The Engineer 1912 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations
Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1912 Jul-Dec: Index
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- ADAMELLO Hydro-electric Plant, 293, 319, 349, 373, 401 (Two-page Supplement, October 4th, 1912)
- Adamson, D., on Wire Ropes for Lifting Appliances, andc., 159
- Adamson’s 120-Ton Electric Travelling Crane, 231
- Allen Straight Link Motion Bench, 81
- Alley and Maclellan’s Sentinel Meter, Steam Stop, and Surplus Steam Valves, 410, 411
- American Earthwork Machinery, 145, 168, 193, 216, 268, 278, 336, 363, 471
- American Locomotive Company’s Large Mallet Locomotive and Tender for the Virginian Railway, 282 (Two-page Supplement, September 13th, 1912)
- Anderson, J. W., on Vapour Compression Refrigerating Machines, 576, 581, 669
- Anderston Foundry Company’s Coke Fuel Gas Engine, 286
- Andrews, J. H., on Nitrogen and Iron, 424
- Archdale’s Capstan Lathe and Sensitive Radial Drilling Machine, 412
- Archdale’s Milling Machine (xviii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Armfield’s Governor Gear, 432
- Assuan Dam, 671
- Ashton-under-Lyne, Stalybridge, and Dukin- field Waterworks, 300, 302, 304
- Asquith’s Double-spindle and Girder Radial and Vertical Drilling Machines (vi and xiii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Atropo, Italian Submersible, 49
- Austin Canal Excavators, 363
- Aveling and Porter’s 3-Ton Petrol Wagon, 19
- BACHELETS’ Levitating Frame of Aluminium, 420, 421
- Bagley Bucket Excavator, 193
- Ballard, P., on the Hob and the Gear, 221
- Bateman Planing Machine, Smith and Coventry, 380, 381 (xv, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- BE2, Royal Aircraft Factory Biplane, 513, 536
- Beatty’s Locomotive, 5
- Belfast New Graving Dock, W. R. Kelly, 182 (Two-page Supplement, August 18th, 1912)
- Belsize Chassis, Engine and Gear-box, 512
- Bengal-Nagpur Narrow-gauge Locomotives, 680
- Bennis Coking Stoker, 63
- Bergmann Single-phase Locomotive, 11
- Bethlehem Steel Company’s Works, 118, 122 ; (Letter), 259 (Two-page Supplement, August 2nd, 1912)
- Beyer, Peacock’s Locomotive for Natal, 4
- Beyer, Peacock’s Locomotives for the New South Wales Government Railways, 498
- Biaschina Hydro-electric Station, 482 (Two- page Supplement, November 8th, 1912)
- Blankenese—Hamburg — Ohlsdorf Single-phase Railway, 170
- Boby’s Water Softener Scoop, 458
- Bolinders’ Box Board Sawing, Planing, and Jointing Machine, 308
- Bombay Water Supply, 87
- Bosch Magneto Company’s Lubricator, 127
- Bradford Sewage Disposal Works, 484, 494
- Bramhope Tunnel Workers’ Memorial, 645
- Brett’s Drop Hammers, Motor Driven, for South America, 423
- Britannia Works, Middlesbrough, Generating Station, 218, 226
- British Machine Tools at the Olympia Exhibition (Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Brown-Boveri Locomotive, 11
- Buckton’s Slotting Machine, Motor Driven, for Darlington Forge Company, 602
- Buckton’s Universal Radial Drilling Machine, 174, 176
- Buenos Aires, Tramway Works at, 520, 525
- Buriat Rotating Engine for Aeroplane, 517
- Burmeister and Wain’s Largo Crank Shaft Milling Machine, 366
- Burton, Griffiths’ Rhenania Gear Hobber, 460
- Burton, Griffiths’ Universal Radial Drilling Machine, 460
- Burton, Griffiths’ “Victor” Automatic Machine (i, ii, and iii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Butler’s Duplex Boring and Turning Machine (vii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- CALCUTTA-HOWRAH Floating Bridge, Sir B. Leslie and Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company’s Designs, 272
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, 310
- Calgarian, Allan Liner, Rudder for, Fail field Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, 658
- Cammell, Laird and Co.’s 32,000-Ton Floating Dock for Portsmouth, 204, 231
- Cammell, Laird and Co.’s Cross-Channel Passenger Steamer Greenore, 234 ; (Correction), 264
- Carels-Tecklenborg Engines of the Diesel Motor Ship Rolandseck, 550
- Carnon Mine, Cornwall. 190
- Carpenter, Professor R. C., on Investigation of the Economy of a Simple Engine with Steam Less than that of Atmospheric Pressure, 23
- Cedegolo Power Station, 351, 373
- Central London Railway Extension, 129, 564 ; (Correction), 631
- Chambers’, Captain, Catapult for Launching Hydro-aeroplanes, 617, 628
- Chinese Government Railways, Atlantic Type Engine and Tender, Kerr, Stuart and Co., 222, 223 (Two-page Supplement, August 30th, 1912)
- Chorlton, Alan E. L., on a New Type and Method of Construction of Large Gas Engines, 395
- Churchill-Shann Exhaust Gas Turbine, 206
- Churchill’s Universal Grinding Machine (xx, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Citroen, Andre, Rolling Mill Pinions and Bevel Gears, 459
- Clerget Rotating Engine for Aeroplane, 516
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company’s Design for Calcutta-Howrah Bridge, 272
- Clifton and Baird’s Bar Cutting-off Machine (xix, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Closed Circuit Air Transmission, Limited, Marine Gas Plant, 99
- Colchester Lathe Company’s Capstan Lathe, 429
- Comte de Flandre Shallow Draught Steamer, Yarrow and Co., 684, 685
- Constantinople, Pontoon Bridge at, 598, 605
- Cooke, C. J. B., on Mechanical Handling of Coal for British Locomotives, 579
- Cordova Central Railways, Narrow Gauge Locomotive, 680
- Cornwall, Mines and Works in, 96, 113, 143, 150, 166, 190
- Creedy, F., on a High-speed Electric Generator, 495, 500
- Crigglestone Collieries Coke Ovens and Byproduct Plant, 440, 443
- Cromford and High Peak Railway, 546, 552
- Crosby Continuous Duplex Indicator, 382
- Crossley Governor Gear, 20
- Crossley Motor Car Chassis, Engine and Gearbox at Olympia, 490
- Culebra Cut, Panama Canal, 561; 572, 588 (Two-page Supplement, December 8th, 1912)
- Cunliffe and Croom’s Electrically Driven Face Lathe, 208
- Curtis Steam Turbine, R. F. Halliwell, 655
- DAGUE and Cimeterre, French Destroyers, 171
- Daimler Agricultural Tractor, 18
- Daimler 3-4-Ton Petrol Lorry, 18
- Dalby, Professor W. E., on Characteristic Dynamical Diagrams for the Motion of a Train, andc., 467, 469, 502, 529
- Dalby, Professor W. E., on Valve Gear Diagrams and the Apparatus for Drawing them, 57, 81
