The Engineer 1901 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1901 Jan-Jun: Index
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- AGAR’S Indicator Reducing Gear, 200
- Allen, Mr. A. H., Storage of Electricity, 605, 606, Figs. 12—15
- Alley and McLellan, Engines at the Glasgow Exhibition, 642, 643, 644, 645
- American Locomotives and Railway Wagons for Export, 473, 474. 478
- American Rotary Pig Iron Casting Machine, 11
- Anniston Pipe Foundry, U.S.A., 390, 391
- Armstrong, Lord, 7
- Ashford, Mr. Jas., Light Lathes and Screw Machines, 198, 223
- AssuAn Dam, 547
- Atlas Engineering Company, Turning and Boring Mill, 225
- BACCHANTE, Armoured Cruiser, 216
- Belleville Boiler Tool, 599
- Benskin Manufacturing Company, Limited, Flexi¬ble Leather Fillet, 406
- Benton and Stone, Dust-removing Installation, 351
- Berninghaus and Co., Steam Boiler, 291
- Bietrix Nicolet and Co., Water-tube Boiler, 291
- Birkenhead Tramway Plant, 600, 601
- Boer Field Artillery, 415, 416
- Bowles, Mr. F. T., Water-tight Doors, Paris Exhibition, 3, 4
- Bradley and Craven, Limited, Brick and Tile Press, 246
- Britannia Company, Radial Drilling Machine, 406
- British Armoured Cruiser Drako, 514
- British Machine Tools at the Glasgow Exhibition (Supplement, June 28M, 1901)
- Broadbent, Mr. Hy., 8ft. Face-plate Lathe, 142, 148
- Brown, Boveri, and Co., 350 kilowatt Alternator, Paris Exhibition, 30, 31
- Brown and Co., Limited, Twin-screw Steamer Haverford, International Navigation Company, U.S.A., 604
- Brown, Marshalls, and Co., Limited, Steel Wagons for South African Railways, 629
- Buckton and Co., Joshua, Crank Web Slotting Machine, 545
- CAMPBELL Gas Engine Company, Oil Engine for Towing Plant, 402
- Camden Pipe Foundry, Now Jersey, U.S.A., 258, 268, 313
- Carron Company, 8^in. Centre Lathes, xiv., Drilling and Tapping Machine, (xiv., Supplement, JuneWlk, 1901)
- Carter and Wright, Power Hammer, 483
- Channel Steamer Rainbow, 1837, and her “Steeple" Engines, 318, 319
- Chicago, Bascule Drawbridge at, 174
- Connett, Mr. A. N., Combined Trolley and Con¬duit Tramway System, 298, 299, 331
- Clayton Fire-extingnisbiog Apparatus, 11S
- Creil, 1000 H.P. Direct current Dynamo, Paris Exhibition, 63, 134
- Crittall Manufacturing Company, Cold Iron Saw, 224
- Cross Channel Passenger Steam Services, 430, 566, 567
- CroRsley Brothers, Gas - blowing Engine (500 Horse-power), 344, 345
- Crowden, Mr. C. T., Oil Motor Tractor, 561
- Crystal Palace, Engineering Details at, 108, 319, 320, 441
- D’AURIA Air Compressor, The, 630
- Davidson and Co., Limited, Sirocco Fan, 650, 651
- Decauville 8.1 II. P. Pbmtcn, 475
- Dobson and Co., Piston Ring, 591
- Dominion Coal Company of Canada, Air-com¬pressing Engines, Walker Brothers, 646
- Dujardin et Cie., Triple-expansion Four-cylinder Horizontal Engine, Paris Exhibition, 82, 83, 84
- Dnnoan Stewart and Co., Limited, 800 II.P. Compound Tramway Traction Engine, 14
- Diirr Water-tube Boiler, 557, 686
- EGGERS, Messrs,, Enclosed Motor, 485
- Enzeli-Teheran, Now Road (Supplement, February let, 1901), 110, 162, 163, 167
- FAIRBAIRN, Sir Andrew, 601
- Feather's 8in. Central Lathe, 403
- Fives - Lille Company, Limited, 800-Kilowatt Dynamo and Engino, 286
- France, Water-power Developments in, Power Station at Gavot-Clavaux, 616
- Franeo-Tosi Engines, Paris Exhibition, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372
- French Armoured Cruiser Gambetta, 541
- GABRIEL and Co., Life-guard for Tramcars, 214
- Gambetta, Proposed French Armoured Cruiser, 508
- Ganz and Co., Electric Passenger Motor Railway Car and Locomotive, 233, 234
- System of Electric Traction, 115, 116
- Three - phase Generator ; Transformer ;
