The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Index
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- ABERDEEN University Engineering Department, Construction and Equipment, 299
- Acid Tanks, Ingredients Used in Coating Interiors, 625
- - Aerial Surveys in Canada, 133
- - Aerodrome with Aviation School for Capital of Shansi Province, China, 709
- - Air Service Proposed between Kisumu, on Lake Victoria Nyanza and Khartum, 435
- - Airship Service to India, Base at Ismailia, 105
- - Aviation : Its Commercial Value by Timesaving, 299
- - Flying Boat for Mr. H. Vanderbilt, 681
- - Light Planes, Design of, and Engine Limits,
- - Recorders for Aeroplanes, British and American Practice, 489
- - Royal Air Force Display, 473
- - Scholarship and Prize Awards by Air Ministry, 215
- - Seaplanes for Dutch Government, Napier Lion Engines, 105
- - Six and a-Half Days' Airship Service between England and New Zealand, Commander Burney's View, 489
- - Sweden, Manufacture of Aeroplanes in, 47
- - Two New Air Routes between Belfast and Great Britain, 133
- - Two Problems in Aeroplane Design, 299
- - United States Naval Seaplane Flight, Endurance Record, 517
- - Wright Aeroplane to Remain at Washington, 653
- ALBERTA Main Highways Rapid Increase, 133
- All-metal Roofs and Immunity from Lightning, 47
- Alloy of Copper and Silicon, Resistance to Corrosion, 407
- Alloys, Pyrophoric, Production of, Dr. M. F. Bugden, 47
- Alluvial Platinum Fields Worked by Dredging, 461
- Aluminium Alloys, Two New, 573
- Aluminium Obtained by Hoope Electrolvtical Process, 625
- Aluminium as Protection of Metals Against High Temperature, 517
- American Lead Pencils, 381
- Ammonia, Synthetic, Plant for Manufacture by Claude Process, 161
- Antimony and Bismuth, Imperial Institute Monographs, 189
- Apprentices, Scholarships for, 523
- Arsenic Output in Southern Rhodesia, 461
- Asphalt Discovery in Manitoba, 133
- -- Annual Meeting, Date and Presidents, 585
- -- Fluxes, Need for Scientific Examination and Price Reduction, Professor Darling, 133
- -- New Process for Mild Stainless Steel Production, H. S. Primrose, 15
- -- North of England Branch :
- -- Pole-mounted Outdoor Sub-stations, A. Bannister, 327
- -- Three Lectures, Miss M. Partridge, 309
- -- Annual Meeting and Dinner, 145, 447 ; Programme, 447
- -- Autumn Meeting, 145
- -- Fuel Economy, E. W. L. Nicol, 299
- -- Student Graduate Examination Passes, 143
- -- Journal of Institute, Lectures and Papers, 169
- -- Numerous Elections of Members and Students, 47
- -- Annual General Meeting, Annual Report Elections of Officers, 625
- -- President and Vice-presidents Elected, 105
- -- Annual Meeting at Leeds, 595
- -- Industrial Water Supply and Stream Pollution, Symposium on, 595
- -- Library Being Formed for the Institution, 685
- -- Annual General Meeting, Election of Council, 585
- -- Awards for Papers, 529
- -- Association of London Students :
- -- Forty-fourth Annual Dinner, 365
- -- Annual Dinner, 227
- -- Awards of Premiums for Papers, 557
- -- Awards of Students' Premiums, 696
- -- Engraved Plate for Production of Presidential Certificate, Present from Institution of Gas Engineers, 133
- -- Examination for Associate Membership, 69, 256
- -- Faraday Medal Award, 145; and Presentation, 309, 353
- -- International Conference on Extra High- tension Supply Systems, 327
- -- Model Form of General Conditions of Contract (Export), 724
- -- Permanent Magnets in Theory and Practice, S. Evershed, 309
- -- War Memorial Book, 501
- -- Election of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and also of the Lord Mayor of Manchester as Honorary Members, 227
- -- Summer Meetings, 696 ; Programme, 696
- -- Acceleration of Work, Speed versus Haste, Dr. Russell, 215
- -- Annual Dinner, 541
- -- North-Western Branch :
- -- Annual Dinner, 365
- -- Scholarship in Mining, Mavor and Coulson, Award, 337
- -- Awards of Medal, Premium and Prizes, 473
- -- Annual Meetings, Annual Dinner, Offers of Medal and Premium for Papers, 170
- -- Awards of Gold Medal and Premium, 155
- -- Limiting Possibilities in Steam Plants, Professors A. L. Mellanby and William Kerr, 327
- -- Election of President and Vice-presidents, 221
- -- Annual Meeting, Reports, Election of Officers, 532
- -- Benzene Centenary Celebration, "Faraday as a Chemist," 668
- -- General Meetings and Elections, 170, 283, 447, 557, 668
- -- Programme of Lectures, 557
- -- Sir Humphry Davy's Letters, Valuable Gift to Association, Legacy, 447
- -- Formation of Sectional Committees of the Science Committee, 227
- -- Officers and Council for Session, 668
- -- Birmingham and Midland Section :
- -- Iron in Antiquity, by Dr. J. Newton Friend, 215
- -- London Section :
- -- Tar Distillation, Breaking-up Pitch by Novel Method, C. O. Condrup, 215
- -- General Discussion at Oxford, Photochemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 693
- -- Meeting, Symposium and Discussion,
- -- Physical Chemistry of Steel-making Processes, 579
- -- Fothergill Prize for Essay, 557
- -- Joint Meeting :
- -- Non-stop Flight to the Netherlands East Indies, Mr. T. a Thuessink van der Hoop, 517
- ATALANTA, Ltd., Works Run Entirely by Women, 681
- Atmospheric Conditions, Effect on Workers, Experiments, 269
- Australian Eucalyptus Timber and Paper Manufacture, 681
- Australia s Deficiency in Underground Water, Fresh and Salt Water from Neighbouring Bores, 545
- Automobile Club, The Royal, Demonstration of Anti-dazzle Headlamps and Devices, 215
- BEET Sugar Factory at Wellington, Farmers' Undertaking to Grow Beet, 489
- Beet Sugar Factory near Yeovil to Work on Next Year's Crop, 133
- Beet Sugar Factories, Estimated Cost and Proportion Expended in this Country, 709
- Beet Sugar Filtered with Bone Charcoal, No such Plant yet Available in Britain, 133
- Belfast Association of Engineers, 554
- Bell, 10 Tons in Weight, Fourth Largest in the Country, at Bristol University, 461
- Bentonite, Canadian, for Soap-making, 381
- Bentonite Used in Wet Grinding of Asphalt, 77
- Bideford Fourteenth Century Bridge Reopened, 653
- Bihar and Orissa, Attempt to Force Back River to its Old Channel, 407
- Birmingham Fire Brigade New Equipment for Emergencies affecting Breathing, 15
- Birmingham to the Sea Canal Scheme, Parliamentary Assistance Question, 653
- Birmingham University Establishing School of Sugar, 133
- Birmingham University New Buildings, 77
- Black Country Reminiscences, Duncan J. Shedden, 353
- Black Country Waste Dumps, Proposals for Utilisation, 133
- Boiler Accident, Unusual, on Dredger, 545
- Boiler Ashes in a Wet State, Test of Water Consumed in Handling, 161
- Boiler Explosion, Cause of Failure, 77
- Boiler Explosion and Danger of Replacing Rivets by Bolts, 545
- Boiler Explosion, Formal Investigation, 709
- Boiler Water Gauges, Board of Trade Notice, 299
- Bomb, Live German, Retrieved from Thames Mud at Waterloo Bridge, 573
- Brassfounders in China, Their Poor Pay, 709
- Brick Walls, Relative Strength Tests with Different Mortars, 407
- Bridge at Boothferry Over the Ouse, Cost of, 133
- Bridge-building Rivets, Unsatisfactory, and the Remedy, 469
- Bridge to Connect Montreal with South Shore, 573
- Bridge, Damoodar River, near Telmucho, Opened for Traffic, 77
- Bridge, Highway, Over Copenhagen Harbour, 335
- Bridge, New, Over the Derwent at Baslow Opened, 545
- Bridge Over the Dee at Queensferry, 105
- Bridge Over the Hudson at Castleton, New York, 545
- Bridge Over the White Nile at Khartum, 1 89
- Bridge Renewal at Hampton Court, 653
- Bridge Replacement at Sunderland, 189
- Bridges, Two, to Connect Staten Island with New Jersey, 47
- Brighton Sewers Board Loan, 573
- Brinell Hardness Numbers, Table of, 309
