The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Index
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- ABERDEEN, Robert Gordon's Colleges, Proposed Courses of Instruction, 555
- Acoustic Design of Musical Practice Rooms, Changes Needed to Benefit by Sound-proof Walls, 185
- Aerial Ropeway in Colombia, Preliminary Survey for, and Details of Scheme, 45
- - Air Defence of Great Britain, 525
- - Aircraft Apprentices, Vacancies for, 223
- - Airship, Five Million Cubic Feet, for Egypt and India Service, 75
- - Belfast to Gretna or Carlisle, Daily Aeroplane Service Projected, 265
- - Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 200
- - Circumnavigation of the World by Air, Conclusions to Reckon With, 351
- - Hangar, Aeroplane at Mukden, Largest in Asia, 555
- - Helicopter Inventor's New Record and Prize, 351
- - Imperial Airways Monthly Traffic Returns, June and July, 274
- - Light Aeroplane Competitions, Lecture by Major J. S. Buchanan, 555
- - Napier-Blackburn Torpedo-carrying Aeroplanes, 1000 Horse-power, Launch of the First, 211
- - R 38 Memorial Prize, Award for 1924, 628
- - Seaplane for Transport of Fever Patients in British Guiana, 465
- - World's Gliding Record Broken by Lieutenant Thoret, St. Remy, 265
- - World's Largest Passenger Flying Boat, 585
- AGRICULTURAL Fortnightly Bulletin to be Broadcasted from London, 185
- Alien-Liversedge, Limited, Staff Dinner, 512
- Alloys Aging Effect and Increased Room Temperature, 525
- Aluminium Alloy Road Wheel, Satisfactory Results of Experiments, 159
- American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 130th Meeting, 252
- American Stone Quarries Workers, Shifts and Accident Statistics, 613
- Anodes for Brine Electrolysis, 437
- Apprentice Scholarships, "D. B. Morison," Engineering, 449
- Asbestos Exports from Canada, 13, 237
- Asbestos Mills, Montreal, Two New, 295
- Asbestos Mine near Barberton, Formation of Minerals, 613
- Asphalt, Liquid and Solid, Throughout the whole of Cuba, 105
- -- Significance of Exhaust .Temperature, P. H. Smith, 408
- -- Gold Medal Awards for Railwaymen's Papers, 381
- -- Annual Dinner, 593
- -- Medal Awards for Papers and Service, 584
- -- Pneumatic Tires, A. Healey, 669
- -- Self-balancing Centrifugals, Eustace A. Alliott, 133
- -- Awards for Papers, 396
- -- Joint Meeting with other Associations : Results of Heat Engine and Boiler Trials, 625
- -- A.M.I.E.E. Examination, 145
- -- Annual Conversazione, 27
- -- Award of Premiums to Students, 62
- -- New Wiring Regulations, F. C. Raphael, 725
- -- Sir Oliver Lodge, Honorary Member, 555
- -- Art of Communication Engineering, Address by H. H. Harrison, 525
- -- "Walk Round Pretoria Power Station," Lecture, G. M. Clark, 697
- -- James Watt Annual Dinner, 625
- -- Annual Meeting in 1925, 507
- -- Presidential Election, 185
- -- Storage of Silica Refractories, Lecture, W. J, Rees, 13
- -- Awards for Competition to Encourage Education in the Industry, 335
- -- Prizes Offered for Papers, 696
- -- Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Apparatus, 640
- -- H.R.H. Prince of Wales to Attend Annual Dinner, 555
- -- Scholarships Offered for 1925, 612
- -- Scholarships and Prize Awards, 304, 479
- -- Girders in Ships, J. Foster King, 585
- -- Award of Institution Scholarship, 605
- -- Awards of Medals and Scholarships, 479
- -- Annual Dinner, 322
- - "Proceedings"; Survey of Indian Signalling," A. C. Rose, 437
- - Signalling on the London Underground Railways, W. S. Every, 613
- - Three-position Signalling, 724
- -- Before-Easter Lecture Arrangements, 640, 696
- -- General Meeting ; Christmas Lectures, andc., 539
- -- Annual Meeting and List of Papers, 609
- -- Awards for Papers, 712
- -- Plumbago, Average Annual Export of, from Ceylon, T. G. Hunter, 351
- -- Annual General Meeting, 117
- -- Report, 117
- -- Paper by Mr. G. L. Jennings, 185
- -- Extraordinary General Meeting ; Student Members, Rules, 649
- -- Film Picture Production, Optical and Mechanical Problems of, H. Dennis Taylor, 436
- -- Award of Medals for Papers, 62
- ASTURIAS Mines and Factories to be Controlled by Krupps, 641
- Atlas Works, Sheffield, 129
- Atomic Energy, Freeing, At Present an Elusive Secret, Dr. Wall's Quest, 525
- Auckland (New Zealand), New Works and Improvements by Harbour Board, 725
- Australia, Proposed Enlargement of Hume Reservoir on the Murray River, 351
- Australian Engineers in Government Service, Question of Increase of Pay, 45
- Australian Imports, Quarter's Analysis, 105
- Australian Sea Carriage of Goods Act, 725
- Australia's Rich Radium Deposits, 697
- Avery, W. and T., Limited, Recognition of Long Service, 27
- Avonmouth Spelter Works, Feared Closing after Heavy Expenditure, 185
- Avonmouth Spelter Works, Postponement of Closing Down, 323
- BALL Bearings Made of Stainless Steel, Carrying Capacity of, Axel Hultgren, 351
- Barranquilla, Colombia, Contract by London Syndicate for Construction of Streets, Tramways and Waterworks, 669
- Bath, Rapid Steam Plant Erection at, 678
- Beet Sugar Factory in Alberta, Proposed, 669
- Beet Sugar Factory on the Wissey River, Another Projected, 351
- Belgian Congo, Cobalt Ore in Various Places with Manganese, 265
- - Valuable Recent Discovery, 409
- Belgian Congo, List of Recently Discovered Minerals, 211
- Birmingham Post Office, Alterations for Accommodation of Automatic Telephone, 725
- Blast-furnaces--see Iron and Steel
- Blue Finish to Handles of Pliers, andc., New Method for Applying, 323
- Boiler Explosion in Small Steamer, Some Peculiar Features, 641
- Boiler Explosions, Report for 1923, 525
- Bombay, Back Bay Reclamation Progress, 437
- Bradford Engineering Society, Programme of Lectures, 365
- Bradshaw, Eighty-fifth Anniversary of, 469
- Brazilian Government Outlay on Port Improvements, 351
- Bridge Across the Tees at Newport, Scheme Opposed, 323
- Bridge, Hooghly, Proposed New, at Howrah, Committee Suggestions, 697
- Bridge, Newcastle and Gateshead, Tender Accepted, 725
- Bridge Over the Ouse at Boothferry, 75
- Bridge Over Richmond River, New South Wales, 697
- Bridge Span Too Much Expanded by Sun to be Reclosed, 409
- British and American Mining Departments, Exchange of Information, Tests of British Explosives, 555
- British Columbia, The Third Industrial Province in Canada, 237
- - Acceptance of Invitation from German Standards Committee, 641
- - Automobile Steels, Publications on, 99
- - Coal Mining and Industrial Standardisation, Address to be Given in Four Centres by Secretary of the Association, 418
- - Glossary of Electrical Engineering Terms, 117
- - Standard Keys, Keyways and Keybars, Publication Regarding, 709
- - Standard Specifications :
- -- Cast Iron Piston Rings, 479
- -- Conductors for Overhead Power Transmission, 609
- -- Copper, Raw, Five Specifications Issued, 310
- -- Fuel Oils, Four Grades, 572
- -- Magnetos for Internal Combustion Engines, 105
- -- Metallic Resistance Materials, 507
- -- Metallic Resistance Materials Specification Revision, 613
- -- Solders, Silver, Tin-lead and Brazing; Brasses, Special, for Ingots for Castings, for Actual Castings, 89
- -- Spanners, Dimensions of, 593
- - Birmingham Branch :
- -- Lecture on "The Iron Age," Presidential, 555
- -- Pure Aluminium Unsuitable for Castings, C. Dickens' Lecture, 641
- - Scottish Branch :
- -- Bulk Electricity Supply, Schemes in connection with Foundry Operations, James Affleck, 461
- CADMIUM, Inhalation of Fumes and Resulting Accident, 45
- Canada, Crude Petroleum Production Statistics, 465
- Canada, Reclamation of Waterless and Waterlogged Areas in, 494
- Canada's Sulphide Ores Abundance and Variety, 437
- Canada and the United States, New Railway Bridge at Niagara Falls, 555
- Canadian Copper Output for 1922 and 1923, 323
- Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, World's Record Building for Cost and Size, 409
- Canadian Natural Gas Light, Heat and Power Company, Big Well's Output, 211
- Canadian Patent Law, New, 533
- Canadian Trent Canal, Completion Urged on the Government, 105
- Capo Copper Smelting Works in. South Wales Bought, 381
- Carbon Black, Its Manifold Uses, 211
- Carbon Dioxide as Remedy for Carbon Monoxide Gas Poisoning, 725
- Carmichael, The House of, 132
- Casablanca Port, Morocco, Approaching Completion, 323
- Caustic Soda and Chlorine, Production by Electrolysis, 641
- Cement Gun for Stone Dusting, Experiments in a Colliery, 295
- Cements Manufactured from Sea Mud Lime, French Experiments, 75
- Chapeltown, Sheffield, Gas Lighting Scheme, 237
- Chemical Industries, Tenth Exposition of, 249
- Chilean Improvements at Port of Lebu, 211
- China, Thirty Mining Areas Staked Out, 75
- China, Two of Four Projected Trunk Highways Now Completed, 351
- Chinese Registration of Trade Marks Bureau, 13.
