Tully, Sons and Co
of Newark, gas engineers and contractors
1927 Company registered[1], presumably successor to Tully Gas Plants
1928 There are two Tully plants in operation. These are the patent gas producers made by the local firm of Tully, Sons and Co.. and consist of a combined water gas and coal gas plant.[2]
1929 The directors of Lerwick Gas Co., Ltd., decided to introduce an extensive new gas plant of the most up-to-date type, the company having entered into a contract with Messrs Tully, Sons, & Co., Ltd., to introduce their coal-gas plant.[3]
1929 Tully. Sons Co.. of Newark, have some 200 plants in work in various parts of the world, some of which have been in operation for over ... [4]
1940 Advertising for draughtsman[5]
1953 continued to be in operation