The Engineer 1918/10/04
- Contents, p 289.
Main Subjects
- Acquisition of Patent Rights, p 248.
- British Patent Specifications, p 297.
- British Railways under War Conditions, (No. IV.), Railway Managers, companies and others Listed, p 284.
- Committee Members:
- Frank Ree.
- Frank Potter.
- H. A. Walker.
- C. H. Dent.
- W. H. Hyde.
- David Cooper.
- Sir John Wolfe Barry.
- Charles Hawkshaw.
- Sir J. S. Cowans.
- Editorial, p 289.
- Mr. Rowntree on human Needs.
- Railway Executive Committee.
- Engineering in Brazil, p 285.
- Exhibition of Key Industries, H. J. Mackinder, p 285.
- Fokker Single Seater Biplane, p 282 - p 284. (Illustrated)
- German Light Cruiser Graudenz, p 296.
- Labour Administration, by Edward T. Elbourne, (No. III.), p 280. - p 282. (Illustrated)
- Letters to the Editor, p 286.
- The Laws of Humanity.
- High Pressure Steam, Frank B. Aspinall, A. J. Brewer.
- Patent Law Reform, James Keith.
- Three Cylinder Locomotives.
- Manufacture of Radiators by the Associated Equipment Co, p 288. (Illustrated)
- More Concrete Sea-going Barges Launched, British Construction Co, Ferro-Concrete Ship Construction Co, p 286.
- Mouchell-HennebiqueSystem.
- Obituary, Henry Dyer, p 291.
- Provincial Letters, p 293.
- Quantity Production in Lorry Building, Associated Equipment Co, p 290 and p 298a. (Illustrated)
- Reinforced Concrete Pontoons, p 285. (Illustrated)
- Repairing Fractured Steam Cylinder, Barimar, p 285. (Illustrated)
- September, p 279.
- The Railway Strike.
- The Clyde Strike.
- Railways and Coal Shortage.
- The Shipbuilding Position.
- Improvements of Irish Ports.
- Aeronautics.
- British and German Aeroplane Losses.
- Naval Incidents.
- Wear of Tramway Car Tires, by Arthur Norton, p 292. (Illustrated)