Coates, 490
- Twist Drill Grinder, Messrs. Ansaldo and Co. s Engine Works, Genoa, Messrs. Thomas Shanks and Co., 154
- VIADUCTS and Bridges on the Skipton and llkley Railway, Mr. John Underwood, 482, 483, 486
- Vortex Blast Pipes, Kordina's, 46
- Vortex Blast Pipes, Diagrams, J. H. K., 70
- WAGON, 25-Ton Iron Ore, Swedish and Norwegian Railway, The Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co. {Supplement, April 27tl<), 345
- Washing Machine, Rotary, Mr. Harper Twelvetrees, 98
- Water Filter and Purifier, Revolving, at Dordrecht, Messrs. Easton and Anderson, 530
- Water Meter, Schbnheyder’s Positive, 491
- Water Supply of English Towns, Figs. 1, 2, 498
- Wheels, Steel Tramway, Messrs. Hansell and Co. 26
- Whistle, Duplex, Caledonian Railway, Mr. D. Drummond, 306
See Also
Sources of Information