- Three-phase Locomotive, 284
- 1200-Kilowatt Tri-phase Alternator, 261
- Electric Crane, 272, 273
- Two-motor Electric Railway Truck, 85
- Garuti Cell, The, 417
- General Pando, River Steamer for the Amazon, Cochran and Co., 456
- Glasgow Exhibition, Bell Rock Light, 589
- Concert Hall, 289 Hall of Industries, 289, 293
- British Machine Tools Supplement, June Will, 1901,, 664, 665,666
- Machinery Hall, 185, 186, 293
- Steam Engines at the, 586, 596, 642, 643
- Good Hope, /Armoured Cruiser, 211, 216
- I Goodman's Patent Shaking Barrel, 486
- Great Central Railway, Express Passenger Locomotive, Mr. Harry Pollitt (Supplement, April 12/A, 1901), 380
- Great Central Railway, Victoria Station, Notting¬ham, 70, 71, 96, 97
- Great Western Railway, Standard Wagon Axle- I box, 327
- HAAB, Prof. O., Eye Magnet, Paris Exhibition, 394
- Hlackl Arc Lamp, Paris Exhibition, 445
- Hammersmith Electric Power Station, Under¬feed Stoker, 197, 198
- Hampton, New Pumping Station at, 434, 449, 452
- Hartman Company, American Rotary Pig Iron Casting Machine, 11
- Herbert, Limited, Alf., Machino Tools, No. 4
- Hexagon Turret Lathe, (viii., ix., x., xi., xii., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Herbert, Mr. E. G., Sawing Machines, 536
- H.M.S. Teal, Shallow-Draught Gunboat, Yarrow and Company, Limited, 676
- II.M. Torpedo Boat No. 8, 86, 87
- Germany Mechanical Filter, 277
- Hethorington and Sons, Limited, 18ft. Boring Mill, 423
- Iletberington and Sons, Limited, Metal Saws, xii., Milling and Drilling Machine, xiii. (Supple¬ment, June 28th, 1901)
- Holroyd and Company, Limited, Machine Tools, Glasgow Exhibition, vi., vii., Liobert Screw Milling Machine (Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Hoor Curve Tracer, 285
- Hopwood and Marshall, Winding Gear, 367
- Hough, Mr. E. J., Lifeboat and Launching Gear, Paris Exhibition, 3
- Hulse and Co., Machine Tools, Glasgow Exhibi¬tion, Open Spindle Turret Lathe, Vertical Milling Machine, (vii., viii., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Hyde Park Locomotive Works, Glasgow, 494, 495, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501, 501, 525, 527, 528, 629, 531, 532, 540
- INDIANA, Illinois, and Iowa Railway, Bridge over the Vermillion River, 654
- Irving, Mr. Juhn, Double Tube Boiler, 354, 355
- Italian Battleship Vittorio Emanuole III., 260
- JAPAN Imperial Government, Eight-coupled Goods Engine, Mr. R. F. Trevithick, 138
- Jenkins, Rd., Fire-throwing from Locomotives, 602
- Jordan, Wm. Leighton, Friction of the Spinning Top, 577
- Joy. Mr. David, Types of Assistant Cylinders, 357
- KEW Bridge, New, 352
- Kingsland Switch Box. 514
- Kitson Lamp, The, 576
- “Knockabout” Acetylene Lamp, Tho, 485
- Kodolitsch Electric Riveter, Tho, 484
- Koepe System of Winding at a Gorman Colliery, 182, 183
- Köerting Two-cycle 350 Brake Horse-power Gas Engine, 23, 24
- Krauss Locomotive, Paris Exhibition (Supple¬ment, January Mi, 1901), 5
- LAGOS Government Railway, 662, 668
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Eight-wheels-coupled Coal Engine, Mr. J. A. F. Aspinall, 220
- Lang and Sons, John, Large Shell-turning Lathe xv., Screw-cutting Lathe, (xvi., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Leith, Dock Weirs at, 237
- Lion Works, Abergavenny, Breakdown Plant, 149
- Liverpool, Heavy Motor Wagon Trials, 571, 575, 592, 593, 594
- Livingstone, Mission Stern-wheel Stoamer, 548
- London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Express Engine, Mr. R. J. Billinton (Supple¬ments, June 7th and lith, 1901)
- London County Council, Slot Electric Tramways, 187
- Lovell Interlocking Gear, The, 578
- Lyall’s Water-tube Boiler, 421
- Lysistrata, Steam Yacht, Denny Bros., 302
