Walter Robinson and Co (Tipton)
of Gospel Oak Works, Tipton
See also Gospel Oak Iron and Galvanized Iron and Wire Co.
1862 exhibited at London Exhibition
1865 dissolution of Partnership between George Robinson and Walter Robinson, carrying on business at The Gospel Oak Iron Works, Tipton, in the county of Stafford, as Ironmasters, under the style or firm of Walter Robinson and Company as from the 24th day of June, 1865. Monies due to and owing from the said late partnership will be received and paid by the said Walter Robinson.[1]
1869 Walter Robinson, of Gospel Oak Iron Works, Tipton, in the county of Stafford, Iron Master, has given the like notice in respect of the invention of " improvements in the manufacture of thin sheets or plates of steel or of steel and iron."[2]
1869 Dissolution of the Partnership between Walter Robinson and James Peart Hunt, trading in Partnership at Gospel Oak Iron Works, Tipton, in the county of Stafford, as Ironmasters, under the style of Walter Robinson and Company[3]
1870 Walter Robinson and Co, iron master, Gospel Oak Works[4]
1900 The Gospel Oak Iron Co was removed from the register of joing stock companies[5]
At some later time but prior to 1902 the Blackwall Galvanised Iron Co acquired the Gospel Oak Co, whose brands of galvanized sheets (Poplar, Blackwall and Gospel Oak) were widely traded in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, and other parts of the world.
1902 Tipton Iron and Steel Co of Gospel Oak Iron Works, Tipton, was in liquidation