- British Chemical Standards, Non-ferrous Standard Samples, 614
- British Columbia, Second Narrows of Burrard Inlet, Road and Railway Bridge under Construction for, 435
- B.E.A.M.A. Scholarships, 567
- British Embassy at Tokyo to Replace that Damaged by Earthquake, 599
- - Building Materials, Sectional Committee and Sub-committees to be Appointed, 240
- - Election of Officers and Members, 573
- - Standard Specifications:
- -- Bus-bars and Connections, 473, 681
- -- Marine Flanges, 61
- -- Non-ferrous Locomotive Material, Revision of Specifications for, 309
- - Birmingham Branch :
- -- Pyrometric Control of Annealing Temperatures, D. Wilkinson, 104
- - Lancashire Branch :
- -- John Wilkinson Medal Examination, 468
- - Sheffield and District and East Midland Branches:
- -- Visit to Yorkshire Ironworks, 337
- Broadcasting--see Wireless
- Building Material, "Celotex" Manufactured from Sugar Cane Residue, 47
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 473
- CABLE Ploughing Tackle, British versus German in France, 133
- Cables, Four New Rapid-transmission Trans¬oceanic, Projected, 599
- Calcutta Canal Bridges Replacement to Carry Heavier Traffic, 407
- Cambridge University Engineering Depart¬ment, Conversazione, 360
- Canada, Proposed Hydro-electric Power Plant, 435
- Canada, Water Power Resources of, 240
- Canadian Roads and Federal Aid System, 407
- Carbide Lamps or Candles Underground, Carbon Dioxide Dangers, 407
- Carbon Black Manufacture from Oils by Electrical Process, 133
- Carillon, Largest in the World, 517
- Cars, Pleasure and Commercial, Increased Export from the United States, 269
- Catalogues for Palestine, 611
- Causeway to Cost 12 Million Dollars near New Orleans, 189
- Cauvery Dam (Krishnarajasagara), Grant from Mysore Government, 241
- Cauvery Dam, Revised Estimates for Works Sanctioned, 545
- Cement Factory to be Built near Cambridge, 299
- Cement Factory Erection at Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 77
- Cement Factory near Northfleet, Proposed Largest in the Country, 201, 241
- Central Heating Experiments in Berlin, 241
- Central Heating for Institutional Buildings in Canada, 133
- Chefoo Harbour All-steel Cargo Sheds, 517
- Chemical Works on the Tyne, Projected, 105
- Chicago's Abstraction of Water from Great Lakes, Loss Entailed, 299
- Chilean Government Bridge Construction Scheme, 551
- Chimney Collapse, Fatal, near Leipzig, 709
- Chimney, Reinforced Concrete, 300ft. High, in Australia, 189
- Chimney's Resistance to Demolition by Dynamite, 653
- China, Official Estimate of Population, 15
- China's Two Largest Zinc Mines, 625
- Chinese Cities, Widening of Streets, 327
- - Accidental Coal Discovery at Ilkeston, 105
- - Alberta's Coal Production, 327
- - Anthracite Coal, Excellent Seam Struck in New Glanamman Colliery, 381
- - Argada Colliery, First Opened on Karanpura Coalfield, India, 687
- - Bengal Coal Quality and Quantity, Increasing Importations, 15
- - Bentley Colliery Starting New Seam Below Barnsley Bed, 133
- - Blyth, New Coaling Staithes Equipment, 435
- - Boring Operations at Sutton, South of Doncaster, 299
- - British India Coal Output Statistics, 161
- - Brodsworth Colliery, New Third Shaft Working, 189
- - Carboscope for Estimation of Ash Content in Coal, 15
- - China, Coal Seam Discovery Near Suiyuan, 709
- - Coal Dust in Mines, Methods of Control, 189
- - Coal Getting, The Best Method, Mavor and Coulson's View, 709
- - Coal-handling Plant at Port Sudan, 133
- - Coal Mine Fire Ended by a Year's Labour, 353
- - Coal in New South Wales, New Discoveries, 407
- - Coal Output of the United Kingdom in 1924,
- -- Steadily Diminishing Quantity, 189
- -- Output of Coal, Further Big Decrease, 709
- - Coatbridge Sewer Excavation and Coal Seam Discovery, 189
- - Coal Prospects at Winslow, Bucks., 681
- - Coal Shipping at Rapid Rate, 709
- - Coke Competition with View to Improving Gas Coke, 215, 573
- - Coke Production Recommended at Fernie, British Columbia, 381
- - Coke Samples Pulverisation, Various Methods, 461
- - Daily Output of Coal in Some Canadian Mines, 625
- - Discovery of Coal near Worksop, 545
- - Durban Navigation Collieries, New Coalbearing Ground Acquired, 381
- - Emergency Speed of Hoisting from Mines, 77
- - Garforth Colliery at Barnbow, Steady Progress with Construction, 105
- - German Coal Industry Crisis, 269
- - Kamasamndram, South India, Coal Discovery, 299
- - Kent Collieries, Suggested Deep-water Port for Shipping Coal, 133
- - Lamps for Coal Miners, Electric, Replacing Flame Lamps in America, 241
- - Low Temperature Carbonisation, Result of Coal Tests, 269
- -- Plant to Carbonise 1000 Tons of Coal Daily, 573
- - Mysore Government's Important Coal Discovery, 381, 573
- - New Pits and Colliery Villages Projected at Awkley and Micklebring, 461
- - Powdered Coal Objected to as being an Explosive, 653
- - Pulverised Coal-fired Boilers, Favourable Test Against Mechanical Stokers, 241
- - Richmond Main Colliery, Australia, Record Output, 15
- - Seven Lines Cable, New, to Link Up Yorkshire Collieries, 161
- - Ship Coaling Record in New South Wales, Harbour, 241
- - South African Coal,Output for March, 625
- - South Australian Government Investigating Possibilities of Utilising Brown Coal, 625
- - South Wales Coalfield, Support of Underground Workings, 105
- - Spitzbergen Coal Production, Anticipations for this Season's Output, 545
- - Stone Dusting in Coal Mines, Best Materials for, 189
- - United States Collieries, Fatality Rate Statistics, 15
- - Valuable New Seam of Coal in the Ere wash Valley, 105
- - Victorian State Coal Mine at Wonthaggi, Estimate of Coal Still in Mine, 625
- - Winslow, Possibility of Coal Mining Near, 517
- - World's Record for a Day's Coal Output, 161
- - World's Record Broken, 327
- - Yorkshire Collieries, Meeting Underground of Two Sets of Workers, 299
- "COALITE" as Motor Fuel Tested and Triumph over Imported Spirit, 353
- Cochin Harbour Development Loan, 189
- Commercial Developments in Europe, Ten Lectures at City of London College, 27
- Commercial Motor Vehicles Parade, Thorny- croft Successes, 435, 447
- Company Registered as Limited by Guarantee and Not Having a Capital, 517
- Compressed Air Explosions, 189
- Concrete Houses and .Cement Factory, 201
- Concrete Vessels Rendered Impervious to Acid by German Process, 77
- Consulting Engineers, Association of, Annual Dinner, 393
- Copper, Conductivity of Crystallised Form of, Compared with that of Pure Electrolytic Copper, 241
- Copper Discovery in Newfoundland, 15
- Copper Mines, Congo-Rhodesia Borderland, Predictions as to Value, 105
- Copper Ore Prospecting in Algeria, 15
- Copper Ores from the Belgian Congo, Electrolytic Treatment, 381
- Copper Output Increased from Katanga, Congo, 15
- Copper-Steel Alloy as Possible Non-corrosive Transmission Line Pole, 461
- Corrosion Institute in America, 517
- Corrosion, Nature and Prevention of, 117
- Corrosion Ravages, Effort to Check, by Formation of New American Institute, 489
- Crane, 80-Ton Floating, for Lyttleton, N.Z., Harbour Board, 545
- Creosoting Plant in Alberta, Output of, 47
- - Annual Dinner, 557
- Cyanide in Mysore, Electrical Plant for Production
- DAM, Experimental Arch, in Southern California, 625
- Dar-es-Salaam Wharf Facilities to be Improved, 15
- Death of Mr. W. W. Bradfield, 353
- Death of Professor Henry M. Lamb, 461
- Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., Staff Dinner, 473
- - Fuel Research Board :
- -- Technical Paper No. 10 Continues Report on Carbonisation of Coal, andc., 47
- -- Technical Paper No. 12, Heating of Rooms, 709
- -- Third Memorandum, 653
- Dictionaries, Illustrated Technical, British Office Opened for Schlomann--Oldenbourg Series, 230
