The Engineer 1905 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1905 Jan-Jun: Index
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- ACCELERATION, Instantaneous, 294
Accidents, Explosions, Fires:
- Boiler Explosions—see Boilers Bridge Collapse, Kilmarnock, (576)
- Bridge Failure, Charleston, W. Va., (116)
- Cleveland Ironworks, Fatal Explosion in Furnace Dust-catcher. (277)
- Colliery Accident, The Elba, (327)
- Colliery Accident near Ruabon, (91)
- Deaths from Industrial Accidents in Five Years, (317)
- Deaths, Toll of, for Williamsburg Bridge, New York, (576)
- Fatal Explosion, Clydach Vale, Rhondda Colliery, (278), (410)
- Fire at Niagara Falls Power-house, 271
- Fly-wheel Explosions, United States, (369)
- Landslide in the Tredegar District, Disastrous, (278)
- Motor Vehicles, The Home Secretary’s List of Accidents due to, (369)
- Railway Accidents—Railway
- Rope Accident, Robinson Deep Gold Mining Company, (408)
- St. Lazare Explosion, The, 386, 421, (505)
- Toronto, Breaking of a Governor Belt and Running Away of Fly-wheel, (13), (91)
- ADAMS. Mr. E. R., (313)
- Aerial Navigation, Dr. F. Sacco Solves the Problem of, (497)
- Aerial Ropeways for Transport of Coal from Venice to Mestre, (397)
- Agricultural Implements from New York, Value of Exports of. (447)
- - Machinery at Bilbao, Demand for, (447)
- - Machinery in Large Demand, (658)
- - Machines, Self-binding Harvester, American Patent, (497)
- Air Ship, Count Zeppelin’s New, (291)
- Air Washing Apparatus, (576)
- Alcohol, “Denaturised,” from Dnty, Belgian Industries and Release of, (242)
- - “Denaturised,” in United States, Internal Revenue Tax, Bill for Removing not likely to Pass, (212)
- - Duty-free, (126)
- - Industrial, 400
- - Methylated, for Industrial Purposes, (242)
- - Industrial, Columbian Government, (623)
- - Production of, ia Consular District of Lille, (424)
- Almanacs, Diaries, 6&c., 55, 78, 120, 199
- Aluminium Bobbins and Spools, (116)
- - and its Electrical Properties, Mr. W.
- - Smith on, (76)
- - Foil, a Substitute for Tin Foil, (242), (497)
- American Patents—see Patent?, American, Selected
- American Workshops, Some Impressions on, by Mr. A. J. Gimson, 90
- Ammonia, Production of, Mr, C. Page on, (230)
- Anchor Hauled up from the North Sea, A Huge, (91)
- Andrews’ Liquefaction Press, 540
- Animals and Animal Produce, Industries of New Zealand, (625)
Appointments and Resignations Appointments:
- Ainsworth, Mr. Geo., (77)
- Baldwin, Mr, Alf., (317)
- Barron, Mr., (523)
- Barry, Sir John Wolfe, (625)
- Bell, Sir Hugh, (77)
- Binnie, Sir Alexander, (447)
- Board of Trade Appointments, Imperial Institute, South Kensington, (291)
- Bower, Mr. Sam., (447)
- Carter, Mr. Joseph, (22)
- Cooper, Mr. Arthur, (77)
- Dale, Sir David, (77)
- Dalkeith, Earl of, (342)
- Dobson, Mr. J. H., (242)
- Finglah, Mr., (523)
- Gathorne-Hardy, Mr., (218)
- George. Mr. E. J., (77)
- Hart, Mr. Geo. Adam, (433)
- Henzell, Mr. Chas. George, (342)
- Howe, Prof. H. M., (474)
- Jacob. Mr. E. F., (447)
- Joy, Mr. Basil, (268)
- King, Mr. C. A., (252)
- Leeds Sewerage Engineer, Applicants for Post, (342)
- Long, Mr. Walter, (317)
- Meares, Mr., (128)
- Morrison, Mr. Robt., (218)
- Peters, Mr., (523)
- Shaw, Mr. Cyril M., (13)
- Sinclair, Mr. G. E., (342)
- Smart, Mr. L. S., (218)
- Sumner, Mr. Frank, (379)
- Wadsworth, Mr, J., (25)
- Watt, Mr. Wm., (459)
- Wharton, The Rt. Hon. Jno. Lloyd, (77)
- Willans, Mr. Geo., (576)
- Worthington, Mr. W. B., (268), (474)
- Brown, Mr. E., (553)
- Drury, Mr. Henry, (13)
- Evans, Mr. Richard, (268)
- Hewson, Mr. Thos. ,(242)
- Jones, Mr. Wm., (22)
- Joy, Mr. Basil H., (165)
- Long, Mr. Walter, (317)
- Lundie, Mr., (162)
- APPRENTICES, Richardsons, Westgarth and Co.’s Scheme for Encouraging Deserving, (bo)
- Apprentices, Training of, Vickers, Sons and Maxim’s, (317)
- Archaeological Discovery in the Jnlian A'ps, Professor Moser’s, (291)
- Argentina, Engineering Prospects in, 565 Armoured Concrete Arch, Mr. D. B. Luten, 47o
- Armoured Concrete Buildings, 427 , z , •
- Armour Plate for Japanese Battleship Kashima,
- Asbestos Production, Canada, (397) Production in the United States, (576)
- Steam Pipe Covering, 119
- Askham, Mr. P. U.,(534)
- Association, American Economic;
- Theory r. Practice in the “ Closed Shop” Dis- cusfcion,
Association, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way .
- Sixth Annual Convention: Reports of its Several Committees, 607
Association, Automobile Mutual Protection :
- Annual Meeting, (322)
Association, Bristol Channel Dockowners’;
- Cjmmxinity of Intereet?, 500
Association oi Civil Engineering Students, Birmingham :
- Annual Dinner, Sir A. Binnie at, (26?)
- Association of Englneers-in-Charge;
- Tenth Annual Dinner, (322)
Association, Cold Storage and lee: Ammonia, Production of, Mr, Charles Page,
- (230)
Association of Engineers, Leeds :
- Prime Movers and Modern Power Generation, Mr. J. T. Pullon, 252
- Producer Gas-driven Plant r. Steam-driven Plant, Mr. F. G. Heseldin, 352
- Silk-spinning Machinery, R. W. Crabtree, 124
- Torpedoes, Mr. James Topham on their Construction, 443
Association of Engineers, Manchester: Comparison of Different Types of Steam Turbines, Mr. R. M. Neilson, 66, 75, 97, 123,149
- Forty-eighth Anniversary Dinner, 176
- Forty-ninth Discussion Session, Final Meeting, (381)
- Annual General Meeting, (327) Pig Irons and their Use in ihe Foundry and
- Forge, Mr. E. Adamson, 227
- Visit to Messrs. Tweedale and Smalley’s Works, Castleton, (483)
Association, Geologists’:
- Diamond Mines of South Africa, Prof. H. A Miers, (215)
- Meeting, May 5th, Paper to be Read, visits Arranged, (444)
- Association of Great Britain, Manufacturers’:
- Preliminary Circular Setting Foith the Objects with which it is being Formed, 654
Association, Incorporated Municipal Electrical:
- Tenth Annual Convention, Papers to bo Read, (574)
Association of Ireland, Engineering and Scientific:
- Arrangements for the Ensuing Season, (62)
Association, Manchester Steam! Users’:
- Annual Report, (575)
- Fiftieth Anniversary of Foundation, 176
Association of Mechanical Engineers, Birmingham:
- Mechanism of a Modern Man-of-War, Mr. C. Alf, Smith, 67
- Fourteenth Annual Dinner, (161)
- Electrical Undertakings, Mr. A. Pickersgill, (215)
Association of Municipal and County Engineers, Incorporated;
- Examinations to be Held, (574)
- Midland District Meeting, Programme, Municipal Works at Cleckheaton, Mr. Lund, (215)
- Thirty-second Annual Meeting, (675) Western District Meeting, 601
Association, Tramways and Railways:
- Brakes, Mr, G. A. Trube, (115) Tramway Overhead Equipment Materials, Mr.
- H. M. Sayers, 67
Association of Waterworks Engineers, British:
- Papers to be Read at the Tenth Annual General Meeting, (612) >
Association, Yorkshire Miners: j
- Assouan Dam, 368, 373, 454, 479, 491, (505), 531, 570
- Denaby Main Case e. The, 526 ?
- President’s Office made Permanent, Mr, J. Wadsworth Appointed, (25)
- Aviation, Experiments to be Made by the Aero Club of Paris, (41)
- Baltimore
- Banner, William
- Barometer
- Barrow Education Committee, Messrs. Vickers, regarding their Apprentices
- Battle of the Ports
- Belgium
- Belt Conveyor as an Elevator. The, 34
- Bicycles and Side-slip, (65), (574)
- Aberdare Tramway, (54)
- Belgian, ForbiddingUse of White Lead in House Painting, (497)
- Bitkdale Water Board’s, (549)
- Biiniingham Corporation’s, South and Central Wales Opposes, (41)
- Bronx Valley Trunk Sewer, (625)
- Canada Atlantic Railway, Purchase of, by the Grand Trunk Company, (474)
- Canal, 527
- Cape Parliament Electric Supply, (342)
- Compensation for Damage to Crops, 271
- Croydon Corporation, (397)
- East London and Lower Thames Electric Power, (218)
- Harwich Docks Extension, (41), (91) i
- Humber Conservancy, 618 ;
- Illinois Legislature, to Prevent Wholesale Sale of Electricity, (342)
- Leeds and Liverpool Canal Company, (68)
- London County Council General Power, (549)
- London Electricity, 285, 312, 335, 367, 478, 492,
- London *'Tube,” (13), (41)
- Manx Motor Car, Opposition to, (369); Third Reading Carried, (447)
- Matlock Bath District Council’s, (523)
- Metropolitan District Railway, (191)
- Norwegian Storthing, State Loan for Railway Construction, (13)
- Ossett Corporation and Castleford Urban District, (218)
- Patents, 531 j
- Preston Corporation, (13), (342), (600)
- Private, 1905, 296, 378, 452
- South Wales Electric Power, (562)
- Sunderland and South Shields Water Supply, (342) I
- Swansea Corporation, (562)
- Trades Disputes, Mr. Shackleton’s, (433)
- Trades Unions and Trade Disputes, (553)
- Workington Harbour and Lonsdale Dock, (101), (177)
- BIRMINGHAM University, Additional Grant . to, (276) i
- Birmingham University Buildings, Ventilation of, ; (432)
- Blackpool Promenade, Widening of the, 471
- Blackpool and Rossall, Removal of Shingle Prevented, (369)
- Blast Furnace, Dry Air in the, 69, (121), 146,174, 175, 199, 223, 246, 265, 347 Energy Wasted in the Old, (625) Gas, Cleansing, 33, 515, 542, 558 Output Curtailed by the United
- States Steel Corporation, (625) i Plant, with Output of 1200 Tons, I
- Gas Given off by, (317)
- Practice of Great Britain, Improvement in, (317)
- Practice, Principles in, Mr. Uehling on, 198
- Slag Produced in the United States, 1903, and its Uses, (13)
- Sulphur in Coke and in the, 515 Blasting, New Method of, (218)
- Blasting at a Stone Quarry, Bonawe, (474)
- Coal Dust Firing for, 502
- Cylindrical Water-tube, Mr. Cummins, 50 Explosion, The St. Lazare, 386, 421, 505 Explosions Acts, 1882, 1892, Report on the Working of, (600)
- Furnace, Messrs. T. Sugden, Limited, 222 Machine Made, (549)
- Manufacturers, (549)
- Marine, The Inglis Board Syndicate, 656 Niclausse, 49
- Plates, Specifications for, 270
- Settings of Brick, Lessening Air Leakage Through, by Portland Cement Wash, (549) Shops are Rather Repair Shops than Manufactories, (549)
- Stirling Water-tube, Mr. C. E. Tarbolton on, (101)
- Tubes, Tests on the Corrosion of, (91)
BOLCKOW and Vaughan, Memorial of, at
- Middlesbrough, (53) '
- Bombay Mills, Hands Employed at, (576) Borehole at Lincoln, 427
- Borer, The Brandt Hydraulic Rock, 138, 1C9
- Bores, Diamond Drill, Eclipsed by the Calyx, in India, (649)
- Boring Operations near Anglesey, (191) Brandt Hydraulic Rock Drill, The, 188, 189 Brazil, Expenditure Authorised for Developing
- Coal Mines, (242)
- Brazil, High Rate of Exchange, (184) Brickmaking Trade, Depression in, (U6)
- Bricks, Composite, Tested at Purdue University (649)
- Australia, Twenty-three New Biidges Completed in the Year, (276)
- Ayr, The ‘‘Auld Brig” of, (484)
- Cai&son Disease, Compensation successfully, (365)
- Caledonian Railway, Viaducts
- June l£05), 569
- Canadian Pacific Railway, (165) Communication between Goole
- Districts, (91)
- Duluth Transporter, 574 Glencoin Beck, (447) Hungerford, (9)
- Irvine, Kilmarnock, Suspension, Collapse of. (576)
- Italy, New Armoured Concrete, 100 Kingston, Width to be Increased, (424) Maintenance and Strengthening of Early Iron,
- Mr, W. Marriott on, 406
- Manhattan across New River, New, (549)
- Mersey, Transporter Bridge over the, at
- Runcorn, (218), 444, 445, 448, (497) Meuse at Seraing, Suspension, (523) New York Central, across the Connecticut, (317) New York Central, Manhattan, across the East
- River, (549)
- New York, East River, Williamsburg Bridge,
- Cables of, (576)
- Oder River, Cantilever. 338
- Ouse River, at Goole, (576)
- Passy, Paris Metropolitan Railway, 237, 241
- St. Lawrence, at Quebec, Cantilever, acrosp, with the Longest Span in the World, (68), (165)
- St. Petersburg, Proposed New, 557
- Soissons, Armoured Concrete. 282 Sunderland, West End High Level, Question of the Approaches on North Side, (474)
- Suspension, Charleston, West Virginia, Failure of, (116)
- Susquehanna, Longest Stone Arch in the World, (91)
- Thebes, Illinois, U.S.A., (625) Vauxhall, 295, 641, 642,-650
- Victoria Falls (with Map), 339, 340, 341 Vistula, French Engineers called upon for
- Projects for Construction of, (549) Walney Channel, (447), (576) Warsaw, across the Vistula, (549) Whitby, Widening of, (611)
- Widnes and Runcorn Transporter, (218), 444, 445, 448, (497), (545)
- Zambesi, (454)
- BRILLIUM, a New Fuel, (447) British Fire Prevention Committee’s Testing
- Station, Removal of, (447)
- British Patent Specifications—see Patent Specifications, British
- Bromley Hill, Kent, Shell Area Discovered at, (165) Bronx Valley Trunk Sewer Bill, (625) Building Bye-laws, 532
- Laws in Berlin, Limit of Height allowed and not to be exceeded, (191) Twenty-storey, to replace the Elevenstorey Tower Building, New York. (600)
- Burnley and Sons, Thos., Spinning Mills Driven Electrically, (369)
- Technical School, (13) Weaving Shod for, (474)
- CAISSON Shipped to Malta, Large, (625) Calendar, Wall, (354)
- Calorimeter, Lewis-Thompson, Commercial Value of, 487
- Cammell, Laird and Co,, Shareholders’ Annual Meeting, (327)
- Canada and Customs Duties, 143
- Fuel, 39
- Geological Survey of, Under Dr, Bell, (41) Irrigation in, 467
- Canadian Government City Office, 73
- Baltic and Black Sea, 450, (474)
- British, The Development of, to be Discussed, (218)
- Canada’s Expenditure on, (497)
- Canal Bill, The, 527
- Columbia, (649)
- Inland Navigation, 244
- Joseph’s, 455
- Leeds and Liverpool, (68)
- Manchester Ship, Fire Launch for the, 144, 145
- Manchester Ship, New Dock, (397)
- Mandalay, (474)
- Marian System of, in Russia, Vessels to be Towed by Tugboats, (424)
- Marseilles with the Rhone, Project. Great Navigable, (165)
- Milner, Idaho, Great Irrigation, (397)
- Panama, (13), (91), 209, 232, 281, 320, 345, 401. (432). 527, (576)
- Punjab, (191)
- Rhine and Danube, in Three Sections. (447 and Elbe, (625) •Weser, (165), (626)
- Rouen, Canal and River Shipments to and from, (576)
- St. Petersburg and Cronstadt, Deepening. (380) Severn District Canal Trust, The, (124)
- State Control of, Discussed by the Hull Chamber of Commerce, (13), (218)
- Suez, Traffic Returns, 1902-3-4, (549)
- Volga and the Caspian Sea, (242)
- Zerbrugge Ship, 579
- CARBON in Pure Oxygen, Complete Combustion of Amorphous, and Yield of Calories per Unit, (41)
- Cargo Fleet Works, Furnaces and Coke Ovens {Supplement, May 1905), 465, 488, 498, 515, 524
- Carlisle, Sewage Filtration, (424)
- Carnegie, Andrew, Research Scholarship, 9
- Carpet cleaning Plant, Automobile, 402
- 24, 54, 76, 179, 202, 254, 276, 327, 380, 410, 435, 482, 509, 531, 560, 584, 610, 661
- CATALOGUES, Standardization of Trade, 372 CavershaiD, Sewage Scheme for, (268) Cement Export, Belgium, (165)
- Export from Germany, 1903, (41) Fire-proof, (291)
- from Slag, Plant to be Built at Sydney f^ r Making, (348)
- from Waste composed chit IIy of Sulphate of Lime, (497)
- Industry in Germany, Decline of, (139) Kiln, Rotary, 603
- Manufactory, Lengenfeld, (268) Portland, Destructive Inttuence of Oil or Tar on, (649)
- Puziuolani, its Composition and Qualities, (41)
- Reinforced, Ingenious Variety of, (600) Trade in Germany, (600)
- Central Technical College, 215
- Chain, Weldless, A New Kind of, (191)
- Chemistry in 1904, 20
- Chicago and Typhoid Fever, 653
- Chinese Mills, Average Count of Yarn Spun per Working Day in, (268)
- Civil Services, 1906, Estimates for, (342)
- Clock to Run for Centuries ; Motive Power, a Bit of Radium Salt, (191)
- Close Works, Gateshead, The New, 494 “Closed f. the Open Shop,” 67
- Anglesey, Result of Boring Operations, (191) Arctic Coast of Alaska, Beds of a Foot- Thick, (139)
- Austria-Hungary and Germany, Interchange of Brown and Ordinary Coal between, (397) Belgium, New Field of, (474)
- Belleville, Ardennes, (523)
- Bengal, its CaloriBc Value, (139); Output, (523) Bituminous, Production of, in the United States by Use of Undercutting Machines, (317) Boring Machines and Tools, Pneumatic,Mr. W.
- Lynch on, (150)
- Brazil, Expenditure /Authorised for Developing Mines, (242)
- British, Imported into France, (397)
- Burma, (291)
- Canada’s Fuel, 39 Cardiff Steam, Annual Import into Havre, 1424)
- Collieries under Highways, 621 Commission, The Roya’, Report, (227) Contract, The Largest on Record, (497) Locomotive, 653 Railway, 22
- Swedish Railway, (198)
- Cutter, Pneumatic, The Little Hardy, 582 Dust Firing for Steam Boilers, 502
- Economy, Relative, of Different Sfzoi of, Used on Locomotives, (600)
- France, Coal Consumed or Imported through Cherbourg, (397)
- Coal Deposit Discovered in the East of, (397)
- Decrease in Importation of British into, (424)
- Good, What Constitutes, (91)
- Heating Properties of, What they Depend on, (218)
- Indian, (62o)
- Irish Coalfields, (523)
- Japan Archipelago, (625)
- Midlands, Output in the, by Means of Coalcutting Machines Increasing last Year, (549) Mining, Dover, Prof. Galloway on, (152) Natal Production, (369)
- Newcastle, Export of to Agram, Croatia, Decreased, (649)
- New York, Imports, (523)
- North Staffordshire Coalfields, Geology cf, (537)
- Pits, New, 221
- Poland, Collieries at Work in, and Workpeople Employed, (447)
- Pumping Machinery for Two New Collieries in Scotland, (600)
- Royal Commission on Ccal Supply, 112, 138 Russian, Proposed Exclusion of English Coal from Russia in favour of, (13)
- Russia, South, Output of, (497) Seam, The new Ynsddu, (218) Shipment from Dunstan, Record Established, (191)
- Supply, Our, 95
- Supplies, Royal Commission on, 112, 138 Swansea, Rates, 553
- Tax, Amount Received from the, 1904 ; and Value of Export, (242)
- Tax in the Ports of the United Kingdom, Amount received from, (660)
- Texas, its Nature, (91)
- Trade in Denmark, The British, (649) United States, Anthracite Output, (523)
- Exports from, Number of Woikers in the Mines, 1902, 1908, (317)
- Production per Day, and Railway Consumption, (13)
- Production per Annum per Inhabitant, (625) 1903, Total Production, (291) Weleh, Supplied to Russia and Japan, (W Working in Deep Mines, Problem of Thick.
- Mr. L. Holland < n, (76) World’s Output, 1904, (41)
- Coal (eozih‘»«€d):
- Output. Percentrge Produced by United States, (649)
- Yorkshire Coal Field, The New, 519
- ^'’240’ Development of.
- Collieries and the Coal Trade (9) Colliery, New, 71
- POiOTn t Steam Coal atthe Humber Ports, 71 COAST Dsfenoe Scheme, Milford Haven, (152) Cothn-lowermg Apparatus, (474)
- Bengal, Icdustry, (523)
- German, for Cammell, Laird and Co., First J^’K’rted into North-west England, (474), (483)
- North Lancashire Iron Trades and, (37) Shipment of. Record, (191)
- Sulphur in, and in the Blast Furnace, Prof. F. Wuost and Mr. T. Wolff. 515
- COLOMBO. Drainage and Water Supply, Loan for, (242)
- Colonial Office. Now Post Created by the, (224) Commercial Efficiency of Prime Movers, 147, 415 Examinations. (287) Side, The, 341
- Compensation Cases, Some Recent, 522
- Competition, A, Setting and Ke-setting of Diamonds, (574)
- Conoreta Arch, Armoured, Mr. D. B. Luten, 173 Buildings, Armoured, 427, 432 Comparative Cost of Brick Masonry, Ashlar, (649)
- Ferro, M. E. Noaillon on, 621 Machine, A Now. (549) Mixer, Gravity, Dr. J. S. Owens. 122 Condenser for Shipbuilding Company, Smart P.eoe of Work done by Messrs. Isaac Storey and Co., (317)
- Condensers, Surface, Mr. R, W, Allen on, 247 Condensing Purposes, The Right to Use Water for, 618
- Contracting, Mr. P. W. MoDougDl on, (276)
- 22, 26, 56, 78, 104. 124. 152, 178, (198), 205 230, 254, 279, 302, 318, 354, 383, 432, 46o’ SS4, 612, 660
- COOLING Hot Bearings, (218)
- Cooling Hot Bearings, Professor Leoocq’s Recommendation, (13)
- Corrosion of, in Se.-.-water, Herr Uthemannon. 442 ’
- Cost and Consumption of, 143
- ^Iw)^ f”™ Baltimore, (435),
- Finish, A New, (397)
- Shipped to Japan from United States. (41) Telegraph Line, A, (191)
- White Lake, Lesser Conductivity of, than the Electrolytic Brand, (41)
- CORE Making, Principles and Praotica of, Mr. R. Buchanan on, (76)
- Corrosion of Copper in Sea Water, 442
- Corrosmn of Wire Ropes by Mine Water, Mr. W. G. Thomas on, (108)
- Cotton, Egyptian, Spinning Mills to, (91) i roduced from Pins Wood in Bavaria, (13)
- Ropes, Transmitting Power by Means of (649)
- Spinning and Dyeing Establishment, Palermo, (291)
- Coventry Firm, Cycles and Motor Cycles, Orders on Hand, (549)
- Coventry Ordnance Works Company, (585) I Crane, Block-setting Steam, Messrs. Cowans, Sheldon and Co., (228)
- Gantry, for Durban Harbour, Stothert and Pitt, Limited, and Messrs. J. Westwood and Co., 234, 246, 247 Locomotive Steam. John H. Wilson and Co., Limited, 559
- E'ectric Locomotive, 395, 398
- (Iraven, Mr. AIL, (313)
- Creosoting Wood, Does it or Does it not Make it more Inflammable? (474)
- Crops, Railways and Damage ti, 271
- Cutac Foot of Earth and a Cubic Foot of Water Comparative Weight of a, (474)
- Cumberland County Council, Highways Committee, E^imate of Expenditure on Roads and J 'lone by Traction Engines and Motor Cars, (474) ®
- Cutlery, Foreign Trade in, (253) Cyanide from Barium Carbide, (139) Cyanogen with Oxygen, Expeiiments on Explosions of Mixtures of, (218)
- Cycles for Japan, (549)
- Cycles Motor—sec Motor
- Cycle Output, Coventry, (424)
- DAM, Armoured Concrete, 321
- ^51, 479, 491, (505). ool, 5/0 '
- The New Croton, 451 'I'report, 368 Masonry, 319, 317
- Dead Sea, Changes of Level in the, (218) Derby, Sewerage and Sewage Disposal, (497) Destructors and hlectricity, 147, 199, 265
- Defuse, Messrs. Meldrums, Limited,
- , Refuse—see also Refuse
- Diamonds, Setting and Fixing without Al'oys, Prize Offered by the Dutch Government for Invention of Process for, (549), (574)
- Dio Stock, The Helios, 480 '
- Diverging Nozzles, 12, 49 Diverging Nozzles-«e Nczzles, Diverging
- 60,X62.^100‘'°'‘’ Kant.
