Tyrrell and Green
of Above Bar, Southampton
1898 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned Herbert Leonard Tyrrell and William Samuel Green carrying on business as Drapers at 167,169,171,173 and 185 Above Bar Southampton under the style or firm of Tyrrell and Green has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the 25th day of March 1898. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Herbert Leonard Tyrrell...'[1]
1920 Reginald Tyrrell left the company, leaving it in the hands of William Green and his wife. By this time the business occupied nine houses
1934 Acquired by the John Lewis Partnership
1956 A new building, on the same Above Bar site, was officially opened with a third floor added two years later
2000 Store closed