The Engineer 1918 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1918 Jul-Dec: Index
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- ACTIVATED Sludge, Composition and Properties, 9
- Adelphi Houses, Risks to Historic Houses of Proposed Government Occupation, 329
- Aerial Ropeways in India, 439
- - Aircraft.Engine Weight per Horse-power, 243
- - Aircraft Losses of the Enemy More than Double those of the Allies, 97
- - Air Raids and Bombardment- Casualties, 463
- - American Aircraft Bureau’s Quick Work, 395
- - American Air Mail Service, Low Cost of, 395
- - American Flight Across the Atlantic, Early Achievement Predicted, 75
- - Cacquot Captive Balloon ; Kite Balloons, 221
- - Doping in Aircraft Factories ; Report on Health of Workers, 139
- - Doping Departments of Aeroplane Factories, Importance of Ventilation, 117
- - Evolution in Aircraft Engines, Statement by United States War Department, 97, 243
- - Flight at Low or High Levels, Merits of Internal Combustion and Steam Engines Compared, 117
- - German Diesel Engine for Use on Aeroplanes, 31
- - German Dirigibles, Wireless Telegraphic Apparatus, Method of Reading Signals, 9
- - Handley-Page Works, Visit to, 272
- - Lamp, Wireless Signal, for Aeroplane and other War Work, 31
- - Propellers for Aircraft, New Design in America, J. A. Irving, 139
- -Radiological Aeroplane for Rendering Surgical Aid, 395
- - Reduced Power of Engines at 15,000ft. Due to Reduced Density of Atmosphere, 135
- - Wounded Soldiers Transport by Aeroplane, 395
- AFFORESTATION, Preliminary Expenditure, Interim, Authority Set up, 463
- Age Limit for Driving Licences, Reduction in, 108
- Agricultural Implements Needed by Roumania, 499
- Agricultural Motor Tractors, Large Supplies by Food Production Department, 243
- Agricultural Tractors, Projected Trials, 509
- Air Compressor Design, Best Practice, J. M. Ford, 75
- Air Pressure of 47 lb. per Square Inch, 53
- Alcohol for Industrial Purposes, Statistics, 181
- Alcohol and Petrol Blend as Liqiid Fuel, 96
- Alcohol, Production from Carbide, 31
- Alcohol Proof Enamels and Varnish, Jenson and Nicholson, 108
- Alcohol from Sugar in Sulphite of Soda Lyes Used for Treating Wood Pulp-alcohols, Value for Internal Combustion Engines, 243
- Alkali Works, Annual Report, 75
- Alloy : A New, Ferrouranium, 553
- Alloys for Anti-friction Metals, French Trials to Economise Copper, andc., 287
- Aluminium, Cold-rolled Sheet, Practice in Annealing, 463
- Aluminium, Electrolytic Production of, in Various Countries, 181
- Aluminium and Glucinium, 487
- Aluminium Ingots, Reduction in Price, 287
- Aluminium, Rapid Increase in World’s Production of, 415
- Aluminium for Reduction of Oxide, Intensely High Temperature Produced, 221
- American Anti-trust Law, 298
- American Cold Storage Plants, Three, with 14,000,000 Cubic Feet Capacity, 139
- American Lumbermen’s Waste of Timber Products, 53
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Committee Formed to Repoit on, 75
- American War Finance Corporation, 287
- Americans and Diesel Engine Building, 9
- Ammonia as a By-Product at Gasworks, 159
- Ammonia, Latent Heat of Vaporisation, 139
- Ammonia for Munitions, but Shortage in Quantity for Refrigeration, 139
- Ammonia, One Pound of, to Make Twenty Hand Grenades, 139
- Ammonium Nitrate Mixtures : Superiority of Ammonal, 329
- Apprentices at Huddersfield, Successful Scheme, 553
- Architects, Surveyors, Constructional Engineers, andc., New Federation of, 351
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co.’s, Fabricated Ship, 415
- Artesian Well Boring in Queensland, Cost of, 307
- Asbestos Insulation in Brick Boiler Settings to Reduce Air Leakage and Save Heat, 351
- Asbestos Mining Industry in Rhodesia, 395
- Asphalt Laid during Rainfall, 75
- Assessment of an Engineering Works, 476
- - Coal Gas for Motor Vehicles, £1000 Prize, 415
- - Large Capital Expenditure and Income Represented by Members, 9
- - Annual Meeting ; Report and Elections, 382
- - Chemists for Government Service, 531
- - Autumn Meeting, 171. Programme, 171
- - King George as Patron, 373
- - Autumn Meeting, 148. Programme, 148
- - Membership Advantages : Pamphlet. 44
- - Relation of Science to the Non-Ferrous Metals Industry, 487
- - Henry Saxon Snell Prize Award, 553
- - Refuse Disposal Prize Essay, James Jackson, 553
- - Election of Motor Cycle Engineers, 329
- - Tanks Design ; Honorary Membership for Major W. G. Wilson, 553
- - Hundredth Session, Opening, 373
- - Contracts, Modification of Model Conditions, 395
- - Co-ordination of Research in Works and Laboratories, Premium Offered for Paper, 9
- - Cross Compound Turbo - Generator for Large Sets, J. H. Shaw, 531
- - Examination Rules Suspended during War, 97
- - Posting of Members Joining the Army to Technical Units, 201
- - Employment for Engineers, 496
- - Annual Meetings for 1919, 373
- - Scholarship for 1918 Award, 190
- - Annual Report, 117
- - Maximum Regulating Resistance and Maximum Shunt Resistance of Track Circuits, W. J. Thorrowgood, 9
- - Sub-Committee to Provide Names for Functions of Track Circuits, 329
- - Christmas Juvenile Lectures ; Fish of the Sea, Professor D’Arcy Thompson, 406
- - Christmas and Other Courses of Lectures, 530
- - Meetings and Elections, 17, 406
- - Crystal Palace Engineering Society, Papers and Awards, 564
- - Measuring Alternating Currents and Electric Oscillations, J. Williams, 94
- - Postponement of Lecture on Civil Aerial Transport , by Mr. Claude Grahame- White, 500
- - Wireless Transmission of Electric Energy in Bulk, Unknown Possibilities, A. A. Campbell Swinton, 509
- AUSTRALIA Prohibits Importation of Bosch Magnetos, 53
- Australian Production of Fencing Wire and Wire Netting, 53
- Austria and Permissible Stresses in Structural Ironwork, 553
- Automatic Telephones in Shanghai, 395
- Automobile Construction in the United States, War Orders to Come First, 243
- BALLOONS—see Aeronautics
- Barbed Wire Exports from the United States, 97
- Barbed Wire Scrap Collected by Machine, 9
- Bauxite for Furnace Lining and Crucibles, 159
- Belts, Driving, Paper Substitute, in Germany, 463
- Birkenhead’s Extensive Refrigeration Equipment, 159
- Boiler Conversion, from Coal to Fuel Oil Firing, Results at London Factory, A. F. Baillie, 395
- Boiler Efficiency at United States Steel Works, Tests with Uncleaned Blast-furnace Gas, 221
- Boiler Plants on Oil Fuel in New England, 117
- Boder Pressure at Carville Power Station and at Glasgow, 531
- Boiler Scale Removal with Paraffin, 362
- Boilers, Egg-ended and Modern Lancashire, Compared, 9
- Boilers, Marine, Life of, Prolonged by Care in Early Days of Use, 139
- Boring and Turning Mill, Large Extension, for Arsenal Work, 31
- Boy Welfare, 217
- Bradford Technical College, 256
- Brass Industry Pooling Scheme, Proposed, by Mr. Howard F. Smith, 9
- Bridges, Continuous Span, and Structural Efficiency, 509
- British Empire’s Natural Resources and Water Power Development, 553
- British Engineers’ Association, New Appointment, 531
- British Gauge Manufacturers’ Association, 351
- British Industries Fair, 373
- British Magnetos, 298
- British Scientific Products Exhibition, 487
- Building Industry of the United States, Suggested Federation of all the Interests Involved, 53
- Building in United States Cities, 463
- Business Profits’ Value in Creation of Opportunities for Others, 243
- By-product Ovens in Canada, Varieties of Type, 243
- By-products, New Uses for, 395
- CABLES, World’s Submarine, Private and National, Analysis, 351
- Caissons, Concrete, Trapezoidal, Compared with Rectangular Sections, 509
- Calendar for 1919, Abdulla’s, 544
