The Engineer 1895 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations
Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1895 Jan-Jun: Index
View the 1895 Jan-Jun Volumes
- ABBOTT Tube Expander, The, 77
- Acland Hillsido Meadow Cutter, The, 442
- " Aco,” The Tank s.s., 261, 265, 268
- Alexander, Professor, 239
- Allison, E. G., Scavenger Charge in Gas Motors, 181
- Alpine Railway, A New, An Austrian Righi, 91, 98
- Am Ende, Max, On the Calculation of Frameworks with Superfluous Parts, 89
- America, Railroading in, Signalling, Permanent Way, Ac., 215
- American Pumps, 75
- American Tin-plate Making Machinery, 415, 437, 438, 439
- Amoretti, P., Steam Tramways in Italy, 253, 297
- Armanni's Belt Shifter, 508
- Ashbury Tubo Expander, The, 77
- Aspinall, Mr. J. A. F., Express Locomotives, 505, 536, 537, 561, 563
- Assam Public Works, Contracts Open, 82, 83
- Atlas Works, Glasgow, Machine Tool Making at, 156, 157
- Avon Valley, Tho 1894 Floods in the, 294
- BALDWIN CO., The American Locomotive, Buenos Ayres Western Railway, 71
- Baltic Canal, Warships at the Opening of the, 609, 612
- Barry, Mr. Charles, Institution of Civil Engineers, 50, 51, 62, 55 (SappZcmenf, January \&h, 1895)
- Batey, Mr. J., Steam Pipe Safety Valve, 91
- Bath, The Submerged Quays at, 294
- Beddell’s Epicycloidal Ornamental Turning Attachment foi Lathes, 516
- Belfast, Map showing Available Water Supply Districts, 237, 238
- Belfast Waterworks, The Mourne Mountain District, 246
- Belgium, Map showing Light Railways in, 259
- Belleville, Generators of the “ Rossya,” Russian Cruiser, 548, 549
- Bentall and Co., Messrs. E. H., Mowing Machine Gear, 493
- Berend and Co., Messrs. 0., Automatic Air Valve for Exposed Pipes, 31
- Berry, Mr. Albert E., Saw Bench with Rising and Falling Table, 122
- Beyer, Peacock, and Co., English Locomotives, Buenos Ayres, Great Southern Railway, 71
- “Blanco Encalada,” Triple Expansion Engines of the Chilian Cruiser {Supplement, January 4fA, 18951
- Blankenberghe, Belgium, The Promenade Pier and Hall, 220, 221, 224
- Bordeaux Water Supply Works, Iron Covered Reservoir, 30
- Botting, F., Frosts and Water Supply, 223
- Bourdon, Mr. Ed., New Lubricators, 90
- Bouzey Dam, The Failure of the, 383
- Brady, Mr. A. B., Low Level Concrete Bridge, Maryborough, Queensland, 395, 399
- Brandt's Rock Drills at the Simplon Tunnel, 74,75
- Brill's Tram-Car Bogie Truck, 430
- Bristol, New Electric Tramway in, 198
- Britannia Company, Beddell’s Epicycloidal Orna¬mental Turning Attachment for Lathes, 516
- British and Colonial Steamship Company’s s.a, 465, 466, 467
- British Fuses for Modern Guns, 487, 488
- Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, English Locomotives, Beyer, Peacock and Company, 71
- Buenos Ayres, Western Railway, American Loco¬motive, The Baldwin Company, 71
- Bull, Mr. John C., Simple Pitchometer, 431
- “ Buluwayo,” v.s., Engines and Boilers, 465
- Busse, Mr. Otto, Passenger Locomotive Danish State Railways, Messrs. Neilson, 312, 318
- Byers and Company, Messrs. W. L., Stockless Anchor, 406
- “ CALEDONIA,” S.S., Electric Light Engines and Dynamos, 189
- Caledonian Railway, Express Passenger Engine {Supplement», May lOtA, and 31rf, 1895)
- Caoet 12*6in. Guns in the Japanese Fleet at Yaln, 102
- Chelford Railway Accident, The, 12
- Cheltenham, Municipal Electric Light Works at, 517
- Chilian Cruiser “ Blanco Encalada,” Triple Ex¬pansion Engines {Supplement, January ilk,
- Chinese Warships Sunk at Wei-bai-Wei, 133
- Claret and Vuilleumier, MM., Electrical Tram¬way with Underground Conductor, 250, 251
- Clarke, Mr. Hyde, 217
- Clarkson, M. J., The “Circlograpb,” 384
- Clayton and Shnttleworth's Oil Engines, R. A.S.S.,
- Coalbrookdale Company, Horizontal Hydraulic j Pumping Engines, 202
- Cole, Marchent, and Morley, Messrs., Direct- Action High-pressure Pumps, 122
- Colne Valley Waterworks—Bushey Park PumpiDg Station 125
- Copeland’s Wall Engine, Atlas Works, 156
- Corliss Condensing Engines, Leicester Electricity Works, Compound (Supplement, June 21 d, 1895)
- Corliss Engine, Triple Expansion, Moorlands Mill, Bolton, Messrs. W. B. Thompson and Co., 424, 428
- Craven Bros , Messrs., Radial Drilling, Tapping, and Studding Machine, 308
- Crosland'8 Paper Cotter and Paper Press, 63
- Cunningham, Blyth, and Westland, Messrs., The .