- Antwerp, ^’ze and Cost of the New, (242) Bingkok Deepening of the Naval, (291) Boston. Public Dry Dock Declared Inadvisable, BHstnl t^^annel Diaokowners’ Association, 500 Bristol, Estimated Cost. (369) ’
- Cardiff, (484), 50"’ ' v
- Beep Water, Im jiingham, Grimsby, (268)
- Docks {f'ontiav.ei!):
- Floating Steel Dry Dock for the Philippines, Largest in the World, (447)
- Hartlepools, (165)
- Liverpool Decks and Freight Charges, (474), 501
- Lowestoft, Great Eastern Company’s, (317) Manchester Ship Canal, New Dock, (397) Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Agreement with the Kailway Companies as to Goods in Transit, (474), 501
- Milwaukee, Dry Dock and Marine Railway, (165) Nagasaki, Dry Dock Completed, (523) Rotterdam, Municipal Dry Docks, (576)
- Stone Dry, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N.H.,(139)
- Surrey Commercial, Erection of Large Cold Steres, (218)
- Tyne, Dues to be Reduced by the North- Eastern Railway Company, (139)
- United States, Charlestown Navy Yard, (291) Government Dry Floating, the Largest in the World, (649) Navy, No Timber Structures for the New Docks to be Constructed for, (91)
- Venice, (116), (424)
- Welsh Dry Dock Boycott, 426
Dockyard Notes:
- A 5 Disaster, Cause of, 198
- Amethyst, The New Turbine Cruiser, Due at Portsmouth, 226
- Armour of Cement and Nickel Tested at Terni, 145
- Asahi Torpedoed with the Hatuse, 95, 171 Australian Squadron, Full-speed Passage Trials, 446, 584
- Austrian Battleship C, Launched and Named, 401
- Baltic Fleet, Wireless Telegraphy Universal in, 145
- Battleship of Unique Det-ign, Rumour respecting a New, 446
- Battleships to Follow the Lord Nelson Class to Carry Ten 12in. Guns, 37
- Blake to be Struck Off the Effective List, 95 Blenheim in a Good Way Still, 95
- Britannia, Hibernia, and Africa, Guns to be Carried by, 37, 95
- Channel Fleet, Now Known as the New Baltic Fleet, 584
- China Fleet, Steaming cf the, 145
- Coal at Gibraltar, Absurd Story of No, 71 Coaling Competition between the Illustrious and the Magnificent, 145
- County Class, 22, 348
- Cruiser Arrogant, Boilers Re-tubed, 473
- Cruiser Grafton to be Paid Oil* and Re commissioned, 295
- Cruisers Minotaur and Shannon Laid Down, 22 Cruisers of the Minotaur Class, The New, 446, 654
- Destroyer Gala, Speed Trials of the New, 401 Destroyers, The New, Messrs. Thornycroft and Messrs. Beardmore, 654
- Devonshire Class, One of, Outdoing Trials, 226 Drake, Speed Record Regained by the, 37 Dutch Monitors, The Lmg-projected, 71 Empress of India to Become a Reserve Ship, 198
- Engineering in the United States, A Fidgety Job, 473
- French Algerian Defences, Reorganisation of, 295
- Cruiser Leon Gambetta Ashore Again, (313)
- Sully, A Wreck, (313), 348 Submarines, Tests with, 295
- Gaffs to be Removed from British Warshirs, 145
- Gambetta, Speed Made, 401
- “ Gem ” Class, Excellent Sea Boats, 348
- German Armoured Cruiser Building at Bremen, 171
- Battleships of the Deutschland Class, i 71, 654
- Battleship Elsass, Speed Trials, 401 Battleship Preussen, 447, 654 I
- Coast Defence Ship /Egir, Speed I Trials, 401, 447 '
- Cruiser D, 654
- Cruiser N, Launched and Named Leipzig, 446
- Deutschland Class, 71, 654 Fleetfor the Forthcoming Manccuvres, Constitution of, 654
- Ships, Full Power Trials of Several, 446 Gladiator, Cruiser, Re-armed and Re-fitted, Her Trials, 271
- Gun Fira, Sinking of Ships in the Battle of the Sea of Japan, Attributed to, 612
- Guns for the Britannia Class of Battleships, 37, 95
- Guns, Scare about, 446
- Gun, The 6in. to have a New Lease of Life, 295 Handiest Ships in any Navy are the Biggest and Heaviest, 95
- Home Fleet Speed Trial, The, 348
- Italian Cruiser, Armament of, 171
- Italian Cruisers, Names of the New, 654 Japanese Armoured Cruiser, 95
- Battleship Kashima, 295 Battleships or Cruisers Claimed by the Russians, 171
- Chiyoda Damaged by a Mine, 171 Cruiser Takasago, Rumoured Loss of, 145, 171
- Mikasa After the Battle, 271 Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Two, 171 Torpedo Craft Claimed to have been Destroyed by the Russians, 171 Yashima, Loss of, 584
- Japan’s New Submarine to Stay Under Water iVenty-five Days, 446
- King Edward Class, Armour of the, 145
- the Handiest in the British Navy, 95
- Lake Submarine Definitely Discarded in favour of Hollands for the United States, 226 Magnificent, Explosion on, 612
- London, The, Returns to Portsmouth to Pav Off, 295
- Mikasa at the Battle of Round Island, 37 Monmouth, Novel Record Held by the, 612 Obsolete Ships, The Fate of, 71, 95
- Oil Motors with Paraffin Introduced into the Navy, 22
- Prince George, Alterations in her Fighting Tops, 198
- Dockyard Notes (continued):
- Prince George Rammed Again, The, 348
- Rams, Big Ships of this Year’s Programme lo be Without, 651
- Renown, The, Come to Portsmouth to Prepare for the Prince of Wales’ Voyage, (313)
- Reserve Fleet, Commissioning of the, 22 “ Return ” of Fleets, The Annual, 401
- River Class Destroyers Dee and Erne en route for China, 473
- “Royal Ships” Unlucky, 348
- Russian, Alexander II. and Emperor Nikolai L, Re-armament of, 171
- Armoured Cruisers, The New, 654 Bay an, Likely to be Salved, 584 Battleships, Armament of the New, 171
- Ships after the Battle of RoundT&land, 145
- Spanish Programme, 654
- Submarine A 8, Loss of, 584
- Submarine Discovered at Port Arthur, The, 446 Swedish Torpedo Boat Pleiad, Launched at Havre, 654
- Target, 4000-Yard, to be Introduced in the Naval War Game, 95
- Torpedo-firing Method, New, 198
- Training Submerged Tubes for New Garman Warships, 198
- Turbines for Minotaur Cruisers, 654
- Turkish Battleship Abdul Hamed, 226
- United States Battleship Indiana Re-boilered. 446
- Cuniberti Battleships, 271 Navy, Reduction of the, 226
- Yards upon the Aftermast to be Abolished, 295 Yoshima Disabled with Mines, 95, 171
- DONALD, Mr., his Bequest to the Glasgow end West of Scotland Technical College, (424)
- Drawing Appliances, New, 249
- Dredging in Australia, (276)
- Dredging Pump Plant, Messrs. Gwynne’s, 506
- Dry Air in the Blast Furnace, 69, (121), 146, 174, 176. 199, 223, 246, 265
- Dry Air in the Blast Furnace, Mr. Jas. Gayley on, 69, 514, 551
- Dust Nuisance, The Surrey County Council and the, (474)
- Dust from Smoke, Removal of, 697
- ECLIPSE of the Sun in August, Total, (191)
- Egypt, Inland Navigation in, Sir Hanbury Brown (with Majs), 307, 332
- Elastic Wheels, 235, 263
Electric, Electric Light, Electricity: Electric;
- Accumulator Plates, H. Leitner’s Patent for Preliminary Treatment of, (649)
- Adviser to the Government of India, Mr. Meares, the First, (128)
- Air Compressor, Messrs. Lacy. Hulbert and Co., 225
- Air-insulated Transformers, 222
- Arc Works, Chelmsford, (632)
- Birmingham Electric Supply Committee. Anniud Report, (549)
- Bradford Electricity Committee, Extensions of Mains Approved of, (549)
- British Thermal Units Obtainable for 4s., (625) Cabs, Buenos Ayres, (474)
- Calcutta Electric Supply Works, Units Delivered by, (447)
- Central Station Engineer, Acute Sense of Smell Desirable in a, (523)
- Chess Club, (126)
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Company, 619. 623 t' ) .
- Columbia Improvement Company, Two 160,000- Volt Transformers for, (91)
- Condensing Arrangements in Central Stations, Mr. J. B. Bailie, (146)
- Conductivity of a Burning Stream cf Air Saturated with Ether Vapour, (649)
- Cranes, 395, 398, 416
- Current, Dangers of the, Mr. V. Kammerer on the, (218)
- for Lighting, Use of Cats for Generating, (242)
- Safety Device for Protection frem, on Rupture of Trolley Wires, (191)
- Supply, Local Authorities and the
- London Electric Companies, (342)
- Dover Supply Works, Estimate for the Cominc Year’s Working, (376)
- Drills in British Columbia, Tests of, (41)
- Driving of Machine Tools, 601
- Electro-Metallurgy in 1904, 134,168
- Electro Production of Iron and Steel, 212
- Energy, Beaconsfield, Cape of Good Hope. Works for Supply of, (342)
- Energy for Thos. Burnley and Sons’ Spinning Mills, (369)
- Engineering in 1904, 6
- Engineering, Unsolved Problems in, Col. R. E. B. Crompton (Jas. Forrest Lecture), 375
- Engineers, Kieff, General Congress of, (342) Exhibitions, Two, 313, 369
- Exhibits at St. Louis Exhibition, 69
- Fan, Summer and Winter Use of, (218)
- Frequency Changing Outfits of 5000 Kilowatts Capacity, Stanley' Electric Manufacturing Company, (68) ®
- Furnace A\ith Limestone Blocks, Care necessary in Making a, (218)
- Fuses, High and Low Tension, (369)
- Generating Equipment of the New United States Battleships, (523)
- Generating Station, Copenhagen, Energy Absorbed by Centrifugal Circulation Pumps, (191)
- Generators in De Cew Falls Power Station. 6000 Kilowatts, (317)
- Gersthofen Hydro-electric Power Station. The. 366, 370 ’ ’
- Glass, Specific Inductive Capacity of, (649)
- Heating and Cooking Apparatus, Let out by Bexhill Corporation, (191)
- Herzian Waves, Directing Torpedoes by Aid of, (523)_
- Industries, Buenos Ayres, an Important Seat of, (523)
- Industry in Germany, Number of Persons employed in, (610)
- Installation, Cumberland Lunatic Asylum, (165)
- Lamp Fitting, Adjustable, 248
- Lifting Machinery, Mr. E. C. R. Marks, (276)
- Limit of Milliamps supportable Passing through the Human Body, (217)
- Loccniolires—see Railway Locomotives Magnets for Raising Weights, Proposed Use of, (317)
- Motor, The Largest ever Built. (291)
- Motor Vehicles—-see Motor Vehicles
- Munich, Hydro-electric Generating Stations at, (625) .
- Pendulum with Free Escapement, M, Ch. Fery, (139)
- Plant for the Karawanken Tunnel, 550, 554
- Plant, Yarmouth Corporation applies for a Loan for a New, (68)
- Power to Agricultural Machinery, Application of, (116)
- Company, The Yorkshire, begins to Supply Energy, (139)
- Generated in a Modern Steamship in a Voyage across the Atlantic, (523) going to Waste at the Victoria Faile, South Africa, (191)
- for Mineral Oil Works in Scotland, (600) for Starting and Reversing Boat on Lake of Geneva, (116)
- Station,
- Power in Steel
- Supply in London, 182, (317) Transmission and Storage, Efficiency of, 184
- Production throughout the World, Total
- Amount of Water Power Used for, (116) Properties of Aluminium, Mr. W. Smith on, (76)
- Railways—see Railways, Electric Rectifiers, 110
- Resistance of Steel, 603
- Signalling, A Century’s Development in, 63 South Shields Corporation, Annual Report, (549)
- Sparking of Continuous-current Bynames, American Patent Relating to Means for Reducing, (291)
- Storage Battery, M. D. Tommasi on the Formation of Negative and Positive Plate of, (397)
- Storage Battery Plates, Mr. J. Bijur’s Method of Making, (523)
- Supply, Birmingham, Net Result of Year’s Working, (540)
- Company, North-West London, to be Purchased by Hampstead Borough Council, (41)
- Extensions, Barking, (41)
- Tail Rods Seen in Power Plant of the Camden and Suburban Railway Company, Advantages of; (523). (549)
- Timing Apparatus, East Surrey Police, (342) Transformer, 1,000,000-Volt, Purdue University, (600)
- Travelling Crane for Durban, 234, 246, 247 Turbo Alternator, 2700 Horse-power, Vouvry, 394
- United States, Kern River Plant, (91)
- United States, Ontario Power Plant, Fourth
- Generator to be Added, (91) i’. Steam Locomotion, 552 Water Power of Grand Falls, New Brunswick,
- Development of, (342) Installation, Loch Lsven, British
- Aluminium Company’s, (116)
- Installations in Switzerland,
- Increase in Number, (424) Plant for Cordite Factory in
- India, 314
- of the Sentino, Prize Offered for Best Scheme for Utilising, (369)
- Waves Measured by Hertz, and those used by
- Marconi, Length of, (116), (317)
- Wear of Engines with and without Tail Rods, (523), (549)
- Welded Bolts, (447)
- Welding, New Development in, (447) Willesden Power-house, (365)
- Winding Gear, Messrs. Ernest Scott and
- Mountain, 198
- Winding Machines, Professor Paul Habets and
- Mr. L. Creplet on, 621
- Winterthur, Electric Power Supply Installation, (625)
Electric Light
- Arc Lamp Carbons, made with 50 per cent, mixture of Calcium Carbide, (291)
- Arc Lamps in London, and Cost of Same, (447)
- Arc Lamps, Magnetic, Jackson, Mich., United
- States, (576)
- Barrow, (41)
- Cats, Their Use, for Generating Electric
- Current, (242)
- Dublin, (291) Incandescent Lampholders, The Thikflex,
- Messrs. Baxendale and Co., 302
- Lamp Fitting, Mr. H. Lea, 248
- Large Increase of Light Results with Small
- Carbons, (649) Leyton, (369) Lighthouses, 449 London, 372, (447) Marylebone, (39) Norwich, (369) Radiant Power of the Hot Carbon Filament,
- Variation of the, (424) Southend-on-Sea, (369) Sunderland, (397)
- Applied to Industrial Purposes, Mr. J. F. C. Snell, 250
- Applied to Mines, Mr. A. C. Anderson, (202) Bills, London, 285, 312, 335, 367, 478, 492, 522 Closing Bulkhead Doors by, 323 Destructors and, 147, 199, 265
- Generated by Combination of Oxygen and
- Hydrogen Explosively, (91)
- Meters, Testing of, 602
- Milliamps, Limit of, that can Pass Through
- Human Bodies without Danger, (217)
- Prime Movers and Modern Power Generation, Mr. J. T. Pullon, 252
- Static, Generated in Weaving, ChapDran Process for Removing, (600)
- Wholesale Sale of. Bill Introduced in Illinois to Prevent, (342)
- Works, Barrow, Revenue of, (576)
- Works, Burnley, (397)
- ELEVATOR, The Belt Conveyor as an, 34 Embalming in Ancient Egypt, M, Berthelot on, (165)
- Assessor Wanted, 73
- Chemical, Course in, Establishsd, Cjlumbia University, New York, (242)
- Civil, in 1904. 15
- Department, Post-office, (208)
- Electrical, in 1904, 6
- Electric, Unsolved Problems in, Col. R. E, B, Crompton (Jas. Fcrrest Lecture), 375
- Feat, An, (115)
- Fellowship of Research in, (176)
- Mechanical in 1904, 16
- Prospects in Argentina, 565
- Sanitary in 1904, 4
- School, Crystal Palace, 404
- Standards Committee, (103), (326), 476
- Standard Screw Threads, 476
- Vibration, Problems in, Prof. Dalby on, 297, 313
- Education of, 579
- Female, Projected Institute in Petersburg for, i (447)
- Marine, Training of, 427, 548
Engines and Motors:
- Blast Furnace Gas Plant and Engines, 453, 456, 457
- Commercial Efficiency of Prime Movers, with Special Reference to Large Gas Engines, Mr. A. Marshall Downie, 147, 415.
- Compound, Cole, Marchent and Morley, Test of, 546, (551), (597), (599)
- Corliss Spinning Mill (Supple- Tuienli Mat'ck 1905), 211
- Tandem Pumping, F. Pearn and Co , Limited, 274
- Diesel, at the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition, (91)
- Drop Valve and its Gear, 512, 539
- Economy of Reheaters, Mr. Ernest R. Briggs on the, 130
- Effects of Steam Jacketing upon Efficiency of a
- Horizontal Compound Steam, Mr. A. L. Mellanby, 646, 657
- Efficiency of Heat, 44
- Electric Motor, The Largest Ever Built, (291) at the Power Stations and at the St.
- Louis Exhibition, Mr. Saxon on, 90, 93
- Winding, Professor P. Habetsand Mr. L. Creplet on, 621
- Winding at the Zollern II. Colliery, Westphalia, (13)
- Explosion, New Type of, Mr. F. Strickland, 74 Gas, Blast Furnace, Direct Connected to Electric Generators, (397)
- Blowing, 1200 Horse-power, Soc. Fran- <;aise de Constructions MfJcaniques, 261, 272
- Blowing, Types of, by Mr, Tom Westgarth, 453, 457
- Capacity of Exhaust Gases from, (317) Compounding of, (317)
- The Growth of Large, on the Continent, Mr. R. Mathot, 647
- Marine, 29o
- Marine, Herr E, Capitaine, 395
- The Oldest Installations of, Operated with Coke Oven Gas, (218)
- Tandem Double Acting, 5G0 BrakeHorse- power, Richardsons, Westgarth and Co. (Sitppl&nient^ April 1905), 348
- Some Modern (SuppleTnent, June 2Zrd, 1905)
- Vertical, Letters to the Editor on, 648 Indicator, Steam, Messrs. Dobbio, Mclnncs. Limited, 349
- Internal Combustion, Professor Burstall on, 290
- Internal Combustion, Mr. Dugald Clerk on, 164, 197, 217, 245
- Investigations on, M. Mareehal’s, (649)
- Italian Battleships’, 10, 11, 14
- Lentz Compound, Ateliers de Construction Bollinckx, 390, 404
- Marine, Italian Battleship, 10, 11, 14
- Marine, Some Results of, 199
- Motor, Compound Petrol, E. Butler on, 121 —see also page 147
- Oil, Diesel, The Mirrlees Watson Company, Limited, 310, 315
- Heavy, Richard Hornsby and Sons, (377) Three-cylinder Portable, I. Gardner and Sons, Limited, 47
- 20 Brake Horse-power, Davey, Paxman and Co., Limited, 374
- Motors Introduced into the Navy, with Paraffin as the Explosive Agent, 22 Petrol, Boudreaux-Verdet Quadrupled, (474) Reversible, (474) (100 Horsepower), Simms Manufacturing Company, Limited, 466, 480
- Petroleum and Petrol, 47
- Portable Hoisting, for Pile Driving, Messrs. H.
- Sykes, Limited, 72
- Problems of the Steam, 220
- Pumping, 90
- American, 199 Large, (287), 325, 347
- Reversing Rolling Mill, Soci^te Anonyme John Cockerill (Suppleinent^ June 16^Ze, 1905), 593, 594
- Rolling Mill, Daniel Adamson and Co., 147
- Rolling Mill (4000 Horse-power), L. Lang (Sup^ plement. February 3rd. 1905), 108—sec u/so 147
- Rotary, 3/2
- Rotary, Application of the Indicator to, W. Pollard Digby, 81
- Shaft, Double-throw Crank, The Larcrest ever Forged, (397)
- Slide Valve Leakage, (285), (298), (337), 343
- Standardising Electric Motors for Machine Tools, 51
- Engrines and Motors (eontinucd}:
- SteaiQ Engine Efficiency, 551
- Engine Research Committee, First Report to the, Prof. D. S. Capper, 285, 294, 298, 337, 319, 378, 393
- Jackets, 401
- Jackets and Valve Leakage, by Professor R. H. Smith, 615
- Leakage of, 294
- SaJzsr-Carelb, 750 Horse-power, 653, 655 Superheat, at Belfast, 546, (551), (597). (599) Tank, Derailments of, 12, 48, 73, 99, 167, 199 Triple-expansion, Alexandra Docks, Mr. J.
- Pattinson, 61
- Valves^ Slide, Models of, at South Kensington,
- Waterworks Pumping, in the United States and Canada, Mr, J. Barr, 90, 201
- Wave Motor in California, A, 556 Wear of, With ar.d Without Tail Rods, (523), (649)
- Winding, (13), 621
- EPSOM, Sewage, (600)
- Eros Photographed by Means of the Bruce Telescope at Harvard, (649)
- Excavating Machines, New American, 96
- Barcelona, Models of Engineering, (649) Belgian, in London, (291)
- British Cotton, 633
- Buildings Bought by Chicago Firm, (268)
- Chicago, Total Admissions of, (268) Christchurch, New Zealand, International, (317) Crystal Palace Motor Car Show, 119
- Holborn and Finsbury Electrical, (208), 313, (369)
- Liege, Colliery Exhibits, 576; Congress of Mining, Metallurgy, &c., (291), 432, (600); Minerals Sent by Canada, (549); Reversing Rolling Mill Engine, 593, 694, and Supplement. June 16^A, 1905 .
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers at, 621
- Locomotives, 615
- Suher-Carels Engine, 653, 655
- Louisiana Purchase, Total Admissions of, (268) Meteorological Instruments, 271
- Metropolitan Electric Supply Company’s, Paddington, (191)
- Milan International, 210, 301, (549)
- Motor Car, Agricultural Hall, Islington, (268),
- Motor Car Shows, Crystal Palace, 119; Olympia and Paris, (218)
- Paris Permanent American Commercial Exhibit in, (13)
- Paris, Sports and Automobile, (365), (523) Petersburg, Building Technics, &c., (291) Process Engraving, Indian Museum, South Kensington, 428
- St, Louis—oee Special Index •
Exhibition, St. Louis:
- Big Wheel at, (436)
- Building Trades, 451
- Electrical Exhibits, 59, 83
- Engines at the Power Stations and at the, Mr. Saxon, 90
- Gas Machinery and Gas Engines at, 34
- Goldschmidt Thermit Company’s Exhibit, (139) Grand Prize Awarded to the London and North-
- Western Company by the Special Jury, (126) Ice-making and Refrigerating Machinery, 2 Locomotives and Rolling Stock, 258. 284. 285.
- 311, 334, 359 *
- Machine Tools, 109, 132, 170, 183, 208
- Shut Down and Inspection of the 600 Horsepower Steam Turbine Generating Unit, (68)
- Telegraphs and Telephones, 235 EXHIBITORS at Agricultural Shows, 480 Explosions of Mixtures of Cyanogen with Oxygen
- Experiments on, (218)
- Cordite Factory in India, The Wellington, 314, 318
- Factories, Stowmarket, 571
- “Promethee.” A New High, (397)
- Torpedoes, Mr. das. Topham on their Construction, (443)
- United States Law affecting High, (342)
EXPORT Trade of Machinery, 45
- FAN Blade, Mr. A. H. Avery, (382)
- Faucille Tunnel, The, 629
- Fire Launch for Manchester Ship Canal, 144. 145 I Fenwick, Mr. Thos,, 52
- Ferro-Concrete, Mr. E. Noaillon on, 621
Fire Arms:
- Sparkbrook Factory, 195, 221
- Springfield Rifle, The New, (91)
- Rifle Factory in Quebec, (369)
- The New Short, 143, 321 ; Major the Hon. T. F. Fremantle on, 321
- Orders Placed for, Mr, Arnold-Foster on, (242) ’
- FLAME, Sir Jas, Dewar on, (6C0) Fluids, Theory cf the Flow of Elastic, and the
- Divergent Nozzle, M. Blieden, 155, 181 Flying Machine, Prize Offered for, (291) French Commercial Congress, A, 652 Friction Clutch, AutomaticSelf-adjusting, Messrs.
