The Engineer 1927 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1927 Jan-Jun: Index
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- AERIAL Ropeway for Colliery--see Coal, andc. Kent Colliery
- Aerial Ropeway for Passenger Traffic up Mount Hood, Near Portland, Oregon, 355
- - Aerial Survey by Seaplanes of Chittagong Hill Tract, 159
- - Aeroplane, D.H. Moth, Production Increase Would Reduce Price More than 50 Per Cont., 603
- - Aeroplane Engine Supercharger Submitted to Government Testa in Military Machines, 657
- - Air-cooled Aeroplane Engine, New, The "Wright Cyclone," United States Navy's Successful Tests, 45
- - Aircraft Apprentices, Vacancies, 137
- - Aircraft Budding in Spain. 657
- - Air Transport Between Tasmania and Australian Mainland, Company's Equipment, 551
- AERONAUTICS (continued) :
- - Royal Aero Club Sending Racing Seaplanes to Compete in Italian Waters, 241
- AMERICAN Engineering Colleges and Engineering Research, 495
- Ammonia, Synthetic, Plant of Lazote Inc., Projected Considerable Enlargement, 101
- Ammonia, Synthetic Production of, in Various Countries, Comparison of Statistics, 101
- Ammonium Compounds Accidental Explosion, Investigation into Fundamental Conditions Causing Such to Arise, 101
- Andalusit, Mineral for Production of Heat- resisting Refractories, 327
- Antwerp Port Equipment Greatly Increased, 495
- Antwerp, Tenders for Three New Graving Docks, Proposed, 355
- Arc Welding, Best Papers on. Money Given for Awards, 441
- Argentina's Projected Outlay on Now Port of Buenos Aires and other Works, 299
- Artificial Silk not to be Manufactured in Japan, 129
- Asbestos Mining and Kurunian Natives, 185
- -- Annual Dinner, 225
- -- February Meeting, Growth of the Association, 197
- -- Latest, Two-cycle Double-acting Oil Engine, J. Burdon, 370
- -- W. E. Highfleld Shield, Competition Awards, 535
- -- Borough Council's Demand to Inspect Private Laboratory Illegal, 15
- -- Forty-ninth Annual General Meeting, Supply of Chemists Exceeding Demand, 200
- -- Annual General Meeting, 140, 428
- -- Autumn Meeting to ho Held at Glasgow, 311
- -- Invitation to Visit Spain in 1928, 522
- -- Annual Dinner, 140
- -- Carnegie Fund Grants, 140
- -- Programme of Proceedings, 428
- -- Bessemer Gold Medal Awards, 311
- -- Annual Dinner, 283
- -- Annual General Meeting in London and Autumn Meeting in Derby, Date Fixtures, 45
- -- "Trade Alloys," Compilation of Full List of, 365
- -- Royal Gold Medal Award, 453
- -- Examinations for Associate Membership, 225
- -- Annual Dinner, 370
- -- Annual General Meeting, Awards for Papers, 517
- -- Election of Officers and Council, 559
- -- Heat Engine Trials Committee, Meeting, 611
- -- A.M.I.E.E. Examination, 32
- -- Award for Papers, 535
- -- Electro-pneumatic Lamp, German, Very Old, 299
- -- Faraday Medal, Sixth Annual Award, 116
- -- I.E.E. Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings, 697
- -- Null Methods of Measuring Ratio and Phase Displacement of Two Alternating Voltages, B. C. Churcher, 469
- -- Summer Meeting at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 481
- -- Wireless Section Committee, 1927-28, Nominations to the Committee, 586
- -- Wireless Works Laboratory, P. K. Turner, 629
- -- Twenty-seventh Annual Dinner, 397
- -- Joint Summer Meeting in Glasgow, 379
- -- Summer Meetings at Bournemouth, 611
- -- Annual Dinner, 481
- -- Case Hardening, Percy J. Haler, 44
- -- Iron Foundry Cupola, Efficiency of, Mr. Wolstenholme, 299
- -- J.I.E. "Old Brigade" Meeting, 283
- -- Scientific Apparatus Exhibition, 213
- -- Shock Absorber Units, Design and Construction. C. D. Holland, 469
- -- Unusual Gathering, 200
- - North-Western Branch :
- -- Machine Tools for Wheel and Axle Production, E. W. Tipple, 166
- -- Summer Meeting at Newcastle, 228, 697
- -- Annual Dinner, 222
- -- Annual General Meeting, 222
- -- Awards for Papers, andc, 361
- -- Competition and Prizes Offered. 240
- -- Annual General Meeting, 140
- -- Annual Dinner, 140
- -- Joint Summer Meeting in Glasgow. 370
- -- Conference to bo Hehl at Brighton, 370
- -- Annual Meeting. Elections and Report, 168
- -- Signalling System, New, at Charing Cross, Cannon-street and London Bridge, W. J. Thorowgood, 577
- -- Annual Meeting, 507
- -- General Meetings and Elections, 174, 535, 671
- -- Reports and Elections, 507
- -- Annual Dinner, 559
- -- Brenforce Travelling Scholarship, 311
- -- Examinations for Graduateship and Associate Membership, 674
- -- Scholarship and Medals Awards for Competitive Design, 684
- -- Phenol-Aldehyde Resin, Product Possibilities and Difficulties, 327
- -- Premiums for Technical Papers, 684
- -- Novel Form of Discussion, 327
- -- Alteration of Rule for Chairman's Term of Office ; Re-election of Colonel the Master of Sempill, 547
- -- Competition of Industrial Designs, 1927, 463
- -- Wireless Transmission and the Upper Atmosphere, Dr. E. V. Appleton, 577
- AUSTRALIAN Commonwealth Lighthouse Service, 45
- Austrian State Highways, Reconstruction Planned, 441
- Automatic Telephone Conversion, This Year's Programme for London and Provinces, 269
- Automatic Telephone Exchanges for Brisbane, To be Supplied by British Firm, 129
- Automobiles, Output in Canada, 469
- BARRAGE on the Moldau near Prague, Preliminary Work, 15
- Beet Production, Increase Necessary if the Industry is to become Successful, 159
- Beet Sugar Corporation Factory at Cupar, Anglo-Scottish, Acreage Planned for Beet Growing, 331
- Beet Sugar Factory for Lincolnshire, 159
- Beet Sugar Factory Proposed for Bedfordshire, 657
- Beira Harbour, East Africa, Dredging and Improvement, 413
- Belfast Association of Engineers, Electrically Operated Ship's Deck Machinery, W. E. Porter, 155
- Belfast Harbour, Improvement of Quays, 469
- Belgian Rails for South Africa, Reporter Rejection of More than 25 per cent, or Account of Defects, 269
- Bengal and Need of Irrigation for Cultivation of Land and Reduction of Malaria, 15
- Billingham Works of Synthetic Ammonia am Nitrates, Extension Work Delayed by Coal Stoppage, 24
- Birmingham Decides Against Acquiring Canals 241
- Bituminous Sands of Northern Alberta to be Used for Road Surfacing, 15
- Blast-furnace Gas and Recovery of Crude Cyanide, 269
- Blasting Under Mining Conditions, Study am Investigation by U.S. Bureau of Mines, 101
- Board of Trade and Ministry of Transport Rumours as to Work Readjustment, 79
- Boiler Failures, Statistics and Boiler Insurance 101
- Boiler Plates, Embrittlement of, Remedy Dis covered by Experiments, 551
- Boiler Scale Formation, Report, 577
- Boiler, Vertical, Failure, Official Report, 629
- Boilers on Ships, Stopper Rods and Washers Board of Trade Warning, 45
- Boron Oro Discovery in Majave Desert, California, 327
- Brazilian Factory for Chemical Treatment of National Fibres, Manufacture of Rope, andc. Concession Asked for, 45
- Brick Factory at East Beauport, Quebec Projected, 413
- Brick-making Plant for 150,000 Bricks for British Columbia, Whittaker and Co., 576
- Bricks Made of Calcium Phosphate, 269
- Bricks, Standard Size Fixed by Canadian Association, 327
- - Bridge Replacement Across the Coleron River, India, 355
- - Buffalo and Fort Erie and Peace Bridge Connecting Canada with U.S.A., Opened, 657
- - Charing Cross, Proposed Double-decker Bridge, 657
- - Cologne and Millheim Bridge over the Rhine to be Built by Krupps, 75, 185
- - Cologne and Millheim Now Bridge, Prize Design Condemned by Experts, 469 ; Final Decision in Favour of Suspension Bridge, 577
- - Cologne, New Bridge Over the Rhine, 75
- - Concrete Arch Highway Bridge, Series of Load Tests to be Carried out on, 603
- - Concrete Bridge in Durban North, Longest Erected by Private Enterprise, 129
- - Concrete Highway Bridge, Largest Yet Undertaken in United States, 495
- - Double-deck Bridge Over Clarence River, New South Wales, Fresh Tenders to be Invited, 15
- - International Bridge Across the St. Lawrence River Projected, 45; Project Rejected by Dominion House of Commons, 441
- - Lions' Gate at Vancouver, Bridge Across, Projected, 355
- - Murray River Bridge at Echuca, Strengthening Completed, 629
- - Murray River, New Bridge Projected, 71
- - Nerbuddo Bridge, India, 577
- - New Bridge Over the Clyde at Finnieston, 523
