The Engineer 1888 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1888 Jul-Dec: Index
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List of Names.
- ADAMS, Mr. George, Friction. Clutches (Figs.), 193, 194
- Aguan and Hondo, Awning-Deck Screw Steamers, 153
- Alauzet and Co., Messrs., Collotype Printing Machine, Messrs. Watcrlow and Suns’ Photo Mechanical Works, 283, 334
- Altoona, Erecting a Locomotive against Time, 260
- Anderson’s Apparatus for Carrying off Gases from Tunnels, 356
- Australia, Centrifugal Pumping Engines for, Messrs. W. II. Allen and Co., 369, 372
- Aveling and Porter, Messrs., Compound Traction Engine and Crane, 96
- Aylesbury Company’s New Cream Separator, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Figs. 2,3,4, 57
- BABCOCK and Wilcox Co., The, Water-tube Boiler, Brussels Exhibition, 199
- Bagshaw, Mr. Walter, Diagram-meter, 157
- Baker’s Circulating Tubes, Fig. 3, Aylesbury Company’s Cream Separator, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 57
- Bamber, Mr. J., Light Screw Press, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 2, 27
- Barford and Perkins, Messrs., Hand Press, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 3, 28
- Barr and Macwhirter, Messrs,, Electric Water Level Indicator and Recorder, 493
- Barton Aqueduct of 1760, Brindley’s, 365
- Bath Box Quarries, 256
- Beiliss’ and Dado’s Lubricator, 539
- Bell’s Asbestos Company, Asbestos Packed Water Gauge, 314
- Bengal and Nagpur Railway, Compound Locomotive, Worsdell and Von Borries’ System, 48
- Birch and Co., Messrs. Jno., Multiple Punching Machine, 195
- Birkenhead, Refrigerating Machinery at, 294
- Birmingham Cable Tramways, Enginesand Winding Gear, Messrs. Tangye, 261
- Boothand Co., Messrs. George, Horizontal Boring Machine, 531
- Booth and Co., Messrs. George, Punching and Shearing Machine, Pulley, Mr. H. Crowther, 67
- Box and Corsham Quarries, Bath, 256, 257
- Bradbury, Mr. J., Hand-power Hay Press, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 56
- Bridgewater and Manchester Ship Canals, Map, 365
- Britannia Co., The, Bench Drill, 348
- Brussels Exhibition, Steam Tramway Engine, La Cie. Metallurgique Tubize, 322, 323
- Burgess, Messrs. W. J. and C. T., Hay Press, Smithfield Club Show, 488
- Burgoyne, Burbidge, and Co., Messrs., Chemical Works, 164, 165
- Burgoyne, Burbidge, and Co., Messrs., Vacuum Pan and Pump, 165
- CALEDONIAN Railway, Diagram of Running of Express Trains, 215
- Chandler’s Fan Engine, 363, 365
- Chase’s Combination Car Spring, 15
- Chicago, Screw Fire-boat for the City of, 510
- “City of New York” Atlantic Steamer, Messrs. J. and G. Thomson, 34
- Clutha Lock-Nut, The, 268
- “Clutha” Twin-screw Ferry Steamer, Glasgow Exhibition, 299
- Columbus Monument, Archer’s Hydraulic Balance Lift, 428, 430
- Columbus Monument, The, Barcelona, Signor Buigas Architect, Messrs. J. Richmond and Co. Engineers, 434
- Cooper, Mr. A., Truck Axle-Bush, 175
- Craven and Chapman, Messrs., Foundry Ladle, 95
- DAVEY, Mr., Pendulum for Synchronising Clocks, 89
- De Beer’s Diamond Mine, Plan of and Section through, 136
- De Bergue and Co., Messrs., Pneumatic and Portable Drill, 114
- Dore and Chinley Railway, Outline Map, 156
- Douse’s Patent Fire-Check Company, Automatic Fire-check, 427
- Dowson, Mr. E. C. H., Flash of Lightning, from a Photograph, 135
- Drory, Mr. H., Liquid-Fuel Heated Gas Retorts, 194, 195
- Dublin Port Dredgers, Friction Gearing, 167
- EALING, Grand Junction Waterworks Company, New Storage Reservoir, Mr. Alexander Fraser, Messrs. John Aird and Sons, 158, 160
- Eddington and Steevenson, Messrs., Spring Wheel Traction Engine, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 478, 479
- Eiffel Tower, Electric Spiral Lift for the, M. Backmann, 101
- “Electrico” Passenger Steamer, Messrs. Alex. Stephen and Sons, 410
- “Empong,” Dutch Torpedo Boat, Messrs. Yarrow and Co., 376
- English and Russian Siege Artillery, 458
- FAIRBAIRN and Co., Messrs., Leeds, Multiple Boring Machine, 414
- “Falls, of Earn,” Four-masted Ship, 153
- Fielding and Platt, Messrs., Gloucester, Multiple Punch and Shears, 411
- Foden and Sons, Messrs. E., Diagrams from their Engine, (Figs. 6, 7), 99
- Forth Bridge, The, Sir John Fowler and Mr. B. Baker (Supplement, November 9/A, 1888)
- Forth Bridge from the South-west, The, 330
- Fowler and Co., Messrs. J., Spring Wheel, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 23
- France and Belgium, Locomotive Boiler Explosions in (Supplement, August 31st, 1888)
- French Collotype Hand Machine, Messrs. Water- low and Sons, 334
- French Disappearing Single Gun Turret for Two Guns, The Company des Forges de Chatillon Commentry, 44, 45
- French and Italian Armour Plates, Tests of, 407
