Wallshaw Mills, Oldham
of Mumps, Oldham.
- Sale advertisement: Property and plant including the following engines and boilers: 'Pair of beam engines, with high-pressure cylinder 38in., and low pressure 40in., 6ft. stroke 60 nominal horse, by Fairbairn; Horizontal Steam Engine 26in. cylinder, 4ft. 6in. stroke, 26 nominal horse, by Woolstenhulme and Rye, 1876; A Beam Engine, with cylinders 31in. and 33in. respectively, 6ft. stroke, 40 nominal horse, by Rothwell, of Bolton; Vertical Steam Engine, compound, 20 horse, with cylinders 12in. and 18in. respectively, stroke, by Buckley and Taylor; Eight Steam Boilers, each 30ft. By 7ft., all J. Pritchard and Son and the Oldham Boiler Works Company Limited, two of which were made in 1876.'[1]
- Sale notice: 'Highly important Sale of Valuable Freehold Building Land, with Cotton Spinning Mills, Weaving Sheds, and other Buildings, together with all the Fixed and Loose Machinery comprising about 43,330 Mule Spindles, and 1,180 Twiner Spindles, and all Preparing Machinery anterior thereto, together with 889 Velvet, Fustian, and Calico Looms, &c, &c, known Wallshaw Mills, situate near Mumps Railway Station, in Oldham, in the county of Lancaster, and in full work. By Mr. ALLEN MELLOR, .... ALL that Valuable PLOT of FREEHOLD LAND, containing 42,800 superficial square yards or thereabouts, a large portion of which is vacant, and is very eligible for building purposes; and also, the SPINNING MILLS, LOOM SHEDS, and other BUILDINGS, together with all the FIXED and LOOSE MACHINERY, including Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, Economiser Pipes, Mill Gearing, Steam, Water, and Gas Piping, and also whole of the Machinery for preparing, spinning, and manufacturing cotton goods, and known by the name of Wallshaw Mills, situate Mumps, Oldham, and comprising:— SPINNING MILL No. 1. Five storeys height, .... SPINNING MILL No. 2. Five storeys and attic, each floor measuring ..... SPINNING MILL No. 3. Five storeys and attic, ...... SPINNING MILL No. 4. Four storeys and attic, .... SIX LOOM SHEDS, the dimensions which are ... There are Four excellent Engine Houses, large Boiler House, measuring about 30 yards by 20 yards ; small Boiler House, 8 2/3 yards by 13 yards; building, almost new, three storeys in height, two storeys of which are fireproof, each floor measuring 48 yards by 9 yards; Building, three storeys in height, used for warehousing and winding rooms, ..... Building, nearly new, four storeys in height, including cellar, comprising private and general offices, and cloth and yarn storing rooms, entrance lodge, storerooms, each floor .... round Chimney, 65 yards high; Stables, Cart Shed, Reservoirs, &c, &c. Also, FOUR COTTAGES, situate in Wallshaw-streot, DWELLING-HOUSE, known as Wallshaw House, in the occupation of Mr. John Collinge; ELEVEN COTTAGES, WORKSHOP, and STABLE, situate in Wallshaw-place; and also, the following STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, &c.: —Pair of compound beam engines, with high-pressure cylinder 38in., and low pressure 40in., 6ft. stroke, 60 nominal horse, by Fairbairn; Horizontal Steam Engine, 26in. cylinder, 4ft. 6in. stroke, 26 nominal horse, by Woolstenhulme and Rye, 1876; Beam Engine, with cvlinders 31in. and 33in. respectively. 6ft. stroke 40 nominal horse, Rothwell, of Bolton; Vertical Steam Engine, compound 20 nominal horse, with cylinders 12in. and 18in. respectively, 3ft. stroke, Buckley and Taylor; Eight Steam Boilers, each 30ft. 7ft., all J. Pritchard and Son and the Oldham Boiler Works Company, Limited, two of which were made in 1876 ; Warming Pipes, by Greens, new 1876 and 1880; and also, the whole of the MILL GEARING, STEAM, WATER, and GAS PIPING. The MACHINERY includes: —92 Single iron Carding Engines, 40in. on the wire, with self-stripping and revolving flats ; 334 Slabbing Spindles, 1,058 Intermediate Spindles, and 4,506 Roving Spindles, 43,330 Mule Spindles, 1,180 Twiner Spindles, 556 Calico Looms, 40in. and 45in. the reed space; 333 Velvet Looms, varying reed space from 50in. to 68in.; with the necessary Sizing Apparatus, and the whole of the Utensils use throughout the mills and premises. The mines and minerals are reserved. The conditions of sale will lie for inspection at the offices of the solicitors for the six working days precediug the sale.—For further particulars and cards to view apply to the Auctioneer, 21, Queen-street; the surveyor, Mr. William Blackburne, 24, Clegg-street; or to Messrs. CLEGG A WILD, solicitors, 8, Church-lane Oldham.'[2]
- 1891 Directory (Oldham): Listed. More details