The Engineer 1925 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1925 Jul-Dec: Index
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- AERIAL Ropeway, 5 Miles Long, for Tin Ore Transport from the Andes Slopes, 349
- - Aeroplane as Aid to Fruit Culture, 115
- - Aeroplanes for Forest Patrol and Photographic Survey in Canada, 115
- - Aeroplane's Reported 270 Miles per Hour, 356
- - Aircraft Apprentices, Awards by Air Ministry, 478
- - Airship Station to Become Beet Sugar Factory, 609
- - "Autogiro" Flying Machine at Madrid, Successful Tests, 37
- - Belgian Congo, Establishment of Air Route .Expected Shortly, 267
- - Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 102
- - Civil Ail1 Route Between Egypt and India, Progress of Arrangements for, 189
- - Danish Army Purchase of Aeroplanes from English Company, 89
- - De Haviland Moth Light Aeroplanes, Two Ordered for Aero Club, 89
- - Fogs and Safe Landing, New Method to Secure, 433
- - French Seaplanes and their Men Lost during Trials, 295
- - Goliath Bombing Planes' Attack on the Riffs, 328
- - Non-stop Transatlantic Flight Projected, 141
- - Polo Ground as Landing Ground for Aeroplanes, 491
- - R 38 Disaster, Tablet Unveiled in Memory of Lost British and Americans, 11
- - R 38 Memorial Fund, Part of the Income to be Used as a Prize for Technical Paper, 257
- - Seaplane Race in America, Britain's Entrants Sent Over for Practice, 295
- - Shenandoah, U.S.A., Airship, Equipment and Successful Trials, 189
- AGRICULTURAL Machinery Tests, 63
- Alcohol, Industrial, Factory Activities and Prospects, 215
- Alcohol Production from North Borneo Palm Sap,141
- Aluminium Hollowware, Duty Asked for, 295
- Aluminium Plant in Quebec Calls for Model City to House 5000 Employees, 261
- Aluminium Syndicate Formed in Germany, 241
- American Society for Testing Materials, 348
- Ammonia, Synthesis of, Secrets Connected with Low Temperatures and Pressures, 669
- Ammonium Sulphate Recovery Plant at Stafford Gasworks, 695
- An Allen's Dinner, 606
- Anhydrite as Substitute for Gypsum as Retarder for Portland Cement, 463
- Apulia's Need of Water for Agriculture and Kindred Industries, 639
- Arsenic Ore Discoveries in South Australia, 551
- Arsenic Record Output in U.S.A., 669
- Artificial Silk Factory Projected at Oldham, 267
- Asphalt Mixing Plant, Davey, Paxman and Co., 628 ; (Correction), 656
- Asphalt Paving Conference, 204
- -- Scottish Shale Oil Industry, E. M. Bailev. 422
- -- Electric Alloy Steel, F. E. Clark, 581
- -- Andrew Carnegie Research Fund, 593
- -- Election of the Council, 141
- -- Annual Dinner, 499
- -- Awards of Medals, 405
- -- Conference and Programme, 389
- -- Informal Meeting, Petrol Gauges, 282
- -- Meeting Fixtures, 336
- -- Military Motor Vehicles, Projected Discussion of Paper, 506
- -- Awards for Papers, 450
- -- A.M.I.E.E. Examination, Conditions, 75
- -- Annual Conversazione, 52
- -- Election of New Members of Council, 102
- -- Visits to Marconi Company's Wireless Stations, 151
- -- Commercial Application of Fuel Oil, A. F. Baillie, 669, 695
- -- Opening of Session, Presidential Address, Programme for Session, 386
- -- Measurement of Air Flow, E. Ower, 377
- -- Lecturette on Flow Meters, Rotameter Accuracy, W. H. Simmons, 519
- -- Visit to D.P. Battery Company's Works, 26
- -- Development of the Steam Locomotive, J. G. H. Warren, 63
- -- Visit to Works of Boyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., 204
- -- H.R.H. Duke of York to Attend Annual Dinner, 523
- -- Cancelment of Dinner, 580
- -- Mr. Marriottís Book, 78
- -- Award of Scholarships, 447
- -- Date for Next Annual Meetings, 491
- -- Papers for the New Session, 417
- -- Pneumatic Hammers and other Tools, Life of, F. D. Verrill, 551
- -- Presidential Address, Sir E. H. Tennyson d'Eyncourt, 417
- -- Visits to Works, 102
- -- High Wages in U.S.A, and Canada. Signal Department's Share in Success, Lord Congleton, 433
- -- Register of Appointments Required and Vacant, 377
- -- Three-aspect Signalling Report, 165
- -- General Meeting and Elections, 52, 500, 653
- -- Hundredth Annual Course of Christmas Lectures for Juveniles, Sir W. Bragg, 533, 653
- -- Examinations in India, 336
- -- Mr. A. E. Knowles on Use of Surplus Power of Power Stations, 609
- -- Annual Meeting and Election of Council, 89
- -- General Discussion on Photo-chemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 279
- -- Exhibition, 653
- AUSTRALIAN Commonwealth Engineering Standards, Electrical Matters Decisions, 267
- Australian Government Roads Grants, 581
- Australian Shale Oil Corporation, Start on Retort House in Tasmania, Oil Expectations, 377
- BAMBOO Utilisation in Paper Manufacture, Greatly Improved Process, 491
- Barnsley College of Mining, Cost of, 639
- Barrages Projected Across the Nile and White Nile, 321
- Bauxite Deposits in Hungary, 463
- Bay of Fundy, Power Generation from its Tides, Project for, 551
- Beet Sugar Factory at Cupar, Projected, 349
- Beet Sugar Factory in Dunmow District, 215
- Beet Sugar Factory, English, but Machinery American, 669
- Beet Sugar Factory at Halesowen, Plans may be Transferred to Gainsborough, 609
- Beet Sugar Factory on the Ouse, 46
- Beet Sugar Factory Projected near Camberley, 241
- Beet Sugar Production in Canada, 115
- Beet--see also Sugar
- Belgian Zinc Production, 115
- Bell Overhauled After 700 Years' Service, 349
- Belt Conveyors to Replace Trucks, 377
- Bengal Proposal to Dredge the Saraswati, 609
- Blacksmith's Demonstration Motor Van, 115
- Boiler Explosion Risk, 165
- Boiler Explosions and Imperfect Repairs, 669
- Boiler Repair Methods, Good and Otherwise, 669
- Boiler, Vertical, Unusual Explosion of,702
- Boiler for Work under 1500 lb. Pressure, 405
- Bombay's Projected Chlorination of all the Water from Lake Tansa, 141
- Breathing Apparatus, The Draeger, for Mines, 695
- Brick-built Chimneys Felled at Bolton, 321
- Bridge Across the Niagara River, Work Begun, 241
- Bridge, International, Between Detroit and Canada, 491
- Bridge, Large Wooden Span Trestle Over the Athabaska River, Canada, 189
- Bridge Projected at Hull, 165
- Bridge, New, Over the St. Lawrence at Montreal, 63
- Bridge, Old Timber, at Seacoinbe, to be Replaced by Steel, 433, 463
- Bridge, South Shore, Montreal Harbour, Plans Sanctioned, 491
- Bridge, Suspension, and Cables, Dating Back over Sixty Years, 669
- Bridges, Railway--see also Railways
- Bridges in Virginia, Unsatisfactory Condition of, 433
- British Chemical Plant Manufacturers' Association, Meeting, 154
- British Columbia Waterway, 295
- British Delegation at Trials in Brussels of Motor Lorries Driven by Producer Gas, 321
- British Engineering Standards Association, Schedule of Specifications for Steel for Die Blocks, 310
- British Export Trade Depression, Report, 165
- British Guiana, Air Service versus Railway, 581
- British Imports into Southern Rhodesia, Very Large Proportion of Total, 551
- British Wire Netting Manufacturers Association, 63
- Bromine from Sea Water, 115
- Bryan Donkin Chesterfield Works Extension, 349
- Bulgaria's Imports Increase, 581
- Bulgarian Opening for British Trade, 433
- CABLE-WORK!NG Under Full Pressure for Ten Months, 165
- Cables, Telephone and Telegraph. New in France and Belgium, Tenders, 551
- Caen, Normandy, Improvement of Port, 267
- Calcium Sulphate Waste for Use in Plaster and Building Blocks, 189
- Calcutta Harbour, Increased Traffic Tonnage, 519
- Canada, Annual Report on Manufacturing Industries, 433
- Canada, Association of Consulting Engineers, Incorporated, 115
- Canada's Favourable Balance of Trade, 141
- Canadian Automobile Factories' Output, 639
- Canadian Exports of Pulp and Paper, 581
