The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Index
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- ACCIDENT to Cochin Harbour Board's Dredger, 171
- Aerial Passenger Cableway to Summit of Table Mountain, Proposed, 117
- - See also Associations, Royal Society of Aeronautics
- - Aerial Transport Cost Compared with Sea, Rail and Road Travel, 689
- - Aircraft Apprentices, 500, Wanted by Royal Air Force, 117
- - Aircraft in Canada, Particulars of, in 1925, 307
- - Amphibian Flying Boat's Return to Alberta After 6000-7000 Miles' Tour, 637
- - Aviation Gold Medal, Award, 397
- - Awards to Aircraft Apprentices, 238
- - Busk Studentship in Aeronautics Award, 143
- - Civil Aviation Mileage and Passenger Statistics, 223
- - Dornier Seaplane's Equipment, 171
- - Europe-South America Airship Projected by German Company, 644
- - Ford Company's Miniature Aeroplane Weighs 350 lb., 143
- - Giant Passenger Aeroplanes for Australia, 343
- - Mystery Seaplane at Cromer, 389
- - Parachute Brings Down Aeroplane 2500ft. with Engine Stopped, 277
- - Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture to be Given by Professor Prandtl, of Gottingen, 609
- AIR Compressor Operation and Practical Method of Cleaning Compressor, 249
- Aix-la-Chapelle, ('anal to Connect with the Rhine, 223
- Algeria, Extensive Public Works Projected, 37
- Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., London Staff Dinner, 526
- Amber, German Deposits of. the Most Profitable in the World, 342
- Ammonia, Daily Out put of, in the United States, 171
- Ammonia, Synthetic Production of, at New Works at Oslo, 277
- Anticosti Island Timber to be Used for Paper Pulp, 471
- Antimony, Flotation of Company to Work Large Area in the Murchison Range, 117
- Antimony Production and Many Uses, 553
- Antofagasta Port Enlargement and Improvement, 609
- Archaeological Engineering, 593
- Argentine Port Facilities, 350
- Argentine Public Works Programme, 11
- Armour Plate Trials, 605
- Artificial Silk Factory Projected in Quebec, Cost of, 91
- Artificial Silk from Wood Pulp of Nova Scotia, 37
- Artificial Silk, World Production Immensely Increased in 1926, 581
- Asbestos Output from Rhodesia, 609
- Asbestos in the United States, Statistics of, 223
- Asphalt, Discovery of 40,000,000 Tons of, in the Philippines, 277
- Asphalt Roofing Material and Advantage in Use of Electric Heating Units, 249
- -- Libraries Presented, also Memorial Fund, 533
- -- The Chemist in the Non-ferrous Metallurgical Refinery, Streatfield Memorial Lecture, F. C. Robinson, 533
- -- Marine Engineering Studentship Facilities, 605
- -- Latest Date for Receipt of Papers for Next Annual Meeting, 431
- -- Railwaymen Elected by Ballot, 91
- -- Annual Dinner, 560
- -- Graduates' Prize and Crompton Medal Award, 415
- -- Joint Gatherings with the Royal Aeronautical Society, 527
- -- Training for Automobile Engineering, 526
- -- Visit to Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 41
- -- Awards for Papers, 429
- -- "James Forrest" Postponed Lecture, New Date for, 431
- -- Visits to Pumping Station at Lichfield and to Reservoir at Dudley, 557
- -- Portraits of Michael Faraday and Lord Kelvin, 581
- -- Ships, Regulations for Electrical Equipment of, 235
- -- Students' Premiums, Awards for Papers, 158
- -- Programme of Papers for Winter Session, 357
- -- First President and First Meeting of Winter Session, 1926, 261
- -- Prizes Offered, 678, 714
- -- Awards of Medals, andc., 357, 649
- -- Pyrometer Experiments for Measuring Temperatures Within Cylinders of Small Internal Combustion Engines, C. E. Foster, 663
- -- Steel Castings in their Relation to Mechanical Engineering, Robert Lowe, 568
- -- Visit to the Crewe* Works, L.M.S. Railway, 207
- -- Archaeological Engineering. Lecture by Lieut.-Colonel E. Kitson Clark, 593
- -- Awards for Papers Read Before Graduates' Section, 678
- -- Summer and Autumn Meeting Abandoned Owing to Stoppage, 261
- -- National Certificates in Naval Architecture, 659
- -- Scholarship Awards, 264
- -- Scholarships to be Offered in 1927, 624
- -- Oil Fuel, Dr. F. Mollwo, 553
- -- Research Fund, 455, 527
- -- Third Annual Dinner. 495
- -- Ferro-concrete and also Wooden Poles, with Special Fittings for Signal and Telegraph Purposes, 552
- -- Courses of Lectures in November and December, 455
- -- General Meeting, Thanks for Valuable Gifts, Election of Members, 649
- -- Juvenile Lectures, 101st Course, 455, 678
- -- Lecture Arrangements Before Easter, 1927, 678, 697
- -- Death Vacancy and New President Appointed, 429
- -- Portland House Scholarship and Other Awards, 264
- -- Grant of 5000 Dollars from the Daniel Guggenheim Fund to the Royal Aeronautical Society, 307
- -- Joint- Gatherings with the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 527
- ATMOSPHERIC Oxygen, Process for Extraction of, 117
- Australian Graduates, Eight Chosen for Special Research Training, 285
- Australia's Paint Imports, Large Proportion Supplied by Great Britain, 91
- Australia's Trade with the United Kingdom, 307
- Automatic Telephones Being Installed in Dairen, Manchuria, 689
- Automobile Association and Improved Methods of Car Shipment, 527
- BANFF, Canada, Calculation of Potential Energy from Hot Springs, 715
- Barbed Wire, History of, 91
- Barrages Across the Congo, A Big Proposition, 307
- Batavian Production of Resin and Turpentine, 637
- Bavaria's Water Power Stations, 609
- Beet--see Sugar
- Beira Port, Portuguese East Africa, Sold to Company and in Course of Improvement, 277
- Belgian State Railways and Government Telegraph and Telephone Systems Leased to Companies, Terms of Arrangement, 223
- Belt Fastener, A New, Dargue Brothers, Ltd., 704
- Bengal Irrigation Department to Attack Pest of Water Hyacinth, 11
- Beryllium, Valuable Properties and Probably Increased Use of, 281
- Big Peter of York Minister to be Recast, 637
- Birmingham University Metallurgical Society, Retirement and Testimonial to Professor, 106
- Bitumen in Large Quantities Found on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, 117
- Bituminous Roads in South Australia, Cost per Mile, 471
- Blasting Charges, New Form of Primer for, 637
- Board of Trade Licence Issued to Research Association of British Paint Manufacturers, 443
- Boiler Explosion, Unusual Typo, 11
- Boiler Stop Valve Failure at a Colliery, 307
- Boiler Used on Gold Mino in 1875 Rediscovered in Good Order, 417
- Boiler's Groat Output at Yallorn Power House, Victoria, 417
- Bombay Government Appoints Committee to Report on Back Bay Reclamation Scheme, 11, 91
- Book Tower in Detroit to be 873ft. Above the Ground, Tallest Building in the World, 143
- Bootle Commercially Considered, 361
- Bore-hole in Search for Oil at Orallo, Queensland, 499
- Brazilian Proposals for Improvement of Port of Ilheos, State of Bahia, 689
- Bricks at Fiction Brickyards, 16,000,000 per Week Output, 219
- - Bascule Bridge's Unusual Mishap, 417
- - Bridge Over the Danube from Belgrade to Pancevo, Conflicting Opinion, 307
- - Double-deck Road and Railway Bridge Across the South Saskatchewan River, 663
- - Durban to Connect with Durban North by New Bridge, 715
- - Floriunopolis Bridge, Brazil, A Record Structure, 715
- - Haven Bridge at Yarmouth, Reconstruction, 117
- - Montreal Bridge under Erection will be Second Only to Sydney Harbour Bridge, 689
- - Narrows, at Atherlev, Ont., Bridge Over the, 117
- - New Bridge Across the Yare at Yarmouth, 581
- - Niagara Falls Memorial Bridge, to Connect Canada and United States, 443
- - Steel Bridge Projected Across Riviere du Loup, Quebec, 471
- - Suggested New Road and Railway Bridge at Freemantle, West Australia, 581
- - Sydney Harbour, Need of Another Bridge Predicted, 171
- - Transporter Bridge near Mouth of Yarra River, Victoria, Proposed Construction, 171
- BRIDGE River Hydro-electric Scheme in British Columbia, 333
- Briquette Works and Superphosphate Plant Projected in South Africa, 417
- - Barytes and Boiled Linseed Oil, 347
- - Brazing Solder, 291
- - Electric Cable Soldering Sockets, 319
- - Fractional Horse-power Electric Motors, 291
- BRITISH Aluminium Company in Norway. Extension of Works, 417
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Dinner and Speeches, 560
- British Foundrymen, Institute, Birmingham, Coventry and West Midlands Branch, Junior Section to be Formed, 478
- British Gears' Success in Spite of High American Tariff, 417
- British Nationality, Out ward-hound Passenger Traffic from Europe Much Increased, 663