- New North Bridge,WaverleyStation, Edinburgh ] (Supplement, January 18th, 1895)
- DANISH State Railways, Passenger Locomotive, Messrs. Neilson, 312, 318, 417, 421
- Dean, Mr. W., Fifty-five feet Surface Turntable, Great Western Railway, 137
- Dennes Hydro Pneumatic Leaching Apparatus, 203
- Doulton’s Electric Light Main Conduits, 123
- Dunlop and Co., Messrs. D. and J., Oil Carrying Steamer, “ Aco,” 261, 265, 268
- EASTON, Anderson, and Gooiden, Messrs., Engines and Centrifugal Pumps, Victoria Docks, 144
- Edinburgh, New North Bridge (Supplement, January l&lh, 1895)
- Electrical Installation Company, Cartridge Closing Machine, 115
- Elswick Quick-fire Gun, The New, 165
- Empire of India, Exhibition, General Plan, 218
- Empire of India Exhibition, Principals of Empress Theatre, 241
- English and American Locomotives, 71
- Ewing, Prof., Magnetic Tester for Hysteresis in Iron, 384
- FENCHURCH Street Oxygen Cylinder Explosion, 310
- Fielding and Platt, Messrs., Hydraulic Forging Press, Swindon Works, 547
- Flannery and Terry’s Thrust Bearing, 6
- Fletcher, Messrs., The Leblanc Compound Sugar Mill, 38
- French Battleships "Magenta” and “Hoche,” . 70, 78
- French Protected Cruiser, “ Davout,” 229
- French Protected Cruiser, "Jean Bart,” 229
- GALLOWAYS, Limitel, Messrs., Rolling Mill Engine for the Johnson Company, Lorain, U.S.A., 446
- Giles, Mr. Alfred, 199
- Great Southern and Western Railway, Ireland, Staff Holder, 114
- Great Western Railway, Express Locomotive, Mr. W. Dean, Details of Frame and Bogie (Supple¬ment, June USth, 1895)
- Great Western Railway, Fifty-five feet Surface Turntable, Mr. W. Dean, 137
- Great Western Railway Works, Swindon, 545
- Guildford, Collapse of St. Catherine’s Tunnel, 266
- HARDY and Padmore, Messrs., Southall’s Ideal Gas Engine, 272
- Hardy Patent Pick Company, The, Excavator Blasting Auger, 274
- Hardy Patent Pick Company, The, Vibromotor, 508
- Harfield and Co., Messrs., Windlass and Warping Capstan, s.s. “Fort Salisbury,” 482
- Hawthorne, Leslie, and Co., Messrs. R. and W., Combined Crane and Locomotive, 398
- Hayward Tyler and Co., Messrs., Geared Pump¬ing Engines, 39
- H.M.S. “Magnificent” and “Majestic,” 48, 58
- H.M.S. “Royal Arthur,” 376 H.M.S. “Terrible,” 442, 471
- H.M.S. “Terrible,” Launch of, 471
- Highland Railway, Express Locomotive, Mr. D. Jones (Supplement, February Id, 1895)
- Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., Messrs., Compound Mill Engine at Saltaire, 34, 38
- “Hoche” and “Magenta,” French Battleships, 70, 78
- Holden and Brooke, Messrs., Standard Combina¬tion Injector, 443
- Holehouse and Morley's Patent, Direct-action High-pressure Pumps, 122
- Holland - American Oil Company's Tank s.s. “Aco,” 261, 265, 268
- Hornsby-Akroyd Oil Engine, Forty-Horse Power, 242
- Houses of Parliament, Drainage System of the, j 526, 527
- Hudson, Proposed New Suspension Bridge over | the, 298
- Hudson and Co., Mossrs. 0. and H., Steam Con- I denser and Economiser, 243
- Humber Company’s Works, Beeston, Manufac¬ture of Cycles, 53, 54, 56
- Humboldt Engineering Company. Coal Washing Plant, Powell Duffryn Company's Elliott Pits, 370
- Humphrys, Tennant, and Company, Messrs., j Triple Expansion Engines of the “ Blanco
- Encalada” {Supplement, January ilk, 1895)
- Hurlbut and Rogers, Messrs.. Cutting - off Machine, 307
- INDIAN State Railways and Assam Works, Bridge Girders, 82
- Indian State Railways, Girders for, 231
- Indian State Railways, Light Draught Ferry Steamers, 240, 241
- Indian State Railways, Steel Colliery Wagons and Parts, 61
- Indian State Railways, Underframes and Bodies for Covered Wagons, 386
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Mr. Charles Barry, {Supplement, January 18tA, 1895), 50, 51, 52, 55
- Italian Gunboat “ Partenope,” 512
- Italy, Steam Tramways in, 253, 297
- Ivatt's Speed Diagrams, 505
- JAPAN, Coal Mining in, 153, 160, 174, 179, 182
- Japan, Coal Mining in, Chart of the Milke Con¬cession, showing Seam Depths, 153
