Wenman Joseph Bassett-Lowke (1877-1953) of Bassett-Lowke
1877 Born the son of Joseph Tom Lowke, a boiler-maker and his wife Eliza, a governess
c1890 He left school at the age of thirteen and spent eighteen months in an architect’s office, before joining his father in the family business.
1917 Married to Florence Jane Jones
1953 Obituary [1]
We note with regret the death of Mr. Wenman Joseph Bassett-Lowke, which occurred on October 21st at the age of seventy-six.
Mr. Bassett-Lowke, who was born in Northampton, was the founder of the firm of model makers which bears his name. His grandfather established an engineering business in Northampton in 1859, and it was while serving his apprenticeship there that W. J. Bassett-Lowke formulated his ideas for the establishment of the model making business, the first catalogue of which was issued in 1899.
Mr. Bassett-Lowke took a keen interest in the affairs of his native town and retired last year from the Town Council, to which be was first elected in 1930.