The Engineer 1893/12/08
Main Subjects
- 1893 Chicago International Exhibition - Agricultural Implements, p523, p524 (Illustrated).
- 1893 Smithfield Club Show, p521 (Illustrated).
- Ball Bearings, p527.
- Death, p531.
- Dixon Automatic Fog Signal Apparatus, p535.
- Editorial, p531.
- President Cleveland's Message
- English and French Naval Policy
- Our Foreign Machinery Trade
- Miners' Federation and the Stacking of Coal on Pit Banks
- Pre-Eminence of English Agricultural Machinery
- Shipbuilding Statistics for the Year.
- Grievances of Traction Engine Owners, p528.
- Harbours and Waterways, p528.
- Obituary, p525.
- Private Bills and Provisional Orders, p522.
- Reservoir Dams, p525.
- Sacarmati Oil Mills of the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway, p526, p534 (Illustrated).
- Special Triple Geared Sliding, Surfacing and Screw Cutting Lathe, p530, p538 (Illustrated).
- Tenders - New Laundry at Fulham, p534 (Table).
- Torpedo Boat Destroyer Havock, p524.
- water Supply Notes, p538.