The Engineer 1926 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1926 Jan-Jun: Index
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- ABATTOIR and Refrigerating Plant for East London, S.A., 437
- Aberdeen New Suction Hopper Dredger, 153
- Accidents in Mines in U.S.A., 153
- Acetylene Generating Plant, Very Large, 413
- - Aeroplane, New Very High-speed, A. V. Roe, 213
- - Aeroplane Services, Several New, to Start, 413
- - Aircraft Apprentices, 149
- - Amphibian Flying Boats for Royal Australian Air Service, First Boat Launched, 213
- - Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 512
- - Cairo-Karachi Service, Details of Five Projected Machines for Use, 213
- - Cairo and Khartoum, Mail Service Possible by Aeroplane, 13
- - Croydon to Nuremburg and Back in 15.5 Hours, 469
- - Flight from Rome to Tokio and Back, Marchese de Pinedo, 441
- - Flying Boat Widgeon, Official Test, 446
- - French Flying, Government Prize Oiler, 213
- - Fuel Tank, Pescara Bullet-proof, for Aeroplanes, 325
- - Glider, Engineless German, Record Flight of Over Nine Hours in the Air, 637
- - Glider, the "Sea Flea," Manned by Two Men, Proposed Voyages, 525
- - Helicopter Competition Fallen Through, 525
- - Night Flight in America, Only Partially Lighted, Plans for Extension, 553
- - R 36 Projected Flight Cancelled, 71
- - Royal Air Force Flight from Cairo to the Cape, Details of Project, 213
- - Superseded Aeroplane's Life Record, 497
- - Tenth Aeronautical Exhibition, 289
- - Wooden and Metal Propellers for Aircraft, Experiments to Determine Relative Merit of, 497
- AFFORESTATION in Australia, 43
- Alberta Oil Wells, High Average Production,
- Alcohol from Sugar, Doubtful as a Paying Project, 441
- Alloy of Manganese and Phosphorus, American Investigation, 125
- Aluminium Abundance and Increasing Consumption, 441
- Aluminium Paint, Durability and Protective Power of, E. Andrews, 379
- American Honour for English Writer, 224
- Analysis of Gases and Orsat Apparatus, 125
- Ancient Cottages Preservation, 440
- Anglo-Italian Mutual Concessions in Abyssinia and the Soudan, 441
- Antimony Mine in Brittany Approaching Exhaustion, 637
- Antimony, Uses of, in War and Peace, 581
- Apprentices in the Engineering Trades, Education of, 337
- Apprenticeship System for Contractors and Building Trades in British Columbia, 183
- Argentine Machinery and Merchandise Demands, 71
- Artificial Silk by Cellulose-acetate Process, Factory Projected in Canada, 43
- Artificial Silk, Cheaper Qualities of, Factory Projected in Germany, 43
- Artificial Silk, Mill Projected for, at Kendal, 43
- Asbestos Cement, Projected Factory for, in Australia, 13
- Asbestos Find in British Columbia, 153
- Assay Laboratory at Lydenburg, South Africa, 13
- -- Luncheon and Presentation for Valuable Service, 651
- -- Oxygen Used for Cutting Blow-pipes, Effect on the Apparatus of any Loss of Purity, C. R. Houseman, 500
- -- Annual Dinner, 268
- -- Annual General Meeting, 167, 537
- -- Annual Dinner, 167
- -- Bessemer Gold Medal Award, 409
- -- Annual Autumn Meeting at Liege, Programme, 440
- -- Postal Ballot for Membership, 278
- -- Lincoln Cathedral Restoration, Use of Jackhammers, Sir Francis Fox, 71
- -- Royal Gold Medal Award, 425
- -- Examinations for Graduateship and Associate Membership, 366
- -- President-elect a Railway Director and Manager, 608
- -- Examinations for Associate Membership,
- -- Tube Mill Grinding, Dr. G. Martin, 153
- -- Association of London Students : Forty-fifth Annual Dinner, 393
- -- Awards for Papers, 624
- -- A.M.I.E.E. Examination, 60
- -- Design and Performance of Protective Relays, C. L. Lipman, 99
- -- Faraday Medal Award, 140
- -- I.E.E. Model Form of General Conditions "A," 258
- -- Premiums for Papers, 596
- -- Summer Meeting Postponed to Next Year, 568
- -- Wireless Section :
- -- Radiogoniometer and Azimuth or Arrival of Wave Trains, Paper Read, 325
- -- Communication to Secretary of Proposed New Fuel Institute, 621
- -- Council Meetings, 111, 621
- -- Formation and Objects, 43
- -- Air Conditioning as an Aid to Industry, J. W. Cooling, 665
- -- Annual Dinner, 509
- -- Coal-cutting Machinery, Lecture, S. Reilly,
- -- Meeting, Films Shown Illustrating Work at Sheffield Works of Vickers Ltd., 54
- -- Paint Spraying, Lecture, F. E. Webb, 385
- -- Automatic Mechanical Couplings for Railway Rolling Stock, A. M. Bell, 413
- -- Awards of Gold Medals and Premium, 312
- -- Annual Meetings, Dates, 152
- -- Annual Dinner, 152
- -- Award of Premiums, 265
- -- Summer Meeting in Belgium, 481
- -- Comparative Survey of American and British Signalling, Joshua Parsons, 497
- -- Four-aspect Colour Light Signals, W. J. Thorrowgood, 385
- -- Long-burning Signal Lamps, H. E. Morgan and F. J. Hookham, 43
- -- New President and Members Elected, 183
- -- "Proceedings," Publication of Interesting Papers, 553
- -- Annual Meeting, 540
- -- Anonymous Donation, £500, 167
- -- Elections, 167, 281, 540, 624
- -- General Meetings, 167, 281, 540, 624
- -- Lectures by Sir William Bragg on "X-rays and Living Matter," and Sir William Hardy on "Films," 86
- -- Various Lectures Projected, Lecturers and Dates, 224
- -- Annual Dinner--and Criticism, 453
- -- Engineer and Chemist, Combination Highly Necessary for this Country, Sir Alfred Mond's View, 469
- -- Impact of Wheels on Road Surface, Difference between Solid and Pneumatic Tires, Major R. A. B. Smith, 153
- -- Portland House Scholarship, 624
- -- Arc Welding of Seams in Steel Plates, J. T. Carr, 183
- -- Annual General Meeting, The King as Patron, 153
- -- Explosive Reactions in Gaseous Media Discussion Organised by Society, 481
- -- Temporary Appointment of Secretary and Editor, 665
- -- Visit to Osram Glass Works, Papers on Glass Technology, Luncheon, 651
- -- Engine Drivers' Eyesight, Effect of Passing from Tunnels to Lighted Stations, 637
- -- Development of Water Power Resources, A. E. Malpas, 13
- -- Second Annual Dinner, 162
- -- Summer Meeting, 1926, 565
- -- President Elected, 469
- -- Ancient Cottages, Preservation of, Meeting to Discuss Measures for, 440
- -- Roads, Danger of Cambering, Lieut. - Colonel Sir A. H. Burgoyne, 43
- -- Symons Memorial Lecture, Advances in Atmospheric Physics, Professor Sydney Chapman, 363
- -- Exhibition, 13
- AUTOMATIC Telephone Exchange at Manchester, 71
- "BANK" Telephone Exchange Closed, 617
- Barbed Wire, German Substitute for, 71
- Baroda's New Harbour at Okha, 469
- Bauxite or Clay, Extraction of Metal from, Professor N. Vittorf's Invention, 217
- Bauxite in Montenegro, Large Deposits Discovered, 43
- Bauxite Production in the United States, 553
- Bauxite Reduction to Aluminium Oxide by Aid of Iron Ore Instead of Coal, 581
- Bedrock Depth for Sheet Piling, Method of Ascertaining, 183
- Beet Sugar Factory for Three Welsh Counties, 153
- Bell, 15 Tons, for America Ordered from Croydon, 125
- Berlin Projected Prize Competition for Caterpillar Tractor, 13
- Beryllium, Properties of, 183
- Birmingham Sewage Disposal, Sludge Gas Power Plant Installed, 553
- Blast-furnaces--see Iron
- Board of Trade Engineers' Examinations to be Suspended in August, 125
- Board of Trade Navigation Certificates, New Test of Competency, 269
- Board of Trade Returns, Exports of Machinery Show Highest Figure since 1913, 125
- Boilers, Precipitates Forming in, Investigation in America, 43
- Breakwaters in the Bay of Corinto, Pacific Coast, Projected, 213
- - See also Railways
- - Bascule Bridges for Welland Canal, 43
- - Blue Nile Flow, Possibility of Regulation and Irrigation Water Supply Improvement, 609
- - Bridge Colouring to Harmonise with House, 43, 71
- - Bridges Over the Vaal and Orange Rivers, Construction of Seven New, Proposed, 385
- - Cantilever Bridge, to Connect Rhode Island with American Mainland, 385
- - Finnieston, New Bridge Across the Clyde at, under Consideration, 213
- - Murray River Bridges, Two, in Course of Erection, Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 71
- - Murray River, History of Old Bridge, 125
