Turton Brothers
of Sheffield
of London
Machine Tool makers
1860 The business of Messrs. Thomas Turton and Sons was disposed of.
1861/2 Thomas Turton set up business with his brothers as Messrs. Turton Brothers, steel manufacturers. The members of the firm then were Messrs. Thomas, William, and Joseph Turton. On the 27th of March, 1867, Mr. Joseph Turton died, and shortly afterwards Mr. Frank Turton was induced to join the surviving partners, and he took into the business £2,000. Sometime after this Thomas Turton went to reside Liverpool...'[1]
Thomas invented and perfected two machines for use in file-making, one for shaping the blanks for files, and the other for cutting the teeth on the blanks.
1871 Dissolution of the Partnership between Thomas Turton, William Turton, and Frank Turton, as Merchants and Manufacturers, at Sheffield, in the county of York, under the firm of Turton Brothers. All debts due to and from the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Frank Turton and Thomas Bright Matthews, of Sheffield, who will in future carry on the said business on their own account.[2]
See Turton Brothers and Matthews