- Calorific Value of Pitch, 329
- Canada Balsam, Best Known but far from Satisfactory Medium for Joining Optical Parts, 509
- Canada’s Arable Land, Nitrates and Hydraulic Energy, 307
- Canada’s Imports of Coal and Oil, 439
- Canada’s Very Largely Increased Exports of Paper and Paper Pulp, 373
- Canadian Training of Disabled Soldiers, Large Numbers under Instruction, 243
- Canal between Paris and Dieppe, Scheme of 1694 Again Revived, 373
- Canal, Ship, from Doncaster or Sheffield to Goole and the Sea, Projected, 96
- Canals, Government-owned, Deep-sea Level Along the United States Atlantic Coast, Recomm snded Scheme, 373
- Carbide Scarcity for Acetylene Lamps, 315
- Case-hardening and Oil-hardening Compositions, Comparison, 117
- Catalogues for Purchasing Agents, Standard Size Adopted, 287
- Celluloid, Excellent Substitute for, in Making Surgical Appliances and Artificial Limbs, 531
- Cement, Natural, in United States Rocks, 553
- Channel Tunnel Scheme for Japan, 395
- Chemical Activity in America, Great Influence of the War, 509
- Chemists for Government Service, 531
- Chilean Nitrate, History of its Increased Export, 9
- Chimney at Tacoma, Height Record Again Broken, 9
- China Manufactures Pencils with Machines from Japan, 382
- Chinese Tax on Goods in Transit, 463
- - Anthracite Coal from Irish Mines, No Surplus Available, 415
- - Arigna Coalfields and Railway Connection with County Sligo, 415
- - Berlin’s Coal Supply Economised by Transmission of Electricity, 351
- - Board of Trade Requisitions of Coal and other Fuel, 201
- - Boring for Anthracite in Dauphine, Depth of Nearly a Mile said to be Reached, 75
- - By-product Coking in the United States, 542
- - Carbo-coal, New American Fuel, 117
- - Coal Consumption Economy Stimulated by Bonus System, 351
- - Coal Controller, New Assistants Appointed, 201
- - Coal Storage, Need of Inspection for Avoidance of Spontaneous Combustion, 139
- - Coal Storage Safer when Fine Sizes Exclude the Air, 9
- - Coal with Sulphur Content, Divided Opinion as to Liability to Spontaneous Combustion, 53
- - Coal Tar Dyes and Chemicals in the United States, Census, 463
- - Coke, The Formation of, Messrs. Charpy and Godehot, 243
- - Coke and Weather Injury, 487
- - Colliers with, the Colours, 53
- - Denmark to Pay Increased Duty on Coal Imported from United Kingdom, 201
- - Dye Industry and Coke By-products, 395
- - English and American Coal Shortage Compared, 553
- - German Prices for Coal and Iron Greatly Increased, 201
- - Oil Fuel as Coal Substitute, Comparison, E. H. Peabody, 177
- - Pulverised Coal Replaces Oil Fuel at Central Heating Station in Seattle, 553
- - Pulverised Coal in United States Manufactures, 415
- - Queensland Coal Deposits, Extent and Value, 117
- - Rationing Colliers : Why Not ? 75
- - Shortage of Coal, Controller’s Report, 509
- - South Wales Coal Losses through Short Time, 415
- - Spitzbergen Coal for Sweden, 75
- - Steam Users and Coal Wastage, 351
- - Sulphur in Coal and Liability to Heat when Stored in the Open, 373
- - Testing Coals at Seattle, 531
- - United States Bureau of Mines, Paper on Weights of Various Coals, 181
- - United States Survey’s Estimate of Coal and Coke Output for 1917, 395
- - Vlassovo-Grujer District Coal Output Reduced to One-seventh of Normal Yield, 247
- COINAGE Reform, Suggested Change of Penny Value, 509
- Cold Storage Space in United Kingdom, Great Increase Expected, 69
- Cold Storage in United Kingdom and United States, 9
- Concrete—see also Reinforced
- Concrete Beams and Computation of Energv, 439
- Concrete Blocks and Beams for Building, Government Report, 329
- Concrete Bodies with Hollow Centres Produced by Use of Ice, 307
- Concrete Construction, Methods and Tests in United States, 307
- Concrete Floors, Dusty, Various Remedies for, 53
- Concrete Structures, Marine, in United States and Canada, Adverse Report on Liability to Corrosion, 373
- Concrete as Substitute for Steel in Car Construction, Gondola Car to be Tested, 382
- Concrete Walls, Prevention of Condensation, Kerner Greenwood, 329
- Condensers, Glass, Hard Paper and Mica, Tests with Varying Frequency, 395
- Copper Castings, Addition of Strontium an Advantage, 287
- Copper and Copper Alloys, Manufactured Products, Inquiry in-Connection, Department of Scientific Research, 531
- Copper Output in America, 181
- Copper from Pyritic Ashes, New Method for Electrolytic Extraction, 382
- Cost plus System, 395
- Counterfeit Coin—see Platinum
- Cranes with Alternating and with Direct Current, Comparison as to Safety, 9
- Crude Oil and Fuel Oil, 395
- Crystal Palace Engineering Society, Papers and Awards, 564
- DANISH Government Hydro-electric Scheme, 415
- Danube, Utilisation of, for Navigation and Water Power, 553
- Death in Action of Lieut. Graham Johns, 314
- Dsath of S.r George Armytage, 439
- Detonation of Gun-cotton, Nitro-Glycerine, andc., 329
- Disabled Sailors and Soldiers or Widows of Men Killed; Offer from Royal Sanitary Institute, 9
- Dock Construction near Naples, Largest Dock in the Mediterranean, 221
- Dock, Large New, at South San Francisco, 159
- Dredger, Large Suction, Built at Sydney, 373
- Drilled Holes in Motor Lorries, Aeroplanes, Motor Cycles and Torpedoes, 307
- Driving Belts of Paper in German Workshops, 373
- Dyeing Industry in the Ellesmere Port Disstrict, 221
- Dyestuffs from Coal-tar, America’s Enormous Production Replaces Previous Imports from Germany, 509
- ECONOMIC Problems after the War, 285
- Economic and Reconstruction Supplements to the Daily Review of the Foreign Press, 243
- Economy in Unnecessary Correspondence, 395
- Edgware-road (London), Traffic Census, 439
- - Alternator Voltage Limitations and the Reason for Them, 439
- - Aluminium Conductors of Low Conductivity, Change in Austrian Regulations, 415
- - Arc Welding and Control of Weld Constituents, 439
- - Cables of 33,000 Volts Probably the Limit of Useful Pressure Development, 53
- - Crystalline Selenium, and other Substances Affected by Light, 553
- - Dielectric Losses in Cables : Comparison between Insulation with Mineral Base and Vegetable-Base Compounds, 221
- - Electric Heating as a Desirable Load for the Central Station, 97
- - Electrically Driven Reversing Cogging Mill —see Miscellaneous Index
- - Electrode Manufacture at Frederikstad, Norway, 159
- - Electro-Magnetic Theory of Matter, Albert C. Crehore, 31
- - French Glow-lamp Production, 307
- - Galicia’s Purchase from Germany of Electric Plant Erected in East Galicia During War, 415
- - Heat Application by Electrical Eddy Currents Instead of Steam, 307
- - Heat Storage by Novel Electric Heating System, 287
- - Hydro-electric Undertakings—see also Hydroelectric
- - Insulator, Wood Stick, for High Voltages, in Favour in America, 221
- - Metallic Oxides as Depolarisers, Treatment of Positive Electrodes of Primary Batteries, 159
- - Ministry of Munitions, Permits and Electrical Development, 509
- - Motor Amp Are Calculator, George Ellison, 362
- - Motor, Very Small, for Surgical and other Purposes, 415
- - Motors in Steel Mill Equipment, Need of Standardisation, 307
- - Niagara, Increased Water Power from, for War Purposes, 159
- - Ovens, Electric Tests in U.S.A., Economical for Long but not for Short Cooking Operations, 117
- - Oxide Film Lightning Arrester, 75
- - Platinum for Electrical Work, Scarcity, and Suggested Tax on Use for Luxuries, 75
- - Power Extension by Southern Canada Power Company, 159
- - Research Work of Committee Appointed by Institution of Electrical Engineers in Connection with Department of Scientific Research, 97
- - Shanghai and Electrical Progress, 117
- - Shanghai Electricity Department, Report, 31
