The Engineer 1902 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1902 Jul-Dec: Index
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- ALBONE, Mr. Dan, Tractor for Agricultural Purposes, 239
- American Locomotive, Six-coupled Bogie Goods, 25,26
- for the Uganda Railway,
- Type of, 612 Railways, Report on the Working of, Lieut.-Col. W. V. Constable, 242 University, Training of Engineers at an, 466, 467, 470
- Arthur Automatic Stoker, The, 478
- Assuan Dam, Building of the, 617, 618
- Assuan Dam and Assiout Weir, The (Supplement, j December 19tk, 1902), Submersion of Buildings ' on the Island of Public, 580
- Astbury, W. H., Tool-room Lathe, 502
- Austrian Battleship, Babenburg, 444, 445
- State Railways, Four-coupled Com¬pound Express Engine, Herr Karl Giilsdorf, 258
- Austra'ia, New Route to, by Stafford Ransome, | 180
- ÊLFORT, Machine Tools at, 55
- Electric Machine Shop at the Works, , 104, 105
- Belleisle Experiment, The Recent, 133, 135, 138
- Berend and Co., Limited, O., Portable Electric | Drill, 184
- Bever, Darling and Co., Limited, Balanced High¬speed Steam Engine, 116
- Birley and Co., Messrs. E. H., Brass Foundry Ash Washing Machine, 284
- Bitterfeld Chemical Works, 229, 234
- Brightmore Steam Lorry, The, 130, 131
- Bullfinch Disaster, The, 439
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Disc Grinder, 192,193
- CALCU TTA Electric Supply, Multipolar Generators, Crompton and Co., Limited, 120
- Campbell Gas Engine Company, Girder Type Oil ' Engine, 262
- Canyon Ferry, U.S., 50,000 Volt Transmission Plant, 254
- Cape to Cairo Rail—ay, 1C8, 160, 161, 208, 209
- Cape Government Railways, Narrow-gauge Loco¬motive, Mr. H. Beatty (Supplements, September 5tk and Mtb, 1902)
- Cape Government Railways, Narrow-gauge Tender, Neilson, Reid and Co., 231
- Cape Railway, Washouts on the, 378
- Capetown Harbour, Plan of, 276
- Clarke, Mr. Fuhrman, Pipe Callipers, 284
- Clayton and Shuttleworth, Compound Road Locomotive, 502
- Collin, Mr. Strauss, Built-up Pulley, 588
- Cornell University, 466, 470
- Crewe System of Electric Railway Signalling, 548 549 550
- Cross-Channel Passenger S.S. Services, 230, 272, 273, 279
- Cunard Liner Carpatbia, Messrs. C. S. Swan and Hunter, 157
- DAVY ROBERTSON Engineering Co., Piston King Swaging Machine, 67
- Des Moines Steel Viaduct, 392, 393
- Diesel Oil Engine, Test of a, 191
- Dorman and Smith, Electrical Switches, 593
- Dortmund-Ems Canal, Canal Bridge over the River Lippe, 44
- Durban, New Floating Dook for, C. S. Swan and Hunter, Limited, 134
- Dlirr Liquid Fuel Apparatus, The, 105
- Diirr Portable Oil Eogine, 193
- EASTWOOD and Co., Limited, Brick-making Process, A New, 452
- Elberfeld Suspension Railway, 385, 434, 435, 436, 441, 488, 489, 490
- Elmore Plant for the Concentration of Ore by Oil, 216
- Emerald Turbine Yacht, The, 4'24 I I
- Evans and Sons, Joseph, Vertical Compound Beam Pump, 7, 8
- FERRANTI Multiphase Alternator and Engine, 524
- Fitch’s Steamboat, 143
- Follows and Bate, Messrs., Steel Cone Paint Mill, 528
- French Armoured Cruiser Kleber, 332, 334
- French Battleship Republique, 255, 256
- French Industrial Motor Cars, 543
- French Locomotive, Construction of a First-class, 5, 54, 55
- GARVIE, Mr. J., Electric Pile Driver, 18
- Gedye, Mr. N. G., Coast Fog Signals, 69, 70, 95
- German Battleships, H and J, 594
- Germany, The Waterways of, 129
- Glasgow’s Main Drainage Sewage Treatment, Map and Plan, 324