- Davey, Henry, Self-acting Weir and Floodgate, 22
- Davey, Paxman’s Gas Engine, 620
- Davey, Paxman’s Wood Refuse Suction Gas Producer, 250
- Davies and Metcalfe’s Vacuum Brake Ejector, 102
- Davis’ Paraffin Carburetter, 36, 37
- Denny-Edgecombe Torsion Meter, 98
- Deptford Electricity Generating Station, 140
- Derwent Valley Scheme, Leicester Water Supply, 59, 248, 646, 650 (Two-page Supplement, July 10th, 1912)
- Ditton Accident, London and North-Western Railway, 307
- Dolcoath Mine, Cornwall, 113
- Doncaster, Royal Agricultural Show at, 18, 36
- Dorman, Long’s New Generating Station at Middlesbrough, 218, 226
- Douglas-Conroy Milk-cooling Apparatus, 582
- Dreadful, Sea-going Tug Boat, J. Pollock and Co., 310
- Drewry Car Company’s Motor Inspection Car for High Altitudes, 91
- Drummond, Dugald (Portrait), 523
- Drummond’s
- - 3.5in. Admiralty Lathe, 409
- - 9in. Lathe, 409
- - Ring Turret Lathe, 409
- Dunkirk Lake After Subsidence, 615
- Dunlop Closed Circuit Marine Gas Plant, 99
- EAST Indian Railways, Eight-coupled Goods Engine, 66, 74
- Eastern Sun Power Company’s Plant in Egypt, 393
- Eavestone, Single-screw Motor Ship, 433 (Two Two-page Supplements, October 25th, 1912)
- Egypt, Sun Power Pumping Installation, 393
- Eisermann-Lehne Blower, 682
- Erie Railroad “Mikado” Type Locomotives, 103
- Escher, Wyss, 10,000 H.P. High-pressure Turbines at Biaschina Power Station, 482 (Two-page Supplement, November 8th, 1912)
- Escher, Wyss, Pelton Wheel Turbines for Isola, 349 (Two-page Supplement, October 4th, 1912)
- Esselbe Aeroplane Engine, 517
- FAIRFIELD Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Rudder for the Allan Liner Calgarian, 658
- Fatava Aeroplane Engine, 517
- Firedrake, H.M. Torpedo-boat Destroyer, Yarrow and Company, 129
- Florian Angele Valve Gear, 681
- Foucault Current Railway, 414, 420
- Fowler’s Internal Combustion Road Locomotive, 36
- France, French Liner, 7, 14
- French Destroyers Dague and Cimeterre, 181
- French Liner France, 7, 14
- Frerichs-Junkers’ Tug-boat Engine, 405
- GASSMAN, H. AL, on Motor and Control Equipment of Electrically Operated Valves, 301, 504
- Gathmann Torpedo Gun, 119
- Gatun Locks, Panama, 561, 572, 588 (Two-page Supplement, December 8th, 1912)
- German Battle-cruiser Goeben, 249, 250
- German Motor Notes, 378, 402
- Gheury, M. E. J., on The Exact Determination of the Constants of Empirical Formulae, 267
- Giew Mine, Cornwall, 166
- Gladstone Dock, Liverpool, 581
- Goeben, German Battle-cruiser, 249, 250
- Graeme Stewart, Electrically Driven Fire Float, 312
- Grand Trunk Railway Viaduct over the Little Salmon River, 327
- Grant, K. C., on The Flood Problem of Pittsburgh, 65, 82, 111
- Great Eastern Railway Jubilee, 68
- Greenore, Cross-channel Passenger Steamer, Cammell, Laird and Co., Limited, 234 ; (Correction), 264
- Greenwood and Batley’s Cylindrical Grinding Machine (xii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- HADFIELD, Sir R., on Method of Producing Sound Ingots, 361, 445, 449, 636
- Hadfield, Sir R., on New Method of Revealing Segregation in Steel Ingots, 361, 368
- Hall, R., and Sons’ Automatic Loom, 330
- Halliwell, R. F., on The Curtis Steam Turbine, 655
- Hardy Patent Pick Company’s Rock Drill, 156
- Hartung Spring Governor, 258
- Heap, Joshua, and Company’s Stay Screwing Machine (xix, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Hendrie Locomotives in South Africa, 4
- Herbert, Alfred, Limited, Horizontal Milling Alachine, Cutter, and Grinder, Automatic Screw Machine (viii, ix, x, and xi, Twenty- page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Herbert, Alfred, Photostat Copying Apparatus, 658
- Herbert, E. G., Hack Saw and Filing Machine (vi, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Heyworth Scraper Bucket Excavator, 194
- Hobart, H. M., and E. Knowlton on Induction Generators, 288
- Holman Air-driven Rock Drill, 114
- Holman Stretcher Bar Air-driven Hoist, 114
- Hooker, Peter, Limited, Sand Blast Rolling Barrel, 180
- Hoosac Tunnel Single-phase Railway Electrification, 323, 594
- Howaldtswerke Company’s Alotor Ship Monte Penedo, 230
- Howden Dam, Derwent Valley Waterworks, 59 (Two-page Supplement, July 10th, 1912)
- Hughes, George, on Back Pressure in Locomotive Engines, 157
- Hulse and Co.’s Workshops Extension, 130
- Humpage Gear Hobber, Power Hack Saw, 432
- ILKESTON Sewage Disposal Works, 354, 358
- Indian State Railways Superheater Locomotives, Vulcan Foundry, Limited, 384, 386
- Isler, C., and Co., Counterbalanced Deep-well Pump, 660
- Isola—see Adamello
- Italian Railways, The Progress of, 241
- Italian State Railways, Express Goods Engine, 655 (Two-page Supplement, December 20th, 1912)
- Italian Submersible Atropo, 49
- JENKINS and Son, Hydraulic Valve, 21
- Jones and Shipman’s Milling and High-speed Drilling Machines and Hack Saw (x, xi, xii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Joy Valve Gear Bench, 82
- Judson-Jackson Company’s Belt-driven Power Hammer, 431
- Junkers’ Single and Double-acting Oil Engines for a Hamburg-Amerika Liner, 404
- Juno, Diesel Motor Ship, Nederlandsche Fabriek, 514, 538 (Two-page Supplement, November 15th, 1912), (Two-page Supplement, November 22nd, 1912)
- Jupiter, Propelling Plant of the, 312
- KELLY, AV. R., on The New Graving Dock at Belfast, 182 (Two-page Supplement, August 18th, 1912)
- Kendall and Gent’s Screwing Machine (xx, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Kennicott Water Softener, 410
- Kerr, Stuart and Co.’s Engine and Tender for the Chinese Government Railways, 222, 223 (Two-page Supplement, August 30th, 1912)
- Kershaw, J., B. C., on Induction Furnaces for Steel Refining, 643, 668
- King George V., H.M. Dreadnought, 554
- Kitson Locomotive for Natal, 4
- Koppel, A., Electric Tip Wagons, 525
- Krupp’s Vertical Paddle-boat Engines, 378
- LAGO d’Arno, 294
- Lamme, B. S., on A 2000-kilowatt Unipolar Generator, 75
- Lana-Vigiljoch Aerial Cableway, 605
- Langen and Wolf Diesel Engine, 84, 85, 94
- Laurenti, Alajor, Dock for Testing Strength of Submarine Vessels, 332, 337
- Laviator Rotating Engine for Aeroplane, 517
- Lea, Henry (Portrait), 92
- Leeds and Thirsk Railway, Tunnel Memorial, 645
