Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Co
of Tudhoe Iron Works, Spennymoor.
1899 Christopher Furness set up the company, which was registered on 28 September, to take over the business of the Weardale Iron and Coal Co[1] by purchase from Messrs. Barings.
1900 Acquired the whole of the ordinary shares of Cargo Fleet Iron Co and invested in modernisation of that plant[2]
1908 A party from the Iron and Steel Institute visited Weardale Power Station. The station was equipped with four 1650 horse-power alternators, driven by four "Nesdrum" water tube boilers, generating at 3kV, 40 cycles per second. A sub-station transforms the current to 20,000 volts for transmission to the north and also by overhead line to the south. A motor generator is installed in the engine-house to supply the local direct current load.[3]
1915 The Waste Heat and Gas Electrical Generating Station Ltd was intending to install extra generating plant at Weardale Power Station[4]