- Distilling Plant for Treating Shale in Tasmania, 241
- Dock, New Graving, at Durban, 189
- Docks, Graving and Floating, at Vancouver Island, 545
- Doncaster Corporation Allotments for Numerous Schemes, 545
- Douglas Motor Cycle's Climbing Feat, 381
- Dredging Fleet on the St. Lawrence River, 681
- Drop-stamped Railway Wheels, 557
- Dry Dock, Large New Proposed, at Launceston, Tasmania, 77
- Duralumin, Die-stamping, H. A. Whiteley, 189
- Durban Harbour Entrance Improvement, Recommendations, 545
- Dust Removal in Briquetting Plants, Electrical Compared with Water Cleaning, 407
- Dust Removal from Potters' Shops, 573
- EBBW VALE Ironstone Mines, Reopening, 215
- - Alternating Currents in Sheathed Cables, Losses Involved in Distribution, 489
- - Automatic Rotary Converter Sub-station, Third Completed in Durban, 545
- - Berlin, Proposed New Electric Power Station, 681
- - Birmingham's Profit on Electric Supply, 653
- - Botany, N.S. Wales, Suggested as Site for New Power-house, 625
- - Buenos Aires Projected Big Electric Power Installation, 709
- - Cable between Vancouver and Fiji to be Doubled, 161
- - Canada, Big New Power Plant and Transmission Line to Winnipeg, 15
- - Canadian Montmorency Power Company, Projected 6000 H.P. Development, 407
- - Capetown, New Generating Station for, 625
- - Chinese Government, Shansi Province, to Erect Steam-electric Power Plants, 709
- - Darlington Electricity Undertaking, Output and Working Cost, 105
- - Earth Connection, American Method of Making, 241
- - Electrical Industry and Prices in Prussia, Poor Trade, 105
- - Electric Main Underground Haulage, 517
- - Electricity Production by Public Utility Power Plants in 1924, 709
- - Explosions in Electrical Conduits and Sodium Salt, 517
- - Farms' Need of Electric Power and Excessive Cost of Application, 545
- - Fireproofing Medium for Protection of Switchboard Wire, 625
- - Halifax and Huddersfield Electricity Undertakings, Linking-up Scheme Proposed, 435
- - Huddersfield and Halifax Corporation Power Plants, 461
- - Insulated Electric Wire, Flame-proofing by Selenium, 299
- - Insulating Varnish for Prevention of Flashovers, 489
- - International Conference in Paris, on Extra High-tension Systems, 327
- - Johannesburg Power Station Cooling Towers, 85
- - Measuring Tape and Live Circuits, Protective Apparatus, 161
- - Million-Volt Arc, 326
- - Motors, Large, for Rolling Mill Drive, 461
- - Mysore, Generation of Power from Gersoppa Falls, 15
- - New Electric Lighting Plant at Agra, 681
- - New York Edison Company's Projected 700,000-K.W. Generating Station, 625, 653
- - Plympton, Divided Opinion as to Erection of Power-house, 599
- - Power-house Extension at Bendigo, Victoria, 133
- - Power Line Interference with Radio Broadcast Reception, 241
- - Power Plant, Large, for Alaskan-Canadian Border, 435
- - Power Plants Used in Danish Agriculture, 686
- - Power Supply for Siddick Colliery, 517
- - Power Transmission, 100,000-Volt, to be Brought Across the Narrows, Puget Sound, 381
- - Prague and Kolin, Laying Long-distance Cable, 161
- - Rural Electrification in Michigan, 381
- - Shawinigan Company's Power Development on Batiscan River, Quebec, 77
- - Snake River, Idaho, Survey with View to Power Development, 381
- - South Africa and Electricity Supply, Interruptions by Lightning, 681
- - Steam-driven Large Power Station to Replace Tokyo Stations Destroyed by Earthquake, 269
- ELECTRICAL MATTERS {continued'):
- - Tafjord Power Development Scheme in Norway, 161
- - Traffic Control by Spot-lighting Apparatus, Experiment in Leicester, 435
- - Transformer Load, Device for Indicating, While in Motion, 545
- - Trichinopoly, Small Electrical Power Supply for, 133
- - Trolley Omnibuses to Supersede Electric Trams in Singapore, 105
- - Trucks, Electric, Charging Facilities for, 327
- - Tunnel under Ben Nevis to Carry Water for New Power-house, 269
- - Turbo-alternator, 5000-K.W., Metropolitan- Vickers, for Durban, 681
- - Turbo-generator, 7500-K.W. Set for Wolverhampton, 489
- - Walsall Electric Supply, Charges Reduced in Consequence of Low Cost, 299
- - Warwick Electricity for Coventry, 133
- - Water-tube Boilers, Vickers-Spearing, for Bloemfontein Power Station, 407
- - West Bromwich Electricity Department, New Showrooms and Stores, 461
- - Worksop Electric Power Plant Extension, 653
- - Yellow River Power Development Scheme, 709
- Engine, Double-acting Marine Oil, Largest Built in Great Britain, 461
- Engineering Standards—see British
- Engineers in Canada, Overcrowded and Inexperienced Profession, 241
- Engineers and Chemists, Status of, 89
- Esquimalt Dry Dock, 447
- - Augsburg, Germany, Historical Model Exhibition in Water Power and Pumping, 625
- - Basle, 1925 International Exhibition, 89
- - Basle, 1926 International Exhibition, 169
- - Birmingham and Midland Building and Allied Trades’ Exhibition, 517
- - Faraday’s Discovery of Benzene, Exhibition to Commemorate Centenary, 709
- - Grenoble, International Exhibition at, 461
- - Institute of Patentees, Third Exhibition, 112, 133
- - International Trade Exhibition at New Orleans, 573
- - Manchester Ironmongery Exhibition, 435
- - Marine and Small Craft Exhibition and Congress, 201
- - Model Railway Club Exhibition, 461
- - Radio Apparatus Exhibition at Zurich, 681
- - Radio Exhibition in Oslo, 653
- - Turin, National Exhibition of Chemistry, 293
- - Turning in Wood and Metal, Specimens, Thirty-eighth Exhibition, 461
- - Wembley Exhibition, Palace of Engineering, Housing, Display of Methods and Materials, Heating, Transport, 100 Years’ Progress, 215
- EXPLOSION, Unusual, of Tar Heater, 269
- Explosion, Very Unusual, of Steam Receiver, 77
- Explosion, Very Violent, in American Mine, Night Shift of Thirty-four Men Killed, 435
- Explosion of Water-tube Boiler, 653
- FACTORY near Melbourne to Produce 50 Tons, of Fibre Weekly from Bark, 105
- Failure of Hillside Reservoir in Ayshire, 461
- Faraday House, Annual Scholarship Examinations, 176, 447
- - Old Students' Association, Annual Smoking Concert, 440, 529
- - Scholarship and Prize Awards, 447
- Faraday Society--see Associations
- Faroe Islands, Seven New Harbours in Course of Construction, 189
- Fatalities Due to Carbon Monoxide from Want of Proper Care with Gas, 299
- Federation of British Industries and Others Ask Railway Companies for Reduction, 443
- Fighting Fogs and Smoke, 143
- Fire-fighting Appliances in Japan, 173
- Fire Float for Hong Kong Government, 435
- Fire Resistance of Concrete Columns, Tests of, 653
- Fish Canning Factory Suggested for Tasmania, 47
- Fish Escalator for Salmon and Trout Spawning, Experimental, 161
- Floating Islands, Four French, as Bases for Aerial Transport, 461
- Floors with Joists Embedded in Concrete, Great Superiority of, 133
- Floors Settlement Detection by Ingenious Device, 15
- Folkestone Harbour Steamboat Piers Roofed, 77
- Foochow Company's Projected Hydro-electric Power Plant on the Min River, 599
- Forest Planting in Victoria, 15
- Forging Machine Dies, Steel for, E. R. Frost, 189
- Frozen Meat for Spain, 105
- Fuel in Central Canada, Developing Coke Industry, 653
- Fuel Economies, Various Ways of Saving Coal, 599
- Fuel Research--see Department
- GAS Engine Breakdowns and Connecting-rod Bolts, 105
- Gas Used at Wembley, Enormous Amount, 709
- Gas versus Electrical Undertakings, Gas Shareholders' Troubles, 269
- Gas versus Electricity in Stepney, 709
- Genoa's Commercial Importance Rivalling that of Marseilles, 269
- Geological Museum Moved to Secure Safety in Foundations, 353
- German Machine Tool Convention Renewed, 353
- German Machinery Works, New, in China, 15 German Tube Trade Syndicate, 573
- Glasgow Technical College Benefactions, 241
- Glass Factory, Large New, in Pas-de-Calais, 269
