Thomas John Scott
Thomas John Scott (1862- )
1922 M.B.E., M.I.Mar.E., Mar. Supt. Engr. for the M. Railway. Co.; b. 1862. Ed. Moray House, Edinburgh. Trained: Galloway, Thomson and Co., Leith. Career: Commenced Sea Career with Barrow Steam Navigation Co.; Junr. Engr., P.S. "Donegal," 1882; Chief Engr., B.O.T. Cert. 1888; Asst. Supt. Engr., 1899; and Supt. Engr., 1902; on the Navigation Co. being taken over by the M. Railway. Co.; reappointed Supt. Engr. for Barrow; present position at Heysham Harbour, 1906. Member of the B. Eng. S. Assoc. Address: "Green Bank," Heysham Harbour, Lancs.