Thomas Topps
of 79, Middle Market Road, Great Yarmouth.
Wholesale Fish Merchant and Herring Curer
Established in 1837 by Thomas Topps.
1914 Present Principal: D. T. King (grandson). Specialities: Bloaters, Kippers and Ham Herrings. Connection: Mostly British. Herrings cured daily for home consumption. Fishmongers supplied in all parts of the United Kingdom. Bloaters and Kippers exported to the Continent. Telephone: No. 267 Great Yarmouth. Telegraphic Address: " Alert, Great Yarmouth." Bankers: National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd. Mr. D. T. King is a member of the Great Yarmouth Education Committee; also of the Board of Guardians, Chairman of the National Health Insurance Committee; member of St. Andrew's Lodge Freemasons; also of St. Andrews Chapter, R.A. Masons, No. 1631.