- Glue "Pearls" Manufacture, 161
- Gold Mine, Regina, in Canada, Projected Reopening, 381
- Gold Mines, Cost of Winding Ore, 15
- Gold Production from Mercury, Experiments, 599
- Gold from Witwatersrand, Total Output, 299
- Grain Elevator, Another Million-bushel, for Canada, 517
- Grain-handling Wharves, Manchester Ship Canal, 100
- Grand Falls Project in New Brunswick, 545
- Grangemouth Six Dock Gates, Repaired and Replaced, 653
- Great Britain's One and a-half Men and Public Ownership, 140
- Great Lakes Water Levels, Serious Lowering, 625
- Great North Road Improvement, 133
- Greenock Harbour and Garvel Graving Dock, 15
- Gum Swamp Products, Projected Utilisation of, 327
- Gutta-percha Estate Development in Sumatra, 105
- HEAD Lamps, Motor Car, Reduced Size to Avoid Glare, 407
- Heating Paper Machine Rolls, Electric Steam Generators for, 659
- Helium-oxygen Mixtures and Decompression for Divers and other Workers, 299
- Holiday Pay Plan at Fort Dunlop, 189
- Holyhead Development as a Herring Port, 681
- Hungarian Customs Tariff on Imports,.47
- Huxley Lecture, Professor E. B. Poult on, Huxley Centenary Celebrations, 447
- Hydraulic Turbines of Niagara Falls Power Company, Accident to, 15
- Hydro-electric Development in Canada, 77
- Hydro-electric Plant, Novel Type, for China, 653
- Hydro-electric Plant, Reported Largest in South America, 653
- Hydro-electric Power, Control of Export, by Canadian Government, 709
- Hydro-electric Power in Ontario, Needed Expenditure for New Plant, 299
- ICE Cover to Protect from Ice, 161
- India and Millwall Docks Improvement, 517
- Indicating Instruments in Boiler-rooms, Method of Keeping them Clean, 215
- Institutes and Institutions--see Associations
- Insulating Material, "Poured-in-place-on-the-Job," 709
- Irish Free State Investigation of Question of Crude Alcohol Production for Power Purposes, 461
- - Blast-furnace About 1748, Halfpenny Token Portrait of Ironmaster, 77
- - Blast-furnace Output Affected by Shape of Hearth, 353
- - China, New Loan Required for Largest Ironworks, 599
- - Commercial Carbon and Alloy Steels, Temperature Changes, 299
- - Egryn Manganese Ore Mines near Barmouth Reopened, 47
- - Extrusion Process for Iron and Steel, R. Genders, 47
- - German Steel Works and Rolling Mills, Projected Erection in Bochum, 47
- - Hacksaw Blades and Tungsten Steel, 47
- - Heavy Cast Iron Fly-wheels Cut up by Acetylene Blow-pipe, 545
- - Iron in Antiquity, Dr. J. Newton Friend, 215
- - Iron Mines in Italy, War-time Feat, 327
- - Iron Trades Employers' Insurance Association, 573
- - Manganese Investigations in Banffshire, 681
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in December, 105
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in January, 215
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in February, 353
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in March, 489
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in April, 569
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in May, 681
- - New Zealand Customs Decision Regarding British Possessions Iron and Steel, 161
- - Ontario, Large Steel Works, but no Iron Ore Mining, 517
- - Pig Iron at Sabara, Brazil, Increased Output, 299
- - Polono-Upper Silesian Iron and Steel Cartell, 435
- - Record Blast-furnace Output at South Manchurian Works, 407
- - Record Rolling of Steel Rails in Canada, 521
- - Rhodesia as Leading Producer in the World of Chrome Iron Ore, 625
- - Seamless Hollow Steel Balls for Bearings, 133
- - South Africa, Large Percentage of Iron in Ore Deposits, 77
- - Sponge Iron Experiments by United States Bureau of Mines, 215
- - Sponge Iron Production in Utah, U.S.A., 517
- - Stainless Steel, Mild, New Process for Production, H. S. Primrose, 15
- - Steel Manufacturing Plant Transfer from Kobe to South Manchuria, 133
- - Steel Production Direct from Iron Ore, Two Experimental Methods, 215
- - Sydney Steel Plant, Nova Scotia, Record Output, 381
- - Tasmania, Electric Smelting of Iron and Steel, Company Formed for, 653
- - Welded Steel Pipe Factory Opened at Williamstown, Victoria, 133
- - Wellingborough Urban Council Reduces Royalties on Ironstone to Prevent Stoppage of Blast-furnaces, 709
- IRON AND STEEL (continued):
- - Working Stress for Structural Steel, American Engineer’s Recommendation, 189
- IRRIGATION Project in Malabar, 681
- Italy, and International Telephone Installations, 407
- JAPAN’S Synthetic Ammonia Capacity by Casale Process, 517
- Journal of the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, 419
- KHYBER, 19 Miles Ropeway to be Sold, 709
- Kovno, Russia, Tenders Invited for Locomotive Spare Parts, 599
- Krupps, Contradicted Report of Factory near Dublin, 599
- LAMP, Combination Oil and Safety, 327
- Lamps, Factory Turning Out 2000 Daily, 77
- Lantern Slides Illustrating Stothert and Pitt’s Cranes, Winches, Pumps, andc., for Loan, 249
- Lead Mines in Flintshire to be Reopened, 653
- Lead Mines of Upper Teesdale, New Company for Working, 599
- Leicester Street-cleansing Proposals, 379
- Leith Dock Extension, Government Assistance, 77
- Libraries, Special, and Information Bureaux, Financial Support for, 489
- Lift and Crane Makers’ Association, General Meeting, 256
- Lignite Carboniser, Hopeful Results Expected from its Use, 15
- Lignite Industry in Germany, Dust Removal in Briquetting Plants, 599
- Lime-burning and Slaking, 517
- Liquid Fuel, Investigation of New Method of Obtaining, 573
- Liquid Fuel and Scottish Shale Oil, Dr. C. H. Lander, 489
- Locomotive for Underground Haulage, Electric, Official Tests for, Prize Offered, 489
- L.C.C. and Lambeth Bridge Design, 599
- Lopulco Pulverised Fuel Plant, Largest in the Empire, 672
- Loughborough College, Annual Presentation Day, 585
- Low-temperature Carbonisation—-see Coal
- McGILL University, Montreal, Engineering Curriculum Improvement Sought, 599
- Machine Tool Trades' Association Dinner, 311
- Madras Harbour, New Shipping Berths, 77
- Magnesite, Cartel Formed of Works to Control 99 per Cent, of European Output, 299
- Magnesium Oxychloride for Binding Woody or Fibrous Material, Excels as Flooring and Very Inexpensive, 625
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, Seventieth Annual Report, 337
- Manganese--see Iron and Steel
- Marine Flanges--see British-Engineering
- Maw, Dr. W. H., Publication of Biography of, 489
- Metallic Sodium and Red Phosphorus, Projected Manufacture in Norway, 105
- Metric System Established in Netherlands East Indies, 262
- Middlesbrough's Application for Loan for Petrol-electric Trolley Vehicles, 381
- Mineral Deposits in Anatolia and Branch Line of the Baghdad Railway, 299
- Mines, Devices to Prevent Over-winding, W. L. Grassham, 435
- Mines Explosives, British, Tested by American Official Tests, 133
- Mines, Fire-damp and Electric Cutting in, Accident Prevention Suggestions, 386
- Mine Rescue Oxygen Breathing Apparatus, Training of Miners, 327
- Mint, Royal, Coinage Statistics, 47
- Monasite Sand Discovery in Tasmania, 133
- Montreal New Dry Dock Projected, 407
- Motor Car Importation into India, 653
- Motor Cycle Efficiency Due to Scientific Research, 353
- Motor Fuels, Problems of Supply, Professor J. S. S. Brame, 545
- Motor Manufacturers' and Traders' Society, Meeting and Elections, 721
- Motor Omnibus Popularity in Shanghai, 15
- Moving Three-storey House, 653
- NAILS, Holding Power of, Its Importance in Wood Construction, 241
- National Physical Laboratory and Weights Verification, 517
- National Screw Thread Commission (America), Report Revision, 545
- Natural Gas in Canada, Greatly Increased Value of Production, 113, 517
- Natural Gas Transmission Systems, Efficiency Investigation, 353