- Japanese Fleet at Yalu, Canet 12 6in. Guns, 102
- Jennings, Mr. George, Reservoir Level Electrical Indicator, 243
- Johnson Co., Lorain, U.S.A., Rolling Mill Engine for the, Messrs. Galloways, Limited, 446
- Johnson and Phillips, Messrs., Submarine Cable ] Grapnels, 122
- Jonage Canal, The, 484, 485, 486
- Jones, Mr. D., Express Locomotive, Highland Railway {Supplement, February let, 1895)
- KAYE and Sons, Messrs. Joseph, Automatic Safety Wedge Railway Lock, 284
- Kent Uniform Flow Water Meter, The, 9
- Kingussie, The Ruthven Bridge over the Spey, near, 295, 298
- Krauss Locomotive Works, Rack Rail Locomotive, i Schafberg Railway, 91, 98
- Kuklos Bicycle Crank Arrangement, 511
- LAMBETH Brass and Iron Co., Hydrant Frost Post, 133
- Lambie, Mr. John, Portrait of, 407
- Lau-Ho Bridge, China, Opening of the, 377
- Lang’s Gear Cutter, Atlas Works, Glasgow, 156
- Leblanc's Compound Sugar Mill, The, Messrs. Fletcher and Co., 38
- Letchbury Doubler, The, 438
- Leicester Electricity Works {Supplement, June 21»/, 1895), 531
- L'Idés, MM. Matter et Cie., 175, 176
- Liquid Fuel Engineering Co., The, Boiler for Steam Yacht, with Liquid Fuel Burners, 316
- Lloyd’s, Lift Accident at, 204
- Lamnitz and Duxbury, Messrs., Safety Doors for J Hoists, 273
- London and South-Western Railway, Express Passenger Engine, Mr. W. Adams {Supplement, Marek 22nd, 1895), 244
- Lyons, Electrical Tramway with Underground Conductor, 250, 251
- Lyons Electricity and Power Supply Works, The Jonage Canal and, 484, 485, 486
- MCDONALD Nut Lock, The, 264
- McDougall’s Oil Extractor and Separator, 164
- McGlasson s Reversing Propeller, “l’Idée,” 176
- McKenzie, Mr. Alexander, and Messrs. Somervail and Co., The Ruthven Bridge over the Spey near Kingussie, 295, 298
- McPhail and Simpson’s Superheater, 228
- “Magenta’’and “ Hoche,” French Battleships, 70,78
- “Magnificent” and the “Charlemagne,” The, 264
- Mann and Charlesworth, Messrs., Single Excentric Reversing Gear, 209
- Marsden Mr. H. R., Stone Breaker, Royal Agricultural Society’8 Show, 554
- Marshall's Valve Gear, Enlarged Detail of, 468
- Marshall, Sons, and Co., Messrs., Chaff Cutter, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 553
- Marshall, Sons, and Co., Messrs., Road Locomo¬tive, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 552
- Maryborough, Queensland, Low-level Concrete Bridge, Mr. A. B. Brady, 395, 399
- Maschinen Fabrik, Esslingen and Savarino, Types of Rack Railway Locomotives, 420
- Matter et Cie., MM., Gas Propelled Barge “ l'Idée,” 175, 176
- Moorlands Mill, Bolton, Triple-Expansion Corliss Engine, Messrs. W. B. Thompson and Co., 424, 428
- Moorman, Mr., Compressed Air Dredging Apparatus, 443
- Morewood and Rogers, Messrs., Recent Improve¬ments in Galvanising, 494
- Mumford, Mr. A. G., Duplex Steam Pumps, 242
- Mumford Water-tube Boiler, The, 490
- NEILSON, Messrs., Passonger Locomotive, Danish State Railways, 312, 318, 417, 421
- New-Mayne Electric Motor for Rowing Boats, 304
- New York, New Haven, and Hartford Train Passing a Level Crossing, 216
- Niagara Falls Electric Power and Hydraulic Station, Tunnel and Property, 195, 196
- Niagara, The Utilisation of, 195, 196
- Niclausse Water-tube Boiler, The, 560
- Non-Polarising Voltaic Battery Co., New Primary Cell, 154
- North Bridge in Edinburgh, The New (Supple¬ment, January 18M, 1895)
- “North-West,” Passenger Lake Steamer, 111, 114, 115
- “North west," Passenger Lake Steamer, Quad¬ruple Expansion Engines, 111, 115, 118
- “OROYA” in Dock, The s.s., 536
- Ottewell Sight-feed Lubricator, The, 495
- PAIN, Mr. A. C., Girder Bridge, Tottenham and Forest Gate Railway, 280, 288, 296
- Palmer and Blackmore's Twist Drill Grinder, 398
- Paragon Bolt Syndicate, The "Pullopen" Catch, 284
- Parker, Mr. Thomas, Continuous Current Hinged Pole-piece Dynamo, 31
- Pease’s Split Tube and Concrete Construction, 272
- Penwarden’s Screw-cutting Attachment, 123
- Powell Dutfryn Co.'s Elliott Pits, Coal-washing Plant, 370
- Prim and Jones, Messrs., Drainage System of the Houses of Parliament, 526, 527
