The Engineer 1889 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1889 Jan-Jun: Index
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1889, 11
- ABSTRACTS of Consular and Diplomatic Reports, 48, 71, 132, 218, 260, 305, 403, 433, 456, 500, 533
- Accumulators Alkaline, 45
- Accuracy in Mechanical Construction, Mr. S. Dixon on, 60
- Acme Steam Trap, The, 379
- Addy, Mr. Geo., Milling Cutter, 137
- Adelphi Theatre, Electric Light Installation, 72,73
- Aden, The Defence of, 217
- Admiral Class of Battleships Converted into Cruisers, 224
- Admiral Scott on the Gun Question, 487
- Admiralty Iron and Steel Orders for Staffordshire, 229
- Admiralty’s Programme, The, 251, 313
- Aerial Ropeways, 316
- Agricultural Engineering at the Paris Exhibition, 441
- Air Compressor, Value of an, in Engineering ' Works, 470
- Alexandra Graving Dock, Belfast, 100-Ton Crane, Mr. J. Taylor, 501
- Alkaline Accumulators, 45
- Aluminium, 520
- Aluminium Alloy Castings, 475
- American Breech-loading Cast Steel Gun, 223
- American Engineering News, 64, 104, 148, 190, 232, 276, 338, 356, 406, 450, 492, 514, 533
- American Engineering Societies to Europe, Proposed Visit of, 249
- American Engineers, The, 529
- American Notes, 21, 67, 87, 107, 151, 175, 214, 235, 257, 320, 341, 359, 387, 429, 495, 515, 536
- Ammunition for Small Arms, 90
- Angle of Rest for Dry Sand, The, 512
- Animal Locomotion, The Science of, in its Relation to Design in Art, Mr. Edward Maybridge, 208
- Anthracite Iron, 165
- Antifriction Spiral Conveyor, The, 382
- Antofagasta Railway, Bolivia, Viaduct over the River Loa, 332, 335, 337, 346, 347, 348 (Supplement, April 26th, 1889)
- Apparatus for Providing a Steady Platform for Guns, &c. at Sea, Mr. Beauchamp Tower, 324, 325
- Aqua-Thruster, Berry’s, Messrs. Bailey and Co., 137
- Archer’s Drain Pipe Joint, 25
- Architecture, Lectures on, at the City and Guilds of London Institute, 167
- Arithmetical Systems, 102, 138,172, 182, 202, 232, 274, 275, 330
- Arktos Cold Air and Freezing Apparatus, Messrs. A. M. Perkins and Son, 209
- Arktos Freezing Machine, Theory of the, 209, 233
- Armour and Little Armour, 351
- Armour for Ships, Sir N. Barnaby, On, 318
- Army Estimates and Supply of War Material, Our, 228
- Arrol and Pringle’s Valve Gear, 47
- Artesian Borings in Burmah, 356
- Assistant Engineers, Admission of, in the Royal Navy, 203
- - Visit to the Caledonian Railway Works, 481
- - Visit to the Esk Paper Miils, 559
- - Visit to the Forth Bridge Works, 449
- - A New Chapter in the History of the Manchester and Liverpool Railway, Aiderman W. H. Bailey, 92
- - Machinery Used in Modern Flour Mills, Mr. H. E. Chattock, 122
- - Visit to Messrs. Clayton, Son, and Co.’s Works, 415
- - Strength of Iron and Steel, Professor Kennedy, 148
- - Mr. Powrie’s Visit to the Annual Dinner of the Middlesbrough Association, 208
- - Probable Excursions and their Dates, 369
- - Account of the Eighth Annual Meeting, 203
- Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors, 292, 325
- Atmospheric Air, Mr. A. W. Brightmore on the Application of, to Produce Motive Power, 67
- Attraction, 314
- Australian Engineering Notes, 64, 103, 148, 190, 406, 492
- Aveling and Porter’s Electric Lighting Traction Engine, 467
- Awards for Workmen’s Inventions, 100
- BAGNALL’S Steel Sleepers, 329
- Balanced Slide Valves, 397
- Band Saw Machine for Deep Cutting, Double, Messrs. John Watts and Co., 197, 201
- “Bar Lock” Type Writer, The, 382
- Barbados Harbours, 462
- Barbette Ship, 231
- Barbette Ship, Admiral Type, 230
- Barcelona Exhibition, 189
- Basic Open Hearth Steel, Mr. J. H. Darby on, 423
- Bateman, Mr. John Latrobe, 509
- Battleships, Alternative Designs for First-class, 230
- Battleship Designs, 330
- Battleships, On the Designs for the New, 306, 307
- Bauer’s Stocks and Dies and Tube and Bolt Vice, 250
- Bazalgette, C.B., Sir J. W., His Retirement, 141
- Beacon Lights and Fog Signals, Sir Jas. Douglass on, 264
- Behr, Mr. F. B., Presentation of, to the President of the Argentine Republic, 139
- Belgian State Railway Works, Mechlin, Plan of Tool Making and Grinding Shop, 237
- Bellite, 234
- Bellite Experiments, 116
- Beloe, Mr. Charles H., Appointed Consulting Engineer to the International Water and Sewage Company, 40
- Belpaire Steam Carriage, La Cie. Metallurgique, 463
- Bessemer Steel Rails, 376
- Birmingham Electrical and Industrial Exhibition, 1889, 509
- Birmingham, U.S.A., 532
- Biscuit-making Machinery, Paris Exhibition, 502, 503
- Blackwall Tunnel, The, 120
- Board of Trade and Electric Lighting, The, 126
- Board of Works and Private Bills, The, 178
- Boiler of Express Engine, Belgian State Railways, 469
- Boilers, Management and Care of Steam, Mr. A. McKenzie, 220
- Boilers, Marine, Mr. Parker on their Management, 78
- Boilers and Parliament, Steam, 245
- Boiler Tube, Serve’s Patent Ribbed, 335
- Boilers, Vertical, 27
- Boilers, Using Unsafe Steam, 369
- Bolton Engineer, Death of a, 305
- Bombay Municipal Buildings, The, 67
- Bookbinding Machinery, Paris Exhibition, 367, 380
- Books Received, 101, 122, 143, 167, 187, 249, 315, 325, 401, 467, 509, 551
- Box Nailing Machine, 245
- Brakes, The Battle of the, 242
- Bramwell, Sir F., 4
- Bread Making, Lectures on, by Mr. Wm. Jago, 203
- Brewery Plant, Mr. J. Nimmo, 340
- Bridge, The Hawkesbury, 381, 500
- Bridge, The New Dee, 520
- Bridge, A New Railway, 433
- Bridge Over the North River, New York, Pro posed Designs for, 411, 412, 413
- Bridge, The Sukkur, 390
- Bridges, Compression Members of, Mr. John H Turner, 190
- Bridges over the Manchester Ship Canal, 435
- Bridges, Some South American Railway, 436, 438
- British Association at Bath, Expenses for th< Reception of the, 67
- Brown’s Self-regulating Oil Cup, 304
- Buenos Ayres, Public Works at, 240
- Bullivant’s Wire Rope Works, Plan of, 243
- Bursting a Boiler Made to Admiralty Scantlings Mr. John Scott, 324
- Butter Churn, Mr. G. Hathaway, 553
- Butter Extractor, Mr. Johansson, 552
- CABLE Grip, New, Mr. F. Schelp, 439
- Cabry and Kinch’s Improved Steel Sleeper, 8, 74
- Calais-Douvres, The New, 532
- “Calliope” Escaped, How the, 383, 436
- Callipers, Indicating, Mr. H. Rickinson, 378
- Camera Club, 27
- Camera, The Rodak, 402
- Camera Stand, American Heavy, 402
- Canal for the Crimea, 458
- Canal Lift, Fontinette’s Hydraulic, 134, 136
- Canal Lift, Hydraulic, La Louvibre, Belgium, 25 28, 76, 82
- Canalisation of Rivers, The, 59, 145, 252, 349, 439, 440, 441, 522
- Canals, Development of, 207
- Canals and Inland Navigation, W. H. Wheeler 109, 153, 195, 281
- Cape Mail Service, The, 212
- Capell Fan, German Type, 39
- Capell Fan, Waleswood Colliery, 39
- Captain Shaw and the London County Council, 343
- Car Wheels, the “ Peckham,” 483
- Carry’s Ice Machine, 418
- Carriage Heating Apparatus, Caledonian Railway, Mr. D. Drummond, 3, 5, 14
- Carver’s Patent Fire-Extinguishing Apparatus, 434
- Casting, A Remarkable, Paris Exhibition, 521
- Catalogues, 242
- Cavendish College, Cambridge, 161
- Centrifugal Machines, Improved, Messrs. Alliott and Haughton, 39
- Centrifugal Pumps, 102
- Cerro de Pasco Gold Mine, 300-H.P. Jonval Turbine, Mr. W. Gunther, 468
- Cerro de Pasco, Stamp Mill, 134
- Chain and Nail Trades, The, 466
- Chapin Iron Ore Mine, Michigan, U.S.A., 395, 398, 420, 423, 460, 461
- Chat Moss Horse Patten, 92
- China Clay Mining, Mr. Dering Beale, 171
- China, Natural Gas in, 422
- Chinese Railways, 377
- City of London and Southwark Subway, 103, 477
- “City of Paris,” The, 492
- Cleethorpes Sewerage, 559
- Clyde Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering during 1888, 47
- Coal Miners’ Agitation, 248
- Coal Miners and Coal, 314
- Coal for the Navy, 422, 444
- Coal Supply, Our, 205
- Coal Trade, New Development in the, 270
- Coal Trade, The New Struggle in the, 100
- Coaling Stations, Defences of Our, No. 3, Aden, 217
- Coaling Stations, Defences of Our, No. 1, Hong Kong, 45
- Coaling Stations, Defences of Our, No. 2, Singapore, 89
- Coast Railways for the Madras Presidency, 121
- Coke Manufacture, The, 6
- Coleman, Mr. J. J., 4
- Colliery Warning, 17
- Colliers and Coalowners, 1885-1889, 445
- Colomb, Admiral, on the Relations between Our Fortifications and Our Navy, 207
- Colombia, Railroads in, 304
- Combustion in Gas Engines, 546
- Commerce, A New Ruling in, 229
- Compound Principle as Applied to Locomotives, Mr. Edgar Worthington on the, 78
- Compressed Air Power Plant, Chapin Iron Mine, Michigan, 420
- Compressibility of Gases, M. Amagal on the, 43
- Compressibility of Water, Salt Water, Mercury, and Glass, Prof. Tait on the, 40
- Condensation in Steam Cylinders, 251
- Conemaugh Dam, The, 508, 531
- Conemaugh Flood, The, 487
- Construction of Bridges without Centreing, The, 466
- Construction of Small Harbours, and the Silting they give Rise to, Mr. G. Farren, 187
- Control of Estuaries, The, 35
- Contractor’s Tank Locomotive, 395
- Conversazione of the Royal Society, 526
- Conveyor, The Anti-Friction Spiral, 382
- Conveyor, The Patent Combination, 325
- Copper, The Collapse in, 249
- Copper, The Fall in, 254
- Copper, The Future of, 81
- Copper Steam Pipes, Practical Hints on, 38
- Corliss Engine, Horizontal, Mr. John Cochrane, Glasgow Exhibition, 25, 29, 50