- Glasgow, Pinkston Power Station, 800 H.P. Tramway Traction Engine, D. Stewart and Cr., I ; Limited (Supplement, December 5th, 1902), 537, I ] 583, 596
- Gneisenau Colliery, Dortmund, Tandem Compound Condensing Pumping Engine, Messrs. Haniel and Lueg, 203
- Goodfellow High-speed Engine, 499
- Graham, J., Fatigue and Impact Stresses in Bridge Girders, 465
- Great Central Railway, Express Passenger Locomotive, Mr. J. G. Robinson (Supplement, July 4M, 1902)
- “ Great Mountain ” Tank Locomotive, 326, 327 ;
- Great Western Railway Company’s New Works ; at Swindon (Supplements, October 3rd and 17th, 1902)
- Great Western Railway, South Devon, 356
- Gutehoffnuugshiitte, Oberhausen, Twin Tandem Compound Condensing Winding Engine, 155
- HARDY Pick Company’s Well-sinking Frame, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 30
- Harmit Ingot Press, The, 252
- Harpen Mining Company, Winding Engine for, Prince Rudolph Ironworks Company, 176
- Herbert, Limited, Alf., Automatic Stay-making Machine, 9, 10
- Iletton Railway, Ancient Locomotive, 57
- B Hulse and Co., Limited, Planing Machine, 238
- Humboldt Company, Tornson Winding Engine,
- INTEROCEANJC Canal, Volcanoes and the, 2, 8 I '
- JESSOP and App’.eby Bros., Three-ton Locomo¬tive Crane, 239
- Jones, Mr. Henry, Screw Pump, 142
- KAFFIR Camp, Topical, 535
- Kerr, Stuart and Co., Limited, Six-counted , Mineral Tank Engine (Supplement, October 311902), 419
- Kew Bridge, The, New, 300. 304
- Caisson for Foundations of Old Bridge, 301, 423
- Kimberley Mines, Black Libour in, 535, 539
- Knight, Mr. John Henry, Bricklaying Machine,
- Krupp, Alfred, and Enei Steel Works in 1825, 541
- LANCASHIRE and Yorkshire Railway, Locomotive Boiler with Cylindrical Firebox, Mr. H. A. Hoy (Supplement, Aujust 15th, 1902), 165
- Landis Too) Company, Large Grinding Machine> I 426
- Linley, Mr., Universal Machine Tool, 42
- Linwood Paper Mills, Electrically Driven Machines (Supplement, July 13th, 1902), 58, 59
- Lister Engine, The, 527
- Llanelly and Myoydd Mawr Railway, Tank Engine, with Certazzi Axle-boxes, Avonside Engine Company, 326, 327
- Llyfni, Bridge over the River, 190
- London Bridge, Widening, 542, 597
- London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, Royal Train, Mr. R. J. Billinton (Supplement, December 26th, 1902)
- London and North-Western Four-cylinder Com¬pound Mineral Locomotive, Mr. F. W. Webb, I 62
- London and South-Western, Pneumatic Signalling on, 598
- Longridge, Captain C. C., on Oil Motor Cars of 1902, 402, 427, 479, 503, 526
- Loughborough, New Waterworks for, 32, 33, 34
- Lucy, Mr. W. Theodora, Double Stage Cattle Truck, 401
- M
- MASSEY, Pneumatic Power Hammer, 240
- Mayence Bridge, Reconstruction of, 345, 348, 349
- Mercedes Car, 36
- Midland Railway Company, Steel Wagons for, the Leeds Forge Company, Limited, 499
- Mond Gas Plant at Farnley, 494
- Mors Racing Car, 29
- N
- NAPIER Car, 36
- Naval War Game, Remarkable Action in the, 400
- Navigation Congress, Ninth International, 40, 52
- Newcastle New Bridge, 227
- Nile Irrigation Works, Great Dam at Assuan (Supplement, December 19th, 1902)
- Niles Tool Works Company, Rail Drilling Machine, 312
- North-Eastern Railway, Bridge over the Tyne, 227
- Norwegian Slate Railway, Compound Loco¬motive, 396
- Norwegian State Railway, Consolidation Engine, 525
- P
- PANAMA Railway, Map of, 343
- Panhard Car, 36
- Paris Motor Car Show, 587
- Paris-Vienna Motor Car Race, 29, 36
