The Engineer 1918 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1918 Jan-Jun: Index
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- A.E.G. Bombing Biplane, 484, 487
- Aga Flasher for Marine Lighting, 202
- Aga Pendulum Lens for Marine Lighting, 226
- Albatross Biplane Scout, 469, 470
- Alldays and Onions’ Agricultural Tractor, 116
- American Ocean-going Concrete Steamship Faith, 251, 518
- Amsler Impact Testing Machine, 435
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co., Forth and Clyde Ship Canal Scheme, 111, 113
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co., Measuring Machine, 302
- Arrol, Sir W., and Co.’s Coal Handling Plant at Oran, Algeria, 204, 205, 208
- Aspinall, F. B., on Regnault’s Latent Heat of Steam Investigations, 525
- Asquith, William, Limited, Rough Turning Shell Lathe, 236
- Austin Armoured Car and Lighting Set, 288, 289
- “Autogas” Producer Using Gasworks Coke, John Wright and Co., 369
- Avery, W. and T., Limited, Modern Light Machine Shop, Herbert Carpenter, 102
- Avonside Engine Company’s Oil Motor Locomotives, 420, 421
- BAGNALL, W. G., Limited, Internal Combustion Locomotive, 442, 443
- Barclay, Andrew, and Sons, Limited, Fireless Locomotives, 443, 448
- Bennis Automatic Shell Conveyor, 274, 284
- Bingham-Powell Pitch Measuring Machine for Screw Gauges, 126
- Birmingham and the Production of Munitions, 270, 288, 296, 398, 406
- Birmingham Small Arms Company, Works, 398, 406
- Black and Decker’s Air Compressors or Vacuum Pumps, 565
- Blackwell, Robert Winthrop (Portrait), 313
- Blount, B.,and W. H. Woodcock, on Vacuum Balance Cases. 148 ; (Letter), 249
- Bracebridge Hall Club, Lincoln, 203. 232. 236, 237
- Brisbane Water Supply—see Cabbage Tree Creek
- British Agricultural Tractors and Haulers, 4, 10, 45, 65, 93, 98, 116
- British Ljungstrom Marine Turbine Company, Turbo-Electric Ship Wulsty Castle, 423, 428
- British Locomotives of 1917, 28, 32
- British Thomson-Houston Company’s Current Limiting Reactances, 323
- British Westinghouse Company’s Quick Starting Device for Oil Engines, 37
- British Westinghouse Three-Crank Doubleacting Gas Engine, 452
- Brown, H., and Co.’s Air-Lift Pumping Plant at Curragh Camp, 475
- Brown, Lenox and Co., Building Construction System, 269
- Buenos Aires, 16,000,000 Gallon Reservoir at, 228
- Burrator and Roborough—see Plymouth
- CABBAGE Tree Creek Reservoir for Brisbane Water Supply, 70, 74
- Caledonian Railway Six-coupled Passenger Tank Locomotive, 30, 248 (Two-page Supplement, March 22nd, 1918)
- Caproni Aeroplane, 6
- Carpenter, Herbert, on a Modern Light Machine Shop, 102
- Carter, Sir G., on Standard Cargo Ships, 252, 257, 259
- Chance’s Apparatus for Coast Lighting, 201, 225
- Clayton and Shuttleworth Tractor, 116
- Collier Light and Sound Apparatus. 202
- Curragh Camp. Air-Lift Pumping Plant at, H. Brown and Co., 475
- DAVIES, C. E., on Power Required by Cold Rolling Mills, 221
- Davies-Soames Differential Electro-Magnetic Clutch, 78
- Denny, C. W., New System of Reinforcing Metals, 322
- Denver and Rio Grande Railway, 191-Ton Locomotive, 82
- Dutton, Frank, on Road and Rail Transport, 550
- EASTLEIGH—see London and South-Western
- Superheater Locomotive, 162 (Two-page Supplement, February 22nd, 1918)
- Edwards, Professor C. A., on the Hardening and Tempering of Steel, 161
- FIAT Works—see Turin
- Forth and Clyde Ship Canal, 111, 113