- British Treasury to Guarantee Principal and Interest up to £110,000 to Australasian Paper and Pulp Company for Twelve Years, 689
- Bromley Ironworks Demolition, 499
- Bronze Runners to Replace Steel in Turbines to Avoid Erosion Troubles, 249
- Buenos Aires, Port of, Reconstruction Work Resumed, 361
- CABLE, New, Between England and New York, 307
- Cable Ship Laving Longest Cable in the World, 342
- £10,000 Cable Tram Equipment Sold for £450, 249
- Cairo and Alexandria to be Linked by Underground Telephone Cable, 389
- Calcutta Corporation Pumping Plant Extension, 335
- Calcutta's New Drainage Scheme and its Cost, 307
- Calcutta Trust Starting Work on Manicktolla Bridge Reconstruction, 335
- Californian Oil Company Planning Drill Hole Down to 10,000ft., Already of Record Depth, 689
- Canada, Dominion Water Power and Reclamation Service, Report, 612
- Canada's Gold Production Since 1858, Third in the World's List of Producers, 171
- Canada's Production of Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, andc., 307
- Canadian Canals, Traffic Statistics, 91
- Canadian Good Roads Association, 389
- Canadian Magnesite Suitability for Bricks, 171
- Cape Town, Dock Improvement Scheme, 122
- Carbon Acid Gas Purification Plant in Montreal, 197
- Carbon Dioxide, New Process for Making, 443
- Cement Manufacture in Victoria, New Works, 249
- Cement Sales in Australia, 37
- Chefoo Harbour Improvement Commission. 37
- Chemicals and Drugs Manufacture. Shanghai Factory, 11
- Chili, Irrigation Projects in, 223
- Chilian Iodine Industry, Terrible Waste of Valuable Iodine, 277
- China, New Arsenal and Mint Projected, 46
- China's Population, Analysis of Foreign Proportion, 277
- Chinese Architects Form Society, 609
- Chinese 400 Miles Road, Motor Car Journey Occupies Three Days, 443
- Chittagong Port Development, 37, 277
- Circulating Water at American Power Station, to Prevent Choked Gratings, 197
- Classes for Firemen and Furnaeemen in Glasgow, and Beneficial Result, 335
- Cleansing Oil Coolers, Duckham, Alexander, and Co., 291
- - Accidents, Death rate in Coal Mines of the United States, 443
- - Baffin Island Coal, Analysis of, 471
- - Barnsley Coal Seam said to be Workable Throughout Lincolnshire, 171
- - Bituminous Coal, International Conference on, at Carnegie Institute, 470
- - Bolton Now HOUSCH, Cumberland, New Pit Sinking at, 490
- - Bombay Coal Consumption Halved, 307, 527
- - Briquetting Brown Coal at Morwell, Victoria, 335
- - British Steel Produced by Aid of American Coal, 527
- - Brown Coal Deposits in South Australia, 417
- - Canadian Coal Output in 1925, 143
- - Carbonisation of Durham Coal in Continuous Vertical Retorts, 171
- - Carnock Colliery Contract for New Plant, 90
- - Coal Output, Great Increase of, by Nova Scotia Company, 663
- - Coal Products--see Exhibitions
- - Coal Seam Found in the Lower Cwmgorse Valley, 171
- - Coke Oven Plants to Use Canadian and Nova Scotian Coal, 277
- - Czecho-Slovakia, Details of Coal Production, 609
- - Dry-cleaning Coal, Professor Henry Louin, 663
- - Dry Coal from Yallourn Utilised by Mixing with Wet, 553
- - Entombed Colliers' Bodies Recovered after Nearly Fifty Years, 249
- - German Coal Hewers Output, Great Increase on Pre-war Rate of Production, 249
- - Great Britain's Coal Output for week ending December 4th, 666
- - Hamburg Arrivals of Water-borne Coal Reduced by Quay Labourers' Strike, 527
- - Hull, Proposed Railway from Goole, and Wharfage, to Cheapen Coal Transport, 609, 637
- - Japanese Coal Delivered in Shanghai, Cost of, 689
- - Leeds, Coal Smoke Nuisance Abatement, 63
- - Lisbon, Coal Mines near. Opened Up, but Coal of Poor Quality, 91
- - New South Wales Metallurgical Coke Output, 637
- - Nigeria, Third Coal-carrying Steamer Purchased for, 499
- - Oil Distillation from Coal, Satisfactory Tests in China, 11
- - Pekin Syndicate Coal Output, 63
- - Pyritic Oxidation in relation to Spontaneous Combustion of Coal, H. Macpherson and Others, 417
- - Sinking Coal Shaft in South Yorkshire, 499
- - Spitsbergen Collieries Benefit by British Coal Stoppage, 335
- - Transport of Coal by Aerial Ropeway, 249
- - Upton Colliery Company's Shaft-sinking Progress, 277
- - Woodville near Burton-on-Trent, Seam of Coal Located in a Field near, 63
- - X-ray Use in Coal Classification, F. J. Harlow, 609
- COCHIN, First-class Tidal Harbour, Work Begun, 715
- Cochin Harbour, Arrival and Work of New Dredger, 91
- Cold Storage and Ice Factory Projected in Perth, 715
- Cold Storage Plant for Durban, 417
- Cold Storage Plant, Very Large, Projected for Western Canada, 443
- Colombia, Reported Projected Construction of Modern Port in Gulf of Uraba, 277
- Commonwealth and New South Wales Floating Dock, Increase in Projected Lifting Capacity, 143
- Concrete Controlled in Strength by Ratio of Cement to Water, 91
- Concrete of Extreme Strength for Hall in California, 424
- Concrete-mixing Investigation and Conclusions, 467
- Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Arches of Great Span, Method of Construction by Rib Compensation, Monsieur Freyssinet, 117
- Concrete, Reinforced, for Signal Posts and Telegraph Poles, 552
- Concrete Strengthened by Molten Sulphur, 11
- Concrete Tanks for Storage of Animal and Vegetable Oils, 609
- Conveyors, Very Long, in Virginian Mine, 361
- Cooling a Troublesome Bearing, 91
- Copper Discovery in South Africa, 63
- Copper, Electrolytic, Union Miniere to Produce Large Quantity Annually, 63
- Copper Mine in British Columbia, Reputed Largest in the Empire, 499
- Copper Ore Discovery in Now Brunswick, 577
- Copper and Silver Output of Canada, 277
- Cornish Mining to Seek Government Subsidy, 581
- Cornwall Works, Birmingham, 212
- Cotton-picking by Machine, New Invention, 471
- Cotton Textile Industry in the Dominion, Seventy Plants Engaged, 171
- Cracked Circular Saws, Mending, 581
- Crane for Steel Plant in America, Said to be Largest of Kind in Existence, 443
- Cuban Large Rond Construction Programme, 307
- DAM, Large Storage, Under Const ruction by Gatineau Power Company at Bitobe, Quebec, 117
- Dam, New, on the River Mackinac, 91
- Darn in Waranga Basin, Victoria, Question of Strength, 307
- Danzig, Coal Situation at, 37
- Detonation of Blasting Explosives, Velocity of 37 ; Paper on Determination of Velocity, 63
- Detonation Phenomena in Engines, Monsieur Dumanois, 11
- Detonators in Mines, Additional Precaution, 637
- Development of Paugan Falls on Gatineau River, Ontario, 552
- Diamond Discovery Reported in Cape Colony, South of Port Nolloth, 499
- Diarnondiferous Area of British Guiana, Accompanied by Heavy Minerals, 277
- Diesel-driven Power Station Likely to be Changed for Local Water Power Scheme, 417
- Diesel Engine Power Plant to be Scrapped in Favour of Steam, 471
- Differential Separation by Flotation of Lead and Copper from Zinc in Sulphide Oren, 689
- Disinfectants for New Zealand, Large Tenders Called for, 389
- Diving, Success of Use of Artificial Atmosphere, 553
- Dock Scheme, King George's, at Kidderporo, Progress, 117
- Dock, Wet, at Ayr, Removal of Unused Gates and Sill, 171
- Drainage and Road-building Operations at "The Brook Kishon," 307
- Drainage Scheme for Karachi, 171
- Dredger at Bristol Undergoing Overhaul, 581
- Drilling by Jack-hammers, A Record, 499
- Dublin's First Automatic Telephone Exchange, 527
- Duke of Northumberland to be President of Shipping Exhibition at Olympia, 1927, 91
- Duralumin and Welding by Oxy-acetylene, 223
- Dust- Inhalation in Mines, Paper by P. S. Hay, 116
- Dust-proof Plants in Boiler Houses Economical as well as Cleanly, 91
- Dusty Roads, Now Remedy for, Found in Amsterdam, 277
- Dynamite Factory being Put Up in Alabama, 581
- EFFLUENT Liquor Treatment at Coventry, 581
- - Armature of Exceptional Size, Special Arrangements for Railway Transport and Construction of Building, 143
- - British Columbia Electric Railway. Bridge River Power Development for, 637
- - British Industries Fair at Birmingham, Predominance of Electrical Industries, 689
- - Characteristics of Single-phase Motors, T. O. Walz, 361
- - Cheapest Supply in the World Generated by Steam Plant, 637
- - Competition in Manufacture of Electrical Machinery, Court Judgment at Melbourne, 499
- - Consumption of Current in South African Towns, 91
- - Dover's Electric Supply Breakdown and Arrangement to Connect Supply with that of Folkestone, 553
- - Durban's Electrical Department Budget, 715
- - Earthing Metal Bodies other than Conductors, 335