- Leicester Water Supply from the Derwent Valley, 59, 248, 646, 650 (Two-page Supplement, July 13th, 1912)
- Leslie, Sir Bradford, Design for Calcutta Howrah Floating Bridge, 272
- Liddell, A. R., on Deckloads of Timber, 86
- Lidgerwood Scraper Bucket Excavator, 194
- Little Salmon River Viaduct, Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, 327
- Liverpool, Gladstone Dock at, 581
- Liverpool, Royal Liver Buildings, Boiler-house Plant, 63
- Liverpool University, Worm Gearing at, H. Wallwork and Co., 233
- Lotschberg Single-phase Railwav Alotor Coach, 672
- London and South-Western Suburban Lines, 629
- Loudon Brothers’ Marine Repair Shop Lathe, 158, 159
- Low Coal Engine, 526 ; (Letter), 544
- Lumsden Oscillating Tool Grinder (ix, x, xi, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- McLAREN, J. and H., Land Levelling Scoop 555
- McNaught, Duncan (Portrait), 364
- Mahoning Creek—see Pittsburgh
- Mallet Engines in South Africa, 5
- Mann’s Light Steam Agricultural Tractor, 621
- Marion Ditch Excavating Alachine, 363
- Martin, Percy F., on The Panama Canal, 561, 572, 588 (Two-page Supplement, December 6th, 1912)
- Massey, B. and S., Friction Drop Stamps, 340
- Mather and Platt’s Park Works, Manchester, 466, 470
- Maudslay Four-cylinder Motor Car engine, 543
- Mavor, H. A., on Marine Propulsion by Electric Transmission, 312
- Mechan and Sons’ Sewage Distributor, 64
- Middlesbrough, Britannia Works Generating Station, 218, 226
- “Mikado” Locomotives for the Erie Railroad, 103
- Millington, W. E. W., on High-lift Centrifugal Pumps, 464
- Mitchell’s Emery Wheel Company’s Dustcollecting Device for Grinding Machines, 287
- Monte Penedo, Motor Ship, and Engines, Howaldtswerke Company, 230, 244
- Moody, W. S., on Reactance in Transformers, 686
- Murnau-Oberammergau Single-phase Railway, 618, 624
- NEAT’S Die-casting Machine, 429
- Neat’s Nut-tapping Machine, 429, 430
- Neat’s Saw Sharpener, 429, 430
- Nederlandsche Fabriek Diesel Motor Ship Juno, 514, 538 (Two-page Supplement, November 15th, 1912)
- Negretti and Zambra’s Mercurial Vacuum Gauge, 131
- Nesbitt’s Petrol Valve and Filter, 683
- New South Wales Railways’ Locomotives, Beyer, Peacock and Co., 498
- New York, New Haven and Hartford Singlephase Railway and Shunting Locomotive, 256, 275, 594
- New York, Westchester and Boston Singlephase Railway, 595
- Newcomen Pumping Engines of 1712, 486 ; (Letter), 544
- North-Western Railway of India, Superheater Locomotives, Vulcan Foundry, Limited, 384, 386
- Northwich, Salt Subsidences at, 614
- Norwich-Brandon Railway Block Telegraph Instrument, 69
- OLYMPIA, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at, 380, 409, 429, 458 (Twenty-page Supplement, November 18th, 1912)
- Olympia, Motor Car Show at, 489, 510
- Ormerod Brothers’ Shaping Machines (vii and viii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Oudh and Rohilcund Railway, Superheater Locomotive, Vulcan Foundry, Limited, 384
- PANAMA Canal, Percy F. Martin, 561, 572, 588 (Two-page Supplement, December 6th, 1912)
- Panhard Aeroplane Engine, 517
- Paris, Aviation Motors in, 497, 516
- Park Works, Manchester, Mather and Platt, Limited, 466, 470
- Parkinson’s Thread Milling Machine, Sunderland Gear-planing Machine and Testing Jigs (xvi, xvii and xviii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Parma, Single-phase Tramways in, 640
- Peck, J. S., on Earthed versus Unearthed Neutrals on Alternating-current Systems, 607
- Pedro Miguel Locks, 561
- Pendred, Vaughan (Portrait), 418
- Perkin and Co.’s Lathe for Bar Work, 384
- Petter’s Oil Traction Engine 37
- Petter’s Semi-Diesel Engine, 620
- Pfeil and Co., Shaping Machine, Tooth-chamfering Machine. 430
- Pickles, J., and Son’s Horizontal Band Saw, 330
- Pittsburgh, Flood Problem of, K. C. Grant, 55. 82, 111
- Platt’s Heading and Forging Machine, 431
- Platt’s Nut-milling Machine, 431
- Platt’s Three-way Screwing Machine, 431
- Pollard’s Sensitive Drilling Machine (xix and xx, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Pollock’s Sea-going Tug Boat Dreadful, 310
- Portsmouth, 32,000-Ton Floating Dock, Cammed Laird and Co., Limited, 204, 231
- Power Plant Company’s Heavy-duty Coupling ; Treble Helical Gear ; Speed-increasing Gear. 382, 383
- QUEBEC Bridge, The New, 666, 676
- Queensland Government Railways, Goods Wagon with Guard’s Compartment, 499
- REAVELL Air Compressors for the Rolandseck Motor Ship, 632 (Two-page Supplement, December 18th, 1912)
- Redman’s Planer with Electric Drive, 458
- Reid Locomotive, Natal, 5
- Reiherstieg-Carels 2500 I.H.P. Oil Marine Engine, 378
- Reinecker Tooth-chamfering Machine, Pfeil and Co., 430
- Renold Friction Clutch, 459
- Renold Roller Chain-driven Cam Shaft, 512
- Rhenania Gear Hobber, C. W. Burton, Griffiths and Co., 460
- Richards’ Duplex Boring Machine and Side Planing Machine (iv and v, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Richardsons, Westgarth’s Rolling Mill Engines, 252, 260 ; (Correction), 290
- Robey’s Horizontal Stumpf Engine, 19
- Robey’s Semi-Diesel Engine, 19
- Rock Island and Southern Railway Singlephase Railway, Locomotive, andc., 482
- Rolandseck, Diesel Motor Ship, J. C. Teoklen- borg A.G., 550, 616, 632 (Two-page Supplement, December 18th, 1912)
- Rotterdam, The Hague, Scheveningen Single - phase Railway, 70
- Royal Agricultural Show at Doncaster, 18, 36
- Royal Aircraft Factory Biplane BE 2, and Aeronautical Committee, 513, 536, 562, 590
- Royal Liver Buildings, Liverpool, Boiler-house Plant, 63
- Royle’s Pump for Hot Liquids with Twells’ Valves, 283
- Ruston, Proctor’s Oil Engine, 620 ; and Steam Tractor, 621
- ST. CLAIR Tunnel Railroad Single-phase Locomotive, 417
- St. Nazaire, Shipbuilding and Engineering Works at, 7, 14
- St. Polten-Mariazell Single-phase Railway, 196, 200
- Salmson Rotating Engine for Aeroplane, 517
- Sandy croft, Limited, 100 H.P. Electrically Driven Hauling Gear, 630
- Schaerer All-gear Lathe, 430, 431
- Scott-Crossley Motor Self-starting Gear, 511
- Seriven’s Angle Bar Straightening Machine, 656
- Selson High-speed Lathe, Shaping Machines, and Radial Drills, 383 (xiii. xiv and xv, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Shark, H.M. Torpedo-boat Destroyer, 501 ; (Correction), 528
