The Engineer 1916 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1916 Jan-Jun: Index
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- ABELL, Professor T. B., on Resistance of Bilge Keels to Rolling, 342
- Abell, W. S., on the Merchant Navy in War Time, 88
- Abell, W. S., on Some Questions in Connection with the Work of th© Load Line Committee, 313
- Aberdeen—see Water Supply
- Jarrow Railway Disaster, 87, 90, 241
- Penistone Viaduct Failure, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company’s Line, 135
- Railway Accidents in the United States, 501
- ACTIVATED Sludge Sewage Disposal, plant at Milwaukee, 58
- Adamson, D., on Spur Gearing, 442, 460, 491, 608
- Adventure, The Spirit of, 133
- Aeronautical Pin-pricks, 155
- Aeroplane Catapult in the United States Navy, 242
- Air Inquiry, Government Committee, 486
- Buoyancy of Zeppelins, 236 ; (Letters), 247, i 264, 273, 314, 336, 438
- Froude’s Law for the Airship, Sir George Greenhill, 422
- January Zeppelin Raids on Paris, 204
- “Sachsen” and other Zeppelins, 166
- Support and Progression in Air of Revolving ; Discs, Monsieur A. Brancher, 416
- Zeppelins and the Weather, 219 ; (Letters), 247, 264, 273 ?
- AGRICULTURAL Machinery at Manchester, . 626, 548
- Ahrons, E. L., on the Strength and Wear of Locomotive Tires, 411, 456
- Air Breakwater, Th© Brasher, 414 • (Letter), ' 478 ;
- Air Compressors—see Compressors i
- Air, Flow of, through Nozzles, Captain T. B. Morley, 82 '
- Air Regulation for Diesel Engine Compressors, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Limited, 193
- Aitchison, Leslie, on Rustless Ferro-alloys, 329, i 361
- Aitchison, L., on the Theory of the Corrosion , of Steel, 396
- Alloy, A New, for Cutting Tools, P. R. Kuehn- ' rich, 438
- Amar’s Machines for Training Maimed Soldiers, 472
- America, Engineering in—see Engineering
- America, Government Armour-plate Factory in, 180 I
- American Competition—see Iron and Steel
- Hardinge Bridge, 16
- Hell Gate Bridge, 16
- Quebec Bridge, Th© New, 16
- Southwark Bridge, New, 16
- COAL TRADE IN 1915, 40
- Alexandria, 27
- Bahia Blanca, Argentine, 27
- Blyth, 10
- Clyde, The, 10
- Denmark, Thyboron, 27
- Dover, 10
- Grimsby, 10
- Hull, 10
- Japan, 27
- Littlehampton, 10
- Liverpool, 9
- London, The Port of, 9
- Manchester, 10
- New York, 27 '
- Panama Canal, 27
- Russia, 27
- South Wales, 10
- Sunderland, 10
- Tees, The, and the Hartlepools, 10 Valparaiso, 27
- Workington, 10
- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN 1915, 8, 9, 32, 33
- American Railways, 8
- Electrical Trade after the War, 33
- Electric Vehicles, 9
- Examination of Metals by X-rays, 9
- Introductory, 8 Lamps, 32
- Lift Control on the Underground, 8
- Light Control, 32
- London County Council Electricity Bill, North Swedish Electric Railway, 9 Power Plants, 8
- Railways, 8
- Ships, 9
- Telephone Cable, A New, 9
- Wireless Telegraphy, 32
- Wireless Telephony, 32
- Armament Works, 2
- Coal, 4
- Dearth of Men, 2
- Demand for Machine Tools, 2 North and Midlands, 3 Other Developments, 3 Output of Steel. 2 Prices, 3
- Rolled Steel, 2
- Shipbuilding, 3
- Steel Export Restrictions, 3 Taxation of Profit, 3 The Future, 4
- Tungsten, 3
- Africa, 16
- Australia, 16
- British Railway Accidents in 1915, 16
- European Continent, 16
- India, 15
- Railways and the War, 16
- South America, 16
- United Kingdom, 15
- Activated Sludge Experiments in America, 31
- Activated Sludge Experiments at Salford, 31
- Activated Sludge Method of Sewage Disposal, 30
- General Notes, 29
- Large Screw Drainage Pumps, 29
- Leeds New Sewage Works, 30
- London Main Drainage, 31
- Manchester Main Drainage, 31
- Quantity of Activated Sludge Required, 30
- Quantity of Air Required for the Process, 30
- Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Bridge for Carrying a Sewer, ^0
- Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal, 29
- Sheffield Sewage Disposal Works, 31 Works Abroad, 31
- Aberdeen and Perth, 7
- Alwen Water Supply for Birkenhead, 7 Bradford Waterworks, 7
- Cast Iron Flexible Submarine Aqueduct, 7 ; (Letter), 33
- Derwent Valley, 7
- Drought, 6
- Excess Lime Method of Water Purification, 8
- General Notes, 6
- Glasgow’s River Turk Scheme, 7
- Kensico Dam, 7
- Liverpool and Manchester, 6
- I Mechanical Filtration, 7
- Metropolitan Water Board, 7
- ARCH, Erection—see Bridges
- Armour Plate Factory, Government, in America, 180
- Armstrong, Professor H., on The Economical Use of Coal, 230
- Association of Engineers, Manchester :
- Average Conditions in Engineering, A. Etchells, 41
- Fuel Oils from Coal, Harold Moore, 256 Manufacture of Rubber Belting, James Tinto, 241
- Oil Engines, G. E. Windeler^ 158
- Association, Incorporated Municipal Electrical:
- Agriculture, Electrical Supply for, 542
- Annual Meeting, 540
- Boiler-house Design, W. W. Lackie, 541
- Linking up Stations, &c., H. S. Ellis, 541
- Institute, The Iron and Steel:
- Annual Meeting, 327, 373, 376, 396, 404 ; (Letter), 544
- Annual Report; Alteration of By-laws; Award of Bessemer Gold Medal, &c., 373
- Carnegie Research Grants, 397
- Critical Cooling Velocities of Chromium Steel, Professor C. A. Edwards and Messrs. J. N. Greenwood and H. Kikkawa, 398
- Cutting Efficiencies of Tool Steels, Dr. J. O. Arnold, 397
- Influence of Carbon and Manganese upon the Corrosion of Iron and Steel, Sir Robert Hadfield and Dr. J. Newton Friend, 396
- Presidential Address, Sir W. Beardmore, 373, 404
- Progrfimme, 327
- Surface Tension Effects in the Inter-Crystalline Cement in Metals and the Elastic Limit, F, C Thompson, 376, 398
- Theory of the Corrosion of Steel, L. Aitchison, 396
- Institute of Marine Engineers:
- Cumberland Electrolytic, Method of venting Corrosion, J. F. Petter, 243
- Institute of Metals: j
- Annealing of Nickel Silver, F. C. Thompson, ! 294 ’ I
- Annual General Meeting, 209, 275, 292 i Corrosion Committee’s Third Report, 276, j 281, 293 '
- Elections, 275 I
- Electric Furnaces as Applied to Non-ferrous i
- Metallurgy, Professor A. Stansfield, 294 German Science and Price Cutting, J. Dewrance, 293 I
- Note on Some Tin-Aluminium-Copper Alloys, I
- Professor A. A. Read and R. H. Greaves, 294
- Notes on the Analysis of Aluminium and its
- Alloys, W. H. Whithey, 294
- Presidential Address, Dr, Beilby, 292 Programme, 209 Transformations in Alloys of Gold
- Copper,\ Dr. N. S. Kurnakow, Zemczuzny, and M. Zasedatelev, 294
- X-rays and Crystal Structure with Special
- Reference to Certain Metals, Professor | W. H. Bragg, 424
- Institution of Civil Engineers:
- February Examinations (Interim), Pass List, 216
- Industrial Development, Harold Cox, Main Drainage of Cairo, C. C. James,
- Notes on the Working of a Rack Railway, W. T, Lucy, 136
- October Examinations, 1915, Pass List, 108
- Yorkshire Association of Students:
- Road Traction by Petrol, Steam and Electric Motor Vehicles, G. M. Gamble 182
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland:
- Portland Cement, B, J. Day, 181
- Institution, Junior, of Engineers:
- Alternating Current Driving in Factories, G. H. Ayres, 366 i
- Business in Engineering, F. G. Hatch, 60 i
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers:
- Annual General Meeting, 170
- Chisels, Henry Fowler, 170
- Composition of the Exhaust from Liquid Fuel Engines, Second Lieut. R. W. Penning, 261
- Council and the Members, 177
- Flow of Air through Nozzles, ^Captain T. B. Morley, 82
- Spur Gearing, D. Adamson, 442
- Theory and Practice in the Filtration of Water, W. Clemence, 333, 338, 344
- Institution of Mining and Metallurgy:
- British Coalfields, Sir R. A. S. Redinayne, 287
- Notes from a Collision Investigation, John Reid, 361, 384
- Present Position of the 'Marine Diesel Engine and its Possibilities, Engineer- Lieutenant-Commander W. P. Sillince, 326, 343
- Shipyard Cranes of the Rotterdam Dockyard Company, M. G. de Gelder, 361
- Skin Friction Resistance of Ships, &c., G. S. Baker, 342
- Some Effects of the Bulkhead Committee’s Report in Practice, A. T. Wall, 361, 425
- Some Questions in Connection with the Work of the Load Line Committee, W. S. Abell, 313
- Strength of Water-tight Bulkheads, J. Foster King, 356, 360
- Subdivision of Merchant Ships, Reports of Bulkhead Committee, 1912—1913, Sir A. Denny, 360
- Institution of Petroleum Technologists:
- Kimmeridge Oil Shale Deposits, W. H. Manfield, 235
- Society of Chemical Industry :
- Economical Use of Coal, Professor H. Armstrong, 230
- Fuel Economy, Professor W. A. Bone, 236 Edinburgh and East of Scotland Section North-British Rubber Company’s Laboratories, Visit, 494
- Raw Materials used by the Rubber Manufacturer, B. D. Porritt, 494
- Some Aspects of Synthetic Rubber, B. D. W. Luff, 494
- Society of Engineers:
- Engineering and Scientific Research, Dr. J. A. Fleming, 380
- Society, The Faraday:
- The Making of a Big Gun, Dr. Rosenhain, 319.