- - Electric Locomotives for Montreal, 499
- - Electrical Trades' Benevolent Institution, 388
- - Electrified Ploughshare, Experiments and Result, 499
- - Flanged Girder, Electric Arc Welded and Tested to Destruction, 499
- - Galle, India, Electric Lighting, 499
- - Govan Power House Equipment, 249
- - Hardening and Tempering of Steel, Electric Heating for, 143
- - High-voltage Electrical Laboratory Built at Stanford University, California, 277
- - Industrial Standardisation in the Electrical Field, Percy Good, 389
- - Insulators, Electrical, Question of Manufacture in Bihar with China Clay Found There, 63
- - Lamps in Subways, Electric, Comparison Between Bare and Shaded Lamps, 63
- - Large Boilers' Provision in Power House for Quick Change of Coal for Oil Fuel, 143
- - Lincoln Private Electric Lighting Increase, 389
- - Maritime Electric Company, America, Expenditure on Plant and Equipment, 249
- - Mexico's New Electrical Code, Demand for Superior Apparatus and Equipment, 361
- - Power Development in British Malaya with Construction of Hydro-electric Plant on the Purak River, 117
- - Power Generation from Tides of Passamaquoddy Bay, Canadian Government Authorises Scheme for, 277
- - Power Station for Senegal. South Africa, 450
- - Power Transmission Wires Between Canada and Island of Orleans, 11
- - Pre-heating Rolls of Tin-plate Mills by Means of Electrical Resistances, 335
- - Rail Mill in America, Electrification of, 361
- - Sale of Electricity, Rapid Progress of, 471
- - Shanghai, Projected Power Plant of 20,060 Kilowatts, 637
- - Ships, Regulations for Electrical Equipment of, 235
- - Steam Turbo-generator for American Generating Station, 361
- - Sulphur Mines in Sicily, All Services to be Electrified within Three Years, 63
- - Super-power, Coal Consumption for Generation of Electricity, 389
- - Sydney City Council, Proposal to Acquire Mine or Mines for Purposes of Electricity Department, 117
- - Tungshun Island, near Amoy, Suggested Rice Mill for, with Electric Plant for Power and City Lighting, 581
- - Turbo-alternators, Four 10,000-Kilowatt, for Bombay Suburban Railways, 637
- - Two Million-volt Transformer Set, 143
- - Victorian Electricity Commission and German Recommendations, 417
- - Western Australia and Electric Supply to Mines, 37
- - Wolverhampton's Increased Use of Electricity, 389
- ELECTROLYTIC Copper, Big Lixiviation Plant for Union Minidre Katanga, 143
- Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress to be held in Canada in 1927, 335
- Engineers in China, 452
- English and Amateur Mechanic, 498
- Esquimalt Dry Dock Construction, 389
- Estonian Oil Shale as Railway Fuel, 663
- Ethylene Dichloride as a Solvent for Oils and Fats, 689
- - Agricultural Show and Exhibition of Cottage Industries at Jubbulpore, 499
- - Belgium, Universal Exhibition Projected for 1930, 197
- EXHIBITIONS (continued) :
- - British Industries Fair in Birmingham :
- -- Enlargement of Buildings Called for, 417
- -- British Industries Fair and Misconceptions, 417
- -- Electric Business Predominance at British Industries Fair in Birmingham, 689
- -- Floor Space at British Industries Fair, Greatly Increased Demand, 581, 637
- -- Madras Council Estimate for Participation in British Industries Fair, 471
- - Congress of Chemists and Exhibition in London of Apparatus, Chemicals, andc., 37
- - Industrial Designs Competition, Selection of Work on Exhibition., 143
- - Ironmongery, Hardware, andc., Exhibition, 276
- - Leipzig International Industries Fair, 183
- - Leipzig International Industries Fair, 1927, 624
- - Model Engineer Exhibition at Horticultural Hall, Westminster, 143, 171
- - National Coal Products Exhibition, 495
- - Physical Societies' Exhibition, 649
- - Prague Sample Fair to Include Mining Section, 18
- - Royal Agricultural Society Exhibition, 1927, Date and Place, 649
- - Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, Luncheon to Introduce New President, 560
- - Society of Chemical Industry, Exhibition in Manchester, 11
- - Textile Industry, First National Exhibition, 37
- EXPLOSION of Steam-jacketed Pan, 335
- Explosive Company's Plant at Nobel, Ontario, to be Reopened, 715
- Explosives Factories, Diminution in Number and also of Persons Employed, 63
- FACTORY Proposed in Natal for Manufacture of "Canex" Boards, 117
- Fairs--see Exhibitions
- Faraday House, Old Students' Association, Annual Dinner, 400, 511
- Federated Malay States Insistence on Use of British Materials, 553
- Felling a Blast-furnace Stack with Dynamite, 91
- Fibre Rope, Inventor's Unsinkable Type, 527
- Fire Control in a Pulverised Coal Bin, 91
- Fire Losses Due to Electric Irons, 37
- Firedamp in Mines, Measurement by Electric Current, E. H. Liveing, 389
- Fire-float Beta III., Record Work at Big Fire in East London, 471
- Fireproof Paints Factory at Sault Ste. Marie, 499
- Flax Extensively Planted in Natal, Proposed Production of Alcohol from Waste Pulp of Leaves, 171
- Fleming, Dr. J. A., Presentation of Portrait to, 499, 527
- Floating Dock, Small for Table Bay Harbour, 471
- Floating Dock, 25.000-Ton, for French Government, Launched at Hamburg, 143
- Flood Prevention, Irrigation, and Hydroelectric Enterprise in Mexico, 689
- Floor Tested by Four Hours' Fire, 417
- Ford Five-day Week, Divergent Views on, 527
- Foreign Building Materials, Greatly Increased Importation of, 361
- Foreign Trade of the Sudan, Considerable Increase in, 663
- Foundry at Warrington with Area of 3000 Square Yards, 499
- Free State Flag, First Boat Launched under, Kahanui, for New Zealand, 223
- Frost Effect in Different Soils, Caution Needed in Pipe Laying, 143
- Fuel Research Board's Experimental Borgius Process Plant, 361
- Fuel from Waste of Palm "Nuts," 581
- GAS Oil for Petrol Engines. 41
- Gas, Outbursts of, in Coal Mines, G. Roblings, 663
- Gasworks Capacity of 1,000,000 Cubic Feet per Twenty-four Hours, 417
- Gear Grinding, H. F. L. Orcutt, 581
- G.E.C. Sports, 75
- German Plate-rolling Trade, 287
- Gold Nugget Weighing over 100 oz. Unearthed in Western Australia, 689
- Gold in Sea Water, Not a Paying Proposition, 37
- Gold, World's Product of, from 1860 to 1924, Estimated Value, J. P. Dunlop, 689
- Goods Transport by Chinese Junks, 197
- Grab Dredging and Excavating Equipment, Numerous Orders for, 197
- Graphite, Natural, Its Manifold Uses, 715
- Great Britain Self-supporting in Only One Nonferrous Metal, Aluminium, 471
- Great Lakes Power Company, Ontario, Plans to Meet Increasing Power Demands, 335
- Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Waterways, Disagreement Between Canadian and U.S.A. Joint Board Engineers, 609
- Greek Government's Exclusive Convention with Eastern Telegraph Company, 91
- HAITI Projected Expenditure on Public Works, 471
- Hamilton Bridge Works West End Plant Restarted, 91
- Harbour Development, Vizagapatam, 468
- Heat Generated by Chemical Action of Setting Concrete, Unforeseen Result, 715
- Hematite Discovery in Siorra Leone, 663
- Highway Engineering for University Degree, 663
- House Building, Steel v. Brick for, 389
- House of SABEN, 649
- Huon Pine Oil for Prevention of Decay in Other Woods, Experiments, 223
- Hydrated Lime, Value of, 499
- Hydraulic Cements, Free Limo in, Scientific Experiments, 637
- Hydro-electric Development of Grand Falk, New Brunswick, 335
- Hydro-electric Installations for Eastern Canada, 389
- Hydro-electric Installation to Utilise Water Power of Bidasoa, Navarra, 417
- Hydro-electric Metallurgic Works, at Corral, Chile, 637
- Hydro-electric Plant, near Concepcion, Chile, 361
- Hydro-electric Plant, Exceptionally Large, Under Construction in U.S.A., 197
- Hydro-electric Power Plant. Big. and Plant for Magnesium Alloys, to be Erected on the Yalu River, 689
- Hydro-electric Power Plant at St. Alban, Quebec, 689
- Hydro-electric Station in Italy will be Largest in Europe, 663
- Hydro-electric Station, Unusual Type for East Switzerland, 361
- Hydro-electric Stations in Italy, Statistics Regarding, 499, 553
- Hydro-power Development at Alexander's Landing, Ontario, 63
- Hydrous Salts, Mainly Sodium Sulphate, Deposits in Western Canada, 689
- ICE Jam, Method Adopted for Breaking Up, 715
- Ignition of Cases, Mixtures of Methane and Air, Comprehensive Research and Report, 117
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Annual Dinner, 678
- Indian Boiler Regulations Amendments, 637
- Indian Railway Board's Search for Cheap Woods in Indian Forests, 91
- India's Import Trade, Depression in Machinery, 117
