The Engineer 1920 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1920 Jul-Dec: Index
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- ACCOUNTANTS, Cost and Works, Institute of, 314
- Acetone from Bassia Flowers in India, War and Peace Uses of, 446
- Advertising, Lectures on, Captain O. A. Minns, 439
- Aeronautical Design, American Investigation of Gorman Instruments for, 559
- Aeronautics, Department of, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 462
- Aeroplanes, American Military, with Air Propeller Driven Generators for Wireless Installation, 637
- Aeroplanes for Railway Survey, 453
- Africa, South-West Protectorate, Active Waterboring Operations, 453
- A.G.E. Smithfield Dinner, 597
- Agricultural Machine Manufacture Begun in Australia, 507
- Agricultural Tractor Trials at Lincoln, 135
- Airships, British “S.S.” Dirigible, for Ice Observation in Seal Fishing, 427
- Airships Presented to Canada by Imperial Government, 661
- Air Velocity in Small Tubes, Experiments, 35
- Alaska’s First Pulp and Paper Mill, 157
- Alcobronze, New Alloy, 611
- Alcohol Fuel Patents, 248
- Alcohol, Industrial, from Bassia Flowers, 446
- Alcohol Motor Fuel, 214
- Alcohol, Power, Supplies, 106
- Alloy, New Magnetic, 277
- Alloys Discovered in France, 111
- Alloys, Pyrophoric, of Cerium and Iron, A. Hirch, 661
- Aluminium Alloy Casting, Proper Temperature, 585
- Aluminium and its Alloys, Protection from Corrosion, 111, 203
- Aluminium, Process for Nickelling, 611
- Aluminium from Switzerland, 585
- American Engineering Societies. Federated, Joined by American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 277
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Election Machinery Improvement, 403
- Ammonia—see Synthetic
- Annealing Polished Metals, German Process for Protection from Tarnishing, 533
- Apprentices, Engineering, Shield for, 74
- Apprentices of Two Firms, University Scholarships Offered, 377
- Asbestos with 3ft. long Fibres at Luzon, 61
- Asphalt Production in United States, 178
- -- War Memorial, 545
- -- Henry Saxon Snell Prize, Conditions for 1921, 597
- -- Noise in Weaving Sheds, Causes and Suggested Remedies, Committee’s Report, 533
- -- Annual Dinner, 548
- -- Arrangements for Meetings, 74
- -- Combustion of Naphthalene Solutions in Internal Combustion Engines, L. S. Palmer, 603
- -- Repair of Worn Motor Parts by Electro deposited Iron, B. H. Thomas, 61
- -- Steel Research Report, 106
- -- Annual Dinner Not to be Held, 309
- -- Awards for Papers, 491
- -- Benevolent Fund, Conditional Offer of Donation, 647
- -- Postponement of Meetings, 494
- -- Subscription Rates Increase Proposal, 453
- -- Quasi-arc Welding lor Bombs and Submarine Mines, C. J. Jewell, 611
- -- Electricity Supply by Gas Companies, J. Fisher, 30
- -- Buenos Aires, Local Centre Opened, 170
- -- Inaugural Meeting, 465
- -- Gold Modal Awards, 506
- -- Economies in Road Maintenance, J. Lam, 179
- -- Gas in relation to the Housing Problem, F. W. Goodenough, 403
- -- Christmas Juvenile Lecture Programme, Professor J. A. Thomson, 619
- -- Corrosion in Copper and Brass, Dr. O. F. Hudson, 611
- -- Appeal for Increase of Membership, 85
- -- Awards for Papers, 623
- -- Concrete, Compressive Strength of, Comparison between Sea Water and Fresh, Professor E. R. Matthews, 35
- -- “Wilson Premium” Award, 647
- -- Failure of Metals under Internal or Prolonged Stress, Discussion by Four Societies, 340
- -- Annual Joint Exhibition with Optical Society, 650
- -- Meetings for the Session, 203
- AUSTRALIA, Electrolytic Smelting Industry, Future Possibilities, 453
- Australian Grant for Buildings in Future Capital of Canberra, 327
- Australian Proposal for Protection of New Industries and Joint Production of Tools by British Firms, 637
- Automobile Association and Motor Union Report, 157
- Aviation, Civil, Air Ministry’s Report, 661
- BALDWIN’S Toronto Plant Ceases Work for Lack of Hydro-electric Power, 85
- Bearings, White Metals for, 637
- Belgium, Industrial Situation Analysed, 403
- Belt Drive Tables, Buck and Hickman, 502
- Belting, Method of Eliminating Static Electricity, C. M. Green, 403
- Bengal Engineering College, Future of, 61
- Bilbao, Crane-buying Difficulties, 322
- Blast-furnace Gas, Beneficial Effect of, on Plants, 611
- Blast-furnaces—see Iron
- Boiler Explosion and Need of Control, 111
- Boiler and Tubes, Longer Life with Coal than Oil Burning, 661
- Boilers and Engines, Repair by Welding, 100
- Boilers, Standard Marine, 165
- Bombay Engineering Congress, 106
- Bonus Wage Payment Scheme of Lambourne and Co., Limited, 479
- Brassfoundry, Measurement of Casting Temperatures, J. Arnott, 327
- Brassey’s Annual, 502
- Brazil Government Subsidy to Promote Chemical Study, 157
- Brazilian Loan in the United States, Projected, 353
- - Specifications Adopted for Official Use in South Africa, 453
- - Standardisation of Test Pieces for Notched Bar Test, 231
- British Standard Specification for Electrical Cooking Ranges, 157
- Brussels Ship Canal, 61
- Buenos Aires Arrangement for Register of Traders, 585
- CABLE Dispute between the Western Telegraph Company and the United States, 661
- Cadmium, Pre-war Production in Germany Outdone by the United States, 427
- Calcutta, Inland Harbour at Manicktollah, and Canal System, 35
- Camellaird-Fullagar Engine, 439
- Canada and Financial Self-preservation, 327
- Canada and Government Control of Hydroelectric Power, 203—see also Hydro-electric Power
- Canada, Graphite Report, 165
- Canada, Public Ownership on Large Scale in, 585
- Canada and the West Indies, Preferential Trade Agreement, 427
- Canadian Trade in Fertilisers, 179
- Canadian Trent Valley Canal Finished, 111
- Canal Abandoned and Used for Bed for Hydroelectric Pipe Track, with Railway Above it, 307
- Canal, New, in France, under Consideration, 661
- Canal, Part of, Abandoned, 253
- Canal Schemes, Two, in India, F. L. Milne, 203
- Canals, Disused, as Ponds for Fish Culture, 605
- Canals—see also Ministry of Transport
- Cardiff and Smoke, 314
- Cartagena, Project for Protection against Inundation, 299
- Catalogues for Reval, 623
- Celebration Dinner, 568
- Celluloid for Knife Handles and Camphor Shortage, 327
- Cement Jointing for Cast Iron Water Pipes, 377
- Cement Recovery from Sacks, 61
- Cement Tests in the United States Standards Bureau, 152
- Cerium Alloys from Gas Mantle Residues, 661
- Ceylon’s Hydro-electric Possibilities, 85
- Chemical Analysis by Use of the Electric Arc, W. R. Mott, 559
- China and American Enterprise, 403
- China and Marconi Company, Negotiations for Loan for Wireless Stations, 559
- China, Tatung Mining Administration, 227
- Chromium—see Iron and Steel
- Clay Product Values in the United States, 348
- Clay, Researches into Physical Properties of, Grant in Aid of, 35
- CO Detector, Professor C. R. Hoover, 179
- - Air Required for Coal Combustion, Calculation of, 559
- - Australian Coal for Sweden, 507
- - Austria’s Low Coal Production, 377
- - Belgian Congo, Coal Deposits Discovery, 203
- - British Empire, Coal Resources of, 623
- - Canada and Expansion of Coal Output, 227
- - China the Sole Country with Increased Coal Production, 301
- - Coal-loading Apparatus for Venezuelan Port, 61
- - Coal Prices and Costs, 74
- - Coke Supply Decrease in Belgium, 353
- - Congo, Coal and Iron Deposits Discovered, 427
- - Durham Colliery’s Experience of Increased Labour Force, Decreased Output and Trebled Wages Bill, 353
- - Eastern Siberia, Reported Coal Discovery, 559
- - France, Output of Coke in, Consumption, and Imports, 377
- - French Coal Consumption and Supply, Effect of War and War Treaty, 377
- - French Coal-mining Statistics, 559
- - Groundhog Coal Properties, British Columbia, 427
- - Japan, Estimate of Coal Deposits, 111
