W. and J. George and Becker

of Nivoc House, 17-19 Hatton Wall, London, EC1. Telephone: Chancery 6011-4. Cables: "Nivoc, London"; and 157 Great Charles Street, Birmingham. Telephone: Birmingham Central 7641-3
1897 W. and J. George took over F. E. Becker and Co but the 2 parts continued to trade under their original names[1] until 1940s.
1944 Issued catalogue of scientific instruments.[2]
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Equipment for Educational and Industrial Research. Specialising in Chemical and Physical Apparatus, Balances and Weights. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.1101) [3]
1954 Became Griffin and George