Thomas Albert Briggs Carver (1869- )
1922 D.Sc., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., St. Ellen Works, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast. T. A.: "Carver 1 1 b Malone, Belfast." 1. N.: 118 Malone, Belfast. b. 1869; elders. of James E. Carver. Ed. City of London School, Glasgow University, Thomson Experimental Scholar, B.Sc. (Eng. ), 1889, D.Sc., 1904. Private Assistant to Lord Kelvin, 1889-94; Assistant to Secretary, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1894-9; Managing Director, Carver Looms, Ltd., 1899-1916; now Chairman and Managing Director, Carver Textile Appliances, Ltd. Chief Works: Electrical control of the jacquard machine in figured weaving, and other applications of electrical working in textile machinery. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Conservative, Glasgow, Royal Northern Yacht Club, Royal Clyde Yacht Club. War Services.—Manufacture of 18-pdr. breech mechanism and howitzer parts, and Engineer on staff of Small Arms and Machine Guns Department, Ministry of Munitions, 1918-19.