- Foster, Wm., and Co.’s Works Club—see Bracebridge
- Fowler, John, and Co., Steam Ploughing and Cultivating Equipment, 527, 536
- French Explosives Factory, Workpeople’s Welfare at, 25
- French Light Agricultural Tractor, 300
- Friedrichshafen Bombing Biplane, 356, 357, 388
- Furness Railway, Sixty Year Old Locomotive, Fletcher, Jennings and Co., 432
- GARDNER, L., and Sons, 30in. Crank Pin Lathe, 50
- German Airship S.L. 11 and Aircraft Engines, 156, 157, 182, 183; (Letters), 193, 227, 272, 316, 382
- Glasgow and South-Western Railway Shunting Tank Engine, 29, 30
- Glenfield and Kennedy’s Electro-Magnetic Clutch for a Planing Machine, 366
- Glover, M., and Co.’s Machines for Making Locomotive Fire-lighters, 412
- Goedkoop, Messrs., Kromhout 350 B.H.P. Marine Engine, 36
- Great Central Railway Four-cylinder Express Passenger Engine, 28, 29
- Greaves-Etchells Electric Furnace, T. H. Watson and Co., Limited, 54, 59
- Gresham and Craven’s Combined Steam and Westinghouse Brake Valve, 324 ; (Letters), 347
- Guest-Lenox—see Brown
- HARVEY, G. and A., Horizontal Spindle Boring, Drilling and Milling Machine, 292
- Hawthorn, Leslie and Co.’s Fireless and Internal Combustion Locomotives, 419, 420
- Herbert, Edward G., Hack-Sawing Machine, 250
- Highland Railway Signal-box Removal, 237
- Hodgson’s, James, Trafford Tractor Attachment, 117
- Hog Island Shipbuilding Yard, Philadelphia, 554, 559 (Four-page Supplement, June 28th, 1918)
- Holcroft, H., on the Graphical Representation of Locomotive Performance, 353, 376
- Holland, Hannen and Cubitt’s Concrete Motor Boat, 391
- Hollings, Ernest, Nut Making Machine, 510, 514
- Hollings and Guest’s Ship Plate Bending Machine, 413
- Hong-Kong University, Engineering Equipment at, 136, 164, 168, 199 (Two-page Supplement, March 8th, 1918)
- IRIS and Daffodil, Liverpool Ferry Boats, after the Zeebrugge Raid, 380, 385
- Italian Battle Fleet, 245, 254
- Italian Dreadnought Conte di Cavour, 245, 254
- Italian Naval Aircraft, 6
- Italian Scouts Carlo Alberto Racchiaand Carlo Mirabello, 246, 254
- Italy, Borax Recovery, Electrical Energy from the Volterra “Soffioni,” 124
- Ivel-Hart Agricultural Tractor, 4, 10
- JENKINS, Rhys, on Links in the History of Engineering, 311, 445, 486, 488, 492
- KROMHOUT, 350 B.H.P. Marine Engine, Messrs. Goedkoop, 36
- LANCASHIRE and Yorkshire Railway’s Ambulance Train for United States Army, 181, 186
- Lanchester Works, System at, 133
- “Lectroflater” Compressor, Black and Decker Manufacturing Company, 565
- Ljungstrom Turbo-Electric System—see British Ljungstrom
- London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Turntable at Newhaven, 105 (Two-page Supplement, February 1st, 1918)
- London and South-Western Railway Converted Locomotives, 28, 32, 162 (Two-page Supplement, February 22nd, 1918)
- London and South-Western Railway Express Passenger Engine, 28
- Ludlum Electric Steel Furnace, 38
- McEWAN, Pratt and Co.’s Internal Combustion Locomotives, Various Gauges, 464, 472
- McLaren, J. and H., Steam Tractor, 45, 46
- Madsen Automatic Gun, 495 ; (Letter), 512
- Manlove, Alliott and Co.’s Centrifugal Oil Reclaimers, 540, 541
- Mann’s Steam Tractor, 4, 10
- Martin’s Cultivator Company’s Motor Plough and Agricultural Tractor, 45
- Massey, B. and S., 9.5-Ton Friction Drop Stamp, 344
- Maybach and Mercedes Aircraft Engines, 156, 157, 182, 183 ; (Letters), 193, 227, 272, 316, 382