- - Ship Construction and Electric Welding, 75, 221
- - Shipbuilding and Electric Welding, Divided Opinion, Commander S. V. Goodalls, 531
- - South African Extensive Use of Electricity, 221
- - Spanish Electric Power Supply from Falls of the Douro, 43
- - Temperature in the Electric Furnace, 219
- - Temperature of Metals and Value as Electric Conductors, 531
- - Tramways’ Consumption of Electricity; J. M. McElroy, 351
- - Transmission, Electric, 447
- - Transmission of Electric Energy to Economise Berlin’s Coal Supply, 351
- - Tungsten Filament Lamps, Large Sale in America, 97
- - Turbo-Alternator Constructed at A. E. G. Works, First of 60,000 K.V.A. Capacity, 159
- - Turbo-Generator, Cross-compound for Large Sets, J. H. Shaw, 531
- - Water, Electrical Conductivity of, 75
- - Welding, Electric, for Ship Construction, A. J. Mason, 75
- EMPIRE’S Mineral Resources, 365
- Employment for Engineers, 496
- Employment Exchange and Local Advisory Committee, 509
- Engineer Volunteer Corps, County of London, Royal, Recruits Called for, 53
- Engineers, Divisional, Unit, Proposed Re-union, 531
- Engineering Works Sports for War Funds, 128
- Engineering Workshops and Septic Poisoning, Satisfactory Result of Enquiry, 329
- Eri Silk from Indian Moth Cocoons, 463
- Exhibition of Key Industries, 287, 329, 351
- Explosive for Mines in South Africa, Substitute for Nitro-Glycerine, 53
- FEDERATION o£ British Industries, British Empire Producers’ Organisation, and Imperial Council of Commerce, Joint Councils, 53
- Ferrouranium, a New Ferro-alloy, 553
- Fire Losses in Canada Greatest, per Head of Population, in the World, 221
- Fish, of the. Sea, Professor D’Arcy Thompson, 553
- Flexure and Torsion in Propeller Blades, Experiments on Beams, 395
- Flow, Orifice and Weir, Effect of Slight Roundings of the Upstream Edge, Jacob O. Jones, 9
- Free Trade, Real Principles of, J. S. Hecht, 243 French Incandescent Lamp Factories, Output, 415
- French Licences for Imports to France of Textile and Sewing Machines, 97
- Fuel Conditions and Needed Economy in Electric Supply Stations, 221
- Fuel Limitations in Manufacture of Pleasure Vehicles in America, 97
- Fuel, New American Invention, 117
- Fuel, Patent Mixture Used in New York, 487
- Fuel Requirements of Canada, 439
- Fuels, Natalite and E. H. A., Variation in Ingredients, 53
- GARLIC, Fungi, Carbide, Heather, Chalk ; New Uses for above Raw Products, 351
- Gas and Allied Industries, Question of Legislative Protection, 487
- Gas, Coal, Its Powers, Heat-giving and Lightgiving ; New Departure, 139
- Gas, Coke Oven, Successfully Utilised for Domestic and Industrial Purposes, 463
- Gas Containers, Permeability of Fabric and Loss of Gas, 415
- Gas-driven Motor Vehicles, £1000 Prize, 415
- Gas-driven Omnibuses, Satisfactory Trials, 117
- Gas Furnaces, Optical Pyrometer for, 415
- Gas-propelled Vehicles and Government Permits, 307
- Gas Generated by Wood Waste Fuel for Driving Swedish Internal Combustion Engines, 181
- Gas Traction Section at British Scientific Products Exhibition, 509
- German Gas-driven Road Motors after the War, 415
- German Goods with Neutral Trade-marks, 439
- German Inland Waterways, Proposed Rhine- Danube Ship Canal, 553
- German Leather Trade, Shortage of Materials and Prizes Offered for Substitutes, 287
- German Motor Trade Thriving Notwithstanding War, 415
- German Silver, Differences in Manufacture in England, America and Germany, 221
- German Transport Vehicles with Wooden Tires, 307
- Germany’s Difficulties Due to Metal Shortage, 201
- Germany’s Metal Shortage and Device for Tubing, 221
- Glasses or Telescopes through Lady Roberts’ Fund, 553
- Glass-ware, Graduated,. Tested at National Physical Laboratory, 53
- Glassware, Scientific, Volumetric Tests at the National Physical Laboratory, 149
- Gloucester as a Concrete Shipbuilding Port, 509
- Glucinium an Aluminium, 487
- Goggles, Substitute for Glass Found in U.S.A., 415
- Gold Production of the World almost entirely in British and American Hands, 553
- Grain Elevators for South Africa, Need of, 487
- Graphite Deposit in Norway about to be Utilised, 307
- Gun and Munition Plant on Neville Island, U.S.A., Extensive Preparations, 181
- HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Recovering from Disaster, 382
- Hardness of Ceramic Products and Brinell Ball Test, 553
- Heat Insulating Material of Newly Discovered Swedish Clay, 97
- Heat Loss from Chimneys, Apparatus for Measurement, Monsieur Chopin, 287
- Heating and Power Plant with Pulverised Coal Fuel, at Vancouver, 438
- Herring Oil Factories in Norway, 415
- Hides and Skins Exported from India, 463
- Hot Water Transmission Possible for Four Miles, W. M. Selvey, 139
- House Famine in Toronto, 117
- Huddersfield Engineers’ Training Association, Success of Scheme, 553
- Hydraulic Energy and Fuel Energy in the United States, 463
- Hydraulic Riveting Dangers and German Remedy, 201
- Hydro-electric Equipment in White River Plant, Puget Sound Traction Company, 135
- Hydro-electric Power in U.S.A., Insufficient Supply and Need for Coal Economy, 329
- Hydro-electric Schemes in New Zealand, Success and Further Development, 404
- Hydro-electric Work for Railway Electrification, Huge Barrage in France, 423
- Hysteresis or Backlash Present in Measuring Instruments, 97
- ILLUMINANTS, Tests of Effect on the Eye, 159
- Incandescent Mantle, Physical Theory, Rubens on, 415
- India, Extension of Use of Machinery in Agriculture and Irrigation, 287
- India, Openings for British Trade in Agricultural Machines, 287
- India, Road and Bridge Construction, 221
- Indian War Loan Advertised on Great Indian Peninsula Railway Coaches, 166
- Indigo, Liquid, Process of Manufacture, 509
- Industrial Conferences, Further Programme, 452
- Industrial Progress of Past Four Years, 395
- Industrial Reconstruction Council, Change of Address, 9
- Industrial Series of Conferences, 170
- Inland Revenue, Analysis of Gross Receipts, 395
- Institutes and Institutions—see Associations
- - Corrosion by Sea Water of Surface Condenser Tubes, 129
- - Eight-hour Day as Basis of Wage Payment in United States Steel Industry, 395
- - German Iron Deterioration since Outbreak of War, 439
- - German Prices for Coal and Iron Greatly Increased, 201
- - Holland, Government Participation in Establishment of Steel Foundries and Rolling Mills, 463
- - Iron in Contact with Sulphuric Acid, Professor C. E. Fawsitt and A. A. Pain, 487
- - Iron Ore, Valuable Deposits of, in South Africa, 196
- - Iron Oxides for Protective Coatings, 117
- - Iron and Steel Exchange for London, 499
- - Manganese Ore Exports from British Columbia to the United States, 181
- - Metallic Iron and Tetrachloride of Silicium, Experiments and Results, 493
- - Molybdenum Smelting Works in Norway, 487
- - North Staffordshire Railway Rates and the Iron and Coal Trades, 404
- - Queensland, Development of Molybdenite Mining, 487
- - Queensland, Discovery of Iron Ore, 31
- - Queensland, Discovery of Scheelite at Percyville, 487
- - Queensland Royal Commission on Steel and Ironworks, 491
- - Rustless Steel, Increase in Chronrum for, 395
- - Scheelite Discovery at Percy ville, Queensland, 487
- - Scrap Steel or Iron, Re-conversion into Pig Iron, 139
- - Temper Removal from Hardened Steel, 159
- - Temperature in the Electric Furnace, 219
- - Tungsten with Carbide, How to Treat, for Mechanical Working, 53
- - Tungsten, Experiments in Welding, 53
- - Tungsten Exports .from Federated Malay States, 221
- - United States Prices of Tool Steel Compared with those of United Kingdom, 9
- JAPANESE Clocks, Increased Export of, 31