- “Fusee,” Compound Engines of the Twin-screw Tender, Messrs. T. and J. Hosking, 489, 496
- “Fusee ” Engines—Cylinders of the Screw Tender, 489
- GADD, Mr. Wm., Gas-holder without Upper Guide Framing, 216
- Garrett and Sons, Messrs. Richard, Portable Engine; Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 470
- Garrett and Sons, Messrs. R., Portable Engine, with Steel Saddle, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 26
- Garrett and Sons, Messrs. Richard, Single Cylinder Stationary Engine, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 470
- Gibbon’s and Robinson, Messrs., Traction Engine, 115
- Glace Check Valve, The, 156
- Glasgow Exhibition, Naval Architecture at the, 152, 153
- Glasgow Exhibition, Record by Water Level Indicator in, 493
- Glasgow Harbour, 30-ton Steam Crane, Messrs. G. Russell and Co., 308
- Glossop, Mr. G., Pneumatic Hammer, 79
- Graham, Mr. R. H., Graphic Statics, 216
- Great Northern and North-Eastern Railways, Profiles of, King’s Cross to Edinburgh, 438
- Great Western Railway Works, Swindon, Machine Tools, 411, 412, 414
- Great Western Railway, Express Locomotive, Mr. Wm. Dean (Supplement, August 17th, 1888)
- Greenwood and Batley, Messrs., Leeds, Band Saw for Iron and Steel, 412
- Greenwood and Batley, Messrs., Band Saw Sharpener, 414
- Greenwood and Batley, Messrs., Leeds, Bevel Wheel Shaping Machine, 411
- Griffiths’ Twist Drill Grinder, 45
- Gruson’s Schumann Defences, 474
- Gwynne and Co., Messrs., Centrifugal Pumping Machinery, 304
- HALL, Mr., Coal and Pitch Grinding Mill, Standard Ironworks, Sheffield, 175
- Hall and Co., Messrs., Carbonic Anhydride Refrigerating Machine, 79
- “Hansell-Sweet” Steel Spanners, The, 531
- Hansen’s Centrifugal Milk Separator, 479
- Hanstholm, Jutland, The, Electric Lighthouse, Mr. Fleischer, 388, 392
- Hartlepool Gas and Water Company, Direct- acting Compound Surface-condensing Pumping Engines for the, Messrs. Worth, Mackenzie, and Co. (Supplement, December 21st, 1888,) 520
- Hawkesbury Bridge, The, 207
- Heath’s Patent Self-timing Speed Indicator, 348
- Hercules Block-setting, Douglas Harbour-Works, Mr. Jas. Walker, 492
- H.M. Belted Cruiser “Australia,” Messrs. R. Napier and Sons (Supplement, December 7th, 1888)
- H.M. Dockyard, Chatham, Compound Surfacecondensing Engine, New Tool Shop, Mr. A. G. Mumford, 305
- H.M.S. “Aurora, ” 8500 I.H.P., Triple Compound Twin-screw Engines of, Messrs. J. and G. Thomson (Supplement, July 27th, 1888)
- H.M.S. “Lord Warden,” Surface-condensing Engines, Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, 447
- H.M.S. “Prm.o Albert,” 1866, Direct-acting Engines, Messrs. Humphrys and Tennant, 2, 3
- H.M.S. “Salamander,” 1832, Side Lever Engine, Messrs. Maudslay and Field, 74
- H.M.S. “Terrible,” 1842, Enginesand Boilers of, Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, 182
- H.M.S. “Terrible,” 1842, Transverse Section through Tubular Boilers and Bunkers of, 179
- H.M.S. “Terrible,” 1842, Transverse Section through Engines and Hull of, 179
- Hett, Mr., Centrifugal Pump, 199
- Highland Agricultural Society’s.Trials of Steam Engines, Brake used at the, Fig. 1, 99
- Hogarth, Messrs., Diagrams from their Engine, Figs. 4, 5, 99
- Hopwood’s Vertical Boiler, 23
- Hornsby and Sons, Messrs. R., Binder, Conveyor, and Packers, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 7, 57
- Hornsby and Sons, Messrs. R., Sheaf. Binder, Elevator, and Packers, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 6, 57
- Hornsby and Sons, Messrs. R., Sheaf Binder Rollers, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 5, 57
- Hornsby and Sons, Messrs. R., 16-horse Winding Engine, 135
- Houghton Brown Bros., Messrs., Horizontal Condensing Engine with Trip Valve Gear, 339
- Howard, Messrs. J. and F., Lifters for Laid Crops, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 467
- Howard, Messrs. J. and F., Steel Frame Sheafbinding Reap.r, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 467
- Howell Torpedo, The, 145
- Hudson River at New York, Double-screw Ferryboat “Bergen,” 532
- Hulme and Lund, Messrs., Horizontal Underground Pumping Engines, 431
- Huntington Centrifugal Roller Mill, The, Messrs. Davey, Paxman and Co., 519
- IMMISCH and Co., Messrs., Electric Dog-cart, 218
- Indian State Railway, Chenab Bridge, 226, 227
- Indian State Railways, Girders for Patiala-Bha- tinda State Railway, 418
- Indian State Railways, Steel Sleepers for, 459
- Italian Mediterranean Railway Goods Engine, Commendatore Frescot, 396, 397
- Italian Warship “Sardegna,” Triple Expansion Engines, 118
- “J. R.” Practical Drawing, 491
- Jefferies, Mr. E. A., New Cut-off Attachment, 371
- Joy’s Valve Gear, Outside and Inside Cylinders, London and North-Western Railway, 511