- Meldrum’s Shell Nosing Furnace for Solid Fuel, 294
- Mercedes Aero Engines, Various Designs, 446, 450, 467 ; (Letters), 512, 531
- Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland, Express Engine Fitted with Superheater, 29, 30
- Mid-Scotland Ship Canals, 111, 113
- Moyes Flashing Apparatus, 202
- Murray River, Irrigation Scheme, 15
- NORTH-EASTERN Railway Company, Train for the Director-General of Transportation, 16 (Two-page Supplement, January 4th, 1918)
- North Staffordshire Railway Company’s Electric Battery Locomotive for Copper Works, 213
- OERLIKON Company’s Safety Devices for Steam Turbines, 58 (Two-page Supplement, January 18th, 1918)
- Oran, Algeria, Coal Handling Plant at, Sir William Arrol and Co.. Limited. 204, 205, 208
- PARKS, R. B., Feeder Head for Ingot Moulds, 369
- Parsons, Sir C., on the Formation of Diamond, 386, 410
- Philip, W. L., Special Machines for Producing 9.2in. Shell, 190, 191
- Plymouth Corporation Waterworks, Pipe Line Between Burrator and Roborough Reservoirs, 120, 124
- Pollock, Walter, on Reinforced Concrete Vessels, 278, 279
- Price, Charles, and Sons’ Narrow Gauge Internal Combustion Locomotives, 507
- QUEBEC Bridge, 138
- RANSOMES, Sims and Jefferies’ Steam Tractor, 46
- Rastrick’s Thrashing Machine, 214
- Reese, A. K., on Copper Tuyeres for Blastfurnaces, 400, 404
- Regnault’s Latent Heat Apparatus, F. B. Aspinall, 525
- Richmond Reverberatory Gas Furnace, 337
- Rix, H. and H. Whitaker, on Die Casting of Aluminium Bronze, 248, 281
- Robey’s Steam Agricultural Tractor, 65
- Rothera, L., on Electrically-driven Rolling Mills, 142, 146
- Roxburgh, A. B., on the “Autogas” Producer, 369
- SAUNDERSON Tractor and Implement Company’s Universal Tractor, 66
- Sheffield University’s Glass Department, 516
- Skefko Ball Bearing Company’s Works, 309, 356, 358, 359, 362
- South Australia, Irrigation Scheme on the River Murray, 15
- Spanish Naval Construction, 465
- Spanish Submarine, Laurenti-Fiat Type, 465
- Stevenson’s Unattended Lightship, 225
- TALBOT, Benjamin, on the Production of Sound Steel, 480
- Tasker, W., and Sons’ Series of Agricultural Tractors, 66, 67
- Thornaby Ironworks, Tees-side, By-Product Coke Oven Installations, 402, 403
- Trafford Tractor Attachment, James Hodgson, 117
- Turin, Fiat Works, Testing Laboratory at, 555, 558
- UNITED STATES Army Ambulance Train, Built bv Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 181, 186
- United States. Shipbuilding in the, 554, 559 (Four-page Supplement, June 28th, 1918)
- VAN DEN BROEK, J. A., Compression Test of Steel, 444
- Vindictive, H.M.S., after the Zeebrugge Raid, 380, 385
- Volterra “Soffioni,” Electrical Energy from, 124
- WALLIS and Steevens’ Steam Motor Tractor, 93, 94, 95, 98
- Walsh and Clark’s Ploughing Engine and Tractor, 93, 94
- Watson and Co.’s Greaves-Etchells Electric Furnace, 54, 59
- W. Weeks and Son’s New Simplex Agricultural Tractor, 94, 95, 98
- Welbury, R., Container for Shell-bottling Dies, 282
- Wolfe-Barry, Sir John Wolfe (Portrait), 68 ; (Letter), 96
- Wolseley Motors, Limited, Aeroplane Shops, 289, 296
- Wright, J., and Co.’s “ Autogas ” Producer, A. B. Roxburgh, 369
- Wulsty Castle Turbo-Electric Ship, British Ljungstrom Marine Turbine Company, 423, 428
- Wyles’ Motor Ploughs, 95, 96, 98
- ZEEBRUGGE Raid, H.M.S. Vindictive, Iris and Daffodil, 380, 385