- Japanese Government Encouragement of Motor Lorry Manufacture, 53
- KAISER Wilhelm Trust for Promotion of the Science of War, 351
- LEAD Alloys, Advantage of Tin Addition, 351
- Leggings, Safety, for Molten Metal Workers, 53
- Lighting Restrictions and Dust Deposits on Lamps, andc., 97
- Light Transmission through Water, Difficulty of, 243
- Lignite Briquettes, Carbonised, Plant for Manufacture in Canada, 75
- Liquid Fuel, Blend of Alcohol and Petrol, 96
- London County Council Trade Scholarships, 286
- Lorries, Standardised, Rapid Construction in United States, 97
- Loughborough Instructional Factory and Classroom Training, 553
- Lubricants, Cutting, and Cooling Liquids, Memorandum of Scientific and Industrial Research Department, 287
- Lubricants for Twist Drills, Result of Tests at Illinois University, 221
- Lubrication of Air Compressor Cylinders, Right Type of Oil Required, 243
- Lubrication of Wire Rope, Importance of Method Employed, 351
- MACHINE Tool Department, Permission to Purchase Tools, 221
- Machine Tool Depreciation in Wartime, 314
- Machine Tool Manufacture for Non-war Work, Government Regulations, 287, 357
- Machine Tools, British and German, J. Judson, 382
- Magnesite from Manchuria, Superiority of, 351
- Magnetising other Metals Besides Iron, 415
- Magnetos, British, 298
- Manchester College of Technology, Department of Industrial Management, 201
- Manganese—see Iron and Steel
- Measurement, Rapid, of Fluctuating Temperatures, 159
- Measuring Instruments and Hysteresis, 97
- Meat Treatment in the United States, 9
- Menothorium, A New Substitute for Radium. Dr. R. N. Moore, 395
- Metal Extraction D.rect from Ores, Testing New Dutch Process, 287
- Metal Scrap Purchase in Small Quantities, 243
- Metal Shortage, Utilisation of Old Bullets by the Calcutta Mint, 439
- Metal Spraying by New Process, 75
- Metal Spraying by Oxy-Hydrogen Flame, 243
- Meteorological Unit of Pressure, 117
- Metric System and Foreign Trade, Inquiry in America, 139
- Mexican Petroleum Production, Number of New Wells Bored, 53
- Milling Cutter Manufacturers’ Association, 276
- Mine Employees Above and Below Ground, Statistics, 181
- Mineral Resources, Empire’s, 365
- Mines Abandoned in 1917, 181
- Mines Timbering in the Loire District, Sylvestre Pine Preferred, 463
- Miners’ Federation and Goaf Control, 221
- Minimum Wage Rejected by American War Labour Board, 307
- Mints of Calcutta and Bombay, Large Coin Output, 373
- Molybdenum—see Iron and Steel
- Motor Car Taxation in the United States, 463
- Motor Cars in Europe, Census, 31
- Motor Cars, Private, Manufacture in the United
- States Practically Stopped for Lack of Material, 306
- Motor Club in North China, 320
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders Society, Series of Exhibitions, 463
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders Society, Steam Vehicle Section, 531
- Motor Vehicles and Equipment in United States, Largest Government Order ever given, 415
- Motor Vehicles, Gas-driven, £1000 Prize, 415
- Mysore Gold Mines, Report, 439
- NATIONAL Comparisons of Production and Costs, England and Elsewhere, Sam Turner, 439
- Nationalisation of Tranport and Electric Supply, Mr. Lloyd George’s View, 439
- Natural Gas Treatment for Recovery of Motor Spirit in America, 97
- Natural Gas Wells Bored in China before the Christian Era, 243
- Newspapers, After the War, 65
- New Uses-of Certain Raw Products, 351
- New Zealand and Hvdro-electric Development, 404
- New Zealand, Local Cold Storage Expansion, 307
- New Zealand’s Petroleum Possibilities, 531
- Niagara, Increased Water Power for War Purposes, 159
- Nickel and Copper Works, New, in Ontario, Production Begun, 181
- Nitric Acid from the Air, Extension of Bavarian Establishments for Production of, 139
- Nitric Acid Production in the United States, 439
- Nitrogen, Fixation of Atmospheric, Japanese Laboratory for Study, 395
- Nitrogen Fixation, Extensive Literature and Patents Dealing with, 531
- Nitrogen Fixation Patents ; Haber Process and German Duplicity, 201
- Nitrogen, World’s Consumption, 323
- Northampton Polytechnic Workshop’s Output for Woolwich Arsenal, 509
- Norway Prohibits Contracts for Delivery of Good Abroad for More than Six Months Ahead, 139
- Norway’s First Fuel Factory, 373
- Norway’s Unused Water Power to be Utilised for Replacing Coal Deficiency, 181
- OIL from Alum Schist in Sweden, Use in Crude or Converted Form, 463
- Oil from the Antarctic Regions, 487
- Oil Drilling in Derbyshire, 307
- Oil Extraction from Schist, Factories in Sweden, 373
- Oil Factories, Herring, in Norway, 415
- Oil Fuel as Coal Substitute, Comparison, E. H. Peabody, 177
- Oil Refineries, Waste of Fuel, 97
- Old Tins, What to do with, 171
- Omnibuses Running on Compressed Coal Gas, 97
- Optical Effects in a Photographic Dark Room, 439
- Optical Instruments, Better Joining Medium Much Needed, 509
- Optical Instruments and “Ghosts,” 307
- Optical Pyrometer for Controlling Temperature of Gas Furnaces, 415
- Output per Acre and per Worker and Railway Charges ; Comparison between United Kingdom and other Countries, Sam Turner, 439
- Ovens, Electric—see also Electrical Matters
- Ovens, Electric and Steam Heating Compared, 167
- Oxide Film Lightning Arrester, 329
- Oxy-acetylene Welding Efficiency, Satisfactory Tests, 395
- PAINTS and Enamels, Mixing, Good and Bad, 97
- Paintwork of Motor Cars, 439
- Paper Clothing of Vienna Tramway Conductresses, 287
- Paper from Grass in South Africa, 463
- Paper Substitute Driving Belts made in Germany, 373
- Paper Supplies Improved by Use of Home-grown Products, 287
- Paper Textiles in Germany, 272
- Patents, Grants to Aliens since Outbreak of War, 31
- Peat Areas in Jutland, Utilisation of, 531
- Peat Briquette Manufacture in Belfast, 307
- Peat in Ireland, Price and Facilities for Conveyance, 117
- Persona] Equation and Technical Difficulty, 463
- Petrol-Electric Transmission, 447
- Petrol Entropy Diagram, 139
- Petrol Locomotives, Armoured, for Bringing up Supplies to the Front in France, 382
- Petrol for Passenger Vehicles : No Prohibition of its use in United States, 53
- Petrol Production from Coal, Company Started in India, 307
- Petroleum from Mexico, Increased Exports, 159
- Petroleum Possibilities in New Zealand, 531
- Phosphorus, Effect of, on Soft Steel, 117
- Photography with Bromide Paper, Twenty Years’ Life, 75
- Pier, Very Large, at Vancouver, 31
- “Platino” as Substitute for Platinum, Properties of, 201
- Platinum Counterfeit Coins More Valuable than the Real Thing, 9 ; (Letter), 30
- Pneumatic Riveting Tools, Increasing Use in Clyde and Tyne Areas, 401
- Potash from Germany Before the War, English Present Output, 53
- Potash Recovery in a Gas-cleaning Plant; Killing Two Birds with One Stone, 139
- Potash Salts for Agriculture in France, Contrasted Supply and Demand, 87
- Precision Gauges and other Munitions, Work of the London County Council, 531
- Profit-sharing in Italy, 287
- QUEENSLAND Coal Mines, Report for 1917’ 382
- Queensland Mineral Output, Expected Increase, 31
- Queensland Mining —see also Iron and Steel
- Quenching of Forgings, 117
- RADIOTELEGRAPHY, Scientific Problems of. Professor J. A. Fleming, 286
- Radium, Substitute for, Dr. R. N. Moore, 395
- - Aberdeen, County of, Rural Transport in, 243, 415
- - Accident Anniversaries in September and October, 265, 307
- - Accident Anniversaries in December, 531
- - Accident to Brooklyn Rapid Transit Train, 415
- - Accident to Lancashire and Yorkshire Electric Train, 159
- - Administration of Railways in the Future, 159
- - Air Brake Defects and Fuel Waste, 287
- - Aircraft Transport, Large Covered Vans Built at Swindon, 463
