Thompson, Boyd and Co

of Spring Gardens Engine Works, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
1853 William George Laws was articled to the firm
1858 Isaac Thompson and Co, of Spring Garden Terrace, were engineers and ironfounders[1]
1863 William Boyd joined the firm
1865 Ralph Hart Tweddell designed a stationary hydraulic riveting machine; the plant, consisting of pumps, an accumulator and a riveter, was first used by Thompson, Boyd and Co, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, with satisfactory results.
1866 John Jackson was apprenticed to William Boyd, of Spring Gardens engineering works.
1866 Advert for sale by tender of the PS Southland lying at Invercargill, New Zealand, with engines by Thompson, Boyd and Co and built by "Mitchel and Walker" (presumably Mitchell's Walker yard??) on the Tyne[2]
1868 The Southland, a steamer was on trials off Australia and New Zealand, had engines made by Thompson, Boyd and Co[3]
1874 Dissolution of the partnership, of Spring-gardens, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Low Walker, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, as Engine Builders and Manufacturers of Machinery, so far as concerns William Boyd; the partnership was carried on by William Thompson and Charles Thompson, under the firm of Thompson and Co. William Boyd moved to Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co.
Perhaps some connection with the London firm of W. and C. Thompson and Co who made hydraulic rivetters?
See Also
Sources of Information
- London Gazette [3]