- - Niagara Falls, Bill for Construction of Bridge Opposed as Likely to Spoil Beauty of the Falls, 355
- - Port of New York, Projected Bridge to Connect Bayonne, N.J., with Staten Island, 241
- - Projected Bridge Across the Danube, 159
- - Reinforced Concrete Bridge Across Minnesota River, Claimed as Record, 101
- - Sydney Harbour Bridge, Fourth and Last Bearing Completed for, 629
- - Timber Trestle Bridge near Tacoma, Washington, 523
- BRITISH Columbia, Greatest Water Power Unit Yet Discovered, Reserved by Government, 355
- - Sixth Annual Report, 174
- - British Empire Overseas, Research Relating to, 75
- - Specifications :
- - Bull-head Rails, 253
- - Drawn Steel Reinforcement Bars, Proposed New Specification, 674
- British Non-ferrous Metals Research Association, Exhibition, 383
- British Non-ferrous Metals Research Association, Seventh Annual General Meeting. 611 ; Report, 629
- British Optical Science, 566
- Buenaventura Harbour, Agreement for Improvements at, 685
- Burma Oil Company's Agreement with Bugti Tribe in Beluchistan, 577
- Burma, Salin Canal System to be Remodelled. Also Singan Swamp to be Reclaimed, 551
- CABLE, New Electric. Laid Between Boulogne and Sandgate, 355
- Cadmium Production at United States Plants, 75
- Calcutta and Bombay Telephone Connection nearly 1800 Miles in Length, 129
- Canada, Forest Fires Damage Lust Year, 523
- Canada, the Main Source of World's Supply of Cobalt, 129
- Canada's Diamond Jubilee Commemoration, 75
- Canada's First Air Mail Service, 550
- Canada's Forests, Campaign for Protection from Fires, 469
- Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Calgary Branch Extension, 129
- Canadian and Uni toil States Co-operation in Investigations Affecting the Mineral Industry, 603
- Canadian Vickers Company's Busy Season. 101
- Canal, Direct, in Belgian Territory, from Meuse to Antwerp, Proposed, 657
- Canal, Hoover Commission Reports in Favour of the St. Lawrence Route for Canal from Croat Lakes to the Atlantic, 15
- Carbon Monoxide, Contamination of Tunnel Air, Tests Made in U.S.A., 299
- Cardington Airship Mooring Tower, 586
- Caustic Soda and Chlorine, Factory for Manufacture of, Near Sydney, Australia, 129
- Cellulose Acetate, Industrial Use of, in France, 629
- Cement in Great Britain, Largely Increased Output., 413
- Central Marine Engine Works, 143
- Cheap Power, Booklet, Ruston and Hornshy, Ltd., 146
- Chilo Starting Factory for Copper Wire to Secure Independence of Foreign Markets, 603
- Chimneys of Reinforced Concrete, Vastly Superior in Wind Resistance to Brick or Steel, 15
- Coal Liquefaction Plant and Calcium Nitrate Plant in Germany, 129
- - Barnsley Seam Reached at the New Upton Colliery, Near Doncaster, 657
- - Battery of Twenty Coke Ovens to be Put Up Near Barnsley, 383
- - Bedlington Coal Company, Extensive Improvements Involve Suspension of Work, 629
- - Bergius Process of Treating Coal, Dr. J. A. Roelofsen, 185
- - Bituminous Coal, Second International Conference, 326
- - Brazilian Government and Coal Mining, 185
- - British Coal-raising Record, 213
- - British Columbia Coal Production in 1926, Reduced Amount, 269
- - By-products Works to Experiment on Low- temperature Carbonisation, 441
- - Canadian Improved Coal Output, 213
- - Chimney Stack Razed to the Ground and Path-Head Colliery Dismantled, 159
- - Coal Analysis, Report on, 413
- - Coal, Modern Methods of Using as Fuel, 383
- - Coal Seam Discovery in Newfoundland, 523
- - Coal Seam Reported Struck at Crosby, Cumberland, 97
- - Coal Shipments from the Tyne, 213
- - Coals and Temperature at which Decomposition Begins, General Investigation in Progress, 603
- - Colliery Company Reopening in Lancashire, 159
- - Colliery Wharf on the River Ouse, 213
- - Czechoslovakia Hard Coal Production Statistics for 1926, 241
- - Durham and Northumberland Coalfields, Physical and Chemical Survey of, 441
- - English and German Coal Markets Position During and Since the English Strike, 495
- - Formosa, Output of Cool from, 577
- - France, Output of Coal and Pig Iron in January and February, 469
- - Gas Supply Over Long Distances Direct from Coal Pits, Question Under Consideration, 83
- - Hungary's Slump in Coal Demand, Coalgetting Restricted, 355
- - Kent Colliery and Aerial Ropeway, Probable Closing of Colliery, 327 ; Revival of Scheme, Favourable Result Hoped for, 657
- - Koppers Continuous Vertical Chamber Coke Ovens, First Installation in this Country, 383
- - Low-temperature Carbonisation of Coal on Large Scale Proposed for Canada, 441
- - National Coal Resources, 342
- - Oil Shale, Distilling, Fushun Colliery Plant for, 434
- - Oil Shale Laboratory Work and Further Developments at Fushun Collieries, 469
- - Output of Coal from Mines of Great Britain, 21
- - Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company, Ltd., Appointment of Managing Director, 45
- - Pulverised Coal for Scotch Marine Boilers, Favourable Result of Laboratory Tests, 653
- - Safety in Coal Mining. Problems, 629
- - Scam of Coal Found During Well Sinking, Near Leamington, 551
- - Seaham Harbour, New Coal Pit Projected, 667
- - Sinking Progress at New Colliery at Upton, 213
- - South African Coal Industry, Natal Section, Crippled for Lack of Railway Rolling Stock, 15
- - South Australia, Coal and Lignite Resources of, 213
- - Soviet Union Sinking New Coal Shafts, 551
- - Union of South Africa's Coal Output in November, 1926, 269
- - United States Statistics of Coal Mine Fatalities in 1926, 241
- - Wemyss Coal Company's Shaft, Record Diameter, 629
- COLD Storage Warehouse, Large. Projected Construction for Benefit of British Columbia Fruit Crop, 15
- Collapse of Tank and Tower Duo to Removal of Rod Connections, 159
- Colonial Scientific and Research Service, 685
- Columns Having H-shaped Sections, Testing of Different Types of Construction, 101
- Commercial Motor Users Association, Annual London Motor Parade, 228
- Compressed Air System, Transmission Losses in, 657
- Concrete Construction, Novel System for Houses at Cambridge, 383
- Concrete, Result of Heat Test. Effects, 15
- Concrete Slab Lowered by Means of Melting Ice Blocks, 523
- Congo, Cataract Region of, to be Made Navigable for Large Steamers, 75
- Congress on the Explosion Engine, 618
- Congress of Gas Engineers, Coke Oven Managers anti Fuel Section of Society of Chemical Industry Postponed, 159
- Continental New Steamship Route. French Steamers and L.M. and S. Railway, 441
- Copper Mines, Allihies, Berehaven, Co. Cork, Work Resumed, 355
- Copper Ore Raised by Union Miniere du Haut Katanga, 129
- Copper Pipe Explosion, Probable Cause of, 551
- Corona Discharge During Cracking of Oils, 185
- Corrosion, An Interesting Case of, in Adelaide, H. E. Bellamy, 45
- Crane Accident, Unusual, 413
- Crude Petroleum Refining in Great Britain, 441
- Crystal Detectors, Rectifying Action of, 551
- Cutting Speed of a Diamond Bit Used in Oilfields, 45
- Czechoslovak Projected Fund for Road Improvement on Large Scale, 299
- DAM Building in Record Time, but at Record Cost, 269
- Damming the Water of Three Lakes m Quebec, Plans Submitted. 45
- Dead Sea Mineral Contents, Estimated Value of, 523
- Death of Colonel H. G. Prout, 241
- Detonation in an Engine Using Liquid Fuel. 185
- Diamonds, Black, and White or Borts, 15
- Diesel Engine Burning Whale Oil, 213
- Diesel Engines versus Steam Turbines, Result of Costs Calculation, 185
- Dock Facilities, Possible Establishment of, on the River Tees, 694
- Doulton's Manufacture of Stoneware Drainage Pipes Transferred from Lambeth to Erith, 577
- Dredger Breakdown at Bombay, Result of Investigation, 551
- Durban Technical College Extensions, 327
- EAST London, South Africa, Projected Turning Basin 1000ft. Square, 551
- Eclipse of the Sun, Total Lantern Lecture, 538
- Edinburgh and Glasgow, First Completed Section of New Arterial Road
- - Alternating Voltages, Measuring Ratio and Phase Displacement, R. C. Churcher, 469
- - Assisted Wiring Scheme Increases Customers. 495
- - Atmosphere and the Variation in Electric- Field, 129
- - Auxiliary Hot-water Heating System in Electric Houses at Glasgow, 129
- - Basingstoke Electricity Works, 314
- - British Columbia's Electric Development, 185