- McLELLAN, Limited, P. and W., Machine Tools, Glasgow Exhibition, Lathe for Turn¬ing Buffers, (vii., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Manhattan Railway Company, Electric Plant of the, 301
- Mediterranean Railway, Express Locomotive, The, Gio Ansaldo and Co., Alessandro Volta, 322, 312, 343
- Mersey Docks, Double-power Hydraulic Capstan Gate, Machinery for, 619, 620
- Middleton Swing Bridge, Conn., U.S.A., 212, 213
- Milk and Co., George, Fixed Feed Pump, 381
- Moffat Feed-water Heater, 75
- Mond Gas Scheme, Map Showing Area of Opera¬tion, 537
- Montgomery-Moore's Water-tight Doors, Paris Exhibition, 4
- Montmorency Falls, Canada, Hydraulic Power Plant, 36, 37, 40
- Mumford, Mr. A. C., Duplex Circulating Pumps, 150
- NAVAL War Game, 10
- Naval War Game under Coast Warfare Rules, 563
- Now England Gas and Coke Company's Works, Everett, Mass., U.S.A.,422, 426
- Now South Wales, Macleay River, Wooden Bridge, Mr. C. W. Darley, 326
- New York Central Railway, Express Locomotive, 448
- Nordenfelt Submarine Boat for Turkey, 1887, 86, 87, 91, 146, 147
- North - Eastern Railway, Express Passenger Engine, Mr. Wilson Worsdell (Supplement, February 15th, 1901)
- North-Eastern Railway Works at Newcastle, 546
- North-Westom Railway of India, Side Tank Engine, Mr. G. Winmill, 6C3
- Norwegian Section, Prime Movers at the Park Exhibition, A. L. Thune, 336
- Norwich Union Firo Insurance Company Motor Steam Fire Engine, 486
- OERLIKON, Tndnctor Alternator, Spinning Motor, Portable Motor, Paris Exhibition, 135
- Okes-Serve Water-tube Boiler, The, 651
- Oldfield's Turret Lathe, GlaFgow Exhibition, (ii.,Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Opensh&w Armour Plate, 6iD., 377
- Orde's Oil Fuel Burner, Auxiliary Boiler of e.s. Pinna fitted with, 276
- Otto Gas Engine Works, Oil Engines for Sub¬marine Torpedo Boats, 450
- PARIS Exhibition, Boilers at, 291, 292, 311, 312
- Cold Storage at, Linde Re¬frigerator, 259
- Electrical Engineering at, 30, 31, 63, 85, 115, 116, 134, 135, 208, 209, 233, 234, 261, 272,273, 284,285, 286, 314, 315, 394, 395, 396, 445
- Express Locomotive, Saxony State Railways (Supplement, January 18th, 1901)
- Lighthouse Engineering at, 255, 257
- Prime Movers at the, 44, 45, 82, 83, 84, 160, 161, 162, 264, 265, 266, 267, 286, 287, 336, 392
- Paris, Mechanical Traction in Compressed Air Tramcars, 614, 615, 621
- Paris, Motor Cars in, 139
- Parker, Limited, Thos., Standard Gauge Electric Locomotive, 567
- Paucksch, R., Steam Boiler, 292
- Pearn and Co., Limited, Frank, Patent Cylinders for Single-acting Ram Pumps, 619
- Petry, Dcreux, Steam Generator, 311
- Petzhold, Steam Generator, 311
- Pinua, s.s,, Auxiliary Boiler with Oil Fuel Burner, 276
- Plawsworth, Temporary Pumping Plant, 74
- Port Antonia and Port Royal, One Boiler, Triple-expansion Engines (Supplement, May 3rd, 1901),
- RANKINE Disengaging Gear, Paris Exhibition, 3
- Red Star Liner Vaderland, John Brown and Co., 117
- Reid, Mr. R. James, and Mr. Hugh, 493
- ‘' Reliance ” Patent Feed-water Regulator Com¬pany, New Feed-water Regulator, 544 Rice and Co., Treble-power Hydraulic Press, 247
- Richards and Co., Limited, George, Machine Tools, Paris Exhibition, 124
- Rioter Electrical Machinery, Paris Exhibition, 393, 395, 396, 418, 419, 420 Ringhollor, F., Triple-expansion Four-cylinder Condensing Engine, Paris Exhibition, Austrian Section, 192
- Ringbolfer, F., Vertical Four-cylinder Triple¬-expansion Engine, Paris Exhibition (Supplement, March 8th, 1901)
- Robey and Co., Limited, Cross Compound Engine, Glasgow Exhibition, 570
- Vertical Compound High - speed Engine, 596
- Robinson and Son, Mortising Machine for Rail¬way Wagon Work, 484
