The Engineer 1892/04/22
1892 April 22nd PDF
Main Subjects
- 1893 Chicago International Exhibition, p335 (Illustrated).
- Adjustable Lock and Weir, p338.
- Construction of the Modern Locomotive, p333.
- Cologne Electric Light Station, p339.
- Editorial, p343.
- Municipal Authorities and Central Electric Light Stations
- Speed in the Navy
- Chicago Exhibition
- Fire Protection at Cape Town
- New Method of Tunnel Illumination
- Glass Making Machinery
- Safety of Railway Travelling
- Mining Engineering and Coal Trade Profits
- The Whaleback in a Gale.
- Giant Lighthouse Lens-Quadrilateral Arrangement - J. R. Wigham, p349.
- HMS Blake, p338 (Illustrated).
- Institute of Marine Engineers, p346.
- Institution of Naval Architects, p333.
- Johnstone System of Underground Conduits for Electric Lighting, p346 (Illustrated).
- London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, p348.
- Optical Projection, (No. III), p347 (Illustrated).
- Payment for Machinery by Instalments, p349.
- Sumatrian Railway, p341, p342 (Illustrated).
- Swing Bridge for Kidderpore Docks, p350 (Illustrated).
- Teak Timber, p346.
- Victor Turbines, p339 (Illustrated).