- Canadian, Formation of New Lake Suggested 551
- Canadian Mines, Record Output of Lead, 215
- Canadian National Railway New Docks, Wharves and Warehouses for, 491
- Canadian National, Removal of Parrv Sound Plant, 491
- Canadian Section of United States Institute of Radio Engineers, 433
- Canal Building, Heavy Task in U.S.A., 519
- Canals and Motor Transport, Co-operation Highly Desirable, 405
- Capetown Steel Pipes Order for Germany, 37
- Carbon Monoxide, Value of Pyrotannic Acid Method for Quantitative Determination, 267
- Carbon, Successful Fusion of, 581
- Carbon Tetrachloride as Fire Extinguisher, Fumes Reduced by Caustic Soda, 165
- Carbonic Acid, Liquid, and Other Gases, Production of, at Stockholm, 491
- Cement Factory, Large, Projected at Dunstable, Plant to Turn Out 100,000 Tons Yearly, 189
- Cement Factory at Montreal, 115
- Cement Factory, New, in Kent, 491
- Ceylon Plumbago Trade Improvement, 609
- Chefoo, Port of, China, Improvement for Use by Ocean-going Steamers, 88
- Chemical Engineers, Training of, Proposed Monotechnic in London, 639
- Chemical Works in India and Burma. 37
- Chesterfield to Adopt Railless Car System in Place of Tramways, 141
- - "Asociacion Carbonera de Chile" Formed, 608
- - Barnsley Electricity Works, Coal Discovery in Boiler-house Excavations, 89
- - Bituminous Coal Output of the United States, 141
- - British Somaliland Coal Discovery, 89
- - Brown Coal at Yallourn, Victoria, Cost of Mining and Delivery, 519
- - California's Abundance of Iron Ore, but Lack of Coke or Coking Coal, 165
- - Chromium, Electro-deposition of, C. H. S. Tupholme, 163
- - Coal Briquette Binders, Vegetable Pulp, 519, 581
- - Coal Discovery at Kamasamudram, Mysore, Not of Commercial Value, 89
- - Coaling Plant for Durban, Details of, 405
- - Coke and By-products in the United States, Statistics, 89
- - Coke-making Plant at Krugersdorp, S.A., Extension of, 695
- - Coke Ovens, Large, Projected, in Ontario, 165
- - Factory in Orkney Isles for Coal Briquette- binding Material, 519, 581
- - Fall of Coal, Extensive, at Yallourn, Victoria, 519
- - French Production of Coal per Kilowatt Installed, 189
- - German Coal, Low-temperature Distillation of, in Yorkshire, Interesting Experiment, 267
- - "Good Day's Work," 4 Tons or 15 ? 321
- - Great Britain's Week's Coal Output, 89, 189, 405, 491, 618, 695
- - Harby, near Lincoln, New Colliery Starting, 321
- - Holland Coal Exports to Germany, 491
- - Kent Thick Coal Seam Struck, 463
- - Pekin, Coal Deposit Discovery, North-cast of Summer Palace, 609
- - Pithead Baths, 120, at Colliery near Shefffield, 349
- - Polish Coal for Holland, Trial Consignments, 368
- - Royalties on Coal in Great Britain, 72
- - Russian Coal for Alexandria, First Shipment in Many Years, 695
- - Staveley Coal and Iron Company, Sinking Resumed, 463
- - Support of Underground Workings in the Coalfields of Scotland, Safety in Mines Research Board Paper, 609
- - Sydney, 60 Miles from, Coal Discovery, 609
- - Wemyss Coal Company's Developments Under the Forth and Inland, 141
- - West Yorkshire Coalfield, New Boreholes, 349
- COCHIN Harbour Scheme, Third Stage to be Proceeded with, 63
- Commemoration Dinner, Joseph Foster and Sons, 130
- Concrete and Corrosion, 37
- Concrete,Fine Cracks in, Effect of Ageing, 189
- Concrete, Process for Manufacturing “Expanded” Type, 551
- Concrete “Outfitting Pier” under Construction at Bremerton Navy Yard, Puget Sound, U.S.A., 409
- Concrete, Quantities of Materials for, 21
- Concrete Sewer Over a Mile Long, Pipe Laid in Open Sea, 241
- Contact Prints from Aerial Photographs, 115
- Copper Mines in Norway Reopened, 89
- Copper Production of Canada, 519
- Copper from Union Miniere du Haut Katanga, 115
- Corn, Standing, to Serve as Snow Fence, 463
- Cornish Tin Mine Assay Results, 141
- Cornish Tin Mining Industry’s Activity, 581
- Crane, 100-Ton Shipyard Fitting-dut, 11
- Crucibles versus Electric Furnaces, 677
- Crude Petroleum Production Statistics in U.S.A., 321
- Cuban Public Works, Extensive, Projected, 165, 189, 241
- Cupola Charges of Petroleum Coke, 165
- DAM, Large, Material Deposited by Belt Conveyors, 215
- Dam, Otaki, To be Largest in Japan, Work Started on, 377
- Dam, Storage and Power, in Muskoka Lakes District, Ontario, 695
- Dam in Victoria for Irrigating Water Storage, 639
- Dams, Projected Building of 100 Across the River Tennessee, 669
- Darlington Tramways Replaced by Trolley Omnibuses, 215
- Death of Mr. William Arnot, 10
- Death-watch Beetle Destroyers, 261
- Department of Overseas Trade, Information Notice, 21
- Derby Railway Institute Radio Society, Visit to Works, andc., 78
- Diamond Substitute Discovery, 581
- Die Blocks--see British Engineering
- Distillery for Production of Alcohol from Molasses, 115
- Docks, Dry, Two Now, in Montreal, 551
- Dolcoath Tin Mine, Now Shaft, 349
- Doncaster Hopes to Replace Tramways by Trolley Omnibuses, 377
- Douglas Harbour, Improvement under Consideration, 616
- Drilling Operations and Hoped-for Success on the Rand, 609
- Dry Dock, 700ft. ex-German, Length Increased, 63
- Dry-rot Ravages in Alabama, 267
- Durban, New Graving Dock at, 52
- Dutch Scheme for Communication by Telephone between Ships at Sea and Land, 241
- EARTHQUAKES' Slight Effect in Mines and Tunnels, 669
- East African Dependencies, Trade and Information Office, 695
- Egyptian State Railways Tenders, Revision of List of Approved Manufacturers, 267
- El Salvador Republic, Public Works Programme, 669
- - Aliwal North Electricity Undertaking, 579
- - Athens Power Works, Proposed, Tenders for, 349
- - Australian Standard Pressures and Frequencies, 349
- - Berlin, Projected Increase of Electrical Power, 241
- - Bohemia Electrification, Power Station at 70 Miles from Prague, 551
- - Bo'ness Electricity Department, Increased Charges, 382
- - Cables and Conductors for Montevideo, Tenders Wanted, 361
- - Canadian Power Companies' Projected Increase of Plant, 581
- - Cauvery Falls, India, Costly Additional Power Plant for, 63
- - Charcoal Scarcity and Potential Electric Power at Teheran, 295
- - Chili State Railways' Electrification Equipment, 695
- - Cooling of Large Transformers, Successful Method, 405
- - Copper Wire with Percentage' of Cadmium for Electric Transmission, 63
- - Durban, Tenders for Power Plant for, 249
- - Durham County Education Committee, Project for Electrical Laboratory, 609
- - Electrical Breakdown Explained, 89
- - Electric Furnace Temperatures, French and English Compared, 189
- - Electric Vehicle Progress, 37
- - Electric Vehicleís Rapid Delivery, 267
- - Electricity in Berlin Households, Increased Use of, 405
- - Electricity Supply Industry, Cost of Living and Reduction of Wages, 37
- - Eleven 5000-Kilowatt Transformers for Brisbane Electric Light Company, 267
- - Expert Committee on Electricar Development, Delay in Report Unavoidable, 11
- - Heating, Electric, Mischief of Secrecy as to Methods, 405
- - Hereford Projected Electric Extensions, 189
- - International Conference on High-tension Electric Supply, 151
- - Irish Free State and Shannon Electricity Bill, 11
- - Lamp Importation, Largo, into Portugal, 37
- - Lighting, British Thomson-Houston Company's New Showrooms, 21
- - Lots-road Power Station Plant Increase, 695
- - Maidstone Committee, Bearsted Supply of Electricity Scheme to Cost £6500, 438
- - Motor, Largest Ever Built for Steel Mill, to be Installed at McKinney Steel Company, Cleveland, 141
- - National Electricity Scheme Committee, 115
- - New South Wales State Commission on Electricity, Lapse of, 377
- - Oland, Island of, Sweden, Proposal to Supply Electrical Power to, 609, 669
- - Overhead Belt for Supply of Current to Large Rural Area, 115