- - British Electrical Development Association Annual Dinner, 339
- - Calcutta Big Power Station, First of Three Turbines Started Up, 101
- - Cape Town Electricity Undertaking, Proposed Extensions, 519 ; and Expenditure on, 603
- - Carolina Company Installing Electric Storage Batteries, each Weighing 100,000 lb., 15
- - Columbia Power Station Remarkable Operating Results, 469
- - County of London Electric Supply Company, New Engineer-in-Chief, 577
- - Design and Balancing of Three-phase, Low- tension Systems. W. Fordham Cooper, 603
- - Destructive Insects Destroyed by Electric Light, 241
- - Distributors of Too Small Area, Needless Expense Caused by Replacement to Meet Increasing Demand, 523
- - Electrical Blasting from a Circuit, Needful Precautions, 159
- - Electric Crucible Furnace, First Country, 355
- - Electrical Generating Plant Extension at Beckton Works, 213
- - Electrical Industry in the U.S.A., 213
- - Electric Motor Breakdown. Interesting Case of, 495
- - Electric Trolley Bus, 298
- - Electricity from Coke Oven Gas, Staveley Coaland Iron Company's Progress, 15
- - Electricity (Supply) Act. 1926, 113
- - Extra High-tension Systems, Fourth Conference on, 15
- - French Regulations as to Use of Electrical Equipment Underground, 241
- - Fukien Province of China, Electricity Supply for Kulangsu, 15
- - German Use of Electricity, Report of the Industry, 629
- - Ghent, New Central Electricity Station Completed, 299
- - Hackney Electricity Committee, Proposed Extensions, 551
- - Heating, Electric, in Strasbourg. Great Increase in Consumption, 185
- - House Heating by Electricity, 75
- - Hull, Quebec, Ample Supply of Electric Energy for any Industry, 413
- - Industrial Electric Heating Load in United States, 495
- - Insulating Material, Valuable Discovery, Professor A. I. Yoffe, 269
- - International High-tension Transmission Congress, the Fourth, to be held in Paris, 523
- - Italy, Large Transformers in Use, 629
- - Kootenay River, British Columbia. New Generating Station, 383
- - Large Electric Generators for Southern California, Unusual Design, 241
- - Liverpool Power Station, Second Large Generating Sot to be Installed, 101
- - Low-tension Supply Appliances, 495
- - Melbourne Electrical Exhibition, 551
- - Mercury-Arc Rectifier, Automatic, Substation at Verdun, Quebec, 241
- - Mica, Chief Use in Electrical Industries 577
- - Moffatt Tunnel Rock Removal by Shot Fired by Electric Current at Washington, 277
- - Moscow Report on Electrification of the Donetz Biwin, 269
- - 1200-Kilowatt Oil-driven Plant at Ashford, Position of Small Stations, 469
- - Power Plant, 50,000-Kilowatt. Proposed for Supply of Electricity to Canberra, Australia, 450
- - Power Transmission Line. High-voltage, between Montiers and Lyons, Underground Cable Installed for a High Section of the Line, 603
- - Pumps, Electrically Driven, for Irrigation, 43
- - Restaurant with all Heat, Light and Power Derived from Electricity, 80
- - Safety Lamp, New Electric Type, 213
- ELECTRICAL MATTERS (continued) :
- - Salmon River, Idaho, Horse-power Development Anticipated, 269
- - Secondary Batteries in Warships, Restricted Use of, 469
- - Shannon Electricity Supply Bill, 299
- - Society Electrique du Nord-Ouest, Prosperous Financial Year, 558
- - South Africa,m Increase in Imports of Electrical Machinery, 551
- - Southend Suggests Electricity Power Station Erection on Canvey Island, 269
- - Swellendam, South Africa, Electric Lighting Scheme for, 129
- - Tasmanian Hydro-electric Supply System. Great Increase in Number of Consumers, 101
- - Towers for Transmission Line from the Shannon to Dublin, 213
- - Turbo-alternator Set, 20,000-Kilowatt, Alternator for, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 87
- - Turbo-alternator Set, 25,000-Kilowatt, for Liverpool, Installation Followed by Order for Second Similar Set, 299
- - Victorian State Electricity Commission, Various Extensions and Undertakings, 261
- - Welding Electrode, New Type, 495
- - West Midland Electricity Scheme for Area of 1095 Square Miles, 159
- ELECTROLUX Works, Luton, 592
- Electro platers' and Depositors' Technical Society, Electro-deposited Coatings for Prevention of Corrosion, H. Sutton, 158 ; Electro-deposition of Iron, T. Jolmston, 256
- Elevator for Canada, Largest Single-working Constructed in One Unit, 685
- Empire Sugar, 428
- "Engineer" Degree to Involve Nine Years' Work, 45
- Engineers' League Challenge Shield for Rifle Shooting, 29
- Excavation of Submarine Pipe Trench, 75
- - A.E.G. Transformer Works. Berlin, Plant for New Treatment of Oil, 657
- - British Industries Fair, 45 ; American Buyers to Obtain Remission of Fee on Passport Visa to Great Britain, 45
- - Como, Exhibition, Commemorative Centenary, 101
- - Exhibition of Results of Recent Research Work on Adhesives Application, 15
- - International Foundry Exhibition to be Organised in Paris, 657
- - Melbourne Electrical Exhibition, 551
- - Melbourne, Exhibition of British Goods, 181
- - Milan Sample Fair, 228
- - Model Railway Club Annual Exhibition, 469
- - North-East Coast Industries Exhibition Postponed, 327
- - Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 222
- - Royal Dublin Society's Spring Show at Ball's Bridge, 159
- - Scientific Apparatus Exhibition, 213
- - Street Lighting Appliances Exhibition at Brighton, 197
- - Trade Exhibition at Manchester of Modern Power Efficiency Machinery, 241
- EXPLOSION of Hot Plate and Needful Precautions, Board of Trade Comments, 15
- Explosion of a Stenin Trap, 75
- Explosion of Tube in Steam-heated Oven, Surveyor's Report, 629
- FACTORY, Crosse and Blackwell, to be Used for Artificial Silk Manufacture, 129
- Failure of Old Gauge Glass Fitting on Board a Steam Drifter, 15
- Fairs--see Exhibitions
- Faraday House Electrical Engineering College Entrance Scholarships, 425
- Federated Malay States to Import Dredgers for Flood Prevention Work, 241
- Federation of British Industries Meeting, 314
- Fertiliser from Vegetable Refuse, Scheme for Production at Birmingham, 327
- Finnish Manufacture of Gunpowder and Nitro-cellulose, 241
- Fire in Chemical Works and Use of Ammonia Gas, 75
- Fires, Carbon Bisulphide, Necessary Precaution in Use of Water for Extinction, 269
- Fishing Industry, Recovery of By-products, 327
- Flame Movement, The Study of, O. C. de C. Ellis, 469
- Forest Products Research Laboratory. Paper on Movement of Moisture Through Wood, 15
- Fracture of Quartz by Heat, Result of Laboratory Experiments, 241
- France, Output of Coal and Pig Iron in January and February, 469
- "Frigorifico" at South Dock, Buenos Aires, Most Up-to-date Cold Storage, 327
- Fruit in Cold Storage and Temperature Precautions, 213
- Fruit Storage in Gas, Experiments, 523
- Fuel Research and By-products, 75
- GALVESTON Bay, Coast Submergence, 159
- Garbage, Household, New Method for Recovery of Valuable Products from, 129
- Gas Welding for Chromium Alloys, 555
- Gasworks, Dawsholm, Glasgow, Projected Extension of, 129
- Germany, Reported Projected Company to Study Problem of Long-distance Production of Gas from Lignite, 551
- Gold Find, Very Rich, on Western Shore of Lake Victoria Nyanza, 355
- Gold Output from South African Mines in 1926, 159, 185
- Gold, Particles of, New Electrical Device for Reclaiming, 355
- Gold Recovery from Cleaning Up of Old Plant in Abandoned South African Mine, 523
- Gold Yield of New South Wales for 1926, 355
- Gun-laying in Warships, Device for Reducing Effects of Rolling and Pitching, 355
- HAIFA and Baghdad. Transport Service Projected, 185
- Harbour Works in Spain, 657
- Heat Insulating Material with Cork as Basis, 355
- Heat Transfer to Heavy Oils in Steam Heaters, Result of Experiments, 577
- Herne Bay Waterworks, Centrifugal Bore hole Pump, 15
- High-speed Steel Hacksaw Blades. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 253
- Highway Engineering, Chair of, at London University, 685
- Hull, Alexandra Dock Gates Reconstruction, 413
- Hume Reservoir, Australia. Threatened with Extinction, Urgent Need of Improved Management, 603
- Hydraulic Accumulators, Advantage of Using Air Pressure Instead of Dead Weight for Loading, 14
- Hydro-electric Development of Canada, 129, 383