- Chlorine Gas, Correct Method of Detection of Leakage, 381
- Civic Steam-heating Plant at Winnipeg Opened,
- Clyde Dredging to be Started, 323
- Clyde Tunnel or Bridge, Question for Glasgow, 323
- - Argentina, Coal Importations from Great Britain and Elsewhere, 723
- - Australian Brown Coal from Morwell, Analysis of Grading, 381
- - Barnsley Seam at Thorne Colliery, Progress, 71
- - Barnsley Bed of Coal Reached by Shaft Started in 1909, 211
- - Binder from Seaweed for Coal Briquettes, New Industry in Orkney, 211
- - Brown Coal Briquetting Plant Capacity, Victorian Electricity Commission, 45
- - Coal Discovery Reported Under a Staffordshire Farm, 409
- - Coalfield, Rich, Discovered near Madrid, 525
- - Coal Treated by Modern Scientific Methods, Immense Possibilities Suggested by Mr. F. Hodges, 437
- - Coal Working Under Sheffield, Application, 13
- - Colliery Shafts to be Sunk by Freezing Process, 697
- - Consett Iron Company's Estate Development, Coal Discoveries, 75
- - Decontrolling the Coal Trade in Czechoslovakia, Possibility under Consideration, 105
- - Franco-Belgian Frontier, Coal Discovery, 105
- - French Undertaking for Economic Utilisation and Conservation of Coal, 495
- - Great Britain's Coal Output, Comparative Statistics, 295, 613, 725
- - Hatfield Moor, Doncaster, Coal Discovery, New Pit to be Sunk, 475
- - Increased Use of Coal-cutting Machines, 465
- - Interesting Week-end Work at Marehay Colliery, 323
- - Manchuria Coal Mines Financed by Russia, 437
- - Natal Coal Mines, July Output, 437
- - Northern Ireland, 200,000,000 Tons Coalfield near Coalisland, 211
- - Nova Scotia's New and Excellent Coal Seam at Maccan, 75
- - Nova Scotia's Undersea Colliery, 75
- - Pulverised Coal for Birmingham Electric Supply Boilers, 105
- - Pulverised Coal in Industrial Plants, Effect Similar to Coal Dust in Mines, 185
- - South Australian Brown Coal for Producer Gas Plant, Experiments, 641
- - Spanish Coal Problem, Proposed Grouping of Mines, 585
- - Transvaal Coal and Oil Company's Valuable Coal, 585
- - Ulster Collieries, New, at Coalisland, Co. Tyrone, 105
- - United States, Production of Bituminous Coal and Anthracite, 620
- - Unwatering Coal Mines, Investigation of Explosion Hazards, 585
- - Wellington, New Zealand, Important Coal Discovery, 237
- COAST Erosion, Question in the House of Commons, 45
- Cobalt in Belgian Congo, 265 ; Valuable Recent Discovery, 409
- Cobalt, Canadian Smelter Output of, Statistics, 465
- Cobalt Silver Mines Twenty Years' Record, 691
- Colombia, Projected Expenditure on Public Works, 211
- Colombo Harbour Berths, Four, Sufficient for Present Use, 613
- Complimentary Dinner, Yorkshire Electric Power Company, 734
- Concrete Bridge Span Bodily Lifted and Replaced, 133
- Concrete Impregnated with Molten Sulphur, Great Increase in Strength Thereby, 409
- Concrete, Liability to Heat and Advisable Precautionary Measures, 211
- Concrete Mixing with Impure Water, 237
- Concrete Work, Material for Filling Expansion Joints, 381
- Copper Coins in China, Depreciation of, 137
- Copper Company, Leading Producer in the World, 555
- Copper Cost in Germany, Search for Alloys, 323
- Copper Ore Treatment Financed by Western Australian Government, 265
- Copper, Pure, Effect of Gradual Heating and Cooling in an Electric Furnace, 525
- Cottages, Steel, Lord Weir's Type, 421
- Crude Oil from Shale, Extracted by Retort at Burma Pavilion, British Empire Exhibition, 265
- Crystal Palaeo School of Engineering, Distribution of Certificates, 709
- Cutler, New Master and Mistress, 409
- DAIREN'S Chinese-owned Engineering Works, 495
- Dam Across the St. Lawrence Adovcated, 45
- Dam Construction in Orange Free State, 437
- Dams, Two Gigantic, in Province of Quebec, Progress, 437
- De-aoration of Boiler Feed Water in Special Circumstances, Remarkable Process, 237
- Death of Herr Carl Fridolf Carlson, 495
- Delaware River Bridge, Suspension Cables for, 381
- - First Report on Heat Insulators, 555
- - Offers to Undertake Tests on Plant of Low Temperature Carbonisation, 265
- Diesel Engine, Double-acting, Now Type, Completed in New York, 351
- Diesel Engine, 15,000 B.H.P. Stationary, Ordered by Hamburg Electric Light Company, 265
- Dock, Appleton, at Melbourne, Details of Projected Construction, 351
- Docks Delays Investigation Result, Responsibility Divided, 237
- Drought and Salt Water Influx Resulting in Teredo Destruction on Pacific Coast of America, 613
- Dry Dock being Constructed in Calcutta, Will be Largest of its Kind in the World, 585
- Dublin Dockyard Opened by Vickers (Ireland), Limited, 409
- Dudley Erecting Steel Houses, 613
- Dunston and Teams Bridge, Cost of Reconstruction, 105
- Durban Large Graving Dock Opening, 669
- Durban's Projected Costly Public Works Programme, 295
- - Air Behaviour in High Voltage Transmission, 585
- - All-electric New Colliery, 495
- - Australia, Revised Electrical Wiring Rules. 133
- - Belgium, New Coal Pits Being Electrically Equipped, 525
- - Birmingham Schools Electric Lighting and the Unemployed, 525
- - Brundall and District Electricity Supply, Negotiations for, 211
- - Bursting of New Pipe Line Under Test for Welsh Power Station, 669
- - Canada's Export of Electric Power to the United States, 54
- - Cape Province, Tenders Called for for Power Station Plant, 335
- - Cape Town Projected Power Station for Suburban Railways, Details of, 697
- - Cardiff, All-electric Exhibition at, 465
- - Chicago, Oldest Electric Truck in Active Service, 525
- - Chili Climate and Problems for Transmission Line Engineers, 13
- - Chinese Power Station Equipment with British Engines, 381
- - Conference Internationale des Grands Re- seaux Electriques, andc., Third Session, 185
- - Current and Voltage, Determination of Characteristic Curves for Loosely-touching Steel Spheres, Fraulein Szekelyís Experiments, 159
- - Direction Finder in Foggy Weather, Great Value of, 525
- - Distributing System for Current Supply in Italy, 641
- - Dominion Electric Installation Equipment in Canada, Code of Standardised Rules, to be Prepared and Adopted, 44
- - Electric Boilers as Load Equalisers, Poplar's Record for Low-priced Electric Power in London, 363
- - Electrical Transmission in Australia, Need of Research, 525
- - Electricity at Mines, Regulations as to Installation and Use of, New Edition, 409
- - Electrolytic Corrosion Test, Accelerated, Results, 380
- - Greenock Corporation's Proposed Application to Electricity Commissioners for Extension of Supply Area, 133
- - Hackney Borough Council and Orders for Electric Vehicles, 525
- - Haulage, Electric, on French Canals, 465
- - High-tension Switchgear and Transformers, 250 Million Pounds' Order, 697
- - High-voltage Corona and Protection Against Lightning, J. B. Whitehead's Views, 495
- - Imports and Exports of Electrical Apparatus, The Hague Report, 74
- - Inductor Cylinder Dynamo, Development of, W. Brooks Sayers, 159
- - Industrial Use of Electric Power Extended in Auckland, 525
- - Instrument Current Transformer with Automatic Compensation Device, 613
- - Insulator, New Type, for High-pressure Systems, Professor H. B. Smith, 211
- - Johannesburg's Future Supply of Electricity, Commissioners' Second Report, 409
- - Johannesburg Power Station Installation, 45
- - Johannesburg Projected High-tension Underground Cable to Supply Light to Oaklands District, 437
- - King William's Town, South Africa, New Up-to-date Power Station for, 437
- - Knaresborough Electricity Undertaking, 613
- - Leek Electricity Works, Prosperous Growth of Trade, 465
- - Margahao Electric Power Plant, Largest Generating Station in New Zealand, 525
- - Mines Using Electricity, Loss of Life Due to, 555, 641
- - Motor-driven Air Compressor and Variation of Torque, 133
