United Coke and Chemicals Co

of 34 Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield, 10, Yorks. Telephone: Sheffield 63025. Cables: "Unichem, Sheffield". Coking Plants in Sheffield and District; Lincolnshire; Cumberland and District.
1947 British Industries Fair Advert as Producers of Primary Products and Chemical Derivatives from Coal Carbonization; Coal Tar Acids and Bases; Benzene, Toluene, Xylene; Resins and other fractions up to the pure stage, etc. (Chemicals Section - Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.1056) [1]
1947 Tar and Benzol Distilling and Refining Plants: Rother Vale Collieries (Orgreave); Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co and United Coke and Chemicals Co, Lowca.[2]
1947 Coking Plants: Samuel Fox and Co, Rother Vale Collieries, Sheffield Coal Co and Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co[3]
1951 One of the companies nationalised as part of the nationalisation of the iron and steel industry[4]
1954 One of the United Steel companies returned to private ownership[5]
1961 Patent - Improvements relating to plant containing fluidised solid particles. [6]
1966 Patent - Production of graphite bodies. [7]