Twamley of Kidderminster (Textiles)
CAPITAL WORSTED MACHINERY. To be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. HARRIS, without Reserve, at a Place in Mill-street, Kidderminster, on Thursday, Nov. 18, 1802, the Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, unless sold by private Contract, of which Notice will be given ;— All that very valuable and much approved Machinery belonging to William Twamley, Thomas Darlaston, Edward Twamley, Samuel Twamley, and Zachariah Twamley, consisting of a very valuable double Breaking—down Head, four double Drawing Heads, upon a new Plan; two double Roving Heads, with four Spindles, upon an approved Plan; with three capital double Spinning Frames, for spinning of Hosiery, Worsted, Knitting Worsted, hard Twist Worsted, and Carpet Worsted, with Reels and Time Pieces, with Lathes, and Fluting Engine, with different Indexes to it, and every Thing else for carrying on the Spinning Business. For further Particulars apply to Mr. John Howarth, of Kidderminster, who will sell the Machinery by private Contract, or to Mr. John Hitchin, of Kidderminster, who will shew the Machinery.' [1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Aris's Birmingham Gazette - Monday 8 November 1802