- - American Red Cross Canteen in Presidential State Rooms at Union Station, Washington, 139
- - American Ton-mile Statistics, Proposal to Abandon Compilation Rejected, 139
- - Americans’ Capture of German Narrow Gauge Railway, Petrol Locomotives and Railway Material, 373
- - Appointments and Staff Changes, 53, 75, 97, 117, 158, 159, 221, 265, 307, 329, 415, 463, 487, 509, 553
- - Argentine Government Refuses Railways Permission to Increase Rates, 243
- - Armistice Day and Railwaymen’s Pay, 531
- - Australia and England, Divergent Opinion on Wharf and Railway Bill, 75
- - Australian Imports of Permanent Way Material, 1913 and 1916 Compared, 373
- - Baghdad Railway, Present Condition of Track and Rolling Stock, 553
- - Basingstoke and Alton Light Railway Taken up to Supply Material for Overseas, 75
- - Bengal-Nagpur Railway, Surveys and Extensions, 329
- - Birmingham Demonstration and London and North-Western Railway Suggestions, 351
- - Blackpool and Fleetwood Electric Railway, 139, 329
- - Blandford Station and Military Camp, New Railway, 463
- - Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway, Statistics, 31
- -Branch Railways, Power Sought for Construction of, 487
- - British Railways, Sacrifice of Wagons in War Interests, 139
- - Brooklyn Rapid Transit Train’s Fatal Derailment, 415
- - Brussels, Great Eastern Railway Steamer, Sunk in Raid on Zeebrugge, 395
- - Burma Railways, Increased Dividend, 509
- - Caledonian Railway, Reduction of Extra Passenger Trains, 243
- - Cambrian and Furness Railways both Damaged by Storm, 265
- - Cambrian Railway to Take over Tanat Valley Railway, 351
- - Cambrian Railways, Carriage of Timber, 395
- - Canada and New Zealand, Railway Policy, Comparisons, 329
- - Canadian Government’s Foresight in Provision of Locomotives, 531
- - Canadian Industry during Transition from War to Peace, Government Action, 509
- - Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific Companies Exchange of Facilities to Promote Economy and Good Service, 509
- - Canadian-Pacific Service Flag and Employees with the Colours, 509
- - Canadian Railroads, and Wages Increase, 287
- - Canadian Railway Collisions and Automatic Control, 509
- - Canadian Railway Congestion Relieved by Double Tracking, 553
- - Canadian Railway War Board, New Wages Scale, 221
- - Canals and Railways, Board of Trade Control, 9
- - Cape Central Railway as a Private Concern, Question of Government Taking it Over, 265
- - Carriers’ Liability, London and North- Western Railway Loses Case, 75
- - Castlecomer Railway Construction, Irish Members’ Complaint, 53
- - Castlecomer Railway and the Great Southern and Western Railway, 159
- - Castlecomer—see also Great Southern and Western
- - Ceylon Government Railways, Report, 329
- - Charges on Goods Transport, Prepayment Proposed, 53
- - China, Need of Locomotives in, 391
- - Christmas Holidays and Travelling Facilities, 463
- - Clermont-Auvergne-Alais Railway Electrification, Hydro-electric Works in La Lozere, 433
- - Coal for Railway Use, Diminished Supplies and Probable Further Reduction in Train Services, 243
- - Coal Rationing in Ireland, Non-existent, 97
- - Coal in Trucks for Private Consumers Liable to Commandeering, 287
- - Collision, Another Disastrous, in the United States, 75, 439
- - Collision, Disastrous, on Indiana Railway, 31
- - Collision between Goods Trains on the London and North-Western Railway, 181, 287
- - Communication Chain on Trains, Illegal Use, 553
- - Conciliation Board on the Great Western Railway, Retirement of Chairman and New Appointment, 509
- - Continental Loading Gauge for Railway Vehicles, 265 ; (Correction), 329
- - Continental Time System for the British Army, 265
- - Continuous Brakes and Abolition of Private Ownership of Wagons, 487
- - Cork, Railway Connection Much Needed, 415
- - Crewe Mayoralty Accepted by Chief Mechanical Engineer of London and North- Western Railway, 307
- - Damage to Cars and Cargoes by Careless Shunting, 287, 395
- - Death of Mr. Thomas A. Armstrong, 97
- - Death of Mr. Peter Drummond, 53
- - Death of Mr. C. A. Goodnow, 287
- - Death of the Hon. A. E. Gathorne-Hardy, 463
- - Death of Mr. Adam Hunter, 97
- - Death of Mr. John Frederick Robinson, 97
- - Death of Sir Frederick Upcott, 395
- - Death of Mr. G. J. Whitelaw. 487
- - Demobilisation Schemes, Train Arrangements, 531
- - Dividends, Increased, on Various Railways, 97, 117, 139
- - Eight Hours’ Day for Railway Traffic Employees in United Kingdom, 509
- - Federated Malay States, Bangkok and Penang Through Service Opened, 351
- - Fertilisers in Agr culture, Carriage Rates and Distribution, 117
- - Fish from Ireland Spo:lt by Transit Delay, 75
- - France, Northern Railway of, Wanton Destruction of Property by Germans, 531
- - France, State Railway System of, Rolling Stock Statistics, 31
- - Freight Congestion in the United States, Canadian Cars Held Up, 531
- - French Railway Accident, Decision, 97
- - French Railways and State Control Question, 351
- - Fry, Sir Edward, the Late, as Arbitrator in Railway Dispute, 373
- - German Systematic Destruction of French Railway Property, 531
- - Germans’ Wilful Damage to Great Northern Railway Carriages, 265
- - Glasgow and South-Western Railway and Ayr Harbour, Commissioners’ Decision, 329
- - Glasgow and South-Western Railway, Death of Locomotive Superintendent, 53 ; Appointment of Successor, 75
- - Glasgow and South-Western Train Service, Curtailment Due to Coal Scarcity, 304
- - Glover, Colonel G. T., Locomotive Engineer to Great Northern Railway, Ireland, 265
- - Government Control of Trade and of Railways, Criticism, 181
- - Government and Trade Union Negotiations Resumed, 221
- - Grain Sacks, Charge for Hire of, from Railways Increased, 307
- - Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to Build Ships at Prince Rupert, 181
- - Great Northern Rai waymen Abstained from Joining Strike, 351
- - Great Northern Three-cylinder Engine, Mr. Gresley’s Good Working Results, 265
- - Great Southern and Western Railway, Progress of Connections with Wolfhill and with Castlecomer Collieries, 53, 415
- - Great Western Railway. Standard Locomotives, Classification, 553
- - Great Western Railway, Withdrawal of Rail Motor Service to Welsh Colliery, Protests and Inquiry, 75
- - Heated Corn in Transit Preserved by Use of Compressed Air, 201
- - Holiday Traffic Limited by Railway Executive Committee, 9, 75
- - Import Traffic Rates, Home and Foreign Merchandise, 463
- - Independence Day and United States Railroads, 117
- - India’s Contribution of Railway Material, Rolling Stock and Labour for Mesopotamia and Palestine, 181
- - Inexperienced Railway Staffs and Need of Patience, 395
- - Influenza Masks Compulsory on Alberta Trains, 509
- - Ingot Iron Plates for Locomotive Fire-boxes, Causes of Damage, 447
- - Institutions, Railway—see Associations
- - Ipswich Dock Bill and the Gas Company, 97
- - Ireland, Passengers’ Route Restrictions Withdrawn, 463
- - Ireland, Suggested Construction of Tunnel Connection, 395
- - Irish Boats, Holyhead and North Wall, Normal Night Sailings Resumed, 487, 509
- - Irish Coal and Iron, Position of County Sligo, 415
- - Irish Coal MiTie, Railway Connection with, 159
- - Irish Mail Boats, Alteration to Daylight Sailing, and Consequent Train Changes, 287, 329, 400, 463
- - Irish Mails, Expiring Contract, 31 ; Renewal of Contract, 159,
- - Irish Railways and Coal Shortage, 97
- - Irish Reconstruction, Contradictory Statements, 531
- - Irish Sub-committee of Committee on Transport, Big Schemes, 221
- - Irish Timber and Turf, Question of Improved Railway Transit, 415