- Society, The Liverpool Engineering:
- Education of a Marino Engineer, J. B. Jeffrey, 160
- Lighting of Thoroughfares, Haydn T. Harrison, 196
- Modernised Power Station, E. M. Hollingsworth, 252
- Society, Royal Meteorological:
- Annual General Meeting, Symons* Gold Medal Award, 140
- Atmospheric Pressure and Rainfall at a Single Station, Lieut. E. H. Chapman, 656
- Gun-firing in Flanders, Audibility of the, over South-East of England, Miller, Christy and W. Marriott, 556
- Phenological Observations for 1915, Report, J. E. Clark and N B. Adames, 556
- Winter Climate of the Eastern Mediterranean, Major H. G. Lyons, 140
- AUSTRIAN Steel Industry in War Time, 335 Automobile Engine Bearings, W. Betterton, 201 Average Conditions in Engineering, A. Etchells, 41
- Ayres, G. H., on Alternating Current Driving , in Factories, 366
- BAKER, G. S., on Skin Friction Resistance of Ships, &c., 342, 379
- Baling Hay and Straw, Press, Ruston, Proctor and Co., Limited, 549
- Bath Caravans for Belgium, 365
- Beamless Searchlights, 418
- Bearings for Motor Car Engines, W. Betterton, 201
- Belgium, Great Industries in, before, and during ' the War, Professor W. Hubert, 27, 55, 123, 156, 220
- Berriman, A. E., on A Corps of Mechanical Engineers, 396
- Betterton, W., on Automobile Engine Bearings, 201
- Bilge Keels, Resistance of—see Ships.
- Birthday Honours, 477
- Bleaching, Dyeing and Printing Cotton Fabrics, Machinery for, 250, 271, 308, 316, 362, 358, 391, 469, 537, 641
- Boiler-house Design, W. W. Lackie, 541
- Bone, Professor W. A., on Fuel Economy, 236
- Books of Reference, 115, 152, 179, 201, 236, 287, 341, 366, 415, 499
- Boring Machines—see Machine Tools
- Bragg, Professor W. H., on X-Rays and Crystal Structure with special Reference to Certain Metals, 424
- Brancher, Monsieur A., on The Use of Revolving Discs for Flying Machines, 415
- Breakwater, Brasher Air, 414 ; (Letters), 478, 502
- See also Annual Article
- Charing Cross Railway Bridge, 546, 547A 550
- Erection of an Arch on Suspended Centering of Reinforced Concrete, 132, 134
- Preston, New Bridge over the Ribbleat, 147, 154
- Quebec Bridge, The Erection of, Programme for Season 1916, 496, 504
- BRITISH and American Steel and Machinery Exports, 260
- British Coalfields—see Coal
- B.E.A.M.A. on the Future of British Trade, 84
- British Engineering Industry, The Organisation of, 483
- British Machinery and the Russian Market, P. Gurewitch, 260, 298, 340, 370
- British Magnetos, 116
- British Optical Glass Industry, 177 ; (Letter), 216
- British Trade, The Future of, B.E.A.M.A. Dinner, 84
- Bulkheads—see Ships
- Buoyancy of Zeppelins—see Aeronautics
- Business in Engineering, F. G. Hatch, 60
- CAIRO, The Main Drainage of, C. C. James, 188
- Calendars and Diaries, 49, 141
- Carbon and Manganese—see Iron and Steel Catalogues, 165, 269, 305, 389, 431, 490, 535 Catap^t—see Aeronautics
- Cement, Slag Portland, B. J. Day, 181 Centering Machines—see Machine Tools
- Chain and Hollow Chisel Mortising Machine, A. Ransome and Co., Limited, 66
- Chemical Combination, A Huge German, 442
- Chemical Industry and the Future, 359
- Chemical Laboratories at University College, London, 294
- Chemistry—see also Annual Article
- Chisels, Henry Fowler, 170
- Chucks, Boring Tools, &c. for Shell-making, J. and H. McLaren, 180
- Chucks for Boring and Turning, E. R. and F. Turner, 263
- Circular Revolving Discs for Flying Machines, Monsieur A. Brancher, 416
- Circulating Water Screens—see Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Electrification
- Clemence, W., on Theory and Practice in the Filtration of Water, 333, 338, 339, 344; (Letters), 366
- Cleveland, Technical College for, 486
- See also Annual Articles, Engineering Industries, &c.
