Wardens and Williams
of the Oak Farm Iron Works, Kingswinford
1856 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership (if any) heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, William Marston Warden, Joseph Warden, Thomas Warden, and John Shepherd Cook Wynn, Executors of the will of Joseph Warden, late of Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, Iron Worker, deceased, the said William Marston Warden and Benjamin Williams, in the trade or business of Iron Workers, which trade or business was carried on by us the said William Marston Warden and Benjamin Williams, in conjunction with the said Joseph Warden, deceased, during his life time at the Oak Farm Iron Works, in the parish of Kingswinford, in the county of Stafford, under the style or firm of Wardens and Williams, was dissolved on the 27th day of June, 1856, by mutual consent, the said William Marston Warden, Joseph Warden, Thomas Warden, and John Shepherd Cook Wynn, as such executors as aforesaid, and the said William Marston Warden, individually, will receive and pay all debts and sums of money, respectively, due to or owing by the said firm...'[1]