- Jupiter Light, The, Harden Star, Lewis and Sinclair Company, 218
- KAISERGALLERIE, Berlin, Drainage Fittings, 238
- Kaisergallerie, Berlin, Electric Light Installation, Messrs. Siemens and Halske (Supplement. September 21st, 1888)
- Kemp, Mr. J., Cross Diagrams, 73
- Kerry, New Railways in the County, 426
- Kingfisher Lubricator, The, 335
- Kingston-on-Thames and Surbiton Sewage Works, Engine and Boiler-rooms, 500
- LADD and Co., Messrs. J. H., Hand Press, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 4, 27
- La Louvibre Hydraulic Canal Lift, Belgium, Messrs. Clark, Standfield, and Clark, 514
- Lancaster Piston, Improved, Messrs. Lancaster and Tonge, 531
- Lauffen-Neuhausen Electro-metallurgical Plant 290, 291
- Lancaster and Tonge, Messrs., Serpent Coil Piston,
- Lebel Magazine Rifle, The, 261
- Lees, Messrs. T. and R., Appliance for Placing Belts on Pulleys, 335
- Lick, Equatorial, The, 6
- Lick, Equatorial Spectroscope, The, 7
- Lightfoot, Mr. T. B., Use of Ammonia as a Refrigerating Agent, 357, 358
- London Lathe and Tool Company, Milling and Mill-drill Machines, 156
- London and North-Western and Caledonian Railways, Profiles of, 214
- London and North-Western Railway, Compound Express Locomotive on the, Mr. F. W. Webb (Supplement, December 21st, 1888), 511, 515
- London and North-Western Railway Passenger Engine, 215
- McLAREN, Messrs, J. and H., Diagrams from their Engine, Figs. 2, 3, 99
- Marshall and Co., Messrs., Triple Expansion Semi-portable Engine, 71
- Martin, Mr. J. IL, Double-acting Tool Rest for Planing Machines, 389
- Mather, Mr. William, An Improved Screw Tap, 250
- Memphis and Birmingham Railway, Bridge, the Phoenix Bridge Company, 92
- Meppen, Steel-faced and Wrought Iron Targets at, 35
- Merry weather and Sons, Messrs., Light Portable Pumping Engine, 522
- Midland Railway, Constructive Details, 111, 112
- Midland Railway Works, Derby, Fire-hole Door, Mr. S. W. Johnson, 110, 111
- Milwaukee Flushing Tunnel, The, 530
- Murrie’s Engineering Company, Simplex Low- water Alarm, 269
- NATIONAL Boiler Insurance Company, Fusible Plugs for Steam Boilers, 257
- “Nettle” Steam Launch, Nettlefolds, Limited, 349, 352
- Nettlefolds, Limited, Compound Launch Engines, 349, 352
- Newcastle Engine Trials, Friction Brake Dynamometers at the, 400
- New South Wales Government, Foundry Plant for the, Sir John Fowler and Mr. J. V. Baldry Engineers, Messrs. Thwaites Brothers Constructors, 219, 222, 245, 282, 283, 286, 301, 302, 304
- New Zealand Government Railways, 25-ton Portable Steam Crane, Messrs. J. Jessop and Sons, 67
- Nicolson, Mr. J. T., Diagonal Rivetted Joints, 383, 445
- Nile and Delta, The, Map, 487
- North-Eastern Railway, Compound Goods Tank Engine, Mr. T. W. Worsdell (Supplement, Nc.zem.ber 23rd, 1888), 427
- North-Eastern Railway, Compound Goods Tank Locomotive, Mr. T. W. Worsdell (Supplement, October 26th, 1888)
- Norton, Owen, and Co., Messrs., Universal Double Seaming Machine, 479
- OKES, Mr. J. C. R., Sewage and Sludge Pump, 326
- Otto Gas Engine and Pump, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 26
- Otto Wire Ropeway, Gottesegen Colliery, View in Open Country, and Delivery and Turning Stages, 534
- PARIS Exhibition, 1889, Plan of the, 529
- Parry’s Calorimetric Method, how to Analyse Iron and Steel, Fig. 2, 129
- Parsonstown Sluice, as Described by the Right Hon. Earl of Rosse, 90
- Pennsylvania Railway, 25-ton Travelling Crane, Mr. T. H. Ely, 10, 37
- Perry, Professor, Instrument for Measuring the Energy of a Fly-Wheel, 36
- Pilkington Quarry, a Great Stone, 348
- Pitt’s Chain Porter, attached to Block-setting Hercules, Douglas Harbour Works, 492
- Plenty and Sons, Messrs., Compound Launch Engines, 389
- Plymouth Harbour, Small Passenger Boat Service, 385
- Poughkeepsie Bridge, The Second Cantilever, the Union Bridge Co., 241
- Poughkeepsie Bridge, the Union Bridge Co., 240. 241
- Proell, Mr., 800-horse Power Tandem Engine, 198
- QUAKER Bridge Dam, Proposed Profiles of the, 453
- Quaker Bridge Dam, Proposed Sites for the, 452
- RAIT’S Valve Gear, 348
- Ramsbottom, Mr. John, Hydraulic Drill, 165
- Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, Messrs., 20-horse Power Compound Undertype Engine, 157
- Raub Locomotive, The, 482
- “Re Umberto,” Compound Engines, 20,000-horse Power, Royal Italian Twin Screw Warship Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field (Supplement July 6th, 1888)
- “ReinaRegente,”Swift Protected Cruiser, Messis, J. and G. Thomson, 30
- Rhine Steamboats, 109
- Rickie, Mr. Robert, Valve Gear, 14
- Rickinson, Mr. H., Self-fixing Castor, 115
- “Rider” Hot-air Engine, Improved, Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co., 114, 115
- Robertson, Mr. James, Manufacture of Tubes (Figs.), 109, 110, 263