- Belgium, Coal Mines in, 28
- British Coalfields, Sir R. A. S. Redmayne, 287
- Coal and British Industry, 505
- Coal Prices and Costs, 462
- Coal Trade in 1915, 40
- Colliery Plant—see Pumps
- Economical Use of Coal, Professor H. Armstrong, 230
- Fuel Economy, Professor W. A. Bone, 236 Fuel Oils from Coal, Harold Moore, 266 Slag Main Collieries, 564
- Testing Locomotive Coals, 159, 325 ; (Letter), 314
- Trade Terms Used in the Coal Markets of Great Britain {Two-page Supplement^ June 16ZA, 1916); (Letter), 522
- Two Wood-working Machines for Collieries, A. Ransome and Co., Limited, 300
- COCKRILL, T. S., on The Determination of the Principal Dimensions of Marine Reciprocating Propelling Machinery, 320
- Coming Economic Struggle, 620, 626 Commercial Conditions in Japan, 148 Commutators—see Electrical Matters
- Compressor, Small Rotary Air, H. A. Hatcher, 383
- Compressors, Diesel Engine, Air Regulation for, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Limited, 193
- Concrete Pipes, Steel Reinforced, Bonna System, Hughes and-Lancaster, 416, 420
- Concrete, Reinforced, Erection of an Arch on Suspended Centering of, 132, 134
- Condensers for Electrical Use—see Electrical Matters
- Consular Advice, 199
- Contracts, 97, 141, 209, 269, 287, 306, 326, 345, 389, 43,1, 493
- Contractors and Engineers, 181
- Corrosion of Non-Ferrous Metals Committee, 276, 279, 281
- Corrosion of Iron and Steel—see also Iron and Steel
- Corrosion, The Prevention of, -Cumberland Electrolytic Method, J. F. Peter, 243, 294
- Cotton fabrics. Machinery for Bleaching, Dyeing and Printing, 250, 271, 308, 316, 362, 358, 391, 469, 637, 541
- Council. Advisory—see Research
- Cox, Harold, on Industrial Development, 216, 219 *
- Cripples, War, in Austria and Germany, 64
- Critical Speeds of Shafts, W. M. Wallace, 495, 618, 639
- Cruiser Sterns—see Ships
- DAM, Alwen, Birkenhead Water Supply, 7, 194 {Supplement, January Uh, 1916)
- Dam, Angram, Bradford Waterworks, 7, 194 {Supplement, January Ith, 1916)
- Dam, Derwent, Progress on, 7, 194 (*S'wppZe- ment, January ItK, 1916)
- Dara, Kensico, 4, 12, 194 {Supplement, January 1th, 1916) •
- Dam, Medlow, New South Wales, 268, 262
- Daras, Some Recent, Comparative Particulars of, 194
- Day, B. J., on Portland Cement, 181 *
- Denny, Sir Archibald, on Sub-division of Merchant Ships Reports of Bulkhead Committee, 360
- Die-Casting Machine, Monometer Manufacturing Co., Limited, 312
- Diesel Engines—see Engines
- Dilution of Labour, 469 ; (Letter), 477
- Discs—see Circular Discs
- Diversion of Don—see Works, Hadfields
- Dock, Floating, at Hamburg, 17,600-ton, Vulkan Co., 483
- Docks, Harbours, &c.—see also Annual Article Drill's—see Machine Tools
- Drop Hammer, Friction Driven, Brett’s Patent Lifter Company, 204
- Duration of German Patents, 136
- Dust Separation and Collection, Twin Cyclo-Pneumatic System, T. Robinson and Son, Limited, 485
- Duties of a Laboratory in a Mechanical Engineering Works, 178; (Letter), 116
- Dyson, Captain C. W., on the Mystery of the Screw Propeller, 60, 64
- ECONOMIC Conference at Paris, 520, 525 Economic Extraction of Tin and Tungsten from Cornish Ores, 280
- Education of a Marine Engineer, J. B. Jeffrey, 160
- Educational Books for British Prisoners of War, 631
- Edwards, Professor C. A., and Messrs. J. N. Greenwood and H. Kikkawa on Critical Cooling Velocities of Chromium Steel, 398 Effect of Loads on the Refractoriness of Fireclays, Dr. J. W. Mellor and Lieut. B. J. Moore, 490
- Elder, T. C., on Engineering Industry and Public Policy, 256
- See also Annual Article
- Adjustable Speed Induction Motor, F. Creedy, 528
- Agriculture and Electrical Supply, 542
- Alternating Current Driving in Factories, G. H. Ayres, 366
- Boiler-house Design, W. W. Lackie, 641 Charging Edison Storage Batteries, 498
- Clifton Junction Power Station, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 34, 38, 52, 62, 76, 86, 101, 103, 125, 167, 176 {Two- page Supplement, February 25th, 1916)
- Commutator Insulation, B. G. Lamme, 477
- Comparison of 600, 1200 and 2400-volt
- Switchboards, 66
- Condensers for Power Factor CoiTection, British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Limited, 649
- Cumberland Electrolytic Method of Preventing Corrosion, J. F. Peter, 243
- Electric Vehicle Progress During the War, 486
- Electrification of Textile Fibres in the Process of Manufacture, 422
- Extra High-tension Service Branches, D. M. Macleod, 418
- Forced Lubrication for Starting Motor Generator Sets, J. R. Werth, 498
- Glanmor Foundry and Engineering }Vorks, Electrical Plant at, 519, 621
- High Voltage Sub-Station Machinery, 422 Interconnection of Electric Supply Undertakings,'Board of Trade Circular, 443
- Isolated Factories, The Electrification of, 57, 80, 104, 128, 150, 172, 191, 231, 274, 310, 382, 412, 476, 619, 521 ; (Letters), 438, 461, 478, 531
- Lake Margaret Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 40
- Lifts, Electric, H. Marryat, 232
- Lighting of Small Towns, 482
- Linking up of Power Stations, J. A. Robertson, 482
- Linking up Stations, &c., H. S. Ellis, 541
- Ljungstrom System—see Ships
- Locomotives—see Railways
- Machine Tools, Electric Control Equipment for, British Thomson-Houston Company, 136
- Measurement of Crest Voltages, 471
- Modern Methods of Correcting Power Factor, 497, 549
- Oscillations Produced by Electric Arcs, 417
- Production of High Potential Direct Currents, 484
- Railways—see Railways
- St. Helens Corporation Electric Power Station Extensions, E. M. Hollingsworth, 262
- Secondary Cell Installation for Telegraph Offices, J. M. F. Lamothe, 512
- Self-contained Electric Generating Set, Parsons Motor Co., Limited, 276
- Spain, Hydro-Electric Undertakings in, 500
- Three-phase Motor, Peculiar Behaviour of, 418
- Voltmeter Coil for Testing Transformers, A. B. Hendricks, 373
- Winding Plant at Pumpherston Oil Company’s Pit, Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, 400, 403
- ELSWICK. Gasworks, Remodelling, 110, 114
- Employment of Women—see Women
- Motor Car Engines, Bearings for, W. Betterton, 201
ENGINES AND MOTORS: Internal Combustion Engines:
- Air Regulation for Diesel Engine Compressors, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Limited, 193
- Diesel Engine, New Type, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, 158
- Liquid Fuel Engines, Composition of the Exhaust from, Second Lieut. R. W. Penning, 251 ; (Correction), 273
- Oil Engines, G. E. Windeler, 168
- Present Position of the Marine Diesel Engine and its Possibilities, Engineer-Lieutenant- Commander W. P. Sillince, 325, 343
- Semi-Diesel Engine, 300 Horse-power, Petters Limited, 234, 256
- Why Small Farm Engines are Failures, F. R. Parsons, 385 ; (Letters), 396, 427, 438
- Determination of the Principal Dimensions of Marine Reciprocating Propelling Machinery, T. S. Cockrill, 320
- Portable Steam Engine, R. Garrett and Sons, Limited, 526
- Steam v. Diesel Marine Engines, 160
- ENGINEER, Marine, Education of a, J, B. Jeffrey, 160
- Engineer Volunteers, First London, 431, 438, 494, 614, 530
- Engineers and the Russian Language, 211
- ENGINEERING IN AMERICA IN 1916, 200, 240, 252
- Bridges and Tunnels, 241 Harbours and Waterways, 252 Hydro-electric Developments, 200 Internal Combustion Engines, 200 Locomotives, 240
- Municipal Engineering, 252 Railways, 240
- Shipbuilding, 252
- Steam Engines, 200 I
- Steel, Iron and Coke, 200 I
- ENGINEERING, Average Conditions in, A. Etchells, 41
- Engineering, Business in, F. G. Hatch, 60 Engineering, 1915—A Retrospect, 13 Engineering Industry—see also Annual Article Engineering Industry, The British, Organisation of, 483
- Engineering Industry and Public Policy, T. C. Elder, 266
- Engineering Institutions’ Volunteer Engineer Corps, 23, 49, 74, 142, 166, 209, 227, 247, 204, 273, 305, 328, 345, 368, 385
- Engineering Institutions and the War, 373, 460; (Letters), 478, 602, 531
- Engineering and Scientific Research, Dr. J. A. Fleming, 380
- Engineering after the War. T. C. Elder, 266
- Engine-room Heroes’ Memorial at Liverpool, 443
- Erection of Arch—see Bridges
- Etchells, A., on Average Conditions in Engineering, 41
- Evaporators, Multiple, On the Theory of, P. H. Parr, 146
- Exhaust from Liquid Fuel Engines, Composition of. Second Lieut. R. W. Penning, 261
- Experimental Tanks—see Ships
- Export Trade, Our, with Latin-America, 505
- FACTORIES, Electrification of—see Electrical I Matters '
- Factories—see also Works.
- Farm Engines—see Engines
- Penning, Second Lieut. R. W., on Composition of the Exhaust from Liquid Fuel Engines, 261 ; (Correction), 273
- Ferro-alloys, Rustless, Leslie Aitchison, 329, 351
- Filtration of Water—see Water Supply Financing of Manufacturing Industries, 155 Fire-clays—see Refractoriness of
- Fire Extinguishers, Relative Value, Committee’s Report, 462
- Fleming, A. P. M., on Industrial Research, 294
- Fleming, Dr. J. A., on Engineering and Scientific Research, 380
- Floating Dock at Hamburg, 17,500-ton, Vulkan Company, 483
- Flow of Air through Nozzles, Captain T. B. Morley, 82
- Forthcoming Engagements, 23, 49, 6^^, 97, 121, 140, 165, 187, 209, 216, 247, 269, 287, 304, 325, 345, 367, 389, 409, 431, 449, 456, 490, 502, 530, 644
- Fowler, Henry, on Chisels, 170
- French Steel and Engineering Industries after the War, 171 .