- - New York Edison Company, New Power Station, 185
- - Newton Abbott Electric Output, Application for Extension of Station, 725
- - Oil Circuit Breakers and Explosion Pots, Dr. Garrard, 13
- - Omnibuses, Electric, Question of Use in Sweden, 725
- - Ottawa River Power Company Progress, 613
- - Perfect Lighting near Chicago, 465
- - Plant Propagation, Forced Growth, by Use of Electric Lamps, 725
- - Portable Electric Plant for Use in Gaseous Mines, 159
- - Power-house Chimneys, Necholls, Gritcatching Apparatus for, 725
- - "Power Factor" Booklet, Electrical Apparatus, Limited, 569
- - Power Station Worked by Steam Projected in Ohio, 697
- - Queenston-Chippewa Power Plant at Niagara Falls, Progress, 323
- - Quinze River Power Plant, Growth of, 613
- - Relay Development in America, Special Features of, 133
- - Rural Electrification in France, Congress at Lyons, 265
- - Russian Electric Undertakings, Financing of, 381
- - Safeguarding Linesmen on Transmission Circuit Work, 495
- - St. Maurice Power Company's Hydro-electric Development, 555
- - Salt River, near Cape Town, Large Electric Power Station Projected, 13, 45
- - Sheffield Electricity Works Statistics, 211
- - Shock, Electric, Necessary Precautions after Apparent Resuscitation, 725
- - South Africa, Union of, Great Growth of Electrical Power in, 613
- - Spalding Rural Council and Electricity Supply, 697
- - Spanish Electrical System Unification Question, 641
- - Static Condenser, Details of New Typo Developed by American General Electric Company, 74
- - Storage Batteries, Large, New System of Supporting Cells, 465
- - Storage Battery Locomotive, Largest Yet Built in the United States, 295
- - Storms, Distant, Detection Equipment Less Expensive than Supposed, 585
- - Suspension Type Insulator, New Type, Professor H. B. Smith, 13
- -Sydney, N.S.W., Overhead Transmission Lines to be Replaced by Underground Cables at Cost of £5,000,000, 437
- - Tokyo Electric Light Company's Earthquake Damage Cost, 185
- - Transforming Alternating Current and Losses in Energy, 159
- - Walsall to Supply Electricity in Bulk to Lichfield, 669
- - West Wiltshire Electricity Scheme, 697
- - Weymouth Generating Station of Boston Company, Progress Towards Operation, 585
- - Witbank Power Station of Victoria Falls Company, Capacity and Details of Scheme, 45
- - Wolverhampton's Electricity Department, Profit, 75
- ELECTPOLYTIC Corrosion Test, Accelerated, Results, 380
- Elevators for South Africa, in Favour with Farmers, 437
- Engineering Standards--see British
- Engineers' Club for Birmingham, 409
- England and Bombay, Comparison Between Mean Dampness and Mean Temperature of the Two Climates, 185
- - American Inventions Exhibition in New York, 105
- - Birmingham International Foundry Trades Exhibition, 295
- - British Empire Exhibition, Conference on Illumination, 142
- - British Industries Fair, Birmingham, in 1925, 525
- - Cardiff, All-electric Exhibition at, 465
- - Engineering Exhibition at Cardiff, 585
- - German Projected Exhibition of Railway Material near Berlin, 295
- - Grenoble Forthcoming Exhibition, 625, 668
- - Lyons Fair, 625
- - Mining Industries Exhibition, Lima, Peru, 13
- - New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, 641
- - Scientific Instruments and Apparatus, Exhibition, 640, 684
- - Third Machine Tool and Engineering Exhibition, Board of Trade Announcement, 13
- - Wireless Exhibition in the Albert Hall, 75
- EXPLOSION in a Dairy Steam-jacketed Pan, 585
- Explosion, Unusual, in an Economiser, 555
- Explosives Factory for Industrial Purposes Projected at Shantung, 295
- FARADAY House Old Students' Association, Annual Dinner, 449, 539
- Ferrantians, The, Proposed Reunion, 449, 648
- Fire-damp Detection Invention in Germany, 613
- Fire Engine, 160 Years' Old, Still Used, 211
- Fitting-up Bolts, T. L. E. Haug, 62
- Flame Lamps being Succeeded by Electric Lamps in American and British Mines, 159
- Flax Yarn Production by New Process, Experiments, 697
- Floating Dock Sunk on Entry of German Vessel at Dartmouth, Refloated after much Difficulty, 409
- Floating Roadway for Goods Traffic at Sea- combe Ferry, 323
- Flood Dangers in China, New Works Proposed, 641
- Fluorspar Deposits Discovery in the Transvaal 613
- Folkestone Road Improvement Scheme, 185
- Food Cost and Rail Carriage, 563
- Food Investigation Board, Engineering Committee's Report, 704
- French Government Law Pronounced a Snare, 585
- Fuel Research Board, Third Report on British Coal Seams, 495
- Fuel Research, French Company Formed for Carrying Out, 133
- Fuels for Heavy Oil Engines, 572
- GARAGE for 10,000 Cars, 105
- Garcke's Manual of Electrical Undertakings, 647
- Gas Holder, Brick Disused, to be Converted into Garage in Berlin, 75
- Gas, Natural, Large Flow Discovered in Ontario, 295
- Gas Sold in Sheffield, Statistics for 1923, 323
- Gas Undertakings of Great Britain, Nominal Capital, 669
- Gauge Testing, National Physical Laboratory's Pamphlet, 709
- Gelatine and Glue, Characteristics, 641
- Germany's Prices, Fall in, 13
- Gladstone Dock, New Construction, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board's Plans, 351
- Glasgow New Motor Omnibus Service, 669
- HAILSTONES on Christmas Day of Record Size and Weight, 409
- Hankow, Tramway and also Railless Trains Services Projected, 265
- Harbour Improvement at Kingston, Ontario, 105
- Harland and Wolff, Limited, 142
- Harwich-Zeebrugge Train Ferry Service, Its Value for Heavy Machinery Transport, 555
- Heat Transmission Research in Canada, 237
- Henderson, Mr. A., Factory Bill Changes of Definition, 437
- Hotel-building Within Temporary Wooden Shell to Protect Workmen from Extreme Cold, 697
- Houses, Concrete, Dutch System, for Liverpool, 550
- Houses, Proposed New Type of, 295
- Hull Corporation and London and North- Eastern Railway, Suggested Pontoon and New Pier Construction, 409
- Hull and Lincolnshire Traffic, New Pier and Pontoon Scheme, 13
- Hydro-electric Generator, Tests of Hydraulic Efficiency, 555
- Hydro-electric Plants in Norway, Results of Survey of, 381
- Hydro-electric Power in Sweden, 112
- Hydro-electric Station near Foot of Lake Windermere, 409
- Hydro-electric Works Duplication in New Zealand, Tenders to be Called for, 641
- INDIAN Imports and Exports, Statistics, 499,
- Indian Mines, Report of Coal Dust Committee, 437
- Industry and Trade, Meeting of Committee, 495
- Information Bureaux and Special Libraries, 113
- Institutes and Institutions--see Associations
- International Roads Congress, 521
- Iron Oxide Reduction by Carbon Monoxide, Experimental Work, 45
- - Automobile Steels, Publications on, 99
- - Barberton District of South Africa, Discovery of Nickel Ore, 211
- - Blast-furnace in Canada, Record Output, 105
- - Blast-furnace Using Coke for Fuel, 13
- -- Annual Meeting, 625
- -- Development, 105, 133
- -- Laboratories Taken Over, 133
- -- Moulding Sands Investigation Arranged for, 351
- - Cleveland Blast-furnace Practice Defended, 585
- - Dudley, Iron Works at, Hope of Trade Revival and Re-starting, 295
- - Electrolytic Iron, Company Formed in Milan for Manufacture of, 133
- - Experimental Iron Blast-furnace at Minneapolis, 163
- - Explosions of Cast Iron Hot-plates, 381
- - Hanyang, China, Large Ironworks Financial Difficulties, 641
- - Hot-water Tanks, Steel, in America, Reduction in Number of Sizes Made, 13
- - Iron Ore, Compressive Strength of, Extensive Tests, 323
- - Manganese Deposits at Insuta, West Africa, Yearly Increase of Output, 613
- - "Mechanically Perfect Electrolytic Nickel," Charles P. Masden, 105
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in June, 105
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in July, 237