- - Murray River New Bridge, Second Longest in Australia, 71
- - Niagara Falls Cantilever Bridge, Unusual Rusting, 71
- - Old and New Bridges Crossing Newark Bay, N.J., Cost of, 293
- - Port Augusta, South Australia, Proposed Bridge, 13
- - Two-deck Continuous Girder Bridge Recommended to Connect North Brisbane with Kangaroo Point, 297
- - Umgeni River, Natal, Bridge Over, Completed, 385
- - Wear, Bridge Over, at Sunderland, Tender of Sir William Arrol and Co. Accepted, 478
- - Westminster Bridge as Sound as When Erected, 641
- BRITISH Columbia's Hydro-electric Schemes, 637
- British Columbia, Record Low Rate of Mine Fatalities, 385
- - Change of Methods of Classification of Insulating Materials, 255
- - Improvement Reported in Overseas Trade Inquiries, 98
- - Overseas Inquiries, New Zealand's Extensive Requirements, 269
- - Electric Cable Specification, 481
- British Engineering Industry, Share of World Trade, 153
- British Factories to be Opened to Traders during British Industries Fair in Birmingham, 183
- British Malaya's First Large Power Development Projected, 669
- British Manufacturers' Increasing Contracts, 183
- Budapest, Municipality's Extensive Programme of Improvements, 525
- Buenos Aires, Port Improvement Projected, 413
- Bullet-proof Screen, Reported Wonderful New Invention, 355
- CABLE, New Underground, Between London and Glasgow, 71
- Cables to be Laid between the Azores and Cape Verde, Italy and the Azores, and Between Lisbon and Malaga, 525
- Cables, Long-distance, Reported Company for Manufacture at Prague, 385
- Calcutta Drainage Scheme, 183
- Canada, Impracticability of Formation of Sixth Great Lake, 355
- Canada’s Export of Motor Vehicles and Parts, 99
- Canadian Export of Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc, 71
- Canadian Hydro-electric Stations, Greatly Increased Horse-power, 269
- Canadian Ilmenite Ores, Process under Development for Utilisation of, 497
- Canadian Motor Industry, Highest Production Year, Statistics of, 325
- Canal Expenditure in Canada, 441
- Canal, New York State Barge, Question of Deepening, Canadian Views, 213
- Canton Harbour Improvement, 243
- Canvey Island, Scheme to Link up with Main¬land by means of a Lock, 664
- Carbon Dioxide, Solid, Production in America, 665
- Carborundum, Annual Production, 413
- Cargo Waiting for River Transport in Barranquilla, Colombia, 125
- Carnival Dance, 137
- Celluloid, Sheet, as Substitute for Tracing Cloth, 525
- “Cellulose Enamels,” A. E. Lain, 146
- Cellulose Lacquer Production in United States, 385
- Cement, Large Consignment of, from United Kingdom to Florida, 385
- Cement Works Projected in New South Wales, 665
- Central Heating by Exhaust Steam, 413
- Chemical Factory in Australia, Allen and Hanbury’s Investigation, 43
- Chemical Processes, Steam Heating for, 385
- China, Bulk of Electricity Imported, 22
- China, North-West, Five Motor Roads Opened to Traffic, 297
- Cinnabar Deposit at Kamloops Lake, British Columbia, Working Renewed, 13
- Citroen Motor Car Works at Slough, 269
- Clan Line Engineer Appointment, 212
- - Accidental Explosion of Blasting Charge, 153
- - Belgian Coal Pits Suffering from Floods, 99
- - Blast-furnace Coke Research at Sheffield University, 325
- - Blasting, Proportion of Large Coal and Method of Drilling, 43
- - Borings in Search of the Silkstone Seam, 37
- - British Coke Industry, Application of American Practice to, T. B. Smith, 269
- - By-product Coking Plant, Thirty-five Ovens, for Hamilton, Ontario, 421
- - Chemist’s Assistance with Regard to Coal Mining Risks, 153
- - Coal for Australian Railways, Values of Content, 13
- - Coal Dust, Differing from other Dust, Said to be Harmless, Sir R. A. Jones, 153
- - Coal Mine with Electrically Driven Plant Supplied by Batteries in the. Mine, 665
- - Coal Prospects Good for Present Quarter, 99
- - Coal Shipping Conveyor Projected for Newport, South Wales, 153
- - Coke Ovens at Blaydon Burn, Possible Restarting, 297
- - Coking Industry and Useless Waste, Professor R. Lessing, 183
- - Colliery Engineering Record, Dismantling and Installing a New Winding Engine, 525
- - Cuticle in Coal, Interesting Account of, V. H. Legg and R. V. Wheeler, 125
- - Doncaster Collieries’ Association, Cable to Link Up Collieries, 497
- - Duty Reduced on Coal Imports to Switzerland, 99
- - French Coal Industry Strides, 43
- - Fuel Research Board :
- -- Physical and Chemical Survey of Coalfields of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, 243
- -- Report on Lancashire Coal Seam, 13
- - German Engineer to Report on Coal at Australian Works, 80
- - Great Britain’s Week’s Coal Output, 71, 183, 243, 269, 297, 413, 441, 469
- - Growth of Colliery Enterprise in Nottinghamshire, 125
- - Heat, Waste, from Colliery, to Supply Hot Water to Large Number of Houses, 269
- - Investigations and Tests in American Mine, Fruitful Results, 99
- - Kent Colliery, Progress of Shaft Sinking, 355
- - Lignite Coalfield Discovery in Saskatchewan, 441
- - Locomotive Coal Price Reduced in Yorkshire, 71
- - New Coal Discovered in Bargoed Steam Coal Colliery and Near Retford, 71
- - New South Wales Coalfield at Newcastle, Estimate of Coal Available, 13
- - New South Wales, New Coal Seam Near Dubbo, 273
- - Pulverised Coal, Conflicting Views as to Dust Effects, 153
- - Royal Commission on Coal Industry Report, Standardisation of Colliery Equipment, 355
- - Search for Coal Near the Black Sea and Output of Iron Mines to be Increased, 497
- - Six-foot Seam of Steam Coal, Port Talbot, 306
- - Swansea Valley, New Coal Pit to be Sunk, 385
- - Tasmania, Coal Output in, 43
- - Tasmania, Seymour Coalfield’s Development, 665
- - Thickest Coal Seam Ever Discovered in Klip River Valley, South Africa, 497
- - Tipton Coal Seam Reached at Markham Colliery and Deep Soft Coal at Barlborough Colliery, 125
- - Top Hard Seam Reached Near Mansfield, 125
- - Turkish Coal and Iron Industry, Development, 385
- - Wemyss Coal Company, Firth of Forth, New Shaft to be Sunk by Francois Cementation Process, 276
- COBS as Packing Material and Fertiliser, 413
- Colorado Output of Ores, Precious and Other, 153
- Colouring Concrete in Bridge to Harmonise with House, 43, 71
- Combine in Continental Wire Trade, 197
- Commercial Education, 54
- Commercial Motor Users' Association, 440
- Concrete Culverts, Novel System of Forming, 469
- Concrete Houses in the United Kingdom, 24,000 Erected in 1925, 71
- Concrete Oil Reservoir, Very Large, in Canada, 673
- Concrete Piles in Los Angeles Harbour, Cracking Effects, 609
- Concrete Silos, Rapid Construction of, 263
- Concrete Testing Data from Chicago, 13
- Concrete Treated with Silicate of Soda, 447
- Congress for Applied Mechanics, 552
- Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize, 651
- Co-partnership and Co-operation, 224
- Copper, Blister, Record Monthly Output, 124
- Copper Production in U.S.A., 71
- Copper Property, the Flin Flon, in Manitoba, 43
- Corrosion, Mechanism and Control of, in Steam Power Plant, Investigation, 213
- Corrosion, Mechanism of, and Factors Effective in its Control in Steam Power Plant, 385
- Cranes, Repair and Overhaul of, After Over Fifty Years' Service, 413
- Crude Oil Production in the United States, 385
- Crude Oil and Supply of Motor Fuel, Effect on these of Artificial Methods of Recovery, 581
- Culverts--see also Concrete
- Culverts, Flat-top Wooden, Successful in Replacement of Old Type of Waterbreaks, 581
- Cyprus Asbestos Plant Output, 99
- DAIREN, the Second Port of China, 609
- Dam, Cyclopean, for Irrigation, Across the Cauvery River, India, 581
- Dam Leakage Stopped by Grouting with Asphalt, 609
- Dam of Unusual Form in Arizona, 609
- Demolition Projected of Fourteenth Century Bridge in Bath, 525
- Development of Additional 22,000 Horse-power in New Brunswick and its Cost, 523
- Diamond Mines Lit by Electric Flood Light, 553
- Diatomite or Infusorial Earth, Deposit Discovery in Ontario, 99