- Friction-driven Hammer—see Hammer
- Froude’s Law for the Airship, Sir George Greenhill, 422
- Fuel Economy, Professor W. A. Bone, 236
- Fuel Oils from Coal,Harold Moore, 266
- Furnaces at the Hanyang Iron and Steel Works, Siemens-Martin, 51, 78 {Two-page Supplement, January 218t, 1916)
- Future of British Trade, B.E.A.M.A. Dinner, 84
- GAMBLE, G. M., on Road Traction by Petrol,
- Steam and Electric Motor Vehicles, 182 Garnett, Dr. Wm., on National Research Laboratory, 395
- Gasworks, The Elswick, Remodelling, 110, 114 Gauge Makers, Training of, 486
- Gauges, Screw, 263
- Gearing, Spur, D. Adamson, 442, 460, 491. 508 German Chemical Combination, 442
- German Patents, The Duration of, 136 German Shells—see War Material
- Germany’s Preparations for “After the War,” 519
- Germany’s Trade After the War, 192 Glasgow Tramways, 631
- Glass Industry, British Optical, 177 ; (Letter), 216
- Glass, Manufacture of, in Scotland, 196
- Glass Research, 249, 259 Grain-elevating and Conveying Plant at Sunderland, Henry Simon, Limited, 278 282 {Two-page Supplement, March 31^, 1916) Great Industries in Belgium Before and During
- the War, Professor H. Hubert, 27, 55, 123, 156, 220
- Greenhill, Sir George, on Froude’s Law for the
- Airship, 422
- Gun Lathe—see Machine Tools
- Guns—see War Material
- Gurewitch, P., on British Machinery and the
- Russian Market, 260, 298, 340, 370 Gyroscopic Torque Apparatus, E. Rawson, 334
- HADFIELD, Sir R., on the Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals, 395, 423
- Hadfield, Sir R., and Dr. J. N. Friend, on the Influence of Carbon and Manganese upon the Corrosion of Iron and Steel, 396, 526, 528
- Hamburg, 17,600-ton Floating Dock, 483
- Hammer, Drop, Friction-driven, Brett’s Patent Lifter Company, 204
- Hanyang Iron and Steel Works, 51, 78 {Two- page Supplement, January 21st, 1916)
- Harrison, Haydn T., on Lighting of Thoroughfares, 196
- Hatch, F. G., on Business in Engineering, 60
- Hay Sweep, Horse-drawn, Richmond and Chandler, 549
- Hobart, H. M., on Electrical Railways, 44, 68, 90, 105, 134, 149—see also Railway Electrification, 143
- Hollingsworth, E. M., on A Modernised Power Station, 252
- Hubert, Professor H., on the Great Industries in Belgium Before and During the War, 27, 55, 123, 166, 220
- Hurley, E. N., on Trade Associations and Better Business Methods, 473
- Hustlers, The—A Review, 548
- Hydro-electric Power Scheme, Lake Margaret, Tasmania, 40
- Hydro-electric Undertakings in Spain, 600
- ILLUMINATING Factories, Home-office I poi’t—Lighting, Industiial
- Industrial Development, Harold Cox, 215, Industrial Research, Australian Scheme, —see also Scientific Research
- Industrial Research, A. P. M. Fleming, 294
- Industries, The Great, in Belgium Before and During the War, Professor H. Hubert, 27, 55, 123, 156, 220
- Influence of Carbon, &c.—see Iron and Steel Institutes and Institutions—see Associations, &c.
- Institutions, Engineering—see Engineering Insulation—see Electrical Matters
- Internal Combustion Engines—see Engines^-
- See also in Annual Articles, “ Engineering Industries,” &c.
- American Competition in Iron and Steel 87 Austrian Steel Industry in War Time, 335 Belgium, Iron and Steel Manufactures in, 55 British and American Steel and Machinery Exports, 260
- Critical Cooling Velocities of Chromium Steel, Professor C. A. Edwards and Messrs. J. N. Greenwood and H. Kikkawa, 398
- Cutting Efficiencies of Tool Steels, Dr. J. O. Arnold, 397
- French Steel and Engineering Industries After the War, 171
- German Shells and the Influence of Certain Elements on the Physical Properties of Steel, Dr. J. E. Stead, 43
- Germany’s Trade After the War, 192
- Hanyang Iron and Steel Works, 51, 78 {Two- page Supplement, January 21«i, 1916)
- High-speed Steel Scrap, Government Rules for Disposal, 256
- Influence of Carbon and Manganese upon the Corrosion of Iron and Steel, Sir R. Hadfield and Dr. J. N. Friend, 396, 525, 528
- Institute, Iron and Steel, Papers, &c.—see also Associations, &c.
- Iron Merchants’ Prices and Profits, 409
- Metallurgy of Ferrous field, 395, 423
- North-East Coast Iron
- Rustless Ferro-alloys, Leslie Aitchison, 329, 351
- Shell Steel, 39
- Steel Pipes—see Pipes
- Surface Tension Effects in the Inter-crystal- line Cement in Metals and the Elastic Limit, F. C. Thompson, 376, 398
- Theory of the Corrosion of Steel, L. Aitchison, 396
- Trade Terms Used in the Iron and Steel Markets of Great Britain, (Letter), 522 (Two-page Supplement, June IQth 1916)
- V erdun and Iron Ore, 402
- War Influence on Iron and Steel Production, 297
- Washed Metals, 336
- ISHERWOOD System—see Empress of Ireland
- JAMES, C. C., on the Main Drainage of Cairo, 188
- Japan, Commercial Conditions in, 148
- Japan, Print Works, Mather and Platt Equipment, 639, 641
- Jeffrey, J. B., on the Education of a Marine Engineer, 160
- Joist, Spontaneous Rupture of, 19
- KENSICO Dam, 412 (Supplement. Januaru ^th, 1916)
- Kimmeridge Oil Shales, W. H. Manfield, 236
- King, J. Foster, on the Strength of Watertight Bulkheads, 356, 360
- LABORATORIES, Chemical, at University College, London, 294
- Laboratories, Duties of, in a Mechanical Engineering Works, 178; (Letter), 116
- Laboratory, National Research, Dr. Wm. Garnett, 395
- Labour—see also Annual Article
- Labour, Dilution of, 459 ; (Letter), 477
- Labour and Wages, 18, 36, 66, 92, 116, 160, 169, 196, 216, 233, 268, 273
- Lackie, W. W., on Boiler-house Design, 641
- Lake Margaret Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 40
- Lamme, B. G., on Commutator Insulation, 477 Article, Electrical
- Aeronautical Pin-pricks,
- American Competition in Iron and Steel, 87
- Beam and Draught of Warships, 402
- British and American Steel and Machinery Exports, 260
- British Optical Glass Industry, 177
- Charing Cross Railway Bridge, 547 Chemical Industry and the Future, 359
- Coal and British Industry, 605
- Coming Economic Struggle, 625 Consular Advice, 199
- Corrosion of Non-ferrous Metals, 279 Corrosion of Steel, 626
- Council and the Members, 177
- Cruiser Sterns on Merchant Ships, 359 Dilution of Labour, 469
- Electric Lighting of Small Towns, 482 Electrification of Textile Fibres in the Process of Manufacture, 422
- Engineering Institutions and the War, 460 Filtration of Water, 339
- Financing of Manufacturing Industries, 155 Future of British Railways, 401
- High-voltage Sub-station Machinery, 421 Industrial Development, 219
- Industrial Research, 339
- International Demand for New Ships, 318 Merchant Shipping, 421