- - Lignite to Replace Coal in Westphalian Electrical Works, 301
- - Malay Peninsula, Coal Discovery and Mining, 183
- - Malay Peninsula, Last Year’s Output of Coal, 301
- - Malay States, Successful Output of Coal at Cheap Rate, 585
- - Manchurian Coal Mines, Electric Plant Projected for, 533
- - Mines of Northern France, Clearing of the Dourges Pits, 479
- - Mines Reclamation at Lens, 301
- - Nigeria, Udi Coalfield Development, 135
- - Pulverised Coal for Firing Steel Furnaces, 301
- - Queensland Coal Statistics, 111
- - Ruhr Region Coal Production, 611
- - South African Coal Mines Waste, 507
- - South African Coal Output, Half in the Middelburg Area, 611
- - South Wales and Monmouthshire, New Course of Instruction in Coal Mining and Diploma, 179
- - Tucuman Province, Coal Deposit Discovery, 157
- - Upper Silesia, Reduced Output of Coal, 585
- - Workers’ Output, Averages of Various Countries, 353
- COBALT Bloom Deposit Containing Amalite, Discovery in Manitoba, 11
- Colloids and Industry, 100
- Common Sense in Engineering, W. M. McFarland, 258
- Concrete Aggregate, Use of Slags, 430
- Concrete Consistency, Simple Apparatus for Determining, 11
- Concrete, Effects of Rodding and Tapping, 135
- Concrete Floor Subsidence, Method of Repair, 585
- Concrete Lining for Irrigation Canals, 637
- Concrete Posts, Hollow, for Use as Mine “Timbers,” 611
- Concrete Shipbuilding, Figures of its Failure, 203
- Concrete Tanks, Sub-surface, Repair of, 327
- Conveying Machinery, andc., Favourable Opportunity in Sweden for British Manufacturers, 179
- Coolidge Wrought Tungsten Patent Controversy, 157
- Copper Mine Reopened in Merionethshire, 11
- Copper Product of the World, 353
- Cotton Industry, British, Research Association, What it has Done, 377
- Cotton-picking Machine in Texas, 403
- County of London Royal Engineers Volunteers Disbandment and Funds Distribution, 519
- Crane for Bilbao, Difficult Purchase, 322
- Crane, Largest Hammer Head Type Fitting- out, 111
- Crossed Threads, 522
- Crystal Palace Engineering Feat, 203
- Crystal Palace Engineering Society, “Wilson Premium” Award, 647
- Cutlery Research Association, 85, 340
- DANISH Bricks Exchanged for United States Coal, 253
- Death of Mr. W. H. Taylor, 6
- Detection of Animate and Inanimate Objects by Heat Radiation, 301
- “Dewar” Challenge Trophy Awarded to National Benzole Company, 479
- Diesel Engines, Large Marine, Completed in Germany, 277
- Divers’ Time Under Water, Chemical Suggestion for Increasing Capacity for Longer Period, 637
- Divining Rod, A. J. Ellis, 301
- Dredging Projects and Plant in Argentina, 11
- Drill Sizes and Equivalents, C. A. Hunton and Sons, 532
- Dry Dock fpr St. John, New Brunswick, 111
- “Dry Rot,” 214
- Duddell Memorial, 439
- Dunlop Tires Destroyed in Paris Fire, 301
- Duplicating Documents for Railroad Purposes by Various Methods on Wholesale Scale, 185
- Dutch Commercial Intelligence Office, 289
- Dutch East Indies, Forestry Plant and Small Railways, 35
- Dyes, Synthetic, Inadequate Supply, No Revival of German Trade with Bombay, 277
- ECONOMISER Wreckage by Explosion at Hull, 11
- Educational Innovation in America, 533
- - Accounts of the York, Taunton and Sunderland Electricity Departments, 327
- - Aluminium for Electric Installations, 507
- - American Electrical Appliances, Exploitation by Houseboat in China, 403
- - American Large Electrical Power Systems, Analysis of, 179
- - Auckland Electrical Plant Extension, 327
- - Austrian Power Station at Strubklamm undot Construction, 661
- - Birmingham Electric Tramways Statistics, 227
- - Bolton Electricity Works Additions, 135
- - Bradford Electricity Works, New Generating Plant, 507
- - Bridge River Power Site, Vancouver, Development Begun, 61
- - Burnley Loan for Generating Station Plant, 179
- - Canadian Government Reduces Licence for Export of Electrical Energy of Three Companies, 585
- - Cauvery Falls, Development of Power in Mysore, 35
- - Cauvery Falls, Proposed New Power Stations, 637
- - Ceylon, Hydro-electric Development in, 377
- - Charleroi Electrical Trade Improving, 179
- - Cooking Ranges, Electrical, British Standard Specification for, 157
- - Cracking in Built-up High-tension Insulators, 85
- - Eastbourne Electricity Finance, 135
- - Electricity Supply by Gas Companies, J. Fisher, 30
- - Ex-Officers Trained for General Electrical Company’s Work, 533
- - Fulham and Hammersmith Undertakings “Linking Up,” 301
- - Furnaces Used for Manufacture of Potash and Phosphoric Acid, 35
- - Garlearini’s Rotating Arc Lamp, 301
- - Generating Plant for Manchurian Coal Mines, 533
- - Generators, Air Propeller Driven, in American War Aeroplanes, 637
- - George Montefiore Prize Offer, 157
- - German Electrical Company’s Increased Dividend, 533
- - German Electrical Industry Position, 179
- - Gigantic Power Scheme Proposed for Eastern United States, 111
- - Glasgow Electrical Deficit, 227
- - Glass Insulator Tests, 479
- - Greenock as a Power Centre for Renfrewshire, 479
- - High Voltage by San Francisco Company, 533
- - Italian Consumption of Electrical Energy, 277
- - Japan Erecting Power Stations for Train Operation, 111
- - Japanese Electrical Enterprise Statistics, 479
- - Japanese Electric Industry and Water Power Rights, 533
- - Lamp, High-voltage, New Form of, 253
- - Linking-up Scattered Water Power Resources, Dr. Steinmetz, 203
- - London County Council Electrical Supply Statistics, 253
- - Loughborough Corporation Electricity Supply Extension, 135
- - Maps pf Electrical Districts in Request, 111
- - Melbourne Electric Company Orders Tramway Rails from America, 277
- - Motor Tricycles, Electric, for Swiss Posta Work, 510
- - Nationalisation of German Electrical Under takings, 533
- - Norwich, Proposed New Electricity Works, 453
- - Nottingham’s New Electric Power Station, 403 ; Additional Expenditure, 661
- - Oil Switches, Rating and Design of, 327
- - Photometer, Electric, New Device, 403
- - Portobello New Generating Station, Capacity, 327
- - Pretoria, Extensive New Power Scheme, 11
- - Punjab and Cheap Electric Power, F. L. Milne, 203
- - Refractories for Electric Furnaces, 507
- - Research Committee. Electrical, New Developments, 253
- - Research Licence—see Scientific
- - Shanghai Municipal Electrical Undertaking, 111
- - Southampton Electricity Undertaking Revenue 427
- - South-East Lancashire Electric Development Schemes, 11
- - Spanish Extensive Electrical Installations under Construction, 157
- - Surveys for Water Power Electric Generating Plant in Vancouver, 11
- - Swedish Electrical Industries Demand Protective Import Duty, 533
- - Swiss Increase in Electricity Charges, 253
- - Tests on 3.5-Ton “Orwell” Electric Vehicle, 111
- - “Thermalloy” and Necessary Precautions with Electrical Machinery, 427
- - Transmission of Electrical Energy, Limiting Voltage, 327
- - Transmission of Electric Power instead of Coal from Belgium to Italy, Proposal, 301
- - Turbo-generator Failures and their Cause 135
- - Welding, Electro-percussive, D. F. Miner, 637
- - Wellington, New Zealand, Loan for Power Plant Extension, 157
- - West Ham Electricity Report, 179
- - Westphalian Electrical Works, Proposal lo Use Lignite instead of Coal, 301
- ELECTROLYTIC Smelting Industry in Australia, 453
- Electro-magnetism, Centenary of Discovery by Oersted, 296
- Empire Motor Fuels Committee, Inquiries into Use of Alcohol, 353
- Empire Press Conference in Newfoundland, Telephonic Communication with England, 85
- Engineering Standards Association—see British and also Italy
- Engines, Diesel, Limited to Small Sizes, 258
- - Algiers, Agricultural Exhibition Project, 427
- - British Industries Fairs, 100, 507
- - Civic Survey Diagrams Exhibition, 435, 545
- - Commercial Fair at Brussels, 647