- Hattersley and Sons, Limited, 171 Frozen Meat Export from New Zealand, (625). Fuel, Brillium, Name of a New, (447) Briquette Factory, Japanese Navy Department, (424)
- Liquid, Use of in St. Petersburg in Place of Coal, (139)
- Peach Stones for, (447) Raw and Dried, An American Authoritv on, (447)
- Furnace Blast, Sociedad Auxiliar de Mines, (260) Boiler, Messrs. T. Sugden, Limited, 222
- with Carborundum Lining, Resisting High Temperature, (424)
- Dry Air in the Blast, 69, (121), 146, 174, 175, 222, 324 ’ ’ '
- Dry Air in the Blast, Mr. Jas. Gaylev’s Paper on, 69, 514, 551
- Furnace for Obtaining very High Temperatures, M. A. Gomes, (242)
- Record Output and Continuous Run of an Open-hearth, (218)
- Using the Reflected Solar Heat, M. A. Gomes, Himalaya, (91)
- in Blast on December 31st in this Country, (41)
- Acetylene, Explosion of, (41)
- Blast-furnace Gas-cleaning Plant, 33, 542, 558 Blowing Engines, 463, 467
- Burners, Flat, Only One Found in Berlin, (212) Candle-power of Coal, 579
- Cleaning Plants, Lackawanna Steel Company’s Buffalo Works, 33, 542
- Cleansing Blast-furnace, Mr, Sahlin, 515 Engines—see Engines, Gas
- Engines, Compounding of, (317) Exhauster at Dover, Turbine-driven, (116) Gas-cleaning Plant, Blast-furnace, 542, 658 Gasometer at Mariendorf near Berlin, Biggest on the Coni inent, (116)
- Given off by Blast-furnace P,'ants, and Effective Horse-power Developed in a Steam and Gas Engine Plant, (317)
- Holder at Amsterdam, New, 527, 557
- Holder, A Great, Sheffield, (563) Incandescent, Turning On and Off, the Same as Electricity, American Device, (634)
- Incandescent, under Pressure gives a Continuous Spectrum, (369)
- Lighting, Incandescent, for Railway Trains, E. C. Riley, 610
- Lighting, Incandescent, for Westminster, (191) Machinery and Gas Engines at St. Louis Exhibition, 34
- Mond, Undertaking, 101, (151), (227), (242) Natural, Denmark, (576)
- Legislation with Regard to, in West Virginia, (424)
- in Ontario, (424)
- New York, Pressure of, in the Mains of, (576) Power Plants, Agricultural, 477
- Producer and Engine, Portable, Tangyes Limited, 657
- Gas-driven Plant v. Steam-driven Plant, Mr. F. G. Heseldin, 352 Power Plants, Sam. S. Weyer, 609
- Suction Gas Producers, 49, 308, 360, 420, 456. 618, 557, 592, 597
- Sulphur, from Roasting of Zinc Ore, Saved in America for Acid Making, (317)
- Sulphur in, 49 Supply, in 1904, 18
- Bombay, (523) Dover, (116) Glasgow, 274 Progress cf, 195 of St. Louis, The Laclede, 172 Sheffield, (268)
- United States Natural Gas Industry, Increase in, (342)
- United States, Production in 1890 and 1900. (576)
- Water, Use of, in Bohemia and Stockholm, in Glass Melting and Blowing, (342)
- Works in Germany, Increasing Demand for. (600)
- in the United Kingdom, Return made by Parliament, (268)
- Widnes, (600)
- GATESHEAD, New Close Works, 494
- Gauge Gia’S, Messrs. J. Tomey and Sons, Limited. (397)
- Gauge Glass, A New, G. Martin, (574) Glaciers, Shrinking of, (443)
- Germany, Centre of Industrial L'fe iu Foreign Trade of, (369)
- Ginnery Erected in Antigua, (369)
- Gold on Board the Dorothea when she Foundered off Zululand, Attempt to Recover, (191) Mill in France, (268)
- Western Australian, Exported and Received at the Mint, December, 1903, and December, 1904, (13)
- —also Metals
- Governor, Pelton Wheel, 480, 505
- Governor, Turbine, 122
- Grain, Handling in Bulk, Argentine Republic, (497) Grain Rates, Australia, Fall of, (218)
- Grease for Arms, A Good, (191)
- Gresham College, Forthcoming Lecture) at. (582) Grimthorpe, Lord, (446)
- Gyrostats and Gyrostatic Action, Professor A. Gray on, 302
- HAMMER, Stone, 2000 Years Old, (165)
- Hampshire Roads, Claims for Damage to. bv
- Military Traffic, (116), (139)
- Hanley Sewerage Works, (276)
Harbours and Waterways:
- in 1904, 1
- Anstruther, Harbour Extension, (68). (242). (397)
- Antwerp Stands Third on List of World’s Ports as Regards Tonnage Entered and Cleared, (13). (242)
- Assouan Dam, 454, 479, 491, (505), 531, 570
- Bombay Port Trust, Site Accjuired for Bulk Oil, Installations at Secori, (166)
- Boulogne Harbour Works, (424)
- Douro, Deepening the River, (474)
- Durban Harbour, New Dredger for, 605
- Egypt, Inland Navigation in (with Maps), Sir Hanbury Brown on, 307, 332, (455)
- Elbe Navigation and the Long Drought, (625)
- Fiume Harbour Extension Works, (649)
- Grays Harbour, Washington, Entrance Improved, (649)
- Hartlepool, Dredging Operations, (191)
- Hamburg, Harbour Works, (625); Tonnage Entering the Port, (625)
- Humber Conservancy, 618
- Loire, Deepening of the Upper, (424), (523)
- Montreal Harbour, Proposal that it be Taken Over by Government, (549)
- Nantes, Harbour Improvements, (523)
- N^ South Wales, Harbours and Rivers Branch, Dredges, (434)
- Harboupg and Waterways {continued'):
- Naw York Water Front, Improvement of, (676) Nikolaieff, Harbour EaUrgement, (424)
- Nile Dam, Safety of the, 454, 479, 491, 505, 631
- Rangoon, (166)
- River Navigation Along the Po and its Confluents between Venice end Milan, Plan of, (474)
- Russia, Projected Large Central Harbour on the Black Sea at Tuapse, (649)
- Russian Harbours of Refuge to be Built on the Gulf of Finland and in the Baltic Region, (204)
- St. Naziire Harbour, New Entrance, (424) Scarborough Sea Wall, Damage to, (397) Severn District, Inland Waterways in the, 124 Severn District, Proposed Trust for Control of Waterways in, (369), (432)
- Singapore Harbour Improvement Scheme, 198 Thames Conservancy Board, Annual Report of Work done by, (369). 699 Deepening of River, (369) Conservancy Board, Steam Lighters for Mooring and Wreck Service, (268) Floods, Difficulties in Dealing with, (369)
- Floods, Scheme to Protect Maidenhead from, (268)
- Watershed, Tne, (564)
- Trc'port, Syphons for Diversion of the River Bresle at, 368
- Trieste Harbour, (447)
- Tripoli Harbour, Concession to a Franco-Swiss Company for, (424)
- United States, Submarine Defence Equipment Refused by Congress for, (191)
- Volga, Deepening of, (447)
- West Riding Rivers Board, Action of, (447)
- HARDWOODS, New South Wales, 340
- Harrogate, Extension of Mineral Water Pump Room, (165)
- Head, Mr. Archibald P., 624
- Heat f f the Sun Double that of the Electric Arc, (13)
- Heating System for the New War-Office Buildings, (139)
- Helios Die Stock, The, 480
- Herts County Council, and the Drainage Scheme Imposed upon them, (317)
- Hingley, Sir Benjamin, 507
- Hodbarrow Sea Wall, The, 373, (381) House of Commons, Ventilation of, 539 Hudson, Mr. Robert, 446
- Humidity of Atmosphere Shown by State of Pavements, (116)
- Humidity in Heated Houses, Professor R, C. Carpenter’s Observations on, (317)
- Hydraulic I’ower Available in Italy for Industrial Purposes. (91)
- Hydraulic Power Plant, Alexandra Docks, Newport, 60, 61,100
- ICE, Blocks of Artificial, Mode of Preventing Dark Core in the Centre, (649)
- Export from Norway and Imports into the United Kingdom, (91)
- making and Refrigerating Machinery, St. Louis Exhibition, 2—see Exhibition Iceland, Education and Trade in, (291) Impact Testing of Notched Bars, 249 India-rubber Gloves for London Firemen, (576) Price of, 60 in Samoa, (625)
- Injector, ITie, 121, 147, 199, 223, 244, 246 Injectors and Pumps, 244
- Inspectors of Mechanical Transport, (534) Inspectors, Sanitary, Mysore Government, (523)
Institute of Engineers and Shipbuilders, N.E. Coast:
- Electricity to Industrial Purposes, Application of, Mr. J. F. C. Snell, 260
Institute, Iron and Steel:
- Annual General Meeting, (115), 443, 470, 475, 481
- Address, Presidential, Hadfield, Mr. R, A., 470, 476, 481, 604, 514
- Andrew Carnegie Research Scholarship, (9) Autumn Meeting in Sheffield, Guarautee Fund Raised in connection with, (64), (77), (165)
- Basic Process, Continuously Working the, Mr. Surzycki, 491
- Bertrand-Thiel Process in Manufacture of Steel, Mr. J. H. Darby and Mr. Geo. Hatton, 491
- Bessemer Gold Medal Awarded to Professor J. 0. Arnold, (203)
- Cleansing Blast Furnace Gas, Mr. Sahlin, 615 Dry Air Blast, Mr. Jas. Gayley, 69, 514, 661 Gas, Cleansing Blast Furnace, Mr. Sahlin, 515 Illinois Steel Company, S. Wales, 64 Lackawanna’s Steel Company’s Buffalo Works, 33
- Mechanical Properties of Iron and its Alloys at the Temperature of Liquid Air, Mr. Hadfield, 470, 476, 481, 504. 514
- Mining and Metallurgical Congress at Libge, 124 Sulphur in Coke and in the B:a8t Furnace, Professor F. Wurst and Mr. T. VZolff, 615 “Visits and Excursions at the American Meeting, 1904,” PublicatioQ Entitled, (65)
- Visit of the Libge Engineers to London, Account of, (41)
- Working the Basic Process Continuously in an Ordinary Siemens Furnace, Mr. Surzycki, 491
Institute, Iron and Steel, The Staffordshire:
- Annual Meeting, Programme of Proceedings, 878
- Microstructure of Cast Iron, Mr. 0. F. Hudson, (203)
Institute of Marine Engineers:
- Annual Meeting and Report, (393) Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Development of, Mr. W. J. Harding, 273, 302
Institute of Mining: Engineers, American;
- GM-groducer Power Plants, Sam, S. Wyer,
Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, North of England:
- Borings and Sinkings in Northumberland and Durham, Volume to be Published on, (131)
- General Meetiog, Papers to be Taken as Read and Discussed, (575)
Institute of Mining Engineers, South Staffordshire and East Worcester: Pneumatic Coal-boring Machines and Tools, Mr. W. Lynch, (150)
- INSTITUTE, Northampton, Engineering Course, (632)
Institute of Sanitary Engineers;
- Housing of the Working Classes, Discussion to be Opened by Mr. T. B. Simmons, (246)
- Meetings, Dates of, and Papers to be Read, (216). (322), (378), (432). (562), (660)
- Presidential Address of Mr. J. A. Crowther on the By-laws, (81)
- Institute, South Staffordshire and East Worcestershire:
- Problem of Thick Coal Working in Deep Mines, Mr. L. Holland, (76)
Institution of Civil Engineers :
- Annual Dinner, (197), 302
- Awards, (421)
- Ballot for Election of Officers, (410)
- Bridges, Maintenance and Strengthening of Early Iron, Mr. W. Marriott, 406
- Coolgardie Water Supply, C. S, R. Palmer, 352
- Council of, E. Hamilton Whiteford’s Letter, (405)
- James Forrest Lecture, Col. R. E. B. Crompton on Unsolved Problems in Electrical Engineer- Jog. (237)
- List of the February Examinations, 1905, 313 Meteorological Instruments, Exhibition of, 271
- Sewerage of Douglas, Isle of Man, E. H. Stevenson and E. K. Burstal, 95
- Sewerage at Karachi, Shone System, J, F. Brunton, 95
- Shipbuilding for the Navy, Lord Brassey, 287
- Students’ Meeting, (178), (208), (278); Papers on Purification of Sewage, P. G. Halsby and F. 0. Kirby, (278); Dinner, (396); Papers Read on 24th March, (328); Last Meeting, Papers Read, (382)
- Students’ Visit, 13th April, (354)
- Surface-condensing Plants and Value of Vacuum Produced, Mr. R. W. Allen, 247
- White, Sir \Yilliam, on the Members’ Visit to the United States, 45
- Sewage, Chemical Treatment of, Mr. A. H. Morton, 164
- Steel Work Erection, Mr. J. Fred Black, (95)
- Harbour Construction, Jas. Mitchell, (103)
- Visit to Messrs. Cowans, Sheldon and Co.’s Works, (198)
- Bndges, Some Recent Hull, Mr. J. D. Milner, 302
- Eleventh Annual Dinner, (65)
- Ferro-concrete and its Applications, Mr, C. C. Markham, (382)
- Refrigerating Machinery, Modern, Mr. K. Lightfoot, 161
- Viaduct, Considerations Affecting the Design cf a, as Exemplified in the Conisborough Viaduct, Mr. S, R. Kay, 39
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Canadian:
- Centralisation in Montreal Opposed, (165)
Institution of Electrical Engineers :
- Annual Meeting and Report of the Council, 558 Murray Automatic Printing Telegraph, Mr.
- Donald Murray on the, 190
- Chairman, Mr. E. Sumpner, His Address on Use of Iron in Alternating Current Instruments, (532)
- Date of Ordinary General Meeting and Paper to he Read, (36)
- Electricity Applied to Mines, Mr. A. C. Anderson, (202)
- Report, (532)
- Annual Report, (503)
- Permanent Way, Mr. Thos. Lees, 279
- Smoking Concert, (67), (121)
- Condensing Arrangements in Central Stations, Mr. J. D. Bailie, 145
- Power Gas, Dr. F, H Bowman, (230)
- Annual Dinner, (165); Meeting, Paper to be Read,(322)
- Measurement of Vacuum, C. Turnbull, 408
- Institution of Engineers, The Cleveland:
- Science in the Ironfoundry, Mr. J. E. Stead, 22o
Institution of Engineers, The Junior:
- Coming of Age Dinner, (112), (176)
- Visit to the Albert Works of the Voelker Incandescent Mantle Gcmpany, 51
- Visit to the Brockie-Pell Arc Lamp Works, (153), 322 ; Willosden Power House, (365) •
Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, North-East Coast:
- Chair of Naval Architecture, Sir Wm, White’s Suggestion, (303)
- Fifth General Meeting, Papera to be Read and Discussed, (186)
- Seventh General Meeting, Papers to be Read and Dhcus^sd, <278)
Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Scotland:
- Meeting, (534)
- Gryrostats and Gyrostatic Action, Professor Andrew Gray, 302
- Training of Marine EngineerjJ, Extraordinary General Meeting to Discuss Bjard of Trade Regulations, 427, 548
Institution of Gas Engineers:
- Annual General Meeting, Papers Read and Discussed, (562)
- Incandescent Gas Lighting for Railway Trains, E. C. R ley, 610
- Presidential Address, Mr. Daniel Irving, 679
Institution of Mechanical Engineers :
- Anniversary Dinner, (317)
- Annual Rsporl, Abbreviation of the, 186 Presidential Address, Mr. Edward P. Martin, 407
- American Planing Machines, Mr. Kenrick, 90, 146
- Visit, The, Mr. C. Wicksteed, (90), 185
- Workshops, Mr. A. J. Gimson, 90 Conversazione, (509)
- Electric Winding Machines, Prof. Paul Habets, .(^21)
- Engines at the Power Stations and at St. Louis Exhibition, Mr. Saxon,. 90, 93
- Ferro-Concrete, Mr. E. Noaillon, 621
- Fifty-eighth Annual General Meeting, Four Papers Read at the Last Meeting Discussed, 185 ,
- Gas Engines on the Continent, Growth of Large, i Mr. R, Mathot, 647
- Investigation to Determine the Effects of Steam Jacketing upon the Efficiency of a Horizontal Compound Steam Engine, Mr. A. L. Mellanby,
- Lie^e Meeting. 1905, 239, 621
- Steam Engine Research Committee, First Report ot, Read by Prof. Capper, 285, 298, (337), 349, 378, 393, (401)
- Superheaters in Locomotives on the Belgian State Railways, Mr. J. B, Flamme, 621, 633
- Visit to the Cockenll Works at Seraing, 646
- Visit to the Reservoir Dam at La Gileppe, 647 ? Waterworks Pumping Engines, United Slates and Canada, Mr. John Barr, (90), 201
- Woodworking Machinery in the United States, Mr. Bott, (90)
Institution of Mining; and Metallurgy: Dinner, (603)
- Meetings, and Papers to be Read and Discussed at, (338), (503)
Institution of Naval Architects:
- Acceleration on Ship Resistance, Effect of, Mr. C. E. Stromeyer, 393
- Admiralty Course of Study for Training of Naval Architects, Mr. E. L. Attwood, 439
- Antarctic Exploration Ship Discovery, Mr. W. E. Smith on the Design of, 365
- Armoured Cruisers Kasuga and Nisshin, Imperial Japanese Navy, Col. N. Solliani, 365, 430, 431
- Dates of Annual Meetings and Dinner, (124) Effect of Motion Ahead on the Rolling of Ships, Mr. A. W. Johns. 418
- Forty-sixth Meeting, Lord Glasgow’s Presidential Address, 364
- Hollow v. Straight Lines, Model Experiments on, Mr. R. E. Froude, 391
- leHuence of Proportion and Form of Ships upon their Longitudinal Bending Moment among Waves, Mr. Alexander, 391
- Leader on, 400
- Margins and Factors of Safety and their Influence on Marine Designs, Mr. A. Seaton. 418, 602
- Model Experiments in Deep and Shallow Water, Some Results of, Herr S. Popper, 418
- Programme of the Forthcoming Session, 313 Russian Volunteer Fleet, Mr. Herbert Rowell on, 365
- Strength of Ships, with Special Reference to Experiments and Calculations made upon H.M.S. Wolf, Prof. Biles, 391
- Structural Arrangements in Ships, Some Experiments on, Dr. Bruhn, 391
- Submarine Signalling by Means of Sound, Mr. J. B. Millett, 440
- Summer Meeting, 1906, 532
- Variation of Angular Velocity in the Shafting of Marine Engines, Notes on, Mr. John H. Heck, 418
- Vibnalion in Certain Classes of Steamships, Method of Preventing, Mr. A. Mallock, 419
Institution, Permanent Way:
- Dates of Meetings, (83), (508)
- Leicester Section, Monthly Meeting, Question of the Laying Down of Points and Crossings. (474)
- Summer Convention, (622)
Institution of Sanitary Engineers:
- Meetings to be held on February 18th, (145)
- Institution, United Service:
- Rilles, Modern Military, Major the Hou. T. F, Fremantle, 321
- INTERMENTS by Machinery, (474)
- International Congress, Lihge, 287
- Bounties paid by Canada on Iron and Steel Production, (649)
- Carbonisation of Wrought, (600)
- Cargo Fleet Ironworks (iSupplement. May Vlth, 1905), 465, 489, 490, 491, 498. 515, 516, 524
- Chemically Pure, Produced by Electrolysis, Prof. C. F. Burgess, (523)
- Coke Pig, Output, United States, (523) Core-making Machines, (76)
- Cleveland Pig, Termination of the “Corner” in, (635)
- Experiments with Regard to the Conditions under which Iron Increases in Volume and in Density, (397)
- Foundries in Mexico, (291)
- Foundry. Science in the, Mr. J. E. Stead, 225 German Exports of, 1903, 1904, (13)
- Output of Pig Iron in January and February, Effects of ths Strike on, (342)
- Outp.ut of Raw, (218)
- Influence of Steam on the Reduction of, by Carbon Monoxide and Dioxides, by M. O. Boudouard, (68)
- Ingot, 90,0001b,, Cast in United States, (291) Manufacture of, in Natal, (497)-
- Mechanical Properties of Iron and its Alloys at Temperature of Liquid Air, Mr. Hadfield on, 514
- Microstructure of Cast, Mr. 0. F. Hudson, 203 Ore Beds owned by United States Steel Corporation, and Total Output, (41) Deposits in Foreign Countries, 622, (660) Export Duty on Swedish, 501
- Fields, Furness, Important Discovery in, (523)
- Imported into United Kingdom, 1903- 1904, (317)
- Imports into Belgium in 1904, (68)
- Pig-breaking Machinery, The Lowca Engineering Company, 346
- and its Use in the Foundry and Forge, Mr. E. Adamson on, 227
- Total Make of, in United Kingdom. 1901- 1902 1903, (317)
- Pipes, English Compete Favourably with Foreign, (139), (151)
- Sandycroft Foundry, 440, 441, 442, 472, 473 Saturated with Carbon in the Electric Furnace Increases in Volume when Solidifying, (139) Sootch Pig, Statistics cf, for 1903-1904, (53) and Steel, Electro-production of, 212
- Exports, International, 117 in New South Wales, Manufacture of, (276)
- Structure of, 293
- Sulphur, its Effect on Silicious Pig, Mr. G. J, Ward and A. H. Longden, 275
- Tenacious Cast, Herr A. Zanzes, (397) Thickness of Transparent Sheets of, M. Houlle- vigue, (268)
- Trade and Coke, The North Lanca-hire, (37) Trade, Russian, Crisis Expected, (68)
- United States, Consumption and Output, (523), (649)
- Works, Russian, Disquieting Condition of, (68) Shipley, The Airedale, 143 Vauxhall, 326
- IRRIGATION Act for all India ; Schemes of the Future for the Same, (649) in Canada, 467
- Project in the Punjab, A Great, 156, (291)
- Scheme, New Indian, (306) Scheme for Senegal, (41) Tunnel in Colorado, The Largest in the World, (291)
- Works, Ceylon, (41)
- JACKSON, Mr. Jas. Fred., (173)
- James Watt Anniversary, The, 99
- Janssen, Professor, Pesearches on Mount Vesuvius, (116)
- Japanese Observatory at Chemulpo, (649)
- Japanese Taxes on Steam and Electric Plant, Abolition of, (291)
- Jessop and Sons, Limited, Messrs. W., Annual Meeting and Report, (^3)
- Jones, Mr. John, (446)
- Joseph, Mr. L. B., (507)
- KARAWANKEN Tunnel, Electric Equipment of 550, 554
- Kerl, Professor Bruno, (373)
- Key-way Marker, Messrs. Baird and Tatlock, Limited, 528
- King’s College, (553)
- Kite Photography, M. Wenz's, (191)
Labour Questions, Strikes, and Disputes: Wages
- Aged Navvies’ Pension Fund, 302
- Arbitration Act, New South Wales, (434)
- Board of Trade, Labour Department’s Memorandum for the Labour Gazette^ (68)
- Chinese Labour in Cotton Mills, Efficiency of. (291)
- Dockyard Labourers Discharged and Average Number Employed, (549)
- Employers’ Union for Workmen, 220
- Factories and Workshops, Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of, (649)
- Great Western Goods Guards, Shunters, and Signalmen, Their Demands, (176), (228)
- Hard Times and the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 45
- Immigration to New South Wales Encouraged. (447)
- Inferior Workman, The, 451
- Labour Commission for Canada, Motor Wagon Tour through England and Wales, (242)
- Market in April, Report on State of. (497)
- Regulation of the Hours of, 477
- Unions in Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, New York, Members of, (549)
- Laws in New Zealand, 195
- Midland Iron Trade Wages Board, (433)
- Miners’ Federation, Issue of the Stop-day Appeal Adverse to the, 410
- New York State Department of Labour Statistics, (549)
- Old Age Pensions Scheme and Shorter Hours for Cleveland Miners, (649)
- Regulation of the Hours of, 477
- Rhodesia, Native Labour Returns, (649) Statistics of Trade and, 552
- Strike in Coal Trade, New South Wales, (203) of Foundrymeu in North of England” (277)
- German Coalminers’, 94
- cf Machinists, Canada Foundry Company, Toronto,(600)
- Labour Questions, Strikes, and Disputes: Wag*es {continued}'.
- Strike on North-East Coast, (401) Smiths’ and Strikers', Tyne, Wear and
- Tees Shipyards, (125), (203), (253), (353)
- Stokers’ at the Neath Corporation Gasworks, (116) in Wales, (54)
- Taritr Reform, (433) “Three-shift” System Springdale Furnaces, (433)
- Trades Disputes’ Bill, Mr, Shackleton’s, (433) Unions, American, 553
- and the Law, 220, 269, 399
- and Trades Disputes Bill, (553) Wages, Quarterly Assessment of West Cumberland Blast Furnacemen’s, (13) Workmen’s Suggestion Box, The, 94 Workmen’s Compensation, 579
Launches and Trial Trips:
- 24. 40, 76, 102,124, 179, 202, 229, 252, 304, 328, 352, 461, 482, 536, 560, 582, 597, 661
- LAX, Mr. W., (471)
- Lead, An Effective Ingredient of Magnetic Alloys, (116)
- 1904, 15
- Alcohol, Industrial, 400
- American Shipping Subsidies, 43 Aylesbury Derailment, The, 525 Battle of the Ports, A, 651
- Canal Bill, The, 527
- Chemistry, 20
- Commercial Side, The, 345 Contract Speeds, 602 Cudworth Collision, The, 425 Denaby Main Case, The, 526 Derailments, 371
- Dry Air in the Blast Furnace, 69, 551 Efficiency of Heat Eogines, 44 Electric Driving of Machine Tools, 601 Illumination of Lighthouses, 449 Lighting in London, 372 Locomotives, 321
- Tramways in London, 344, 476
- v. Steam Locomotion, 551
- Electricity Meters, Testing of, 602 Employers’ Union for Workmen, 220 Engineering, Civil, 15
- Mechanical, 16
- Eogines, Rotary, 372
- French Naval Programme, The, 525
- Gas Supply, 18
- German Shipbuilding, 499
- Hadfield, Mr., his Presidential Address, 475 Indian Railways, 652
- Industrial Alcohol, 400 Injectors and Pumps, 244 Inland Navigation, 244 Instantaneous Acceleration, 294 Institution of Naval Architects, 400 Iron and Steel Exports, International, 117
- Structure of, 293 Llanelly Derailment, 193 Locomotive Fire-boxes, 500 Loudon Streets, The Disturbance of, 578 Machinery, Is it Rateable ? 652 Marine Gas Engine. The, 293 Masonry Daras, 319 Metallurgy, 21 Metals, Momentary Stresses in, 219 Motor Boats, 401
- Boat Race, Mediterranean, 499 Cara and Legislation, 577 Cars, Speed of, 270
- Omnibus f. Tramways, 168 Vans, Wheels of, 70, 401 Naval Bittie, The, 577 Naval Guns, Our, 450 Navy Estimates, 248 Overload? What is, 93 Panama Canal Prospects, 320 Petrol Tramcars, 118 Phenomena of Machine Operation, 450 Problems of the Steam Engine, 220 Railway Accounts, 194
- Collisions in the United States, 168 and Steamboats, 477
- and Tramway Competition, 141 Rating of Machinery, The, 426, 652 Slide Valve Leakage, 343 Smoke Prevention, 44, 118 Specialisation, 142 Specifications for Boiler Plates, 270 Standard Screw Threads, 476 Steam Engine Efficiency, 551 Steel and the American Tariff, 70 Steel, Spring, 142 Strike of Gorman Coal Miners, 94 Submarine No. A 8, Loss of, 601, 627 Tank Engine Derailments, 167 Thames Steamboat Service, The, 628 Trade Effluents, 628 Trade Unions and the Law, 269, 399 Training of Managers, 320 Tramway Contractors, Liabilities of, 194 War Material, 20 Water Supply, 18 Welsh Dry Dock Boycott, A, 426 Workman’s Suggestion Box, The, 94
- Agricultural Gas Power Plants, 477
- American Trades Unions, 553
- Assouan Dam, 373
- Baltic Fleet, Destruction of the, 553
- Baltic and Black Sea Canal, 450
- Borehole at Lincoln, The, 427
- British Shipbuilding, Progress of, 71
- Candle-power of Coal-gas, The, 579
- Cardiff Ship-repairing Trouble, The, 578 Cement Kiln. Rotary, 603
- Chicago and Typhoid Fever, 653 Clyde-built Thames Passenger Steamers, 553 Clyde Shipbuilding, 142, 345
- Community of Interests, Another, 501 Copper, 143
- Croton Dam, The New, 451 Education of Engineers, 579
- Electric Traction on the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 119
- Export Trade of Machinery, 45 Faucille, Tunnel, The, 629
- Fire Precautions on Underground Electric Railways, 427
- French Commercial Congress, A, 652
- Gas Supply, Progress of, 195
- Hard Times and Workmen’s Compensation, 45 Inferior Workman, The, 461
- Labour Laws in New Zealand, 195
- Locomotive Coal Contracts, 653
- Machine Tools, Design of, 345
- Machinery in Egypt, American and English, 477
- Malaria, 629
- Manchester Water Supply, 427
- Motor Boat, Future of the, 427
- Boat Speeds, 244
- Car Trials in the l'<le of Man, 552 Trials in France, Heavy, 426
- Panama Canal, 401 Commission, The New, 345 Supplies for the, 527
- Paris, Public Transport in, 95
- Paris Sewage, 95
- Railway Carriages, Damage to, 501
- Railways and Damage to Crops, 271 Regulation of the Hours of Labour, 477
- Rifle, The New Short, 143, 321
- Royal Agricultural Society, 45
- Screw Gauges, 71
- Side-slip, 603
- Simplon Tunnel, The, 221
- Society of Arts and the London Institution, 373
- Sparkbrook Small-arms Factory, 195, 221 Standardisation of Trade Catalogues, 372
- Statistics of Labour and Trade, 652
- Steam Jackets, 401
- Steam, Leakage of, 294
- Steel, Electrical Resistance of, 603
- Steel Trust, The, 119
- Streets, Reinstatement of, 477
- Swansea Coal Rates, 653
- Swedish Iron Ore, Export Duty on, 501 Thames Tunnel at Woolwich, Proposed, 579 Trade Outlook, The, 118
- Trade Union Case, The Latest, 169
- Tramways, Future of, 501
- Uganda Railway, 373
- Warship Building, Cost of, 71
- Workmen’s Compensation, 679
- Zerbrugge Ship Canal, The, 579
Legal Intelligence:
- Donaby Main Case, The, 523
- Graham, Morton and Co.. Limited, v. Compagnie I’Union des Gaz, 534
- Liverpool Corporation Mr. Lever, (41)
- Mayor, &c., of Birmingham versus the Birmingham Canal Navigation, 618
- Mayor, &c., of Wednesbury c. Lodge Holes Collieries Company, 621
- Truck Act Test Case, Important, (304) LEGISLATION, Motor Cars and, 577
Letters to the Editor:
- Adams, Mr. Henry, J. L. Crouch, 347
- Aerial Ropeways, Perplexed, 575
- Alpine Tunnels, Proposed, Henry J. Cooke, 325
- American Pumping Engines, Hathorn, Davey and Co., Limited, 199
- American Railway Speed, W. M. Acworth, 531 Amsterdam Gasholder, Clayton, Son and Co., Limited, 557
- Analysis of S.S. Trial Data, Robt. Mansel, 404
- Automatic Couplers, A, Verdon-Roe, 73
- Bessemer Mushet Steel Rail, The First, Fred. M. Osborne, 531
- Boilers, Niclausse, H. C. P., 49
- Brakes and Wind Pressures, Robt. T. Ball, 146 Buildings in London, J. H. Heathman, 429 Canadian Government City Office, Harrison Watson, 73
- Canal of Joseph, Cope Whitehouse, 455
- Cheap Steam Production, Easton and Anderson, 12 ; Enquirer, 49 ; C. D. Leng. 49 ; H
- S. Rouquette (Central Cyclone Co., Limited), 12
- Cudworth Railway Accident, Detonator. 199 • Onlooker, 199
- Destructors and Electricity, Careful Investigator, 199 ; F. L. Watson, 147, 265
- Diverging Nozzles, R. M. Neilson, 49; Testor, 12
- Dry Air Blast, F. A. Willcox, 324
- in the Blast Furnace—see Furnace
- Dust from Smoke, Removal of, Central Cyclone Co., Limited, 597 ; F. G. Fryer, 675
- Efficiency of Silencers, Stanley W. Andrews.