- Sheffield-Simplex Six-cylinder Motor Car Engine, Chassis, and Details, 511 (Two-page Supplement, November 15th, 1912)
- Sicilian Fruit Trade, Locomotives for, 655 (Two-page Supplement, December 26th, 1912)
- Siemens Brothers’ Works Extension, Woolwich, 328 ; (Letters), 397, 450
- Siemens-Schuckert Electrical Equipment for Single-phase Railways, 10, 70
- Siemens-Schuckert 20,000-volt Locomotive and Train, 10
- Simms Lighting Dynamo and Magneto, 511; (Correction), 540
- Simplex Imperial Rock Drill, R. Stephens and Son, 192
- Smith and Coventry’s Bateman Planing Machine, 380, 381 (xv, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Smithfield Club Show, 619
- South African Railways Narrow-gauge Locomotives, 680
- South African Railways, Rolling Stock Development on, 3, 44, 48 ; (Letter), 47
- South Crofty Tin Mine, Cornwall, 190
- Southey, F., on A Modern Factory, 328 ;(Letters), 397, 450
- Southey Oil Gas Producer, 460, 461
- Spanish Railway Narrow-gauge Locomotive, 680
- Spiez-Frutigen Single-phase Railway, 672
- Spokane and Inland Empire Single-phase Railway, Locomotives, andc.. 482
- Star Engineering Company’s “Ever-ready” Self-starter, 511
- Star Engineering Company’s Motor Car at Olympia, 541, 542
- Stead, J. E., on When Steel Freezes, 518
- Stephens and Son’s Rock Drill Works, 191
- Stephenson Link Motion Bench, 81
- Stirk, John, and Sons’ 18in. Lathe, 380
- Stockport New Waterworks, 29, 40
- Stothert and Pitt’s Self-propelled Steam Breakdown Crane, 632
- Sugden’s Two Types of Superheaters, 683
- Sulzer’s Diesel Engines for the Monte Penedo, 230, 244
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson 32,000-Ton Floating Dock for the Medway, 72, 73
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, H.M. Torpedo-boat Destroyer Shark, 501
- Swiss Federal Railways Balanced Compound Express Engine, 233
- Sydney, Transit Facilities in, 659
- TALBOT Motor Car Chassis and Engine at Olympia, 542
- Tansa Dam, for Bombay Water Supply, 87
- Taylor’s Cutting-off Machine, 458
- Thamshavn-Lokken Single-phase Railway, 88
- Trenwith Mine, Cornwall, 166
- Trevithick Engine and Mixed Train, 546, 552
- Twells’ Valve for Pump, 283
- UNITED States, Rail Situation in, 391
- VACUUM Oil Company’s Lubricators, 431, 432
- Venturi Apparatus for Lime Water, 33
- Vernon, P. V., on Milling Machine Experiments, 574, 577
- Vickers’ Motor Control Pillars, 461
- “Victor” Automatic Machine for Chuck Work, C. W. Burton, Griffiths and Co. (i, ii and iii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Virginian Railway 335-Ton Mallet Locomotive and Tender, American Locomotive Cojnpany, 282 (Two-page Supplement, September 18th, 1912)
- Vulcan Foundry, Limited, Superheater Locomotives for Indian State Railways, 384, 386
- WALLWORK’S Gear Hobber (ix and x, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Wallwork’s Worm Gearing at Liverpool University, 233
- Walschaert’s Valve Gear Bench, 82
- Ward’s Plain Chucking Lathe and Horizontal Milling Machine, 411
- Webster and Bennett’s Duplex Boring and Turning Mills (xviii and xix, Twenty-page Supplement, October 18th, 1912)
- Weir, G. and J., Locomotive Feed-water Heater, 654
- Werf Gusto, Sea-going Suction Hopper Dredger, 287
- Weser Aktien-Gesellschaft of Bremen, Toussant Tug-boat Marine Oil Engine, 402
- Wheal Jane Mine, Cornwall, 190
- Wicksteed, C., on Reciprocating Straight Blade Sawing Machines, 139
- Willcox-Penberthy Automatic Cellar-Drainer, 205
- Wilson and Mathieson’s Moulding Machine, 498
- Wimperis, H. E., on The Acceleration of a Motor Car, 338
- Wimperis, H.E., on The Design of Motor Vehicles, 509
- Wolseley Motor Car Chassis, Engines and Carburetter at Olympia, 489
- Woolwich Footway Tunnel, 462
- Woolwich Works Extension, Siemens Brothers, 328 ; (Letters), 397, 450
- YARROW’S Shallow-draught Steamer Comte de Flandre, 684, 685
- Yarrow’s Torpedo-boat Destroyer F redrake, 129
- ACCELERATION of a Motor Car, H. E. Wimperis, 338
- Aerial Cableway, Lana-Vigiljoch, 605
- Aerofoils for Lift and Drift Experiments, 590
- Aeronautical Committee, Government, Work of, 513, 536, 562, 590
- Aeroplane BE2, Royal Aircraft Factory, 513, 536
- Aeroplane Catapult for Launching Hydro- Aeroplanes, Captain Chambers, 617, 628
- Aeroplanes in Paris, 497, 516
- Agricultural Tractor, Daimler, 18
- Angle Bar Straightening Machine, Scriven and Co., 656
- Automatic Box Board Machine, J. B. Bolinders and Co., 308
- Automatic Loom, R. Hall and Sons, 330
- Automatic Machines—see also Machine Tools
- Auxiliary for Submarine Service, 337
- Aviation Motors in Paris, Buriat, Clerget, Esselbe, Fatava, Laviator, Panhard, Salmson, 497, 516
- Aviation in the United States Navy, 617, 628
- BACK Pressure in Locomotive Engines, G. Hughes, 157
- Baro-Vacuum Gauge, Negretti and Zambra, 131
- Battery of Old Cornish Stamps, 115
- Bevel Gears—see Machine Tools
- Block Telegraph Instrument, Norwich-Brandon Line, 69
- Blower, Eisermann-Lehne, 682
- Boiler and the Yard “Dinkey” for Virginian Railway Mallet Locomotive, 282
- Boiler-house Plant of the Royal Liver Buildings, Liverpool, 63
- Boring and Turning Machines—see Machine Tools
- Box Board Sawing, Planing and Jointing Machine, J. G. Bolinders and Co., 308
- Bridge, Calcutta-Howrah, Sir B. Leslie and Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company’s Designs, 272
- Bridge, Pontoon, at Constantinople, 598 605
- Bridge, The New Quebec, 666, 676
- Bridges, Concrete v. Brick and Steel for, 155; (Letter), 184
- CABLEWAY, Lana-Vigiljoch Aerial, 605
- Cam and Magneto Shafts, Roller Chain-driven, Renold, 512
- Canal, The Panama, Percy F. Martin, 561, 572, 588 (Two-page Supplement, December 6th, 1912)
- Carburetter, Paraffin, 36, 37
- Catapult for Launching Hydro-aeroplanes, Captain Chambers, 617, 628
- Cellar Drainer, Willcox-Penberthy, 205
- Centrifugal Pumps—see Pumps
- Chassis, Engine and Gear-box at Olympia, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 490
- Chassis, Engines and Carburetter, Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Company, 489
- China Clay Quarry and Works in Cornwall, 143, 150
- “Closed Circuit” Air Transmission for a Gas- engined Vessel, 99
- Clutch, Friction, Hans Renold, Limited, 459
- Coal Engine, 100 H.P., Dr. Low, 526 ; (Letter). 544
- Coal-handling Plant at Crewe, C. J. B. Cooke, 579