- Corrosion and Pitting in Marine Boilers, On, 384
- Corrosion of Steel Ships, 143
- Cost of Working the Hartz Mountain Railway, Mr. R. Wilson on the, 254
- County Council and the London Water Companies, 206
- Crane, 100-Ton, Alexandra Graving Dock, Belfast, 501
- Crystal Palace, The, 251
- Crystal Palace Photographic Exhibition, 336
- Cycles, The Stanley Exhibition of, 157, 211
- Cylinder Condensation, 80, 103
- Cylinder Condensation, Theories of, 207, 224
- DAM on the Verse, Westphalia, Proposed (Supplement, February 1st, 1889), 103, 122, 139
- Dams in America, Failure of, 523
- Daventry, Sewerage of, 543
- Davey’s Expansive Direct-acting Accumulator Engine, 310, 316
- Decauville Railway and Rolling Stock at the Paris Exhibition, 447, 448
- Dee Bridge, The New, 520
- Defence of Our Coaling Stations, Cape of Good Hope, 418
- Defences of Our Coaling Stations, The Cape of Good Hope, 281
- Defries Oil Stove, The, 249
- Delta Metal, 335, 346
- Denny’s Patent Nutlock Washer, 556
- Depth of Mines, 50
- Deptford Central Station of the London Electric Supply Corporation, 286, 287, 293, 311, 315
- “Dimensions” of Physical and Mechanical Quantities, Dr. O. Lodge, 131
- District Distribution of Steam in the United States, Dr. Chas. E. Emery on the, 298
- Dock Accommodation on the Tyne, 143
- Docks for London? Why More, 147
- Docks at Nordenham, 229
- Doctors Disagree, 521
- Donkin’s Coefficient, 271, 331, 369
- Dover Promenade Pier, 433
- Drain-pipe Joint, Archer’s, 25
- Drainage, Inspection and Cleansing of Domestic, Mr. W. D. Scott Moncrieff, 124, 168
- Drainage of Margate, The, 275
- Drainage of the Mexico Valley, 555
- Draw Hook and Coupling, Hosken’s, 303
- Drill, The Truro Rock, 2
- Driving Wheels for Locomotive Engines and Allied Questions, The Best Size of, Prof. A. G. Greenhill, 259
- Duodecimals, Mr. G. Halliday, 183
- Duperre Gun Accident, The, 121
- Durham College of Science, 261
- Dust Particles in the Air, Mr. John Aitken on, 30
- Dynamite Gun, 266
- Dynamo-electric Machines, Mr, W. A. Walton, 112
- Dynamo Machine, The Lowrie-Parker, 434, 435
- Dynamo Machines, Internal Friction Gear for Driving, 425
- EDISON-SWAN Co.’s Electric Focus Lamp, The, 274
- Edmeston and Sons, Messrs., Clutch Testing Apparatus, 114, 139
- Eiffel Tower, December 30th, 1888, The, 6, 32, 39
- Eiffel Tower, Completion of the, 288
- Eiffel Tower, Elevators in the, 240, 241, 416, 417, 474, 508
- Eiffel Tower, Substructure of the, 52, 53
- Eiffel Tower, The Top of, 6
- Electric Blow Pipe, The, 272
- Electric Light in the Highlands, Installation of the, 356
- Electric Light Installation, Adelphi Theatre, The Edison-Swan United Co., 72, 73
- Electric Light at the Paris Exhibition, 365, 389, 413, 436, 442, 445, 521
- Electric Lighting, The Board of Trade and, 126, 143
- Electric Lighting of the Inner Temple, 349
- Electric Lighting in London, 443
- Electric Lighting Machinery, Mr. Hawkins on, 321
- Electric Light at the Paris Exhibition, The Thomson-Houston System, 539, 548
- Electric Light at the Paris Exhibition, The Fabius Henrion System, 457
- Electric Light at the Paris Exhibition, The Oerlikon Works, 506, 509, 510, 511
- Electric Motors in Steel Car Service, Success of, in Boston, 514
- Electric Street Railways in America, 147
- Electrical Propulsion of Street Vehicles, 95
- Electrical Tramway, The Northfleet Series, 219, 221, 222
- Electrical Treatment of Sewage, 261
- Electro-magnetic Rotary Polarisation, Professor Kundt on, 501
- Electro-magnetism, Speculations on, and Induction of Electro-motive Force as the Basis of a Iheory of Dynamo Machines, W. Fritsche, 523
- Electro-motors and their Applications, Mr. G. L. Gregson, 223
- Elevators in the Eiffel Tower, 240, 241, 416, 417, 508
- “Enchantress,” The, 409
- Energy, 27
- Energy in a Pound of Air, The, 50
- Engine, Bogie Passenger, Glasgow and South- Western Railway (Supplement, March 1st and 22nd, 1889), 188, 239, 249
- Engine, Bogie Passenger, Italian Mediterranean Railway, Commendatore Frescot, 96, 97
- Engine, 400-H.P. Compound Condensing, at the Brussels Exhibition, 154, 155, 164
- Engine, Express, Belgian State Railways, 363, 364 Engine Express, for the Italian Mediterranean Railway, 272, 273
- Engine, The Forward Gas, 294, 295
- Engine, Horizontal, Messrs. C. Burrell and Co., R.A.S.E. Show, 529
- Engine, Horizontal, Messrs. Ransome, Sims, and Jefferies, 546
- Engine, Horizontal Corliss, Glasgow Exhibition, Mr. John Cochrane, 25, 29, 50
- Engine, Passenger, Glasgow and South-Western Railway, Mr. H. Smellie (Supplement. March 1st 1889), 188
- Engine, Portable Oil, 522
- Engine, Portable Winding, Messrs. R. Hornsby and Co., 189
- Engine, The Richardson High-speed, 245
- Engine, Semi-portable, Messrs. McLaren, 545
- Engine, Semi-portable, the R.A.S.E. Show, 525
- Engine, Six-coupled Belgian, 455
- Engine, Six-coupled Express, Belgian State Railways, 455, 464, 469
- Engine, Spring Traction, Messrs. Burrell and Sons, 544
- Engine, Steam, Mr. Edwards, 546
- Engine, Steam Tramway La Cie. Metallurgique, 463
- Engine Trials, Society of Arts, 162, 177, 195
- Engineer Branch of the Royal Navy, The, 79
- Engineering Feat, Concerning a Recent, 335
- - Brewery Plant, Mr. J. Nimmo, 340
- - Lubrication, Mr. E. P. Bannister, 457
- - Management and Care of Steam Boilers, Mr. A. M’Kenzie, 220
- - Screw Propellers, Mr. H. G. Young, 397
- Engineering Units, 99, 185
- Engineers for India and Elsewhere, 422
- Engineers and the London County Council, 97
- Engineers for the Navy, 334, 351, 369, 449
- Engineers for the Navy, 296
- Engineers as Shipwright Surveyors, 331
- Engines and Boilers, H.M.S. “Calliope,” Messrs. J. and G. Rennie, 326
- Engines, Combustion in Gas, 546
- Engines, Compound, of S.S. “Rouen’’and “Paris” (Supplement, March 15th, 1889), 223
- Engines, Four-wheel Coupled Passenger Tank, Metropolitan District Railway (Supplement, May 18th, 1889), 415
- Engines, H.M.S. “Australia,” Triple Expansion, 261, 268
- Engines of H.M.S. “Australia” and “Galatea,” 261, 268
- Engines.of “La Flandre,” Paddle Steamer for the Belgian Royal Mail Service, 284, 285
- Engines, Quadruple Compound, Mr. Thos. Mudd, 48
- Engines, Spirit, 403, 416, 488, 526, 556
- Engines, Steam, at the R.A.S.E. Show, 544
- Engines, Steam Launch, Mr. A. Mumford, 274
- Engines, S.S. “Singapore,” Quadruple Expansion, 328, 329, 355
- Engines, Triple Expansion, in a Flax Mill, Messrs. V. Coates and Co., 183
- Engines, Triple Expansion, of the S.S. “Benmore” (Supplement, May 3rd, 1889), 370
- Engines, .Triple Expansion, in Steamships “Caloric” and “Domira” (Supplement, January 4th, 1889), 8
- Engines of the U.S. Cruiser “Baltimore,” Dock Trials of, 463
- English Railway Statistics, 417
- Ericsson, John, 229, 269, 296
- Erosion of Coast Lines, The, 100
- Exhibition, 1889
- Exhibition, Barcelona, 189
- Exhibition, 1889, The Birmingham Electrical and Industrial, 326, 446, 509
- Exhibition of Cycles, The Stanley, 157
- Exhibition, The Electrical and Industrial, Bingley Hall, Birmingham, 326, 446, 509
- Exhibition, International Novelties, 320
- Exhibition, The Melbourne, 137, 192
- Exhibition, The Paris, (see Paris)
- Exhibition, The Photographic, at the Crystal Palace, 402
- Explosions of Locomotive Boilers in France and Belgium, Holland, and England, 29, 91, 157
- Explosives Act, The, 333
- Explosives, High, Mr. P. F. Nursey on, 392
- Explosives, Modern, 443
- Export Rail Trade, The, 445
- FABIUS-HENRION System, The, 457
- Factory Chimneys, 462, 484
- Fan Efficiency, 26, 62, 63, 83, 102, 112, 138, 171, 172, 182, 202, 224, 275, 296
- Fan Problem, A, 4
- Fan Phenomena, 101, 224
- Fell System on the Rimutaka Incline, New Zealand, The, 254
- Ferranti Armature, Details of the, 524
- Filters, Halliday’s High and Low-pressure, 283
- Finsbury Technical College Conversazione, The, 480
- Fire Boats, 4, 27
- Fire-extinguishing Apparatus, Carver’s, 434
- Fireproof Floors, Mr. G. M. Lawford, 326
- Flow of Air in a Diverging Conical Trunk, into which it is Driven by a Fan, Dr. Oliver Lodge on the, 1, 46
- Fontinette’s Hydraulic Canal Lift, 134, 136
- Force and Energy, by Grant Allen, 309
- Forced Draught, 4
- Forced Percolation of Water through Concrete, Mr. Henry Faija on the, 504
- Foreign Steamships in British Ports, 400
- Foreigners in English Workshops, 551
- Forth Bridge, The, Progress to December 1st. 1888, 36
- Fortification and Fleets, 421
- Forward Gas Engine, The, 294, 295
- Free Trade v. Fair Trade for the Juveniles, 4
- Frith, Mr. E., 401
- Friction of Slide Valves, 238, 275, 282
- Friction Clutches, 114, 139, 172, 183
- Fuel Gas, Distribution of Cheap, 224
- Future Warship Design, 251
- GARRETT and SONS, Messrs. Richard, The Melbourne Exhibition and, 137
- Gas Engines, Combustion in, 546
- Gas Producer, The Ingham, 3, 18
- Gas Producer and Plate Furnace, Central Shipyard, West Hartlepool, Mr. W. P. Ingham, 3, 18
- Gas Supply, The, 507
- Gas, Water, 84, 103, 182
- Gasholder Tanks, Construction of, Mr. C. Hunt, 161
- General Kalakoutsky, Death of, 121
- General View of Boiler-house and Engine-house, Central Station, Compagnie Parisienne de 1’Air Comprime, Belleville, Paris, 367, 368, 371, 374
- Geology as Applied to Engineering, Mr. Virgoe, 134
- German Coal Miners’ Strike, The, 423
- Girders and Cruciform Sections, Universal Rolling Mills for the Rolling of, Hugo Sack, 405, 423, 426