- 597 ’
- Electric Railway Coaches, E. A. F., 12
- Engineering Assessor Wanted, An, M. Powis Bale, 73
- Engine Superheat at Belfast, M. Longridge, 597 Engines, Modern Gas, Campbell Gas Engine
- Company, Limited, 648 ; E. Butler. 648
- Heavy Oil, Richard Hornsby and Sons, 377
- Rolling Mill, Daniel Adamson and Co., 147
- Front Wind Resistance, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 49
- Furnace, Drj’ Air in the Blast, G. C , 121, 265: A. D. Fibers, 146; F. E. 11. H., 246; G.
- T. Harrap, 175, 246 ; M. 1. and S. Institute. 222; P. J., 347 ; E. E. W. Robey, 199
- Gas Producers, Suction, H. C., 49
- Gas, Sulphur in, Sir Geo. Livesey, 49
- Girders, Horizontal Arched, Puzzled Architect, 247
- Great Western Trains, Chas. North, 557; Clement E. Stretton, 575
- Injectors, Efficiency of, Beechwood, 223 ; John Booth, 223 ; R. Fleischberger, 121, 199,246; W. H. T.,147
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The Council of the, E. Hamilton Whiteford, 405
- Iron or Steel, Does it Crystallise by Constant Use? T. P. H., 557
- Japan’s Hospital for Ships, 648
- Local Government Board and Suction Gas ^32*^^^* Campbell Gas Engine Company,
- Locomotive Fire-boxes, Anon., 531 ; W., 557
- Locomotive Performance on the Midland Railway, A. M. Bushell, 121
- London to Manchester, Chas. Williams, 176 Manchester to London, Jas. Ed. Darbishire, 121; C. Rous-Marten, 147
- Marine Engine Results, Some, R. Mansel, 199, 347
- Masonry Dams, Geo. T. Pardoo, 347
- Metric System, A. J. Allen, 632 : Beechwood, 697
- Mont Blanc Tunnel, Alberbo Ara, 455
- Motor Cars, The New “Order” and Six- wheeled, A. J. Allen, 49
- Motor Railway Carriage, A’cx. Clark, 99
- Nile Dam, Safety of the, F. G. Davis, 454, 605; Geo. T. Pardoe, 479, 531
- Patents Act, 1902, and Patent Rules, 1903, J. D. Roots, 223
- Patents Bill, C, Crossley, 531
- Petrol Motors, Compound, Elward Butler, 121 Interested, 147; W. H. Ih^mpsm, 147
- Plate Girder Webs, Tee, 347 ; Writer of the Article, 347
- Problems of the Steam Engine, Eustace C. Holden, 265
- Pumping Engines, Large, A. Barclay, Sons and Co., Limited, 287; (A. Barclay, Sons and Co., Thos. Turner), 347 ; G Wynnes Limited, 325
- Rheostat, Water-cooled Iron Wire, Henry Lea and Son, 48
- Run to Holyhead, Clement E. Stretton, 12
- St. Lazare Explosion and Injectors, Beechwood, 505
- Screw Propeller, H. II. Avery, 455; John Batey, 505, 531, 596 ; E. Claudio, 377, 429 ; Engineer, 265; Fitter, 697 ; C. K. H., 531 ; •1. L. Napier, 265, 347 ; R. M. Neilson, 265, 287,377; Propitch, 247; A. R., 287, 347, 429; P. M. S., 347; T. M. S., 429; P. M. Staunton, 429, 455, 505; Superintendent Engineer, 405, 455, 505, 531,575; Colonel R. M. de Villamil. 265, 324, 377, 429, 504, 557, 632 ; Robert Wilcox, 287
- Screws, Triple Twin, Beobachter, 648 Sewage Testing, A.M.I.C.E.,49
- Shade Lines and Screw Threads, Spring-bows, 597
- Smoke Consumption, F. V. L Matthias, 99,146 Smoke Prevention, Erith’s Engineering Company, 73 ; Chas. R. King, 176
- Speed Control, Is it Worth While, Ralph W. Birkett, 576
- Spring Wheels, Jas. Robinson, 147
- Standard Sections, E. Brown, 98
- Stmm V. Compressed Air for Forge Hammers, A. C., 265 ; Jas. Carrick and Sons, Limited, 325
- Steam Steering Gear, E. Kilburn Scott, 247
- Steam Vessel’s Trials, Notes on, Robert Mansel, 199, 347
- Steamboat ? Who Invented the, J. I, H., 121 Steel Castings, Civis, 265
- Submarine Boats, C. S. Snell, 618 Submarines, Salvage of, S. R. Terry, 618 Suction Gas Plants, Hal Williams, 456
- Suction Gas Producers, J. and 0. G. Pierson, 557
- Suction Gas Producers and the Local Government Board, D. H. Grimsdale, 597
- Tank Engine Derailments, Croxted, 12 ; A. G. Greenhill, 73 ; Walter J. Hammond, 12 ; Henry Lea, 48, 99 ; Mernok, 12, 73 ; Charles North, 247 ; J. W. Quiller, 48 ; John Riekie, 12, 325 ; Ed. Sauvage, 325; A. G. Robins. 73 ; Clement E. Stretton, 73, 199 ; Edw. H Young, 48
- Terms of Payment, T. H. P. C,, 287
- Tidal Power Schemes, John Johnston, 99 ; W. W. Reid, 73 ; James Saunders, 176
- Tire, The Heavy Flexible, Leonard J. Todd, 99 ,
- Tractive Adhesion of Spring Tires, L. J. Todd. 175
- Turning Record, Beechwood, 12
- Vanadium Steel, Aug. F. Wiener, 99, 147 Vanadium and Vanadium Steel, for Thermit, Limited, 632
- War-office, The, Reader of “The Engineer” since 1886, 456
- Wolverhampton Tramways, C. E. C. Shawfield, 73
Letters from our own Correspondents :
- Africa, South, Notes from, 24, 76, 506, 560
- America, Notes from, 54, 78, 103, 228, 279, 304, 354, 382, 410, 435, 586, 612, 624, 660
- American Engineering News, 359
- Australia, Notes from, 52, 76, 434, 532, 612
- England, J^orth of, 25, 63, 77; 409'. 433; 469,' 483,' 50?; 535; 636, 659
- Germany, 28, 55, 78,103,126,153,178. 205, 229, 254, 278. 305, 329, 354, 383, 410, 434, 460, 484, 509, 537, 562, 587, 612, 636, 660
- Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 24, 52, 76, 101, 124, 150, 177, 202, 227, 252, 276, 303, 327, 352, 381, 409, 433, 458, 482, 502, 534, 561, 585, 610, 635, 658
- Lancashire, 24, 52, 76, 101, 124, 150, 177, 203. 227, 252, 276, 303, 327, 352, 381, 409, 433, 458, 482, 507, 534, 561, 585, 610, 635, 658
- Newport Harbour Commissioners’ Weekly Trade Reports, 26, 54, 78, 102, 126, 152, 178, 204, 254, 278, 328, 354, 382, 432, 460 484, 508, 536, 562, 612, 660
- Scotland, 25, 53, 77, 102, 125, 152, 178, 204, 228, 253, 277, 304, 328, 353, 382, 410, 434, 459, 484, 508, 535, 562, 586, 611, 636, 659
- Sheffield, 25, 53, 77, 101, 125, 150, 177, 203, 227, 253, 277, 303, 327, 353, 381, 433, 459, 483, 507, 535, 561, 585, 610, 635, 659
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 26, 54, 78, 102, 126, 152, 178, 204, 228, 254, 278, 304, 328 354, 382, 410, 434, 460, 484, 508, 535, 562 586,611,636,659
- LEWIS-THOMPSON Calorimeter, Commercial Value of the, J. S. S. Brame, 487
- Liabilities of Tramway Contractors, 194
- Light, Pressure of, Professor Poynting on, (139)
- Light at the Seashore and on the Sunny Side of the Street, Strength of, (474)
- Lighthouse off Cape Hatteras Projected, (116) Lighthouses, Electric Illumination for, 449 Lighthouses, Improvements in English, 862 Lightning Research Committee, The,f (484) Lightship at the Mouth of the Hooghly, (116) Liquid Fuel in Motor Engines, Value of, (474) Lister, Mr. Thoa., 645
Literature: N.B.—Figures in brackets refer to Books Received and Short Notices.
- Alexander Diagram for Sewers and Water Mains, H. Woodhouse and Co., (496)
- Alternating Currents, Theory of, Alexander Russell, (73). 161
- American Ethnology, Twenty-second Annual Report of, 1900-1901, J. W. Powell, (223), (543)
- L’Annde Technique (1903-1904), A. Da Cunha, 65
- Annuaire pour I’An 1905, Public par le Bureau des Longitudes, 106
- Architects’, Surveyors’, and Auctioneers’ Almanac for 1905, (73)
- Arithmetic, Practical, A. Consterdine and S. 0. Andrew. (223)
- Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Text-book of. Vol. ii., Andrew Jamieson, (468)
- Asphalt Pavement, The Modem, Clifford Richardson, (573)
- Automobil u. Motorboot Industrie, Jahrbuch der. Edited by Ernst'Neuberg, 185
- Avogadro and Dalton, The Standing in Chemistry of their Hypotheses, A. N. Meldrum, (122)
- Beams, Girders, and Columns in Machines and-'-'" Structures, Introduction to the Design-^' with Examples in Graphic Statice^^Wm. II. Atherton, 604
- Berl n-Zossen Electric Railway Tests of 19C'3, Franz Wetz, (496)
- Bradshaw’s Canal and Navigable Rivers of Eogland and Wales, Hy. R. de Salts, (65) British Association of Waterworks Engineers, Percy Griffith, (496)
- Fire Prevention Committee, Journal of, E. 0. Sachs, (65), (309)
- Standard Specification for Portland Cement, Crosby Lockwood and Son, (65)
- Standard Specification and Sections of Flat-bottomed Railway Rails, issued by the Engineering Standards Committee, (496)
- Standard Specification for Structural Steel for Marine Boilers, (496) Building Construction, Elernentarv Practical.
- F. W. Boker, (309)
- Building Materials : Their Nature, Properties, and Manufacture, G. A. T. Middleton, 468
- Cements, Calcareous, Gilbert Redgrave and Charles Spackman, (185)
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Department of Technology, Programme, (654)
- Coal Mining and the Coal Trade, Robert L. Galloway, 373
- Coal Mining, Elementary Class-book of Practical (with Map of British Coalfields), T. H Cockin, 106
- Cold-catching : Cause and Cure, G. W. Bacon. (295)
- Concrete, Plain and Reinforced, Treatise on, F. W. Taylor and S. E. Thompson, (496), 653
- Cotton-seed Products, L. L. Lamborn, (373) Cranes, Construction of, C. R. Marks, (226) Dampfmaschinen, Die Steuerungen der, Carl Leist, (223)
- Decimal Coinage and the Metric System of Weights and Measures, Inquiry into and Explanation of, Edwin Anthony, (573)
- Design of Beams, Girders, and Columns, William 11. Atherton, (543)
- Dick, Robert, Baker of Thurso, Geologist and Botanist, S. Smiles, (654)
- Differential Calculus, A B C of the, Dyson Wansborough, (106)
- Directory, City of London, for 1905, W. H. and
- L. Collingridge, (496)
- of Shipowners, Snipbuilders, and Marine Engineers, 1905, (468)
- Universal Electrical, J. A. Berlys, (468)
- Drapers’ Company Research Memoirs, Technical Series 111., Metal Arches, L. W. Atcherlev. (389)
- Duncan’s Manual of Trainways, Omnibuses, and Electric Railways of the United Kingdom, and the Foreign and Colonial Companies Registered in England, (573)
- Dynamics of Particles and of Ri^id, Elastic, and Fluid Bodies, A. G. Webster, 161
- Electric Engineering, Elementary, P. T. White, (518)
- Lighting, Francis B. Crocker, (496) Lighting and Traction, Imperial Directory of, C. S. Vesey Brown, (379)
- Mechinery, Diseases of, Their Symptoms, Causes, and Remedy, C. Kinzbrunner, 31
- Electrical Measuring Instruments, Small, Percival Marshall and Co., (73)
- Electric Practice, Modern, Magnus Maclean, (73).
- Electrical Transmission of Energy, A. V. Abbott, (73), (226)
- Electrical Undertakings, and Directory of Officials, Manual of, E. Garcke, (389) “Electrician,’’The, Electrical Trades Directory, Geo. Tucker, (309)
- Elektricitatslehre Experimentelle, Dr. H. Starke, (73)
- L’Electricii6 Professees a I’lnstitution Electrotechnique Montefiore, Levons sur, Eric Gerard, (226)
- Electricity Control, Leonard Andrews, (73), 106
- Electricity, Modern, Jas, Henry and Karel J. Hora, 543
- Electro-chemistry, Practical Methods of, F. Mollevo Perkin, (309)
- Electro-magnetic Theory of Light, C. E. Curry, (496)
- Electrolytic Dissociation, Short Introduction to the Theory of, J. C. Gregory, (122)
- Encyclop^die Scientifique des Aide-Memoire, Determinations des Especes Min^rales, L. M, Granderye, (198), (654)
- Encyclopddie des Travaux Publics, F. R. de Mas, (73)
- L’Energie Hydraulique et les Recepteurs Hydrauliques, U. Masoni, (323), 541
- Engineer, Life of an : Its Lights, Shades, and Prospects. J. W. C. Haldane, (65)
- Engineer’s Valuing Assistant, H. D, Hoskold, (226)
- Engineer’s Year Book, The, H. R. Kempe, (468)
- Engines and Power Generators, Modern, Vol. v., Rankin Kennedy, (73), (496)
- English-French and French-English Dictionary of the Motor Car, Cycle, and BiaK Fred. Lucas, (513)
- Export Merchant Shipper’s Directory, 1905. (468)
- Every Man’s Own Lawyer, A Barrister, (73) Fan, The, Chas. H. Innes, (73)
- Field Practice of Railway Location, The, Willard Bsahan, (468)
- Fire Tests with Automatic Sprinklers, The Albion Sprinkler Co., (226)
- Glass, Report on, British Luxfer Prism Syndicate, (373)
- Partitions, Red-books Nos. 92 and 93, (573)
- Flow of Steam, &;c.. Experimental Researches on. Translated from Prof, Rateau’s Book by H. B. Brydon, 543
- Formelzeichon, Die, Ein BeitragzurLilsungder Frage der Algebraiechen Bezeichnung der Physikalischen, Tcchnischen, undChemischen Groben, 0. lenders, (122)
- Foundations, Ordinary, including Cofferdam Procfsa for Piers, C. E. Fowler, 106
- Fowler’s Mechanical Engineer’s Pocket-book, W. H. Fowler, (65)
- Fragilite dans les Fers et les Aciers, Contribution a I’Etude de la, M^moires Originaux et R^impressions, Paris, (573)
- Gas Engine Design, C. E. Lucke, (654)
- Gas Engines and Producer Gas Plants, R. E. Mathot. (543)
- Gas and Oil Engines Simply Explained, W. C. Runciman, (226)
- Gas Prcdncer, Humboldt Sexton, (323)
- Gas Producers for Power Purposes, W. A, Tookey, (198)
- Geological Survey. Memoirs: Water Supply of Lincolnshire, Edited by H. B. Woodward, (106)
- Geology of North Staffordshire Coalfields, Walcot Gibson, (654)
- of the South Wales Coalfield, Aubrey Strahan,(65)
- Structural and Field, Jas. Geikie, (543)
- German Technical Words and Phrases, C. A. Toimm, (543)
- Gold Dredging, Captain C. C. Longridge, 604 Graphic Statics, 26 Graduated Exercises in, Alexander and A. W. Thompson, (604)
- Graphic Methods by Influence Lines, for Bridge and Roof Computations, W. H. Burr and Myron S. Falk, (496), 603
- Great Eastern Railway Company’s Guide to the Continent, Percy Lindley, (543)
- Handbook for Superintendents of Construction, Architects, Builders, and Building Inspectors, H. G. Richey, (518)
- Hazell’s Annual for 1905, W. Palmer, (185) Helminthology and Parasitology, Researches in, Joseph Leidy, (73)
- High Temperature Measurements, H. Le Chatelier, (73)
- Home Mechanic, The, John Wright, (468) House Painting, «kc., Popular Guide to, Herbert Arnold, (106)
- Industrial Progress, Modern, Chas. H. Cochrane, (309)
- Institution of Civil Engineers, “Minutes of Proceedings” of, Vols. 155, 156, 157, 158, 31 Insulation of Electric Machines, H. W.
- Turner and H. M. Hobart, (468)
- Inventor’s Adviser and Manufacture Handbook to Patents, Reginald Haddan, (468)
- Iron Foundry Practice, Modern, Part II., Gso. R. Bale, (518)
- Jroi and Steel, Crystallisation oL J. Mellor, (573)
- Irrigation Works in Madras Presidency, 1903-4, Administration Report, (198)
- Jahrbuch fiir das Eisenhiittenwesen, Otbo Vogel, (496)
- Jahrbuch der Sehiffbautechnischen Gesell* schaft, Sechster Band, 517
- Kelly’s Directory of the Engineers’ and Iron and Steel Trades of England, Scotland, and Wales, (518)
- Kelly’s Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers of the World, (543)
- Kriegsfiotten, Taschenbuch der, vi. Jahrgang, B, Weyer, (96), 161
- Lathe, Beginner’s Guide to the, Percival Marshall, (73)
- Laxton’s Builder’s Price-book, 1905, Wm, Laxton, (379)
- Leyton Public Library, Index of “Books on Engineering and Allied Subjects” in the, (73) Lives of the Engineer?, Boulton and Watt, Metcalf and Telford, George and Robert Stephenson, Sam. Smiles, (106), 185, 226 Lockwood’s Builders’, Architects’, Contractors’, and Engineers’ Price Book, 1905, (185)
- Locomotion Problem, The, Charles Bright, (604) Locomotive Injectors, The Inspector, (198) London and South-Western Official Guide, List of Hotels, Boarding Houses, &c., (654)
- Machine Tools and Workshop Practice for Engineering Students and Apprentices, Alf. Parr. (198), 226
- Magnetism and Electricity, Tutorial Physics of, R. Wallace Stewart, (31)
- Marine Engineering Rules and Tables, Pocketbook of, A. E. Seaton and H. M. Roun- ihwaite, (373)
- Mathematische Eiofiihrung in die Elektronen- theorie. Dr. A. H. Bucheris, (73)
- Maxwellsche Theorie der Elektricitat, Einfiih- rung in die. Dr. M. Abrahams u Dr. A. Fdppl. (73)
- Maxwell’s Theory and Wireless Telegraphy, H. Poincar^ and F. K. Vreeland, (73)
- Mechanical Appliances, Mechanical Movements and Novelties of Construction, Gardner D. Hiscox, (226)
- Mechanical Engineering of Collieries, Vol. I., T Campbell Enters, (468)
- Mechanical Handling of Material, Gao. K. K. Zimmer, (496)
- Mechanics, Elements of, Mansfield Merriman, (295) .