- Hydro-electric Development of Switzerland, 629
- Hydro-electric Installation on Batiscan River, Canada, Particulars of, 666
- Hydro-electric Plant in California, 60in. Penstock for, 355
- Hydro-electric Plants, Very Large, on Winnipeg River, 355, 413
- Hydro-electric Power Plant Construction on the Saluda River, Platts by Lexington Water Power Company, Columbia, 355
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Meso, Inauguration by Crown Prince of Italy, 657
- Hydro-electric Scheme. Mandi, India, Tunnel Piercing to Begin, 523
- Hydro-electric Scheme on Susquehanna River, Maryland, Progress of, 15
- Hydro-electric Schemes in Victoria. Australia, 551
- Hydro-electric Schemes at Zurich, in the Engadine, and the Lower Aare River, 211
- ICEBERGS, High Temperatures for Rapid Destruction of, 603
- Ijmuiden, North Sea Port, Now Lock to he Largest in the World, 129
- Impact of Light Effects and Value of Attention to them, 241
- Indian Road and Transport Development Association, 280
- India's Surfeit of Self-termed Engineers, 129
- Industrial Liverpool, 531
- Industry, New, tor Manufacture of Megans into Building Boards, andc., 101
- Ingot Mould, Huge Size of, 383
- Institutes and Institutions--see Associations
- International Commission on Illumination, Meeting at Bellagio, 586
- International Conference on Large Electric High-tension Systems, 481
- Irish Engineering and Foundry Firm Completes Ninety-six Years of Continuous Activity, 15
- Irish Free State's Road Grant, 269
- - Ashton Mechanical Iron Puddling Process, 635
- - Blast-furnaces, Idle for Years, Being Blown in, 383
- - Cast Steel, Alternating Stress Fatigue Tests. Professor H. F. Moore, 15
- - Cobalt Steel Magnets, Super Cast, J. F. Kayser, 45
- - Electrodeposition of Iron. T. Johnston, 256
- - European Steel Cartel's Output, 269
- - Foundry Moulds and Cores, Nitride Application to Surface of, a great Advantage. F. Bickowsky, 45
- - Gamngara Manganese Corporation Formed in South Africa, 577
- - Gaseous Reduction of Iron Ore, Mr. Heihachi Kamura, 523
- - Heat Treatment of Steel. Recent Experiments, 657
- - Ilmenite-bearing Iron Ores. New Use for, 213
- - Indian Tariff Board Report and Steel Industry Protection, 185
- - Ingots of Basic Open-hearth Steel. Huge Size, 629
- - Iron Deposits Discovered in Mountains of County Leitrim, 159
- - Iron Ore from Hudson Bay Island to be Tested in England, 159
- - Iron Smelting, New Electrical Process of, 383
- - Iron and Steel Industry in Pretoria, 129
- - Manganese Deposits in Kuruman District, South Africa, 462
- - Manganese Ores Research in the United States, 523
- - Manganese Steel Railway Crossings, 413
- - Maple Leaf Steel Mills, Development on Large Scale of Iron and Steel Manufacture, 15
- - Molybdenum Used in Steel, New Method, 383
- - Mysore Ironworks, Scheme to Utilise Byproducts, 685
- - National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Reports :
- -- Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron and Steel Production in 1926, 185
- -- Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron and Steel Production in January, 185
- -- Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron and Steel Production, Comparison Between 1926 and 1927, in February, 299
- -- Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron and Stool Production, Comparison Between 1926 and 1927, in March, 413
- -- Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron and Steel Production, Comparison Between 1926 and 1927, in April, 577
- -- Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron and Steel Production, Comparison Between 1926 and 1927, in May, 657
- - Ore Extraction from Mounds Near Cleveland Ironstone Mines, 213
- - Pig Iron Imports into the United States in 1925, 269
- - Pig Iron, New and Valuable Type in Norway, 129
- - Record Steel Output, 213
- IRON AND STEEL (continued) :
- - South Africa, Sub-Continent. Major Occurences of Iron Ore, 419
- - South Australia, Production of Iron Ore, Statistics, 685
- - South Russian Steel Works Tube Mill and Steel Plant, 383
- - Steam Pipes, Cast Iron, for High Pressures, Need of Great Care to Secure Even Thickness of Metal, 503
- - Steel, British and American, Compared, 45
- - Steel Pipes Manufacture in Factory Projected at Vereeniging, S.A.. 81
- - Steel Production by New Furnace at Cardiff. A British Record. 523
- - Steel Protection Bill in Indian Legislative Assembly, 129
- - Steel Sections, Arc-welded. Better than Cast Iron for Machine Parts, J. F. Lincoln, 603
- - Swedish Iron Industry, Government Measures for Support, 685
- - Swedish Ironworks Collaboration in Technical Research Work, Extension of, 685
- - Technological Laboratory in American Steel Industry, 495
- - United States Iron Ore Mining Statistics for 1926, 100
- IRRIGATION Project Submitted to Mexican Government, 523
- Irrigation Pumps, Electrically Driven, 13
- JAPAN'S Total Disappearance into the Pacific Predicted if Earthquakes Continue, 413
- Johannesburg Municipal Gasworks, 185
- Jubilee of Service, 29
- KAURI Timber Industry of New Zealand and Use of Waste Wood, 495
- LANDSLIDES in South Wales, Professor G. Knox, 413
- Lead and Copper Production in the United States in 1925 and 1926, 129
- Lead Discoveries in Kiaochow and at Tsian, Fengtien Province, 241
- Lead Mine, Derelict for Nearly Eighty Years, Reopened on Discovery of Rich Vein, 355
- Lead Mine, Western Australia, New Treatment Plant Completed, 441
- Lead Mines Near Harrogate Reopened, 159
- Lead Mining Industry in Wales, Attempted Re vivid, 269
- Lead Producing Field in South-West Africa, Hopeful Prospect from, 185
- Lenham By-pass. Concrete Road, Officially Opened, 413
- Liege-Antwerp Canal, Direct, Proposed, 685
- Lime Whitewash for Brickwork of High Temperature Industrial Furnaces, E. P. Arthur and Others, 495
- Limestone Removal by' Mining Superior to Quarrying, 383
- Lincoln Cathedral Repairs, Fresh Defects Discovered, 327
- Load Tests on a Concrete Arch Highway Bridge, 603
- Loughborough College, British Empire Scholarships Awards, 592
- Lubricants, Good, from Certain Crude Oils, Tests in America, 441
- Lubricants, G. W. Watson, 355
- Lubrication Problems, 535
- MACHINE Tool Home Trade Slowly Recovering, 495
- Machine Tool Trades' Association, Annual Dinner, 339
- Madras Hydro-electric Schemes and Railway Electrification in South India, Government Committee to be Appointed, 159
- Magnesite Beds in Manchuria, 75, 213
- Magneto, The High-tension, with Tungsten Contacts, 441
- Manchester's Lark of Light and Excessive Deposit of Foreign Matter from Atmosphere, 603
- Manhattan Island Excavation, Island's Value Now and 300 Years Ago, 450
- Manitoba, Highway Construction Programme, 413
- Marlow Lock Reopened After Reconstruction, 409
- Measurement of Air Flow in Mines, 355
- Merchandise Marks Act, 1926, 367, 400
- Mercury Obtained in Distillation of Coal Tar, 413
- Mercury, Selling Price of, Negotiations Between Spanish and Italian Governments, 269
- Mersey Tunnel, Now. Settlement Reached as to Birkenhead Entrances, 469
- Metallic Alloys, Reported Discovery of Three New, 523
- Metrovick Carnival, 397
- Mexico City and Acapulco, Highway Between, Extensive Scheme Planned, 603
- Mino Ventilation Problems, C. F. Raney, 355
- Mineralogical Analyses. Varieties in Chemical Investigation, 327
- Mines Accidents Statistics for 1926, 213
- Mining Prospects in Canada, Dr. Adam Shortt, 383
- Molybdite, Two New Leaching Methods for Recovery of, 129
- Montevideo Scheme for Construction of the Rambla Sud (South Sea Wall), 241
- Montreal, Port of. Further Expenditure on Development, 15
- Monument to Eiffel Projected in Paris, 159
- Motor Road Proposed Between Genoa, Milan and Hamburg, 101
- Motor Transport Growth in Southern Rhodesia, 241
- Motor Vehicle Increase in India and Ceylon, Creation of Central Road Board and other Measures Proposed, 101
- Mysore State Industries, Experiments, 685
- NATAL Sugar Industry and Alcohol Production as Motor Spirit, 269
- Natural Gas for Lifting Oil from Deep Oil Wells,
- Natural Graphite. Chief Uses of, 657
- Newfoundland Mining Industry Revival Possible, 213
- New Zealand Invites Tenders for Electric Locomotives, Machinery and Material from British Firms, 269