- - Irish Traffic Delays Due to Enemy Action, 487
- - Iron and Coal Trades and North Staffordshire Railway Rates, 404
- - Italian New Three-phase Locomotives, 139
- - Jubilee of the Metropolitan District Railway,
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Change of Chairman, 307 ; Death of Late Chairman, Sir G. Armytage, 439
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Collision, 221
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Damaged and Trains Delayed by Cloud Burst, 75
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, “Rationing” Holiday Traffic, 9, 75, 159, 265
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North-Western Deposit Bill for New Railway, 487
- - Light Railway Commission Inquiries, Report for 1917, 97
- - Light Railway for New Dyeing Industry in the Ellesmere Port District, 221
- - Light Railway Orders Confirmed, 265
- - Light Railways Commission, Powers Continued at Reduced Cost, 31
- - Lights, Standard Head, for Engines, New Code to Economise Oil, 159, 287
- - Llandrindod Wells Connection ?with Cambrian Company, 351
- - Locomotive Manufacturers’ Association, 463
- - Locomotive Returned to Crewe with Message from France, 221
- - Locomotives After the War, Baldwin Locomotive Company’s Anticipations, 201
- - Locomotives, Armoured Petrol, for Taking Supplies in France to the Front, 382
- - Locomotives Lying Idle in Large Numbers through Lack of Repairers, 487
- - London, Brighton and South Coast’s Motor Car Train Service between West Croydon and Wimbledon, 373
- - London Electric Railways Company : Purchase of Land in Westminster, 395
- - London and North-Western Disaster Averted by Signalman, 307
- - London and North-Western Railway Roll of Honour, 395
- - London and North-Western Resumed Early Morning Service from Euston to Ireland, 373
- - London and South-Western Railway, Abolition of Second Class, 31
- - London and South Western Railway Allotments under Cultivation, 243
- - Longridge and Hellifield Proposed Light Railway, 373
- - Lord Rhondda as Railway Director, 31
- - Lord Shaughnessy, Recognition of his Services by McGill University, 53
- - McAdoo, Mr. W. G.. Resignation as Director- General, 463
- - Mansfield Railway Company’s Proposed New Branches, 487
- - Marseilles Expresses, Terrible Disaster, 265
- - Metropolitan District Railway Carrying 7000 Soldiers Daily, 558
- - Mexico, Proposed Extension of Railway from Tampico to Higo, 8
- - Midland Railway Control of Draymen, 395
- - Midland Railway Friendly Society’s Investment in National War Bonds, 108
- - Midland Railway’s Further Investment in War Loan, 463
- - Military Stores by Passenger Trains, Complaints, 351
- - Motor Car Train Service, Wimbledon and West Croydon, 373
- - Motor Trollies for Signal Maintainers, Saving of Labour, 287
- - National Transport Workers’ Federation, Wholesale Demands, 553
- - National Union of Railwaymen, Members Killed in the War, 463
- - National Union of Railwaymen and Mr. J. H. Thomas, 351
- - National Union of Railwaymen, Mr. J. H. Thomas’ Report, 53
- - Nationalisation of Railways, Mr. Winston Churchill on, 553
- - New South Wales, Expenditure on Railway and Tramway Construction since 1850. 9
- - New South Wales Railways, Signalling Device, 415
- - New Year Staff Changes, 553
- - Nord Railway System, New Line Opened, 181
- - Nord Railway, Valenciennes Station and the Signalling System, 439
- - Nord-Sud of Paris, Great Increase in Passengers, nearly 50 per cent. Women Employees, 415
- - North-Eastern Railway and Coal Saving, 509
- - North-Eastern Railway’s Proposed Bridge, 553
- - North-Eastern Railway Sheds and Electric Rolling Stock Destroyed by Fire at Newcastle, 139
- - November’s Accidents Record Recalled, 439
- - Oil-burning Locomotives, United States Statistics, 53
- - Orleans Railway, Mechanical Cleaning for Carriages and also for Hired Cabs, 117
- - Packing of Goods Sent by Railway, Need of Improvement, 31
- - Parcels bv Passenger Train, Revision of Rates, 328, 373
- - Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Railway Disaster, 265
- - Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Railway, Electrification of Branch Line, 423
- - Peat in Ireland, Railw’ay Conveyance, 117
- - Pennsylvania Railroad and War Workers, Heavy Daily Traffic, 53
- - Piccadilly Tube, Broken Axle Causes Great Delay to Traffic, 75
- - Pooling Scottish Railway Wagons, 97
- - Pooling Wagons, all Now Included. 159
- - Prepayment of Merchandise Transport, Scheme Postponed, 221
- - Privilege Tickets and Overcrowded Railways, 351
- - Quebec Bridge, Question of Running Powers over the Bridge, 97
- - Queensland Railway Development, Room for Improved Methods, 373
- - Question Record at Paddington, 243
- - Rail Head Distortions and Wheel Loads, American Railway Investigations, 181
- - Railway Benevolent Institution Flag-day, 39
- - Railway and Canal Commission, Death Vacancy, 463
- - Railway Clerks' Association and the Railway Executive Committee, 307
- - Railway Materia] Exports Statistics, 9, 139, 181. 287, 351, 509
- - Railway Material Shortage, Light Railway Taken up, for Overseas Purposes, 75
- - Railway News and Railway Gazette, Amalgamation, 487
- - Railway Policy after the War, Sir A. Stanley on, 394
- - Railway Traffic to London Waterside Stations, Demurrage Payment Demands, 31
- - Rates Increased for Transport of Candles, Glycerine, andc., between Bromborough Joint Railway and London, 243
- - Rationing Tickets on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 9, 75, 159, 265
- - Restricted Service, Week-end Travelling Inadvisable, 53
- - Restrictions on Travelling, 31
- - Return Tickets and Through Booking Restrictions, 201
- - Royal Marine Engineers Employed to Supply Deficient Civilian Labour for Railway Making, 9
- - Safety Measures on the North London Railway, 201
- - St. Enoch’s Station, Glasgow, Improved Access for Pedestrians, 265
- - Scottish Railway Stocks and Shared, New Association, 181, 395, 531
- - Scottish Railways and Harbours, Private Legislation Commissioners’ Decision, 329
- - Season Ticket Question under Consideration, 463
- - Season Ticket Regulations for Mercantile Marine, 159
- - Season Ticket Restrictions Removed, 487
- - Season Tickets, Interavailability of, and Clerical Labour, 117
- - Shipping Shortage and Over-burdened Rail Transport at Bristol, 287
- - Signal, Position Light, under Test by Metropolitan Railway, 351
- - Sligo’s Reported Coal and Iron and the New Railway Line fromArigna, 415
- - Soldiers’ Leave and Week-end Travelling, 117
- - South African Railway Administration, Criticisms said to be Unwarranted, 75
- - South African Railways, Economy and Need of Grain Elevators, 487
- - South African Railways and Harbours, Change of Date of Report, 207
- - South - Eastern and Chatham Railway, Dispute with the Gravesend Corporation, 487
- - South - Eastern and Chatham Steamers, Senior Engineer Retires, 221
- - Stephenson, not Stevenson, George, 243
- - Stockholders’ Association, England,to Follow Scottish Example, 531
- - Superannuation Funds, Suggested Reinvestment, 159
- - Sweden’s Proposed Railway Electrification, 553
- - Swedish Railways and Government Control, 329
- - Swedish Train’s Terrible Disaster, 307
- - Switzerland Ocean Project for New Railway, Turin to Bordeaux, 139
- - Telephoning and Accidents, Need of More Accurate Wording of Inquiries, 97
- - Thomas, Mr. J. H., on Nationalisation of Railways, 531
- - Torpedoed Steamer Dundalk, Death of Mr. S. J. Cocks, 373
- - Traffic for Shipment through Port of London, Railway Executive Stipulations, 467
- - Train Service, Further Reductions Contemplated, 181