- Glasgow, Cross-river Communication at, 166
- Gold-mining Machinery in Wales, 352
- Gold-mining Plant, Cerro de Pasco, Transvaal, 133, 134
- Governor, Wild’s, 137
- Governors, Messrs. Tyrrell and Deeds, 3
- Graphic Method of Calculating Strains in Arches, Mr. R. Peirce on the, 353
- Graydon Shell, The, 160
- Gripper for Cable Tramways, A New, 395
- Growth of Steamships, The, 466
- Griison, Privy Councillor Hermann, 520
- Guarantee System in Ireland, as Applied to Railways, 303
- Guernsey Waterworks, The, 486, 491
- Gun, American Breech-loading. Cast Steel, 223
- Gun on Board the Admiral Duperr6, Rupture of a 34-c.m.,117
- Gun Defence, Quick-Firing, Captain Stone, on, 71
- Gun-Firing Apparatus, Rowe’s Automatic, 395
- Gun, 47-Ton, H.M.S. “Edinburgh,” 287, 288
- Gun Question, The Great, 512
- Gun, Test of a U.S. Cast Steel Breech-loading Rifled, 37
- Gunnery Questions, How they are Settled by Calculation, The Curvature of the Trajectory, 23
- Guns, Breech-loading, of H.M.S. “ Benbow,” 483
- Guns of the “ Vesuvius,” Disabling of One of the, 405
- HALLIDAY’S High and Low-Pressure Filters, 283
- Hamburg Shipping, 370
- Harrison’s Steering Gear, 90
- Hawkesbury Bridge, The, 381, 500
- Heating and Lighting of the Future, The, 207
- Henrion Dynamos, 457
- H.M.S. Battleship “Edinburgh” (Supplement, April 5th, 1889), 288, 293
- H.M.S. "Benbow" (Supplement, June 7th, 1889), 482
- H.M.S. “Edinburgh,” 47-TonGun, 287, 288
- H.M.S. “Victoria,” Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell and Co. (Supplement, February 15th, 1889), 140, 147, 185
- H.M.S. “ Vulcan,” 543
- Hett’s Turbine Governor, 244
- History and Manufacture of Gas Coal, Mr. H. Pooley, 223
- Hodges and Bridgman’s Patent Box-Nailing Machine, 245
- Holdfast Roller Cap and Centre Shaft, 294
- Hong Kong and Coast Adjacent, Map of the Island of, 45
- Hong Kong, Proposed Drainage of, 376
- Hopcraft’s Rotative Furnace, 250
- Horse Patten, Chat Moss, 92
- Hosken’s Draw Hook and Coupling, 303
- Hotchkiss Ordnance at the Paris Exhibition, The, 478, 479
- Howard, Mr. James, 90
- Hudson River Tunnel, The, 282
- Hunt’s Lathe, 383
- Hydraulic Apparatus, Variable Power, Mr. J. Stannah, 439
- ICE'MAKING Plant, Puplett’s 25-Ton Ammonia, 74, 77
- Imperial Docks Bill, Collapse of the, 189
- Imperial Taxation in Different Countries, Mr. J. S. Jeans, on the Amount and Incidence of, 67
- India, Thirty Years’ Progress of, 549
- India-Rubber Trade on the Chindwin in Burmah, 117
- Indicator, The Mclnnes, 489
- Induced Currents, 131
- Industrial Monopoly, The Reign of, 33
- Ingham Gas Producer, The, 3, 18
- Injectors, 313
- Injectors, Mr. Sidney Bould on, 298
- Inspecting Engineers, 462, 512
- - Bread-Making, Mr. Wm. Jago’s Lectures on, 203
- - Lectures on Architecture, Subjects, 167
- - Annual Meeting of, 396
- - Basic Open-Hearth Steel, Mr. J. H. Darby, 423
- - Programme of Arrangements, 356
- - Thermo-Chemistry Applied to Metallurgy, Mr. Pourcel, 423
- - Universal Rolling Mills for the Rolling of Girders and Cruciform Sections, Mr. Hugo Sack, 405, 423, 426
- - Pressure, Mr. J. McFarlane Gray, 457
- - Shafting in the Mercantile Marine, Mr. G. W. Manuel, 481, 501
- Institute, The Sanitary, 414
- INSTITUTE, OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, 25, 338, 453, 492
- - Armour for Ships, Sir N. Barnaby, 318
- - The Compound Principle as Applied to Locomotives, Mr. Edgar Worthington, 78
- - Construction of Gasholder Tanks, Mr. C. Hunt, 161
- - Cost of Working the Hartz Mountain Railway, Mr. Robt. Wilson, 254
- - District Distribution of Steam in the United States, Dr. Chas. E. Emery, 298
- - Electro Motors and their Applications, Mr. G. L. Gregson, 223
- - Fell System on the Rimutaka Railway, New Zealand, The, Mr. J. Prime Maxwell, 254
- - Graphic Method of Calculating Strains in Arches, The, Mr. R. Peirce, 353
- - Pumping Machinery in the Fenland, Mr. Lawrence Gibbs, 93
- - Students of the Institution’s Annual Dinner, 395
- - Treatment of Steel by Hydraulic Pressure, and the Plant Employed for the Purpose, Mr. W. H. Greenwood, 449, 512
- - Trincheras Steep Incline on the Puerto Cabello and Valencia Railway, Venezuela Railway, Mr. John Carruthers, 183
- - Wind as a Motor, Mr. R. Godfrey, 137
- - On Corrosion and Pitting in Marine Boilers, 384
- - Annual Dinner, 401
- - Compound Locomotives, Mr. R. H. Lapage, 124
- - Inaugural Address of Mr. Chas. Cochrane, 378
- - Latest Development of Roller Flour Milling, Mr. H. Simon, 124
- - Report upon Trials of the s.s. “Meteor,” Professor A. Kennedy, 380, 389, 414
- - Supplementary Paper on the Use of Petroleum Refuse as Fuel in Locomotive Engines, Mr. Thos. Urquhart, 124
- - Syllabus of Papers to be Read, 84
- - Apparatus for Providing a Steady Platform for Guns, &c., at Sea, Mr. Beauchamp Tower, 324, 325
- - Bursting a Boiler made to Admiralty Scantlings, Mr. John Scott, 324
- - Dates of Annual Meetings and Dinner, 203
- - Italian Cruiser “Piemonte,” Mr. P. Watts, 324
- - Protection of Buoyancy and Stability of Ships, Sir N. Barnaby, 323
- - Protection of Merchant Steamers in Time of War, Captain Penrose Fitzgerald, 324
- - Mr. W. H. White on the Admiralty Programme, 315
- Internal Friction Gear for Driving Dynamo Machines, Messrs. W. A. Martin and Co., 425
- Intuition in Machine Designing, The Education of, Mr. J. T. Hawkins, 147, 170
- Iron, Coal, and General Trades’ of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 19, 40, 64, 85, 104, 126, 148, 173, 191, 212, 233, 254, 276, 298, 318, 338, 357, 385, 406, 426, 450, 472, 493, 513, 533, 556
- Iron and Steel in Ireland, Consumption of, 547
- Iron and Steel, Professor Kennedy on the Strength
- Iron and Steel Shafts, Mr. T. L. Miller on the Relative Advantages of, 254
- Ironwork for Royal Artillery Barracks, 181, 180, 184
- Irrigation, Works of, 58
- Isthmus at Cantyre, The, 296, 330
- Italian Cruiser “ Piemonte,” The, 350, 354
- Italian Cruiser “Piemonte,” Mr. P. Watts on the, 324
- JOY’S Valve Gear, 330, 353, 397
- Julien Electric Accumulators in Use in America, Number of, 257
- KENNEDY, Professor, Resignation of, 434
- Kennedy, Professor B. W., Testimonial to, 529
- Kensington Central Electric Light Station, The House-to-House Electric Supply Company, 118, 123
- Kensington Electric Lighting Station, Engines of the, 434, 435
- Kingston Pumping Engines, 26, 84
- Kingston Sewage, 103
- LANCASHIRE Boiler, Mr. G. Walkeden on the, 250
- Lanyon, Sir Charles, 492
- Lartigue Railway Systems, Mr. F. S. Atkinson, 178
- Lathe, Hollow Mandril, Messrs. Smith and Coventry, 370
- Lathe, The Lukin, 171
- Lathe, Screw-cutting, 383
- Launches and Trial Trips, 8, 40. 66, 86, 104, 128, 163, 190, 214, 234, 256, 278, 300, 309, 340, 356, 384, 408, 428, 452, 474, 492, 514, 526, 558
- Laws of Steamship Propulsion, On the, Mr. Robert Mansel, 69, 431
- Lead Contamination, 182
- Lead Poisoning, 102, 139, 203, 232
- Lead Poisoning through Water, 146
- - 1889, 11
- - Admiral Colomb on the Relations between Our Fortifications and Our Navy, 207
- - Admiral Scott on the Gun Question, 487
- - Amiralty Iron and Steel Orders for Staffordshire, 229
- - Admiralty Programme, The, 313
- - Amalgamated Society of Engineers, The, 422
- - American Engineers, The, 529
- - Anthracite Iron, 165
- - Argentine Railways, 466
- - Armour and Little Armour, 351
- - Army Estimates and Supply of War Material, Our, 228
- - Attraction, 314
- - Awards for Workmen’s Inventions, 100
- - Bessemer Steel Rails, 376
- - Blackwall Tunnel, The, 120
- - Chain and Mail Trades, The, 466
- - Chinese Railways, 377
- - Coal Miners’ Agitation, The, 248
- - Coal Miners and Coal, 314
- - Coal for the Navy, 422, 444
- - Coal Supply, Our, 205
- - Coal Trade, The New Struggle in the, 100
- - Coast Railways for the Madras Presidency, 121
- - Collapse in Copper, The, 249
- - Colliers and Coalowners, 1885 and 1889, 445
- - Commerce, A New Ruling in, 229
- - Conemaugh Dam, The, 508
- - Conemaugh Flood, The, 487
- - Construction of Bridges without Centreing, The, 466
- - Control of Estuaries, The, 35
- - Corrosion of Steel Ships, The, 143
- - County Council and the London Water Companies, The, 206
- - Cross-river Communication at Glasgow, 166
- - Cylinder Condensation, 80
- - Dearer Pig Iron, 186
- LEADERS (continued):—
- - Developments of the Mersey Railway, 529
- - Dock Acommodation on the Tyne, 143
- - Duperre Gun Accident, The, 121
- - Electric Lighting in London, 443
- - Elevators of the Eiffel Tower, The, 508
- - Engineer Branch of the Royal Navy, The, 79
- - Engineering Units, 99
- - Engineers for India and Elsewhere, 422
- - Engineers for the Navy, 334
- - Engineers’ Units, 185
- - Erosion of Coast Lines, The, 100
- - Experimental Warship, An, 375
- - Explosives Act, The, 333
- - Export Rail Trade, The, 445
- - Foreign Steamships in British Ports, 400
- - Foreigners in English Workshops, The, 551
- - Fortification and Fleets, 421
- - Future of Copper, The, 81
- - Gas Supply, The, 507
- - General Kalakoutsky, Death of, 121
- - German Coal Miners’ Strike, The, 423
- - Gold Mining Machinery in Wales, 352
- - Growth of Steamships, The, 466
- - Heating and Lighting of the Future, The, 207
- - H.M.S. “Victoria,” 185
- - Irish Railway Disaster, The, 508
- - John Ericsson, 269