- Pearn and Co., Limited, Frank, Electrically- driven Pumps, 375, 377
- Pease'8 Tubular Construction Syndicate, Limited, Portable Building, 41
- Penrhyn Quarries, Pumping Machinery, 184
- Petavel, Mr. J. E., Pressure Indicator, 344
- Pickles and Son, Messrs, John, Log Frame, Centre-driven, 146
- Premier Gas Engine Company, Limited, 500 Horse-power Horizontal Tandem Gas Engine, 109
- Prince Rudolph Ironworks Company, Winding Engine for the Harpen Mining Company, 176
- Pullan and Mann, Limited, Messrs., Machine for making Glazed Bricks, 66
- REAVELL Air Compressor, The, 182, 183
- Reavell and Co., Messrs., Double Quadruple Compound Air Compressors, 620
- Renault, T., Voiturette, 36
- Redman and Sons, Messrs. C., Planing Machine, 146
- Reulaux Valve Diagram, 403
- Rhodesian Railway Company, Sleeping Car, The Lancaster Company, Limited, 108
- Richmond and Chandler, Bale Opener, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 30
- Roberts Bros., Disc Grinder, 217
- Robey-Saurer Oil Engine and Dynamo, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 30
- Royle’8 Engineering Works, Irlam, 16, 17
- Russian Cruiser Askold, 12
- Ryder and Son, Heavy Lathe for High-speed Steel, 308
- ST. MAURICE, Power Station at, 40?, 414, 418, 461, 462, 463, 464
- Salford Corporation, Combined Engine and Dynamo, Browett, Lindley, Limited, Patri- croft, and Mather and Platt, Limited, 586, 595
- Schaffer and Budenberg, Road Resistance Recorder, 277, 278
- Serpollet Steam Racing Car, 29
- Sbawinigan Falls, Forebay Bulkhead and Pipe Line, 143
- Sibley College, 467, 470
- Simplon and Tasquera Tunnels, Route Map of, 102 ; Bridge across the Diveria, 102 ; Works, 299, 300 ; Compressed Air Locomotive, 299
- Simplon Tunnel Works, 177, 178, 186, 204, 205, 298, 410, 412, 607, 608
- Smith, Mr. Walter M., Piston Valves for Loco¬motives, 167, 169
- South Africa, Bore Holes in, 389
- South Africa from an Engineer’s Point of View, 415, 535, 579, 580
- South African Railways Leading to Ports, Map of, 247
- Spencer and Co., Jas., Lathe and Boring Machines, 448, 449, 450
- Stevenson, Mr. John L., Designing and Equip¬ment of Blast Furnaces, 248, 249, 322, 323,347, 386, 387, 474, 475 (Supplement, October 10th, 1902)
- Stirling Boiler Company, Water-tube Boiler, 127, 128
- Stothert and Pitt, Limited, Goliath Crane, 286
- Summerbill and Trenton Bridges, 308
- Swindon, New Works of the Great Western Rail¬way at (Supplements, October 3rd and 17th, 1902)
- Switzerland, Chbvres, Municipal Generating Station, 366, 371
- Switzerland, Compagnie de l’Industrie Technique, Works, 296, 297
- Switzerland, Electric Power and Transmission Supply io, Lausanne Receiving Station, and Tramway Generating Station, 370, 516, 517, 518
- Switzerland, Electric Power and Transmission Supply in, St. Maurice Hydraulic Power Plant, 409, 414, 418, 461, 462, 463, 464
- TABLE BAY, Harbour at, 275
- Thornycroft Motor Wagon Works, 511, 512, 520
- Tomson Winding Engine, Humboldt Co., 177
- Tornado Dust Collector, The, 146
- Trent Valley Pumping Station, Triple-expansion Pumping Engine, Messrs. Hathorn, Davey and Co., 295
- Tynemouth Pier, 133
- UGANDA Railway, 491, 513, 584, 590, 612, 613
- United States Battleships Connecticut and Louisiana, 213
- United States Naval Oil Fuel Tests, 619
- United States Navy, New Armoured Cruisers Tennessee and Washington (Supplement, Novem¬ber lith, 1902)
- WARD, Haggas and Smith, Messrs., Horizontal Boring and Planing Machine, 168
