Walter Alfred Scoble
Walter Alfred Scoble (1880-1974)
1880 Born in East Stonehouse, Devon
Educated at Stoke Naval School, Devonport Dockyard, and Royal College of Science. London, and City and Guilds Technical College.
Whitworth Scholar
1895-99 Apprentice at Devonport Dockyard
Head of Engineering Dept, Technical Schools, Devonport, and then Acton and Chiswick Polytechnic
1905-8 Scientific Assistant to Lord Blythswood, including work on dividing engine
1908 Chief Assistant, Dept of Civil and Mech Engineering, City and Guilds College
1910 Associate Member of Inst Civil Engineers[1]
1911 Walter Scoble 30, lecturer in engineering, lived in Willesden with Susan Scoble 30, Walter Scoble 2[2]
1915 Associate Member of Inst Mech Engineers
WWI In charge of RNAS testing and research at Royal Naval College, Greenwich
Moved to Finsbury when RAF took over part of the City and Guilds College, carrying out routine testing in connection with Airships and Kite Balloons, particularly cables for mooring, and airship rigging.
1918 Captain RAF, Finsbury Research Station, London; proposed for transfer to Member I Mech E but not approved immediately.
1919 Member I Mech E
1920 Dr. W. A. Scoble. Worked at the Woolwich Polytechnic. [3]
1922 M.B.E., D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Wh.Sc., Mechanical Engineer, The Polytechnic, Woolwich, London, S.E.I8. T. A.: "Polytechnic, Woolwich." T. N.: Woolwich 272. b. 1880. Training: H.M. Dockyard, Devonport, 1895-9; Royal College of Science, London, 1899-1 90 2 (A. R.C.S.); City and Guilds College, South Kensington, 1903-5 (Siemens' Memorial Scholar). Assistant to late Lord Blythswood, F.R.S., in charge of Blythswood Laboratory; Chief Assistant, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department, City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury, E.C.; Head of Engineering Department, Woolwich Polytechnic. Member of Engineering Standards Association; "Wire Ropes" Research Committee, Institution of Mechanical Engineers; Committee on "Complex Distributions of Stress," British Association. Publications: Papers on "Combined Stresses," "Stress Distribution," "Temperatures in Gas Engine Cylinders" (Telford Premium), "Wire Ropes," etc., "X-rays," "Diffraction Gratings," "Spectrum Photography." War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., attached R.N.A.S.; Captain, Royal Air Force testing and research Work.
1939 Professor of Mechanical engineer; member of engineering advisory panel of central register, Advisory Council; lived in Woolwich with Susan A Scobie, Walter Scobie, dental surgeon and Muriel Scobie[4]
1974 Died in Great Bookham, Surrey[5]
See Also
Sources of Information
- Mechanical engineer records