- - Life of Steel Rails, The, 466
- - Lighting Railway Carriages, 293
- - Local Authorities and Electrical Engineering,
- - Locale of the American Iron Trade, The, 508
- - Locomotive Engine Resistance, 79
- - Locomotives, Home and Foreign, 292
- - Lord Carnarvon on the Defence of our Coaling Stations, 166
- - Machinery Hall of the French Exhibition, The, 465
- - Marine Engineering in Italy, 444
- - Mechanical Instinct, 34
- - Metropolitan Fire Brigade, The, 58
- - Metropolitan History, A, 120
- - Miners’ Strike in the Ruhr District, The, 350
- - Mr. Balfour’s Light Railways (Ireland) Bill, 527
- - Missing Quantity, The, 228
- - Modern Explosives, 443
- - More Railway Rates Anomalies, 489
- - Natural Gas in China, 422
- - Navy, Proposed Augmentation of Our, 227
- - New Demandof the Yorkshire Miners, The, 314
- - New Development in the Coal Trade, The, 270
- - New Naval Programme, The, 247
- - New Ship Canal Scheme, A, 314
- - Nicaragua Canal Scheme, The, 58
- - North-Eastern Rolling Stock, 334
- - Northern Coke Manufacture, The, 508
- - Open Hearth Steel Manufacture, The, 528
- - Other Mechanical Engineers, 142
- - Paper Manufacture in India, 99
- - Paris Exhibition, The, 248, 376
- - Penistone Railway Accident, The, 293, 489
- - Petroleum as Estate Fuel, 142
- - Petroleum, The Perils of, 165
- - Piemonte, The, 466
- - Presence or Absence of Shingle, The, 550
- - Proposed Drainage of Hong Kong, The, 376
- - Proposed Steel Rail Trust, The, 59
- - Quick-firing Guns for Fortress Defence, 119
- - Railway and Canal Traffic Act, The, 121
- - Railway Carriage Doors, 35
- - Railway Profits and Extensions, 167
- - Railway Rates and the Heavy Trades, 143
- - Railways and Labour, 550
- - Railways and Corporations, 489
- - Railways and Rates, 270
- - Railway Rates and Charges, 247
- - Railways and the Shipping Interest, The, 507
- - Reign of Industrial Monopoly, The, 33
- - Relations between Local Fortifications and a Moving Navy, 269
- - Retirement of Sir J. W. Bazalgette, C.B., 141
- - Ribble Navigation Scheme, The, 34
- - Royal Honours to the “Royal,” 292
- - Sanitary Neglect in Calcutta, 444
- - Sanitation at Pearl Fisheries, 488
- - Screw Propellers, 399
- - Shipbuilders’ Wages in the North, 35
- - Shipbuilders, Work for, 229
- - Shipbuilding on the Clyde and Forth, 228
- - Shipbuilding by Contract for the Navy, 291, 399
- - Sir E. J. Reed on the Navy, 206
- - Sliding Scales and Miners, 314
- - Small Coal at Sea, 527
- - Spanish Experiments with Torpedo Boats, 35
- - Spirit Engines, 488, 528
- - Steam Users and the Proposed Coal Ring, 270
- - Steamships and Insurance, 229
- - Steamships in the Tyne, 166
- - Steel as an Engineering Material, 334
- - Steel Trade, The, 551
- - Steel Trade and Increased Wages, The, 377
- - Submergible Warships, 57
- - Successful Drainage of the Silston Coal Area, 445
- - Supply of Steel-making Material, The, 423
- - Theory and Practice in Steam Engineering, 549
- - Thirty Years’ Progress of India, 1858-1888, 549
- - Torpedo Boats for the Japanese Government, 59
- - Trade Syndicates, 207
- - Transatlantic Telegraphy, 81
- - Transmission of Power in Mining, 466
- - Vyrnwy Aqueduct, The, 100
- - Vyrnwy, Lake, 81
- - Wages Question in the Iron Trade, The, 121
- - Weldon Freestone and Weldon Rag, 143
- - Woodite, 400
- - Works of Irrigation, 58
- - Yorkshire Coal Trade, The, 376
- Leather Belts, 275
- Leeds Water Supply, The, 369
- - Automatic Weighing Machine Company, (Limited) v. the Combined Weighing and Advertising Machine Company (Limited), 64
- - Blakey and Sons y. Latham and Co., 158
- - Combined Weighing and Advertising Machine Company, (Limited) v. the Automatic Weighing Machine Company, (Limited), 64
- - The Copying Apparatus Company, (Limited) u Fordham, 267
- - Corporation of Manchester and the Manchester Carriage and Tramway Company v. Andrews and Son, 267
- - Edison and Swan United Electric Light Company v. Holland, 158
- - In re Gaulard and Gibb’s Patent, 211
- - Giffard v. the Mayor and Corporation of Wolverhampton, 369
- LEGAL INTELLIGENCE {continued):—
- - Kay v. Briggs, 95
- - Kirk and Randall, v. the East and West India Docks Company, 346
- - Lucas and Davies v. Dixon, 211
- - Pack v. Hayward, 95
- Lege Torpedo, The, 305
- - A Warning, M. Powis Bale and Co., 418
- - Admiral Class of Battleships converted into Cruisers, A Retired Officer, 224
- - Admiralty’s Programme, The, A Retired Officer, 251
- - Admission of Assistant Engineers into the Royal Navy, H. S. Hele Shaw, 203
- - Angle of Rest for Dry Sand, The, H. Carrington Bolton, 512
- - Anti-Corrosive Paste? Polish, 141
- - Arithmetical Systems, Anthony S. Bower, 138, 182, 274, 330
- - Arithmetical Systems, Henry Fowler, 274
- - Arithmetical Systems, G. W. Halliday, 173, 232, 296
- - Arithmetical Systems, J. Charles King, 202, 275, 330
- - Arithmetical Systems, Radix, 202, 274, 330, 353
- - Arithmetical Systems, Suggestion, 102, 274, 330
- - Arrol and Pringle’s Valve Gear, Arrol Brothers, 79
- - Ash and Breeze Washing Machine? R. T. C., 247
- - Automatic Machines for Selling Postage Stamps? Stamp, 119
- - Automatic Plane Iron Grinder for Slate Works Planing Machines, S. C. D., 549
- - Balanced Slide Valve, Walter Paton, 397
- - Battleship Designs, A Retired Officer, 330
- - Bleaching Varnish? W. P. O., 507
- - Blue Prints? J. H. F., 11
- - Carry’s Ice Machine, T. B. Lightfoot, 418
- - Centrifugal Pumps, P. L. Wilkins, 102
- - Centrifugal Pumps, Thos. H. Williams and Co., 27
- - Compound Locomotives, Harbrek, 526
- - Condensation in Steam Cylinders, Thermopile, 251
- - Cost of Sinking Bore Holes? T. F. V., 527
- - Curious Autograph, A. J. B., 57
- - Cutting a Propeller Shaft? Sorais, 291
- - Cylinder Condensation, Henry Barcroft, 103
- - Defence of Our Coaling Stations, The Cape of Good Hope, H. W. Dunn, 418
- - Depth of Mines, The, Lyons, 50
- - Depth of Mines? Veritas, 11
- - Distribution of Cheap Fuel Gas, Caloric, 224
- - Donkin’s Co-efficient, W. H. Northcott, 331, 369
- - Dust-proof Lubricated Bearings? W. G., 205
- - Energy, Henry Cherry, 27
- - Energy in a Pound of Air, The, Henry Cherry, 50
- - Engineers in the Navy, C., 449
- - Engineers in the Navy, Chief Engineer, 296
- - Engineers in the Navy, Puzzled, 369
- - Engineers in the Navy, Vapour, 330
- - Engineers as Ship Surveyors, Longitudinal, 369
- - Engineers as Shipwright Surveyors, N. A., 331
- - Factory Chimneys, John Holliday, 484
- - Factory Chimneys, S. Wilcox, 462
- - Fan Efficiency, A. S. Bower, 172, 202
- - Fan Efficiency, C. I., 182
- - Fan Efficiency, C. J., 203, 275
- - Fan Efficiency, Henry Cherry, 26, 62, 83, 102, 112
- - Fan Efficiency, E. I. C., 26
- - Fan Efficiency, W. I. Ellis, 2/5
- - Fan Efficiency, Energy, 203
- - Fan Efficiency, Fan, 26, 172
- - Fan Efficiency, G. E. A., 202
- - Fan Efficiency, T. A. Hearson, 172
- - Fan Efficiency, J. L., 26. 83
- - Fan Efficiency, Oliver J. Lodge, 62,102, 138,172
- - Fan Efficiency, A Miner, 83, 138, 182, 296
- - Fan Efficiency, W. C. Unwin, 26, 83, 112, 171
- - Fan Phenomena, M. Watton Brown, 224
- - Fan Problem, A, Oliver J. Lodge, 4
- - Fire Boats, Merryweather and Sons, 27
- - Fire Boats, Shand, Mason and Co., 4
- - Forced Draught, John and James Thomson, 4
- - Force and Energy, by Grant Allen, Fair Play, 309
- - Free Trade v. Fair Trade for the Juveniles, G. Fred. Ransome, 4
- - Friction Clutches, Walter Bagshaw, 139, 183
- - Friction Clutches, A. Edmeston and Sons, 172
- - Friction of Slide Valves, The, Robert Bruce, 275, 309
- - Future War Ship Design, J. A., 251
- - Gold Separators, G. N. and S., 549
- - Great Gun Question, The, Robert N. E. Scott, 512
- - Grinding Salt, J. A., 549
- - Hand Spinning Machinery, A. D., 33
- - Horizontal Corliss Engine, British Unit, 50
- - Injectors, Sidney Boulding, 313
- - Inspecting Engineers, Inspector, 512
- - Inspecting Engineers, Engineer, 462
- - Inspecting Engineers, Specification, 512
- - Invention of Wire Ropes, J. B. Wilson, 484
- - Isthmus at Cantyre, The, John Charles King, 330
- - Isthmus at Cantyre, The, C. Rennie, 296
- - Jack-of-all-Trades Engineer, The, M.I.M.E., 63
- - John Ericsson, Louisiana, 296
- - John Ericsson, H. S. Hele Shaw, 296
- - Joy’s Valve Gear, Robert Bruce, 353
- - Joy’s Valve Gear, David Joy, 330, 397
- - Kingston Pumping Engines, Electrician, 84
- - Kingston Pumping Engines, Willans and Robinson, 84
- - Kingston Pumping Engines, W. A T., 26, 103
- - Kingston Sewage, J. C. R. Okes, 103
- - Kingston Sewage, W. A. T., 26, 103
- - Lead Contamination, Chas. H. Beloe, 182
- - Lead Poisoning, Arthur Angell, 232
- - Lead Poisoning, Geo. A. Hall, 102
- - Lead Poisoning, Sanitary Engineer, 139
- - Lead Poisoning through Water, J. A. Wanklyn,
- - Lime Cartridges, W. L., 375
- - Locomotive Engines at the Paris Exhibition, 0. Bihet, 507
- - Locomotive Work, Chas. Rous-Marten, 449
- - Locomotives, Home and Foreign, B., 309
- - Locomotives, Home and Foreign, A. M. Bushell. 309
- - Locomotives, Home and Foreign, F. W. Webb. 309
- - Machine for Polishing Sheet Zinc, P. H., 487
- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR {continued}:—
- - Machinery for Making Butter Tins, A. B. H., 443
- - Machinery for Making Fishing Nets, K. S., 465
- - Machinery for Making Meat Extract, B. H. A., 165