- Newcastle Quay, Additional Berths, 133
- New Caledonia Exports, 1924, 625
- Newfoundland Public Works, Reconditioning,
- New South Wales Increase in Factories and Plant, also in Value of Land and Buildings 564
- New South Wales, 25,000 H.P. Plant at Junction of Two Rivers, 215
- New South Wales, Proposed Floating Dock, 435
- New South Wales Water Conservation Schemes, 407
- New Zealand's Additional Irrigation Schemes, 545
- New Zealand, Arapuni Hydro-electric Scheme, 161
- Niagara River, Details of New Bridge Over, 607
- Nickel Welding, Possible in Certain Conditions, 77
- Nitro-glycerine the Only Suitable Explosive for Shooting Oil Wells, 15
- Nitro-glycerine, Possible Substitute for, 15
- Norton and Gregory Engineering Scholarships, 541
- Norway as Aluminium Producer, 381
- Norway, Carbide Factory Furnace for Cyanamide Manufacture, 517
- Nottingham's Projected New Bridge Over the Trent, 381
- OIL Burner Soot, Danger from Salts Content, 47
- Oil Cracking Plant at Baku, 517
- Oil Distillery at La Plata being Rapidly Completed, 709
- Oilfield Emulsions, Method Used for Dehydration, D. B. Dow, 681
- Oil-fired Boilers and Oil Temperature, 198
- Oil Found near Chittagong, 653
- Oil as Fuel, Disadvantages of Any Water Content, 573
- Oil Pipe Line, Acetylene Welded, Highly Successful on Test, 189
- Oil from Shale, Refineries to be Established at Shansi, China, 709
- Oil Shale, Valuable, Overlaying Colliery Main Seam in Manchuria, 15
- Oil Storage Plant at Toronto for Fuel Supply to Vessels on the Great Lakes, 133
- "Old Cromptonians" Association Dinner, 579
- Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission, New Power Development Scheme, 327
- Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission--see also St. Lawrence River
- Ontario Hydro-electric Scheme for Diverting Waters of the Albany River, 105
- Ontario Power Shortage Feared, Steam Plant Called for, 299
- Oyster Shells for Manufacture of Portland Cement, 15
- Oxy-acetylene Cut, Heat Effect of, 625
- PARKING Motor Cars Beneath Hyde Park Sydney, N.S.W., 57
- Patent Applications Decrease, 15
- Patent Rights Applications, 681
- Patentees, Institute of, Third Annual Exhibition, 112,133
- Petrol in Starting Gas Engines, Necessary Precautions in Use, 599
- Petroleum Production of Venezuela, 47
- Petroleum, World's Supply and its Waste, 327
- Photo-chemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 693
- Pile Deterioration, Unusual Case, 681
- Plantation Destruction, Midland Reafforesting Association Wound Up, 653
- Plaster on Metal Lath for Fire Protection of Structural Steel Work, 517
- Platinum and Allied Metals, British Empire and Foreign Countries, Production, 681
- Platinum Discovery in the Rustenburg District, South Africa, 299
- Platinum Reef Discovery in the Transvaal, 573
- Platinum Trust, Ural, Refining Works Progress and Expectations, 241
- Plumbago Trade of Ceylon and Madagascar, 327
- Portland Cement Production in New South Wales, 517
- Portuguese Chamber's Exemption of Certain Material from Customs Duty, 353
- Portuguese Colonies General Agency at Lisbon, 407
- Pressure, Horizontal, Effect of Experiments, 241
- Pulp and Paper Mill Projected near Quebec, 47
- Pupin, Dr. Michael I., Scientific Appointment, 161
- Pyrites Depdsit in Sweden, Probable Formation of Company to Work, 435
- QUEBEC Development Company, Hydroelectric Plant Starting Work, 77
- Quebec, Prize Award for New Bridge, 407
- Queensland Bridge Wrecked for the Third Time, 435
- RADIUM Research Laboratory in Washington,
- - Accidents :
- -- Accidents in 1924, Statistics, 77
- -- Bordeaux to Paris Express, Fatal Derailment, 381
- -- Broken Tire on an Express, 77
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at Glasgow, Severe, 133, 161, 517
- -- Canada, Train Accident Statistics, 1924, 461
- -- Charing Cross Loop Accident, Motorman Not to Blame, 489
- -- Collision of Engines After Bridge Testing, Goole and Selby Line, 352, 517
- -- Criterion of Safety, the Number of Accidents Rather than of Fatalities, 709
- -- Derailment at Lytham, Another Fatality, 105
- -- Derailments and Collisions Compared, 709
- -- Disastrous Derailment of Special Train near Rockport, U.S.A., 709
- -- Engine Equipment Failures, 189
- -- Fatal Accident from Broken Coupling, 483
- -- Fatal Derailment on Rhymney Section, Great Western Railway, 47, 407
- -- Fog Causes Death of Driver, 105
- - Accidents {continued):
- -- Goods Train Fatal Buffer Stop Collision at Luddendenfoot, 381
- -- Haymarket, Edinburgh, Accident Trial, Driver Acquitted, 161, 241
- -- Konisberg-Berlin Express Disaster, 545
- -- Letterkenny and Burtonport Railway, Owencarrow, Fatal Accident due to Wind, 161 ; Inquest Result, 189 ; Report, 333
- -- Light Engine Collision in a Fog, 105
- -- Passenger Train Wholly Derailed, 299
- -- Preston Station Fatal Accident Report, 241
- -- Previous Accidents Recalled, 573
- -- Prosecution for Attempted Entry of Train in Motion, 215
- -- Report on Collision at Cogan, Great Western Railway, 653
- -- Roof-repairing Accident, Fatal, at Manchester, Report on, 653
- -- Safety First and Accident Reductions, 215
- -- Train, Whole of, Leaves Rails at Lostock Junction, 47, 439
- -- Trains Overthrown by Gales, 215
- -- United States Accident Statistics, Comparatively Satisfactory Figures, 625
- -- Workman's Ticket, Accident Liability, 189
- - Algeria, New Railway, 327
- - Appointments and Staff Changes, 15, 77, 105, 133, 215, 224, 327, 339, 435, 545, 709
- - Arbitration, Compulsory, Decision Against; 189
- - Automatic Signalling, Economy of, 15
- - Automatic Signalling a Pronounced Success, H. A. Watson, 189
- - Automatic Train Control Apparatus, Organised Sales of, 105
- - Automatic Train Control, Difference of Opinion, 241
- - Ballycastle Railway Transference, 15
- - Barcelona and Electric Railways, Level Crossings and Street Railway Traffic Suppressed, 443
- - Belgian Congo Railway Electrification, 161
- - Board of Trade Requirements, New List, 265
- - Bolivar, Department of (Colombia), Central Railway Construction Projected, 381
- - Bombay Harbour Electrical Service Opened, G.I.P. Railway, 161, 189
- - Brazil, State of Sergipe, Embarking on Railway and Canal Construction, 77
- - Bridge, Memorial, Across the Hudson River, 105
- - Bridge, New, at Niagara Falls, Michigan Central Railway, 299
- - Canadian National Railways, Branch Line Construction from Macanik to Rouyn, 353, 517
- - Canadian National Railways, Branch Lines, 299
- - Canadian National Railways, List of New Lines Decided Upon, 599
- - Canadian National Railways' Report, 517
- - Canadian Pacific Railway, Lining Tunnel 5 Miles in Length, 517
- - Canadian Railways, Demand for Abolition of Costly Duplication, 545
- - Canal Legislation Not Contemplated, 435
- - Canals (Continuation of Charging Powers), Bill, 15
- - Capital and Revenue, Which Should Pay Cost of Betterment, 407
- - Cattle and Sheep Conveyance by Road and Railway, 517
- - Central London and City (South London) Railways, Completion of Bank Station Alterations, 573
- - Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Bankruptcy of, 381
- - China, Szepingkai-Taonan Railway, 77
- - Chinese Railway Extension in Honan Province, 709
- - City and South London Extension Sections, Accuracy of Measurements, 405
- - City and South London Railway, Pneumatically Opened Doors, 215
- - Clapham-Tooting Section of Morden Extension, Underground Company, 105
- - Code Words for Correspondence as well as Telegraphy on Certain Railways, 387
- - Coppernob Locomotive as Exhibit, 545
- - Cost of Living and Increased Pay for Railwaymen, 15
- - Cost of Some Railway Projects in and near London, 461
- - Death of Mr. J. E. Charnley, 241
- - Death of Mr. John Davies, 435
