W. B. Pellew-Harvey and Co
of Reading and Easton, near Grantham
1969 Planned to introduced a frozen potato chip, made in a new factory in south Lincolnshire, in conjunction with Potato Service of New York.[1]
1970 'It was in April, 1969, that W. B. Pellew-Harvey and Co.. Ltd., removed its offices from Reading to Easton, near Grantham. Seven senior executives moved with the Company which today has 36 employees, all of whom live within 20 miles radius of Easton. Mr. W. B. Pellew-Harvey, the founder of the Company and its present managing director, has a background of Eastcheap trading with one of the largest Companies in the footstuff importing and exporting trade....Mr. Edward Pellew-Harvey, the father of Bill Pellew-Harvey, has been associated with the food industry for a long time, having specialised In food canning both in this country and overseas for more than 30 years.[2]