- Coke Fuel Gas Engine, Anderston Foundry Company, 286
- Coke Ovens and By-product Plant at Criggle- stone Collieries, 440, 443
- Collieries, Crigglestone, Coke Ovens and Byproduct Plant at, 440, 443
- Compressors, Air, for the Motor Ship Rolandseck, Reavell and Co., Limited, 632 (Two- page Supplement, December 18th, 1912)
- Concrete v. Brick and Steel for Bridges, 155 ; (Letter), 184
- Control Pillars—see Electrical Matters
- Coupling, Heavy Duty, Power Plant Company, 382, 383
- Crane, 120-Ton Electric Travelling, J. Adamson and Co., 231
- Crane, Self-propelled Steam Breakdown Stothert and Pitt, 632
- Cutting Machines—see Machine Tools
- DAM, Assuan, 671
- Deckloads of Timber, A. R. Liddell, 86
- Die Casting Machine, C. Neat and Co., 429
- Diesel Engines—see Engines
- Dock, 32,000-Ton Floating, for the Medway, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 72, 73
- Dock, 32,00-Ton Floating, for Portsmouth, Cammell, Laird and Co., Limited, 204, 231
- Dock, Gladstone, Liverpool, 581
- Dock, The New Graving, at Belfast, W. R. Kelly, 182 (Two-page Supplement, August 16th, 1912)
- Dock for Testing Strength of Submarine Vessels, Major Laurenti, 332, 337
- Dredger, Sea-going Suction Hopper, Werf Gusto, 287
- Drills—see Machine Tools, also Rock Drills
- Drop Hammers, Motor-driven for South America, Brett’s Patent Lifter Company, Limited, 423
- Drop Stamps, Friction, B. and S. Massey, 340
- Dust Collecting Device for Grinding Machines, Mitchell’s Emery Wheel Company, 287
- EARTHWORK Machinery, American, 145, 168, 193, 216, 268, 278, 336, 363, 471
- - Adamello Hydro-electric Plant, 293, 319, 349, 373, 401 (Two-page Supplement, October 4th, 1912)
- - Biaschina Power Station, 10,000 H.P. High-pressure Turbines for, 482 (Two- page Supplement, November 8th, 1912)
- - Cedegolo Power Station, 351
- - Control Curves of Bergmann Single-phase Motor, 12
- - Control Pillars, Motor, Vickers, Limited, 461
- - Deptford Electricity Generating Station, 140
- - Earthed versus Unearthed Neutrals on Alternating-current Systems, J. S. Peck, 607
- - Furnace, High-pressure Electrical, J. H. Andrews, 424
- - Generator, High-speed Electric, F. Creedy, 495, 500
- - Generator, Unipolar, 2000-Kilowatt, B. S. Lamme, 75
- - Induction Generators, H. M. Hobart and E. Knowlton, 288
- - Levitating Transmitting Apparatus, E. Bachelet, 420, 421
- - Marine Propulsion by Electric Transmission, H. A. Mavor, 312
- - Middlesbrough, Britannia Works Generating Station, 21.8, 226
- - Motor and Bogie for Single-phase Railway, 673, 674
- - Motor and Control Equipment of Electrically Operated Valves, H. M. Gassman, 301, 504
- - Railways—see Railways
- - Roncaldier Clamps and Yokes for Terminals, 402
- - Transformer, Motor and Connections for 20,000-Volt Locomotive, Siemens-Schuckert, 10
- - Transformers for Induction Furnaces for Steel Refining, J. B. C. Kershaw, 643, 668
- - Transformers, Reactance in, W. S. Moody, 686
- EMBANKMENT for Stockport Water upply, 29, 31
- Engine,
- - Coke Fuel Gas, Anderston Foundry Company, 286
- - Diesel, Langen and Wolf, 84, 85, 94
- - 100 H.P. Experimental Coal, Dr. Low, 526'7 (Letter), 544
- - Gas, Davey, Paxman, 620
- - Horizontal Stumpf, Robey, 19
- - Marine Oil Toussaint Tug-boat, Weser Aktien-Gessellschaft, of Bremen, 402
- - Motor Inspection Car, Drewry Car Company, 91
- - Oil Marine, 2500 I.H.P., Reiherstieg- Carels, 378
- - Oil, Ruston, Proctor and Co., 620
- - Semi-Diesel, Petter’s, 620
- - Semi-Diesel, Robey and Co., 19
- - Simple, Operating with Steam Less than that of Atmospheric Pressure, Professor R. C. Carpenter, 23
- - Traversing Winding in Dolcoath Mine, 113
- - Trevithick, 546, 552
- - Tug-boat, Frerichs-Junker, 405
- - 1100 B.H.P. Werkspoor-Diesel, for Motor Ship Juno, 514, 538 (Two- page Supplement, November 15th, 1912), (Two-page Supplement, November 22nd. 1912)
- Engines,
- - Diesel, of the Monte Penedo, 244
- - Diesel, of the Motor Ship Rolandseck, Carols-Tecklenborg, 550
- - Large Gas, New Type and Method of Construction, Alan E. L. Chorlton, 395
- - Marine Diesel—see also Ships
- - Motor Car, at Olympia. 489, 510. 541
- - Oil, for a Hamburg-Amerika Liner, Junkers, 404
- - 12,000 H.P. Rolling Mill, Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Limited, 252. 260 ; (Correction), 290
- - Vertical Paddle-boat, Krupp, 378
- ENGINEERING and Machinery at Olympia — see Exhibition
- Exact Determination of the Constants of Empirical Formulae, M. E. J. Gheury, 267
- Excavator, Electrically Driven at Buenos Aires, 520, 525
- Excavators—see Earthwork Machinery
- Exhibition, Engineering and Machinery, at Olympia, 380, 409, 429, 458 (Twenty-page Supplement, November 13th, 1912)
- FACTORY, A Modern, F. Southey, 328 ; (Letters), 397, 450
- Feed-water Heater, Locomotive, G. and J. Weir, Limited, 654
- Filing Machines—see Machine Tools
- Filters and Filter-house for Stockport Water Supply, 29, 40
- Floating Dock, 32,000-Ton, for the Medway, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 72, 73
- Floating Dock, 32,000-Ton, for Portsmouth, Cammell, Laird and Co., Limited, 204, 231
- Flood Problem of Pittsburgh, K. C. Grant, 55, 82, 111
- Footway Tunnel, Woolwich, 462
- Forging Machines—see Machine Tools
- Friction Clutch, Hans Renold, Limited, 459
- Friction Drop Stamps, B. and S. Massey, 340
- Furnace, High-pressure, J. H. Andrews, 424
- Furnaces, Induction, for Steel Refining, J. B. C. Kershaw, 643, 668
- Furnaces and Mills at Bethlehem Steel Works, 118, 222 (Two-page Supplement, August 2nd, 1912)
- GAS Engine, Coke Fuel, Anderston Foundry Company, 286
- Gas Engines, Large, New Type and Method of Construction, Alan E. L. Chorlton, 395
- Gas Engines—see also Engines
- Gas Producer for Wood Refuse, Davey, Paxman and Co., Limited, 250
- Gas Turbine, Exhaust, Churchill-Shann, 206
- Gauge, Mercurial Vacuum, Negretti and Zambra, 131
- Gear Hobbers—see Machine Tools
- Gears, Speed Increasing and Treble Helical. Power Plant Company, 382, 383
- Generating Station—see Electrical Matters
- Governor Gear, Crossley, 20
- Governor, Improved Spring, Hartung, Kuhn and Co., 258
- Graving and Ditching Machines, 168
- Grinding Machines—see Machine Tools
- Guns, Gun-mounting and Gears at the Bethlehem Steel Company’s Works, 118, 122 (Two-page Supplement, August 2nd, 1912)