- Zeppelin and Gotha Engines, 156, 157
Subjects. A
- AERO Engines—see Engines
- Aeroplane, Caproni, 6
- Aeroplane Shops, Wolseley Motors, Limited, 289, 296
- Air Compressor, Electrically-driven, 336
- Air Compressors or Vacuum Pumps, Black and Decker Manufacturing Company, 565
- Aircraft, Italian Naval, 6
- Air Lift Pumping Plant at Curragh Camp, H. Brown and Co., 475
- Airship, German, S.L. 11, and Aircraft Engines, 156, 157, 182, 183 ; (Letters), 193, 227, 272, 316, 382
- Agricultural Tractors—see Tractors
- Aluminium Bronze, Die Casting of, H. Rix and H. Whitaker, 248, 281
- Ambulance Train for United States Army, Built by Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 181, 186
- Armoured Car and Lighting Set, Austin Motor Company, 288, 289
- BALANCE Cases, Vacuum, B. Blount and W. H. Woodcock, 148
- Ball Bearings, Skefko Ball Bearing Company, 309, 356, 358, 359, 362
- Bending Machines—see Machine Tools
- Biplane, Bombing, The Friedrichshafen, 356, 357 388
- Biplane Scout, The Albatross, 469, 470
- Blast-furnaces, Copper Tuyeres for, A. K. Reese, 400, 404
- Bombing Biplane, A. E. G., 484, 487
- Borax Recovery in Italy, Electric Energy from the Volterra Soffioni, 124
- Boring Machines—see Machine Tools
- Brake Valve—see Valve
- Bridge, Quebec, 138
- Bridges of the World, The Principal—A Comparison, 441, 463 (Two-page Supplement, May 24th, 1918); (Two-page Supplement, May 31st, 1918)
- Bronze—see Aluminium
- Building Construction, Guest-Lenox System, 269
- Burning of Pitch—see Pitch
- By-Product Coke Oven Installation, Thornaby Ironworks, Tees-side, 402, 403
- CANAL Schemes, Mid-Scotland Ship, 111, 113
- Club, Bracebridge Hall, Lincoln, 203, 232, 236, 237
- Clutch, Differential Electro-Magnetic, W. L. Davies and A. Soames, 78
- Clutch, Electro-Magnetic for a Planing Machine, Glenfield and Kennedy, Limited, 366
- Coal Handling Plant at Oran, Algeria, Sir W. Arrol and Co., Limited, 204, 205, 208
- Coke Oven, By-product, Installation, Thornaby Ironworks, Tees-side, 402, 403
- Combined Steam and Westinghouse Brake Valve, Gresham and Craven, Limited, 324 ; (Letters), 347
- Concrete Ships—see Ships
- Container for Shell-bottling Dies, Ralph Welbury, 282
- Conveyor, Automatic Shell, Ed. Bennis and Co., Limited, 274, 284
- Copper Tuyeres for Blast - furnaces, A. K. Reese, 400, 404
- Current, Electric—see Electrical Matters
- DIAMOND, Formation of, Sir C. Parsons, 386, 410
- Die Casting of Aluminium Bronze, H. Rix and H. Whitaker, 248, 281
- Dies, Shell-bottling, Container for, R. Welbury, 282
- Drilling Machines—see Machine Tools
- Drop Stamp Foundation, Repairing, Hal Williams and Co., 534
- Drop Stamp, Friction, 9.5-Ton, B. and S Massey, Limited, 344
- - Current Limiting Reactances, British Thomson-Houston Company, 323
- - Davies-Soames Differential Electro-Magnetic Clutch, 78
- - D.P. Battery Company, Electrical Equipment for Locomotives, 213
- - Electrically-driven Rolling Mills, L. Rothera, 142, 146
- - Greaves-Etchells Electric Furnace, T. H. Watson and Co., Limited, 54, 59
- - Lighting, Marine—see Lighting
- - Locomotives, Electric—see Locomotives
- - Ludlum Electric Steel Furnace, 38
- - Volterra “Soffioni,” Electrical Energy from, 124
- - Wulsty- Castle, Turbo-Electric Ship’s Machinery, 423, 428
- - Aero Engines, Mercedes, of Various Designs, 446, 450, 467 ; (Letters), 512, 531
- - Albatross Biplane Scout Engine, 469, 470