- Mechanism, S. Dunkerley, (122)
- Mechanism, Elements of, Peter Schwamb and Allyue L. Merrill, (31)
- Mercantile Year-book and Directory of Exporters, W. L. Jones, 543
- Mexico, Yesterday and To-day, 1876-1904, Bernardo Mallen, (573)
- Motoring Annual and Motorist’s Year-book, 1905, N. and E. Kenealey (309)
- Motors and Motoring, Henry J. Spooner, (226) Municipal and County Engineers, Proceedings of the Incorporated Association of Municipal, Thos. Cole, (226)
- Municipal Engineering, British Progress in, W. H. Maxwell, (226)
- Municipal Year-book of the United K’ngdom, 1905, Robt. Donald, (468)
- Naval Annual for 1905, T. A. Brassey, 496
- Naval Architecture, W. J. Lovett, (185) N. Rxys. R, Blondlot, (226)
- Official Year-book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, Chas. Griffin and Co., Limited, (65)
- Oil Fuel, its Supply, Composition, and Application, Sydney H. North, 185, (198)
- Ordinary Foundations, including the Cofferdam Process for Piers, C. E. Fowler, (73)
- Painters’ Oils, Colours, and Varnishes, Paul N. Hasluck, 513
- Panama Canal, Problems of the, Brigadier- General H. L. Abbott (543), 601
- Panama Canal, Project for the, Lindon W. Bates, 517
- Patent Law and the New Practice, Inventor’s Guide to, James Roberts, (309)
- Patternmaking, Joseph E. Dangerfield, (543) Peat and its Products, W. A. Kerr, (226) Petrol Motors Simply Explained, T. H. Hawley, (226)
- Petrol Motors and Motor Cars, T. Hyler White, (31)
- Petroleum : its Power and Uses, Sydney North, (185), (198)
- Physics, Text-book of : Vol. iii. Heat, J. Poynting and J. J. Thomson, 573
- How the, Randal
- McDonnell, (543) Jts Generation and Use, Babcock and Willcox, Limited, (106)
- Pipes, their Design and Construction, W. H. Booth, (223)
- Steel, Concrete, W. N. Twelvetrees, (604) Sections, Properties of, John C. Sample, (604)
- work. Constructional, A. W. Farnsworth. (295), 309
- Steuerungen dor Dampfmacchinen, Dio. Carl Lcist, 388
- Tariff Commission, Report of the, Vol. i., The Iron and Steel Trades, (223)
- Technische Messungen Insbesondore bei Mas- chinenuntersuchuDgen, A. Gramberg, (573)
- Telegraphic Addresses, Seh’s Directory of Registered, H. Sell, (309)
- Telegraphy, Sir W. H. Preece and Sir James Sivewright, (518)
- Telescope, On the Construction of a Silvered Glass, by H. Draper, (96)
- Telescope, On the Modern Reflecting, and on the Making and Testing of Optical Mirrors, G. W. Ritchie, (96)
- Temperature Experiments on Field Coils of Electrical Machines, Report on, Crosby Lockwood and Sons, (496)
- Testing of Continuous-current Machines in Laboratories and Teat Rooms, C. Kinz- bruuner, 31
- Text-book of Physics, Heat, J. H. Poynting and J. J. Thomson, (496)
- Yachts, Model Sailing: How to Build, Rio-, and Sail them, P. Marshall, 654
- LIVERPOOL University, (553)
- Liverpool University, Mr. E. K. Muspratt’s Gift to, (291)
- Local Government Board and Suction Gas Plants, 632
- Local Loans, Total Amount, 1903, 1904, 72
- Lock Nut Washer, Messrs. H, D. Woolley and Co., 632
- Locomotives—see- Railway Index
- London, City Bridge House Estates Committee, Question of Better Communication between North and South Sides of River, (242) County Council, crease in, (342) County Council, Proposal for Improvements Reference Committee, (191)
- Debt and Taxation of, (474) Geological Field Class, The, (365) Streets, Disturbance of, 578
- Low Temperature Laboratory Experiments, Mr. H. Stanley Allen, 345
- Low Temperatures, Production of very, 510. 541, 566, 567, 568, 569, 690, 591, 592
- Lubricating Oils, Machine for Testiog, (549)
- Lubrication of Bearings with Oil and Petroleum Spirit, (13)
- Lubrication Oil for Cooling Hot Bearings, Treat- ing.(218)
- Lubricator Box, A New, Messrs. Thwaites Bros,, Limited, 557
- Lubricator, Crosshead, Mr. C. J. Darc, 603
- MACHINE Operation, Phenomena of, by Air, John Richards, 451
Machine Tools:
- Angle and Tee-iron Bending Machine, Alessrs. Rush worth and Co., 608
- Baring Mill, 14ft., Ernst Schiess, 92, 96
- Boring Alili, Vertical, Betts’ Machine Company, 184
- Cutter Grinder, Becker, 183, 192
- Design of, by Prof. J. T. Nicolson and Mr. Dempster Smith, 331, (345), 357, 385, 413, 437, 463, 511, 589, 639
- DrilJ, Barnes Multiple, 183
- Drilling Machine, Automatic Two • spindle, Messrs. J. Parkinson and Sou, 528
- Radial, William Asquith, Limited, 23
- Radial, Messrs. G. F, Smith, Limited, 171 Electric Driving of, 601
- Gear-cutter,. Gould-Eberhardt, 183 German, Ernst Schiess, 92, 96 High-speed Steel, Tests of, 200 Lathes for Carbon Steel, 589
- Cleveland Automatic, 183
- (12^in.) Electrically - driven, Thos, Lumsden, 272
- Hartness Flat Turret, 209
- Headstock for a Turret, Alf. Herbert, Limited, 46
- Heavy Crank Shaft, Ernst Schiess, 92, 96
- Lodge and Shipley, 209 Putnam, Electrically-driven, 200 Milling* Machine, Branniard, 183, 192
- Motor - driven, Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., 208 Vertical, H. W, Ward and Co., 554, 555
- Moulding Concrete Blocks, Manufacture in the United States of Machines for, (523)
- Planing Alachines, American, Mr. Archibald Kenrick on, 90, 146
- Betts, 183, 192 High-speed, J. Buckton and Co., 630
- Rotary, Newton Alachine Tool Works, Phil., 609
- Open Belt, C. Redman and Sons, 120 Pneumatic Sand Rammer, Ingenious Use of, (317)
- Punching and Banding Alachine, Messrs. Rushwortb, 215
- St. Louis Exhibition 109, 132, 170, 183, 208
- Saw, Portable Cold Iron, Messrs. Carter and Wright, 174
- Shaper, Double - headed, Cincinnati Shaper Co.’s, 208
- Sleeper Adzing and Boring Machine, A, Ransome and Co., Limited, 446
- Slotting Machine, Betts’, 183, 192 Standardising Electric Motors for, 51 Straightening Machine, Messrs. Rushworth, 215
- Structural Ironwork, 215
- MACHINERY in Egypt, American and English, 477
- Export Trade o^, 45 Rating of, 414, 426; and Is it Rateable ? 652
- Taxation of, 338
- Magnesite Production in Austria, (268) Magnetic Energy of the Earth, (342)
- Induction, Effect of Pressure on, (317) Alagnets, Permanent, (432)
- Alaid stone. Outfall Sewage Works, (661) Malaria, 629
- Managers, Training of, 320 Manchester, Congested Condition of the
- Streets, Owing to the Use of Steam Locomotives, (68) Corporation, Paving and Highways Committee of the, (329) Question of Establishing a Municipal Works Department, (139) School of Technology, (13) Alansergh, Mr. Jas. (with Portrait), 605 Map of Lower Egypt Showing the Navigable Channels and Roads, 307
- Map of Proposed Direct Route between Genoa and Paris, 275
- Marine Testing Tanks, 649 AlarshalJ, Mr. F. T., (173) Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
- Harvard Univertifcy, Proposed Combination of, (424)
- Matthews, Air. Thomas, (471)
- Mechanical Stokers, Efficiency of, (396)
- Medal, The Simplon Tunnel, 644
- Metallurgy in 1904, 21
- “Acid Metal” or “Lead Bronze.” Proneriiea of, (291) ’
- Aluminium, Its Power for Absorbing Mercury Vapour, (342)
- Are Metals Made liadio-active by the Influence of Padium-radiation ? (242)
- -r }5^“stry, Waterbury, Connecticut, United States, (625)
- Brass, Influence of Aluminium on, (523) “Brass World” on the Rolling of Gun-metal of the Government Mixture, (424)
- Bronze Propellers, Casting of, (268)
- Calcium Metal, Price of, (342)
- Chemical and Technical Analysis of, (191) Conductivity of, Influence of Radium on, (474) Copper—.see Copper, Sub-index Electro-metallurgy in 1904, 134, 158
- Fastening Metals to Wood without Nails or Screws. Method of, (191)
- Gold in Canada, (397)
- in Mexico, (317)
- Output from Yukon Regions, (649) Production in Australasia, (291) Production of United States, 1904, (660) Slimes, Treatment of, 528 Transvaal, (408)
- White, (549)
- Iron—see Special Index, “ Iron ” Manganese, Export from Russia, (268) Molybdenum Used in Alloying with Steel, (41)
- Momentary Stresses in, 219
- Platinum, Increased Value of, (649)
- Radium Argentiferum, a New Metal Alloy, (68) found in Quebec, (549)
- its Influence on Conductivity of Metals, (474)
- Known to be in Existence, Sir William Ramsay on the Quantity of, (268) Neutralises Poison of the Viper, (397) Radiation, Are Metals made Radioactive by its Influence ? (242)
- Rays and N Rays, (191)
- Salt the Motive Power for a Novel Clock, (191)
- Silver in Mexico, (317)
- Steel—sec “ Steel” Sub-index
- Structure of. Professor J. A. Ewing on, 103 Sun’s Radiating Surface, Probable Value of Effective Temperature of, (268)
- Technical Analysis of, (191)
- Tin, Bergsoe Ferric Chloride Process for Recovery of, (424)
- Boom, South Africa, (506)
- Consumption in the United States, (576) Discovery in the Bushveld District, Phenomenal, (342)
- Ore, Extensive Lodes of, in the Transvaal. (600)
- Plates, British, and Local Factories and Heavy Import Duty in Italy, (424) Position of, 396
- Production in 1904, 599
- Scrap Collected in the United States, (497)
- Tungsten in Peru, Deposit of, (139)
- Tungsten or Wolframium Usedin Alloying with Steel, (41)
- Uranium Used in Alloying with Steel, (41) Vanadium, 565, 632
- New Use of the Invention of, (41) and Vanadium Steel, Wm. Siemens, 565, 632
- “White Gold,” (549)
- METEOROGRAPH for Use with Kites, A New, 429
- Meter, Indicating Steam, 122
- Metric Fallacy, The, Fred. A. Halsey on, 533, 559 System, 597, 632
- System of Weights and Measures Contemplated by the Canadian Government, (13)
- Mica, India, the Leading Producer of, (268)
- Milk to be Carried to New York by Means of Pine Lines, (139)
- Mills in China Spinning or Weaving by Steam Power, (268)
- Mineral District of Godaveri, Madras, (91) Mineral, A New, to be Called Thorianite, (116) Minerals sent by Canada to Libge Exhibition, (549) Miners’ Safety Lamps, The Most Popular Patterns used in the Midlands, (549)
Mines and Mining: News :
- Belt Conveyor as an Elevator, The, 34
- Borings and Sinkings ia Northumberland and Durham, Volume of, to be Published, (131)
- Diamond in Meteorites, H. Moissan on, (139) Diamonds, Production, Transvaal and India, (139)
- Electricity applied to, Mr.A.C. Anderson, (202) Feldspar Cliff on Lake Superior to be used for “ Sand Paper,” (139)
- Friedelite, New Mineral, (576)
- Garnet Production of India, (139)
- Gold Mining in Indiana, (474)
- Industry, and People Employed, France and Algeria, (397)
- International Congress at Liege, (287), (497) Mining and Metallurgical Congress at Lifege, 124
- New Caledonia, (576)
- Report on Mines and Quarries for 1904, Homooffice, (218)
- Submarine Mining in Estuaries and Harbours United Kingdom to be Discontinued, (242)
- Thorianite Obtained from Residue of Gem Washing in Ceylon, (474)
- Tipton Mines Drainage Scheme, (24)
- Transvaal Mining Industry, Continuous Improvement in 1904, (76), lk!9
- United States, Persons Employed in Mines in 1903 and 1904 in, (242)
- MINT, Birmingham, (585)
- Moissan, M. H., on Diamond in Meteorites, and Molten Cast Iron Saturated with Carbon (139) '
- Morecambe Pier, (649)
- Motherwell Sewage, (600)
Motor Vehicles and Boats and Matters Connected therewith:
- Adams Farwell Motor Car, The, (41)
- Albion Motor Cars, Mr. T. Blackwood-Murray on, 147
- Ambulances, Metropolitan (139)
- Automobile, Armour-plated, Gun, (41) and Autc-bdat (218)
- Club de France, Annual Race to be Inaugurated by, (13) Club de France and the 1906 Gordon Bennett Race, (13) Club’s Challenge to the Automobile Club de France, (68), (218) Fitted with Fare-registering Instrument, The First, (68) Imported in 1903 and 1904 into New York Port, (13) Automobilism, Instruction in, at tbo New Ecole Nationale d’Arts et Metiers, Paris, (13) Birges, Line of, Between Antwerp and Paris, (523)
- Berliet Automobile, Manufacture of, by an Amsrican Company, (625)
- Boat Club, British, 287. (443), (505), (649) Future of the, 427
- Mercedes IV., Lieut. Quornel, (268) New Petrol, 245
- Race, Algiers and Toulon, (191), (242), (342), (397), 499, (625) Monte Carlo, (365) between the Lines of the British and French Battleships at Spithead, (369)
- Cup Race, British International, (68)
- Entry Form for Motor Boats to represent Great Britain, (218)
- Service between Dinard, St. Malo, and St. Servan, (41)
- Speeds, 244
- and Water Carnival at Palm Beach, Fla., (91)
- Building for the Algiers-Toulon Race, (242)
- in China, Good Prospect for Sale of, (424)
- at Monaco, 396, 401, 422 on the Thames, Control of, (242)
- Brotherhood Motor Car, The, 113, 137
- Buenos Ayres, Cse of, in, (600)
- Buffer for Motor Cars, 536 Cabs, (461)
- Cabs, Buenos Ayres, (474) Car, Dinner, Daimler Motor Co., (176)
- Service between Darlington and Swaledale, (649)
- between Windermere and Keswick, (68)
- Great Western, (218), 224, (342), (354)
- Tfials in the Isle of Man, 552
- Works at Alexandria, Dumbartonshire, Erection of Huge, (291)
- in Paris, 7, 35, 40, 63
- Tourist, Race for, (256)
- Carriage, Steam, Mr. J. H. Hosgood’s Designs for the Barry Railway Company, 187
- Club, British, Arrangements, (369)
- Club, British, Programme for the Season, 536
- Crystal Palace Show, 119
- Cycles, Increasing Demand for, (549)
- Damage Done to Roads and Bridges by, (474)
- De Dietrich Car over the Andes, Record Created by, (139)
- Demand for and Numbers Imported, Argentine Republic, (497)
- De Dion Bouton’s Works, Inspection by Experts of Motor Car Parts in the Rough, (41)
- Djinog Wheels for Heavy Vans, 98, 147 Dust and, 595
- Dust-laying Experiments, Bridgnorth, (625) Education, Technical, (13), (24)
- Ekstromer Two-seated Car, Islington Show, (317) j
- Exhibitions, (119), 162, 196, (218), 268, 289, (317) ?
- Agricultural Hall, Islington, (268), ' 289,(317)
- Paris, (218)
- Exports and Imports of, 1904, (412)
- France, Seine Department, Regulations respecting Noise and Light, (625)
- France, Trials in, 281, 426, 622 French Eliminating Trials, 622
- Makers’ Output, Value and Export, (218)
- Minister of Marine and the Algiers- Toulon Race, (242)
- Gears Fitted for Motor Car Services, French Experiments on Efficiencies of, (291)
- Germany, Increasing Popularity of, io, (614)
- Gordon Bennett Race, (13) i
- Havana, Automobile and Auto Beat Races, (218)
- Heavy Motor Car Order, 1904, 8, 49
- Flexible Tire, The, 98
- Locomotives in London Streets, 46
- Motor Trials in France, 423
- Hosier Works, (606)
- International Tourist Trophy, Race for, (256)
- Islington Show, Ekstromer Accumulator Company’s Two-seated Car, (317)
- Launches for Venice, Demand for, (191)
- Legislation and, 577
- London Road Car Company’s Vehicles, fl3)
- Mahoning Type of, Air-cooled Cylinders Employed, (218)
- Motorists, General Demonstration Proposed by Sir John Macdonald for June, (191)
- Olympia Show, 162, 167, 196, (218)
- Omnibus, Petrol, Lancashire Steam Motor Company, 289
- Petrol, Messrs. Straker and Squire, 452
- Services, Dover Corporation, (342)
- to the Pyramids, (625)
- Sheffield, (242)
- Southborough and Tunbridge Wells, (291)
- Tunbridge Wells, (J142) Welsh Railway, (354) Berlin, (242)
- Chelocsford,” (268), (612) for Eastbourne, (23) Halifax, (474) London, (13)
- London’s 5000, Petrol Required Annually by, (474)
- Motor Vehicles and Matters Connected therewith {continued}*.
- Omnibus, Railway, (608)
- e. Tramways, 168
- Petrol Car, 20 Horse-power, Brothexhood- Crocker, 113
- for London, New, 556
- 20 Horse-power, John I. Thorny- crofb and Co., 406
- Two New, 162, 167 Motor Lorry, Two-ton, 169 Petroleum, Percentage of Naphthas Produced in Refining Crude, (268)
- Pneumatic Tires, Qualifications and Drawbacks, 603
- Races, Gordon Bennett and the Automobile Club de France, (13)
- Railway Carriages, 99
- “Rational ” Motor Car, The, 556
- Reliability Tests in Australia, 478
- Roller Chain Greased with Suet for Power Transmission, (242)
- Scotch Reliability Trial for Touring, 503
- Scotland, Reliability Trial of Touring Motor Cars in, 471
- Service between Petersburg and the Suburbs, (497)
- Shows, Crystal Palace, 119 ; Islington, 268, 289, (317); Olympia, 162, 196 ; Paris, 218 Side Slip, 603
- Six-wheeled, The New “Order” and, 49 Spectacles for the Use of Drivers, (6C0) Speed Indicator for, 480
- Indicator for Motor Wagons, Prize Offered by German Company, (139) of, 270
- Record, made by a Merc^d^s, A New, (68)
- Strickland’s Internal Combustion Engine for, 74
- Tare Limit for, The New, 22
- Tires for Motor Car Work, Tractive Resistance of Various, (242)
- Torquay and District Motor Omnibus Company, (268)
- Touring Motor Cars in Scotland, Reliability Trial of, 471
- Track for, across the Landes, 431
- Tractive Adhesion of Spring Tires, 175
- Trailers for Motor Wagons to be Fitted with Brakes, (342)
- Trials: French, 281, 426, 622; Isle of Man, 552; Scotch, 471, 503
- Trolley for Motor Haulage, AVallis and Stoevens, Limited, 74
- Union of Great Britain and Ireland, First Provincial Meeting of, (523)
- Vehicle, New Form of Self-propelled Carpet- » cleaning Plant, Tilghman’s Patent Sand-blast Company, I.imited, 402
- Van Trials, Light, (574)
- Vans, Wheels of, 70
- Wagon, 5-Ton Steam, Sb, Pancras Ironworks Company, Limited, 266
- 2-Ton Steam, Mann’s, 290
- Tour through England and Wales, Labour Commission for Canada in London has Arranged, (242)
- Warwickshire Highways Protection League, Its Probable Effect on the Motor-building Industry, (276)
- Wheels, Spring, 147
- Wheels of Vans and Heavy Traffic, 98, 147
- Works in Vale of Leven, The Hozier Company’s New, (606)
- Yacht, (lasoline Motor, United States, 4
- MOUNT PeMe, The Tower of, (523)
- Mount Vesuvius, Prof. Janssen’s Researches on, (116)
- Mullin, Mr. E. H., (187)
- NAPIER, Mr. Jas., 52
- Naples, Drainage and Water Supply of, (165); Industrial Future for, (166)
- National Physical Laboratory, The, 295
- Naval Battle, The Great, 577
Naval Engineer Appointments :
- 9, 36, 102, 137, 228, 254, 304, 326, 340, 401, 460, 484, 508, 519, 582, 599, 660
- NEW YORK Transit Commission, Subways and Moving Platforms, (242)
- Niagara, Mean Flow of the River, and Horsepower it might Furnish, (447)
- Nicholson, Prof. J. T., and Mr. Dempster Smith, on Machine Tool Design, 331, 357, 385, 413, 437, 463, 589
- North Staffordshire College, The, (203)
- Nowill, Mr. Henry, (507)
- Nozzles, Diverging, 12, 49, 155, 181
- Adams, Mr. E. K., (313)
- Adams, Mr. Henry, (368)
- Anderson, Mr. John, 9
- Askham, Mr. P. U., (534)
- Baldwin, jun., Mr. W. H., 9
- Banner, Mr. Wm., (373)
- Bell, Mr. Thos., (446)
- Craven, Mr. Alf., (313)
- Davison, Mr. Thomas Colling, 9
- Fenwick, Mr. Thos., 52
- Fowler, Mr. Percival, 9
- Gordon, Mr. Fred. , (120)
- Grimthorpe, Lord, Edmund Beckttt-Denison, 446
- Head, Mr. Archibald P., 624
- Hingley, Sir Benjamin, 607
- Horsley, Mr. Chas., 95
- Hudson, Mr. Robt., 446
- Jackson, Mr. Jas. Fred., 173
- Jones, Mr. John, (446)
- Jones, Mr. D., (432)
- Jones, Mr. Rees, (120)
- Jones, Mr. Thos., (432)
- Joseph, Mr. Lionel Barnett, (607)
- Kerl, Prof. Bruno, (373)
- Lax, Mr. W., (471)
- Lister, Mr. Thomas, 643
- Madden, Mr. Michael, (9)
- Mansergh, Mr. Jas., 605
- Marshall, Mr. Frank T.. 173
- Matthews, Mr. Thos., (471)
- Mein, Mr. Andrew, (611)
- Morson, Mr. Farrer, (95)
- Mullin, Mr. E. H. , (187)
- Myers-Beswick, Mr. William Beswick, 9
- Napier, Mr. Jas., 52
- Nowill, Mr. Henry, (507)
- Obis, Mr. Norton P., (252)
- Peacock, Mr. Francis, 222
- Ransome, Mr. Jas. E. , 120
- Reed, Mr. Chas. Holloway, (65)
- Samuelson, Right Hon. Sir Bernard, 471
- Scott, Mr. Robt. Sinclair, 222
- Sellers, Mr. Wm., (187)
- Simon, M. Edouard, (624)
- Slaney, Mr. H. Walter, (313)
- Spence, Mr. Henry Grant, (271)
- Spencer, Mr. Chas. , (534)
- Spencer, Mr. John, 445
- Stratford, Mr. Henry, (222)
- Stringer, Mr. John, (50/)
- Tower, Mr. Beauchamp, 9
- Urwin, Mr. Robert, (187)
- Verity, Mr. John, 405
- Waterworth, Mr. John, 9
- Whittaker, Mr. William, (373)
- Wieland, Mr. G. B. , 313
- Wilson, Mr. George, (187)
- OBJECT Lesson (Afforded by the Correspondence between North Wales Quarries, Limited, and Mr. R. Bell), 345
- Oil, Crude, Use of, by an American Company, in Heating Furnaces, (447)
- - Fuel on Dutch Steamers, Use of, (218)
- - Pipe from Baku, Laying Down, (317)
- - Pipe Line from Wells in Indian Territory to New York, (218)
- - upon Troubled Waters, Wooden Projectiles for Pouring, (447)
- Optical Convention, 1905, 363, 480, 537, 556
- Birmingham Proof House, Gun Barrels Proofed in 1904 and 1903, 328
- Brown Segmental Wire-wound 6in. Gun, Tests at Sandy Hook c f, (13)
- Canada to Make her Own, (369)
- Contracts Secured Respectively by Germany and France from Turkey and Servia, (379)
- Coventry Ordnance Works Company, (585) Factory at Cossipore, Indian, (242)
- Gun, 184-pounder, Charged with the New Cordite, (68)
- Testing Range, Solway Firth, (576) Large Calibre, United States, for the Project of Coast Defence, Determined by the “Endicott Board,” (523)
- of the Majestic, the 12iD., Admiralty’s Statement, (447)
- The New Field, (508)
- Our Naval, 450
- Six-pounder Semi-automatic, Hotchkiss Ordnance Company, Limited, 88, 89 12in., at Watertown Arsenal, (523) Krupp Works, Press of Work at, (497) Method of Representing Artillery Fire by Reflecting Light upon the Object Aimed at, (139)
- Pom-pom for the Second Life Guards, Ordered at Woolwich, (91)
- Re-armament of the Artillery, Outlay Involved by Work connected with, (75), (549)
- Royal Gnn Factories, Woolwich, Order for 126 More Guns for the New Armament, (519)
- Royal Ordnance Factories, Entry and Training of Trade Lads, 634
- Royal Ordnance Factory, Training of Managers and Foremen, 320, 326
- War Material, 1904, 20
- OZOKERITE Producing District in the World, Galicia ths Principal, (121)
- PALESTINE Exploration Fund, Changes of Level in Dead Sea, (218)
- Paper Calender, Electrically-driven, 428
- Paper Machines, Widest, in the World, (576)
- Paris Academy of Science, Prizes to be Offered this Year by, (68)
- Paris, Public 'Transport in, 95
- Paris Sewage, 95
- Patent Act, Australian, Its Obvious Meaning, (369)
- Law, and Patents Granted, Japan, (312) Office, Indian, Its Annual Report, (649) Rules, 1905, 316
- What is Infringement of a, 210
- Patents Act, 1902, and the Patent Rules, 1905, 223, 247
- Applications for, 1903, 1904, (576) Australian, (354)
Patents, British (Selected):
- Centrifugal Pumps, 306 Dredgers, 588 Electrical Apparatus, 279, 384,638
- Electric Cables, 411 Instruments, 588 Motors, 355
- Electrical Machinery, 462, 564, 588 Friction Clutches, 510
- Gas Producers, 206, 256, 306, 435, 486, 587, 637 Gas Retorts, Charging, 462
- Internal Combustion Engines, 27, 55, 79, 103, 127, 153, 180, 205, 255, 305, 329, 355, 383, 411, 435, 485, 509, 538, 613
- Locomotives, 563, 587 Machine Tools, 80, 179
- Metallurg’cal Precesses, 127, 538 Miscellaneous, 28, 56, 128, 154, ISO, 230, 230, 384, 411, 436, 588, 614, 638
- Ordnance, 28. 104, 127, 203, 229, 280, 330. 355. 383, 436, 509, 564
- Permanent Way, 637 Pneumatic Tools, 154, 306 Power Hammers, 510
- Prime Movers, 537 Pumps, 411, 537, 563,587, 637
- British Patents {conlinucd)*.
- Railway Material, £09
- Railways and Tramways, 27, 55, 79, 104, 127, 205, 256, 279, 305, 356, 613
- Road Motor Vehicles, 28, 55, 79,104,154, 180, 206, 258, 279, 330, 356, 411, 435,461,563, 613
- Road Vehicles, 230, 411, 485
- Small Arms, 127
- Steam Engines, Boilers, &3., 27, 55, 79. 103. 153, 179,205,229, 255, 279, 305, 329,355,383 461, 485, 537, 637
- Telephony, 462
- Torpedoes, 280 Turbines, 305, 329, 435, 563, 613
- Fluid-pressure. 411
- Gas, 461, 485, 538, 587
Patents, Selected American:
- Accumulator Valve for Oil Presses, W. D, Nash, 306
- Aeroplanes, Coverings for, 1. Lancaster, 436 Anvil, T. B. Leech and T. Laue, 538 Armature Punchings to the Spiders, Fa&teniner, H. G. Reist, 614
- Beet Topper and Puller, E. 0. Cady, 56
- Bell, Distributing, J. B. Ladd, 436
- Bench Vice, R. J. Schlosser, 664
- Blast Furnaces, Charging, David Baker, 614 Blower and Exhauster, Rotary, T. W. Green, 662
- Boiler, H. L, des Anges, 564
- Feed Valve, T. J, Geniack, 206
- Steam, J. Gemmell, 356
- Water, Purifying Apparatus fo;, D. Best, 56
- Water-tube, W. W. Skilling, 384 Bourdon Steam Gauge, W. 1. Staaf, 280 Brake, Fluid-pressure, A. Kapteyn, 164 Bumping Post for Riilrcads, B. Haskell, 486 Car Trucks, Lateral Motion Device for, L. W. Barber, 412
- Condenser System, L. R. Alberger, 306 Condenser System, F. Ray, 180
- Conveyors, Grain, W. Meyer, 510
- Cooking Garbage, C, S. Wheelwright, 80
- Crane, Ingot-charging, C. L. Taylor, 256 Cylinder Drainer, A. G. Hewell, 128 Cylinders for Gas Engines, F. K. De la Sau’x, 662
- ' Dam, W. J. Myer.s, 510
- Dam, F. H. Rsed, 154
- Device for Hydraulic Constructions, D. J. Feurloscher, 180
- Device for Relieving Forces Due to Inertia and Weight of Valve Gear, L. D. Lovekin, 104
- Door, Flexible, C. 0. Dodge and G. Miller, 230 Drawing Off Surface Water of Reservoirs, Dams, Tanks, &c,, T. Lyden, 356
- Electrical Energy, (Generating, H. Ione, 104 Electro-gaiolene, L. G. Nilson, 486
- Engine, F. M. Overholt, 356
- Compound Steam, W. A. Drewett, 412 Gas, G. A. Bronder, 280 Gas, Rosseau and Ferris, 412 Governor, W. N, Springer, 412 Internal Combustion, L. Mertens, 588 Reciprocating, C. King, 180 Evaporating Liquids, Wallace and Speed, 558 Excavating Cutcer, J. B. Cantwell, 180 Expanding Lathe Mandrell, G. R. Rich, 104 Feedwater Heater, G. A. Otis, 80 Flue, Hoeregott and Eby, 330 Furnace Gases, Controlling, J. W. Dougherty, 614
- Mechanical Puddling, W. B. Burrow, 80
- for Reduction of Garbage, J. Lindsay and R. J. Cunningham, 128
- for Separating Metals from their Ores,
- J. M. A. Gerard, 306
- Garbage Crematory, B. Boulger, 56
- Gas Engine Starter, J. B, Morrison, 230
- Gear Wheels, Casting, T. W. Lowe, 356 Grain Separating Device, S. J. Mason, 436 Granulating Slag, J. G. McDowell, 180
- Guns, Rapid Charging of, C. P. E. Schneider, 614
- Gun, Recoiling, K. Hausener, 614
- Hammer, Electric, W. F, Wagner, 206
- Handsaw, Portable, R. S. McCreery, 510
- Heating Device for Use with Li<iuil Fuel, A. R. Scherding, 356
- Heating Fluids, Apparatus for, B. W. Davis, 164
- Hub for Wheels, M. Lackmacn, 123
- Igniting Device for Internal Combustion Engines, F. Reichenbach, 256
- Insulating Rail Joint, Steamship Deemer, 662
- Insulating Support for Third Rails, Ed, W. Farnham, 662
- Locomotive Boilers, C. Vanderbilt, 486 Electric, R. D. Priest, 203 Engine, Receiver and Reheater for, F. Burger and II. M. Williams, 638
- Fire-box, C. Vanderbilt, 510
- Looms, Pneumatic Shuttle-thrower, E. C. S. Cobb and G. T. McMullen, 330
- Mail Catcher, E. A. Buell, 462
- Marine Engine Governor, A. Kerr, 28
- Motor Air Pump, E. Cheshire, 280
- Rotary, J. M. Benjamin, 206 Thermic, G, Trinkler, 436
- Moulding Machino, Centrifugal, J. C. F. Lafeuille, 80
- Ordnance, Breech Mechanism of, Dawson and Buckham, 203
- Overhead Shield for Tunnelling, R. Stone, 564
- Pipe Joint, H. Stier, 28
- Pneumatic Conveyor, J. M. Akers, 486
- Press for Compressing and Drawing Ingots, H. Harmet, 436
- Pressure Roller for Wood-planing Machines, C. K. Orton, 462
- Propeller Blades, W. T. Donnelly, 436
- Pumps, S. Hughes, 306
- Air Lift, F. J. Kuhlmann, 128 Centrifugal, E. G. Harris, 486 (Centrifugal, E. S. Lea and J, Degen, 638
- Direct-acting, Jennings and Homersham, 256
- Regulating Air and Steam Supplied to Gas Producers, H. F, Smith, 462
- Renovator, T. J. Sullivan, 614
- Rheostat, W. H. Powell, 356
- Riveting Machine, J. W. Nelson, 280
- Patents, Selected American (con^zntt^cZ):
- Riveting Mechanism, C. J. Carney and J. C. Gorton, 128
- Rolling Mill, Hot System, W. Kent, 356 Rolling-mill Rolls, Releasing Device for, J. L. Rehnstrom, 30o
- Seedincr Machine, C. M. Sester, 538
- Shaft Conpling, F. A. Mersbon, 356 Sheet Metal Parts, Uniting. B. M. Steele, 588 Shoe Setter, R. Threlfall, 486
- Smelting Iron Ores and Producing Ferrochromium, K. F. Price, 638
- Spinning Apparatus, G. 0. Draper, 80
- Steam Blower, C. E Gfggins, 412
- Generator, A. P. Dodge, 56 Generator, A. Phillips and E. Bovin, 538
- Superheater, Burger and Williams, 180 Superheater, W. Schmidt, 588 Turbine, E. S. Drummond, 462
- Steel Ingots. Perfecting Cast, R. W. Hunt, 486
- Submarine Boats, Compensating Device for,
- L. Y. Spear, 230
- Subway Construction, J. W. Reno, 486 Superheater, E. Pielock, 356
- Taper Calipers, Creamer and Knowlton, 180 Testing Machines, W. J. Tretch, 56
- Track Sanding Device, J. H. Watte r?, 436 Transformer, W. L. Waters, 128
- Trap, A, L. Fuqua, 412
- Trap, Steam, A. L. French, 510
- Turbine, C. A. Parsons, 128
- H. Roeske, 614
- Elastic Fluid, C. G. Curtis, 230, 280 Elastic Fluid, H. Zoelly, 412 Engine, E. S. Farwell, 538 Fluid Pressure, N. H. Ehrharfc, 564 Fluid Pressure, G, Westinghouse, 538 Shaft Packing, C. A. Backstrom, 128 Steam, C. A. Parsons and A, D. Wass, 330
- Rateau and Sautter, 330
- C. N. Schottmuller, 80 or Gas, J. Stumpf, 206, 614, 638
- C. E. Winterros, 80
- E. Wolner, 154
- Turbo-motor, Continuous Internal Combustion, C. Lemale, 614
- Vacuum Evaporating Apparatus, T. Suzuki, 412 Valves, Eigine, J. Fawell, 510
- Gear for Explosive Eosiaes, C. H. Way, 154
- Mechanism, E. Thomson and A. A. Ball, jun., 104
- Ventilating Electric Machines, A, Aichele, 256
- Vice, C. J. Lindgren, 412
- Water Circulating Device, Carl Tobelinann, 638 Heater, R, H. Fraser, 280 Meter, Gumz and Wingender, 356 Softening Apparatus, S. H, and P. E.