- - Train Service, No Further Reductions Expected, 395
- - Tramway Transportation of Fire-clay and Coal, 415
- - Tramway Transportation of Parcels Pe r- mitted in Sheffield, 415
- - Tramways, Consumption of Electricity, J. M. McElroy, 351
- - Transport Company Refused Permission to Increase Capital, 395
- - Transport Facilities in the United Kingdom, Committee Appointed, 139, 159
- - Transportation by Rail, Road and Canal, Mr. Lloyd George’s Views, 439
- - Trans-Siberian Railway, Future National Management, 395
- - Travelling Facilities, Increase Already Up to Power of Engines and Length of Platforms, 463
- - Uganda Railway, General Manager, 117
- - Underground Railways, Congestion, Insufficient Rolling Stock, 509
- - Union of South Africa Railways and Harbours, General Manager Coming to Peace Conference, 487
- - United States Rail Production in 1917 201
- - United States Railroad Brotherhood and “Safety First” Measures, 201
- - United States Railroad Trainmen Brotherhood ; Members in the American Army and Navy, 201
- - United States Railroad, Transportation of Coal, 53
- - United States Transportation of Grain, 307
- - United States Transportation of Troops, 201
- - United States Railroads under Federal Control:
- -- Administration Considering Question of New Locomotive Plant or Loans to Existing Builders, 234, 307
- -- Administration to Dredge and Operate Portion of Cape Cod Canal, 221
- -- Administration and Railroad Bonds, 373
- -- Administration and Wages of Shop Craftsmen, 315
- -- Atlantic Ports, Greatly Reduced Congestion of, Since December, 1917, 415
- -- Bureau of Railway Economics, Effort to Continue its Existence, 9, 139
- -- Class I. Railroads, Earnings, 315
- -- Connections of Passenger Trains, Needed Improvement, 117
- -- Federal Control, Effects, Saving of Interest on Loan, 53
- -- Fire Insurance Abandoned in View of Operation as a Single System, 139
- -- Fire Insurance, Change of Policy, 373
- -- Fuel Economy by Skip-stop System, 243
- -- Government Control, Suggested Permanence. 553
- -- Government Enlarges President’s Power to Control Urban Electric Lines, 9
- -- Government Payment for Use of Railways, Expected Heavy Deficit in Working Cost, 9
- - United States Railroads under Federal Control (continued):
- -- Government Regulation of Necessary Work, 221
- -- Interstate Commerce Commission, Suggested Improved Rails to Avoid Accidents, 201 ; Violation of Statutes for Promotion of Safety, 439
- -- Large Locomotive Orders from Baldwin Company, 221
- -- Locomotives for France : Demand for War Purposes Necessitates Restrictions in the United States, 439
- -- Locomotives and Superheating, 181
- -- Maintenance of Way, Difficulties of Material and Labour Shortage, 97
- -- New Engines to Haul Trains from Makers to the Railway Company, 139
- -- New Federal Railroad Managers, 242
- -- New Locomotives, Distribution of Orders for 1415 Engines, 139
- -- Nine Hours a Day for Maintenance of Way, 553
- -- Orders for Locomotives and Freight Cars, 53
- -- Pennsylvania Railway Tracks and Tunnels Opened for Use by other Companies, 439
- -- Presidential Control and the Coming of Peace, 487, 509
- -- Privately Owned Passenger Cars Taken Over, 307
- -- Railroad Bridge Spans in Stock to be Used in Other Districts, 201
- -- Railroad Fares, Suggested Schools for Instruction of Officials, 117
- -- Railroad Scrap Metal, Limit on Prices, 117
- -- Railroads and Shortage of Rubber, 117
- -- Standardisation, Permanent Committee Appointed, 243
- -- Steel, Removal of Embargo on Use of, for Non-War Projects, Railways Benefit, 531
- -- Suggested Use of Letters Instead of Postcards between Railways and Shippers, 75
- -- Terminal Unification ; Emergency War Measures, 307
- -- United States Soldiers, Proposed Cent a Mile Fares, Opposition, 509
- -- Wagons and Contents Damaged in Shunting, 287
- -- Women on Railroads : Increased Employment, but Additional Safeguards, 243, 307
- -- Wooden Cars on Railways ; Statistics, 53
- - Victoria Government Railways, New Chief Engineer, 415
- - Wagon Bearing Plate Spring Used Since 1894 and as Good as Ever, 9
- - Wagons Damaged in Shunting, 395
- - Wagons for Iron Transport in the North, 221
- - Wagons, Railway Owned; Common User, and Channel Ferry, 553
- - Wagons, Second-hand, Dealing Without a Permit, 395
- - War Wages, Further Demands, Conference, and Awards, 181, 307
- - War Wages, New Agreement for Automatic Increase, 466
- - Waterloo System for Receipt of Shop Parcels, 395
- - Women Railway Workers in Procession at Royal Silver Wedding, 31
- - Women as “ Signalmen ; ” Divided Opinion as to Fitness, 181
- - Women’s Labour on Railway Main Lines, 221
- - Women's Strike on the London Tube Railways, 181
- RAND Water Board—see Water Supply
- Raw Products Turned to Fresh Purposes, 351
- Reconstruction, The Aims of. 239 Reconstruction Committees Formed ; Progress, 531
- Reconstruction Lectures, 391
- Reconstruction, Ministry of, and Trade Conferences, 553
- Refrigerating Plant for the United States Army in France, 487
- Refuse Disposal, Prize Essay, 553
- Reinforced Concrete—see also Concrete
- Reinforced Concrete Chimneys, Vibration of, 243
- Reinforced Concrete Floors, Effect of Brine, 329
- Rifles and Cupro-Nickel Fouling, Necessary Measures, 31
- Road Board Improvement Fund Allocations, 351
- Road Costs in the Maidstone District, 329
- Road Siding Defects and Remedy, 439
- Road Work as Means of Employment, Government Grant, 531
- Roads for War Purposes, Army Council Committee, 415
- Roberts, Lady, Fund and Return of Field Glasses, 553
- Roumania’s Need of Agricultural Implements, 499
- Rubber, Synthetic, Discussion at German Bunsen Society, 243
- Rubber, Synthetic, Manufacture by Germans, 560
- Rubber of the World : Distribution and Value, 35
- Russia-the Principal Customer Before the War for Silesian Zinc, 373
- Russian Locomotive Output and War Repairs, 351
- Russia’s Heavy Losses of all Kinds, Due to Brest-Lit ovsk Treaty, 201
- Rust-inhibitive Coating from Blue Lead, 139
- SAILORS and Soldiers, Discharged, Separate Employment Exchange, 287
- Salters’ Institute of Industrial Chemistry, 287
- Salvage, Wholesale, 373
- Sawdust for Extinction of Petrol Fires, 75
- Scales and Weighing Machines, 386
- Scheelite—see Iron and Steel, 487
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Inquiry by Committee on Metallurgy of Copper and Zinc, 531
- Screwing Tackle Manufacturers Form Association, 351
- Scythes in Russia, Great Scarcity, 487
- Serbia, Mineral Resources of, 21
- Sesame Cultivation in Tonkin and Elsewhere, 221
- Sewage Experiments in New York, 31
- Sewage of London, Suggested Scheme for Profitable Use, 75
- Sewage and Water Disinfection in the United States, 75
- Shell Production in Canada, 181
- Shells Fired on the Western Front, Activities of Controller of Machine Tools, 553
- Ship Canal from Doncaster or Sheffield to the Sea vid Goole, Projected, 102
- Shipbuilding, Engineering and Steel Commercial Staff's Association, Formation, 561
- - Additional Shipbuilding Berths at Northumberland Shipyard, 201
- - American Shipbuilding Workers, 221
- - America’s Large Submarines, 139
- - Belfast Firms, Shipbuilding, Amalgamation of Two, 415
- - Belfast's Shipbuilding Growth during War, 415
- - Canadian Output of Ocean Ships, 243
- - Clan MacWilliam, Large Cargo Carrier, Launched, 418
- - Concrete Shipbuilding Seventy Years Ago and Since, 221
- - Concrete Ships have Come to Stay, 201
- - Concrete Ships and New Yards for Building Them in U.S.A., 159
- - Concrete Ships, No Protective Composition Needed for Hulls, 373
- - Concrete Ships, Suggested Building in Floating Dry Docks, 181