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in August, 351
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in September, 437
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in October, 585, 613
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in November, 697
- - New Steel, H. Rossell and Co., Limited, 512
- - Pig Iron Output of Canada, 608
- - Pig Iron in the United States, Reduced Output, 295
- - Redshortness in Wrought Ferrous Metals, 697
- - Richborough, New Blast-furnace, 613
- - Seamless Steel Tubing, Manufacture of, W. C. Chancellor, 381
- - "Stabrite Silver Steel," Thos. Firth and Sons, 381
- - Stainless Steel Ball Bearings, Tests Results, 465
- IRON AND STEEL (continued) :
- - Steel Cables for Delaware Bridge, 25,100 Miles of Wire Needed, 697
- - Steel Houses for Glasgow, Lord Weir's Offer Accepted, 381
- - Steel Industry in India, Government Bounty Proposed, 641
- - Steel, Medium Carbon, with High Manganese Content, Report, J. A. Jones, 437
- - Steel Production, New Method Reducing Cost by Half, Invented by Swede, 525
- - Synthetic Cast Iron Making, Tests, 45
- - Tasmanian Ironworks Projected at Burnie, 105
- - Weatherproof Iron, Samuel Osborn and Co., Limited, 27
- IRRIGATION Association, Western Canada, Annual Convention, 45
- Italian Hydro-electric Companies, Prosperity of, in 1923, 381
- JAPAN, Completion of Orito Tunnel and Its Result, 13
- Japanese Development at Hakata, Big American Contract Signed for Harbour, Docks, and other Works, 381
- KINGSTON (Ontario), Reported Plans for Very Large New Dry Dock, 211, 265
- LADLES, Bottom-Pour, New Design of Nozzle for, 105
- Lanarkshire, Collapse of Old Bridge, 323
- Lantern Slides, Offers of, for Lectures, Ed. Bennis and Co., Limited, 554
- Lead Mines in Derbyshire, Work Re-started at, 409
- Lever Brothers' Projected Dock at Bromborough, 265
- Light Lorry, Type Required under Subsidy by War Department, 105
- Lightning, Possibilities and Probabilities of Stroke, 495
- Locomotive, Storage Battery, Largest Yet Built in the United States, 295
- Locusts in Argentina, Protection Against by Galvanised Steel Sheets, 721
- Los Angeles Harbour Improvement, 585
- Los Angeles Harbour, Improvements in Shipyards, 159
- Low-temperature Distillation, H. Nielsen, 555
- Lysaght, John, Limited, and Dominion Sheet Metal Company, 437
- MAGNET Causes Noises to Issue from a Loud Speaker, 669
- Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 17
- Manchester Ship Canal Receipts, Decrease, 105
- Manganese--see Iron and Steel
- Manitoba Province, All the Pulp Wood Area for Sale by Dominion Government, 669
- Mars under Observation to Settle Question as to Existence of Life on the Planet, 211
- "Mayor and Coulson," Travelling Post-graduate Scholarship, 449
- Melbourne Tramways Question, 75
- Melbourne, Widening of Victoria Dock, 381
- Mercury Vapour Turbine, Further Development, 105
- Mersey Dock for Lever Brothers, Predicted Cost, 437
- Metal Moulding Trade in New South Wales, Conditions of Apprenticeship, 75
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Limited, Important Contract, 504
- Mexican Government's Concession for Large Irrigation Dam and other Works, 351
- Mica, Its Great Utility, India's Large Production and Excessive Waste, 495
- Mineral Production of Australia for 1922, 351
- Mineral Resources of Canada, Dr. C. V. Corless, 211
- Miners' Flame Safety Lamps, Wire Gauze Experiments, 295
- Mines Breathing Apparatus, German-made, has Passed Official Tests for British Use, 133
- Mines Safety Research Board Report, 237
- Mining Subsidence Damage in North Staffordshire, 725
- Mining Subsidence, Royal Commission's Inspection, 323
- Minneapolis Methodist Church Displayed by Flood Lights at Night, 185
- Montreal, New South Shore Bridge Across the St. Lawrence, 669
- Motor Road Building Projects in China, 585
- Motor Spirit, Important Now Discovery, 465
- Motor Vehicles, Shock Absorber, Prize Competition for, 465
- Museum of Engineering Industry, Projected for New York, 105
- Mussoorie Improvement, Important Projects for, 555
- Mysore Government Projects for Exploitation of State's Natural Resources, 669
- Mysore Survey for Utilising the Gairsoppa Falls, 613
- NAPLES, 200 Million Lire Allotted for Port Enlargement, 185
- Natural Gas in Canada, 697
- Netherlands East Indies, Deep Sea Harbour at Semarang, 641
- Now Brunswick Surveys for Hydro Development Requirements at Grand Falls, 381
- Newcastle, Bridge Strengthening to Cope with Increased Weight of Traffic, 335
- Newcastle and Gateshead, Progress of New Bridge Across the Tyne, 265
- Newcomen Fire-grate Relic, 697
- New Guinea Copper Mines Plans, 13
- New South Wales, Details of Proposed Bridge Across the George's River, 323
- New South Wales New Cement-making Plant, 555
- New South Wales and New Zealand, Tenders t Asked for for Metal Work for Bridges, 304
- New Zealand, Arapuni Hvdro-electric Scheme, 351
- New Zealand, Hydro-electric Power and Projected Increase, 495
- New Zealand, Proposed Harbour Works at Gisborne, 323
- Niagara Falls Illumination by Night, Projected Joint Scheme, 555
- Niagara Falls, Model to Demonstrate Scenic Effect, 105
- Norway's Solution of Unemployment Trouble, 525
- Nottingham as a Port, 295
- OILFIELDS in Argentina, Campbell M. Hunter, 585
- Oil-hardening Factories in Norway, 237
- Oil Shale in Fushun, Concession Secured by South Manchuria Railway, 265
- Oil Still Explosion, Official Report, 585
- Oil Well Drilling, Comparison Between Rotary Drilling and Cable Tool Drilling, 323
- Oil Wells Sinking in Angola and Near Loanda, 381
- Old Tools Replace Binders in Harvesting After Bad Weather, 444
- Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission, Differences of Opinion, 725
- - Increased Capacity of Nipigon Plant, 323
- - Increasing Capacity of Cameron Falls Plant, 55
- - Proposal for Diversion of Waters from Two Rivers, 323
- Ore Discovery, Valuable, in Johore, 211
- Ore Transport in Mines, Cost and Efficiency of Different Methods. 403
- Overhead Equipment, W. Nairn at Congress of Tramways and Light Railways Association, 75
- Oxidation Test on Lubricating Oils, 75
- PAINT, Weather-proof, 105
- Panama Canal Cargo, United States Ships' Carrying Share More than Double the English, 13
- Paper Making in Quebec, Tremendous Progress, 237
- Paper Mill, Greatest in the World, at Quebec, 585
- Paraffin Removal from Oil Wells by Use of Sodium Peroxide, Successful Use also for Cleansing Wells and Increasing Output, 409
- Parker Hardened Drive Screws, Charles Churchill and Co.. Limited, 62
- Permanent Paint, Reputed Many Virtues, 105
- Petrol Imported to the Clyde, Products Store, 323
- Petroleum Discovered in Department of Herault, 381
- Platinising, New Process to Prevent Weather Affection of Metals, 525
- Platinum, Alluvial, Discoveries in the Transvaal, 697
- Platinum Deposits in Waterberg District of the Transvaal, 585
- Platinum Exports from Colombia, 45
- Platinum Mining in the Transvaal, 613
- Platinum Output from Colombia, 409
- Poplar, Great Demand for Electrolytic Fluid, 75
- Port Construction and Equipment, Contracts Between Russia and Franco-Polish Group, 75
- Portland Cement, Inspection of, J. R. Dwyer and Roy N. Young, 523
- Portland Cement, Its Widespread Empire Manufacture, 265
- Portugal and South Africa, Agreement as to Lorenzo Marques, 48
- Post Office Tube Railway Orders, 479
- Power Alcohol from Beet, Committee to Deal with the Question, 409
- Premier Diamond Mine, Statistics of Work and Value Realised, 641
- Professor Risler's Experiments with Gas-filled Tubes at the Sorbonne Laboratory, 669
- Pulp and Paper Industry in Canada, Analysis of Use of Water Power in, 159