- - Machinery for Making Sand-paper, S. D. A., 247
- - Machines for Making Clog Caulkers, W. B., 421
- - Marine Engines with Triangular Connecting- Rods, Joseph Bernays, 397
- - Marine Engines with Triangular Connecting- Rods, Robt. T. Lawrence, 397
- - Mass and Weight, A. G. Greenhill, 418, 484
- - Mass and Weight, E. Lousley, 397, 449
- - Mass and Weight, A Student, 484
- - Mass and Weight, A Sympathiser, 369
- - Mechanical Instinct, W. C. Kernot, 27, 353
- - Mechanical Units, A. G. Greenhill, 171
- - Mechanical Units, Wm. Muir, 171
- - Metric Equivalents of English Measures, J. S. Wood, 50
- - New South Wales Locomotive Question, The Australasia, 63
- - New South Wales Locomotive Question, The Colonial, 63, 182
- - New South Wales Locomotive Question, The, Justicia, 27, 62, 84
- - New Zealand Coal, A. C. M. A., 418
- - Northfleet Series Tramway, E. Manville, 309
- - Northfleet Series Tramway, Wilfrid L. Spence, 275, 331
- - Osney Bridge Southgate Engineering Company, Limited, 50
- - Paper Staining Machinery, I. M. D., 351
- - Petroleum as a Colonial Fuel, Priestman Bros., 173
- - Piggott’s Hand Freezing Machine, E. F. S., 291
- - Polishing Wheels, G. R., 399
- - Portable Boiler Corrosion, D. Beddie, 185
- - Preston and its Docks, Contractor, 102
- - Preston and its Docks, The Old Contractor, 172
- - Preston and its Docks, Resident Engineer, 139, 203
- - Prime Cost Books, Prime Cost, 443
- - Protective Buoyancy and Stability in Armour- Clads and other War Vessels, J. A., 512
- - Race to Edinburgh, The, John H. Barker, 484
- - Radiation from Steam Cylinders, Bryan Donkin, jun., 353
- - Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, and Second-Hand Machinery Rates, Chas. D. Phillips, 112
- - Railway Speeds, E. B. D., 112
- - Railway Speeds, Engineer, 103, 119
- - Railway Speeds, Geo. J. Lunn, 251
- - Railway Speeds, A. W., 139
- - Railway Speeds in the United States, Veritas, 556
- - Reaction, H. A., 203
- - Reaction, A Grinder, 232
- - Repairing Screw Shafts, A. Turnbull, 83
- - Retardation of Ships, D. K., 84
- - Retardation of Ships, Air Pump, 50
- - Ribble Navigation Scheme, The, A. F. F., 50
- - Rolled Beams, Mike, 556
- - Rolling Mill, The, J. L., 333
- - Rolling Mill Engines for Bowesfield Iron Co., Limited, Jeremiah Head, 173
- - Ropes and Tension, A. B. M., 172
- - Sanitary Neglect at Calcutta, C., 484
- - Screw Shaft of the “Danmark?” W. B. W., 399
- - Severn Tunnel, The, Henry A. Fleuss, 353
- - Shipbuilding Statistics, Wigham, Richardson and Co., 27
- - Shippers and Shipowners, En Vedette, 4
- - Slag Wool? W. A., 443
- - Slag Wool and Welch’s Cork Cement? A. W. I., 375
- - Slate Machinery? Slates, 269
- - Spirit Engines, Geo. Fras. Fitzgerald, 526
- - Spirit Engines, P. W. Willans, 556
- - Sporting Guns? Gun, 313
- - Stability.of Armour-clads (Under the Condition of their Holes becoming Filled with Water), J. A., 353
- - Starch Making Machinery? A. D., 33
- - State and Freight, Walter M. T. Campbell, 526
- - Steam in Brick Chimneys, John M. Wood, 526
- - Steam Engine Economy? A Subscriber, 99
- - Steam and Mortar? An Old Member of the Society of Engineers, 507
- - Steamship “Meteor” Trials, J. M. A., 418
- - S.S. “Meteor” Trials, W. S., 397
- - Steel Casting Plant? Yorkshireman, 57
- - Steel v. Compound Armour, D., 112
- - Stone Sawing and Rubbing Plant? X. Y. Z., 57
- - Storm Waves at Lighthouses, W. J. Black, 296
- - Strength and Dimensions of Leather Belts? B. and T., 291
- - Strength of Iron Rings, Mooring, 351
- - Strength of Rings, Richard M. Parkinson, 418
- - Stress in Winding Drums, Beta, 103
- - Strong Locomotive, The, Geo. S. Strong, 112
- - Stuffing-box Glands? F. J. C., 351
- - Stuffing-box Glands? R. E., 333
- - Teaching of Workmen, J. Stannah, 103
- - Technical Education, M.I.M.E., 182
- - Technical Education, Andrew Jamieson, 203
- - Technical Education, John Perry, 4
- - Technical Education, C. H. W., 172
- - Technical Education, E. W. D. W., 50
- - Technical Education, W. H. Wheeler, 139, 214
- - Testing Steel Weapons, F., 138
- - Theories of Cylinder Condensation, Henry Barcroft, 224
- - Theories of Cylinder Condensation, Q. C., 224
- - Theories of Cylinder Condensation, A Mining Engineer, 224
- - Theories of Cylinder Condensation, V., 224
- - Theory of the Arctos, Sign, 369
- - Theory of the “Arktos” Freezing Machine, E. A. R. R. C., 232
- - Tidal Estuaries, Osborne Reynolds, 526
- - Tube Flanging Machine? J. S., 291
- - Tube Stoppers and Steam Traps? N. D. C. 205
- - Turner New Engine and Boiler, The, H. Turner 462
- - Using Unsafe Steam Boilers, M. Powis Bale, 369
- - Utilisation of Small Coal, The, Hodgkinson and Co., 139
- - Vacuum Pans? Vacio, 227
- - Verse Dam, The, Fred. Elie Gray, 139
- - Vertical Boilers, G. Fred. Ransome, 27
- - Vyrnwy Waterworks, The, Geo. F. Deacon, 84
- - Walker s Cotton Press? W. G., 165
- - Water Conservation and Irrigation, 8. Pollitzer 526
- - Water Gas, J. Emerson Dowson, 84
- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (continued):—
- - Water Gas, W. S. Sutherland, 182
- - Water Gas, B. H. Thwaite, 331
- - Water Gas, Alfred Wilson, 103
- - Water Gas v. Coal Gas ? F. W., 141
- - Wire Rope Making Machinery ? H. W. W., 11
- - Wire-stranding Machines ? C. B. and N., 269
- Licences for Vehicles Propelled by Electricity, 110
- Lifts, Passenger 73
- Lighthouses and Lightships, 263
- Lighting Railway Carriages, 293
- - Alfred Krupp und die Entwickelung der Guss- stahl Fabrik zu Essen, 167
- - Boilers, their Construction and Strength, Thos. W. Trail, 509
- - The Coming Oil Age, by Chas. Marvin, 270
- - The Co-operative Traveller Abroad, by D. G. Greening, 100
- - Dynamo-electric Machinery, by Silvanus r. Thompson, 186
- - Elastical Researches of Barr6 de Saint-v enant, 467
- - The “Electrician,” Electrical Trades Directory and Handbook for 1889, 167
- - Elementary Statics, by the Rev. J. B. Lock, 229
- - Elementary Text-book of Applied Mechanics, David ALlandow, 423
- - Elementary Text-book of Practical Metallurgy, By A. R. Gower, 315
- - Eruption of Krakatao and Subsequent 1 he- nomena, 467
- - First Course in Mechanical Drawing (Tracing) Geo. Halliday, 167
- - Geology, Chemical, Physical and Stratigraphical, by Joseph Prestwich, 35
- - Handbook of Modern Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, for the Use of Students, Chas. Meymott Tidy, 121
- - Handbook of Patent Law, by W. P. Thompson, 551
- - Index of Publications on the Methods of Communication in the Field and on Torpedo Warfare, by R. von Fischer Trevenfeld, 271
- - Iron and Steel Founding, by Claude Wylie, 187
- - Kalender fur Maschinen Ingenieure, W. H. Upland, 143
- - Law of France Relating to Industrial Property, by Thos. Barclay, 551
- - Laxton’s Builders’ Price Book for 1889, Compiled by Wm. Laxton, 187
- - Mechanics of Materials, by Irving P. Church, 229
- - The Metallic Alloys: a Practical Guide for the Manufacture of all kinds of Alloys, &c. Translated from the German of A. Krupp and A. Wilberger, with Additions by W. T. Brannt, 187
- - The Metallurgy of Gold: a Practical Treatise on the Metallurgical Treatnu nt of Gold-bearing Ores, &c., by M. Eissler, 81
- - Natural History of Local Government Boards, or Local Government as it is: a Manual for the Use and Diversion of those whom it may Concern, 143
- - Naval Guns and their Supply, by Jas. A. Long- ridge, 489
- - Pocket-book of Electrical Tools and Tables for the Use of Electricians and Engineers, by John Munro and Andrew Jamieson, 401
- - Practical Electrical Measurement, by J. Swinburne, 271
- - Practical Geometry for Science and Art Students, by John Carroll, 270
- - Practical Metallurgy and Assaying, by A. H. Hiorns, 315
- - Practical Notes on Pipe Founding, by Jas. W. Macfarlane, 187
- - Practical Plane and Solid Geometry, by John S. Rawle, 352
- - Practical Surveying: a Text-book for Students, by Geo. Wm. Usill, 315
- - Sewage Treatment, Purification, and Utilisation: a Practical Manual for the Use of Corporations, Medical Officers of Health, by J. W. Slater, 423
- - The Severn Tunnel: its Construction and Difficulties, 1872-1887, by Thos. A. Walker, 334
- - Storia Tecnica e Aneddotica della Navigazione a Vapore, Narrata da S. Raineri, 271
- - Street’s Indian and Colonial Mercantile Directory for 1888-9, 122
- - Tables of Memoranda and Calculated Results for Farmers, Graziers, Agricultural Students, Surveyors, Land Agents, &c.; with a New System of Farm Bookkeeping, 143
- - Tabor Indicator, The, John Musgrave and Sons, 551
- - Tabulated Abstract of Acts of Parliament relating to Water Undertakings, 1877-1888, Compiled by Edw. Kynaston Burstal, 167
- - Torpedoes and Torpedo Warfare, by C. Slee- man, 444
- - Text-book on Roofs and Bridges, Part I., Stresses in Simple Trusses, by Mansfield Merriman, 229
- - Topographical Drawing and Sketching, including Applications of Photography, by Lieutenant H. A. Reed, 335
- - Traits de Telegraphie Sous-Marine, par E. Wunschendorff, 401
- - Transmission of Power by Fluid Pressure—Air and Water, by Wm. Donaldson, 249
- - Trip Round the World, 1887-8, A, by W. S. Caine, 35
- - Two-Nosed Catenaries and their Application to the Design of Segmental Arches, by T. Alexander, 467
- - Water Analysis, by Alfred Wanklyn, 509
- Lithanode, 147