- Royal Mail Steamer Ulster, 1860, Passenger Steamer Cork, Cross-Channel Passenger s.s. Services, 672, 673
- Rush worth and Co., Machine Tools for Plates and Angles, 512, 513
- Russell, Battleship, 216
- Russian Cruiser Smolensk, R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie, and Co., 298
- Russian First-rato Protected Cruisers Bogatyr, Pallada, and Variag, 137, 139
- SANDON Engine Works, 625
- Sautter, Harlé, and Co., Combined Petroleum Engines and Dynamos, Paris Exhibition, Electric Engineering, 196
- Saxony State Railways, Express Engine, Paris Exhibition, 112,113
- Scblattner Automatic Cut-out, Dynamo, 285
- Schnoider’a Cell Regulator, Paris Exhibition, 395, 396
- Scott and Mountain, Ernest, Combined Engine and Dynamo, 600
- Shanks and Co., Limited, High-speed Vertical Compound Engine, Glasgow Exhibi¬tion, 612, 617
- Shanks and Co., Limited, Machine Tools, Glasgow Exhibition, Radial Drilling . Machine, Vertical and Horizontal Planing Machine, . Slotting Machine . (iv., v., vi., Supple¬ment, June 28th, 1901)
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Limited, Machine Tools, Planing Machine, Boring and Milling Machine, Slotting Machine (i., ii., iii., Supple¬ment, June 28th, 1901)
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Direot-current Gene¬rator, Paris Exhibition, 415
- Siemens and Halske (Russia) Dynamo, Electric Pump, Field Magnet, Station Switch, Printing Telegraph, 814, 315
- Simonis and Linz, Steam Generator, 311
- Smith’s Water Meters, 328, 329
- Smith and Coventry, FlatTurret Lathe, iii., Rapid Key-way Radial Drilling Tapping Machine, Glasgow Exhibition (Supplement, June 28M, 1901)
- Snoqualmie Falls, U.S.A., Water-power Plant, 58, 59, 60, 61
- Soc. Alsacienno, Paris Exhibition, Corliss Valve Gear, 392
- Solignac Water-tube Boiler, The, 442, 443
- South African Railways, Steel Wagon for, 629
- Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company's Now Pumping Engines at Riverdale, Mr. J. W. Rastler, 434, 452
- Steinmnllor Steam Generator, 312
- Stockton and Darlington Railway Bridge, The First Iron One, 483
- Stone and Co., Messrs., Sewer Ventilating Appa¬ratus, 140
- Stork, Fibres, and Co., Electric Travelling Crane, Paris Exhibition, 208, 209
- 6C0 Horse-power Com¬pound Horizontal Con¬densing Engine, Paris Exhibition, Dutch Sec¬tion, 160, 161, 162
- Sulzer Brothers, Centrifugal Pump, 264
- Horizontal and Vertical Steam
- Engines, 264, 265, 266
- Valve Gear, 264, 266
- Sutcliffe Ventilating and Drying Company, Dust- removing Installation, 351
- Swedish Navy, Proposed Cruiser for the, 398
- Swedish Peat Fuel Machinery, 517, 518
- Switzerland, Carbide Works at Vernier, 564
- TAYLOR Air Compressor, 605
- Taylor and Challen, Limited, Coining Press, 325
- Tennessee Central Railway, 88, 89, 90, 92
- Thames Passenger Steamboat Service, 132,181
- Thomson-Houston Three-phase Generator, 447
- Thorny croft-Marshall Water-tube Boiler, 457
- Thnile Locomotive, Paris Exhibition, Messrs. Schneider and Co., 431
- Thune Engines, Paris Exhibition, Norwegian Section, 336
- Turner, Limited, E. R. and F., Maize FlakiDg Plant, 48
- Tyrrell, II. G., Drawbridge Gate, 603
- UNITED States Armoured Cruiser California, 66
- Battleships, Nos. 13 to 17,
- Engines of (Supplement, March 22n<l, 1901), 300
- Cist Iron Pipe in the, 408, 469, 470, 533, 534, 535, 636, 637, 659, 660, 661
- Great Northern Railway, Cascade Tunnel, 221
- VALTELLINA Electric Tramcar, 673
- Van den Kerchove, 1000 Horse-power Tandem Compound Engine, Paris Exhibition, 44, 45
- Van Vriesland Carburettor, 402
- Victoria Embankment, Electric Lighting, 211
- WACHUSETT Dam, U.S.A., 476, 549, 550
- Wallach Brothers, Drilling Post and Brace, 9