- “Prospect” Steam Pump, Holehouseand Morley’s Patent, 122
- QUEENSLAND, Maryborough, Low-level Con¬crete Bridge, 395, 399
- RATEAU Fan at the Lens Colliery, 451, 452
- Ravensthorpe, Off the Rails at, 286
- Rayleigh, Lord, on Waves and Vibration, 296
- Redcar, Boiler Explosion at, 530
- Reeve's Feed-water Filter, 509
- “Reliance ” Stockless Anchor, The, 406
- Reynold’s “ Burner” Grate, 189
- Richardson’s Exors., Messrs. W. R., Axle Bear¬ing, 31
- Robinson, Mr. Mark, The Niclausse Water-tube Boiler, 560
- Robinson's Wheat Dryer, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 555
- Robinson and Oldfield's Feed Motion, Atlas Works, Glasgow, 156
- “ Rossya," Belleville Boilers of the, 548, 549
- Royal Agricultural Show, Miscellaneous Imple¬ments at, 553
- Royal Agricultural Show, Steam, Oil, and Gas Engines at, 552
- Royal Aquarium, Steam Launches at, 316, 317
- Rathven Bridge over the River Spey, near Kin¬gussie, 295, 298
- SAGAR'S Vertical Spindle Irregular Moulding Machine with Roller Feed, 283
- St. Catherine's Tunnel, Guildford, Collapse of, 266
- Saltaire, Compound Mill Engine at, 34, 38
- Sandycroft Foundry Co., Winding Engines and Winding Gear, Constructed by the, 295, 298
- Schafberg Railway Rack Rail Locomotive, The, Krauss Locomotive Works, 91, 98
- Segundo, Ed. C. De, Safety Lift Appliances, 223
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Messrs., English and Foreign Locomotives, 94, 95
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Messrs., Locomotive Lifting Tackle, 156
- Sheppard’s Capstan, 316
- Siemens Brothers and Tangyes, Messrs., Electric Id|ht Engines and Dynamos, s.s. “Caledonia,”
- Siemens Governor, 394
- “ Simplex ” Stockless Anchor, 316
- Simplon Tunnel, Map showing Proposed Line of, 1
- Simplon Tunnel, Sections of, 2, 25
- Simplon Tunnel, Ventilating Fans for the, 103
- Simpson and Co., Messrs. J as., Triple Expansion Worthington Pumping Engine at Hornsey Sluice, 132,140.
- Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, Messrs., Crank Chamber Boring Machine, 309
- Smith and Vale, Duplex Pomp, 75
- Snowdon Railway, Map of, 39
- Southall’s Ideal Gas Engine, Messrs. Hardy and Padmore, 272
- Spence-Doulton Bare Electric Light Mains, 123
- Spey, Ruthven Bridge over the, near Kingussie, 295, 298
- “ Standard,” Imperial Yacht, Delta Metal Pro¬pellers, 377
- S.S. “Buluwayo,” General Plan of Engine and Boiler Rooms, 465
- S.S. “ Caledonia,” Electric Light Engines and Dynamos, 189
- S.S. “ Port Salisbury,” Arc Head Tiller, 483
- S.S. “ Port Salisbury,” The Engine Room, 466
- S.S. “ Port Salisbury,” Hand Steering Gear, 483
- S.S. “Port Salisbury,” Windlass and Warping Capstan, Messrs. Harfield and Co., 482
- S.S. “ Johannesburg,” 467
- Steel Forging and Ball Bearing Co., The, Rolling Machine for Ball Bearings, 186, 187
- Stern and Hafferl, Messrs., Schafberg Railway, Austrian Alps, 91,-98
- Stothert and Pitt’s Works, Messrs., Lower Storey Submerged, 294
- Sulzer Bros., Messrs., Brandt's Rock Drills at the Simplon Tunnel, 74, 75
- Swindon Workshops, Great Western Railway, Supplement, June 28th, 1895) 545, 546, 547, 555
- TANG YES and Siemens Bros., Messrs., Electric Light Engines and Dynamos, s.s. “Caledonia,” 189
- Thames Ditton, Plan of Ferry Works, 287
- Thirlmere-Manchester Water Supply, 46, 47
- Thompson and Co., Messrs. W. B., Triple expan¬sion Corliss Engine, Moorland’s Mill, Bolton, 424, 428
- Thompson and Marsden Recorder, The, 93
- Thomson, Messrs. G. and J., H.M. First-class Cruiser “Terrible,” 442
- “Ting Yuen” and “Chen Yuen,” Chinese War¬ships Sunk at Wei-Hai-Wei, 133
- Todd’s Quadruple-Expansion Terminal Exhaust Steam Engine, 450
- Todd’s Terminal Exhaust Triple Expansion Engine, 462, 463
- Tottenham and Forest Gate Railway, Girder Bridge, Mr. A. C. Pain, 280, 288, 296
- Tully and Schreiber’s *Tool Expander, 123
- Turner, Messrs., Double Vibromotor Scalper, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 553
- U.S. CRUISER “ Columbia," 612
