Turn Lee Mill, Glossop
of Charlestown, Glossop
1846 'Boiler Explosion Glossop.—On Monday, a most terrific boiler explosion took place at Turn Lee Mill, Glossop, belonging to the firm of Messrs. Kershaw and Co., (late Bennet's.) The cause of the accident is said to be that the boiler was worn out, and there being a heavy pressure of steam upon it, it exploded, blowing up the boiler house, and doing damage to the amount of several hundred pounds. Some idea of the force of the explosion may be formed when we state that large pieces of piping, bricks, &c., were blown over the mill, which stands apart from the boiler house, and which is five stories high. The occurrence happened about half-past eleven o'clock in the forenoon, fortunately at time when only two persons were near, both of whom -were seriously injured, one being the fireman, who was much scalded, and the other person's leg was broken.— Liverpool Mercury.' [1]
1848 Advertisement: 'Notice - The SALE of PAPER MAKING MACHINERY, FURNITURE, &c., advertised in the Courier and Guardian of Wednesday last, to take place at the Mr. Kershaw’s the Turn Lee Mills, Charlestown, near Glossop, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 10th, 11th and 12th -April, 1848. To Paper Manufacturers, Paper Dealers. Drysaltery, Cotton Manufacturers. Machine Makers. Brokers, and Others. Important and Extensive Sale of Paper-making Machines; eight Rag Engines, with Wrigley's patent and self-actors, and rolls and plates; two Powerful Hydraulic Presses, by W. Mills, Huddersfield. with single pumps and gearing complete; four Condensing Steam Engines, with metallic pistons. By Fairburn, Wainwright, Walker, and Wharton, one of 8-horse, one of 12, and the other two of 20-horse each, shafting and gearing, about 1,500 Reams of 101b. Casing, Marble, Cap, Fruit, and Blue, White, and Purple Shop Paper, &c: Several Tons of unsorted rags; Turpentine, Chinese Clay, Copperas, Cut Fustic, Bleaching Powder, Patent Weighing Machine, Fairbank; two Large Beams and Scales, by Middleton, Hyde; thirty-four 56lb. Weights/Large Quantity of Square and Round Rod Iron; Several Tons of Metal Piping, &c; Handsome Modern Household Furniture; Grey Talking Parrot and Cage; Double barrelled Fowling Piece, by Knubley, London; 80 Volumes of Books; two Narrow-wheeled Carts, with iron axles; Good Draught Bay Mare, rising 8 years old; Pony, Gig, and Harness; Two Sets of Cart Gears, Good Milch Cow, 40 Stone of Hay, &c.....
'......OFFER FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, for the non-payment of excise duty, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 12th, 13th, and 14th April, 1848, at Turner Lee Mills, Charleston, near Glossop, in the county of Derby, within ten minutes' walk of the Station the Glossop branch of the Manchester and Sheffield Railway, now in the occupation of Mr. Samuel Kershaw, paper manufacture-, the Whole of his STOCK IN TRADE, Making Machines, Rag Engines. Hydraulic Presses. Steam Engines, Shafting and Gearing, Horses, Carts, Pony, Gig, Milch Cow, Hay. and effects. The Household comprises modern massive mahogany four-poster bedstead..... .
'....The Stock-in-Trade consists of near 1500 reams of 10lb Casing, with cap, fine blue, purple, white and blue shop, fruit, parcelling, and other paper; a large quantity of shurats, of cut and prepared; several cwts. of washed prints ; about 3 tons of cut fustians, 4 tons of old papers, 16 tons of unsorted rags, 10 tons of sorted ditto, several tons of mineral white, oil of vitriol, bleaching powder, double alum, turpentine, China clay, yellow and black ochre, copperas, soda ash, &c.; also several cwt of round and square rod iron, a few tons of old metal steam pipes, some of them quite perfect, and two old round steam boilers, of 40 horse power each. The Machinery and other Implements may be mentioned. One large paper machine, 56 inches wide, with a second press, and two drying cylinders, good working order; one large brown paper ditto, 66 inches wide, with a second press, two drying cylinders, and calender at the end; two bowls, eight rag engines, with Wrigley's patent self-actors fixed, and rolls and plates; one willow for half stuff by Newbold, Parkers and Co., one old willow rag duster, 9ft. by 2ft. with wire netting ¼in. mesh, cone rag willow, patent cutting by Fourdrinier, of Hanley, Staffordshire; cutting bench with two knives and screws; six large strong stuffed chests, two powerful hydraulic presses, by W. Mills, Huddersfield, with l0in. rams, single pumps, one pump 3in the other l½in. ram, the gearing all complete, with press bridges, boards, and plates; four condensing Steam engines with metallic pistons, one twenty horse, by Fairburn, and eight horse, by Wainwright, and twelve horse by Walker, the other twenty horse, by Wharton; the whole of the engines are in good working order, also two large beams and scales, by Middleton, of Hyde; thirty-seven 56lb. weights, 53 lb. of small weights, patent counter scales, two strong trucks or Lorreys, with four wheels each; five strong making-up benches and making-up table, office desk, two stools, patent weighing machine, by Fairbank; the whole of the stages, strong iron waggon, with four wheels; and a great variety of other articles. ….'[2]
Manufacturers of products in the above advertisement:- Fairburn = William Fairbairn and Sons; Fairbank = E & T Fairbanks Company of Vermont, USA; Fourdrinier; Wharton is probably 'Mr. Wharton of Oldham, the celebrated engine maker', about whom little is currently known. Knubley was probably John Knubley (1750-1795), gun and sword maker of Charing Cross.