- - Paris International Conference on High- tension Lines, 361
- - Polish Electrical Engineering, Demand for Increase in Import Duties, 471
- - Power-house at King George's Docks, Calcutta, 89
- - Power Station Fuel Efficiency at New York, J. B. C. Kershaw, 581
- - Power Station at Witbank, South Africa, Construction Progress, 295
- - Queenstown, S. Africa, Development of Electricity Scheme, 463
- - Switchgear Improvement and Experiments, 241
- - Sydney City Power-house, Site at Botany Bay, 491
- - Sydney Power Station, Tenders for Plant to be Invited, 609
- - Tanjore, Madras, Loan for Electrification, 519
- - 220-Kilovolt Transmission and Flash-overs, R. J. C. Wood, 433
- - Turbo-alternator, 5000-6000-Kilowatt, for Durban, 463
- - Turbo-alternator, 10,000-Kilowatt, 321
- - Units Sold for Cooking Purposes at Cardiff, 491
- - Victorian Electricity Commission, Sugarloaf Hydro-electric Scheme, 463
- - Victorian Electricity Commission's Work, 551
- - Villages near Newton Abbot, Electricity Supply Order, 695
- ELECTROPLATERS' and Depositors' Technical Society, 653
- Element, New, Discovered by Czech University Professor, 551
- Engineering Federation and Trade Unions Conference in London, 11
- Engineers' Club Annual Dinner. 475
- Engineers and the Colonial Office, 389
- Exeter Ship Canal, New Lock Gates for, 115
- - British Industries Fair in 1926, 321, 475
- - British Industries Fair, London and Birmingham, Invitations to all Parts of the World, 519
- - Cairo Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition, 349
- - Cycle Show at Olympia, 295
- - Electrical Exhibition at Osaka, 267
- - Fifth International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition in Paris in 1926, 189
- - German Foundry Exhibition at Dusseldorf, 215
- - International Agricultural Exhibition at Brussels, 588
- - International Fair at Salonica, 215
- -- Postponement of Opening, 241, 295
- - International Motor Trade Exhibition in Copenhagen, 433
- - International Oil Exhibition at Crystal Palace, 626, 669
- - International Sample Fair in Havana, 581
- - Osaka, Electrical Exhibition in 1926, 321, 519
- - Physical and Optical Societies' Exhibition, 447, 463
- - Radio Exhibitions in New York, 433
- - Railway Centenary Exhibition at South Kensington, 377, 463
- - Universal Smoke Abatement Exhibition in Birmingham, 669
- ESTONIA'S Development as an Independent State, 639
- Experimental Arch Dam, Construction Started, 551
- Explosion of Aluminium Steam-jacketed Pan, Need of Caution, 89
- Explosion of Boiler in Steam Trawler, 405
- Explosion of Copper Winch Steam Pipe, 639
- Explosion of Steam Trap in Important Powerhouse, 89
- Explosion of Steam-worked Digester, 115
- Explosions, Stop Valve, Due to Water-Hammer, 321
- Explosives for Domestic Industries in U.S.A., Statistics of, 267
- Explosives in Mines, Report by Mines Research Committee, 581
- FACTORY of the Future, Alfred W. Brown, 463
- Fairs--see Exhibitions
- Fan Installed in the Transvaal, Largest in the World, 377
- Faraday House, Old Students' Association, Seventeenth Annual Dinner, 417
- Ferries, Vehicle, Across Sydney Harbour, 519
- Ferry Across the Humber, 639
- Finland State Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate Plant at Kotka, 639
- Fire-fighting in Mines, Tests, 115
- Fire Float, New, for the Thames, 63
- Floating Dock, Ex-German, Section for Scapa Bay Salvage Work, 321
- Floating Dry Dock, 700ft. Ex-German, Arrival at Malta, 11 ; Arrival of Extra Section at Malta, 215
- Flood Damage at Worcester to Electricity and Waterworks, 405
- Floors of Railway Wagons, Experiments in Replacing Wood and Iron by Cement, 519
- Flue Gases from Generating Stations, Value of Unceasing Watch, 377
- Forestry Commission Activities, 215, 321
- Forest and Fire Protection, 669
- Foundry for Harrow School Workshop Projected, 609
- Frost Effect on Concrete Dam, California, 63
- Fuel Economy Engineering, New Company Started, 547
- Fuel Research Work at the University of Birmingham, 551
- Furnaces, Electric, in France, Output in 1913 and in 1924, 695
- GARNET Ore Finds in Canada, 63
- Gas Administration Director Appointed by Board of Trade, 267
- Gas Blower Explosions in Mines, Experiments for Prevention, 639
- Gas Output, and Coal Consumed in the Industry, Wages and Gas Costs, 519
- Gear-cutting Hobs, Examination of, 75
- G.E.C. Annual Sports, 52
- German Aluminium Rolling Works, Negotiations for Establishment, of Syndicate, 189
- German Prize for Firedamp Indicator, 433
- Gold Medal Award for Paper, 321
- Gold Mines, Porcupine, in Ontario, Production Value, 331
- Gold Mining Industry, Progress in Ontario, 669
- Gold Production of Canada in 1924, Country’s Highest Record, 189
- Goodwin Sands Shoaling, Gull Lightship and Lighted Buoy Moved, 63
- Grain Elevators, Numerous, Projected for Victoria, 241
- Grain Elevators, 132 Projected at Country Railway Stations in Victoria, 491
- Grain-handling Elevator for Victoria, Vancouver, 463
- Graphite Consumption Threatened, 677
- Gypsum Production in Nova Scotia, 115
- HACK Saw Blade, Now Type, Frys (London), Ltd., 204
- Hacksaw for Wide Cuts, 565
- Hardening Drills by Use of a Fresh Herring, 405 ; (Letter), 429
- Helium Gas Wells in Toronto, 669
- Helium Production, Experiments in Berlin, 405
- High-pressure Trap, Steam Discharge from, 215
- High-pressure Turbine, Reported Record, 165
- Highway Operations, G. H. Delano, Snowfall Effects, 639
- House of Lords Well Provided with Heating Apparatus, 377
- Houses of Steel Frames with Concrete Slabs, Erection in Eleven Days, 189
- Hughes and Salomons Scholarships, 178
- Human Factor in Industry, 653
- Humber Navigation, Projected Improvements 349
- Hydraulics,-Laboratory of, for Indian College, 639
- Hydraulics, Research Institute for, Proposed in Switzerland, 377
- Hydro-electric Development at Slave Falls, 491
- Hydro-electric Plant in Now Brunswick, 189
- Hydro-electric Plant/, Novel Type, in China, 215
- Hydro-electric Power in Norway, French Opinion of its Great Capabilities, 241
- Hydro-electric Power Plant of British Columbia Electric Railway Company, 463
- Hydro-electric Power in Switzerland, Growth of, 11
- Hydro-electric Scheme in British Columbia, 551
- Hydrogen Peroxide, Solid Form, British, Placed on the Market, 609
- Hydrogen Production by New Method for Ammonia Synthesis, 349
- Hydrograph er Appointed in Toronto, 165
- IMPERIAL Institute, Changes, 52, 89
- India, Tonnage Entered Into and Cleared Out¬wards, Statistics, 115
- India, Western Coast of, Baroda State New Harbour at Adatra, 519
- Indian Boiler Regulations, 1924, Proposed Amendments, 639
- Indian and New Zealand’s Increased Imports of Motor Vehicles from Great Britain, 695
- Indian School of Mines at Dhanbad, 519
- Industrial Property Protection, Conference of International Union for, 377
- Institutes and Institutions—see Associations
- Insulating Material in Sweden, Sphagni, 115
- International Chamber of Commerce, Annual Meeting of the British National Committee, Sir A. Garrett-Anderson’s Speech, 433
- International Congress of Design in Paris, 63
- International Geological Congress. Programme for 1926, 102
- Irish Free State, Now Patent Laws, 317
- Iron Carbonyl as Anti-knock Agent in Liquid Fuels, 165
- - Algeria, Iron Ore Exports from, 519
- - Anshan Ironworks’ Disappointing Business, 189
- - Caucasian Manganese Ore Deposits, Projected Development, 463
- - Cold-rolling Properties of Electrolytic Iron Compared with Open-hearth Steel, 295
- - Electric Alloy Steel, F. E. Clark, 581
- - Electric Steel Furnace Statistics, 267
- - Fine Specimens of Steel-making, 669
- - Franco-German Iron and Steel Trust, 11
- - Greatbridge Iron and Steel Works Bought to be Dismantled, 189