- Munition Factories and the Future, 442 Naval Action, 481
- Our Export Trade with Latin-America, 505 Popular Science, 279
- Profits of Controlled Engineering Works, 547 Radio-telephony, 379
- Railways and Traders, 199
- Resistance in a Seaway, 112 Retrospect—1916, 13
- Safely in Railway Travel, 87
- Scientific and Industrial Research, 259, 506
- Screw Propeller, 64
- Shell Steel, 39
- Shipbuilding Contracts, 178
- Single-phase Traction in America, 39 Spirit of Adventure, 133
- Standardised Ships, 240
- Strikers and the War, 297
- Subdivision and Safety of Ships, 317 Super-submarine, The, 239
- Surface Friction Resistance, 379 Taxation of Profits, 63
- Torpedo Tubes in Large Warships, 441 Trade and Employment After the War, 111 Verdun and Iron Ore, 402
- War Influence on Iron and Steel Production, 297
- Women in Workshops, 133
- Zeppelins and the Weather, 219
- LEES, C. H., on Law of Skin Friction of a Fluid in a Streamline, &c., 342, 379
- America, 25, 48, 98, 142, 188, 208, 228, 270 286, 306, 360, 389, 431, 467, 493, 514, 530
- England, North of, 20, 46, 70, 94, 119, 138, 163, 184, 207, 225, 244, 266, 284, 302, 323, 347, 364, 387, 407, 429, 446, 465, 487, 510, 532. 552
- Lancashire, 20, 45, 70, 93, 117, 137, 161, 183, 205, 223, 244, 265, 284, 301, 322, 346, 363, 386, 406, 428, 446, 464, 487, 509, 532, 552 ; (Letter), 554
- Midlands and Staffordshire, 19, 45, 69, 93, 117, 137, 161, 183, 205, 223, 243, 265, 283, 301, 321, 347, 363, 385, 405, 427, 446, 463, 486, 509, 631, 551
- Scotland, 22, 47, 71, 95, 119, 139, 163, 185, 207, 225, 245, 267, 286, 303, 324, 348, 365, 387, 408, 429, 449, 465, 489, 511, 533, 663 Sheffield, 21, 47, 73, 95, 118, 138, 162, 185, 206, 224, 245, 266 285, 303, 323, 347, 364, 386, 407, 428, 447, 464, 488, 510, 633, 663
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 22, 48, 72, 96, 120, 139, 164, 186, 208, 226, 246, 267, 286, 303, 324, 348, 365, 388, 408, 430, 448, 466, 489, 612, 634, 554
- Aerial Navigation, Alpha,
- Omega, 438
- Aero Engine Weight and of Flight, W. J. Walker,
- Air Jets—see Brasher
- Charlottenburg, 602 ; Vim, 602 ; Member, 531
- Labour After the War, E. T. Good, 522
- London and North-Western Compounds,
- N. Bushell, 461 ; J. W. Boulton, 478 ; Moon, 502
- London and North-Western Locomotives— see London and North-Western Compounds
- Optical Glass, Optic, 216
- Our British Patent Laws, J. Keith, 161 Papermaking and its Machinery, L. N. Burt, 60
- Patent-office Library, Vetax, 161 ; Merinok, 174 ; I. H., 216
- Power Absorbed by Chipping Machine, G. T. Pardoe, 33
- Privately-owned Wagons, J. Hurst, 33 ; E. J. H. L., 116 , ,
- Projectile for Smooth-bore Ordnance, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 544
- Rattler and Alecto, J. Batey, 544
- Standard Keys, G. W. Brown, 544
- Testing Locomotive Coals, D. W., 314
- Theory and Practice in the Filtration of Water, W. Clemence, 366, 395, 427 ; A.M. Inst. C.E., 376 ; Engineer, 376 ; Wm. Paterson, 395, 438 ; H. B. H., 427 ; H. H. B., 461
- Torsional Angle of Fracture, Braithwaite and Kirk, 461
- Trade Terms Used in the Iron and Steel Markets of Great Britain, W. Bayliss, 522
- Trade After the War and Excess Profits Tax,. H. C. B. Underdown, 264
- Train Ferries, Engineer, 461
- Training of Munition Workers—see Engineering Colleges
- Water Power and the Future of Africa, C. L. Tweedale, 478
- Water Softening, D. Adamson, 33
- Why Small Farm Engines are Failures, E. W. Petter, 395, 438 ; C. H. Cox, 427 ; F. R. Parsons, 427
- Wiring of Factories—see Electrification Works Laboratory, H. L, Heathcote, 116
- LEVEL, Surveying, Purchasing a, 193
- Library, The Patent-office, 193
- Liddell, A. R., on Wave Proportions and their Effects, 474
- Lifts, Electric, H, Marryat, 232
- Lighting, Industrial, Principles of, 108
- Lighting of Thoroughfares, Haydn T. Harrison, 19G
- Liquid Fuel Engines—see Engines
- Brassey’s Naval Annual, 1916, 526
- Hydraulic Flow Reviewed, A. A. Barnes, 281, 402
- Ruling Caste and Frenzied Trade in Germany, M. Millioud, 381
- Tacheometer Surveying, M. E. Yorke Eliot, 88
LITERATURE: Short Notices:
- Aeroplanes and Airships, W. E. Dommett, 381
- Civil Engineer’s Cost Book, Lieut.-Col. T. E. Coleman, 381
- English Railways : Their Development and their Relation to the State, E. C, Stevens, 381
- Excess Profits Duty and Profits of Controlled Establishments, Spicer and Pegler, 381
- Log of 11.M.S. Bristol, W. Buchan, 381
- Mechanics, Elementary Applied, T. Alexander and A. W. Thomson, 167, 381
- Paint and Colour Mixing, A. S. Jennings, 174, 381
- Submarines : Theii\ Mechanism and Operation, F. A. Talbot, 381 .
- Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony ; Handbook of'Eormube, Data, &c., W. H. Eccles, 299, 381
LITERATURE: Books Received:
- A B C Guide to Patents for Inventions, R. E. Phillips and A. M. Elack, 130
- Aeroplanes, The Design of, A. W. Judge, 461 Aircraft in Warfare: The Dawn of the
- Fourth Arm, F. W. Lanchester, 157
- Air Screws: Introduction to the Aerofoil Theory of Screw Propulsion, M. A. S. Riach, 483
- American Sewerage Practice, Vol. HI., Disposal of Sewage, Leonard Metcalf and H. P. Eddy, 174
- Annuaire pour I’An, 1916, 157
- Apprentice Training, The Princip|£.s of, A.
- P. M. Fleming and J. G. Pearce, 483
- Bridge Foundations, W. Burnside, 157
- British Destiny : The Principles of Progress, D. N. Dunlop, 318
- British Photographic Journal Almanac, &c., G. E. Brown, 215
- British Trade and the Metric System, E. A. W. Phillips, 299
- Business Prospects Year Book, 1916, J. Davies and C. P. Hailey, 41
- Catalysis, E. Jobling, 41
- Cold Storage and Ice Association, “ Proceedings,” 215
- Colliery Manager’s Pocket-book, Almanac and Diary for 1916, 41
- Continuous-current Engineering, Introductory Course of, A. Hay, 483
- Deposits of the Useful Minerals and Rocks : Their Origin, Form and Content, Professors Dr. F. Beyschlag, J. H. L. Vogt and Dr. P. Krusch, 318
- Diesel Engines, Land and Marine, G. Supine, 113
- Electrical Apparatus Making for Beginners, A. V. Ballhatchet, 281
- Electricity, A Treatise on, F. B. Pidduck, 318 Employers and Workmen under the Munitions of War Acts, 1915-16, T. A. Fyfe, 241 Engineering Thermodynamics, J. A. Moyer and J. P. Calderwood, 241
- Excess Profits Duty and Excess Mineral Rights Duty, R. M. Montgomery and W’. Allen, 130
- Field Engineering, W. H. Searles, 167
- Finance Act, 1915 ; Finance (No. 2) Act, 1915 ; with Complete Notes, J. E. Piper, 483
- First Naval Record of the War, Log of H.M.S. Bristol, May, 1914, to December, 1915, W. Buchan, 174 ?