- HAMMERS, Drop, for South America, Brett’s Patent Lifter Company, Limited, 423
- Hammers—see also Machine Tools
- Hauling Gear, 100 H.P. Electrically Driven, Sandycroft, Limited, 630
- Hob—see Machine Tools
- Hoist, Stretcher Bar Air-driven, in Dolcoath Mine, Holman Brothers, 114
- Horizontal Band Saw, J. Pickles and Son, 330
- Hydraulic Riveting of Boiler Ends, Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, 310
- Hydraulic Valve, J. Jenkins and Son, 21
- Hydro-aeroplane Launched from Catapult, Captain Chambers, 617, 628
- Hydro-electric Plant, Adamello, 293, 319, 349, 373, 401 (Two-page Supplement, October 4th, 1912)
- INDICATOR, Continuous Duplex, Crosby Steam Gage and Valve Company, 382
- Ingots, Method of Producing Sound, Sir R. Hadfield, 361, 445, 449, 633
- Ingots, Steel, Revealing Segregation in, Sir R. Hadfield, 361, 368
- Internal Combustion Engines—see Engines
- JUBILEE, Great Eastern Railway, 68
- KASSABIEH, or Land Levelling Scoop, J. and H. MacLaren, 555
- LAND Levelling Scoop, J. and H. McLaren, 555
- Lathes—see Machine Tools
- Lattice Girder Head Gear in Dolcoath Mine, 114
- Link-Motion Bench, Stephenson, 81
- Link-Motion, Straight, Bench, Allen, 81
- Locomotive,
- - Alternating-current and Direct current, 484
- - Balanced Compound Express, Swiss Federal Railways, 233
- - Benzine, Hauled up an Incline. 293 Eight-coupled Goods, East Indian Railways, 66, 74
- - Engines, Back Pressure in, G. Hughes, 157
- - Express Goods, Italian State Railways, 655 (Two-page Supple¬ment, December 20th, 1912)
- - Feed-water Heater, G. and J. Weir, Limited, 654
- Locomotive,
- - Power on Narrow-gauge Railways, 680
- - Road, Internal Combustion, John Fowler and Company, 36
- - Single-phase, St. Clair Tunnel Railroad, 417
- - Superheater, for the Oudh and Rohilkund Railway, 384
- - and Tender for Chinese Government Railways, Kerr, Stuart and Co., 222, 223 (Two-page Supplement, August 30th, 1912)
- - and Tender, 335-Ton Mallet, for the Virginian Railway, American Locomotive Company, 282 (Two-page Supplement, September 13th, 1912)
- - in the Transvaal, First, 4
- - Trevithick, and Mixed Train on the Cromford and High Peak Railway, 546, 552
- - 20,000-Volt Single-phase, and Train, Siemens-Schuckert, 10
- Locomotives,
- - British, Mechanical Handling of Coal for, C. J. B. Cooke, 579
- - Italian, 241
- - "Mikado" Type, for the Erie Railroad 103
- - for New South Wales Government Railways, Beyer, Peacock and Co., 498
- - Shunting for the New York,, New Haven, and Hartford Single-phase Railway, 256, 275
- - Single-phase, for the Bock Island and Southern and the Spokane and Inland Empire Railways, 482
- - Single-phase, 10, 70, 88, 170, 196, 200, 256, 275, 323, 416, 482, 594
- - South African, 3, 44; (Letter), 47
- - Superheater, for Indian State Railways, Vulcan Foundry, Limited, 384, 386
- - Superheater, for North Western Railway of India, Vulcan Foundry, Limited, 384, 386
- Loom, Automatic, R. Hall and Sons, 330
- Lubricator, Bosch Magneto Company, 127
- Lubricator, Gas Engine, Vacuum Oil Company, 431, 432
- Lubricator, Steam Engine, Vacuum Oil Company, 431, 432
- - (For Machine Tools at Engineering and Machinery Exhibition see below)
- - Drilling Machine, Universal Radial, J. Buckton and Co., 174, 176
- - Grinding Machine with Dust Collector, Mitchell’s Emery Wheel Company, 287
- - Hob and Gear, P. Ballard, 221
- - Lathe, Electrically Driven Face, Cunliffe and Croom, Limited, 208
- - Lathe, Marine Repair Shop, Loudon Brothers, 158, 159
- - Milling Machine, Crank Shaft, Burmeister and Wain, 366
- - Sawing Machines, Reciprocating Straight Blade, C. Wicksteed, 139
- - Automatic Machine for Chuck Work, ‘‘Victor,” C. W. Burton, Griffiths and Co., (i, ii, and iii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Automatic Screw Machine, A. Herbert, Limited (ix and xi, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Bar Cutting-off Machine, Clifton and Baird (xix, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Bevel Gears, Andre Citroen, 459
- - Boring Machine, Duplex, Geo. Richards and Co. (iv and v, Twenty-page Supplement October 13th, 1912)
- - Boring and Turning Machine, Duplex, J. Butler and Co. (vii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Boring and Turning Mills, Duplex, Webster and Bennett (xviii and xix, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Chain-driven Side Planing Machine, Geo. Richards and Co. (v, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Cutter and Tool Grinder, Universal, A. Her¬bert, Limited (ix and x, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Cutting-off Machine, Charles Taylor, Limited, 458
- - Die Casting Machine, C. Neat and Co., 429
- - Drillers, Radial, Selson Engineering Company, Limited, 383 (xv, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Drilling Machine, High-speed, Jones and Shipman, Limited (xi, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Drilling Machine, Sensitive, F. Pollard and Co., Limited (xix, xx, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Drilling Machine, Sensitive Radial, J. Arch¬dale and Co., 412
- - Drilling Machine, Universal Radial, C. W Burton, Griffiths and Co., 460
- - Drilling Machines, Double-spindle and Girder Radial, and Vertical, W. Asquith, Limited (vi and xiii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Filing Machine, E. G. Herbert (vi, Twenty- page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Gear Hobber, Humpage, Thomson, and Hardy, 432
- - Gear Hobber, Rhenania, C. W. Burton, Griffiths and Co., 460
- - Gear Hobbing Machine, H. Wallwork and Co. (ix and x, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Grinding Machine, Cylindrical, Greenwood and Batley, Limited xii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Grinding Machine, Oscillating Tool, Lumsden Machine Company, Limited (ix, x, xi, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- Machine Tools (continued):
- - Grinding Machine, Universal, C. Churchill and Co. (xx, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Hack Saw, F. G. Herbert (vi, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Hack Saw, Jones and Shipman, Limited (xi and xii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912).