- Industrial Casualties, Analysis of Causes of, 117
- Industrial Fatigue Research Board's Experiments, 11
- Information in Periodicals and Libraries, Special, Association Formed and Directory to be Compiled, 63
- Insect House Electrically Controlled, 37
- "I. 0. Emmas'" Reunion, 26
- Institutes and Institutions--see Associations
- Insulating Varnishes, Ozonised Air Process in the Baking of, L. U. Spence and P. B. Cochran, 277
- Iodine, Liquid, Large Exports from Java, 553
- Irish Free State and the Shannon Scheme, 62
- - Algoma Steel Works at Sault Ste. Marie, 7
- - Anvil Casting, Record Weight, 581
- - Autogenous Welding, Decreasing Use of Cast Iron as Filler, 581
- - Black Sand of Pacific Islands for Pig Iron, System for Extraction, 609
- - Brazil, Steel Making Equipment, 361
- - Canadian Pacific Railway a Order for 25,000 Tons of Rails, 335
- - Central China Company's Large Iron Output, 277
- - Corral, in Chile, Projected Iron and Steel Works, 443
- - Cuynna Range, Northern Minnesota, Estimated Huge Deposits of Black Manganiferous Iron Ore and Brown Ore, 443
- - Drawing Qualities of Thin Sheet Metal, G. G. Beard, 581
- - Electric Heating in Hardening and Tempering of Steel, 143
- - "F" Steel Not a New Invention, 11
- - Flue Dust Escape from Blast-furnaces, Heavy Resulting Loss, 307
- - Heat Treating of Steel, Results of Recent Experiments, C. W. Bryan and C. G. E. Larsson, 715
- - High Record for Pig Iron Output, 197
- - Ingot, Exceptionally Large, Produced at Sheffield, 335
- - International Nickel Company's Increased Plant for Electrolytic Nickel, 171
- - Iron Ore and Pig Iron Output in the United States, 37
- - Ironworks, New, for Manufacture and Repair of Silk Weaving Machinery Put Up at Hangchow, 689
- - "Jalcase," New Steel Product, Advantageous Qualities of, 361
- - Japan Syndicate of Leading Iron and Steel Concerns, 335
- - Large Castings and their Transport, 171
- - Manganese Deposits of Postmasburg District, South Africa, 715
- - National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Reports :
- -- Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron Production and Steel Production, Statistics on Eve of the Coal Stoppage, 249 ; in August, 306 ; September, 464 ; in October, 553
- -- Statistics to End of November, 715
- - Nickel Mines Exploitation at Locris and in Boetia, 499
- - Nickel Ore, Extensive Deposits Discovered Near Maikop, in the Caucasus, 443
- - Phosphorus and Sulphur Effect on Rivet Steel, 143
- - Pure Granular Iron Without Use of Coke or Limestone, Experiments, 663
- - Refractories for Open-hearth Steel Furnaces, 11
- - Rod Mill in Course of Erection at Newport, 307
- - "Safety First" in Blowing-out Blastfurnaces, 143
- - Soft Steel' and Intercrystalline Corrosion, Experiments and their Result, 171
- - South African Pig Iron, First Steel Rails from, 143
- - South African Tungsten Minos Plant Approaching Completion, 197
- - Stainless Steel, Properties and Engineering Uses of, R. Waddell, 609
- - Steel, Apparatus for Detection of Defects Not Visible on Surface, 249
- - Steel Castings, Robert Lowe, 568
- - Swedish Iron Ore Trust Shipments, 335
- - Welded Steel Tube, Strength Testing Experiments, U.S.A., 11
- - Wolfram Discovery in Cape Province, Hoped- for Addition of Valuable Tungsten Ore, 11
- IRRIGATION Dam, Proposed, Across the Colorado River, 715
- Irrigation Enterprise Completed in Chile, 471
- Irrigation Works in Mysore, 637
- JALALABAD, Afghanistan, Electric Power Station Projected, 307
- KAWASAKI Dockyard, Japan, Increasing Output of Sheet Steel, 443
- LACQUERS, Cellulose, Elementary Test for Flow, 277
- Landslide, Serious, on Tennessee Side of Mississippi, 197
- Lantern Slides for Lectures Offered by :
- - Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 486
- - Bruce Peebles end Co., Ltd., 384
- Lead Aluminate Production, 335
- Lectures, Special, 319
- Lighthouse, Lowestoft High, Much Increased Candle-power, 249
- Lighthouse, New, at Hartlepool. Progress, 660
- Lime Addition for Softening Boiler Water, Tests for Ensuring Accuracy in Amount, 443
- Littlehampton Harbour, 499
- Lithopon, Increased Production of, in the United States, 117
- Lithopon Paints, to Remedy Darkening of, 91
- Liverpool to East Lancashire, Government Consent to New Road Construction, 197
- Lobnitz Rock Cutter for Sydney Harbour, 143
- Lochalsh and Lochs on Balmacara Estate, Hydro-electric Schemes, 527
- Long-lived Engines in Scotsmen's Charge in America, 249
- Loughborough College, 319
- Low Temperature Experimenters' Mistake, O. J. Parker, 663
- MAGNESIAN Flooring Materials Association, 235
- Magneto Works Projected near Olomone, Czecho-Slovakia, 249
- Manitoba Hydro-electric Transmission System Extended, 197
- Maple Sugar and Syrup in Quebec Province, Almost a Monopoly, 553
- Match Industry Development in Bihar and Orissa Province, 11
- Mazatlan, Port, on West Coast of Mexico, Construction of Stone Breakwater, Dredging, andc., Projected, 223
- Measuring Rope, Cable, Wire, andc., Portable Machine for, 389
- "Mechanical Policeman" for Point Duty in Copenhagen, 113
- Meductic, Saint John River, Projected Water Power Development, 499
- Melbourne, Sewage and Water Statistics, 171
- Memorial, Frederick S. Spiers, 75
- Menai Tubular Bridge, Robert Stevenson's Experiments on Models, 581
- Metal Surfacing by Use of Stellite and an Acetylene Blow-pipe, 223
- Metallic Cadmium, Large Production in the United States in 1925, 715
- Metallurgical Societies in the Midlands, 397
- Meteorological Station, New, at Pratas (Doongsha) Shoal, 609
- Methane Air Mixture Explosion Flame Projection, Experiments, 499
- Mica Output and Trade in India, 307
- Mica, Promising Occurrences of, in Natal, 689
- Mildew in Textile Fabrics. Prevention, 637
- Main Reef Leader of the Rand Exposed, Estimates of Yield, 715
- Mineral Production in British Columbia, 11
- Minerals Discovery, Lepidolite and Others, near Winnipeg, in Manitoba and Ontario, 553
- Mines--see Dust
- Mining Incident, Unusual, 471
- Mining Machine Electrically Driven, New Type, 335
- Mining in New Regions of Ontario, Government- List of Requirements of Prospectors, 63
- Mining in North-West Australia, Lack of Transport Facilities, 143
- Moffatt Tunnel, Fatal Accident in Working, 197
- Moffat Tunnel, Progress of Pioneer Headings, 715
- Montreal-Ottawa-Georgian Bay Ship Canal, Proposed, 63
- Mortar or Concrete Re-tempering, Advantages, 223
- Mosquito Dest ruction by Paris Green, 91
- Motor Cars and Cycles in Kalgan, 11
- Motor Car with New Gear shifting Device, 143
- Motor Omnibuses for Glasgow, First of New Fleet, 307
- Motor Transport Greatly Needed in Spam, Owing to its Mountainous Character, 277
- Mysore and Bombay Hydro electric Projects, 335
- NAPLES and Port of Salerno. Port Canal Projected for, 471
- National Certificates in Naval Architecture, 659
- Natural Gas, Accidental Discovery in Manitoba, 663
- Natural Gas at Depth of 600ft. in Transvaal, 117
- Natural Gas Production in Ontario, 149, 171
- Needles Imported by U.S.A, from Great Britain, 63
- New South Wales Gold Yield, 37
- New South Wales Increased Imports, 609
- New Zealand's Projected Big Hydro-electric Development, 197
- Newsprint Mill in Ontario, One Day's Output, 197
- Newsprint Mill, Quebec, Projected Extension, 223
- Newsprint Mills in Canada, Increased Production of, 91
- Newsprint Paper Mill, Quebec, Now Addition, 11
- Niagara Falls, Erosion of the Crest at the Rate of 7ft. per Annum. Measures to Relieve, 91
- Niagara Memorial Bridge Company Applies for Charter, 417
- Nickel--see Iron
- Nitric Acid Production by Arc Process with Use of Iceland Waterfalls, 314
- Nitrogen, Atmospheric. Factory for Fixation of, 277
- Nitrogen Fixation, Materials of Construction for, J. G. Thompson, 277
- Nitrogen Fixation Plant in Brazil Projected, 637
- Norwegian Aluminium Industry, 417
- Norwegian Proposal to Lease Waterfall to Aluminium Corporation of England, 91
- OIL from Coal Process, Professor Doctor Bergius' Warning, 499
- Oil Company's Plant at Regina, Saskatchewan, New Equipment for, 443
- Oil Engine, Swedish, New Type, 701
- Oil Flow, Temperature Test for, 389
- Oil, Gross Output in Baku and other Areas, 229
- Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters by Oil carrying Vessels, 171
- Oil Refinery for Fish and Cotton Seed Oil, Projected, in Newfoundland, 171
- Oil Shale at Coal Mines in Manchuria, 223
- Oil Shale Dusts Proved Explosive. Need of Same Precautions as in Coal Mines, 277, 361
- Oil in South Africa, Hopeful Prospects from Boring, 689