- Hodgkin, 384
- Wood Pulp, Making, G. S. Cushing, 564
- PATENTS, Tesla, Expiration of Three, (576)
- Patents and Trade Marks, Turkey, Taxes Doubled on. (625)
- Peacock, Mr. Francis, 222
- Pelton Wheel Governor, 480, 505
- Perennial Problem, The, (586)
Personal and Business Announcements;
- 78, 102, 128. 163, 180, 205, 228, 264, 304, 329, 354, 382, 436, 460, 484, 508, 536, 564, 587, 636, 660.
- “PETROL” and Alcchol, Different Names for, in England and America, (291)
- Petrol in Motor Engines, Value of, (474)
- Petroleum Congress, Liege, International, (218), 287,(393)
- Industry, Indian, (268) Shipped at Batoum, (649) —alsQ Oil, (218)
- Philippine Islands, First Census of, (447) Photo-copying Process. A New, (405) Photography, Kite, (191)
- Pile Driver, Messrs, H. Sykes, Limiied, 72 Pipe-bending Machine, 72
- Line from Fremantle to Coolgardie, Cost of, (474)
- for Superheated Steam, (217)
- Plans and Drawings, Property in, 345
- Plate Girder Webs, 262, 347
- Platinum Production, United States, (116) Plymouth Main Drainage, (242)
- Pneumatic Sand Rammer, (317) “Polonium” Rays, Non-deftected, and the N- rays, (191)
- Portland Cement Industry in Boulogne, (424)
- Postcards, Metal, Wood, and Gelatine, (317) Postcards, Speaking, (165)
- Post-office Engineering Department, London, (208)
- Post-office London Directory, (24)
- Press, United States Navy and the, (674) Printing Telegraph, A, 190
- Production of very Low Temperatures, The, 640, 541, 666, 567, 568, 569, 590, 591, 592
- Property in Plans and Drawings, 345
- Provisional Orders. 1905, 522
- Pulley, Wrought Iron, Messrs. Mackies, 221 Pumping Machinery, Mr. E. C, R. Marks, 323 for Collieries in Scotland, (600)
- Improved,F. PearnandCo., Limited, 274
- Plant, Dredging, Messrs. Gwynnes, 506 Novel, New South Wales Waterworks, (649)
- Epsom Urban District, (600)
- Pumps, Centrifugal, Driven by Oil Engines, W. H.
- Allen, Son and Co., 608
- Duplex Steam, Richardsons, Wesfgarth and Co,, Limited, 37, 40
- High-pressure, Alexandra Decks, Newport, 61, 62, 100
- Injectors and, 244
- Punjab, Great Irrigation Project in the (with Maps), 156, (291)
- QUARTZ Articles, Producing or Repairing, P. Askenasy^B Method, (139)
- Quebec, Fortification of, (497)
- RADIUM iQ Bath and Baden Waters, (41) Experiments, New and Sinople, (165) its Action on the Magnetic Spark, (152) Radiation ? Are Metals made Radioactive by the Influence of, (242) Rays and N-rays, Resemblances between, (191)
- Salt as Motive Power for a Clock, (191) see also Metals
Railway and Tramway Accidents, British and Foreign:
- Aylesbury Derailment, 525
- Bradford, Car Collision on Barker-end Road Incline, (165)
- Capa of Good Hope, Reduction in the Number, (497)
- Cudworth on the Midland, 134,199
- Derailments of All Kinds, 371, 525 Derailments. Tank Engine, 12 48, 73, 99, 167, 199, 247. 325, 371
- FesUniog-Bala Branch, Remarkable Mishap on, (68)
- Furness Line, Train Blown Over in a Gale, (91)
- Great Western, Derailment on the, 172
- Italy, Collision at Pofi, (41)
- Llanelly Derailment, The, 193
- Midland, Cud worth Collision, 425
- Returns for 1904, (265)
- Simplon Tunnel, Death from Foul Air, (218) United Kingdom. 327, (342), 533
- States, (13). (168). (327), (342), (447), (533), (576)
- States, Collisions in the, 168
Railways, British, Canadian, Colonial, Indian, South African, and Tramways :
- African, South—see South African
- A.ustralian, Average Net Revenue per Train- mile, (68)
- Cnst of Construction, 35
- Mileage Open for Traffic, 1903-4, (68)
- South, Quarterly Repor’-, (202) South, Royal Commission Report,
- Trans-continental, (68) Victorian, (202) West, Statistics, (52) Caledonian, Clydesdale District Extension, (447)
- Half-yearly Report, (247) New Viaducts and Extensions {Sitpplemenii June \)ih. 1905), 569
- Paisley and Barrhead Extension, (600)
- Cambrian Railways Company, Appointment of Chairman and Deputy-Chairman, (474) Canada Atlantic, Purchase of, by the Grand Trunk Company, (474) Extensions, (474) Grand Trunk Pacific, (424), (474) Great Northern, Extension, (649) Railway Statistics, Mileage and Capital, (447)
- Canadian, 238
- Pacific, Bridge No. 274C, (165) Double Track between Winnipeg and Fort William, (268) Golden to Fort Steel, (649) Toronto to Sudbury, (576) Kootenay Project, (218) Purchase of the Esquimalt Nanaimo Railway, 195, (218)
- Cape to Cairo, 254, (497)
- Cape, Motor Coaches for, (424)
- Central South African, Mileage, (649)
- City and South London, (91), (242)
- Egyptian State, Mileage and Locomotives in Use, (424)
- Glasgow and South-Western, Half-year’s Gross Receipts and Dividend Declared, (268)
- Glasgow end South-Western, Vestibule Dining Car, (242)
- Great Central, Bicycle Season Tickets to be Issued to Contractors, (369) Clayton Detonator Tried, (26) Half-yearly Report, (139) Motor Car Service, (218) Public Messages Board at Stations on, (242)
- Officials to be Sent to Canada and the United States on an Inspection Tour, (342), (474) Representatives at the International Railway Congress, (447)
- Great Eastern, Half-year’s Accounts, (91) Motor Car Service, Lowestoft- Southwold, (91)
- Workmen’s Train Service, (116) Presentations to Mr. H. Drury, (13)
- Great Northern, Assessment of, (41), (304) Half-yearly Report, (158) Motor Omnibus Service, Hatfield and Hertford, (369) Motor Omnibus Service, Windsor and Ascot, (342)
- New Station at Letch worth, (397)
- Great Western, and the Agricultural Organisa- lion Society, Motor Wagon Service, (291)
- Castle Cary and Langport, with Map, 36
- Construction of Electric Powerhouse, Park Royal Station, (68)
- Folding Map, (268) Half-yearly Report, (159) Mail Service from Plymouth to London,(116)
- Matters in Dispute, (176) Road Motor Service, Abergavenny and Brecon, (549) Motor Car Services, (41), (218), 224
- Newquay and Perranporth Line, (IS)
- Nine Mile Point Line, (342) Purchate of the Wye Valley Railway, (68)
- Great Western Rail Motor Service, Brynam- mon and Pontyffnnon, (342) Record in Railway Service, Mr. Luke Higgs, (139)
- Trains, Ghas. North on, (557), (576)
- Indian, 652 Allahabad-Kjzabad Bridge Over Ganges, (139)
- Branch Lines to the Oudh and Rohil- kund Railway, (191)
- Burma Railway Extension Surveys. (68) Estimated Capi’al at Charge of, (576) | Kalka-SimU, European Drivers for Passenger Trains, (68)
- Madras Railway Company and the Mineral Area in the Godaveri District, (91)
- MahraMa, Souths (625)
- Nar-Sojitra Line to be Set Out for Famine Relief Work, (242)
- Nizam Guaranteed State Railways Company, Directors’ Report, (369) North-Western of, Mileage, (139) Splitting up of the, (291)
- Ireland, Belfast and Co. Down System, Motor Car Service, (447)
- Great Northern, Financial Matters, (91)
- Great Sonthern and Western of, Financial Matters, (116)
- Motor Rail Servicee, (447) Total Mileage, (68)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Automatic Ticket Issuing Machine, (295)
- Consolidation of Stock, (68)
- Public Acknowledgment of Gratitude to the Staff for Immunity from Accident duriogBad Weather, (116) Penny-in-the-slot Booking System, (242) Their Steam Vessels Act, (13)
- Trafi&c on Liverpool and Southport Line, (165) Widening of Line Between Xirkdale and Walton Junction, (166)
- London, Brighton and South Coast, Electrification of Peckham Rye and Battersea Section, (68), 119 Half-year’s Accounts, (91)
- Test Train Fitted with Roller-bearing Axle- boxes, (68)
- London and North-Western, Full Time at the Crewe Coaching Department, (13) Pension Scheme, (116) Grand Prize Awarded by the St. Louis Exhibition to,(126) Ha ff^y early M eeting, Wall Almanac for 1905, (199)
- Non-stop Express Train Service between Liver-
- North-Eastern, Extension and Improvement of Arrangementsat Scarborough for Summer Excursionists, (273)
- First-class Contract Tickets, (41)
- Growth of tho System since Appointment of First Chairman, (242)
- Hartlepool to Seaham Harbour, (303)
- Mileage in Past Half-year, (152)
- Proposed Acquisition of Steamboat Powers at Hull, (13) Proposed Line from Humber Foreshore to Hull and Withernsea Railway, (13) Proposed Running of Railway Motor Buses, Opposed at the Municipal Tramways Conference, (549)
- Sir Geo. Gibb on the Question of First-class Carriages, (139) North Staffordshire, Steam Motor Coach Service between Silverdale and Trentham, (424) Orange River Colony, Ladybrand to Modderpoort. (242)
- Orange River Colony and Pretoria-Pietersburg, Payments Completed, (242)
- Rates Paid in Ten Years by, (223) Rotherham, Naltby and Laughton, (447) Scotland, Cairn Valley Line, (291)
- Scotland, Highland Railway, Half-year's Report, (291)
- Shaft Sinking to a Depth of 12 Miles Suggested, and Concluded to be Impossible, (191)
- South African, (24), (76)
- Central, Annual Report, (576) Central, Mr. L. S. Smart’s Appointment, (218)
- South-Eastern and Chatham, Half-year’s Accounts, (91)
- South-Eastern and Chatham, Steam Motor Carriage Service, (139)
- Transvaal, Springs-Witbank Railway, (218) Uganda Railway, Mombasa-Victoria, (91) Expenditure and Receipts, (600)
- Report, 363, 373 United Kingdom, One Locomotive and Thirty- six Vehicles per Mile of Line on, (369) Welsh, Barry, (600)
- Barry, Motor Coaches on, (304) Taff Vale, Report and Dividend, (152) Wales, Traffic Receipts Affected by the Storms, (278)
- Wye Valley, Purchase by the Great Western, (68)
Railways, Electric:
- Australian, Adelaide Suburban, (76) Bavaria, (291)
- California, Los Angeles, Pacific Electric and Redondo, (91)
- Canada, Montreal to Longuenil, (291), (447) Central London, Bill, (13)
- Chili, (397)
- City and South London, (91), (242)
- District Railway, Electrification of,38, 111, 136 (139), 140, 160, (600)
- Elberfeld Suspension, Bogies for the, 30 Finland, The Energy to be Derived from Water falls (549)
- Great Northern, Piccadilly, and Brompton, Extension from Kingsway to Waterloo, (68) Guatemala, (291)
- Hongkong, (305) Korea, Seoul, (191) London, Brighton, and South Coast, Peckham Rye to Battersea Section, (68), 118
- London “ Tube ” Bills, (13), (41) Metropolitan, Electrification of, 38, 111, 649 Hammersmith and City, (68) South Harrow Branch, (649)
- North-Eastern, Cost of Working, (600) Paris Metropolitan, (116), (242)
- Bridge over the Seine : Line No. 7, (116) Centrals Terminus, (424) Gare Montparnasse and the Butte Montmartre, (497)
- Petersburg and Moscow, Aerial, (268) Rolling Stock of, 12
- Rome and Civita Casteliana, (649) Safety Device for Protection from Electric Current on Rupture of Trolley Wire, (191) Single-phase, United States, 359, (369) South Manchester, Proposed, (549)
- Stark Electric Railway Company, Operating Conditions at the Power Station of, (16?) Swiss, Chamonix, 66 Swiss, Mont Blanc, 71
- Taking Current from the Line for, Herr E. Huber’s New Method of, (523)
- Tube Railways, London, (13), (41), (68) Underground, Fire Precautions on, 427 United States, California, Los Angeles, (191) California, San Francisco, (165) Chicago and Evanstown Line, (576)
- Columbus, Delaware and Marion Railway Power Plant, (191) Idaho, (13)
- Illinois, Kewanee and Geneseo, (13), (116)
- Long Island, (68)
- Newhaven and Wallingford, (41) New York Central, Pennsylvania, &c., (13)
- New York Subway Lines Extension Plans (91) Moving Platforms, (242)
- Northern and Eastern Indiana as Carriers of the Mails, (139) Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia, Suburban, (625)
- Ontario, (456)
- Pacific Railway Company, Los Angeles, Poppy Field Planted Along its Tracks, (191)
- Warren, Pa., and Jamestown, New York, Gas Engine, Power, and Single-Phase Traction, (116)
Railways, Foreign
- Greece, Line, (41)
- Greece, Pirieus Frontier, Returns and Length
- of, (497), (515)
- Guatemala, Line Across, (268)
- Tndo China, New Lines Projected, (191) Inter-Oceanic, Jubilee of tne First, 583 Italy, Bad Condition of Railways in, (41) Italy, Project for Taking over Meridionali Lines and Lines to the Simplon by the State, (41)
- Italian, State Working of, (549)
- Italy, Valtellina, 438
- Japan, Hokkaido, Final Section, (397) Japan, Kobe to Osaka, (600)
- Japanese, Profits for Last Fiscal Year, (523) Korea, Plant Imported into, (649) Korean, Seoul to Kobe, (676), (600) Malay States, (242)
- Mexican, (165), (342), (369), (660)
- Norway, Proposed State Loan for Railway Construction, (13)
- Pacific, Southern, (369) Vera Cruz and, (369) Western, to be Begun, (369)
- Prussian State, Regulations respecting Eugine- men’s Education, (68)
- Russian, in 1904, (305) Russia, European, Rolling Stock at its Disposal,
- Russian, Kherson to Nicolaieff, (116)
- Line to Connect the Siberian with Russian Central Asia, To be Built by Private Enterprise, (305)
- Mal-administration, How Millers and Agriculturists Suffer from, (139) Moscow Central Railway Station, (576)
- Moscow Ring, (317) New Mileage, (218), (474) Nicolas, Doubling of Passenger and Goods Traffic and New Permanent Way, (649) Line to be Rebuilt, (447) Railway Station to be Rebuilt, (68)
- Nikolaieff and Khersson, (242) Orenburg to Tashkend, (625) Perm to Yekaterinburg, (576) Projected Lines, (660) Railway Bridge over the Volga to Connect Kasan with the other Railway Systems, (369)
- R using of Rates for Carriage of Goods, (68)
- Siberian, Defects of Light Type of Rail, (176)
- Doubling of Track, (139), (165), (317)
- Extension of, 60
- Statistics as to its Value to the Railway System of European Russia, (621) State, Traffic and Gross Receipts, (497) Three Lines Bought by Foreign Capitalists, (549)
- Tomsk to Tashkend, (600) Total Mileage, (68) Vladikavkas, Further Concession for Twelve Years to German Company, (549)
- Women Employed on, (447) Siam, Second Railway, (91) ,
- Smyrna, Mr. Geo. Willans’ Appointment, (576) Spanish, Locomotives from France, (447) Sweden, Coal Contracts, (198)
- Sweden, Use of Peat Favoured by Government, (191)
- Swedish, (424) Swiss, Mont Blanc, 71
- Proposed Alpine Tunnels, 2/5, 455 Simplon Tunnel, (139), 213, (218), 221, 282, 335, (447), 469, 580, 644
- Tunnel, Shiloah, A Parallel to the Simplon, 282
- United States, Atchison, Topeka, and Santa F(^, (317), (369), (397)
- Baltimore and Ohio, Large Purchase of Locomotives and Rolling Stock, (317)
- Baltimore and Ohio, New Lino Opened, (397)
- Brooklyn Bridge Railway Traffic, (116)
- California, NewCoast Line, (474) Capital Invested in 1893 and 1903,(317)
- Chicago, Metropolitan Elevated, Fire Cars for, 165
- Connecticut, Mileage of First and Second Main Track, &3., (317)
- Development of Railroad Shop Practice in the, (497)
- E**ie, Total C ipitalisation of, (369)
- Freight Rates for Grain Export from Omaha to the Atlantic, (139)
- Gross Earnings of all the Railways in 1903, (291)
- Gulf and Chicago Extension of the Mobile Jackson and Kansas City Line, (41)
- Illinois Central Extension, (474) Indiana Union Traction Company, Plan Regarding Disputes over Payment of Fares, (13)
- New Jersey, (165), (218)
- New Lines Built in 1904, (191) New Mileage, 1904, 1898, (41) New York Central, Extensions, (291), (369)
- Central, Tests on Main IJnes, (268) and Chicago, First 18 - hour Train, (600)
- and Ottawa Purchased bythe New York Central, (369)
- Subway Free from Fog, (139)
- One Locomotive per Four Miles of Railway and Thirty-six Vehicles per Mile, (369)
- Passenger Fares in, (317) Pennsylvanian, Air Brakes on, (625)
- Fast Run on, (649) Bridge Over the Susquehanna, (91) Electric Lighting of Cars, (191)
- Car Trusts, (342) Statistics of Pension Department, (342) Employes Retired as Pensioners, (397) Locomotive Testing Plant (165)
- New York to St. Louis,Second Past Mail Train Daily, (625)
- Planting of Trees for Timber for Sleepers, (242)
- Shorter and Lighter Freight Trains, (549)
- San Pedro, Lis Angeles, and Silt Lake, (474)
- South of America, Adoption of the Manual Block System, (116)
- Standard Gauge, (342) Time-table of 1834, (139) Union Pacific, Clearwater and Snake River Territory, (576) Uruguay, (342)
Railways, Light:
- Blackpool and Pylde, Confipmed, (116)
- Board of Trade’s New Regulations, 161 Burma, (625)
- Humber Commercial Dock to Grimsby, (218) Law, Mr. Bonar, on, (549)
- Lincolnshire, (576)
- Maidstone, (41)
- Mileage Authorised under the Light Railways Act, (549)
- Orders Confirmed by the Board of Trade, (116), (191), (218), (317), (369), (474), (497), (625)
- Siberia, (263)
- Wales, Application for, (397)
Railways, Locomotives:
- American, with “Monkey Motion,” (268) for New South Wales, (41) Number put into Service by One Firm in Two Years, (424) at St. Louis Exhibition, 259, 359 for Spanish Narrow-gauge Lines. (447)
- Atlantic Type of, for the London, Brighton, and South Coast, (497)
- Austrian Builders, Slackness of Work Complained of, (218)
- Baldwin, Twenty of the “P” Class for New South Wales, (276)
- Barclay, Sons and Co., Limited, A., Three Ordered by Swansea Harbour Board, Turned Out in Ten Weeks, (474)
- Boiler Inspection, United States, Regular. (625) ’
- Boilers of. Precautions for Ensuring their Safety United States, (600)
- Bousquet—de Glehn, 467
- British, for Japan, Fifty, North British Loco- moiive Company, Glasgow(*8?;»»Ze/«ent Marek lO^Zt, 1905), (218), 239
- Broken Frame of, Welded by Thermit, (447) Building, Quick, Hunslet Engine Company, 501 Canadian, at St. Louis Exhibition, 259 Combined Passenger and Goods, American, 316 Eighteen, for Japanese Government, The North British Locomotive Company, of Glasgow, (126)
- Great Western and their Recent Work, Charles Rous-AIarten, 467, 511, (557)
- Japan, American and British tor, (433) Japanese Government Orders, Hundred Powerful, North British Locomotive Combine, (549) Japanese Trade io, (600)
- La France, Great Western, 467
- Liege Exhibition, 615
- London and North-Western, Three-cylinder Compound Converted into Two-cylinder Compound, Burning Loss Coal, (549)
- Mallet Compound on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, (165), (268)
- Mining, 359
- New, Building for the Smth Pacific by the International Power Company, (369) Imported by the Burma Railway, Too Heavy for the Bridges, (523)
- South Wales, Agitation for Manufacture of, in the State, (612)
- Type, Introduced by the Rhymney Railway Company, (474)
- York Central, Comparison of Two Large Steam and Electric, (291)
- North-Western of India has 710, (165) Number Built by American Shops in 1904 and 1903, (13)
- Order Placed with the American Locomotive Company, Record, (523)
- Perfect Combustion, How Obtainable in the Modern Locomotive, (523)
- Pielock Superheaters, 258, 285 Piston Valves for, 487
- Repair Shops of the Erie Railway to be , Increased, (625) !