- - Hack Saw, Power-driven, Humpage, Thomson and Hardy, 432
- - Hammer, 60 lb. Belt-driven Power, Judson- Jackson Company, 431
- - Heading and Forging Machine, Samuel Platt, 431
- - Jigs, Bevel Gear Testing, J. Parkinson and Son (xviii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Lathe,
- - All-gear, Schaerer and Co., 430, 431
- - for Bar Work, Perkin and Co., 384
- - Capstan, J. Archdale and Co., 412
- - Capstan, Colchester Lathe Company, 429
- - High-speed, Selson Engineering Company, Limited (xiii and xiv, Twenty- page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Plain Chucking, H. W. Ward and Co., Limited, 411
- - 18in., John Stirk and Sons, 380
- - Lathes, Admiralty, Colonial, and Ring Turret, Drummond Brothers, 409
- - Milling Machine, J. Archdale and Co. (xviii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Machine Experiments, P. V. Vernon, 574, 577
- - Machine, Horizontal, A. Herbert, Limited (viii and x, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Machine, Horizontal, H. W. Ward and Co., 411
- - Machine, Jones and Shipman, Limited (x, xi and xii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Machine, J. Parkinson and. Son (xvi and xvii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Nut Milling Machine, Samuel Platt, 431
- - Nut Tapping Machine, C. Neat and Co., 429 430
- - Planer with Electric Drive, C. Redman and Sons, 458
- - Planing Machine, Bateman, Smith and Coventry, 380, 381 (xv, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Planing Machine, Sunderland Gear, J. Parkinson and Son (xvi and xvii, Twenty- page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Saw Sharpener, C. Neat and Co., 429, 430
- - Screwing Machine, Joshua Heap and Co. (xix, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Screwing Machine, Kendall and Gent (xx, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Screwing Machine, Three-way, Samuel Platt, 431
- - Shaping Machine, Pfeil and Co., 430
- - Shaping Machines, Ormerod Brothers (vii and viii, Twenty-page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Shaping Machines, Selson Engineering Company, Limited (xiii, xiv and xv, Twenty- page Supplement, October 13th, 1912)
- - Slotting Machine, with Vickers 20 H.P. Motor Drive, J. Buckton and Co., Limited, 602
- - Straightening Machine, Angle Bar, 656
- - Tooth Chamfering Machine, Reinecker, 430
- - Belfast Harbour, 182
- - Blankenese-Hamburg-Ohlsdorf Railway, 171
- - Cromford and High Peak Railway, 552
- - Derwent Valley Water Supplies to Derby and Leicester, 248
- - Hoosac Tunnel, 323
- - Isola and Lago d’Arno, 293
- - Leicester—see Derwent Valley
- - London and South-Western Suburban Lines, 629
- - Northwich, Areas of Salt Subsidences, 614
- - Pittsburgh Reservoirs and Drainage Areas, 112
- - Pittsburgh and its Rivers, 55
- - Scottish Water Power, 326
- - Spiez-Frutigen Single-phase Railway, 672
- - Sydney, Transit Facilities in, 659
- MARINE Engines—see Engines
- Marine Gas Plant, Dunlop Closed Circuit, 99
- Marine Propulsion by Electric Transmission, H. A. Mavor, 312
- Milk-cooling Apparatus, Douglas-Conroy, 582
- Milling Machines—see Machine Tools
- Mines and Works in Cornwall, 96, 113, 143, 150, 166, 190
- Modern Factory, F. Southey, 328 ; (Letters), 397, 450
- Motor Car,
- - Acceleration of, H. E. Wimperis, 338
- - Chassis, Engine, Clutch, andc., at Olympia, Star Engineering Com-pany, Limited, 541, 542
- - Engine, Chassis and Gear-box, Belsize Motors, Limited, 512
- - Engine and Chassis at Olympia, Clement- Talbot, Limited, 542
- - Four-cylinder Engine, Maudslay, 543
- - Lighting Dynamo and Magneto, Simms Magneto Company, 511 ; (Correction), 540
- - Petrol Valve and Filter, W. P. Nesbitt, 683
- - Self - starter, The “Ever-ready,” Star Engineering Company, 511
- - Show at Olympia, 489, 510, 541
- - Six-cylinder Engine, Chassis and Details, Sheffield-Simplex, 511 (Two-page Supplement, November 15th, 1912)
- Motor
- - Coach and Connections, Siemens-Schuckert, 70
- - Coaches for Single-phase Railways—see Railways, Single-phase
- - Inspection Car for High Altitudes, Drewry Car Company, 91
- - Notes, German, 378
- - Self-starting Gear, Scott-Crossley, 511
- - Train in South Africa, 44
- - Vehicles, Design of, H. E. Wimperis, 509
- Moulding Machine, Wilson and Mathiesons, 498
- NITROGEN and Iron, J. H. Andrews, 424
- Nut Milling and Tapping—see Machine Tools
- OIL Engines—see Engines
- Oil GasProducer, Southey, 460, 461
- PELTON Wheel, 6500 H.P., and Generator at Isola, Escher, Wyss and Co., 349 (Two-page Supplement, October 4th, 1912)
- Petrol Lorry, 3 to 4-Ton, Daimler Company, 18
- Petrol Valve and Filter, W. P. Nesbitt, 683
- Petrol Wagon, 3-Ton, Aveling and Porter, 19
- Photostat Copying Apparatus, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 658
- Pinions, Rolling Mill, Andre Citroen, 459
- Planers—see Machine Tools
- Plate Bending Rolls, Motor-driven, at Bethlehem Steel Works, 118
- Plough, Grading or Earthwork, 147
- Pontoon Bridge at Constantinople, 598, 605
- Portrait, Dugald Drummond, 523
- Portrait, Henry Lea, 92
- Portrait, Duncan McNaught, 364
- Portrait, Vaughan Pendred, 418
- Presses for Gun Forgings at Bethlehem Steel Company’s Works, 118, 119, 122
- Producer, Oil Gas, Southey, 460, 461
- Pump, Counterbalanced Deep-well, C. Isler and Co., 660
- Pump for Hot Liquids with Twells’ Valves, Royle’s, Limited, 283
- Pump, Locomotive Feed, G. and J. Weir, 654
- Pumping Engines of 1712, Newcomen, 486 ; (Letter), 544
- Pumping Plant, Motor-driven, in Dolcoath Mine, 115
- Pumps, High-lift Centrifugal, W. E. W. Millington, 464
- QUARRY—see China Clay
- Rail Motor Eagle, 69
- Rail Situation in the United States, 391
- Railway
- - Accident, London and North-Western, at Ditton, 307
- - Cromford and High Peak, 546, 552
- - Extension, Central London, 129, 564; (Correction), 631
- - Foucault Current, 414, 420
- - Goods Wagon with Guard’s Compartment for Queensland Government Railways, 499
- - Murnau-Oberammergau Single-phase, 618, 624
- - Tunnel Electrification, Hoosac, Singlephase, 323
- - Viaduct over the Little Salmon River, Canada, 327
- - Viaducts, 85
- - Workshops in South Africa, 44, 48
- Railways,
- - Italian, The Progress of, 241
- - Single-phase, 10, 70, 88, 170, 196, 200, 256, 275, 323, 416, 482, 594, 618, 624, 640, 672
- - South African, Rolling Stock Development on, 3, 44, 48 ; (Letter), 47
- Refrigerating Machines, Vapour Compression, J. W. Anderson, 576, 581, 669
- Repair Shop Lathe—see Machine Tools
- Reservoir, Cedegolo Balancing, 351