- Root’s Improved Blower. Messrs. Samuelson and Co., 134
- Roumanian Government, Coastguard Boats for the, The Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Co., 368, 396
- Royal Mail s.s. “ Roslin Castle, ” Boilers for the, Messrs. T. Richardson and Sons, 454
- Royal Mail s.s. “ Roslin Castle,” Crank Shaft, Messrs. T. Richardson and Sons, 451
- Rush worth and Co., Messrs., Plate-Bending Rolls,
- Russian Field and Coast Guns, 70
- ST. HELENS Water Supply, Kirkby Pumping Station, Mr. D. M. F. Gaskin, 143, 144, 145
- Salem, The Steam Yacht, Messrs. Fullerton and Co., 237
- Samuelson’s Hay and Straw Press, Filter’s System, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 5, 27
- Sargent’s Automatic Belt Fastener, Messrs. Adams and Co., 304
- Schmiers, Werner, and Stein, Messrs., Collotype Printing Machine, Messrs. Waterlow and Sons’ Photo-Mechanical Works, 283
- Settle’s Rocking Fire-bars, 291
- Shand, Mason, and Co., Messrs., Boiler, Engine, and Pumps of Floating Steam Fire Engine, 178
- Shand, Mason, and Co., Messrs., Floating Steam Fire Engine, 178
- Shaw, Prof. Hele, Friction of Metal Coils, 269
- Shipman Automatic Steam Engine, The, Messrs. John G. Rollins and Co., 82
- Shirlaw and Co., Messrs. A., Diagram taken from a 6-H.P. Nominal Engine at Normanton Sewage . Works, 217
- Simons and Co., Messrs., Elevating Ferry Steamer Glasgow Exhibition, 206
- Simons and Co., Messrs., Hopper Dredger, Glasgow Exhibition, 202
- Sind-Pishin Railway, Fixed and Expansion Bearings, 313
- “Skeandhu,” Diagrams from the Engines of the, 236
- “Skeandhu,” The Steam Yacht, Messrs. Fleming and Ferguson, 235, 236
- Slack and Brownlow, Messrs., Manufacturer’s Filter, 218
- Smith and Coventry, Messrs., Manchester, Multiple Nut-tapping Machine, 414
- “Snark,” The Spirit Launch. 489
- Southby and Blyth, Messrs., Vacuum Ice-Making Machine, 530
- Southern Mahratta Railway Co., Iron Roofing, 337
- Sphincter Grip Hose Co., The, Hand Carriage Steam Fire-engine, 471
- Stahldraht, Tension Members of Trussed Girders and Cantilevers, 329
- Stark Nut-Lock, The, 175
- Steam Cylinder Lubricator Co., Steam Cylinder Lubricator, 14
- S.S. “Buenos Ayres,” Quadruple Expansion Engines, Messrs. Denny'and Co., 327
- S.S. “ Olympia,” Forced Draught Appliances, 363
- Stephenson, Mr. G., Box Press, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 1, 27
- Stock, Mr. W. F. K., On the Valuation of Road Metal and Setts for Paving, 173
- Suez Canal, Portable Electric Light Apparatus, Messrs. Charlesworth and Co., 312
- Sulzer Engine at the Brussels Exhibition, Messrs. J. Calow and Co., 134, 138
- Sundale Twist Drill Grinder, The, Messrs. Selig, Sonnenthal and Co., 522
- TAYLOR and Sons, Messrs. J., Safety Hoist Gear, Royal Agricultural Soctety’s Show, 57
- Thames, Fire Steamer for the, Mr. Edw. Hayes, 451
- Thwaite, Mr. B. H., Vertical Steam Generator, 365
- Trew, T. V., Screw Propellers, Drawings giving the Method of Setting Out the Propeller, 159
- Turner, Mr. H., High-pressure Boiler with Forced Draught, 49, 52
- Turner, Mr. H., A New Steam Engine, Expansion Lines, 208, 263
- Turner, Mr. H., Tandem Compound Engine, 49, 52
- Tyrrel’s Governor, Messrs. Clayton and Shuttle- worth, Smithfield Club Show, 531
- ULLGREN’S Moist Method, Fig. 1. How to Analyse Iron and Steel, 43
- VOGH, Mr. H. C., Propulsion of Ships by Air Propellers, 270
- WABASH Railway, Air Pump Governor, 337
- Warne, Mr. W., Screw Press, Royal Agricultural Society, 13
- Warner and Sons, Messrs., Hydraulic Crowbar, 519
- “Warren Hastings,” The Screw Steamship, 152
- Waterlow and Sons, Messrs., Collotype Printing Machines, 283
- Waterlow and Sons, Messrs., Photo-Mechanical Printing and Machine Works, 279, 283, 334
- Watt Dynamo, 120Kilo., Oerlikon Works, Zurich, System, C. E. L. Brown, 290
- Webb’s Radial Axle-box, London and North- Western Railway, 511
- Welch and Co., Messrs., Triple Expansion Launch Engines, 241, 242
- Wild and Co., Messrs., Hauling and Winding Engines, 79
- Wildemann’s .Lubricator, 467
- Willan’s Central Valve Triple Expansion Engines and Gwynne’s Centrifugal Pumps, Kingston-on- Thames and Surbiton Sewage Works, 501, 502
- Williams and Co., Messrs. Thos. H., Centrifugal Pumping Machinery, 349
- Wivenhoe Dry Dock, Mr. R. M. Parkinson, 131
- Wolverton, Stony Stratford, and District Light Railway, Road and Rail Wagon, 405.
- Wood and Sons, Messrs. David, Vertical Boiler, 376
- Woodbury type Press and Press-table, The, Messrs. Waterlow and Sons, 334
- Wootten Express Locomotive, Union Pacific Railway, 15
- Worthington High Duty Pumping Engine, Trials of, at the West Middlesex Waterworks, Hampton, Mr. W. C. Unwin, 469, 490
- YARROW and Co., Messrs., Spirit Launch, “Snark,” 489
- Yates’ Water Heater, Brussels Exhibition, 199
Subject Matter.