- Pulverised Fuel Utilisation, Quigley Process Rights Purchased, 159
- QUARRIES in Great Britain and the Isle of Man, List of, 295
- Quayside Work, Record Large Wooden Dummy or Fonder for Holding off Leviathan, 295
- Quebec Development Company, Progress of Damming Work, 75
- Quebec Harbour Improvement, Federal Government Loan, 159, 211
- Queensland Government's Projected Wharves on the Brisbane River, 555
- - Accidents :
- -- Accident at Lime-street Station, Liverpool, 495
- -- Broken Coupling Rod, 237
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at London-road Station, Manchester, 351
- -- Collision near St. Helens, and Report, 159
- -- Collision at Stalybridge, 517
- -- Collision, Unusual, on Great Central Section, London and North-Eastern Line, 265
- -- Derailment Caused by Cloudburst, 159
- -- Derailment of East Coast Express Coaches, 13
- - Accidents (continued):
- -- Derailment on the London, Midland and Scottish Line, Lieut.-Colonel Mount's Report, 555
- - Derailment of Night Express at Buddon, Report, No Definite Cause Discovered, 525
- -- Engine Tire Failure near Weedon, 437
- -- Escape of Express Passenger Train, near Aycliffe, 613
- -- Fatal Accident at Haymarket Station, Edinburgh, 133, 211
- -- Fatal Collision Outside Preston, 641
- -- Gravesend Accident, Workmen's Ticket Accident Liabilities, 669
- -- Inquiries into Railway Accidents and their Results, 265
- -- Level Crossing Accident, but Crossing Owner's Risk, 697
- -- Lime-street Station, Liverpool, Slight Collision, 133
- -- Lytham Disaster, Adjournment of Inquest, 585 ; Inquest Verdict, Accidental Death, 613
- -- Ministry of Transport Inquiries, 45, 351
- -- Minor Collision Causes Closing of Charing Cross Station, 323
- -- Minor Mishaps on the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 241
- -- Montgomery-North-Western Railway of India, Ninety-five Passengers Killed in Collision, 265 ; Increase in Death Roll, 295
- -- Previous Accidents Recalled, 105, 159, 185, 323
- -- Report on Collision at Eastwood, 133
- -- Report on Collision, at New-street Station, Birmingham, 381
- -- Report on Fatal Collision Outside Euston Station, 295
- -- Reports on Throe Accidents, 668
- -- September's Bad Record for Railway Accidents, 323
- -- Signalman's Temporary Aberration of Mind Cause of Collision at Stoke Works Junction, 381
- -- United States Accident Returns for 1923, 725
- - American Railway Centennial Invitation, 697
- - American Railway Labour in 1914 and 1924, Result of Investigation of Wages, Hours, andc., 237
- - Annual Railway Reports, Statistics, of Ballast, Fencing, Rails and Sleepers, Used in 1923, 555
- - Appointments and Staff Changes, 45, 105, 185, 211, 465, 585, 669
- - Associated Society and the Railway Companies, 13
- - Australia, Northern and Southern Railway to be Built, 555
- - Australian Commonwealth Parliament, Bill for Construction of Ky ogle-South Brisbane Railway, 641
- - Australian Commonwealth's Proposed Construction of Three Goods Lines, 265
- - Australian New Railway Schemes to be Presented to Federal Parliament, 409
- - Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Centenary, 207
- - Belgian Congo Railway Electrification, 725
- - Bombay's Proposed Underground Railway and Suburban Railway Electrification, 105
- - Bradshaw, New, Certain Changes Made, 133
- - British Columbia Electric Railway, Big Power Tunnel for, 409
- - British Empire Exhibition and Increased Traffic, 211
- - British Tender Accepted for British Tramways, though Dearest of Three Offers, 133
- - Brussels, Metropolitan Railway's New Planning, 323
- - Cairo-Suez Standard Gauge Electric Railway, Proposed, 237
- - Canada, Northern Railway Situation and Future Policy, 45
- - Canadian National Railways, Programme, Rejected Bills, 159
- - C.P.R., New Branch Line, 105
- - Canal Schemes under Consideration, 113, 185
- - Capetown--Simonstown Suburban Line Electrification, 641, 697
- - Cargo Boats, Two New, for Weymouth and Channel Islands Service, 495
- - Central London Railway, Alteration of Signals and Additional Trains, 105
- - Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, Request for Tube Railway between South Kensington and South of Thames, 133
- - Chesterfield to Scrap Electric Tramways and Replace with Trackless Car Service, 669
- - City Railway, Reopened Section and First Train, 641
- - City and South London Railway, Reconstruction Approaching Completion, 585
- - Colombian Government's Consent to Projected Funicular Railway, 323
- - Convention of Railway Engineers in Berlin, 279
- - Cost of Living Higher, but no Change in Wages, 437
- - Crow's Nest Pass Railway Rates in Canada, 351
- - Death of Sir Arthur Anderson, 381
- - Death of Mr. August Belmont, 725
- - Death of Brigadier-General Sir Hugh Drummond, 159
- - Death of Mr. W. Garstang, 437
- - Death of Mr. F. E. Gobey, 409
- - Death of Mr. Richard Johnson, 323
- - Death of Mr. W. L. Meredith, 185
- - Death of Mr. W. Parker, 45
- - Death of Colonel H. M. Sinclair, 75
- - Death of Mr. W. H. Stanier, 45
- - Death of Mr. H. K. Woodward, 409
- - Deputation Ask as Work for Unemployed the Building of a Railway between Abergavenny and Talyllin, 133
- - Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad, First Electric Locomotive for, 45, 105
- - District Railway's New Cars, Great Improvements, 185
- - East Indian and Great Indian Peninsula Railways, Their Future, 13
- - East Indian Railway Transferred to the State at End of Current Year, 437
- - East London Railway, Bill for its Acquisition Deposited by the Southern Railway, 641
- - Electrical Apparatus, Successful Test on the South African Railways, 585
- - Electrification of Lines Between Manchester (Victoria), through Oldham, to Shaw, 585
- - Engine Tire Failures not Uncommon, 437
- - Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Royal Engineers, Territorial Army, New Commander, 697
- - Enginemen's Mileage Increase, Companies Offer, 641
- - Escalators at Shepherd's Bush Station, Central London Railway, 525
- - Excursion Fares, Pre-war, and Present Time, 211, 351
- - Export Trade Depression Ascribed to Railway Charges, 465
- - Facing-points Operation by Low-voltage Electrical Mechanism, 585
- - Fish by Train Ferry, Scotland to Genoa, 555
- - Footbridges and Level Crossings, 13
- - French Colonies Development Scheme, 697
- - German New Railway Board and the Dawes Report, Names of Four Foreign Members, 409
- - Glasgow Subway Improvements, 437
- - Great Eastern Train Ferries, Chairman's Hopeful Outlook, 295
- - G.I.P. Railway Electrification, Rapid Progress, 409, 641
- - Great Indian Peninsula's Successful Half Year, 45
- - Great Southern (Ireland) Railway Company as Amalgamation of all the Wholly Free State Railways, 725
- - Great Western Railway:
- -- Birmingham District, New Trains for Suburban Traffic, 555
- -- Caerphilly Castle, from the Exhibition, Back to Work, 585
- -- Contracts, Important Constructional, for Sheds at Stourbridge and Evesham, 211
- -- Decrease in Traffic in Coal, Diminished Receipts and Much-increased Wages Bill, 641
- -- Devon and Cornwall Sections, Reconstruction Schemes, 697
- -- Fast Timing on the Great Western, 495
- -- Great Bear Re-named, 437
- -- Great Bear Engine, Repair and Reconstruction, 105
- -- Iver, New Station Opened, 641
- -- Railway Servants, Low Average of Accidents to, 237
- -- Record Speed by Mauretania Special to Paddington, 725
- -- Saltney, near Chester, Projected Alterations at, 237
- -- South Wales, Bad Trade Conditions and Effect on Railwaymen, 669
- -- Swindon to Paddington Quick Run, 405
- -- Unemployment Relief Work, 211
- -- Wagons, Further Fifty, for Coal, Delivered, 409
- -- Windsor Castle, with the King as Driver, Commemoration Plate, 585