- New Zealand's Variety of Heavy Orders Placed in United Kingdom, 327
- Newsprint Factory Projected at Port Arthur, Ontario, 355
- Newsprint Factory at Winnipeg, Projected Increase, 356
- Newsprint Mills at Bathurst. New Brunswick, 355
- Newsprint Production in Canada, 603
- Nigeria's Road and Railway Construction Programme, 327
- Nitrogen, Atmospheric, Government Aid in Brazil in Erection of Factory for Fixation, 75
- North /Australia Needs Works Engineer, 603
- Nova Scotia, Wealth in Gypsum Shipped to the United States, 441
- OIL from Alaska, Poor Prospect of, 185
- Oil, Commercial Production of by Hydrogenation of Brown Coal, 383
- Oil, Crude, Production in Tasmania, 159
- Oil Discovery Near Grand View, Canada, 129
- Oil Drilling Operations, Analysing Underground Waters Encountered, 685
- Oil Recovery in Large Quantities by the Bowie- Gavin Process, 159
- Oil Removal from Steam Engine Condenser Water, Professor Dijkshoorn, 269
- Oil Sand and "Tar Spring" Accessible Deposits in Canada and in California, 129
- Oil Shale. Valuable Discovery in Longquimay Valley, Chili, 523
- Oil Shale--see also Coal
- Oils and Lubricants, Specifications for India Stores Department, 185
- Oldest Engineering Firm, 312
- Ontario Association of Professional Engineers, Annual Meeting, 185
- Ontario Road Construction Schemes, 383
- Ontario's Wealth in Valuable White and Red Pine, 383
- Oxygen, Percentage Necessary to Keep in Good Health, 299
- PAINT Spraying Machines for Clyde Shipyards, Balloting on Employers' Proposals, 269
- Palestine's Interest in Dead Sea Concession for Extraction of Potash, 495
- Panama and Suez Canals Traffic Comparison, 185
- Paper, High Quality, Successful Production from State Forests Bamboo, Bombay, 685
- Paper Pulp Manufacture in Tasmania, Expert- mental Plant, 685
- Paper Pulp Mill Projected on Vancouver Island, 185
- Past and Present Crewe Pupils' Thirty-seventh Annual Dinner, 618
- Patent Prolongation of Five Years, 159
- Pavement, Double, Type Being Used in Paris, 629
- Petrol, Synthetic, and Other By-products from Spitzbergen Coal, Factory "for Production, 523
- Petroleum Industry Losses Due to Formation of Water in Oil Emulsions, 15
- Petroleum in Okla, U.S.A., Very Large Increase in Production by New Method, 45
- Petroleum Operations at Infantas, Colombia, Success Results, 129
- Petroleum Pipe Lines in the United States, 185
- Petroleum Reserves of America, Deeper Drilling Believed to be Best Solution for Supply, 101
- Phenolic, Products Removal from Effluent Liquors from Distillation of Gasworks Ammonia, 383
- Platinum Concentrates in South Africa, Output of, 577
- Platinum Discovery in Quebec, 657
- Platinum and Palladium Recovery while Refining Nickel-copper Matte, 657
- Platinum, Rich Deposit Discovered in Province of Quebec, 327
- Plumbago Industry, Flagging, in Ceylon, 577
- Portland Cement, British Rapid-hardening, for Re-paving of Broadway, New York, 523
- Portuguese Government Plans for Good Roads, 502
- Potash Salts Reserves, Russian Geological Mission Investigation Report, 523
- Power Alcohol Manufacture on the Queensland Sugar Fields, 241
- Power Alcohol Plant Near Mackay, Queensland, Large Capacity of, 355
- Power Generation and Distribution, Commission of Inquiry Appointed by Saskatchewan Government, 413
- Power Provision to Replace Diesel Plant by, Harnessing Umtata Falls, South Africa, 355
- Presentation to Professor Dempster Smith, 425
- Prince Edward Island, Expenditure on Harbours and Rivers, 603
- Printing Trades and Illumination Research Committee's Report, 299
- Professor D. A. Low, Complimentary Dinner to, 90
- Pulp and Paper Mill Plant Proposed for Erection on Vancouver Island, 657
- Pulp and Paper Mill Projected for Prince George, British Columbia, 45
- Pulp and Paper Production in Canada, Notable Industry, 189, 327
- Pulpwood and Water Power Resources of Quebec, Development, 213
- QUARRY Managers' Institution, Annual Conference, 225
- Quebec and Northern Ontario, Record Gold Production Anticipated, 413
- Quebec Rivalling Ontario and British Columbia as a Metal-producing Province, 129
- RADIUM Recovery After Passing Through Destructor Fires, 269
- - Accidents :
- -- Accident Inquiries Affected by the Strike and Coal Stoppage in 1926, 213
- -- Anniversary of General Strike and Serious Accidents, 523
- -- Collision, Due to Fog, Between Light Engine and Passenger Train, Report and Recommendation, 101
- -- Collision Between Freight Trains, Inquiry and Report, 684
- -- Collision at Gale St. Halt, on Tilbury Section, Report on Causes, 603, 685
- -- Collision Between Light Engine and Passenger Train Near Birmingham, 159
- -- Collision with Light Engine at Penistone Station, 241, 269
- -- Collision of Scottish Express with Light Engine, 551
- -- Collision, Serious, on Bengal-Nagpur Railway, 327
- -- Collision at Sheffield Station, Result of Inquiry, 629
- -- Collision Between Train and Motor Car at Unprotected Level Crossing, Report on, 413
- -- Derailment hut Little Damage on Express from Manchester to York, 101
- -- Fatal Accident to Driver on the L. and N.E.R., Report, 411
- -- Fiftieth Anniversary of Remarkable Accident, 355
- -- Finsbury Park Accident Report, 628
- -- Government- Inquiries into Accidents, 148
- -- Hull Railway Disaster Inquiry, 213, 241, 327
- -- Mishaps and Delayed Trains on the Southern and Metropolitan District Lines, 101
- -- Occupation Crossing Fatality Near Tottenham, 241
- -- Past Years, Analysis of Accidents in the Present Century, 15
- -- Report on Accident at Roudhain, Ancient Regulations Still in Force, Bridge Recommended, 469
- -- Report on Collision on the Southern Railway, 159
- -- Report on Derailment Caused by Broken Brake Hanger, 218
- -- Report on Derailment Outside Charing Cross Station After Re-signalling of Yard, 245
- -- Report on Rawmarsh Fatal Collision, 327
- -- Royal Commission Railway Accidents Report Fifty Years Ago, 159
- -- Runaway Carriages Derailed and Damaged on Rishworth Branch, 129
- -- Thirty-third Anniversary of Bad Accident, 625
- - American Interstate Bureau of Safety, Exception to General Good Will, 184
- - Anti-friction Clips for Switches, 159
- - Antioquia Railway, Projected Tunnel Between Santiago and Limon, 75
- - Appointments and Staff Changes, 75, 382, 523, 603, 662, 693
- - Australian Losses on Steam Tramways at Certain Centres to be Abolished as Nonpaying Concerns, 101
- - Australian North-South Transcontinental Extension, First Sod Turned, 101
- - Automatic Signalling on the Great Northern Railway of America, Various Records of the Railway, 101
- - Automatic Train Control, New System on Reading--New Jersey--Railroad, 75
- - Automatic Train Control, Trial of New Switch to Cut Off Battery Automatically, 101
- - Avonmouth Light Railway Transferred from Private Ownership, 441
- - Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Locomotives, Repainting and Re-naming, 469
- - Becontree Housing Scheme and Railway Extension Question, 185
- - Belgian Rails Supplied to South Africa, Considerable Proportion Rejected, South African Trade with the Empire, 299
- - Birthday Honours for Engineers and Industrialists, 629
- - Bridges--see Separate Heading
- - Britain and Japan, Exchange of Courtesy, 685
- - British Columbia Electric Railway Plant, 185 ; (Letter), 559
- - British Railways Handicapped by Smallness of Goods Consignments, 413
- - Burmah Desires State Management of its Railways, 383
- - Buxton and Ashby Light Railway Closed Down, 241
- - Calais and Brussels, New Train to Connect with 11 a.m. Train from Victoria, 248
- - Canadian National Railways, Engineers' Report on Proposed Route for New Line, 629
- - Canadian National Railways Improved Position, 383
- - Canadian National Railways, Programme for Construction of Branch Lines, 355
- - Canadian National Railway's Steady Financial Improvement, 15
- - Canadian Northern National Railways, Earnings in 1926, 185
- - Canal, Kennett and Avon, Question of its Future, 185
- - Central of New Jersey Railway New Bridge, 75, 677
- - Channel Tunnel Question, Scheme Opposed by all Parties, 603
- - Coal Stoppage and Wagon Supply Trouble, 213