- Road Locomotive, Internal Combustion, John Fowler and Co., 36
- Rock Drill, Air-driven, Holman Brothers, 114
- Rock Drill Cards, 97
- Rock Drill, New Air Hammer, Hardy Patent Pick Company, 156
- Rock Drill Works, R. Stephens and Son, 191
- Rolling Mill Engines, 12,000 H.P., Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Limited, 252, 260; (Correction), 290
- Rolling Stock Development on South African Railways, 3, 44, 48
- Ropeway—see Cable way
- Rudder for the Allan Liner Calgarian, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, 658
- SALT Subsidences at Northwich, 614
- Sand Blast Rolling Barrel, Peter Hooker, Limited, 180
- Saw, Electrically Driven Horizontal Band, J. Pickles and Son, 330
- Sawing, Planing and Jointing Machine, Box Board, J. B. Bolinders and Co., 308
- Sawing Machines—see also Machine Tools
- Scoop for Boby’s Water Softener, 458
- Scoop, Land-levelling, J. and H. McLaren, 555
- Scrapers, American Earthwork, Buck, Doan, Haslup, Maney, Royal, Tongue, Western, 145
- Screwing Machines—see Machine Tools
- Segregation in Steel Ingots, New Method of Revealing, Sir R. Hadfield, 368
- Sewage Disposal Works, Bradford, 484, 494
- Sewage Disposal Works at Ilkeston, 354, 358
- Sewage Distributor, Meehan and Sons, 64
- Shaping Machines—see Machine Tools
- General:
- - Marine Propulsion by Electric Transmission, H. A. Mavor, 312
- - Strength of Ships, 6
- British Navy :
- - Firedrake, H.M. Torpedo-boat Destroyer, Yarrow and Co., 129
- - King George V., H.M. Dreadnought, 554
- - Shark, H.M. Torpedo-boat Destroyer, 501 ; (Correction), 528
- Foreign Navies:
- - French Destroyers Dague and Cimeterre, 181
- - German Battle-cruiser Goeben, 249, 250
- - Itallian Submersible Atropo, 49
- Miscellaneous:
- - Calgarian, Allan Liner, Rudder for, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, 658
- - Comte de Flandre, Shallow-draught Steamer. Yarrow and Co., 684, 685
- - Dreadful, Sea-going Tug-boat, 310
- - Eavestone, Single-screw Motor Ship, 433 (Two Two-page Supplements, October 25th, 1912)
- - French Liner France, 7, 14
- - Graeme Stewart, Electrically Driven Fire Float, 312
- - Greenore, Cross-channel Passenger Steamer, Cammel, Laird and Co., Limited, 234 ; (Correction), 264
- - Juno, Diesel Motor Ship, Nederlandsche Fabriek, 514, 538 (Two-page Supplement, November 15th, 1912), (Two-page Supplement, November 22nd, 1912)
- - Jupiter, Propelling Plant of the, 312
- - Monte Penedo, Motor Ship and Engines, Howaldtswerke Company, 230, 244
- - Rolandseck, Diesel Motor Ship, J. C. Tecklen- borg A.G., 550, 616, 632 (Two-page Supplement, December 13th, 1912)
- SHIPBUILDING and Engineering Works at St. Nazaire, 7, 14
- Show, Motor Car, at Olympia, 489, 510, 541
- Show, Royal Agricultural, at Doncaster, 18, 36
- Show, Smithfield Club, 619
- Single-phase Railways—see Railways
- Slotting Machines—see Machine Tools
- Sluice Gate at Lago d’Arno, 295
- Smithy on the 32,000-Ton Floating Dock, 72
- Stamps, Friction Drop, B. and S. Massey, 340
- Steam Engines—see Engines
- Steel, Blistered Sheet of, J. E. Stead, 518
- Steel Ingots, New Method of Revealing Segregation in, Sir R. Hadfield, 361, 368
- Steel Refining, Induction Furnaces for, J. B. C. Kershaw, 643, 668
- Steel Works of the Bethlehem Company, 118, 122 (Two-page Supplement, August 2nd, 1912)
- Stoker, Bennis Coking, 63
- Straightening Machines—see Machine Tools
- Stumpf Engines—see Engines
- Submarine Vessels, Dock for Testing Strength of, Major Laurenti, 332, 337
- Suction Hopper Dredger, Sea-going, Werf Gusto, 287
- Sun Power Pumping Installation in Egypt, 393
- Superheater Locomotives—see Locomotives
- Superheaters, Two Types, T. Sugden, Limited, 683
- TIMBER, Deckloads of, A. R. Liddell, 86
- Torsion Meter, A Universal, Denny-Edgecombe, 98
- Traction Engine, Oil, at Doncaster, Petters, 37
- Tractor, Agricultural, Daimler, 18
- Tractor, Light Steam Agricultural, Mann’s Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Company, Limited, 621
- Tractor, Steam, Ruston, Proctor and Co., 621
- Train, during the Accelerating and Retarding Periods, Professor Dalby on Characteristic Dynamical Diagrams, andc., 467, 469, 502, 529
- Tramway in Dolcoath Mine, 114
- Tramway Works at Buenos Aires, 520, 525
- Tramways, Single-phase, in Parma, 640
- Transit Facilities in Sydney, 659
- Trenching and Ditching Machines, 268, 278, 336
- Tunnel, Footway, Woolwich, 462
- Tunnel, Hoosac, Single-phase Electrification, 323
- Tunnel Memorials, 645
- Turbine Compensating Governor Gear, Two Varieties, J. J. Armfield and Co., 432
- Turbine, Curtis Steam, R. F. Halliwell, 655
- Turbine, Exhaust Gas, Churchill-Shann, 206
- Turbines, 10,000 H.P. High-pressure, Biaschina Power Station, 482 (Two-page Supplement, November 8th, 1912)
- VACUUM Brake Ejector, Davies and Metcalfe, 102
- Valve Gear Benches, Joy, Walschaerts, 82
- Valve Gear, Florian Angele, 681
- Valve Gear Diagrams and the Apparatus for Drawing them, Professor W. E. Dalby, 57, 81
- Valve, Hydraulic, J. Jenkins and Son, 21
- Valve, Twells’ Pump, 283
- Valves, Electrically Operated, Motor and Control Equipment, H. M. Gassman, 301, 504
- Valves, Sentinel Meter, with Manometer, Surplus Steam, and Steam Stop, Alley and Maclellan, 410, 411
- Viaduct over the Little Salmon River, Grand Trunk Railway of Canada, 327
- Viaducts, Railway, 85
- WAGON, 3-Ton Petrol, Aveling and Porter, 19
- Wagons, Electric Tip, A. Koppel, 525
- Water Softener, Kennicott, 410
- Water Softener Scoop, William Boby, 458
- Water Supply, Bombay, 87
- Waterworks, Ashton-under-Lyne, Stalybridge and Dukinfield, 300, 302, 304
- Waterworks, Derwent Valley, Leicester Supply, 59, 248, 646, 650 (Two-page Supplement, July 19th, 1912)
- Waterworks for Stockport, 29, 40
- Weir, Self-acting, and Flood Gate, H. Davey, 22
- Wire Ropes for Lifting Appliances, andc., D. Adamson, 159
- Wood Refuse Gas Producer, Davey, Paxman and Co., Limited, 250
- Works of the Bethlehem Steel Company, 118 122 ; (Letter), 259 (Two-page Supplement, August 2nd, 1912)
- Works, China Clay, in Cornwall, 143, 150
- Works Extension at Woolwich, Siemens Brothers, 328
- Works, Mines and, in Cornwall, 96, 113, 143, 150, 166, 190
- Works, Park, Manchester, Mather and Platt, Limited, 466, 470
- Works, Rock Drill, R. Stephens and Son, 191
- Works, Shipbuilding and Engineering, at St. Nazaire, 7, 14
- Workshops Extension in Manchester, Hulse and Co., Limited, 130
- Workshops, Railway, in South Africa, 44, 48
- Worm Gearing at Liverpool University, H. Wallwork and Co., 233
See Also
Sources of Information