- St. Louis Exhibition (Supplement, March \lth^ i 1905), 258, 284, 285, 311, 334, 3o9 '
- Self-propelled Railway Coaches, 345 Six-coupled Express, American, 359
- Sixty for New South Wales, Tenders Called for, (52)
- Stroudley Locomotive Practice and Performance, Mr. M. F. Long, (297)
- Superheaters in, on the Belgiau State Railways, M. J. B. Flamme on, 621, 633
- Tank Engine Derailments, 12, 48, 73, 99, 167, 199, 247
- Tank Engines on Express Trains, Chas. Rous- Marten, 129
- Testing Plant of the Pennsylvanian, (165) United States, The Hisiorie Locomotive i “Daniel Nason,” (41)
- Work on the Midland, Recent, by Mr. Chas. Rous-Marten, 57, 81
Railway News, Various, British and Foreign:
- Accounts, 194
- American Companies, Movement among, to Procure their own Coal Mines, (523)
- Railway Association, Its Objects and Constitution, (317)
- Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association, 607
- Speed, 531
- Baltimore and Ohio Railway, Government Suit against, for Violating the Law relating to Number of Brakes, (497)
- Block Signals on American Railways, 88, (116) Boiler Inspection, United States, Regular, (62o) Brussels, Supplementary Station in view of the Lifege Exhibition, (41)
- Calcutta to Ostend or Calais, Scheme for a Route from, (522)
- Caledonian and London and North-Western Company’s Negotiations Relating to Through Traffic, (191)
- Canadian Railways, British Investors in, (497) Canadian Railways to be Furnished with Heaters and Refrigerators for Fruit Transport, (625)
- Chicago Subways for Merchandise, (116) Chinese, Ingenious Thieving from Railway Trucks, (447)
- Club, 229, (297), (404). (506), (553), (632) Coal Imported by the Northern of France, British, (649)
- Coal and other Contracts, 22
- Crane Equipment in America, (523)
- Damage to Crops, Railways and, 271
- Darlington and Stockton Railway, Commemoration Tablet at the Dragon Hotel, Yarm-on- Tees, (625)
- Dominion Parliament, Bill relative to Railway Debts, (497)
- Engineers’and Firemen's Earnings to be Limited on the Chicago and Alton Railway, (497)
- European Mileage of New Lines, 1903, Decrease in, (424)
- “ Fogging,” The Clayton Detonator Tried on the Great Central, (26)
- Goods Traffic on Indian Railways, 259 Indian Railways, Standard Time on all, (649) International Railway Congress, Washington, (116)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Automatic Ticket Issuing Machine, (295)
- Railway News, Various, British and Foreign (continued):
- TJ mdon, Brighton and South Coast and Western of France, Service of Through Corridor Carriages and Restaurant Cars to be Extended, (497)
- London and North-Western, Coventry Complains of Inadequate Services, (397)
- London and North-Western Officials to Visit the United States, (397)
- London and Paris Omnibus Companies and the Competition of the Metropolitan Railways, (41)
- Metropolitan Kxilways and the Paris and Lindon Omnibus Companies, (41)
- Midland, Conveyance of Watar from Newark to L’ncoln on Account of Typhoid Outbreak, (218)
- Midland, Motor Services on, (649)
- Motor Omnibuses, Conference of the London Municipal Authorities on the Question of, (508)
- Municipalisation of Omnibus and Tramway Services in Paris and Here, Probable Results of, (41)
- New York, Traffic during Storm on Lines of the Inter-borough Rapid Transit Company, (191)
- Ore Storage Plant to be Built near the Minnesota Ore Dock, (649)
- Pacific Railway Amusement Company, Summer Resort consisting of Old Cable Cars, (191)
- Pennsylvanian, Fast Run of Special Officers’ Train from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, (497)
- Permanent Way, by Solution of Calcium Chloride, Clearing Sleet from, (191)
- Railway Appliances Exhibit in Washington, (116)
- and Steamboats, 477
- and Tramway Competition, 141
- Rates for Manufactured Goods between Inndoi and Glasgow, Excessive, (397)
- Royal Mail Route between London and Berlin, via Flushing, Improvement in, (600)
- Run to Holyhead, 12
- Russia, Railway Construction by Private Enterprise Encouraged by Government, (625)
- Russian Government, Engine driver e. Higher Official, (26)
- Shops, New, to be Erected in Canada, (649) Signal Lamp, to Burn Seven Days and Nights, American, (291)
- Signalling in America, 469, 487 Subways for Merchandise, Chicago, (116)
- Switzerland, Half Fares for Children to be Decided by Height, (191)
- Time Card, with Map of Lines, Dayton and Lima Electric Railway Company’s, (191)
- Tariff for Food Products in Italy, Special, (165) Traffic between England and Scotland, Negotiations Relating to Through, (191)
- Train Telegraph System, for Communication between Drivers and Stations, (523)
- United States, Consolidation of Lines under Name of New York Canadian Pacific, (268)
- High Pay of Train Men, (268)
- Indiana, Bills to Do Away with Free Railway Passes, (218)
- Indianapolis and Cincinnati, Appointment of Physicians to Attend the Injured, (291)
- Number of Officials and Servants, Financial Matters,1897- 1903, (397)
- Warsaw, Central Station, (625)
- Washington, International Congress, Delegates to Represent Great Britain, (397)
- Wedgwood, Mr. L., on American Railway Practice as Compared to Ours, (611)
- Weighbridge, Large, H. Pooley and Son, (161) Weight of a Heterogeneous Crew, Experimental Observation on, (523)
- Wheel Block Car Brakes, Mechanical Action cf, R. H. Smith on, 84
- World’s Total Mileage, (625)
Railways, Permanent Way:
- American, 607
- Deterioration in the Quality since 1899, (477)
- Practice in Rolling, (649)
- Austrian Orders, (165)
- Bessemer Mushet Steel Rail, The First, 531 Flat-bottomed, Standard Specifications and Sections of, (317)
- Future Railway Track, The, 584
- German Found Inferior to American, (13)
- Heavier Type of. Experiments with, in South Russia, (242)
- Inspection, London and South-Western Railway Company, 454
- Institution, (83), (474), (508), (622) Japan, (600)
- Laying Down of “Points and Crossings” considered at the Leicester Section of the Permanent Way Institution, (474)
- Leather Sleepers, Experiments to be Carried out on the Russian State Railways with. (268)
- London and North-Western Adopt the 95 lb Rail, (271)
- Manganese Steel, £1 a foot, Boston Elevated Railway, (474)
- Rails for Japan Carried to Pacific by the Great Northern, (268)
- Removing Sleet from, by Solution of Calcium Chloride, (191)
- Russia, Contract for 16,000 Tons of Steel Rails (576)
- Russian Ministry of Finance and the Home or Foreign Supply of, (291)
- Standard Specification and Sections of, issued by the Engineering Standards Committee. (317)
- Steel, Bounty on, Paid by the Canadian Government to the Lake Superior Corporation, (291)
- Steel, Orders Placed in the United States bv Canada, (41)
- Steel Rail Export from United States, (7), (68) Timber Sleepers on the Railways of tha World, (13), (242)
- United States Bessemer Steel, (165), (369) United States Production, (369), (397) Warsaw Tramway Lines, (13)
Railways, Rolling Stock:
- Automatic Couplings, M. Wittman’s System,
- Automatic Couplers, 73
- Baltimore and Ohio Railway, 10,000 Freight Cars for, (474)
- Bogies for the Elberfeld Suspension Railway, 30
- Box Cars, SOO, Ordered in America for Japan, (649)
- Brakes and Wind Pressures, 146
- Car Output from American Shops, 1904 and 1903, (13)
- Clark’s Motor Coach, 99
- Cleaning, (165)
- Corridor Trains on Scottish Railways, 365 Damage to, 501
- Denver and Rio Grande Railway, Open-top Observaiion Cars, (447)
- Electric Railway Coaches, 12
- Egyptian State Railways, High-capacity All- steel Bogie Wagons to be Supplied by the Leeds Forge Company, (447)
- Fire Engine Cars, Metropolitan Elevated, Chicago, (165)
- Elat Cars for Transport of Fire Apparatus from Minneapolis to St. Paul, (165)
- Gasoline Motor Railway Carriage for Light Freight and Passenger Traffic, Union Pacific Railway Shops, (549)
- Incandescent Gas Lighting for, E, C. Riley, 610 Italy, £8,000,000 Worth for, (032)
- Japan, American and British for, (433) Lighting, 143
- Mechanical Action of Wheel Block Car Brakes. 84
- Motor Cars for Tifiis Electric Tramway Company, (13)
- Railway Carriage, Alex. Clark, 99
- Steam, Mr. Jas. Man- son, Glasgow and South-WesterD,296 North-Western of India’s, (165)
- Ordinary Motor Cars Specially Wheeled Placed on the California Railway, (474)
- Russia, Demand for New, (600)
- Russian, Goods Wagons for Russian Railways, (218), (397)
- St. Louis Exhibition, 258, 284, 285, 311, 359 Saloon Coach, Rhodesian Railways, 85, 87 Self-propelled Railway Coaches, 345 Six-wheeled Bogie Electric Car, 360 South-Eastern and Chatham, New Rolling Stock, 528, 529
- Spur Wheels, Made in Segments, used by the Allgemeine Electricitiits Gesellschaft, Berlin, , (600)
- Steam Railway Car, Peebles Steam Car Company, 607
- Temperature of, Chicago Street Railway Cars, Test Train Fitted with Roller-bearing Axle- boxes, London, Brighton and South Coast. (68)
- Trucks and Carts Ordered for the East China Railway by the Russian Ministry, (549)
- United Kingdom, Passengers and Freight Cars and Passengers and Freight Carried, (369)
- United State?, Passenger and Freight Cars, and Passengers and Freight Carried, (369)
- United States, Returns of Cars Built in 1904. (317)
- Vacuum Plant for Car Cleaning, New Jersey Central, (165), (218)
- Vestibule Dining Car, Glasgow and South- Western, (242)
- Village Composed of Old Cable Cars. Pacific Railway Amusement Company’s, (191)
- Wagon for Coal Carrying, New Type cf, Caledonian Railway, (612)
- 30-Ton Self-discharging, Leeds Forge Company, Caledonian Railway System, 297
- High Capacity Coal, Great Western, 302 Ploughing Engine Transport, Leeds Forge Company, 658
Tramways, Electric and other, and Rolling Stock of the same:
- Aberdare, (26), (54)
- Argentine Republic, (497) Australian Systems, 200, (202)
- Belfast, (342) Birmingham, (151), (432), (585)
- Blackfriars Bridge, Widening of, for Tramcars, (625)
- Board of Trade’s New Regulations, 161 Bournemouth, (625)
- Canada, (13)
- Chester, (317), (414)
- Chicago, Municipalisation of, Glasgow’s Assistance Asked, (385), 444
- Competition, Railways and, 141 Cricklewood and Edgware, 86
- Croydon, (397)
- Contractors, Liabilities of, 194
- Dundee, Life of Axles and Wheels of the Tramcars, (91)
- Future of, 501
- Halifax, (474) Ilkeston, (342) Japan,(576)
- Leeds City, Motor Omnibus Service, 116
- Leeds, Revenue, Expenditure, and Car Mileage Run, (474)
- Liverpool, Annual Report, (342)
- Liverpool, Last Year’s Traffic, (91) London County Council, (676)
- to Purchase the Unexpired Term of the Lease of the North Metropolitan Tramway Company, (497) Traffic on, (523) Developments Projected, 476
- London,628
- North Metropolitan, (497) United, Traffic on, (242), 345 ; Extensions, (317), (342)
- Manchester, Parcels Carrying Scheme, (342) Motor Omnibuses /’. Tramways, 168; as Feeders to, (242)
- Municipal Tramways Conference Oppose the North-Eastern Railway Company’s Proposed Running of Motor Railway Omnibuses, (549)
- New South Wales, (13), (268)
- New York Transit Commission, Subways and Moving Platforms, (242)
- Opposition to Tramway Schemes (from Legal Contributor), 22
- Orange River Colony, (523)
- Overhead Equipment Materials, Mr. H. M, Sayers on, 67
- Paris, 95
- Paris Tram and Omnibus Services, Re-organisation Advisable, (523)
- Petrol Tramcars, 118
- Radcliffe, (649)
- Rangoon, (218) Rotterdam, (625)
- Russia, Tiflis, Rolling Stock from Abroad for, (13)
- St. Petersburg, (523)
- Sunderland Corporation, Appeals against New Assessment of, (139)
- Sunderland and Houghton-le-Spring, New Service, (625)
- Swansea, (278) Walthamstow, (576)
- Warsaw, Permanent Way, (13) Wednesbury, Darlaston, (576)
- Wheel Block Car Brakes, 146 Wolverhampton, 73, 177
- Yarmouth, (68), (218)
- RAINDROPS, Size of, (576)
- Rainfall in New York and other Cities, Average Annual, (576)
- Ramie Fibre, Prepiration of, (625)
- Rateau Steam Accumulators in Use, (41)
- Rating of Machinery, 414, 426
- Reading College, Increased Grant to, (276)
- Reddaway and Co., Limited, J., Lancashire Patent Belting and Hose Company’s Business Bought by, (279)
- Refrigerated Meat Imported into the United Kingdom, (116)
- Refrigerating Machinery, St. Louis Exhibition, 2 Refuse Destruction and Steam Production, 89 Destructor, Bromley, Kent, 214
- First Erected, (576) York, Mr. A. Creer’s Report on,(369)
- Reservoir in the Sihl Valley, 657
- Rifle, The New Short, 143
- Roads by Military Traffic near Aldershot, Damage to, (116), (139)
- Roadway for Vehicles, A Rolling, Cleveland, Ohio, 458
- Rock Borer, The Brandt Hydraulic, 188. 189 Roman Kiln Discovered at Worcester, (165) Roumanian Forests Saved by Use of Petroleum Residues as Fuel, (116)
Royal Agricultural Society;
- Dates of the Show, Retention of Park Royal Recommended by the Council, 45, (586)
- Motor Roller, Barford and Perkins’, 646 Opening, 644
- Opinion in the Midlands as to the Management of the Society’s Affairs, (658)
- Prize Sheet, (197)
- Show at Park Royal, Implements Entered for Silver Medals, (603), (600), 644
- ROYAL College of Science and Royal School of Mines, South Kensington, 52
- Royal Commission on Coal Supply, 112, 138
Royal Institution :
- Annual Meeting and Report, (452)
- Flame, Sir Jas. Dewar on, (600)
- General Meetings, Election of Members, (145), (236)
- Monthly Meetings, (338), (480), (686)
- Lectures by Sir 0. Lodge and Mr. T. G. Jack- son, Forthcoming, (112)
- Lectures after Easter, (377), (605), (548) Vibration Problems in Engineering, Professor Dalby, 297, 313
Royal Meteopological Society;
- Balloon Ascent at Berlin, Observations of Meteorological Elements Made during a, Dr. H. Elias and Mr. J, H. Field, (186)
- Exhibition of Meteorological Instruments, (102), (248)
- Measurement of Evaporation, Mr. R. Strachan. 532
- Normal Electrical Phenomena of the Atmosphere, Mr. G. C. Simpson, 654
- Observations of Crinan in 1904, and Description of a new Meteorograph for Use with Kites, Mr. W. H. Dines, 429
- Phenological Observations for 1904, Mr. E. Mawley, (186)
- Winds of East London, Cape Colony, Mr. J. R. Sutton, (186)
- ROYAL Naval College, Greenwich, Office of President to be Abolished, (166)
- Royal Philosophical Society, Glasgow: Electric Signalling during the Nineteenth Century, Development io, Professor Maguus McLean, 63
- Experimental Work at Low Temperature, Mr. H. S. Allen, 345
Royal Sanitary Institute :
- Henry Saxon Snell Priz^, The, (55) Royal School of Mines, (91), (101)
- Royal Scottish Society of Apts :
- Seventh Meeting, Papers to be Read, (191)
Royal Society:
- Conversaz'ones, 493, 654
- Royal Society of Edinbupg'h : Gunning Prize Presented by Sir .lames Dewar to the, (91)
- ROYAL Visit to Sheffield, (536)
- Rubber Film for Protection of Hands, (397) Para, The Trees Producing it, (91) World’s Annual Consumption of, (91), (291)
- Russian Immigrants to America, 1903, 1905, (397) Ministry of Ways of Communication to be Re-organised, (5.58)
- Students at Munich, (587)
- ST. MARK’S Campanile, Venice, Rebuilding of,
- Samuelson, Sir Bernard, 471
- Sandycroft Foundry, The, 440, 441, 442, 472, 473
- Sanitary Engineering in 1904, 4
- Sanitary Inspectors, Mysore Governments Seheme , for Training, (523)
- Scarborough Marine Drive and Sea Wall
- Damaged by Gale and Tidal Wave, (68), (397) Scott, Mr. Robert Sinclair, 222
- Screw Gauges, 71
- The Most Perfect ever Constructed, (309) Triple Twin, 648
- Sea Wall, Hodbarrow, 373
- Sellers, Mr. William, (187)
- Senegal, Irrigation Scheme for, (41)
- Senegal, The Re-afforesting of, (38) Sewerage, Baltimore, (625)
- Bolton. (41), (139)
- Boxton, (13) Carlisle, (424) Caversham, (268) Chemical Treatment of, Mr. A. II.
- Morton on, 164
- Chester, 302, 338
- of Douglas, Isle of Man, E. H. Stevenson and E. K. Borstal on, (95)
- Epsom, Motherwell, (600) Karachi, Shone System of, J. F.
- Brunton on, (95)
- Oban, (13)
- Paris, 95
- Petersburg, System Postponed for Lack of Funds, (626)
- Swansea, (41)
- Engineer for Leeds, (342) Purification of, French Delegation to
- Gain Information respecting, (447) Sludge, Treatment of, Dr. J. Grossman
- on, 465 Testing, 49 to be Diverted to the Hudson R-ver,
- (625)
- Sewing Machines, China, (523)
- Shade Lines, 479, 597
- Shaft, Double-throw Crank, The Largest in the World, Forged at Bethlehem, Pa., (397) Sheffield, Royal Visit to, (536) Sheffield, University for, (166), (424), (474) Shiloah Tunnel, A Parallel to the Simplon, 283 Shingle from the Seashore, Removal of, Inquiry
- Held by Captain Frederick, 248
Shipping Accidents, British and Foreign:
- A 5 Disaster, The, 198
- A 8, 684, 601, 624. 627
- French Cruisers Sully and L^^n Gambstta, 313, 348
- Japanese, Asahi, 95, 171
- Hatsuse, 95, 171 Yashima, 95, 171, 584
- Six “Battleships or Cruisers” Claimed by the Russians, 171 Magnificent, Explosion on, 612
- Prince George Rammed at Gibraltar, 348 “Royal Ships” Always Unlucky, 348 Russian Baltic Fleet, Destruction of, 553 Russian, Bayan, 584
- Submarine A 8, 584, 601, 624, 627
- United States, Iowa, (497)
- United States, Submarine, Explosion on, (139)
Admiralty News:
- Admiralty Course of Study for Training Naval Architects, Mr. E. L, Attwood, 439
- Age Limit to be Strictly Enforced at Portsmouth Dockyard, (13)
- Armament of Ships of the Niobe Class, (424)
- Coaling Experiments in Southampton Water, (240)
- Corticene to be Replaced by Tarred Canvas. (191)
- Female Tracers in the Drawing-offices, Chatham and Sheerness, (218)
- Portsmouth, Depot for Scoring Gasoline and Oil Fuel, (191)
- Tarred Canvas to be Tried for Covering Decks of Torpedo-boat Destroyers, (191)
- Tenders Invited for Files and Rasps, (203) United States Battleship Maine, Raising' of, (116)
Shipbuilding, British, Naval and Mercantile :
- Belfast, 532
- Blair and Co., Limited, Twin-screw Hopper Barge. (611)
- Cardiff Ship-repairing Trouble, The, 578
- Clyde, Annual Statistics, (91) ; Remarkable Boom in, (91); March Output, (353)
- Clyde-built Liner for Germany, 346
- Clyde-built Thames Passenger Steamers, 663 Clyde, A Quarter’s, 345
- January Orders, (126), 143, (152) and Naval Work, The, 32 Shipbuilders, Vc.saels Launched, May, 562
- Clydebank, Development of, Mr. D. McGee on, (268)
- English, in February, 1905, March, April, May, (242). (397), (474), (625)
- Ferry Boats, Two, Ordered by the Wallasey Town Council, (268)
- Hollow Y, Straight Lines, Model Experiments on, Mr. R. E. Frcude, 391
- Irvine Shipbuilding Company, Four Steamers for Hamburg, (611)
- Lloyd’s Register Returns, March Slst, 1905, 424
- Lloyd’s Register Returns at Close of Quarter, 1901 and 1903, (13)
- Marine Designs, Margins and Factors of Safety and their Influence on, Mr. A. Seaton, 418, 602
- Mechanism of a Modern Man-of-War, Mr. C. A. Smith on the, 67
- Model Experiments in Deep and Shallow Water, Some Results of, Herr S. Popper, 418
- Navy Estimates, 1905-1906, 239, 243
- Navy, Lord Brassey on, 287
- North-East Coast, 1904, (25); Orders Booked .since Christmas, (53), (77), (101), (203), (228), (303)
- Progress of British Shipbuilding, 71
- Progress of Warships and Machinery Building in England, 62
- Propellers, Bronze, for Austria, (268)
- Propellers, Screw—see Screw Propellers
- Protection cf Ships Against Corrosion, Holzapfel’s Lagoline for, (473)
- Rolling of Ships, Effect of Motion Ahead on the, Mr. A, W. Johns, 418
- Scotch, February, 1905, March, April, May, (242). (397), (460), (474), (625)
- Screw Propeller, A. H. Avery, 455
- J. Batey, 479, 505, 531, 596 E. Claudio, 377, 429, 479 Ecgineer, 265 Filter, 597
- C. K. H., 531 Invented and Adopted in the Navy, 397
- J. L. Napier, 265, 347
- R. M. Neilson, 265, 287, 377 Propitch, 247
- A. K, 287, 347
- P. M. Staunton, 429, 455, 505 Superintendent Engineer, 405, 455, 505, 531, 575, 655
- P. M. S., 347
- T. M. S., 429
- R. de Villamil, 207, 231, 265, 294, 377, 429, 505, 557, 632
- Rob. Wilcox, 287
- Shafting of Marine Engines, Notes on Variation of Angular Velocity in the, John H. Heck, 418
- Ship Plate Combination, A, 208
- Ship Resistance, Effect of Acceleration on, C. E. Stromeyer, 393
- Ships, Influence of Proportion and Form of, upon their Longitudinal Bending Moment among Waves, Mr. Alexander, 391
- Steamship Progress, 29
- Strength of Ships, Prof. Biles on the, 391 Structural Arrangements in Ships, Some Experiments on, Dr. Bruhn, 391
- Turbine Steamer?, Fast Quadruple Screw, for the Cunard Company, (479)
- Tyneside Shipbuilders, Steam Trawlers, (611) Vibration in Certain Classes of Steamships,
- Method of Preventing, Mr. A. Mallock, 419, (479)
- Vibration in Twin-screw Steamers, Preventing, Jas. Maxton, 479
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Large New Shipbuilding Berth, (459)
- Warship Building, Cost of, 71 and Machinery Building in England,
- Progress of, 643 under Construction in the United ?Kingdon, April, 1905, (424)
- Shipbuilding*: Foreign, Naval and Mercantile:
- French Naval Programme, A New, 214 French Naval Constructions, 283
- German, 499, 654
- at Geestemuude, The Largest Sailing - Ship in the World, (424)
- Shipyards, Mr, C. S. Douglas on, 226 Ship Plate Combination, 208
- Japan’s Hospital for Ships, 632, 648 Motor Boats at Monaco, 396
- Nova Scotia, Halifax, Steel Shipbuilding Plant. (116)
- Russian, 654
- Spanish, 654 Steamship Progress, 29
- United States Bulkhead Doors Closing by Electricity, 323
- December Returns, 1904, (13) May, (625)
- Naval Constructors, Pay of, (268)?
- Naval Shipbuilding Procedure in, 170
- Tonnage Built in January, (68)
- Shipping* News, British, Various, and Naval Matters:
- Allen Steamship Company and Canada, Contract between, for Steamship Service between Canadian and French Ports, (317)
- Australia, Fall of Grain Rates, (218) Battle of the Boilers, (116)
- Canadian Steamboat Inspectors’ Regulations. (165)
- Contract Speeds, 418, 602 Dogger Bank Affair, (268)
- Gem ” Class, Excellent Sea Boats, 348 General Steam Navigation Company, Questioned Suitability of Turbine Boats for their Trade, (369)
- Home Fleet Speed Trial, 348
- Kyles of Bute, Dumping of Withdrawn Warships in, (204)
- Launching Gear for Ships’ Boats, Capt. Spalding, 52
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 322 Log of an Early Steamship, 267
- London County Council’s Thames Steamboat Service Delayed, (342)
- Modern Warships, Sir William White on, 190 Naval Cadets at Osborne and Dartmouth Colleges, Instructions as to Training, (204)
- Naval Expenditure of England, France, Russia, and Germany during Past Ten Years, (165),
- Navies of the World, Parliamentary Return, (406)
- Obsolete Ships Sold by Auction at Chatham Dockyard, (342)
- Obsolete Warships to be Moored at Motherbank Pending Sale, (13)
- Oil Motors with Paraffin Introduced into the Navy, 22
- Passing of the Sailing Ship, The, (148) Propeller Blades Fitted on the High Seas on the Steamer Matoppo, (365), (410)
- Propeller, Patented by R. S. Crawford, (600) Propeller Shaft, Repairing a (at Sea), 375 “ Return ” of Fleets, Annual, 401
- Sea Bunk, A New, Mr. W. Whitehouse, (429) Speed Trials on the Clyde, 273
- Steamboat? Who Invented the, (121) Steam Vessels, Trials, Note on, R. Mansel,347 Stokers, Training of. Uniform System Considered, (91)
- Submarine Signalling by Means of Sound, Mr. J. B. Millett on, 440
- Thames Conservancy Board’s Meeting, Number and Net Registered Tonnage of Vessels and Dues Paid, 1885 to 1904, (369)
- Tonnage Entered and Cleared at Ports in the United Kingdom, 1904 and 1903, (68), (165)
- Torpedo Instruction School for Chatham Naval Division, (369)
- Yards upon the Aftermast to be Abolished, 295
Shipping News, Foreign, Various, and Naval Matters:
- American Atlantic Fleet, Deserters from, (369) American Shipping Subsidies, 43
- Baltic Fleet, Destraction of, 563
- Baltic Fleet, Some Vessels of, {Supplement. January 1905), 64, 65, 82
- Brazilian Ports, High Charges per Ton at, (184) French Algerian Defence, 295
- French Naval Constructions, 283
- French Naval Programme, 525
- German Fleet, Its Constitution for the Manoeuvres, 654
- German Shipping Undertakings, 333
- Italian Naval Programme, 365
- Japanese Navy Department, Fuel Briquette Factory,(424)
- Motor Boat Race, Algiers-Toulon, (342), (366), (397)
- Motor Boat Service, Brittany, (41)
- Naval Manoeuvres to be Resumed, French, (191) Register of the “German-Lloyd” for 1906, (242) Russian Council of Mercantile Shipping, Three Harbours of Refuge, Gulf of Finland and Baltic Sea, (204)
- Russian Line of Steamers, Projected, for Export of Russian Timber and Import of Cotton, (523)
- Standard Oil Company, Unprecedented Experiment in Ocean Towage. (268)
- Submarine Signal Bell, Weser Lightship, Experiments with, (600)
- United States, Engineer Officers Object to being Placed on the Proposed “ Reserve List,” (91)
- Floating Target of Novel Construction Launched,(424)
- Naval Constructors, Pay of, (268)
- Navy, Expense of Maintaining in Commission One Ship of each of the Classes in, 308 Navy and the Press, (574) Venice, British Steamers and Tonnage Entering the Port of, (447)
Ships: Battleships, British:
- Antrim, Novel Functions Attending the Commissioning of, (165)
- Commonwealth, 273
- Dominion, (497)
- Empress of India, (198)
- Hannibal, (198)
- Illustrious, 145
- King Edward VII., (116)
- London, 295
- Lord Nelson, (635) Magni6ceut, 145, 612
- New Guns to be Carried by, 37
- New, Turbine Machinery for the, Tenders Invited, (623)
- Prince George, (198)
- Swiftsure, (342), 348 Triumph, (342), 348 Victorious, (68)
Ships: Battleships, Foreign:
- Austrian, Erzherzog Ferdinand Max, 401, (600) ’ ’ Brazil, Six for, (317)
- French, Liberte, 530 German, Elsass, 401, 446 Gorman, J’reussen, 654
- Italian, Regina Margherita (Suynhmeui, January 1905), 10, 11
- Japanese,’ Katori, Vickers, Sons and Maxim, (203), (611), (659)
- Kasbima, {Supplement^ March 2Uh 1905), 174, 288, 292, (295). 322
- Mikasa, 37, 271 Takasago, 145, 171
- Russian, Alexander IL, 171 Navarin, 64 The New, 171 Nikolai L, 171 Orel, 148
- Osliabia {Supplement. Januarv ‘l^th, 1905)
- Peresviet, 246 Retvigan, 145
- Sigsoi - Veliky {Supplement^ January '2Qth\ 1905
- Tsarevitch, 146
- Turkish, Abdul Hamid, 226 United States, Carolina, (625) Cuniberti’s, Two, 271 Indiana, 446 Maine, (116)
- Maryland, 401
- Michigan, (625) New Hampshire, Tenders for,(13),(91)
- Two New, (116)
Ships: Cruisers, British:
- Achilles, 626, 629
- Amethyst, The Largest Turbine Cruiser, (191), 226
- Antrim, 273
- Armoured, 105
- Arrogant, 473
- Boadicea, Purchased by Messrs. T. W.