- Weighton, Prof. R. L., Some Experiments in Steam Engine Economy, 147
- Wharton’s Die Head, 332
- Wilson, Mr. Frank, Ship Plate Dent Straightener, 67
- Wrexham, Mold and Connah’s Quay Railway, Six- coupled Tank Locomotive Mr. F. Willans (Supplement, November 21st, 1902), 495
- YARROW Shallow Draught Launch, 190
Subject Matter
- AIR Compressors. Messrs. Reavell and Co.. 182 183, 620
- Alternator and Engine, Ferranti Multiphase, 524
- Ash Washing Machine, Messrs, E. H. Birley and Co., 284
- BALE Opener, Richmond and Chandler, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 30
- Biscuit-making Machine, 142
- B'ack Labour in Kimberley Mines, 535, 539
- Blast Furnaces, Designing and Equipment of, Mr. John L. Stevenson, 248, 249, 474, 475
- Boiler. The Stirling Marine, 127, 128
- Bore Holes in South Africa, 389
- Boring and Planing Machine, Horizontal, Messrs. Ward, Haggas and Smith, 163
- Blast Furnace Construction, Joo. L. Stevenson, (Supplement October 10th, 1902), 248, 322, 323, 347, 386, 387, 474
- Bricklaying Machine, Mr. J. H. Knight, 309
- Bricks, Making Glazed, Messrs. Pullan and Mann, Limited, 66
- Brick-making Process, A. Eastwood and Co., Limited, 452
- Bridge Girders, Fatigue and Impact Streeses in, J. Graham, 465
- Kew, 300, 304, 423
- Caisson for Foundations of the Old Bridge, 301
- London, Widening, 597
- Mayence, Reconstruction of, 345, 348, 349
- Newcastle, New, 227
- over the River Lippe, Dortmund-Ems Cana), 44
- over the River Llyfni, 190
- Bridges, Summerhill and Trenton, 308
- Bridges and Viaducts of tho Uganda Railway, 513
- Bnilaiog, Portable, Pease’s Tubular Construction Syndicate, Limited, 41
- CANAL, Volcanoesand the Interoceanic, 2, 3
- Chemical Works, Bitterfeld, 229, 231
- College, Sibley, 466, 467, 470
- Conning Tower in Action, The Ideal, 135,138
- Crane, Goliath, Stothert and Pitt, Limited, 286
- Crane, Three-ton Locomotive, Jessop and Appleby Brcs , 239
- D IM, Assuan (Supplement, December 19lh, 1902), 558, 580, 617, 618
- Die Head, Wharton’s Automatic, 332
- Disc Grinder, Burton, Griffiths and Co., 192, 193
- Disc Grinder, Roberts Bros., 217
- Dock, New Floating, for Durban, Swan, Hunter and Co., 134
- Drainago and Sewage, Glasgow’s Main, Map and Plan, 324
- Drill, Portable Electric, O. Berend and Co., Limited, 184
- Drilling Machine, Rail, Niles Tool Works Co., 312
- Dust Collector, The Tornado, 146
- Dynamos at Chèvres, Switzerland, 366, 367
- ELECTRIC Engineering Supplement, i.—xvi, December 12cb, 1902
- Electric Pile Driver, Mr. J. Garvie, 258’
- Electric Power Transmission and Supply in Switzerland, 296, 297, 366. 371. 409, 414, 418, 461, 462, 463, 464, 516, 517, 518
- Electric Railway Signalling, Crewe System of, 548, 549, 550
- E'ectrical Switches, Dorman and Smith, 593
- Electrically-driven Machines, Linwood Paper Mills (Supplement, July 18th, 1902), 58, 59
- Engine, Diesel Oil, Testing of, 191
- Diirr, Portable Oil, 193
- and Dynamo, Oil, Robey-Sauer, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 30
- Engine and Dynamo, Salford Corporation, 586, 595
- Gas, 500 Horse-power, Premier Gas Engine Company, Limited, 109
- Girder Type Oil, Campbell Gas Engine Company, 262
- High-speed, Bever and Darling and Co. Limited, 116
- High-speed, the Goodfellow, 499
- the Lister, 527
- of the Padale Steamer Lady Tyler, R. and W. Hawthorne, 273
- Pumping, Trent Valley Pumping Station, Messrs. Hathorn, Davey and Co., 295
