Thomas Kerfoot and Co

of Bardsley Vale, Bardsley, Lancashire. Sole Export Agents: William Alfred Jones, Ltd., West India House, Liverpool. Telephone: Royal 398. Cables: "Pastilles, Liverpool"
1929 Listed Exhibitor. Manufacturers of Vapex, "Mineral Spring", "Sterisalt", "Zone" Salt, "Kerocain" Bacteriological Sugars, "Emulsion" Pastilles, Lozenges, Licorice Preparations, Cachous ("Sweet Lips", "Briar Violet", etc.), "Castols" "Salaspin", "Septoloids", "Distols", "Subrosa", "Zone Brand" Tablets and Pharmaceuticals. (Stand Nos. K.119 and K.120) [1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ 1929 British Industries Fair Page 96