- - Hematite Iron Ore, Very Rich Deposit, in Western Australia, 241
- - Iron Ore on International Market, Annual Amount of, 463
- - Iron Ore, Record Huge Export of, from Bell Island, 165
- - Iron and Steel and their Products in Canada, Statistics for 1924, 241
- - Lathe Turning of Manganese Steel, 519
- - Manganese Deposits in Banffshire, Samples Satisfactory, 141
- - Molybdenum Alloyed with Steel, Value as Deoxidising Agent, 377
- - Motor, 9000 H.P., for Cleveland Steel Company, 141
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in August, 295
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in September, 405
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in October 551
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in November, 695
- IRON AND STEEL (continued)
- - Newfoundland, Question of Royalties on Iron Ores from, 349
- - Nickel Plating on Exposed Steel Parts of Motor Cars, 463
- - Nickel-plating, Porosity of, Result of Tests, 267
- - Nickel Production of Canada, Output of Two Companies, 189
- - Paint for Protecting Steel Surfaces under Certain Conditions, Tests, 581
- - Quebec Magnesite Offered for British Steel Trade, 295
- - Steel Furnaces, Progress in Output and Conditions, 581
- - Steel Plates, Record Size, 165
- - Steel Rails Export, Germany's Large Proportion, 695
- - Steel, Remarkable Claims for New Kind, 349
- - Steel Structures, Unsuitable for Japan, 377
- - Stockton, New Wharf Likely to Lead to Continental Trade in Iron, 609
- - Suffolk Iron Foundry Employees' Outing, 303
- - Sydney, Nova Scotia, Record Steel Output, 669
- - Sydney Steel Plant Fully Employed for Canadian National Railways, 609
- - Tubes, Solid-drawn, of Stainless Steel and Iron, 581
- - Tungsten, Influence of, on Steel, Research Report, 241
- - United States, Pig Iron Production, 349
- - Workington Rail Mills of United Steel Company Restarted, 321
- ISLE of Wight in Danger of Coast Erosion, 36
- Italian Discovery of Ore Containing Copper Sulphide and Gold, 340
- Italian Parliament Telephone Between Chamber and Senate, 241
- JAMES Keith and Blackman Company, Ltd.. Dinner to Directors and Management by Staff, 499
- Japanese Patent Office Controller, Visit of, 695,
- KAMBI Coupling, Swedish Engineer's Invention, 551
- Kaolin Discovery on Vancouver Island, 189
- Kawasakai Dockyard Company, New Sheet Mill, 463
- Kelvin Hall Destroyed by Fire, 37
- Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, The New, 241
- Korea Experimenting in Cultivation of Sugar Beet, 669
- LAMBETH Bridge, New, Estimated Cost of, 141
- Landslide, Huge, and its Effect, 377
- Lantern Slides for Lectures, Tangyes Ltd., 475 ; Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 694
- Lead Mining Industry in Teesdale, Progress of New Company, 441
- Lead, Reported Discovery of Process for Hardening and Tempering, 189
- Leith Harbour and Docks, Projected Additions, 404
- Libraries and Information Bureaux, Special, Association of, 78
- Lifeboat with Hand Propelling Gear, 164
- Lifeboat's Round the World Cruise, to Demonstrate Best Outfit Conditions, 433
- Lighthouse Fire Puts Danger Signal Out of Action, 37
- Lighthouse at River Wear Entrance to be Removed, 215
- Lighthouses, Light Vessels, andc., Cost of Maintenance, 89
- Lighting in Industry, 295
- Lightning Statistics in Kilowatt-hours, 141
- Lincoln, William, Obituary Notice, 518
- Linoleum Factory for Denmark, 547
- Lobito Angola Harbour Contract Progressing Slowly, 581
- Loch Katrine, Extensive Alterations to Aqueducts, Sluices, andc., Fine Roadway Made, 11
- Locomotive Boiler Explosions and Brass Smoke Tubes, 63
- L.C. Council Fellowships, 102
- London's Housing, Proposed Use of Colour in the Concrete Employed, G. Topham, 695
- London Traffic Advisory Committee, Tubes versus Omnibuses, 545
- MACHINE-MAKING Industry at Chemnitz, Reported Critical State of, 609
- Machinery, Light, in Nanking, 551
- Magnetic Observatory to be Established at Godhavn, West Greenland, 405
- Maidstone Street Bridge Widening, 267
- Malachite Mines, Bembe, Angola, 581
- Manchester G.P.O. Sorting Office, Facilities for Handling Mail Bags, 295
- Manchester, Great Increase in Road Transport, 495
- Manganese--see Iron and Steel
- Manufacturers' Processes Disclosed, Difference between English and American Practice, 189
- Marking Ink for Chemical Porcelain, Formula for, 581
- Matches, Waterproof, 89
- Melbourne and Brisbane, Need of Additional Bridges, 141
- Merchandise, Record Amount Handled at Capetown Docks, 669
- Mercury Deposit Discoveries in Sumatra, 267
- Mersey Tunnel--see also Railways
- Mersey Tunnel Committee, Engineers Appointed, 349
- Metals and Non-metals in Canada, Much Increased Output, 491
- Methylated Spirit Production by New Process in Germany too Expensive for Commercial Use, 189
- Mica, Domestic Uncut, Statistics of U.S.A. Sales, 215
- Milling Plant, Costly, Projected at Calgary, 115
- Mine Pressures, Gauge for Measuring, 695
- Mine Ventilation Scheme at Randfontein, 519
- Mines Department Testing Station, 519
- Mineral Deposits in Arctic Regions, Projected Investigation, 377
- Mineral Production of Tasmania, 609
- Miners' Welfare Work, Costly Grounds, Hall and Baths Opened, 123
- Mining and Coal Handling in Victoria, Investigating European Methods, 241
- Mining Electrical Engineers, Education and Training of, T. J. Nelson, 609
- Mining Industry and Research, E. J. Eoley, 433
- Mining in New Zealand, Conference, 639
- Molybdenum--see Iron
- Monazite Sand Discovery in Tasmania, 115
- Mortar from Slate Dust Mixed with Glutin, 349
- Motor Car, English, World's Record in Paris, 349
- Motor Car Imports into South Africa, Increase, 95
- Motor Omnibus Service, Passenger and Freight between Manchouli, Manchuria, Urga and Saupeitzefu, 609
- Motor Road between Liverpool and East Lancashire, 405
- Motor Touring in Great Britain, 50 Per Cent. Increase over 1924, 349
- NATAL'S Greatly Increased Exports, 141
- Natural Gas Discovery on North Saskatchewan River, Canada, 695
- New Brunswick Power Development Schemes, 115
- Newcastle Quay, Proposed Extension, 405
- Newcastle and Gateshead, Desired Quayside Improvements, 639
- Newcomen, Thomas, and James Watt Anniversaries, 215
- Newhaven, Harbour at, Offered to Southern Railway, 412
- New South Wales, Safe Working of Coal and Shale Mines, Inquiry, 165
- New South Wales State Cabinet and Wireless Schemes, 639
- New Zealand, Boring at the Taranaki Oilfields, 519
- New Zealand, Greymouth Harbour Board's Projected Improvements, 141
- Niagara Falls, Permission for Increased Water Diversion for Power Purposes, 609
- Niagara Falls Recession and Effect of, 463, 551
- Nickel--see Iron and Steel
- Nipigon River, Ontario, Expectations from Development of Energy of, 639
- Nitric Oxide Production Experiments, 295
- Nitrogen Factory, Hitch in Negotiations, 329
- Nitrogen Fixation Factory Projected on the Moscow-Nijni Novgorod Railway, 609
- Notched Bars, Comparative Impact and Slow- bend Tests on Non-ferrous Allovs and Steels, 267
- OIL Changes in Rocks Under Pressure, 63
- Oil Discovery in China, Transport,Difficulties, 115
- Oil Engine Power Plant, Tenders Called for, 463
- Oil Prospects in Queensland, Dr. A. Wade, 519
- Oil Refinery at North Vancouver, B.C., 463
- Oil Refining from Bituminous Coal in China, Plant being Installed, 241
- Oil Storage Facilities at Grangemouth, 349
- Oils, Crude, of the Western Hemisphere, Study of, and Report, 639
- One-millionth of a Centimetre for Metal Foils, Reported Process for Production of, 215
- Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission Appointments, 241, 376
- Ontario's Water Power Resources, Results of Survey, 115
- Oscillograph, Electro-magnetic, New Type, 215