- - Dominions Touring Exhibition, 146
- - French Products Exhibition in London, 61
- - International Agricultural Exhibition at Rovigo, Italy, 135
- - International Motor Show in the Dutch East Indies, 35
- - Luxemburg, Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery, 227
- - Machine Tool and Engineering Exhibition at Olympia, 61, 110
- - Paris International Aeronautical Exhibition, 227
- - Peruvian International Industrial Exhibition, 453
- - Physical and Optical Societies’ Annual Joint Exhibition, 650
- - Timber Grown in British Empire Exhibition, 11, 48
- EXPLOSION of a Drying Cylinder, 478
- Explosions and Value of Isolating Valves, 611
- Explosives, Conveyance of, in Petrol-driven Vehicles, 559
- FACTORY Department of Home Office, Reorganisation, 203
- Fairs—see Exhibitions
- - Meeting to Consider Question of Steam Ferry Across the North Sea, 111, 277
- - Membership, Analysis of, 33
- - Packing in Wire Netting as Protection from Theft, 606
- Fertiliser Manufacture near Cape Town, 559
- Finnish Industries, Increasing Production, 327
- Finsbury Technical College Defence Committee, 600
- Fire Extinguishers, Danger of Carbon Tetrachloride in Confined Spaces. 479
- Fire Retardent Paints Tried in United States for Forest Protection, 85
- Fish Propagation in Ponds Formed from Old Canals, 605
- Fish Quarrel at Mevagissey, 253
- Floating Dock, 10,000-Ton, for Schiedam, 106
- Ford Cars, 4000 a Day Capacity Aimed at, 179
- Ford Company’s Free Technical Institute, 277
- Ford Company Motor Ploughs for Germany, 661
- Ford Motor, Price Reductions, 327
- Freezing of Leakage Water, Unexpected Effect, 11
- French Arsenal at Lorient to be Handed Over to Private Industry, 111
- French Cities, Rebuilding Changes, 636
- French Colonies and France, Wireless Connection Projected, 157
- French Explosives, Proposal for Storage at the Bottom of a Lake, 507
- Fuel Research Board, Conclusions as to Power Alcohol, andc., 111
- Furnaces, Electric—see Electrical Matters
- Fused Quartz, Development and Physical Properties, 427
- GAS Coke in relation to Cheap Power and Smoke Abatement, E. W. Nicol, 453
- Gas at 1s. 6d. per 1000 cubic feet, less Discount, 308
- Gas, Electricity Supply by,’ J. Fisher, 30
- Gas for Lighting and Heating Obtained from Wheat, 327, 637
- Gas and Motor Fuel Production from Straw, 533
- Gas and Valuable By-products from Wheat Straw, 637
- George Montefiore Prize Re-offered, 157
- German Conscription of Labour Proposed, 353
- German Income Tax Closes Motor Car Works in Wurtemburg, 227
- German Labour Cost and Output Statistics, 253
- German Patents in Japan on Sale, 35
- German Powerful Wireless Telegraph Company in Buenos Aires, 227
- German Shipbuilding and Metal Industries, 403
- Germany and United Kingdom. Imports and Exports since the Armistice, 135
- Germany’s Trade with China Reviving, 559
- Graphical Representation of Variable Quan¬tities, Professor Douglas, 35
- Graphite in Canada, 165
- Graphite Deposits, Extensive, in Western Australia, 135
- Graphite as Preventive of Scale in Boilers, 227
- Greek Government Scheme for Improvement of Smyrna Ports, 479
- Greek Industries and Hydraulic Energy, 403
- Guatemala as Field for British Trade, 511
- HAITI, Proposed Wharf at Saint Marc, 203
- Harbour at Bratislava on the Danube, 111
- Harbour Improvement Scheme for Hamilton, Ontario, 61
- Heat from Dust Destructor Utilised for Driving Compressors for Sewage, Colonel Prescott, 661
- Helium Gas, Excessive Cost of Production, 92
- Helium Gas, Possible Cheap Production at Calgary, 11
- Horse-power in Water Power of Various Coun¬tries Compared, 403
- House of Commons Committee on Smoke Abatement, 11, 22
- House Refuse Collection Cost, 637
- Howrah Bridge Reconstruction, 637
- Hydraulic Machinery, 519
- Hydro-electric Development in Ceylon, 377
- Hydro-electric Development in Japan, 533
- Hydro-electric Development Schemes, 403
- Hydro-electrical Plants, Reduced Utility in Drought and Severe Weather, French Experiences, 661
- Hydro-electric Power Possibilities and Government Control, in Canada, 203, 507, 585
- Hydro-electric Scheme, Lochaber, 507
- Hydro-electric Works at Linton Locks, York, 403
- ICEBREAKER, Proposed Purchase by Sweden, 427
- Illumination—see National
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Department of Aeronautics, 462
- Indian Concession on Condition of Hydroelectric Irrigation Plant Erection, 203
- - Industrial Question, Address by Viscount Haldane, 416
- - Road Transport as an Aid to Industrial Management, R. Twelvetrees, 533
- Industrial Alcohol from Bassia Flowers, 446
- Industrial Centres and Water Power Remoteness, 403
- Industrial Christian Fellowship, Labour’s Call, Meeting, 479
- - Dinner, 309
- - Week-end Conferences, 91
- Industrial Nottingham, 235
- Institutions—see Associations, andc. Insurance Bicentenary, 48
- International Communications Conference, Preliminary Meeting at Washington, 301
- International Institute of Refrigeration, 24
- International Patents Office in Brussels, 507
- Inventors and Inventions, State-aided, Committee to Consider Question of, 111
- Ireland, Utilisation of Water Power in Donegal, 174
- - Argentine Large New Ironworks, 157
- - Australia’s Beginnings of Large Steel Industry, 453
- - Bilbao Iron Industries and the Italian Market, 327
- - Boron in Steel Manufacture, 479
- - Brazil Iron Ore Deposits, 135
- - British Columbia, Iron and Steel Industry, 479
- - British Columbia, Rolling Mills and Blastfurnaces for Steel Manufacture, 327
- - Broken Hilll, Australia, New Steel Plant, 301
- - Canadian New Blast-furnaces on the Detroit River, 111
- - Cast Steel Wheels for Railways, Japanese Experiments, 277
- - China, Blast-furnaces in, 403
- - Chinese Iron Ore and Pig Iron Production, 35
- - Congo, Coal and Iron Deposits Discovery, 427
- - Coolidge Wrought Tungsten Patent Dispute, 157
- - Copper Addition to Iron and Steel to Minimise Corrosion, 507
- - Electrolytic Iron, Liability to Defects, 61
- - Fricktal Iron Ore Deposits in Switzerland, Re-discovery, 585
- - German Shipbuilding Steel from the United States, 157
- - Hadfield Sink-head Ingots for Rail Manufacture, Tests in America, 661
- - High Chromium Steel Research Results, 135
- - Hoskins Iron and Steel Company’s Land Purchase, N.S.W., 611
- - Iceland Iron Ore Deposits, 135
- - Ironfoundries, Geographical Distribution in the United Kingdom, 353
- - Iron Ore Exports from France, Statistics, 301
- - Iron Ore Exports from Gaellivare Orefields, 487
- - Iron Ore Reduction, Investigations by Professor Stansfield, 135
- - Iron and Steel Exports of this Country and America, Comparison, 479
- - Japan Thick Steel Plate Plant, 135, 179
- - Japanese Government Ironworks Undertakings, 453
- - Manganese Bronze Production, 111
- - Manganese Exports from India, 568
- - Manganese Export from Minas Geraes, New Law, 533
- - Newcastle, New South Wales, Prediction of Great Future for, 427
- - New Zealand Iron Trade Development, 507
- - Nichrome, Metallic Alloy, 301
- - Nickel and Chromium Bearing Iron Ores in Dutch East Indies, 11
- - Nickel Deposits on Aluminium and its Alloys, Tests in France, 85
- - Nickelling Aluminium, Process for, 611
- - Notched Bar Test Pieces, Standardised, 231
- - Pig Iron and Steel Output in the United Kingdom, 85, 222, 479, 536, 611
- - Plate Mill, Reversing Universal, Installed in Ontario, 227
- - Queensland, State Iron and Steel Works, 253, 277
- - Railway Rates and Iron and Steel Trade, 203
- - Rio Manganese Orc Exports, Falling Off due to War and High Freights, 157
- - Seattle, U.S.A., New Steel Works under Construction, 142
- - Steel Furnaces Run with Pulverised Coal in Canada, 301
- - Steel Output—see Pig Iron
- - Steel Rail Imports into the United Kingdom, 559