- Flying Machine : “ The Aerofoil ” and “ The Screw Propeller,” F. W. Lanchester, 215
- Forging of Iron and Steel, W. A, Richards, 130
- Gases,, The Dynamical Theory of, J. H. Jeans, 318
- Geodetic Surveying, E. R. Cary, 461
- Graphics and Structural Design, H. D. Hess, 130
- Guide to South and East Africa, A. Samler BroWn and G. G. Brown, 41
- Handbook of Carburation, A. B. Browne, 281 Heat Power Engineering, Elements of, C. F. Hirshfeld and AV. N. Barnard, 130
- Highway Engineering, Elements of, A. H. Blanchard, 241
- Imports to Exports, On the Relation of, J. Peddie, 318
- Income Tax Law, J. T. Pratt, 215
- Industrial Fluctuation, A Study of, D. H. Robertson, 157
- Industiial History, An Outline of, E. Cressy, 130
- Industrial Law, F. Tillyard, 483
- Internal Combustion Engines : Theory and Design, R. L. Streeter, 41
- Irontnonger Metal Market Year Book. 1916, 215
- Irrigation and Practice Engineering, Vol. I., of Irrigation Water and Irrigation Practice, B. A. Etcheverry ; Vol. II., Conveyance of AA’ater, 41
- Japan, Fifteenth Financial and Economic Annual of, 1915, 157
- Kilns and Kiln Building, A. B. Searle, 241 Live Load Stresses in Railway Bridges, G. E. Beggs, 483
- L.C.C. Regulations relating to Reinforced Concrete, E. S. Andrews, 157
- London Shipping. 1916, 281
- Machine Design, A. W. Smith and G. H. Marx, 130
- Mechanical Engineer’s Pocket-book, W. Kent, 483
- Mechanical Handling and Storing of Material, G. F. Zimmer, 483
- Mechanical World Electrical Pocket-book, 1916, 41
- Mechanics, Textbook of, Vol. VI., Thermodynamics, L. A. Martin, jun., 483
- Mineralogy, Elements of, F. Rutley, 483 Modern Workshop Practice, E. Pull, 157 Motor Car Red Book, 1916, W. C. Bersey and W. V. Foucard, 241
- Naval Architect’s, Shipbuilder’s and Marine Engineer’s Pocket-book, C. Mackrow and L. Woollard, 483
- Petroleum and Natural Gas Resources of Canada, Vol. 11., F. G. Clapp and others, No. 291, 299
- Petrology, Practical, Methods in, H. B. Milner and G. M. Part, 483
- Physics, Practical, A Text-book of. Dr. H. S. Allen and H. Moore, 299
- Pioneer Railway Engineering, Herbert Chat- ley, 241
- Radio-telegraphy and Radio-telephony, Elementary Manual, J. A. Fleming, 157
- Railroad Track and Constrxiction, Elements of, W. L. Wilson, 167
- Reinforced Concrete Construction, Vol. 111., Bridges and Culverts, G. A. Hool, 241
- Rise of Rail Power in War and Conquest, 1833-1914, E. A. Pratt, 41
- Royal Automobile Club Year Book, 1916, 461 Royal Navy List: Who’s Who in the Navy, 1916, 157
- Ruling Caste and Frenzied Trade in Germany, M. Millioud, 167
- Salt and Alkali Industry, &c., G. Martin, S. Smith and F. Milsom, 318
- Sampling and Chemical Analysis of Iron and Steel, O. Bauer and E. Deiss, 113
- Sanitary Engineering, Elementary, Course of Instruction in, 215
- Screw-cutting for Engineers, E. Pull, 157 Ship Painter’s Handbook, G. S. Welch, 461 Slide Valves and Valve Gearing, P. Youngson, 318
- Steam Boiler Economy, W. Kent, 167 Structures and Properties of the More ^Common Materials of Construction, G. B. Upton, 299
- Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur Products, G.
- Martin and Major J. L. Foucar, 167
- Swansea Chamber of Commerce Year Book, 1916, 113
- Telegraph Engineering, Erich Transmaiin, 241
- Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia, F.
- G. Keyes and R. Jl. Brownlee, 483 The Tropics, C. R. Enock, 241
- Trench Warfare, Major A. R. Richardson, 215 Turbine, Marine Steam, Description of the
- Parsons and Curtis Turbines, J. W. M. Sothern, 299
- Twentieth Century Russia and Anglo- Russian Review, J Bale, Sons and Daniels- son. Limited, 130
- Two-stroke Engine, Dr. A. M. Low, 174
- No. 58 : Palieontological Contributions to the Geology of Western Australia, R. Etheridge, jun., 130
- No. 62 : Geology and Mining at Sandstone, &c., E. C. Clarke ; Petrology, R. A. Farquharson, 130
- No. 65 : Contribution on Asphaltum from the Southern Coast of Australia, E. S. Simpson ; Petrological Contribution, R. A. h'arquharson ; Reputed Petroliferous Area of the Warren River District, H. P. Woodward, 157
- Willing’s Press Guide, 1916, 167
- Wireless Transmission of Photographs, M. J. Martin, 318
- Work and Wages, The Reward of Labour and the Cost of Work, Earl Brassey, 318
- Workmen’s Compensation Cases, Judge Ruegg and Mr. D. Knocker, 241
- LLOYD’S Register—see Ships Locomotives—see Railway Locomotives
- London, The Paving of the Streets of, 203 Lubrication for Motor Generators—see Elec- tiical Matters
- Lucy, W# T , Notes on the Working of a Rack Railway, 136
- (missing lines)
- Centring Machines for Shells, H. Hunt Sons, 42
- Chucks, Boring Tools, Mandrils, &c.,
- Shellmaking, J. and H. McLaren, 180 Chucks for Boring and Turning, E. R. F. Turner, 253
- Conradson Turret Tool Post Attachment for
- Lathes, Phoenix Manufacturing Co., 159
- Electric Control Equipment for Machine
- Tools, British Thomson-Houston Company, 136
- Gun Lathe, 20in. Centre Electrically-driven,
- J. Hetherington and Sons. Limited, 463 Machine Tool and Engineering Association,
- Postponement of Exhibition, 312
- Projectiles, Machinery for the Production of, 42
- Punching and Shearing Machines, Hand- operated, C. A. Hunton and Sons, 202 Shell-banding Press, Pullan and Mann, 300 Shell Machining Equipment, E. R. and F.
- Turner, 253
- Shellmaking Tools, J. and H. McLaren. 180 Shell-stamping Machine, J. and H. McLaren, 424
- Six-inch Shell-boring Lathe, Hunslet Engine Company, Limited, 498
- Thread Milling Machine for Shells, Arundel and Co., 42
- Thread Milling and Wave Grooving Machines for Shells, 253
- Twist Drill, Improved, Leadbeater and Scott, 301
- MACHINERY for Bleaching, Dyeing and Printing Cotton Fabrics, 250, 271, 308, 316, 352, 358, 391, 469, 537, 541 '
- Machining of Shells—see Machine Tools Madsen Automatic Gun, 211
- Magnetos. British, 116
- Manchester to Bury Electrification—see Railways
- Manchester Royal Agricultural Show, 526. 548
- Manchester Steam Users’ Association. 493
- Manfield, W. H., on Kimmeridge Oil Shales, 235
- Manufacture of High-explosive Sliells in France, 143
- Manufacturing Industries, Financing of, 155 Marine Engines—see Engines
- Marryat, H., on Electric Lifts, 232
- Maxwell, W. H., on Deep Boro Wells for Public Water Supply Purposes, 371
- Measurement of Voltages—see Electrical Matters
- Mechanical Engineers, A Corps of, A. E. Berri- man, 396
- Medlow Dam, New South Wales, 258, 262 Melbourne—see Water Supply
- Mellor, Dr. J. W., and Lieut. B. J. Moore on the Effect of Loads on the Refractoriness of Fire-clays, 490
- Merchant Navy—see Ships
- Metals, Non-ferrous, Corrosion Committee, 276, 279, 281
- Metallurgy of Ferrous Metals—see Iron and Steel
- Milling Machines—see Machine To/)Is
- Milwaukee, Activated Sludge Sewage Disposal Riant at, 58
- Moore, Harold, on Fuel Oils from Coal, 266
- Morley, Captain T. B., on Flow of Air through Nozzles, 82
- Mortising Machine, Chain and Hollow Chisel, A. Ransome and Co., Limited, 66
- Motors and Vehicles, Electric—see Electrical Matters
- Motor Rolling Stock for Railways—see Railways
- Motor Vehicles, Petrol, Steam and Electric, Road Traction by, G. M. Gamble, 182
- Moulding Machines, Jolt Ram, Osborn Manufacturing Co., 24
- Multiple Evaporators, On the Theory of, P. H. Parr, 146
- Munition Factories and the Future, 442
- Munition Workers, Training of, 467
- Munitions—see War Material
- NATIONAL Research Laboratory, Dr Wm. Garnett, 395
- Naval Matters—see Ships
- Neglect of Science, 312
- Aveling, Stephen Thomas (Portrait), 214
- Beatty, Hazlitt M., 527
- Churchill, Charles H., 157
- Dawbarn, Robert Arthur, 214
- Donaldson, Sir H. Frederick, K.C.B. (Portrait), 474
- Grant, Lewis, 65
- Hill, J. J., 461
- Laycock, Wilham Samuel (Portrait), 214
- Meade, Thomas de Courcy, 167, 209
- Minett, A. E. S., 527
- Parker, John D., 416
- Robertson, Leslie (Portrait), 476
- Sabine, A. L., 174
- Scott-Moncrieff, Sir Colin, 311
- Smith, Robert Henry, 174
- Stephen, John, 299