- Diesel Engine, 2900 H.P. Marine, Non-stop Thirty Days' Trial Run, 385
- Dock, Inland, at Warrnambool, Victoria, 183
- Dock Works at Buenaventura, 645
- Dover Harbour, Parliamentary Bill, 63
- Dry Dock, New, at Victoria, B.C., 497
- Durban, Extension of North Pier, 385
- Durban's Preference for British Material, 153
- Dust Collectors, Birmingham, 153
- EARTHQUAKES in California, Hypotheses Regarding, 153
- Egyptians’ Advanced Handicraft Skill 5000 Years Ago, 609
- Egyptian Appointment, 162
- - Accident at Barking Power Station, 71
- - Arc Lamp Carbons with Higher Crater Brightness, 413
- - Australian Generating Plant, Greatly Increased Output of Energy, 589
- - Australian Transmission Line, Longest Outside America, 385
- - B.E.A.I. Research Association, Change of Classification Methods for Insulating Materials, 255
- - Cable, 150-000-Volt, Piece of, on View, 242
- - Canada’s Electric Power Consumption per Head Twice that of any other Country, 355
- - Capetown Suburban Railways, Tenders for Equipment for Electrification, 297
- - Cheshire Farms’ and Villages’ Universal Use of Chester Electricity Supply, 665
- - Chinese Eastern Railway, Programme for Electric Light Stations Reported, 297
- - Chorzow Electric Works, Reported Anglo- American Negotiations for Acquisition of, 269
- - Diamond Mines, Electric Flood Lighting for, 553
- - Electric Current Replacing Gas for Domestic Purposes in Canada, 609
- - Electric Engineering Work in Victoria, One of Biggest Schemes in the British Empire, 297
- - Electric Shock and its Cause, 385
- - Fire-damp Indicating Electric Lamp, Herr Martienssen, 553
- - Frequency Changer, Largest Ever Built, 99, 183
- - Generating Plant, in U.S.A., Analysis of Rating, 99
- - German Electrical Power Undertakings, American Loan Issue for, 335
- - Independent Power Plant, A Word in Favour of, 243
- - Insulators in Victoria Affected by Protracted Drought, Measures to Remedy the Trouble, 497
- - Ionisation Phenomena in Paper-insulated, High-voltage Power Cables, Research Investigation, 553
- - Locomotive, Electric Storage Battery, for Use in Coal Mines, £1000 Prize Award, 609, 637
- - Lots-road Generating Plant to be Augmented, 297
- - “National Significance of Electricity,” 243
- - North-West Midlands Electricity District, Inquiry at Stoke-on-Trent, 71
- - Oil Engine, Ruston-Hornsby, for Electric Power Plant, in Ceylon, 43
- - Power Development Company’s Electrical Project for Rural District, 269
- - Power Station for Middlesbrough, 71
- - Reinforced Concrete Arched Bridges to Carry Overhead Wires in Railroad Electrification, 297
- - Salford Electricity Committee Seeks Loan, 125
- - Sheffield and Government’s Electricity Bill, 441
- - Steel-frame Two-storey Building Electric Arc Welded, 183
- - Stirling Castle, War Office Demand for Electrical Supply for, 153
- - Sutton Coldfield Increasing Demand for Electricity, 42
- - Towers for High-voltage Lines, "Kay" Preferred to Lattice, 43
- - Transmission Line Begun by Canada Northern Power Company, A Big Development, 553
- - Transmission Line, Electric Power, Projected New, for Ontario, 553
- - Tumbler Switches, J. H. Tucker and Co., Ltd., 412
- - Turbo-alternating Plant Projected for Bucarest, 269
- - Turbo-alternator for Japan, Metropolitan - Vickers Company, 413
- - Turbo-alternators for South Brisbane Power House, Tenders for Two Invited, 497
- - Turbo-generator, Easily a Record, Exhibited in Osaka, 581
- - Turbo-generators, 80,000 H.P. Each, 406
- - Turbo-generators, 45,000-Kilowatt, Highest Steam Pressure Claim, 243
- - Victoria Electricity Commission to Deal with Requirements for Further Energy, 581
- - West Bank Power Station, Installation of 10,000-Kilowatt Turbo-generator Set and Condensing Plant, 665
- - Worcester's Prosperous Electricity Scheme, 43
- ELECTROLYTIC Zinc Company's Projected Researches in School of Chemistry, Melbourne, 637
- Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress, 1927, 258
- Engines, Heavy Oil, Working Costs of, 99
- Engine, Standard Marine, Tests, 312
- Engineering Structures Considered Beautiful, 441
- Engineers' Club, Birmingham, 453
- Esquimalt Dry Dock, Ottawa, Ready for Ships, 553
- Ether, Existence or Non-existence of, 553
- Excavator, Dragline, New Type, 525
- Exhaust of the Jackhammer as Assistance to Ventilation, H. S. Potter, 441
- - Aeronautic Exhibition, Tenth International, 289, 665
- - British Chemical Plant Exhibition, 297
- - British Industries Fair at Castle Bromwich in 1927, 549
- - British Industries Fair, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Discussing Possibility of Local Section, 385
- - Canadian National Exhibition, Projected Additions, 43
- - Exhibition at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Lighting Appliances, 312
- - International Laundry and Allied Trades' Exhibition, 525
- - International Oil Exhibition for London, 565
- - Norwegian Industries Fair at Oslo, 413
- - Philadelphia Exhibition, British Section at, 385
- - Physical and Optical Societies Exhibition, 13
- - Radio-technical Instruments Section at Padua Sample Fair, 441
- - Riga, International Fair, 469
- - Riga Fair and International Competition of Machinery, 497
- - Salonika, Trade and Industrial International Fair, 441
- - Swedish Industries Fair, 481
- EXPLOSION of Cast Iron Stop Valve Chest, 297
- Explosion of Heating Tube in Baker's Oven, Engineer's Report, 609
- Explosion of Oxygen Cylinder and Effect of Sea Water, 153
- Explosion, Unusual, in connection with Highspeed Steam Engine, 441
- Explosives, Authorised, Home Office List, 183
- Explosives Inspectors, Appointments, 243
- FACTORIES, Soda Powder, Paper Works, and Artificial Silk, Projected in China, 637
- Fairs--see Exhibitions
- Faraday House, Entrance Scholarships and Prizes Awards, 453
- Firedamp in Mines, Possible Ignition by Electric Currents, Research Work in Progress, 469
- Firms' Recognition of Workmen's Loyalty and Zeal at Time of Strike, 581
- Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen and Conversion into Nitrate of Lime, Projected Plant for, 413
- Floating Dock, 15,000-Ton, to be Constructed at Newcastle, New South Wales, 385
- Floating Dock, 60,000-Ton, Temporary Removal due to Silting of Bed, 637
- Floors, Steel and Concrete, Regulations Governing Construction, 553
- Fly-wheel's Disastrous Burst, 99
- Fog Dispersement by Special Apparatus, 497
- Ford Car's Long Journey by Aeroplane and Rapid Repair for Roadwork, 13
- Francois Cementation Process, to be Used for Mersey Tunnel and a New Coal Shaft, 276
- French Citizenship, the Jean Bares Award, 553
- Fuel Carbonised to Reduce Freight Charges, 497
- Fuel Research--see Coal
- GARNET and Quartz Sandpaper Compared, 243
- Gas and Oil Product of Well in Alberta, 581
- Gas Plant Tests in America, 213
- Gasworks, Heavy Expenditure on, in Johannesburg, 441
- General Strike Costs Loss of Ship Repair Contract, 609
- Geodetic Survey of Canada, 348
- Geodetic Surveys and Reports in Canada, Big Outlay on, 609
- German and Belgian Wire Producers, Conferences, 213
- German Patent Classifications, New Grouping, 174
- Germany, Analysis of Accidents with Gas, Petroleum and Electricity, 153
- Germany, Motor Car Production Statistics, 153
- Gisborne Harbour, N.Z., Extended by Diversion of River Turanganui, 125
- Gliders--see Aeronautics
- Gold-bearing Ore Discovery near Yilgarn, West Australia, 497
- Gold-bearing Quartz, Heavy Gold Percentage in Rhodesia, 637
- Gold-mining Expectations in Canada, 13
- Gold Seams Discoveries at Cicapra, State of Bolivar, 497
- Gold Yield of One Month for New South Wales, 609
- Grain Elevator, Reinforced Concrete, at Owen Sound, 413
- Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Company Formed for Development of, 609
- Grants for Research Abroad, 540
- Graphite Mining in Canada Recovering from Depression, 441
- Grass Tree, Victoria, Commercial Utilisation of, 305
- Greenland, Establishment of Meteorological Stations, 524
- Grenada's Proposed Development of Water Supply and Water Power, 297
- HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Cold Storage Plant and Ice Factory, 497
- Harbour Construction at Napier, N.Z., 355
- Heat, Effects of, upon Rocks, 179
- Heat Flow Meters for Furnace Walls, Study Conducted in U.S.A., 325
- Helium in Australian Natural Gas, Analysis, 441
- Hoist, Electric, to be the Largest in the World, 355
- Hoist to Handle 20 Tons of Ore, 269
- Hoists, Two Largest Ever Made in Canada, 355
- Hume Concrete Pipes by Centrifugal Process, 413
- Hydraulic Turbine Governing, Tendency to Elimination of, 297
- Hydro-electric Enterprise in Tasmania, 125
- Hydro-electric Plant in Korea, 77
- Hydro-electric Power in Canada, Bill to Prohibit Exportation of, 269
- Hydro-electric Power Development, Comparison of Cost, 71
- Hydro-electric Power Development on Perak River, 183
- Hydro-electric Power Development of Pykara Falls, Nilgiris District, 207
- Hydro-electric Power Plant Extension, at Mulungushi, Rhodesian Broken Hill Company, 497
- Hydro-electric Stations in Austria, 13
- Hydro-electric Station at Buenos Aires, One of Largest in the World, 413
- Hydro-electric Stations for Supplying Light to Tripoli and other Centres, 547
- Hydrogen Production by Micro-organisms, Dr. A. C. Thaysen, 71
- ICEBERGS, Experiments for Disintegration of, Projected at Newfoundland, Dr. Howard F. Barnes, 213, 525
- Improvised Oil Burning, 621
- Indian Boilers, Incomplete Inspection, 222
- Industrial Chemistry, Sixth Congress to be held at Brussels, 469
- Inland Waterway Projects on American Rivers, 99, 243
- Inorganic Chemistry, Discovery by Professor B. S. Hopkins, 297
- International Geological Congress, Madrid, 153
- Irish Section of the London Chamber of Commerce, Proposed Formation of, 608
- - Accident to American Blast-furnace, 525
- - Australian Production of Railway Steel Specialities on American Lines, 609
- - Blast-furnace and Coke Oven Battery, New, Started by Wigan Coal and Iron Company, 125
- - Blast-furnace Fuels Research, 297
- - Blast-furnaces in France, Statistics, 43
- - Blast-furnaces Projected for Smelting Iron Ore near Fort William, Ontario, 609
- - Blasting in Heavy Sulphides, Risk from Dangerous Gases, 497
- - Canada, the World's Largest Nickel Producer, 153
- - Cast Iron Recently Brought Out in U.S.A. of Much Increased Tensile Strength, 637
- - Castings, Hydraulic Method of Cleaning, 71
- - Chemical Composition of Steel, Analysis and Melting or Pouring Practice both Called for, 553
- - Collapse of Steel Pipe and Reshaping, 183
- - Consumption of Scrap in Steel Production, Method of Estimating, 469
- - Direct Electric Iron Production, M. Flodin, 609
- - Drill Steel Axial Hole, South African Government Mining Regulations, 269
- - First Steel Rolled in Australia for Sydney Harbour Bridge, 297
- - Ingot Mould, Exceptionally Large, 43
- - Iron Ores, High Silica, Investigation into Means of Treating, 125
- - Iron and Steel Works, Projected, on Shore of Black Sea and Alexandretta, 497
- - Iron Trades Employers' Insurance Association, Ltd., 593
- - Lifting Magnets for Recovery of Strip Steel from Pickling Tanks, 99
- - Low Ash in Blast-furnace Use, Valuable Tests, 469
- - Manganese Ore Export from India, 665
- - Manganese Output in Russia, 70
- - Mysore Iron Ore Deposits, 603
- - Nankin Price for Cast Iron, 183
- - National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers :
- -- Annual Meeting and Elections, 680
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in January, 213
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in February, 325
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in March, 441
- -- Pig Iron and Steel Production in April, 581
- IRON AND STEEL (continued) :
- - Nickel Industry Recovery from Deflation, 325
- - Phosphorus Effect on Wrought Iron, Experiments, 581
- - Rails for American Railroads, New Steel for, Patented, 269
- - Rails Trust, Negotiations for Forming, 385
- - Rhenish Westphalian Steel Trust Started, 525
- - Rust Effect on Bridge over Niagara Falls, 71
- - Scrap Metal in Blast-furnaces, Advantages of Use, 71
- - Sheet and Galvanising Works, Projected by Llanelly Steel Company, 125
- - Steel, New, Light Type of Structural Material, 553
- - Swedish Iron Ore Production, 71
- - Swedish Ores and Furnaces for Refining, 325
- - Union of South Africa, Production of Iron and Steel Manufactures, Statics, 325
- - Velocity of Ascending Gas Inside a Blastfurnace, 497
- - Wrought Iron Pipe, Good Condition After more than Half a Century in Use, 469
- IRRIGATION Project for Coimbatore under Consideration by Madras Government, 469
- JAMES Watt House in Scotland, Steps Taken for Preservation, 355
- Joule's Life and Work in Salford, Lecture by Professor W. H. Haldane Gee, 99
- Jubilee of Service, 400
- KILINDINI, East Africa, Port Manager, 533
- Kiukiang, Yangtze River, Pipes for Drinking Water Supply, 469
- LABORATORY Tests of Concrete Cylinders, 13
- Lamp Production Reduced in Germany, 13
- Lantern Slides for Lectures :
- - Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., 60
- - Petters, Ltd., 425
- Lead Paint (Protection Against Poisoning) Bill, 355
- Lead Pigment, Remarkable for Protection of Iron Against Rust, 641
- Lead Poisoning, Proper Medication Treatment, Dr. W. F. Boos, 13
- Leaks in Water Mains Discovered by the Teeth, 413
- Lessons from the Fire in the Argonaut Mine, 553
- Libraries and Information Bureaux Association, of, 340
- Lifeboats, "Emergency Fleet," at Cowes, 609
- Lighting Appliances, Exhibition at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 312
- Lighting of Rural Highway for Night Delivery of Farm Products into New York, 525
- Lime Burning Kilns with Riveted Joints, Welded Joints Preferable, 637
- Linseed, World's Production of, 297
- Lock, Entrance, for the North Sea Canal, to be by far the Largest in the World, 609
- Locomotive, Electric Storage Battery Competition, 609, 637
- Locomotives, Forty-one Electric, Ordered from Metropolitan-Vickers Company, 665
- London to Aberdeen by Motor in 12.75 Hours, 469
- Loom, Improved New Type, in America, 665
- Low-temperature Carbonisation Plant in Natal, 665
- Lubricating Oils, J. E. Hackford, 355
- Lumber Shipments from British Columbia, 355
- Luminous Fountains in Paris, Spectacular Performances on the Seine, 213
- MADRID, Great Schemes for Public Works, 665
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, Work of the Year, 385
- Manganese--see Iron and Steel
- Maracaibo, Port of, Venezuela, Enlargement and Improvement Emba ked upon, 469
- Matadi on the Congo, Progress of Work on the Port of, 609
- Meadow Embankment and the Use of Dynamite, 469
- Measuring Pressures, New Method, 54
- Meat Preserved for Fifty Days by New Process, 213
- Melting Points of Barium and other Oxides, 441
- Mica Mined in Ontario, Projected Refinery, 43
- Mine Gases, Sampling and Examination of, 297
- Miner's Long Record Underground, 665
- Mines Research, "Inflammability of Firedamp and Air," M. G. Burgess and R. V. Wheeler, "Ignition of Firedamp," H. F. Coward and R. V. Wheeler, 43
- Mines Safety Measures, Joint Investigation by British and American Authorities, 13
- Mines, Use of Breathing Apparatus in, F. J. Johnston, 525
- Mining, World's Record in, 43
- Molybdenite and Molybdenum, Present Market Demand Inconsiderable, 553
- Montreal's Successful Season in 1925, 441
- Morocco Roads, Extensive System, but not yet quite Complete, 297
- Motor Band Losses, T. Spooner, 213
- Motor Boat Race on the Thames, 469
- Motor Cars, British, for Service Abroad, Requirements, 413
- Motor Cars in China, 183
- Motor Cycle World's Speed Record, 441
- Motor Roller, Diesel-engined, made at Melbourne, 13
- Motor Traffic in Morocco, British Cars Almost Unknown, 325
- Museum, National, of Engineering and Industry in America, Plans for, 71
- Mysore Border, Project for Utilising Water Power of Pykara River, 609
- NANKING Price for Cast Iron, 183
- Natural Gas Transmission Lines, Reduction of Leakage Rate, 413
- Newcomen--see Associations, andc.