- AIR Pump Governor, Wabash Railway, 337
- Aqueduct of 1760, Brindley’s Barton, 365
- Armour-plates, Tests of French and Italian, 407
- Armoured Carriages, Gruson’s new Schumann, 474
- Artillery, English and Russian Siege, 458
- Asbestos-packed Water Gauge, Bell’s Asbestos Company, 314
- Automatic Belt Fastener, Sargent’s, made by Messrs. Adams and Co., 304
- Axle-box, Webb’s Radial, London and North- Western Railway, 511
- BAND Saw for Iron and Steel, Messrs. Greenwood and Batley, 412
- Band Saw Sharpener, Messrs. Greenwood and Batley, 414
- Belts on Pulleys, Appliances for Placing, Messrs. T. and R. Lees, 335
- Bench Drill, The Britannia Company, 348
- Bevel Wheel Shaping Machine, Messrs. Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 411
- Block-setting Hercules, Douglas Harbour Works, Mr. Jas. Walker, 492
- Blower, Root’s Improved, Messrs. Samuelson and Co., 134
- Boiler, Engines, and Pumps of Floating Steam Fire Engine, Messrs. Shand, Mason, and Co., 178
- Boiler with Forced Draught, High-pressure, Mr. H. Turner, 49, 52
- Boiler, Vertical, Hop wood’s, 23
- Boiler, Vertical, Thwaite’s, 365
- Boiler, Vertical, Messrs. David Wood, 376
- Boiler, Water-tube, The Babcock and' Wilcox Company, Brussels Exhibition, 199
- Boilers for the Royal Mail s.s. “ Roslin Castle,” Messrs. T. Richardson and Sons, 454
- Boring Machine, Horizontal, Messrs. George Booth and Co., 531
- Boring Machine, Multiple, Messrs. Fairbairn and Co., Leeds, 414
- Brake used at the Highland Agricultural Exhibition of Scotland’s Trials of Steam Engine-, Fig. 1, 99
- Bridge, Chenab, Indian State Railway, 226, 227
- Bridge, The Forth, Sir John Fowler and Mr. B.Baker (Supplement, November 9th., 1888)
- Bridge, The Forth, from the South-west, 330
- Bridge, The Hawkesbury, 207
- Bridge, Memphis and Birmingham Railway, The Phoenix Bridge Company, 92
- Bridge, Poughkeepsie, The Union Bridge Company, 240, 241
- Belgium Hydraulic Canal Lift, La Louviere, Messrs. Clark, Standfield, and Clark, 514
- CANAL Lift, Hydraulic, La Louvibre, Belgium, Messrs. Clark, Standfield, and Clark, 514
- Canals, Manchester Ship, Map, 365
- Cantilever, The Second, Poughkeepsie Bridge, 241
- Car Spring, Chase’s Combination, 15
- Castor, Self-fixing, Mr. H. Rickinson, 115
- Centrifugal Pump, Mr. Hett, 199
- Centrifugal Pumping Machinery of s.s. ‘‘Australia,” Messrs. W. H. Allen and Co., 369
- Centrifugal Pumping Machinery, Messrs. Gwynne and Co., 304
- Centrifugal Pumping Machinery, Messrs. Thos. H. Williams and Co., 349
- Chain Porter, Pitt’s, Attached to Block-setting Hercules, Douglas Harbour Works, 492
- Check Valve, The Glace, 156
- Chemical Works, Messrs. Burgoyne, Burbidges, and Co., 164, 165
- Circulating Tubes, Baker’s, Fig. 3, Aylesbury Company’s Cream Separator, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 57
- Clock-driving Apparatus for Astronomical Telescopes, 123
- Clutch, Adam’s Friction, 193
- Coal and Pitch Grinding Mill, Standard Ironworks, Sheffield, Mr. Hall, 175
- Coastguard Boats for the Roumanian Government, The Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, 368, 396
- Collotype Hand Machine, French, Messrs. Water- low and Sons, 334
- Collotype Printing Machine, Messrs. Alauzet and Co., Messrs. Waterlowand Sons’ Photo-Mechanical Works, 283
- Collotype Printing Machine, Messrs. Schmiers, Werner, and Stern, Messrs. Waterlow and Sons’ Photo-Mechanical Works, 283
- Collotype Printing Machines,’ Messrs. Waterlow and Sons, 283
- Constructive Details, Midland Railway, 111, 112
- Crane, 30-ton Steam, Glasgow Harbour, Messrs. G. Russell and Co., 308
- Crane, 25-ton Portable Steam, New Zealand Government Railways, Messrs. J. Jessop and Sons, 67
- Crane, 25-ton Travelling, Pennsylvania Railway, Mr. T. H. Ely, 10, 37
- Crank-shaft, s.s. “ Roslin Castle,” Messrs. T. Richardson and Sons, 451
- Cream Separator, The Aylesbury Company’s New, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 57
- Cream Separator, Hansen’s, 479
- Cross Diagrams, Mr. J. Kemp, 73
- Crowbar, Hydraulic, Messrs. Warner and Sons, 519
- Cruiser “Australia,” H.M. Belted, Messrs. R. Napier and Sons (Supplement, December 7th,1888).