- Woigbton and Morrison, Slide Valve, 586
- Wollman-Seaver Engineering Company, 100-ton Electric Ladle Crane, 239, 240, 241 White Star Liner Celtic, Harland and Wolff, 373, 378
- Whiting Winding Gear, Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, 366
- Winmill, Mr. G., Side Tank Engine, 603
- Wolseley Four-seated Motor Carriage, 475
- Wood and Co., R. D., Cast Iron Pipe Plant, U.S.A., 258, 268, 313
- YARROW and Co., Limited, New Works at Poplar, 848, 353
Subject Matter
- ACETYLENE Lamp, The "Knookabout,” 485
- Air Compressor, The D’Auria, 630
- Air Compressor, Taylor, 605
- AHernitor, 350 Kilowatt, Brown, Boveri, and Co., Paris Exhibition, 30, 31
- Alternator, 1200-Kilowatt Tri-phase, Ganz and Co., 261
- Arc Lamp, Hackl, Paris Exhibition, 445
- Armour Plate, Oponshaw 6m., 377
- Automatic Cut-out, Schlattner, 285
- Axle-box, Standard Wagon, Great Western Rail¬way, 327
- BARREL, Goodman's Patent Shaking, 486
- Boiler, Double Tobe, Mr. John Irving, 354, 355
- BerniDghau8 Co., and Herr H. Paucksch, Paris Exhibition, 291, 292
- Petry Dereux, 311
- Petzhold, 311
- Simonis and Lanz, 311
- Steinmuller, 312
- S.S. Port Antonio, 458
- Tool, Belleville, 599
- Water-tube, Bietrix, Nicolet, and Co., Paris Exhibition, 291
- Durr, 557, 586
- Lyall’s, 424
- Okes-Serve, 651
- Solignac, 442, 443
- Thornycroft-Marshall, 457
- Boring Mill, 18ft, Hetherington and Sons, Limited, 423
- Breakdown Plant, Lion Works, Abergavenny, 149
- Bridge, Bascule Draw, Chicago, 174
- First Iron Railway, 483
- Kew, 352
- Railway, Vermillion River, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa Railway, 654
- Swing, Middleton, Connecticut, U.S.A., 212, 213
- Wooden, Macleay River, New South Wales, Mr. C. W. Darley, 326
- CARBIDE Works at Vernier, Switzerland, 564
- Carburettor, Van Friesland, 402
- Cast Iron Pipe in the United States, 468, 469, 470, 533, 534, 535, 636, 637, 659, 660, 661
- Casting Machine, American Rotary Pig Iron, Hartmann Company, 11
- Cell, The Garnti, 417
- Cell Regulator, Schneider’s, Paris Exhibition, 395, 396
- Coining Press, Taylor and Cballen, Limited, 325
- Cold Storage at the Paris Exhibition, 259
- Crane, Electric, Ganz and Co., Paris Exhibition, 272, 273
- Crane Electric Ladle, Wellman-Seaver Engi¬neering Company, 239, 240, 241
- Crane, Electric Travelling, Stork Frbres et Cie., Paris Exhibition, 208, 209
- Carve Tracer, Floor, 285
- Cylinders for Single-acting Ram Pumps, Frank Pearn and Co., Limited, 619
- Cylinders, Types of Assistant, Mr. David Joy 357
- DAM, Assouan, 547
- Dam, U.S.A., The Wachusott, 476, 549, 550
- Disengaging Gear, Rankine, 3
- Dock Weirs at Leitb, 237
- Drawbridge Gate, H. G. Tyrrell, 603
- Drilling Post and Brace, Wallach Bros., 9
- Drilling and Tapping Machine, Carron Company,
- Glasgow Exhibition (xiv., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Dust-removing Installation, Sutcliffe Ventilating and Drying Company, 351
- Dynamo, Creil, 1000 Horse-power Direct-current, Paris Exhibition, 63, 134
- Dynamo, Siemons and Halske (Russia), 314
- ELECTRIC Engineering at the Paris Exhibition, 30, 31, 63, 85, 115, 116, 134, 135, 208, 209, 233, 234, 261, 272, 273, 284, 285, 286, 314, 315, 394, 395, 396, 445
- Exhibit, Oerlikon, Paris Exhibi¬tion, 135
- Lighting, Victoria Embankment, 211
- Machinery, Rioter, Paris Exhibition, 393, 418, 419, 420
- Passenger Motor Railway Car and Locomotive, Ganzand Co., 233, 234
- Plant for the Manhattan Railway Company, 301
- Pump, Siemens and Halske (Russia), 314, 315
- Railway Truck, Ganz and Co., 85
- Riveter, The Kodolitsch, 484
- Traction, Ganz System of, 115, 116
- Tramcar, Valtellina, 673
- Electricity, Storage of, Mr. A. H. Allen, 605, 606
- Engines, Alley and McLellan, Glasgow Exhi¬bition, 642, 643, 644, 645
