Vigzol Oil Co

of 113 Park Street, London, W1, and Ormskirk, Lancs. (1950), oil refiners, blenders and marketers.
of Vigzol House, Greenwich, London SE 10
See also Vigzol Oil Refining Co
Producer of Vitasul diesel fuel additive
In the 1960s, the company was merged with Amoco (U.K.) and production continued at the Green Lane site of Amoco lubricants.
Early 1970s the company left the Ormskirk site.
1972 in liquidation[1]
Vigzol Oil Company had an Agricultural Division, based in Greenwich. This developed and sold a range of crop protection products back in the 1950s and ‘60s. These included the following products:[2]
- Blitzweed Super containing MCPA (herbicide)
- Blitzcleve containing CMPP (herbicide)
- Ley Kleen containing MCPB (herbicide)
- Banpest DDT Emulsion containing DDT (insecticide)
To apply these herbicides they also sold a range of farm sprayers including:
- Blitzweed I – IV
- Everyman
- Yeoman Low Volume 60 & Medium Volume 60
See Also
Sources of Information
- [1] Southport Visiter