- Overseas Trade, Discussion Between Continental Representatives of Britain with Home Manufacturers, 349
- Oxygen by Liquid Air Process, Plant at Great Western Railway Works, Swindon, 695
- PAPER Mill Projected for Fort Alexander, Manitoba, 141
- Paper Products from Waste Straw, 491
- Patent Laws, Irish Free State, 317
- Peat Fields of Alfred, Ontario, to be Reopened, 189
- Persia's Mineral Wealth, 295
- Petrol-electric Vehicle for L.C.C. Fire Brigade, 189
- Petroleum in Africa, Unsuccessful Search Hitherto, 141
- Petroleum Prospecting in Spain, 551
- Phosphate Deposits Excellent Report, 609,
- Phosphate Rock Discovery near Capetown, 115
- Photographs Taken by Aeroplane Transmitted East and West America in Half an Hour, 377
- Piles, Wooden, Under Water, Means of Cutting Off, 463
- Pipe, Huge, Rapidly Moved to New Position, 695
- Pipe Line Electrically Welded and Resulting Economy, 581
- Platinum Market in London, Scheme to Form Combine, 349
- Polytechnic in St. Pan eras, New, Grant for, 63
- Port Works at Fremantle, W.A., Improved, 463
- Portland Cement Output Expected at North fleet, 295
- Potash and Rock Salt, Large Deposits Report in the Ruhr Coalfield, 215
- Potteries' Gas and Electricity Undertakings, Disappointing Results, 11
- Power Alcohol Production from Molasses in Australia, 89
- Punjab Government, Water Supply Extension, 639
- QUAY, Deep-water, Proposed Construction in Sunderland, 639
- Quebec, Power Development on the Batiscan River, 491
- RADIUM-BEARING Ores, Reported Discovery in the Belgian Congo, 609
- Rails, Japan's Decision to Replace American by British, 646
- - Aberystwyth, Sunday Excursions to, 89
- - Accidents :
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at Douglas, 215, 295
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at Luddenfoot, Report, 107
- -- Buffer Stop Collisions, Report on Three, 695
- -- Collision, Slight, at Llandudno, 405, 491
- -- Collision, Slight, at Sheffield, 321
- -- Collisions and Automatic Train Control, 377
- -- Connecting Rod Causes Fatal Accident near West Acton Station, 669
- -- Delaware Disaster near Rockport, U.S.A., An Act of God, 89
- -- Derailment on Stoppage of Boat Train, 241
- -- Doncaster Avoiding Line Accident Recalled, 115
- -- Explosion of Gas Cylinder, Fatal, 348, 377
- -- Fatal Derailment of Express, U.S.A., 500
- -- Fenny-Stratford Disaster, 639, 669
- -- Fog and Accidents, 581
- -- French Railway Collision, Another Fatal, 215
- -- French Train's Disastrous Derailment at Amiens Station, 189
- -- Goods Trains' Collision near Barnard Castle, Report, 241
- -- Head-on Collision in Colorado, Signalman's Presence of Mind, 215
- -- Historical Cases of Shunted Trains being Overlooked, 321
- -- Hope Collision and Deaths of Three Railwaymen, Coroner's Verdict, 321 ; Report, 669
- -- Level Crossings Accidents in U.S.A., Reduction in, 63
- -- Light Engine Collision at St. Enoch's, Glasgow, 695
- -- Liverpool-street Station Collision Inquiry, Signalman Blamed, 349
- -- Mishap to Motor Car Train near Holly well, 133
- -- "Movement" Accidents to Railway Servants, 1924, 345
- -- Platelayer Killed in Absence of Look-out Man, 267
- -- Previous Accidents Recalled, 165, 321, 463
- -- Reduction in Number of Accidents to Standard Oil Vehicles Crossing Railways, 695
- -- Report on Collision at Baker-street, 491
- -- Return of Railway Accidents and Casualties, 267
- -- Slight Collision at Wincobank, 581
- -- Track Circuit Failures and Unexpected Causes, 405
- -- Tramcar Running Back and Collision, 405 433
- - ACWORTH, Sir William, Proposed Memorial to, 551
- - American Declaration of Independence Anniversary, 11
- - American Train's 946 Miles Journey in 22.5 Hours, 405
- - American Transportation and Grouping Question, 295
- - American Views on Railway Working in England, 163
- - Appointments and Staff Changes, 115, 201, 295, 405, 519, 609
- - Articulated Cars in America and Great Britain, Advantages of, 215
- - Automatic Train Control, New System in America, 639, 669
- - Bengal - Nagpur Railway, Electrification Question, 37
- - Benguella Railway, Progress Towards Katanga, 551
- - Birthday Honours for Railwaymen, 37
- - Bridge, Beira - Nyasaland Railway, Over the Zambesi, 89
- - Bridge Over the Murray River, Strengthening, 377
- - Bridge Over River Murray for Through Trains from Melbourne to Adelaide, 165
- - British Railways, Criticism of, and American Tribute to Efficiency, 215
- - Buenos Aires, Projected Underground Railway, 171
- - Business Falling and Railwaymen's Number Increasing, 267
- - Cambrian Railway's Changes of Fortune, 609
- - Canadian National Railway to Operate Electric Train Service between Ottawa and Montreal, 165
- - Canadian Pacific Railway, A 40 Miles Extension, 581
- - Centenary Exhibition Prolonged, 463
- - Centenary Memorial Service for Railwaymen, 321
- - Centenary of Railways' Celebrations, Embarrassing Numbers Taking Part, 349
- - Centenary of Railways, Old Engines to Go to York Railway Museum, 189
- - Central London Railway's Birthday, 141
- - Central Wages Board Meetings, 349, 463
- - Charing Cross and Metropolitan Junction, Certain Lincs Temporarily Closed, 215
- - Charing Cross Underground Station's Future, 639
- - Cheshire, Salop and Herefordshire Lines, New Administration Plans, 519
- - Chicago, Union Station Opened, Particulars of, 215
- - Chinese Railway in Progress, Details, 295
- - Chinese Railways' Decreased Receipts, 11
- - City Railway, Kennington Station Reopened, 63
- - City Railway, Train Indicators Provided, 463
- - Closing Branch Lines and Stations, Difference between American and British Regulations, 551
- - Coal Carriage to Ireland, Government and the Great Southern and Western Railway, 11
- - Coal Prices and Railway Charges, 141
- - Coal for Railway Consumption, Prices of, and Railway Charges on Coal Carriage, 695
- - Death of Mr. J. P. Annett, 639
- - Death of Mr. Frederick F. Backus, 37
- - Death of Mr. George M. Basford, 551
- - Death of Mr. A. W. Gattie, 321
- - Death of Captain W. J. C. Nash, 89
- - Death of Mr. William Patton, 165
- - Death of Mr. J. H. Pinder, 115
- - Derwent River and Railway Crossings, Additional Lines for Increasing Traffic, 63
- - Diesel-electric Car’s Record Unbroken Trip, 695
- - Diesel Type Locomotive, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Trial Trips, 63
- - Dudley-Wordsley Trams to be Replaced by Motor Omnibuses, 89
- - Dumper, Steam-operated, for 120-Ton Cars, 639
- - Egyptian State Railways, Tank Wagon Tenders, 519, 609
- - Egyptian State Railways, Tenders for New Bridge at Alexandria, 320
- - Engine Driver’s Name Given to Locomotive, 581
- - “Engineer as a Railroad Executive,” Remarks by Mr. Julius Kruttschnitt, 349
- - Escalators and Improvements at Tottenham Court-road, 377
- - Escalators and Passenger Subway, New, at Trafalgar-square Station, 704
- - Eskdale Track and 15-Gauge Locomotive, 115
- - Estonia, Projected New Railway, 267
- - Euston-square and King’s Cross Junction, Progress of Improvements, 11
- - Ferry Across the Humber, 639
- - French Express Engine Drivers, Erroneous Report, 349
- - French Railway Accidents and Automatic Signalling, 609
- - French Railways and the “Crocodile,” Old Invention of Monsieur Lartigue, 433
- - Garratt Engine, The Late H. W. Garratt, 37
- - Gauge, British Railways, Eighty Years Ago, 63
- - German Competition Prize for Stress and Deflection Recorder, 11
- - Giant’s Causeway Hydro-electric Tramway, First in the World, Stand-by Power-house for, 89
- - Good Men Scarce on English Railways, Sir Felix Pole’s Address to Students, 433
- - Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company Ceases to Exist, Property Passes to State, 41
- - Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Electrification of Main Line, Cost, 349
- - Great Northern Railroad (U.S.A.), Risk of Automatic Signalling, 189
- - Great Southern Railway of Ireland, Urges Reduction of Pay All Round, 241
- - Great Western Railway :
- -- Accidents to Men in Swindon Works, Reduction in Number of, 267
- -- Changes Foretold in Ownership of Certain Lines in Consequence of Grouping, 491
- -- Coal Dispute Question and Discrimination between Classes of Traffic, General Manager’s Warning, 267
- -- Junction Line Projected to Replace Part of Marlborough Branch, 71
- -- Ocean Mails Specials, Record Run, Plymouth-Paddington, 349
- -- Purchase of Nevin Omnibus Company, 267
- -- Swansea Harbour Trust Taken Over by Great Western Railway and Bridge Projected, 267
- -- Swindon to Paddington Fast Run, 141
- -- Track Doubled between Portmadoc and Pwllheli, 141
- -- Vale of Rheidol Railway. Branch Diversion to Main Line Station, 11, 639
- - Grouping Advantages and Royal Trains, 433
- - Grouping, and Consequent Available Warehousing Space, 110
- - Harbin, Manchuria, City Tramway Projected, 321
- - History of Railways, 127
- - India, Goods Train Operation, 519
- - Indian Railways, Two, Secretary of State Decides Not to Purchase, 37
- - Institutes and Institutions, Railway and Transport—see Associations
- - Interim Dividends of Four Railway Groups, 141
- - International Railway Congress :
- -- American Choice of Railway Event for Celebration, 11
- -- Congress “Proceedings” Publication Delayed by Printers’ Strike, 349
- -- Germany and other Governments’ Expected Applications for Admission, 37
- -- International Railway Congress Special to Swindon, 11
- -- Meeting Place for 1930, 11, 37
- -- Soviet Government’s Request to Join the Association Declined, 37
- - International Railway Services and Tariffs, 321
- - Irish Free State Railways Amalgamated into Great Southern Railway, 165
- - Irish Road and Railway Transport, Proposed Linking-up, 267
- - Irish Winter Train Services Reduced, 455
- - Italian Railway Bridge Fatal Disaster, 405
- - Italian State Railways, Marked Improvement in Revenue, 691
- - Japanese Adopt British Type of Rails, 695
- - Japanese Railways Freight Vehicle Couplings, 321
- - Khyber Pass Railway Opening. 463
- - Ladysmith-Touws River Line Opening, 551
- - Light Railway Orders, 463
- - Light Railways of 1898, Parts of Scheme Abandoned, 551
- - Llewellyn. Inspector J. M., Killed at Bristol, 551
- - London Electric Railways’ Extension, 463
- - London 'Travellers, Enormous Increase of Journeys, 581
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- -- Automatic Signalling between Barking and Bow-road, 140
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway (con.):
- -- Changes Foretold in Ownership of Certain Lines in Consequence of Grouping, 491
- -- Coal Commission, Director of L.M. and S. Railway to be a Member, 267
- -- Euston to Perth with Only One Stop, 63 ; Claim Disputed, 89
- -- Fleetwood, Improvements near Passenger Station and Larger Steamers on Belfast Route, 491
- -- Further Widening of Line near Wakefield, 45
- -- London, Tilbury and Southend Electrification Postponed, 89
- -- Motor Cars Over Ferries on the Caledonian Section, Complaints of Excess Charges, 189
- -- Portstewart Station Tramway (Northern Counties Committee) to be Exchanged for Omnibus Service, 491
- -- Relaying Lines with Felt Pads Under Chairs, in Dunblane and Stirling Area, 463
- -- Restaurant Service, Manchester and Birmingham, 519
- -- Season Tickets, Weekly, Liverpool and Manchester, Manchester and Bury, 519
- -- Water Columns and Tanks, Differently Coloured and the Reason for, 561
- -- Winter Service Changes, 349
- - London and North-Eastern Railway :
- -- Hanging Buffers and Timber Dog, £100 Reward offered for Invention, 673
- -- Hull Dock Warehouse Destroved by Fire, 669
- -- Liverpool-street and Ilford Proposals, Cost of, 377
- -- Locomotion No. 1 Returned to Pedestal in Darlington Station, 491
- -- Locomotive and Wagon Construction Programme, 551
- -- Pullman Train Changes on the L. and N.E. Railway, 295
- -- Signalman's Action Averting an Accident, 295
- -- Lord Monkswell and the Railways, 519, 609
- -- Mail Service to Belfast and North of England, Improvements, 321
- -- Manchester, Scheme for Tube Railways for, 377
- -- Manchester South Junction and Altrincham Railway, Local Demand for Electrification, 433
- -- Melbourne Cable Tramway Conversion to an Electric Service, 491
- -- Mersey Railway Company's Grievance, 189
- -- Mersey Tunnel Construction Bill Passed, 148
- -- Metropolitan, District and Tubes Railways, Greatly Improved Services, 321
- - Ministry of Transport:
- -- Appointments to Railway Employment Safety Appliances Committee, 141
- -- Electrification of Railways, Parliamentary Question and Minister's Reply, 241
- -- Fenny-Stratford Disaster Inquiry, 639, 669
- -- Order for Acquisition by Agreement of Land by London Electric Railway, 295
- -- Railway Statistics, Passenger and Goods, for March, 41
- -- Railway Statistics for June, also for First Half of Present Year, 321
- -- Railway Statistics for July, 433
- -- Railway Statistics for August, 581
- -- Railway Statistics for September, 695
- - Motor Omnibuses to Replace Trackless Trains in Boksburg, 695
- -- Central Wages Board, Difficulties of Discussion, 405
- -- Circular to the Members Advising Acceptance of Wages Board Award, 669
- -- Coal Dispute and Traffic Handling, Warning of General Manager, 267
- -- Question of Amalgamation with Locomotive Engineers and Firemen Society, 73
- -- Railway Companies' Conference with Trades Unions, 11
- -- Railway Companies' Proposal to Men for All-round Reduction in Directors' Fees, Salaries and Wages, 37, 669
- -- Railwaymen's Wages and Cost of Living, 11, 669
- -- Record Assets Reported, 18
- - National Wages Board and Railwaymen's Wages, 551, 669
- - Never-Stop Railway, The One-millionth Passenger, 405
- - New Zealand Government Railways, Self- propelled Coaches for, 215
- - North London Railway, Former, Discontinues Second-class Bookings, 295
- - North London, Travelling Facilities, Public Inquiry, 321
- - Nova Scotia, Bill for Branch Line Construction Defeated, 37
- - Oil-burning. Locomotive's Wonderful Run, 581
- - Old-street Underground Station, New Escalator Shaft and Passageway, 37
- - Oxford Circus Station Reconstruction, 189
- - Parliamentary Decision Concerns Oldest Existing Railway to have Received Parliamentary Sanction, 463
- - Parliamentary Powers to be Sought for Works on Various Railways, 581, 609
- - Passenger Tube Under the Tyne, 490
- - Pennsylvania Railroad Telephone, Extensive Use of, 215
- - Pennsylvania System, Retirement of President, 463
- - Piccadilly Circus Tube Station, Progress, 295
- - Post Office Trains, 37
- - Praise of Railway Companies, 639
- - Pullman Car Non-stop Trains, 581
- - Punch and Wagon-coupling Accidents, 63
- - Rail Motor, New Type, 165
- - Railway Material Exports Statistics, 115, 165, 377, 519
- - Railway Rates, 50 per cent. Increase, Wages 150 per cent., Material 80 per cent., Sir R. Wedgwood, 519
- - Railway Rates Tribunal :
- -- Capital of Railway Companies, Tribunal's Decision, 433
- -- Demurrage Charges on Railway-owned Wagons, 165
- Railway Rates Tribunal (continued):
- -- Economies Arising Out of Grouping, 463
- -- Economics from Grouping not Confirmed by-Railway Companies, 405
- -- Postponement of Question of Railway Expenses and Standard Charges, 141
- - Rating of Railways, 115
- - Raven, Sir Vincent, Resigning President's Office, 669
- - Royal Train to North, New Route Taken, 189
- - Scottish Railway Shareholders and Men's Wages during Government Control, 267