- Thompson, Silvanus P. (Portrait), 499
- Whjte, Peter, 19
- Wolff, John F., 415
- Woodall, Sir Corbet, 415
- OIL Engines—see Engines
- Oil Shales at Kimmeridge, W. H. Manfield, 235 Oil Tractor—see Tractor
- Optical Glass Industry, British, 177 ; (Letter), 216
- Organisation of the British Engineering Industry, 483
- Oxygen Generator, International Oxygen Company, 89
- PARIS, Economic Conference at, 520, 525
- Parliament, Private Bills in, 1916, 33
- Parr, P. H., on the Theory of Multiple Evaporators, 146
- Parsons, F. R., on Why Small Farm Engines are Failures, 385
- Patent-office Library, 193 ; (Letters), 161, 174, 216
- Patent Rights, Acquisition of Enemy, 25, 50, 74, 98, 122, 142, 166, 188, 210, 228, 248, 270, 288, 306, 328, 350, 368, 390, 410, 432, 450, 468, 494, 514, 636, 556
- (missing lines)
- Transmission of Power, 25, 73, 97, 141, 287, 328, 350, 494, 613
- Turbines, 49 187, 432, 467, 613, 556
- PATENTS, German, The Duration of, 136 Paving of the Streets of London, 203 Penistone Viaduct—see Railways
- Personal and Business Announcements, 60, 142, 165, 188, 209, 228, 248, 306, 349, 368, 431, 490, 514, 656
- Peter, J. F., on the Cumberland Electrolytic Method of Preventing Corrosion, 243, 294
- Petrol Locomotives—see Railway Locomotives Petrol Road Traction—see Road Traction Pipes, Steel Reinforced Concrete, Bonna
- System, Hughes and Lancaster, 416, 420
- Pitch, Propeller, 275
- Plated Girder, The Section Modulus of, 418 /
- Pooling of Railway Wagons, 307
- Popular Science, 279
- Port Works, Valparaiso, 190, 198
- Portable Saw Bench—see Saw
- Pottery Research, 319
- Power Factor Correction—see Electrical Matters
- Power Stations—see Electrical Matters
- Press, Shell-banding, Pullau'.and Mann, 300
- Principles of Industrial Lighting, 108 Printing Cotton Fabrics—see Cotton Private Bills in Parliament, 1916, 33 Privately-owned Wagons—see Railways Profits of Controlled Engineering Works, 547 Profits, Taxation of, 63
- Projectiles, Machinery for the Production of, 42 Propeller Pitch, 276
- Propellers—see also Ships
- Pumping Plant, Colliery, at Stoke-on-Trent, Pulsometer Engineering Company, 354 {Two-page Supplement, April 23th, 1916)
- Pump, Sinking, Electrically-driven, Holden and Brooke, Limited, 319
- Pump, Solid Piston Humphrey, 362 ; (Letter), 427
- Punching Machines—see Machine Tools Purchasing a Surveying Level, 193
- See also Annual Article
- Electrical Railways, H. M. Hobart, 44, 68, 90, 105, 134, 149—-see also Railway Electrification, 143
- Future of British Railways, 401
- Motor Rolling Stock—see Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway
- Notes on the Working of a Rack Railway, W. T. Lucy, 136
- Pooling of Railway Wagons, 307
- Railway and Canal Traltic Act, 1913, 200
- Railway Congestion, 229
- Railway Electrification, 143
- Railways and Traders, 199
- Safety in Railway Travel, 87
- Wagon, The Privately Owned Railway, 471
RAILWAYS and RAILWAY MATTERS: General British, Colonial, and Indian:
- Canadian Pacific Railway Long Tunnel, 375 » Great Western Runs to Birmingham, 506
- Jarrow Disaster, North-Eastern Railway, 87, 90, 241
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Chester to Bury Electrification, 52, 62, 76, 86, 101, 103, {Two-page Supplement, 1916)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire at Penistone, Failure of,
- North-Eastern Railway, Electrification Scheme, , {Two-page Supplement, June 2nd, 1916)
- Baghdad Railway, 112
- Belgian Railway, 243
- Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, 229, 238 {Two-page Supplement, March llth, 1916)
- Electrification of Railways in Chicago, 179 Furka Pass Railway, 334
- Norfolk and Western Railway, Electrification, 330
- Pennsylvania Railroad, Electrification on the, 218, 221
- Philadelphia and Paoli Line—see Pennsylvania
- Single-phase Traction in America, 39
- Tunkhannock and Martin’s Creek Viaducts, Lackawanna Railroad, 229, 238 {Two- page Supplement, March 11 th, 1916)
- United States, Railway Accidents in. 501
- Ritchie Locomotive, 31
- Shrinking Tires on Locomotive Wheels,
- H. N. Gresley’s System, Great Northern Railway, 300
- Strength and Wear of Locomotive T'res, E. L. Ahrons, 411, 465
- Testing Locomotive Coals, 159, 325 ; (Letter), 314
RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVES: British, Colonial and Indian :
- New South Wales Government Railways, Standard Heavy Goods Engine, 10 {Two- page Supplement^ January Ith, 1916)
- North-Eastern Railway, 1100 horse-power, 1500-volt Electric Locomotive, 433, 452, 458 {TwO’page Supplement^ June “Ind, 1916)
- Chilian Transandine Railway Engines, W. T. Lucy, 136
- Narrow Gauge Petrol Locomotive for Russia, 484
- Small American Petrol Locomotives, Baldwin Locomotive Works, 484
- fields, 287 Refractoriness on the, Dr. Moore, 490
- Reid, John, on Notes of a Collision Case, 361, 384
- Reinforced Concrete—see Concrete Remodelling the Elswick Gasworks, 110, 114 Research, Engineering and Scientific, Dr. J. A.
- Fleming, 380
- Research, Glass, 249, 259
- Research, Industrial, Australian Scheme, 339
- Research, Industrial, A. P. M. Fleming, 294 Research in Metallurgy, Ferrous Metals, Sir
- Robert Hadfield, 396, 423
- Research, Pottery, 319
- Research, Scientific and Industrial, Advisory Council, 249, 259, 319, 339, 395, 423, 506, 513 Resistance of Bilge Keels—see Ships Resistance in a Seaway, 112 River Tees Improvements, 193
- Road Traction by Petrol, Steam, and Electric
- Motor Vehicles, G. M. Gamble, 182 Robertson, J. A., on the Linking up of Power I Stations, 483
- Rolling Stock for Railways—see Railways Rosenhain, Dr., on The Making of a Big Gun, 319
- Royal Agricultural Show at Manchester, 526, 548.
- Rubber Belting, The Manufacture of, James Tinto, 241
- Russia, Trade with, Consular Advice, 199 Russian Language, Engineers and the, 211 Russo, Colonel G., on An Experimental Tank
- Reproducing Wave Motion, 343 Rustless Ferro-alloys—see Iron and Steel
- SANITARY Engineering—see also Annual Article
- Saw Bench, Portable Self-contained, A. Ransome and Co., Limited, 300
- Science, Neglect of, 312
- Science, Popular, 279
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Advisory Council, 249, 259, 319, 339, 396, 423, 606, 513
- Screens, Circulating Water—see Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Electrification Screw Gauges, 263
- Searchlights, Beamless, 418
- Section Modulus of a Plated Girder, 418 ,
- Sewage Disposal Plant, Activated Sludge, at Milwaukee, 58
- Shafts, Critical Speeds of, W. M. Wallace, 495, 518, 539
- Shearing Machines—see Machine Tools shells—see War Material, also Machine Tools
- Collision Investigation, Notes on, John Reid, 384
- Co-ordination
- Young, 343
- Cruiser Sterns Determination
- of Marine
- Machinery, T. S. Cockrill, 320
- Effects of the Bulkhead Committee’s Report in Practice, A. T. Wall, 301, 426, 444
- Electric Ship Progress, 450
- Empress of Ireland and Collier Storstad, Notes of Collision, John Reid, 301, 384
- Experimental Tank Reproducing Wave
- Motion, Colonel G. Russo, 343 International Demand for New Ships, 318 Lloyd’s Register Shipbuilding Returns, 67,
- 330
- Lloyd’s. Register, World’.s Shipbuilding in 1915. 108, 390, 421
- Load Lines of Merchant Ships, Sir Philip Watts, 313
- Maximum Propulsive Efficiency of Screw Propellers, T. C. Tobin, 343
- Merchant Navy in War Time, W. S. Abell, 88
- Merchant Shipping, 421
- Mystery of the Screw Propeller, Captain C. W.
- Dyson, 60, 64
- Present Position of the Marine Diesel Engine and its Possibilities, Engineer- Lieutenant-Commander W. P. Sillince, 325
- Questions in Connection with the Work of the Load Line Committee, W. S. Abell, 313
- Resistance of Bilge Keels to Rolling, Experiments to Determine, Professor T. B, Abell, 342
- Resistance in a Seaway, 112
- Shipbuilding Contracts, 178
- Skin Friction of a Fluid in Stream Line, &c., C. H. Lees, 342, 379
- Skin Friction Resistance of Ships, &c., G. S. Baker, 342, 379
- Standardised Ships, 240
- Strength of Watertight Bulkheads, J. F.