- New South Wales South Coast Towns, Four Schemes for Water Supply, 13
- New South Wales Southern Tablelands, Extensive Development of Resources, 413
- Newsprint Mill, Largest in Existence, at Quebec, 413
- New Zealand Government Decision, Scenic Beauty or Water Power for Nitrate Production, 297
- New Zealand Government Licence for Horsepower Generation, 153
- Niagara Falls Water for Power Purposes, Increased Diversion Asked for, Committee for Investigation to be Formed, 581
- Niagara Gorge, Permit for Investigation of Possible Power Project, 585
- Nitrogen, Atmospheric, Plant for Fixation, New South Wales, 355
- Norton and Gregory Engineering Scholarships, 1926, Awards, 593
- Notable Dinner, 309
- OIL-BEARING Shale, Rich Find in Tasmania, 609
- Oil Boring on Prince Edward Island, 13
- Oil Can, A Good, Joseph Kaye and Sons, Ltd., 540
- Oil Engine, Largest Ever Installed in Ontario Gold Mine, 634
- Oil Extraction from Tasmanian Shale, 297
- Oil Production Methods, Study of, 269
- Oil Refinery Projected for Khanagin, Persia, 152
- Oil Shales in Tasmania, Retort Plant for Distilling, 665
- Oil Wells Production in California, 413
- O.M.S., New Organisation Formed, Government Scheme, 54
- Ontario, Big Addition Projected to Plant at Port Colbourne, 413
- Ontario's Horse-power Installation for 1925, 153
- Ontario Hydro-electric Commission's Projected Development, 325
- Ottawa River, Chute des Chats Falls to be Utilised for Power Development, 384
- Ottawa River, Joint Survey and Division of Resources, 637
- PAINT Manufacturing Plant to be Established at Levis, Quebec, 525
- Paint and Varnish Industries Research, 183
- Paper Mill at Thunder Bay, Ontario, 665
- Paris Subways, Competition for Design, 197
- Pensions in the Metal Trade, 400
- Persian Gulf, Advantage of New Channel, 609
- Petroleum Production of Venezuela, 441
- Petroleum Refineries Statistics in U.S.A., 325
- Petroleum, Test Wells in Iraq, 585
- Petters' Offer of £100 Prize for Essay, 86
- Photographs of Solar Eclipse and the Einstein Theory, Successes and Failures, 125
- Piccadilly--see Road Traffic
- Pigment Grinding by Crushing, 297
- Pigments Ranging in Shade from Orange to Purplish-red, Recipe for Cheaper Production, 637
- Pipe Joints for Petrol, to Tighten, 609
- Platinum Abundance in South Africa, 441
- Platinum, First Output in South Africa, 297
- Poland, New Port at Gdynia, 130
- Police Signalling Scheme to Check Motor Bandits, 125
- Polish Import Duty on Industrial Machinery Reduced, 413
- Pollution of Navigable Waters by Oil, United States Government Calls Conference to Deal with, 469
- Power Alcohol from Molasses, Projected Large Production in Australia, 441
- Power Alcohol from Prickly Pear, Chemical Tests in Progress, 297
- Power Development Plant Projected for Nipigon River, Ontario, 183
- Power from Tides, Favourable Situation for Development, 183
- Power from Tides in Passanaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick, Details of Project, 637
- Presentations for Long Service, 537
- Primary Power in Manufacturing and other Industries, Huge Increase in U.S.A., 183
- Pulp and Paper Industry in Canada, Increased Productive Capacity, 665
- Pulp from Waste Paper, Mill for Manufacture, in Manitoba, 413
- Pyrites Production in the United States, 469
- QUARTZ Lode Discovery Reported in Central Australia, 469
- Quay and Roadmaking Construction at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 13
- Quebec Harbour's Record Year, 609
- Quebec Harbour Works, Additional Quay, 497
- Quebec, Port of, Modern Cold Storage Warehouse, Fish-house and Power-house Prove Valuable Addition to Facilities, 581
- Queensland's Mineral Output for 1925, 665
- RADIUM Bromide Extraction from Crude Ore, Australia, 125
- Radium Industry, Belgian and French Rivalry, 325
- Radium and Rare Earths Treatment Company, Development Work in South Australia, 99
- - Accidents :
- -- Accidents in Last Year and in Previous Years, Comparison of Statistics, 43
- -- American Fatal Disaster Due to Passing Danger Signals, 665
- -- Amiens Derailment, Imprisonment Sentence in Suspension, 71
- -- Britain Overseas, Serious Accidents in S. Africa and in New South Wales, 637
- -- British Railway Accident Inquiries in 1925, Analysis of, 441
- -- British Railways, Accidents on, Greater Number of Casualties Caused by other than Train Accidents, 269
- -- Buffer Stop Collision, Serious, at Clevedon, Report and Remarks, 125, 665
- -- Collision between Two Empty Passenger Trains at Blackburn Station, 461
- -- Derailment and Heavy Death Roll on Costa Rica Railway, 325
- -- East Africa, Government Guarantee in Aid of Railways, 525
- -- Fatal Disaster in Munich East Station, 581
- -- Fenny Stratford Level Crossing Disaster, Coroner's Inquest Verdict, 325, 355, 413, 469
- -- Flin Flon Copper Mine, Railway Line, Construction Authorised, 525
- -- Florida East Coast Railway Collision, 183
- -- Fog Collision Inquiry and Verdict, 441
- -- French Express Train Derailment, 13
- -- Great Western Railway Accidents, Statistics, 441
- -- Isle of Man Railway Buffer Stop Collision and Fatality, 325
- -- Level Crossing Disaster near Forest Hall Station, L. and N.E. Railway, 99, 125
- -- Motorists Running into Gates, 469
- -- Partenkirchen to Innsbruck Electric Train Accident and "Dead Man's Handle," 441
- -- Previous Accidents Recalled, 269
- -- Railway Servants' Accident Inquiries, Analysis of Causes of, 297
- -- Report on Collision at Llandudno Station, 385
- -- Report on Collision at Victoria Station, Sheffield, 243
- -- Road Motor Victims at Fenny Stratford, to be Included in Railway Returns, 581
- -- Sand Boxes for Use in Accident Prevention, 665
- -- Southern Pacific, Lines and Shops, Diminution of Accidents, 465
- -- Strike, and Consequent Accidents, 553
- -- Traction Engines at Level Crossings, Railway Rule, 125
- - Advance Bookings to be Required for Longdistance Excursion Train Travelling, 213
- - Allison, The Late Sir R. A., 164
- - Alpine Tunnel, Another Projected, 637
- - American Record for Safety in Railway Travel, 355
- - American Visitors Carried in Long Non-stop Trains at Very High Speed, 469
- - Appointments and Staff Changes, 43, 99, 269, 325, 533, 553, 581, 609
- - Australia, South to Central, New Railway, 125
- - Baden State Railway Urges Electrification, 553
- - Bengal Legislative Council's Suggestions for Structure of Bally Bridge, 441
- - Berlin Metropolitan Railway, New Power Station to Supply Electricity, Lignite as Fuel, 581
- - Betterments, British and American Account-keeping, Difference in Methods, 297, 385
- - Birds Damage Themselves and Electric Railways, 553
- - Blackfriars Metropolitan District Station, Improvement, 221
- - Canadian National Railways' Report, 553
- - Canadian-Pacific Railway Expansion, 441
- - Cascade Range Crossed by Great Northern Railway of America, Difficulties and Proposed Tunnel, 99
- - Centenary Famous Locomotive for Museum at York, 325
- - Central London Tube, New Power Supply, 243
- - Chain Letters and "Safety First," 355
- - Change-giving Device at St. James's Park Station, 125
- - City and South London Railway, Question of Name, 413
- - Coal Stoppage Effect on Railway Finances in 1912 and 1921, 665