- Cruiser, Swift Protected, “Reina Regente,” Messrs. J. and G. Thomson, 30
- Cut-off Attachment, New, Mr. E. A. Jefferies, 371
- DAM, The Quaker Bridge, Proposed Profiles of, 453
- Dam, The Quaker Bridge, Proposed Sites for, 452
- Diagonal Rivetted Joints, Mr. J. T. Nicolson, 383, 445
- Diagram-meter, Mr. Walter Bagshaw, 157
- Diagram taken from a 6-horse Power Nominal Engine at Normanton Sewage Works, Messrs. A. Shirlaw and Co., 217
- Diagram of Running of Express Trains, Caledonian Railway, 215
- Diagrams from Messrs. J. and H. McLaren’s, Messrs. Hogarth’s, Messrs. E. Foden and Sons, and Mr. W. Young’s Engines at the Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland, Figs. 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 99, 100
- Diamond Mine, Plan of and Section through De Beers, 136
- Drainage Fittings, Kaisergallerie, Berlin, 238
- Drill, Pneumatic and Portable, Messrs. De Bergue and Co., 114
- Drill, Bench, 348
- Dry Dock, Wivenhoe, Mr. R. M. Parkinson, 131
- Duration Test Machine, Mr. W. F. K. Stock on the Valuation of Road Metal and Setts for Paving, 173
- Dynamo 120 Kilo. Watt, Oerlikon Works, Zurich System, C. E. L. Brown, 290
- ELECTRIC Dog-cart, Messrs. Immisch and Co.. 218
- Electric Light Apparatus, Portable, Suez Canal, Messrs. Charlesworth and Co., 312
- Electric Light Installation, Kaisergallerie, Berlin, Messrs. Siemens and Halske {Supplement, September 21st, 1888)
- Electric Lighthouse, The Hanstholm, Jutland, Mr. Fleischer, 388, 392
- Electric Spiral Lift for the Eiffel Tower, M. Back- mann, 101
- Electro-metallurgical Plant, Lauffen-Neuhausen, 290, 291
- Elevating Ferry Steamer, Messrs. Simons and Co., Glasgow Exhibition, 206
- Engine and Boiler rooms, Kingston-on-Thames and Surbiton Sewage Works, 500
- Engine, Compound Goods Tank, North-Eastern Railway, Mr. T. W. Worsdell (Supplement, November 23rd, 1888), 427
- Engine, Compound Surface Condensing, New Tool ' Shop, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham, 305
- Engine and Crane, Compound Traction, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, 96
- Engine, 800-horse-power Tandem, Mr. Proell, 198
- Engine, Goods, Italian Mediterranean Railway, Commendatore Frescot, 396, 397
- Engine, Horizontal Condensing, with Trip Valve Gear, 539
- Engine, Passenger, London and North-Western Railway, 215
- Engine, Portable, Messrs. Richard Garrett‘and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 470
- Engine, Rider Hot Air, Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co., 114, 115
- Engine, The “ Shipman” Automatic Steam, Messrs. John G. Rollins and Co., 82
- Engine, Single-cylinder Stationary, Messrs. Rich. Garrett and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 470
- Engine, 16-horse Winding, Messrs. R. Hornsby and Sons, 135
- Engine, Steam, A New, Expansion Lines, Mr. H. Turner, 208, 263
- Engine, Steam Tramway, La Cie. Metallurgique Tubize, Brussels Exhibition, 322, 323
- Engine with Steel Saddle, Portable, Messrs. R. Garrett and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 26
- Engine, Sulzer, Messrs. T. Calow and Co., Brussels Exhibition, 134, 138
- Engine, Tandem Compound, Mr. H. Turner, 49, 52
- Engine, Traction, Spring Wheel, Messrs. Eddington and Steevenson, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 478, 479
- Engine, Traction, Messrs. Gibbons and Robinson, 115
- Engine, Triple Expansion Semi-Portable, Messrs. Marshall and Co., 71
- Engine, 20-horse Power Compound Undertype, Messrs. Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, 157
- Engines and Boilers of H.M.S. “Terrible,” 1842, Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, 182
- Engines, Centrifugal Pumping, for Australia, Messrs. W. H. Allen and Co., 369, 372
- Engines, Compound Launch, Nettlefolds, Limited, 349,352
- Engines, 'Compound Launch, Messrs. Plenty and Sons, 389
- Engines, Compound, of the Twin-screw Tender “Fusee,” Messrs. T. and J. Hosking, 489, 496
- Engines, Direct-acting, H.M.S. “Albert,” 1866, Messrs. Humphrys and Tennant, 2, 3
- Engines, Hauling and Winding, Messrs. Wild and Co., 79
- Engines, Horizontal Underground Pumping, Messrs. Hulme and Lund, 431
- Engines and Hull of H.M.S. “Terrible,” 1842, Transverse Section through, 179
- Engines, Quadruple Expansion, s.s. “Buenos Ayres,” Messrs. Denny and Co., 327
- Engines of the “Re Umberto,” 20,000 - horse Power Compound, Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field {Supplement, July 6th, 1888)
- Engines of the Screw Tender ‘Fusee,” Cylinders, 489
- Engines, Side Lever, H.M.S. “Salamander,” Messrs. Maud slay and Field, 74
- Engines of the “ Skeandhu,” Diagrams from the, 236
- Engines, Surface Condensing, H.M.S. “Lord Warden,” Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field, . 447
- Engines, 8500 Indicated Horse-power Triple Compound Twin Screw, H.M.S. “Aurora,” Messrs. J. and G. Thomson {Supplement, July 27th, 1888)
- Engines, Triple Expansion, Italian Warship “Sardegna,” 118
- Engines, Triple Expansion Launch, Messrs. Welch and Co., 241, 242
- Engines, Willans’ Central Valve Triple Expansion, and Gwynne’s Centrifugal Pumps, 501
- Engines and Winding Gear, Birmingham Cable Tramways, Messrs. Tangye, 264
- Equatorial, The Lick, 6
- Exhibition of 1889, Plan of the Paris, 529
- FAN Engine, Chandler’s, 363, 365
- Ferry-boat, “Bergen,” Double Screw, Hudson River, at New York, 532