- Pumping, Tandem Compound Condensing, Haniel and Lueg, Gneisenau Colliery, 203
- Tramway, Glasgow, D. Stewart and Co, Limited (Supplement, December 5th, 1902), 537, 583, 596
- Winding, Humboldt Company, 177
- Winding, Prince Rudolph, 177
- Winding, Twin Tandem Compound Con¬densing, Gutehoffnungshiitte, Oberhausen, 155
- Engineering Works, Irlam, Royles Limited, 16,17
- Engineer’s Point of View, South Africa from an, 225, 247, 275, 293, 319, 311, 388, 415, 433, 535, 557, 579, 580, 605
- Engineers, Training of, at an American University, 466, 467, 470
- FOREBAY Bulkhead and Pipe Line, Shawinigan Falls, 143
- Friction Driven Lathe, United States, 519
- GAS Plant, Mond, at Farnley, 494
- Gates, Timber and Iron Lock, 40
- Generators, Multipolar, Calcutta Electric Supply, Crompton and Co., Limited, 120
- Girders, Support of the Ends of Cross, 609
- Grinding Machine, Large, Landis Tool Company, 426
- HAMMER, The Mas:ey Pneumatic Power, 240
- Harbours of Ruhrort and Duisburg, 52
- Harbour at Table Bay, 275, 276
- INGOT Press, The Harmit, 252
- Irrigation Works, Nile, Great Dam at Assuan , (Supplement, December 19th, 1902), 558, 580, 617
- LATHE and Boring Machines, Jas. Spencer and Co., 448, 449, 450
- Lathe, Friction-driven, United States. 519
- Lathe for High-speed Steel, Heavy, Ryder and Son, 308
- Lathe, Tool-room, W. H. Astbury, 502
- Liquid Fuel Apparatus, The Diirr, 105
- Locomotive, American, for the Uganda Railway, 612
- Ancient, Hetton Railway, 57
- Boiler with Cylindrical Fire-box, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Mr. F. A. Hoy (Supplement, August 15th, 1902), 165
- Compound, Norwegian State Rail¬ways, 396
- Compound Four-coupled Express, Austrian State Railways, Herr Karl Gölsdorf, 258
- Compound Four-cylinder Mineral, London and North-Western Rail¬way, Mr. F. W. Webb, 62
- Compound Road, Clayton and Shuttleworth, 502
- Compressed Air, Simplon Tunnel Works, 299
- Consolidation, Norwegian State Rail¬ways, 525a
- Locomotive, Constructing a French, 5, 54, 55
- Express Passenger, Great Central Railway, Mr. J. G. Robinson (Supplement, July 4th, 1902) Narrow-gauge, Cape Government Railways, Mr. H. Beatty (Supple¬ments, September 5th and 19/A, 1902) Six-coupled Bogie Goode, American, 25, 26
- Six-coupled Mineral Tank, Kerr, Stuart and Co., Limited (Supple¬ment, October 31«l, 1902) 419
- Six-coupled Tank, Mr. F. Willans, Wrexham, Mold and Connab's Qaay Railway (Supplement, Novem¬ber 21st, 1902), 495
- Tank, Llanelly and Mynydd Mawr Railway, Avon6ide Engine Com¬pany, 326, 327
- Log Frame, Centre-driven, Messrs. John Pickles and Son, 146
- Lorry, The Brightmore Steam, 130, 131
- MACHINE Tools at Belfort, 55, 104 ; Electric Machine Shop at, 105
- Machine Tool, Universal, Mr. Linley, 42
- Map of Cape to Cairo Railway, 108
- Map of Panama Railway, 343
- Map of Simplon and Tasquera Tunnels, 102
- Mill, Steel Cone Paint, Follows and Bate, 528
- Motor Cars, French Industrial, 543
- Motor Cars, Mors Racing Car, 29; Serpollet Steam Racing Car. 29; Mercedes Car, Panhard Car, Napier Car. Renault Voituret'e, 36
- Motor Cars, Oil, of 1902, Capt. C. C. Longridge, 402, 427, 479, 503, 526
- Motor Car Show, Paris, 587
- Motor Wagon Works, Thornycroft, 511, 512
- NAVAL War Game, Remarkable Action in the, 409
- OIL Fuel Tests, United States Naval, 476, 486 619
- Oil as Fuel in Warships, 486
- Ore by Oil, Elmore Plant for the Concentration of, 216
- PIER, Tynemouth, 133
- Pipe Callipers, Mr. Fuhrman Clarke, 284