- - Shopmen's Wages, Court of Inquiry to be Set up, 695
- - Signal Colours, Two, for Colour-blind and Non-colour-blind, 491
- - Signalling and Other Appliances, J. E. and J. P. Annett, 639
- - Signalling Plant, Electro-mechanical, at Belfast, 241
- - Signalman's Death at His Post, Effect of Block System Signalling, 377
- - Sir Felix Pole on Peace in Railway Industry, 669
- - Sleeper Spacing and Axle Loads, A. F. Harvey, 609
- - South African Railways Workshops, Cost of Extensions, 189
- - South-East London and Traffic Facilities, 141
- - Southern Railway :
- -- Charing Cross to Orpington and Addiscombe, Electrification Delayed, 491
- -- Complaints of Overcrowding Due to Bank Holiday Traffic, 189
- -- Concrete Sleepers, Projected Trials of New Type, 700
- -- Criticisms of Electrical Services, 241
- -- Different Electric Systems on Various Sections, 89
- -- Electrical Services, New, and Extensions, 11
- -- Newhaven, Harbour at, Proposed Transfer to Southern Railway, 412
- -- Reconstruction Work on Eastern Kent Section, 37
- -- Restaurant Facilities Extended, 386
- -- Siding, New, at Dorking North Station, 115
- -- Totton, Hythe and Fawley Light Railway and Torrington and Halwill Light Railway Inspected and Opened, 63, 89
- -- Turbine Mail Steamers, Southern Railway, Converted to Oil Burners, 581
- -- Vera and Alberta Steamers, Southern Railway, to be Replaced by New Vessels, 491
- -- Victoria Stations Amalgamation Numbering, 349
- -- Waterloo, Changes of Certain Electric Trains to Relieve Congestion, 609
- -- Wimbledon Station Under Reconstruction, 669
- - Stephensons, Father and Son, Confusion by Journalists, 89
- - Stockton and Darlington Railway, Celebration of One Hundredth Anniversary of Opening, 215
- - Stratford, Gas Standard Obstruction, 215
- - "Summer Trains," Incorrect Report, 115
- - Sunday Trains in Scotland, Additional, 405
- - Swiss Federal Railways, Progress of Electrification of Olten-Berne Section, 141 ; (Correction), 165
- - Telephone Booths, 1Mile Apart for 10,000 Miles Railway, 89
- - Telephones on Railway Motor Cars in Italy and America, 141
- - Thomas, Mr. J. H., on the Coal Subsidy and Nationalisation, 241
- - Tottenham Court-road "Comb" Escalators, 491
- - Trade Union, New Railway, 89
- - Tramway Electrification in Reval, Esthonia, 581
- - Tramway Works at Liverpool, Cost of, 491
- - Tramways, Limitations of, A. W. S. Herrington, 639
- - Transandine Railway Boundary Tunnel, 11
- - Tubes' Decreased Passengers and Receipts Compared with Greatly Increased Prosperity of Motor Omnibuses, 527, 545
- - Underground Company's Tunnel Connection at King's Cross between Piccadilly and City Lines, 295
- - Underpinning of Railway Bridge Over London Street, 165
- - Victorian Government Railways Traffic Statistics, 295
- - Virginian Railway Electrical Operation, 551
- - Wages Rate in Pre-war Days, 581
- - Wagons, High-capacity, All-metal, for Road Stone and Tar-macadam, 295
- - Wagons, Privately Owned, Reply to Complaints, 491
- - Watford Extension Opening, 433 ; Descriptive Brochure of Line, 551
- - Whitemoor Locomotive Depot at March, 639
- - Winter Train Services, Dates for Beginning and End, 295
- - Woolwich-built Locomotives, 178
- - Workmen's Unremunerative Fares on Tramways and Railways, 527
- REACTION, Incompleteness of, Between Hard Water and Alkaline Reagents Used, 63
- Reagent, New, for Copper, Iron and Cobalt in Quantitative Analysis, 267
- Reflector, New Type, 463
- Reinforced Concrete Building, Highest in the World, 63
- Reinforcement of Concrete Pipes, New Method of, H. S. Bower, 519
- Research Work, Report of American Bureau of Standards, 11
- Reservoir Built in Rapid Time, 551
- Resistance to Traction of Passenger Motor Cars and of Pneumatic Tire Wagons on Paved Surfaces and on Gravel, 519
- Road Troubles in American Cities as in London, 669
- Roads in Hunan, China, Construction Scheme, 639
- Roofs, Iron Sheets Outlast Steel, 89
- Ropes, Worn, New Instrument for Testing, 695
- Royal Scottish Museum Assistantship, Appointment, 89
- Rubber Compounding Tendencies, W. B. Wiegand, 321
- Rubber Exports from Para, Statistics, 241
- Rubber Industry Institution Meeting, 361
- Rubber Plantation to be Started in Liberia, 463
- Rudder Perforation, A German Invention, 63
- Russian Oil Storage Tanks at Avonmouth and Grangemouth, 551
- SAGUENAY River, Big New Power Development, 141
- St. Lawrence Power Development, Project Delayed, 63
- St. Lawrence Waterways Deepening, Inquiry by Expert, 115
- Salford Centralisation of Transportation System, 695
- Salt, First Shipment from New Salt Wells of Alberta Salt Company, 189
- Salt Water for Fire Mains, Evil Effects of, 695
- Salving of Treasure on P. and O. Mail Boat Egypt, Contract for, 405
- Scarborough's New Bridge and Government Grant, 141
- Scholarships in Engineering, British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, 568
- Scholarships in Engineering, Norton and Gregory, Ltd., 499
- Scholarships in Engineering Offered by Loughborough College, Leicestershire, 695
- Scholarships, Hughes and Salomons, 178
- Scholarships, Research, in Naval Architecture, 245
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Appointments to Advisory Council, 377
- Scottish Shale Oil Industry, Position of, 295
- Sea Sand in Plaster, Cable Insulation Destroyed by Corrosion, 115
- Sennar Dam Opened, 89
- Shale Oil Industry in South Africa, Question of State Assistance, 609
- Shanghai Strike Troubles and Interrupted Electric Supply, 295
- - British India, In and Out Tonnage Statistics, 267
- - British Naval Work for the Hellenic Government, 253
- - Cairn Liner Damage and Quick Repair, 141
- - Canada's New Ships for British West Indian Trade, 349
- - Centrifugal Separators for Fuel Oil on Motor Ships, 405
- - Comet Steamer, Hundredth Anniversary of Disaster, 433
- - Commonwealth Cruisers, Names of Two New, 695
- - Destroyer Repairs to be Limited to Dockyards, 215
- - Flettner Rotor Ship, Finnish Inventor's Improvement, 11
- - Furness, Withy and Co., Tenders Invited for Ships, British Prices far Exceed Foreign, 89
- - Fushun, Shallow-draught Steamer, Safe Arrival at Hongkong, 639
- - Gliding Boat Driven by Aeroplane Propeller, Great Expectations, 267
- - Harwich--Esbjerg Motor Mail and Passenger Ship Parkeston, Great Advantages of, 349
- - Japanese Naval Estimates, 63
- - Kenilworth, 5096-Ton Steamer, Rapid Bunkering and Despatch, 349
- - Lifeboat Regulations, Fleming Boat Recommended, 89
- - Machinery Installed in Lake Steamer, Record Speed, 165
- - Motor Lifeboat, Seventeen Years Old, but Still Doing Good Service, 165
- - Motor Ship City of Stockholm, 307
- - Motor Ship Danmark, Particulars of, 377
- - Naval Building Programme, 1925-6, 215
- - Oil Tanker to Burn Oil Fuel with Triple-expansion Engines, 349
- - Orient Line Steamers' Change of Home Port, 215
- - P. and O. Bombay Liner Ranchi to Start Service, 141
- - Rotor Ships, Large, for German Government 37
- - Scapa Flow, Salving of German Destroyers, Progress, 63, 115, 165, 695
- - Second-hand Steamships' High Prices, 295
- - Sinking of Mississippi River Steamer, Its Cause, 295
- - Towing to Buenos Aires from Hull, Four Months' Voyage, 349
- - Turbine Mail Steamers, Dover-Calais, Two Converted for Oil Burning, 639
- - Two Cruisers, British, Machinery for, 669
- - White Star Liner's Stern Frame Rail Journey, Space Required for Transport, 581
- - Yarrow Experiments and Research Work in connection with High-speed Vessels, 518
- SHOWS--see Exhibitions
- Silting Trouble at Durban Waterworks, 267
- Silver-lead Ore Discovery, New South Wales, 519
- Silver Wedding Presentation, 565
- Singapore Registration Bill for Architects, 499
- Smoke Abatement and Lack of Funds, 669