- Filter, The Manufacturers’, Messrs. Slack and Brownlow, 218
- Fire-bars, Settle’s Rocking, 291
- Fire-boat, Screw, for the City of Chicago, 510
- Fire-check, Douse’s Automatic, 427
- Fire-engine, Hand-carriage Steam, The Sphincter Grip Hose Co., 471
- Fire-hole Door, Midland Railway Works, Derbv, Mr. S. W. Johnson, 110, 111
- Fire-steamer for the Thames, Mr. Edward Hayes, 451
- Flash of Lightning from a Photograph, Mr. E. C. H. Dowson, 135
- Floating Steam Fire Engine, Messrs. Shand, Mason, and Co., 178
- Flushing a River at Milwaukee, 538
- Forced Draught Appliances, s.s. “Olympia,” 363 Foundry Plant for the New South Wales Government, Messrs. Thwaites Bros., Constructors, Sir John Fowler and Mr. J. V. Baldry, Engi- neers, 219, 222, 245, 282, 283, 286, 301, 302, 304
- Friction Brake Dynamometers at the Newcastle Engine Trials, 400
- Friction Clutches, Mr. George Adams (Figs.), 193 194
- Friction Gearing, Dublin Port Dredgers, 167
- Friction of Metal Coils, Prof. Hele Shaw, 269
- Fusible Plugs for Steam Boilers, the National Boiler Insurance Co., 257
- GAS Engine and Pump, Otto, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 26
- Gasholder without Upper Guide-framing-. Mr Wm. Gadd, 216
- Girders for Patiala-Bhatinda State Railway, 418
- Governor, Tyrrel’s, Messrs. Clayton and Shuttleworth, Smithfield Club Show, 531
- Governor, Air Pump, 337
- Graphic Statics, R. H. Graham, 216
- Guns, Russian Field and Coast, 70
- HAMMER, Pneumatic, Mr. G. Glossop, 79
- Hay Press, Messrs. W. J. and C. T. Burgess, Smithfield Club Show, 488
- Hoist Gear, Safety, Messrs. J. Taylor and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 57
- Hopper Dredger, Messrs. Simons and Co., Glasgow Exhibition, 202
- Hydraulic Drill, Mr. John Ramsbottom, 165
- ICE-MAKING Machine,Vacuum, Messrs. Southbv and Blyth, 530
- Indicator, Speed, Heath’s Self-timing, 348
- Indicator, Water Level, 493
- Iron Roofing, Southern Mahratta Railway Company, 337
- Iron and Steel, How to Analyse, Parry’s Calorimetric Method, Fig. 2, 129
- Iron and Steel, How to Analyse, Ullgren’s Moist Method, Fig. 1, 43
- LADLE Foundry, Messrs. Craven and Chapman, 95
- Launch, Spirit, Messrs. Yarrow and Co,, 489
- Lift, Archer’s Hydraulic Balance, Columbus Monument, 428, 430
- Lift, Spiral, Eiffel Tower, 101
- Lifters for Laid Crops, Messrs. J. and F. Howard, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 467
- Light, The Jupiter, The Harden Star, Lewis, and Sinclair Company, 218
- Liquid-fuel Heated Gas Retorts, Mr. H. Drorv 194,195
- Lock-nut, The Clutha, 268
- Locomotive Boiler Explosions in France and Belgium (Supplement, August 31st, 1888)
- Locomotive, Compound, Worsdell’s, for the Bengal and Nagpur Railway, 48
- Locomotive, Compound Goods Tank, North- Eastern Railway (Supplement, October 26th, 1888) Locomotive, Compound Express, on the London and North-Western Railway Mr. F. W. Webb (Supplement, December 21st), 511, 515
- Locomotive, Express, Great Western Railway, Mr. Wm. Dean (Supplement, August 17th, 1888)
- Locomotive against Time, Erecting a, at Altoona. 260
- Locomotive, The Raub, 482
- Locomotive, Wootten Express, Union Pacific Railway, 15
- Low-water Alarm, Simplex, Murrie’s Engineering Company, 269
- Lubricator, Beiliss’ and Dadd's, 539
- Lubricator, The Kingfisher, 335
- Lubricator, Wildemann’s, 467
- MACHINE Tools, Great Western Rail way Works, Swindon, 411, 412, 414
- Map of the Dore and Chinley Railway, 15
- Map of the Nile and Delta, 487
- Measuring the Energy of a Fly-wheel, Instrument for, Professor Perry, 36
- Milk Separator, Hansen’s Centrifugal, 479
- Milk Separator, Aylesbury Dairy Company’s, 57
- Mill, Coal and Pitch Grinding, Hall’s, 175
- Mill, The Huntingdon Centrifugal Roller, 519
- Milling and Mill-drill Machines, London Lathe and Tool Company, 156
- Mine Ventilator, Diagram,. Miner, 208
- Monument, The Columbus, Barcelona, Signor Buigas, Architect, Messrs. J. Richmond and Co. Engineers, 434
- Multiple Punching Machine, Messrs. John Birch and Co., 195
- NAVAL Architecture at the Glasgow Exhibition, 152, 153
- Nut-lock, The Stark, 175
- Nut-tapping Machine, Multiple, Messrs. Smith and Coventry, 414
- PENDULUM for Synchronising Clocks, Mr. Davey, 89
- Photo-Mechanical Printing Works and Machines, Messrs. Waterlow and Sons, 279, 280, 283, 334
- Piston, Improved Lancaster, 531
- Piston, Serpent Coil, Messrs. Lancaster and Tonge, 396
- Plate-bending Rolls, Messrs. Rushworth and Co., 7
- Practical Drawing, J. R., 491
- Press, Box, Mr. G. Stephenson, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 27
- Press, Hand, Messrs. Barford and Perkins’, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 3, 28
- Press, Hand, Messrs. J. II. Ladd and Co. Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 4, 27
- Press, Hand Hay, Burgess’s, 488
- Press, Hand-power Hay, Mr. J. Bradbury, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 56
- Press, Light Screw, Mr. J. Bamber, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 2, 27
- Press, Filter’s System, Hay and Straw, Samuelson’s, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 27
- Press Table, the Woodbury Type, Messrs. Water- low and Sons, 334
- Profiles of Great Northern and North-Eastern Railways, King’s Cross to Edinburgh, 438
- Profiles of London and North-Western and Caledonian Railways, 214
