Thomas Seager

T. Seager of Oare Road, Faversham, Kent
1883 Advertisement. Thomas Seager, Engineer, Millwright and Boiler Maker. Iron and Brass Founder, and Smith's Work in General. Brick Mould Manufacturer. Machinery of every description for Brickfields, Breweries; Cement, Corn, Saw, and other Mills. All kinds of Agricultural and Builders' Castings. Plough Bucks, Points, Skidpans, &c., kept in Stock. Portable, Traction, and Ploughing Engines, Thrashing and Reaping Machines, Repaired. WORKS:— Opposite the Church, Brenta, Faversham. Private Residence :-63, St. Mary's Road.[1]
1974 Advertisement. Thomas Seager Ltd, Ironfounders. Faversham.[2]