- Smokeless Fuel, Discussion of Papers on, 496
- Snowdon Mountain Railway, Increased Traffic, 377
- Societies--see Associations
- Sorel's Magnesium Oxychloride, 639
- South Africa's Imports of Merchandise, 115
- Soviet Union, Progress in Mechanisation in Industry, 321
- Steam at Bottom of Vertical Gas Retorts, Results and Tests, 491
- Steam Condenser with 70,000 Square Feet Cooling Surface, 267
- Steam Power Plant, 100,000 H.P., Projected in Carolina, 639
- Stellite, A Cutting Tool, but Not a Steel; E. M. Boote, 551
- Suez Canal, Traffic and Revenue Returns, 141
- Sugar Beet Factory Projected at Selby, 405
- Sugar Factory Erection in Latvia, 377
- Sugar Factory at Raymond, Alberta, 581
- Sugar--see also Beet
- Sulphate of Ammonia Plant in Natal Closed Down, 519
- Suspension Bridge, New, Over the Delaware River, 63
- Synthetic Ammonia, Toulouse Plant for Manufacture of, 349
- TANKS, Large, for Molasses, 115
- Tarmac Works and Plant Projected in East Cleveland, 377
- Tasmanian Cement Works Starting Operations, 609
- Telephone Call-boxes, Prevention of Eavesdropping, 241
- Telephone Circuit and Elimination of Noises, 321
- Telephone Development, Great Britain at the Foot of the List of Nations, 63
- "Telephone Habit," Post Office Project to Inculcate, 519
- Telephone, Long-distance Service, in China, 669
- Telephone Statistics, 321
- Telephone, Street, Instruments, New System at Dundee, 491
- Telephoned Pictures as Part of Press Routine in U.S.A., 43
- Telephonic Communication Between London and Frankfort, 165
- Tenders for Pumping Station Plant, Cairo, 348
- Testimonial to a Distinguished Frenchman, 568
- Thermometers for Russia, Centigrade Scale Only to be Used, 405
- The Thirty Club, Westminster Dinner, 21
- Timber Output for Coming Year in Quebec, Predicted Amount, 695
- Timber Sleepers, New Remedy for Worn Spike Holes, 463
- Tin Deposits in the Waratah Valley, 463
- Tin Mine in Cornwall, Reopening, 115
- Tin, Prospecting for, in South-West Africa, 165 Tires Exposure to Damp or Dust, Need of Care, 609
- Traction Engines and Rubber Tires, 141, 215
- Trade Dispute Statistics for July, 215
- Traffic "White Line" at Dangerous Corners, Inventors' Schemes for Improvement, 639
- Trepanning Tool, Fry's (London), Ltd., 78
- Tunnel Under St. Louis Bay Proposed, 115
- Tunnels, Two, Under Detroit River, 551
- Turbine Pumps, Large, for Manchester, 420
- Turkish Science and Industry Magazine, 405
- UNDERPINNING Church. Elaborate Process with Steel Pipe Piles, 491
- United States National Research Council, Projected Publication of Scientific Data, 620
- University College, London, Course of Lectures, Mercury Vapour Lamps and Mercury Arc Rectifiers, Professor J. A. Fleming, 437
- University of New Brunswick, Chair of Electrical Engineering, 695
- University of Sheffield, Appointments, 78
- VAUGHAN, Mr. J. A., Retirement of, 463
- "Veeder Magnetic Counter," 609
- Vehicle Building Industry, New Regulations for, 215
- Vehicles, Municipal, Trial of Street Sweepers, &c., 475
- Vertical Shaft Sinking, New World's Record, 463
- Vickers Group Amateur Operatic Society, 593
- WAGON and Machine-building Factory, Germano-Bulgarian, 160
- Wagons, War Department, 162
- Water-hammer and Accident Caused by Failure to Open By-pass, 89
- Water Main, 1400ft. Long, Rapid Placing of, 267
- Water Power Development in the Punjab, 267
- Water Power Developments near Ontario Border, Quebec Contracts, 639
- Water Power Plant, 800,000 H.P. for Saguenay, Quebec, 241
- Water Softening, Limits of Rate for Filtration, 115
- - Additional Water Supply for Mining Areas near Pontefract, 405
- - Bradford's Additional Water from the River Nidd, 349
- WATER SUPPLY (continued):
- - Capetown Water Supply, Pipe Dimensions for, 165
- - Chicago Water Consumption, Enormous Tota and Half Wasted, 551
- - Durban's Water Supply, Progress of Dam Construction, 295
- - Esthonian Republic, New Waterworks, 333
- - Household Water Consumption Reduced by Metering, 695
- - Skegness Water Supply Augmentation, 215
- - Water Storage Reservoir, Additional, at Milford, near Stafford, 63
- WATERPROOF Bags for Transporting Dry Chemicals, Increased Use of, 695
- Waves, Sound, and Light, Comparison, 639
- Waygood-Otis Club Sports, 21
- Weathering of Stone Used for Buildings, 609
- Welland Canal, Magnitude of Work, 669
- Weymouth Port Development Scheme, 267
- Whitworth Society, Summer Meeting, 102
- Wire Rope Safety Tests, 491
- Wire Rope Strengths, Messrs. Bruntons, 536
- - American Encouraging Report of Efficiency of British Wireless Industry, 241
- - Arctic Circle, 125-Miles Beyond, Wireless Station Opened at Aklavik, 519
- - Austria, Broadcasting Restrictions and Protection, 321
- - "Beam" Radio-telegraph Station near Skegness for Communication with India and Australia, 11, 215
- - Belle Isle New Station, 677
- - Board of Trade New Wireless Regulation, 37
- - Bolivia Begins Broadcasting, 669
- - Broadcast Telephony Conference, 11
- - Broadcasting from Colliery by Sheffield Relay Station, Great Success, 11
- - Broadcasting Experiments from Scotch Express, 37
- - Broadcasting Schemes Projected, Listeners' Requirements, 11
- - Broadcasting Stations under Construction, World-wide Increase, 349
- - Broadcasting Stations at Milan and in Czecho-Slovakia to be Opened Shortly, 189
- - Colombo and Perth, Western Australia, Communication Set up and Experiments in Progress, 669
- - Commercial Organisation in Isolated Parts of the World, Wireless Installations, 11
- - Cork Harbour Pilot Boat, Wireless Installation for, 37
- - Deep Sea Fishermen Mission, New Steamship Fitted with Wireless Transmitter, 11
- - French Broadcasting Stations, Comparative Strength Shown by Experiments, 295
- - Geneva Broadcasting Troubles, 639
- - German Wireless Industry Progress, 141, 215
- - Greek Government and Wireless, 141
- - Heating Filaments of Wireless Valves, Dr. J. H. T. Roberts' Invention, 11
- - High-powered Wireless Stations in Jamaica and Bermuda, 37
- - Hilversum (Dutch) Station as Rival to Daventry, 519
- - Leeds and London, Broadcasting Arrangements, 377
- - Lighthouse Equipped for Wireless in Canada, 321
- - Lightning Effect on Wireless Apparatus, 377
- - Liverpool Broadcasting Station Accident, 321
- - Queensland Broadcasting Service, 321
- - Receiving Sets in Chile, 463
- - Receiving Sets Repair, Suggested Body of Expert Maintenance Men, 37
- - Receiving Sets Without Special Batteries 433
- - Seoul, Korea, Broadcasting Station, 695
- - Studio, Wireless, Large New, for London Station, 241
- - Trinidad Wireless System Reconstruction, 581
- - Two-way Communication between Kohat (North-West Indian Frontier) and Caterham, Record, 491
- - Vessels of Rio de Janeiro Company to be Equipped with Powerful Marconi Installations, 491
- - Wireless Goods in British Market, Protection Sought Against Foreign Underselling, 349
- - Wireless International Conference at Geneva, 37
- - Wireless Telegraph Station at Salinas, under Brazilian Department, 433
- - Wireless Telegraphy (Explanation) Bill, 37
- WOLFRAM Deposit Discovery in South Africa, 609
- Workshop Suggestion Schemes, 361
- World Power Conference, Permanent Committees to be Set up for each of Participating Countries, 695
- YANGTZE Engineering Works, near Hankow, Resumes Operations, 89
- Yarrow Boilers with Superheaters for Portsmouth Dockyard Power Station, 695
- York Omnibuses, Trolley and Petrol, Show Profit, but Loss on Tramcars, 349
- ZINC and Lead, Large Manufacturing Plant for, Projected in Quebec, 165
- Zinc Ore in Spitzbergen, Large Deposits, 581
- Zinc Refinery, Large New, in Canada, 187
- Zulu land Harbour Proposed, Cost of Such Undertaking, 551
See Also
Sources of Information