- - Gas Engine for Pumping Plant at the Curragh, 475
- - Gas Engine, Three-crank Double-acting, British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, 452
- - Kromhout Marine Engine, 350 B.H.P., Messrs. Goedkoop, 36
- - Locomotive Engines—see Locomotive
- - Maybach and Mercedes—see also Zeppelin and Gotha
- - Oil Engines, Quick Starting Device for, British Westinghouse Company, 37
- - Zeppelin and Gotha Engines, 156, 157, 182, 183 ; (Letters), 193, 227, 272, 316
- ENGINEERING Equipment at Hong-Kong University, 136, 164, 168, 199 (Two-page Supplement, March 8th, 1918)
- Engineering, Links in the History of, Rhys Jenkins, 311, 445, 486, 488, 492
- FACTORY, An Extemporised Munition, 314, 318, 336, 340, 379, 384
- Feeder Head for Ingot Moulds, R. B. Parks, 369
- Ferro-Concrete Trusses, Method of Warming, 399
- Fire-Lighters for Locomotives, Machines for Making, M. Glover and Co., 412
- Formation of Diamond, Sir C. Parsons, 386, 410
- Furnace, Electric Steel, Ludlum Electric Steel Furnace Corporation, 38
- Furnace, Greaves-Etchells Electric, T. H. Watson and Co., Limited, 54, 59
- Furnace Plant for Pitch and Creosote Mixtures, 332
- Furnace, Reverberatory Gas, Richmond, 337
- Furnace for Solid Fuel, Shell Nosing, Meldrums, Limited, 294
- Fuse-making Tools, Automatic, 336, 340
- Fuses—see Munition Factory
- GAS Producer Using Gasworks Coke, The “Autogas,” J. Wright and Co., 369
- Gauges, Optical Projection Apparatus for Testing, 346
- Glass Department, Sheffield University, 516
- Graphical Representation of Locomotive Performance, H. Holcroft, 353, 376
- Gun, Madsen Automatic, 495 ; (Letter), 512
- HACK SAW—see Machine Tools
- History of Engineering, Links in the, Rhys Jenkins, 311, 445, 486, 488, 492
- IMPACT Testing Machine, The Amsler, 435
- Ingot Moulds, Feeder Head for, R. B. Parks, 369
- Irrigation Scheme on the River Murray, South Australia, 15
- LABORATORY, Testing, at the Fiat Works, Turin, 555, 558
- Latent Heat of Steam, Regnault’s Investigations, F. B. Aspinall, 525
- Lathes—see Machine Tools
- Laundry, Steam, Machinery, for War Purposes, 265
- Lighting, Marine, Recent Developments in, 155, 201, 225
- Links in the History of Engineering, Riiys Jenkins, 311, 445, 486, 488, 492
- Locomotive, Electric Battery, for Copper Works, North Staffordshire Railway, 213
- Locomotive, Express, Fitted with Superheater, Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland, 29, 30
- Locomotive, Fireless, Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Limited, 419, 420
- Locomotive, Four-cylinder Express Passenger, Great Central Railway, 28, 29
- Locomotive, Internal Combuston, Avonside Engine Company, Limited, 420, 421
- Locomotive, Internal Combustion, W. G. Bagnall, Limited, 442, 443
- Locomotive, Internal Combustion, Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Limited, 420
- Locomotive, London and South-Western Converted Superheater, 162 (Two- page Supplement, February 22nd, 1918)
- Locomotive, London and South-Western Railway Express Passenger, 28
- Locomotive, Performance, Graphical Representation of, H. Holcroft, 353, 376
- Locomotive, Shunting Tank, Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 29, 30
- Locomotive, Six-coupled Passenger Tank, Caledonian Railway, 30, 248 (Two- page Supplement, March 22nd, 1918)
- Locomotive, Sixty Year Old, Furness Railway, 432