- U.S. Cruiser “ New York,” 512
- U.S. Cruiser “ San Francisco," 509
- U.S. Naval Breech Loading Rifles, Comparative Sizes of, 393
- U.S. Naval Gun Factory at Washington, D.C., 372, 373, 380, 393, 402
- U.S. Naval Guns, Jackets for, 373
- U.S. Navy, Third-class Torpedo Boat for, 3, 27
- U.S., Rolling Mill Engines in the, 446
- U.S., Tin-plate Industry in the, 415, 437, 438, 459, 460
- Unwin, Professor W. C., Autographic Stress Diagrams—Copper Tests, 445
- “ VENTURI ” Meter at Chicago, 9
- Victoria Docks, Engines and Centrifugal Pumps, Messrs. Easton, Anderson, and Gooiden, 144
- WAIS and Roos Shearing and Doubling Machine, 438
- Wallis and Steevens, Messrs., Traction Engine, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 551, 552
- Waverley Station, Edinburgh, The New North Bridge {Supplement, January 18/A, 1895)
- Welbury, Mr. W., Breakdowns at Sea, 498
- Wells and Co., Messrs. A. C., Paint Spraying Machine, 385
- White, Sir William, Wood and Copper Sheathing for Steel Ships (Diagram), 506
- Wilkinson and Sons, Messrs., Horizontal Boring, Turning, Facing, and Milling Machine, 550
- Wilkinson's Vatvometer, Messrs. Nalder Brothers and Co., 284
- Willans, Mr., Memorial Tablet to the Late, 287
- Willans and Robinson's Works, View of, 287, 290
- Willans and Robinson's, Messrs., Crank Shaft Forging, 308
- Willans and Robinson, Messrs., Cylinder Bore, 307
- Willans and Robinson, Messrs., Engineering Works, 307, 308, 309, 310
- Willans and Robinson, Messrs., “ Jigs,” 307
- Willans and Robinson, Messrs., Trunk Slotting and Trunk Drilling Machines, 307
- Wimshurt, Mr., Gradient Indicator, 384
- Worthington Pumping Engine at Hornsey Sluice, Triple Expansion, 132, 140
- YALU, Canet 12*6in. Guns in the Japanese Fleet at, 102
- Yarrow, Mr. A. F., Aluminium Torpedo Boats Built for the French Government, 316, 317
- Yeovilton, The Boiler Explosion at, 178
- ALUMINIUM Torpedo Boat Built for the French Government, 316, 317
- Anchor, The Reliance Stockless, Messrs. W. L. Byers and Company, 406
- Anchor, The “ Simplex ” Stockless, 316
- Arc Head Tiller, a.s. “ Fort Salisbury,” 483
- Axle Bearing, Messrs. W. R. Richardson’s Executors, 31
- BARGE, “l'Idée," Gas Engine Propelled,175,176
- Battery, A New Polarising, 154
- Battleship’s “Magenta "and “Hoche,” French, 70, 78
- Battleships “ Magnificent ” and “ Majestic,” 5, 8, 48
- Belt Shifter, Armanni’s, 508
- Bicycle Crank Arrangement, 511
- Boilers and Air Pumps, United States Torpedo Boat, 27
- Boiler Explosion at Redcar, 630
- Boiler Explosion at Yeovilton, 178
- Boiler, The Mumford Water-tube, 490
- Boiler, The Niclausse Water-tube, 560
- Boiler for Steam Yacht with Liquid Fuel Burners, The Liquid Fuel Engineering Co., 316
- Boring, Turning, Facing, and Milling Machine,
- Horizontal, Messrs. Wilkinson and Sons, 550
- Breakdowns at Sea, Mr. W. Welbury, 498
- Breech Mechanism, U.S. Naval Gun Factory, at Washington, D.C., 393
- Bridges, Compound Concrete and Steel, M. W. D.,
- Bridges for Indian State Railways and Assam Works, 82, 83
- Bridge, The Lan-Ho, China, Opening of, 377
- Bridge, Low Level Concrete, Maryborough, Queensland, 395, 399
- Bridge, The New North, Edinburgh {Supplement, January 18th, 1895)
- “ Burner" Grate, Reynolds’, 189
- CANAL, The Jonage, 484, 485, 486
- Capstan, Sheppard’s, 316
- Capstan, Windlass, and Warping, as. “Port Salisbury,” 482
- Cartridge Closing Machine, Electrical Installation Company, 115
- Chaff Cutter, Messrs. Marshall, Sons, and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 553
- Circlograph, Mr. T. Clarkson, 384
- Coal Breaker and Rotating Screen, The Humboldt Engineering Company, 371
- Coal Mining in Japan, 153, 160, 174, 179, 182
- Coal Mining in Japan, Chart of the Milke Concession, 153
- Coal Mining in Japan, Views of Oura Mine and Drainage Pit at Hayagane, 160
- Coal Washing Plant, The Powell Duffryn Com¬pany’s Elliott Pits, 370
- Colliery Wagons and Parts, Steel, Indian State Railways, 61
- Condenser and Economiser, Steam, Messrs. G. and H. Hudson and Co., 243