- - Steel Research Report, 106
- - Swedish Iron Ore Imports into Germany, 157
- - Swedish Iron Ore Exports, 253
- - Swedish Iron and Steel Output, Imports and Exports, 1914 and 1920, 301
- - Swiss Search for and Discovery of Iron Orc Deposits, 559
- - Tool Steel from Detinned Scrap, 227
- - Vancouver, Coast Range Steel Company, 558
- - Volcanic Iron Sand fdr Steel Manufacture, 474
- IRRIGATION Canals, Lining with Concrete, 637
- Irrigation in India, Glossary of Technical Terms, 533
- Irrigation in Return for Concession to Indian Prince, 203
- Isolating Valves Value in Explosions, 611
- Italian Automobile Importation, Government Regulation 637
- Italian Desire for British Machinery, 157
- Italian Exemption from Customs Duty of Certain Construction Materials, 611
- Italian Motor Cars’ Severe Tests at Turin, 179
- Italy to Adopt Idea of Engineering Standards Committee, 157
- JAPAN, Labour Conditions in, 135
- Japanese Government to Introduce Metric System, 611
- Japanese Harbour of Shimidzu, Largest Tea Export Port, Reconstruction, 533
- Japanese Successful Experiments on Timber for Termite Resistance, 227
- Japan’s Share in Surrendered German Aircraft, 277
- Jet of Water at High Pressure, New Uses of, 377
- KILINDINI, East Africa, Government Wharf Scheme for, 211, 227
- King’s College Engineering Society Dinner, 502
- King’s College Old Students’ Association, Luncheon, 462
- Krupp Works Profit and its Disposal, 661
- LA PLATA Port, Government Vote for Im¬provement, 157
- La Rochelle Loan for Port Improvement at La Pollice, 253
- Lathes, Handy Tool for Use with, 611
- Launderers’ Research—see Scientific
- Lead Brittleness by Contact with an Electrolyte, 85
- Lead Poisoning and IV7omen, 203
- Lead, Remedy for Tendency to Sag or Creep, 157
- Leather Manufacturers—see Scientific Research
- Leeds University Appeal, 571, 637
- Lifeboat Service and Lack of Support from Shipping Firms, 277
- Lightning Flash, The Origin and Energy of the, Dr. Steinmetz, 584
- Lightning, and Soils Struck Most Frequently, Statistics, 35
- Lignite Briquettes from Alberta, 85
- Locomotive Turntable, 92ft. long, Lifting and Removal, 35
- London Assurance, 48
- MACHINE Tool Exhibition—see Exhibitions
- Machine Tool Output in Great Britain in 1919, 35
- Magnesia Cement for Coating Mine Timbers, 479
- Magnetic Elements and Atomic Weight, 61
- Manchester Housing Rapid Concrete Building, 353
- Manganese—see Iron and Steel
- Map to Aid Industrial Vehicle Road Transport, 192
- Marine Engineers’ Bravery, 170
- Melbourne’s Projected Large Gasworks, 327
- Metal and Mineral Production of Canada, Reduction in Estimate of Value, 85
- Metals, Failure of, Under Internal or Prolonged Stress, Discussion by Four Societies, 340
- Mica Discovery on Cape Breton Island, 377
- Mine Sweeping in the Kattegat and in the North Sea, 135
- Mine Timbers Replaced by Hollow Concrete Posts, 611
- Mine Water Settlement Prior to Pumping, J. Whitehouse, 61
- Mines Death-rate Statistics, Above and Below Sixteen Years of Age, 559
- Mines, Stenches as Warning, 611
- Miner’s Lamp, German Prize Offered, but No Award, 353
- Mineral Production in South Africa, 377
- Mining Law, Proposed Series of Volumes on, 353
- Mining Record in U.S.A., 10
- Ministry of Mines Bill, 100
- Ministry of Munitions, Disposal Board Sales of Railway Rolling Stock, 17
- Ministry of Munitions and Ministry of Shipping, Joint Memorandum on Finance, 611
- MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT : —see also Railways
- - Canal, Part of, Abandoned, 253
- - Canal Undertakings and the Transport Act, 114
- - Inland Waterways Committee, New Member Appointed, 85 ; Beginning of Investigations, 135
- - Omnibus and Tramways Competition, 111, 143
- Mombasa’s Big Schemes for Harbour and Railway Construction, 227
- Mono-rail Tramway—see Railways
- Monte Video Port, Cost of Additional Works, 227
- Motor Car Imports into India Chiefly from the United States, 585
- Motor Omnibuses for New York, Opposition to Establishment of, 277
- Motor Show, International, in the Dutch East Indies, 41
- Motor Transport Conference, Imperial, 252
- Motor Tricycles, Electric, for Swiss Postal Work, 510
- NAPHTHALENE Solutions, L. S. Palmer, 603
- National Illumination Committee of Great Britain, 22
- Newcomen Society, First Meeting, Literature of Historical Engineering, E. W. Hulmc, 403
- News Transmission by Wireless Telephony and Telegraphy, Post Office Experiments, 611
- New Zealand Government Aid for Petroleum Prospecting, 637
- Niagara Falls, Gigantic Dam Suggested, 585
- Nickel—see also Iron and Steel
- Nickelling Aluminium, Process for, 611
- Nitrogen for France, Government Negotiations for Haber Process Patents, 179
- Northampton Polytechnic Institute, 545
- Nottingham, Industrial, 235
- OIL Depot Erection in Paris, 427
- Oil Pipe Line of Mexico, Suggested Exclusion of Foreign Powers and Warships, 585
- Oil Pipe Mileage of Mexico, 353
- Omnibus and Tramways Competition, 111, 143
- Ontario New Water Power Plant, 135
- Optical Instruments, Elements, Committee’s Standardisation Report, 522
- Origin and Energy of the Lightning Flash, Dr. C. P. Steinmefz, 584
- PAINT, Bituminous, as the Best Rust Preventive, 277
- Palm Oil and Kernels, Various Uses of, 661
- Panama Canal Navigation Imperilled by Unusual Drought, 135
- Panama Canal Statistics, 408
- Paris in Dummy Form, War Camouflage, 479
- Patent Conference in Brussels, Office for International Patents, 507
- Patent Office Applications Increase, 227
- Patent Office Library, 288
- Patent Specifications, Printing Changes, 61
- Peat Deposits of Canada, Investigations, 253
- Peat Output in Sweden, 637
- Peat Production and Use by Swedish State Railways, 157
- Peat Values in Ireland, Professor P. F. Purcell, 507
- Peruvian New Seaport in Bay of Maratani, 611
- Petrol, Price of, 252
- Petroleum Boring in Scotland, Delay at West Calder, 377
- Petroleum Boring in West Lothian, 301
- Plate Mill—see Iron
- Platinum Find of High Value in Cape Colony, 453
- Platinum Group of Metals, Survey, A. D. Lumb, 637
- Port of London Congestion, Situation Improving, 507
- Potash Recovery from Cement Kiln Fume, Attempted, 157
- Powder Factory in Santiago de Chili, 111
- Power Alcohol Supplies, 106
- Power Generation by Mercury Vapour, American Experiments, 479
- Power Plant, Bridge River, British Columbia, 227
- Power Supply for Toronto, 507
- Presentation at Kilmarnock, 623
- Presentation to Professor F. Bacon, 642
- Professional Classes War Relief Council, 439
- Professors Attend Lectures by Manufacturers, 533
- Pulp Production from African Softwoods, 85
- Punch Press Accidents, A Safety Device, 403
- QUEBEC Bridge Report and Illustrations, 24
- Queensland’s Large Irrigation Scheme, 277
- Queensland State Iron and Steel Works, 253, 277
- RADIO Research—see Scientific
- Railless Trolley Car for Bradford, 507
- - Accidents;
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at Cambridge, 403
- -- Buffer Stop Collision on the Great Western Railway, Report, 533
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at Littlehampton, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 157, 179
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at Wimbledon, 403, 637
- -- Caledonian Railway Collision Report, 277
- -- Collision on the Barry Railway, Report, 533
- -- Collision at Hatfield, Great Northern Railway, 403
- -- Collisions at Margate and in North Wales, 301
- -- Derailment on the Metropolitan Railway due to Fog, 427
- -- Derailment in the United States, 226
- -- Fireman as Temporary Driver as the Cause of Accident, 157
- -- French Railway Accident, Disastrous, 377, 427, 533
- -- Heathfield Station, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, Derailment, 34