- King, 356, 360
- Subdivision of Merchant Ships ; Reports of Bulkhead Committee, 1912-1913, Sir A, Denny, 360
- Subdivision and Safety of Ships, 317
- Wave Proportions and their Effects, A. R. Liddell, 474
- World’s Shipbuilding in 1915, 108
- See also Annual Article
- Beam and Draught of Warships, 402
- Naval Action off Jutland, 481
- Super-submarine, The, 239
- Torpedo Tubes in Large Warships, 441
- U.S. Navy Department, The Annual Report of the, 129
- Warship Design and the Present War, 100
- Aeroplane Catapult on the United States Ship North Carolina, 242
- German Battleship Grosser Kurfurst, 391 (Two-page Supplement, May 12th, 1910)
SHIPS AND SHIPBUILDING: Mercantile and Miscellaneous Vessels:
- Chile, Motor Ship, Burmeister and Wain, 67
- Collision between Storstad and Empress of Ireland, John Reid, 384
- Motor Ship Oregon, 462
- Swedish Electric Ship Ljungstrom, 466
- SHOW, Royal Agricultural, at Manchester, 52G Shrinking Tires—see Railway Locomotives Sillince, Engineer-Lieut.-Commander W. P., on the Present Position of the Marine Diesel Engine and its Possibilities, 325, 343
- Single-phase Traction—see Railways
- Sinking Pump, Electrically-driven, Holden and Brooke, Limited, 319
- Skin Friction Resistance of Ships—see Ships
- Slag Portland Cement, B. J. Day, 181
- Smoke Washer for an Engine Round-house,
- American Smoke Washing Company, 180
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Limited, 333’
- Societies—see also Associations, &c.
- Soldiers, Maimed, The Training of, Monsieur Amar’s Method, 472 Spirit of Adventure, 133
- Spontaneous Rupture of a Joist, 19
- Spur Gearing, D. Adamson, 442, 460 491, 508
- Stead, Dr. J. E., on German Shells and the
- Influence of Certain Elements on the Physical Properties of Steel, 43
- Steam Engines—see Engines
- Steel—see Iron and Steel Strength of Bulkheads—see Ships
- Strikers and the War, 297
- Subdivision of Ships—see Ships
- Surface Tension Effects in the Inter-crystalline
- Cement in Metals and the Elastic Limit, F. C. Thompson, 376, 398
- Surveying Level, Purchasing, 193 Switchboards—see Electrical Matters
- TAXATION of Profits, 63
- Taxation of War Profits in Foreign Countries 115
- Technical College for Cleveland, 486
- Tees, River, Improvements, 193
- Telegraph Office Installations—see Electrical Matters
- Thompson, F. C., on Surface Tension Effects in the Inter-crystalline Cement in Metals and the Elastic Limit, 376, 398
- Threshing Machine, Finishing, R. Garrett and Sons, Limited, 627
- Tin and Tungsten, Economic Extraction of, from Cornish Ores, 280
- Tinto, James, on the Manufacture of Rubber Belting, 241
- Tires—see Railway Locomotives
- Tobin, T. C., on the Maximum Propulsive
- Efficiency of Screw Propellers, 343
- Tool Steels—see Iron and Steel Torpedo Tubes in Large Warships, 441
- Torque, Gyroscopic, Apparatus, E. Rawson, 334
- Tractor, 30 B.H.P. Oil, Omnitractor Syndicate,* Limited, 527
- Trade Associations and Better Business Methods, E. N. Hurley, 473
- Trade, British, The Future of, B.E.A.M.A. Dinner, 84
- Trade and Employment After the War, 111, 199 Trade—see also Export
- Trade, Germany’s, After the War. 192
- Trade Terms Used in the Coal Markets of Great Britain {Two-page Supplement, June 2^rd, 1916)
- Trade Terms Used in the Iron and Steel Markets of Great Britain, (Letter), 522 {Two page Supplement, June 16fA 1916) Trade War, 520, 526
- Trade After the War, 261, 366
- Trading with the Enemy in South America, 507
- Training of Gauge Makers, 485
- Training of Maimed Soldiers, Monsieur Amar’s Method, 472
- Training of Munition Workers, 467
- Tramways, Glasgow, 531 Tunnels—see Railways
- UNIVERSITY College, London, Chemical
- Laboratories at, 294
- Use of Revolving Discs—see Circular Discs
- VALPARAISO Port Works, 190, 198
- Venturi Meter at Kensico Reservoir, 6
- Verdun and Iron Ore, 402
- Viaducts on the Lackawanna Railroad, Martin’s Creek and Tunkhannock 229. 238 {Two- page Supplement March 17i/t, 1916)
- Viaducts—see also Railways
- Volunteer Corps, Engineering Institutions’, 23, 49, 74, 142, 166, 209, 227, 247, 264, 273, 305, 328, 345, 368, 386
- Volunteers, First London Engineer, 494, 514, 530
- WAGON’S—see Railways
- Wall, A. T., on Some Effects of the
- Committee’s Report in Practice, 444
- Wallace, W. M., on Critical Speeds of Shafts, 495, 518, 539
- See also Annual Articles, Engineering Industries, &c.
- Employment of Women on Munitions of War, 123, 133 {Two-page Supplement, February IRA, 1916)
- German Shells and the Influence of Certain Elements on the Physical Properties of'I Steel, Dr. J. E. Stead, 43 j
- Machinery for War Material—see Machine Tools . !
- Machining Processes for Shell Bodies and
- Nose Pieces, E. R. and F. Turner, 255
- Madsen Automatic Gun, 211
- Making of a Big Gun, Dr. Rosenhain, 319
- Munition Factories and the Future, 442
- Shell Steel, 39
- Shells, High-explosive, Manufacture of, in France, 143
- Taxation of War Profits in Foreign Countries, 115
- Training of Maimed Soldiers, Monsieur Amar’s Machines, 472
- Training of Munition Workers, 467
- War Cripples in Austria and Germany, 64, 268
- War Influence on Iron and Steel Production, 297
- Warships—see Ships
- WASHED Metals, 336
- See also Annual Article
- Aberdeen, 515, 621
- Birkenhead Water Supply, Alwen Dam and Barnston Reservoir, 7, 194 {Supplement, January 1th, 1916)
- Bradford Waterworks, Angram Dam, 7, 194 {Supplement, January 1th, 1916)
- Deep Bore Wells for Public Water Supply Purposes, W. H. Maxwell, 371
- Derwent Valley Water Undertaking, 7, 194 {Supplement, January 1th, 1916)
- Melbourne, Water Supply of, 291, 296, 374,' 378
- New York, Kensico Dam, 4, 12, 194 {Supplement, January 1th, 1916)
- Puech-Chabal System of Water Filtration, 333, 338, 339, 344
- Rapid Filtration Plant near Kilwinning, Irvine Water Supply, 542
- Theory and Practice in the Filtration of Water, W. Clemence, 333, 338, 339, 344 ; (Letters), 356, 376, 396, 427, 438, 461
- WATTS, Sir Philip, on Load Lines of Merchant Ships, 313
- Wave Proportions and their Effects, A. R. Liddell, 474
- Wells—see Water Supply
- Wheels—see Railway Locomotives
- Why Small Farm Engines are Failures, F. R. Parsons, 386 ; (Letters), 395, 427, 438
- Windeler, G-. E., on Oil Engines, 158
- Winding Plant at Pumpherston Oil Company’s Pit, Electrical, Siemens Brothers’ Dynamo Works, 400, 403
- Wireless Telegraphy, Oscillations Produced by Electric Arcs, 417
- Women, Employment of, on Munitions of War, 123, 133 (Two-page Supplement^ February IR/z, 1916)
- Women in Workshops—see Women, Employment of
- Woodworking Machines, Two, for Collieries, A. Ransome and Co., Limited, 300
- Government Armour-plate Factory in America, 180
- Hadfield’s, Diversion of the River Don at Tinsley, Sheffield, 437, 440 {Two-page Supplement, May 2Qth, 1916)
- Hanyang Iron and Steel Works, 51, 78 {l\vo- page Supplement, January 21st, 19IG)
- X-RAYS and Crystal Structure, with Specia Reference to Certain Metals, Professor W H. Bragg, 424
- YOUNG, J. D., on Co-ordination of Propeller Results, 343
- ZEPPELINS—See Aeronautics
See Also
Sources of Information