- - Grouping, and Closing of Works, 13
- - Hull Corporation Train ways Rails, British, though Highest, Tender Accepted, 133
- - Hull Purchase of Tram Rails from Germany, A Saving of £3000, 211
- - India, Railway Board, Conference on Standardisation, 613
- - Indian Railways, A Serious Situation, 323 ; Compromise Arrived at, 351
- - Institutes and Institutions, Railway and Transport--see Associations
- - Interim Dividends and their Signification, 133
- - International Railway Congress in 1925, 381
- - Inter-State Commerce Commission Orders for Automatic Train Control, 265
- - Irish Free State, Railway Tribunal Members, 409
- - Irish Free State Railway Unification Difficulties, 237, 265 ; New Appointment, 409
- - Irish Port for America, Blacksod or Galway, Distances to Dublin and Belfast, 377
- - Irish Railway Tribunal, Free State, Enforced Reduction of Rates for Passengers and Goods, 495
- - Irish Railways Amalgamation, The Great Southern Railway (Ireland), 613
- - Irish Trade Union Strike Ended, 323
- - Japanese Mount Fujiyama, Proposed Cable Railway for, 381
- - Level Railway Crossings, Proposed Abolition of Some, 185
- - Light Railway Orders--see Ministry of Transport
- - Light, A Third, for Railway Signals, Investigation by National Physical Laboratory, 264
- - Listowel and Ballybunion Railway Closed, 437
- - Living Link, The Only, with the World's First Railway Engine, 75
- - Locomotive Construction in Russia, Soviet Programme, 351
- - Locomotive, Electric, First Built in Spain, 465
- - Locomotive Enginemen's Threatened Strike, 613
- - Locomotive Repairs on British Railways in 1923, 525
- - Locomotives for China, Order Given to British Firm, 363
- - Locomotives of this Country, Their Coal and Oil Consumption in 1923, 525
- - Locomotives for Egypt, 649
- - London Electric Railways:
- -- Hendon to Edgware Extension, 133, 159, 237, 409
- -- Improvements During the Past Year, 465
- -- New Under-the-River Connection, Four Shafts Sunk, 323
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- -- Ballycastle Railway to be Taken Over by the Northern Counties System, 159
- -- Caledonian Section, Strathaven and Darvel Branch, Question of Closing, 45
- -- Census of Employees on the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 409
- -- Cinematograph Lectures for Instruction of Railwaymen, 585
- -- Cost of Living and Superannuitants, 75
- -- Crewe Railwaymenís War Memorials, 613
- -- Destructive Fire at Stoke-on-Trent Works, 105
- - RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS (continued):
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway (continued) :
- -- "Engine-drivers' Hotel," Camden Town Hostel, 697
- -- Girders, Huge, Successfully Transported from Reddish to Chesterfield, 377
- -- Glasgow Underground Electrification Question, 140
- -- Government and Railway-owned Canal, 113, 185
- -- Inverness Railway Shops, No Reduction at Present, 381
- -- Kitchen Cars, Independent, New Type, Provided, 265
- -- Long Service and Unbroken Records, 344
- -- Lytham Accident and Grouping Changes, 622
- -- Overcrowding on Trains Between Glasgow and London, 133
- -- "Prevention Better than Cure," 159
- -- Removal of Knott Spit Promontory to Improve Navigation of Fleetwood Boats, 261
- -- St. Pancras and Nottingham, Fast Nonstop Train, 351
- -- Signalling Changes on the Line, 381
- -- Single Line Loop and Bridge Projected to Connect with Colliery, 295
- -- Sleeping Car Train for Stranraer Starting from Euston Instead of St. Pancras, 356 Staff Changes, 211
- -- Steel and Jarrah Non-inflammable Timber, Projected Use of, for Passenger Cars, 390
- -- Track Circuits on London and North- Western Section, 390
- -- Turbine Steamer Order for the Clyde, 185
- -- Wolverton and Wagon Repair, 75
- - London and North-Eastern Railway :
- -- Coaling and Sanding Electric Automatic Plant for Locomotives at Doncaster, 437
- -- Eight Largest Locomotives to Test a Bridge, 613
- -- Falling Reserves, Trade Depression and Weak Partners, 159
- -- Hull and Barnsley's Springhead Works to Close and Locomotive Work to Concentrate at Darlington, 13, 237
- -- Locomotion No. I., 1825, and Locomotive: Flying Scotsman|Flying Scotsman]] Exhibited at York, 613
- -- Series of Appointments, 185, 669
- -- Sheffield Pullman to Sleep at Sheffield Instead of in London, 13
- -- Sir Ralph Wedgwood's Appeal for Coal Economy, 159
- -- Six-mile New Line and Nine New Bridges Required, 669
- -- Standardisation of Equipment Used by Men, 525
- -- Stockton and Darlington Railwaymen Still Living, Names Wanted, 641
- -- Terminal Changes Consequent on Grouping, 528
- -- Timber to be Replaced by Girder Bridge, 13
- - London to Peking in Sixteen Days, 669
- - London Underground Railway, Extension of Hampstead and Highgate Line from Hendon to Edgware, 158
- - Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway, New Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Shops at Perambur, 237
- - Melbourne Goods Yard of the Victorian Government, 105
- - Melbourne's New Railway Lines, 555
- - Metropolitan District Railway New Rolling Stock, 647
- - Metropolitan District Railway Time-saving by Faster Train Running, 265
- - Metropolitan Junction, London Bridge, Collision Resulting from Misread Signal, 351
- - Metropolitan Railway Bonus of 10 Per Cent, to Men of all Grades for Extra Work due to British Empire Exhibition, 39
- - Metropolitan Railway Rolling Stock, Lettering of Vehicles, 105
- - Ministry of Transport:
- -- Ashover Light Railway Extension, andc., Inquiry, 105 ; Ministry Order Made, 265
- -- Census of Railway Employees, 409
- -- Facing Points Distance from Signal-boxes, Ministry's Regulations, 495
- -- Kingston Down (near Calstock) Light Railway Order, 185
- -- Lancashire and Yorkshire Loop Line Order, Time Limit Extension Sought, 258
- -- Statistics for April, 1924, 133
- -- Statistics for June, Passenger and Freight, 211, 350, 381
- -- Statistics for July, 474
- -- Statistics for August, 697
- -- Statistics for September, 725
- - Mornington-crescent Station Reopened, 45
- - Motor-rail Cars on Country Railway Lines in Australia, Successful Running and Introduction to be Tried in New Zealand, 351
- -- Demands Placed in the Hands of the Railway Companies, 725
- -- Forty-eight Hours' Week ; Washington Convention Resolution, 75
- -- Nationalisation of Railways, 75
- - Netherlands East Indies, New Electrification Schemes, 669
- - New South Wales, Proposed Railway Extension and Electrification, 105
- - New South Wales Railways, Report by Sir Sam Fay and Sir Vincent Raven, 437
- - New Zealand, Projected Railway Improvement Scheme, 409
- - New Zealand Railways' Inquiry About to be Made, 265
- - Nidd Valley Light Railway, Proposed Electrification Economically Impracticable, 669
- - Night Expresses to Scotland, Recent Addition, 105
- - Nord-Sud Trains in Paris, Loud Speakers Installed to Announce Stations, 105
- - North-South Transcontinental Railway, Australian Opinion Divided, 75
- - North of Spain Railway Electrification, 585
- - Old Pneumatic Tube Railway, Projected Utilisation for Underground Trunk Telephone Cables, 525
- - One Man Tramcar, 578
- - Overcrowding in Long-distance Trains, 75
- - Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Line, Contemplated New Line Shortening Journey between Paris and Marseilles, 669
- - Passengers and Mileage in July, 465
- - Pietermaritzburg, First Electric Locomotive Leaves for Glencoe Junction, 295
- - Pilfering, Railway, Action by the Men's Unions, 233
- - Polish Rail wav Schemes, Large Electrical, 211
- - Post Office Tube Railway, Orders, 479
- - Power Signalling Apparatus and Tracks Alterations, Central Argentine Railway, Buenos Aires, 725
- - Rail Car for Paris Suburban Line, New Arrangement of Machinery, 437