- Oil, Trial Bore-hole in Search for Oil, in South Australia, 548
- Oil Wells Yield in Oklahoma. Methods of Increasing with Safety Precautions, 553
- Ontario Oilers Financial Assistance in Diamond Drilling for Coal or Oil, 637
- Ore Crushers for Chilian Mine, Allis-Chalmers Company, 715
- Oxygen Factory at Fremantle, Australia, 480
- PAINT, Colour and Varnish Industry Research, Now Offices, 197
- Panama Canal Tolls Increase, 223
- Paper Mill to be Driven by Power from Outarde Falls, Quebec, 499
- Paper Mill Extension for Newsprint at Quebec, 581
- Paper Mill, Large, Erection in Quebec, 45
- Paper Mill to Use Local Timber in Tasmania, Experiment, 417
- Paper Pulp Factory Projected for Tasmania, 143
- Paper Pulp-making by Keobra Process, 527
- Paper from Straw, Factory for Manufacture of, 443
- Paraffin Oil, Increased Importation into Hang, chow Harbour, 171
- Paranagua, Wharf Projected at, 307
- Paste Paints, Zinc Oxide. Enamels, Varnishes, andc., Production in America, 609
- Paving Machine Worked by Petrol Motor, 219
- Peat Fuel, Conditions of Economical Manufacture of, in Canada, Committee's Report, 466
- Pembroke Dockyard, 319
- Perak River, Hydro-electric Construction Works on Banks of, 637
- Permanent Way, A Century of, 649
- Permeability of Natural Stones to Water, Relative Values as Building Material, 249
- Petroleum Discovery Reported in Chinese Village, 277
- Petroleum Products Output in Canada, 307
- Petroleum Storage and Conveyance, Changes in the Law and Scale of Licence Fees Payable, 171
- Petroleum Working, Neglect of Economy and Research. Professor J. F. Thorpe, 389
- Phosphate Rock Discovered in Russia to be Converted into Fertiliser, 443
- Phosphates in Irish Free State, 63
- Piles Supporting Railroad Bridge, over 13,000, Driven 23ft. Below Low Water, 117
- Pine Lines Used for Conveying Natural Gas, Effect of Change of Temperature, 443
- Plastint, New Inexpensive Interior Plaster, 117
- Platinum "Dredging" in Russia, 553
- Pollution of Sea by Oil, Conference of Thirteen Countries' Representatives, 37
- Polytechnic Engineering Society, Annual Conversazione, 649
- Port Kembla-Moss Vale Railway and Port Kembla Ironworks, Agreement, 171
- Ports, New, Proposed for Brazil, 663
- Portland Cement Concrete, Permeability of. and Experimental Work, 609
- Portland Cement Industry in 1925, Record Years'Manufacture, 471
- Portuguese Schemes for Water Power Development, 499
- Potash Discovery in the Ural Mountains, 197
- Power Alcohol Distillery Projected for Queensland, 417
- Power Development, Quareau River, Quebec, 499
- Power Lines, 4000 Miles, Authorised in Quebec, 471
- Power Plant at Cape Town, Extension of, 499
- Pressure Wave Sent Out by an Explosive, W. Payman and W. C. F. Shepherd, 641
- Printers' Compositors' Work, Illumination Question, 637
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition in 1927, Offer of Prizes for Papers, 106
- Pump Mill, the Second in Northern Manitoba, Survey for, 443
- Pumping Plant of Exceptional Lift at the Simmer and Jack Gold Mine, 553
- Pumping Slimes at Rand Gold Mine with Rubber-lined Centrifugal Pump, 443
- Pumping Water from Broken Hill Mino, Cost of, 471
- Pumps for Pulverised Coal Conveyance in German Power Station, 527
- QUARRIES of the United States, Trouble and Expense Due to Water Seepage and also Ice, 443
- Quebec Development of Mineral, Water Power and other Resources, 37
- Quebec, Province of, to be Mapped Photographically from Aeroplanes, 91
- Queen's Engineering Works, Past and Present Students' Annual Dinner, 649
- Queensland State Smelting of Silver-lead Ore, 499
- RADIO Apparatus--see Wireless
- - Accidents :
- -- Accidents of 1925, Annual Report, 335
- -- American Railway Trainmen's Reduced Fatalities, 197
- -- Automatic Stop and Fatal Railway Accident, 197
- -- Automatic Train Control, Effect of its Absence in Serious Collision, 117
- -- Block Instrument Safeguard Against Accident, 471
- -- Breakdown Work on the Waterloo and City Tube Railway, 527
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at Brighton, Report, 90, 143
- -- Buffer Stop Collision with Empty Coaches at Bradford, 361
- -- Buffer Stop Collision Inquiry, 143, 553
- -- Buffer Stop Collision at Sligo, General Immunity from Accident of Irish Railways, 527 : Report on Accident, 637
- -- Collision at Bishop's Stortford During General Strike, Report on, 277
- -- Collision at Brentwood, 63 ; Report by Colonel Sir J. Pringle, 417
- -- Collision Between Express and Light Engine Outside Carlisle Station, 361
- -- Collision at Kidderminster, 717
- -- Derailment of Train Due to Abnormal Heat and Other Causes, 249
- -- Derailment, Fatal, of Train in Upper Bavaria, 197
- -- Derailment Near Helpston, 91
- -- Derailment by Strikers of Scottish Express, 37, 91 ; Report on Derailment, 142, 527
- -- Derailment of Train Entering Waterloo Station, 197
- -- Draw-bars Failures, Sir John Pringle's Report, 663
- -- Driver's Difficulty in Learning New Section of Road, 663
- -- Fatal Accident to Signal Ganger and Mate and Result of Legal Appeal, 717
- -- Fatal Collision at Bethlehem, Penn., 389
- -- Fatal Collision During General Strike, Report on, 63
- -- Fatal Collision Between Melun and Montereau, 335, 361
- -- Fatal Collision on Southern Railway, 553
- -- Fatal Collision Between Train and Motor Road Vehicle, 609
- -- Fatal Collision and Verdict of Manslaughter, Melbourne Electrified Area, 249, 471
- -- Fiftieth Anniversary of Fatal Collision, 689
- -- Fiftieth Anniversaries of Notable Accidents, 117, 171 ; (Letter), 170
- -- Fire in a Passenger Train, hut no Fatalities. 117
- -- First Anniversary of Serious Collision, 249
- -- Flood Damage to Viaduct on Former Furness Railway, 553
- -- Fog Collision on Tilbury Section of L.M.S. Railway, also Near Finsbury Park Station, 609, 637
- -- Forty-fifth Anniversary of Fatal Collision, 417
- -- French Derailment, Serious, 37
- -- French Fatal Railway Accident, 499
- -- Germany and Poland, Train Disaster the Result of Foul Play, 143
- -- German Railway Accidents, New Safety Device, 33
- -- Inquiries into Accidents to Railway Servants, 37
- -- Japan, Serious Derailment, 335
- -- Landslide Causes Fatal Derailment of Barcelona-Valencia Train, 277
- -- Level Crossing Accident to Cyclist, 443
- -- Level Crossing Disaster at Naworth, Worst Known in this Country, Inquest and Government Inquiry, 277, 307, 360, 637
- -- Night Train from Glasgow Out of Hand end Resulting Damage, 307
- -- Occupation Crossing Fatality on Liverpool- Southport Line, 179
- -- Passenger Train Delayed by "Defect" at Hackney Downs, L. and N.E.R. Station, 223
- -- Passenger Train Runs into Light Engine Outside Holbeck, 335
- -- Quarterly Returns of Railway Accidents for 1925, Analysis of, 249
- -- Railwaymen Sentenced for Displacing Rails During Strike near Stafford, 91
- -- Rawmarsh Accident Recalls Previous Fatalities, 581
- -- Rawmarsh Accident, Inquiry, 609, 637, 663
- -- Report on Accident During General Strike in Edinburgh Tunnel, Escape of Gas and Advantage of Electric Lighting, 223
- -- Report on Collision Near Manors Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 499
- -- Reports on Accidents to Railway Servants, 609
- -- Runaway Carriages Derailed Near Sowerby Bridge, 277
- -- Scalded Shunter and Vague Instructions, 307
- -- Signal Difference of Opinion, 661
- -- Twentieth Anniversary of Fatal Accident to Scottish Express, 335
- -- Twenty-one Deaths by Derailment, Wilfully Caused, in Germany, 249, 307
- - Accidents (continued):
- -- Two Accidents, but No Fatalities, on the London and North-Eastern Railway, 689
- -- United States Inter-State Commerce Commission, Accident Bulletin, 11
- -- Water Gauges on Tenders to Avoid Risk to Enginemen, 609
- - Air Lines and Railways, Co-operation and Not Competition, 443
- - American Railways' Big Compensation Bill for Personal Injuries, 553
- - America's Largo Proportion of Unprotected Crossings, 663
- - Appointments and Staff Changes, 117, 197 223, 277, 359, 499, 527, 689, 715
- - Asphyxiation in Tunnel and Train Held Un, 425
- - Automatic Application of Continuous Brakes, Great Value of, Proved, 335
- - Automatic Records of Block Signals, Unheeded Recommendation, 33
- - Automatic Signals and Train Control on Pennsylvania Railroad, 581
- - Baker-street Connections, Thirty Additional Trains, 499
- - Belgium Railways, Like Germany, to Revert from State to Private Ownership, 11