- - Colombia, Survey on Section of the Puerto Witches Railway, 495
- - Compensation Money Paid to Railways, 269
- - Continuous Brakes for Goods Trains, 685
- - Cost of Living Figure and Extra Shilling for Railwaymen, 15
- - Court House Station. Changes of Ownership and Rolling Stock on Various Midland County Railways, 75
- - Danger of Using Boards Left on a Roof, 15
- - Death of Mr. George Deuchars, 441
- - Death of Mr. W. T. Foxleo, 383
- - Death of Mr. George A. Mountain, 327
- - Death of Mr. J. H. E. Secretan, 45
- - Dividend Reduction and Withdrawals from Reserve Funds on all the Principal Railways, 213
- - Dublin and Lucan Electric Railway Sold to Tramways Company, 629
- - East London, Transit Accommodation in. Suggested Postponement of Further House Building, 101, 185
- - Egyptian Government Railways Now* All Standard Gauge, 657
- - Electric Railways in the Ruhr and Westphalian District, Doubtful Scheme, 577
- - Finance Statistics of Four Great Lines. 657
- - Foreign Coal Contracts Necessitate Further Large Transferences from Reserved Funds, 213
- - Foreign Coal Imports and Shortage of Wagons 15
- - German Railway Students Touring English Railways, 495
- - Great Indian Peninsular Railway, Projected Independent Electric Power Station, 101
- - Great Northern Engine No. 1 Placed in York Museum, 383
- - Great Southern Railways of Ireland. Alterations in Signalling Operation at Killarney Junction, Kingstown, andc., 412
- - Great Western Railway :
- -- Junction, Old Oak Common, for Wycombe Line, Improvement, Projection, 495
- -- Kennett and Avon Canal, Abandonment Decision Modified, 185
- -- Land Taken Over on Lease from G. W.R. by Patent Fuel Company, 277
- -- Mineral Wagons, 20-Ton, Rebate of Charges to be Allowed for Use of Such, 129
- -- Newton Abbot Station Opened After Rebuilding, 441
- -- Newton Abbot Station, Souvenir of Brunel, 577
- -- Plymouth, Overseas Mails Arriving to be Handled by Belt Conveyor Instead of by Men, 495
- -- Up and Down Lines for Engines and Empty Stock, 299
- -- Wages Bill of the Company, 629
- - Guaranteed Week for Railwaymen Being Gradually Restored, 213
- - Harbin Electric Tramway Extension, 15
- - Heavy Outlay of Four Larger Companies Last Year on Engines and Rolling Stock, 383
- - Hudson Bay Railway Completion, Question of Choice of Termini, 469
- - Hull, Alexandra Dock Gates Reconstruction, 413
- - India, Class I. Railways, Locomotives and Rolling Stock Equipped with or Piped for Vacuum Brake, 15
- - Irish Mails between London and Belfast. Holyhead-Kingstown Route Restored, 469, 657
- - Irish Mails for Ulster, Suggested Change from Kingstown to Killough Harbour, County Down, 355
- - Irish National Wages Board, Chairman's Resignation, 629
- - Irish Railway Companies Financial Returns, 269
- - Italy, Increase in Length of Electrified Railways, 603
- - Johannesburg, Cost of New Railway Station Extensions, 327
- - Jointly Owned and also Light Railways, Exceptional Legislation for, 523
- - Largest Passenger Locomotive (Correction), 26
- - Level Crossings, Occupation, or Otherwise, Parties Responsible, 351
- - Locomotive for Mine Haulage, Most Powerful in the World, 657
- - Locomotives, High Power, "Mountain" Type Built by Spanish Firm, 657
- - London Electric Railways Company :
- -- Enlarged Station in Piccadilly Circus, Oneway Traffic Difficulties, 101
- -- Lighting, Concealed. Experiment on Piccadilly Railway, 577
- -- Liverpool Overhead Railway Supplied with Electric Power, 685
- -- London Site Wanted by One Railway, but Bought by Another, 299
- -- Morden Terminus Motor Garage, 185
- -- Unusual Incident Causes Holding-up of Trains, 213
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- -- Ancient History, Midland Company and Scottish Policy, 603
- -- Automatic Signalling, Cause of Delay, 269
- -- Belfast Steamship Service of the Company to be Transferred from Fleetwood and Centred Wholly on Heysham, 693
- -- Caprotti Steam Valves Reported to be Adopted for Locomotives, 441
- -- Coleraine-Port rush Deviation to Port-stewart, 523
- -- Estimates of Expenditure on Capital Account, 241
- -- L.M. and S. New Train and Steamship Service to the Continent end Tilbury and Dunkirk, 469
- -- Naming of Some Long-distance Trains, 68
- -- New Administration by Four Vice-Presidents, 15
- -- New All-steel Passenger Coaches and Projected New Locomotives, 101
- - London, Midland and Scottish Railway (continued) :
- -- Non-stop Run Between Euston and Scotland, 685
- -- Passenger Brake Vans, New Type, 240
- -- Railwaymen's Investments in Railway Stock, 629
- -- Rates Increase to be Imposed Cautiously, 355
- -- Road, Motor and Railway Working, Appeal to the Government as to Adjustment of Expenses, 276
- -- Seventy-five New Coaches for Service in London Area, 495
- -- Sidings, Increased, for Handling Coal Traffic, 75
- -- Suggestions Made by Staff, Bureau Started at Euston, 413
- -- Water Troughs Laid Down in Scotland for Long Non-stop Runs, 15, 159 ; Change of Plans Projected, 551 ; Misconception and Explanation, 45
- - London and North-Eastern Railway :
- -- Bridge Collapse Interferes with Traffic, 299
- -- Expenditure Charged to Capital, Varying Practice of Different Railways, 269
- -- Foreign Coal Contracts as Provision Against Possible Railway Stoppage, 355
- -- Future of British Railways, Sir Ralphn Wedgwood, 441
- -- Great Eastern Railway's Goods Traffic, 495
- -- Hull Roads, Level Crossings Over, Cost of Suggested Abolition, 577
- -- King's Cross to Newcastle at 1.15 a.m., 299
- -- Lincoln, Level Crossing, Questions in House of Commons, 383
- -- Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Works All on Full Time, 364
- -- Locomotive Coaling Plant, New Mechanical, Its Cost, 327
- -- Marshalling Yard Enlargement at White- moor, 129 ; Cost of Improvements, 327
- -- Naworth Disaster, Recommendations to be Adopted, 299
- -- Passenger Vehicles, Order for Additional Construction, 441
- -- Potters Bar Complaint of Unpunctuality and its Result, 269
- -- Report for 1926, Variation in Certificates, 269
- -- Signalling System, Special Type, to he Introduced on L. and N.E. Railway, 213
- -- Timing of Summer Trains as in Former Years, 657
- -- Traffic Control Office at King's Cross, 551
- -- Trains No Longer Running Between Marylebone and Watford, Metropolitan to Take Over Service, 129
- -- Two Locomotive Items of Interest, 413
- -- Walton-on-the-Naze, Proposed Diversion to Avoid Erosion, 413
- - Mersey Railway Company Statistics fur 1926, 250
- - Metropolitan Railway :
- -- Additional Expenditure of Capital on Rolling Stock, 213
- -- Housing Scheme at Becontree, 185
- -- Metropolitan Railway to Supply Additional Service from Watford to Replace L. and N.E.R., 129
- -- Neasden Power-house Improved Equipment, 213
- -- Reduced Dividend, 159
- -- Revenue from Letting Premises on Railway Stations, 355
- - Ministry of Transport :
- -- Annual Railway Returns, 75
- -- Inquiries into Serious Accidents, Statistics of, 448
- -- Minister of Transport Congratulated by his Labour Predecessor, 551
- -- New Standard Charges, Date for Operation to Begin, 551
- -- Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry, No Re-appointment to be Made, 213
- -- Railway Statistics for October, 1926, 45
- -- Railway Statistics for November, 185
- -- Railway Statistics for December, 299
- -- Railway Statistics for January, 1927, 441
- -- Railway Statistics for February, 1927, 551
- -- Railway Statistics for March, 1927, 685
- -- Suggested Inquiry into Railway Organisation Declined, 269
- - Model Railway Club Exhibition, 469
- - Moscow's Growth, Scheme for Construction of Metropolitan Railway, 185
- - Natal Main Line Railway Electrification and Increased Capacity of Line, 603
- - National Union of Railwaymen
- -- Levy of Threepence a Week to Replace Depletion of Funds, 45
- - National Wages Board, A Spirit of Forgiveness Both Ways, 45
- - New Year Honours, Solitary Railwayman, 15
- - Oil-burning Locomotives of the Southern Pacific Railway, Fuel Consumption, 185
- - Passenger Duty Question, 495
- - Privately Owned Wagon Question, Appointment of Standing Committee, 216
- - Punjab Railways, Two New Sections, 629
- - Rail Failures, Extraordinary Number of, on American Railroad, 523