- - Railroad Priority in America, 555
- - Railway Bills Deposited for Next Session by Various Lines, 641
- - Railway Centenary in September, 1925, Railway Companies' Association's Invitation to International Railway Congress, 13, 237
- - Railway Material Exports Statistics, 56, 236, 295, 437, 525, 669
- - Railwaymen in New Parliament, List of Names, 525
- - Railwaymen's Unions, Size and Wealth, 45
- - Railwaymen's Wages, 465
- - Railway Rates Tribunal, Standard Charges Question, 13, 185
- - Railway Returns for 1923, 189
- - Railway Servants Rating Figures, 45
- - Rolling Stock, British Railway, Analysis for 1923, 555
- - Rope-hauled Trains and the Regulations, 465
- - Santander and Calatayud, Railway Projected Between, 45
- - Seven Electric Locomotives, New Type, Ordered in America, 585
- - Shanghai-Nanking Railway, Increase in Passengers, 585
- - Shortened Funnels for Running on the North British System, 725
- - Shunting, Gravitational, German and American Devices, 665
- - Signal and Telegraph Branch of the Victorian Government Railways, 613
- - Signalling, Three-position, 724
- - Signalmen's New Union, 105
- - South Africa Rolling Stock Order to Go Abroad, 193
- - South Africa, Union of, Minister of Railways Commission on Railway Workshops Question, 465
- - South Africa, Union of, Over 400 Miles of New Lines to be Opened Shortly, 295
- - South Australian Government Proposes Electrification in Adelaide Area, 351
- - Southern Railway :
- -- Basingstoke and Alton Branch Line Reopened, 185
- -- Brighton Section Electrification Progress ; also South-Eastern from Victoria to Orpington, 585
- -- Brighton Section Vehicles Fitted with Vacuum Brake, 437
- -- Cross-Channel Steamer, Company's New, 585
- -- Eastbourne Complaints and Company's Promise, 585
- -- Route of Trains from Waterloo to Portsmouth, 13
- -- Sir Herbert Walker on Work of Staff and on Improved Revenue, 169
- -- Ventnor, Projected Funicular Railway, 585
- - Spanish New Railway Policy, New Rolling Stock Orders, 495
- - Spanish Railway Electrification, Tenders Called for, 295
- - Steam and Electric Trains in Manchester Area, Comparison in Timing, 323
- - Strikes and Government's Powers, 13
- - Suggested Land Purchase for Stone Quarry Extension, 669
- - Summer Train Services, 75
- - Sunderland Docks, Projected Railway Sidings Adjoining, 725
- - Sunderland Replaces Tramways by Motor Omnibuses, 465
- - Sweden, North, Rapid Railway Development, 295
- - Swedish State Railways' Budget Demands, 351
- - Swiss Federal Railways Prohibit the Use of Gas-lighted Vehicles, 211
- - Swiss Railway Electrification, Locomotive Mechanical Parts, 17
- - Tasmanian Railways' New Appointment, 159
- - Tattenham Corner Signal-box Completely Destroyed by Fire, 105
- - Timber Railway Viaducts Disappearing, 613
- - Toronto, Railway Viaduct and Union Termini Completion Projected, 101
- - Toronto's Street Railway System, 706
- - Trackless Trams on Rotherham System, 697
- - Traffic Receipts of Four Grouped Companies, Decrease Due to Strikes, 45
- - Trams, Electric, Proposed Substitution of Trolley Omnibuses 697
- - Tube Railways, Doors of New Rolling Stock, 133
- - Tubes, Suggested New, but Unprofitable, 725
- - Turbo-condensing Locomotive's Record Journey, 159
- - United States Defective Percentage of Rolling Stock and Violations of Safety Appliance Acts, 351
- - United States Representation at the International Railway Congress, 555
- - Victoria Railways, Proposed Change of Sites for Certain Works, 725
- - Wagons, Railway-owned, Annual Reports, 525
- - War-time Railways by British Engineers in France, Order for Preservation for Public Use, 437
- - Watford New Line, Remodelling of Station Yard of Metropolitan and London and North-Eastern Joint Railways, 495
- - Welsh Highland Railway and Passenger Traffic, 677
- - West Hartlepool Light Railways Orders, 697
- - West Somerset Mineral Railway Sold by Auction, 185
- - Wireless Telegraphy, Experiments in its Applications to Railways, 45
- - Woolwich Locomotives, Twenty Sold to Southern Railway, 465
- RAND Record for Shaft-sinking, 555
- Remington Typewriter Company Starting Plant in Toronto, 697
- Resin from Oporto, Crude Distillation Methods, 265
- Rhodesia, Mulungushi Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 585
- Rhodesian Museum, Bulawayo, Government Grant for Geologist, 585
- Rio de Janeiro Docks Improvement, Further Contracts for, 159
- Road Congestion at Westminster, 495
- Road Surfaces, Complaints of Slipperiness and Investigation, 295
- Roads Bill, New, Introduced, 105
- Roads in Quebec, Steady Improvement Reported, 237
- Roumanian Market for British Goods, 13
- Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Amalgamation of Departments, 62
- Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Electrical Engineering Equipment, 363
- Rubber Latex, Results of Tests on, 265
- Rubber in Liquid Form, Increased Shipments of, to America, 409
- Russian Geological Committee Reports Coal Discoveries in Petchora Region, 697
- Russia's First Steam Turbine Since the Revolution, 13
- ST. LAWRENCE Waterways Project, Proposed Treaty between Canada and United States, 295
- Sandalwood Oil Refineries at Bangalore and Mysore City, Prosperous Pioneer Industry, 211
- San Francisco, Projected Water Front Extension, 295
- Santa Fe, Reported New Dock Project at, 555
- Sault St. Marie, Combined Traffic in Various Canal Systems at, 409
- Scholarship, Entrance, University College, 220
- Scholarships, "D. B. Morison" Engineering Apprentice, 449
- Scholarships in Engineering, Awards by "Beama," 600
- Scholarships, "Mavor and Coulson" Travelling Post-graduate, 449
- Screws, Drive, Parker Hardened, Charles Churchill and Co., Limited, 62
- Severn Barrage Scheme, Private Report, 75
- Sewage Pump, Electrically Driven, for Calcutta, Tenders Invited, 641
- Shanghai Automatic Telephones on Trial in View of Further Installations, 323
- Sheffield's Unemployment Relief, Projected Expenditure, 351
- - Allentown, 8000-Ton Tanker, Conversion from Steam to Diesel-electric Propulsion, 159
- - Anchor Liner Ordered for Indian Service, 185
- - Australia's Two New Cruisers, Plans for Floating Dock and Building Cruisers in England, 133 ; Tenders to be Called for from England and Australia, 295, 381
- - British Submarine's Record Voyage, 185
- - Cable Ship, New, The Cable, for Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, 495
- - Clyde Tonnage Launched in August, and for Eight Months of Current Year, 265
- - Cruiser, New, Keel Laid, Vickers Limited, 464
- - Cruisers, First of the Five New, Started, 409
- - Cunard Liner Franconia's Mishap, 133
- - Egremont Castle, Successful Salving of, After Fire and Explosion, 45
- - Electric Passenger Ship, Reputed Largest in the World, Under Construction, 105, 159
- - Gyro-compass Position on New Canadian Pacific Steamers, 465
- - H.M.S. Lion Broken Up, 555
- - Isle of Wight, Motor Lifeboat for, 542
- - Itchen, Ship and Yacht Building Yard at, 127
- - Largest Turbine-electrically Propelled Seagoing Liner, Projected Construction, 105, 159
- - Laurentic's Gold Salving Progress, 237
- - Mauretania's Record Speed, 75
- - Mauretania's Speed Record Beaten by Herself, 211
- - Notable Ship Reconstruction by Swedish Company, 323
- - Oil Tanker for New Zealand, 381
- - Orient Liner Oronsay Fitted with Duct Keel, 237
- - Rio Dorado's Construction, Exceptional, Details, 13
- - Scapa Flow Sunken German Vessels, Progress of Salving, 237, 265, 295, 381, 437
- - Steam Trawler Fatal Accident Due to Stop Valve Failure, 555
- - Submarine L 53 to be Commissioned for Service, 669
- - Tees Much Increased Shipbuilding, 725
- - Thames Proposed Passenger Fleet, Sir George Hulme's Views, 323