- Conduits, Doulton’s Electric Light Main, 123
- Crane and Locomotive, Combined, Messrs. R. and W. Hawthorne, Leslie, and Co., 398
- Crank Chamber Boring Machine, Messrs. Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, 309
- Crank Shaft Forging, Messrs. Willans and Robinson, 308
- Cruiser, “Royal Arthur,” H.M.S. First-class, 376
- Cruiser, “Terrible,” H.M. First-class, 442, 471
- Cruisers, U.S., at the Opening of the Baltic Canal, 509, 512
- Cycles, The Humber Co.'s Works, Bees ton, 53, 54, 56
- DAM, Failure of the Bouzey, 383
- Direct Action High-pressure Pumps, Messrs. Cole, Marchent, and Morley, 122
- Docks, Victoria, Engines and Centrifugal Pumps, Messrs. Easton, Anderson, and Gooiden, 144
- Donbler, The Leechbury, 438
- Doubling Machine, Shearing and, The Wais and Roos, 438
- Drainage System of the Houses of Parliament, Messrs. Prim and Jones, 526, 527
- Dredging Apparatus, Compressed Air, Mr. Moormann, 443
- Drills, Brandt’s Rock, at the Simplon Tunnel, 74, 75
- Dynamos, Continuous Current Hinged Pole Piece, Mr. Thomas Parker, 31
- ELECTRIC Light Engines and Dynamos, s.s. "Caledonia," 189
- Electric light Mains, Bare, The Spence-Doulton, 123
- Electric Light Works at Cheltenham, 517
- Electric Tramway in Bristol, Map showing, 198
- Electrical Tramway with Underground Conductor, Lyons, 250, 251
- Electricity and Power Supply Works, The Jonage Canal and Lyons, 484, 485, 486 Electricity Works, Leicester {Supplement, June 21 tt, 1895), 531
- Engineering Works on the Thames, 307, 808, 309, 310
- Engine and Boiler Rooms s.s. “ Buluwayo,” 465
- Engines and Centrifugal Pumps, Victoria Docks, Messrs. Easton, Anderson and Gooiden, 144
- Engines, Compound Corliss Condensing, Leicester Electricity Works {Supplement, June 21it, 1895)
- Engine, Compound Mill, at Saltaire, Messrs. Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., 34, 38 Engines and Dynamos, Electric Light, as. “ Cale¬donia,” 189
- Engine, Express Passeuger, London and SouthWestern Railway, Mr. W. Adams {Supplement, March, 22nJ, 1895), 244
- Engines, Geared Pumping, Messrs. Hayward, Tyler and Co., 39
- Engines, Horizontal Hydraulic Pumping, Coalbrookdale Co., 202
- Engine, Oil, Messrs. Clayton and Shuttloworth,
- Engines, Quadruple Expansion, Passeuger Lake
- Steamer “ North-West,” 111, 116
- Engine, Rolling Mill, for the Johnson Co., Lorain, U.S.A., Messrs. Galloways, Limited, 446
- Engine Room as. " Port Salisbury,” 466
- Engines, Steam, Oil, and Gas, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 552
- Engine, Todd's Quadruple Expansion Terminal Exhaust, 446
- Engine, Todd’s Terminal Exhaust Triple Expan¬sion, 462, 463
- Engine, Traction, Messrs. Wallis and Steevens, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 551, 552
- Engines, Triple Expansion, of the “ Blanoo Encalada,” Messrs. Humphryg, Tennant, and Co. {Supplement, January ith, 1895)
- Engine, Triple Expansion Corliss, Moorlands Mill, Bolton, Messrs. W. B. Thompson and Co., 424, 428
- Engine, Copeland’sWall, AtlasWorks, Glasgow, 156
- Epicycloidal Turning Attachment for Lathes, 516
- Exhibition, Empire of India, General Plan of, 218
- FAN, The Rateau, Lens Colliery, 461, 462
- Fans, Ventilating, for the Simplon Tunnel, 103
- Feed Motion, Robinson and Oldfields, Atlas Works, Glasgow, 156
- Filter, Reeve's Feed-water, 509
- Forging Press, Hydraulic, Swindon Works, Great Western Railway, 547
- Frameworks with Superfluous Parts, On the Con¬struction of. By Max Am Ende, 89
- Fuses for Modern Guns, British, 487, 488
- GALVANISING, Recent Improvements in, Messrs. Morewood and Rogers, 494
- Gas Engine Propelled Barge " l’Idée, ” 175, 176
- Gear Cutter, Lang's, Atlas Works, Glasgow, 156
- Gear, Hand Steering, s.s. “Port Salisbury,” 483
- Generators, Belleville, for the "Rossya,” Russian Cruiser, 648, 549
- Governor, Siemens', 394
- Gradient Indicator, Mr. Wimshurst, 384
- Ground Plan of the Great Western Railway Works, Swindon, 545