- - Death of Mr. James Holden, 625
- - Death of Mr. Logan McPherson, 435
- - Delaware and Hudson Railway Car Shops, Immunity from Accident to Employees, 407
- - Divisional or Departmental Railway Control, 581
- - Dukeries Proposed Railways, Great Opposition, 241, 299
- - Dutch Railways, Petrol-driven Motor Carriages for Certain Lines, 489
- - Ecuadorian Government, New Railway, 435
- - Egyptian State Railway Freight Wagons Order, 517
- - Egyptian State Railways Inviting Tenders for Steel Coaches and Bridge, 545, 625
- - Egyptian State Railways, New River Steamer Required, 407
- - Egyptian State Railways, Tenders Invited, 15
- - Egyptian State Railways, Tenders for 400 Goods Trucks Wanted, 299
- - Electric Locomotives, New Typo Becoming Popular in America, 625
- - Electric Tramway to Connect San Lorenzo and El Libano, Colombia, 105
- - Electrification of Railways, Doubtful Advantage of, 189
- - Engine Exchange between Two Railways for Testing Purposes, 407
- - Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Men's Misconceptions, 133
- - Freeland, Major-General Sir Harry, Retirement, 653
- - George Stephenson Locomotive of 1823 Sent to Take Part in Railway Centenary Celebrations, 681
- - German Railways' Administrative Board, Appointment, 625
- - German Railways and Competition with River Shipping Companies, 489
- - German Train Telephonic Service, 406
- - Glasgow Tramway Material from United States, 489
- - Goldfields Traffic in Canada, 353, 517
- - Government Surplus Locomotives Bought by Several Railways, 653
- - Great Western Railway :
- -- Agreement Arrangements with Regard to Reduction of Staff, 681
- -- Automatic Control System, 241
- -- Branch Lines, Non-paying and Possible Closing, 299
- -- Coal Trade, Export, Serious Effect of its Condition on the Railway, 704
- -- Electric Lighting on the Railway, 299
- -- Gross Receipts and Decreased Rates, Increased Wages Percentage of Expenditure, 269
- -- National Union of Railwaymen and Reduction of South Wales Staff, 545
- -- Oxley and Kingswinsford New Line Opened, 573
- -- Paddington - Plymouth Fast Afternoon Trains to be Restored, 214
- -- Safety First on the Great Western, 215
- -- Signals, Battery-operated, 600 Installed, 215
- -- Summer Train Service, Opening Antedated, 625
- -- Time-saving by Through Running of Engines, 105
- -- Torquay and Paignton Station Platforms, Arrangement, 215
- - Guard's Look-out Window on Passenger Trains, 278
- - Halwill-Torrington Railway Opening, 461
- - Headlamps of Locomotives and Road Vehicles, 407
- - Holyhead Inner Harbour Deepening Completed, 299
- - Indian Government Railway Department, Change in Bridge Rules, 77
- - Indian Railway Accident Statistics, 407
- - Indian Railway Budget, Proposed Capital Expenditure, 327
- - Irish Free State Railway Combination, 353
- - Ishover Light Railway Opened for Public Traffic, 435
- - Italian Railwaymenís Offering to British Railwaymen at Centenary Celebrations, 431
- - Jubilee of Newark Brake Trials, 625
- - Khyber Railway, India, Construction and Progress, 573
- - Labour Leaders' Joint Conference, Agreement Doubtful, Mr. J. H. Thomas' Views, 653
- - Listowel Mono-railway, Dismantling, 105
- - Locomotive Manufacturers' Association, Condition of Industry Pronounced Desperate, 681
- - Locomotives, Cluj, 122
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- -- Appointment of President, 517
- -- Closed Stations, Demand for Reopening, 133
- -- Coal Tips at Garston Docks, Increase of Capacity, 545
- -- Cranes, Two 50-Ton Overhead Travelling, for Horwich Ordered, 77
- -- Crewe Locomotive Works, Important Alterations and Additions, 381
- -- Derby and Wolverton Works, Rapid Work in Assembling Rolling Stock, 269
- -- Electrification Schemes, New Department, 327
- -- Engines and Rolling Stock Ordered from Five Firms, 77
- -- Euston to Glasgow Night Express Divided to Travel to Different Stations, 681
- -- Excursion Trains with Restaurant at Inclusive Fares, 632
- -- Fleetwood Boat Train Alteration, 241
- -- Goods Stations Booklet with Map Issued, 133
- -- Horwich Locomotive Works Busy, 133 10,000 Locomotives Renumbered, 161, 241
- -- Permanent Way Diversion on to New Bridge, Leeds-Holbeck, 489
- -- Rivalry with London and North-Eastern, 353
- -- St. Pancras and Bradford Express, 215
- -- Sherwood Forest, Railway Proposal Withdrawn, Joint Railway Projected, 353, 435
- -- Sir Guy Granetís Remarks, 327
- -- Turbine Steamer, Glen Sannox, 507
- - London and North-Eastern Railway :
- -- Bill for Proposed Railway from Nottingham to Retford, 381 ; Scheme Withdrawn and Joint Railway Projected, 435
- -- Cambridge Railway Station, Extensive Alterations Started, 133
- -- Escalators at Liverpool-street, 599
- -- Great Northern Section Suburban Lines Electrification Question, 489
- -- Harwich Boat Expresses, Coach Improvements, 461
- -- Harrogate Pullmanís Change of Route, 545
- -- Hull, Level Crossings Abolition, 653
- -- Hull Corporation and Level Crossings, Scheme Agreed Upon, 599
- -- King's Cross and Bradford Express, 215
- -- Parliamentary Fight Probable with London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 353
- -- Presentation of Relics of Early Railway to L. and N.E. Museum, 353
- -- Punctuality Shown by Train Run Records, 599
- -- Railway in the Dukeries, Rival Bills, 241
- -- "Sheffield Pullman's" Change of Route, 353
- -- Sunday Travel, Chairman's Views on Public Demand, 635
- - London Underground Railways, New Electrical Equipment Programme, 327
- - London Underground Railways, New Escalators, 492
- - Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway, Financial Trouble, 573
- - Madras Suburbs' Railway Lines Improvement, 517
- - Madrid, Proposed Central Railway Station, 299
- - Madrid, Proposed Further Facilities. 435
- - Madrid Railway and Station Construction, 461
- - Manchester, Victoria and Exchange Stations Alterations, 573
- - Maritzburg-Glencoe Section of Natal Main Line Electrification Cost, 299
- - Metropolitan and Great Central Joint Line Automatic Signals, 46
- - Metropolitan Railway Dividend, 189
- - Ministry of Transport:
- -- Application for Power to Construct New Line made by London Electric Railways Company, 269
- -- Automatic Train Control, Experts Examining the Question, Accident Inspectors' Recommendations, 269
- -- Bridges, Difficulty for Highway Authorities, 47
- -- Debate on the Vote for the Ministry, Differing Views as to Progress of Electrification, 625
- -- Light Railway Order for Liverpool, 681
- -- Live Wire or Live Rail in Railway Electrification, 461
- -- Ministry's Railway Statistics for September, 1924, 15 ; for October, 133 ; for December, 353
- -- Preliminary Statement, 435
- -- Railway Returns for 1924, Passenger and Freight Statistics, 133
- -- Railway Results for January, 1925, 488
- -- Railway Results for February, 1925, 653
- -- Railway Results for March, 1925, 709
- -- Pneumatically Operated Doors on London Tube Railways, 461
- -- South-East London and Railway Facilities, Minister's Reply to Deputations, 269
- - Motor Omnibuses to Replace Tramways in America Reported, 709
- - National Union of Railwaymen :
- -- All-grades Programme and the Companies, 327, 573
- -- Coal Trade of South Wales, Necessity of Reduction in Wages Bill, Proposals to Men, 489, 545
- -- National Union and Craft Unions, 573
- -- National Union of Railwaymen, Fatuous Ideas of Ex-President, 381
- -- National Wages Board and Sunday Work Claims, 133
- - New South Wales Railways, Fay-Raven Report, 241
- - New Year Honours for Railwaymen, 47
- - New Zealand Railways' Administration, Commissioners' Recommendations, 15
- - Niagara River, Proposed New Railway Bridge Over, 435
- - North Swedish Coast, Progress of Railway, 461