- Lloyd’s Register Shipbuilding Returns, for the Quarter Ending 31st December, 1888, 38
- La Louvihre Hydraulic Canal Lift, Messrs. Stand- field and Clark, 25, 28, 76, 82
- Loa Viaduct Bolivia Testing the Columns of the, 346, 348
- Local Authorities and Electrical Engineering, 126,
- Local Inquiry, An Idle, 150
- Locale of the American Iron Trade, The, 508
- Loch Katrine, The New, 471
- Locomotive, Messrs. Bagnall, 545
- Locomotive, Contractor’s Tank, 395
- Locomotive Engine Resistance, 79
- Locomotive Engines at the Paris Exhibition, 455, 507
- Locomotive, Passenger, London and South- Western Railway (Supplement January 18th), Mr. W. Adams, 59
- Locomotive Practice in America, 372, 518
- Locomotive Work, 449
- Locomotives, Compound, 526
- Locomotives, Compound, Mr. R. H. Lapage on 124
- Locomotives, The Compound Principle as Applied Locomotives—Home and Foreign 292, 309
- London and Brighton Railway Company s s. “Paris” 226
- London Electric Supply Corporation-Electric Station, Deptford, S. Z. de Ferranti, 286, 287, 293, 311, 315
- London Electric Supply Corporation-Electric Station, Deptford, 407, 471, 524
- London Geological Field Class, The, 338
- Lubricating Oils, How to Test, 89
- Lubrication, Mr. E. P. Bannister, 457
- Lubricator, Messrs. Stevens and Major's Hydraulic, 283
- Lukin Lathe, The, 171
- Lord Brassey on our Naval Shipbuilding and Administration, 189
- Lord Carnarvon on the Defence of our Coaling Stations, 166
- Lowrie-Parker Dynamo Machine, The, 434, 435
- MACHINE Tools at the Paris Exhibition, Messrs. Smith and Coventry, 370
- Machinery Hall of the French Exhibition, 465
- Machinery used in Modern Flour Mills, Mr. H. E. Chattock, 122
- Mclnnes Indicator, The, 489
- Magneto-Optic Rotation, Professor 0. J. Lodge on, 262
- Manchester Ship Canal, Bridges over the, 430
- Manchester Ship Canal, Salford and Manchester Docks, 432
- Manchester and Liverpool Railway, A .New Chapter in the History of the, Aiderman W. H. Bailey, 92
- Manganese near Dunedin, Discovery of, 396
- Map of Apia Harbour and the Course of the Calliope, 436
- Map of the Cape of Good Hope, 281
- Map of District and of the Show Ground, Royal Agricultural Show, Windsor, 517
- Map of Singapore, 89
- Marine Boilers, Mr. P. W. Johnson, 167
- Marine Boilers, Management of, 78
- Marine Engineering in Italy, 444 .
- Marine Engines with Triangular Connecting Rods, 397
- Mass and Weight, 369, 397, 449, 484
- Mathewson’s Steam Drier, 161
- Maxim-Nordenfelt Exhibits at the Paris Exhibition, 542
- Mechanical Engineers, Other, 142
- Mechanical Instinct, 27, 34, 353
- Mechanical Units, 171
- Melbourne Water Supply, 436
- Mersey Railway, Developments of the, 529
- “Meteor” Engine Trials, The, 380, 389, 414
- Metric Equivalents of English Measures, 50
- Metropolitan Fire Brigade, 58
- Metropolitan History, A, 120
- Mexican Mahogany Lumber, 390
- Mexico Valley, Drainage of the, 555
- Milk Can, Messrs. Freek and Pocock, 553
- Mill Gearing, 304
- Mill, The Sturtevant, 161
- Milling Cutter, Addy’s, 137
- Milling Machines and Cutters, 237
- Mine Ventilation, Mr. Schwarz, 122
- Miners’ Strike in the Ruhr District, The, 550
- Miniature Battery, A, 262
- Mining Appliances, 436
- Mint, The, 536
- Miscellanea, 9, 31, 51, 75, 98, 113, 135, 159, 179, 198, 225, 246, 263, 289, 312, 327, 345, 373, 404, 419, 437, 459, 485, 505, 530, 554
- Miscellaneous Machinery and Implements at Windsor, 552
- Missing Quantity, The, 228
- Mogul Engine, Canadian Pacific Railway (Supplement June 21st, 1889), 518, 520
- Monitor Turret, The First Inventor of the, 356
- Mr. Balfour’s Light Railways (Ireland) Bill, 527
- Murdoch, Mr. George, 30
- Musgrave, Mr. John, 305
- NARROW Escape of a Mail Train, 298
- Naval Engineer Appointments, 8, 61, 84, 97, 122, 171, 183, 203, 244, 260, 295, 340, 346, 382, 415, 436, 474, 492, 529, 558
- Naval Establishments in Spain, 474
- Naval Programme, The New, 247
- Navy, Proposed Augmentation of Our, 227
- New Companies, 21, 43, 67, 87, 107, 128, 151, 175, 193, 215, 235, 257, 279, 301, 321, 341, 359, 387, 409, 429, 453, 475, 495, 515, 537, 559
- New South Wales Locomotive Question, 27, 62, 84, 182
- New Zealand Coal, 418
- Newall, Mr. Robert Stirling, 353
- Nicaragua Ship Canal, The, 381, 533
- Nicaragua Ship Canal Bill, The, 25, 58
- North-Eastern Rolling Stock, 334
- North of England, 20, 41, 65, 86, 106, 128 149, 174, 192, 213, 233, 255, 277, 299, 319, 339, 358, 386, 408, 427, 451, 473, 494, 513, 535, 557
- Northern Coke Manufacture, The, 508
- Northfleet Series Electric Tramway, Dynamo and Cars, 219, 221
- Northfieet Series Tramway, 275, 309, 331
- Notes from Scotland, 20, 42, 66, 86, 106, 128, 150, 174, 192, 213, 234, 256, 278, 300, 319, 340, 358, 386, 408, 428, 452, 474, 494, 514, 536, 558
- Notes from Germany, 20, 42, 66, 106, 128, 150, 174, 192, 214, 234, 256, 278, 300, 320 340, 358, 386, 408, 428, 452, 474, 494, 514' 536, 558
- Notes from Lancashire, 19, 41, 65, 85, 105, 127, ion’ 191» 212> 233, 255, 277, 299, 319, 339, 357, 385, 407, 426, 450, 473, 493, 535, 557
- Notes and Memoranda, 9, 31, 51, 75, 98, 113, 135, 159, 179, 198, 225, 246, 263, 289, 312, 327> 345, 373, 404, 419, 437, 459, 485, 505, 530, 554
- Notices to Correspondents, 11, 33, 57, 79, 99, 119, 141, 165, 185, 205, 227, 247, 269, 291, 313, 333, 351, 375, 399, 421, 442, 465, 487, 507, 527, 549
- Nutlock Washer, Denny’s Patent, 556
- - Bateman, Mr. John Latrobe, 509
- - Coleman, Mr. J. J., 4
- - Ericsson, Mr. John, 229
- - Frith, Mr. E., 401
- - Howard, Mr. James, 90
- - Lanyon, Sir Charles, 492
- - Murdoch, Mr. George, 30
- - Musgrave, Mr. John, 305
- - Newall, Mr. Robert Stirling, 353
- - Peacock, Mr. Richard, 207
- - Percy, Dr., 521, 551
- - Rue, Mr. Warren de la, 353
- - Simpson, Mr. James, 415
- - Summers, Mr. Thomas, 352
- - Woolley, Mr. Joseph, 271
- Oerlikon Works, Stand of the, Paris Exhibition, 506, 509, 510, 511
- Oil Cup, Brown’s Self-regulating, 304
- Oil and Water-gas Apparatus, New, 435
- Open-hearth Steel Manufacture, The, 528 “Ormea,” The (Supplement, April 12th, 1889), 303
- Osney Bridge, Oxford, 37, 50
- Ostend and Dover Mail Boats, 284, 285
- Otto Wire Ropeway, Gottesegen Colliery, Anto- nienhiitte, Upper Silesia (Supplement, January 25th, 1889), 115, 125
- PAINT Mill, Messrs. Followes and Bates’ Improved, 416
- Panama Canal, The, 93
- Paper, as a Clothing Material, 106
- Paper Manufacture in India, 99
- PARIS EXHIBITION, THE, 248, 343, 361, 376, 390, 396 497
- - Agricultural Engineering at the, 441
- - Bar Lock Type Writer, The, 382
- - Belpaire Steam Carriage, La Cie. Metallurgique, 463
- - Biscuit-Making Machinery, Messrs. Joseph Baker and Sons, 502, 503
- - Bookbinding Machinery, 367, 380
- - Decauville Railway and Rolling Stock, 447, 448
- - Electric Light at, 365, 389, 413, 436, 442, 445, 457, 521
- - Electric Light at, The Thomson-Houston System, 539, 548
- - Electric Lighting Traction Engine, 436, 442
- - Elevators at the Eiffel Tower, 416, 417
- - Engine, Six-Coupled Express, Belgian State Railway, 455, 464, 469
- - Engine, Steam Tramway, La Cie. Metallurgique, 463
- - Express Engine, Belgian State Railway, Soc. Cockerill, 363, 364
- - General Plan, 361
- - Hollow Mandril Lathe, Messrs. Smith and Coventry, 370
- - Hotchkiss Ordnance, 478, 479, 480
- - Locomotive Engines at, 455
- - Machine Tools, Messrs. Smith and Coventry, 370
- - Machinery Hall, The, 465
- - Maxim-Nordenfelt Exhibits, The, 542
- - Opening of, 396
- - Remarkable Casting, A, Messrs. Cockerill and Co., 521
- - Roller Mill Machinery, Messrs. Robinson and Sons, 490, 491
- - Stand of the Oerlikon Works, 506, 509, 510, 511
- - Steel Boiler and Fire-box, Mr. F. W. Webb, London and North-Western Railway, 498, 499
- - Stone-Cutting Machinery, Traigneaux Quarry, Belgium, 393
- - Trial of the Second Otis Elevator, 508
- - War Material at, 362
- - Water Meter, Deacon’s, 362
- Parliamentary Notes, 232, 331, 472, 481, 529
- Passenger Lifts, High Speeds for, 73
- Peacock, Mr. Richard, 207
- “Peckham” Car Wheels, The, 483
- Penistone Railway Accident, The, 293, 489
- Percy, D., 521, 551
- Permanent Way, North-Eastern Railway, 8
- Perret Furnace Fitted to a Cornish Boiler, 114
- Perret Furnace, Applied to a Lancashire Boiler 111, 139
- Petroleum Engines, Priestman’s, 523
- Petroleum as Estate Fuel, 142, 173
- Petroleum, The Perils of, 165
- Petroleum Refuse as Fuel in Locomotive Engines, Mr. Thomas Urquhart, 124
- Phonopore, The, 532
- Photographic Dry Plate Works of Messrs. R. J. Edwards and Co., 199, 200
- Photographic Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, 402
- Photographic Progress, Lectures on. at the Central Institution of the City and Guilds of London Institute, 356
- “Piemonte,” The, 466
- Pig Iron Dearer, 186
- Piggott’s Hand Freezing Machine, 291
- Pill Picker and Sorter, Automatic, 446
- Piston, Improved Indicator, 383
- Polarite, 189
- Popp, Compressed Air System in Paris, The, 367, 368, 371, 374
- Pressure, Mr. J. McFarlane Gray, 457
- Preston and its Docks, 102, 139, 172, 203
- Priestman’s Petroleum Engines, Windsor Show. 523
- Priestman’s Steam Dredger for British Guiana 204, 210
- Private Bills in Parliament, 74, 146
- Protection of Buoyancy and Stability of Ships, Sir N. Barnaby on the, 323
- Protection of Merchant Steamers in Time of Wai Capt. Penrose Fitz-Gerald,. 324.