- - Railroad Sleepers Made from Used Rails, 469
- - Railway Across Lake Titicaca (Bolivia) to Puno (Peru), Construction Begun, 498
- - Railway Benevolent Institution Dinner, Mr. Bromley's Speech, 577
- - Railway Construction in Kirin Province, Chinese and Japanese Organising Engineering Works to Secure Contracts, 577
- - Railway Material Exports Statistics, 45, 101, 185, 299, 383, 551, 657
- - Railwaymen as Presidents of Two Societies, 577
- - Railway Rates, Increased, 75
- - Railway Rates Increase, Rail and Road Transport Question. Suggestion, 185
- - Railway Rates Tribunal :
- -- Railway Sleepers Made Out of Old Flat-bottomed Rails, 551
- -- Reversal of Tribunal's Judgment by Court of Appeal, 241
- -- Standard Charges Judgment, 45
- - Record Upward Career of Railway Engineer, 159
- - Rhodesian Railways, Northern and Southern, Reorganisation, 500
- - Rome and Bari, Projected New Railway Between, 185
- - Sao Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company, 185
- - Sloane-square Station Modernisation, 129
- - South African Railways Report, 129
- - Southern Railway :
- -- Brake, Westinghouse, Conversion to the Vacuum, on All Sections, 355
- -- Brighton Station to be Enlarged, 495
- -- Coal Carrying Rate and Closing of Colliery, Favourable Result Hoped for, 327, 657
- -- Dover, Big Programme in Progress, 577
- -- Dover Priory Station Reconstruction, Removal of Locomotive Depot and Suggested Marine Walk at Dover, 129
- -- Further Electrification Details, 269
- -- "Gladstone," Old Engine, to Go to Museum, 551
- -- Oil Fuel Too Costly for Locomotives, 355
- -- 1000 Passengers Per Minute Detrain in Three Hours Daily, 437
- -- Railwaymen's Investments in Railway Stock, 629
- -- Southern Railway New Line, 273
- -- Victoria Boat Trains Improved Running, 299
- -- Widening of Four Bridges Over Roads at Peckham, Parliamentary Bill, 299
- -- Widening of Line Near Beckenham and Reconstruction of Bridge, 603
- -- Wimbledon and Sutton Intended Railway, Time Extension for Land Purchase, 327
- - Spanish Government Concession for Now Railway, 685
- - Stationery Office Preliminary Railway Returns for 1926, 383
- - Survey by Bolivian and Peruvian Governments with View to Construction of Railway at Lofty Elevation, 249
- - Swiss Federal Railways, Electrification Progress, 665
- - Sydney, Progress of Central Station and City Railway, 45
- - Texas, 75-Mile Gap in Incompleted Railway to be Built, 523
- - Thorne Colliery, Withdrawal of Bill for Private Railway, 577
- - Ticket "Census" on the Underground, Explanation of its Cause, 213
- - Timiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway, Extension, 413
- - Traffic Returns for First Quarter of 1927, Figures Affected by Date of Good Friday, 413
- - Tramcar Equipment and Modern Speed Demand, 185
- - Tramway Fatal Derailment. Report and Recommendations, 45
- - Turkestan-Siberian Railway to be Laid, 181
- - Turkish Government's Projected Railway Schemes, 15
- - Twin-screw Steamers for Hey sham Belfast Service, 308, 355
- - Underground Electric Railways Company :
- -- London's Increased Population and Relative Increase in Rail and Road Travellers, 441
- -- Loud speaking Announcers of Stations in Trains Proposed, Unpopular Proposal, 441
- -- New Morning Train, Edgware to Charing Cross, 694
- -- Pooling Agreement Between Underground Railway, London General Omnibus Company, and London County Council for Tramways, 657
- -- Underground Company Accepts Record Number of Suggestions Sent in by Staff, 129
- - Unfair Road Motor Competition, Deputation from Railways and Trades Unions to Chancellor of Exchequer, 355
- - United States Transportation Act, 1920, Points of Difference from British Act, 629
- - Unpunctuality of Business Trains, Possible Explanation, 129
- - Victorian Government Railways, All-steel Restaurant Car, 657
- - Victorian Government Railways, Workshops, Clock Dial to Record Accidents, 377
- - Victorian Government's Choice of Local in Preference to English Firm's Tender, 269
- - Weekly Traffic Returns Compared with 1925 as Well as with Coal Strike Period, 551
- - Welland Railway, Old Line in Canada, Ceases Operation, Service Taken Over by Electric Lines, 551
- - Welsh Highland Railway, Receiver Appointed, 272 ; Railway to Continue Working, 383
- - Western Canada, Great Activity in Railway Construction Predicted, 15
- - Wireless Receiving Apparatus in Trains, 495
- - Woolwich, Cost of Locomotives and Parts Provided at, 299
- Rangoon, Improvement of Channel below, 355
- Rangoon University, Presentation by Burmah Company for Establishment of College of Mining and Engineering, 657
- Reaping Machine Invention Centenary, 657
- Reclamation of Large Swamp Area Along the Kootenay River, British Columbia, 603
- Reclamation Schemes in the Forth Estuary, Good Progress of, 577
- Record in Long Service, Employees of J. and E. Hall, Ltd., 113
- Refrigerating Plant, New, at Buenos Aires One of the Largest in the World, 45
- Refrigeration, Development of New Form of, 269
- Refrigerator, Household, New Swedish Type, 657
- Reinforced Concrete Bridges--see Bridges
- Reinforced Concrete, Mild versus High-tensile Steel in, 566
- Research and the Metal Industries Exhibition, 339
- Research Scholarships in Technology, 510
- Reservoir's Plight--see Hume Reservoir Reservoir Production Feat in Oregon, 523
- Reykiavik, Iceland, Scheme for Heating the Whole Town by Underground Hot Springs, 551
- Rhodesia Broken Hill Mine, Large Amount of Vanadium Minerals, 603
- Rio de Janeiro, State Concession for Port Works at Bay of Angra dos Reis, 685
- Road-covering Substance, A New, Invented in Sweden by Mr. John Behmer, 523
- Road Drills, Search for Less Noisy Type, 110
- Road Motor Vehicles Statistics for 1926, 389
- Road Watering in Sweden, Use of Sulphite Lye, 469
- Roadway Over Quebec Bridge Projected, 657
- Rolled Wire Rods, Home Production Reduced while Imported Rods Increase, 653
- Rolling Mill, New Type, Carnegie Steel Company, 413
- Romance of a Century, 559
- Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 222
- Royal Scholarships and Studentships in Science, 222
- Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, Annual Report, 589
- Rubber Bearings Valuable where Exposed to Grit, 551
- Rubber, Electro-deposition of, Difficulties, 159
- Rubber in Industrial Occupations, 657
- Rubber-lined Pipes, Astonishing Durability of, in Comparison with Lap-welded Mild Steel, 45
- Rubber, Use of, for Wet and Dry Grinding, 185
- Rubber Used for Tests on Skew Arches, 269
- Russian Mica Industry Development, 327
- Russian Nikitinski Mercury Mines to be Restarted, 45
- SAFEGUARDING of Industries Act, Additional Articles Liable to Duty, 37
- Saint Nazaire, Improvement of Port, 441
- Salt River Power Station, South Africa, Further Extension of, 355
- San Pablo Bay, California, Proposed Bridge Across, 413
- Santo Domingo Port, Structural Improvements, 523
- Scholarship, Brenforce Travelling, Competition, 400
- Scholarships, British Empire, Engineering, at Loughborough College, Awards, 592
- Scholarships, Charles R. E. Bell Fund, 397
- Scholarships, Research, in Technology, 510
- Science, Applied, Graduates of Toronto Finding Posts in United States, 603
- Sea Wall, The Throndon, New Zealand, will be Largest in that Country, 45
- Seville, Port to be Made Accessible to Large Vessels, 299
- Shale Oil, Value of, and also Complexity of its Composition, 75
- - Agamemnon, Battleship, to be Broken Up and Replaced as Target Ship by the Centurion, 241
- - Atlantic Liner and the Port of London, 697
- - Belfast Boats Transferred to Heysham from Fleetwood Route, 308, 355
- - Blue Star Liner Andalucia, 253
- - Blue Star Liner Arandora, Trials of, 629
- - Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., to Erect New Docks at Toronto, 241
- - Cross-Channel Triple-screw Steamer to Run Between Vancouver and Nanaimo, 263
- - Deep-water Berths Projected at Durban, 129
- - Destroyers for Roumania, Design Order Given to J. I. Thonrycroft and Co., Ltd., 140
- - Dublin Bay, Measured Mile for Speed Trials of Sea-going Vessels, 355
- - Ferry Boat, Oil-engined, for Conveyance of MotorCars, 185
- - Hamburg-American Motor Passenger Liner Ordered, 577