- - Coke and Coal, Comparison for Railway Use, J. G. H. Warren, 469
- - Colouring of Railway Buildings to Harmonise with Country, 43
- - Control, Train or Traffic, 268
- - Death of Mr. Victor Angerer, 609
- - Death of Sir George Gibb, 13
- - Death of Mr. J. P. Grassick, 44]
- - Death of Herr Rudolf Oeser, 609
- - Delhi-Umballa-Kalka Railway, Negotiations Followed by Sale to Government, 71
- - East London Traffic Facilities Inquiry, 413
- - East London Travelling Facilities, Inquiry Begun, 325, 413
- - Egyptian State Railways, Invited Tenders, 13
- - Electric Traction Extension on Railways, 409
- - Electrically Operated Trains on Various Sections, Extension of Use, 268
- - Electricity Bill and Railway Generating Stations, Concessions to Various Undertakings, 637
- - Elephant and Castle to have Single Station with Escalators, 314
- - Entertainment Train for Lonely Railway Employees in Remote Districts, 637
- - Escalators at Trafalgar Square Station, 504
- - Films of Railway Activities, by Railwaymen,
- - Finance of Railways, Need for Depreciation Fund, Metropolitan Railways' Position,
- - Financial Results of Working of Three Principal Lines in 1925, 269
- - Fog and Signalmen, 553
- - Fog and Use of Detonators, 553
- - Four Electric Locomotives, Said to be the Most Powerful in the World, 581
- - "Garratt" Locomotives, Great Success in South Africa, 355
- - Genoa and Rome, 25 Additional Miles of Main Line Converted to Electric Traction, 497
- - German Railways' Train Telephones, 225
- - Glasgow Experiments in Two-penny Tramway Fares, 71
- - Great Northern Railway of Ireland, Decline in Traffic, Cancelment of Scheme for New Wagons, 297
- - Great Southern Railway (Ireland), First Year's Report, 355
- - Great Western Railway :
- -- Accidents to Railway Servants, 441
- -- Closing Branch Lines, Complaint, 125
- -- Safety First Reduction in Accidents, 125
- - Grouped Companies' Increased Receipts, 525
- - Grouped Companies' Percentage of Passenger and Freight Traffic, 125
- - Grouping, Savings Effected and Secret Figures, 99
- - Harbin Electric Tramways, Material from Germany, 637
- - Institutes and Institutions, Railway and Transport--see Associations
- - International Union of Tramways, Barcelona Meeting, 665
- - Irish Railways' Financial Plight, 609
- - Italian Railway Electrification Equipment by Brown, Boveri Company, 581
- - Japanese Entire Railway Rolling Stock Converted to Automatic Coupling in One Day, 71
- - Joint Ownership of Railways and Stations in Great Britain, 297
- - Kenya and Uganda Railway, 227
- - Khyber Railway, Cost of, 13
- - Lamps, Side and Tail, and their Significance, 153
- - Leeds and Liverpool Canal Company and Railway Bridge Loads, 441
- - Locomotive Coal Price, Yorkshire Collieries Reduction in, 71
- - L.C.C. Tramcars, Swaying Trouble and Apparatus for Steadying, 355
- - London Electric Railways, Edgware Extension Satisfactory Traffic Figures, 468
- - London Electric Railways Seeks Connection with Southern Railway, 413
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- -- Annual Meeting and the Year's Financial Results, 268
- -- Coal-tipping Plant at Swansea, Projected Improvement by Railway Company, 525
- -- Conversion of Locomotives from Coal to Oil-burning, 581
- -- First-class and Third-class S5eats, Revenue Returns from, 553
- -- Fleetwood Facilities for Handling Passenger Traffic for Isle of Man and Belfast, 385
- -- Fuel Bills for 1924 and 1925, 297
- -- "Garratt" Locomotives for Coal Trains, 269
- -- London, Tilbury and Southend Railway and Electric Traction, 413
- -- Motor Traffic and Railways, Question under Consideration, 297, 325
- -- Settle and Carlisle Section of Midland Railway, Some Past History, 497
- -- Short Time for Shopmen, Permanent Way not Locomotive Shopmen, 497
- -- Track Circuits, Telephones and Telegraphs, Outlay Last Year and Projected, 317
- - London and North-Eastern Railway :
- -- Congestion in the Southern Area, Causes of
- -- Delay in Improvement, 385
- -- Frodingham, Scheme for Improvements at, 183
- -- Harrogate-King's Cross Pullman, Punctuality and Speed, 187
- -- King's Cross Platform and Siding Alterations, 637
- -- King's Cross to Scotland, Relief Train to Begin, 497
- -- Oil Jetty at Salt End, Hull, Projected Additional, 213
- -- Punctuality, Decline and Need of Improvement, 183
- -- Smoking in Waiting Rooms Permitted, 385
- -- Steel Rails Orders, 99
- -- Tank Engines, New Type, for Suburban Trains, 71
- -- Traffic Movement from Hull to the West Riding, Complaints and Census Results, 637
- - London Post Office Tube Railway Expenditure, 243
- - London Traffic, Central Goods Clearing Station Scheme, 637
- - London Underground Idea Utilised in Berlin, 609
- - Manchester Extension of Tramway Track and Number of Cars, 553
- - Material and Stores, Loss Due to Interest, Depreciation, andc , 213
- - Melbourne and Sydney, N.S.W., Extension of Railway Electrification, 547
- - Mersey Railway Company's Diminished Deficit, 213
- - Metropolitan Railway, Approaching Electric Traction on Certain Sections, 213
- - Metropolitan Railway Bill, Tube from Willesden Green to Edgware-road, 413
- - Metropolitan Railway, Changes at Edgware-road, 614
- - Metropolitan Railway New Junction between Euston Square and King's Cross, 325
- - Mid-Nottinghamshire Joint Railway Bill Passed, 385
- - Mineral and Freight Traffic, Rise and Fall, 183
- - Ministry of Transport:
- -- Denbigh Station, Powers of the Ministry, 43
- -- Hand Brakes on Both Sides of Wagons, New Rule, 497
- -- Light Railway Order to Connect Romney and Hythe, 609
- -- Passenger Tube Railway Under the Tyne, Conflict of Opinions, 71
- -- Preliminary Railway Returns Published, 385, 469
- -- Railway Companies Association and Road Damage by Motor Traffic 297, 325
- -- Railway Statistics for October, 1925, 71
- -- Railway Statistics for November, 1925, 243
- -- Railway Statistics for December, 1925, 355
- -- Railway Statistics for January, 1926, 525
- -- Traffic Mileage and Receipts Statistics for Nine Months of 1925, 13
- - Morden Tube Extension, Contracts for Stations and Further Work, 183, 621
- - Motor Car Type "Trains," 469 ; (Letter), 531
- - National Union of Railwaymen :
- -- Delegate Meeting on Wages Board Award, 71 ; Result, 125
- -- Depredations by Railway Servants Greatly Decreased, 99
- -- Greatly Increased Membership, 497
- -- Suspension of the Guaranteed Week, 609
- - National Wages Board, 71
- - New South Wales Railway, Wagon Record for Loading and Mileage, 213
- - New Year Honours, 43
- - New Zealand Government Railways' Engine, New Type, Named in Memory of Servants Killed in the War, 153
- - New Zealand, Locomotive Workshops Projected at Wellington, 385
- - Northern Railway of France and Dunkirk Harbour, Connection with Tilbury, 213
- - Osaka, Japanese Considering Erection of Up- to-date Station, 525
- - Piccadilly and City Lines, Tube Link at King's Cross, 243
- - Pingtichuan to Pangkiang, Proposed Railway, 297
- - Post Office Sorting Vans on Railways, Ownership of, 13
- - Power-house Dispute Settlement, 213
- - Private Owners of Railway Rolling Stock, Minimum Tare, 71, 413
- - Race Meetings, Trains Most Profitable to Railways and Those who Trade with Them, 665