- Protective Buoyancy and Stability in Armour-clad and other Vessels, 512
- Public Baths, Design and Fitting of, by Mr. P. Waldram, 126
- Pump, Duplex, for High-pressures, Messrs. Arch bald Smith and Stevens, 38
- Pumping Engine, Davey’s Direct-acting Accurm lator, 310, 316
- Pumping Engines, Worthington, Messrs. Ja Simpson and Co., 7, 10
- Pumping Machinery in the Fenland, Mr. Lawrence Gibbs upon, 93
- Pumping Machinery, Modern, Mr. V. J. Bouton, .203
- Pumps, Centrifugal, 27
- Puplett’s Ammonia Ice-making Machine, 74, 77
- QUARRYING and Stone-cutting, Mechanical, 392, 393, 394
- Quick-firing Gardner Gun for Forts, 126
- Quick-firing Gun Defence, Capt. Stone on, 71
- Quick-firing Guns for Fortress Defence, 119
- Quick-firing Guns and Smokeless Powder, 262
- Quick Passage, A, 391, 453
- RACE to Edinburgh, The, 484
- Radiation from Steam Cylinders, 353
- Rail Heads, Form of, 523
- Railroads in Colombia, 304
- Railway Accidents from Unexplained Causes, Mr. W. Wiseman, 553
- Railway Bridge, A New, 433
- Railway Bridges, Some South American, 436, 438
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act, The, 121
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, and Secondhand Machinery Rates, 112
- Railway Carriage Doors, 35
- Railway Companies and the Coalowners, 525
- Railway Disaster, The Irish, 508
- Railway, An Early, 70
- Railway Expenditure fort the Half-year Ending June, 1888, 54
- Railway Gauges in Asia, 384
- Railway Matters, 9, 31, 51, 75, 98, 113, 135, 159, 179, 198, 225, 246, 263, 289, 312, 327, 345, 373, 404, 419, 437, 459, 485, 505, 530, 554
- Railway Profits and Extensions, 166
- Railway Rates Anomalies, More, 489
- Railway Rates and Charges, 247
- Railway Rates and the Heavy Trades, 143
- Railway Speeds, 102, 112, 139, 251
- Railways Speeds in the United States, 556
- Railways, Argentine, 466
- Railways in Chili, 25
- Railways and Corporations, 489
- Railways in India, 475
- Railways and Labour, 550
- Railways, Old, 92
- Railways and Rates, 270
- Railways and the Shipping Interests, The, 507
- Railways on Steep Inclines, Mr. John Carruthers, 183
- Rapid Passage, A, 453
- Reaction, 203, 232
- Reed, Sir J., on the Navy, 206
- Refrigerating Machinery, Mr. C. E. Jones, 272
- Register of Patent Agent’s Rules, 504
- Relations between Local Fortifications and a Moving Navy, 269
- Report of the Committee on Naval Manoeuvres, 1888, 187
- Retardation of Ships, 50, 84
- Ribble Navigation Scheme, The, 34, 50, 250
- Richards, Mr. Windsor, Presentation to, 298
- Richardson, High-speed Engine, The, 245
- Roads, Construction and Repair of, Mr. Geo. R. Strachan, 203
- Road-stones of Somerset and Wilts, The, Mr. Jas. Bateman, 305
- Robinson and Son’s Roller Mill Machinery at the Paris Exhibition, 490
- Rolled Beams, 556
- Roller Flour Milling, Mr. H. Simon, 124
- Roller Mill Machinery at the Paris Exhibition, Messrs. Thos. Robinson and Sons, 490
- Rolling Girders and Cruciform Sections, Rolling Mills for, 405, 423, 426
- Rolling Mill Engines for the Bowesfield Iron Company, 144, 169, 173
- Rope-closing Machine, Large, 244
- Ropes and Tension, 172
- Round the World in Seventy-three Days, 6
- Rowe’s Automatic Gun-firing Apparatus, 395
- - Butter Churn, Mr. G. Hathaway, 552
- - Butter Extractor, Mr. Johansson, 552
- - Engine, Horizontal, Messrs. C. Burrell and Sons, 529
- - Engine, Horizontal, Messrs. Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, 546
- - Engine, Semi-portable, Messrs. J. and H. McLaren, 545
- - Engine, Semi-portable, Messrs. Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, 525
- - Engine, Spring Traction, Messrs. C. Burrell and Sons, 544
- - Engine, Steam, Mr. Edwards, 546
- - Engines, Priestman’s Petroleum, 522
- - Locomotive, Messrs. Bagnall, 545
- - Map of District and the Show Ground, Windsor, 517
- - Milk Can, Messrs. Freeth and Pocock, 553
- - Miscellaneous Machinery and Implements, 552
- - Regulation Respecting Engines Using Petroleum &c., 244
- Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, 559
- Royal Honours to the “ Royal,” 292
- - Beacon Lights and Fog Signals, Sir Jas. Douglass on, 264
- - Science of Animal Locomotion in its Relation to Design in Art, Mr. Eadward Muybridge, 208
- Royal Pier, Southampton Competition, 271
- Royal Society, Conversazione of, 401, 526
- Rue, Mr. Warren de la, 353
- Rupture of a 34-cm. Gun on Board the “Admiral Duperre,” 117
- SACCHARINE Matter in Mortar and on Building in Frost, Sam. Crompton, 54, 109
- Samoa Disaster and the “Calliope,” The, 436
- Sanitary Neglect at Calcutta, 444, 484
- Sanitation at Pearl Fisheries, 488
- Schlesinger’s Antifriction Spiral Conveyor, 382
- Schneider’s Steel Armour, Swedish Trial of, 97
- Scrap Metal, 66, 208, 285, 303, 355
- Scrap Metal Company, The, 187, 267
- Screw-cutting Lathe, Mr. Hunt’s, 383
- Screw Propellers, 399
- Screw Propellers, Mr. H. G. Young, 397
- Screw Shafts, Repairing, 61, 83
- Sea Water on Portland Cement, Effect of, Mr. Henry Faija, 504
- Secondary Batteries in the United States, 362
- Seine, Canalisation of the, The Suresnes Barrage, 439, 440, 441
- Selected American Patents, 22, 44, 68, 88, 108, 129, 152, 194, 216, 236, 257, 279, 302, 322, 342, 360, 388, 409, 430, 454, 476, 496, 516, 538, 560
- Series Electric Tramway, A, 219, 221, 222
- Serve’s Patent Ribbed Tube, 335
- Severn Tunnel, The, 168, 353
- Sewing Machine, The Inventor of the, 90
- Shafting in the Mercantile Marine, Mr. G. W. Manuel, 481, 501
- Sheffield District, 19, 41, 65, 85, 105, 127, 149, 173, 192, 213, 233, 255, 277, 299, 319, 339, 357, 385, 407, 427, 451, 473, 493, 513, 535, 557
- Shell, The Graydon, 161
- Sherwin’s Vertical Machine Vice, 500
- Shingle, The Presence or Absence of, 550
- Ship Canal, The Nicaragua, 381
- Ship Canal Scheme, New, 314
- Shipbuilders’ Wages in the North, 35
- Shipbuilders, Work for, 229
- Shipbuilding on the Clyde and Forth, 228
- Shipbuilding by Contract for the Navy, 291, 399
- Shipbuilding Statistics, 27
- Shippers and Shipowners, 4
- Siberian Railway, The, 381
- Silston Coal Area, Successful Drainage of the, 445
- Simplon Tunnel, The Projected, 383
- Simpson, Mr. James, 415
- Singapore, Map of, 89
- Slide Rule, A New Calculating, 288
- Slide Valves, Balanced, 397
- Slide Valves, Friction of, 238, 275
- Sliding Scales and Miners, 314
- Small Arms, Ammunition for, 90
- Smoke Preventer and Ventilator, Mr. H. Halle- well, 379
- Snow Armour, 168
- - Engine Trials, 162, 177
- - Papers to be Read, 370
- - Compression Members of Bridges, Mr. John H. Turner, 190
- - Inspection and Cleansing of Domestic Drainage, Mr. W. D. Scott Moncrieff, 124
- - Visit of the Members to the Nine Elms Works of the London and South-Western Railway Company, 254
- - Water Supply of Small Towns and Villages, Mr. R. E. Middleton, 355, 358
- - The Eight Hours’ Movement, 439
- - Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. Jno. R. Baillie, 126
- - Construction and Repair of Roads, Mr. Geo. R. Strachan, 203
- - Fireproof Floors, Mr. G. M. Lawford, 326
- - Forced Percolation of Water through Concrete, Mr. Henry Faija, 504
- - Recent Developments in High Explosives, Mr. P. F. Nursey, 392
- Society of Engineers, The German, 534
- - Duodecimals, Mr. G. Halliday, 183
- - Dynamo-Electric Machines, Mr. W. A. Walton. H2
- Society, The Ironfounder’s, 276
- - Design and Fitting of Public Baths, Mr. P. J. 1 Wald ram, 126
- - Southwark and City of London Subway, The, Mr. W. T. Dunn, 397
- - Steering Apparatus of Modern Warships, Mr. S. H. Wells, 214
- - Visit of Members to the Deptford Central Station of the London Electric Supply Corporation, 163
- - China Clay Mining, Mr. Dering Beale, 171
- - Electric Lighting Machinery, Mr. Hawkins, 321
- - Geology as Applied to Engineering, Mr. Virgol, 134
- - Lartigue Railway Systems, Mr. F. S. Atkinson, 178
- - Mine Ventilation, Mr. Schwartz, 122
- - Modern Pumping Machinery, Mr. V. J. Bouton, 203
- - Presidential Address of Mr. Chas. Mittelhausen, 484
- - Refrigerating Machinery, Mr. C. E. Jones, 272
- - Winding Machinery, Mr. V. J. Bouton, 203
- - Application of Atmospheric Air to Produce Motive Power, Mr. A. W. Brightmore, 67
- - Construction of Small Harbours and the Silting they give Rise to, Mr. G. Farren, 187
- - Relative Advantages of Iron and Steel Shafts. Mr. T. L. Miller, 254
- - Remarks on Steamship Performance, Diagram. Mr. W. Lang, 335
- - Steel in the Hands of the Naval Architect, Mr. H. West, 95, 134
- - Coal Gas, On the History and Manufacture of Mr. H. Pooley, 223
- - Marine Boilers, Mr. P. W. Johnson, 167
- - Lancashire Boiler, Mr. Walkeden on the, 250
- - Education of Intuition in Machine Designing, Mr. J. T. Hawkins, 147, 169