- Piston Ring Swaging Machine, Davy Robertson Engineering Co., 67
- Piston Valves for Locomotives, Mr. Walter M. , Smith, 167, 169
- Plan of Capetown Harbour, 276
- Planing Machine, Hulse and Co., Limited, 238
- Planing Machine, Messrs. C. Redman and Sons, 146
- Portable Building, Pease’s Tubular Construction , Syndicate, Limited, 41
- Portrait, Alfred Krupp, 511
- Pressure Iadicator, Mr. J. E. Patavel, 344
- Pulley, Built-up, Mr. Strauss Collin, 588
- Pumps, Electrically-driven, Frank Pearn and Co., Limited, 375, 377
- Pump, Screw, Mr. Henry Jones, 142
- Pump, Vertical Compound Beam, Joseph Evans . and Sons, 7, 8
- Pumping Machinery, Penrhyn Quarries, 184 ,
- RAILWAYS, American, Lieut.-Col. W. V. Con¬stable's Report on the Working of, 242
- Cape to Cairo, 160, 161, 203, 209
- Elberfeld Suspension, 385, 434, 435, I 436, 441, 488, 489, 490
- Leading to Ports, South African, Map of, 247
- Signalling. Pneumatic, London and South-Western, 598
- Railways. South Devon, Great Western, 356
- Uganda, 491, 581, 590, 612
- Works, Swindon, New (Supplements, October 3rd and 17th, 1902)
- Relays and Governors, 365
- Road Resistance Recorder, Schaffer and Buden- berg, 277, 278
- Rolling Stock, Rhodesian Railway Company, Sleeping Car, 108
- Rolling Stock, Steel Wagons for Midland Railway Company, The Leeds Forge Company, Limited, 499
- Royal Train, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, Mr. R. J. Billinton (Supplement, December 2.6th, 1902)
Ships: -
- Battleships, British
- Belleisle, The Recent Experi¬ments, 133, 135, 138
- Foreign
- Austrian, Babenbu-’g. 444, 445
- French, Republiqne, 255, 256
- German, H. and J., 591
- United States, Connecticut and Louisiana, 213
- Cruisers, Foreign
- French, Kleber, 332, 331
- Russian, Askold, 12
- United States, Tennessee (Supple¬ment, November 14th, 1902) Washington (Sup¬plement, November 14th, 1902)
- Torpedo Boats, British Bullfinch, 439
- Mercantile and Passenger, British : — Cross-Channel, 230, 272, 273, 279
- Cunard Liner Carpathia, 157
- Fitch’s Steamboat, 143
- Launch, Shallow-draught, Yarrow and Co., 190
- Ship Plate Dent Straightener, Mr. Frank WilBon, 67
- Signalling, Pneumatic Railway, London and South- Western, 548, 598
- Signals, Coast Fog, Mr. N. G. Gadye, 69, 70
- Stay-making Machine, Automatic, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 9, 10
- Steam Engine Economy, Some Experiments on, Prof. R L. Weigbton, 147
- Steel Works, Essen, in 1826, 541
- Stoker, The Arthur Automatic, 478
- TENDER, Narrow Gauge, Cape Government Railways, Neilson, Reid and Co., 231
- Tractor for Agricultural Purposes, Mr. Dan Albono, 239
- Tramway Generating Station, Lausanne, 366, 370
- Tramway Generator, Salford, 586, 595 Trans-Continental Railway Proposals, Australian, 180
- Transmission Plant, 50,000, Canyon Ferry, U.S. A., 254
- Truck, Double Stage Cattle, Mr. W. T. Lucy, 401
- Tunnel Works, Simplon, 177, 178, 186, 204, 205, 299, 390, 410, 412, 607, 608
- UNIVERSITY, Cornell, 466, 470
- Valve Diagram, Reulaux, 403
- Viaduct Steel, Das Moines, 392, 393
- Volcanoes and the Inter-Oceanic Canal, 2, 3
- WAGON Transporters, Self-propelling Railway, 251, 253, 254
- Washouts on the Cape Government Railway, 378
- Waterways of Gormany, Map of the, 129
- Waterworks for Loughborough, New, 32, 33, 34
- Well Sinking Frame, Hardy Pick Co.’s, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 30
- Yacht, The Emerali Tarbine, 424