- - Concrete Steamship Faith, Excellent Performance in Exceptionally Rough Weather, 97
- - Concrete Vessels, Severe Tests of. 307
- - Electric Welding and Lloyd’s Register, 221
- - Electric Welding for Ship Construction, A. J. Mason, 75
- - Electric Welding for Ships, Plant in the United States, 509
- - Electric Welding in Shipbuilding, Divided Opinion, Commander S. V. Goodall, 531
- - Electrically Welded Ships, First Vessel Built in America, 509
- - Fabricated Ship, First, Designed by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., 415
- - Fabricated Ship, First National, as Pattern, Details of Construction, 329—see also Miscellaneous Index
- - Ferro-concrete Shipbuilding in Ireland, New Yard for, 415
- - Harland and Wolff’s Engines for Other Firms’ Standard Ships, 351
- - Hospital Bed Endowment Chosen by Shipyard Workers as Reward for Rapid Shipbuilding, 373
- - Japanese Shipbuilding for the Entente Powers, 53
- - Large Merchant Ships Recently Launched, 329
- - Lloyd’s Register and Concrete Ships, 439
- - Marine Engineers’ Responsibility and Great Need of Efficiency, 75
- - Merchant Shipbuilding in the United States, Eaormous Increase, 221
- - Pneumatic Riveting Tools in Shipyards, 401
- - Rapid Ship Construction in United States, 97
- - Repair of Ships by the Admiralty, Large Numbers, British and Foreign, Dealt with, 487
- - Riveting in Shipyard Work, Hand and Pneumatic, Comparison, 531
- - Salvage of Steamship Arabv, Interesting, 362
- - Shipbuilding Before the War, British Much Cheaper than Canadian, 75
- - Ships, Docks, andc., in United States. Plans not to be Carried out of the Country except by U.S. Officials or Representatives, 243
- - Smart Work at Shipyard of Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 181
- - Steam Traps on Board Ship, 75
- - Tankers, New Concrete, in U.S.A., 159
- - United States Future Shipping Expansion, Lieut. Commander Stevenson-Taylor, 553
- - United States Shipyard Accidents, Reported Exaggeration, 196
- - Wooden Ship Repaired with Concrete, 531
- - Work in the Shipyards, 210
- SIAM’S Imports of Cutlery, andc., Japan Ousting Germany, 181
- Silesian Zinc, Falling Off in Metal and also Ore, 373
- Silica Brick and the Transformation of Quartz, H. Le Chatelier and B. Bogitsch, 373
- Silicon in Metallic Tron Experiment*, 493
- Sisal Hemp Cultivation in Antigua, 463
- Societies—see Associations, andc.
- Soiree to Celebrate Armistice, 564
- Solder, Cadmium Suggested as Substitute for Tin, 75
- South Africa, Expansion of Industry and Municipal Proposals, 553
- South African Mine Training School, the Third Started by Government, 31
- Souvenir of the War, Simplex Conduits, Limited, 564
- Spirit for Industrial Purposes from Moss, andc., Distillery in Sweden, 186
- Spruce, Fifty Million Feet Exported from America for Aircraft, 395
- Steam Users and Coal Wastage, 351
- Stellar Parallax, Progress and Improved Instruments, 97
- Stellite, Non-ferrous Alloy, Properties of, 439
- Storage Warehouses, andc., for Army Material in the United States, 262
- Suez Canal Receipts Greatly Reduced by the War, 75
- Sugar Cane Insufficiently Cultivated in the West Indies, 53
- Sugar from the Palm and Sugar Cane, 117
- Sulphuric Acid Production in United Kingdom, 373
- Sulphuric Acid Substitutes from Waste Products, 373
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Training Scheme for Mechanics, 351
- Synthetic Rubber, Discussion at German Bunsen Society Meeting, 243
- TASMANIA as an Ideal Hydro electric Centre, 329
- Tax of £46,000,000 Paid by one Firm, 53
- Telegraph Systems and State Control, in United Kingdom and U.S.A., 159
- Telephones, Automatic, in Shanghai, 395
- Temperature Variations in Engines, Rapid Measurement by New Apparatus, 159
- Thermos Flask Not a Foreign Invention, 243
- Thimbles, Great Shortage on the Continent, Government Metal Permit to Brass Founders Employers’ Association, 97
- Timber for Building, Suggested War Economy, 415
- Timber Question in Great Britain, Afforestation Difficulties, 307
- Timber Scarcity after the War : a Suggestion, 112
- Timber, Scientific Technology of, State Promotion of Research Desirable, 75
- Timber of Scots Pine, its Value, 117
- Timber Stocks in the United Kingdom, Census, 31
- Tin Plate in Australia, Great Scarcity for Meat and Jam Packing, 159
- Tin Plate Output in America, Enormous Increase since the McKinley Tariff, 139
- Tins, Old, What to do with; 171
- Toluol from Gas in America, Great Expectations, 243
- Tractor, Three Wheel Electric, to Replace Horses for Wagon Drawing, 31
- Training at Loughborough, Suggested Continuance, 553
- Training for Mechanics at Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson’s Works, 351
- Transport Industry, Joint Industrial Council, 531
- Transport in the United Kingdom, Need of Improvement after the War, Mr. Lloyd George, 242
- T.N.T. Purification Difficult, 415
- T.N.T. Work, Improved Hea’th of Workers, 75
- Tungsten—Iron and Steel
- Tunnel Driving in New York, Shield of Unusual Size Employed, 31
- Tunnel. Otira, New Zealand, Progress of. 412
- Typewriters in Japan, 329
- UNITED States Development of Wireless Telegraphy, 97
- United States Exports of Tin-plates, Terneplates and Taggers Tin, 20 per cent. Increase, 509
- United States Foreign Trade, Growth of,553
- United States Government and Groat Telegraph Companies, 463
- United States Oil Shales Hitherto Unused, 201
- United States Trade Markings, 487
- United States Trade Statistics, Date of Compilation, 487
- Units ana Unity, Napier Shaw, 31
- VALVES, Revolving, of Internal Combustion, Engines, Capt. B. C. Hucks’ Method, 439
- Varnish and Enamel, Alcohol Proof, Jensen and Nichohon, 108
- Vegetable Wax, Extraction of, as a Japanese Industry, 463
- Vehicles, British Army, in France, 553
- Vickers, Limited, Resignation ot Chairman, 243
- Volumetric Tests on Scientific Glassware, N. P. Laboratory's Pamphlet, 149
- WASTE Products, Striking Economy by Utilisation of, 373
- Waterproofing Mixture, French, for Leather, Cloth, Paper, &c., 18J
- - American Water Works Association, Cost Increase in Inverse Proportion to Efficiency, 509
- -Barrage, Vaal River, Rand Water Scheme, 311
- - Bombay Agricultural Department, Bores for Wells, 307
- - Brisbane Water Supply, 298
- - Cape Town’s Water Supply, 307
- - Chlorination Treatment of Water in America, Satisfactory Results, 181
- - Water Power in France, Greatly Increased Utilisation since Outbreak of War, 373
- - Water Power in Great Britain Available for Development, Less than One-tenth in Use, 287
- - Water Power from Natural Supplies, Very Long Time for Observation Necessary to Determine Action. 287
- - Wells for the Allied Forces on the Continent, 75
- WATT, James, Organ Built by him Given to Glasgow Corporation, 9
- Welding, Autogenous, Importance of Purity of Added Metal, 307
- Wire Rope Lubrication, Importance of Method, 351
- Wireless Communication between United Kingdom and Australia, 287
- Wireless System to Connect Larin-America and United States, 117
- Wireless Telephone and Telegraph Motor Truck, 373
- Wolfram Mining in Bohemia, 307
- Wolfram Ore in China, 181, 221
- Wood Protection in Damp Situations, 307
- Wooden Poles, Zinc Fluoride Recommended as Preservative, 373, 463
- Workman’s Time and Balance Book, 66
- World’s Submarine Cables, Private and National, Analysis, 351
- YARN Production from Paper, Long Known in Japan, 531
- ZINC Fluoride as a Preservative of Wooden Poles, 373, 463
- Zinc Ores Mined in Canada, Proposed Bounties on, 201
- Zinc Output of Australia, 9
- Zirconia, Recommended Addition of, to Graphite used for Smelting Crucibles, 14
See Also
Sources of Information