- Air-compressing, Walker Brothers, Dominion Collieries, Canada, 646
- Compound Horizontal Condensing 600 Horse-power, Stork Frères et Cie., Dutch Section, Paris Exhibition, 160, 161,162
- Cross-compound, Robey and Co., Limi¬ted, Glasgow Exhibition, 570
- and Dynamo, Combined, Ernest Scott and Mountain, 600
- and Dynamos, Combined Petroleum, Sautter, Harlé and Co., Paris Exhi¬bition, 196
- Franco-Tosi, Paris Exhibition, 368, 369, 870, 871, 372
- Gas-blowing, 600 Horse-power, Crossley Brothers, 344, 345
- Gas, Two-cycle 350 B.H.P., Köerting, 23, 24
- Engines, High-speed Vertical Compound, Glas¬gow Exhibition, Shanks and Co,, Limited, 612. 617
- Horizontal and Vertical Steam, Sulzer Brothers, Paris Exhibition, 261, 265, 266, 267
- Motor Steam Fire, 486
- Oil, for Submarine Torpedo Boats, The Otto Gas Engine Works, 450
- Pumping, Mr. J. W. Hostler, Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, River¬dale, 452
- Side Tank, North-Western Railway of India, Mr. G. Winmill. 603
- Steam, at the Glasgow Exhibition, 586, 596, 642. 643
- “Steeple,” Channel Steamer Rainbow, 1837; 318, 319
- Tandem Compound 1000 Horse-power, Van der Kerchove, Paris Exhibition, 44, 45
- Tramway Traction 800 Horse-power Compound, Duncan, Stewart, and Co., Limited, 14
- Tbune, Paris Exhibition, Norwegian Section, 338
- Tuwing Plant, Oil, Campbell Gas Engine Company, 402
- Triple-expansion, s.s. Port Royal and s.s. Port Antonio (Supplement, Mai/ 3rd, 1901), 158
- Triple-expansion Four-cylinder, Dujar¬din etCie., Paris Exhibition, 82, 83, 84
- Triple-expansion Four-cylinder Con¬densing, F. Ringhoffer, Paris Exhibi¬tion (Supplement, March 8th, 1901), 192
- United States Battleships, Nos. 13 to 17 (Supplement, March 22nd, 1901), 300
- Vortical Compound High speed, Robey and Co., Limited, 596
- Works, Sandon, 625
- Engineering Details at Crystal Palace, 108, 319, 320, 441
- Exhibition, Glasgow, Hall of Industries, 289, 293
- Concert Hall, 289 Machinery Hall, 185, 186, 293
- Eye Magnet, Professor O. Haab, Paris Exhibition, 391
- FAN, Sirocco, Davidson and Co., Limited, 650, 651
- Feed-water Heater, Moffat, 75
- Feed-water Regulator, New, 544
- Field Artillery, Boer, 415, 416
- Fillet, Flexible Leather, Benskin Manufacturing Company, Limited, 406
- Filter, Mechanical, Mr. Chas. Hermany, 277
- Fire-extioguishing Apparatus, Clayton, 118
- Fire-throwing from locomotives, Rd. Jenkins, 602
- Friction of the Spinning Top, Wm, Leighton Jordan, 577
- GAS and Coke Company’s Works New England, Everett, Mass., U.S.A., 422, 426
- Gate Machinery for Mersey Docks, Hydraulic Capstan, 619, 620
- Gear, Lovell Interlocking, 578
- Generator, Direct-current, Paris Exhibition, Siemens Brothers and Co., 445
- Generator, Three-phase, Ganz and Co., 284
- Generator, Thomson-Houston, 417
- HAMMER, Power, Carter and Wright, 483
- Hydraulic Power Plant, Montmorency Falls, Canada, 36, 37, 40
- IGNITION in Small Arms and Artillery, Develop¬ment of the Mode of, 482, 628
- Indicator Reducing Gear, Agar's, 200
- KEY-WAY, Rapid, Smith and Coventry (ir., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- LAMP, Kitson, 576
- Lathes, Centre, 8iin , Carron Company, Glasgow Exhibition (xiv., Supplement, June 28lh, 1901) Central, Foather's 8in., 403
- Face plate, 8ft., Mr. Hy. Broadbent, 142, 148
- Light, and Screw Machines, Mr. Jas. Ashford, 198, 223
- Shell-turning and Sarew-cutting, John Lang and Sans, Glasgow Exhibition (xv., xvi., Supplement, Junz 28th, 1901)
- Buffer Turning, P. and W. McLellan, Limited, Glasgow Exhibition (vii., Sup¬plement, June 28th, 1901)
- Turret, Mr. Gso. Oldfield, Glasgow Exhi¬bition (>i, Supplement, June 28ih, 1901)