- -- Reduction in Number of Temporary Railway Servants, Regular Men Must Retire on Pension at Sixty Instead of Sixty- Five, 11
- - Bombay Director of Development Retired, 609
- - British Railways, Certain Exceptions to Strictly Private Ownership, 361
- - Buenos Aires Provincial Railway Systems, New Branches to be Constructed, 683
- - Cable Tramways in Melbourne. Portion of, to be Converted to Electric Traction, 471
- - Calgary and Southern Railway, Construction of, About to Bogin, 277
- - Canadian National Railways* Increased Revenue, 171, 527
- - Canadian National Railways* Outlay on Radio Service, 91
- - Census of Railway Employees, Decreased Number, 389, 471
- - Cheap Fares and Winter Train Service, 249
- - Chicago and Illinois Central Railroad Electrification, Rapid Work, 443
- - China's First Refrigerator Car, 581
- - China's Projected Provincial Railways, 581
- - Chinese Government Railways Finance, 527
- - City and South London Railway, Modern Lifts to Replace Old Ones, 91
- - Coal Consumption of Railways During Mines Stoppage, 91
- - Coal Dispute Effects on Railway Services, 443
- - Coal Price Increase and Railway Charges, 581
- - Colliery Lino to Cheapen Coal Transport, 609, 637
- - Colliery Wagon Railway Conversion to Light Railway, Order for, 223
- - Commonwealth Government's Road Scheme, 143
- - Consumption of Coal per Engine Mile, Comparison between Railways, 143
- - Cost of Living Fallen and Reduction of Railwaymen's Pay, 11
- - Czechoslovakian Railway Electrification, Rapid Progress of Work, 307
- - Death of Mr. George L. Fowler, 143
- - Death of Mr. Francis Clarke Gamble, 637
- - Death of Mr. William Hood, 471
- - Death of Mr. H. E. Jones. 11
- - Death of Mr. W. H. Oates, 581
- - Death of Colonel C. W. P. Ramsey, 361
- - Derwent Valley Railway Ceases Passenger Traffic, 171
- - Dividends and Depreciation Funds, 717
- - East Indian Railway Lowers Passenger Fares, 637
- - East Indian Railway Trains Equipped with Side Lights, 581
- - Edgware-road Reconstructed Station Opened, 499
- - Great Western Railway :
- -- Cardiff Railway to be Converted to Single Line, 527
- -- Colwall Additional Tunnel, Progress, 63
- -- Rennet and Avon Canal, Railway Wishes to Close, 527
- -- Oswestry and Question of Railway Works Enlargement, 307
- - Harwich-Zeebrugge Train Ferry, Successful Through Delivery of Goods between North of England and Italy or France, 335
- - Horses Used on Railway Work, Census, 63
- - Indian Railway Board, Annual Report for 1925-6, Statistical Section, 721
- - Indian Railways' Marked Improvements of Various Kinds, 471
- - Indian State Railways' Approximate Gross Earnings Compared with Previous Year, 609
- - Institutes and Institutions, Railway--see Associations
- - Irish Railways' Immunity from Accident, 527
- - Italian Railway Electrification from Genoa Completed to Spezia, 499
- - Kent Coalfield Wagon Owners and the Railway Company, 171
- - "Ladies' Lounge" Smoking Car, 389
- - Level Crossing Question, Another Phase, 443
- - Lisbon to Cascaes Coast Railway Electrification, 223
- - Litter on Platforms and Track, Underground to Install Baskets for Collection, 689
- - Locking Bars, Facing Point, 277
- - Locomotive Appearance, American and British, 689
- - Locomotives, New Type, for Union Pacific Company, 91
- - London Electric Railways :
- -- London Electric Railways' Brochure, 389
- -- Morden Extension and Charing Cross and Kennington Tube, Opening Postponed by Strikes, 91
- -- Date of Opening, 171
- -- Morden Extension and New Omnibus Services, 307
- -- Work in the Streets for Various Mains Delayed Opening of Morden Extension, 663
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- -- Burton and Ashby Light Railway Working at a Loss, Application to Cease Operations, 117
- -- Carriage and Wagon Works at Stoke-on- Trent to be Closed, 715
- -- Crewe Works, Visit by Locomotive Engineers, 207
- -- Glasgow Sunday Traffic, St. Enoch's Closed on Sundays, 307
- -- Golders Green Station. Passenger Increase, 581
- -- Mixed Traffic Locomotives, 100 being Constructed, 249
- -- Shoreditch Station. North London Section, Road Widening and Consequent Alterations to Station and Bridges, 249
- -- Staveley, Alterations on Former Midland Section, 335
- -- Storm Damage on Central Wales Line, 111
- -- Trains Withdrawn to Reduce Expenses, 499
- - London and North-Eastern Railway :
- -- Branch Railway for New Colliery, 443
- -- Coast Erosion Involves New Line for Walton-on-the-Nazo Branch of Railway, 63
- -- Cost of Flying Junction at Stratford, 662
- -- Flushing Boats to Sail from Harwich Instead of from Folkestone, 715
- -- Hanging Buffers for Wagons. Disadvantage of, £500 Prize Offered not yet Won. 9 ; Further Rewards for Designs Offered, 91
- -- King's Cross New Platform, 389
- -- King's Cross to York Non-stop Rapid Run, 307
- -- Lightning and Fire Destruction of Signal Box near Leeds, 117
- -- No Powers Sought at Present, 663
- -- Re-signalling of Cambridge Station, a Correction, 689
- -- Signal Boxes, Reduction of, and Resulting Economy, 527
- -- Signals, Automatic Three-aspect Day- Colour Light Projected, 249
- -- Stores Department Reorganised, 143
- -- Trains Withdrawn to Reduce Expenses, 527 : Plans for Withdrawal Cancelled, 637
- -- Welwyn Garden City Station Opened, 389
- - Lubricating Oil Consumption per Engine Mile, Comparison of Different Main Lines, 223
- - Melbourne Area Railway Electrification, Results, 389
- - Melbourne Suburban Railways. Huge Cost of Conversion to Electric Traction, 581
- - Melbourne Suburban Railways, Increased Revenue, 63
- - Metropolitan District Railway, Hounslow Brunch, Double Tracked, 663
- - Metropolitan Railway Bill fur Tube between Willesdcn Green and Edgware-road, Passed Committee Stage, 11
- - Ministry of Transport
- -- Coal Stoppage mid Serious Results on Railway's, 416
- -- Coal Transport by Railway, Mr. J. H. Thomas Appointed to Committee of Inquiry, 361, 609
- -- London Traffic Inquiry as to South-East London, 197
- -- Manchester - Middleton Heywood Light Railway Sanctioned, but with Conditions, 248
- -- Privately Owned Wagons and Either-side Brakes, 197
- -- Railway Statistics for February, 1926, 11
- -- Railway Statistics for March, 1926, 99
- -- Railway Statistics for April, 1926, 143
- -- Railway Statistics for May, 1926, 223, 235
- -- Railway Statistics for July, 1926. 443
- -- Railway Statistics for August, 1926, 553
- -- Railway Statistics for September, 1926, 663
- -- Reports to Minister on Travelling Facilities to and from North and North-East London and East London, 637
- -- Tramways and Railway Competition, Appeal to the Ministry for Legislation in Favour of Tramways, 11
- -- Travelling Facilities in North London Reported on, Report on East London Awaited, 63
- -- Underground Tunnel to Connect Piccadilly and City Line Tubes, 335, 417
- - National Union of Railwaymen
- -- Analysis of Members us Guardians, Councillors, andc., 63
- -- Repetition of Railway Centenary Demonstration, 361
- - New South Wales Railways, Progress of Work on Cuttings for Kyogle Railway, 609
- - New South Wales, Survey for Railway, Moss Vale-Port Kembla, 11
- - New York Central Railroad Celebrates Centenary of Charter for Mohawk and Hudson Railway, 11
- - New Zealand, Railway Workshops in, 103
- - Paris and Orleans Trains Hauled by Electric Locomotives for First Time, 417
- - Parliamentary Notices as to Railway Bills for Next Session, Paucity of, 609
- - Pay and Salary, House of Lords Differentiation, 11
- - Peru, Deviation of Central Railway to Avoid Flood Damage, 335
- - Piccadilly Road Traffic, Control by Railway Signals, 443
- - Post-office Vehicles in France, 443
- - Presentation of Veteran Engine-drivers to the King, 417
- - Queen of Roumania's Free Travel in the United States, 527
- - Rail Joint, New Type Successful, 527
- - Railway Companies' Power to Increase Rates, Test Case in Chancery, 63, 117, 527
- - Railway Finance and the Industrial Situation Before and After April 1926, to end of July, 171
- - Railway Lines and Widenings, Extensive Additions Authorised, 389
- - Railway Material Exports Statistics, 117, 171, 307, 389, 553
- - Railwaymen's Day, Proposed Pageant, 91
- - Railway Rates Tribunal
- -- Complaints of New Schedule Kates Regarding Private Wagons of Coalowners on Southern Railway, 11
- -- Rates Raising Permitted by Law, 689
- -- Standard Charges Consideration Resumed, 417
- -- Test Case in the Court of Appeal, 63, 117, 527
- - Railway Returns, Miscellaneous Information and Comparisons between Railways, 143
