Vernons Industries

of 1 Marybone, Liverpool. Telephone: Liverpool Central 9151
Vernons Industries of Liverpool, whose main claim to fame was, and still is, the football pools (since 1925).
1942 Private company.
1947 Listed Exhibitor. Manufacturers of "Vernon" Toys including Model Jeep in Steel and Aluminium. Child's Tricycle All Steel. Child's Cart All Steel. (Olympia 2nd Floor, Stand No. J.2220). [1]
1950s Vernons also made a small three-wheeled car in the 1950s - the Gordon. Like many small cars of the period, the Gordon was manufactured by a company that had been hitherto completely unconnected with any aspect of vehicle manufacture. The origin of the name Gordon have been forgotten. Probably the most attractive feature of the Gordon was the price. It cost £269.17.9d including purchase tax. This made it considerably cheaper to buy than any other car on the market at that time.
1961 General engineers, manufacturing electrical rotating machines and control gear and industrial presswork. 450 employees. [2]
See Also