W. J. and T. Balmforth

of Vulcan Iron Forge, Bradford (Clayton), near Manchester
1853 Patent sealed: John Balmforth, William Balmforth (2) and Thomas Balmforth, of Clayton, iron masters, for improvements in steam hammers: dated 2 May, 1853[1]
1856 Advertisement: 'ENGINEERS, IRON-FOUNDERS, RAILWAY COMPANIES. AND OTHERS—TO BE SOLD by Private Contract, the VULCAN IRON FORGE, at Clayton, near Manchester, adjoining the Ashton Canal, and the Manchester and Ashton Turnpike Road, occupied by Messrs Balmforth, and consisting of forge, store room, offices, and other buildings; 40-horse horizontal steam engine, pumping engine, 3 patent vertical forge furnace boilers. and horizontal boiler; together with the valuable PLANT and APPARATUS for carrying on the forge business all its various branches, on a large scale, and comprising Nasmyth's patent 40 cwt steam hammer, large and small belly hammers with cranes, wood and iron crane, with four furnaces, and tools for all descriptions of work in the business ; the whole being full working order, and constructed on the best principle. The present yield averages 20 tons per week, and is capable of very considerable extension. The connection for sale of the produce is permanent, and of the first respectability. The site is freehold, contains 3,423 square yards, and is subject to the annual chief rent of £28 10s 6d. Immediate possession can be had— Also, with the above, or separately, the SMALL FOUNDRY and ENGINE SHOP, opposite the forge, and also joining the said canal and turnpike road, and late occupied by Messrs R. Crighton and Co. and comprising eight-horse condensing steam engine and boiler, with shafting, piping, &c. complete ; cistern, large fan cupola, large crane, patterns, &c. all in full working order. This property is also freehold, subject to yearly chief rent of £11, and contains 1,700 square yards, or thereabouts, and is capable of extension —Also, Messrs Balmforth's well known PATENT for a Vertical Forge Furnace or Chimney Boiler, taken out 1852. This an exceedingly valuable improvement, dispensing almost entirely with the necessity of any brick work for the seat or chimney: effects a great saving of fuel, and is highly approved of many of the most eminent engineers in the kingdom.— Also, Messrs Balmforth's PATENT for Improved Steam Hammer, taken out in the year 1852.—To capitalists the present offers advantages rarely to be met with —For further particulars apply to Messrs Balmforth, Clayton, near Manchester; or to Messrs CLAYE, WELSH, and CLAYE, solicitors, 22, Princess-street, Manchester, to whom all offers for purchase are to be made.'[2]