- - Railway Returns for 1925, Only Five Passenger-carrying Vehicles Built or Bought without Electric Lighting, 443
- - Reduction of Staff and the General Strike, Sir Ralph Wedgwood's View, 443
- - "Retarders" for Checking Speed of Wagons, 36
- - Retirement anti Previous Services of Mr. Thomas Carlton, 37
- - Road Motors' Competition with Railways, Sir Ralph Wedgewood's Views, 471
- - Shopmen Question, Probability of Settlement, 63, 663
- - Shopmen Question Settlement Rejected, 277
- - Signals, Automatic, Three-aspect Day Colour Light to be Used between Capo Town and Wynborg, 171
- - Signals, Day Colour Light to be Used on 800 Miles of an American Railway, 171
- - Sao Paulo New Station, 499
- - Solway Viaduct and Risk of Railway Accident, 197
- - South London, Transit Conditions in, 579
- - Southern India Railway Development. Discussion, 609
- - Southern Railway :
- -- Bill of Southern Railway Read a Third Time, 11
- -- Cannon-street Station Reopened, Cannonstreet and Charing Cross Platforms Renumbered, 11
- -- Electrical Equipment on the Southern Railway, Changes to be Made, 171, 581, 609
- -- Ferry Service at Lymington and Neglected Dredging, 553
- -- Further Electrification on the Southern Railway, 581, 609
- -- Great Eastern Railway's Previous Reforms, Comparison between Electric and Steam Services, Mr. R. Bell, 171
- -- Improvements on the Southern Railway, Foggy Weather Arrangements, 471
- -- Leatherhead Junction Towards Guildford, Projected Closing of Present Station, 417
- -- Omnibus Station at Victoria, Starting Signal Arrangements, 63
- -- Ramsgate and Margate New Lines and Connections, 37
- -- Reopening of Electrical Services on South London Line, 361
- - Summer Services and Coal Shortage, 37
- - Thames Bridges, Suggested Conversion to Road Bridges and Serious Objections Thereto, 471
- - Ticket and Change-giving Machines, 581
- - Track Circuits and Length Requirements,37
- - Tramcars on Single Tracks Controlled during Fogs by Old Wooden Staff System, 277
- - Trans-Australian Train, Suggestion of Third Rail to Obviate the Difficulty of Difference in Gauge, 91
- - Travelling Facilities of Certain London Boroughs, Public Inquiry, 277
- - Trinidad Railways' Deficit, Select Committee's Recommendation, 717
- - Tube Railways and Electric Lighting Improvements, 63
- - Underground, Escalators and Lifts on the, 581
- - Underground Expenses Leave 5 per cent, for Dividends and Reserves, 117
- - Underground Railway Tunnel to Connect Piccadilly and City Line Tubes, Not for Use of Public, 335, 417
- - Underground Railways of London, Density of Traffic and Time-saving, 143
- - Underground Suggestion Scheme, Useful Results, 223
- - Unemployment and Short Time on the Railways since the General Strike, J. H. Thomas, 443
- - United States Centenary of First Railway Opening, 553
- - Unusual Case Consequent on Smoke from Fire on Railway Bank, 637
- - Wages Boards Exchanged for New Scheme in U.S.A., 197
- - Wagon Scarcity Difficulties, 662
- - Wagons, Privately Owned, Analysis, 389
- - Wimbledon Station Reconstruction, 10
- - Winter Train Service, Few Changes, 335
- - Workmen's Train Grievances and Fares, 249
- - Rotary Converters, 2000-Kilowatt, for Mansion House Underground Sub-station, 223
- RAINFALL Beats All Records in Saskatchewan, 171
- Rainfall Record of Now York Broken, 277
- Rand Mines, Misfire Accidents Increase, 499
- Raw Rubber from Native Sources, South Africa, 249
- Reclamation Work on Foreshore at Port Elizabeth, 637
- Refrigerating Apparatus for Household Use, Two New Inventions, 663
- Re-heat Treatment of Carbon Steel Gas Cylinders, Recommendation of Committee, 171
- Remarkable Record, 393
- Resin, Synthetic, with Certain Glass Characteristics, Discovered by Dr. Pollak, 663
- Retort Plant, Tasmania, Result of Weeks' Trial Run, 91
- Road Construction in British Columbia, Three Years' Programme, 609
- Road Traffic of Piccadilly, Colour Light Signals, 91
- Road Transport in the Future, A. Baker, 307
- Rome, Underground Transport for, Planned by Government, 553
- Roumanian Government, Annual Orders for Rolling Stock at Bukarcst, Works, 277
- Royal Metal Trades Pension and Benevolent Society, 207
- Rubber Curing, Suggested Use of Paranitrophenal, 91
- Rubber Manufacture by New Process in America, 499
- Rubber Purchase by Manufacturers for the Current Year, Estimate of, 689
- Rubber Tire Factory for H uge Output Projected for Sydney, Australia, 715
- Ruling Pens, Care of, 171
- SAFETY Measurements for Planks to Support Men at Work, 715
- Safety in Mines Research Board, 103
- St. Lawrence. New North Channel, to be Opened During High Water Season, 1927, 249
- Salt Wells at McMurray, Alberta, Successful Mining, 37
- Salt Works for Sea Water Evaporation Under Construction in Queensland, 171
- Sands, Bituminous, Analysis and Experiments on, 581
- Sao Paulo Hydraulic Works, 397
- Scholarships, Research, Offer by Rockefeller Institute and Commonwealth Institute, 63
- Science Museum, Lecture Tour Arrangements, 649
- Scientific Discovery, Apparatus Used for, and Possibility of Securing for the Nation, 117
- Scottish Engineering Works Sold and Altered for Production of Artificial Silk, 249
- Sewage Works, Sludge Beds Covered by Glass, Increased Capacity as Result, 117
- Sewerage Scheme at Oruro, Bolivia, and Canal to Connect, with River. Both Contracts Secured by this Country, 689
- Shale--see also Oil
- Shale Oil in Tasmania, Geological Calculations of Very Large Deposits, 689
- Shanghai Arsenal to Become a Limited Company, 443
- Shanghai, Motor Cars, 55 Per Cent, of American Make, 277
- Shanghai, New Plant of Chapei Electricity and Waterworks Company, 443
- Shanghai, Suggested Conversion of Kiangnan Arsenal into a Factory, 91
- Shawinigan Water anti Power Company's New Power Station, 527
- Shed, Very Large Area, Proposed Construction on the Mersey, 581
- Sheffield Town Planning, 389
- - British Submarine Depot Ship, 311
- - Canadian Pacific Cargo Ships, Three New, 21
- - Cargo Steamers' Cost at Greenock, 499
- - China's Foreign Trade, Japanese and British Ships as Principal Carriers, 315
- - Cunard Liner Berengaria Running with Repaired Rudder During Manufacture of New One, 277
- - Cunarder Mauretania, 12.5 Days' Performance, 223
- - Diesel-electric Tugs, Very Large. Used on Panama Canal, 689
- - Electric Passenger Ship, Largest Commercial Craft Built in U.S.A., 197
- - Finland's Projected Submarine Flotilla, 307
- - Forty Vessels with Electric Motors Connected to the Screw Shafts, 223
- - French Cruiser Tourville Launched, 223
- - German Trade Ship Vatcrland Said to be Largest in the World. 171
- - Germany's Commercial Fleet, Decline and Rebuilding, 527
- - H.M.S. Ajax and H.M.S. King George V. to be Broken Up at Rosyth, 689
- - Italian Government's Subsidy Assist once to Shipbuilding, 663
- - Japanese Steamship in the Scheldt, Failure of Salvage Operations, 37
- - Large Electric Passenger Ship, The First Keel Laid at Newport News, Virginia, 223
- - Largest Fresh Water Cargo Ship, 307
- - Lightship, Very Up-to-date, for Mouth of Rangoon River, 91
- - Motor Lifeboat, New, at Plymouth, 62
- - Motor Vessel for New Zealand Government, 319
- - Navigation Light, Unattended Flashlight, 143
- - New Submarine Oberon, Trial of, 335
- - Norwegian Mercantile Fleet, 63
- - Oil-carrying Vessels, Board of Trade Warnings as to Suitable Precautions, 307
- - Poland Start ing a Mercantile Fleet, 527
- - Raising United States Submarine, Difficulties Overcome by Nozzle Invention, 197
- - Record Ship Coaling at Svdney, Nova Scotia, 91
- - Regulations for Elect rival Equipment of, 235
- - Shifting Cargoes, Special Parking for Zinc Concentrates, 37
- - Shipbuilding Employers and Trade Unions, Meeting, 609
- - Shipping on the Clyde and on the Tyne, Decreased Output, 143
- - Ships Guided to Harbour, However Thick the Fog, Special Device Employed, 316
- - Singapore Harbour, Greatly Increased Traffic, 663
- - Submarines Two Large, Launched, for Australia, 37
- - The Egypt, Salvage of, Suspended for the Winter, 361
- - Train Ferry for Kootenay Luke, British Columbia. 58ft
- - Wireless Daily Communication Over 11,000 Milea by Australian Liner, 521
- - Yangtze River, Great, Increase in Steam and Motor Navigation on, 715
- SILTING Up of Bengal River, 197
- Singapore Naval Base, Satisfactory Progress of Work, 117
- Slide Rule, Commercial, John Davis and Son, (Derby), Ltd., 577
- Slovakia, Eastern, Proposed Electric Supply for, by Hydro-electric Station, 389
- Smoke Abatement Lead, Need of Educative Propaganda, 417