- Gun Factory at Washington, Tho United States Naval, 372, 373, 380, 393, 402
- Gun, The New Elswick Quick-fire, 165
- Guns, Canet, 12’6-in., Japanese Fleet at Yalu, 102
- Gunboat, Italian, 512
- HAND-STEERING Gear, s.s. " Port Salisbury,” 483
- High-pressure Pumps, Direct Action, Messrs. Cole, Marchent and Morley, 122
- Horizontal Hydraulic Pumping Engines, Coalbrookdale Company, 202
- Hydraulic Forging Press, Swindon Works, Messrs. Fielding and Platt, 547
- Hydro-pneumatic Leaching Apparatus, Denne's,
- INJECTORS, Standard Combination, Messrs. Holden and Brooke, 443
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Mr. Chas. Barry {Supplement January 18M, 1895), 60, 51, 52, 65
- JACKETS for United States Naval Guns, 373
- LATHES, Epicycloidal Turning Attachment for 516
- Launch of H.M.S. “Terrible,” 471
- Leaching Apparatus, Denne’s Hydro-pneumatic, 2C3
- Lift Accident at Lloyd’s, 204
- Locomotive, Combined Crane and, Messrs. R. and W. Hawthorne, Leslie, and Co., 398
- Locomotives, English and American, 71
- Locomotives, English and Foreign, Messrs. Sharp, Stewart, and Co., 94, 95
- Locomotives, Express, Mr. John A. F. Aspinall (Diagrams), 505, 536, 537
- Locomotives, Express, Great Western Railway, Mr. W. Dean {Supplement June 28th, 18951
- Locomotive. Express, Mr. D. Jones, Highland Railway {Supplement, February lrf, 1895)
- Locomotive, Express Passenger, Caledonian Rail¬way {Supplement» May 10/A and May 31»/, 1895)
- Locomotive, Express Passenger, London and South- Western Railway, Mr. W. Adams {Supplement, March 22nd, 1895), 244
- Locomotive Lifting Tackle, Atlas Works, Glasgow, 156, 157
- Locomotive, Passenger, Danish State Railways, 312, 318, 417, 421
- Locomotive, Rack Rail, The Sohafberg Railway, 91, 98
- Locomotive, Road, Messrs. Marshall, Sons, and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 552
- Locomotives, Types of Rack Rail, Maschinen Fabrik Esslingen and Savorino, 420
- Lubricators, New, Mr. Ed. Bourdon, 90
- Lubricator, The Ottewell Sight-feed, 495
- MAGNETIC Tester for Hysteresis in Iron, Prof. Ewing, 384
- Map of the Milke Concession, showing Seam Depths, Mining in Japan, 15?
- Map^showing the Electric Tramway in Bristol,
- Map showing Light Railways in Belgium, 259
- Map showing Proposed Line of the Simplon Tunnel, 1
- Map of the Site of the Niagara Falls Electric Power and Hydraulic Station, 195
- Map of the Snowdon Railway, 39
- Meter, The Kent Uniform Flow Water, 9
- Meter, The “ Venturi ” at Chicago, 9
- Mill Engine at Saltaire, Compound, Messrs. Hick, Hargreaves, and Co., 34, 38
- Mill, Leblanc’s Compound Sugar, Messrs. Fletcher and Co., 38
- NAVAL Gun Factory at Washington, D.C., The United States, 372, 373, 380, 393, 402
- Nut-Lock, Another, 110
- OIL Engine, Messrs. Clayton and Shuttleworth, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 552
- Oil Extractor and Separator, McDougall’s, 164
- Ordnance, The New Elswick Quick-fire Gun, 165
- Oxygen Cylinder Exploded, Fenchurch-street,
- PAINT Spraying Machine, Messrs. A. C. Wells and Co., 385
- Paj>er Cutter and Paper Press, Mr. Wm. Crosland,
- Pitchometer, Mr. John C. Bull, 431
- Plough, The Acland Hillside Meadow Cutter, 442
- Propellers, The " Standart’s,” 877
- Pumping Engines, Geared, Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co., 39
- Pumping Engines, Horizontal Hydraulic, Coalbrookdale Co., 202
- Pumping Engine at Hornsey Sluice, Triple-Ex¬pansion Worthington, 132, 140
- Pumping Station, Colne Valley Waterworks, Bushey Park, 123
- Pumps, American, 75
- Pumps, Duplex Steam, Mr. A. G. Mumford, 242
- Pumps, Engines and Centrifugal, Victoria Docks, Messrs. Easton, Anderson, and Gooiden, 144
- Pump, The ‘'Prospect” Steam, Holehouse and Morley’s Patent, 122
- Pump, Smith and Vale’s Duplex, 75
- RACK Rail Locomotive, Tho Schafberg Railway, 91, 98
- Rack Rail Locomotives, Type of, Maschinen Fabrik, Esslingen, and Savorino, 420
- Radial Drilling, Tapping, and Studding Machine, Messrs. Craven Bros., 308
- Railroading in America, Signalling, Permanent Way, Ac., 215