- - Radial Railway, High-speed, from Toronto to Hamilton, Proposed Construction, 385
- - Rails Used Annually on Railways, Returns, 99
- - Railway Benevolent Institution, 497
- - Railway Companies' Burdens and Rates Increase, 324
- - Railway Material Exports Statistics, 13, 153, 183, 243, 325, 441, 581, 665
- - Railwaymen on Strike and Assistance to Injured Travelers, 581
- - Railway Rates Tribunal:
- -- "A" Year, Expenditure of, 43, 71
- -- "Circuitous Route" Investigation and Its Cost, 243
- -- New Schedule of Charges and the "Appointed Day," 637
- -- Private Owners of Rolling Stock and Minimum Tare, 71, 413
- -- Standard Charges on the Four Grouped Systems, 497
- -- Workmen's Cheaper Tickets and Higher Wages, 525
- - Railway Shopmen and Court of Inquiry, Result, 213
- - Railway Superannuation Funds and Grouping, L. and N.E.R. Bill Rejected, 325
- - Road Traffic Competition and Loss of Goods Revenue by Railways, 525
- - Roads, Motors and Railways, 325
- - Runaway Catch Points and their Use, 213
- - Russian Railway Development, Possible Rolling Stock Orders, 71
- - Safety of British Railways, Proof by Statistics, 268
- - Sentence Passed Nearly Two Years After Offence in America, 609
- - Shareholders and Discussion of Questions of Practical Economy, 525
- - Shunting of British Railway Wagons, Link Coupling Advantages, 525
- - Signal Engineers from French Railway Inspecting English Installations, 125
- - Signalmen's Duty in Case of Mishap, 213
- - Signals, Four-aspect Colour Light, 385
- - Sleeping Car Suggestions, International Competition Arranged, 125
- - Snow Delays Post Office Mails on Railways, 13
- - South African Railways Relaying Track, 469
- - South Australian Success with Motor Rail Cars, 325
- - South London Tube, The New, 621
- - Southern Railway :
- -- Accusations of Delay and the Reply, 153
- -- Atlantic Coast Express, 24
- -- Bridges, Strengthened, to Carry "King Arthur" Class of Engine, 94
- -- Brighton Section, Electric System to be Changed from Overhead to Third Rail, 268
- -- Cannon-street Station's Defects and Probable Closing for Alterations, 125, 183
- -- Cannon-street Station Temporarily Closed, 553, 609
- -- Dover-Ostend Boat Train Acceleration, 243
- -- Electrical Service, Temporary, and Future Permanence, 183
- -- Electrical Services and Increased Number of Passengers, Proposed Extensions on Brighton Section, 469
- -- Electrification Programme to be Carried Out, 553, 609
- -- Ferro-concrete Engine Depot at Exmouth Junction, 213
- -- Floating Dock, 60,000-Ton, Temporary Removal, 637
- -- Millbrook Station Improvements, 153
- -- Proposed Improvements Consequent on Grouping, 469
- -- Queen-street Station, Exeter, Additions, 360
- -- Southampton, New Docks for Southern Railway, 153
- -- Widening between Eastleigh and Shawford, 355
- - Steam Tramway Suspended on Account of Loss in Working, 609
- - Steel Sleepers for North Australian Railways, 325
- - Stockton and Darlington Centenary, Men's Demonstration and Funds Division, 71
- - Stockton and Darlington Railway, Tablet to Memory of Pioneers, 413
- - Stores and Materials, Values of Certain Railways, 355
- - Switches of Railway Points, Oiling and Cleaning, 385
- - Third-class Passengers and Privileges, 99
- - Ticket-issuing Machine, New Type, 525
- - Tottenham Court-road New Station’s Progress, 153
- - Trackless Tramway System for French Concession at Shanghai, 637
- - Traffic Receipts and Items of Expenditure, More Information Desired from Certain Railways, 355
- - Train-destination Indicators for Various London Stations, 609
- - Train Ferry, Harwich-Zeebrugge, Profit made in 1925, 355
- - Train Indicator, New Installation at Baker- street, 125
- - Tramways and Light Railways Returns, 562
- - Transport by Road and Rail, Colonel Ashley’s Views, 99
- - Travelling Facilities To and From East and North-East London, Investigations, 268
- - Tube Extensions, Expectations Regarding, 13
- - Tube Railways in South London, Proposed Extension, 153
- - Tunnel Darkness and Brilliantly Lighted Stations, Effect of Passing from One to the Other on Eyesight of Engine Drivers, 637
- - Uganda Railway—-see Kenya
- - “Underground” Group, Increased Omnibus Traffic, 413
- - Underground Railway Company’s Possible Use for Loud Speakers, 243
- - Vacuum Brake Fitted After Accident, 325
- - Wages—-see National Union
- - Wagon, Two-body Self-discharging, 552
- - Watford Line Opening and Increased Number of Trains, 297
- - Western Australian Government Accepts English Firm’s Tender for Rails, 13
- - Windmill-driven Turbine and Alternating- current Generator for Working Signals, 609
- - Workman’s Ticket Claim Question, 637
- - Yellow to Replace Red Light Signals, Gradual Extension of Use, 665
- RECLAMATION Scheme, Back Bay, Indian Government Inquiry, 553
- Reinforced Concrete Bridge at Cymmer with Largest Span in Wales, 441
- Reinforced Concrete Wharf at Zanzibar, Progress of, 355
- Reservoir at Cardiff, Difficulties in Construction, 413
- Rio de Janeiro, State of, Projected.Construction of Two New Ports, 269
- River Carriage Aided by Growth of Railways, C. S. Butts, 183
- Rivets, Countersunk or Bottom-head, Tests of Strength of, 43
- Road Congresses, Permanent International Association of, 243
- Road Construction in Spain, 355
- Road-making, Cost of Construction and Maintenance, in Africa and in Yorkshire, 183
- Road-making Experiments in Canada, 354
- Road Traffic of Piccadilly to be Controlled by Light Signals, 243, 355
- Roads Cleared of Scrap Iron by Magnet Hung Beneath 5-Ton Wagon, 125
- Roads, Concrete, in Missouri, Increased Mileage, 272
- Rock and Air Temperatures in Deep-level Mines, M. O. Tillard and E. C. Ranson, 346
- Rock Drills, Committee Recommendations on the Rand, Successful Results, 191
- Royal Metal Trades’ Pension and Benevolent Society, Seventy-eighth Anniversary Festival, 537
- Ruhr Agreement with South American Province, Iron Ore and Coke Smelting, 325
- SAFETY Lamp, New Type, for Mines, 553
- Safety Razor Blade Factory in Sheffield, Enormous Output, 71
- St. Lawrence River Water Power Development Report, 43
- Salt Works and Grounds near Sandbach Closed, 636
- Salvador, Cutuco Port to Become a Satis¬factory Harbour, 609
- Scales, Engineers’, New Type, 484
- Shanghai Company for Building Motor Cars on American Lines, 637
- Shell Oil Company’s Boilers to be Fired with Pulverised Coal, 618
- - Antwerp and British Tonnage, 441
- - Barge’s Independent Journey in a Gale, 13
- - Cable Steamer Colonia, Largest in the World, Sailed from the Thames to Lay 1800 Miles Duplicate Cable, 99
- - Fire-extinguishing Appliances on Ships, New Board of Trade Regulations, 441
- - Five British Submarines, Contracts for, 469
- - French Steel Deep-sea Trawler, the Last Word in Fittings, 99
- - Fruit-carrying Steamers for New York Firm, and Passenger Liner Ordered from Belfast, 609
- - Gyroscopic Steering Gear and Time-saving, 71
- - H.M.S. Destroyer Amazon, 71
- - H.M.S. Destroyer Ambuscade, 153
- - Italian Emigrant Steamships, Genoa to Rosario, Proposals, 213
- - Lifeboat Rescues in 1925, 43
- - Mauretania’s High Speed after Twenty Years, 441
- - Montreal, Port, Transatlantic Vessels, Statistics, 183
- - Motor Lifeboat Engines of the R.N.L. Institution, R.N. Engineer-Commander to Take Charge, 243