- Soap Factory Erection at North Wall, Dublin, 205
- Soap Works at Irlam, New Section Opened, 171
- Soda Recovery Plant at Magadi, East Africa, to be Re-started, 249
- Sodium Sulphate Production from Alkaline Lakes in Saskatchewan, 63
- Spain and Portugal, Time Limit for Resumption for Negotiations as to Harnessing Douro Falls, 197
- Spare Parts for Machines Already Sold, 117
- Specialised Information in Great Britain and Ireland, Directory of Sources of, 11
- Spiers, Frederick S., Memorial, 75
- Stains from Contact between Marble and Steel Work, Remedy for, 471
- Steam Accumulator Storing 10,000 lb., 581
- Steam Engine and Boiler to Replace Oil Engines in Power Station at Burghersdorp, South Africa, 715
- Steam Pipe, Flexible, Explosion,Official Report, 689
- Steam Turbine in Trinidad, Special Features of Construction, 143
- Steamers on Upper Yangtse River, Great Increase in Number of, 117
- Steel--see Iron and Steel
- Suez Canal Traffic and British Coal Working Stoppage, 527
- Sugar Beet Factory at Bassano. Alberta, 663
- Sugar Beet Factory near Selby, 581
- Sugar Beet Factory, Spalding, to Begin Operations, 249
- Sugar Beet Factory, near Wellington, Shropshire, Date for Completion, 714
- Sugar Beet in Manitoba, Results from Experimental Growing, 443
- Sugar Cane, Factory at Luabo, 352, 378, 390 (Two-page Supplement, October 1st, 1926)
- Sugar Cane, Machine for Harvesting, 581
- Sulphur has no Disadvantages in Diesel Fuel, 417
- Sulphur Mines in Sicily, Cont nut Signed for Electrification of all Services Connected Therewith, 63
- Sulphuric Acid Factory to be Put Up in China, 471
- Sunlight Rays under Water Imitation of, to Check Anchor Ice Formation, 663
- Surface Finishes, New Testing Inspection Machine, 637
- Survey of India, Complete Reorganisation of, into Five Circles, 277
- Swedish Standard Type of Cheap Passenger Motor Cars, 197
- Swedish Trade Reports Shipbuilding Industry Improved but Iron Industry Still Depressed, 361
- Sydney, Australia, and Maitland, New Carrier Wave Telephone Service, 91
- Synchronous Condensers, Largest Yet Built for Southern Californian Company, 335
- Synthetic Ammonia Works of Large Capacity Projected in Japan, 417
- Synthetic Rubber, Reported Progress in Manufacture of, by German Dye Trust, 343
- TANNING Material from Brown Coal, 223
- Tasmanian Carbide Works, Prospect of Sale to English Group, 117
- Taxi-cabs in Peking. Company Formed to Run, 143
- Technical Terms Employed in Branches of Physics and Physiology Connected with Illumination, 715
- "Teknisk Tidskrift," 376
- Telephone Cable, Subterranean, between Cairo and Alexandria, 249
- Telephone, State, Department of Czechoslovakia to Replace Manual by Marconi Relay Automatic System, 117
- Telephone Users of the World, 14-2 to every 100 People in United States, 2-8 per 100 in Great Britain, 171
- Tellurium as an Alloy with many Varieties of Metals, 335
- Tenders Invited by Madrid for Various Public Improvements, 277
- Theosophical Society, Australia. Erects Powerful Broadcasting Station, 361
- Thomas, H. Kerr, Debt of the Community to the Automobile, 384
- Tidal Power on the Tay, Scheme Put Forward by Professor A. R. Fulton, 689
- Tin-bearing Ores in Cornwall, Successful Exploration Work, 553
- Tin Deposits Discovery on King Island. Bans Straits, 219
- Tin Mine, Wheal Kitty, St. Agnes, Cornwall, Work for Unemployed, 581
- Tin. Recovery of Ore Previously Wasted, 471
- Tin, Rich Lode, Found in Tasmania, 417
- "Titanite" as Material for Patternmaking, 527
- Tiverton Town Water Supply, 361
- Tokyo and Yokohama. Reconstruction after Earthquake Very Slow, 443
- Tool, New Device, for Removing Tar Coating from Steel Water Main, 443
- Toronto Purchase of Ironworks Land for Viaduct and Harbour Development, 249
- Torquay Water, Electricity and Harbour Undertakings, Further Powers to be Sought, 637
- Toxic Gases Danger, 471
- Trade Facilities Acts, Treasury Grants for Electrical Supply and Beet Sugar, 553
- Training for Automobile Engineering, Recommended Course, 526
- Transvaal Platinum Reduction Plant, Output for June, 197
- Triethylamine and Diethylamine, New Process for Manufacture of, 361
- Trolley Omnibus Abandoned for Street Car in Larger American Cities, 249
- Tsingtao Wharves and Harbour Suffering from Wholesale Neglect, 443
- Tungting Lake, Yangtze Valley, Projected Survey of, 443
- Tyne Improvement Commissioners, Projected Schemes, 37
- UNITED States Firm Buying Up Canadian Works, 335
- United States Radium Corporation has Closed its Plant at Orange, N. J., 715
- University of Bristol, 155
- University of London, University College, Centenary Appeal and Programme, 593
- Upington, South Africa, Considering Water and Electricity Scheme, 417
- VIBRATION Caused by Rolling of Trains, Effect on Building over the Track, 715
- Vienna, Ambitious Power Schemes for, Negotiations with American Financiers, 715
- Vienna, New Water Power Works Erected in 1925, 715
- WAREHOUSE, Big New, at Montreal, 499
- Watchmaking, Maintenance of Schools giving Technical Instruction in, in Switzerland and France, 527
- Water Level Indicator for Gauge Glasses, Effective Type, 429
- Water Power Utilisation Research Society in Germany, 335
- Water Raising by Egyptian Natives, Conditions of Work, 249
- Waterproof Glue, Formula for Preparing, 443
- - Brazil, Water System in, 322
- - Murray River, Australia, Hume Reservoir Works, Cost and Progress, 553
- - Murray Water Conservation Scheme, Additional Weirs Question, 471
- - Rangoon to Obtain Water Supply by Damming the Salwin, 689
- - Sydney and Canberra Water Supply Scheme, 471
- - Sydney Water Board's Expenditure on New Works, 662
- - Victoria, Water Storage Schemes in Progress and Contemplated, 171
- WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion Caused by Neglect, 471, 617
- Wave-speed Camera--see Pressure Wave
- Wax Extract from Flax Plant Tissues, Valuable Properties of, 197
- Waygood-Otis Club New Sports Ground, 23
- Welded Connections in Steel-framed Building, Comparison with Strength of Rivets, 11
- Welding Aluminium, New Process, D. H. K. Bottrill, 663, 689
- Welding Exhibition at Buffalo, N.Y., 443
- Wells Drilled for Oil and Gas in the United States, Statistics, 553
- Whale Fishing, Trial of Breech-loading Gun for, 197
- Whale Oil Research Success, 389
- Wharfage for Deep-draught Vessels at Cairns Harbour, North Queensland, 499
- Whitworth Society, Fourth Annual Commemoration Dinner, 724
- Whitworth Society, Summer Meeting, 103
- Wind Pressure, Pulsating or Static Effects on Different Structures, 581
- Windsor-Detroit Tunnel, Construction to be Started, 609
- Wire and Wire Nail Works of Karahgatch, Turkey, Begin Work, 307
- - Atmospheric Disturbances, Experiments with New Invention, 63
- - Bolivia Telegraph and Wireless Services, Contract with Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., 143
- - Bombay and Calcutta, Projected Well- organised Broadcasting Service,117
- - British Broadcasting to Pass Under Government Control, 63
- - Broadcasting of Portraits and Pictures, Monsieur Hermod Petersen, 609, 637
- - Broadcasting Station in Vienna, 356
- - Crop Production Assisted by Wireless Aerials Near Potsdam, 361
- - Czecho-Slovak Railways and Wireless Receiving Stations in Trains, 389
- - French Postal Tests of Wireless Telegraphic Apparatus, 335
- - Greece, Wireless Station Projected, 499
- - Hungary's Great Advance in Use of Wireless, 249
- - Marconi Marine Communication Company and Radio Communication Company Form Working Agreement, 527
- - Mexico and Cuba, Telegraph Systems to be Connected by Wireless, 307
- - Radio Apparatus Production in Canada, 174
- - Radio-electric Mast for Guiding Ships at a Distance, Value Proved in Fog, 277
- - Reaction on the Aerial, Enforcement of Regulations in Regard to Licences, 63
- - Seventy Radio Receiving Sets for Isolated Camps in Oregon and California, 403
- - Ship's Record Daily Communication with Sydney on Voyage to England, 521
- - Waves of Accurately Known Frequency, Usefulness of Transmission, 223
- - Wireless Apparatus Tested as Possible Substitute for Submarine Cable, 389
- WOOD Oil Trees. Experimental Plantation of, in Tasmania, 581
- Woolwich Dockyard at Auction, 31
- Work on the New Outer Harbour at Macao, 689
- World's Largest Motor Liner, 653
- YARRA River Improvement Projected, 471
- ZINC, Pure, Physical Properties and Crystal Structure of, 91
- Zululand Plant for Extracting Tanning Material from Wattle Bark, 471
See Also
Sources of Information