- Turret, Flat, Smith and Coventry (iii., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Turret, Hexagon (No. 4), Alf. Herbert, Limited, Glasgow Exhibition (viii., ix , x., xi., xii., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Turret, Open-spindle, Hulse and Co. (vu., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Lifeboat and Launching Gear, Mr. E. J. Hough, 3
- Life Ginrd for Tramcars, Gabriel and Co., 214
- Light, Ball Raak, Glasgow Exhibition, 589
- Lighthouse Engineering, Paris Exhibition, 255, 257
- Locomotives, American, and Railway Wagons for Export, 473, 474
- Eight-coupled Goods, Japan Impe¬rial Government, Mr. R. F. Trevithick, 138
- Eight - wheels - coupled Coal, Lan¬cashire and Yorkshire Railway, Mr. J. A. F. Aspinall, 220
- Express, London, Brighton, and South Coast, Mr. R. J. Billinton (Supplements, June 1th and lith, 1901)
- Expres', Mediterranean Railway, Gio. Ansaldo and Co , 322, 312, 343
- Express, New York Central Rail¬way, 448
- Express Passenger, Great Central Railway, Mr. Harry Pollitt (Sup¬plement, Aprill2th, 1901), 380
- Express Passenger, North-Eastern Railway, Mr. Wilson Worsdell (Supplement, February 15th, 1901)
- Express, Saxony State, Paris Exhi¬bition (Supplement, January 18'A, 1901) 112, 113
- Krauss (S •pptcmenl, January ith, 1901), 5
- Sandard Gauge E'octric, Thos. Park-r, Limited, 567
- Three-phase, Ganz and Co., 284
- Tbuile, Paris Exhibition, Messrs. Schneider and Co., 431
- Works, Glasgow, Hyde Park, 491, 495, 496, 497, 499, 500, 601, 501, 525, 527, 523, 529, 531, 532, 510
- MACHINE Tools, Geo. Richards and Co., Limited, Paris Exhibition, 121
- Machine Tools, Glasgow Exhibition (Supplement, Junz28th, 1901), 664, 665, 666
- Machine Tools for Plates and Angles, Rushworth and Co., 512, 513
- Maize Flaking Plant, E. R. and F. Turner, Limited, 48
- Map Showing Area of Operation of the Mond Gw Scheme, 537
- Mill, Turning and Boriog, Atlas Engineering Com piny, 225
- Milling and Drilling Machine, John HetberiDgton and Sons, Limited, Glasgow Exhibition (xiii., Supplement, June 28lh, 1901)
- Milling Machine, Screw, Holroyd and Co., Limited, (vi., vii. Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Milling Machine, Vertical, Hulse and Co. (viii., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Mortising Machine for Railway Wagon Work, Robinson and Son, 484
- Motor, Rieter 85 Horse-power, Paris Exhibition, 395, 396
- Carriages, Islington Show, 475
- Cars in Paris, 189 Enclosed, Messrs. Eggers, 485
- Tractor, Oil, Mr. C. T. Crowden, 561
- Wagon Trials, Heavy, Liverpool, 574, 575
- NAVAL War Game, 10
- Naval War Game under Coast Warfare Rules, 563
- PASSENGER Steamboat Service, Thames, 181
- Passenger Steam Service, Cross-Channel, 430
- Peat Fuel Machinery, Swedish, 517, 518
- Pig Iron Casting Machine. American Rotary, 11
- Pipe, Cast Iron, in the United States, 468, 469, 170, 533, 531, 535, 636, 637, 659, 660, 661
- Pipe Foundry, Anniston, U.S.A., 390, 391
- Pipe Foundry, Tbe Camden Cast Iron, New Jersey, U.S.A., R. D. Wood and Co., 258, 268, 313
- Pipe Foundry, Uaited States, 533, 534, 535
- Piston Ring, Dobson and Co., 591
- Planing Machine, Vertical and Horizanta1, Thomas Shanks and Co. (v., Supplement, June 28M.1901)
- Planing Machine, Sharp. Stewart, and Co., Limited, Glasgow Exhibition (i., ii., iii., Supple¬ment, June28th, 1901)
- Portrait, Lord Armstrong, 7
- Sir Andrew Fairbairn, 601
- Messrs. R. James and Hugh Reid, 493
- Power Station, Givet-Clavaux, Franoe, 616
- Press, Brick and Tile, Bradley and Craven, Limited, 246
- Press, Treble-power Hydraulic, Rice and Co., 217
- Prime Movers at tbe Paris Exhibition, 44, 45, 82, 83, 81, 160, 161, 162, 265, 266, 237,286, 287, 336, 392