- Ward and Co., (126)
- Carnarvon, (268), 273
- Cochrane, 545
- Drake, 37
- Gladiator, 271
- Grafton, 295
- Minotaur, 22, (384)
- Minotaurs, The Four Improved, 446, 654 Monmouth, 612
- Roxburgh, 273 Shannon, 22
Ships: Cruisers, Foreign:
- Armoured, 105
- Brazil, Three for, (317)
- French, Leon Gambetta, (313), 401 Jules Michelet, (317) Ernest Renan, 216, 217 Sully, (313), 348
- German, 171
- German, N. Leipsic, 446
- Italian, 171
- Amalh, 664 St. Marco, 654 Pisa, 664
- Spanisb,
- Spanish, sioned for Service by the United States Navy Department, (549)
- United States, Bidfor 14,000-TonCruiser, Equipped with Turbines, (191)
- Birmingham, Chester, Salem, (474)
- North Carolina, Tenders for. (13), (91)
- Milwaukee, Novel Test, (218)
- Montana, Tenders for, (13), (91)
- Vesuvius, (291), (625) “Scout ” Cruisers, British and American Turbines to be Installed in, (424)
Ships: Torpedo Craft, Destroyers, Gunboats, Scouts, Submarines. British:
- Scouts, 260 The Sentinel’s Speed Trials, (116) Skirmisher, 240
- Submarines, A and B Class, A^ickers, Sons and Maxim, 598, 599 of A Type, Two, Launched at Barrow, (253), (409) of B Type Launched, Messrs. Vickers, Sot sand Maxim, (91), (409)
- The Salvage of, Stephen H. Terry on, 648
- Boats, C. Scott Snell, 648 Boats, Important Development in the Use of, under Consideration, (165) Destroyers, New Experimental, 654 Dee, 473 Erne, 473 Garry, 497
- Torpedo-boat Destroyer Chamois, Raising of, (116)
- Covering of Decks with Tarred Canvas instead of Cor- ticene, (191) Development of, Mr. W. J. Harding on, 302, 273
- • Gala, (41), 401
- Garry, Trials of, (460) Rennet, (152) to Steam 36 knots an Hour, Tenders Asked by the Admiralty for, (600) Twin-screw, H. M. S. Chelmer’s Action Trials, (369)
- Torpedo Launch, 40ft. Petrol, Thornycroft’s, 196, (408)
- Boat Destroyer Liffey, 273 Foreign:
- Austrian Torpedo-boat Destroy er Hu • zar, Yarrow and Co., 630
- Austro-Hungarian Torpedo Boat Kaiman, Yarrow and Co., (573)
- Brazil, Torpedo-boat Destroyer and Submarine for, (317)
- French Scout Torpedo Boat Libellule, (268)
- Submarine Aigrette and Submarine Z, Tests with, 295, (342), (474), (497) Korrigan, (116) Morse, Francis, and Algerian, Diving at a Speed of 8 5 Knots, (165) and Submersibles, (660)
- German Torpedo Destroyers, Decks Covered with Tarred Canvas, (191)
- Germania Yards to Build a Division of Sea-going Torpedo Boats, (600)
- Japanese-built Destroyers, 171 Japanese Torpedo-boat Destroyer Sasa- nami, Yarrow and Co., 631 •
- Russian Scouts, 260
- Swedish Torpedo Boat Plejad, 654 United States, Four New Submarines. (139)
- United States Submarine, Explosion on. (189)
Ships: Mercantile, Passenger, and Various. British:
- Allan Liner Victorian, Turbine, 273, 295. (317) .
- Caledonia and Columbia to be Fitted with Marconi Apparatus, (139), 278 Antarct’c Exploration Vessel Discovery, Mr. W. E. Smith on, 365
- Australian Ferry Steamer, the Kulgoa, Mr. W. M. Ford, (202)
- Cunard Liner Turbine Carmania, 221 Caronia, The New, 97, 144, 184
- Fast Quadruple-screw Turbine Steamers, (479) Dredger for Durban Harbour, The Cetus, 605
- Fire Launch for Manchester Ship Canal, 145
- Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Turbine Steamer Vikings, 632
- Lifeboat, Self-righting, for Southport, (218)
- London County Council Steamer Vanbrugh, 532
- Motor Boats—see- Motor Vehicles and Boats
- Motor Boat Speeds, 244
- Peninsula and Oriental Steamship Company’s Line of Vessels from Grimsbv, (191)
- Petrol Motor Boat, New, 245
- Shallow Draught Steamer, Narparma, Sir John T. Thornycroft and Co., Limited, 252, 408
- Thames Passenger Steamers, Clyde-built, 653
- Thames Steamboat Service, Inauguration of, (523), 628
- Training Ship Exmonth, for the Thames, Wooden Built, (409), (610)
- Tramp Steamers and Turbine Engine8,143 Troopship Dofferin, The, Vickers, Sons and Maxim, 520, 521, 553
- Turbine Passenger Steamer Viking, Messrs SirW. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Co., 248 Steamers Onward and Invicta, William Denny and Bros., 271, (447)
- Yacht, Triple-screw, Albion, (342)
- Wilson Company’s Line of Steamers from Grimsby to Christiania, (191)
- Yarrow Napier Express Boat, 245
Ships: Mercantile, Passenger, and Various, Foreign:
- Belgian Naval Training Ship, (174) Belgian, Princesse Elisabeth, Turbine Passenger Steamer, (342)
- Dover and Ostend Mail Service, Turbine Steamer, Princesse Elisabeth (342)
- French, La Provence for the Compagnie Generale Martique, (397)
- French Motor Boat Mercedes IV,, (268) German Coast Defence Ship ^gir, 401 German, Largest Sailing Ship in the World, the Rickmers, (424)
- Germany, Hamburg-American Line, A Clyde-built Liner for, 346
- Ghent and Dublin and Belfast, Steamship Service between, (291)
- Motor Yacht, Gasoline, New Jersey, 4 Norwegian, s.s. Chr. Knudson, (586) Russian Volunteer Fleet, Mr, H, Rowell on, 365
- SIGNA.LLING, Submarine, by Means of Sound, Mr. J. B. Millett, 440
- Silencers, Efficiency of, 597 Silicon in a Geissler Tube, Volatility of, (424) Silicon Hydride Equals Oxygen in Weight, (424) Silk-spinning Machinery, Mr. R. W, Crabtree on, 124
- Simon, M. Edouard, (624)
- Simplon Tunnel, No. 1, 213 Sky-scraper House of Worship, New York, (560) Slag, Basic, Mr. W. A, Cox on its Value to Agriculturists, (77)
- Slaney, Mr. H. W., (313)
- Sleeping Sickness, The 444
- Slide Valve Leakage, (285, 298, 337), 343 Small Arms, The New Short Rifle, 143 Smoke Abatement, (612)
- Consumption, 99 Prevention, 44, 73, 118, 146, 176
Society, Aeronautical:
- Prize Offered by the President for Flying Machine, (291)
Society of Arts:
- Amalgamation of the London Institution with, 373
- Cape to Cairo Railway, Sir C. Metcalf on the, (497)
- Internal Combustion Engines, Mr. Dugald Clerk on, 164, 197, 217, 245
- May Meetings, 1905, (443)
- Resolution Passed by the Council, May 8 th Meeting, (505)
Society, Birmingham Metallurgical: Core-miking. Principles and Practice of, Mr. R. Buchanan, (76)
Society of Civil Engineers of France: Impact Testing, M. G. Charpy, 249
Society of Chemical Industry at Derby:
- Effect of Sulphur on Silicious Pig Iron, Mr. G, J. Ward and Mr. J. H, Longden, 275
Society of Chemical Industry, Manchester Section of:
- Sewage Sludge, Recovery of Products of Commercial Value from, Dr, J. Grossman on, 465
Society, Civil and Mechanical Engineers:
- Visit to the South-Western Company’s Works, Nine Elms, (574)
Society, Crystal Palace Engineering; Wilson Premium Awards, (404)
Society of Engineers:
- Date of Next Meeting, March 6th, Paper on Transport Possibilities of our Inland Navigation Waterways to be read by Mr. Thwaite, (215)
- First Ordinary Meeting, Introduction of the New President, Mr, N. Jas. West, (126), 148
- Rolling Steck of the United States and Great Britain, Mr. W, P. Digby, (369)
- Visits, (654)
Society of Engineering’ and Metallurgy, Sheffield :
- Biennial Dinner, (278)
- Mechanical Properties of Steel, Prof. J, 0. Arnold, (227)
- Life of Axles and Wheels used for Electric Tramoars, Mr. J. S. Shepherd, (91)
Society, Glasgow Technical College, Scientific:
- Elettiical Drive of Large Reversing
- Working Intermittently, Mr. George, (102)
Society, Glasgow University Engineering:
- Albion Motor Cars, Some Details of, Mr. T. Blackwood Murray, 147
- Annual Visit to Newcastle, Programme, 236 Arrangenaents for Visits and Meetings, (62)
- Commercial Efficiency of Prime Movers, Mr.
- A. Marshall Downie, 147, 415
- German Shipyards, Mr. C. S. Douglas, 226 Lectures Postponed, (176)
Society, Leeds University Engineering :
- Acetylene Gas, Mr. A. C. Ward, 290
- Kteel, High-speed Tool, and the Lathes for its
- Use, Dr, J. T. Nicolson, 169
Society, Liverpool University Engineering:
- Annual Meeting, (396)
- Engines, Internal Combustion, Pref, Burstall. 290
- Harbour Engineering, Evolution of, Mr. A. F. Fowler, (396)
Society, Manchester Literary and Philosophical:
- Inaugural Address of President, Sir W. H. Bailey, 446
Society of Mechanical Engineers, American:
- Concrete and “Re-inforced Concrete.” The Committee on, (139) ,
- Indicating Steam Meter, New, Mr. C. E. Sir- gent, (122)
- Influence of the Connecting Rod upon Engine Forces, Mr. S. A. Moss, (280)
- Refinements of Mechanical Science, Some, Ambrose Swasey, 583
Society, A New Electric Engineering— see Society of Post-office Engineers
- Society of Post-office Engineers: Formation and Organisation, and Election of
- Officers, (396)
Society, Physical:
- Action of a Magnetic Field on the Discharge through a Gas, Dr. R. S. Willows, (139)
- Action of Radium on the Magnetic Spark, Dr.
- R. S. Willows and Mr. J. Peck, 152 Meetings, (532), (553)
Society, Rontgen:
- Points in Construction of High Frequency Machine, Dr. A. Clarence Wright, (91)
- X-ray Diaphragm Compressor, Dr. Thurston Holland’s, (91)
Society, Royal Agricultural— see Royal Society, Rugby Engineering:
- Visit to Power Station, Chelsea, (421), (553)
Society, Wolverhampton District and Engineering:
- Pumping Machinery, Mr. E. C. R. Marks, 323
SOLAR Corona. Weight of the Mass of the, (369)
- Heat, Refiseted, Use of, (638) Observatory, Mr. Wilson, California, (165)
- Soldering, Non-corrosive Flux for, (549)
- Spanish America, Senor F. de Arieaga’s Lectures on,(303)
- Sparkbrook Small Arms Factory, Closing of. 195
- (203), 221, (303) ’ ’
- “Speaking Postcards,” (165)
- Specialisation in Manufacture, Mr. A. E. Outerbridge on, 142
- Specifications for Boiler Plates, 270
- Spectacles for Motor Car Drivers. Dr. Mirovitch (600)
- Spence, Mr. Henry Grant, 271
- Spencer, Mr. Charles, (584)
- Spencer, Mr. John, 446
- Spinning Mills under Erection in this Country, to Use Egyptian Cotton, (91)
- Standardisation of Trade Catalogues, 372 Standard Sections, 98
- Steam v. Compressed Air for Forge Hammers (265), 325
- - Dryness of, at Atmospheric Pressure, How to Determine, (447)
- - Generation of, from a Cubical Metal Box (187)
- - for Heating Houses in Detroit, Cost of. (342)
- - Influence of, on the Reduction of the Oxides of Iron by Carbon Monoxide and Dioxide, (68)
- - Jackets, 401
- - Leakage, 285, 294, 298, 337, 343
- - Meter, New Indicating, 122
- - Moisture in Saturated, Method of Determining, (447)
- - Pipe Covering, Asbestos, 119
- - Coverings, Experiments on Efficiency of, (576)
- - Production, Cheap, 12, 49
- - Specific Heat of Superheated, 41, 105,135
- - Superheated, Drop in Temperature of. (424), (649)
- - Mean Value of the Specific Heat of, (584)
- - Pipes for Superheated, (217)
- - in Superheated Tubes, Speed of, in
- - Present German Practice, (68)
- - Trap, Expansion, Mr. W. A. Granger, 72
- and the American Tariff, 70
- Annealing of High-speed, (41)
- Basic Process in an Ordinary Siemens Furnace Working the, Mr. Surzycki, 491
- Bertrand-Thiel Process in Manufacture of Mr
- J. H. Darby and Mr. Geo. Hatton on, 491
- Bessemer, American Production of, 374 ; Process Invented in 1856, (397)
- Bessemer Works, Shareholders’ Annual Meeting, (161)
- Castings, 265
- of given Carbon, Elongation and Tensile Strength of, (649) of Various Sizes—How Made, (116) Electro-Production of Iron and, 212 Electric Resistance of, 603
- Exports, International Iron and, 117 Framing of a Large Bakery, Birmingham, F. W. Suffield, 52 i
- German Steel Works Syndicate, (433), (576) High-speed Tools, and the Lathes for its Use, | Dr. J. T. Nicolson on, 169
- High-speed, Tools of, Tests of, 200 j
- Maryland Steel Company’s Works, (278)
- Metals Used in Alloying with, (41) Molybdenum, (41)
- Open-hearth, Introduced 1876, (397) Open-hearth, Record Output Held by a Talbot Furnace, (218)
- Plant at Wakamatsu, Japanese, Tons of Rails Produced Last Year, (600)
- Spain, Basic Process of Producing Steel not yet Introduced in, (447)
- Standards, Nickel, 460
- Sparrow Point Steel Works, (278)
- Spring, 142 Trust, The, 119
- Trust, The German, Its First Year, 385
- United States, Production of Open-hearth, 1904, (317)
- “Unor,” New Brand of, (483)
- Vanadium, 99, 147
- Vanadium and Vanadium Steel, 665, 632 Works, Buffalo, 33
- Cargo Fleet [SvppJemf'nt, May V2th. 1905), 465, 488, 498
- Electric Power in {Supplement. April 1905). 416
- Homestead, Free Trip to Europe given to Mr. R. H. Steven.®, (600)
- Illinois, 64
- STRATFORD, Mr. Henry, (222)
- Streets, Reinstatement of, 477
- Stringer, Mr. John, (507)
- Stringer Type Composing and Casting Machine, 606
- Subways in London, Mileage of, (447)
- Suction Gas Producers, 308, 360, 420, 456, 518, 557, 692, 597, 632
- Sulphur in Coke and in the Blast Furnace, 515 Sulphur, Its Effect on Silicious Pig Iron, G. J. Ward and A. H. Longden, 275
- Sulphur, “99 per Cent. Pure,” (165) Suu Motor, The, (13)
- Sun’s Radiating Surface, Probable Value of Effective Temperature of, (268)
- Superheaters, The Cast Iron Used in Manufacture of, (41)
- Baltic Fleet, Some Typical Vessels, January 20fch, 1905 ;
- Cargo Fleet Ironworks, Furnaces and Coke Ovens, May 12th, 1905 ,
- Electrical Machinery for Sbeel Works, Compagnie Internationale d’Electricite, Liege, April 28tb, 1905
- Engine, 500 Brake Horse-power Tandem Double-acting Gas, Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., April 7th, 1905 4000 Horse-power Reversing Rolling ' Mill, L. Lang, February 3rd, 1905 10,000 Horse-power Reversing Rolling Mill, Li^ge Exhibition, Soci^t^ Anonyme John Cockerill, June 16th, 1905
- Horizontal Compound Corliss Mill, Messrs. John and Edw, Wood, March 3rd, 1905
- Some Modern Gas, June 23rd, 1905
- Italian Battleship Regina Margherita, January 6th, 1905
- Japanese Battleship Kashima, Sir W. G. Arm- March
- TABLE Knives Lose their Hardness by Washing in Hot Water, What this Shows, (600)
- Tanks, Experimental Model Marine Testing, (649) Target, Floating, New York Harbour, (497) Taxation of Machinery, 302, 338
- Algiers and Timbuctoo, across the Sahara, (497) Copper Telegraph Line, Calcutta and Simla, (191)
- Exhibit at St. Louis Exhibition, 235
- Marconi, (139), (497), (649)
- Length of Electric Waves used by, (317)
- Patent, De Forest Infringement of. Decision of the United States
- Court, (424) ,
- Murray Printing Telegraph, The, 190
- Overhead and Underground, Comparative Expense of, (291) ;
- Paravano Radiotelegraph, The New, (342)
- Printing Telegraph, A, 190 |
- Rusting and Breaking of Wire Cables, (139) i Wireless, between Diamond Island and the Andamans, (191), (268) i
- between New Orleans and Panama Isthmus (497),
- Chicago and Alton Railway Company’s Trains, (625) ?
- Goodwin Sands, Lightships, and
- Dover, (291) . i
- Marconi, Argyll, (497) |
- on the St. Lawrence, Canada, (139) for Lightships, (649) on Six Lightships, (497)
- Red Sea and Suez Canal, (191) j
- Rhodes and Dorna, (68)
- Senegal, (291)
- Stations, Oueasant and Porquerolles, : (342) !
- Stations in the United' Kingdom, (68) United States Navy Department, (447), (649)
- Austria, Line Fitted with the Papin Coils, (576) England and France, Three New Lines t between, (191)
- Exhibit at St. Inuis Exhibition, 235 i
- Glasgow, Call-wire System abandoned, (139) I Hull, (474)
- Johannesburg, Underground Wires to Replace Overhead, (91), (291)
- Largest Plant on any Vessel, (317)
- Overhead Wires to be Replaced by Underground at Johannesburg, (91), (291)
- St. Petersburg and Helsingfors, (497) ; All the Towns of European Russia, (549)
- Siberian and Trans-Baikal Railway, (116) Submarine Signal Bell Connected with the Weser Lightship Heard through Telephone Receivers on Board the Kaiser Wiltelm IL, (600)
- United States, Number of Separate Companies in, (600)
- TELESCOPE for the Uccle-lez-Bruxelles Observatory, (317)
- Telescope for Theodolites, Auxiliary, 188 Temperature, Mean, at Greenwich for 1904, (600) Temperatures, Production of very Low, 540, 566, 590
- Terms of Payment, 276, 287
- Textile Machinery Exports, 1904, Great Britain, Germany, India, Russia, United States, and France, (68)
- Thames Conservancy, The, 599—.see also Harbours and Waterways
- Thames Tunnel at Woolwich, Proposed, 579 Theodolites, Auxiliary Telescope, 188 Theory v. Practice in the “ Closed Shop,” 67 Thermal Values now Used, (41)
- Thermometer, Metallic, Fitted with Clockwork for Registering, (268)
- Thorianite, The New Mineral, (116)
- Threshing Machines, British, Demand for in Adana, (576)
- Tidal Power Schemes, 29,57, 73, (99), 121,176
- Timber, Its Strength and How to Test it, 51 Timber Supplies of the United States, Experiments for Better Utilisation and Preservation of, (549)
- Tin-plate Export, Welsh, (242)
- Tipton District, Surface Works, (458)
- Tire, Pneumatic, Palmer Tire Company, Limited, (291)
- Towns’ Refuse, Engluh, (576)
- Town Refuse, Winter and Summer, Steam-raising Values of, (576)
- Tractive Adhesion of Spring Tires, 175
- Australia, North, Effect of the International Tariff in, (165)
- Australia, Recommended that a Minister of
- Commerce be Appointed by the Government, (165)
- Bilbao, Consular Report on, (447)
- Board of Trade, Memorandum Prepared by the Labour Department, (68)
- Brickmaking, Depressed, (116)
- Canada and Customs Duties, 143
- Canadian Trade and the United States and British Merchants, (41)
- Canary Group, Inter-island Trade of the, Foreigners Excluded from, (91
- Catalogues, Standardisation of, 372
- Effluents, 628
- Foreign, in Cutlery, (253)
- Four Months’ Export, 470
- Germany, Export of Machines from, (576)
- Germany, Foreign, (369)
- Iceland’s, (291)
- Imports and Exports of Chemical®, Drugs, Dyes, &c., January, (165)
- Improved Conditions at the Cape, (76)
- January, Trade Returns, (165)
- Japan’s, (576)
- Khedival Decree, “Occupation Tax” on Merchandise Deposited on the Wharves of Alexandria, (165)
- Machinery, Export Trade of, 45
- Municipal Trading, New Aspect of, (649)
- Outlook, The, 118
- Returns for January, (165)
- Rubber Trade, West Africa, Should be Encouraged by Government, (549)
- Russian Empire, Project for Establishing Chambers of Commerce within, (549)
- Statistics of Labour and, 552
- Tariff Reform, (433)
- Textile Machinery Exports, 1904, Great Britain, Germany, India, Russia, United States, and France, (68)
- Trades Disputes Bill, Mr. Shackleton’s, (433)
- Trade Union Case, The Latest, 169
- - American, 552 and Trades Disputes Bill, (553)
- Trust, Watch Crystal, Switzerland, (576) Tube Combine, (432)
- Welsh Tin-plate Export, (242)
- Yorkshire Collieries and the Coal Trade, (9)
Trade and Business Announcements:
- 26, 54
- TRAINING of Managers, 320, 326
- Transmitting Power by Cotton Ropes, The Essentials for, (549)
- Trust, The Steel, 119
- Tube Combine, (432)
- - Mill Experience, South Africa, Mr. H. Leopold, (506)
- - Vacuum, flerr Hess’s Experiments with, (631)
- Tunnel, The Faucille, 629
- - Karawanken, 550, 554
- - Proposed Alpine. 275, 325
- - Simplon, 282, 335, 447, 469, 580
- - Submarine, between Boston and Boston, (68)
- - Thames, Proposed, 579
- - to Connect Prince Edward Island the Main Land, (625)
- - Under the River at Hamburg, Projected, (625)
- American and British, for United States, “Scout” Cruiser, (424)
- Crocker Steam Turbine, The, (41) 18,000 Horse-power, for a Destroyer Shortly to be Built, (91)
- Governor for, Messrs. A. and H. Bouvier, 122
- Kerr Steam. (10,000 Horse-power), Total Estimated Weight of, (191). (424)
- Parsons, Laval, Curtis, Rateau, and Zoelly, Horse-power Already in Use of, (191)
- Steam, Comparison of Different Types of, Mr. R. M. Neilson on, 66, 75, 97, 123, 149
- Steam, Test of a, 596
- Use of Exhaust Steam on Low-pressure, (649)
- Water, The Largest in the World, (191)
- Westinghouse, of 600 Horse-power, Its Run at the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition, (116)
- TURNING Record, A, 12
- Tynemouth, Protection of Foreshore, (268)
- Type-composing and Casting Machine, The Stringer, 606
- UNITED Engineering Rifle Cup, (612)
- United States Department of Forestry, Experiments with a View to the better Utilisation and Preservation of Timber, (549)
- University College, London, (65)
- University College Past and Present Dinner, (264)
- Uranium Minerals, Radium Emanation Imparted to Water by Contact with, (41)
- Urwin, Mr. Robt., (187)
- Vacuum, Measurement of, C. Turnbull, 408
- Valve, The Drop, and its Gear, 512, 539
- - Design of Drop, 5
- - for Use with Superheated Steam, (191)
- Vanadium, New Use of. The Invention of W. von Siemens, (41)
- Vanadium and Vanadium Steel, 565
- Vauxhall Ironworks, 326 .
- Ventilation of Birmingham University Buildings, I 432 . I
- Ventilation of the House of Commons, 539 I
- Verity, Mr. John, 405
- Vibration Problems in Engineering, Prof. Dalby, 297, 313
- Volcano Eruption, Nicaragua, (218)
- Vulcan Fellowship Conditions, 503
- WAR Material in 1904, 20
- War-office, The, 456
- Watch-Crystal Trust, (676)
- Water, Compressibility of, Prof, Toit on the, (497)
- Water for Condensing Purposes, The Right to Use, 618
- Water Power for Agricultural Purposes in Mexico, Use of, (497)
- Water Power of the Clyde Leased to an Edinburgh Firm, (291)
- Water Purification Plant, Messrs. Lassen and Hjort, 50, (68)
- Water Purifier and Softener, Paterson, 301
Water Supply:
- Accrington District, (13)
- Australia, (226)
- Ayrshire, Kilbimie and Glengarnock, (268)
- Bangkok, (165)
- Bedford, (116)
- Boston, English Iron Pipes Compete Favourably with Foreign, (139), (151)
- Calcutta, (523)
- Canada Waterworks, Pumping Engines, 90, 201
- Chinley and Bugsworth, (13)
- Cleveland District, Anxiety with regard to, (397), (409), 459
- Colombo, (242)
- Coolgardie, Mr. C. S. R. Palmer on, 352
- Derby, (626)
- Derwent Valley Water Scheme, (77), (414), (625)
- Dunfermline, (497)
- Egypt, Desert Area, of S., (474)
- Egypt, Western, (369)
- Gosport, (242)
- Haddington, (383)
- Hot, Advantages of Constant Public Supply of, (116)
- Lancashire, W., (549)
- Leader on Water Supply, in 1904, IS
- Leeds, (116)
- Leicester, (116), (218), (625)
- Lincoln, (576)
- Lincoln, Borehole at, 427
- London, Sir W. Crookes and Sir Jas. Dewar on, (139), (191)
- Manchester, (191), 427
- Metropolitan, January, 1905, February, March, (268), (342), (497)
- Millport, (369)
- Naples, (165)
- Newcastle and Gateshead, (139)
- New Croton Dam, 451
- New York, 452 Nottingham, (625)
- Port Elizabeth, (600)
- Purification Plant, Messrs. Lassen and Hjort, 50. (68)
- Rand, (24), 257
- Rangoon, 295
- Redcar, (268)
- Saratoga, Meters Installed in the Waterworks System, (242)
- Sheffield, (424), (625)
- Shrewsbury, (218)
- Softening Plants, Depreciation of, (317)
- Sydney, (276)
- Tunnel, British Columbia Electric Railway Company’s System, (497)
- United States, Waterworks Pumping Engines, 90, 201
- Yorkshire, Danehead Reservoir, (218)
- WATER Tunnel, British Columbia Electric Railway Company’s System, (497)
- Water-wheels, Mr. T. R. Timby's Patent, (342)
- Water-wheels in Canada, Large Tangential, (397)
- Watt Anniversary, (99)
- Wave Motor in California, 556
- Weaving Shed for Burnley, (474)
- Webs, Plate Girder, 262, 347
- Week-end Holidays from London, Illustrated Guide, (474)
- Weighing Machine, Capable of Registering 220 Tons, (116)
- Weight of Crowds, Prof. L. J. Johnson on the, (369)
- Wellington Cordite Factory in India, 314, 318
- Wheels, Elastic, 235, 263
- White, Sir Wm., on Modern Warships, 190
- Whittaker, Mr. Wm., (373)
- Wieland, Mr. G. B., 313
- Wilson, Mr. Geo., (187)
- Winding Ropes, Regulations of the Transvaal Government with regard to, (474)
- Windmill of Old Dutch Type for Pumping Water, San Francisco, (369)
- Windmills in South Africa, Demand for, (474)
- Wire, Fine, for Experimental Purposes, (474)
- Wire Ropes, Corrosion of, by Mine Water, (408)
- Wolverhampton Chamber of Commerce, Annual Report, (561)
- Wood-paving in Coventry-street, W., Rapid Work, (291)
- Wood Stave Water Pipes in United States, Use of, (369)
- Workmen’s Compensation Act, Some Recent Cases, 522
- Workmen’s Compensation, Hard Times and, 45
See Also
Sources of Information