- Propulsion of Ships by Air Propellers, Mr. H. C. Vogt, 270
- Pumping Engine, Light Portable, Messrs. Merryweather and Sons, 522
- Pumping Engine at the West Middlesex Waterworks, Hampton, Trials of a Worthington High- duty, Mr. W. C. Unwin, 469, 490
- Pumping Engines, Centrifugal, 199, 304, 349
- Pumping Engines, Direct - acting Compound Surface-condensing, for the Hartlepool Gas and Water Co., Messrs. Worth, Mackenzie, and Co. (Supplement, December 21si, 1888), 520
- Pumping Station, Kirkby, St. Helens Water Supply, 143, 144, 145
- Punch and Shears, Multiple, Swindon, Messrs. Fielding and Platt, 411
- Punching Machine, Multiple, Birch and Co., 195
- Punching and Shearing Machine, Pulley for, Mr. H. Crowther, Messrs. Geo. Booth and Co., 76
- QUARRIES, Box and Corsham, 256
- RAILWAY, Sind-Pishin, Fixed and Expansion Bearings, Messrs. Charles worth and Co., 313
- Railway, Dore and Chinley, 156
- Railways, Great Northern and North-Eastern, Profiles of, 438
- Railway Works, Swindon, 411, 414
- Reaper, Sheaf Binder, Howard’s, 467
- Refrigerating Agent, Use of Ammonia as a, Mr. T. B. Lightfoot, 357, 358
- Railways in the County Kerry, New, 426
- Refrigerating Machine, Carbonic Anhydride, Messrs. Hall and Co., 79
- Refrigerating Machinery at Birkenhead, 294
- Reservoir, Storage, Grand Junction Waterworks Company, Ealing, Mr. Alexander Fraser, Messrs. John Aird and Sons, 158, 160
- Rifle, The Lebel Magazine, 261
- Roller Mill, The Huntington Centrifugal, Messrs. Davey, Paxman, and Co., 519
- Rolling Mill on Louth’s Plan, 121
- SCREW Press, Mr. W. Warne, Royal Agricultural Society, 13
- Screw Propellers, Drawings giving the Method of Setting out the Propeller, J. V. Trew, 159
- Screw Steamers, Awning Deck, “Aguan” and “Hondo,” 153
- Screw Steamship, “Warren Hastings,” The, 152
- Screw Tap, An Improved, Mr. Williams Mather, 250
- Seaming Machine, Universal Double, Messrs. Norton, Owen, and Co., 479
- Sewage and Sludge Pump, Mr. J. C. R. Okes, 326
- Siege Artillery, English and Russian, 458
- Sheaf Binder, Conveyor, and Packer, Messrs. R. Hornsby and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 7, 57
- Sheaf Binder, Elevator, and Packers, Messrs. R. Hornsby and Sons, Fig. 6, 57
- Sheaf Binder Rollers, Messrs. R. Hornsby and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Fig. 5, 57
- Sheaf Binder, Steel-frame, Messrs. J. and F. Howard, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 467
- Ship Canals, Bridgewater and Manchester, 365
- Ship, Four-masted, “Falls of Earn,” 153
- Sluice for Weirs, Balanced or Automatic, 90
- Small Passenger Boat Service, Plymouth Harbour, 385
- Spanners, The “Hansell-Sweet’’ Steel, 531
- Spectroscope, The Lick Equatorial, 7
- Speed Indicator, Heath’s Patent Self-timing, 348
- Spirit Launch, “Snark,” Messrs. Yarrow and Co., 489
- Spring Wheel, Messrs. J. Fowler and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 23
- Stacking Crane, Box and Corsham Stone Quarries, Bath, 257
- Steamboats, Rhine, 109
- Steam Cylinder Lubricator, Steam Cylinder Lubricator Co., 14
- Steam Launch, “Nettle,” Nettlefolds Limited, 349, 352
- Steam Yacht, “Salem,” Messrs. Fullerton and Co., 237
- Steam Yacht, “ Skeandhu,” The, Messrs. Fleming and Ferguson, 235, 236
- Steamer, Atlantic, “City of New York,” Messrs. J. and G. Thomson, 34
- Steamer, Passenger, “Electrico,” Messrs. Alex. Stephen and Sons, 410
- Steamers, Screw, Aguan and Hondo, 153
- Steel Sleepers for Indian State Railways, 459
- Stone, A Great, Pilkington Quarry, 348
- TARGETS, Steel-faced and Wrought Iron, at Meppen, 35
- Tension Members of Trussed Girders and Cantilevers, Stahldraht, 329
- Tool Rest for Planing Machines, Double-acting, Mr. T. H. Martin, 389
- Torpedo, The Howell, 145
- Torpedo Boat “ Empong,” Dutch, Messrs. Yarrow and Co., 376
- Traction Engine and Crane, 96
- Traction Engine, Eddington and Steevenson, 478 (see Engine, Traction)
- Tramways, Cable, Birmingham, 264
- Tramway Locomotive, 322
- Truck Axle-bush, Mr. A. Cooper, 175
- Tube Rivetter, 195
- Tubes, Manufacture of, Mr. James Robertson, 263, Figs. 109, 110
- Tubular Boilers and Bunkers, H.M.S. “Terrible,” 1842, Transverse Section through, 179
- Tunnels, Anderson’s Apparatus for Carrying off Gases from, 356
- Turret, French Disappearing Single Gun, The Company des Forges de Chatillon Commentry, 44, 45
- Twin-screiy Ferry Steamer “Clutha,” Glasgow Exhibition, 299
- Twist Drill Grinder, Griffiths’, 45
- Twist Drill Grinder, The Sundale, Messrs. Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co., 522
- VACUUM Pan and Pump, Messrs. Burgoyne, Burbidges and Co., 165
- Valve, Check, Glace, 156
- Valve Gear, Mr. Robert Rickie, 14
- Valve Gear, Joy’s, Inside and Outside Cylinders, London and North-Western Railway, 511
- Valve Gear, Rait’s, 348
- WAGON, Road and Rail, Wolverton, Stony Stratford, and District Light Railway, 405, 406
- Wagon Wheel with Central Flange Disc Excen- trically Mounted, Wolverton, Stony Stratford, and District, Light Railway, 405
- Water Gauge, Asbestos-packed, 314
- Water Heater, Yates’, Brussels Exhibition, 199
- Water Level Indicator, Record by, in Glasgow Exhibition, 493
- Water Level Indicator and Recorder, Electric, Messrs. Barr and Mac whir ter, 493
- Windlass, Conical Drum, 427
- Wire Ropeway, Otto, Gottesegen Colliery, View in Open Country, and Delivery and Turning Stages, 534
See Also
Sources of Information