- Locomotive, 191-Ton, on the Denver and Rio Grande Railway, 82
- Locomotive, Turntables—see Turntable
- Locomotives, Fire-Lighters for, Machines for Making, M. Glover and Co., 412
- Locomotives, Fireless, Andrew Barclay and Sons, Limited, 443, 448
- Locomotives, Small, of Special Types, 419, 442, 448, 464, 472, 507
- Locomotives of 1917, Some British, 28, 32
- Locomotives, Two Converted, London and South-Western Railway, 28, 32, 162 (Two- page Supplement, February 22nd, 1918)
- Loco-Tractor—see Road and Rail Transport
- MACHINE Shop, Modern Light, W. and T. Avery, Limited, Herbert Carpenter, 102
- - Electro-Magnetic Clutch for a Planing Machine, Glenfield and Kennedy, Limited, 366
- - Hack-Sawing Machine, Edward G. Herbert, Limited, 250
- - Horizontal Spindle Boring, Drilling and Milling Machine, G. and A. Harvey, Limited, 292
- - Lathe, 30in. Crank Pin, L. Gardner and Sons, Limited, 50
- - Machines, Special, for Producing 9.2in. Shells, 190, 191
- - Munition Factory, Lathes and Other Tools at, 314, 318, 336, 340, 379, 384
- - Nut-making Machine, Ernest Rollings, 510, 514
- - Rough Turning Shell Lathe, W. Asquith, Limited, 236
- - Ship Plate Bending Press, Hollings and Guest, Limited, 413
- MANUFACTURE of Bearings—see Ball Bearings
- - Fog Gun Stations on the Clyde, 225
- - Hong-Kong, 136
- - Steel Areas in Great Britain, 170
- MARINE Lighting, Recent Developments in, 155, 201, 225
- Measuring Machine, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., 302
- Metals, A New System of Reinforcing, C. W. Denny, 322
- Milling Machines—see Machine Tools
- Moving Targets and Torpedo Attack, 561
- Munition Factory, Extemporised, 314, 318, 336, 340, 379, 384
- Munitions, Birmingham and the Production of, 270, 288, 296, 398, 406
- NAVAL Aircraft, Italian, 6
- Nut-making Machine, Ernest Hollings, 510, 514
- OIL Reclaimers, Centrifugal, Manlove, Alliott and Co., 540, 541
- Optical Projection Apparatus for Testing Gauges, 346
- PITCH and Creosote Mixtures, Burning of, 332
- Pitch Measuring Machine for Screw Gauges, The Bingham-Powell, 126
- Plough, Motor, Martin’s Cultivator Company, 45
- Ploughs—see also Tractors, Agricultural
- Ploughing and Cultivating Equipment, Steam, J. Fowler and Co., Limited, 527, 536
- Portrait, Robert Winthrop Blackwell, 313
- Portrait, Sir John Wolfe Wolfe-Barry, 68; (Letter), 96
- Power Required by Cold Rolling Mills, C. E. Davies, 221
- Producer, Gas, Using Gasworks Coke, The “Autogas,” 369
- Pumping Plant, Air Lift, at . Curragh Camp, H. Brown and Co., 475
- Pumps, Air, Oil, and Water for German Gotha Biplane, 184
- REACTANCES—see Electrical Matters
- Reinforcing Metals, New System of, C. W. Denny, 322
- Removing Signal-box Bodily, 237
- Repairing a Drop Stamp Foundation, Hal Williams and Co., 534
- Reservoirs, 16,000,000 Gallon, at Buenos Aires, 228
- Road and Rail Transport, F. Dutton, 550
- Rolling Mills, Cold, Power Required by, C. E. Davies, 221
- Rolling Mills, Electrically-driven, L. Rothera, 142, 146
- SAFETY Devices for Turbines—see Turbines
- Salvage of Merchant Ships, 532 1
- Saws—see Machine Tools
- Screw Gauges, Pitch Measuring Machine for, Bingham-Powell, 126
- Shell-bottling Dies, Container for, R. Welbury, 282
- Shell Conveyor, Automatic, Ed. Bennis and Co., Limited, 274, 284
- Shell, 9.2in., Special Machines for Producing, W. L. Philip, 190, 191
- Shell-making Tools—see also Machine Tools