- - North-Western Quebec, New Railways to Tap Rich Gold Area, 353 ; Refusal of Right of Way, 517
- - Northern Parliament Powers and the Bally- castle Railway, 15
- - Nova Scotia, Automatic Control, New Invention, Company Formed, 353
- - P.L.M., New Line in Algeria, 47
- - Peace River Country, Alberta, Settlement, Railway Prospects, 161
- - Pekin Tramcar Company's Third Route, 435
- - Persian Concession for New Line from Teheran to Tabriz, 132
- - Piccadilly-circus New Station and Subways, 215
- - Platform Automatic Indicators, New Installations, 407
- - Poland and Yugo-slavia, Direct Railway Conference, 435
- - Polish Coal Mining District, Long-distance Electric Tramway Construction, 269
- - Power Brakes and Appliances, American Investigation, 215
- - Quebec, North-Western, Undeveloped Area to be Opened up by New Railway, 15, 47
- - Rail-testing on Boston Elevated Railroad, Results, 161
- - Railway Material Exports Statistics, 161, 269, 327, 435, 573, 681
- - Railwaymen's Unions and Demands, 133, 327
- - Railway Rates Tribunal:
- -- Capital Works, Extravagance of Competitive Schemes, 681
- -- Economies in Railway Working, 649
- -- Schedules of Standard Charges, Speeding- up Settlement, 489
- -- Standard Charges Settlement, 189
- -- Standard Revenue, Basis of Agreement, 517
- - Railway Trestles in Time of Floods, F. M. Holmquist, 327
- - Railways Act, 1921, Its Benefits to Railway Companies, 545
- - Rainfall, Abnormal, and Railway Damage, 47
- - Rating of Railways, Complications of the Question, 653
- - St. Paul's Safety Measures Sub-committee, Railway Engineers as Members, 381
- - Sao Paulo Government and Railway Concessions, 47
- - Sleeping Accommodation, Letters to The Times, 681
- - South African Railways, Day Colour Light Signals, 77
- - South African Railways, Good Results Shown by Statistics, 47
- - Southern Railway :
- -- Bridge Strengthening and Rebuilding, 573
- -- Brighton Section, Electrical Services Extended, 381
- -- Brighton Station, Passenger Statistics for 1924, 346
- -- "Chatham" Station at Victoria, Improvements, 77
- -- Conversion of Certain Lines, Difficulties Removed by Grouping, 599
- -- Cross-over Junctions to Facilitate Independence of Electrical and Main Lines, 599
- -- Exeter, Queen-street Station Improvement, 709
- -- Hastings and St. Leonards Tunnels, Projected Widening, 299
- -- Indicators for Railway Platforms, New Type, 517
- - Southern Railway (continued):
- -- "King Arthur" Class Locomotive, New Bridge to Carry it, 599
- -- Mis-sent Train and the Upshot, 461
- -- Naming of New Engines, 299
- -- Portsmouth Railway Stations, New Proposals, 327
- -- Punctuality of Railway, Statement, 435
- -- Signals, Projected Day Colour Light Automatic, for Portion of London Area, 77, 215
- -- Station's Name Illumination at Horsham, 709
- -- Vehicles being Prepared for Electrification, 15
- - Spanish Railway Engines and Cars to be Home-made, 15
- - Statistics, South African and United States, 47
- - Steel Construction of Railway Vehicles, Pros and Cons, 105
- - Steel Signal Arms Bent by Wind, 105
- - Stockholm-Gothenburg Electrification, 299
- - Subway Car, Improved Type for America, 461
- - "Sunny South Special" and Vacuum Brake, 599
- - Sweden, Projected Railway and State Loan, 77
- - Swiss States Subsidy for Completion of Furka Railway, 350
- - Tasmanian Engineers to Supervise Railway Construction in Spain, 77
- - Tests of New Roads and Connections to Eliminate any Possibility of Mistakes, 545
- - Tourist Traffic to Ireland and Kingstown Pier Accommodation, 189
- - Tramway Renewal, A Night's Work in Glasgow, 189
- - Tramway Route, New, in Edinburgh, 489
- - Underground Poster, Analysis of Receipts and Expenditure, 299
- - Unemployment Alleviation Methods, 15
- - Venezuela and Colombia, Junction under Construction to Unite Railways in, 77
- - Viaduct, First Example of its Kind in the World, Great Northern (of Ireland) Railway, 269
- - Victoria Government Railway, Electrifying Part of, 653
- - Victoria Railway, Experiments with New Rail Motor, 709
- - Wagons for Mineral Traffic, Profits on Letting Out for Hire, 625
- - Walsall Tramway's Increased Profits, 638
- - Warsaw, Projected 28 Miles Long Electric Tramway, 517
- - Water Power in Austria, Development, and Railway Electrification, 461
- - Welsh Local Authorities' Request for Doubling of Single Lines, 709
- - Western Canada, Railway Goods Charges in, 353
- RECLAMATION Work in Italy, 269
- Ribble River, Preston, Training Walls to be Constructed, 709
- Rock-fill Dam, Kentuckv, Largest in the World, 461
- Roofing Material Pyropruf, Testing, 489
- Roving Steamer for Extraction of Bromine from Sea Water, 461
- Rubber Research Institution in Malaya, 105
- Russian Agriculture and Electric Ploughs, 435
- Russian Great Waterway Projected, 320
- Russian Soviet Government's Agreement with British Firm for Erection of Oil Cracking Factory, 625
- Russian Visitors to America for Works Inspection and Equipment Orders, 215
- "SAFETY First" Device by Model Van, J. Lyons and Co., 517
- St. Lawrence River Power Development, 215
- San Joaquin River Water Diverted by Tunnel, 545
- Sawdust Roads, Experiments with View to Making, 599
- Scholarships for Apprentices, 523
- Scholarships, B.E.A.M.A., 567
- Scholarships, Engineering, Norton and Gregory, 541
- Science Museum at South Kensington, Stationary Engine Exhibits Catalogue, 256
- Scientific and Industrial Research, New Members of Advisory Council, 215
- Seismograph Station, A Sixth Established in Quebec, 625
- Sewerage Scheme, Extensive, for Knutsford, 653
- Shanghai, Single-deck Motor Omnibus Statistics, 517
- Shannon Power Scheme Report, Dr. H. H. Jeffcott, 653
- - American Ships, Conversion of Fourteen Steamers to Motor Ships, 489
- - Barrow and New York Steamer Service to Cease, 133
- - Bulkheads and Water-tight Subdivision of Passenger Steamships, Board of Trade Report, 241
- - Chauncy Maples Steamer on Lake Nyassa, Thirty Years Old and Still Valuable, 105
- - Commonwealth Lighthouse Service, Launch of Two Steamers for, 133
- - Conciliation Machinery for Shipbuilding Federations, 299
- - Corrugated-sided Ships, Greater Efficiency of, 599
- - Cunarder Saxonia Sold for Breaking-up, 299
- - Deck Equipment of the Discovery, Pacific Exploration Vessel, 709
- - Diesel-electric Tanker, New Arrangement of Engine-room, 215
- - Fifty Years of Yacht Designing, G. L. Watson and Co., 544
- - Flettner Rotor Ship, Report of Another, 599
- - Flettner Rotor Ships, Two New, Ordered, 105
- - Funnel Markings of Destroyer Flotillas, 545
- - German Naval Administration, First Large Rotor Ship, 517
- - Glatton, Monitor, Wreck of, to be Removed from Harbour, 15
- - Grain Cargo-loading Record, 327
- - Japanese, Large, Ship Taken up River to Shanghai, 517
- - L.M.S. Turbine Steamer Glen Sannox, Official Trials, 625
- - Majestic, Reported Crack Discovery, 15
- - Montrose Liner, Quick Overhaul, 489
- - Motor Boat, Fast, Races on the Thames, 545
- - Motor Lifeboat Construction Progress, 77
- - Motor Vessel Production Increasing, Chiefly on the Continent, 381
- - Ocean Towing, Record Long Distance, 435
- - Railway-owned Vessels--see Railways
- - Rotor Ship, Arrival of the Flettner, 227
- - Scapa Flow Salving of German Destroyers, Progress, 407, 517, 573, 709
- - Shipbuilding Tradesí Investigation, 637
- - Signal by Combined Visible and Whistle Device for Motor Ships, 269
- - Tees Shipbuilding Order, 573
- - Tyne Shipbuilding Output Statistics, 15
- - United States Steam Ship to Motor Ship, Conversion. 415
- - Vancouver Harbour Ship Traffic Statistics, 161
- - Wellfield, Steamer, Little Damaged by Dockflooding, 489
- SIDMOUTH, Estimated Cost of Breakwater, 599
- Silkworm Cocoon Chrysalis as Food, 215