- - Motor Ship Primero, 54
- - Motor Tanker, Swedish, Large Marine Oil Engine for, 637
- - Rotor Ship, A New, for Hamburg, 355
- - Scapa Flow Salving of German Destroyers, Progress, 213, 297, 440
- - Steamer’s Engines and Boiler Good After Forty-three Years’ Work, 677
- - Steamers on the Murray River and Ocean¬going Vessels, Suggested Communication Between by Aerial Ropeway, 665
- - Steamship Service from Vancouver to Argentina, 297
- - Submarine L 27, Trials and Completion, 71
- - United States Navy, Two 10,000-Ton Cruisers for, Suggested Machine Pressure, and Radical Departure from Normal Marine Practice, 385
- - War Office Motor Launches, 309
- SHIPPING Conveyor Galleries, Quebec, Erection Approaching Completion, 553
- Silver Compounds, New Type, Found in Australia, 413
- Sir John Cass Technical Institute, 453
- Slate for Structural Purposes, Coloured Surfacing Introduced, 243
- Smoke Evil, Colossal Cost to the Country, Dr. John S. Owens, 243
- Snow Clearing Equipment in Ontario, 183
- Societies--see Associations
- South Africa, New Industry Started, 13
- Soviet Union's Lack of Calcium Carbide, Reopening of Works for Additional Supply, 497
- Spanish Government Loan for Works at Port of La Luz, Canaries, 469
- Spanish National Fuel Council, 125
- Spelter and Sulphuric Acid Output from Seaton Carew Works, 13
- Spontaneous Inflammation of Certain Oils and Oil Mixtures, Method of Prevention, 469
- Steam Pipe Explosion, Possible Cause and Need of Care, 43
- Steam Turbo-generator Failure After Long Service, 413
- Steel--see Iron and Steel
- Stone, Weathering of, 577
- Strainer, Choked, Removed from the Bottom of a Well, 413
- Street Signs, Lighted Warning, in Chicago, 13
- Suction Dredger with Steam Turbine-driven Pump, 13
- Sugar Mill in Australia, Power Plant from Various English Manufacturers, 71
- Sulphur Production in Java, 497
- Sulphuric Acid Increased Output in France, 637
- Swedish Ball Bearings, Annual Output, 213
- TAMPING Asphalt Road Surfacing, Novel Appliance for, 413
- Tanganyika Territory, Analysis of Import Trade Origin, 269
- Tantalum, Pure, in Large Blocks, Useful Production for Scientific Apparatus, 269
- Tar Over Salt Solution Layer, German Invention, 99
- Tasmania Local Shale for Oil Production, Plant for Testing Possibilities, 413
- Tasmanian Discovery of New Alloy, 497
- Tasmanian East Coast, Projected Development of Water Power Resources, 497
- Tasmanian Report, Coal Seams, Silver-lead Lodes, Copper and Tin Lodes, 191
- Taxi-cab Telephones, 553
- Telephone Cable, New York-Chicago, Said to be Longest in the World, 99
- Telephone Developments in and Round Shrewsbury, 99
- Telephone Exchange, Strowger Automatic, at Ipswich, 421
- Telephone Exchanges, Two New, for South London, 469
- Telephone Figures for Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 581
- Telephone between London and Berlin and other German Towns, Arrangements, 321
- Telephonic System, International, Linking-up of Hungary, 355
- Tenders foe Steam-raising Plant, Marked Difference in Amount, 609
- Teredos Boring Damage in Three Months, 243
- Terminal Warehouse, Toronto, New, Begun, 553
- Thames Silting Near Waterloo Bridge, 441
- Thermometer for Measuring High Temperatures, 385
- Tides in the Bay of Fundy, Utilisation of, for Hydro-electric Development, 609
- Timber Royalties in British Columbia, Levy Proposed to Provide Funds for Afforestation, 99
- Tin Discoveries in the North-Western Part of Tanganyika, 413
- Tin and Greisen Discovery on Babel Island, Tasmania, 469, 497
- Tin Mine, Dolcoath, New Shaft, 413
- Tin Mining's First Commercial Success in Canada, 609
- Tin Ore Discovery in Cornwall, 71
- Tin-plate Scrap, Cost of Handling, 469
- Tin-plate Workers' Official Tour, 183
- Tires, Michelin, Reported Project for Manufacture in England, 13
- Tool-box, Double-cutting, for Planing Machines, 509
- Trade with China, Prospects, 469
- Transport Difficulties Caused by Drought Affecting River in Colombia, 645
- Trojan Service Manual, 456
- Tubes, Special, Provisional Agreement between Germano-Czech Tube Combination and French Tube Rolling Works, 385
- Tunnels, Three, Projected Under the Detroit River, 382
- UNDERGROUND Lake Discovery, Plans to Drain on to Land for Irrigation, 413
- "Uniflow and Extraction Steam Engines," Dr. T. B. Morley, 243
- Universal Ball Joint, B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 277
- University of British Columbia, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Equipment, 269
- University College Engineering Society, Annual Dinner, 277
- Uxbridge Rural Drainage Loan, 637
- VALPARAISO Water Supply and Hydroelectric Plant, New Project Under Consideration, 297
- Vancouver, Projected New Pier, 71
- Venice as a Port, Projected Reconstruction, 355
- Veteran Workers at Ironworks and Collieries, 512
- Vickers Group Amateur Operatic Society, 537
- Victoria, Vancouver Island, Dock Gates, 13
- Village Deep Mine, Transvaal, now the Deepest in the World, 637
- "WARD Leonard Control of Winding Engines," E. Le Lew Lamb, 243
- Warehouse, Projected, of Record Size, 13
- Water Power Resources, Development of, A. E. Malpas, 13
- - Auckland, N.Z., Development of Water Supply, 125
- - Barton, Ontario, Extension of Water Supply Projected, 125
- - Clay Cross Seeks Loan to Increase Water Supply, 665
- WATER SUPPLY (continued) :
- - New South Wales, Lachlan River Water Conservation Scheme, 125
- - Underground Water, 337
- - Yangchow, China, Proper Water Supply Projected, 637
- WEATHERING of Stone, 577
- Well and Bore-hole Successfully Sunk at Measham, 581
- Welland Ship Canal, Amount Still Required for Completion, 469
- Whitworth Society, Commemoration Dinner, 27
- Wind Tunnel Experiments, 441
- Winding Engine Accidents, Fewer with Electrical than Steam Engines, 355
- Wire and Wire Products, Minimum Prices for, in France and Belgium, 609
- - Asuncion, Projected Large Broadcasting Station at, 213
- - Basrah Port Trust, Satisfactory Working of Wireless Telephone Sets on Harbour Vessels, 665
- - Broadcasting Wave Lengths, Proposed Redistribution, 213
- - Government Wireless between this Country and the Dominions, 243
- - Radio Telegrams for Ships, Extension of Service, 323
- - Spain's Use of British Wireless Apparatus, 99
- - Venezuela, Two New Wireless Installations, at Caracas and Maracaibo, 497
- - Wave Length for "Trans-Canada" Long-distance Relay, 99
- - Windmill, Purchase of Ditchling's 200-year-old Peg and Post Mill, 530
- - Wireless Apparatus Imports, British Prospects in no Danger, 325
- - Wireless Receiving Licences, Post Office Receipts, 325
- WOOD Boring Pest Imported into Australia, Possible Extermination, 13
- Wooden Stove Pipe, Fine Specimen, Built by Californian Power Company, 497
- Work, Joy in, and Routine Tasks, C. M. Schwab, 125
- Workmen's Average of 63-20 Years of Service per Man, 581
- X-RAY Apparatus and Dark Room Mounted on Fast Motor Car, Great Value of, in Emergency, 125
- ZINC Chloride, Method of Preparation, P. Brallier, 497
- Zinc Oxide Factory in Course of Erection on the River Don, Russia, 637
- Zinc, Slab, Production at U.S.A. Zinc Reduction Plants in 1925, 525
- Zinc Smelter for Saguenay, Quebec, 469
See Also
Sources of Information