- -- Indian Train Accident less Disastrous than Supposed, 301
- -- Inquiries into Accidents by Ministry of Transport, Suggested, 253
- -- Lostock Junction Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Collision, 85, 111, 157
- -- Madras and Bangalore Train Wilfully Derailed, Fatal Disaster, 433
- -- Midland Railway Double Collision, 377
- -- Missing Tail Lamp and Averted Accident, 377
- -- Piston Valve Fracture on a Caledonian Engine Brake, 11
- - Accidents (continued):
- -- Six Accidents, Reports, 135
- -- Stourbridge, Unusual Accident at, 377
- - Air Brake, New, Adoption in America, 507
- - Air Brakes, German Type, for Swedish State Railways, 179
- - Air Service of the United States to Undertake Railway Surveys, 453
- - Amalgamation of Railway Companies, 637
- - American Locomotives, Oilices for Sale of, Established in Johannesburg, 585
- - Appointments and Staff Changes, 11, 68, 80, 179, 327, 403, 507, 559, 585, 637
- - Australia, Committee to Settle Railway Gauge Question, 327
- - Australian Railway Mileage and Gauge Uniformity, 403
- - Automatic Train Control, Committee Appointed, 507
- - Barcelona to Tarrasa,. Electrification, 507
- - Belgian and Dutch Loan for Chinese Railway Construction, 559
- - Belgian Railways, Rolling Stock Purchases, 227
- - Belgian State Railways, Electrification, 215
- - Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company to Construct Harbour at Vizagapatam, 479
- - Bengal-Nagpur Railway, Survey for New Line, 585
- - Bicycles and Cloak-room Law, 135
- - Blackpool Corporation and Railway Negotiations, 453
- - Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway, Suburban Electrification, 27
- - Bombay Housing and the Bombay-Baroda Railway Wharf, Rival Need of Land, 11
- - Brakes—see Air Brakes
- - British Columbia Viaduct on the Pacific and Great Eastern Railway, 111
- - Brixton, Loughborough Junction, Elephant and Castle and Ludgate Hill Communication Restored, 353
- - Brunei’s Timber Viaducts Exchanged for Steel, 559
- - Buenos Aires Railways, Oil-working Company, 537
- - Canadian Government to Become Owner of World’s Largest Railway System, 277
- - Canadian National Railway Mileage, 585
- - Canadian Pacific Railway Oil Shortage, Re- conversionof Oil-burning Locomotives and Steamships to Coal Burning, 661
- - Canadian Railway Finance, Twelve Years’ Statistics, 327
- - Canton-Hankow New Branch Line, 11
- - Central Argentine Railway, Fuel Question, 507
- - Central Argentine Railway, Projected Electrification, 227
- - Central of Brazil Railway Electrification, 611
- - Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Mistake, 637
- - Channel Tunnel Problem, 227
- - Char-a-bancs versus Railway Cost, 403
- - Charing Cross, Underground, Additional Subways and Stairs, 135, 637
- - Chilean Railway Proposed from Antofagasta to Salta, Argentina, 353
- - Chilean State Railways, Projected Electrification, Bids Invited, 514
- - China Clay from Fowey (Cornwall) to United States, 585
- - China Clay Question and Railway in Cornwall, 377
- - Chinese State Railways, Standardisation under Consideration, 35
- - Christinas Holidays, Reduced Fares, 585
- - Clapham Common Station, Escalators Installed, 403
- - Cloak-room Law, 227
- - Compound Locomotives, Questions of Fuel Economy and Engine Maintenance, 277
- - Corporation Tax and the Railways, 85
- - Czecho-Slovakia Building Locomotives and other Rolling Stock, 227
- - Death of Mr. H. G. Bell, North-Eastern Railway, 403
- - Death of Lord Bessborough, 585
- - Death of Mr. W. H. Macnamara, 301
- - Death of Mr. Neville Priestley, 611
- - Death of Mr. F. C. Tipler, 327
- - Deaths of Scottish Railway Veterans, 11
- - Doors on the Metropolitan Railway, 559
- - Dyke Branch, London and South-Western Railway, Re-opening, 85
- - Ealing Broadway Station for Central London Railway Extension, 85
- - Early African Railways, Dates of Opening, 479
- - Eastern Bengal Railway, Survey for New Line, 585
- - Ecuador Government Concession and Proposed Railway, 301
- - Egyptian State Railways’ Finance, 203
- - Electric Locomotives, Swedish State Railways’ Order, 253
- - Employees’ Suggestions for Railway Working, 69
- - Excursion Facilities Financially Justified, 485
- - Excursion Trains Resume Running, 157
- - Express Trains to the North, Changes, 17
- - Fares Increase, 111, 135
- - Fares Increase in London Area, 276
- - Federated Malay States Railways, Gross and Net Receipts in 1919, 327
- - Finance—see also Ministry of Transport
- - Fire at Crewe Signal Box, 277
- - Fire Destruction of Electric Passenger Coaches on the North-Eastern Railway, 85
- - Fireless Shunting Engine, 352
- - First-class Passengers, Percentage of their Accommodation and Payments, 227
- - Fish from Aberdeen, Accelerated Transit, 61
- - Fish Traffic by Rail Doubled since 1913, 11
- - Fish Traffic and Scarcity of Vans, 203
- - Freight Traffic Statistics, Great Britain, 198
- - French Goods Train, Continuous Brakes for, 427
- - French Railway Commissions on Railway Electrification, Estimate of Cost, 179
- - Fruit-pickers, Tickets Concession, 61
- - Furness Railway and Barrow Docks, Efforts at Port Development, 301
- - Furness Railway Exchanges Steamers for Motor Omnibuses, 559
- - Gattie System in America, 353
- - Gauge Question in Australia, Committee of Experts to be Appointed, 327
- - German Firm Building Locomotives for the Soviet Government, 277
- - Glasgow Corporation Tramways, Revenue Report, 85
- - Goods, Delay or Short Delivery, Legal Decision, 35
- - Government and the Railways, Mr. Lloyd George, 135, 157
- - Grand Trunk Railway Lines, Disposal Question, 227
- - Gratitude on an American Railway, 453
- - Great Eastern Railway Requests for Suggestions as to Improvements, 427
- - Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Suburban Electrification, 35, 85
- - Great Northern Railway Engines for Sale, 277
- - Great Northern Railway, Bogie-saving System, Mr. H. N. Gresley, 453
- - Great Northern Railway and Future of the Railways, 54
- - Great Northern Railway Shareholders, Meeting, 111
- - Great Western Company’s New Service, 227
- - Great Western Short Line in Cornwall, 111
- - Great Western Steamer St. David Under Repair, 403
- - Grouping Railways no Economy, Sir A. Pease, 637
- - Highland Railway News vid America, 453
- - Highland Railway and Slow Services, 85
- - Holyhead Inner Harbour Deepening Not Yet Begun, 559
- - Holyhead Inner Harbour Deepening Scheme Sanctioned by Ministry of Transport, 675
- - Hop Exchange Fire and South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, 453
- - Hudson Bay Railway Construction, Prospect of Resumption of Work, 661
- - Hull and Barnsley Railway, Provisional Amalgamation with the North-Eastern, 661
- - Hustler at Victoria, District, Station, 135
- - Indian Railway Administration, Committee Not Yet Appointed, 157, 453
- - Indian Railways, Suggested Transference of Directorate from England to India, 35
- - Indian State Railways’ Earnings, 585
- - Irish Mails Conveyance, New Contract, 533, 559
- - Irish Railwaymen and Military Traffic, 637
- - Irish Railways Not to Come Under Proposed Legislation, 95
- - Jamaica, Proposed Railway Electrification, 111
- - Japanese Railway Department Erecting Power Stations, 111, 227
- - Japanese Ten Years’ Scheme for Railway Improvement, 111
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Electrification, Proposed Extension, 215
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, First- class Day Excursion Tickets, 179
- - Landslip on Midland Main Line, 377
- - Leeds City Train ways’ Report, 161
- - Legion of Honour for English Railway Official, 585
- - Level Crossings over Public Highways, 35
- - Light Railway Proposals Rejected, 11
- - Locomotive Bar Frames and Plate Frames, G. G. Elliott, 637