- Society, The Meteorological, 220
- - Magneto-optic Rotation, Professor O. J. Lodge 262
- - Amount and Incidence of Imperial Taxation in Different Countries, Mr. J. S. Jeans on the. 67
- - Licences for Vehicles Propelled by Electricity,
- Society, The Steam Engine Makers’, 134
- South Kensington Museum, 21, 64, 67, 107. 137 325, 387, 475
- South Kensington and Bethnal Green Museums, 64
- Southwark and City of London Subway, Mr. W. T. Dunn on the, 397
- Spanish Experiments with Torpedo Boats, 35
- Speed of Passenger Trains in the United States 534
- Spirit as an Agent in Prime Movers, The Use of, Mr. A. F. Yarrow, 470
- Spirit Engines, 403, 416, 488, 526, 556
- Spring Fitting Machine, Pessenger’s, 379
- Stability of Armour-clads (under the Condition of their Holds becoming Filled with Water), 353
- Stanley Exhibition of Cycles, The, 157, 211
- State and Freight, 526
- Steam in Brick Chimneys, 526
- Steam Dredger for British Guiana, Messrs. Priestman Brothers, 204, 210
- Steam Drier, Mathewson’s, 161
- Steam Forging Press, Compound, Messrs. B. and S. Massey, 468
- Steam Users and the Proposed Coal Ring, 270
- Steamers, Fast Paddle Passenger, “Rouen’’and “Paris” (Supplement, March 15th, 1889), 217, 223
- S.S. “Benmore,” Triple Expansion Engines of the, 370
- S.S. “Duke of Buccleuch,” 223
- S.S. “Meteor” Trials, 397, 418, 449
- S.S. “Meteor,” Report upon Trials of the, Professor A. Kennedy, 380, 389, 414
- S.S. “Rouen” and “Paris” (Supplement, March 15th, 1889), 217, 223
- S.S. “Singapore,” Engines of the, 328, 329, 355
- Steamship Performance, Diagram, Mr. Walter Lang’s Remarks on, 335
- Steamships and Insurance, 229
- Steamships on the Tyne, 166
- Steel, Another Use for, 424
- Steel Boiler, London and North-Western Railway, Mr. F. W. Webb’s New, 498, 499
- Steel v. Compound Armour, 112
- Steel as an Engineering Material, 334
- Steel Fire-box, London and North-Western Railway, Mr. F. W. Webb, 499
- Steel in 1888, Thomas Gilchrist, 124
- Steel in the hands of the Naval Architect, Mr. H. West on, 95, 132
- Steel Making Material, Supply of, 423
- Steel Rail Trust, The Proposed, 59
- Steel Rails, Life of, 466
- Steel Trade, The, 551
- Steel Trade and Increased Wages, 377
- Steel, Treatment of, by Hydraulic Pressure, Mr. W. H. Greenwood, 449
- Steering Apparatus of Modern Warships, Mr. S. H. Wells, 214
- Steering Gear, Mr. G. H. Harrison, 90
- Stileman, Mr. F. C., 436
- Stocks and Dies, and Tube and Bolt Vice, Bauer’s, 250
- Stone Breaker, Twin Lever, Messrs. S. Mason and Co., 126
- Storm Waves at Lighthouses, 296
- Strength of Rings, 351, 418
- Stress in Winding Drums, 103
- Strong Locomotive, The, 112
- Structural Ironwork in the Terry, Court, and Garrick Theatres, 94
- Sturtevant Mill, The, 161
- Sukkur Bridge, The, 390
- Summers, Thomas, 352
- - Antofagasta Railway, Bolivia, Viaduct over the River Loa, Mr. Edward Woods, Engineer, The Horseley Company, Builders, April 26th, 1889
- - Bogie Passenger Engine and Tender, Glasgow and South-Western Railway, Mr. Hugh Smellie, March 1st and 22nd, 1889
- - Compound Engines, S.S. “Rouen’’and “Paris,” Tne Fairfield Engineering Company, Designs by Mr. W. Stroudley, March 15th, 1889
- - Four-Coupled Passenger Tank Engine, Metropolitan District Railway, May 18th, 1889
- - H.M. First-class Battleship “ Benbow,” 10,600 tons, Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company. June 7th, 1889
- - H.M. First-class Battleship “Edinburgh,” Constructed at Pembroke Dockyard, April 5th, 1889
- - H.M.S. “Victoria,” Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., February 15th, 1889
- - Mogul Engine, Class S. L , Central Pacific Railway, Mr. Francis F. Brown, June 21st, 1889
- -Otto Wire Ropeway, Gottesegen Colliery, Anto- nienhiitte, Upper Silesia, January 25th, 1889 Passenger Locomotive, London and South- Western Railway, Mr. W. Adams, January 18th, 1889
- - Proposed Dam on the Verse, Westphalia, February 1st, 1889
- - Triple Expansion Engines, S.S. “Victoria” and “Domira,” Messrs. Alexander Stephen and Sons, January 4th, 1889
- - Twin-Screw Yacht “Ormea,” The Ardrossan Shipbuilding Company, April 12th, 1889
- - Swedish Trial of Schneider’s Steel Armour, 97 Swords, Defective, 90
- TANSA Waterworks Scheme, The, 369
- Teaching of Workmen, 103
- Technical Education, 4, 50, 139, 172, 182, 203. 224, 392
- Technical Industrial Education, A Bill for, 4
- Telegraphy, Transatlantic, 81
- Telephone, The Duke of Portland and the, 553
- Telpher Railway, A, 423
- Temperature of a Body, That the, is Represented by the Length of the Calorific Oscillations of its Molecules, M. Raoul Pictet, 30
- - Cloonacannana Bridge, 251
- - Hornsey Local Board, 231
- - Leicester Corporation, 117
- - Meat Extract Plant, 335
- - New Main Sewers, Leicester, 472
- - Southwold Waterworks, 436
- - West Kirby, Cheshire, 356
- Teredo and other Timber Pests, R. H. Hammerslay Heenen, 110
- Testing Chronometers at the Greenwich Observatory, 523
- Testing Lubricating Oils, 89
- Tests for Cast Iron, 294
- Tests for Proving Bayonets and Swords, 212
- Thawing Frozen Gas Pipes, Mr. F. Shelton on, 43
- Theory of the Arctos, 369
- Theory and Practice in Steam Engineering, 549
- Thermo-Chemistry Applied to Metallurgy, Mr. Pourcel, 423
- Thomson-Houston 80-H.P. Generator for Power Transmission, 539, 548
- Tidal Estuaries, 526
- Tidal Estuaries, Working Models of, 497
- Tides in Natural Gas, 295
- Timber Pests, The Teredo and other, 110
- Tip Trucks, Spring, for Heavy Materials, 424
- Torpedo Boat, A New, 203
- Torpedo Boats for the Japanese Government, 59
- Torpedo Impulse Tubes, 181
- Torpedo, The Lege, 305
- Tower’s Steady Platform Apparatus, 325
- Trade Syndicates, 207
- Transmission of Power in Mining, 466
- Truro Rock Drill, The, 2
- Turbine, 300-H.P. Jonval, Cerro de Pasco Gold Mine 468
- Turbine House, Chapin Iron Mine, Michigan, U.S.A., 398
- Turner, New Engine and Boiler, The, 462
- Turret Ship, “ Citadel,” Trafalgar Type, 230
- Turret Ship with Redoubts, 230
- Tylor’s Positive and Inferential Water Meters, 378
- Type-writer, The Bar Lock, 382
- U.S. CAST Steel Breech-loading Rifled Gun, Test of a, 37
- United States Navy, The, 326
- United States’ New Navy, The, 495
- University College, London, The Engineering Professorship, 434
- Use of Spirit as an Agent in Prime Movers, A. F. Yarrow, 470
- Utilisation of Small Coal, 111
- VALVE Gear, Arrol and Pringle’s, 47
- Ventilation of our Public Buildings and Dwellings, 340
- Verse Dam, Valley Dam for Westphalian, Sauerland (Supplement, February lst, 1889), 103, 122, 139
- Verse, Westphalia, Proposed Dam on the (Supplement, February lst, 1889), 103, 122, 139
- Viaduct in the World, The Highest (Supplement, A pril 26th), 348
- Vice, Sherwin’s Vertical Machine, 500
- Victorian Railways, 384
- Visit of Twenty-six Workmen to the Paris Exhibition, 508
- Vyrnwy Aqueduct, The, 100
- Vyrnwy, Lake, 81, 84
- Vyrnwy Masonry Dam, Liverpool Waterwork, 50, 56, 84
- Vyrnwy Waterworks, 84
- WAGES Question in the Iron Trade, The, 121
- Wagoms on an Early Railway, 70
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 20, 42, 66, 86, 106, 128, 150, 174, 192, 214, 234, 256, 278, 300, 320, 340, 358, 386, 408, 428, 452, 474, 494, 514, 536, 558
- Warning, A, 418
- Warship, An Experimental, 375
- Warships Launched 1888, 495
- Warships, Submergible, 57
- Water Conservation and Irrigation, 526
- Water Gas, 84, 103, 182, 331
- Water Meter, The Differential Positive, 417
- Water Meters, Tylor's Positive and Infrential, 378
- Water Supply Scheme for Brisbane, 103
- Water Supply of Small Towns and Villages, Mr. R. E. Middleton on the, 355, 358
- Water Waste Prevention, 43
- Weldon Freestone and Weldon Rag, 143
- West Australian Land Company's Pier at Albany, 93
- Wild and Co., Messrs. J., Governor, 137
- Wind as a Motor, Mr. R. Godfrey, 137
- Winding Drums, Stress in, 103
- Winding Machinery, Mr. V. J. Bouton, 203
- Windsor, The Royal Show at, 517
- Wire Ropes, Invention of, 484
- Wire Strand Making Machine, 244
- Wire and Wire Ropes: Their Manufacture and Uses, 209, 243, 245, 316, 425, 519, 542
- Woodhouse and Rawson Electric Supply Company, Gold Medal Awarded to, at the Melbourne Exhibition, 192
- Woodite, 400
- Woolley, Mr. Joseph, 271
- Woolwich Free Ferry, 262
- Workmen, Teaching of, 103
- Workmen’s Inventions, Awards for, 100
- Worsdell Locomotives, Mr. R. II. Lapage on, 124
- Worthington Pumping Engines, Bournemouth Waterworks, 7, 10
- YACHT “Valkyrie,” The, 384
- Yokohama Harbour Improvements, 492
- Yorkshire Coal Trade, The, 376
- Yorkshire Miners, New Demand of the, 314
See Also
Sources of Information