William Colbourne Cambridge (c1807-1869), mechanical engineer of Bristol.
Inventor and manufacturer of agricultural machinery, including the well-known 'Cambridge Roller'
1851 Living at Southville, Beaminster, Bristol: William Cambridge (age 46 born Bath), Machine Maker. With his wife Sarah Cambridge (age 10 born Lavington, Wilts.) and their four children; Julia Cambridge (age 8 born Lavington, Wilts.); Edwin Cambridge (age 7 born Lavington, Wilts.); Kate Cambridge (age 8 born Lavington, Wilts.); and Agnes Cambridge (age 1 born Bristol).[1]
1851 See 1851 Great Exhibition: Official Catalogue: Class IX.: William Cambridge
1856 Patented an 'endless railway'. [2]
1862 See 1862 London Exhibition: Catalogue: Class IX.: W. C. Cambridge
1869 May 19th. Died. Of Brunswick terrace, Stokes Croft Road, Bristol. Patentee of Improved Fire Bars. Probate to his son Edwin Cambridge, Agricultural Implement Maker.
See Cambridge, Parham and Webb of St Philip's Ironworks.