- - Locomotive Fitted with Steam Turbine, 460
- - Locomotive Orders for Germany, 253
- - Locomotive Quick Cleaning on South African Railways, 661
- - Locomotives Available for Work and in Stock, Figures for Principal Railways, 353, 661
- - London, Brighton and South Coast Gasmaking Plant for Sale, 277
- - London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Scheme for Electrification of the Whole Line, 585
- - London, Brighton and South Coast Steamer’s Quick Journeys to Brighton, 403
- - L.C.C. Tram Working Expenses, 61, 85
- - London Electric Railway Companies (Faros, andc.) Bill, 168, 203
- - London Electric Railways, Increased Fares and Increased Receipts, 377
- - London and South-Western, Guildford Electrification Scheme Postponed, 35
- - London and South-Western “Trailer” Cars, Number Increased, 301
- - London, Tilbury and Southend Section of the Midland Railway, 396
- - Lorain Surface Contact System or Overhead Lines, Pros and Cons, at Wolverhampton, 11
- - Manchester Tramways Report, 85
- - Mechanical Coaling Plants for Locomotives, 305
- - Metropolitan District Railway New Cars, 637
- - Metropolitan Railway Doors, A Change, 559
- - Metropolitan Railway Lectures, Dr. Henry Chellew, 507
- - Miners’ Strike Turns Big Railway Surplus into Deficit, 585
- -- Accident Reports—see Accidents
- -- “Actual Fare,” Printing of Tickets, 179
- -- Amalgamation of Hull and Barnsley and the North-Eastern Railways, Proposal, 35, 85
- -- Ambulance Trains Offered for Sale, 253
- -- Anniversary of Ministry of Transport Bill, 179
- -- Basingstoke and Alton Light Railway, Reopening Debated, 585
- -- Central Authority for London Traffic, Projected Bill, 35
- -- Central Wages Board, Proposed Further Increase, 353—see also Wages
- -- Claim Decision between Government and North-Eastern Railway, 85
- -- Coal Strike to Cost Taxpayers Two Millions or More a Week, 427, 479, 585
- -- Committee on Railway Agreements, 507
- -- Cost and Efficiency Figures Tabulated with View to Economy 533
- -- Counsel Retained for Railway Companies before the Rates Advisory Committee, 157
- -- Current and Arrear Maintenance, Forty Millions Payable by Government, 507
- -- Disposal Board Salos of Railway Stock, and Ministry of Transport, Mr. Bonar Law, 17
- -- Economies n Railway Working Claimed by Ministry of Transport, 453
- -- Excursion Trains and Railway Non Possumus, 135
- - MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT (continued):
- -- Fares Refunding Question, 111
- -- Fish Thrown Back to Sea, Unwarranted Criticism of Railway 253
- -- Future Powers of the State in relation to Railways, 656
- -- Gattie System, Containers in Cincinnati, 353
- -- Grouping the Railways, Alternative Proposals, 611
- -- Holyhead Harbour and the Ministry, 559, 675
- -- Irish Ministry of Transport, Mr. Burgess’ New Appointment, 179
- -- Iron and Steel Industry and Railway Rates, 203
- -- Local Interests and Reduction in Railway Repairing Shops, 661
- -- Locomotive Shortage due to Arrears of Repairs, 157
- -- London, Brighton and South Coast Meeting, Lord Bessborough on the Government Scheme, 533
- -- L.C.C. Tramway Deficit, Deputation to Sir Eric Geddes, 61, 85
- -- Mid-week Cheaper Ticket Proposal Rejected, 85
- -- Northumberland, Proposals for Series of New Railways, 585
- -- Obsolete Rolling Stock, Disposal of, 85
- -- Railway Companies’ Association and Sir Eric Geddes, 479, 533
- -- Railway Executive Committee Replaced by Railway Advisory Committee, 479
- -- Railway Expenditure, Analysis, 585
- -- Railway Expenditure, Mistake, 637
- -- Railway Expenditure, Lord Colwyn’s Committee, 507, 559, 585
- -- Railway Finance Statistics, 61, 203, 211, 277, 353, 559
- -- Railway Operating Statistics, 17, 61, 111, 157, 253, 327, 353, 507, 533, 559, 670
- -- Rates Advisory Committee, 35, 51, 111, 135, 157, 179, 231, 277, 301, 377, 381, 559, 611
- -- Revaluation of Railways Impracticable at Present, 327
- -- Scottish Railways and Government Management, Sir Eric Geddes, 84
- -- Staff Concessions and Rates Increase, 203
- -- Subsidiary Businesses of Railways, Wholesale Losses, 157
- -- Suggested Inquiries into Accidents, 253
- -- Sunday Travelling, Sir E. Geddes, 61, 157
- -- Trade Disturbance and Self-supporting Railways, 203
- -- Traffic Increase by Rail and Road, Sir E. Geddes, 11
- -- Traffic Regulation, Lancashire and Yorkshire Scheme, Proposed Adoption by London, 61
- -- Trams and Omnibuses, Competition, Committee to Consider, 111; Conference, 143
- -- Tramway and Light Railway, White Paper Statistics, 611
- -- Tramway Statistics of the United Kingdom, 187
- -- Tunnel under the Solent, Would it Pay ? 203
- -- Twenty-four-hour Notation System, 61
- -- Unprofitable Branch Lines, Sir E. Geddes, 61
- -- Wages Board Awards and Traffic Finance, 301, 353
- -- Wagon Supply Shortage Remedied, 19
- -- White Paper Railway Statistics, Statement Asked for, 611
- -- Workmen’s Fares, New Scale and New Concession, 179
- - Mono-rail Electric Tramway Proposed for Tokyo, 11
- - Motor Vehicles and Taxation, 135
- - National Union of Railwaymen, Report, Cost of Strike, 30
- - Nationalisation of Railways and Mr. Churchill, 479
- - Nationalisation of Railways, Government Decision, 111
- - Netherlands East Indies State Railways and Tramways Development, 656
- - Netherlands Railway, Electrification Proposed, 301
- - Netherlands Railways, Control to be Transferred to the State, 637
- - New South Wales Railway Commissioners’ Annual Report, 533
- - New Zealand Electrification, English Contract for, 288
- - New Zealand Railways, Government Report on Finances of, 665
- - New Zealand Rolling Stock Ordered from Great Britain, 427
- - North-Eastern Railway and the Railway Companies’ Association, 661
- - Northern Railway of France, War Traffic Facilitation, 427
- - Northern Railway of France, Wholesale War Damage and Rapid Process of Repair, 403
- - Nord-Sud Underground (Paris), Statistics, 227
- - North - Eastern Railway Electrification Scheme, Experiments, 11
- - Oil-burning Locomotives, Tests in Progress, 179
- - Oil Fuel for Locomotives, 304
- - Oil Locomotives Conversion to Coal Burners, in Texas, 203
- - Outer Circular Electric Railway for London, Proposal by Mr. Alex. Ross, 479
- - Paris-Orleans Locomotives, Fifty Ordered from America, 559
- - Passenger Statistics, Mistaken Figures, 377
- - Passenger Traffic,United Kingdom, Statistics, 203
- - Passenger Train Mileage for 1913 and 1920, 85, 203
- - Penzance Viaduct Replacement, 427
- - Piccadilly Tube New Cars Starting Arrange ment, 611
- - Prague, Large Orders for Goods Wagons from the United States, 227
- - Presentation to Mr. J. H. Robinson, 227
- - “Privilege Tickets” Question, 210
- - Profits on Railway Refreshments in 1919, 85
- - Pullman Cars on the Great Eastern Railway, 533
- - Pulverised Coal. Italian locomotives Fitted or Burning, 11
- - Queensland Railway Locomotives, Tenders Invited, 559
- - Queensland Railways’ Development, Anticipated 4000 Miles Journey by Rail. 427
- - Railless Electric Traction, Possibilities of, R. H. Wilkinson, 61
- - Railway Benevolent Institution, No Annual Dinner, 35
- - Railway Expenses for Material, Pre-war and Present Prices, 253
- - Railway Material Exports Statistics, 35, 253, 327,479,61 1,661
- - Railway Operating Statistics—see Ministry of Transport
- - Railway Policy Discussion, 61
- - Railway Working, White Paper, 61
- - Rates Advisory Committee—see Ministry of Transport
- - Reservation of Compartments Again Allowed, 253, and Price, 403
- - Rolling Stock—see Wagons, also Ministry of Transport, Operating Statistics
- - Russian Heavy Locomotive Shortage, 157
- - Salto-Rivera, South America, Proposed Railway, 209
- - Scottish Railways Opposition to White Paper Scheme, 72