- Pump, Fixed Feed, George Mills and Co., 331
- Pump, High-pressure C/ntrifugal, Su’zor Bros , 261
- Pumping Plant, Temporary, Plawsworth, 71
- Pumping S:ation at Hampton, New, 434, 449, 452
- Pumps, Duplex Circulating, Mr. A. C. Mumford, 150
- RADIAL Drilling Machine, Britannia Company, 406
- Radial Drilling Machine, Thomas Shanks and Co. (iv., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Radial Drilling Tapping Machine, Smith and Coventry (iii., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Railway, Lagos Government, 662, 668
- Railway Station, Great Central Railway, Notting¬ham, Victoria, 70, 71, 96, 97
- Railway Truck, Two-motor Electric, Ganz and Co., 85
- Railway Works at Newcastle, North-Eastern, 646
- Refrigerator, Linde, 259
- Road, The New Enzeli-Teheran (Supplement, February 1st, 1901), 110, 162, 163, 167
- SANDON Engine Works, 625
- Saw, Cold Iron, Crittall Manufacturing Company,
- Saws, Metal, John Uetheriogton and Sons, Limited, Glasgow Exhibition (xii., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Sawing Machines, Mr. E. G. Herbert, 536
- Sawer Ventilating Apparatus, Mtssrs. Stone and Co, 140
- Ships:
- Battleships, British: —
- Russell, 216
- Battleships, Foreign : - -
- Italian, Vittorio Emanuole III., 260
- Cruisers, British :—
- Bacchanto, 216
- Drake, 544
- Good Hope, 211, 216
- Cruisers, Foreign
- French, Gambetta, 508, 514
- Russian, First-rate Protected, 137, 139
- Russian, Smolensk, R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie, and Co., 298
- Swedish, Proposed, 398
- United States, California, 66
- Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Gunboats, &c.:— British—
- Shallow-draught Gunboat Teal, Yarrow and Co., Limited, 676
- Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Gunboats, &o.:— Foreign—
- Turkish Submarine Boat, 1887, Nordenfelt, 86, 87, 91
- Mercantile Passenger and others :—
- British—
- Cross-Channel Passenger Steam¬ship Services, Cork and Ulster, 1860, 566, 567, 672, 673
- Mission Stern - wheel Steamer Livingstone, 548
- Pinna, s.s., Auxiliary Boiler, with Oil Fuel Burner, 276
- Thames Passenger Steamboat Service, 132
- Twin-screw Steamer Haver¬ford, Brown and Co., Limited, 601
- Yacht, Steam, Lysistrata, Denny Bros., 302
- Mercantile Passenger and others Foreign—
- Red Star Liner, Vaderland, 117
- River Steamer, General Pando,
- for the Amazon. 456
- White Star Liner, Celtic, 373, 378
- Ships’ Water-tight Doors, Mr. F. T. Bowles, 3, 4
- Slotting Machine, Crank Web, Joshua Buckton and Co., 545
- Slotting Machine, Thos. Shanks and Co. (vi., Supplement, June 28th, 1901)
- Steel Wagon for South African Railways, 629
- Stoker, New Under-feed, 197, 198
- Switch Box, Kingsland, 514
- TELEGRAPH Printing, Siemens and Halsko (Russia), 315
- Tramcars, Compressed Air, Paris, 614, 615, 621
- Tramway Plant, Birkenhead, 600, 601
- Tramways, Slot Electric, London County Council’s, 187
- Tramway System, Combiocd Trolley and Conduit) Mr. A. tf. Connett, 298, 299, 331
- Transformer, Ganz and Co., 284
- Tunnel Cascade, Great Northern Railway, U.S A , 221
- VALVE Goar, Corliss, Soc. Alsacienno, Paris Exhibition, 392
- Valve Gear, Salzer, 264, 266
- Valve, Slide, Weighton and MorrisoD, 686
- WAGON for South African Railway, Steel, 629
- Water Meters, Smith’s, 328, 329
- Water Power Plant, Snoqualmie Falls, U.S.A., 58, 59, 60, 61
- Water-tight Doors, Mr. F. T. Bowles, 3, 4
- Water-tight Doors, Montgomery-Moore’s, 4
- Waterworks at Hampton, Now, 434, 449, 452
- Winding Gear, Eraser and Chalmers, Limited, Whiting, 366
- Winding Goar, Hopwood and Marshall, 367
- Winding Goar, Whiting, 366
- Winding at a German Colliery, Koepe System of, 182,183
- Works at Poplar, Yarrow and Co., Limited, 348, 353