- Railway Accident, The Chelford, 12
- Railway, Map of the Snowdon, 39
- Railway, The Schafberg, 91, 98
- Recorder, The Thompson and Marsden, 93
- Reservoir, Iron-covered, Bordeaux Water Supply Works, 30
- Reservoir Level Electrical Indicator, Mr. George Jennings, 243
- Reversing Gear, Single Exccntric, Messrs. Mann and Charleswortb, 209
- Reversing Propeller, McGlasson, 176
- Rifles, Comparative Sizes of United States Naval Breech-loading, 393
- Road Locomotive, Messrs. Marshall, Sons, and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 552
- Rock Drills at the Simplon Tunnel, Brandt’s, 74, 75
- Rolling Machine for Ball Bearings, The Steel Forging and Ball Bearing Co, 186, 187
- Rolling Mill Engine for the Johnson Co., Lorain, U.S.A., Messrs. Galloways, Limited, 446
- SAW BENCH with Rising and Falling Table, Mr. Albert E. Berry, 122
- Scavenger Charge in Gas Motors, E. G. Allison, 181
- Screw-cutting Attachment, Penwarden’s, 123
- Shearing and Doubling Machine, Wais and Roos, Speed Diagrams, Ivatt’s, 505
- Staff Holder, Great Southern and Western Rail¬way, Ireland, 114
- Standpipe, Lambeth Brass and Iron Co., 133
- Steam Condenser and Economiser, Messrs. G. and H. Hudson and Co., 243
- Steam Launches at the Royal Aqnarium, 316,317
- Steam Pipe Safety Valve, Mr. J. Batey, 91
- Steam Pumps, Duplex, Mr. A. G. Mumford, 242
- Steamer, North-West, Passenger Lake, 111, 114 115
- S.S. Oroya in Dock, The, 536
- Steamships, The British and Colonial Steamship Co.'s, 465, 466, 467
- Steel Colliery Wagons and Parts, Indian State Railways, 61
- Steel Ships, Wood and Copper Sheathing for (Diagram), Sir Wm. White, 506
- Stockless Anchor, Messrs. W. L. Byers and Co., 406
- Stockless Anchor, “ Simplex,” 316
- Stone Breaker, Mr. H. R. Marsden, Royal Agri¬cultural Society’s Show, 554
- Submarine Cable Grapnels, Messrs. Johnson and Phillips, 122
- Sugar Mill, Leblanc Compound, Messrs. Fletcher and Co., 38
- THRUST Boaring, Flannery and Terry’s, 6
- Tiller, Arc Head, s.8. “ Port Salisbury,” 483
- Tin-Plate Making Machinery, American, 415, 437, 438, 439, 459, 460
- Tool Expander, Tully and Schreiber’s, 123
- Torpedo Boat, Third Class, for the United States Navy, 3, 27
- Traction Engine, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Messrs. Wallis and Steevens, 551, 552
- Train Passing a Level Crossing, New York, New Haven, and Hartford, 216
- Tram-Car Bogie Truck, Brill’s, 430
- Tramway, Electrical, Lyons, 250, 251
- Tramways, Steam, in Italy, 253
- Truck, Brill's, Tram-Car 6ogio, 430
- Tube Expander, The Abbott, 77
- Tunnel, Simplon, Map Showing Proposed Line of, 1
- Tunnel, Simplon, Sections of, 2, 25
- Tunnel, Simplon, Ventilating Fans, 103
- Turntables, Fifty-five Feet Surface, Great Wes¬tern Railway, Mr. W. Dean, 137
- Twist Drill Grinder, Palmer and Blackmore's, 398
- UNDERFRAMES and Bodies for Covered Wagons, Indian State Railways, 386
- Utilisation of Niagara, The, 195, 196
- VALVE for Exposed Pipes, Automatic Air, Messrs. O. Berond and Company, 31
- Valve Gear, Marshall’s, 468
- Valve, Steam Pipe Safety, Mr. J. Batey, 91
- Ventilating Fans for the Simplon Tunnel, 108
- Vibromotor, The Hardy Patent Pick Company 508
- Vibromotor Scalper, Doublo, Messrs. Turner, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 553
- WAGONS and Parts, Steel Colliery, Indian State Railways, 61
- Wall Engine, Copeland’s, 156
- Wagons, (Jnderframes and Bodies, for Covered, Indian State Railways, 386
- Warships, Chinese, Sunk at Wei-IIai-Wei, 133
- Warships at the Opening of the Baltic Canal, 509,
- Water Supply, The, Thirlmere, Manchester, 46,
- Water Tube Boiler, The Mumford, 490
- Water Tobe Boiler, The Niclausse, 560
- Waterworks, Belfast, The Mourne Metropolitan District, 246
- Wheat Dryer, Robinson's, Royal Agriculture1 Society's Show, 555
- Windlass and Warping Capstan, as., “ Port Salisbury," 482
- Workshops at Swindon, Great Western Railway (Supplement, June Vbk, 1895), 545, 546, 547, 555
See Also
Sources of Information