- - Separation of Running Department from that of Chief Mechanical Engineer on Two Railways, 611
- - Simplon Tunnel, Second, Progress of, 453
- - Sleeper, Substitute for Wooden One, 327, 507
- - Sleepers for British Railways, Twenty Million Ordered from British Columbia, 507
- - “Smoking Forbidden” Compartments, New Regulation, 179
- - South Africa, Proposed New Important Railway, 611
- - South Africa and Railway Electrification, W. Ingham, 11
- - South African Government Electrification Schemes, 135
- - South American Railway Congress, Meeting, 61
- - South American Railways, British Control and American Goods, 301
- - Southern Pacific Railroad, Wholesale Duplication of Documents by a Variety of Methods, 185
- - Southwold and Mid-Suffolk Light Railways, Proposal for Amalgamation, 427
- - Soviet Government Locomotive Contracts, 453
- - Spanish Rolling Stock Orders for Other Countries, 377
- - Standard Loading Gauge, Factor of Safety Tests, 301
- - Steel Rail Imports into United Kingdom, 559
- - Steel Wheels With and Without Separate Tires, 61
- - Stockholm—Gothenberg Railway, Government Grant for Electrification, 179
- - Stockholm Tramway Cars, Large Size, 327
- - Strike, Railway, Cost to Men’s Union, 30
- - Strike Settlement Anniversary, 351
- - Swaziland Railway, Extension Surveys Completed, 585
- - Swedish Railway Electrification, 611
- - Tank Locomotives for the Metropolitan Railway, 427
- - Time-table Alterations, 347
- - Time-tables, Resumption of Printing but Increase of Cost, 111
- - Timber Trade Increase and Wagon Scarcity, 227
- - Ton-Mileage Statistics, 277
- - Traffic Finance—see Railway Finance
- - Traffic, Goods, Four Weeks’ Ret urns, 479, 661
- - Train Ferry to Replace Bridge over Suez Canal, 611
- - Trains, Certain Special, for War Use Now on Sale, 157
- - Trams—see Railways, Ministry of Transport
- - Trevithick’s Trams and Track (1804) in Berlin and America, 453
- - Truro-Falmouth Line, Timber Viaduct Removal, 559
- - Tunnel under the Solent, Question of Cost and Revenue, 203 ; Train Ferry Suggested as Alternative, 277
- - Turbo-alternator for Australian Suburban Railway Electrification, 372
- - Two Up and Down Trains per Dav and their Cost, 533
- -- Agencies to be Set Up in Europe to Encourage Immigration and Traffic to Western America, 84
- -- Automatic Train Control, Decision in New York State, 661
- -- “Booster” Auxiliary Steam Cylinder in America, 377
- -- Claim by Western Railroad Company on Recent Federal Administration, 258
- -- Coal Commandeered by Railways during Strike, 203
- -- Coal Purchase and Stores Statistics, 422
- -- Coal, 1,000,000 Tons Undelivered by Rail ways, 203
- -- Electrification of United States Railways, Estimate of Coal Consumption Reduction, 179
- -- Elevated Railway, Solid Floor Construction, 277
- -- Eric Railroad and Norfolk and Western Railway, Adoption of New Air Brake, 507
- -- Federal Control to be Wound Up by Mr. J. B. Payne, 61
- -- Government Guarantee Expiry, Railroads to be Self-supporting, 301
- -- Illinois Central Railway Cars, Doors Question, 35
- -- Labour Board Working and its Results, 135, 157
- -- Level Crossing Elimination Resumed, 61
- -- Motor Cars and Trains Collisions, Big Figures, 227
- -- New York Central Engine’s Record Speed. Engine Scrapped, 453 ; (Correction) 559
- -- Pennsylvania Railroad Signalling Changes, 11
- -- Railway Situation Easier, Increased Coal Carriage and Rolling Stock Orders, 403
- -- Railway Surveys by Aeroplane in the United States, 453
- -- Rate Paradoxes, Inter-State and State Control, 427
- -- Rates Increases as Affecting Prices of Goods Carried on Southern Railway, 277
- -- Roumanian Government, Largo Purchase of American Railway Equipment, Payment in Petroleum, 35
- -- Sleepers, Experiments in Substitutes for Timber, 507
- -- Southern Pacific Railroad’s “Safety” Poster, 227
- -- Ton-Miles Figures of Administration Disproved, 301
- -- Traffic Statistics of United States Railways, 585
- -- Transportation Act, New Enactments, 11
- -- “Wheel Burnt” and “Snow Burnt” Rails, 226
- - Vancouver, Projected Twenty-car Freight Train Ferry, 301
- - Victoria, Australia, Plan to Meet Intestate Gauge Difficulty, 111
- - Victoria, Continental Train Changes, 11
- - Victoria, N.S.W., Suburban Railway Electrification Cost Much Increased Owing to War, 533
- - Victoria, Underground, Footbridge, andc., 135
- - Wages Bill Increase, Estimate, 35
- - Wages and Increased Cost of Working, 61
- - Wagon Detention on the Increase, 179
- - Wagon and Locomotive Increase on British Railways, 661
- - Wagons, Bolster, Scarcity of, 227
- - Wagons, British, Still in France, 111 ; Much Diminished Number, 479
- - Wagons Built at Woolwich for the Great Western and North-Eastern Railways, 637
- - Wagons in Employ of Various Government Departments, 479
- - Wagons, New, Put into Traffic in Great Britain, Monthly Average, 111
- - Wagons, Railway-owned, in United Kingdom, Census Taken, 85
- - Weaver, Mr. Henry, Stationmaster at Paddington, 68
- - Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Company, Amalgamation, 353
- - Wheels for Railways, Japanese Experiments with Cast Steel, 277
- - Workmen’s Fares, 51, 61
- - Workmen’s Tickets and Congestion, 135
- RAINFALL Variations, Difficulties in Expression of, 35
- Rainfall of the World, Statistics, 427
- Rayleigh, Lord, Memorial in Westminster Abbey, 85
- Refractories for Electric Furnaces, 507
- Refrigeration, International Institute, 24
- Reinforced Concrete, Risk of Fire and Suggested Remedy, 453
- Research—see. Scientific, also Electrical Matters
- Rhine Water Power for French Mining District, 661
- Rhone River Development from Geneva to the Sea, Projected, 301
- Riga Fishing Boats and British Petrol Engines, 479
- Road Damage due to Railway Strike, 377
- Road Transport, Map to Aid Commercial Vehicles, 192
- Rock Drill. New Type. 253
- Rock Salt Production in Poland, 479
- Roman Road Discovered in Digging Manhole, 301
- Roumanian Oil Industry, New Plans, 253
- Rubber, New Source, in Arizona, 203
- Rubber as Road Surfacing Material, Experiment in Southwark, 277
- Rubber Trees, Uses of Seed Kernels, 35
- Russian Plans for Hydro-electric Stations, 227
- Russian Pre-war Industries, Extent and Value, 585
- Russian Transport Problem, 157
- Rust Preventive, Bituminous Paint the Best, 277
- “SAFETY First” Convention, 214
- St. Lawrence River, Question of Deepening, Divided Opinions, 479
- Salt Exportation from Portugal, Falling-off in Trade Due to War, 179
- Salt Mines in Greece, Increased Output and Cessation of Imports, 585
- Salt, Ocean, Volume of, in Terms of United States Area, 272
- Sand Removal from Water in Hydro-electric Work, 427
- Science Museum, South Kensington, Additions to Collections, 35
- Science Museum, South Kensington, Increased Number of Visitors for Instruction, 35
- - Departmental Stall Appointments and I Changes, 35, 277, 585
- -- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, 364
- -- British Motor Cycle and Cyclecar Research Association, 453
- -- Cutlery Industry, 85, 340
- -- Launderers’ Association, 285
- -- Leather Manufacturers, 235
- - Radio Research Board, Sub-committees , Appointed to Assist, 179
- - Research Associations, Approved List of, 203, 235
- SEWAGE Sludge Utilisation, 427
- Shield for Engineering Apprentices, 74
- - American Shipyards’ Output, 227
- - Antwerp, Company Formed for Ship and Marine Engine Building and Repair, 253
- - Brazilian Battleship Sao Paulo for Use of Belgian King and Queen, 203
- - British Ship Repair Work Going to Belgium and Holland, 203
- - Camellaird-Fullagar Engine, 439
- - Clyde Transatlantic Traffic Development, 377
- - Concrete Shipbuilding Failure, Cost as it is and as it might have been, 203
- - Denmark’s Shipping, 1914 and 1918, 353