- - Thornycroft Motor Boat, 551
- - United States Naval Programme for Ships and Aircraft, 613
- - White Star Liner Arabic, Change of Service, 133
- - Wooden War-time Ships, American, to be Burnt at Sea, 351
- - Yarrow's Designs for Dutch Destroyers Accepted, 265
- SISAL Hemp Production in the Empire, 21
- Slag Sand Used for Concrete, 409
- Smoke Abatement Bill Deferred, 6 9
- Societies--see Associations
- Standards--see British
- Steam Pipe, Copper, Fatal Failure of, 211
- Steam Retort for Experimental Purposes, New Features, 323
- Steam Turbines, Proposed Maximum Sizes, 75
- Storage Dams on Quebec Rivers, Plans now under Review, 105
- Subsidy Type Light Lorries, War Department Specification, 89
- Subsoil Water Rising, Preventive Means, 697
- Subway in Brussels, Surveys Started for, 525
- Sugar Mill, Large, for Jamaica, Duncan Stewart and Co., 347
- Sugar and Motor Spirit Factory in Mysore, 697
- Sulphur Content of Organic Substances, Method of Estimation of, 45
- Sulphur Production Increase in Japan, 10
- Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids, Commercial, Simultaneous Production of. Differing Processes Suggested, 265
- Sweden's Hydro-electric Power but Continued Need for Fuel, 133
- Swedish Immense Hydro-electric Resources, Possibilities of Much Increased Use, 495
- Swedish Telegraphs and Broadcasting, 237
- Sydney, Two Automatic Telephone Exchanges for, 105
- TANGANYIKA Mines, Copper Production, Great Expectations, 409
- Tasmanian Proposed Canal at Ralph's Bay Neck, 75
- Telegram Despatch from Unattended Public Call Boxes in Birmingham, 265
- Telephone Exchange, Automatic, for Berne, 185
- Telephone Exchanges under Construction and Projected, 295
- Telephone Exchanges in India, Statistics of, 185
- Telephone Subscribers in Paris, Administration's Lesson in Patience, 159
- Telephones in Durban, Conversion to Automatic Working, 159
- Telephones in Italy, Cession to Private Industry, 381
- Terrestrial Magnetism Department of the Carnegie Institution, Washington, Report of Work Done, 53
- Testing Work by United States Bureau of Standards, 237
- Thames Longitudinal Bridge Scheme Rejected, 669
- Thames-Severn Canal, Projected Abandonment, 75
- Tibet Seeks Engineering Instruction from England, 237
- Tinfoil Manufacture in Chekiang, China, 465
- Tokyo, Projected Construction of Subways, 265
- Town Hall, New, for Nottingham, 641
- Train Ferry at Grafton, Clarence River, New South Wales, 641
- Train Ferry Service Between Harwich and Zeebrugge, Question of Winter Service, 133
- Tramway from Southend to Eltham, Proposed to Apply for Authority for Construction, 133
- Trelleborg, Sweden, Harbour Extension, 613
- Tunnel, Pedestrian, Under the Liffey, 13
- Tunnel, Shandaken, for New York Water Supply, Longest in the World and Quickest Excavated, 265
- Turbine, Critical Vibrations and Speeds, 351
- ULTRA-VIOLET Rays Effect on Polished Metal, 211
- Unemployment, Great Increase in, 133
- United States Company's Loan for Buenos Aires Rebuilding and Development, 237
- United States Metal Mining Industry Statistics, 669
- University College Entrance Scholarship, 220
- VALVES, Steam or Water, Controlled by Electric Motors, 75
- Vancouver, Port of, Shipping in and out of, Statistics, 45
- Ventilating Fan for Gold Mines, South Africa, Largest in the World, 613
- Vermilion Manufacture and Trade in Hong Kong, 295
- Victoria Quay, Fremantle, W.A., Construction of, 327
- WAGON and other Wheels, Gears, andc., Constructed by Stroh Process, 75
- War Department Subsidy Type Light Lorries ; Scheme, Enrolment of Vehicles, 185
- Water Gauges for Marine Boiler Testing, Causes of Rise and Fall of Water in the Glass, 437
- - Edmonton Supply from Pigeon Lake, 45
- - Lead Mine Furnishes Pure Water Supply, 525
- - New South Wales Water Supply Scheme, 613
- - New York Water Supply, New Tunnel of Record Length and Speed in Excavation. 265
- - New Zealand, Proposals for Auckland Water Supply, 495
- - Pumping Station Below Ground Level to Increase Water Supply in Chicago, 409
- - Rand Water Board's Supply Scheme, 13
- - South Africa's Various Schemes for Water Supply, 697
- - Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Company's Undertaking Sold, 13
- - Surface Water Supply of Canada, 380
- - Vernon Hooper Dam for Durban Water Supply, 45
- WATER SUPPLY (continued) :
- - Victorian Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Great Storage Increase. 697
- - Worthing Proposes New Waterworks. 669
- WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion, Comparison of American and British-made Tubes, 641
- Water-tube Boiler Explosion, Report, 697
- Water Wheel Used Since 1847 Replaced by Turbine, 725
- Waygood-Otis Club, Annual Sports, 89
- Weathering Properties of Building Stone, Tests and Results, 185
- Well Sinking in China, Government Rewards Offered for, 555
- Wembley Excursion from Prescot, Lancashire, 421
- Western Australia, Mining Statistics of, 492
- Westminster Bridge Deflection, Experiments, 211
- Wharf to be Constructed Beside Cannonstreet Station, 351
- - Aerials and Lightning, Earthing Precautions, 237
- - Amateur Experimental Work, Need for Guidance, 185
- - Amplification of Received Wireless Signals, 245
- - Bombay, Butcher Island, Projected Direction Finder Installation for Ships, 555
- - British Broadcasting Company's Chelmsford Station Heard on a Crystal at Algiers, 185
- - Broadcasting in England and America Compared, 555
- - Broadcasting at Sea, Specially Designed Apparatus for, 465
- - Crystal Set Experiments, Parts of Human Body Possible to Replace Crystal, 159
- - Farmer's Home-made Wireless and an Electric Power Company, New Point in Law, 495
- - Greece, Wireless Telephony in, 465
- - High-tension Wireless Batteries, Hart Accumulator Company, Limited, 194
- - Johannesburg, Tests from New Broadcasting Station, 159
- - Lectures on Radio Telephony and Broadcasting, 465
- - Life-saving in Mines, Experiments in Progress, 133
- - Lighthouses, British Wireless Transmitting Apparatus for, 323
- - Marconi, Senatore, Return to London After Development of New Beam System, 525
- - Peking and Tientsin, Tientsin and Shanghai, German Wish to Install Wireless Telephones Between, 437
- - Post Office and Radio Society of Great Britain, Difference of Opinion, 495
- - Post and Telegraph Department, South Africa, Rapid Growth of Telephones and Broadcasting, 613
- - Radio Bearings of Transmitting Stations, Observations of, 641
- - Radio Club for Poland. The First to be Founded, 641
- - Radio-telephonic Communication for Mersey Lightships, 725
- - Radio Transmission Important Results, Claimed from New Development, Dr. J. H. Hammond, jun.. 133
- - Railways and Wireless, Experiments, 45
- - Regeneration by Inductive Feedback. C. B. Jollife and Miss J. A. Rodman. 245
- - Seven Big Wireless Stations for Great Britain and the Continent for Direction of Aircraft Navigation, Reported Scheme for. 295
- - Ships' Lifeboats' Wireless Set, Successful Tests off Melbourne, 409
- - Transmitter Experiments Between Vienna and British Broadcasting Stations. 13
- - Wireless Frame Aerial, Reputed Largest in the World. Erected in Aldwych for United States Shipping Board, 75
- - Wireless Installation, Very Effective, for New Zeppelin, 159
- WOOD Distillation in India, Modern Plant, 566
- Wood Distillation Plant of Ford Motor Company, 613
- Wood Pulp Industry, Large, for North-West Tasmania, 323
- Wreckage Two and Half Centuries Old Dredged Up, 409
- X-RAYS in Industry, J. F. Driver, 381
- YALU Timber Company, New Mill Projected, 13
- Yokohama Harbour, Further Enlargement Projected, 75
- ZINC Mine in British Columbia, Said to be World's Largest, 641
See Also
Sources of Information