- Shell Nosing Furnace for Solid Fuel, Meldrums, Limited, 294
- General:
- - Salvage of Merchant Ships, 532
- - Shipbuilding Yard, Hog Island, Philadelphia, 554, 559 (Four-page Supplement, June 28th, 1918)
- British Navy:
- - Vindictive, H.M.S., Iris apd Daffodil, after Zeebrugge, 380, 385
- Foreign Navies :
- - Italian Battle Fleet, Conning Tower, Armament, Mine-laying, Gun Turret, andc., 245, 254
- - Italian Dreadnought Conte di Cavour, 245, 254
- - Italian Scouts Carlo Alberto Bacchia and Carlo Mirabello, 246, 254
- - Spanish Naval Construction, 465
- - Spanish Submarines, Recent, 466
- Miscellaneous Vessels:
- - American Ocean Going Concrete Steamship Faith, 251, 518
- - Concrete Motor Boat, Holland, Hannen and Cubitts, Limited, 391
- - Concrete Ship, Our First, for British Government, 434
- - Reinforced Concrete Vessels, Walter Pollock, 278 279
- - Standard Cargo Ships, Sir G. Carter, 252, 257, 259
- - Turbo-electric Ship Wulsty Castle, 423, 428
- SIGNAL-BOX on the Highland Railway, Removing, Bodily, 237
- Slitting Mill, 445, 486, 488, 492
- Steam, Latent Heat of, Investigations, Regnault’s, F. B. Aspinall, 525
- Steam Ploughing and Cultivating Equipment, J. Fowler and Co., Limited, 527, 536
- Steam Turbines—see Turbines
- Steam and Westinghouse Brake Valve, Combined, Gresham and Craven, Limited, 324; (Letters), 347
- Steel; Compression Test, J. A. Van den Broek, 444
- Steel Furnace, Ludlum Electric Steel Furnace Corporation, 38
- Steel, Hardening and Tempering of, Professor C. A. Edwards, 161
- Steel, Sound, The Production of, andc., Benjamin Talbot, 480
- Superheater Engine—see Locomotive
- Swarf De-oiling Plant, Manlove, Alliott and Co., 540, 541
- TARGETS, Moving, and Torpedo Attack, 561
- Testing, Impact, Machine, The Amsler, 435
- Testing Laboratory at the Fiat Works, Turin, 555, 558
- Thrashing Machine, Rastrick’s, 214
- Torpedo Attack, Moving Targets and, 561
- Tractor Attachment, The Trafford, James Hodgson, 117
- Tractor, Light Agricultural, Ateliers Vve. A. de Mesmey, 300
- Tractors andHaulers, Some British Agricultural, 4, 10, 45, 65, 93, 98, 116
- Train, Ambulance, for United States Army, Built by Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 181, 186
- Train, Special, for Director-General of Transportation, North-Eastern Railway Company, 16 (Two-page Supplement, January 4th, 1918)
- Transport, New System of, F. Dutton, 550
- Turbines, Steam, Safety Devices and Arrangements on, Oerlikon Company, 58 (Two-page Supplement, January 18th, 1918)
- Turbo-electric Ship—see Ships
- Turning Machine—see Lathe
- Turntable, 60ft. Locomotive, at Newhaven, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 105 (Two-page Supplement, February 1st, 1918)
- UNIVERSITY, Hong-Kong, Engineering Equipment at, 136, 164, 168, 199 (Two-page Supplement, March 8th, 1918)
- VACUUM Balance Cases, B. Blount and W. H. Woodcock, 148 ; (Letter), 249
- Vacuum Pumps, Air Compressors or, Black and Decker Manufacturing Company, 565
- Valve, Combined Steam and Westinghouse Brake, Gresham and Craven, Limited, 324 (Letters), 347
- WATER Supply for Brisbane, Cabbage Tree Creek Reservoir, 70, 74
- Waterworks, Plymouth, Pipe Line between Burratorand Roborough Reservoirs, 120, 124
- Workpeople’s Welfare at a French Explosives Factory, 25
- Works, Birmingham Small Arms Company, 398, 406
- Works, Lanchester, System at, 133
See Also
Sources of Information