- - Frauendorf, New Shipbuilding Firm at, 227
- - French Construction of Submarines, 253
- - French Merchant Fleet, Rapid Recovery since War Losses, 353
- - German Shipbuilders, Large Steel Orders from the United States, 157
- - German Shipbuilding and Metal Industries, Common Interest, 403
- - Gliding Boats Test on River Bermejo, Argentina, 85
- - Hog Island Shipyard Plant Still Unsold by America, 559
- - Hong-Kong Shipping Returns, 533
- - Irish Mails Conveyance, Holyhead and
- - Kingstown, New Contract, 533, 559
- - Japanese Navy Fuel Depot, 327
- - Japanese Shipping Lying Idle, 559
- - Kingston, Jamaica, Oil and Coaling Station for British Ships, 227
- - Merchant Tonnage Construction in the United Kingdom, 427
- - Motor Lifeboat for the Lizard, 528
- - New South Wales Projected Shipbuilding, 227
- - Oil-burning Steamship Orita Re-conditioned and in Service, 146
- - Port Navigation during Fog, Monsieur Loth’s Apparatus for, 427
- - Portuguese Sailing Barque under Conversion to Steam by W. Beardmore and Co., 559
- - St. David, G.W.R. Steamer, under Repair, 403
- - Scapa Flow, Compensation to be Paid by Germany, 453
- - Scottish Shipbuilding Figures, 353
- - Ship Stabilisers, Tests by United States Naval Transport, 453
- - Ship Surveyor Examination, 442
- - Southern Belle’s Quick Journeys to Brighton, 403
- - Spain and Chile Steamship Service Negotia¬tions, 157
- - Steel Steamships, 8100-Ton, Building at Victoria, B.C., 61
- - Swedish Shipbuilding Industry Suffering from Effect of Exchange, 327
- - Target Experiments, Unique, on American Battleship Iowa, 179
- - United States Shipbuilding Output, 253
- - Vaterland’s Three Complete Wireless Trans¬mitters, 637
- SHOWS—see Exhibitions
- Singapore Harbour and Reclamation Work, 35
- Sixty Years’ Service Celebration at Rcdpath, Brown and Co.’s Works, 611
- Slag By-products Recovery Begun at Barrow, 157
- Slags for Concrete Aggregate, 430
- Smoke Abatement, House of Commons Com¬mittee, 11, 22
- Smoking at Work, Extension of Privilege, 35
- Societies—see Associations
- Soot Abatement by Use of Salt, 301
- South Africa, Water-boring Plant for, 252
- South African Association of British Manufacturers, 11
- South African Mineral Production Report, 377
- South African Regulation of Drilling Blasting Holes, 157
- South American Trade for European versus American Markets, 453
- Spanish Hydro-electric Power Statistics, 453
- Spanish Motor Works, New Establishments, 179
- Spanish Power Generation from the River Deva, 135
- Spanners, Danger of Great Length in, 479
- Sparking Plug Cleaner, Brown Brothers, Limited, 392
- Stamps, Inland Revenue, Royal Mint Processes 1 of Production, 59
- Standard—see also British Standard
- Standard Marine Boilers, 165
- Static Electricity, Method of Eliminating from Belting, C. M. Green, 403
- Steam Ferry Across North Sea Proposed, Swedish Disbelief in Success of Scheme, 111, 277
- Steel—see Iron
- Stenches as Warning in Mines, 611
- Stone Crusher, Largest in the World, 35
- Storm Detector, 214
- Straw Houses for France, 585
- Straw as a Source of Gas, 327, 637
- Subsidence in Concrete Floors, Method of Repairing, 585
- Suez Canal Finances and the War, 281
- Suez Canal Navigation and Kantara Opening Bridge, 430
- Suez Canal War-time Bridge to be Dismantled, 585, 611
- Suggestions from Workers, Proposed Scheme, 327
- Sulphur Supply for South Africa, 85
- Swedish Air Traffic, International and Home, 187
- Swedish and German Aerial Mail Service, 157
- Swiss Available Water Power, Statistics, 227
- Switzerland as Source of Aluminium, 585
- Sydney, Nova Scotia, Railway Employees Ultimatum and Steel Company’s Reply, 533
- Synthetic Ammonia and Nitrates, Limited, 11
- Szechuan Trade, Commercial Museum to be Established at Chungking, 227
- TAR, Crude or Refined, for Road Surfacing, 277
- Tar and Pitch from Gas and Coke Oven Works, Statistics, 157
- Tar Spraying, Advantages of a New System, J. Lang, 179
- Technical Students, Greatly Increased Numbers, 403
- Telephone Extensions on Large Scale, 111
- Telephone Installations of Various Countries Per Cent, of Population, 179
- Telephone System for Alagoas State, Brazil, 203
- Telephones, Automatic, Proposed Exchanges in London, 11
- Temperature of a Chimney at Various Depths, Instrument for Ascertaining, 661
- Teredos Attacks on Wet Wood, 61
- Termite Attacks on Timber, Immunity of Certain Woods, 227
- Thermalene as a Fuel, Karl Wolff, 585
- “Thermalloy” Dangers and Electrical Machinery, 427
- Thermometers Inaccurate through Ago. 353
- Timber Consumption in France, 135
- Timber Fence Production, Charring Discredited, 479
- Timber Grown in British Empire, Exhibition 11, 48
- Timber Piles and Teredo Attacks, 35
- Timber Preservation Theories, Experiments, 559
- Tin, Large Lode Discovered in Old Mine Working in Cornwall, 85
- Tin Ore Discovery in South Africa, 61
- Toronto’s Insufficient Hydro-electric Power, 85
- Tractor Ploughing Prize. 637
- Trade Propaganda and Foreign Students, 253 Trams—see Railways
- Transport—see Motor, also Ministry of
- Tropical Diseases Bulletin, 487
- Tungsten—see Iron and Steel
- Tunnel Under the Solent a Question of Cost and Revenue, 203 ; Train Ferry Suggested as Alternative, 277
- Turbine, Steam, Fitted to Locomotive, 460
- Turkish Concession for Hydro-electric Station in Asia Minor, 661
- UNITED States Engineering Manufactures Increased Imports into South Africa, 35
- United States Geological Survey, 178
- University Finance, Fees and Endowments Considerably Below Expenditure, 277, 353, 403
- University Training Offered to Apprentices, 377
- VANADIUM, World’s Principal Mine in Peru, Statistics of, 35
- Vancouver, Question of Dam or Low Level Bridge, 111
- Vancouver, Three Great Harbour Schemes, 203
- Vizagapatam Harbour, Construction to be Carried out by the Bengal-Nagpur Railway, 479
- Vosper, Mr. H. E., Retirement of, 647
- WAGE Increase and Jlutput Decline, United States Reports, 135
- Water-boring Plant for South Africa, 252
- Water Power Project in Califormia, 309
- Water Power Resources, Scattered, How to Link up, Dr. Steinmetz, 203
- Water Power Stations on Cauvery Falls, New Sites Proposed, 637
- - Bombay Water Supply from Lake Tansa, 61
- - Electrolysis of Pipes, Professor G. Alleman, 135
- - London Water, Increased Charges, 248
- - Pipes for Mandalay Water Scheme to be of Concrete by Hume Process, 85
- - Tunis, New Reservoir in Hamma-Siba, 35
- - Welwyn Garden City, Pumping Trials for Water Supply Test, 61
- - Wuchow, China, Water Supply Scheme and Chinese Engineering, 203
- WATERWAYS, Inland—see Ministry of Trans¬port
- Watt, James, Commemoration Scheme, 427
- Welding, Repairs to Boilers and Engines, 100
- Wellington, New Zealand, Projected Extension of Water Supply, 157
- White Ants, Protection of Buildings from, 61
- Wilbur Wright Memorial in France, 35
- Wind Motor, Invention to Utilise, 427
- Wind Pressure Coefficient for Cylinders, Tests, 637
- Wine Transport by Pipe Line, 253
- Wire Netting to Foil Parcel Thieves, 606
- Wire Ropes. G. W. Westgarth. 453
- Wireless Direction Finder and Wireless Telephone, Great Value in Air Navigation, 661
- Wireless Message from Bordeaux to Washington, 227
- Wireless Service, Extensive, Projected for France and her Colonies, 157
- Wireless Station at Tahiti, Further Survey Called for, 660
- Wireless Telegraph Company in Buonos Aires, German, 227
- Wireless Transmission Station, Most Powerful in the World, 637
- Women’s Liability to Lead Poisoning, 203
- YOKOHAMA Harbour Improvements, 11
- ZINC Deposit on Galvanised Iron Apparatus for Determining Weight, 377
- Zinc Production in the United States, 227
- Zionist Society of Engineers, Plans for Water Supply of the Holy Land, 427
See Also
Sources of Information