W. Cafferata

of Great Northern Ironworks, Newark-on-Trent, Notts
1862 Advert: 'PORTABLE and other ENGINES and BOILERS, manufactured by WILLIAM CAFFERATA, at the Great Northern Ironworks, Newark on Trent, of the very best material and workmanship. All Boilers tested to high pressure, and made perfect. Fire Boxes and every other kind of Repairs attended to at the shortest notice.— Superintendent of Works, John Glasson. [1]
To be SOLD by AUCTION, About the end of this Month (May), or the beginning of June, the Great Northern Iron Works, Newark-on- Trent, Nottinghamshire, lately occupied by Mr. Cafferata, who has retired from the business,
THE whole of the ENGINEERS' & BOILERMAKERS' TOOLS, PREMISES, &c; consisting of lathes, slotting and shaping, drilling, screwing, punching, shearing, &c machines, with their valuable steel tools, flanching, levelling, &c. blocks ; a large supply of valuable stocks and dies; smiths', angle-iron smiths', riveters', platers', and furnace men's tools; fixed engine and boiler, new portable engine, new unfinished engine work, brasses, &c. The whole will be offered by Auction, at the above time, unless disposed of by Private Contract, as whole, in the meantime.—The Premises are large and commodious, are situated on the Great Northern Railway, and a siding will be put in if required.
If rented, would be let a very moderate rental.
Apply to Mr. Cafferata, Iron Works, Newark-on-Trent.'[2]