- Slag Accumulations in Cement Kilns Dislodged by Shooting, 461
- Slide Rules, Constructional Improvement in, J. Davis and Son (Derby), Ltd., 309
- Snow in the Streets, New Svstem of Disposal, 269
- Soapstone Discovery in Calcutta District, 241
- Solid Silver, Effort to Increase Use in America 269
- South African Irrigation, 122
- South African's Production of Base Metals, 681
- South African Year Book, 473
- Southampton University College, Open Engineering Exhibitions Offered, 422
- Soviet Government and White Lead Paints, 161
- Standards--see British
- Steel--see Iron
- Stone for Sharpening Tools Discovered near Orbost, Australia, 599
- Straw Packing Without Purity Certificate, Dominion Government Insists on Return of Important Goods, 435
- Subways in St. Louis, 189
- Suez Canal Annual Statistics, 489
- Sugar Growers' Association's Suggestion of United Reference to Expert Opinion, 625
- Sulphur Ores Roasting and a New Alloy, J. Harris, 435
- Super-power Systems of the United States, Growth of, 606
- Suspension Bridge Across the Firth of Forth at Queensferry, Projected, 161
- Sydney Harbour Bridge, £16,000 Tool for Testing Cableways, 573
- TANK Failure in Boston, U.S.A., Six Years' Litigation to Decide on the Cause, 189
- Tansa Pipe Line Progress, 47
- Tariffs and their Object in Latin-America, A. C. Rouse, 189
- Technical College and Polytechnic Times, First Issue, 133
- Technical Institute at Coventry, Generous Gifts of Machinery, 489
- Telephone Damage by Snowstorm at Falkirk, Underground System Advantages, 407
- Telephone Diaphragm, New Type, 161
- Telephone Exchange tor Cairo, 299
- Telephone Industry's Effect in Stimulation of Numerous Other Industries Involved in Manufacture, 269
- Telephone Kiosk, New Prize Design by Sir Gilbert Scott, 381
- Telephonic, Through, Connection Established between Bombay and Delhi, 381
- Tests of Flow of Water through Long Concrete Pipes, Formulae Values, 681
- Thermo-electric Pyrometers, Use of Platinum, 461
- Thin-lead Coloured Pencils, Alpco Pencils, Ltd., 554
- Titanium Industry Suggested for Eastern Canada, 461
- Tornado Effect on Big Railway Span, 407
- Toronto, Association of Professional Engineers, Progress, 219
- Toronto's Rate of Building Twenty-one Storeys, 709
- Trade Unions, Statistics of Membership and Funds, 47
- Transit Sheds at Trafford Wharf, Two, for £300,000, 105
- Transport, Goods and Passenger, Increasing Use of Roads in United Kingdom, 489
- Treasury Guarantees under the Trade Facilities Act, 545
- Tunnel under the Mersey, Government Grants, 189
- Tunnel Under the Thames, Postponement of Consideration of Scheme, 709
- Turbo-generator, Experimental, in California to Test Use of Natural Steam, 435
- Tyne Commissioners Report Decrease in Output of Ships and of Coal Shipments, 353
- Tyne Pollution Inquiry, 599
- UGANDA Oil Expectations, 15
- Underpinning Concrete Columns of High Building, 189
- University of London :
- - Four Advanced Lectures in Mining, 227
- - Four Advanced Lectures on Chemical Combination in Metallic Alloys and its Nature, Professor C. A. Edwards, 245
- University of Pittsburgh, Project for New 52-Storey Building, 161
- VANADIUM Extraction from Iron Ore in Sweden, 317
- Vanadium from Swedish Phosphorus-bearing Ores, 435
- Vancouver's Largest Grain Elevator, Rapid Construction of, 554
- Vancouver New Canadian Pacific Pier, 545
- Venezuela Petroleum Production, 47
- V.D.I. Meetings in Augsburg, 422
- Vickers Westminster Amateur Operatic Society, 554
- WAR Department Motor Van, 342
- Washington, National Museum of Engineering, 299
- Water Energy, Potential, of the World, Estimate, 489
- Water Power Plant Completed at Elko, British Columbia, 545
- - Bacteria in Wrater at Different Depths, 407
- - Barnsley Supply Increase, New Pumps, 489
- - Batley Corporation's New Reservoir, 599
- - Birmingham New Reservoir and Pumping Engines, Work Started, 625
- - Birmingham Water Committee's New Pipe Line, 407
- - Buenos Aires, Neighbouring Districts of, Extensive Government Scheme for Water Supply and Drainage, 709
- - California, New Supply for East Bay Cities,
- WATER SUPPLY (continued):
- - Esthonia, Up-to-date Waterworks for, 241
- - Fourth Pipe Line from Thirlmere to Manchester, 517
- - Karachi New Water Supply, 105
- - Madras Supply, Measures for Increasing, 189
- - Manchester Supply, Another Lake Requisitioned, 189
- - Melbourne Water Supply, the Maroondah Dam, 188
- - New South Wales, Wollongong and Port Kembla, Additional Supply, 215
- - Port Sudan Supply, Completion of Pipe Line, 489
- - Quebec, Storage Reservoir at Lake Metis, 189
- - Sheffield, Additional Water Supply Scheme, 77
- - Sydney, N.S.W., Scheme-to Supplement Supply, 545
- - Toronto, Supplementary Waterworks System, 47, 105
- - Tsingtao Waterworks, Predicted End of German Plant and Japanese Pumps, 15
- - Vancouver Waterworks System Extension, 592
- - Water Consumption in Sydney, N.S.W., 189
- - Water Waste in America, Uncharted Discharges, 353
- - Wooden Water Main Laid in 1874, 15
- WELDING Aluminium, New German Process, 189
- Welland Canal, Big Contract for Canadian Company, 15, 545
- West Australian Oil Hunt Pronounced Hopeless, 15
- Western Australia, Engineers Wanted, 461
- Whitworth Society, Annual Dinner, 27
- Windmill, 200 Years' Old, near Hastings, Collapse of, 709
- Wire Rope Vibration Dangers, G. H. Griffiths, 299
- Wire Rope Works, New, at Newcastle, N.S.W., 407
- Wire Weaving Loom, Largest in the World, 269
- - American and Swedish Wireless Amateurs' Two-hour Test, 161
- - Austrian Broadcasting Developing, 327
- - Belgium's One Broadcasting Station. 681
- - Big Ben Broadcasting Microphone, 681
- - Broadcast Transmitting Apparatus at Marconi House Re-established, 681
- - Broadcasting Conference of European Authorities, 373
- - Broadcasting and Interference, Northolt Station Accused, 105
- - Broadcasting Receiving Apparatus, Lecture, G. E. Jones, 353
- - Canada, North-Western Section of North- West Territories, Completion of Wireless System, 435
- - China and Amateur Radio Work, 327
- - Colombo, Modern High-power Broadcasting Station, 461
- - Greenland's New Wireless System, 161
- - Indian Radio Telegraph Company, Prospectus and Objects, 353
- - Indian Station for Commercial Service with I United Kingdom, 327
- - Institute of Patentees' Assistance Sought by B.B. Company, 435
- - Japan and San Francisco, Wireless Communication Over 4500 Miles, 77
- - Japanese and American Wireless Schemes, 407
- - Listening-in, Near and Distant Reception, 403
- - Marconi Clifden Station, Ireland, to be Dismantled, 709
- - Marconi House, Change-over of Aerial to Oxford-street, 456
- - Miners and Signals by Wireless, 47
- - North-West Territories and Yukon Wireless System, Most Northerly Main Station, 625
- - Oscillating Receiver Disturbance Tests, 407
- - Radio Apparatus Exhibition at Zurich, 681
- - Radio Direction Finding Stations for Indian Ports, Experimental Receivers, 435
- - Rating of Storage Batteries for Wireless Service, 189
- - Rugby High-power Wireless Station Progress, 353, 517
- - Russian Wireless Development and Exhibition at Moscow, 599
- - Tracking Criminals by Wireless, Police Vans Equipped, 105
- - Transmission of Wireless Messages, Reported Valuable Invention, 105
- - Wireless Bill, Strong Objections to its New Provisions, 269
- WOLVERHAMPTON Local Sewage Plant Extension, 709
- Woman Member, The First, of Society of Engineers (Incorporated), 269
- Woolwich Research Report on "Gun-wire," Imperfect Elasticity, 77
- ZINC Ore Smelted in Retorts, Residues from, 353
- Zinc, Pure, for Alloy Purposes, Belgian Works Largely Increased Production, 269
- Zoological Gardens, Casualties Among Tropical Birds in London, 241
See Also
Sources of Information