- - H.M.S. Berwick, Light Cruiser, Completed, 469
- - H.M.S. Nelson, Britain's Most Powerful Battleship, Completed, 441
- - Merchant Steamers at South Kensington Science Museum, 456
- - North German Lloyd Vessels to Call at Galway, 75
- - Rapid Work in Cargo Discharge, 136
- - Refrigerator Motor Ship, A Large, 370
- - Repairing Accommodation, Additional for, Trawlers at the Port of Fleetwood, 657
- - Secondary Batteries in Warships, 469
- - Sherard Osborn, Ex-Cable Ship, Fitted Out for Oil Extraction from Non-edible Fish, 159
- - Shipbuilding Industry Materials, Board of Trade Deputation, 154
- - Shipbuilding Industry Revival Reported from Moscow, 413
- - Shipbuilding in Russia, 374
- - Shipyard Reopening at Stockton, 213
- - Tonnage with Cargo and in Ballast at Ports of United Kingdom and to Other Countries, Statistics Show Reduction in Both for 1926, 299
- - Tonnage Under Construction for Great Britain and Ireland, 685
- - Tonnage of Vessels Entered into British India and Cleared Outwards with Cargoes, Analysis, 355
- - Trawler, First Steel Motor Twin-screw, in Shanghai, Launch of, 75
- - World Shipping, Improvement in Basic Conditions, 327
- SHOWS--see Exhibitions
- Skew Arches, Interesting Test Arrangement for Experiments on, Professor G. E. Beggs, 269
- Smokeless Fuel Plant at a Gasworks, Results Exceed Expectations, 269
- Sodium Carbonate Solutions, Adverse Effects on Aluminium, 551
- Solway Viaduct Closed as Dangerous, 303
- Soviet Spinning Factory, First Opened in Russia, 159
- Spanish Plans for Compulsory Expropriation for Hydro-electric Development, also for Construction of Road Exclusively for Motor Cars, 45
- Speed Indicator, Vest Pocket, Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company, 286
- Spirit Distilleries in Groat Britain, Census, 299
- Spodumene Lithium Orc from Canada for German Experimental Use, 383
- Steam Pipe, Flexible Metallic, Failure of, on an Engine Makers' Test Bed, 523
- Steam Road Vehicles and their Coal Consumption, 577
- Steam Turbo-generators in Russia, Attempt to Extend Construction, 495
- Steel--see Iron
- Stone Preservation, 566, 635
- Storing Drawings for Reference, 566
- Story of the Electric Detonator, 551
- Suction Gas Power Plant Superseded by Steam Engine, 75
- Sulphite Cellulose Process, Memory of its Discoverer to be Marked by Fund for Research, 355
- Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Likely to Become the Largest Structure in the British Empire, 657
- Sydney Harbour Bridge Bearings, Special Train Necessary for Transport of, 75
- TECHNICAL Teachers, Annual Conference, 342
- Telegraph Offices Along Chinese Railway in Manchuria and Competition of Long-distance Telephones, 15
- Telephone Cable to Belgium, Group of Lines Opened, 495
- Telephone Kiosks, Large Number Erected and Increasing, 657
- Telephone System's Growth and Flourishing Condition Notwithstanding Coal Stoppage and General Strike in 1926, 299
- Telephone Talk Between Great Britain and Certain American States at £5 4s. per Minute, 213
- Television--see Wireless
- Tenders of Widely Varying Amounts, 327
- Testing Machine, Largest and Most Powerful in Canada, 185
- Tientsin and Tungchow, Proposal to Reopen Canal Between, 75
- Tin-bearing Land in Queensland, Company Formed to Work it, 101
- Tin Discovery at Largs, Ayrshire, 269
- Tin Mine, Tambo, Northern Transvaal, Development of, 441
- Tin Ore Deposit in the Northern Transvaal, Great Extent of, 355
- Tin-plate Company Starting New Mills, 159
- Tire Puncture on Four and Six-wheelers, F. A. Boyce, 169
- Tires, Manufacture of Various Types, Pirelli, Ltd., 685
- Toronto Bricklayers' Increased Wage, 101
- Toronto's Harbour Project, Necessary Expenditure, 269
- Transatlantic Conversation with Possibility of Seeing as Well as Hearing the Speaker, 15
- Tristan da Cunha Receives First Steamer Visit for Twelve Months, 213
- Tunnel Aqueduct, A Second, to Carry Water from the Catskills to New York, 413
- Turbine, Fourneyron, Celebration of the Invention, 629
- Turbine Pumps for Shanghai, Holden and Brooke, Ltd., 566
- Tyneside Big Advertising Campaign, 495
- Tyneside and Unemployment, 495
- VACUUM Cups to Replace Slings, 269
- Vacuum Tube, Reputed World's Largest, Now in Use in Radio Station, 551
- Vanadium Properties, Opinions Differ, 413
- Venezuelan Government Scheme for Widening Bay and Port Reconstruction, 75
- Vickers Group Amateur Operatic Society, 222
- Vizagapatam Harbour to Become Transhipment Port for Manganese Ore, 383
- WADE'S Tables, 113
- War Office Large Contract for Hacksaw Blades, 602
- Water Powers of Canada, Nelson River Capacity, 677
- - Australian Water Catchment Neglect, Proposal to Remove Control from Government Departments, 603
- - Brixton and Newton Ferrers, Scheme for Water Supply, 125
- - Chungking, China, Projected Supply, 629
- - Gatineau River, Quebec, Large Storage Reservoir, 685
- - Geelong, Victoria, District, Projected Increase of Stocks of Water, 101
- - Groendal Water Scheme of Uitenhage Town Council, South Africa, 547
- - Metropolitan Water Board Electrically Driven Centrifugal Pumps, 685
- - Redruth Town's Water Supply Augmentation, 495
- - Reservoir, Record, for Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, 441
- - South Australian Water Supplies, Hume Reservoir Threatened, 603
- - Sydney Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board Contract for New Pipe Line, 441
- - Sydney Water Supply Augmentation by Cordeaux Dam, 355
- - Water Conservation, Proposal to Dam the Lachlan River, New South Wales, 355
- - Water and Sewerage System of San Jose, Costa Rica, Commission to Consider Extension, 75
- - Waterworks Pumping Plant, Centrifugal Type, Mather and Platt, Ltd., 228
- - World's Water Reservoirs' Capacities, 159
- WATER-TUBE Boiler Tube Failure, 523
- Water Wheels in Power Plants in the United States, Capacity of, 577
- Waterworks, Old Buildings, at Slough to be Converted into Factory, 129
- Winnington Chemical Works, Reconstruction Contemplated by Brunner, Mond and Co., 355
- - Amazon River, Broadcasting Station to be Erected on, 327
- - Atmospherics, Range of Interference with Reception, 577
- - Birmingham Proposes By-laws for Control of Wireless Aerials, 629
- - British Broadcasting Corporation's Proposed Change, 657
- - Broadcasting Station, Large, at Zeesen, 685
- - Calcutta and Bombay Stations of Indian Broadcasting Company to Begin Work in August, 551
- - Characteristics of Wireless Waves Ten Miles Aloft, Test by French Scientists, 441
- - European Broadcasting Stations, Minor Adjustments in Wave Lengths Projected, 551
- - European Wireless Engineers' Conference, 213
- - Federal Radio Commission Orders to Stations, 629
- - High-power Broadcast Station in Germany Audible All Over Europe, 441
- - Hull Trawlers Proceeding to Greenland Equipped with Wireless Telephone Apparatus, 685
- - Loud Speakers, Lecture and Demonstration, J. E. Roe, 577
- - Nanking, Wireless Station at Pehchikoh, 75
- - Portable Radio Direction Finder, F. W. Dunmore, 233
- - Rumanian Company to Monopolise Broadcasting Manufacture of Radio Apparatus, andc., 299
- - Ship's Wireless Equipment, Simple Spark and Continuous Wave Telegraphy, 299
- - Sophia, Tenders for New Wireless Telegraphic and Telephonic Station from British, French and German Firms, 303
- - South Seas Wireless Stations Broadcast Copra Quotations, 213
- - Telephone Receiving Station, Transatlantic, in Scotland, 3-Mile Long Aerials, 441
- - Television Between London and Glasgow, 629 Television Between New York and Washington, Successful Demonstration Over 250 Miles, 441
- - Transatlantic Wireless Telephony Receiving Station at Kern back, Near Cupar, 327
- - Wireless Communication Between Lighthouses on the Clyde, 657
- - Wireless Problems Discussion at Colonial Conference in London, 657
- WOOD Preservers' Association, American, Incising or Treating Timber, Tests on, 413
- Wood Protection by Aluminium Leaf Coating, 185
- Workington Dock Opening, 629
- World Motor Transport Congress, 327
- YEAST-making Industry, New, Starting in Western Canada, 577
- ZEEBRUGGE Mole, Project to Replace, by One Built on Arches, 491
- Zinc Reduction Plants, Production of Slab Zinc in U.S.A., 441
See Also
Sources of Information