of London
1904-06 Automobile manufacturer.The first model 6/8 HP had a single-cylinder engine from Simms Manufacturing, a three-speed gearbox and cardan drive . The solid rubber tires instead of pneumatic tires were already outdated at that time. The body had room for two people.
In 1905 followed the model 12/14 HP with a two-cylinder engine, solid rubber tires and chain drive to the rear axle. At that time chain drive was also outdated for a vehicle of this size.
1905 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, George Simpson Taylor and Albert Henry Wood, carrying on business as Motor Car Manufacturers, at 45 and 47, Horseferry-road, Westminster, under the style or firm of "THE THOR MOTOR CAR COMPANY," has been dissolved by mutual consent...'[1]